#Convenient Lighting
royalkitchenware · 1 year
Ultimate Gas Lighter Manufacturers
Choose Royal Kitchenware for the best Gas Lighters and kitchen essentials. Our gas lighters are designed to provide an effortless and safe lighting experience for your gas stoves, grills, and candles.
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human-rocket · 2 months
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Guiding Light | 1.0 | 1.5 | 2.0 | 2.5 | 3.0 | 3.5 | 4.0 | 4.5 | 5.0 | 5.5 | 6.0 | 6.5 | [next]
Also available to read on Ko-fi and now AO3!!!
**Please do not repost**
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atsukunaritai · 8 months
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and then the show proceeds to cut to the next scene where they've changed clothes
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chinzhilla · 7 months
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what goes around...
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arti-cat · 10 months
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i just think they're silly!
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revivisection · 6 months
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get eated, idiot
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morinuu · 15 days
I’m so happy to see your requests are open I absolutely love your writing!!
Kyoya x fem reader where they have an arranged marriage because it will help both there parents companies, and Kyoya and reader start to actually have feelings for one another, even though they weren’t sure about marrying the other at first?? Just thought it would be super cute!!
Hope your day/night is going well!!
hiii im so glad u like my work! :3 added a wee bit of angst turnt fluff cus why not. its not exactly what u asked for but i hope u like it anyway!
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❄|kyouya x reader where you're both forced to marry under your families' order. 1.7k words. this doesn't follow the canon for the events after the ouran graduation.
the noiret paced around his room in uneasiness. he knew one day his freedom would be cut short, he'd been waiting for that day, but he also had learnt to have the slightest, stupidest hope that his father's newfound respect for him had changed things.
he wonders, however, how he of all people could have been so naïve.
outside, the fairies of the winter had been drawing pretty little drawings of ice on the edges of his windows, as if to try and distract his racing mind from the events that would unfold the second he got out of his room. he was used to the noise of social events, the people chatter and the pressure of socialising, so this should be nothing for him, right?
he didn't understand this feeling. it wasn't that he necessarily hated an arrangement for marriage, life would go on whether or not it would happen.
looking at the fairies' drawings of comfort one last time, he took a deep breath and exited his room to leave for the wedding venue without a word.
the car ride was uncomfortable. his family had already arrived so they weren't there to talk his ear off and the bride would come some time after than he did as the tradition goes. he had time left to think and contemplate again and again.
he looked down at his tuxedo. the bride requested that if she wasn't able to marry of her own free will, that she at least get to have her dream wedding. not a bad deal, kyouya thought. their outfits had been in matching colours, and both were over-the-top decorated. he felt slightly embarrassed at the outfit, but it wasn't anything too extreme in comparison to what he wore in highschool. the only concern was that his whole family and many important people would be there, though he swallowed that as well, as he'd been doing the entire year of the wedding preparation.
he'd met his fiancée plenty of times in that year. the first time they met was at his university graduation. she was smiling brightly standing next to his sister who rushed to hug him and congratulate him. he remembers her bowing politely and introducing herself, before his father stepped in to explain the situation. he remembers the slight surprise on her face at the lack of comments about his sons' achievements.
the next time they met was at a museum. his sister had advised him to ask her on a date so they could get to know each other. she was intelligent, charismatic, and he couldn't deny her face was pleasant to look at. her interest in history was a plus - at least she had an interesting characteristic.
their second date was a dinner at a restaurant, only the best to serve the ootoris. she'd picked steak and juice - quickly explaining she doesn't drink at the slight raise of his eyebrow. he nodded and changed his own wine order to juice as well. 'you don't have to do that!' she rushed but he assured her he's just being considerate of his fiancée. he never forgot how to be a gentleman.
the fifth date she asked to meet at a commoners' shopping mall to show him around. kyouya wasn't surprised by this. he'd learnt early on from his investigation on potential wife that she'd been adopted into the l/n family due to some sort of an affair. despite it being well-known, the gossip around the situation wasn't very clear, so he decided to wait until she talked about it instead.
at some point down the road, the two had become something akin to friends, and although not very close, y/n claimed she was satisfied with the bond they'd created regardless of its strength.
nine months later, he now is at the altar, bouquet in hand, a performative smile for all the guests to admire - until a beautiful woman comes through with her arm linked to her father's.
the ceremony didn't last long, the after-party however? most guests had already left but the couples' friends continued to act like it was the last day of their lives. the bridesmaids' laughter and his friends' drunk dance moves tired kyouya, but he was having fun, so what's another night sleepless?
a tap in his shoulder by his wife.
"you okay? you seem tired. we can call it a night." she exclaimed into his ear through the music. he'd read enough women's blogs to understand what that meant.
even if he wasn't tired, she was, and that was a roundabout way of telling him. what sort of husband disobeys his wife?
the second they got to their new house, y/n rushed to the bed and flopped on it like a sack. she had no energy to get changed or move, instead asking kyouya 'if they could complete their duties the next day, nobody was rushing them anyway'. kyouya he helped her out of her dress and comatosed with her in peace.
the next morning, nobody bothered to wake the couple. soon they'd leave for their honeymoon anyway. everything happened way too quickly and kyouya didn't know how to handle it. the weeks passed, and he refused to communicate any issues to his wife that weren't work or family related. he felt conflicted, but he didn't know about what. the woman lying next to him was kind, beautiful, clever. what right did he have to complain?
i mean, what did it matter if he didn't feel any connection in bed? why would it matter if she had a disappointed look on her face whenever he had to cut their time short? would it make any difference if he had an heir later and ignored his parents' whines about it? it was a tough thing to do, but each time he failed to satisfy his wife, it felt like a stab in the chest wounding his male ego. so did it really matter that he was away for long periods of time? it was a marriage of convenience, after all, and she wasn't missing out on anything.
she claimed that whatever friendship they had felt like it was dissolving because he 'didn't make an effort'? him? when he's the one working hard to make sure his dad's company doesn't make the wrong decisions? what does she know when she sits at home all day getting princess treatment despite being illegitimate?
