#I feel aggressive when I need to vent sometimes
a-rand0m-bl0g · 5 months
There are three kinds of songs in my vent playlist.
1: Sad.
2: Deep meanings.
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fairymosh · 1 year
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greenunoreversecard · 4 months
A/N: Ofc!I'll do general character ones, as well as x reader ones :) hope ye likey likey:pp
Lloyd, The Greenest and Geekest mf.
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General character headcanons:
Half Japanese half Chinese
His hair is box blonde dye and you cannot change my mind.
Left handed
Severely dyslexic and hands off all scroll reading and just reading oriented tasks to kai.
Def gen z vibes. Like, the others give off more inbetween z and millenial, so they dont always get his humor. And sometimes he uses that to his advantage and "Speaks in code" (uses as much slang as possible)
Has LED lights in his room set to forest green.
Has given himself a smiley face tattoo.
Cried over a dead goose once.
OK, just to preface i see cole as a stoner of Sorts and uses the excuse "it gets me closer to my element"
With that in mind cole let lloyd try it and now sometimes when he is told to unwind, of feels like he needs to take a chill pill he and Cole spark up
in the beginning of his leader ship role, he used to Say;"kick ass and take names" and if things went wrong he had the fuck it we ball mindset, but got better with time. There are still times they wing it, though.
if he isnt in his gi he almost exclusively wears his pajamas (aka a Hoodie, tshirt and sweats)
Vv tired, and now has a raging addiction to energy drinks due to his lack of Sleep.
He used to eat worms as a kid bc he Thought he it was evil.
Has a eyebrow piercing, and wants a tongue piercing.
Wears "reading" glasses, that he should technically wear all the time because he can't see up close and has a astigmatism,, but he says yolo. Zane then make him contacts after he almost ran into a moving blade and got his head severed.
Adhd and OCD, as well as the normal line up (anxiety, depression, cptsd)
Lloyd in a relationship:
Hes very distant in the beginning, it'll take time to warm up to you.
He tends to be orage cat vibes.
On the cat trend, he gets close for a bit Before becoming distant. Going through waves of affection, kinda.
He hasn't had like, any good relationships in his life so he tries to "protect" himself when he feels he gets to close to you, and so he pulls away.
He does the fuckboy face when your sad bc it makes you laugh, as well as That weird dice roll
He actually does the face/dice roll combo whenever he Sees you as he walks over, it's an inside joke now
primary giving love language: acts of service and quality time
Primary receiving love language: gifts and words of affirmation. But physical touch is also high up there.
Also, not expensive gifts. He hates those. Give him a stick you saw on a walk that made you think of him. He'll cherish it forever. And maybe cry.
He will cry.
will make noises at you and expects a noise in response or he'll be sad.
Also randomly bites you. He's a nommer
also sends you memes throughout the day.
As well as random pictures with the caption;"BABY LOK THIS IS S. US IF WE WHERE *insert whatever item here*
Called you babe, baby, love, shitface, asshole.
Expect kind and loving gentle bullying.
Doesnt know how to express his emotions to just expect him to come up to you, lightly shake your shoulders and aggressively say;"I love you bitch.i ain't Evea gon stop lovin you. Bitchhhhhhh" (vine reference)
Sends you .5 of everyone, himself included. He's addicted to Taking them. You will not get out of it.
Also sometimes just walks around in nyas stilettos for fun.
You two have fashion shows.
You also take over the Living room sometimes and build giant ass forts to watch shitty reality tv in and make fun oF The people
Overall, once he realizes you won't leave he's the most funniest loving chaotic guy.
But expect it to take a hot minute for him to realsie this
give him time,, but also have some deep talks..
Let him vent
and for the love of God don't hurt the baby's heart.
Expect inside jokes
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actuallysaiyan · 5 months
May I please request headcanons for Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo having a female S/O who has anger issues and struggles with trying to control them?
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warnings: mentions of anger, mentions of fighting, fluff, kissing word count: o.7k pairings: Son Goku x Fem!Reader, Vegeta x Fem!Reader and Piccolo x Fem!Reader
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He has a hard time understanding sometimes. He’s a bit dense, but he does what he can to help soothe you whenever you feel so angry,
Even if he doesn’t have the right words to say or maybe doesn’t know what you’re going through, he has enough sense to be able to calm you down whenever you feel like you’ve lost your grip on your emotions.
Goku helps you channel your anger into your energy. He shows you how to channel your ki and eventually, you become very good at controlling your ki and in turn, helps you be able to control your emotions.
He’s big on wanting you to train and spar whenever you feel so angry. He knows that if you are able to get that anger and aggression out in a healthy way, you’ll learn to become more patient.
Whenever you feel so worn out from every emotion, he’ll gladly hold you close and allow you to cry or vent or anything else you need. He’s a big teddy bear, and he can handle some punches or crying.
Eventually, Goku has you training and sparring whenever you feel angry. He won’t give up on you even if you’re having a bad day. He’s always there with a bright smile and a pat on the back to remind you that you’re doing great.
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Vegeta knows all about anger. He’s a 5’4” tall thing just full of anger. He’ll lose his temper at the drop of a hat. But with you, he feels guilty about it. Especially if you become angry as a result.
He does what he can to keep his anger in check, but if you become angry as well, this could lead him to losing his temper as well and it becomes a shouting match between you two.
Never will he use violence against you. He promised himself and you that he’ll never resort to that. He wants to try and talk things through with you whenever he gets the chance.
One day, you’re both angry and soon he just pins you to the wall and kisses you to shut you up. The kiss is so fiery and passionate, it leaves you breathless and forgetting exactly what you were angry about.
If that doesn’t work, Vegeta also shows you how to channel your anger into your ki. This results in you becoming much more in tune with your own emotions. You learn to fight this way as well, training under Vegeta’s tutelage.
Even if he doesn’t always encourage the best habits, Vegeta understands what it means to be angry and how it can be so hard to control it. He’ll try desperately to calm you down everytime.
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Piccolo takes a different approach. He understands anger. He knows what it feels like when it builds inside and grows deeper and deeper and deeper. He’ll know what to say or do to have you calmed down in seconds.
If you show signs of becoming angry, Piccolo takes you aside and he helps you with a breathing technique. This has you soothed within a few minutes, and he continues to remind you to breathe easier.
Sometimes he can’t calm you, so he always brings you away from the situation so you can reassess everything. He’ll fly you around, allowing you to get a different perspective on things. When you’re so high up in the air, you calm yourself quickly.
And just like the two Saiyans, Piccolo teaches you how to channel your anger into your ki and helps you find the will to be able to calm yourself within seconds through this technique.
No matter what, he will always be patient with you. He’s really gentle with you too. Even if you want to scream or punch him, he’s got you covered. He’ll just take you into his arms and get you to use the breathing techniques he’s taught you.
Piccolo takes you to these beautiful cliff sides and has you meditating with him. When you’re here with him, you notice how things are so insignificant to hold onto. Meditating with Piccolo helps you put things into perspective and how you’ll always have him by your side.
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Hello I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I had an idea about a hazbin hotel request, so what if everyone at the hotel (except Alastor) consider the reader a big sister who takes shit from no one, like will slap someone without hesitation if they talk bad about any of their friends, especially when Valentino tries something will literally beat him up until he's half dead. (If you're not comfortable with writing this that's completely alright and I wish you a good morning/afternoon or goodnight)
Oh, nonnie, you are never a bother! I love getting new requests, feeds my soul tbh. I love this idea too! As much as I love romantic x readers and NS/FW x readers, I also love me some platonic Hazbin 🤍 good morning/afternoon/evening to you and ENJOY!
Notes: fem!reader, this is kinda short sorry, added Alastor at the end but just a snippet :)
TW: aggression, fighting, swearing
Rough and Tough- Hazbin x platonic!reader
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Charlie ❤️‍🔥
Adores your passion and bravery but is often the one to hold you back or stand between you and your foe.
She loves keeping you close tho bc she has a hard time asserting dominance and speaking up for herself and you’re always willing to speak your mind on her behalf. You always help uplift and empower her, she greatly appreciates that.
Charlie also really does see you as a sister. As an only child, she grew up pretty sheltered and lonely, but being with you now is really healing her inner child.
