#Harm Reduction Education
mycolancer · 4 months
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A visual scale of what 1g mushrooms might look like. Spoiler Alert: use a scale always. Potency can vary even between 1g of the same variety, or between 1g dosages of different varieties. This is why I recommend folks to grind up their mushrooms and take in a capsule, tea, or edible form. This will help make dosing more accurate. Trying a new variety? Start lower. Mush love, Be Safe At The Parties!
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neuroticboyfriend · 5 months
Addiction is an chemically hard-wired, obsessive experience that results in impulsivity and cravings. We tend to ruminate over drugs, fixated on getting our next high. But as our addiction goes on - tolerance rises, wallets slim - we may find we don't have enough drugs to feed that obsession anymore.
And once that starts to happen, we crash. We may get extremely depressed, angry, and anxious. It's overwhelming and can be torturous. Most people encourage us to cope by staying away from drugs, but what do you do if you can't distract yourself or get away? Well, you can start by being kinder to yourself. Accept that you don't have the coping skills you need, and leave room to (patiently) work on finding some self soothing/care activities (ex: H.A.L.T Are you Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired?). Take it a day at a time; don't rush.
But still, that may not be enough, so here I present to you: how to fulfill your drug obsession without actually doing drugs... Trick yourself. Learn about harm reduction, how the drugs you use work, drug subculture, the war on drugs, the drug industry, etc. Engage with and make art. Sulk to music if you have to. Here, your mind is still occupied by drugs, but you're also doing something helpful, maybe even fulfilling. Engaging in online harm reduction communities is also great.
Life as an addict is never going to be perfect - no life is. We can't force ourselves to do things we aren't ready for, but we can make the most of the time we have, and have fun/do good with it. If you don't know where to start, here are some online sources I use, with some harm reduction resources tacked on.
Remember: how you feel now won't last forever, and being an addict is not a moral failing. We have an illness, and if our best is staying alive, that's no less important and beautiful than some stereotypically successful person. Be gentler with yourself.
TL;DR: Can't cope without drugs, but don't have drugs to use/really need to abstain? Click here to help keep your addict brain occupied without actually doing drugs. Others, feel free to add on.
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lavendersheep20 · 3 months
My 12 year old sister is being taught in public school that vaping is WORSE for your health than smoking and I cannot express how unbelievably angry I am that they are straight up LYING to these children!! Like by all means I don’t want children vaping but if you have to lie to get them to not vape? That’s a serious issue. If drug education programs have to rely upon misinformation to push their agenda, then maybe we need to rethink the entire agenda.
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rayballs · 1 year
no *you* don't owe your oppressor education. i personally think that "owe" is a weird way to word any interpersonal communication, and that we don't owe each other kindness, we give it to each other and that therefore in the same vein, i give people my tolerance and my continued education when i can and especially in good faith situations. also when i cannot i will simply. still try to minimize harm done for the same reason that i carry narcan.
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m3owcore · 1 year
After hearing from teenagers I work with about a group of girls overdosing on Fentanyl at their school because they thought it was acid. I just wanna say it's never enough to tell kids not to do drugs. There isn't enough harm reduction for minors. I think it's really important to understand that you shouldn't turn your back on friends who just started using drugs, especially if you are a minor. Please look out for them.
Encourage your friends to reach out to you. They say teenagers are suffering from depression now more then ever. It's a no brainier that the vast majority of those kids are probably going to experiment with drugs. I am not demonizing anyone for using. I want to humanize them as much as possible so people understand just how truly valuable life really is.
No one deserves to die of a drug overdose.
If you are using or know someone who is using. Please, please invest in a testing kit. You can buy them all over the place online. They differ in price range but I highly recommend buying a kit to test for fentanyl.
Communication is key. Ask your friend or tell a friend what it is you are doing in the event you overdose. Paramedics need to know exactly what it is they are treating you for.
NARCAN OR NALOXONE!!! Is a life saving drug given to people who overdosed on opiates. You can get it for free from certain resources just Google free narcan.
