granstromjulius · 3 months
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Richard Prince
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lichtberg · 16 days
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Heimlich Manoeuvre
155 x 87 cm
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andaelentari · 2 years
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please save my soul
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davewatt · 2 years
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David Watt, 2022
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womenusingwords · 5 months
Bachelorette Number Twelve
The details… Title: Bachelorette Number Twelve Author: Jae Publisher: Ylva Publishing Publication date: January 10, 2024 Available formats: ebook, paperback, audiobook File size: 1296 KB Print length: 360 pages Audiobook: 13 hours, 26 minutes; narrated by Lori Prince; produced by Tantor Audio Genre: contemporary romance Themes: falling in love, women loving women, sapphic romance,…
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i’m sorry but if you as a nurse think florence nightingale should be summarily canceled for being racist, sexist, and having “ridiculous theories” about nursing, I don’t want you nursing me
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petalsandpurity · 2 years
i was on the phone to my nan this morning (my grandad is currently in hospital so i like to check she's ok as im only a 5 min train ride away from her if she needs me) and she said she was looking forward to the next time i visit so we can have tea and biscuits and a good old chat so tomorrow im planning to pop into waitrose and get the nicest pack (or three) of biscuits i can find and popping by for just that 😎
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nicromancytarot · 3 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t charge for these readings, and I do not fake readings.
I asked my spirit guides what your future spouse looks like, I’ve drawn a VERY rough sketch for a man and a woman, pick a pile and find out which one is for you!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
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- Blonde hair
- Glasses
- Strong muscles (both body and face)
- Prominent Adam’s apple
- Blue eyes (first thing you notice, they could even sparkle a bit)
- Wavy hair
- Fair skin
- Teacher / Professor
- Mathematician
- Secure in themself
- Into politics / debating
- Doctor / Nurse
- Scientist
- Public speaker
- Wealthy
- Uranus
- Aquarius
- Calves
- Vegetarian / Strict diet
- Blonde hair
- Blue (fish) eyes
- Glasses
- Nose piercing (hoop)
- Prominent cheekbones
- Fair skin
- Large bust (posible surgery)
- Small waist
- Social media (influencer?)
- Hairdresser
- Slow talker
- Scientist
- Dancer
- Therapist
- Humanitarian worker / Advocate
- Artist
- Something wrong with one of their arms
- Folklore
- Cosplayer
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- Dark skin
- Dark eyes
- Dark, short hair
- Wears a lot of caps (specifically blue)
- Skinny body
- Sad resting face
- Stubble
- Pretty smile
- Tall (6’ - 6’3)
- Rich
- Large house
- British
- Small waist
- Enemies to lovers
- Hugger
- Into styling and fashion
- Chef
- Lawyer / Judge
- Chess
- Army
- Producer
- Dark skin
- Dark eyes
- Dark hair (wears a straight wig from time to time)
- Long face
- Pretty smile
- Prominent eyelashes
- Neat eyebrows
- Prominent collarbones
- Large bust
- Rough past
- Farmer
- Humanitarian worker
- Estate agent
- Emotionally mature
- Carer
- breadwinner
- Protester
- Train conductor
- Likes to go on walks
- In charge
- Police / firefighter
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- Fair - tan skin
- Light - dark brown hair (possibly ginger)
- Hazel or brown eyes
- Small lips
- Skinny body
- Wears a bandana
- Possible piercings
- Small eyebrows
- School
- Part of the LGBTQ+ community
- Many jobs
- A texter
- Understanding
- Into science, possible scientist
- Mechanic
- Author
- Protester
- Football (soccer)
- May have cheated in the past (could do it again)
- Peanut allergy
- Office job
- Fair - tan skin
- Brown or green eyes
- Light brown hair
- European
- Large eyes (Tim Burton)
- Large, dark eyebrows
- Tall (around 6’)
- Small lips
- Hooked nose
- Wears a bandana
- Pain
- Possibly born prematurely, or could give birth to a premature baby
- Good with money
- Shy
- Rebellious
- Works in a place where she has to restore things
- Nut allergy (I screamed when I got this for both lmao)
- Possible black sheep of the family
- Contemporary
- Past life soul that owes their life to you in this one
- Strong
- Model
- Coach
- Gets sick a lot
318 notes · View notes
granstromjulius · 8 months
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Richard Prince
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macgyvermedical · 7 months
Virtual Offerings for Humans and Writers
I am a Registered Nurse, have a Master of Public Health and experience in hospital floor nursing, outpatient nursing, public health nursing, and education. I am establishing a base of virtual offerings for anyone who is interested. Thanks for perusing my wares!
