#I feel like I get an ask like this every couple of months and I hittem with the Bigotry Doesnt Make Sense line
ssunsationn · 1 day
Final Spouse’s Energy If You Met Them Now (+ how they would be like dating you) - Current ⏳
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Left to right. Choose the photo that you can’t get your eyes off of.
Where are they now? How are they doing? How would things be like if they were in my life now? May include some SUGGESTIVE comments, but is still very much SFW. I may have gotten carried away with this.
Note: This is your future spouse’s CURRENT energy, which may be prone to change within the next couple of years (ex: more maturity, better developed skills/assets, etc.) But if you were to meet your future spouse now, this is how their energy would look like.
DO BEFORE PICKING: Clear your mind. Close your eyes, inhale deeply, fill up your chest to the fullest, feel the air brush against the ridges of your nose. Breathe out.
Pile 1. “Hey. Hi, I guess?”
• very chill atm, very content with life. Goes with what life delivers to them (that’s pretty cute ngl)
• chill buuuut can be too chill to a fault. Not nonchalant but rather an innocent, “oh I didn’t know you were bothered by that *scratches head awkwardly* — think: Fred liu type of energy
• handles conflict calmly (they might be freaking out inside tho)
• likable and friendly person. Gets along with others well, tho they don’t seem too close with. They have only a handful of close friends, and it’s slightly difficult them to see people outside of that circle as close — selective with who they consider friends. If you got in a conflict with this person’s friends, it would def hurt your person a lot. Ofc they would want to hear both sides out with an unbiased view. (they won’t side with you just bc you’re dating btw, but they’ll let you know as gently as possible)
• doesn’t really have the capacity to yell at people. They’re pretty reserved or have solid emotional control
• definitely could be a loner. LOVES late night walks in the breeze, just the two of you, holding hands or talking or doing wtv- they really don’t care what it is bc it’s with you. I keep seeing this play out in my head tho, where a person with a grey hoodie, hood-on, hands in pockets, walks by your place at night and pretends they dropped something or makes some sort of excuse to see you even for a few minutes. ^^This is when they like the person tho- not actually dating (yet). They will take the chance to either invite you to walk with them (with or without excuse) or hope that you invite yourself lmfao 😂. OR they’ll lean on your doorframe and ask how you are, have a little chat, and every time you think of an answer or your eyes drift away while thinking, they’ll take the chance to check you out (not body, but facial features.) No thoughts in their mind, just how your face just…makes sense(?) to them? 😂😂 Pile 1, like, their eyes will trace the lines, curves, and dips of your face. If you have horrendous eye bags or dark circles, they’ll think it compliments your face somehow. Like you just “make sense” is what I’m hearing. The vibe I’m feeling is that they’re in stage 0 of this potential relationship—like they’re trying to figure out if they just like being around you or if they’ve actually grown romantic feelings for you. In this moment, they’re possibly at that point of figuring out that they DO have feelings for you and this little moment confirms it (altho they’ll push it back until they get home.) >>> (***little note here: they won’t mast*rbate thinking abt you yet and prob for a few weeks to months, bc this is still too early on for them, esp when they’ve just started to like you. It’s more of a respect thing for them- and ESPECIALLY if they haven’t gotten any signs that you like them back. After a couple of months (still not dating you), you could pop into a few of their fantasies tho, but only for a very brief flash. But again, the restriction is there IF yall aren’t tgt yet.)
• can be naive, and probably lets people walk over them too much/has too many open windows for others to take advantage of them. They have to learn to set boundaries properly and stand up for themselves. They will defend the people they love tho. They just let it go when it comes to themselves
• good natured, clean, and has good hygiene. You won’t see pube hairs (or hair in general) in their shower drain. They don’t mind cleaning it either- could honestly clean the house w no problem. It’s therapeutic for em
• pretty responsible person. Won’t argue if you tell them to clean smth or do the dishes. They’ll just do it
• amazing listener, willing to compromise/give you time. Will apologize even if they’re not in the wrong
• they don’t care abt your financial status as long as you’re responsible with money/show maturity over it
• perceptive of other’s emotions to an extent, and especially when dating you, they will pay attention to yours and your reaction to different things. If you look like you’re goin thru smth, they’ll ask right away. The concern on their face is unmistakable
• dresses up helllla nice for a date. Sometimes, subtly sexy and not even on purpose. BUT, there’ll be times where they’ll be in the mirror like “hm, looks kinda see-thru and kinda sexy…I’ll wear it since I know [y/n] will like it.” But they don’t expect you to jump them that night or anything. May hint at it and tease you thru out date night. (The “innocent” gaslighting might be goin crazy tho)
• forgives easily but they’d rather take the hurt than be mean to you
• extremely loyal. Absolutely no interest in anyone else aside from their partner. I don’t think they have the energy for anyone more than you either hahaha
• turns down their friends to hang out with you
• has a lot to say/wants to be heard but sometimes gets self conscious of speaking (as if they’ve said too much) even tho they’ve said the least in the room
• tall or there’s a height difference between you two
Points of Interest: Fred liu’s energy is soooo apparent- he’s not going away lmfao HELP, possible MBTIs: infj, enfj, awkward silence, bad jokes when trying to go off of your joke (like realllly bad- they should stick to the simple ones like ikea puns), nerdy, very put together but allows moments of mistakes, mentally stable, a bit boring, will walk your dog with no extra charge, gets your coffee every morning (if you drink it), remembers the little details, might be a bit vanilla in bed, arms around your waist, cares abt the romantic and friendship aspects more than the sexual relief, smiles more when you’re around, observant as HELL, remembers to pick up your meds, remembers important dates and times, very considerate and kind, simple watch, humble, “how about we make that one thing you like?”, homebody, doesn’t overdress (sometimes underdresses tho), very gentle and good hearted, learns your language to bond with you more, a total romantic and daydreamer, bro gets talkative in their mindddd (the scenario above prob came from them but shhh)
Pile 2. “I like the way you laugh. Eheheheh.” - Justin Bieber Interview
• a whole ass clown. Nah I mean “make you laugh until you die” kind of clown. Won’t stop even if you’re dying and gasping for air. LOVES to hear you laugh. They somehow have an intensive arsenal of jokes and will adjust depending on people’s humor- and they’re very good at this
• extroverted and TALKATIVE. Will go to Yapville and come back. Will share a lot with you and expects your feedback. Doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or extrovert, they wanna hear your thoughts and opinions
• also they may have good leadership skills and are witty. The only issue with this is that they might be too agreeable sometimes- they want what’s ultimately best for everyone involved. The agreeableness thing is a 50/50 thing tho and applies to only some people in this pile, while the others’ future spouses will make better decisions and more sound judgments depending on the situation and what kind of person they are.
• they also don’t like to correct people’s wrongs, but rather show people how to do something. Some fs in this pile tho, can’t call people (you included) out on bs or mistakes. This may be an issue (since they might value harmony so much). This isn’t the best trait to have if you’re thinking abt kids in the future
• also if you have a dumb ass idea, they’ll hype it up and won’t think it’s dumb at all. They’ll be very supportive. Won’t ever make you feel crazy, unless you crack a joke more unhinged than they ever have/or you ever have. Maybe you’re not the type to until you meet them
• I will say, I don’t think they’re that much taller than you
• they’re so unserious sometimes that you can’t believe they’re as responsible as they are.
• somehow always knows the best places to go for a date or if you guys have extra time
• also don’t be surprised if it’s your birthday and they tell the restaurant staff to bring out the whole cake and candles, even mariachi band- be prepared that shit’s kinda crazy 😂 If you don’t like attention in general, I can’t save you in this relationship lmfaoooo
• they’re also pretty optimistic and prepared for emergencies. The type to track your period if you have em lmfao- *they get the notif on their phone* “oh you’re starting your period next week. Sweet.” “How’d you know that?” You ask, and they’ll say casually “Cuz I got the app.” *flashes you their screen w/ app open* and will browse it some more.
• these people are kinda crazy bc if they’re a parent in the future, they’ll bring a whole colossal ass backpack to an amusement park while carrying your kid. They don’t even care if it makes them look weird
• they probably have a weird feature(s) on their face or body that you love. You think it’s charming on them and while society might consider it weird or not conventionally attractive, they’ve figured out how to make it work
• doesn’t really struggle with jealousy. If anything, their form of jealousy is making you laugh even harder or doing something ridiculous to get your attention back on them and off the other person
• ^ they really do like your attention. They also love when you share things you’ve learned with them or you get them involved/inform them in on something you’ve been working on, reading, studying, watching, whatever it is, they’ll be interested. They’ll watch that dumb reality tv show you’re watching. You could even catch them up with some gossip/drama and they’d be invested af
• tbh im not feeling that they’ll ever be bored with you, regardless if you can keep up with their energy or not, because they’ll make you keep up 😭
• one sad bit I have to mention is that they probably have gone through something in the past where they weren’t on guard so they lost the person/opportunity. [I’ll keep this vague. The person doesn’t want me to dwell on it too much. They don’t want you to be fixed on negative things.] This event has stuck with them ever since and they feel that they can’t afford to make that mistake again. If you acknowledge their efforts in a serious conversation or just a random totally unrelated moment, they’ll very much appreciate that. More than you know.
Points of Interest: Getting a whole enfj vibe in here (healthy AND unhealthy enfjs), possibly enfp, entp, esfj, estp, esfp, surprise birthday parties, *dramatic gasping*, maybe likes drinking tea or making tea (esp one that’s pale-yellow colored- idk the name) and drinking it at night(???) speaking of which, night owl, flexible, will make time for you, “it’s okay! I got it!”, confident, on top of things, “sleep is for the weak” says while eye twitches, switch/versatile in bed—does not mind trying new things (they don’t even care how good or bad you are in bed. If they wanna spice it up, they will take the reigns if you don’t, with no problem), will try their best at anything and everything, the responsible class clown, loves board games, masculine and feminine energy is balanced well, probably a masochist bc they like to stress themselves out with all sorts of duties and responsibilities, very good at adapting, open to new cultures/living in countries completely different from them- weirdly, I’m seeing an Australian guy exploring the wild (…maybe that sort of thing excites them), “if you move, I move. No exceptions”, best parent award, “positions” by Ariana grande
Pile 3. “Hm.”
• in a bit of a stump. Probably has a part time job or multiple to support themselves on their own, but it’s better than being in their last situation.
• introvert. MAJOR introvert.
• minimalist
• straightforward, doesn’t beat around the bush
• not getting the vibe that they’re dating atm — single energy, but not really bothered by it
• would have a pet (eh, maybe) if they could afford to, since they neither have the time nor resources
• they would prob turn you down the first time you ask them out OR they ask you out but in a timid/unconventional/at a later period. I don’t think they have too much dating experience either (and I thought Pile 1 was a loner)
• tsundere type of energy
• the type to say they don’t want kids but when y’all get together, they start thinking abt it a lot, and may hint at it
• good at saving up money, bc they don’t really spend on much. but will work hard to buy you something expensive if they don’t think their efforts for you are enough OR if they don’t think they’re enough for you in general
• doesn’t care what other people think. Could care less if you don’t look your best on some days, have some break outs here and there or a lip filler gone horrendously wrong — if they love you, they LOVE you fr (…should prob sue that doc tho...)
• (expanding on the last point) generally, they don’t care what others think. HOWEVER !!! when you guys start dating, one or both of you (but especially on their side) will struggle with self-esteem issues. Be careful with this, because they will fall for you DEEPLY and literally can’t get out of it —> you’ve shown that you love them unconditionally, regardless of anything, and will be there for them no matter what. Pile 3, you’re pretty soft energy- I get burrito blanket/animal onesie type feels. Back to my point, if you’re not reassuring enough or emotionally available for this person when they open up, it could turn into a toxic relationship where you fall out of love first OR you get trapped in the cycle and now both of yall are depressed af.
