#I CANNOT be the only one who drew this parallel
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Something something the night changes
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I don’t understand Zut’s obsession with bloodbending. This technique, as we can see, is used for taking control over other body for the purposes of fighting the enemy, torture, abuse. We see Katara’s horror at having to learn and use it in the Puppetmaster and her disgust of the idea that someone should invade the body and control other being against their will. We see her using it in Southern Raiders and realizing that she went too far from the line she drew for herself – and it works to show her pain there. But to take it and say she should have used it more, for healing and power? I don’t get it.
Their logic is "This looks cool, therefore it is empowering, and she only ever used willingly one time, when Zuko was around, so OBVIOUSLY that means Zuko empowers her."
Nevermind that, like you pointed out, Katara did NOT feel empowered during these moments: on the first one she felt coerced, abused, terrified, and manipulated, and on the second she felt like she had betrayed her core vallues in a moment of blinding rage.
And it's just crazy to me to notice how zutarians are constantly trying to force parallels between Zuko and Katara - yet they are ignoring the one that is right in front of their faces.
Zuko was disfigured by his own father, who justified his abusive behavior as being for his son's own good and "teaching him a lesson. Hama masks her intentions of forcing Katara to learn bloodbending by claiming she just wants to bond with her as her teacher.
On the day of the eclipse, to keep Zuko around until he's able to try and kill him, Ozai manipulates his son by using his love for Ursa against him, offering to tell him what actually happened to her. To force Katara to bloodbend, Hama uses her love for Sokka and Aang against her, controlling them so they'll kill each other unless Katara steps in.
When Zuko has his Agni Kai with Zhao, he almost gives him a scar as well, but decides to spare him at the last moment because, even though he's still in denial about being abused, deep down he already knows he doesn't want to be a monster like Ozai. When Katara uses bloodbending on who she thinks is her mother's killer, then realizes her mistake, she gets quite a brutal awakening that makes her realize she's not simply going after justice or even revenge, but rather allowing herself to fall victim to cycle of violence and abuse like Hama did.
This is a genuine, not at all forced parallel between Zuko and Katara, and that the writers basically handed to the shippers in a neat little bow - and they threw it in the garbage because it did not allow them to glorify violence, romanticize Zuko's past as a villain who was prone to violence, pretend Zuko and Katara only have positive traits in common and could only ever bring out the best in each other, and demonize Aang as this abusive person that wants to control what Katara can or cannot do.
And ironically enough, in doing so, they not only disregard the meaningful theme of an abused child refusing to repeat the same mistakes of their abuser, but they also make excuses for the ONE person in the entire show who was everything they claimed Aang is.
Hama felt entitled to Katara's loyalty, obedience, admiration and respect. She felt she had the right to dictate how Katara should or should not fight, what was or wasn't against her moral code. She was deliberately manipulative to get Katara trust her, then waited until there was no one else around to help her to make her true intentions clear - and then proved she was VERY willing to react with violence if she didn't get what she wanted.
Zutarians go on and on about how their ship is the "feminist, pro-Katara ship" and how Aang is totally abusive, then turn around and glorify the actions of the ONE person in the entire show that fits the definition of "Katara's abuser."
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meteormind · 1 year
Respect Her Journey
I want to talk about this piece of art that Horikoshi drew that probably has bkdks hissing and screeching at the sight of, and izuochas fist-pumping and going yeaaah! my ship is endgame!
Nono, don't be afraid, look at it! It'll be okay I promise.
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It's beautiful, I hate it, you might say, as a bkdk.
Anyway, this was the tweet I lifted this art from.
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Oh yes, pay attention to them falling! Some people might take this to mean falling in love, or whatever. I cannot comment on what Horikoshi meant by this statement, because he has proven to be a cryptic little nuisance of a troll. I will however, examine his inspiration for this piece and tell you why this is not him saying that Izuocha is endgame.
Um, incoming spoilers for Spirited Away if that wasn't obvious. If you've not watched it, I implore you to do so yesterday. It's a one of the greatest movies of all time.
Spirited Away: a story about Chihiro, a timid girl who ventures into the spirit world for the sake of her parents. (Wait? What? Sound familiar?) There's more.
In order to redeem her parents, she starts working in an environment that showcases all the worst parts of capitalist society
She befriends a boy named Haku, who she goes on adventures with
She meets No Face, a child-like spirit who lacks love and eats people while taking on their characteristics
She gives Haku back his name and breaks his curse with the power of love
She saves her parents and returns to the normal world having grown from her adventure and faces the future with confidence
Can we please appreciate the parallels between these two stories?
Bathhouse -> Hero Society: The overseer takes Chihiro's name, who becomes Sen. Just like Ochaco becomes Uravity. The public no longer sees her as a child. She is now a hero and they are free to expect things from her, like to fight in a war on their behalf. Urakaka is now fighting against her own bathhouse.
Haku -> Deku: Chihiro gives Haku his name back, just like Ochaco gives Deku a new meaning to his name, breaking the curse that Deku means "useless". Ochaco draws strength from at first, but she has since come to realize he is not invincible and that he himself needs saving.
No-Face -> Toga Himiko: Chihiro fascinates No-Face. Just like Toga Himiko the unloved girl, is fascinated with Ochaco for her goodness and being everything that she longs to be. Urakaka's character arc is tied up with Himiko and her struggle to save her smile.
There's probably more to unpack here, but these are the few that stood out to me right away. I'm lazy.
Now that we've established that Ochaco is Chihiro and Deku is Haku, remember that this falling scene in the movie is the climax. This is where Chihiro recognizes Haku for who he is and gives him back his identity. It is both a hello and a goodbye.
OOoooh! But Haku and Chihiro are in love! a certain braindead subset might retort--just no. I shouldn't have to mention how problematic it is to ship a ten year old with anybody, or that Chihiro is based on a real ten year old girl that Miyazaki knew--there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Haku is Chihiro's dead older brother, but I won't get into that. Look it up if it interests you. In short, it's platonic. PLATONIC.
Anyway, though Chihiro and Haku have benefitted from their friendship, ultimately they are headed in different directions.
Just like Ochaco and Deku are headed in different directions.
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So please, please, don't hate this art. It's beautiful. Just like Ochaco is a beautiful character who has worked hard to be who she is. Stop trying to pigeonhole her as the love interest. It's insulting and she's fought that role kicking and screaming.
I also leave this with you. It is an excerpt from an interview with Miyazaki on his movie Spirited Away:
I felt this country only offered such things as crushes and romance to 10-year-old girls, though, and looking at my young friends, I felt this was not what they held dear in their hearts, not what they wanted. And so I wondered if I could make a movie in which they could be heroines...
I'm not saying that Horikoshi is absolutely taking Miyazaki's intentions as his own, but it's something.
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azulas-lightning-bolt · 3 months
uhhh guys I just realized I have a really big problem
I’ve officially oc-ified mako I repeat I have oc-ified mako. it’s happened. do you know how I know this? I drew him (I know, shocker) with grown out-ish hair and a lightning scar on his face. HE DOESNT EVEN LOOK LIKE CANON MAKO ANYMORE BESIDES HIS DUMB EYEBROWS HELP
I genuinely cannot escape this goofy ass orphan.
anyway here’s a list of mako hcs (under the cut)
gets called pretty boy four hundred thousand times a day and bolin makes fun of him for it because he’s a big scary police officer who gets flirted with by criminals he brought in. and I know I have it in the tags of some old post somewhere but bolin got called champ by a girl he was on a date with once and mako absolutely used that against him in retaliation
he’s shy but not in the nervous around people way. he’s shy in the awkward really intense eye contact because he doesn’t want to sound weird when he talks way. if he didn’t have extrovert guidance counselor bolin he would just never speak to anyone
i also firmly believe he is either mildly autistic or has severe anxiety (he’s me)
he cries once a year (exactly 365 days apart) at exactly four o’clock on the hour and has done this since he was ten.
remember that one episode where mako was like ‘where’s chief beifong’ ‘are you okay chief you’ve been asleep for sixteen hours’ and ‘chief is really good at her job the city’s lucky to have her’ on zaofu. pretty sure it was ‘old wounds’? that’s how he is all the time. he says chief at least 463 times an hour and a month into working at the station people just give mako an update on the chief as soon as he walks up to them. she’s his mom your honor. tenzin is always fighting demons when he sees mako look at lin like she’s his mom and she’s like. chill with it. he’s like ain’t NO way. basically mako gets one female figure of authority in his life and immediately latches onto her as a mother figure. lin is grudgingly accepting because he’s kind of pathetic and sad looking (he reminds her of herself)
he’s transmasc. I don’t make the rules (I do in fact make the rules)
as you know from that one post, mako is absolutely a great chef.
