hamburgrr · 1 year
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I’ve been hearing some talk of Mutated!Casey designs out so I thought I’d throw mine for 2012 in the ring ^^
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the-knit-orious · 2 years
They are friend shaped
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sysig · 2 years
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But like, why he tho (Patreon)
#Doodles#Deltarune#Spamton#Why is he so [character design] tho#No I'm serious why am I able to draw a circle and then a line and he's instantly recognizable#If he wasn't so damn easy to draw I'd have stopped drawing him! For realsies!#That probably why I didn't continue drawing him much the first couple go-rounds - I mean aside from the other fixations lol#The colours really make all the difference for me for whatever reason#Something about the yellow /and/ pink (and red) in that order just makes my brain do zoomies#I think it's the delicateness of the glasses and the contrast...... Pink and yellow are hard to make work and yet he does#Rosy maple moth vibes#But then also the disheveled trash goblin/feral little man vibes /and/ the puppet vibes //and// the completely monochrome outfit#This fucker's design is off the chain what in the entire hell#I'd swear I was just trying to pry out the pieces of him that function so well together but he's all liquid mechanics#Extremely smooth hard to grasp and boy howdy does it just flow#Anyway lol#Since it's effectively first page doodles I was just messing around and being indulgent#Questioning to the left - a classic; bowtie - of course; lapels and flopping some his hair forward huh wonder what that's about lol#Just ignore the different glasses style don't worry about it I've decanonized it in the meantime it's fine lol#The middle one was the most shocking for me - I 100% intended and then executed on it but I really didn't think it would turn out#I just don't do poses like that like - ever. But I did for him!#And it's actually pretty close to what I saw in my head! Colour me surprised#Scuttle scuttle scuttle
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
What if there was a dance to find the (insert whatever monster) king's mate so they can produce a heir(and many more kids)
And a regular human reader attends for free food not believing they'll be picked from but turns out the king had a eye on reader the whole time
Ahhh! I adore this idea! Anything that has to do with food immediately has my support and any reader I write would be first in line at the buffet :D
Shadow King (Zintius) x female reader
Word Count: 2.5K
W: sfw monster fluff, kidnapping, some sfw forced stripping
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You smoothed the pointy clay tips you’d glued to your ears to make you look like a pixie, before you slipped out of the bathroom and back into the ballroom. 
Around you Fairyfolk were gathered dressed to the nines, all covered in sequins and feathers to attract the eye of the Shadow King. No one paid any attention to you, as a human you were much too plain to compete with these otherworldly beauties. Sirens, fairies, lovely creatures you’d never even heard of before crowded the room, subtly elbowing each other in the ribs to be the first that the King laid eyes on as he descended the stairs. 
Your focus, however, was the buffet. As a human in Fairy, you were unpopular to say the least and would never be allowed in a place like this, but with a little bit of pheromone lifted off of a witch and some micah powder to make your skin glitter you’d made yourself up to pass as a pixie so you could pilfer the feast. I
t was a con you pulled often, though this was perhaps your most bold move yet. This was the King’s marriage ball. He was looking for a wife so only the richest, prettiest, and most affluent Fairyfolk in the land had gone to great expense to travel as far as the Realm of Shadow to seduce him. 
It didn’t matter that he was ten feet tall and mostly smoke and big teeth. He had power and that was beautiful. The realm of Light and the realm of Twilight feared him, declaring him their greatest enemy. He was known to be brutal and imperialistic, wanting to spread his darkness as far as the other two realms would allow. 
None of that concerned you, however. While their heads were all turned to watch the King descend the stairs, you were pulling a sack from underneath your stolen, stained ball gown and loading it full of croissants, cupcakes, and whatever else wasn’t too sticky to fit. It wasn’t the flashiest con, but you were just a human, you did what you could to get by and this one was easy. You got away every time and ate for a week if you rationed everything out. 
When you’d gotten all you could, you shoved the sack under your fluffy dress, one you’d stolen out of the trash pile of a seamstress’ shop, and blended back into the crowd. It would be suspicious if you bolted immediately, the guards were trained to watch for thieves who would do just that, so you had to stick around for at least another hour.
You’d slip out of the back, look a little drunk if anyone stopped you, find a quiet place and put on the stable boy outfit you also had hidden in your skirt and casually walk away looking like a servant carrying out the trash.  
In the meantime, your eyes drifted over the crowd, trying to figure out if you could pilfer any loose valuables while you were waiting…these rich people wouldn’t notice a few baubles missing. You didn’t even bother to look for the King, though you heard all the trumpets and fanfare announcing his arrival.
Your eye caught on a jewel encrusted fan sticking out of the back pocket of a handsome goblin. Like a cat, you honed in on your target, drifting closer and closer to the sparkling prize. 
“I throw a whole ball just for you and I can’t even catch your eye,” a rumbling voice boomed just as you raised your hand to snatch the fan. 
You whirled around, cheeks red, trying to look innocent, eyes widening as you took in the figure looming over you. The Shadow King looked down at you with six eyes glowing gold from the dark space that was his face. 
“Um…I…Um…what?” you stammered. 
A wide, white smile appeared on his face, no lips, only teeth. 
“Finally, you look at me,” he said. 
You instinctively took a step back, unsure what was happening. Was he confused? Was he teasing you? Surely this was some cruel joke because he’d caught you stealing, though you didn’t entirely understand it. 
“Come,” he said, holding out a large hand. Whirls of black smoke drifted up off of it. The whole room was looking at you with obvious hostility, so you shakily took his hand, unsure what else to do. Your heart was hammering in your chest. The one rule of conning was commit to the bit, you had to let this play out, but what was happening?
He led you to the center of the room and music began. Your mouth fell open as he put one hand on your hip and with the other he clasped your hand and you started to dance. You had no idea how to dance, so you simply stumbled over his feet. He chuckled, revealing his white teeth again and lifted you up a bit, depositing your feet on top of his. 
“Here, like this,” he said, before swinging you around the ballroom to the music. The guests blurred around you as he spun across the shiny marble floor. 
His six eyes, all with different colored irises blinked down at you with utter fascination. He remembered the first time he saw you at some silly party he’d been compelled to attend. You’d done quite a good job hiding you were human only, as he’d wandered onto the terrace to get some air, he’d looked down to see you undressing. He’d watched in fascination as you’d unloaded a sack full of food and a handful of valuables, before peeling off your dress, plucking the tips from your ears and hurriedly disguising yourself like a servant boy with some pants and a low cap. 
He’d snuck off, following you, curious about your life and where you were going. Humans were all but extinct in Fairy, the fact that you were alive at all was a bit remarkable. Hiding as a cloud of smoke in the shadows he watched you dangling your feet over the dock watching the boats on the river while you munched on your ill gotten gains.
It was impossible to keep his eyes off of your plump lips as you chewed and your pretty hands as you wiped crumbs from your cheeks. His heart had dropped when he’d watched you curl up in a barrel near where they dumped the trash, your head resting on your bag of pastries to sleep. 
After that he’d used his own disguises to move through the nobility. It would be obnoxious if the king came to every party, but transforming himself into an unassuming orc nobleman, he eagerly waited for your arrival at every flashy party in the capital. He found your disguise rather clever and the way you slipped in and out, making yourself unseen despite how beautiful you were, very impressive.
It stunned him how well you could read your marks. You followed the cadence of the room, striking just when someone was distracted with new love or jealousy. Too wrapped up in their own drama to even care that whatever they lost was missing. 
He never bothered you, afraid to disturb what seemed to be your main source of food and income. That is until he set this little trap to catch you. 
“How long I’ve waited to have you in my arms,” he purred at you. 
You blinked your eyes at him. 
“You have?” you gasped, “are…are you sure you’re not mistaking me for someone else?” 
He just shook his head, the song ending. You were aware the entire room was looking at you with a mix of disgust and envy. As the next song began and some partners filled the dance floor a plucky witch dared to shoot her shot at the King, sure she could easily pull his attention from you. You almost let out a relieved sigh when you saw her approaching. She was a perfect excuse to make your escape and pretty enough to probably succeed. 
Only when she reached you he waved her away. 
“I’m busy,” he growled before she could even open her mouth and your hope scurried away. 