• they don’t fall for people easily, like at all, so the obsession will be amplified by a million fold if they ever lose you. The idea of that crushes them and could take a huge mental health toll. It seems they could have leftover resentment from childhood (be it school, family, friends…). If they open up to you, that’s an honor. (At this point, they probably even trust you with their life, don’t tell anyone the info)
• In the worst case possible, you could get someone like this but feel an uneasy weird feeling around them. I’d advise you to keep you distance cuz that ain’t yo person. Obsession can get really bad with this group’s fs. Like real down bad bad. Like put a gps on your car bad. If you meet a person this creepy, don’t stick around in their life and definitely don’t have them stick around in yours. Chances are, this is a karmic person and they’ve come into your life as a reflection of your own insecurities or obsessive tendencies.
• VERY SMART. Can be calculative to protect themselves and those they love
• on the bright side, a well developed pile 3 future spouse enjoys solitude and has managed trauma very well. Tho they might seem socially inept, they’re prob just blunt and honest. They will tell you like it is. Will literally do anything for you, uncharacteristic, even if they look like an idiot on the street
• prefers more intimate settings alone or with you. With another friend? ehh…they prob won’t go
• will only go out if you go out, bc it’s you
• either secretly freaky in the sheets or inexperienced
• jealous easily and is very possessive. They don’t have too many people around them they deem trustworthy so this reaction is to be expected
• this person handles aggressive or violent behavior well. It doesn’t freak them out. (Also right now at 3:01 pm where I’m at, their energy is very hesitant to give out the reason why so perhaps when you meet them and gain their trust, they will tell you.) {P.s I’m asking them very specific and personal questions on the side rn and the silence speaks volumes. I won’t pry any further but they ask that you have some empathy, since they’re not sure how you’d see them.}
• another p.s.: 3:09 pm I think I’ve exposed too much here. There was a strong resistance at the end since it’s so vulnerable and close to their core that it freaks them out to be outed for strangers to see and read about. I won’t say anymore about their past. I’ve also become more careful of my wording - but I will say this for their sake. There is a strong desire to change in this person tho so being someone who brings positive influence into their lives. Someone who can prove that there are still good people in the world.
Points of Interest: istp, intp, entj, intj, istj, either good memory or doesn’t care to rmr (no in between. It varies from person to person, their values and where the info is coming from), notices every little detail, doesn’t care about your flaws, desensitized if you have breakdowns, unexpectedly a good comfort person. Again, a lot of resistance and hesitation, so I won’t say any more abt them. Ooh, ominous. Also, do you struggle with gut issues? Or smth diet related? Could be a whack diet. Okay, I had to go back and delete an important piece of info I put in initially but there’s a lot of disapproval over it. I will throw a small hint out since they’re allowing me to; it’s related to growing up. They don’t want me to be specific abt the period of when but that’s what you get just as a preface. I can tell they want to tell someone about it though. There’s just no one they trust. Also, rmr I said they don’t care abt what others think? Apparently, they care strongly abt what YOU think. It almost feels regretful? Embarrassing? To admit/write this. Thanks pile 3. That’s all you’re getting out of me today.
*Teddy Note: Teddy here!! I hope your day is going smoothly wherever you’re at! We’re back again with another reading and this time, it was a bit heavier to take in. I mean, this is future spouse we’re talking about so there’s definitely going to be a handful. I have to mention briefly, this is the first time I’ve ever felt a clear shiver against my body when doing a reading. Like a full on force that left me blinking like “wtf just happened…” Especially for a certain pile, who doesn’t want me putting them in the light too much. I saw someone with so much guilt on their face, but they looked so…small? Innocent? Youthful? As if they hadn’t done anything wrong in their life, it’s just that people looked at them…not wrong, but differently? It’s uncomfortable to find the word even after finishing the reading but “differently” undermines their experience and what they’ve been through. But they also don’t want to use a more negative word to describe it either so I’ll leave it there. Thank you for reading!! Remember, take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. I would appreciate any constructive feedback and if you guys reblogged with what pile you chose. It helps a practicing reader like me learn to be more accurate and aligned! Until the next reading, Teddy outttt 😎😎
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dazednmatthews · 2 days
nothing’s sweeter than my baby~ number neighbor!matt x reader part sixteen [finale]
hell nah cause why am i close to crying rn…
this an is gonna be a bit long but i jus have sm to say and sm to thank so bear w me bear w me.
it’s been such a beautiful two months on here fr and it feels like it’s been forever but also like no time has passed at all. from the bottom of my heart, finding this little community has been so special and so fun and so amazing. every single supportive word, comment, reblog, like, ask— it’s all been so incredibly heartwarming and special to me. thank u all for embracing me and making me feel so loved 🥹
i can’t believe it’s over!!! number neighbor you will always be famous to me!!! number neighbor matt i love u so down bad fr. some of my best writing literally ever has been because of this series and this account and will always be so close to my heart. i genuinely can’t even tell yall how much writing this, meeting and interacting with you all and being here has meant.
i hope you all like this ending as much as i do bc i think it’s the perfect way to wrap this up ❤️‍🩹 ahhhh okay i love u thank u again NUMBER NEIGHBOR NATION 4EVER ENJOYYYY <3333
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“i’m just saying that it’s entirely possible.” chris says, face contorted in a “duh” expression. nick looks from him to y/n and matt, who are intertwined sweetly on the couch, with wide eyes.
“you’ve absolutely got to be fucking kidding me.”
“i’m absolutely not.”
the two of the had been arguing for the last ten minutes, going back and forth about a made up scenario that chris presented that nick did not take kindly to.
the couple sits in the middle of the debate with amused eyes, following the hilarious and very much loud altercation with slight interest.
“chris has a point, you know.” y/n says, but only low enough that matt can hear. she was having fun being on the outside and would rather die than get in between that shit show right now.
“you only think that because you’re out of your mind in the same unexplainable way he is.” matt chuckles, adjusting his arm that’s wrapped tightly around her waist.
“it’s not our fault that we think outside the box,” she fires back, poking matt in the side. “everyone else is boring.”
matt catches her hand as she keeps poking, using his other one to return fire to the spot he knows gets her every time.
“oh fuck off—“ she says through laughter, struggling against his hands. nick and chris stop their arguing to look at them in disgust.
“ew,” nick says, putting a hand to chris’ face. “i’m going to bed. i’m not arguing with a crazy fuck any longer than i have and i’m not watching whatever the hell this shit is.”
“oh, booooo,” y/n says, rolling her eyes. “we’re not even doing anything.”
chris snorts. “yeah, okay. that’s the second time you’ve used that lie tonight.”
matt only smirks at that, watching y/n turn her face to hide her embarrassment. things had gotten a little louder than expected when she got here, and when they’d walked out into the living room out of breath, disheveled and grinning ear to ear she had said exactly that.
“no idea what you’re talking about.”
chris rolls his eyes and follows nick to his room, leaving the two in the living room with a forgotten movie paused. when y/n turns back to matt after saying goodnight, he’s already looking at her. her legs are thrown over his lap, body tucked into his side.
“what?” she says, pressing her body into his warmth even more.
“nothing.” he says, eyes traveling across her face with a soft, genuine look. “just love having you here.”
she can’t help but smile. “yeah?” she presses a small kiss to his jaw. “how much?”
matt lets out a breathy laugh, hand gripping the flesh of her thigh. “how’d i know you’d take that as an opportunity to boost your ego?”
“opportunity to boost my ego? no. opportunity to make my tough guy boyfriend confess his undying love for me over and over? absolutely.” she send him a grin full of teeth, making his heart skip a beat.
matt doesn’t say anything for a long while, just memorizing the layout of her features. the angle of her nose, the beauty marks placed so delicately on her cheeks, the slope of her eyes— he captures everything in his memory, so that’s her face is always with him. he has to squint a little, because it’s like the sun is rising right in this room. right in this girl.
y/n’s about to say something, undoubtedly about to call him a creeper for staring, but matt ghosts his lips over hers so gently, it has her shakily inhaling a breath. “i’ll tell you any time you wanna hear it. i’ll even tell you when you don’t.”
it makes y/n’s heart swell with love, pumping pure heaven through her veins. this man, that appeared in her life out of nowhere, now means more than he could ever know.
“you can be so fucking cute sometimes.” she says, giving him a peck. “you know, when you’re not telling me how crazy i am every five minutes.”
matt moves her body from his side to his lap, resting both his hands on the swell of her ass. “you are crazy. batshit insane actually.” he peers up at her, looking at her like he wanted nothing more than to always be the object of her affection. “i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
she connects their lips softly, pouring all her feelings into the kiss. it’s funny, being here with him, feeling like it’s exactly where she’s meant to be. matt is unlike any person she’s ever known and she can’t believe that her being bored brought her this.
when they disconnect, her eyes tell him that she has never known a love like this, and she would never want to find another one.
when they disconnect, his eyes tell her that she is light in human form, everything he’s ever wanted and so many things he didn’t know he needed.
“i love you, stupid.” matt says, voice full of emotion, baby blues trained on her like there is not one other thing in this fucking world that he’d ever want to see.
“love you back, stupid.” she says back, voice matching his. sickly sweet, utterly infatuated and forever branded with his touch.
it’s perfect. the moment, and them. nothing could ever get better than this.
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arcanesea · 2 days
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PAIRING: bang chan x f!reader GENRE: fluff WC: 0.9k WARNINGS: none, just kisses:] a/n. [based on this request ! my brain never worked so quick when i saw a prompt. everyone say thank you anon for requesting heheh. also, sorry for taking so long to get back to you, dear anon😞]
“A penny for your thought?” Chan asked, taking a seat right next to you, making your whole body shiver when his arms brushed yours. You turned your head slightly, eyes landing quickly on the thing under his nose. You blink before forcing a smile. Act normal, please, act normal.
You really can’t.
It’s not like you haven’t been kissed by him, who has been your boyfriend for the last couple of months. But it hits differently when you dream about a specific kissing scene. Maybe it was the influence of numerous romance dramas you watched, combined with the fact that you can’t get enough of his kiss. Maybe you’re going crazy. Crazy in love. Or it’s a mix of both.
“A penny is too cheap,” you replied jokingly, trying to not sound too nervous. You don’t dare to look at him again because your heart is starting to go thump-thump-thump under your ribcage and one look at Chan might just give you a heart attack on site.
The thing is you can’t get the image out of your head. The dream you had last night. Of you and Chan. Kissing. Under the rain.
It always looks so romantic on TV, but you hate that the majority of them always start after a heated argument. You understand the desperation, you understand the appeal of the angst, but the dream you had last night was just… so… sweet.
“A kiss?” he offered leaning in your direction with a playful smile. Your eyes widen and you can feel heat spread across your face. Chan laughed a little before teasing you even more, making you stand up from the sofa. “You’re blushing, you know that? Haven’t I kissed my beautiful girlfriend today?” he asks, following you to the kitchen where you take a glass of water and drink it hastily. Praying that it could cool you down.
You glance out the window. These days the skies have been a bit moody and then as if on cue, it starts to rain.
Chan’s hand snake on your waist, hugging you from behind. The gears on your head are turning. You had to bring that image to life even if that meant you’ll catch a cold afterwards. But how? You can’t directly say to him that you want to kiss under the rain… It feels so childish… Besides, it will just catapult his ego out of this planet and he'll bring it up to you on all possible occasions.
“Where are you?” Chan asked, pressing a kiss on the side of your temple. It feels like the contact of his lips and your skin turned on the switch in your brain.
You turned to face him, leaning in closer until your nose met each other. His eyes fluttered close, but you use that moment to escape his strong arms into the front door. In the back of your head, you can see him with a lowered head, hands on both hips, all while trying not to smile at your sudden prank. You let yourself roam the road, feeling the rain turn from a drizzle into a more constant shower.