I think he’d either be a charcoal artist or a really good writer. only charcoal artist, but he would do all kinds of writing—short stories, novels, poetry, journalism, whatever. he’d occupy himself on late nights he couldn’t fall asleep on an empty stomach with made up stories and he just started to get really good. but he also hasn’t gone to school since he was eight so he’d get frustrated if he doesn’t know the word for something. if he drew it would be hyperrealistic portraits (he’s trying to remembers his parents’ faces)
kind of related to that but I think mako loves reading/writing but is a natural math genius.
I know I’m a little insane about, like, character parallels but I just KNOW katara sees herself in mako.
so azula is my all time fav girl right. so she and mako both generally maintain a good poker face or a facade that masks genuine constant rage right. (just agree with me) but at the end of atla. azula’s breakdown. now, now hear me out. mako->azula style breakdown when he finally loses his shit. he’s just so girl coded and azula’s rage seems so. fitting for him I guess. it’s also the inherent feminine anger of firebending I guess? I’ll explain that one later. probably. hopefully. I have so many posts I’m planning to write oh my god.
korrasami r still in love with him and they all get together post canon 😋🤞🏼
HETEROCHROMIA!!! idc if it’s central or in each eye but that man has one gold/brown and one green eye.
the mako in my head also looks a lot more like bolin—and bolin might have some of the more angular fn features as well to balance them out and make them look like, yk, actual mixed kids.
that’s probably it for now but by god if I don’t update this list
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libbee · 1 year
Survival Of The Fittest
For those who are affected by Scorpio/8th house/12th house: scorpio rising/moon in scorpio/venus in scorpio/moon in 8th house/venus in 8th house/pluto in 1st house/pluto in 8th house/pluto in 12th house/12th lord in 8th house/7th lord in 8th house/8th lord in 7th house/inner planets in 8th house/Saturn in 8th house/Sun in 12th house
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The phrase 'Survival Of the Fittest' was coined by Herbert Spencer after he was inspired by Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species. Spencer drew parallels between his own economic theories and Darwin's biological theories and said "This survival of the fittest, which I have here sought to express in mechanical terms, is that which Mr. Darwin has called 'natural selection', or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life." We, in astro community, can draw a similar parallel to the astrological theories that indicate a difficult emotional, psychological, mental, physical, fated and spiritual life. Even Carl Jung associated collective unconscious to the genetic memory that exists in all of humanity universally.
Survival of the fittest means that organisms that are better adapted to their environment are best suited to survive and successfully reproduce. It also explains how evolution occurs in species by means of natural selection of those traits that are better adapted to a given set of environmental conditions. We read all this in school textbooks and forget it all when we walk into the real world.
Having difficult 8th house/12th house placements is like the Sisyphean task when he was condemned to roll a boulder up a hill, only to have it fall near the top, forcing him to start over and over again. This is what it feels like to be battling the unknown, unseen, intangible psychic forces of the 8th and 12th houses that emerge in the awareness from time to time endlessly. You are stuck in a situation that you cannot explain in words so you seek answers in symbolism, esoteric, dreams, psychology, magic and otherworldly pursuits because your problems are simply not visible to the naked eyes.
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4. The paradox of life is that even though we are born with difficult life stories, the world does not have space for the weak, dependent, miserable. On one hand, this creates isolation, victim mentality, bitterness, "nobody understands me", "society is so insensitive to mental health issues". But on the other hand, we realize that we are just animals, some really smart animals that can think, write, civilize, earn money, reproduce, make laws, run the system, yet we are just animals in the hands of natural laws. The law of nature, therefore, is survival of the fittest, to become strong, adapt, improvise, improve, evolve, grow.
5. The point of this post is not laziness but exhaustion/victim mindset/bitterness/feeling left behind tendencies in native who had to spend a lot of times in healing, battling their psychological issues that appear invisible to the physical eyes and living with a sense of "what is wrong with me?"
6. To them, I just want to say that do not let the exhaustion tear you down. The environments of 8th and 12th houses are such emergency provoking, life threatening, dark, hidden, unknown, distant from physical life, invisible to naked eyes, emotionally draining and psychically charged. How you learn to accept your fate and live along with it is in your hands. I too had to come to terms with the constant ups and downs of my story, the sudden detours and catastrophe of my story, sometimes the sadistic undertones and stagnancy of my story, but in the end I realized that I was the saviour to my own fallen angel. Whether it is my past life karma, intergenerational karma or random allotment of fates, I would not live in bitterness and envy of those who have it easier, better and colourful. Learning to adapt to the environments of 8th and 12th houses is a real challenge, a very difficult one, not written in books but usually comes to knowedge intuitively and that is why it is so hard to understand and codify in language.
7. Finally, I do not have any advice or rulebook for 8th/12th housers, for each person has their own unique solution. I would just like to say that time is running out, you have already seen the theme of your life until now, be brave, pull yourself up and make peace with your traumatic memories. And maybe, find attract people who are also in a similar attitude as you. People who understand when you say "No I don't want to watch a movie right now, I want to journal some of my thoughts and emotions."
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hugmekenobi · 1 year
S2: The Bad Batch (1)
Chapter One: Spoils of War
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Gif by @sergeantbandana
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Some time has passed since everything that happened at Kamino and you and the Batch are trying to figure out your place in the rapidly changing Imperial galaxy. And you’re having to do all this whilst figuring out where your relationship with Hunter fits into it.
Chapter Summary: Still tied and working with Cid, you and the Batch undertake a risky heist.
Masterlist for S1
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we’re in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Use of (Y/N) (will limit as much as I can), canon-deviation (with regards to certain dialogue aspects, timelines and who does what etc), the Force and Force communication working how I say it can, canon-typical violence, light angst and fluff
Word Count: 4.2K
Author’s notes: And now we’re onto S2! Please see this post for more details on it :) Very excited to be sharing this with you all and I don’t think I will ever be able to fully put into words just how much the support has meant! Warnings in italics are warnings that are going to be consistent in every chapter and so won’t be included from now on, only chapter specific warnings will be. Any new readers, please let me know if you want to be tagged! Enjoy!
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When Cid had sent you all on this mission and you had seen that it involved a tropical beach location, you rather foolishly thought it would be a relatively simple task. Now, as the four of you ran from the screeching pod of crab-like creatures, you realised you had to stop thinking any mission from Cid would be straightforward. You came out onto the beach clearing and helped Echo up as he stumbled headfirst into the water’s edge before you kept sprinting.
“We went over the plan five times.”  Echo said irritably to Wrecker.
“I got the package, didn’t I?” Wrecker replied indignantly.
“Just keep moving.” Hunter ordered.
You glanced behind you and saw more creatures emerging from the beach trees and they were closing in fast. You fired some shots behind you, but the impact was minimal, it merely forced them to go in their shells for a couple of seconds.
“Tech, we’ve got the cargo, but we could use some firepower.” Hunter called into his comm.
“Wrecker woke the pod, didn’t he?” Tech replied as he powered up the ship.
“Yeah, and they’re not happy. We need a pick-up.” Hunter requested as he too fired behind him.
“Copy that. We’re on our way.” Omega chimed in as she and Tech entered the ship. It was then that the tug on the fishing line grabbed her attention. “Tech, we caught something. And I think it’s big.”
“Release the line. We do not have time to reel-” He broke off as more of the creatures climbed on the ship’s windshield and the alarm started blaring. He tried to get the ship off the rock but one of the crabs had grabbed the line and wasn’t letting it go. The ship shuddered and he heard Omega cry out from outside. “Omega!”
Omega managed to grab hold of the line and stop herself from falling further. “I’m okay.” She called up.
“Hang on.” Tech said as he attempted to get the Marauder air bound. However, the presence of these animals was making it a very difficult task.
“They’re wrecking the ship!”
“I cannot shake them.”
Omega slid down further and the creature below her pulled on the line once more. She studied the scene below her and she knew Tech couldn’t get the ones on the ship off if she didn’t help so, instead of trying to climb back up, she slid down and used the momentum to jump over the creatures, tucking and rolling as she landed. She drew her bow quickly and fired on the animals destroying the ship, allowing Tech to get away.
The victory was short-lived as she heard more rustling and shrilling behind her and she saw that more were coming her way. She ran across the beach in parallel to where the ship was.
“Grab the line.” Tech said through comms.
As more creatures came to cut her path off, she fired onto one and used the way it huddled back into its shell as a means to jump and reach the line before the others could grab her. Clipping the line onto her belt, she continued to fire down on the creatures as Tech flew the ship to where the rest of you were.
“Tech, where are you?” You asked as you all stopped running upon seeing your path being quickly shut off by even more of the crabs. However, that swiftly became the least important question as the Marauder rounded the corner but with a distinct addition hanging below it.
“Why is Omega hanging off the ship?” Hunter asked, a hint of horror behind the question as he watched.
“It is an unscheduled study break.” Tech responded.
Omega had been pulled back up to the entry way of the ship and sent it back down whilst she continued to shoot at the rapidly encroaching creatures.