When Charlie is having any kind of issue, she always goes to Vaggie, her darling girlfriend. But, when Charlie feels the need to vent about and get advice on her relationship with Vaggie, she turns to you. When Vaggie is busy and away, Charlie goes to you.
Pretty much every weekend, Charlie invites you and the other girls in the hotel to her room for a sleep over and some fun girly time
You def tagged along with her to the meeting with heaven along with Vaggie and while Vaggie is like “keep a cool head, babe.” You’re literally trying to climb up to where Adam is seated so you can rip that smug smile off his stupid, ignorant, narcissistic face and slap Lute with it.
Vaggie’s just panicking as she tries to keep you and Charlie calm lmao
Vaggie ⚔️
Vaggie adores you and you are often each other’s impulse control and each others biggest instigators
Vaggie getting pissed that someone is trying to sabotage the hotel and storming up to the traitor with her angelic spear cocked back and ready to kill
Enter big sis pulling her back and trying to talk some sense into her
Also you getting livid when someone talks negatively about Vaggie being a fallen angel, or worse being a former exorcist and being untrustworthy
Bad words and ugly names are pouring from your angry mouth, fists balled up and ready to go, muscles tense in anticipation
Cue Vags hugging you as she pulls you away, whispering that it doesn’t bother her so don’t let it bother you
But it bothers you bc you know it bothers her…she doesn’t deserve that.
As Rosie said, maybe she’s trying to be redeemed too…? Being shit talked is only going to put bad thoughts in her head and you can’t stand to see your family belittled like that
Sometimes, if the situation is just bad enough, you and Vaggie lose it together and no one can stop yall now. It’s honestly just as frightening as when Alastor shows his full demon form, you and Vaggie violently teamed up together like this.
Angry Vaggie + Angry big sis reader = a terrible ending for whoever is at the sharp end of her spear and at the mercy of your fists
Angel Dust 🕸️
Is very intimidated by you at first but grows so fond of you as he gets to know you. He admires your courage so much, he wishes he could be more like you.
He never feels safer than when he’s at the hotel with you near by. He knows that whatever he lacks when up against an opponent, you’ll be there to pick up the slack and watch his back.
Angel doesn’t have many true friends or familial figures in hell, and he misses his own sister so terribly. You fill that empty spot in his heart so perfectly, he wishes you had been around when he was still alive.
You two hang out a lot- his flirty, bubbly, goofy demeanor and your kind, accepting but stubborn attitude makes for some fun late night talks and some exciting outings together
Some dude tries to touch Angel out on the street without his consent? Oh fuck no. Before he knows it, the loser demon is groaning from the hard concrete floor as you grab Angel by the wrist, both of you stepping over the banged up body of the handsy asshole.
“It’s called consent! Look it up, ya fuckin prick.” Angel gets such a confidence boost being with you, you are the physical threat and he is the voice that tears them apart even further. You bruise their skin, he bruises their ego
Angel can’t help but laugh everytime you lose it for him. He just enjoys your company and support so much. He says he can handle himself and while he totally can, it’s just nice to have someone back him up, someone who truly cares for him.
Husk 🃏
While Vaggie and Charlie often try to hold you back and calm you down, Husk cheers you on in any and every tense situation you find yourself in
“Oooooh you’re in for it now, bone head.” He’ll smirk and watch with a pleased smirk on his face as you pummel some sinner who dared to threaten the hotel and its residents
Husk’s fav pastime is sitting back with a bottle of booze as he watches you just go ham on some stupid, loud mouth loser who tried to pick a fight with the former overlord
Husk isn’t afraid of a fight, he’s not afraid to get up close and personal with the action but he must admit it’s nice to feel cared for enough to have someone sacrifice their own safety just to protect him.
The only time Husk has intervened during one of your episodes of frustration and rage is when Alastor said something to Husk that rubbed you the wrong way. Seeing Husk’s terrified and helpless expression in response to Alastor’s threats lights a fire in your chest.
“How dare you talk to him like that! I don’t give a shit if you own him, he’s not your fucking pet, you piece of-“
Husk practically, no literally begged Alastor to let it go and leave you be which he did but only bc he sort of admired your lack of fear and your loving but fierce protective attitude.
Husk also greatly admires your lack of fear and strong will. He wishes you were his family for real, maybe he wouldn’t be so depressed and fucked up.
Sir Pentious 🐍
Admires tf out of you, babies tf out of you.
He sees you as more of a little sis, wanting to coddle and defend you always.
Sees you coming back to the hotel one day with some bruises and bloody hands and hes immediately comforting you, trying to clean you up even tho you’re clearly fine.
But, he must confess he loves teaming up with you bc together you’re the perfect pair- Pentious with his tools and inventions and intricate weapons and you with your amazing strength and hot headed, witty comebacks and your courage and your quick thinking.
When he feels that he needs to step in and keep you from doing something stupid, he does so with all his might. Pentious would rather face your wrath himself than let you go and get yourself hurt or killed.
Go ahead, take your anger out on him but don’t risk yourself just for him.
You two totally bond over wanting to be seen as evil, devious and powerful but you’re both actually soft little sweet hearts deep down.
You two cry together a lot lmao. It’s always him crying first and then his crying triggers you.
He would frequently talk to you about how you are always so brave, fearless, strong, never faltering, never second guessing yourself. He’d ask where you learned to be so sure of yourself, he wants to learn to be more like that.
Alastor 🩸
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unbidden-yidden · 6 months
I feel myself having so much less patience these days, and I don't like it.
Patience and compassion and kindness are things that must be cultivated like tender plants - they grow by the inch and die by the foot.
Seeing into someone's heart is something that takes a little effort, but the way to do it is by reframing your outlook, like you might adjust your vision to see through water. There are layers to a person, and you have to look past what they say or do on the surface in order to get to their true motivations.
And it takes patience and holding space for people, because they are used to operating in an unsafe environment. It's like when you go to the pond, you're not likely to see frogs right away. You might need to sit quietly for a half hour before the frogs re-emerge and float to the surface. But once you see them, suddenly there are frogs everywhere! You just had to wait until your mind allowed you to take them in. People's vulnerabilities and intentions are the same way. You might need to wait a while until the person is sure you are safe to be around, or they might have been exhibiting all of those vulnerabilities and motivations pretty openly; you just couldn't tell until you knew what you were looking for.
This gets much, much harder to do when you yourself don't feel safe, especially when you aren't (or feel like you aren't) being seen as human. You also (obviously) must see the other person as equally human to yourself, or this doesn't work. Perhaps a broken, deeply flawed person; but a person nonetheless.
I work in the domestic violence field, and so I end up talking to a lot of abusers in my professional life on behalf of my clients. I've found that it helps a lot to be kind. Why? Not because it's deserved, but because it's unexpected. They come into the situation ready to fight and argue, and instead, I speak to them kindly and explain why what my clients are asking for is in everyone's best interests. This seems to deflate them pretty immediately. They come into the situation thinking I'm the boss level for "fights with my ex (or whatever)" and then I listen. I take them out of earshot of my client, I let them vent (which helps me figure out what they actually want) and then I patiently explain our position and how we're offering to resolve the situation. And you know what? It works. A lot of the time, they were expecting me to treat them like a monster. But they're not a monster; they're a person who has done some inexcusable and horrific things, but they remain a person. I think about both my abusive exes, and the truth is that they're both people I loved, and loved for a reason. I wouldn't want someone else to hurt them (even if it was in cruel words only) just because they hurt me. Sometimes, the abuser is the father (or mother) of the client's children. There is typically always anger, but what good does it do for me to vent that anger for my client? Who does it help? Nobody. If we can't agree, then fine. I will do my job of asking the tough questions without mercy. But before that? Far better to de-escalate if possible.
Another conflict resolution thing: you have to remove the aggressive third parties that are angry on one side or the other's behalf. They tend to aggravate the party and escalate the situation by talking in the person's ear and saying how unfair this is and generally making it about their own feelings rather than problem solving.