Chan followed you out but made no movement to join you who started to run around in the empty road. It’s been ages since you voluntarily stand under the rain and actually enjoy it. The rain always does an excellent job of washing away your worries for a while.
You stopped, with hands outstretched to him. Inviting. Waiting. Please take the bait, please take the bait, you wished. “Catch me if you can,” was the word you half-shouted to him.
He raised his eyebrow, seemingly unamused. It’s a mental game, waiting around on who can stand being five feet away from each other. But like every other time, he loses this one too when he stepped out from the porch into the pouring rain.
You dodged him when he tried to trap you in a hug, laughing like a little kid. When you look at him, you swear that he’s the prettiest thing on earth. He’s like a flower who just gets watered; vibrant, full of colors. And his smile, God, his smile is enough for you to stand under the rain forever.
You give up at last. Letting him attack you with tickles all over your body.
“I admit defeat,” you try to squeeze in between laughs. He stopped tickling without taking his hands off your waist. Pulling you closer and turning you to face him. “Hi,” you said when you finally met Chan face to face.
“You’re having too much fun for someone who might complain about their cold and runny nose the next couple of days, babe,” he said. You just smile sheepishly before tiptoeing to give him a quick kiss. “That’s it?” he asks back. You nodded in reply. He tch-ed, head dipped to meet your trembling lips. You circle your hand on his neck as he lifts you up from the ground, spinning you around a bit. His lips taste like the honey chapstick he uses, warm against your own.
“That’s definitely better than my dream,” you admit with a wide smile. You’re cradling his head, forehead pressed against each other. Chan laughs earnestly, finally seeing behind the curtains.
“Next time you have some romance scenarios in your head, just tell me,” Chan offered. You roll your eyes, still holding the smile on your face.
What once woke you up from your sleep now becomes the image you see before you close your eyes. A thousand times better than any scenes you ever watch and definitely worth the cold that comes after too.
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a/n. i wrote this in like 2 hours i didn't know how it got this long maybe i just missed him a little too much:/
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greynatomy · 5 hours
where were you in the morning? - five
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alessia russo x reader
this was very rushed but it’s been in the drafts so decided to just give it an ending. last part of this mini series.
You were getting some final touches done to your in ear packs when the stage manager knocked on the dressing room door.
“You’re on in five, Y/LN.”
You nod, turning to your manager.
Walking towards the stage, shaking out your nerves, you wait for your cue.
“Give it up for Y/N Y/LN!”
Walking towards the piano, you take your seat as the spotlight shines on you. Your fingers dance on the keys, playing the melody of the song.
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire Jack frost nipping at your nose Yuletide carols being sung by a choir And folks dressed up like Eskimos
Your eyes are closed, not wanting to look at the audience, afraid that you’d mess up.
Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow Will find it hard to sleep tonight
They know that Santa’s on his way He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh And every mother's child is gonna spy To see if reindeers really know how to fly
Opening your eyes, you look out to the crowd, spotlights scanning the audience when your eyes lock onto a familiar figure — the girl who’s been stuck on your mind for months.
Unable to look away, you finished the rest of the song eyes locked in her. Hushed whispers spread amongst the audience as you have not looks away from where she stood. You thought she looked beautiful.
Finally able to look away, you sing the last notes. With a nod of acknowledgment to Alessia, you exit the stage, feeling as if you could breath again.
“You did good.” Alina gives you a pat on the back. Giving her a smile, you go back into the green room to remove the wires from your body. “Go out there and mingle for a bit.”
Nodding, you grab your phone and make your way out to the party. People come up to you left and right, some friends, many of them fans asking about new music and a possible tour, only giving them smiles and vague answers.
An hour of nonstop conversations and interactions, you feel a bit overwhelmed. Excusing yourself from the conversation about something you weren’t paying attention to, you make your way out to the balcony.
Not even a minute later, you hear the door open and close. Closing your eyes in annoyance, you turn to the person to tell them you just wanted a bit of peace when you see who walked through the door.
Her lips form a straight line, seeming to not know what to say.
“Y/N. Hi.”
You were frozen, not expecting her to follow you out here.
“Seem’s like we have a thing with meeting up outside of parties.”
“Seem’s like we do.” After a moment of silence and staring, Alessia places herself next to you. “I heard your new album.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, some of my friends are huge fans apparently and that’s how I made the connection that you were, well, you.” She shrugs.
“Yeah… I was hoping you’d have reached out when it came out.”
“Trust me, I wanted to. So bad. But I chickened out.”
“Cause I’ve never slept with someone after knowing them barely a couple of hours and freaked out. I didn’t know if you’d want to see me again, which is stupid now that I think about it cause you write this whole song about me basically ghosting you and how you wished I left my number.”
“Hey, hey. You’re okay. Don’t spiral. No need for that.” You pull her into you, wrapping her up in a tight embrace. “Maybe we should start over? Is that something you want?”
“Yes, please.”
“Well, then.” You step back, holding a hand out. “Hey, I was just over there and saw you and couldn’t help but introduce myself. I’m Y/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N. Name’s Alessia.” She takes your hand into her’s, shaking it gently.
“Say, Alessia, do you maybe, want to get out of here?”
“I’d love to.”
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byunpum · 21 hours
Back to you | Part 1
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Pair: Jake(human and avatar) x Neytiri x Human reader (trio couple)
Warning: None, i think kinda sad. More in future, maybe soft-smut in the future.
Note: I'm still alive after disappearing for 1 month. Ahh omg, it's been so long, I'm so sorry. A lot of things have happened, more good than bad. But we're back…and as I had posted. Here I bring you this story, based on my mini-series 'mama's boy'. Here I share with you how our characters are paired up. I hope you like it, and let me know what you think and if I should continue with the mini-series. Love ya <3
+Read 'Mama's boy' HERE+
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You were feeling uncomfortable in the metal chair, which was placed next to the bonding machine, which allowed humans to use their avatars. Since the routine expedition, Jake had not returned. Everyone knew he was alive, but where was he? No one knew. Grace had asked you as a favor to monitor him until he returned. You weren't complaining, but you had avoided having any contact with Jake. He reminded you of things…Not even 20 minutes had passed, when the machine made a noise indicating that it would open. You get up from the chair as quickly as you can, to assist Jake. You help him open the lid, finding a confused, sweaty Jake with a stupid grin that made your heart pound. “You won't believe where I am?” says Jake, as you let out a big sigh and shift your gaze to Grace.
“Oh my god…you're back!!!” shouts grace from her desk. Coming towards you, she was already releasing a machine to take jake's blood pressure. “Grace…I'm in” says Jake, the man was lying on his shoulders. He was still a little weak, you force him to drink water from a bottle. Taking his chin to make him open his mouth. While grace looks at him with confusion. “What?” grace continues to work on adjusting the machine on his arm. Jake had been so many hours without using his body, he could pass out at any moment. “Yes…they accepted me. I'm inside their home” jake, looks at you. “You're in the tree home?” you ask. You watch as he nods his face quickly. Grace takes jake's face in her hands, and gives him a warm smile. “I can't believe it…are you serious?!!!” grace was shocked. They had tried to get in, but it was impossible. “I'm with a girl…ahhh netyy ahhh” jake tries to remember and pronounce the name correctly of the girl who is supposed to help him adjust. “Neytiri?” you speak softly, but loud enough for jake to hear you. “Yes her” jake speaks up.
Grace looks at you quickly and she can see the sadness in your gaze. You change your face and mood, moving away from Jake, helping him to put his weight down. Turning away from them, you bump into norm who had approached you moments before. “Are you okay?” norm asks, touching your shoulder, but you push him away. Walking as fast as you could away from them, you wanted to get out of there. You felt short of breath and were wiping away tears hiding your emotion. She was fine. It had been so long since you had heard from her. On the other side a group of friends are confused, “What's wrong with her, did I say something wrong?” asks Jake, looking at Grace. The woman was still looking towards the exit, sighing deeply. “It's a long story…come on out of there you need to rest and tell me everything” says grace, helping Jake into his wheelchair.
Lunchtime came quickly, and the entire team was gathered in the dining room eating dinner. The group of scientists were very excited and focused on every word that came out of Jake's mouth. It had been so long since they had been able to have a connection with the Omaticaya clan. Even grace was giving him their undivided attention. Meanwhile you and norm were standing a little away from the group, eating the disgusting food. You couldn't help but laugh at the look on norm's face, you could tell he was very upset. You kicked his foot a little, “hey get that face away” you scolded him, but you saw how he snapped with his teeth. “I can't stand this… it's a very unfair” norm says. “Unfair?” you ask, as you put a mouthful of food in your mouth. “Yes, Tom has been studying for 3 years and I've been studying for over 6 years…and where am I? sitting here, doing nothing. In fact, if anyone in the whole RDA deserved to be with the omaticaya clan, it's you. You've been in pandora all your life…you're part of the clan” speaks norm annoyed, seeing how you interrupt him with your index finger. “Ah ah was…past!!!” you speak, lowering your gaze for a moment. Some memories come to your head, yes, it was very true what norm said, you were once part of the omaticaya clan…but it's been so long. Maybe… they have forgotten about you. “Norm…I understand your discomfort, but there's nothing we can do, the pretty boy was lucky to be accepted” you joke, seeing Norm's disgusted face. “Jake pretty boy?!!!! You have to be crazy” you laugh loudly, looking at the group of scientists who were still harassing jake. “Well…you were tom's girlfriend, that says a lot about you” Norm says, now he was the one laughing at you. “We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend…we just spent a few nights together” you speak up, laughing with your friend.
While you and Norm were still laughing, for a moment you see Jake look at you and give you a smile. You return it, seeing how jake makes a help signal with his hands. You laugh even harder, but you feel Norm pinch you “don't be fooled by the enemy” says Norm “Norm let me go!!!” you roll your eyes back. Norm could sometimes be very very annoying. But you were used to it, he had always been like that.
You remember when norm and tom came to pandora. Just for their studies, and you were the first to meet them. From then on… you had grown very fond of them. When the news that tom had been killed reached your ears, you were heartbroken, again…but you got over it little by little. But with the new member of the group, it wasn't very easy. Since Jake had arrived, he hadn't taken his interest in you, and to make things worse for you. Grace had delegated all responsibility for Jake's avatar to you, so if anything happened to him it was your fault. And the last thing you wanted was for a $20 million dollar avatar to happen to him, or else the RDA was going to kill you.
After the meal, and when everyone was about to go to their respective rooms. Norm had gone ahead walking as fast as he could through the cold corridors of the RDA. You were walking more calmly, plus you wanted to meet Jake. You felt you owed him an apology for leaving him alone. By pure chance you find him, you see that he was talking something with Quaritch. You look at him with concern, if you knew one thing, it was that quaritch never had good intentions, if he wasn't given anything in return. When you see both men stop talking, you decide to approach jake. “Hello” you speak softly, catching the man's attention. Jake turns around, with a small smile. Lifting his gaze. “I'm all ears” jake says. You had barely spoken to jake since he arrived, so you were a little nervous. “One question…ahh where did you leave my avatar?” you ask. “Your avatar? It's in a safe place” jake says. “Yeah, but what safe place?” you wanted him to be more literal, because his concept of safety might be very different from yours. “I'm sleeping in some kind of giant leaf…ahh I don't remember” jake speaks up, shuffling his hair.there was a short silence between the two of you, but you decide to speak. “You're in the big tree?” you speak. Jake can see your eyes light up for a moment. “Yes…that. There I am” jake can see you kneel down in front of him, and move much closer. Placing your hands on his knees. As if whatever you were going to ask him, you didn't want anyone else to hear. “And how did you see everything? Is everyone okay?” you ask. “Yeah…normal, there's only one who seems to be a bother and he's warrior…I don't remember his name” jake says and can see how you smile softly. “That's tsu'tey” you speak. “That same one, do you know him?” jake gets closer to your face, and you quickly push him away. “Ahh thank you for answering me…see you tomorrow” you get up quickly, and leave quickly. Before you continue walking to your room, you stop “By the way…sorry for leaving you alone when you wake up, next time I'll take better care of you” you apologize, and turn to continue on your way.