You all ran over to where the ship had stopped and let Wrecker secure the package before you all stepped on it and let it take you up to the safety of the ship.
Hunter sat down and took of his helmet whilst you stood beside him and removed your hood and mask. All of you were breathing heavily.
“I thought the beach was going to be relaxing.” Wrecker grunted as he collapsed over the container.
“Appreciate the backup, but try staying inside the ship next time.” Hunter said to Omega.
“I’ll try.”  Omega took her hat off. “But it was still pretty fun.” She added with a smile on her face.
Ord Mantell.
“Greetings. It is I, AZ-345211-”
“Yeah, yeah, we know.” Wrecker interrupted as he made his way past.
“You are all quite late. Mistress Cid has been extremely vocal about her displeasure.”
“Well, there’s a surprise.” You and Echo muttered to each other as you followed the others to her office.
“Well, well, well. The space lugs decided to finally show up.” Cid said drily upon seeing you all walk through the door.
“Better late than dead, I always say.”
You didn’t recognise the woman sitting rather comfortably in Cid’s chair, drink in hand, with her legs up and feet on the table. “And who are you?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She replied with a smirk before she got up moved around the desk. “So, this is the top team you’ve been talking about? The rogue squad on the run from the Empire, huh? How juicy.”
“You told her?” Hunter said to Cid, his guard automatically going up.
“Don’t get twitchy.” Cid said dismissively. “Phee’s a friend. She’s the most trustworthy pirate I know.”
“Two things that don’t belong in the same sentence.” You grumbled, keeping your gaze on Phee.
Phee met your eye contact. “You’re exactly as Cid described you.” She said with a smirk.  
You glared at her but said nothing.
“Aren’t clones supposed to look alike? So much for quality control.” She turned her eyes to each of them. “This one’s too big. This one’s too small. This one’s got a face tattoo.” She let out a short laugh. “Yeah, real subtle.” Then her eyes caught the one with the data pad standing at the end. “Oh. Hey now. Got a name, brown eyes?” She flirted.
Your jaw dropped and you eagerly awaited to see how Tech was going to respond.
Tech merely adjusted his goggles. “Tech. However, the phenotypic eye colour for all clones is brown. Iris pigmentation was not affected by our muta-”
Yeah, that feels about right. You thought to yourself.
“Well, as fascinating as this has been. I have places to be.” Phee interrupted before she handed Cid her drink. “You, let’s see those muscles in action. Grab that and follow me.”
Wrecker looked at Hunter for direction and when he nodded, he bent down and picked up the package. “Uh, y-yes ma’am.”
“And, Cid, that intel is not free. I expect a cut if your ‘top team’ comes through.” Phee said before she left the room.
“What is she talking about?” Hunter asked.
“And how much does she actually know?” You asked.
“Relax, she doesn’t know about your ‘situation’.” Cid replied. “Now, can we get into this? It’s your next mission. You lot are heading to the Outer Rim.” Cid pulled up a hologram of the exact place she was sending you.
You looked upon the image with utter disgust.
“That is Castle Serenno, the former home of Count Dooku.” Tech provided.
“Who’s that?” Omega asked.
“A Jedi who betrayed the Republic and led the Separatists in a war.” You spat. “You can’t seriously be expecting-”
“Leave whatever personal issue you have out of it and look at the facts. With him being dead, Dooku’s entire war chest is up for grabs. The Empire has already started pillaging his palace, but there is still time to strike before it’s all gone.”
You shook your head at her.
“Too much of a risk.” Hunter said. “You want that war chest? You go after it.” With that, he left the room and the rest of you followed.
You, Hunter, and Omega were by the bar counter and Omega was studying the data pad in front of her.
“What class of shuttle? Lambda or Delta?” Hunter quizzed.
“Lambda-class.” Omega answered instantly.
“Very good.” Hunter said proudly.
You watched them both with a fond smile. In the time since Kamino, Hunter had really embraced the role he had in Omega’s life, in fact you all had. The relationship you each had with her was slightly different but that was what made it work. Despite everything that had happened, the bonds between all of you had only grown stronger. Same went with Omega too. You had watched her grow from a young girl who didn’t know what dirt was to someone that was memorising every Imperial ship and who was more than capable of taking care of herself.
Wrecker’s voice grabbed both of your attention. “I’m in too.” The two of you looked over to see the others in a huddle with Cid.
“Good. Then we’re all in agreement. Now, all we gotta do is the other two.”
“Convince us about what?” Hunter asked as you both approached the group.
“Uh, well, we took a vote, and we wanna go after the war chest.” Wrecker said awkwardly.
“It’s unanimous. Even killjoy over here agreed.” Cid revealed, gesturing towards Echo.
Despite the situation, the edges of your mouth lifted slightly as you saw the affronted expression on Echo’s face.
“Serenno is Imperial occupied. We’ve stayed off the Empire’s radar since Kamino. Why chance it now?” Hunter said.
“You can’t let your little girlfriend’s social standing stop you from going anywhere with an Imperial presence.” Cid said bluntly.
“We’ve talked about that before and that’s not why, Cid.” You snapped. It’s not, right? You glanced at him, relieved that he shook his head. “There’s a bigger picture.”
“Exactly. Just cause you don’t like the guy that this stuff used to belong to shouldn’t mean you don’t go. If anything, that’s more reason to go. But more than that, the contents of just one of those containers would be worth more than all the jobs you pulled for me combined. You can buy your freedom.”
“We’re already free.” Hunter argued.
“It’s cute you think that.” Cid replied. “Clearly, you’re not paying attention to what’s happening out there, but I am. It’s only a matter of time before the Empire comes here. And then my little operation is over which means no more jobs for you.”
“She… does have a valid point.” Tech agreed.
“You wanna really be free? Then pull off this heist and you’ll have the means to disappear. No more risky missions. No more living hand to mouth. You can have a future. Isn’t that what you’re after?” Cid asked, her eyes shifting to you.
You want (y/n) to be craving a life you can’t give her? Crosshair’s words about you from Kamino still haunted his mind and he looked at you beside him, but you weren’t looking at him. You were looking over at Omega and then he too looked at the young girl. Living amongst fugitives where she’s constant danger? Again, the words of his brother came flooding back.
You sighed and turned to face him. For her?
And you, he mentally added before he nodded and addressed the group. “Okay, let’s go.”
The ship flew through hyperspace. Things on the ship were peaceful. Omega was in her room; Wrecker was napping in the co-pilots chair, and Hunter was watching the navigation console, with you in your bunk just behind it grabbing some rest too.
Echo approached Hunter from the cockpit and glanced up at Omega’s room and he looked over at you. The curtain in the gun turret was closed and your back was turned, and your shoulders moved in steady rise and fall so he figured it was safe. “I know why you agreed to this mission. But we can do better things with Dooku’s fortune than hide, Hunter. With what we’re up against, we have to be prepared to fight. That means numbers and weapons.”
“That’s not the kind of life this kid deserves.” Hunter replied.
“And you’re just thinking about the kid?”
Hunter shot him a look of warning.
Not to be dissuaded, Echo pushed forward. “Look, our lives are like this because of both of them.”
Hunter got up swiftly and pushed Echo back towards the hallway by the cockpit, his head turning back to see if either you or Omega had made any indication that you had heard that.
“Taking Omega off Kamino and sticking with her.” Echo indicated back over to you. “Was the right thing to do. But there are others out there who need our help. We’ve seen what the Empire is doing throughout the galaxy. We should be doing more.” Echo walked back to the cockpit.
Hunter sat back down by the console, unaware of the young girl peeking from behind the curtain and the fact that your eyes were wide open.
You departed the ship and donned your hood and masked before checking that your vibroblade and blaster were secure. You were trying to shake the guilt you were feeling but with little success. Now, you just felt a bit awkward.
Hunter sensed something off in your demeanour and he squeezed your hand. “Everything okay?”
“Yup.” You replied quickly. “Just want to get this over and done with.”
“So, where is this palace?” Wrecker asked.
Tech studied his datapad. “The city is on the opposite side of this mountain range.”
Hunter noticed Omega hanging back as you all began the walk. “Are you coming?” He put on his helmet as she started walking too but he couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something was off with both of you, and he found himself hoping neither of you had heard what Echo had said.
You all peered over the edge of the mountain path to see the city completed decimated.
“That’s the city? What happened to it?” Omega asked.
“Imperial orbital bombardment. Same as on Kamino.” Echo answered.
You continued to walk for a short time before you came upon the castle.
Tech pulled out his macrobinoculars and studied the scenes below. “It appears that they are beginning to transport the war chest off-world. Our window of opportunity is quickly closing.” He passed the binoculars over to Echo.
“There’s over 40 troopers down there.” Echo said after he stopped looking and stood up.