Note that everything here can be done via videocall, phone call, discord message, email, or text, as appropriate for the situation.
You can pay me for things like:
New Condition Education (Did you just get diagnosed with something the doctor didn't have time to explain well? I am happy to schedule some time with you to help you better understand.) - Sliding Scale from $10-30/hr
Basic Health Education (Did the public school system screw you or your child over when it came to health ed? I can provide a basic (queer-friendly and non-fat-phobic) health education curriculum over 3 or more 1:1 videocalls.) - Sliding Scale from $10-30/hr
Nurse Troubleshooting (need some advice on setting up your living space so it is accessible for you? I would be happy to help!) - Sliding Scale from $10-30/hr
NCLEX Tutoring (Are you about to graduate nursing school in the USA? Feel like you need some extra help? I have been teaching medical and nursing students for the last 4 years and just finished a course on the new NCLEX, so if you're interested in some 1:1 help, hit me up!) - $20/hr
Historical Medicine and Nursing for Fiction (Are you writing something cool and historical that takes place less than 150 years ago? Need someone who has been quietly researching medical and nursing history for years and has a library of contemporaneous sources? I would be happy to help!) - $30/hr
Contemporary Medicine and Nursing for Fiction (yes I know you can get it from this blog for free, but then you have to use the tumblr search feature and potentially wait a long time. A 1:1 meeting would be much faster, don't you think?) - $30/hr
Medical Accuracy Review (did you write something you hope was medically accurate? Would you like someone to check it over and give advice to improve?)- $0.05/word for the portion reviewed
New! I also teach physical exam skills online. Great for if you missed them in nursing or medical school (I taught exam skills for 4 years to med students) or if you’re just interested as a lay person. I promise I am nicer than the last person who taught them to you!
Need something that's not on the list? Just ask!
541 notes · View notes
makingqueerhistory · 9 months
History has the power to inform and present broader perspectives on the human experience. For many queer people in the mid 20th century, the history of Classical Greece provided a space where their existence was not just precedented but celebrated. Mary Eileen Challans, known by the pseudonym Mary Renault, was profoundly impacted by ancient Greek literature, which explored same-sex relationships in a way that was unthinkable in contemporary Britain. At times torn between her calling as a writer and her duty as a nurse, Mary authored contemporary and historical novels for over 40 years. They were unusual at the time for their open and empathetic portrayal of queer lives. Her books explored contemporary issues, including both World Wars, the escalating persecution of homosexuals, and apartheid. Throughout all this she was anchored by her partner of 48 years, Julie Mullard.
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andaelentari · 2 years
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what a mess
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 4 months
Call for Beta Readers!! Please boost this post!
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💕 Queer contemporary romance 💕
I have a novel (where the romance happens) and a prequel novella (where they're kids and the romance doesn't quite happen) and I'm seeking beta readers for both. I'm planning to publish the novel first, but wrote them with the intent that they could be read in either order so it's up to the beta which order they'd like to read them in, or if they only want to beta one.
Red, like my bleeding heart in your hand - 25k - Nash has enough to worry about with an abusive father at home and a little sister to keep out of harm's way, but when a boy his age, Teddy, moves in next door he finds it impossible to stay away even though he really, really should.
Warning for child abuse - mostly referenced
Blue, like don't forget about me - 60k - Twenty years later, Nash reconnects with Teddy at a funeral of all places. With grief, hurt feelings, and broken promises on both sides--they've got no business trying this thing again... and yet...