Jake stood there confused, he thought you looked kind of strange. But cute…very cute. He could understand his brother now. Laughing to himself, he started on his way to his room. Although he must admit that he found it even stranger, that you knew the name of that navi. It was assumed that only people who have an avatar have had contact with the Omaticayas, and he understands that not all of them have. How did you know that?
The next day came quickly, and Jake had almost no time to wake up…because he had to get up early. Wiping his eyes, he was already sitting on the edge of the connection machine. “Good morning” you hummed, approaching him. You had a cup of coffee in your hands, offering it to him with some vitamins. “Good morning gorgeous” jake chuckles, as he can as norm makes a dirty face. “Here…you'll need this” you hand him the stuff. “And this?” jake asks. “It's some vitamins that will help your body not collapse from not eating all day and a coffee” you speak, as you practically force jake to take it all. Grace approaches you, accompanied by Norm. “Well, here's the information,” says Grace, showing Jake a screen. On it was all of neytiri's information. You come to Jake's side, looking at the screen with a warm smile. “Please don't disrespect her….y do not be a jerk” norm speaks, giving jake a dirty look. “You're just upset because I'm the one going on a date with the leader's daughter” jake says in a mocking voice. Grace rolls her eyes and tells you to take care of hooking Jake up. As jake lies down, you approach him. “ Advice…don't try to flirt with neytiri” you speak up. Watching as jake raises an eyebrow, and laughs a little. “There you go…and how do you know that?” he speaks. You now give him a big smile, but one of sarcasm. “I know why I say that” you speak, as you turn away from jake. “You should listen to her,” Grace shouts from the distance. “Good luck…soldier” you speak, being the last face jake saw to wake up in his avatar body.
And yes, jake should take your advice, you knew neytiri more than anyone. And yes you were hating the fact that he could be with her. It had been so many years since you last saw her, you didn't even get to say goodbye…nothing. The last time you saw Neytiri was when that tragedy happened at school. You sigh a little, as you begin to prepare the week's paperwork. But your thoughts are interrupted when you feel grace sit down next to you. “I have good news… a new project is coming out tomorrow,” says Grace. You look at her curiously. “Project?” you ask. Grace's face ascends. “Yes…we need to be closer to the clan, a place we are safe, but we can still get on with the project 'jakesully” says grace, watching you laugh. “I was able to convince the RDA idiots to have a bunker, where we can have a team, a small lab. i'm counting on you, right?” grace looks at you with a raised eyebrow, waiting for your answer. “Can I refuse?” you speak, feeling Grace hug you and press a kiss to your hair. “It'll be for the best… we'll have a great time, no personal space” grace jokes, as you groan loudly.
And as if by magic, within a week you were in the bunker in the middle of the jungle. Norm, grace, judy, jake and you. Although judy came and went from time to time to get everything you needed. Even though she used to get away so often, she was part of the team. You adjusted too quickly, it seemed to be comfortable. And the comfort you felt around Jake was increasing too, and very quickly. This seemed to be nice for grace, she liked to see you happy and excited about something or someone…it had been a long time since she had seen you like this. Watching from afar, as you wiped jake's face with a wet rag. “I'm not a baby” says Jake, as you wipe his eyes. While you hold your face with both hands. “Yeah but you're barely taking care of yourself…I know your avatar body is amazing, but you're here” you touch his chest and feel his heart. “Can you feel it moving? It's that fast for you “ jake jokes, watching you laugh and turn away from him. “That was the worst thing you've said so far” norm complains from behind you, as he sips his coffee.
You liked it when jake would go back to his body in the afternoon, and do his video documentaries. And you could listen to everything he had learned, plus he would also tell you everything he had done with neytiri. “It's just that it's hard to use the bow…it's” Jake would explain with his hands, you could see the frustration in his eyes and gestures. Neytiri could be very rude at times, but that was the way it was and he had to learn. “The trick is to put pressure on the back arm” you move, and show him the pose. “And boom…done” you joke. Jake shakes his head to the side, watching as you continue to explain how he should do things. Just like neytiri was doing, they were explaining almost identically. Jake leans forward and brushes a strand of hair away from your face. Tucking it behind your ear. “Thank you” you speak timidly, now pulling away. “Thank you for helping me” jake says.
Since you had gotten closer to him, he had improved so much with the lessons with neytiri. If she told him something, he would ask you as soon as he returned to his human body. And you answered him without hesitation, sometimes he didn't understand how you knew so much about the clan. Only grace and a few avatars were supposed to have had contact with the clan, norm could know some things. But you were an expert. And your advice is really paying off. Now jake was in his avatar body, he was holding the bow again, and he remembered what you had said to him. “Neytiri was asking you to put strength in your arms, so you will be more accurate in your shooting” jake remembered your words, he adjusted his stance. Neytiri was approaching him, but stopped short. When she noticed Jake's stance, she stood watching him. Seeing how the shot was perfect. “Well done” says neytiri, watching as jake smiles at her. She was wondering how he had improved overnight. But if she could tell, it was the technique jake was using…it was very similar to yours. Neytiri tries to distract herself and keeps walking towards the prey.
For a moment during the day, the two of them had sat down in a nice quiet meadow to eat something to eat…neytiri was minding her own business eating her food. But she could feel jake's gaze, he might change his gaze once or twice. But he would look back at her. “ What are you looking at so much?” speaks neytiri without taking her eyes off her fruit. Jake remains thoughtful for a moment. “That necklace around your neck” jake points to the woven necklace neytiri had around her neck, she touches it while looking at it warmly. “What is it?” jake asks, but he thinks he knows the answer. The reason he's asking is because the night before, when he came over to fix your hair. He could see you had that same necklace, he wanted to believe it was something grace gave you. But today he noticed the same one on Neytiri and was surprised. They were identical. “This…” neytiri holds her necklace tightly. “This is a memory of her” neytiri says, she stops eating for a moment. She could look thoughtful, like she was remembering someone. “Her?” asks jake. Neytiri looks at him slowly, you could see her little teary eyes. But she gets up suddenly, “Come on…we have a lot of things to do” says neytiri. Jake stands up behind her, and catches her hand to stop her for a second. “Neytiri…are you okay?” the boy asks. Neytiri squeezes jake's hand for a moment, looking down and taking a deep breath. “Yes,” she says. Starting to walk to a new route, but Jake could tell how she didn't let go of his grip and continued to hold his hand tightly. Jake didn't refuse at any point, neytiri is not very affectionate to say the least, and the fact that she was still holding his hand. It meant that she needs him right now.
That same afternoon, when jake and neytiri came home from training, they had lunch with the whole clan. And lay down to rest in their respective places, neytiri waited a few minutes to carefully lift her head and see if jake had finally fallen asleep. She had her home with her parents, being still single, neytiri could live with her parents. But right now, she had the task of training and taking care of Jake. So she had to be wherever he was. Neytiri notices how Jake is asleep. Getting up from her hammock, to walk carefully in the branches. Leaving the resting area, running carefully to her ikran. “sense…come on” says neytiri, climbing into her ikran quickly. flying away from the familiar tree, she hopes no one was following her, because she was heading to a place she only knew about.
Not far away, there was a very tall tree. Too tall to be anything but scary for anyone to come and interrupt. Neytiri leads Seze to a giant branch, which had a beautiful view of the jungle of Pandora. Neytiri climbs down from the ikran, stroking the creature's head, stretching a little. To approach the tree trunk, picking up a small bag. Now to sit on the edge of the branch. She sighs a little, looking at the scenery. Opening the bag, and taking out of it a piece of paper. Very carefully she unfolds it and laughs to see what was drawn on it.
A cute doodle drawing…on it were two girls. Neytiri laughs to herself, as she touches the paper wistfully. “I hope you never forget me…my Y/N” Neytiri speaks softly. Hugging the paper carefully, this was the only thing I had of you.
What do you think? should I continue? btw, If you want to be tagged, let me know.<3
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bilswildflower · 2 days
Billie and readers first kiss please but they’ve already been on a few dates as reader wants to take it slow
Thanks for the request anon! Hope you enjoy ☺️
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The First of Many
Billie Eilish x Female Reader
CW: Flufffff and kisses
Summary: Due to your past regrets of moving too quickly in relationships, you and Billie had yet to have your first kiss, despite the fact you had been seeing each other for a few months now.
“Babyyyy, you ready?” You heard the familiar voice of your girlfriend call out to you from downstairs as you snapped the silver bracelet shut around your wrist. You took one last glance at yourself in your bedroom mirror, posed for a quick mirror pic, knowing you look good, then made your way down the stairs of your house, into the living room where Billie had been patiently waiting for you since she arrived to pick you up 30 minutes ago.
“Sorry, I like to take my time” you said before adding “we’re not too late are we?”.
Billie looked you up and down with those piercing blue eyes and had to bite her bottom lip out of fear of saying anything too forward. You looked fine as hell.
“You’re good mama, let’s get going” Billie grabbed her car keys and guided you outside, waiting for you to lock your door before opening up the passenger side door for you then taking her seat as the driver.
You had started seeing each other 3 months ago, when you had both confessed your feelings for each other. Since then you’d only been on a few dates due to Billies extremely busy schedule but you talked on the phone everyday and hung out for a couple hours every so often at either your place or hers, so for the most part things had been really good. She always promised to make her lack of attention up to you, and she never failed to come through with that promise.
There was one thing lingering on your mind though, and you knew it was on hers too. You hadn’t kissed yet, not even a peck. This was different and not the usual route you would take in a relationship, but you had a habit of giving into things too quickly and it only ended with you feeling like shit in the long haul. You liked Billie too much for that, so when you both finally admitted that you liked each other, you asked her if the two of you could take things slow. She agreed, and as much as Billie was respectful and supportive in your reasonings, you knew she was thinking about it. Billie wanted nothing more than to feel your lips on hers, but she felt too strongly about you to attempt to do anything until you were ready and risk pushing you away. So with the willpower of god almighty herself, she held back until you decided you were ready.
After a while of driving, Billie removed her hand from your knee that she had placed there a few moments ago, refraining from moving it any higher up your leg so as to not make you nervous, but wanting to touch you in some sort of way to show you that she was thinking about you. It made you smile. Then she pulled into the back parking lot of a cute little vegan friendly restaurant that she had been dying to take you to since she had spotted it a while back on one of her late night drives, which she then googled as soon as she got home to make sure it was the perfect place to take you to.
Your girlfriend stopped the car and you removed your seatbelt, reaching for the door handle causing Billie to stop you in your movements.
“Ah ah, stay right there girl” Billie instructed as she got out of the drivers side and made her way over to your side of the car, a smile found its way onto your face when you realised she just wanted to be a gentlewoman. You were Billies first girlfriend, and you found it adorable how hard she tried.
You felt the car move slightly as your passenger side door swung open, revealing Billie stood there with one hand on the door, the other held out to you for you to grab as she carefully pulled you out of the car. Hand still in hers and now stood against the side of Billies dodge, you realised how close you were. So close in fact, that Billie was now pressed up against you, you could feel her warm breath on your face and smell the leftover minty aromas of the gum she had been chewing before you left your house.
You locked eyes as Billies thumb rubbed soft circles into your knuckles ever so gently, those damn blue eyes always made eye contact with her so intense. Everytime her eyes looked into yours it felt like she was looking into your soul, like if she stared long enough she would know any and every single thing about you without you having to say a word.