Wrecker merely grunted and pounded his fists together. “That’s nothing.”
“Stealth, Wrecker. Remember?” Omega reminded him.
The sound of engine’s powering up grabbed your attention, and you groaned as you saw the ships that served as a painful reminder of the incident on Daro. “I hate those ships.” You mumbled as you watched a couple take off and fly alongside the cargo freighter. The light weight of Hunter’s hand on your back provided you some reassurance.
“Imperial escort ships.” Tech stated. “The standard protocol for when high-level cargo is being transported.”
“Get to the nearest container and grab what you can.” Hunter directed. “We’ll be the eyes on the ground.” Hunter said, nodding towards you. “If things go sideways, we’ll divert their forces and buy you some time.”
You split up into your two groups and made your way down the mountainside.
You were uncharacteristically quiet as the two of you walked.
“Are you sure everything is alright?” Hunter broached carefully.
“Yeah. Just don’t want to be here any longer than we have to.” You deflected. “Come on, we should focus. We’re nearly at the shipyard.” You added, nodding ahead before you sped up.
Hunter paused for a moment and just watched you go. He really hoped you hadn’t heard Echo, but he knew you were right. There would be time afterwards to talk about whatever was going on. He got his head back in the game and matched your pace.
“In position. And the second transport’s launching.” Echo commed through as he watched with the others from the treeline.
You studied the group of soldiers ahead of you from behind the trees.
“We’ve got roving patrols. Stay alert.” Hunter advised back.
You waited a few moments to allow more ships to depart before you both covertly made your way down. You followed Hunter’s signal and the two of you split to sabotage as many of the ships as you could.
Running at a crouch, and keeping a look out as you did so, you planted your first explosive before moving onto the next ship.
The others had managed to successfully infiltrate the final transport, but they were needing to hustle since Wrecker’s action of stunning an Imperial soldier meant they were on more of a time crunch.
You attached your last explosive and got ready to leave but your eyes caught sight of a trooper checking out the ship you knew Hunter was just at, but you huffed out a relieved sigh when you saw that he was able to get clear before they spotted him. You used their distraction to swiftly leave and hop over the small wall and join Hunter back behind the trees. Now, you just had to wait for word from the others.
“CT-8808 report.”
The order chiming through the unconscious soldier’s helmet was the moment Echo knew their time was running out. “Hunter, I think we’re about to have some company.”
“Are you clear?” Hunter asked.
“Negative. We could use that diversion about now.”
“On it.” Hunter nodded at you, and you brought out the detonator and activated the charges, sending a series of ships up on flames and thankfully it worked like Hunter had intended. A rush of soldiers headed over to the sight of the destruction.
The two of you began to run back in the direction of the rest of your squad.
“We’re heading your way. Be ready.” Hunter said.
“Where are the others?” You asked urgently as you saw Wrecker was the only one to have appeared.
“Still in the container.” He replied, angling back to look.
The sight of the locked doors and smoke leaving the transport got your heart beating faster. You activated your comm. “Tech, the ship’s taking off. Get out of there.” You pressed urgently.
“Hurry, Echo.” Omega said anxiously as he struggled with the door mechanism.
“It’s externally sealed. I can’t open it.” Echo replied.
“Hunter, we’re trapped in the container.” Omega said fretfully. “We can’t get out.”
Those words had both you and Hunter turn to each other, and you were sure the panic behind your eyes would be in his own behind his helmet.
“On our way.” Hunter replied quickly.
“Uh, Boss? I think they know something’s up.” Wrecker stated.
The two of you followed his line of sight and saw that a series of troopers had now surrounded the container.
Hunter sighed. This wasn’t at all how things were supposed to go. He drew his blaster and set it to stun. “We’re done hiding anyway.”
You followed his actions and the three of you ran towards the cargo ship, firing a series of blasts as you did so.
The three of you climbed the ladder on the side of the ship as it took off, with you going first, then Hunter, then Wrecker. The troopers didn’t let that put them off and you flattened yourself against the railings as much as you could to avoid their fire whilst still sending back shots of your own.
You took a moment to see how the others were and panic clawed at your throat as you saw a round of shots being fired in Hunter’s direction, their aim focused on where his grip on the ladder was. One particular shot had him losing his hold and all that went through your mind was the terror you had felt on Daro as you once again had to watch him fall. “Hunter!” You cried out.
You dropped your head in relief when you saw he was able to grab hold of the last rung and hang over the edge. It wasn’t ideal but the alternative was far worse.
You were soon high enough to be out of blaster fire range, something Wrecker wasn’t overly fond of as he peered down. “Oh, I’m starting to regret this.” He said uneasily.
“We gotta go.” You said as you saw the ship getting closer to leaving the atmosphere.
“Go where?” Wrecker argued.
Hunter saw the castle approaching beneath him. “She’s right. Jump!”
The three of you let go of the ladder and slid down the cylindrical structure of Dooku’s castle. You and Hunter used your vibroblades to slow your descent and Hunter helped Wrecker as he held on to the edge of the platform you had landed on.
“This isn’t any better.” Wrecker groaned as he stood up.
Hunter watched the ship continue to fly away as he sheathed his blade. Already his anxieties were coming to life before his eyes. Something only made worse when he heard Omega’s voice through the comms.
“Hunter, where are you?”
“Sorry, kid. We got a little sidetracked. You need to get off that ship before it jumps to hyperspace.”
“If we gain access to the ship’s main hold, we could commandeer an escape pod.” Tech theorised.
“Do it.” Hunter ordered. “We’ll get to the Marauder and recover you.”
“It’s going to take a while.” You pointed out as you stared at the crowd of clones heading towards the castle as the fired up at you.
“Quick! Inside.” Hunter directed.
The three of you made your way inside the castle.
You all entered the decrepit and run-down main room of Dooku’s castle through a side door, and a shudder ran down your spine. His absence clearly didn’t equal the absence of the dark forces that surrounded the room. It was affecting you more than you anticipated. It wasn’t just discomfort you felt, you were physically cold too.
“This place gives me the creeps.” Wrecker said uneasily as he walked in further.
Hunter noticed the way you paused before fully entering the room and the way the hand on your blaster shook slightly. He signalled to Wrecker to move on ahead and he hung back. “You with us?” He asked gently as he allowed himself a moment to just be your Hunter and not your sergeant.
You exhaled deeply and rolled your neck. “Yeah. Sorry, I’m good.”
Hunter nodded at you before you both continued down the stairs further into the room.
The quiet was short lived, it wasn’t long before the main door opened, and the troopers began to fire on you once more.
The three of you fired back with stun blasts of your own and took cover behind the desk. The floor buckled slightly as you all landed on it, but you couldn’t pay it much thought, your focus was making sure those troopers couldn’t get closer to you.
“Any idea how we’re getting out of here?” You asked over the din of blaster fire.
Hunter looked around and noticed the cracked window and looked down at the floor and stroked along the edges. “We’re not going out. We’re going down. There’s a lift below us. Cover me.” He began to get to work on the console.
You and Wrecker focused your fire, giving Hunter as much time as he needed but they had reinforcements, and that time was rapidly running out.
“What is taking you so long?” Wrecker complained.
“I’m trying. Tech usually does this.” Hunter answered as he started multitasking between firing on the soldiers and activating the lift. He was finally able to get it moving but one blast meant the panel short circuited, halting the lift in in tracks. “It’s jammed.” He said irritably before he gave up and helped out with thinning out Imperial numbers.
“They won’t see me…” You said hesitantly as you stunned a couple more troopers before you took cover.
“No.” Hunter said firmly as he continued to fire.
“I can fix it.” Wrecker offered instead.
The two of you took a step back as he threw a smoke bomb which gave you and Hunter the opening you needed to gain the upper hand and it gave Wrecker the chance to begin jumping.
Realising what his plan was, your stomach dropped to the level you sure you all would be free falling to very shortly. “Wait! Don’t!” Your plea was short lived since the three of you tumbled down the lift shaft, Wrecker’s screams echoing around you.
With Plan A of the rest of you coming to their aid failing, and Plan B of commandeering an escape pod also failing, Echo, Tech and Omega found themselves back in a cargo container, hoping that by releasing all the containers, the re-entry boosters would slow their landing. The main flaw in this plan being not being able to control where they land.
“When are the re-entry boosters supposed to fire?” Echo asked as he let Omega through the netting of one of the containers before he followed suit.
“I think they should have by now.” Omega replied, nervous that they hadn’t activated yet.