But here too, finding out where the third parties who have involved themselves in the situation actually want is critical to diffusing this as well. They are people who are righteously (at least in their mind) angry on behalf of one of the parties because they love them and this has activated their protective side. And sometimes people really do need an advocate, yes. But sometimes (a lot of times) these third parties actually get in the way of de-escalation and problem solving.
All of this requires patience, effort, cultivation. And I work hard to do that. But lately my patience has been worn thin by too many people seeing me as subhuman, and it's really starting to wear on me.
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bitethedustfools · 9 months
New sagau idea? Part 2
Decide to make part 2 because i have bunch of ideas that probably might inspire you and i do feel these kind of stuffs need to be explored more. Fyi, I don't play genshin but i do know some from watching people gaming. Apologizing once more of these kind of idea/au exist as well.
Decide to make part 2 because i have so many ideas.
1) A violent and heartless player
You play Genshin Impact to pass time and are also a very violent and aggressive player where you'll always yell and throw items to vent or throw insults under your breath, and then back to gaming. In short, It's like a Call of Duty toxic player went into Genshin Impact.
Falling to death or drowning angered you to the point of banging your head and cursing. Not to mention, walking in the game angered you too because the characters were too slow!
You suck at first; impulsive action is not the best choice when you're angry, but you are in some way adaptable. You decide that your anger will be the source of your motivation to go through everything, so everything works out in the end.
Insulting is your mother tongue, so that means the characters and even the NPC are not spared as well. Most of your vicious, colorful insults and hurtful comments went toward people whom you hated and annoyed the most.
You remember the time when you laughed at Timmie's dumb dead birds and wished you had an option to push him off the bridge. His dad probably sensed he was a little b*tch back when he was a baby and went out to get some milk and never come back.
You sometimes intentionally let them die in a fight or or do something all in the name of experiment. You would even build a prison for them in the serenitea pot and just do the f*cked-up stuff that's possible in this game.
So one day, you broke your gaming setup due to your outburst, and somehow you woke up in Teyvat.
You didn't believe it was reality, and you still treated them as characters. Besides, they looked stupid with those stupid clothes on. They would stood out like a sore dumba$$ if they walked around in your world like that.
Anyway, killing Hilichurl or other small enemies is no problem for you. Committing a crime doesn't bother you. You probably don't bat an eye on killing people as well. Besides, all of this is just a game to you.
They're not real to you.
Their death is their fault for picking a fight with you. Should have just looked away instead of approaching you. Not your fault their feelings hurt.
Archons wanted to smite you, and somehow you managed to escape them and deal a few harmless blows. Not that it matters; you will be the one to seek them out and fight them when their backs are on you, and the cycle will repeat.
How you're still alive using a measly weapon because you don't know how to use claymore, polearms, and etc. is beyond you. But hey, anything is a weapon as long as it deals damage and even if it don't, you are still satisfied from letting all your anger out.
Nevertheless, all of the nations are in turmoil, and the culprit is none other than you.
The characters will definitely hate you, or maybe they feel ashamed and insecure about themselves because they want to fix themselves. Some acolytes and the people who believe in justice and peace had 'kill on sight' pinned on your back. They don't even believe that you are a god. God don't act like this.
The Wanderer 4th betrayal definitely happened, and Dottore clones definitely got hunted for sport because they annoyed you Does the Fatui wants to recruit you? You don't know, depends. Do they believe you are the god they worshipped? Also, don't know. Not like you care though.
No one can wreck havoc and commit more sins than you. You, a single person, broke Teyvat's peace and order effortlessly than the fatui with just impulsive anger and chaotic energy.
And if one day you realize that you actually have blood on your hands, you'll probably shrug it off and say it doesn't matter.
If you go back to your own world, no one knows what you have done. Who's going to tell the police? The dead people you stabbed out of annoyance? Those fiction characters that had animosity toward you?
No, will there even be someone alive in Teyvat if you were to return?
2) Streamer and gamer player.
In which you are transported into Teyvat along with some game skills, menus, and anything relevant to a game. That includes the chat box.
You learned that you were still streaming when you got sent to Teyvat, and everyone in the chat can see you. Cool, so it's not a dream; it's real, and instead of playing, you are the player! Where's Aether/Lumine? Why are you here? "AIYO!?? We got to see DAT CAKE!"
You are not aware that you looked like an idiot talking to yourself unless pointed out by the chat. It seems that the chat sees you as part of the game, which means that they can see the characters and NPC thoughts and words while you see them as a normal person.
Cool. Now you have to have the chat got your back, or else you're doomed. Dead. Unable to be revived. You're not sure if you can do that, but you're not willing to try.
Another problem that arises is that the chat tends to troll you or bombard you with loud sounds. It makes it harder to trust them or focus on what the characters are saying when they did this.
Sometimes you beg the chat, like they are some sort of sadistic god looking down at you from above the clouds with their chins high and a sneer.
All because you want some goddamn money because apparently, if they donate money, it instantly becomes moras and you're broke as fuck like cmon, help a fricking clown out.
Strangely, despite everything looked real, you have the physics of a game. The things you find in the game work if you try hard enough. For example, glitching under the Mondstadt's land. With these kinds of things, you don't need to walk when you can just glitch and get sent flying across the nation. Just making use of this bug makes your life easier.
Oh, how did you get stuck on this cliff while you were trying to use another entrance to Sumeru? That's right, it's an experiment to see if it works.
"Don't laugh, chat; I'm doing this out of curiosity and for you. Youre the one whos suggesting this."
The characters in Teyvat thought you were a rather peculiar person, talking to yourself at random times, and you seemed to know too much even though you didn't do any research, merely fighting hilichurls and robbing back the bandits–
–Oh Great Archons! You can fly!? No? It's a glitch? Well, they don't understand enough to understand you, but hey, that's so you. Keep up being weird, player.
Maybe the things you do are… unique and can be considered divine in their eyes. After all, who could walk on air like you do? Or bringing people back to life and knowing so much? No one could do that, so you must be a god!
As a matter of fact, you remind them of a certain figure. That's right! The creator! The creator acted like you too. Always talking to this thing called "chat"
"Um, no, I'm a gamer and chat is chat."
You fail to take into consideration that while everything looks like a game in your eyes, the people are definitely real, and this is what they thought of you.
3) Killer player
You don't play Genshin Impact, but you are quite resourceful, cunning, and deviously smart. You know this game is quite famous, and coincidentally, the prey you aimed to take life is playing it too.
In order to get closer to your prey, you must be fluent in their language. You listened to all that your prey blabbered and what they showed with an interested smile. You even question them once in a while to get them going all for the sake of learning the prey's personality and schedule and how you want to unalive them.
When you did kill your prey and accidentally broke their computer/laptop in the process, you got transported to Teyvat. In a way, you had stolen your prey's fate instead.
(The characters had mistaken you for their creator before but dismissed it because you lacked a certain presence. However, you do feel familiar with them because you sometimes watch over the game when your prey has played before.)
Now, you heard interesting things about this game, and you grew more interested when the characters interacted with you. How amusing! The characters had no idea you were a very sinister and cunning person behind a weak and polite persona.
In terms of healthcare, they are leaning toward supernatural stuff, and the medicine using materials found in this world is also effective. However, they seem to be lacking in a certain area that needs surgery.
Most deaths were common due to hilichurls and bandits, or those whom they called the Fatui, so they wouldn't be examined too closely. You doubt that they even have something that closely resembles fingerprint identification, judging by the lack of technology..m
…Which means hiding and killing is much easier than in your previous world.
Teyvat is such a nice place to have entertainment. It didn't take too long for you to settle here and get comfortable.
Monstadt is a city known for freedom and peace; however, once you arrive here, every night, no doubt a single person will go missing or be found dead. You are normally a silent killer, but you couldn't resist letting them know. Their expression thrilled you.
All those knight roaming around at night, and they couldn't even save a single person. What a pity.
In Liyue, the funeral parlor became rich all thanks to these crimes you were committing. Does a certain acolyte know what you're doing? Maybe not, afterall, there are more ways to kill a person than just a sword and poison.
Accidents could happen, you know? falling off a cliff, in the wrong place at the wrong time, being mauled by animals where people conveniently are not near, or dealing with the wrong person.