Her eyes made their way down your face, scanning every inch of you until they briefly landed on your lips, then quickly back up to meet your eyes again. It was so quick that you almost didn’t catch it. Billie could feel herself leaning in, but caught herself before doing anything she wouldn’t be able to take back.
Not wanting to lose her self control, Billie took a step back, clearing her throat, before she spoke again.
“Let’s go inside”
“Hey” you spoke softly as you stopped Billie in her tracks as she tried to take another step back, getting ready to go inside the restaurant.
You brought your hands up to both sides of her face, and she used those bright blue eyes to once again stare right into the depths of your soul. Her own hands moving up to rest on top of yours, thumbs stroking your skin once again. She asked “you okay?”.
You almost teared up at her sweetness, she was so good to you. You made her wait 3 months just for a kiss, knowing she wants it bad, knowing it’s all she thinks about. Yet she had the patience of a saint, all to wait for a kiss. You knew in this moment, that you could trust her entirely.
You couldn’t wait any longer, you were ready.
You took a step closer to her, looked her deep in her ocean blue eyes and whispered “can I kiss you?”.
Billie gave you the kindest smile, pupils of her eyes dancing and reflecting in ways that made you sink deeper into her warm aura.
“Baby…are you sure?” Her voice barely a whisper yet the sound of it dripping like honey. You felt her fingers dance lightly over the skin of your arms, then over your shoulders, slowly inching down your sides where she let her soft hands rest just underneath your underarms, pulling you closer, if that was even possible at this point.
Everything she was doing to you made you feel like you couldn’t breath, she had barely touched you, your lips hadn’t even met hers and yet you felt breathless, as though you’d just ran a marathon or finished riding a rollercoaster.
Weak at the knees and eyes full of desire, you leaned in as close as you could get whilst still leaving some distance between you both, and somehow you managed to get out a breathy, desperate “yes”.
That was all Billie needed for her to take the lead and bring your lips together. She tightened her grip on you just enough to leave you wanting more, but not too much to hurt you, before pulling you in and pressing her soft, plump lips onto yours. You wrapped your arms further around Billies neck and melted into her kiss. There was no tongue, no sloppy making out. Just desire, love and sweet, slow presses to your lips. And it was perfect, it was everything you wanted and needed it to be.
After a while the two of you pulled away from each other, still wrapped up in each others arms. You giggled as you pulled away and Billie had to stop herself from diving back in again. “God y/n…” she was breathless too, but that didn’t stop her from telling you how beautiful you are and how she can’t wait to take you home and kiss you and your pretty face over and over again, making you giggle at her once more.
“We should go inside before we end up reallllly late and they don’t let us in” you told her with a laugh. Billie slammed the car door shut before locking it and taking your hand in hers, leading you into the restaurant.
You leaned in close and pressed a soft kiss to Billies shoulder as you walked hand in hand to the entrance. Happy and excited for the night ahead of you.
If that’s what the first kiss felt like, you couldn’t wait for the rest.
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Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader Word count: 1,181 Request: Anonymous. you haven’t written for any the boys characters but i was wondering if you could do soldier boy with #60 on the angst prompt? thank you 🩷 #60 “If I loved you, would I really have kept you around? Love is a weakness, I don’t have weaknesses.” A/N: I've only seen like 3 episodes of the Boys. I watched a compilation of all his sceneds to get a feel for him. Hope I did okay!
Read on AO3
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His eyes were on yours. The look on his face was harsh. A look you couldn’t remember ever being aimed at you. “If I loved you, would I really have kept you around? Love is a weakness, I don’t have weaknesses.” His eyes never left yours. 
You sucked in a breath, thinking back over to the part year that you’d spent with him. Over a year, in reality. From meeting him, to your first date, waking up in his arms, spending lazy days together, and you felt working towards a life together. 
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You loved living in a small town. The population sat around 800, and it was perfect. Many of the people you’d gone to school with had left years before, and a few trickled back in with families recently. You owned the local bakery, which was connected to the bookstore. It was a cute little set up, and you both benefited. 
Rarely did you ever see a face you didn’t recognize. That all changed a year and a half ago. A man stepped into your bakery and you were floored. He was beyond attractive, and there was no way in hell you would have forgotten a face like his. “Can I help you?” You finally managed as he approached the counter. 
He smirked at you before glancing over your display case. “I’ll take two chocolate chip cookies.” He pointed to where they were. 
You tapped that into your register, wondering if he was just passing through. Although, no one ever passed through your sleepy little town. “That’ll be $2.” You told him. 
“Wow, cheaper than I expected.” He said honestly, pulling out his wallet. 
“I try to keep a couple cheaper items on the menu.” You shrugged, taking the five dollar bill as he handed it to you. “Especially for kids.” It wasn’t like kids had a lot of money, afterall. “Are you new in town?” You asked as you gave him his change. 
“That obvious?” He chuckled as he watched you move to get his cookies. 
“I’ve lived here my entire life, and I know most people. If not by name, then I recognize their face.” Closing up the little bag for the cookies (you’d given him a free one),  you handed it to him with a smile. “I’m Y/N, by the way. Welcome to town.” 
“I’m Ben, and thank you.” With that, he gave you a small wave and walked out. 
Letting out a breath, you couldn’t help but to watch him leave. It was a good view.
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Ben had been in town a month, and had been to your bakery a few times. Every time he got two chocolate chip cookies. Nothing else. He liked that you didn’t seem to have any idea who the hell he was. No one in town did. Did they just not care about what happened outside this town? It wasn’t like he was complaining, either. 
You were talking to someone when he walked in, and you didn’t look as bubbly as you normally did. “No, Jake.” You sighed. “I’m sorry, but I’m not interested.” 
“It’s one date.” The man, Jake, tried again. 
“Hey.” Ben snapped. “I believe she said ‘no’ asswipe.” He glared at Jake, crossing his arms over his chest.
Jake shook his head and looked back at you. “Who’s this guy?” He asked, pointing behind him with his thumb. 
“His name is Ben, and I’d listen to him.” You told him. “Because he looks like he’s about two seconds away from doing serious bodily harm.” While part of you’d be grateful, you didn’t feel like having to clean up your bakery from it, and you were sure Jake would call the cops.
He glanced over his shoulder at Ben who raised his eyebrow. “Beat it, chuckles.” He ground out. 
Finally, Jake walked out, clearly pissed off. Once he was outside, you let out a breath. “Thank you for that. Cookies are on me today!” You told him, going to get him his cookies. “Would you like to try any other flavors today?” You asked, keeping the display case open. 
Ben watched you for a minute. “One of your favorite.” He told you, moving to stand closer to the counter. “And your number.” He smirked when you nearly dropped the tongs you were using to get the cookies. 
“You…want my number?” You asked, surprised. 
“I do.” He nodded. 
“Okay.” You agreed, finishing up with his cookies before getting a piece of paper to write it down. You’d never seen him with a cellphone around town, so you didn’t know if he even had one. “Here.” You handed it to him. 
He glanced at it, and then slipped it into his pocket. With a wink, he made his way out of the bakery. Your cheeks were on fire, and you were glad to have a moment to collect yourself. 
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He’d called you and asked you out a couple days later. Your first date had been simple, but perfect for you. He’d taken you out to eat, and then you’d had a walk down mainstreet as the shops were closing. At the end of the night, he’d walked you to your front door and kissed you goodnight. “I hope there will be a second date.” You said, looking up at him. 
“Damn right there will be.” He gave you that smirk that just killed you in the best way possible. 
“I look forward to it.” You were on cloud nine. “Can I cook you dinner next time?” You asked, hopeful. “I can do more than bake.” 
He grinned. “If you can cook half as good as you bake, I’m in for one hell of a treat.” He flirted. 
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You giggled as you felt Ben’s lips on your neck. His beard tickled you, his arms around your waist holding you close. “Morning.” You said sleepily. 
“Morning, honey.” He greeted you. “Wanna make it a really good morning?” He asked as if he didn’t know your answer to that. “Give you some pep in that step while you’re working.” 
“You just want everyone to know how lucky I am.” You teased. “You know those little old ladies are gossips!” There were certainly days where your bakery was busier because he was hanging around and the older widows loved getting a good look at him. It amused you, honestly. 
He laughed at that. “Then let’s give them something to gossip about.” He moved to roll you to your back.
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Now, here you were. Over a year later, staring at your boyfriend. His words ringing in your ears. Blinking, you shook your head. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you right.” You breathed. “Did you just say if you loved me you wouldn’t keep me around? Because love is a weakness?” You asked. 
“You heard me.” He said simply. 
Your eyes watered. “Get out.” You managed, feeling a tear slip down your cheek. “Get your things and get the hell out of my house.” A sick feeling settled into your stomach. While you’d been falling in love, you’d been taken for a fool. 
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angelasscribbles · 19 hours
All That She Wants Chapter 10: Old Wounds
Series: All That She Wants
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for this chapter: Drake x Olivia (past)
Word Count: 1,341
Rating: M
Warnings for this chapter: none
My other stuff: Master List.
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“Coming!” Drake bellowed as he crossed the room to open the door. He pulled it open to find Olivia standing on the other side. “Liv! What are you doing here?”
The side of her mouth turned slightly downward. “Is that any way to greet an old friend?”
“Sorry. I’m just surprised to see you. I didn’t know you were in town, much less here.” He stepped back and swung the door wide. “Come on in!”
Olivia sauntered in like she owned the place, her eyes scanning the room surreptitiously. Not much had changed since the last time she’d been in it. The room was tidy, practically bare. She’d always told him he was a minimalist, and he had always told her that he just preferred simplicity.
The changes that existed were minimal, but they were there. Like the woman’s hairbrush lying on the bedside table.
She shoved her annoyance down as she perched on the edge of his bed. Watching his face carefully, she confided, “Liam summoned me here.”
Drake’s brows furrowed. “Why?”
“To offer to divorce Riley and marry me.” She laser focused on his face, watching for any sign that the information troubled him.
If it did, he gave no indication of it. “Why don’t you just put the man out of his misery and say yes? Then he’ll have what he wants and let Riley go. Maybe then she can move on.”
“Is that what you want?” She asked more sharply than she intended. “For Riley to move on?”
He ignored her question. “What did you tell him?”
“I told him no.”
“Why?” She gave him a look that indicated he was stupid. “Because I don’t want him like that!”
“That’s not true, and you know it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that you and Liam have been entangled in some sort of situationship since puberty.”
“Not continuously.”
“I didn’t say it wasn’t on again, off again, but it’s on far more than it’s off. Come on, Liv. Name a period of at least six months where you haven’t been sleeping with him!”
“Is that why you broke things off?” She sniffed haughtily. “You were jealous of my relationship with Liam?”
An ironic laugh escaped him. “First of all, no. I was never jealous of you and Liam. I’ve known forever that the two of you are like fucking moths to a flame when it comes to each other. No matter what you say, no matter how many times you tell him to go to hell, sooner or later, the two of you end up in each other’s orbit again.”
“That sounds like jealously.” She gloated.
“Nope.” He shook his head. “Just stating facts. I always knew that whatever you and I had, it was temporary. We were never an actual couple, Liv.”
“Only because neither of us do relationships.” She protested. “You kept clothes at my home. We went on vacation together. I’m pretty sure you stopped sleeping around.”
“All those things are true.” He replied carefully. “What’s your point?”
“My point is that it felt like something more than just sleeping together. Things were going well. We never argued, never had a falling out, then you just ended it without an explanation or conversation.”
He was dumbfounded by the note of hurt in her voice. Had Olivia Nevrakis had actual feelings for him? He stared at her in shock for several long seconds, until it started to get awkward. “Oh. I…I didn’t realize you would care. I mean, yes, we had fun together, and yes, I kept clothes at your house because it was convenient to do so since we were spending every other weekend there, but I never thought you wanted more than that.”