“That is going to be a problem.” Tech stated as he struggled to keep hold of the netting on the outside of the container as it continued to plummet towards the ground.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @tpwkcalli, @fuckoffthanos, @arctrooper69, @graciexmarvel, @flyingkangaroo, @nightmonkeysstuff, @brujaporfavor, @a-streakofazure, @ladytano420, @dragonrider9905, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf, @yyourmotherr​, @xxeiraxx​
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fagtainsparklez · 3 months
psst you got any more creepypasta fic recs? 👀
i have quite a few!!
putting them all below the cut to save space, and i cannot stress enough that if you want to read most of these you Need to read all the tags. some of these are very light and sweet, others do not play about with the genre. i’ll be giving overall synopses + warnings (somewhat) but do read the tags for further details!!
in loco parentis by nymm_at_night is. well. you’ve all heard me praise it before. you say “more” so i assume you’ve already read it, but i legally can’t make a fic rec list without it. it centers around jeff, jack, and ben + tim/brian, and is where i’ve taken So much inspiration from. if any of you who like creepypasta have not read it yet please do. tim/brian (in a divorced way), all the chapters have their own disclaimers but the overall biggest overarching ones i can think of are semi-heavy descriptions of death and gore.
visual arts by killer_cat is a very good, short one shot! it centers around helen and jack and i absolutely love the author’s characterizations/interpretations of everyone. gen and mentions of blood/typically creepypasta-typical killings, but overall nothing too major
KISS ME WHEN YOU KILL ME by notaccessible is unfinished with only two chapters, but i really like where they’re going with things! they’ve retold both jeff and jack’s origins in pretty compelling ways. jeff/jack, but there’s no actual ship content as of yet. there are a few heavy scenes, largely dealing with abuse, murder, and suicide, largely in jeff’s chapter.
undone drawings by sleeplywritings (pancakebluess) is a very sweet, cute one-shot about sally and jeff. some of the formatting is wonky at times when it comes to the dialogue, but it’s not too bad, and overall understandable. plus the overall mansion dynamics are fun and silly (AND they’re normal about tim 🔥🔥). gen + no real warnings
water bearer (paint me red) by xfreesomebodyx is a one-shot centered around jeff and jack. it goes into extreme detail about jeff the killing people, so do tread carefully, but i REALLY enjoy their jeff characterization. i like it when authors latch onto his whole being beautiful bit. i’m ambivalent towards their jack at best, but GOD is jeff well-done in this. heads up so you don’t get confused like i did there IS a formatting error in it where a section seems to have been pasted twice (as of writing this). tagged as jeff/jack but there’s nothing explicitly romantic, largely just subtext/undertones.
a house full of serial killers VS the barbie movie starring margot robbie and ryan gosling by salty_sam is a one-shot chatfic but you guys know they’re my guilty pleasure so i can’t not add it. it’s largely just the author messing around with character dynamics and mansion relationships which is what i am here for always. tim and brian are off (brian especially) but everyone else is super fun and consistently entertaining. gen, no real warnings outside of mentioned drug use
handling rejection by sunsh1ne_sweethe4rt has wonky formatting BUT if you can get past it it’s just a cute one-shot, if not a little simplistic in terms of writing. it’s just about tim trying to help nina get over her crush on jeff. i’m a bit biased bc anything with tim written normally makes me instantly herald it like a miracle but i really just think it’s cute and funny :] gen (with the exception of nina’s crush on jeff) and no real warnings i can think of
déjà vu by nightstar1888 is a bit hit or miss for me due to their tim/masky characterization, but i REALLY enjoy the stuff they did with ben. it’s a one-shot about toby helping jeff dye his hair, nothing too special, but i like the parallels they drew between then two. it’s tagged as jeff/toby but nothing romantic really happens outside of a few lines of semi-flirting, no real warnings outside of mentions of toby + jeff’s backstories and all they entail
the collar incident by honeycirrus is. well i’m hesitant to fully recommend it. there are certain parts of it i really enjoy, especially with the dynamics between the mansion cast, but that’s pretty much it, and those are kind of few and far between. i’d recommend the first four chapters ish? they do some fun stuff with BEN that i might honestly steal for myself, but i spent way too long wondering if they actually meant BEN or didn’t get the 2020 lore update. ben/toby, one semi-intense self-mutilation scene.
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redbrigadesorg · 4 months
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Marxist philosophy is the basis of our conception, it is the core of ideology, of course, that is why we cannot neglect it. Lenin drew the great lesson, when he said: “For a time I thought that philosophy was a question of the specialists of the Party in this problem, but the struggle made me understand that philosophy cannot be left in the hands of the specialists because philosophy is the very basis of the Party.” And you cannot fight against revisionism if you don’t grasp Marxist philosophy, and Marxist philosophy cannot be split into dialectical materialism on one hand and materialism applied to the social world. No comrades, this is a big mistake! Although it was Marx who solved the problem of understanding the social world, he did it by applying dialectical materialism; therefore, it is nothing but the dialectical materialist understanding of society, nothing else, however new it may be. It is a radically new and different creation, so what is new and different is not only the application to the social world. Why do I say this: the bourgeoisie in the eighteenth century through Diderot – that French character – developed mechanistic materialism to its highest level and came to intuit the contradiction, to sense it, but never to understand it. Materialism is very old, comrades, as well as dialectics, are parallel, contemporary in origin, have more than 2550 years in the West, we owe it to the Greeks. But it has been Marx who took the idea as a derivation of matter, fusing dialectics with matter, who gave the great transformation generating the new philosophy, the exhaustive and complete philosophy not in a closed sense, that is why we cannot talk about system, system implies closed circle and knowledge is spiral, everybody remembers what a spiral is, it is not a closed circle and neither the circles that form the spiral are closed, it is not true that, they are not.
Chairman Gonzalo
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housano · 11 months
CW: Live a Hero Spoilers
Part 1
Oh snap, everyone's favorite boyfriend, Barrel, got a date character quest. Let's dive in!
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We begin our story with our protagonist, who seemingly lost their house key and cannot find it anywhere in the office. Huckle suggests it may have been lost between the assignment earlier and could be with the police.
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Ryekie is desperate to get away from paperwork work, but Huckle is not suffering any of that bullshit and unfortunately not even Justice can prevail against bureaucracy. So off to the police box we go alone!
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We then meet our beloved fan fav Barrel, who we can give a hug to which of course you are going to do that (what monster would not want to hug Barrell?!). After filling out some paperwork he is not able to find the key, so he gets permission from his superior to help us. The superior also compliments him on the paperwork actually being done (I'm noticing a trend here). He also talks about his dream if being a sheriff like the Wild West because he's from Texas is why.
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We learn that the gang that Parallel Flight was dealing with earlier in the day has one member still on the loose, which certainly won't come back to bite us in the ass right?
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We return to the neighborhood we were at earlier and we get to watch Officer Doggy (the kid's name) help a child cross the street, give directions to an elderly man, and learn that his smelling and hearing are better than humans, but not as good as the police dogs. I also learned there are police dogs in this world which explains why Barrel emphasized he's an officer, not a Doggy.
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Back at the scene of the fight earlier our MC said it would be a great idea to split up (you. fucking. dumbass.) and off we go. So we shift careers from Operator to Drew Barrymore in Scream. We do finally find our house key-
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And to the surprise of no one, the missing gang member corners us. He asks what our favorite scary movie is and we say Kazam. They say that isn't a scary movie to which we say they never seen Shaq act. Okay that part didn't happen but what did happen is he's uber pissed and out for revenge and off we run to the warehouse where our body can never be found.
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Luckily Officer Doggy shows up thanks to his sensitive hearing and fire his tranquilizer gun only to miss every shot at close range. His aim is worse than my Live a Hero 5 star pull rates and that's saying something.
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1000punks · 6 months
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i know these are low quality but i play bg3 on a ps5, not pc. all i have is shitty phone photos of my tav. hahah
lore dump under the cut, if you want to miss it, nbd.
this is Festé, my non-binary tiefling ranger.
they used to have long hair but chopped it off because of the Troubles (act 3). in the canon-matrix i have created for them (hahahah) they keep their hair long but usually done up in a braid. kind of plain, to be honest. if it were an option in bg3 i would have had them in long anime girl hair. this picrew is closer to the vision i originally had for them:
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(i also have fanart of them i drew but i can't find it rip)
they are one of my retired 5e characters and their backstory is a little chaotic, lots of retcons and parallel timelines because my dm never lets us have an easy game. basically, there was this sorceress that it took us five (oog) years to get a party together and beat, because people kept either leaving, moving or their pc died in game. it was a homebrew, so a lot of wacky things happened.
they're non-binary- mostly because they cannot really be bothered with gender when there's a weapon to wield and a potential friend in distress.
on that note, it was actually everyone around them who starting referring to them with neutral pronouns. they just... never made a definitive claim of being one gender or another. one pc in a former campaign (a centaur barbarian named Basios) once referred to them as "my non-descript friend!" and that was hilarious, and it also stuck.
it's canon based on past 5e campaigns that they don't like elves. they have a secret hate-on for elves. so maybe a certain pale elf has something to do with that- we may never know.
they have a husband and an adopted kid in one of those timelines.
i recently resurrected them to play through the netherdeep campaign with a new group.
i'm inserting their adventures in baldur's gate as what they were up to before they met their husband.
their husband is a lawful evil wizard named Mordren who loves living in a cave and murdering people who enter the cave.