“Let’s go somewhere more private, pet,” he said, scooping you up in his arms to the dismay of you and the entire room and the two of you disappeared in a puff of smoke. 
You immediately panicked when you realized where you were, struggling in his arms. They were impossibly strong for appearing to be made of nothing but black mist. He’d brought you to his bedroom. You could only assume it was his bedroom because it was the nicest one you’d ever been in. The walls were draped in glittering gold fabric and jewel encrusted weapons humming with power were mounted where they parted.
“Shhh, shhh,” he shushed you, snapping his fingers and the cold fireplace lit bathing the room in warm light. 
The sudden sparks startled you still. In the glitter of firelight the shadow king’s black skin almost seemed to have a bit of a sparkle to it. Looking down on you and smiling again with his eerie Cheshire cat smile, he plucked the clay points from your ears. 
“You don’t need to hide from me, little human,” he said, “you’re perfectly safe…but you must tell me…I’ve been dying to know your name.” 
“Maurine,” you lied and he frowned at you, his smile inverting. 
“It’s not wise to lie to  me, pet,” he growled, his six eyes narrowing and the colors in them flashing. 
“(Y/N),” you squeaked. 
His mouth flipped again, creepily and he brushed your hair. 
“There’s no reason to lie, anyway,” he assured you, depositing you into a chair in front of the fire before he crossed the room to a pitcher of water and a bowl, “whatever petty problems you may have you can rely on me to solve them.”  
Wetting a rag he returned to scrub the micah from your cheeks that was giving you the pixie-like sheen. Pinching your cheeks with his shadowy fingers, he scrubbed until every bit of your disguise was off of you. From then on, Zintius wanted you to look like yourself. You’d never have to steal for a living again. He’d stuff you full of so many pastries you were plump and round. 
You gasped, surprised as his large hand slipped up your skirt and fished around, brushing your bare thigh. His smile got brighter as he retrieved the sack of food and the other bag of supplies you carried on you, pulling them from under it. 
Your eyes widened in horror as he tossed the bag with the food in it casually into the fireplace as if it weren’t your only source of sustenance for a week. You were almost afraid he was going to toss in your meager belongings, but he only rummaged around in them for the bottle of pheromone that apparently offended him. He was sure to toss that into the fireplace as well. 
When his eyes returned to you they were laser focused on the smelly dress you’d pulled from the garbage and you started to climb over the back of the chair to escape him. He was much too fast and much too big, yanking you back down. The sound of fabric ripping filled the room as he shredded the poor thing. 
“So lovely,” he gasped in his throat as he took in your body, bathed in golden light. It was so much more than when he’d imagined it. It had been impossible to see the appealing figure you’d been hiding under the ill fitting dress and boy’s clothes. 
Folding himself down to you as you squealed and shrank back into the chair, he breathed in your sweet scent, underneath the annoying pheromone you were wearing. He was much too impatient to wait to scrub you, reminding himself to tell the maids to take the bedding immediately in the morning when he got around to giving you a bath. The sooner he never had to smell that stuff again the better. 
Scooping you up, he hurried to the bed. 
“What are you doing?!” you snarled, beating your fists against his chest, which he conveniently made smoke when you struck him so your hands slipped right through. It was not a funny joke, but he found it very amusing, smiling down at you as he climbed across the spread with you in one arm. 
“I’m going to mate you,” he explained innocently. 
You gasped, scandalized. 
“Me!? But…but…mating is forever and I’m human! The goddess doesn’t make human mates. She hates humans!” 
He snorted. 
“The Goddess long ago betrayed me,” he snarled, “She cursed me to never have a Fairy mate, but I can and will have my own. You…I can feel it…perhaps the God of man blessed me just to spite her. I’ll never stop thanking him for his kindness, delivering a human angel to me. If he wants me to spend my life crusading against her creations, I will, if it means I can keep you.” 
You’d prayed to Adam, the God of man so many nights as you’d slept near the dock, wondering if his reach stretched all the way to Fairy. Only what you’d prayed for was that a stray portal would open up and you’d be taken back to Earth where you’d learned the rest of the humans lived, not this…but Gods were a fickle, spiteful bunch and sticking it to Freya by undermining her curse sounded like just the sort of thing Adam would do. 
The Shadow King practically purred at you, his smokey fingertips drifting over your bare skin as you cowered into the pillows. 
“I can be a good lover, pet,” he promised you, “I have the power to give you whatever you like. Do you want jewels? Castles? Servants to step all over?” 
You shook your head. 
“I-I don’t need all that,” you stammered, “I-I just…” 
You weren’t sure what you were trying to say. 
His eyes narrowed on you and you saw a sliver of tooth as he smirked at you. 
“Aren’t you just a little bit curious?” he asked, “don’t you want to know what it’s like not to scrabble in the dirt as you have your whole life? I’ve seen you sleeping in the cold trash, love, you never have to sleep on anything but the finest silk in front of a warm fireplace for the rest of your life. I watched the way your eyelashes fluttered as you woke, terrified of what had found you in the dark. You never have to be afraid to close your eyes again. All you have to do is give yourself to me.” 
The simple lure of a warm, safe bed was enough to break you and you nodded slowly. Pleased, his smile stretched to opposite ends of his face in a terrifying grin, his six eyes eating up your body now that you'd given him permission and glowing fiery gold. 
“You’ll never regret this (Y/N),” he assured you, as his fingers tore the frayed undergarments you were still wearing, “I promise you.”
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wolf-tail · 5 months
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Inspired by this post, I've decided to propose a list of hypothetical Primarch fursonas.
Lion El'Johnson: Call me uncreative but it's all in the name. Lion.
Fulgrim: Reticulated python, but the kind specially bred for iridescent scales. Beautiful, dangerous, carefully curated for perfection.
Perturabo: I'm actually stumped here. Open to suggestions.
Jaghatai Khan: Couldn't decide between horse and eagle, so we'll go with hippogriff.
Leman Russ: Basic Bitch #2: Wolf.
Rogal Dorn: Polar bear. Big, dangerous, from a hostile ice environment, white hair.
Konrad Curze: Bat, specifically little brown bat, one of the lil cute fuckers.
Sanguinius: Trumpeter Swan. Beautiful, elegant bird that will absolutely fuck you up if you piss it off.
Ferrus Manus: Scaly-foot gastropod. Weird ass snail that grows iron scales and lives in undersea volcanoes.
Angron: Quokka. Gentle, docile, cute face structured in such a way that it's impossible for it to frown. Everything Angron was made to be but wasn't.
Roboute Guilliman: Domestic bull. Cattle are very...practical animals, if that makes sense. Widespread, useful, strong. Were often used as currency in ancient times. Deceptively "boring", cute as fuck. Sounds like our boy, and we all know how much he likes farms. Moo moo motherfucker.
Magnus the Red: We're going all out on the Egyptian imagery here folks. A gryphon, but with 2 very specific component animals. The sacred ibis is associated with Thoth, a god of wisdom and knowledge. They are also nasty little trash goblins that will raid your dumpster. Barbary lions were associated with kingship, also hair floofy. And fuck it, throw some snakes scales in there too, as Heka, the Egyptian god most strongly associated with magic, had a connection to serpents.
Mortarion: As you can tell, my indecisive ass loves hybrid sonas. Turkey vulture, not traditionally pretty, eats gross and yucky things, so important yet so undervalued. Good sense of smell, especially for a bird. Thematic association with death. Broad diet and adapts well to lots of environments. Spanish moon moth, bug with pretty green and black wings.
Corvus Corax: His name is literally the scientific name for common raven. If it aint't broke, don'y fix it.
Vulkan: Fire salamander/gila monster.
Lorgar: Domestic sheep. The "lamb of God" imagery was too strong. But he's a ram now, angry AF with horns to match.
Horus: Domestic dog. Friendly, charismatic, intelligent, loyal. But can turn on you, given the right circumstances. He'd a mutt, the unnervingly perfect spotty, floppy eared mutt, the "Fido" of an idealized heterosexual white suburban family unit, pickett fence and 2.5 kids. So perfect you can just tell that something is off.
Alpharius and Omegon: Planarian flatworm. You know why.