“I didn’t say I did.”
“Okay.” He considered his next words carefully. “I stopped sleeping around at some point because I was satisfied with what we had. Did you?”
He waved her away. “It’s fine. I know you didn’t. We weren’t in love, Liv. We were in lust, we were in like, we were a lot of things, but in love wasn’t one of them.”
Maybe he hadn’t been, but she had. She wasn’t about to tell him that, though. Still. She had to know. “Fine. But if you got bored, or met someone else, why not just tell me that? It was rude to just cut and run the way you did.”
It was beginning to sink in that he had hurt her when he ended things. He knew her well enough not to say that out loud to her. Instead, he tried his best to fix it. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I have no excuse other than I really didn’t think I was more than a blip on your radar, so my reasons weren’t important.”
“Alright. I’ll accept that. But just out of curiosity, why did you end it?” Drake Walker was the only man that had ever dumped her. She was usually the one who did the dumping.
Her pride still stung.
Drake sighed as he ran a hand across his face. He didn’t want to throw Liam under the bus, but he didn’t want to compound the hurt he had caused by lying to her about it. “Liam asked me to back off.”
Shock, anger, and indignation shot through her. “That son of a bitch!” She was furious, and she was outraged, but underneath that, there was a tiny sliver of satisfaction. “What gave him the right to interfere in my life?”
“Probably the fact that you were still sleeping with him, knowing he was in love with you.”
“That…are you judging me?”
“I’m just saying that if he’s truly your friend and you don’t return his feelings, then you should probably stop sleeping with him.”
Olivia scoffed. “Who asked you?”
“No one. But why can’t you just admit you have feelings for him?”
“Because I don’t!”
“Then why do you two keep ending up together?”
“Please. The sex is good. What more could there be?”
“Do you keep in touch with Jin?”
“What? No. What does that have to do with anything?”
Drake shrugged. “You told me the sex with Jin was phenomenal.”
“So, if everything is just about bumping uglies, why don’t you keep in touch with him?”
“Or that Italian guy? What was his name? Fransisco?”
“Oh, for the love of God, Drake!” she exploded. “Liam’s the king! I can’t just cut ties with him like I can some fucking second rate spy for hire or a foreign diplomate!”
“Right. But it’s not just budget meetings and galas, is it? It’s trips to Paris, skiing in the Alps, yachting in the Caribbean, sneaking away during—”
“Because we’re friends!”
“Okay. Keep telling yourself that.”
“Oh my God, you’re infuriating!”
“Infuriating and right.”
Olivia rolled her eyes with a scoff.
Drake shook his head. “Well, this has been fun, but I need to get to the gym for PT with my squad. I’m already late. See you at dinner tonight?”
“No, I’m leaving for Lythikos before dinner.”
“Alright. Well, see you next time, then.”
He was almost to the door when she asked, “What was the second thing?”
He stopped and turned back to her. “What?”
“Earlier, when I asked if you were jealous of my relationship with Liam, you said first of all….what was the second thing?”
Drake smirked as he responded, “Second of all, you called it a relationship. You asked if I was jealous of your relationship with Liam. Your words, Liv. Relationship. And you just did it a second time. I trust you can show yourself out?”
She watched him leave as fury, confusion, and dismay collided inside her.
Were her feelings for Liam more complex than she wanted to admit? Was all her pining over Drake just wounded pride because he dumped her?
She leaped to her feet, slammed out the door, and power walked back to her room to pack.
Because fuck if she was ready to confront any of that.
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bluecanvasshoe · 3 days
platonic!Arthur Morgan & teen!fem!reader
reader being female is only mentioned, like, once at the very start, rest of the story has virtually nothing to do w it
based around the end of the game!!
Arthur notices you’re upset after some sulking around, so he takes you fishing.
warnings: slight rdr2 spoilers, a little smidgen of misogyny, maybe ooc? idk, no beta reader we die like MEN 🔥, little bit of angst, comfort, NO ROMANCE‼️‼️‼️
word count: 1.5k
For the past couple months, it’s felt as if nothing you have done has ever gone right.
When carrying hay-bales to the horses, your arms grew tired. Micah laughed as you dropped the feed and breathed heavily. A few months back, Hosea reminded you that, as a child, you weren’t expected to do any of the more challenging work. However, the urge to prove yourself triumphed over his lectures.
Then Ms. Grimshaw approached you in camp, reprimanding you for your insistence on doing the more “manly” tasks. As a girl of the camp who was yet to be an adult, you, unfortunately, were not saved from her pressing you about your future in the gang.
Afterwards, while practising your handiwork with a needle, you pierced your index finger. It drew blood, so Strauss gave you a bandage and a disapproving look.
The gang slowly dwindled in numbers, leaving your already fragile state of mind in a bit of a crisis. Small things piled on small things that piled on big things, and you soon found yourself dreading chores, which turned into dreading every day that followed. The feeling of thinking you were actively disappointing every living being ever drowned out any sense of reasoning.
On a clear morning, you woke up groggy. All seemed well until you were punched in the face with the realisation that you had to actually get up.
Instead of wasting the early morning away, wallowing in the sadness of your flimsy canvas tent, you sat at the dying campfire. Your heart felt heavy in your chest, and your mouth subconsciously pulled down into a frown.
Arthur, ever the early bird, awoke not long after you and sat down on the next log over. His worn and muddied boots crunched on the gravelly terrain, interrupting the chirping of birds. The sun hadn’t yet risen, shrouding everything in a dusky glow.
“You uh… sleep well, kid?” said Arthur, holding onto a steaming cup of coffee.
“Yeah,” you replied simply, staring at the fire. Strauss told you not to drink coffee; he said it was “bad for a child’s development.”.
Arthur sighed, turning his head over as he propped his upper body up, an arm supporting himself by pressing on his knee. “You’ve been acting’ strange,” he commented, “we’ve all noticed. Is somethin’ botherin’ you?”
Your voice caught up in your throat, the words that formed in your head fighting to escape and pathetically losing. “No…just tired.”
The man next to you coughed lightly, clearing his throat. “You…uh, you wanna go fishin’? I oughta' bring some food back to Pearson.”
Fishing? Now there’s something you haven't done in a while. Maybe you could get out of the camp.
“Okay,” you fidgeted with the fabric of your sleep bottoms, your eyes darting from Arthur and back to the fire. It seemed Arthur hadn’t expected you to agree, as he hesitated to find a response.
“Alright, then. Be ready in...about half an hour.”
As promised, you were dressed a quarter after six; at least that’s what your pocket watch you pickpocketed forever ago said. Hopping up onto the pony you used on rare outings, you waited for Arthur to saddle up too.
“You got all your stuff?” He asked, storing away his fishing rod and hoisting himself up, grabbing hold of his horse’s reins.
You look at your saddle bag one last time before turning to Arthur, nodding. “Yeah. ‘Been a while since I've gone fishin’, though.”
“Don’t worry about that; I'll give you a refresher.” Arthur shifted his weight before clicking twice, lightly jabbing his spurs into the side of his mount.
Following his movements, — except spur-less, as you don’t do nearly as much riding as the other men in the gang — you began to move, your horse huffing gently.
You caught up to him thanks to his slow trot, swatting away a couple mosquitoes in the process. “Where’re we goin’?” you asked, your voice raised.
“Well, you ain’t too familiar with his area,” he quickly wiped his nose with his free hand, sniffling. “But it ain’t far. There’s a nice little spot on a lake nearby. You oughta' get a couple bites.”
“Uh-huh,” you sighed, looking down at your hands. Arthur was holding onto his horse’s reins with one hand. You had trouble steering your horse with two.
Arthur slowed once he approached a patch of gravelly sand, getting off his horse with you following. He took out his fishing equipment and walked over to the shore.
“Here,” Arthur reached into his brown satchel, pulling out a block of cheese wrapped in brown parchment paper. “Use some a’ this.” Reaching over, you broke off a small chunk and murmured a hushed ‘thank you’ in return.
“‘M guessin’ you remember what bait is and how to use it, right?” he remarked, preparing his rod. “I think I got it,” you muttered, fumbling with the fishing pole but eventually hooking the cheese onto the sharp point.
“Careful there. Don’t wanna poke your finger.” Arthur joked snarkily, waiting for you to get into a similar position to his, his fishing rod held in front of his body. “Shut up,” you grunted, getting a good grip on the pole and holding it out in front of yourself. The water moved lazily, quietly washing up and down on the sand. The calm surface showed the fish that swam underneath. Minnows dashed around quickly, the small groups of fish moving together.
Crickets still chirped in the distance as birds were beginning to sing, too. The air smelled fresh and felt dewy, a light breeze turning trees into calming windchimes.
“You wanna hold it like this,” he said, tapping his index finger against the line. You attempted the same hold that he had, but with the limited information given, you didn’t immediately get the hang of it.
“No, like- like this, with your index on the line. Should be pressin’ against the rod.” Arthur peered over your shoulder as you adjusted your fingers, pressing the thin string against the wood of the rod. Arthur nodded. “Yeah, that’s good. Now pull back the bail.”
Now, you hadn’t a clue what the bail was, but that hardly mattered. Matching Arthur’s movements, you pulled a semi-circle piece of metal back and over the line spool.
“Alright, now be careful here; don’t wanna take out an eye. Draw back your rod over your shoulder, but not too far. The farther you draw, the longer the cast,” he advised, drawing the pole over his shoulder. You mimicked him.
“Now, you throw it over your shoulder and straight forward,” he instructed, watching your movements. The bait landed about 3 metres away from the shoreline, splashing pathetically before bobbing up and down.
“Just like that. Now, you pull back the bail and wait.”
Silence filled the space between you two—a suffocating, invisible force.
Deer galloped across the lake and within the thick brush. One stopped, a buck, and stared at the two fishermen across from it. His ears twitched before he joined the others.
Loons sang, their eerily beautiful calls travelling across the calm waters. Frogs croaked in the distance, and clouds languidly drifted overhead.
“Look, I… I haven’t a clue what you’re feelin’. But just know that you ain’t alone. We’ve all been stressed. I can’t imagine what you must be feelin’.” said Arthur, turning briefly to face you.
The sun peeked over the distant treeline, slowly casting a calming light over everything in the vicinity.
“I feel like I can’t never do anythin’ right.” You croaked, voice catching in your throat and a painful ache creeping up to your jaw.
“Aw, kid… whad’ya mean?" Arthur had never been great at comfort. He could do it, of course, though he certainly had his favourites when it came to his affections.
You stared off into the lake, your reflection looking right back. “Everythin’ I do feels like a failure. There ain’t a single thing I’ve been able to do right recently.”
Arthur sighed, reeling his line back in and casting it again.
“That ain’t true. You’re a kid. You’re learning. You ain’t… supposed to be great at everythin’, and nothin’ you do is supposed to be right; it’s just supposed to teach you somethin’. This’ll go away; trust me.” He chose his words carefully, coughing to the side before continuing. “Now I know this probably ain’t what you wanted to hear. Feelin’ sad feels... nice sometimes. But it’s true. Basically everyone in this gang is an adult, ‘cept for Jack, so don’t go comparin’ yourself to anyone, ya hear? We’re all goin’ through hard times; none of this is your fault, and you ain’t a failure for anythin’.”
The sun steadily rose, framed perfectly by the view in front of you. Your horses huffed occasionally as geese flew above, honking distantly.
He was right; you didn’t want to hear this. You don’t know what you want to hear. Maybe something about how awful you are, or maybe something about how great and amazing you are. You felt conflicted, confused, and even a smidge defensive.
“But I-” “but nothin’, kid. Do with that what you will, but just... think about it. Maybe see things from a different perspective.” He rasped, clearing his throat. “Or don’t; it’s your choice. But just give it some thought.”
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, watching as your bait bobbed on the water’s surface. The chill of the north was soothed by the warmth of the sun, and everything, in that moment, felt okay.