Festé was the only other person besides him to walk out of that cave alive, uwu.
in bg3 canon (my save file), they're an Astarion truther and definitely have carried the "i can fix him" torch for a long time.
they're a bit of a happy dumbass, and they don't talk a lot.
it's hard to get them riled up, as it were. they're a relatively calm, accepting and objective person.
the only thing they're really scared of is losing someone they've made a connection with.
they have had a lot of lovers but they're not the type to make a big deal of it. everyone was someone they loved fully and in a respectable way.
they're the character that is most like me, in a way. i played them really honestly in bg3 to how i would respond to a lot of the dialogue. so in a sense, not a lot of role play was going on in their run.
after the events of baldur's gate, they'll probably go on to have some more small adventures before the big encounter with the sorceress i mentioned. i would say during the events of the bg3 they'd be roughly 26-27, and they were 32-33 during the sorceress campaign.
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Episode 24: The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya, Part 5
Been dreading this one because I really liked the confrontation at the end of Part 4 and some individual scenes have been neat but for the most part this arc has been extremely gross.
Also, had to change the shady piracy website that I'm taking my screenshots from. We're watching the show on Crunchyroll but we have to do "Someone in the extended family has a subscription and we all share" shenanigans for all of our streaming services so nobody knows who had the Crunchyroll password and I can't get it on my computer.
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Yuki has a cat now. I wonder if she'll get to keep it. I would love to see Yuki transition from stoic robot with no furnishings to stoic robot who is a cat person now.
Her apartment filled with just that one kotatsu and also a scratching post, cat tree, cat tunnel, and food dishes.
Sitting at the kotatsu with a book open on the table, reading with a cat in her lap. Petting its head mechanically; The same exact motion on repeat like a metronome. "Kitty," she says aloud in her emotionless monotone.
In any case, we got through this shooting session without more Mikuru grossness so I'm hoping Haruhi learned something from yesterday's meltdown and reconciliation. I mean, this is still happening:
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But that's still gonna happen. Haruhi gonna Haruhi.
I just. Would really like to see character growth come out of this gross arc.
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Shamisen is amazingly verbose and capable of a complex understanding of language.
I want to keep him. I desperately want to keep him. Can we keep him? Please tell me we get to keep him.
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I will trade this character for him.
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Aww, we're sending Shamisen with Kyon. That's a shame. I was all set for Cat Ladybot Yuki.
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At this point, the only reason I feel confident that those guys aren't another Haruhi Thing (TM) is because that's not her genre. XD
Part of me thinks it's for the best that Haruhi doesn't read medieval fantasy and didn't make a world with dragons and shit. But then I remember that she did make a world with reality-bending data aliens. Being as sci-fi nerd isn't any better than a fantasy nerd in this regard.
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Who's up for a religious schism!?
Mikuru offers a conflicting interpretation of Haruhi to what Itsuki's been saying. Itsuki believes that, in the event three years ago, Haruhi created the universe. That, essentially, all things in existence are only three years old. There is no past beyond that point, which meshes with something Mikuru told us early on.
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It's impossible to travel back in time beyond three years from today, for reasons unknown. This would make sense if there is no past, as Itsuki speculated.
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If the universe sprang into existence fully formed from the timequake three years ago then it would be impossible to travel beyond the timequake.
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The computer bug came to our time from a parallel reality 208 million years ago, according to Yuki. In order for that to be true, there must have existed a period of time 208 million years ago.
This doesn't disprove Haruhi creating the universe in the timequake. She could have created time retroactively. But it does mean that the nonexistence of time beyond the timequake cannot be used as evidence to prove that Haruhi created the universe, because time does exist beyond the timequake. Mikuru's organization can't reach it, but the Data Integration Thought Entity's awareness can.
Which, itself, makes sense since it's already been established that the aliens have a better grasp of time than the time travelers do. In any case, it seems likely that the world existed before three years ago.
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As Yuki clarifies, Mikuru instead believes that the world was always like this but Haruhi has the ability to discover strange and mysterious things. There were always aliens, but Haruhi's abilities simply drew them in, basically.
I don't think that's correct either. Kyon brings up that all of the espers spontaneously developed their abilities and awareness of Haruhi during The Event Three Years Ago, which is fairly significant proof that the world was altered. Yuki's counterpoint... sucks?
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"Maybe he lied."
I mean, sure, but if we go down that rabbit hole then maybe Haruhi has no powers and Yuki's just been using her alien magic to fake all of it this whole time. Anyone can be lying about anything, Yuki. That's a bad argument.
Obviously something happened three years ago because all three of them agree on that. Yuki, Mikuru, and Itsuki have all independently testified that some fucking shit went down three years ago that brought them all here.
I've already made my argument against Itsuki's interpretation. A decisive argument against "The world was always like this" is Mikuru herself. You could say that the extradimensional bug always existed, and Haruhi's logo simply drew it to her. You could say that the Celestials are a natural phenomenon that are simply being stirred up by Haruhi's emotions. You could say that Shamisen is actually a talking cat because of reasons, that simply crossed Haruhi's path.
But Mikuru Beam is pretty hard to equivocate. Haruhi gave Mikuru the ability to shoot a photon laser out of her eye, which she did not previously possess. (The time loop also comes to mind.) So. No, Mikuru. The world was not always like this. Haruhi is doing shit.
The most plausible explanation is the alternative one that Itsuki first introduced. The one where Haruhi did not create the world but did remake it. Her power simply erupted one day and expanded across the universe like Devil Homura's Labyrinth.
I get the point they're making here about the complexity of belief. Like a proper religion, at the end of the day, it is difficult to draw any factual conclusions about the true esoteric nature of Haruhi Suzumiya. But I think, if you look deep enough, there are sufficient pieces to draw suppositional conclusions, at least - but those may vary from person to person.
We'll never truly know.
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Okay, I'm loving the idea of Mikuru and Itsuki's factions being hostile to one another and the inter-group drama that such an idea would create. Especially since we all have to play Nice Happy Club Friends in front of Haruhi.
Religious schism and political intrigue in my slice-of-life show about goldfish scooping with the local cosmic horror? Yes please.
But I feel a little uncomfortable with the idea that *gestures at Mikuru* ALL OF THAT was stuff Mikuru went along with because she's trying to honeypot Kyon.
It feels like they're trying super hard to salvage what they've done with Mikuru and are instead making it worse.
That said, what I do like is that we didn't have any more gross Haruhi Molests Mikuru jokes in this whole episode. Itsuki's mad at Kyon for not fixing the "Haruhi's movie is warping reality" problem but I'm satisfied that Kyon and Haruhi's meltdown did result in changed behavior, at least for now.
She's still an asshole.
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But at least she's backed off of the sexual harassment that these episodes had dialed up so high. So that's something.
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Oh hey we're FINALLY having the lunch conversation that was promised all the way back in episode 6. Kyon's finally going to break the rules and leak everything to Haruhi.
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And just like Yuki promised: Haruhi doesn't fucking care what you think, Kyon. In fact, she thinks you're making fun of her. Good job.
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truths33k3r4 · 12 days
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your followers, mutuals, and all the wonderful people on here! \(˵ˆ ³ˆ˵)/
Hey, Phoebe!! :)
Okayyyyyy one more- Uhhhh alrighttt
Reading Fanfics for TMNT~ I cannot say this enough. The TMNT fandom is the greatest I've ever seen and been a part of. It is FULL TO THE BRIM with creatives who love the shows, the comics, the movies.. And when I find a story written by someone about TMNT, I am so excited to read it. :) Yours especially, @phoebepheebsphibs!! Yours and @boots-with-the-fur-club's "Double Mutated Mikey", as well as "Until I Found You", "No Fun in Fungus", and "Hide N Seek" have all been such amazing reads. And they've all inspired me so much not only as an author myself, but as an artist too!! So thank you for all the inspiration you have sparked in me through your beautiful stories. :)
Reading Fan Comics for TMNT~ AGAIN WITH WITH THE INCREDIBLE FANDOM!!! Tumblr is packed with so many beautifully and skillfully illustrated comics. Here's but a few that I've really enjoyed!! :) ( @indieyuugure's Rise of the Parallel, Indie TMNT, and The Mutation Situation, @allyheart707's Little Subjects, @kathaynesart's Replica, @renisrandom's In My Heart I Know, @heretherebeturtles-comic, and many many more. :)
Drawing the TMNT brothers being goofy/angsty/hilarious
Drawing the TMNT brothers being sad/depressed/struggling. Mostly to help cope myself, and help others cope. The saying " Write what you know" really is true. When you're struggling/sad/angry, one of the best things I have done to help calm myself down is draw how I feel. ( TW cancer/death )A while ago, one of my church friends passed away very quickly from cancer. It happened so fast, in fact, that I never got to say a proper goodbye. So, with these unbridled emotions, I drew a mini comic, passing down how I was feeling to Mikey mourning over losing Klunk, his cat. It helped me EXPONENTIALLY to just get my feelings out, but in a way that wouldn't hurt me or anyone else. And I recommend doing it for anyone who's hurting. <3
Knowing I'm not alone~ I have my family, I have God, I have Jesus Christ, I have my friends here and in my every day life, I have art, I have creativity, and I have a community. :)
Thank you for the ask, Phoebe!! Felt good to get that all out. :)
~ Melissa
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i'm in my Analysis era, so let's talk about Drew today! Because I feel like he's underrated. Not as in he doesn't have enough fandom popularity, but because people discount how well written he is.