Warnings for: references to past child abuse, one (1) sexy scene, several references and innuendoes to sex that happens between scenes, and funerals (there are like,,,,an improbable number of funerals for this fluffy little romance idk man)
Ambulatory cane user, undiagnosed autistic MC
Jewish, POC, asthmatic, dietary nightmare love interest
Small town Appalachian setting
Aro/Ace side character
MC works at a nursing home and is besties with all the old folks
I'm thinking two months turnaround if you're reading both, but am super flexible on timing. Mostly I'm looking for reactions to what you're reading: what hits right, what doesn't, what's missing. I'm especially interested in perspectives from anyone who can relate to one or more of the traits listed above!
If you're interested, let me know how you'd like to connect and share files (email, discord, etc.) and thanks for reading this far!
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theswordwizard · 9 months
ai art: both sides
I think a lot of non-artists are also just really and truly not understanding the big picture. I personally could not care less about that cat image, it was fun, whatever, but you are only producing those kinds of images in the sense that an art director "produces" whatever art they are in charge of. They are telling another artist what to do, even guiding them, but they are not considered the artist themselves. Artists who are creating their own art, who are trying to survive off of their work (many of whom have some form of disability, as art is easy to do while sitting down, etc), who are already in the middle of fighting to not just be tossed aside for a product which doesn't even produce the results it claims, are reacting negatively because they are seeing that in parallel with tabling spaces taken up with people presenting generated art as their own illustration, and game devs/producers using it as a way to explicitly avoid paying people for work, while using something that was trained on their work.
"Why do people react so strongly to things possibly being AI art?" If you want to keep it out of the courts, then public opinion matters all the more. It's about a party line that is easily communicable. Most artists are going to be strongly anti-AI because that's the best way to protect themselves than trying to "open a discussion" about it. It's like nurse scabs. We can argue back and forth all day about the intricacies of scabbing for important jobs, but at the end of the day the party line will generally be "scabbing is bad," "we don't like scabs," "scabbing harms workers."
People are trying to compare people getting mad about it to people getting mad about Duchamp's fountain, which just lets me know about their level of art education, and the level of which they like to talk out their ass.
Duchamp's fountain isn't a major point in art history because of the object itself, its because of the STATEMENT. It is because of the placement of the object IN THE GALLERY. It is the equivalent of a political pamphlet, but summed up in a single object that incites discussion around his political statement. It isn't about the object it is about the CONCEPT. We can literally call anything we want "art" if we dedicate ourselves to reframing it and treating it as such, it's just that most non-artists don't even care. They want the label of being an artist without even putting in an effort to. It's like if I wanted to be called a photographer and I wanted people to treat me as such, and so I just made a portfolio of pictures I took off of Pinterest or even a stock photo site, because I've decided that it's the photos I would WANT to take, and thus I can just act like they have anything to do with me.
There have been arguments over much more "similar" things for a long time too. Since the 90s Richard Prince has been taking people's instagram photos, making slight tweaks to avoid copyright, and then printing them large scale and selling them for tens of thousands of dollars. Technically legal, kinda shitty, as he does it without even contacting the (plenty of times, women) original posters. And that's just with selfies people have taken! But I don't see people mentioning that because a lot of people don't like him, and most people arguing to legitimize AI art to be uncontested don't actually care that much about contemporary art. They have zero real interest in being an artist and talking about art to that degree, to have those discussions in a way that isn't validating themselves. Duchamp's fountain in a gallery incites discussion because galleries are places of art discussion. If someone brought a crate of mechanically woven baskets (that they bought from amazon) to a craft fair, people are going to be rightly pissed off. It's about context.
It's also, in my opinion, a similar discussion to the one that was big on twitter not too long ago, where people argued that artists weren't obligated to be able to draw non-white and/or disabled people. Which, sure, but you probably aren't that good of an artist if you don't know how to. And someone going through a portfolio of exclusively white people might go "huh, only white people. interesting." (I even want to include a gotcha here! If an artist has a portfolio of white people, and they have a section talking about their focus being painting their family tree in like, northern Ireland, it's gonna be a totally different story. why, you ask? because there is an underlying concept other than "wow this artist really only likes white people." this is part of the reading comprehension test that will follow.)