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macsimagines · 4 months
Shinichiro and Draken with a s/o who has a pet cat or rabbit or something and her pet is always taking up her time?
Me and my babygirl bunny
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Shinichiro Sano VS. Noodles the Cat
This man has fought and bled for what he believes in. He has faced adversaries that would make most men crumple in fear, and has garnered the respect of many of them. So for him to call your pet his most hated enemy really does mean something.
He is mad salty about it. Not even going to pretend he doesn't have issues with Noodles the cat. You're his sweet perfect angel that was sent form heaven as a reward for all his efforts in this life. Your cat was some kind of divine retribution for crimes he must have committed in a past life.
"Hello, my sexy beautiful and absolutely perfect angel, Y/N~~~!!! .... and Noodles." "Mrow~"
Shinichiro swears the feeling of hatred and disapproval is mutual however. Your cat is constantly hissing and swatting at him when you're not looking. Ever seen a grown man get punked by a cat?
"He's the devil-fucking-incarnate baby, he tried to slit my throat last night I swear-," "Oh baby, stop being silly." "...B-but the scratches..."
Truthfully, he's too scared to demand you choose between him or the cat. He doesn't want to risk you picking that feral trash goblin you call a kitty-kitty over himself... Cats don't live that long anyways... Right?
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Ken Ryuguji (AKA Draken) VS. Mr. Fluffers
First and foremost, he bought you the fucking thing. Worst purchase of his life.
But you had confessed, a deep and profound love for the cute little fluffy beasts one night. Had told him it was your one true hope and dream to have one someday and he had decided about a year of you two moving in together he would make that dream come true.
So what if the little beast looks like it craves human flesh, he's sure the little guy is just skittish and that with time it will warm up to him.
Wrong. So very fucking wrong.
Mr. Fluffers loves you. He eagerly awaits your pets and hops onto your lap to receive your attention and affection. Draken, however, he seems to be out for blood. Every time he walks into the room the rabbit is thumping and kicking up his feet at the mere sight of him.
"I'm pretty sure this thing is sayin' fuck you with its eyes." "Don't be ridiculous, and Mr. Fluffers has a name."
Meanwhile Mr. Fluffers:
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He knows how much the little fucker means to you though. And he is by no means scared of a bunny. He can kick that bunnies ass...maybe.
Draken lets the little thing stick around despite the fact that it only seems to bite him and naw on his things. Anything to keep you happy.
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andisupreme · 5 months
One funny thing about my little lady, Tidbit, is that she looks so sweet in photos. So angelic.
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And yet the two facts you need to know about her are
The moment a piece of trash appears, she's stealing it. The moment I'm done with something and it becomes "trash", she has teleported onto the desk or my lap and it belongs to her now. She's stolen flosser picks out of my goddamn mouth. I can't have open garbage cans because that's just a new spawn point for Tidbit Treasures. I keep finding hoards of wrappers and pens and trinkets she's stolen. She stole a mini pride flag. I woke up to a scuffing noise once and turned on my phone light to see her dragging my sneaker away like the NYC subway pizza rat. Goblin behavior. Prize-motivated. Is just intelligent enough to have a sense of right and wrong and deliberately make the choice to do crime when the option presents itself.
It's difficult to know when she's actually seriously mad because she only has one urgency level when it comes to complaining. Which is an 11 on a 10 point scale. Any wrong against Tidbit receives the exact same level of screaming. She'll reach the same decibel level when I drag her into the shower for a flea bath as when I gently nudge her closer to pet for a few seconds. (And it's only the initial relocation she loathes, of course. After a moment when the relocation is over she's purring over getting pet but how DARE I move her somewhere without her say so.) From the gravest injustice to a minor momentary inconvenience, all is met with a righteous AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
And yet because of my living circumstances, I haven't had anyone around to socialize her with so the moment a stranger walks in the door, this noisy, annoying (<3) opinionated little Creechur completely disappears. Goes ghost. My dad swears he wouldn't know I have a second cat if he didn't see her in my window from time to time. It feels like she's purposefully acting like a shy little baby around others just to undermine me and my stories about her. She's doing this on PURPOSE. IT'S ALL YET MORE CRIMES.
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There's something incredibly cute about Eddie getting dragged into the Party's hobbies. Because sure, DnD and fantasy books are something they share, but you can't tell me that a trailer trash kid living with a criminal dad could afford comics or frequent visits to the movie theatre. Wayne probably wouldn't know what to get him and Eddie would never ask. So most of his hobbies would be things he can use again and again - his guitar, his DnD rulebook, the well loved copy of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He doesn't have enough money to keep up with the new stuff or anything coming out as a series.
Imagine the seven goblins of doom (well, six because Max is still recovering, just like Eddie, so it's just Dustin, Mike, Will, Lucas, El and Erica) visiting Eddie in the hospital, taking turns bringing him comic books from their collection. Normally Eddie prefers normal books, but he gets tired very easily and reading with the kids turns it from a solitary activity into passionate discussions and theories. The kids give him all the details about hero backstories, if they're missing some issues, they will play them out for Eddie while arguing who said what and "the positioning is wrong, Mike, you're supposed to hit me over the head like this!" (commence muffled yelling as the pillow hits Mike's face). They do the same with movies that Eddie never had a chance to see before and gradually build a list of "the movies that Eddie needs to see" or, in case of movies Eddie likes but is unclear on the details, "movies that Eddie needs to see again".
Eddie's days in the hospital pass quickly with the kids taking turns in his and Max's room. But the best part comes with Steve Harrington re-enacting Star Wars lightsaber fights with Dustin, imitating the swooshing sounds with suprising accuracy and enthusiasm.
And maybe Eddie is a little bit mesmerized because when Dustin leaves to get them some snacks from the vending machine, he blurts out something really embarrassing. "Wow, Steve. You're like my personal Han Solo." And he's ready to blame it on the painkillers and the phase of the moon or maybe changing seasons, but Steve just smiles at him, runs his fingers through that lush hair and says, "does that make you my personal princess Leia?"
Dustin enters the room five minutes later and gets the worst shock of his life. He swears he's never leaving them alone unsupervised again.
When Eddie finally gets discharged, Steve and Eddie have their first date. It's in the new Munson trailer because Eddie still can't move too much, but he doesn't mind, not when they rent the full Star Wars trilogy from the Family Video and when Leia makes her first appearance, Steve presses a kiss into Eddie's hair and whispers "looking hot there, baby."
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Just A Thought:
Miguel O'Hara - but Bruce Wayne
Miguel O'Hara as Batman
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Miguel being a billionaire whose left the sole caretaker of his younger brother Gabriel when his parents are gunned down after a late-night play.
Left with the fortune and legacy of Alchemax, Miguel falls into dispair - and comes across a classified operation conducted by his father, a super potent and super addictive drug.
Not knowing, Miguel tries it once, and he finds himself hooked.
Over months the situation worsens. Gabriel gets worried about his older brother.
In search of answers, Gabriel discovers the truth - the source of Raptures creation. Their father having developed a hard-to-replicate super drug as a way to control Nueva Gotham's underground drug trade, funding Alchemax with laundered money.
Gabriel almost became a whistleblower, leaking the news to the press - but instead, he was killed by gunmen funded by Alchemax.
After Gabriel's death, Rapture floods Neuva Gotham's streets.
In less than a week, addiction skyrockets across the city.
Horrified at the discovery and the loss of his brother, Miguel seeks out a way to reverse his addiction - and undo the unspeakable corruption caused by his father.
Instead, his own invention does more harm than good - turning him into the The Spider-Man.
He fights crime in his usual blue and red suit except the blue is black and he has a cape all the time now
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The Spider-man fights crime by being a 'bug on the wall', undermining and brutalizing Nueva Gotham's underworld, trying to find the people who leaked Rapture to the streets - and ordered the murder of his brother.
SpiderKids as Robins!!!!
Pavitr being Dick Grayson/Future Nightwing - the perfect and acrobatic star child. Bright and optimistic despite The Horrors. Loves his girlfriend.
Hobie being Jason Todd - the Robin Miguel first meets while the kids is stealing his tires. The kid who trashes the O'Hara Manor, gets a little too excited about kicking ass and talking back and beating up cops.
