#Finn Windu
dalekofchaos · 3 months
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gffa · 1 year
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Star Wars comics variant covers | by Mateus Manhanini
“Thanks again to Marvel for this amazing opportunity and I hope that these covers manage to remember and reaffirm the presence of these Black characters within the Star Wars universe and about the importance of their stories being told”
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starwarsbracket · 5 months
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x-authorship-x · 2 months
Chapter Four:
To be a Clone was to be property. A soldier, a weapon, a flesh-droid. It was the brief, inevitable fate of a Trooper.
They were in it together, brother to brother to brother, and from that came a culture all their own, an experience all their own. No outsider, no matter how close or empathetic, could understand.
…Yet Commander Effen… there was something about him…
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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All STAR WARS Entertainment Weekly Print Covers
>> Press for Episode I: The Phantom Menace: 1. JAN 1997 - Photo from Episode VI: A New Hope 2. JUN 1997 - Cast Photo 3. MAR 1999 4. MAY 1999 - Cast Photo
>> Press for Episode II: Attack of The Clones: 5. APR 2000 - Cast Photo 6. JUN/JUL 2000 - Cast Photo 7. APR 2002 - Cast Photo 8. MAY 2002 (2 Covers)
>>  Press for the new DVDs 9. SEP 2004 - Photo from Episode VI: A New Hope
>> Press for Episode III: Revenge of The Sith 10. APR 2005 – Star Wars Special Edition             6 Covers, 1 from each Episode 11. MAY 2005
>> The Empire Strikes Back 30th Anniversary 12. APR 2010 – Behind The Scenes Photos
>> Disney announces deal to acquire Lucasfilm and plans for new movies 13. NOV 2012 – Original Trilogy montage
>> Press for Episode VII: The Force Awakens 14. AUG 2015 15. NOV 2015 (4 Covers)
>> Press for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 16. JUL 2016 17. DEC 2016 (2 Covers)
>> Press for Episode VIII: The Last Jedi 18. AUG 2017 (2 Covers) 19. DEC 2017 (4 Covers)
>> Press for Solo: A Star Wars Story 20. FEB 2018
>> Press for The Mandalorian 21. OCT 2019
>> Press for Episode XIX: The Rise of Skywalker 22. DEC 2019 – 3 Covers: Montages of characters from the Prequels, OT and from The Rise of Skywalker
>> Press for The Mandalorian (Season 2) 23. OCT 2020 (2 Covers) 
>> Press for Obi-Wan Kenobi 24. APR 2022 – This was the last print issue from EW, with the magazine going digital-only from then on
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endwithajadestrick · 10 months
Who Is Fucking In Star Wars? A Non-Comprehensive List
So in honor(?) of the DDoS attack on Ao3 preventing us all from mainlining slash fic, I've decided to go horny on main and list off my opinion about 3 traits of all Star Wars characters. Our beloved Galaxy Far Far Away is a usually (tragically) chaste place, which may lead us to ponder about our faves:
Do they even know what sex is?
Have they ever actually HAD sex?
Are they any good at it?
We will not be including characters who are minors in this list. Obviously. Judgements are based somewhat on the lore, but really more on vibes. Perhaps it goes without saying, this will be lightly NSFW.
This is probably gonna take a while and stop feeling like a good idea halfway through. Which of your exes does that describe? Let's Go!!!
Starting with the big three:
Han Solo
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Always begin with an easy one.
Does he even know what sex is? Yes, unlike a surprising number of people in this galaxy, Han knows how to do the do.
Has he ever had sex before? Sure (but not as often as he wants you to think). Do you, uh . . . maybe wanna get out of here and come back to his ship? She's called the Millenium Falcon.
Is he good at sex? Look. It's not going to be good the first time. He's gonna keep insisting that he "knows what he's doing," but you wish he would just let you explain what you like. He needs to be girlbossed around a little bit. And it is mostly girls for him, though the occasional guy and non-binary being has mounted that loading ramp too. His bedroom does smell kind of funny.
Luke Skywalker
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This one may be controversial for some people.
Does he know what sex is? Nope. Farm boy didn't go to schmool. Skool? Am I saying that right? There were no copies of Our Bodies, Our Selves lying around the rebellion base, and you better believe the Sacred Jedi Texts did not include some kind of version of the Kama Sutra. Han wasn't gonna draw him a diagram either; that would be too embarrassing. This man is not learned in the pleasures of the flesh.
Has he ever had sex? Also no. He got into some light over-the-clothes action with Biggs Darklighter when they were teens, but nothing ever went any farther than that.
