#Deck The Halls
it's steddiemas!! i am so excited for these prompts!!! i'm sure i'm not going to make something for each day, but there are a good few that i'm excited about; my plan is to make all the ones i do write be one story, but we'll see how that goes 😅
@steddiemas Day 1 - Deck the Halls
pairing: steddie | word count: 1,793 | rated: G
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Eddie wakes up too early on November 1st. But hey, when nature calls, you answer.
He takes care of business and is turning back to the guest room he’d crashed in last night when a movement catches his eye.
Someone is awake already, and is weaving a string of artificial greenery along the bottom of the rail where the second floor is open into the living room.
Eddie takes another step forward and sees Steve's face peeking up over the floor, perfectly and completely content. The seemingly always furrowed brow he has is gone, his eyes are soft, and his lips set into a just barely there smile as he hums quietly to himself.
“Steve?” He immediately regrets interrupting Steve’s peace, as he startles at the sound of Eddie’s voice.
He looks up at Eddie briefly, then immediately relaxes back into his task. “Oh, you’re awake! Listen, I love you man,” Eddie’s stomach swoops at the words. “But I'm kinda in a groove right now, so once a couple of the others are up I’ll start making breakfast, ‘kay?”
Eddie nods in agreement despite Steve already looking away back to the garland in his hands. He really wants to ask why in the actual hell he’s hanging Christmas decorations the literal day after Halloween, but what comes out is “How are you not dying right now?”
Steve’s hands pause, and he blinks up at Eddie in confusion so he continues, “You had just as much to drink as I did last night…?”
Understanding floods the other man’s face. “Oh! I have a splitting headache right now.” Steve says, getting back to the task at hand and weaving the end of a string of lights through a gap between the banisters.
“Yet you’re awake. And putting up Christmas decorations.”
The crease re-appears between Steve's brows, though not nearly as deep as usual. 
“Cool. Cool. Follow up question: why are you putting up Christmas decorations?? It’s only the day after Halloween!”
Steve stiffens at that, his brow furrowed fully now.
‘Shit, take it back asshole!’ Eddie chides himself.
“Exactly. It’s time for Christmas.” Steve sniffs, pausing before he continues in a soft voice, “I like Christmas..”
He doesn’t look back up at Eddie, and is now shoving the garland and lights through each gap in the railing, rather than slowly guiding them through.
Eddie watches him for a couple moments then says, “Alright big guy, what can I do to help?”
Steve is immediately relieved, looking back up at Eddie with a big smile (and no crease between his brows, thank you very much), “Wanna put the decorations on the mantle?”
“Sure thing Stevie,” Eddie smiles back at him, turning on his heel to trot down the steps and hang a left into the living room.
He freezes, taking in everything around him he couldn’t see from his spot in the hall upstairs.
There’s red and green tubs, boxes stacked upon boxes, loose strings of cranberries and shedded artificial pine needles absolutely everywhere.
There’s also a complete lack of any Halloween decorations left in the giant room. 
So, in the last however long Steve's been awake, he has: cleaned up from their party the night before, put away all the spooky decorations, pulled out a department store’s worth of Christmas decor, and is currently hanging garlands from atop a—holy shit!
“Steve! Why the fuck are you up so high??”
Steve twists back at Eddie's outburst, looking confused as all hell. “What do you mean, ‘Why?’? You just saw me upstairs, how else am I supposed to hang this?” he says, shaking his arm full of un-placed pine and the ladder in the process.
“You could’ve put them in from upstairs! On stable ground!” Eddie stresses, scrambling between and over boxes of holiday cheer to get to the other end of the room.
“I’m fine Eddie, I’ve been on a ladder before.” Steve snorts, going back to his lights. 
“Steve, sweetheart, you cannot be up that high on a ladder without someone holding onto the bottom!” Eddie says, finally getting over to him and grabbing onto it with both hands, leaning his weight onto it. “What if you fell? No one was awake! What if no one heard you!”
“Please.” Eddie could hear the eye roll in Steve’s voice, “I was perfectly fine.”
“Yeah, well, Wayne would kill me if I let you commit an OSHA violation.”
“What’s an OSHA?”