And you know what, I'm going to be honest - and this is likely a result of me not being a photographer - but I'm not even really talking all that much about AI photo edits, outside of the large scale implications of what it means that anyone can create a highly realistic image of anything they want (including political figures, female celebrities, you see my pattern here) with zero effort, on a mass scale we've never seen previously. I think they should only be used with stock, and I even think that photographers who upload their works should get additional payments from it. I actually had used a generator back in 2019 for a project, well before this even became a discussion, and it was even featured in a gallery show for a bit! The overall theme was "fake news," so it was a conceptual piece with fake landscape photography that I made with some beta tool. The point was the tool in combination with the tool's result, not how pretty the fake pictures were. I also want to say it was trained a lot more ethically than a lot of the generators that are so popular today.
And this isn't to say that you have to have a gallery or be so fully integrated in a physical art scene or whatever to be able to make conceptual art or talk about it - honestly I think zines that could actually combine whatever your concept is with having room to talk about it, and they're easy to create both physically and digitally and share. maybe just don't have it be around "look at all these pretty pictures that I made with AI." similar to how people at the art book fair aren't going to be impressed with me being like "look at all these pretty pictures I found on Unsplash."
Sure, AI art is "real art," but it's not illustration or photography or whatever, it's conceptual art. Which means it's main goal is to incite thought and discussion about it. Like the D&D book's release that suddenly turned to being about the AI art they used. So if you want to be an artist using primarily AI, go ahead, no one can stop you, but the topic is culturally significant with the current fight between the entertainment unions to protect their livelihoods, so the discussion will be heated.
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sapphicbookclub · 1 month
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Ode to My First Car by Robin Gow
It’s a few months before senior year and Claire Kemp, a closeted bisexual, is finally starting to admit she might be falling in love with her best friend, Sophia, who she’s known since they were four.
Trying to pay off the fine from the crash that totals Lars, her beloved car, Claire takes a job at the local nursing home up the street from her house. There she meets Lena, an eighty-eight-year-old lesbian woman who tells her stories about what it was like growing up gay in the 1950s and ’60s.
As Claire spends more time with Lena and grows more confident of her identity, another girl, Pen, comes into the picture, and Claire is caught between two loves–one familiar and well-worn, the other new and untested.
Genres: contemporary, romance
Order from Blackwell's and get free worldwide shipping!
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thatsthewrongwallcraig · 10 months
It is my pleasure, anonnie 🖤🫶🏻
Summary: Gabriel throws up his meds…again! At first, you think that he’s just sick of them but there’s more to it…
Pairing: virgin!Gabriel x nurse!fem!Reader
Word Count: - 2.8k
Content Warnings: Psych Ward Smut 18+!, Kinda Angsty On Gabe’s Part, Gabe Being A Manipulative Little Shit But He Doesn’t Mean Any Harm He’s Just Delulu, Throwing Up, Crying, Hurt/Comfort, Mentions Of Medication, Mentions Of Gabe’s Shitty Shitty Family, Pet Names, Reader Absolutely Babying Gabe, A Bit Of Hair Pulling, It’s Giving Mommy Vibes Just Saying, An Attempted Handjob, I Put In A Tiny Easter Egg For All My Fellow New Amsterdam Watchers <3
A/N: A massive Thank You! to @spookyorchid for putting the thoughts about virgin Gabe into my head!
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @r0ttenmess @doddernix @svgarcaine @amayalul @basementgrl222 @kristennero-wallacewellsver @iiheartsai @fan-goddess
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You're all on your own and
You lost all your friends
You told yourself that
It's not you, it's them
You're one of a kind
And no one understands
But those cry baby tears
Keep coming back again
- Crybaby By Melanie Martinez
Friday, the clock gradually ticked towards 10 P.M.
Nightshift, as per usual. Bleak, cold light against equally pale, white walls. The occasional splatter of random color in the form of a rather contemporary piece of art didn’t exactly help with the eerie atmosphere creeping through Ward 4 like every night after sundown.
With your head looming over an array of documents that were messily scattered across a white-painted desk, you felt your body getting swept by the third Red Bull you’d hammered down about 10 minutes ago, nerve endings buzzing and a stomach twitching in the need to do something, anything but sitting at this damned desk, filling out forms for the dayshift staff. The ballpoint pen between your fingers drew slightly shaky lines as you ticked the boxes for the taken medications after dinner, scribbling down names of substances you could hardly spell out properly even after two years of working here.