Inazuma is much more easier; their deaths could be pinned on one person who is also the source of the nation's tense atmosphere. Hatred, anger and fear rose with each crime you committed, but there is no evidence that you did it. After all, what could a weak and polite person who looked like they couldn't wield a sword do?
Plenty actually. Not that they know.
Sumeru is quite nice. Full of gifted scholars and intelligent individuals. You thought it will be a challenge seeing as you have similar minds and yet, most disappointed you.
All these smart people, and they couldn't string the murder together. Maybe you don't kill the right one which mean the don't care. Oh? Then should you kill the one with that grey hair? He seems to be someone of importance.
You made Akademiya your target. You must admit that you learned quite a lot of precious knowledge in this place. While youre here, might as well pretend to be one and use this time to gather infos.
They did not know and realized how you got into the Akademiya or how you had disguised yourself as one of the scholars. They don't know how you got through security or how one by one are slowly not attending the class or the expedition.
They said that acting confidently like you belong there and becoming part of the background like a plain NPC is always the key to infiltration.
And oh, even if they get suspicious and point that out to you, you know what to do. Lying, speaking half the truth, and gaslighting are also languages you are quite good at.
And Fontaine, oh, Fontaine. A nation that is known for justice when, in fact, it's not always about justice but entertainment. It is a nation that indirectly challenge you as well. Entertainment? Why, you know what kind of entertainment you shall give! It will be something that everyone remembers for the rest of their life.
You are like Jack the Ripper, never caught and never punished. Did the Archons ever suspect you? Who knows. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.
All you know is that you have an alibi to back you up and a likeable and underestimated personality.
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animeyanderelover · 4 months
Second may I request Tobirama nfsw hcs
Tags: @shumidehiro @naeho @swagenemyartisan
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, obsession, possessive behavior, Nsfw, choking, overstimulation, breeding, afab reader
Nsfw Hc’s
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🌊Tobirama is a man who values the traditions passed down in his clan for generations and that also includes the manners appropriate at that time when it comes to anything sexual. It is surely for someone amusing to consider the fact that this man is a virgin despite his huge achievements. Tobirama truly holds his traditions dear though and only plans to have sex with his spouse. Whilst he is still a man with needs, he has a case of being workaholic so his focus is often only pinned on his work. He isn’t one to get tempted by desire that easily and it is mainly his darling that eventually causes his thoughts to shift. Obviously not in an instant way but in a more gradual one where he slowly starts appreciating you for your personality traits as well as your body. He never mentions anything about it though as he remains a strict and respectful man who refuses to ogle at you like some perverted creep. Even with his own body slowly being more sensitive and reactive when in close proximity to you, Tobirama is adamant to save everything for marriage.
🌊He keeps the tradition alive until the bitter end, until both of you have given your vows. There have been some passionate moments before this moment but even then he has never allowed it to escalate into anything more than rough kisses and experimental touches. There is definitely some sexual frustration that has accumulated inside of him over all the time he had to wait though and all of that will be unloaded on the wedding night. It is going to be rougher for you at the beginning as there is some uncomfortable pain that accompanies the pleasure. Even if Tobirama has been considerate to prep you until he has deemed it to be enough, he can’t help but be on a more aggressive side as he pounds into you. Give him a few rounds, endure it for a while until he has calmed down. Even if you’re by that point already trembling, all of your senses and nerves overstimulated as you have come on his cock multiple times. Because now he starts getting softer with low words of praise, warm kisses and hands appreciatively roaming around on your body as he starts slapping his hips against your own once again in a slow pace.
🌊Everything that isn’t part of his body or yours doesn’t belong in the bedroom when he’s making love to you. Tobirama is wildly vanilla and not very open nor accepting of anything that dabbles into the more kinky side and he has especially something against tools. A part of this mindset really stems from the way he was raised in the Senju clan. Another part of him views any tools you may even dare to suggest as an insult. Such things are in his eyes not only a hindrance but steal away the intimacy such experiences are supposed to have. You only have to focus on one thing when he is slamming his hard and thick length in you and that is him and he only has to focus on you when your sensitive walls flutter around him. He should be enough to pleasure you. Are you trying to suggest that he isn’t satisfying you enough? You won’t even be able to get any sex toys in the house but you definitely get one long and rough session with Tobirama who will gladly fuck your brain out if it helps you to realize that there isn’t any need for any other objects. Don’t you ever dare again to mention sex toys again in his presence.
🌊He makes an attempt to never do it too often but Tobirama can’t deny that sometimes it just feels incredible to vent his frustration and stress out by having sex with you. Everything is wiped from his memory besides the pleasure he receives in the moment and all tension melts away when he reaches his own orgasm. He knows that the problems won’t be solved by simply railing you into the sheets but for his own sanity, he sometimes can’t help himself. Everything about the sex life between you two is kept within your own house though as he would only view it as very inappropriate to share such sacred moments with anyone else. That means that he also doesn’t appreciate if you give him any hickies or scratches on places that he can’t cover up and he applies the same principle to you. If he ever catches any leftover from a previous night, he always sees it through that you wear clothes that hide it.
🌊Whilst Tobirama despises any toys and most kinks, he has a thing for choking you. It is almost an eye-rolling experience when you feel his calloused and rough hands wrapping themselves around your warm neck whilst he is mercilessly thrusting his thick member in and out of your slick hole. The Second Hokage definitely asserts his dominance over you during such heated moments. Either by choking you or by grabbing both of your wrists in one hand and pinning them above your head, preventing you from touching him. Needless to say, he is always the one in control even during sex as his controlling side even extends there. He is unable to ever imagine himself playing the part of the submissive partner in his married life with you. It once again connects to his traditional upbringing in the Senju clan as well as the way he thinks he has to behave as a warrior as well as the Second Hokage. Complain about it as much as you will, he knows you’ll forget about it once he hits all the right spots inside of you.
🌊He isn’t very vocal for a big part as the only sounds you ever hear him make are the occasional grunt and groan when the tightening of your walls sparks the pleasure building up inside of him more and more. Normally it always starts on a rougher side where he gradually mellows out after a few rounds and starts being more affectionate and nice. His aftercare is quite good too because he is aware that he goes rough on you and that he forces a lot out of you so he always makes sure to hydrate and clean you thoroughly up after he has left you as a sticky mess. He isn’t interested in any kids for the first few years of the relationship as his priorities are currently elsewhere but he knows that as a part of the Senju Clan and especially as someone with his position, the topic will be unavoidable. He likes to be fully prepared for this future scenario and he discusses it with you too to have you prepared for it too. Until that time arrives though, he even allows you to consume anything that prevents you from getting pregnant.
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suengmi · 1 year
haii, i saw that you wanted some ot8 prompts?
maybe skz’s different ways of showing affection? maybe comforting you after a long day? idk if you’ve done any of these yet but im in a soft mood today, had a bit of a shitty day myself and nearly got fired because I overslept so that was fun 🤧
get round to this if you feel like it, if not i totally understand!! keep yourself safe bby <33 -🐶x
I'm so sorry you had a shitty day :( jeez were all human. when one of my employees slept in the other day I was like "get ya hole here where you at" and they're like "IM COMIN MY BIG OLE OVER SLEPT" like damn not the end of the world yeesh ANYWAYS hope this makes u feel better pup ❤️
no warnings (mentions of non sexual nudity???) just FLUFF ACK
chan always knows you're upset, he senses it almost immediately. whenever you're upset, you need space but need his comfort just as much. kind of mixed messages. you feel guilty sometimes not knowing what you want. but chan is always there, asking you what you need in the end. sometimes you don't know, so it takes it into his own hands, cooking for you, washing your hair when you shower together, giving neck kisses while he does so. "more kisses? i have unlimited for you"
changbin, ever the fusser. he would try to make jokes after he noticed and tease you a little bit. he'll do anything to make you laugh or smile, but you weren't always in the mood. sometimes, he got a bit confused, trying to read your face. "baby, I'm sorry. what do you need?" with that, you'd melt into his touch, crying into his neck. he'd pick you up, pulling your legs around his waist. "my lil koala" he'd say, pulling his head back to give you a kiss. his kisses would get a bit aggressive in the end, telling you how much he loves you. in the end, you'd be laughing "bin stop!!"
felix would instantly come to you, hands cradling your face, probably dropping whatever he was holding not caring. "oh don't cry! why are you crying? baby what's wrong?" big cuddles, pushing your face into his chest. "felix i can't breathe." he keeps holding you for a second before he realises "oh sorry" you'd laugh a little bit, him just laughing with you about his overly affectionate way of comforting you. "i sometimes have to breathe you know" kisses all over your face and fingers sitting under your shirt, telling you how proud he is of you. MORE KISSES.