Is he good at sex? I'm sure a real earnest effort would be made, but we'll never know, will we. Because he DOES NOT KNOW what sex is.
Princess/General Leia Organa
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Does she even know what sex is? Oh, absolutely. This woman was treated to an actual formal education. She probably even got a nice, progressive version of SexEd that talked about pleasure and consent and not just all the weird diseases you could get--assuming the Empire didn't nix that sort of thing on Alderaan, which, honestly, they might have.
Has she ever had sex? Of course. And despite being a princess, she's not that precious about courtship either. Casual flings are totally fine and normal.
Is she good at sex? Leia is mature but, like her hairstyles, can be a little tightly wound. Once you get over any initial awkwardness, though, it's sure to be a fun flirty time.
And this is Star Wars, so sooner or later we have to address--
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--the aliens of it all. Welcome, monster fuckers! It's not even weird in this universe!
Does he know what sex is? Chewy is canonically 234 years old as of TLJ, so I'm going to give this a definite yes. Also, he hangs out with Han Solo and all the doors in this universe appear to be panel-controlled. There are no door knobs to stick a sock on; he's SEEN some things.
Has he ever had sex? Again, 234 years old, and Chewy has never seemed like a wallflower. This is also a yes.
Is he good at it? Maz Kanata seems to think so? I don't pretend I have the predilections/imagination to get the appeal (though I honor those that do), but I'm gonna take a swing and say, yes, Chewbacca is a good lover. Solid stamina, surprisingly tender after-care.
Lando Calrissian
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Does he know what sex is? Yes, and not just on a mechanical level. If anyone in this universe HAS read the Space Kama Sutra, it's Lando.
Has he ever had sex? He has. And he doesn't keep a list of all his past sexual partners because that would be cras. But he COULD tell you about each of them, names, dates, locations. But he won't. But he could.
Is he good at it? Surprisingly, yes! He may come across as a guy who is all talk, but Lando is an artist at heart and the democratically elected President of Consent. He has mood lighting set up and a tastefully curated playlist. The atmosphere is fun, the oral is enthusiastic. When you're done--wow!--there's a mini bar right near the bed. And would you like to borrow a silk robe?
Your magical evening will not prevent him from cheating you at cards later, though.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Does he know what sex is? No. He learned once, but has since memory-holed the information. Otherwise he might accidentally experience some pleasure from the stick up his bum.
Has he ever had sex? Many beings have made valiant efforts to claim this beautiful man as a conquest. All have failed, but there was much exquisite yearning along the way.
Is he good at it? Hypothetically? Alas, my heart wants to say yes, but my head says no.
Padmé Amidala
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Does she know what sex is? Look at this dress. This dress is a CHOICE, a ruthless tactical decision made by someone who definitely knows what sex is.
Has she ever had sex? Yes, but her taste in men--oh, honey.
Is she good at it? A pillow princess if there ever was one. You will be doing all the work.
Anakin Skywalker
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Does he know what sex is? No.
Has he ever had sex? Yes.
Is he good at it? . . . and I know those answers seem contradictory, but it's true. This is a man who has had normal, consensual adult sex. However, baby boy's brain is full of more holes than a colander. He is dummy thick actually in the head region. He is incapable of retaining complex thoughts such as the nuances of sexuality.
That said, he is a creature of pure instinct and, like, yeah, the lovemaking is pretty hot.
Mace Windu
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Does he know what sex is? Yes.
Has he ever had sex? No.
Is he good at it? If it ever happened, which it won't? No, and Mace is possibly the only Sammy J character for whom this holds true. It would be strictly procreative missionary. No fun allowed.
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Does he know what sex is? Yes, he is aware. Knowledge is this little frog man's burden; Yoda is too in touch with the Force, the life energy of the universe, not to know. He WOULD not know if he could, but he has had to settle for just ignoring the information.
Has he ever had sex? You know I am genuinely stumped on this one. On one hand, he is the perfect ascetic Jedi sage. On the other hand, a nine hundred year lifespan is a long time . . . anything could have happened to this lilliputian enigma.
Is he good at it? Size matters not.
The Mandalorian
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Yeah I know his name is "Din Djarin." Shush.
Does he know what sex is? I'm pretty sure this guy thinks that babies are found, not made. He does not know what sex is.
Has he ever had sex? I don't care what season one implied about Mando and that toothsome twi'lek, it's never happened. The helmet doesn't come off and the trousers don't drop.