Killed by The Goblin aka Joker + Green Goblin together - Revived - HATES Miguel now.
Goes by Spiked Hood
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Gwen being Tim Drake - the Robin that stays up until 3am. More into techie stuff. Close with Miguel but no where near the way he is with Pavitr. But she loves her siblings and half the time feels like the only Sane one.
GABRIELLA AS DAMIAN WAYNE!!!! Xina being Thalia (minus the weird ummm uncomfy origins of Damian)
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Gabbie being Miguel's one blood child who he didn't raise from birth but met later. But he trains and raises her anyway. She's a natural at it. A bit ruthless considering the whole, raised by assassins thing though.
But she ADORES her older siblings though she'd never admit it. She hangs with her older brother Pavitr ALL THE TIME, especially after Pavitr becomes NightWing in Mumblud Haven (or Bludbai if you'd like)
She thinks Hobie is so cool, especially when he comes around with Starfire and Red Arrow (aka DiscoSpider Diane and Captain Anarchy Karl Morningdew). The three of them calling themselves Spiked Hood and the Outlaws - in reference to Hobie's spiked and hooded outfit.
Since Pavitr lives in Bludbai and Hobie dislikes Miguel - Gwen and Gabriella are the only ones who still live in the manor with Miguel and his e-maid Lyla - who is now full sized like Alfred, but still AI.
There's a spider signal in the sky.
J.Jonah is Commissioner Gordon. And every time he sees Miguel he's talking shit about vigilantes despite having to work with him cause Nueva Gotham is such a shit hole.
Miguel is still tired as hell because he's on patrol and gets a call from Lyla talking about how Hobie set fire to the manor curtains again 'but on purpose this time'
Do you see it do you see my vision are you picking up what I'm putting down
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luna-andra · 9 days
The Shadows Return | Simon 'Ghost' Riley x OC | Retired AU | Is It Really You?*
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Summary: A little 🍃 Andra stargazing with Ghost
Word Count: ~1.8k
If you're new to this story, you can read Chapter 1 here. Filler chapters are marked with an * sign.
Content: accidental high (hehe), fluff, wee little lore drop
Author's note: This one is a itty bitty filler chapter that the little writing goblin in my brain told me to create at like 2a 🥴 enjoy and stay tuned cuz next chapter is gonna be beefy!
ALSO I made a little playlist of the songs they were listening to if anyone cares 😂
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“It’s in my glove box!” Johnny hollered from under the kitchen sink as Andra stomped through the living room.
“I heard you!” she yelled back, earning her some disgruntled Scottish noises. She was in a sour mood from Johnny helping himself to her last sparkling water. Usually, it wouldn’t be a big deal, she’s told the boys to take anything they want all the time, but she specifically told Johnny ‘not the Bubbly.’
He took the Bubbly.
Karma made its way back to him when he decided to tag along with Ghost to come help with her clogged sink. He was stuck with having to do the job considering Ghost’s wide shoulders kept him from being able to fit underneath the tight space. Drink the one thing off limits? Enjoy the clogged sink.
Receipts and an empty protein shaker fell out as soon as she opened the passenger door to his truck. “Pinche basura…” Andra picked up the shaker and chucked it back in and shoved the receipts in her pocket to toss when she went back inside. The glove box wasn’t any better, but she managed to find the adjustable wrench he needed.
A plastic bag with an array of colorful gummy bears sat in the cupholder of the center console, and it caught her eye. She fisted a handful of the candy with a snicker before closing his truck up with the wrench in hand. Johnny won’t miss a few gummies, she thought.
She popped a few in her mouth as she strolled in, her nose and mouth scrunched at the taste. Sugar free, gross. “Here,” she kicked his boot to catch his attention.
Johnny reached a hand out and took it from her without breaking focus.
Her other hand reached into the receipt-full pocket and threw them in the bin. “You gotta clean out your truck, an avalanche of trash fell out when I opened the door.”
“You offerin’?” Johnny scoffed. “I’m a wee bit busy fixin’ yer sink.”
Andra snorted. “If Ghost can keep his truck clean, so can you.”
“Pissin’ blight, the two of you…” Johnny growled as he struggled to loosen up the pipe.
She continued chewing on another gummy, regretting that she took so many. “I know, it’s a pain in the neck sharing parental responsibilities with Ghost at your grown age.” Her face grimaced at the taste of the gummies once more. “These gummies are ass.”
Johnny grunted as metal clinked on metal, followed by the sound of water hitting the bottom of a bucket. “Which ones?”
Andra swallowed the last bitter gummy she had. “I got them from your truck.”
“You what – agh, shite!” He cursed as he bumped his head while trying to pull himself up from under the sink. “How many did you have?”
Her shoulders shrugged. “Five or six, maybe?”
“Ghost is gonna skin me.”
Ghost couldn’t leave Johnny alone to handle a clogged sink for more than an hour without getting a message talking about ‘It’s not my fault’. Luckily, he was already on his way back with takeaway and a fresh new six pack of that water Andra likes.
He was relieved to see the house wasn’t flooded, but found the front door open with just the mesh, screen frame keeping the bugs out. His hands were full with the bags, so he used his index finger to pull the screen door open and found Andra laying on the couch, staring up at the ceiling with an open bag of crisps laying on her stomach.
Ghost set down the plastic bags on the coffee table and stepped up to the edge of the couch. “You alright, doll?”
A wide smile spread across her face. “I can’t feel my face, and I see Gilbert Gottfried on the ceiling.”
Johnny rushed to the living room, a guilty look in his sapphire eyes. “Before you wallop me –”
“What happened?” Ghost demanded.
“Andra mistook my edibles for normal gummy bears and helped herself.” He slowly flinched away with every word he said.
A giggle came from the woman that barely took up the length of the couch. “Had to collect the Andra tax for stealin’ my water.” Her southern lilt came out for a moment.
“Christ alive, Johnny.” Ghost oughta grab him by the collar of his shirt and kick him in the ass, leaving him out on the front porch. He was more concerned with Andra to follow up on his promise. Ghost helped her sit upright, taking one hand and supporting her back with the other and set the crisps on the table behind him. “Look at me, sweetheart.” His mitt-sized hands cradled her face between one another.
Her pupils were blown out dilated, the honey brown eclipsed by the void. She giggled once more, her lids barely staying open. “Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump.”
Ghost scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. “What’s that about?”
“My heart beating faster when you hold me like that.” He couldn’t help himself from grinning at that, and he pulled his hands away from her. “I can feel my nose throbbing.”
“I thought you said you can’t feel your face.” He retorted.
Her smile dropped as her cheeks turned pink. “Then it’s not my nose throbbing.”
“Screamin’ Jesus.” Johnny groaned. “I’ll go unpack the takeaway –”
Ghost shot him a daggered glare when Johnny reached for the plastic bag holding the food. “Keep your recreational substances out of sight next time.”
Johnny disappeared to the kitchen, mumbling something under his breath about how she shouldn’t be taking things that aren’t hers.
Rich coming from him.
“I’ll crack you open one of those waters and bring you your food.” Ghost pushed himself up onto his feet. “You feel like eating?”
Andra slumped against the couch, her lower lip tutted out for a pout. “Can we eat here? I don’t want to get up.”
“Of course.”
With Andra still high as a kite after a few hours, Ghost made sure to check her pulse every now and then to make sure it wasn’t too elevated. He smacked Johnny upside the head when he told Ghost what dose of THC was in each candy.
Andra didn’t seem like the kind of person to eat edibles every now and then, or even ever. He was impressed with how she handled the effects. He expected her to panic at some point in the evening, but the worst she ever did was separate the ingredients in her shrimp fried rice and ate them all separate.
“Why are you even taking edibles, Johnny?” Ghost asked as he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.
Johnny answered as he continued to wipe up the kitchen floor. “Helps me sleep, and sometimes I just wannae enjoy the high.”
It wasn’t Ghost’s thing, alcohol was hardly a substance he would have once in a blue moon. That was a different story a couple of years ago, but he decided to call the weekend drinks quits after getting into yelling matches with Johnny a few too many times. And then stopped drinking by himself at home after Price’s detox treatment.