The harsh ticking of the clock right behind you, hanging high above locked drawers full of files and pill bottles, echoed in your perked ears, all senses heightened treacherously by the unquestionably unhealthy amount of caffeine rushing through your bloodstream.
You scrunched your nose ever so slightly as the tip of the pen chaffed over the paper, leaving the outlines of the box in a sudden, involuntary jerk of your hand. Footsteps, dull and muffled, nevertheless, still very much audible in your little, open-doored and window-framed bureau.
"My goodness, Gabriel…" You sighed, leaning back and straightening out the wrinkles in your mint-green scrubs before heading out, sliding the ballpoint pen into a little pocket on your chest.
Just like every Friday, Gabe was the only patient left on Ward 4 of the clinic. Everybody else had left for home or wherever after the post-dinner distribution of meds for the residents who needed them. Everybody but poor Gabriel. His family had stopped coming by or god forbid picking him up for the weekends at least 6 months ago. His older brother, Matthew, had stuck to it a little longer than their mother but he, too, eventually had stopped showing his face around here.
Needless to say that it had left Gabriel in absolute shambles. For a long time, it had been nothing but heartbreaking to see how he had gotten his hopes up every Friday after dinner, his bright blue eyes transfixed on the entrance doors, waiting for his brother to waltz in and pick him up to go home, even if it was just for the weekend. However, no one came and with every weekend passing by, Gabe had grown more and more apathetic towards everything and anything surrounding him. You couldn't even blame him…not that you tried to, to begin with, no, you felt wholeheartedly sorry for him. Left behind by his own family just like that. The medical bills were paid and with that, Gabriel was out of their sight and presumably out of their mind, too.
For the first few weeks, Gabe had been acting out on every next-best occasion; food had been thrown, cigarettes flicked into other residents' and staff members' faces until finally, it had calmed down. Now his tantrums were rare and tame compared to the whole storm he used to bring with him. Maybe he'd simply given up on it or therapy was finally doing something for him instead of against him in his already severely fragile state of mind.
Walking along the dimly lit corridor, the nearly sterile clean, unwelcoming linoleum floor squeaking under your trainers, you taunted yourself not to think about it too much because it would only render you sad and sorry for him. Eventually, those thoughts would dig up the pressing need to see Gabe happy for once and those were emotions and wishes you simply had to throw right out of the window whilst working here. You had absolutely no business entertaining personal relations with the residents in here but you sensed an inkling that a part of you was way beyond that already in regards to poor Gabe.
“Hey…Gabe? Are you okay?” You asked through the door before turning the knob to the side to enter.
“Leave me alone!” His sore voice croaked back from the bathroom, the door to it wide open and light emitting from it flooding the rest of the room.
“That’s not exactly what my job requires me to do, Gabe, you know that.” You tried to sound a little humorous about it to take the tension out of the situation.
You knew very well what had happened even before you turned the corner to pass through the doorframe, exhaling a low sigh as you saw Gabe crouching down in front of the toilet bowl.
“Again?” You asked, giving your best to draw any judgment from your tone.
“Hate ‘em.” It blubbered from Gabe’s lips in a choked-back whine.
“I know…I know you don’t like the meds.” In a soothing manner, you sat down next to him on the bathroom tiles, your back leaning against the wall and arms slumped between your slightly parted knees.
“Make me feel drowsy and tired all the time…” Gabe sniffled, wiping his mouth with a scrunched-up ball of toilet paper before tossing it in the bowl.
“I know…” You sighed, turning your face towards him, “But it won’t get any better when you throw them up all the time, no? It’s not good for your throat, your teeth and you're not doing your body any favor with it, angel face.”
Gabriel whirled his head around at the mention of his very own, little pet name you gave him a while ago. It never failed to draw his fickle attention towards you.
“But I hate them…” He groaned, repeating his obvious dislike towards the pills he had to swallow daily.
“Maybe you wouldn’t hate them so much if you gave your body some time to adjust to them, huh? I know they suck, make you tired and give you a bit of a tummy ache from time to time but, you know, I think that maybe your body just needs a while to get used to the medication.” You arched your brows a little, tilting your head to the side with a faint smile ghosting around your mouth.