Is he good at it? And here's the tragedy of it all, right? Because we know that underneath that impenetrable layer of beskar lies such a man. I don't even care if he's an ace, as seems plausible. Just the chance to look him in the eye would mean worlds.
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Does he know what sex is? Negative, Ghost Rider. It's not something the First Order teaches their child soldiers, and the Resistance, like the rebellion of old, has bigger fish to fry. Poe wants to explain it to him, but feels like he has a dog in that race and it wouldn't be right.
Has he ever had sex? Men, women, and other beings are lining up around the corner for a shot at this man, but he only has eyes for one woman, and she in turn may be legitimately the only person in the galaxy who does not pine for him. Hang in there, Finn! Maybe one day she'll become emotionally available.
Is he good at it? While we have seen Finn makes some selfish moves along his journey--mainly because of, y'know, all the trauma--he has done a lot of growing and is an essentially generous spirit. This gets a yes.
Rey Skywalker
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Does she know what sex is? Not in either The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi, but before Rise of Skywalker Leia explained it to her. She's the future of the Jedi after all, and this is basic stuff, goddammit Luke!
Has she ever had sex? Hmm, what's that? Sorry, she's super busy right now with, like, destiny and stuff.
Is she good at it? Rey seems to pick most things up fairly quickly, so you have to imagine that would hold true for l'amour as well, except that she'll also be a bit of a try-hard. Do less, sweety. Really, it's fine.
Lightning Round
Asajj Ventress
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Yes, yes, and it depends on the answer to one question: do you enjoy pain?
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It Works.
Cinta Kaz
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Yes, yes, and not just good but so good it will politically radicalize you.
Karis Nemik
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No, which is a shame because you know that he would have made sex-positive feminism and queer theory a huge part of his manifesto.
Count Dooku
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Gay, and pulled legendary numbers of exquisite vintage ass across the galaxy. It's the real reason Sidious traded him in for simple, pussy-whipped Anakin. He just couldn't take it anymore.
Luthen Rael
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Hope you like role-play.
Armitage Hux
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Yes, it's true; this man has no dick.
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Yes, yes, and good but maybe in a dangerous way? Like drugs, it's possible that you--maybe even most people--could have a healthy, well-adjusted relationship to it. But there's a chance also that it will alter your brain chemistry, fundamentally shift your priorities, and ruin your life. The only way for sure to be safe is not to try it, not even once!
The Bendu
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The One in the Middle. So in this case, would that be, like, the taint?
Reva Sevander
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I mean, do you like it freaky? How freaky do you like it? There are levels to this sort of thing, and you, through no fault of your own, may not be ready for this ride.
Cassian Andor
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Cassian Andor fucks.
The Armorer
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I tried to get a read on this one, and all I picked up was radio static. We'll never know. We'll just never know.
Rose Tico
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Rose appears naive at first, but she's actually quite worldly and will rock yours.
Bo-Katan Kryze
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I daresay more than 2% of us want her to sit on our face. Ms. Sackoff was really lowballing it. Bo does not know what sex is, however, and is rarely in listening-mode, so that's a hurdle we'll have to overcome.
But it's more than 2%.
Poe Dameron
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Yes, yes, and does it even matter? It would be an honor just to be considered, sir.
Hera Syndulla
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Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets. Apparently what Lola wants is an inexperienced, sexually repressed Jedi hotty. In this way, she is the true queen of Star Wars fandom. Captain our ship, Hera!
And Finally:
Kylo Ren
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I do not understand the hold this man has on some of you--which is fine; you don't need me to understand it. He does not know what sex is, he is so horny and angry all the time. And sure, maybe you CAN fix him by completing his education. Blessings, angels. Live your fantasy.
Just promise me you'll use protection? And I don't mean a condom, I mean body armor.
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groundrunner100 · 11 months
Please take into plot, plot execution, & handling of characters before casting a vote.
PLEASE, think for yourself, & be honest.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 15 days
Generally envy the bitches on twitter right now trying to insist Mace Windu and Martha Jones and Finn won't victims of racist hatred in fandoms, because what fucking reality are they in and how can I get in.
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short-wooloo · 1 year
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melinavostokoffkisser · 3 months
Happy black history month to them❤️❤️ They deserve only the best and I will always defend them to my dying breath.