“Where’s the Spotify app?” Andra said out loud in the living room. Ghost found her scrolling through the apps on the large screen in her hand.
Ghost leaned against the doorway. “That’s my phone, doll.”
“Thaaat makes sense.” She made no effort to give back the phone that didn’t belong to her. He could see her downloading Spotify and logging in with her own credentials, and he had no reservations about her being on his device.
Andra stood up from the couch and made her way out the front door. “Come look at the sky with me, I wanna see the stars.”
Ghost stuffed his water bottle in one of the pockets on his cargo pants and went to retrieve a blanket from the hallway closet. He met Andra outside where she was already laying supine on the bed of his truck, leaving the rear gate hung open.
“Let me put this down.” He offered.
Andra sat up and scooted herself to the edge of the trunk while Ghost wrung out the king size blanket and laid it over the hard bed of the truck. She returned to her spot and Ghost followed in suit, lying beside her with his arms behind his head. The temps were dropping, but Andra was unbothered by the chilly air. Ghost enjoyed this kind of weather, cold without a trace of humidity.
“I’m gonna head out now.” Johnny announced as he opened the door to his truck. “The sink is good to go.”
“Thank youuu.” Andra beamed. “Drive safe.”
Johnny’s tires crunched on gravel until it was out of earshot, leaving Andra and Ghost laying beneath the evening sky.
Music was playing at a tolerable volume from his phone on top of the metal toolbox above their heads, coexisting with the sound of chirping insects off in the distance. The sky blushed pink and orange hues off on the horizon; it wouldn’t be long before the sky went dark.
“When I first moved out here,” Andra started, “I would come out here and lay under the stars. Out here, I can see so much more than when I was in the city. I’ve traveled out of the city every now and then when I lived in the states, but it was never like this.”
Ghost hummed in agreement. He’s spent countless nights sleeping under the stars, nights where he could see even more than now. It felt like he was looking at galaxies, so vibrant it was as if he could reach out to caress the constellation’s translucent veils.
Andra turned her head to Ghost, and he glanced in her direction. “Tell me a story.”
He rolled his lips as he thought of one. “When I was out in Urzikstan in 2019, I had gotten lost with my squad in the sand dunes one night. One of the locals a few days prior to this told us not to follow the north star if we ever got lost, the desert played tricks on its victims and send them in circles until dehydration or the steep temperature drop would take them.
“The local told us ‘Follow the Andromeda constellation, she won’t betray you’. She didn’t, and we found our way back with the rest of our company.”
Ghost was about to point up to the sky when Andra beat him to it, aiming directly to where the formation of stars that comprised the Andromeda. “That’s the constellation I was named after,” she giggled to herself, “That’s so wild.”
Ghost lifted his head and looked at her.
“My dad named me Andromeda, and my youngest brother Orion. He was kind of into space stuff if you couldn’t tell.”
Ghost chuffed. “You don’t say." The warmth of her hand was electrifying, but he didn’t pull away. She just let her hand rest over his, each digit laying over his. Ghost returned his gaze to the twinkling stars of Andromeda. His fingers interlaced with hers, holding a piece of his own constellation that brought him here in this moment.
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taglist: @fried-papad @onomatobooyah
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glassshrew · 2 months
I wrote this for @vapolis
Highly recommend you play their game demo, it's an awesome game and the main character can be such a feral trash goblin, I adore them!
I'm obsessed with their character Jax at the moment, and instead of working I've been daydreaming all day. I created this blog purely to post this because I'm too shy to post on my main! Writing is not my strong suit but t his was fun to do. Anyway here's some flirty sexy tension with Jax.
Written with a F!Merc in mind.
You grin at him tiredly, tugging your jacket tighter around yourself as you stand in the club foyer. You’re 100% sure Jax has seen you in worse states but standing in front of his unimpressed stare in nothing but underwear, a cropped gaudy carebear t-shirt and a bloody jacket made you feel more exposed than you ever had. Or maybe it was the way his gaze lingered on your bare legs, or his own half dressed form, hair still damp from an impromptu shower. His appearance unusually sloppy for him. “Jaxxie! New uniform? A little risque. I like it.”  You waggle your eyebrows and for a long strained minute, Jax didn’t reply, a frown on his face like he can’t decide whether to just throw you out or not. “Blood and vomit is more your style.”  
“Gross. True but gross. Sounds like your night was as fun as mine,” You point towards the growing lump and bruise on your forehead. “But my new accessories are cooler than yours.”
He stays silent, and you're forced to confront the sight in front of you that you were trying to ignore. His arms crossed over a dark red shirt that was fully undone, exposing his chest. Your brain helpfully shutting down until it was just screaming incoherent body parts at you. Pecs, collarbones, nipples, tummy. You couldn’t stop your eyes from following the line of his body down to the trail of dark hair below his naval.“Carpet doesn’t match the drapes then.” Fuck sake. You could scream. You swear to god that your mouth was not connected to your brain in anyway shape or form.
His head tilts as he continues to stare at you, but he doesn’t shut you down or even button his shirt and little warning bells start to twinkle in your brain. That ever growing sexual tension between the two of you sparks to life and you suddenly wished you had gone to Delilah for help instead. You couldn’t stop staring at him, his hips moving as he shifted his weight and your perverted brain took over again. If you dropped to your knees right now would he throw you out?  Or would he grip your hair tight in his fist as he -
You jolted as Jax cleared his throat, eyebrow raised. Shit. 
 “Uh right, I know it’s late, or early, closing time? Opening?” You tried to focus on what you were saying. “but I need you.” 
Fucking Christ almighty your stupid fucking mouth.  “Need me?” The corner of Jax’s mouth twitched, he looked a mix between entertained and annoyed.
“Uh no, not th-, you and Orla,” You stumbled over your words, cursing yourself internally as Jax made a low noise in the back of his throat. “help! I need your help, nothing else not that – I -, Is she still here?” You force your mouth shut so fast you almost bit your tongue. Why was it so fucking hot all of a sudden. Were you sweating?
“Yeah she’s still here,” Jax was still staring at you, and he had still made no move to button his shirt. Asshole was enjoying seeing you flustered. “Turn around.”
Turn around bend over be good –
“Seriously? Where exactly do you think I’m hiding a weapon?” You didn’t sound as annoyed as you were hoping for, you sounded a little breathless as your thoughts continued to spiral.
“Rules are rules,” Jax grinned at you, he was obviously enjoying the effect he was having on you. “Turn around, jacket off.”
“Fine.” You are moving to follow before you can stop yourself. Shivering slightly as you shrugged the jacket off, leaving you in your panties and cropped shirt.
It’s silent. You’re just starting to think that this was some sort of prank when his fingers lightly brushed over your wrist making you jump. “Stay still.” 
His hands trail up your arms, not his usual pat down but a slow, gentle touch, caressing you almost. “Are you hurt?”
Your body stiffened. The quiet genuine concern in his voice throwing you completely off balance. His gentle touch making you feel warm, and something else you didn't know how to name. Did he genuinely actually care? A lump starts to form in your throat, and you once again bite the inside of your cheek, hard enough this time to taste the coppery tang of blood, desperate to kill those feelings before they can become a problem.
“Not badly,” you shrugged. You wanted to run but wanted to see where this was going so very much. “Used to it. You know I could just nip in and see her, there’s no need to-,”
“Stay still.”
You cleared your throat. “Yes Sir, sorry Sir.”
Jax froze. Your momentary glee at having flustered him in return is short lived as the hand on your shoulder slid up the back of your neck and through your hair, causing a little flutter of panic in your gut. This was new territory for you both, usually one of you would have backed off by now. You could feel his breath over your skin as he tugged your head to the side, the sensation making your stomach tighten and your thighs squeeze together. “Can't you just shut up for once?”
Your sarcastic reply is lost as your breath hitches when his lips brush gently over the skin just beneath your ear. Its hesitant, but when you make no move to pull away his grip tightens in your hair, pulling your head more firmly to the side.
“I’m not hid-,” You start, and he makes a low warning sound at your inability to shut up, his teeth grazing harder over your skin. “- not hiding anything up there.”