It is so very important to understand also that the effects of drugs aren't instant if you are swallowing them. Do not take more if you aren't feeling anything instantly. Give yourself time. Take small doses especially if you've never even tried the drug before and know nothing about it.
Please eat, drink and rest. Being high doesn't make you super human. You still need to take care of yourself. When I was using I would even take vitamin supplements. Just to make sure I was depriving my body too much.
If you are using needles do not share or reuse needles. Find any resources online in your area where you can do a needle exchange. This is important so you don't spread disease.
Talk to adults you know you can trust. Drug use, alcohol use and addiction is a slippery slope. You have to understand the human body has a limit. Nothing is as euphoric or glamorous as they make it seem on TV. The highs at first may be so amazing but those highs end up being lows.
Educating yourself before you use doesn't hurt. There are plenty of forums and pill report sites out there. People log their experiences to help other people. Find out literally everything you can. From the effects to what to do in the event of an overdose.
Also watch over your friends. Don't leave them alone if they don't have the ability to function. They are extremely vulnerable to violence. Don't leave them with sketchy people or in a sketchy place.
As someone who has used numerous drugs, overdosed, lost friends and recovered from addiction. I just want you to know that not only do you deserve to be happy and healthy. You deserve to be safe.
Anyone feel free to add on to this post. The more positive information the better.
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steampoweredskeleton · 4 months
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mycolancer · 4 months
I periodically post my safety tips on the Lex app.
It bothers me how many posts I see every month expressing having been scammed out of money for one reason or another. Stop sourcing drugs off of a bot laced app, folx! Be smarter about it.
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fideamorevive · 9 months
I'm watching Sex Education season 4. I love this show, it is great. But I have just seen something that made my addiction nurse brain so happy.
There's a scene in ep 3 where a bunch of the main characters go to a club and pills are offered out. One says he has never one them before and is a bit scared. One of the others says she is "not doing them tonight" and will look after him. So he feels safe try it.
Now. Club drugs have become, progressively, more dangerous and mixed with awful and more toxic substances over the last decade or so. This means that the harm redixation advice for these substances is harder to give. So what used to be MDMA is now more likely to be shit like PMMA which is far more dangerous. Is a crap shoot and not good.
BUT! I am very, very impressed at the way this was written. That is *chefs kiss* harm reduction. Make sure there is someone who knows the effects you are looking for but who is not partaking and can look after you.
And it was done so naturally!
And the group had a good time. No drama and no one left in an ambulance.
They did feel a bit...awful...the next day but 🤷
Sex Education continues to be better than the social/PSE shit I had in school and I do approve from a professional who literally does harm reduction education on the daily.
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hearts4hearts · 1 year
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leebird-simmer · 2 years
I’m pretty pleased with the way this presentation turned out, and I figured I’d share it with y’all! I made it as accessible for screen readers as possible; a lot of the images are pretty trippy (shoutout to DanceSafe’s graphic designer), but I did my best with the alt text, haha.
My Sources:
Theory: Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) is about developing new skills and attitudes. The cognitive aspect involves a person’s awareness and expectations around the consequences of their actions, as well as building their self-efficacy and ability to self-regulate. The social aspect involves learning by observing others (modeling), experiencing vicarious consequences, and direct reinforcement by others.
Application: The goals of my presentation are (1) harm reduction: reducing the risks and maximizing the benefits associated with recreational drug use; and (2) peer-based popular education: developing individuals into peer educators.
Regarding goal #1: It is my belief that teaching young adults (a) what consequences to expect when they take recreational drugs, (b) what drug combinations to avoid, and (c) how to prevent an overdose will give them the tools they need to make safer decisions and to exercise personal agency.
Regarding goal #2: Abstinence-focused drug education teaches young people to “just say no” but it doesn’t teach them how to have non-judgmental conversations with their peers about drug use, leaving them vulnerable to social pressure or social isolation. My harm reduction approach provides students an opportunity to practice discussing recreational drug use with their peers in a way that reflects their values.
Learning Objectives: (1) Students will be able to make informed decisions about recreational drug use. (2) Students will be able to discuss recreational drug use with their peers in a non-judgmental way. (3) Students will know how to access more information and resources to protect themselves and their peers.