“Hmm…”, Gabriel pouted at you, his bright blue eyes covered with a watery sheen, indicating that he wasn’t far from spilling tears, “‘m not gonna take them, no, nuh-uh, never.”
“C’mon now, I know you can be a good boy tomorrow, no? Just try it. Two weeks tops and you’ll feel better.” Trying to convince him would take a good while but it wasn’t entirely impossible.
“No.” He stated bluntly, his chin lowering towards his chest as the first droplets gushed over his lower lashline.
“It’s okay, Gabe, it’s okay…come here.” Against all rules and guidelines, you raised your arm and offered Gabriel to crawl into a tender embrace.
He sobbed quietly as he shoved his face against your chest, a wash of new tears soaking into your scrubs, rendering the mint-green darker.
“I’m sure you can do that, Gabe. I promise to be with you on the weekends like always, yeah?” You tried to soothe him, your arm wrapped around his shaking statue for your fingers to play with the hairs falling down to the nape of his neck.
“You…you’re..”, He tried to catch his jittery breath, “Y-You’re the only one who’s here for me. Everybody else just hates me. I know they do!”
At his words your stomach dropped, twisting and coiling in a surge of painful compassion for the hurt Gabriel was in. You knew it all too well yourself.
“Don’t say that, Gabe. I don’t think anybody here hates you. Just the other day Rose and Henry asked you if you want to play cards with them, remember?” Trying to guide him to do the same, you allowed your body to relax against his, your angled knees stretching out over the bathroom tiles.
“But only because Dr. Frome made them ask me…” Gabe blubbered against your collarbone, taking your new position as an opportunity to sneak himself right onto your lap, his fingers clawing at your sides.
“Gabe, hey…”, You tried to admonish not only him but yourself as well that he was clearly crossing a boundary here, “Angel face, you can’t do that, please.”
“Hmhmmm…”, He whined, slightly pressing his front against your chest, nuzzling his forehead into the crook of your neck, strands of his hair brushing over your skin, “Please, just for a moment. N-nobody here hugs me...ever.”
With a slightly choked-back sigh, you gave in to his plea to be held for a moment. You knew that the two of you were the only ones left on Ward 4 and that wouldn’t change until Monday morning. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to comfort Gabriel in a way he craved while nobody else was watching.
“Only if you are honest with me for a moment, Gabe.” You squinted down at his face, a warm smile tugging at the corners of your mouth as you saw that he had his eyes closed, features all relaxed and calm while the last few tears trickled over his slightly blushed cheek.
“Uh-huh…” He hummed quietly.
“I have the feeling there might be another reason for you throwing up your meds, angel face…” You proposed, watching his expression change ever so slightly. Caught.
“What do you mean?” Gabriel tried to act innocent.
“I think you know just fine what I mean, Gabe, don’t you?” To coax the answer out of him, your fingers crept into the thick of his hair from his neck on upwards, tugging a bit more vigorously at a few strands.
“Hmhmm, h-hey…” It fell from his lips as something in between a whine and a bashful moan.
“Oh... “ You actively forgot yourself for a moment and pulled at his hair again to make Gabe squeak out once more.
“Mmmm…wanted your attention.” He confessed eventually, hiding his increasingly blushing face in the curve of your shoulder where the tip of his nose grazed right over your pulse point.
“See? Good boy.” You stopped tugging but left your fingers to brush through his soft hair repeatedly.
“Am I?” His warm breath gingerly blew over your exposed skin, sending a wave of treacherous goosebumps all over your chest, causing your nipples to perk up against the inside of your bra.
“Yes, most of the time you are.”; You led your eyes to wander from his face over his striped shirt down to his checkered shorts, a visible bulge pushing against the fabric, “But you’d be an even better boy for me if you’d take your meds, yeah? Do you think you can do that for me tomorrow, Gabe?”
“Maybe…”, He reluctantly started agreeing, “I can try…”
“That’s a start.”, You cooed into the crown of his head, desperately holding on to your reason to not get horribly side-tracked by Gabe’s openly showing arousal, “And when you want my attention you know where to find me, no? Just come and talk to me next time, yeah?”