Jax pulls away abruptedly. Disappointment growing in your chest as you realised you’d reached that point again. The point where Jax realises who he’s flirting with,  what he’s flirting with, and shuts down.
“Better things you could do with that mouth than yap all the time.”
You feel like you’ve just been slammed into an alternate universe. Getting lost in the moment is one thing, but jesus Who are you and what have you done with Jax?
He continues his search before you can ask the question, before you can, as usual, ruin the moment. Both of his hands sweeping down your back, pushing into your spine and round to the front of your hips.
“Easy ther-,” You flinched back against him when his fingers pressed a little harder over your ribs. The pain turning into something that drew a whimper from your throat. Jax went still behind you, you could the warmth of his bare chest, and - fucking fuck me sideways-  your brain short circuiting as you realized you could feel him.
“This is cosy,” You let out a breath, voice strained. Does he remember it’s you? The intrusive thoughts slip in, nagging and chipping away at you. He knows its you right? The two of you stand there, his hands holding you flush against him while his cock presses against your ass. The silence lingering for all of a second before the pressure to talk gets too much.
“Bruised, not broken,” You had no idea what was going on, what to do, whether this was actually happening or if you had done more damage to that already fucked up brain of yours. “probably not broken.” 
He hummed in acknowledgment, warm breath over the shell of your ear causing your back to involuntarily arch and he cursed under his breath.
“You're clear,” He lets go, steps back from you and the loss off his body heat hurts. “You can go through.”
 “Right, great. Told you.” you turn to face him, arms crossed over your chest, disappointment and rejection making your heart sting. For the first time in a long time you feel vulnerable. You want your jacket back. You almost, for a second there, genuinely believed he wanted you. A stupid foolish childish thought. Why would he? When you didn’t have anything to offer, when you didn’t deserve it. You’d destroy him, infect him, pull him down into the dark to drown with you. He deserved better. “Catch you on the flipside.”
Flipside? You cringe. You can feel him frowning at you as you grab your jacket off the desk, and you’re tempted to sneak out the little pen knife you have hidden to show him as a ‘ha ha fuck you’ but you don’t. Your heart is not in it. The abrupt withdrawal of his attention has you feeling cold, exhausted all of a sudden. You avoid looking at him as you move towards the door, and he makes no move to stop you as you go through.
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The Greatest Love Stories
Summary: Eddie has a run in with some bullies in middle school, but in the aftermath, reader helps him pick up the pieces. Little does he know, his life is about to change for the better!
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: Bullies suck, angst with a happy ending!
A/N: I really enjoyed this! I just got the idea and thought it was really cute. I hope you enjoy it!
I'm a Brit, anything I get wrong about America, that's why
Please don't copy my work!
Great hurling winds whirled around the mountain tops. Ice and snow pelted the rocky path raising drifts at least four feet high. The fellowship was frozen to the bone and even Gandalf began to wonder if they should turn back.
Eddie was consumed. It didn’t matter that he’d read the story twice before; the words on the page enthralled him in a way nothing else could. He stumbled blindly across the school yard, heading for his favourite corner to curl up and escape the world until the bell rang. Buried so deep in his book, Eddie didn’t see the gang of older boys until he crashed right into them.
‘Hey, trailer trash!’
Dazed from impact, he barely had time to register the insult before they shoved him. He hit the ground hard; his book skittered out of his grazed hands.
With a groan, his vision cleared and threw the boy glaring down at him into sharp relief. Jimmy Davis clenched his fists and sported the distinctive look of disgust his classmates reserved just for Eddie.
‘Watch where you’re going!’ he snarled.
‘Don’t say anything!’ he thought, ‘You’ll only make it worse!’ but Eddie had never been able to control his imagination. In that moment he saw the boy and his goons as orcs and goblins from his story. A glimpse of that notion must have shown in his eyes. Jimmy couldn’t have understood but he knew it wasn’t flattering. He seized him by the collar and punched him hard in the face.
Eddie tasted blood, falling back again. His lip stung and his jaw ached. He pushed himself up on his elbows and his heart dropped.
Jimmy had the precious novel in his slimy hands, waving it above his head and laughing when Eddie scrambled and jumped for it. His friends pushed him away. Eddie cried out furiously; his mouth twinged where his lip had split but it was useless.
‘Think you need a few less distractions, freak!’ Jimmy jeered.
The first page seemed to tear in slow motion. Eddie froze in horror. It felt like they were tearing his own flesh.
Then it was all too fast. He ripped page after page, letting them fall like confetti. Eddie shouted, cursed, and pleaded. Jimmy wouldn’t stop. The other boys held him back as he struggled, arm outstretched, kicking and screaming, but three against one could never be fair.
They threw him down again and pain shot through his elbow, skin breaking on stone.
Jimmy tossed the tattered book at his feet, ‘That’ll teach you, freak!’ he spat on the ground, kicking the poor ruined paperback away before he and his friends stalked away.
Eddie bit back tears. He couldn’t let them see him cry! Couldn’t show weakness! He crawled on his hands and knees, trying to ignore the dull ache in his jaw and blood staining his elbow. Clutching the broken covers close, he couldn’t stop hot, thick tears from spilling over any longer. They wet the ragged pages he gathered slowly.
Uncle Wayne had got him that book. Saw it in a yard sale, already shabby and well-loved but it was perfect. The perfect present for his first birthday living in Hawkins with his uncle. Uncle Wayne who took him in, who always told him he could be like the heroes in the story, who always said he was proud of him. Uncle Wayne who’d given him the first real thing he could call his own and now it was broken! Just like everything else!
A sob escaped him. Then another, and another until they wracked him to his core.
Blinded by grief and guilt, he didn’t notice someone else squat down next to him and begin to help pick up the pieces. He flinched when you held out a handful of pages to him with a small, sad smile. His sobs stifled to hiccups.
He just stared at you, mouth hanging open. His big brown eyes looked like they were waiting for you to make a joke. Like he was just waiting for you to throw them in his face and make fun of him too. Gently, you reached for his hand and placed the pages in it. His fingers closed around them but he didn’t say anything.
You stood up and offered a hand. He didn’t take it. He stumbled to his feet on his own, scrubbed his face on his sleeve, turned heel, and ran inside without a word.
You watched him go, hurt until you glanced over your shoulder at the group of bullies still laughing cruelly. They simpered and pointed, not an ounce of empathy between them. ‘He thought you were like them!’ you realised. One of the boys smirked at you, raising an eyebrow as if challenging whose side you were on.
There was no contest. You shot them a dirty look before running after the crying boy with brown curls.
It didn’t take long to find him. His sobs echoed from an empty classroom despite his attempts to muffle them. They were different now, angry, frustrated, and interspersed with a string of words you knew you only grownups were allowed to say.
Peering around the doorway, you saw him bent over a desk struggling with tape and scissors. His hands were shaking so much he was seconds away from accidently hurting himself.
‘Let me help,’ you offered. He froze like a deer in headlights. Not waiting for an answer, you pulled a chair over and took the tape from him, sticking it to the edge of the table. You organised the loose pages into to the right order and carefully cut strips of tape to stick them back together.
Eddie sat next to you, watching your meticulous work. You were determined to get it perfect. He sniffed and rubbed his red eyes every now and again but made no other sound.
‘I didn’t know you were allowed to write in books!’ you marvelled, in reference to the occasional tight scrawl in the margin or highlighted passage.
He shrugged but didn’t speak.
‘What do you write about?’ you tried again.
Another shrug.
‘He wasn’t being rude,’ you thought. You saw how the bigger kids picked on him. Relentless name calling and teasing were almost normal for him, and so too were the merciless threats that too often were followed through. He just didn’t trust you yet and only you could change that!
You leaned closer and, when he didn’t protest, tried to decipher the messy notes. They made you smile. Awestruck observations, critical annotations and wistful daydreams lined the pages. The highlighted sections conjured such clear images in your mind. Pictures of clifftops and mountains, shadowy mines, and elven paradises reverberated off the pages, crystal clear.
He must love this story so much!
‘There! Good as new!’ you announced, when you were done.
A little hyperbole never hurt anyone. The covers were worn to begin with and now the sharp shine of sticky tape glinted down the seams of most of the pages but it was as good as you could make it.