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gffa · 1 year
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Star Wars’ Black History Month covers | illustrated by Mateus Manhanini  
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rebelsofshield · 1 year
Tales of the Jedi Season Two Wishlist
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We all learned last week that the animated anthology series Tales of the Jedi will be returning for a second season. While we currently don’t have any indication of what Jedi will be spotlighted in this round of short films, I do have a few hopes for potential selections. Tales of the Jedi feels like a prime opportunity to either shine the light on members of the Order that have yet to receive their moment in the spotlight or to fill in important gaps in major characters’ storylines that likely would go untouched otherwise. Here are some of my preferred candidates.
Quinlan Vos
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Quinlan Vos feels like one of the most appropriate picks for a Tales of the Jedi style project. Not only was he set to have a pretty major unproduced story in The Clone Wars’ pre-cancellation plans that would have also concluded Asajj Ventress’ character arc, but also, thanks to last years’ Obi-Wan Kenobi show, is a confirmed survivor of Order 66. Episodes centered on Quinlan could serve as a visual remake of the Dark Disciple novel which adapted his original Clone Wars storyline or alternatively could show us what his life looks before, during, and after the Purge. There’s so much potential storytelling present for this fan favorite character and the Lucasfilm animation team would be smart to give Vos his moment in the spotlight.
Barriss Offee
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Barriss Offee’s betrayal of the Jedi Order is one of the most consequential plot points from The Clone Wars that has yet to be touched upon in the current canon. This year marks the ten year anniversary of the incredible season five arc that saw Ahsoka framed for her former friends attacks on the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, so what better time to finally check back in on Barriss. Episodes could explore Barriss’ disillusionment with the Jedi Order, her relationship with her Master Luminara Unduli, and finally provide answers on what exactly happened to her after she was carted off by the Jedi Temple’s guards.
Mace Windu
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For being one of the most important Jedi to the Prequel Era, there is relatively little canon media that centers Mace Windu. While comics and novels have teased aspects of Windu’s childhood and training, Tales of the Jedi is a great opportunity to offer a more detailed exploration of this Master’s upbringing, Knighthood, and position as a member of the Jedi Council. It affords the opportunity to showcase the complicated emotions of and morality of a character that is often dismissed as cold or uncaring by some fans. Windu clearly holds a great deal respect and love for both the Order and the Republic as a whole and I would love to see that shown and expanded on screen.
Luke Skywalker
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Given the wealth of canon media that already exists, Luke Skywalker is far from my first pick for a Tales of the Jedi story, but there is a chunk of time between Return of the Jedi and The Mandalorian (and its spin offs) where his life feels relatively uncharted and unexplored. While it may make sense to hold off on showing Luke’s training of Ben Solo or other events more directly tied to the Sequel Trilogy until a later time, I would love to see a series of shorts showcasing his life immediately after the fall of the Empire. In particular, maybe we could finally see that first meeting between him and Ahsoka Tano that was teased in The Book of Boba Fett. Thematically, I would also love to really explore how Luke grappled with his father’s legacy and that of the Jedi Order. And as an added bonus, it presents the perfect opportunity to bring Mark Hamill back on board to play the character one last time in a way that isn’t an uncomfortable deep fake.
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So we now know for sure that we will be seeing Rey’s New Jedi Order on the big screen at some point in the next few years. But given that there’s going to be a fifteen year time jump between The Rise of Skywalker and whatever film marks Daisy Ridley’s return, Tales of the Jedi has plenty of space to showcase the very early days of Rey’s Order and her training of Finn. We’ve already seen glimpses of this period in the semi-canon Lego specials on Disney+ but it would be a perfect opportunity to give fans of these characters a more concrete glimpse into their shared future. And maybe we could get Daisy Ridley and John Boyega back to voice their characters? Wouldn’t that be incredible?
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nelc · 2 years
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Baby Star Wars
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inwhichiramble · 2 years
Okay here’s my quick overview of how I feel about Star Wars after watching Epsiodes 1-9 (going to start all the series soon, I’ve only seen the movies)
The Millennium Falcon Crew, Anakin, Padme, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Rey, Finn, Poe, and BB-8 are the only characters I truly care about at the moment
I 100% ship Finnrey, Hanleia, and Anidala
Episodes 1-6 were the best, 2 and 5 being my favorites
I want a lightsaber
That is all ✨
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x-authorship-x · 10 days
Chapters 1-9^
Chapter Ten:
The difference between dreams and nightmares was that the latter revolved around things you didn't want to happen, things that frightened you, that woke you in the night with that horrible lurch of terror.
Identifying what was a dream and what was a vision was harder to negotiate. Who didn't want to believe that their wishes would come true?
The difference between visions and nightmares… that was even more dangerous.
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