I'm not saying that people who like him without acknowledging his writing aren't allowed to like him. I do wish people would discuss his writing though and most don't discuss anything outside of Drake (which is another post entirely).
I feel like a lot of people just saw he was an asshole (with potential daddy issues) who was kinda attractive and that's why he became popular.
And I do admit I sort of felt this way at first. Like his archetype (emotionally constipated asshole with Daddy issues) tends to be the type of character I appeal to. But as the series went on I found that I really enjoyed how well written he is.
Because I will sit here and argue all day that Drew is the most complex character in the series. And I would probably win.
Drew is a character that parallels so many surrounding character's in the show. He parallels Hailey in that he's a stubborn hot-head who is slightly possessive over Jake.
He parallels Zander because they are a similar type of asshole. Not to mention his (confirmed by rosy) home issues. That would add so much new depth to his character in season two.
I believe they both share trust issues too. Drew's just seems to manifest in a fear of abandonment where as Zander is more scared of being betrayed by the ones he chooses to put trust in.
But he also MAJORLY parallels Lia of all people. Which is unexpected considering Lia only begins to play a role in the series at the end of season one. But he does parallel her, in multiple way's. I think most people pick out the way they both feel about Jake as a prominent example. They both become increasingly upset and angry over his slow distance from the group. They both (allegedly in Drew's case, but it's believable) have a crush on Jake. And their heavy feelings over all drive them to do objectively bad things to Jake.
But I feel like an often overlooked way they also parallel each other is in their relationship with Zoey. The way they both put up with and are hurt by her. Drew is in a loveless relationship heavily focused on money. Even if he doesn't quite realize until later down the line, we could always tell he felt some type of way about Zoey outside of his romantic feelings for her.
Likewise, Lia is in a very toxic friendship with Zoey. A friendship built on Lia changing herself completely after being bullied (potentially by Zoey if I remember correctly).
They are two sides of the same coin. They both have their stories going in a similar direction, but deal with it differently in the end. Lia feels remorse for the things she did, whereas Drew (who I do think feels guilty) pushes Jake away because cannot handle his own feelings, about anything in this situation.
Essentially the point of all of this is to say we can draw many parallels between Drew and other members of the cast. I think we can draw parallels between Drew and Jake as well, but that's a different post.
I adore the way Drew has been set up to foil and parallel so many of the characters, because by understanding the other characters we can start to piece together an understanding about Drew. We can see why he does the things he does reflected in the emotions of the other characters. And vice versa.
I feel like I have so much more to say on this topic, but this getting kind of long, so maybe there will be another post in the future.
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bisluthq · 4 months
Who do think Maroon is about? I personally feel like it's pretty obviously about Jake Gaggleballs but it is actually a fairly debated topic... the only argument I could see for alternatives is the Joe theory (there ARE lyrical parallels between Lover songs & Maroon, just as there are with Red songs and Maroon + you could make the argument that "maroon" is her releasing the relationship wasn't "golden" but just another shade of red).
The people saying it's about HS or... TH??? cannot be helped I fear.
didn’t she like a TT connecting it to RED? That’d mean she thinks it’s about Jake. I can see arguments for shades of Joe but I feel that about quite a few of the breakup songs on Midnights - specifically the Calvin ones actually but also Midnight Rain which is obviously about Drew and her whole obsession with what if she’d chosen to be a normal girl but it parallels how she was feeling there at the end with Joe and wanting to be more public again and stuff - so I personally think while she was contemplating breaking up with Joe, she was reflecting on shit that went wrong with her exes and how that felt vs how she was feeling then with Joe (ie once again not very happy). Again, Midnights is a concept album on stuff that keeps you up at night. Obviously the biggest thing keeping her up at that point was her crumbling relationship but one rarely thinks about that in isolation hence processing other failed relationships as well idk.
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Bendy and the dark revival part 4
And Joey's in the thumbnail.
Oh boy.
Insert giant fuck you ink spider thingy.
I hate this...so much.
Fear shows your true nature
Yeah it shows your a basic bitch with a god complex.
... The fact this could be applied to multiple people in this series says a lot.
Audery where are you
Looks at the corpses of spider ink things... You don't wanna know.
Yay Alice is coming.
Dunno how she got where we were with the description of "It's dark" but she's smart.
Ahhh!!! Baby bendy is back.
Poor lil guy he looks scared.
I won't hurt you bud I'm not Wilson.
... And he ran off :(
... And Joey's... Ghost is here?
What is happening right now?
I believe there's something special in all of us.
Why I think we can even conquer death itself
Especially you Audery
Nevermind I thought I had the line but nope.
Who are you?
Audery I get it's been a long long day but... He's been mentioned literally everywhere and you know, he's your boss. Or old boss now.
Don't you know me? Take a good look.
Ghost Joey and his magical lantern.
Joey drew in the flesh, well so to speak.
Come on up, let's take a look. There's something I wanna show you.
Remember when Alice told us not to move...
But sure no let's go follow the ghost of capitalism himself.
It's a cycle Audery. An ink stained nightmare forever stuck on repeat.
The cycle... The time loop?
The loop Henry is stuck in... We're in that loop here 2?
With just a pencil and a dream and a little help from the Gent Corporation, it came to being.
From what I gather it exists in parallel to the outside world. Completely removed from the match of time.
And like a record, it played over and over again.
So when Wilson had us put the items on the altars?
We got pulled into this parallel world stuck on a loop?
Man fuck that guy.
It's begun to crumble, wear down.
This studio is a monument to choosing the wrong road.
You were always pushing me, pushing me to do the right thing.
You should've pushed a little harder.
Now whether it was built for revenge or regret, I don't know. That's my riddle to solve.
I think it's a bit of both.
... So not everything here was created by Joey. Or more accurately weren't created by those in his studio.
The worst ones call themselves keepers, dangerous deadly folks.
Can't be worse than Wilson.
Trying to bring what they call order into this world.
... Wait is Wilson a keeper?
Freezing the cycle in place! Changing the script.
... Like saying the ink demon is dead when he's not.
Look, above all never forget your here for a reason Audery.
Damn you minimum wage job and your creepy keeper janitors.
Because I'm not the man, I'm just the memory.
Am I sympathising with Joey Drew?
... And his grave is here...with candles and a bendy plushi... Okay than.
Same dates 1901-1971 and just a pencil and a dream on the wall.
Baby bendy!
And he ran off again...is it cos of us?
Lord Amok rules
No idea what that means... But the skull spider isn't comforting.
So they really did try and link a Gent Corporation building to the studio.
Giant skull spider drawn on the wall
... Nope... Nope.
Within our isolated walls, Lord Amok reigns. The drip drops of the leaking world above cannot stop his rule.
Those who oppose Amok's hand have their bodies crushed and fed into narrow pipes that lead into forgotten sewers under our feet.
Those tunnels are even deeper, their even darker than this one. There is only suffering down there.
But should anyone defeat Lord Amok, cast him fiwn into our small kingdom will belong to the conquerer. This is the secret of Amok's immortality.
Pass on the throne pass on the name.
... What... Who is this Lord Amok?
Is is the fuck you spider eye ink thingy? Is that why the skull spider is drawn everywhere?
Is it Wilson?
What is happening? Why is there another cult down here???
Love how Lord Amok works by Spartacus rules.
... Nevermind found him.
On a lil throne 2 how fancy.
Doesn't even say hi and tries to kill me, what an ass.
Hes got spider legs coming out his head... Looks like Hela's head thing in Thor Ragnarok.
All hail the new Amok
So... Audrey's the new Lord Amok now, that's cool.
Quite the succession stategy.
🤣.... What is happening...
Is she gonna get the spider legs in the head thing?
I see your mind as the truth unfolds
Hey ink demon.
Is my mind confused? Cos it's confused.
You will accept your fate before the end.
Well apparently there is no end and I already accepted working minimum wage for a company that charges $15 for it's coffee sooo...
Can't be worse than that.
Unless my fate involves Wilson in any way.