He took the mended book from you, gingerly flipping through the pages and tracing his fingers over the new scars it bore. To his disbelief, it was whole again.
‘Thank you!’ he whispered, Tears welled in his eyes again, but this time, tears of relief. He hugged the book tight. ‘Thank you so much!’
‘You’re welcome!’
You introduced yourself, shaking his hand warmly. ‘I’m Eddie,’ he mumbled in answer a tiny light flickered in his expression.
‘You shouldn’t listen to Jimmy and the others!’ you comforted, hoping to see the light grow brighter, ‘They’re real…’ you glanced around nervously before leaning in, ‘buttholes!’
You giggled at yourself and, to your delight, he cracked a smile.
‘Yeah,’ he agreed, with a shaky laugh. ‘Total buttholes!’
‘Is your jaw okay?’ he nodded, tersely, ‘What about your elbow?’ you eyed the small red stain on his shirt sleeve.
‘Fine,’ was all he said, shrugging you off.
Longing to get to know this boy better, and anxious to stop him slipping into shadow again, you struck up a conversation, ‘What’s your book about?’
He was surprised. No one wanted to know about the things he liked, no one except Wayne anyway. ‘Um… Elves and wizards and stuff,’ he muttered. He ducked his head, suddenly shy. ‘Super lame I know!’
‘No, it’s not! That sounds really cool!’ you countered, ‘What happens?’
He was hesitant at first, not sure if you really cared but he began to summarise the story, explaining what Hobbits were, detailing the threat of Sauron in the east, and the forming and journey of the fellowship. He wasn’t used to talking about himself because no one had ever really asked before but once he realised your interest was real, words began to gush out of him like a river running out of control. He could hardly stay in his seat, waving his hands wildly and making you laugh.
You wondered at the way he described the fantasy lands and the convictions of the characters, all perfectly serious. As though it weren’t a story. As though these were real people facing true dangers and heartaches. The light in his eyes shone like the sun. You couldn’t look away.
‘And that’s just this one, there’s like two more about these other people they meet on the quest who are like super into horses! And they go to Gondor, and Frodo and Sam have to fight this gigantic spider! And there’s a massive battle at the end! And then there’s another book, The Hobbit, well, actually it comes before all of this, and it’s about Frodo’s uncle and how he finds the ring and-!’
The bell rang, cutting his spiel short. ‘Sorry, he deflated a little. He sat back down, reality creeping back in. ‘I’m being really annoying!’
You beamed, shaking your head, ‘No you’re not!’ A small smile graced his lips but he didn’t quite believe you until-
‘Hey, can I borrow it?’
You nodded to the book, tucked safely in his arms. His eyes widened. ‘When you’re done, I mean,’ you added hastily, seeing his hands tighten instinctively.
Eddie was dumbstruck. Asking him about his book was one thing but now you wanted to read it? It felt oddly personal. This story had been his comfort for so long; he’d found so much of himself in its pages. It was strange to share that with someone else. Someone new.
He took the leap.
‘Yeah!’ He thrust the book toward you, realising he’d taken a while to answer.
‘Oh, you finish it first!’ you tried to protest, but he grinned.
‘It’s okay! I’ve read it before!’
With a grateful smile, you accepted. ‘I’ll look after it!’ you promised, holding the healed book with inexplicable reverence.
Eddie nodded, ‘I know you will!’
Little did you know how right Tolkien was. That the smallest encounters could change the course of the future.
From then on, you would be inseparable, friendship forming and growing into something deeper. And the battered copy of ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ that brought you together was always there.
It was the same copy Eddie would read to you a few years later when you were ill over the summer and he wouldn’t leave your side.  The same one you’d take turns reading by Lovers Lake during your first Spring Break in high school. It was the same edition he’d slip a note into, asking you to be his girlfriend.
The same book that he’d quote when he asked you to marry him. ‘You’re my light in dark places, when all other lights go out!’
The same one that would sit on the loaded bookshelf in your first apartment, alongside the hundreds of other novels, fantasy and otherwise you’d collected together. And the same version you’d both read to your daughter at bedtimes when she was little.
When your friends asked why you didn’t buy a new one, the two of you would only smile at the memories those faded pages had born.
You’d always say that Tolkien was responsible for some of the greatest love stories in the world.
Thank you so much for reading! Feedback and reblogs are so, so appreciated! I love reading people's lovely comments so much, even when they're only a few words!
Let's hear it for @sadbitchfangirl, the first person to ask to be tagged in my writing! You're amazing, I hope you enjoy this!
Let me know if you would like to be tagged in future projects!
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alexandraisyes · 6 months
Meet The Artist
Names I'll respond to: Alex - Alexandra/Alexander - Xandre - Trash Goblin - Peepaw Afton
Age as of right now: 18 (AND A HALF)
Nationality: North American (Pacific Timezone)
Socials: - Here (Duh) - Twitter (SFW) - Twitter (NSFW - 18+ Age In Bio) - Ao3 (SFW) - Ao3 (NSFW) - Discord Server - FNAF (13+) - YouTube (Cringes and Dies) - TikTok (College prevents me from posting often) - Kofi (Shop, Commission, Gallery, etc) - Pinterest (Just another Gallery tbh)
Commissions: Open! Art Trades: Currently Closed Fandoms: - Undertale/UTMV - Five Nights at Freddy's - The Security Breach Show - Assorted smaller hyper fixations
Assorted Information: - Aromantic and Asexual - Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD/Sociopathic Disorder) - ADHD (Unmedicated) - PTSD and General Anxiety Disorder - Psychology Major || Art Minor - Emergency Medical Technician || Certified Nursing Assistant - I get asked my height a lot; I'm 5'7"/172 cm - She/They/He pronouns all work for me
Extra Silly Stuff: - I love my online village - Asks are always open, I love interacting with people - I'm just a silly guy with a bunch of mental health issues - I write and draw the silliest things sometimes - Goblin mode, feral goober, gremlin energy, art eater - I am horrible at expressing tone. If there's not a tone indicator, then there is no tone to be read
Bloody Solstice AU A silly little story that focuses on the DCA and Afton Family. I'll write more under here later.
Twisted Celestials AU Another silly little story that is my what-if spin on the Sun and Moon Show. It will have some silly little ships, and you don't have to agree with my silly little ships. I will also return to this to write about it better.
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
I think this may have turned into an oc thing💀
Lasko's listener: I just established the other day that they own an axolotl named Cella (that Freelancer is hellbent on calling "Celery" and Huxley loves her ((the axolotl))sm) and this is canon to me now. They also have a Chinese water dragon named Lotus bc I said so :)
Freelancer: do rats count as an exotic pet?? (Google says they do-) They named her Gribby. This is also canon to me.
Angel: they 100% have a sugar glider named Goblin (and David is terrified of him.) They want a fennec fox and they will get a fennec fox and they will name her Deedee. Short for Speed Demon.
Baabe: snake. They own a snake and they named her Rory and Asher loves her to death.
Sweetheart: chameleon. His name is Karma and he and Aggro are besties to the max.
Darlin': a fucking raccoon. Or a badger. Either one named Cujo.
Lovely: they own a bat named Valentina.
Bright Eyes: also owns a rat, but they didn't him Remi. They couldn't remember the rat's actual name so instead they ended up naming him fuckin Ratatouille💀
Starlight: albino ferret albino ferret albino ferret and she's named Carina :)
Seer Obscura: literally owns a barn owl named Tiresias.
Cutie: they have a couple mice they named Allen and Atlas.
Honey: iguana named Geechee, but he also responds to the name Bee for some odd, unknown reason (*cough* Guy-)
Warden: snake. Burmese python. I feel like they would want to name her, but wouldnt know what to name her, so they'd settle for Mesii (to base it slightly off "burmese")
Mentor/Baby: four ferrets. Four ferrets that are specifically named Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde.
Smartass: they have a bearded dragon named Ivy and she vibes with Aaron.
Sunshine: they have chinchilla siblings named Nimbus and Nebula :3
Anton's listener: they have 2 tree frogs named Mika and Aivo, and a chinchilla named Seria (I like my chinchillas, okay?? I've always wanted one-)
James' listener: hedgehog named Morose and he's the cutest little baby James has ever laid his eyes on.