"oh shit" he'd say, seeing you crying on the couch. his bags thudding on the ground as he walked in the door. "baby no," he'd panic a bit, walking to your side to sit next to you. "what's wrong?" you'd just start crying more. "tell me baby please. what do you need?" you'd throw yourself into his arms, mumbling how you just wanted cuddles. he wasn't the quickest to pick these things up, but he knew if you'd just want to cry, letting you do what you needed. his hands soothing along your back as he rested his cheek on your head. "are you hangry? I'll get in the car right now you wanna maccas? chocolate? is it me?? do i stink??" you'd just laugh, knowing he's doing his best.
eyes wide and searching your own. you're in the sheets. nothing is said when he slips in behind you, running his hand around your waist to hold you. "you don't have to talk" he'd say, kissing your cheeks and shoulders. reassuring you that he gets overwhelmed sometimes, too, so he understands. you'd turn into his chest, enjoying his smell. it's comforting. in the end, you'd just exist in his arms, not talking about anything. he'd just kiss your head, waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to talk. patient as always
drops everything that he's doing when he hears you sniffle a little bit. "baby what is it? tell me" you'd just shake your head not wanting to talk. "bad day huh? tell me, please, i wanna know" you'd end up talking about your day, how shitty your work was, he knows you'll feel better after venting just getting it all off your chest. he knows you too well. his hands would be running through your hair and fingers gently wiping away your tears. "I love you" he'd say, all gooby and warm. this would make you cry more mumbling into his chest that you love him too.
"what you whining about?" he'd laugh when he came home hearing you start spouting off about work and the shit that came with it. this would probably make it a bit worse, frustration of him not listening and turning it into a joke. "oh babe" he'd coo, coming to your side, grabbing your hands in his. he wouldn't realise how bad you feel until he actually sees you. "sorry is it really that bad? i didn't mean to make you cry more" he'd probably feel really bad, pressing little kisses on your puffy lips. "im a dick" he'd pout, kissing you more. you're a mess now, everything setting you off. "i'm here, what do you need? I'll do whatever I can."
seungmin says nothing when he notices you crying. the kiss on your forehead would be gentle, saying it all. he'd leaves you for a moment running you a bath and lighting some candles in his bathroom. he'd bring you to the bathroom carefully moving you with his hand in yours, undressing you before him. he'd help you into the bath, sitting in behind you. just rubbing his hands up and down your arms and giving you cuddles whenever you'd cry harder, arms sitting across your chest and face nuzzling into your neck whispering how beautiful you were and how you could get through this.
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lunatic-pudge · 7 months
Sniper SWF Alphabet
My baby boy!!!!! I think I might do Pyro or Demo next
A: Affection (How do they show affection? And how affectionate are they?)
Sniper is one of the most touched-starved of all nine mercs. It comes from him being an introverted-esque person and also his job. But when it comes to having an s/o, he is a very affectionate person. He loves giving and receiving affection
B: Best Friend (What would they be like a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He'd be a good best friend to have if you can break through his barriers. He doesn't let people in easily, he's very defensive about letting people in. So you would have to start slow with breaking the barriers. Sitting together and making small talk. Once the barrier is broken, he's another loyal friend. He's also a gossiper, ready to talk about and hear the latest merc drama. He's also a little shit-head and occasionally will cause trouble by letting a bee or spider lose in the building. He thinks seeing Scout freak out over a little bee is top tier comedy
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Loves cuddles. You two will be constantly cuddling each other in private. He's the type of person to just lay on top of someone. He's like a coat or blanket and it's adorable. He doesn't discriminate on cuddles, if you want to be the big spoon, he'll gladly allow it. He'll cuddle you in front of people when he's drunk or completely exhausted. You're his comfort item
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking & cleaning?)
Would definitely want to settle down. He'd make a great house husband. Is very particular with cooking and cleaning, he has a very specific routine for it and doesn't like breaking said routine. He is also very into trying new foods so you'll be trying a lot of interesting stuff. Please picture this man in a frilly pink apron for me, thank you :)
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Very and horribly shy about it but will do it to get it done and over with so he doesn't have to dwell on it anymore. He's upfront with it and gives a reasonable explaination for it. Post breakup, he becomes very reclusive. It takes him a bit to get over the relationship but once he's over it, he'll start to revert back to his usual
F: Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Wants to get married but is scared of it. He wants to make sure the person he's with is the one. It would take a while for him to propose, I give it four years of dating at least, but after he pops that question and you say yes, he's excited. I feel like he'd let you do most of the wedding planning while aggressively supporting you, but there would be some things he'd like, such as a small wedding. But this man will make your dream wedding come true
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Is surprisingly a very gentle bean. Hims is such a sweetheart. Is very good at being a listening ear if you need to vent. He'll hold you and let ypu talk about everything and anything. He enjoys spending time with you
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Another gangly man with gangly man hugs, but they do be warm and comforting. Hugs are affection and he's a very affectionate man so hugs are constant. He tends to do a lot of suprise hugs from behind. He'll lay his chin on top of your head as well. He's also they type to put his elbow on your shoulder and bully you for being short
I: I Love You (How fast do they say the L-Word?)
Takes a while for him to say it. He'd probably end up saying it on your one year anniversary which makes it such an emotional moment for the both of ya. He writes lots of little notes for you and puts them everywhere and all of them contain a little I love you in it, sometimes it's just an I love you note but it's still very adorable
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Is only jealous when drunk or high (you know damn well this man is the team's weed dealer). He's very confident of himself when sober, but when he's under the influence of something he's the possessive, worried you'll leave him for someone else type of person. He'll be all over you and accusing the person of trying to take you away from him, tears may or may not be included
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Little smooches with every hi and bye. Going to the bathroom? Here's a smooch before you go. Oh, you're back? Here's a smooch for returning. He usually just gives quick innocent kisses and saves the more saucy and romantic ones when alone and for those special moments. Will kiss you anywhere and everywhere but usually tends to stick with kisses on the lips since it's quick and easy
L: Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
Is unsure about kids. They're cute and he tries to be a good role model for them, but he also doesn't understand kids. He's on the fance about having kids in the future. It depends on you if you two are having them or not. He's also the type to get absolutley fucking murdered by a hoard of kids. They'd maul him alive (it's like a reverse FNAF where the kids kill the adults and stuffed them in a suit)
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Grumpy old man. He's up early making coffee and being grumpy. He's very much not a morning person and it shows. He's very snippy with the other mercs so you'll have to be there to be the neutral party and pull him away from fighting someone
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Is up late. He spends his nights cuddling you and watching a movie. With enough convincing, he'll turn his camper into a mini blanket fort. He struggles to sleep at night so it ends up contibuting to his morning grumpiness. He'll spend most of the night cuddling you until he falls asleep
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
Another thing that would take a long time for him to do. He doesn't want you trying to use this info against him. But if you're with him, then you obviously must have some patience, the long wait is worth it though
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Depends on his mood of the day. He's usually a very patient man but some days everything annoys him. He's very quick to apologize for his anger though. He doesn't like being mad at you, it's hurts his feelings
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I'd say he's pretty good with memorizing info about you. He does tend to forget and mix up some small bits, but overall, he's good with memory
R: Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory is when you two both took care of an injured owl. Owls are his favorite bird so when you came to him with a small box that had a baby owl in it, his heart melted. He's got quite the knowledge with taking care of animals so he knew what to do, asking you to retreive certain item so you both can help the owl. Taking care of the owl was like a test to see how well you both work together. He has pictures of the time hung up on his wall. You both ended up keeping the owl as a pet
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very protective. He tends to stick close to you to make sure you're safe. He'd be someone who would hold you close to him with one arm, point his kukri at the person and growl at them. He gives you big scary dog privleges
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
He tries his best. He likes going all out for anniversaries, making sure you feel like royalty in that day. He also goes all out for your birthday, basically telling you that you're not lifting even a finger at all that day. He'll interrogate you for date ideas since he tends to not know what to do for date night. Plz help him
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
The man pisses in jars. No sane person pisses in a jar and throws it at people. But aside from that, I'd say the only real bad habit/trait of his is his reclusiveness and his grumpiness. This man has an attitude on him and isn't scared to show it
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Doesn't care much about his looks. I feel like he does the bare minimum to exist. But does take better care of himself when he starts dating you. It's a very noticable difference too which ends up with the mercs questioning and attempting to bully him. He doesn't give a shit about them though. He only cares about you and his parents
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
It all depends on how long you two have been together. If it's been casual, then he's fine. But long term? Homie ends up developing separation anxiety. He doesn't like being away from you for too long. He'll usually take something of yours to kinda help him. It barely helps. He needs you.