Than fuck that.
A city built on broken dreams
I thought this world was just the studio but apparently not.
There's a whole city here?
How big is this place?
Your saying what im thinking Audery.
Oh hey Baby Bendy.
Awh he has a lil sleeping hat.
Where did you come from?
I'm guessing the ink, unless you mean right now than idk.
Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to hurt you. And I really don't think you want to hurt me either, right?
He's just rubbing his lil eyes, aww sleepy guy.
Baby bendy shakes head.
Good, let's be friends than. What do you say, you and me?
Oml yess I wanna befriend the baby.
Ohh he don't like the sound of the Gent building.
... Same honestly.
Achievement noise, Baby Bendy has joined your party.
And here starts chapter 4, Factory of horrors
.... Lovely.
Man there really is a city... And Wilson just.. Controls all of this?
.. Looks pretty empty, and there's a crashed car.
It's kind of creepy in here
Truest thing I've ever heard Audery.
Looks at Boris plushi on the chair 👀 stop itttt
And ghost Joey is back.
You haven't gotten far
Well jeez Joey, I'm not one of your workers you can annoy into working harder.
... Well not anymore.
How did you get in here
... He's a ghost Audery.
I see you have your father's, never quit, go-getter spirit.
Her father?
Oh now you know my father?well newsflash! I didn't even know my father...or my mother... or any of my family.
Awh hun.
So her father worked here too?? If that's how Joey knows hin.
Please god tell me he isn't Wilson.
You've chosen to forget the past.
You can't forget what you don't know Joey.
I can understand that.
Says the ghost of a man's memories.
There's something I wanna show you.
... Get back Joseph!
Alright Joey I'm here
... Henry?!
Let's see if we can find what you wanted me to see.
... Are we replaying the end of the last game??? Cos he said that than.
But... No we weren't here.
This won't take long.
The 425(?)loops say otherwise.. pal.
And back to Audery we go still in the old studio(?)
There's a little story you need to here.
Oo boy what now.
Once upon a time, Audery. There was a bitter old man.
And shocker it was Joey.
Who had lost just about everything. The real Joey Drew.
Called it!
He blamed everyone but himself for his mistakes. But mostly he blamed his old buisness partner for abandoning their work years and years ago.
Never thought ghost Joey would be this introspective.
But than. He's got nothing but time.
A man by the name of Henry Stein. A great artist and a good friend.
Which you stuck him in a time loop for.
In his anger, Joey used an evil machine to create another world.
A world made of paper and ink. Where he'd torment his own version of Henry forevermore.
Yup, 425 loops...and God knows how much by now.
But one day a miracle happened.
An angel came into Joey's life.
Susie or Allison?
A young woman by the name of Allison Pendal. She didn't visit often, but when she did. She saw something good in Joey, no one else could.
Including himself.
... So you trapped her in here 2?
Through their friendship. He began to see the world with better eyes.
So one day in his cartoon cycle of hatred. He gave Henry an angel of his own.
To guide him when things were dark. To always provide hope.
... And that's why Allison is the one to help him.
And Audery.
It's honestly sweet that Joey saw someone who made such a positive impact on his life and wanted Henry to have that too.
Showing he did care for him and realised his mistakes.
... Granted Henry was still trapped so there's that but giving him a light in the darkness was pretty good of Joey.
It was than, Joey decided to make something new.
Please not an animatronic.
Something he had always wanted, but could never have:
A family.
But not a cartoon one.
Something real. And after many many tries, he made something that made him happier than he ever could have imagined.
A wonderful loving daughter.
... Oh...
Bright and kind.
Almost human.
He created you Audery.
... So Joey, Joey is Audery's father.
I'm flesh and blood
No offence hun but you are covered in ink.
And absorbing it.
... So.. Audery Drew...
Ghost Joey said real, so by that I guess he meant with the ink machine?
Child of darkness...
Just because we're born in darkness doesn't mean we belong to it. We're always free to choose.
Okay, kingdom hearts.
Don't blame her tho, this is insane.
... But did Archgate know this??? Did Nathan? .. I mean, hiring your dead friends child is something.
Attention children of the machine
Fuck off Wilson!
And wheres Baby Bendy??
The feeble uprising in Lost Harbour has been ended by the keepers.
Oh boy.... But that means there's possible allies.
We are safe once again from the treason of the Cyclebreakers.
Fitting, in every sense of the word.
The keepers are watching.
Okay, big brother. Also confirmation he's a Keeper.
Didn't they want to break the cycle? Well freeze and destroy it?? Idk.
I'll never claim to understand Wilson.
In more important news, where's Baby Bendy?
Aaand the ink demons here... Great.
And Audery can't move.
.... Oh...
The ink demon and Baby Bendy are the same.
I know that shouldn't be surprising but... Damn.
Wonder if coming here set him off, he didn't want to come here.
Archie carter tape talking about how Gent Corp was asking for research subjects, how death here is like a way of life.
So they didn't stop at employees.
Wait Wilson created the Keepers? He isn't just one, he created one?
Can you take me to him?
..do we have too can we just...not?
Man I'd they deem us dangerous they'd have had a field day with Susie Alice.
Toxic fumes activated
Still better than seeing Wilson.
Was gonna question how they'd get toxic fumes here... But it's what the 70's?Couldn't have been hard to find.
Thought they'd have pumped em thro the vent... But apparently not? That was stupid.
But I'm not giving em tips on how to effectively kill us.
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Long ago, I wanted to post my thoughts on the crossover BatIM and Unwind here, but I constantly postponed it. Mainly because I don't like English, okay?.. It's just that in your native language you can play with irony, metaphors and colloquial figures, and when translated, all this is lost, and you can barely cope with the task of not looking like a freak.
But I'm having a very bad procrastination attack right now, so if not now, then never.
So, the exposure / tie
Once upon a time, Henry and Joey, who were about 20 at the time, became friends as students at the art institute. None of them could boast of wealth, and there were some problems with housing, so they agreed to live in a rented flat together for the time being. Both worked part-time in parallel with studies, along the way Joey was rushing from one Great Dream and Promising Project to another. The money from all this was enough to live for two, but no more.
In general, none of them were ready to raise children, and where would they come from? But the country has a fucked-up demographic policy, and those who have become involuntary parents absolutely do not care whom to stork their children to.
And Joey and Henry are having a lot of bad luck. First they get a boy storked, then, about a year later, a girl, and two more years later, a boy again. None of them are happy about this, but Henry's conscience does not allow him to try to leave them on someone's other doorstep or put them in a orphanage, and Joey is used to trust Henry's conscience. So the children stay, they are given the names Boris, Alice and Bendy, respectively. Joey begins to work harder, and Henry tries to manage the available money so that everyone stays fed, dressed and with a comfortable corner in the nursery.
As the years passed, the children grew up, Henry became more and more attached to them, and Joey too. And their partnership was developing into some very strange form. In fact, both made the same contribution to raising children. But in order to legally indicate that children have two parents, between whom there is not and cannot be a legal marriage, they would have to fuck with documents a lot. And Henry didn't bother with that, giving up the role of guardian to Joey. In addition, schools/hospitals began to turn a blind eye to the fact that Henry often comes there as a father over time.
But at some point, Henry confessed to a friend that he was a little tired of such a "forever student" lifestyle. It's not that Joey or the kids bother him in any way, but he feels like he's missing out on a chance to fulfill himself. He recently sent his resume to a more or less reputable animation studio, he was accepted, which, given his meager official work experience, is surprising, and he does not want to miss this chance, even if he has to move to another state. In the end, friendship does not end there, fortunately there is Internet and mobile communication, and he will participate both financially and morally in the lives of already common children. Besides, they are already old enough (16, 15, 12 years old, respectively), so they should understand that he did not love them less.
Joey begged his friend to stay, used all the wise quotes as an argument that you can't give up halfway, but Stein remained adamant, packed up, hugged everyone and left. And Joey harbored a grudge, and a very strong one. To some extent, because of this relationship, Henry's communication with the children is gradually fading, although at first, as promised, he helped with money and called regularly.
Well, it wasn't in Drew's power to hold his former friend by force, but he had the power to hurt back, destroying what Henry cherished so much. No, Joey wasn't a murderer, but when social ads constantly say that unwinding is not murder, then why not? True, not all the children had turned thirteen yet, but only a few months remained to wait until that moment, and Joey was ready to wait.
And so, a few days before his 13th birthday, Bendy sneaks into Joey's room to check if he's hiding a gift there - and instead of a gift, he finds three sets of unwinding contract, and as a date is a holiday which has not yet come.
What can be done in such a situation? Just flee. But Boris, Alice, and Bendy are very used to home and affection, they are not hardened by street life, have never associated with "bad company", and are hardly mentally ready to go AWOL. So the chance of it being successful is frighteningly close to zero.
On this note I'll go bed, good night or good day :3
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