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bravo4iscool · 23 hours
return pt.2
this was so long overdue and im so sorry😭 but here it is now🤪
wordcount: 2,5k
(masterlist | return pt.1 | join my tag list!)
tag list - @yazt09 @blackhawkfanatic @bumblebeesfromvenus (others: @yyiikes @w0menaresuperi0r)
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“Take care of yourself,” you force a smile as you look at Simon. He’s off for deployment again and everytime he leaves it gets harder for you.
You’re starting to get used to a life with Simon by your side and you don't want to miss out on that ever again. Also Louis was growing used to having Simon around and you could see how hurt he was whenever he left.
Simon’s voice rips you out of your thoughts, “I will darling,” he promises, taking you into his arms. “I’ll look after myself and you’ll look after yourself and Louis, yea?” He cradles the back of your head in his hand, burying his nose in your hair for the last time.
When Simon opens his eyes again he sees Louis hiding behind the door. His heart broke. He wanted to leave while your son was still asleep so it’ll be easier for the boy to adapt to him being gone but it looks like Louis knew Simon would leave for deployment again.
Simon breaks the hug, giving you one last kiss before he calls Louis’ name. “Come here buddy,” he says, crouching down to match the height of the boy. “I’m sorry,” Simon apologizes while taking Louis in his arms. “I know I said I wouldn’t leave but this is urgent…” he tries to explain but Louis just throws his arms around Simon’s neck and starts to cry.
„I don‘t want you to go,“ he sobs and your heart breaks at that sight. Louis was getting attached to Simon. Maybe he was getting too attached… but you were getting too, weren‘t you?
„I know buddy, I know… I‘m sorry,“ Simon apologizes again and you feel tears burning in your eyes. In the last months Simon spent with you and Louis he more and more took the role of your boy's father and the effects of that were clearly showing. Not only were you starting to get used to it but also Louis.
With every passing day Simon turned more into Louis‘ hero and in some aspects into a dad… And while you liked that you also were scared of it. What would happen if you and Simon would break up? Or even worse, if Simon wouldn‘t come home one day…
„You need to wake up Louis,“ you sigh as you once again walk into your son‘s bedroom. He was supposed to stand up almost an hour ago to help you with the chickens but he was refusing to get out of bed. „Come on,“ you pull his blanket away and then you see them. Dried up tears are adorning his face and his eyes are read, his cheeks puffy. He’s been crying…
You stop for a second then you sit down beside him and gently let your hand caress his hair. „You miss him, huh?“ You quietly ask and all you get is a heartbreaking sob. „I know darling… I miss him too…“
A tear rolls down your cheek as you hear your son cry. „Only a couple more days, then he‘s back,“ you promise him, well knowing that it wasn‘t true.
Missions could take weeks, months even. Sometimes you even were gone for almost a year… You couldn‘t tell nor promise when Simon would come home, if he would at all but you couldn‘t tell Louis the truth. He‘s too young to understand.
On the other side of the world Simon lays on his bunk, eyes closed, arms behind his head and his legs crossed. He listens to the chatter of Gaz and Soap, occasionally cracking a smile at the stupidity between those two.
„Yo LT.“ Soap suddenly speaks up. Simon opens one eye, looking at the Sergeant.
„What is it MacTavish?“ Simon asks, his voice a low grumble.
„Ye go’ a message.“ Soap holds up Simon‘s phone, throwing it at his Lieutenant shortly after. „Is there a lass we din‘t know about?“
Simon catches the phone just in time, sitting up properly to read the text. He decides to completely ignore the teasing of the two Sergeants.
He opens the message, expecting you to have written another paragraph about your day but instead he’s greeted with three simple words:
He misses you.
He stares at the sentence for what felt like an eternity before he decides to reply. Normally he didn‘t. The risk was too high that the message might be tracked back to you but he couldn‘t just ignore what you sent him. It was hurting him too much.
I know. I miss him too.
And you. I‘ll be home soon.
He presses send with a heavy heart, standing up. He would request at least a two month period of leave after this mission. He never took leave before but it was his right, no?
„Where‘s Price?“ Simon asks, clutching his phone in his hand. Gaz and Soap look up from their card game.
„Somewhere downstairs. With Laswell probably,“ Gaz answers, not bothering to look at his Lieutenant again. He had a game to win and playing with Soap meant full on war.
Simon acknowledges the answer with a nod and turns his back to go downstairs. With heavy feet he skips as many steps as he can before he stands in front of a door and knocks.
“Come in,” Price’s voice bellows from inside and Simon opens the door. He’s greeted by his Captain and Laswell hunching over a map, studying the terrain. Price lifts his head to look at Simon, “What is it Ghost?”
Simon rolls his shoulders and crosses his hands behind his back before he starts to speak. “I’d like to resign.”
“I’d like to resign. I want to retire,” the Lieutenant explains, carefully watching Price’s reaction. The Captain straightens his back and walks towards Simon.
He looks at him for a few moments before he sighs. “Are you sure? You’re one of my best men… If not the best.” There’s a part of Price that holds onto Ghost—not Simon—because it was hard to find someone like him. Replacing him would be…impossible.
Simon nods and holds eye contact. “I am 100% sure. Things have changed…since my leave,” he tries to reason his decision but not wanting to reveal too much.
But Price only nods with a sad smile. “I know. I noticed.” He takes a deep breath before he takes another step forward and pats Simon on the shoulder. “She’s the right one for you. Don’t mess it up.”
“I won’t.”
“Good.” Price sighs again. “After this mission I’ll get the papers ready to have you retired. It’ll be a big loss—“ He glances towards Laswell over his shoulder. “—but you deserve some rest. Life was hard on you.”
A weight falls off Simon’s shoulders and it feels like he can breathe better now. “Thank you John. I appreciate it.”
Your vision is blurry as you run through the doors of the hospital with shaking hands and short breath. Immediately a nurse catches you. “Ma’am? Ma’am are you alright?” she asks you, her hand on your bizeps.
You blink rapidly so your eyes can focus on her, your hands reaching out for the nurse to grab something. “My—my boyfriend, he’s, uh, he’s here,” you manage to force out. “They brought him in a few hours ago. Lieutenant Simon Riley, with the SAS,” you manage to gasp out, while trying to catch your breath.
The nurse nods and leads you towards the reception. “He should be in surgery right now,“ she tells you while typing something on the keyboard. “I…am not allowed to tell you more though.“ She gives you an emphatic smile and you let out a frustrated groan. You flew all the way to England just to be told you weren’t allowed to know more.
“I, however—“ the nurse suddenly spoke up again. “—could have accidentally told you where he is being operated.“ There is a twinkle in her eyes and you‘ve ever been so thankful for a nurse as now.
“Thank you,“ you tell her as you take off into the direction of the OR‘s. Surely Price, Gaz and Soap were also there.
Your steps are fast and your gaze hard as you stroll past the door and corridors of the hospital, a single goal in your mind. Find Simon, make sure he’s okay and kick his ass for getting banged up.
Then you hear a familiar voice, “Bonnie? What are yer doin‘ere?“ Soap frowns at you while walking into your direction before his steps quicken and he pulls you into his arms. “I‘ve missed ye,“ he whispers into your hair, not wanting to let you go.
You put your arms around your long time friend and let your head fall against his chest. “Missed you too Soap.“ You two stay in the hug for a few moments before you break it and walk towards Price and Gaz to embrace them in a hug too.
“Will he make it?“ you quietly ask Price as you hug him and his answer is a subtle nod. “Good,“ you breathe out, a hint of relief in your voice.
Simon would be alright; He would be okay; He was a fighter, wasn‘t he? He would survive this. He couldn‘t not survive. With a deep sigh you sit down beside Soap on one of the many uncomfortable plastic chairs and start to wait.
When Simon comes back to his senses he feels someone gently stroke his hand. He groans and tries to open his eyes but it‘s like they‘re glued together.
“Careful SImon,“ he hears your voice as you carefully wipe his hair out of his face. “Take it slow, you‘re still weak,“ you explain, now grabbing his hand with both of your hands.
“Water,“ he manages to rasp out, trying to squeeze your hand as a sign that he is okay, that he is fine.
You squeeze back with a faint smile, watching your boyfriend with a worried look on your face. “I‘ll get the doctor. They will want to check you. You were gone for quite some time.“
You want to stand up but Simon refuses to let go of your hand. “Stay,” he tells you and that’s what you do. You stay.
You look around the room until you find the call button and you press it. A few moments later a nurse and a doctor enter the room and the check up is done on Simon.
20 minutes later it’s done and the doctor turns to you. “I assume he will live with you?” You nod. “Good. He shouldn’t walk for at least two weeks so that his leg can recover correctly. Afterwards I recommend crutches.”
Again you nod, and grab Simon’s hand. “Is he safe to fly? I, uh, live in Denmark…” The doctor grimaces as he thinks and sighs.
“He needs enough room for his leg. If you can’t arrange that I heavily advise against flying, even if it’s only two to three hours,” he explains, glancing back and forth between you and Simon.
“We will be able to organize that,” Price’s voice suddenly sounds from the door and you spin around in your seat.
The doctor raises his eyebrows in surprise before he nods. “Alright. If that is the case…” then he looks at Simon. “We’ll keep you here for a few days to make sure your wound is alright and then you’ll be able to go home.”
Simon nods, “Thanks doc.”
When you and Simon are alone again he pulls you closer to him. “Does Louis know?” he asks, adjusting himself on the bed so that you’d be able to lay beside him.
You sigh, “I left him at his friend's house. He’s in Denmark. I…don’t know if he suspects anything.” You let your head sink onto his shoulder. “Those past weeks have been hard for him, Simon. He barely got out of bed, except for school…” You feel tears brim in your eyes and Simon immediately takes your hand again.
“And you?” he wants to know in a quiet voice.
You glance at him, then avert your gaze. “It’s been hard for me too. It’s different when you’re on the other side, you know. When I was still with the 141 deployment came so easy for me but now, now it’s totally different…”
Simon hums along as you talk, playing with your hand to keep you grounded. After you're finished he opens his mouth to talk. “This was my last mission,” he says and you need a moment to comprehend that.
“What?” You sit up on the bed to properly look at your boyfriend.
“I said, this was my last mission. I told Price I want to retire. I have my 20 years full and…you and Louis deserve someone who’s actually there and not gone 90% of the year,” he explains, still unsure of your reaction. Would you accept it and be happy or would you try and talk it out of him?
“Simon, this is a pretty big step and—“
“I’m sure, love,” he interrupts you. “I thought about it even before I left. I want to leave and the fact that I’m chained to this bed is a pretty good confirmation that retirement has come for me.”
For a few seconds you say nothing but then you bend down to place a passionate kiss on his lips. “I love you Simon,” you whisper as a tear finds its way down your cheek. “I love you and I will support you no matter what.”
“Simon?” Louis’ head peaks through the barn door before he slowly walks in. “Are you here? Mom said you would.”
Simon’s head rose and he let the bunch of hay he had in his hands fall to the ground. “I’m here buddy!” he calls out and pulls his gloves off.
Seconds later Louis stands in front of him, his arm extended with a letter in his arm. With suspicion in his eyes Simon takes the letter and starts to read it.
Simon’s eyebrows are furrowed as he reads the letter and Louis can’t help but be nervous. Was it the right decision to give this to Simon before talking sign his mom?
“This is an invitation for dads,” Simon says after finishing reading. He looks at Louis, confusion written over his face. Then it dawns on him. “You want me to come with you?”
Louis averts his gaze and nods before he starts to ramble, “I do, yeah… I know it’s ‘Bring your dad to school day’ and I know you don’t work anymore but you had such a cool job and—“
“I’ll go with you,” Simon interrupts the boy. “I will 100% go with you!” He walks towards Louis and extends his arms. “C’mere buddy.” He embraces the boy and ruffles his hair. “I feel very honored right now, do you know that?”