“Nevermind, keep working Stevie.”
He continues to work steadily, weaving and pruning the fake greenery to his liking and bunching up the end to stuff between two posts when he decides to come down.
He comes down the ladder and makes to move it when Eddie stops him.
“Oh no you don’t, you’re not going back up there.” he states, quickly letting the ladder fall together back from its extended length.
“I’m not done!”
“Didn’t say you were.” he says, leaning the ladder against the wall instead, out of the way, “You’re just going to do this from up there instead.”
For a moment, it looks like Steve is going to argue, but he gives up before he even starts, huffing petulantly and grumbling up the stairs. “And they call me ‘Mom’.”
“Thanks, Stevie!” Eddie calls after him.
“Yeah, yeah.."
Eddie snorts a quiet laugh, but goes back to his original task. He starts examining the boxes strewn out in front of him, the one labeled ‘GARLAND’ is already open, another boasts the title ‘LIGHTS’, another just says ‘KITCHEN’; after three huge tubs labeled ‘TREE’, he finds a smaller cardboard box with ‘MANTLE’ scrawled onto the side with marker.
You can’t say Steve isn’t organized.
He pulls open the top and starts to pull out the decorations. Everything in this box is colored in the few same shades of red, muted green, a handful more in bright silver. From the bottom, he pulls out a much shorter string of garland than the one Steve’s still fluffing to perfection upstairs, this one wound with a thick red, white, and green plaid ribbon.
“What?” Steve calls down after Eddie starts to laugh.
“More plaid, Steven?” Eddie grins, turning to show the garland in his hands.
This time, Steve snorts out a laugh, “Shut up, man.”
Eddie digs a little farther and comes back out with a small plastic box of thumbtacks and gets to work on the mantle. Using the ribbon to pin the length to the wood above the fireplace, he sets it in place along the edge, glancing up to fluff the fake branches out how Steve’s got the ones upstairs.
He gets into his own groove in no time, going back and forth from box to fireplace and placing the various baubles and tchotchkes how he thinks they should be. The clunky and gaudy seeming holiday themed frames at the bottom of the box throw him off for a moment, but soon there are years of awkward pictures of the shitheads leaning along the mantle.
A little red frame holds one of Max and El laughing brightly in just as brightly colored make-up and clothes, a framed polaroid of Robin and Steve in their Scoops uniforms, one of Will dressed up for Halloween; The pictures all must only be a few years old, Steve didn’t really get to know the kids until ‘84, but this little Dustin in the frame with the 3D train on it, and this one with a very disgruntled-looking Mike with his hair slicked flat in an over-the-top tree frame go right in the front.
“Nancy gave me that one of Mike, if you can believe it. He’s gonna hate that it’s up here.” Steve says from behind him now, a smile in his voice “Claudia gave me this one of Henderson. It’s actually from before their Snow Ball back in Middle school, I did his hair.”
Oh fuck, that’s adorable. Eddie’s heart squeezes in his chest. “You never told me that,” he says, accepting the last frame from Steve. A bright blue one with a Teddy Bear in each of the bottom two corners. This one has a JC Penney professional-looking shot of Erica and Lucas in matching holiday sweaters. Definitely a Mrs. Sinclair specialty.
“Erica gave me that one last Christmas, after everything happened at Starcourt.” he smiles, “They’re gonna hate that they’re all up like this.”
“Good.” Eddie grins, turning to face the other man, “What’s next, Stevie?”
They spend the next couple hours decorating; Steve tackles the tree next, working on it while he directs Eddie what to put up next, and making sure to call him back for any more ladder use at Eddie’s insistence.
At one point, Robin shuffles out from the first floor guest room she shared with Nancy, but she takes one look around and shuffles back down the hall.
Sooner than he thought, Eddie finds himself standing in the middle of a Sears catalog. The tree is huge, a fake one to fit the Harringtons’ high ceilings, covered in multicolored lights, red, green, and silver baubles, stringy silver tinsel, a sparkling star on top. 
The stair railings are lit up along both the top and bottom, the kitchen towels and utensils swapped out for holiday themed ones, even the front doormat is switched out for a Christmas themed one.