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
I feel like he'd be the type of person to be constantly high. He's obviously the weed dealer of the team, he knows what the good kush is. He's also a very feral man. Just look at him. He never got that rabies shot and it shows
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He's very picky about his partner. He doesn't like when his partner who's persistent and aggressive. He tends to let his partner take the lead but if they wanna do something he does't want to do, he will throw a fight about it if they persist
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Struggles to sleep at night. He tends to be on edge a lot so it messes with his sleep schedule. So he usually just spends the night cuddling and watching you sleep until he himself can pass the fuck out
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kavlion · 1 year
Yandere Kaveh (GN!Reader)
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CW: Obsessive behavior, manipulative behavior, drinking, crying/begging, stalking
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It all would start a simple, innocent crush to him. He sees you, and he immediately becomes smitten. It wasn't in an obsessive way... at first.
You'd grow a friendship pretty quickly. He'd initiate the first conversation and you'd both take it from there.
He felt guilty often venting to you about his stress-- ranging from financial problems, his past, to his stupid roommate-- but you actually listened. No one listened to his problems the way you did. You seemed to actually care.
In turn, he listened to you. At first, it was nothing but sympathy from him, but then he started to love it when you vented your emotions to him, that you relied on him just as much as he relied on you.
That's when the obsession would truly start.
He would tell himself that it was normal for him to feel this way, in fact, it should be normal. You're so amazing, how could anyone not feel this way? He's completely justified!
After a while, he'd become very clingy. He was asking to spend time with you every chance he got, and eventually he’d get to the point of pretending to be going through something awful just to make you feel bad for him. 
Would also get drunk at Lambad’s for the sole purpose of you finding him and bringing him back home. He would be extra flirty and sometimes borderline creepy, but you’d chalk it up to the copious amounts of alcohol he’s had.
When you start to avoid him more, he’d grow very emotional. He’d become more clingy and overbearing, but also very passive aggressive, but never fully aggressive. He just couldn’t find it in his heart to be truly angry at you, or at least to act on that anger.
If you continue avoiding him, he’d show up on your doorstep having a drunken breakdown. He’d confess his love, clinging onto you and crying into your shoulder at how, “I need you, I can’t live without you, why are you doing this to me?! Are you trying to break me!? Do you not care about me at all?!”
This could go one of two ways.
A. You bring him inside and comfort him. He’d have the gall to ask to move in with you, and if you say yes, he’d act like his regular self until he’s financially stable again.
When that would happen, he’d start keeping you captive within your own home. He’d make you stop working, now having the money to support the both of you, even promising to build you both a mansion one of these days! Isn’t that so sweet?
On the other hand... B. you slam the door on his face and for a while, you’d hear nothing from him. When you think that he’s finally left you alone... months, maybe even a year or two later... you’d find yourself kidnapped from your house, waking up in an unfamiliar place.
He spent that time growing financial freedom stalking you, perhaps sending you letters and gifts from a “secret admirer” on your time spent apart, if for longer than half a year. 
When the blindfold would come off, he’d smile.
“Did you miss me, dear?”
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fem!plus size reader, wc: 539.
a/n: thank you @minervadashwood, my brain totally exploded, and I accidentally posted this when it wasn't ready and I lost your request, but the prompt that you gave to me is still in the fic!
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It felt like your brain was eating you alive, ever since Daryl had come back from searching for Rick, it was as though all the women in Alexandria were ready to sink their claws into him. You must admit, he had grown into himself, his body thickening, his hair growing longer, and his beard was almost a full white. You could practically see the drool on the side of the older women's mouths, and you wanted nothing more than to wipe their grins off of their faces.
You wanted to scream at the top of your lungs that he was yours, that he chose you, he came back to you, that you waited forever for him and you would rather die than let him get taken away from you. You knew Daryl was none the wiser, with a self esteem that was still slowly being built up, he had no idea that other people could ever possibly find him attractive, let alone wanting to be the other woman in your relationship. You knew that he only had eyes on you, but sometimes you felt like you sat on the sidelines as the women came and asked Daryl to help them with something that they could do perfectly on their own.
You were aggressively sharpening your knife, digging holes into the woman that Daryl was assisting when you all but stabbed yourself.
"I think that knife is sharp enough." You heard Daryl called out to you with the side of his lip pulled up. You just shrugged, continuing to sharpen the blade as he sat down next to you. "Wha's wrong?" He asked. "Isn't there someone you should be helping." You bit. His eyes scanned around the open area before falling back on to you. "I don' think so." You huffed. "Is there somethin' on yer mind?" You hated how caring he was, it made it very difficult to be pissed at him for something that wasn't his fault.
You sighed, stopping your ministrations so that you could look at him.
"Daryl, can't you see? Ever since you got back there's been girls just lining up 'needing your help'. Before you left they were too scared to even be around you, let alone be bold enough to flirt right to your face. And it's like they total forgot I was there! Purposely ignoring the fact that you had a girlfriend!" You vented, hands beginning to motion wildly. "Those women weren't flirtin' with me." You scoffed. "Daryl, did she really need to caress your arm to ask you about a car part?" Now that he thought about it, he wanted to face palm. Daryl hadn't been the most aware when it came to romance, hell, you'd been in love with him since the quarry and he didn't know until your group was discovered by Aaron.
"It don' matter that they were flirtin' with me, cus I'm with you, okay? Always." It was rare that Daryl showed this side of him out in public like this, and that made his words all the more assuring. "I'm with you too, Daryl. Always." You grabbed his large hand, lacing your fingers together.
You smiled at the feeling of his gloves against your bare skin.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood
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badyan · 11 days
Thought onslaught
"I just!…don’t know…"
"Why are you even questioning this?" his voice was cold and unaffected, but you know he doesn’t mean to be so harsh with you. It’s just his usual state. You still feel like you’re interrupting him though…
"It is your birthday. You humans love your celebrations…sometimes even too much," he adds in a lower tone, scrolling for something in his holopad. "So why should no one care this time?"
You go quiet. The thought about you being the most annoying mopping goof floods your mind again. Second day straight. You know too well he has no intention to sound so cold. But two days with these anxious thoughts boiling up within your head…You don’t even have any strength left to pour him your whole heart out. Especially when he’s like this, all in accordance with his role. Right…You should not try to get in touch with him when he’s working. It’s not about personal, you’ve discussed it already — it’s just like his mind switches into the commander mode. And you’ve lost him till the dead of the night.
"Should’ve known better…" you think to yourself, standing up and leaving him alone. Maybe you’re just too tired. Exhausted, actually. Sleep would be great — especially the part when you can have your mind turned off.
You fall flat, huge pillow embracing your face, soft cool darkness soothing your heated watery eyes. You need to take a time-out of this endless thought onslaught. And you can. But right before your mind completely blurs to sleep, you hear him calling you from the other room.
"Where are you?"
"I’ll nap…a bit…" you only mumble in the dark, voice so small in this yearning silence. You know he heard you. You simply try to brush off new wave of trembling overthoughts and force your mind blank, letting the slumber consume you. You don’t want to mull it all over anymore.