One part of you felt terribly sorry for him as an individual whereas the other part pitied him for being a man in his early twenties, stuck in a psych ward with little to no privacy. You knew just all too well that there wasn’t much to do around besides playing cards, smoking an ungodly amount of cigarettes out of boredom, or jerking off given the next best opportunity to and you’d lie if you said that you hadn’t noticed it before…haven’t heard him getting off as you walked through the ward on patrol.
“I don’t mean it like that…” A new flush of red surged into his cheeks.
“Huh?” Before you even had so much as the chance to utter a fully formed question, Gabriel’s lips were on your jaw, softly pressing into your skin in an almost shy peck that sent your senses grasping for better judgment.
He did it again, his soft lips creeping closer towards yours this time.
“Mmmm…w-want your attention like that. Do you like that?” He quipped, his mouth latching on to the corner of your mouth curiously.
“No, Gabe, stop!” You forced yourself to pull your head away from him, looking at him with wide eyes as his glacier-blue stared right back.
“No?” He winced, his voice oozing with emotional hurt.
“Sorry, angel face, I’m so sorry. Yes, yes, I do like that very much but we can’t, do you understand that? I’ll get fired when someone finds out, Gabe.” It rambled out of your mouth, mind and body fighting for the high ground right now.
“Well, nobody has to find out, duh.” His brows furrowed, a dead-pan expression on his face as if your worries were the most unreasonable he’d ever heard.
“Gabe…listen.” He made you shut up by raising one hand to his mouth, imitating the motion of turning a key in a lock before tossing the key.
“ ‘M not gonna say anything, I promise, I’m going to be a good boy.” Hearing him talk to you like that, the pleading and begging in his eyes beaming right at you nearly threatened to kill you on the spot.
“Gabe..” Repeating his name in a weak attempt to pull yourself together did absolutely nothing, instead, the young man sitting all curled up in your lap leaned in to press a daring kiss directly to your lips this time.
“Please…”, He practically moaned into your slightly agape mouth, craving, “Had nobody to do all that with before.”
“No one?” You looked at him, an awkward sense of morally gray compassion mixed into your own arousal.
“Nuh-uh.” Gabriel shook his head softly, his eyes glued to your lips.
For a split second, you pondered, heavy thoughts racing through your mind like bullets until one hit the control panel, causing a collateral shutdown.
“Fuck it, come here.” Your own breath hitched as your hand reached out to cradle his face gently, pulling his head toward yours until you were the one to kiss him.
Gabriel’s little mewls and moans filled your ears whilst your other hand brushed down his chest, across the waistband of his shorts, your palm teasingly brushing over his hard cock that was straining against the fabric heavily.
“Do that again..please…” He whined into the kiss, hips squirming to get another touch of your hand against his hard-on.
“Ask nicely, Gabe.” You instructed him, feeling a certain wetness pooling between your thighs.
“Please touch me there again..”, Gabriel’s voice broke as he tried to stutter a plea, “P-pretty please!”
It nearly knocked the air from your lungs and you felt the intoxication flood your bloodstream as you granted him his wish, now stroking over his clothed cock with the full length of your hand, fingers tracing the silhouette.
“Hmm…feels so fucking good, please don’t stop.” After breaking from the kiss, he nuzzled his face back into the crook of your neck, his shallow breaths hitting your jaw at a desperate, needy pace.
“Didn’t plan to, don’t worry.”, You planted a quick smooch on his temple, feeling like you were about to lose your mind over him, “My goodness, you’re so hard right now, aren’t you, Gabe?”
“Uh-huh, f-feels so good already.” It sounded as if he was about to start crying again, this time out of newly found pleasures.
“Fuck, ah…no. Shit.” The words rambled out of Gabriel’s mouth and felt immediately why.
His hip rocked and quivered against the palm of your hand, his entire body grew tense as he clawed at your scrubs whilst a puddle of wet soaked through his shorts, his cock pulsing and throbbing underneath.
“Oh, don’t you worry about that. You’ll last a little longer next time.” You clutched his trembling torso against you, peppering his forehead with quick kisses, your heart hammering against your ribcage as a sense of realization started to dawn on you.
“Next time?” Gabriel hummed, a curious tone in his voice.
“We have the entire weekend now, don’t we?”
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