Louis nods against Simon and tightens his arms around the man. “I love you lil‘ man,“ Simon mumbles, not wanting to let go of your son just yet. He never thought that he could be a dad—or anything remotely close to that—but now, he loved every second of it…
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deerlottie · 24 hours
Fluffy alphabet for shauna x reader, please? :)
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im sorry anon theres no way i could've done all of them IM SORRY but i did these <3 not proofread also..
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you) she just loves that you're always there for her no matter what. even when she has her moments where she's shut off and acting a little mean because she's jealous or whatever, ur still there letting her know that you're not leaving her stubborn ass and you love her. you know how to mitigate the situation when she's too stubborn to admit she's wrong or talk to you about it.
body (what’s her favorite body part of yours) she loves your hands!!! she’ll find herself staring at them when you’re doing something simple like wringing them together mindlessly and she get heart eyes. she loves to nibble on them :3
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle) shauna is the little spoon IDC TALK WITH THE WALL. she likes when you crush her with your body weight and just needs to be held >__<
dates (what’s her ideal date) for adult!shauna - tbh she's perfectly fine with staying in and drinking beers and watching jeopardy with you! you dont have to take her out somewhere fancy but sometimes she likes being shown off by you so maybe a dinner date every couple months!! for teen!shauna - also likes being shown off but i think she'd really love a stargazing/picnic date!! going to the park around sunset and eating your favorite meal she prepared you :3 tugging you in for a cuddle while asking if you know any constellations and she'll gladly listen to you yap about it until you both fall asleep.
family (does she want one) if you’re dating adult!shauna, i think she’s good😭 it’s not a No but she’d prefer a pet fish or something... teen!shauna absolutely wants one tho!!! she has a whole section of her journal filled with possible baby names and one day she rips the piece of paper off and slides it under your door because she's too scared to give it you face to face. she's smiling so hard when you open the door and just say "yes."
holding hands (does she like to hold hands) she loves it!!! she’ll have the coldest, meanest look on her face while ur holding hands but inside she’s all warm and fuzzy feeling and will pout if you do something as simple as pull away to itch at your face.
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt) she’d yell at you for being a dumbass depending on the injury, but ofc is still worried. and if she found out that someone caused you harm? oh they’re legit dead.
kisses (how does she like to kiss you) hard and passionate. her lips are rough in contrast to your soft ones, but she takes her time kissing you while also trying to devour you.
love (what’s her love language) touches!!!! she's not the best at voicing her feelings and she wishes she was better but sometimes all she can do is silently pull you into a hug and you know that's her way of saying "i love you, i'm here for you." :(
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like) a tangled mess of limbs because you always have to be touching each other. you'll go to bed together holding each other tight and when you wake up, she's slanted and her feet are almost hanging off the bed and she's gripping your sides like her life depends on it 😭
pet names (what does she like to call you) just a simple “baby” or a nickname for you. sometimes a "sweetie" will slip out.
secrets (how open is she with you) not that open tbh! she’s always favoring the journal over telling you but she’s trying to work on it. you always know when something is up tho because she's not that good at lying to you.
time (how long did it take her to confess) teen!shauna took almost three years 😭 you were on the soccer team with her and she's always admired you from afar but was too scared to say anything. and then the whole plane crash happened, and it was even harder to try and ignore you and her feelings and you two got closer after jackie died and maybe you shared a couple of kisses. it didn't mean anything tho, or at least that's what she told herself and started to distance herself again once she realized that she was in love with you. blah blah blah you get guys rescued and you don't hear from shauna or any of them for a while until almost a year later you get this message from shauna basically confessing and she wants to meet up again before she goes back to brown...
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bonefall · 8 months
Question about Tiger- what WAS his end goal? We know that he wanted to be TC leader but he really quickly pivoted to "world forest domination" after that failed, which is one of those things that feels like thistle's law would oppose. Also why did he start going after half clan cats while also preaching for the clans uniting under him and him alone one leader? Other than kitty racism of course.
(Gently) If you think that Thistle Law would oppose total forest takeover, then I really recommend you head over to the masterpost on Thistle Law as a concept. Nothing about Thistle Law is isolationist, never has been
The ideology sets itself apart from Hard Traditionalism because it becomes willing to enforce some standard of xenophobic purity. That's what Tigerstar wanted to do. There is no "other than kitty racism." That's it. Stonefur, Mistyfoot, Stormpaw, and Featherpaw's lives are the result of codebreaking and that makes them lesser than other cats.
There is no logical reason for bigotry. It's not a principle. It doesn't make sense. It's reactionary discomfort and cruelty given form.
Tigerstar wanted to decide who was pure enough to live and who was filthy enough to die. These categories are arbitrary.
(Under the cut TW: speaking frankly about miscegenation, segregation, and genocide.)
"But if they all united under one Clan, then they'd just start mixing in the end, wouldn't they?"
No. They wouldn't. The steps go like this;
The groups live together and mingle too closely. To prevent them from interbreeding, the code is emphasized.
Someone breaks the code. They are punished.
The kits are dealt with; either eliminated or considered lesser.
But every birth of mixed children poses an "existential" threat. "Purity" is a concept that has to be protected, if a Pure parent mixes with the wrong parent, ALL of the resulting children are dirty. It is a threat to the concept of purity.
And this continues to happen, and "purity" must be protected, so... the groups need to be kept separate.
There is no such thing as "separate but equal." One group is an underclass, prevented from moving freely. This would have been RiverClan.
But the groups continue to mingle, people won't stay put in a ghetto. More extreme measures are taken. Sterilization, kidnapping, execution...
But that still doesn't work. There's only one solution; Genocide.
The logical conclusion of this ideology is genocide. That's where it ends. It doesn't matter if the fascist believes this at the stage he's at or not; that is the built-in conclusion.
Fascism is a death cult.
Tigerstar's goal was to take over the forest and arbitrarily decide which cats would be "True" cats of TigerClan. He would have weeded out cats seemingly at random, but heavily favored ShadowClan. Eventually, the Clans would shift into various classes, before each one is systemically eliminated.
IF he went unopposed. Fascism is unstable. Hyperemotional, self-obsessed, frothing egotists are REALLY bad at organizing government and its very structure is prone to infighting.
The enemy is everywhere, both strong and weak. You live in a constant state of paranoia. You waste all your money on ridiculous vanity weapon projects and overestimate your abilities to absurdity. You kill off all the intellectuals because you're too fragile to be told no. The biggest liar in history is the person who equated any kind of fascism with "evil genius," spite is blinding and insecurity makes you do stupid things.
Turns out, that's really bad for holding onto power. These regimes crumble like a shitty jenga tower eventually; problem is, they're deadly before that point and drag down thousands of innocent people on the way down.
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songtwo · 3 months
idk i think my bf might be developing a drinking problem and i just don’t know what to do…..
#it’s been going on for a couple of months now but he promised he would stop and he had been doing well until today….#and it’s like. on one hand i never wanted to be w an alcoholic and i told him straight so he promised it would stop#but on the other hand i can’t just abandon him#and it’s like we used to go out a lot and party but like. that was it but ever since he met this guy he just gets lost when he drinks w him#and the thing was he got like aggressive like he didn’t do anything to me and i can’t really explain it but he just wasn’t himself#and like. we talked about it a million times and it’s not like it happens every week#it’s been like 5 times since december#but 3 have been on the past month alone#and two weeks ago it got bad like he almost got into an accident#and like i’m not even physically w him anymore like we really only see each other once a week since i moved#and from the very first time it happened i told him i couldn’t be w him if it kept happening#and after that incident two weeks ago he swore it was the last time but it just happened again#by the way he and that guy get wasted it really is a miracle they get home alive#and like. idk what to do#i really don’t want to be w someone like this#and i hate feeling like this like if i were to think only about myself i don’t want this i hate feeling like this#but i also can’t abandon him#like not even bc i would miss him or whatever i just wouldn’t feel good leaving him alone#but like i don’t want to live like this#maybe i’ll ask for some time to just figure things out#but it’s gonna suck so bad bc we were supposed to see kendrick lamar next week and then we already had plans for his bday and omfg#i don’t wanna leave but i don’t want things to be like this either#and i asked him to stop and gave him multiple chances but idk#i just don’t know what to do#i love him endlessly but i need to put myself first but i can’t abandon him:(#and our 1.5 anniversary was also next week…..#but i think time is the sanest and safest thing right now
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milkweedman · 10 months
I am sorry you've been harrassed by terfs, but the way you are currently trying to weed them out seems a bit misguided. As in, the vast majority of terfs are in fact ok with big hairy CIS men. The so-called men they are actively hating are trans women/transfem people. So by acting like you proclaiming your love to big hairy dudes is the best terf-repellant you seem to be missing the point at best.
i'd love to actually respond to your concerns or whatever the hell it was that you were trying to convey with this ask, but it has almost no basis in reality so i literally cant.
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thats the one statement on how effective i think the banners are that has left my queue so far. which is: i hope it works but also have literally 2 other backup plans already in case it does not. i dont know why youre calling that "acting like [me] proclaiming [my] love to big hairy dudes is the best terf-repellant", because thats wildly off target from what i have actually said at any point. everything else youve said is also pretty much either dead wrong or ignorant, so im getting the feeling that you not reading has been a problem for a while.
(ive also not mentioned terfs this entire time--ive been talking about radfems and using the word radfems. they're not the same thing although there's large overlap. so like. thats strike two for zero reading comprehension, buddy. cause you are literally not talking about the group im talking about and youre also inventing whole new sentences that i didnt say.)
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goldkirk · 5 months
Patreon question
I'm focusing hard on budgeting, and one of the things I want to do more of in the coming year is support independent creators/small groups on Patreon and Substack, even if I can only do a little bit at a time. I have a few creators I already support on Patreon, and two on Substack, but I'd love to support more.
I know you've got creators that you love to support on these platforms! Tell me who you support and why you started supporting them if you have creators that are especially unique or near and dear to you. Anything and everything, across the board, I love supporting small business and I love finding new people and niches I never heard about before. There're no wrong answers here!
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deus-ex-mona · 8 months
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#(aka me when my acid burns randomly start throbbin’ when i bend over :( it’s very inconvenient)#in other news ​this week absolutely s u c k s can i trade it in for a better one—#first there was that acid spill. which. like. ouch???? but the mark is still there and is apparently very obvious. which sucks#then the day after the acid attack™️ meself and one other guy were called out under the assumption that we were doing unnecessary overtime#with the ‘unnecessary’ part running off the basis that there’s a low sample volume bc one single monday had fewer samples than usual#and we were singled out j u s t because our taxi claims for last month were through the roof due to the fact that we live across the country#like??? hellooo????? why are you treating it like it’s my fault that i have to pay upwards of $24 (at least) to get home???#and??? excuse????? why are you extrapolating the previous day’s sample volume to the previous month’s workload as a whole????#but. m a n. the way the mildly higher up lady abruptly shouted at me for asking a question just. pissed me off. for some reason.#she was talking in circles regarding the future of our taxi claims#so i asked if we (now) had to submit a second claims form for the transport company dudes to compensate us#and she yelled at me to stop talking before i could finish :( sadded and annoyed tbh#though i get the feeling that she hasn’t liked me ever since i left some results she asked for between her desk and some other guy’s desk#and someone else had placed their notebook or sth atop it so she couldn’t find it. and she blamed me for it. ha.#that was a few weeks ago though. so. hm. i wonder if she’s still mad about that…#either way. i applied for a couple of jobs that are closer to my place bc screw travelling across the country for an hour every day#s c r e w hour-long train rides i’d rather sleep#i prolly won’t even get the other jobs but. oh well. that’s life ig
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