The last thing that came to your mind was Ram as you hear some distant clicking of his vents opening in a sigh. Maybe it would have been much easier if you were an omnic like him, able to switch your dumb fucking anxious head off…That would be awesome, even for a bit…
You dissolve into the sweet oblivion of your dreams, now blank, peaceful. Perfect void for your disheartened heart to hide…
…that was until you got scared awake by the sudden noise of fire alarm. Annoying loud beeping was coming from the kitchen, where you immedeately rushed, almost falling because your socks slipped on the smooth floor tiles. You even felt your spine crack from how awkwardly you moved, catching your balance back — but the sight in front of you was worthy of that.
You arrived at the same moment his hand teared the fire alarm detector off the ceiling, crushing it to crunch straight away just to shut the damn thing. He moves frantically, aggressively even, as if this poor alarm could pose a danger to him and all his beloved ones.
Ramattra stands beside the stove awkwardly, oddly slouching and staring at you back silently. The whole scene was so chaotic and so sudden that it makes you both just freeze on the spot, taking a second to comprehend the what-tha-fuck moment. You blink sleepily, taking in the way he stands strangely in the middle of house equipment’s murder scene. He was never jealous of other machines that surround you daily…
Although his pose deceives him badly. Yes, of course it’s usual for him to lower his head like this indoors since he is too large for your cute little kitchen ( or better say, your cute litte kitchen is too small for his full-height posture ) — but right now you sense something off in the way he clumsily stand there, gripping the edge of the countertop, watching you intently with a hint of…guilt?
A deer in the headlights, a little boy who goofed around too much and is now trying to escape getting grounded, quickly eliminating all the evidence of his goofball deeds — that’s what you see in the kitchen instead of your lovely ravager boy. This confounded pose and the way he don’t know where to look to escape your shoked gaze, letting the awfully long foolish pause give him away even more…it’s so obvious that he’s hiding something from you, it makes him sick with embarrassment.
And the more he tries to cover it up, the more it makes your lips curl into a silly smirk. You already know what’s going on — but the view…is charming.
"What?…" was all you can mutter carefully, tone already mischievous.
"Nothing." even his own vocaliser deceives him, pure confusion is evident in his tone. He can only thank the Iris that his faceplate can’t blush, otherwise he would be all red at the moment.
"Why?" your cheeks start to hurt from how big of a smile you have as you point at the poor fire alarm debris in his fist.
"It…it could have waked you up. It did." he objects, though knowing that his arguments sound lame.
"It was doing its job!" you chuckle "It’s the least it could do since big boy commander can’t deal with some mundane human cooking…" you taunt and he lowers his head in shame. He had no time to get rid of the smell of burned food before you rushed over…
You can’t resist this adorable goof. Giggling heartedly, you gesture him to move out of the way. He hesitated for a moment, before he slowly steps to the side, letting you to the stove. There it is — a whole pan of veggies and burned down tomato sause, seasoned with your favourite herbs. All burned, too. You hear his back vents clicking open as he watches you examining the remains of what meant to be your own specialty pasta…
But oh, how his circuitry melts when he’s met with your smile, pure joy shining in your sleepy eyes despite the meal being totally ruined. He freezes, afraid to scare off the moment, finding himself forgetting how to pronounce words. Instead he just stares at you, hoping you’ll read straight from his eyes all the things his soul speaks but his vocaliser can’t yet. At the back of his mind, he sometimes wishes he could have the same deep, gorgeous eyes, just like you, as a human, have…Eyes that can talk louder than any voice or gesture or body language could muster. That would be wonderful, just a bit of this charm any human was born with…
"You sweetheart…" you murmur, gently leaning on him, hugging, snuggling, feeling how his hands wrap around your whole body in his big bear’s embrace, incredibly soft and careful for a creature of steel…your head cradled against his chest and he is nuzzling your hair from up above, planting a silent omnicode kiss.
"You remembered my pasta…"
"Of course I have…I wanted to make you your favourite"
"You remembered my comfort food recipe…to make it for me…"
"… and I burnt the whole meal."
"You! remembered!! and wanted to make!!! for me!!!! and almost cooked!!!!!" you laugh and it fills him with the warmth he has never known.
Perhaps, this is what home feels like…
"So…you’re not mad? Even though I totally screwed it up?"
"Not at all, hun. But I would if we won’t cook it together now." your mischievous smirk is making him thank the Iris again for not being able to blush.
He is enamoured.
@statuetochka, @t3chborb silly Rama food is ready!!! fluff flavoured, because my birthday is coming next wednesday, anxiety is getting me and Rama is my babe therapy
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http-angelite · 1 year
♡ dating craig tucker hcs ♡
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characters: craig (aged 16-17)
note: this is the other half of the request i promised for my ❦ anon ♡
➤ fem reader
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craig texts you so often, almost all the time, even if you're in the same room. he'll send you memes that he thinks will make you laugh. and since he has a hard time verbally expressing some of his emotions, he'll text them to you instead of saying them out loud. it's easier for him, he gets to say what he wants to say, and you appreciate that he does try to talk about his feelings with you.
he'll text you if he is upset and needs to vent, or when he just wants to let you know how much he loves you, how pretty he thought you looked today, or about how amazing he thinks you are in general.
he often does this with notes as well. he'll write sweet notes and love letters for you and put them in your bag, your locker, or on your desk. almost every time he goes over to your house, he brings a note to hide somewhere he knows you'll find before he leaves. it always makes your day when you find one.
back to texting, he sends you so many pictures of his hamster, stripe, pictures of him and stripe, videos of stripe, videos of him with stripe. craig thinks of you both as stripe's parents. he calls her your baby and uses her as an excuse to invite you over.
"come over. our baby misses her mom."
he loves how well you get along with stripe. it fills his heart with so much joy when he sees you playing with her, helping to take care of her, and loving her as much as he does. it makes him wanna wife you up fr.
he'll see you kissing stripe and he'll just be like "we should get married."
he does his best to make sure that you never doubt his feelings for you, even when he has a hard time expressing them to you. he never wants to unintentionally make you feel like he might not love you just because it's sometimes difficult for him to show a lot of emotion.
craig will flip off anyone that bothers you in any way. if another guy flirts with you, he'll flip him off. if someone is staring at you, he'll flip them off. if you tell him that you dislike a certain person, he'll flip them off too.
he keeps the same energy when someone insults you as he does when someone insults stripe. he can and will beat a bitch for talking shit, no matter who it is. and after he kicks their ass, he will flip them off every time he sees them from then on.
he's the type of boyfriend to defend you no matter what. he doesn't care what you do to warrant ant kind of verbal or physical violence from anyone, he will not let them touch you.
"fuck off and leave her alone."
"dude, she fucking stabbed me."
"okay, and??"
bro holds hella grudges too. he will never forget it when anyone says/does anything remotely negative about/to you. he takes it more personally than you do, honestly. even with you make amends with this person, or they apologize, he still will not like them.
"why are you talking to him? he called you a stupid last year."
"oh, that girl? she's a bitch, dude. she yelled at my girlfriend a few months ago."
you guys are definitely the type of couple who will be jokingly mean and sarcastic with each other. he'll tease you, and you'll tease him. it makes you both laugh, and you're both so secure when it comes to how the other feels about you that you never question whether or not the other is actually trying to be mean. you both know that you're just messing around.
you and caig will also jokingly flip each other off occasionally as well and it's so funny when the people around you see this and are like "wtf?".
if you meet his family and can deal with all of them being lowkey aggressive and flipping each other off all the time, then you're with him for life, and he is not letting you go. his family also falls in love with you too, and, after some time, you'll become so close with them that they'll start flipping you off too and expecting you to do the same.
you guys might as well be married at that point, because you are now officially considered part of the family.
he rarely initiates PDA, but he's definitely always holding your hand in public, especially if you're in a large space or in a crowd. he's worried that, if he lets you go, you might wander off, and he'll lose you.
but craig will never reject any kind of affection you show him in public, no matter who's around. he doesn't want to tell you to stop while you're demonstrating how much you love him. kiss him, hug him, love him all you want, everywhere you go.
he's actually so honored that you like to show off the fact that you're dating him in front of other people. it makes him feel so loved and appreciated. he absolutely loves when he notices other guys getting jealous when they see that you're with him. feeds his ego so much.