Steve is wandering around the place, vacuuming up stray glitter and pine needles, poking and prodding things until he’s satisfied, and Eddie is packing up anything unused and carting the tubs and boxes back to the garage.
After his last trip, Eddie swings back through the door to the living room under the steps at the same time Steve is coming back through the other way, both his arms filled with the last of the unused lights.
They collide, of course, and Eddie bends forward on instinct to catch any falling strings
“OOf–shit sorry, Stevie, I–” he glances up at Steve’s face for just a moment, but looks back up immediately, standing straight and keeping his eyes trained on something past Steve’s face, taped haphazardly to the underside of the doorframe.
“It’s okay, Eds, you oka–what’s wrong—?” Steve looks up as well.
“Mistletoe? How’d that–? Eddie, I didn’t– You–we don’t have to—”
Eddie’s lips find themselves brushing against the warm, soft skin of Steve’s cheek before the younger man can collect his thoughts.
He lingers there for a moment, pulling back with the lights in his arms instead. “I’ve got these, sweetheart, wanna get started on breakfast?”
Steve looks completely floored, his face flushed red and mouth agape; Eddie gives him a quick wink, then turns back toward the garage just before his own face starts to burn hot. “Holy shit,” he whispers to himself, smiling wide, “Jesus H. Christ.”
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it was 100% robin that taped up the mistletoe in case you were wondering lmao
i looked up to make sure OSHA was around in '86 and it was established in 1970, enacted in 1971. if you assume wayne is a union man like i do, he would've definitely known all about proper OSHA compliance
also, i looked up old pictures of 80s era christmas trees and when abouts fake trees came into popularity (which was in the 80s :o) ) to get the descriptions right, and you just know the harringtons would've been on top of all the trends (though i think steve would prefer stringy strips of tinsel over long garlands of the stuff).
other parts! Pt. 1 (Day 1) [YOU ARE HERE] | Pt. 2 (Day 2) | Pt. 3 (Day 5) | Pt. 4 (Day 6) | Pt. 5 (Day 7) | Pt. 6 (Day 11) | Pt. 7 (Day 13) | Pt. 8 (Day 18) | Pt. 9 (Day 21) | Pt. 10 (Day 25) also on AO3! this year
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Favorite Christmas Houses National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation  Home Alone Miracle on 34th Street  Deck The Halls The Family Stone Christmas With The Kranks Four Christmases The Holiday Unaccompanied Minors  The Santa Claus 
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askmovieslate · 6 months
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Ugh, this movie is awful.
Did you know that Matthew Broderick was found on set once with his head sunk in his shoulders as he repeated over and over again "I've really hit rock bottom"? I feel so bad for everyone involved in this movie, really.
What's worse is this movie is boring to the point of crying, so even though you could deal with the unlikeable characters, you still have to deal with the atrocious pacing.
Avoid it. It's not a good one.
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nixsmis · 5 months
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i'm open for wing-its weekly on fridays/saturdays via google form linked on FA/twitter/BlueSky/discord! Moonbeam Patrons get a discounted price on Simple-Cel Wing-its! https://www.patreon.com/nixsmis character © Moofox art © me
Posted using PostyBirb
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bigmaccasserole · 6 months
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leaderlamby · 5 months
Daily Sermon #113
Deck the halls with shrines to worship
Fa la la la la, la la la la
In their eyes, we all are worthless
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Don we now our cult apparel
Fa la la la la la, la la la la
Gods will fall, their ways immoral
Fa la la la la, la la la la
See the blazing idol 'fore us
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Struck by Lamb, now join the chorus
Fa la la la la, la la la la
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soullessjack · 6 months
is this funny I haven’t eaten all day sorry
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raurquiz · 4 months
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#HappyBirthday #gillianvigman #actress #comedian #DrTAna #startrek #LowerDecks #madtv #sonsanddaughters #suburgatory #NewGirl #DecktheHalls #thehangover #aliensintheattic #forevermygirl #theholdovers #thedefenders #supernatural #AdventuresinBabysitting #Roswell #newmexico #TheSexLivesofCollegeGirls #startrek57 @startrek @startrekonpplus @hbomaxla
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purpleisnotacolor · 5 months
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