I. Goals & Objectives a. Harm Reduction b. Peer-Based Popular Education
II. Immediate Care of Intoxicated People a. When to Call 911 b. General Principles of Care
III. TripSit App - discuss purpose of app, explain symbols, mention fact sheet
IV. Erowid - discuss purpose of website, stress importance of documenting drug use
V. Testing Kits - what they are, where to get them
VI. Values & Priorities a. Maximize Pleasure b. Have Fun with Others c. Avoid Harm
VII. Specific Substances 1. Heroin 2. Meth 3. GHB 4. Alcohol 5. Cocaine 6. LSD 7. Ketamine 8. Cannabis 9. MDMA 10. Mushrooms
VIII. Discussion Practice
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a-shared-experience · 2 years
Not in my backyard is a term I’ve heard time and time again when debating the importance of harm reduction services. It’s hard to make the opposing parties see how drugs are used in “ our backyard” whether we like it or not and that bringing social services to “ our backyard” is not enabling drug use but rather providing life saving services to an otherwise discriminated population with barriers placed in front of their human rights. The same rights as non drug users lucky enough to not share the same barriers. Today I walked to grab a few household items and saw someone smoking meth on the patio of a popular brunch spot on trendy whyte ave. Later in the day my roommate comes home shaking because a man used the faculties at her retail store to shoot fentanyl and was unresponsive when she found him. She shakes as she recounts calling 911 and doing chest compressions on a stranger with exposed genitals , holding the orange tip of long syringe. They didn’t have naloxone on site which means no protective gear for cpr. Not to mention she saw the orange tip, but where was the needle. The risk associated with this experience is extremely high and also very traumatizing. I tried to comfort her as best as I can having had similar exposure to such atrocities. We share our land with people from all walks of life and though most of us have the privilege of leading a cookie cutter life , we are not all so fortunate to have the exact same experience. That doesn’t make the land any less theirs or anymore ours. Having safe injection and inhalation sites staffed with nurses and outreach provide a space for the reality of drug use to exist safely. Though we may wish that someone would make different choices we are not god or governor. We are often so quick to judge another based on how we live our lives and forget we don’t share the same circumstance. I would rather watch someone be shown how to use drugs safely in my backyard than ever have to give them chest compressions and mouth to mouth while I watch them die.
You can’t just pretend that the traumas and addictions that run rampant in our society do not exist simply because you’d rather not see them. I think we’d all benefit from actually opening our eyes and truly living in reality. The backyard is a place we all share regardless of status, gender, race, etc…. We should make it the safest and kindest place for everyone who hangs out there. We are horrified by the genocides of our past and yet we are fine to watch people die just because they’re different.
I’ll never understand that
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dexrlybel0ved · 2 years
sometimes (most of the time tbh 💀) tiktok is so fucking stupid. like there's a post w some dude going around talking abt the "psychedelic effects" of nutmeg, and even tho i haven't watched the whole thing it's like...there are children on there and u are all but encouraging them to poison themselves via false info.
nutmeg and its effects are NOT NECESSARILY psychedelic. to compare it to lsd or shrooms or anything of the sort is just...not accurate. maybe in some experiences, but the majority ive heard do not align with those effects. despite nutmeg and its active ingredients (myristicin, elemicin, some other ones i dont remember lol) not being technically classified as a deliriant or an anticholinergic (according to reddit, which ig should b taken with a grain of salt lol. but apparently the exact nature of the substance isn't completely understood) like dph, scopolamine, etc, it's effects are similar to that of anticholinergic toxicity: delirium, psychosis and risk of HPPD following a trip, dehydration, heart issues, paranoia and general dysphoria (dosage-dependant, it may be euphoric in some cases), a trip length of several days, body load with poor motor control, hallucinations, nausea, dpdr and more.
experiences vary from person to person but the amount and type of nutmeg matters too; like in the case of other plants like datura, the efficacy of myristicin and other psychoactive ingredients varies between products, meaning that one cannot really determine the intensity of the trip they will have if they are ingesting the ground powder. this is especially dangerous as myristicin is neurotoxic, and high dosages can really fuck with a person and possibly damage their body for life, if not kill them.