in general, he has a hard time initiating any physical contact beyond holding your hand or occasionally kissing you on the cheek. he's ridiculously touch starved, however, and he is always craving any kind of touch you'll treat him to. it makes him sooo happy when you initiate physical affection with him. and, the more you do it, the more confident he'll become in initiating it himself.
he can get pretty cuddly in private. he loves to cuddle you at any opportunity he's given. one of his favorite things to do with you is to fall asleep and take a nap with you in his arms, or him in yours. he feels so special when you fall asleep on him, like you trust him so much that you feel safe enough to be in your most vulnerable state with him. it makes him feel appreciated, and it makes him want to protect you, to always make sure you feel safe when you're with him.
craig likes it when you play with his hair almost as much as he likes to play with yours. you are the only person allowed to touch his hair. he likes to brush your hair and try to style it, but he really only knows how to braid. if you leave the braids he makes in your hair he will be sooo happy! especially if it's in front of other people.
he normally hates it when people call him on the phone, but if it's you, he'll stay on call for as long as you want. if you must call him, however, he prefers facetime. it feels more to him like having a conversation in person, which is what he likes more.
he's kinda funny tho, because he hates calls, but he'll send you so many voice messages over text, and he loves it when you send him some back.
he isn't ticklish at all but he thinks it's so funny when you try to tickle him that you'll still get a giggle out of him. he likes to tickle you too, because he loves making you laugh, as well as being able to touch you and be so close to you while doing so. he'll be very sarcastic with you, as well, making jokes and messing with you just to hear your cute laughter.
craig gets jealous pretty easily because, although he might now show it, he's a little insecure. he kind of feels like you're out of his league, and you could easily find another guy who's better at opening up and showing you affection. you have to reassure him a lot because of this, but it's not like you mind most of the time.
occasionally, when he gets upset about anything, he'll have such a difficult time sharing his feelings that he'll bottle them up until he can't anymore. this sometimes results in him lashing out at you. caig is very chill most of the time, however, so this rarely happens.
you kinda have to work, especially at the beginning of the relationship, to take the time to recognize the small subliminal things he does or says when he's sad, angry, or jealous. but, after some time, it gets much easier for him to open up to you.
he has a love/hate relationship with you trying to comfort him. he obviously loves your attention, and appreciates it so much that you care for him and want him to be okay, but he also slightly feels like a burden when you have to take care of him emotionally. especially because he feels like he's not good enough at comforting you to return the favor.
sometimes he doesn't know how to make you feel better when you're upset. he's never really had to comfort anyone before, and he has rarely ever been comforted by anyone else (due to the fact that he doesn't often get upset enough to need comforting), so he's not exactly sure how to go about it.
he does his best, but sometimes he'll accidentally say things that make it worse, and then he has to apologize for them. he often doesn't understand why you get so upset about certain things, so he might be a little insensitive about it by saying that your feelings don't make sense, or that you're being dramatic. in his mind, he's thinking about it logically and feels like, if he can get you to do the same, it'll make you feel better.
it is rare, but there have been times where he's gotten so frustrated while trying to comfort you, either because nothing he was saying was helping or because he kept unintentionally making it worse, that he has raised his voice at you. but craig does his best to recognize when he feels like he's about to lose his cool, and if he does, he'll just leave you alone while you're upset until you both calm down.
craig also has a hard time telling when you're upset, even if you feel like it's obvious. and that sometimes makes you feel like he doesn't care, which isn't true at all. he just doesn't know.
he mainly resorts to just hugging you when you're upset, telling you that he love's you an that everything will be okay. occasionally he'll also hand you stripe hoping that she makes you feel better, because she makes him feel better.
he makes up for everything by being an amazing listener. after a few conversations, he learns how to handle these situations in a more affective way. he has learned to ask you what exactly you need from him. if you want a hug, if you want his opinion/advice, or if you just want him to listen to you while you vent.
he does really love you and want to help you, it just takes some communication for him to learn the best ways for him to help you. craig will truly thrive in a relationship with a partner that is patient and does their best to communicate with him.
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ty for reading! sorry if he's a lil ooc. i did my best :)
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aaand, here we go with our first actual negative post! more of a scream into the void than anything, frankly.
still discussing sas, yep. don't harass them, for fucks sake. harassment is the last thing they need, and no one deserves it, no matter how shit they are. especially it's inappropriate in the case of sas, when they've already dug a hole deep enough for themselves.
boy do i love the sympathy baiting from sas, and them hiding behind the "will to spread kindness" and posing themselves as a victim when they got backlash, when they're the ones who are being aggressive as shit with their wording towards everyone they disagree with, no matter the stance! like, hey, you can't just expect people to want to understand your point, even if there's something to back it up with, or heed your advice, even if it's helpful, when you're presenting yourself as an asshole. sas is a psych major, they should know that humans are biased beings
it's just venting the frustration at this point, not proving someone wrong or willing to help; if they actually wanted to be helpful, they'd shove their emotions way up their ass and pack a solid one. they can do that sometimes, or they at least used to be able to do that. no, that's not their unique presentation of their content and stances, that's being unable to get their shit together. even if sas is a less formal page, there's literally no need to be the same levels of spiteful on the jas blog. that one's supposed to be informative from what we can gather, a shame it's also been turned into a cesspit, it was helpful to us in the past
they went "ohhh but i just wanted to spread kindness!!!" after talking down to a minor whose point they disagree with, as if they're untouchable and giving off this sweet "how dare you talk back" in general. they got themselves there, and decided to ask for sympathy for them being hurt by their own fuck-up, and people fucking took the bait somehow 🤌🏿
the entitled and salty behaviour below, that's where it all began. especially love the "don't post about me, i'm more kind than you and doing more than you," and "how dare you not listen to me, you ugly blemish of the community" while having the behaviour of a pitbull called princess cupcake sparkles. yep, that checks out, they've never heard anything about modesty being a virtue, and feel the need to scream at people whose views they claim they're trying to correct.
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i can be a silent hater when it's your stances i disagree with, i do that with politics, why should i be picking fights with endos that can control themselves, and can't just be quiet about my disdain towards their beliefs when the verbal fight would be unprompted? why, i shouldn't be, and i can
but i will fucking yell at you loudly when you really need to check your behaviour
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irondad-defensesquad · 2 months
(might be OOC, I'm mostly venting)
"Weren't you paying attention? How could you let that slip?"
"I-I don't know!" Peter, helpless, tries to explain as clearly as he can with the exhaustion ruling over him. "I didn't realize it until--"
"Jesus, kid, you could've gotten seriously hurt!" Tony argues. Peter only feels more overwhelmed. "At this point you can't just half-ass this! Like, you really half-assed this, you're a smart kid but sometimes--" (I doubt it, Peter internally completes).
"I GET IT, OKAY?!" The teen explodes. "I KNOW I messed up! You don't have to rub it in my goddamn face!"
His words shakes the walls and even DUM-E trembles.
Tony looks shocked. "Kid--"
Peter groans and aggressively returns to his desk. "I'll fix this stupid..." he mutters, because some part of him knows that's the best thing to do.
He can sense his mentor watching him.
Tony tries, "Kid."
Peter ignores him.
"Peter, look at me."
No can do.
Tony inhales angrily, then he approaches and tries to take the Spider-Man suit away from him, except Peter is quick enough not to let that happen. Some of the tools fall on the floor. The noise is deafening.
"Peter," Tony scolds more seriously. "Give me the suit."
"Or what? You're going to LEAVE me again?" Peter bites. "You're just going to disappear and remind me that you don't give a SHIT about me, RIGHT?!"
"Yeah, well, I don't need you! I never needed you to begin with! And I certainly didn't need you when THAT WAREHOUSE DROPPED ON ME!"
Somewhere, the glass cracks. Or maybe it's Peter's mask finally breaking apart.
The true horror in Tony's face...
And the water leaking through Peter's eyes...
The boy throws his suit on the floor with all the strength he has, and he runs away as his sobs can no longer be repressed.
Peter can hear Tony calling for him. But he doesn't look back. He locks himself in his room. And Peter, covering his mouth, finally cries after what felt like forever.
He replays the whole thing in his head and it sickens him. Peter hates himself so goddamn much.
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