"you chose this, kyouya." what?
"you refuse to leave your father's shadow." that's not it.
"maybe if you stood up for yourself, half the issues you're complaining about would be gone!" you're wrong.
he doesn't have free will, he never did. since he was a kid his life had been dictated by those around him, and surely you under-
"you're nearing thirty, kyoya! i'm tired of your self-pity! do something! i'm sick of this!"
it felt like yesterday when he saw his wife in her wedding dress for the first time. back then, he didn't really understand the concept of forever.
yet it had already been seven years.
seven years of obedience. seven years of keeping his head down. seven years of neglecting his wife to dedicate his time to his work. seven years for him to realise he was serving the ootoris. he was never on an equal level.
the issue wasn't his father, it was him. and on his twenty-ninth birthday, a snowy day just like his wedding day, with the winter fairies for comfort, he announced to his old man his retirement from the company.
"i'm sorry, y/n. i'm sorry for everything. let's try again."
you took his hand and embraced him. you knew your husband was broken somewhere inside him. you'd known for years. you'd seen how his family treated him, how they took him for granted. but no matter what you did, how much you pressured him, he only let you see specific parts of himself, and you couldn't help but blame yourself.
you refused to leave his side, no matter how exhausting your marriage felt. you rarely went on dates anymore, he never made the move to touch you, it wasn't marriage, it felt like... a business transaction.
deep down, you knew that that's what it was. you'd considered divorce plenty of times but at the end of the day, even if not your lover, kyouya was your friend. the man whom you ate breakfast with and lied on the same bed with. the man you'd seen you at your worst and gave you strength, and you knew you had to support even if he refused to let go of what was familiar to him. even if he refused his own happiness.
the sobbing man in your arms reminded you of a younger version of him. years ago, on your third anniversary when he'd planned a trip to chongqing because he remembered you saying you always wanted to go. during your two week stay, he got wine tipsy at dinner and eventually drunk by nighttime, spilling feelings he'd kept to himself for years.
he'd kneeled in front of you, furiously crying in your lap as he held your legs tightly, begging you not to leave because he could feel himself changing and neglecting his personal life.
you'd carried him to bed and admired his face as he fell asleep, naïvely thinking that this was just a rough patch and he'd go back to putting effort in just like he did in chongqing.
but the years passed and he proved to you his fears were legitimate.
"sure, let's try again kyouya." you patted his back when he held you in even tighter. "but this time we're trying counselling, okay?" you giggled, trying to light up the mood.
he pulled back and gave a tiny smile when you wiped his cheek.
"whatever my wife says." he caressed your hair. "let's stay married, okay? i don't want to lose you."
he didn't say the three words, but that was okay. it didn't matter much. romance could wait, because you knew you loved him more than a woman in a cheesy romcom would. you loved his soul, and you wanted nothing more than to see him bloom.
"let's stay married, kyouya. happy birthday."
it was a new beginning for the both of you and you had nothing but time on the horizon.
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alenagerashchenko · 5 months
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bakuen · 10 months
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"But the thing is, Yor... I've become painfully aware of my weakness. And when I looked into Wheeler's eyes, I remembered... I live in a world in which only the perfect survive. Which is why-"
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snoopyreadsliterature · 5 months
[11.01.2024: thursday]
10/100 days of productivity (yippee!)
actually woke up at 6am today which really made my day. i didn't immediately go for my phone and instead ate my breakfast without watching a video and doing ten other things and it was quite relaxing. my study schedule's pretty tight so i'm getting my reading done early.
goals for today: - read another chapter of my CR ('Marx, Wagner, Nietzsche') (✓) - another practice exam (✓) - revision with fam. (all topics) - mindmap 19th + 20th century (to see if there's still big gaps in my knowledge) (✓) - revise sensory physiology + endocrine system
carpe diem, everyone!
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left: 'Autobiography of Red' by Anne Carson, Oskar Kokoschka, and my CR. right: The Louvre, Paris. really missing the parisien rats right now.
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canisalbus · 10 months
EQUESTRIAN VASCO and here I thought I couldn't love your ocs anymore 😩 as an equestrian it is so nice when you find someone who also has equestrian ocs!!
It is literally so hard to find equestrian ocs outside of the immediate equine art community and its a nice breath of fresh air! <3
Yeah! He's an outdoorsy type and wealthy enough to keep horses, I reckon he's been riding since very young age and usually gets along with animals well. On top of that, his hobbies include falconry, hunting and fencing.
Please temper your expectations though, I know very little about horses, how they work and what you do with them ´v`' There's a good chance I might get things backwards despite my best efforts.
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hjbender · 6 months
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The irony of an AI user telling people not to use the images they generated because it took “time and dedication” to create them…
Now you know how the artists whose artwork* has been fed into your little plagiarism machine feel.
*artwork that I guarantee took more time and dedication and skill than it took you to type a bunch of prompts
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karamell-sweetz · 3 months
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it’s pretty lonely from above
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versions with filters, inspired by the og cover for the song :)
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okwhatsgolngon · 8 months
ok i need season 2 🥺👉👈
where Shin 🧡
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and her army 🗡
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and Sabine 💚
(along with Ahsoka, Huyang, and the Notis)
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form an unlikely alliance ⚔️🫂
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to defeat...
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...whatever extreme evil Baylan awakens lol
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nano30cm · 3 months
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im sure they all get along swimmingly
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daisywords · 3 months
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