Asset: they found a mouse in the vents one time and they've kept it ever since. They named her Thias. They like to show Thias to Anton. Anton likes to see Thias(Thias reminds him of Seria). They have also introduced Thias to Brian. Brian also likes Thias. Most of the people working with/on Asset know Thias.
Precious: they aren't allowed to own a pet. Because owning a pet means giving their love and affection and attention to someone other than Regulus.
Bonus Bits!
Damien: ...Freelancer, I think you have rats.
FL: huh?? Oh, no, that's just Gribby.
Damien: *petting Gribby* who names a pet "Gribby"?
FL: I do. Oh- don't touch her left back leg.
Damien: why? Is she hurt?
FL: I got her checked out first few times it happened, but they said nothin' was wrong.
Damien: then why..?
FL: she just starts screaming.
Damien: what.
David: Angel, I'm—
Goblin, who escaped his habitat: *zooms up the fridge and soars straight towards David, landing on his face and getting comfy on his head*
Angel: Goblin, where'd you go!? Oh! Aww! He loves you!
David: *frozen with fear*
Sam: Darlin'?
Darlin': hm?
Sam: why's there a raccoon/badger on your kitchen counter?
Darlin': that's Cujo.
Sam: ...Cujo was-
Darlin': "mEhMeHmEhMeH cUjO wAs a dOg tHoUgH" let me name my trash panda/rage skunk whatever tf I want.
Vincent: you got a pet bat?
Lovely: yeah! I wanted to name her Vincent as well, but then I thought you might get confused, so I went with Valentina instead! ^-^
Vincent: *teary-eyed* you wanted to name her after me??
Vincent: ...wait- you thought I'd get confused-
Vincent: did you buy a rat?
Bright: I found it in the trash can and he's mine now.
Vincent: o..kay. Does he have a name?
Bright: um, duh. Anyone who owns a rat and doesn't name it Ratatouille is committing an actual crime against humanity.
Vincent: ...hold on.., wasn't the... wasnt the rat's name Remi?
Bright: ...
Vincent: ... I-
Bright: y'know what Vincent?
Vincent: wha-
Bright: shut the fuck up.
Chat: you have a pet!??
Honey: yeah *fetches Geechee from his habitat* His name's Geechee
Honey: iguana*. Anyway, this is Geechee, but I've noticed he also responds to the name "Bee" and I have some speculations as to why that is.
Guy, in chat: I haven't the slightest clue what you could possibly be talking about.
Baby: I found these poor little guys in a box thrown in a trash can.
Baby: yes, we're keeping them and no, I haven't named them yet.
Ollie: ..suggestion?
Baby: I suppose.
Ollie, immediately: Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde!
Baby: *sigh* goddamnit, those are gold.
Ollie: Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde?
Baby: *nods* Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde.
Ollie: YES!
Asset: hi Marcus!
Marcus: jEsus chRIst- you scared me half to-...
Marcus: what do you have?
Asset: I found someone!
Marcus: you... found someone..?
Asset: *opens their hands to show a petite lil mousey* I've decided to name her.
Marcus: oh- y-yeah? And.. what did you...name her..?
Asset: Thias!
Asset: good evening, Anton.
Anton: good evening
Asset: Thias says hello, too!
Anton, with a tired but genuine smile: hello and good evening to you as well, Thias.
This was fun. I had much fun. This was so much fun :3
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weirdraccoon · 4 months
Fig’s reaction to Em-Sea’s PTSD? Maybe she got issues from the repository battle (fig did not die she saved him with her ancient magic and daddy fig lives it’s a cannon event he is alive😭).
Em-Se wakes up in a cold sweat every night and has a hard time falling back asleep. She tries to keep it from Fig as much as she can bcuz she doesn’t want him to know just how bad she’s struggling. She uses the glamour charm to hide the bags under her dark and bloodshot eyes, she’s pale and thin not eating, tired all the time.
Every time she hears a loud bang she thinks it’s a goblin camp trying to attack her or poachers trying to kill her. Shes constantly looking over her shoulder afraid that one of the knights she faced (idk wtf else they were) is sneaking up on her.
Em-Sea is really fucked up and one night she wakes up shaking and sweating, gets out of bed and falls to the floor from a really really bad nightmare so the girls in her dorm put her arms around their necks and take her to the infirmary. Kinda like the same scene where harry had the nightmare in OOTP and went to dumbledores office.
I'm feeling out of sorts today so Imma take those feelings and put them in here, so: ANGST, my favorite (plus little comfort since you asked but just a tiny bit cause yeah)
"Are you sure you're all right?"
MC jumped at the voice behind her. Poppy was peering at her with a worried frown on her face. If MC didn't know better, she'd say the dark bags under her eyes were visible to the world. However, she knew better and had become a professional in glamouring spells and makeup. So, whatever had Poppy worried wasn't the sleepless night or nightmares MC was careful to hide.
"I'm good," she answered with a cheeky smirk. "Why are you asking?"
Poppy only side-eyed her and sat next to her. It was common for students to sit at different tables, mainly because everyone had friends or family in different houses. MC, especially, seemed to find a friend in all four houses even if she belonged to the one.
"Nothing," Poppy sighed when MC didn't crack.
Her happy mask was on full display and not even Fig knew MC had been having mental issues, and he knew everything about the girl. Truth was, MC's nightmares were often about the repository. Sometimes Fig died in there, other times she died, and other times Ranrok escaped and tore Hogwarts down with all her friends inside.
Less frequent nightmares starred Mr. Salomon Sallow dying under her wand. Or Sebastian dying under his uncle's wand. Or, the worst yet, Sebastian dying under her wand.
All in all, she didn't want to go to sleep anymore. She stopped sleeping in the dormitory, choosing to spend her nights in the Room of Requirement where no one would be aware of her cries or fears.
Not even Deek. The elf had left when it was clear she was ready to care for her animals, plants and potions by herself.
What. She was good at faking it.
So far, at least.
That day was particularly exhausting, and MC fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She didn't even take her tie off. Or her shoes.
And, when the nightmares came, they were more real than ever. First Sebastian killing his uncle only to be killed by Anne who then turned into Ranrok and killed Fig. Then Ranrok turned into a dragon and chased her all over the highlands.
She ran.
She ran as fast as she could. Her legs burned and her feet hurt. Her head was killing her.
"Finally, you silly girl," Ranrok purred, closer and closer. "Your power is mine, MC."
She could only cry out, however, no sound came out of her mouth. Ranrok's claws grabbed her arms and she trashed, trying to escape.
"MC," Ranrok chuckled. "MC, MC."
She started crying. She tried to yell. Scream for help. The castle was close maybe someone would hear.
"MC! Merlin. Aguanenti!"
MC spluttered and blinked. Blinked again. She was in the Defense Tower. How did she-?
Fig was staring at her with wide terrified eyes.
"I was late grading some essays," he explained uselessly. One of his hands was still grabbing MC's arms, where her nightmare had put Ranrok's claw. The other hand had his wand, aiming away from her but ready to stop her if she tried anything that could hurt her.
"I was-," MC trailed off.
I was so tired I forgot to take a dreamless potion. I was so tired I forgot to lock the Room.
"I'm so tired," she ended up confessing.
Her voice broke and tears began running down her face. Once she started, she couldn't seem to stop. She sobbed. She cried and cried and Fig pulled her into his arms, not caring that her runny nose and tears could ruin his robes.
"Oh, MC," he shushed, rocking her back and fort a little. "I'm so sorry."
For not noticing. For not offering help. For not helping when he knew how difficult it was for her to ask for help in the first place.
"I just wan'it to end," MC wailed between sobs. "All'of'it!"
Fig closed his eyes, pained to his soul at hearing such words with such heavy meaning coming out from a barely sixteen year old.
He could onlu hugged her tighter.
He'd make sure she knew she was not alone.
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ohgodsalazarwhy · 8 months
This motherfucker is the reason why I have to keep that big cookbook on top of my trashcan. Look at his little brain work as he tries desperately to get in there. Nasty little trash goblin.
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