sure, it can have positive or "fun" effects (and it seems more likely that the experience will be negative according to testimonials from others), but the risks are numerous even in comparison to other things that'd probably be more enjoyable. i mean, ive done dph which is notoriously horrible for u, but at least people seem to be figuring out its not a fun challenge to do and instead a brain-frying, addictive over-the-counter drug. it's just...frustrating to see potentially dangerous misinformation being spread on an app with a bunch of children who don't know to research by themselves.
before trying nutmeg or any deliriant tbh, ALWAYS research and examine whether it's a good idea (and it's probably not a good one. i still think about dph all the time even tho i know it's fucked my memory). it's so so SO important to educate urself about interactions, effects, dosages, and what to do in the event of an od.
that's all, rant over ig lol
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mycolancer · 5 months
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Today is a dosing day. I am mixing Golden Teacher and Z strain together as that’s what I had left over after making my crush some chocolates. Intended dose is 350mg soaked in lemon juice then strained in a cheese cloth into lemon ginger tea.
Mush love and be safe at the parties!
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Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder
Explore the long-term psychological effects of hallucinogens, including conditions like Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD), providing insights into potential risks and consequences!
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angelbrite666 · 11 months
Damage controls when using stimulants
Try not to let yourself go on past day 3 (It's really just prolonging the inevitable now to continue…you won’t get any higher…at best you’re just staying awake)
* Rest even if you can’t sleep: (It’s the lack of sleep more than even the drug itself that’s tearing down your immune system and making you look strung out)
* Set an alarm for at minimum every 4 hours to remind you to drink a glass of WATER (not juice or pop...water)
* If you can't eat, drink a boost/ensure
* Don't post a video on Facebook about how you found God and had a revelation
* Try not to go in public, drive, or have a conversation with your PO, landlord, baby mama, your boss, or anyone honestly
* Don't start a new project or commit to anything that you decided on under the influence
* Remember that when you pick your skin it always looks worse the next day (especially with meth as there is a delay in the inflammation response)
* Don’t hit up someone from your past that you won’t want in your future and tell your whole life story and then remember later that their mom is your mom's boss and let something embarrassing get into someone else’s circle that can threaten their reputation just because you wanted to talk to someone who was still awake at 3 am
* Don't become that person who starts pressuring people for sex, watching porn or masturbating in front of people expecting that to turn someone on
* Use protection if having sex even if you inject bc the OVERWHELMING majority of HIV/Hep C transmissions occur from homosexual male on male sex then those males who sleep with females after and only single-digit percentages are from sharing needles
* Don’t call, text or visit anyone who you don’t want knowing you’re using at all if possible and if you have to, text instead of calling and cancel any in person commitments with these people…Only give short responses…do not start apologizing and telling people how you’ve changed and about the things you’re going to start doing in the future…it always makes everything worse and people know when you’re high because you start blabbering and talking fast
* Don’t end a binge with just a little bit left because you’ll end up doing it when you wake up and you’ll just end up continuing it and risk any important responsibilities or obligations you may have planned
* Make sure you have everything you need before you binge so you don’t have to go out—-cigarettes, wine, enough food. A little preparedness can save you from having to go in public and worse drive someplace and risk accidents or arrest.
* Plan the comedown in advance. Know when your last hit is up and know how to time out the transition to be able to bypass the discomfort and make it through the comedown without picking up more. 
You won’t even complete the deal until after you no longer even need more and then you’ll just be committed to another bender. Alcohol, Benzos, opiates, and antipsychotics when taken safely can eliminate the misery for you and put you to bed for the night.
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nerevarbignaturals · 1 year
Listen. Listen. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Kids aren't gonna do drugs because you tell them about drugs. Or maybe they will, but wouldn't you rather that your kid know exactly how drugs will affect them, how to reduce the harm that occurs when they take them, and how to stop an overdose than to not know any of that and do drugs alone & unsafely?? Like idk man personally, I'd rather have an open conversation so I know that if my kid gets in over their head they know they can talk to me and we'll get help together. :)))))
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