#I love talking and writing and drawing affection because I’m very affectionate
pogostikk · 11 months
I like to think about the different dynamics of all the characters in my au, especially with how they show affection.
Like, physically, Steven wants to show Connie as much affection as possible, holding her hand, kissing her cheek, leaning into her space. He can’t get enough of it and always has lots of love to give.
And Connie doesn’t mind it, but her love language isn’t so physical, and eventually the bunches of affection can get a bit overstimulating, so she had to set up boundaries with him. When they’re not holding hands and cuddling she’d rather do things for him, she tried cooking for him but frankly he figured it out long before she did and she’d been on earth her whole life. I think Connie would, in a way, enjoy taking care of Steven, not that they don’t take care of each other but she wouldn’t mind being the breadwinner, and I don’t think the idea was ever strange to her or Steven. Steven grew up with no gender norms whatsoever, and Connie was always fighting social standards, I imagine her mom being a successful doctor and also the breadwinner enforced that or even started up that early rebellion. (And I’d like to look into want their relationship as two adults would look like, and how they felt about it all)
But I’m getting off track, I think Connie would show her affection by sharing things rather then just straight up giving, she’d share information and her thoughts and criticisms of the world around her, she’d share her time and feelings as well as the money she earned if they married and the home she had. And I think that’s cute.
As for Star and Steven, I have a lot of fun exploring that.
Because they both grew up without gendered expectations, and sometimes I just wanna leave it at that. But also they both have very “guy-like” characteristics that if they had been on earth I wonder if any of the roles we have would have been placed on them (probably not it’s Steven Universe, and that’s like my favorite thing).
But anyway, regardless if I showed them as brothers or a father and a son, they share lots of affection.
Like I said Steven has lots of affection to give, and Star is the same, but more subtle about it I think. He won’t straight up hug and say sweet nice things to the people he cares about, but with Steven if he’s not doing anything with his hand and Steven’s there- he’ll just, rest his hand on top of his head. Or Steven will subconsciously lean into Star’s space and Star will welcome it.
And of course they would ‘cause they’re two halves of a whole who were supposed to be fused, that severed connection is still very obvious, just unspoken. They’re constantly drawn to each other because they should have been one. It sounds a little weird but there’s something whimsical about two beings who were meant to be one, what that connection would entail.
Anyways it’s like incredibly late over here and I’m going to regret writing all this when I wake up.
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pedriscroquettes · 8 months
i’m really intrigued about what you think dating pablo t would be like
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a/n. had fun writing this… 18+ 🤭
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• you two would definitely meet at the club. judging from the people he hangs out with and how he’s technically a nepotism baby he gives off partying vibes.
• the beginning of your relationship consists purely of getting to know each other. dates at each others homes, restaurants, and maybe even the park just to talk.
• soon enough he’s picking you up from uni (because you’re still pursuing your degree) after practice. sometimes he even takes you out for your lunch if he has a day off.
• he doesn’t take you any of his games immediately because and quote he wants you “to get to know normal pablo first before football pablo.” it makes you like him even more.
• you meet his family eventually all of them welcoming you into the family especially his sister. and of course his mom shows you his baby pictures to which he can only burry his head into the crook of your neck to hide his embarrassment.
• once the two of you go public he’s no longer hesitant to hold your hand in public. basically his love language is physical affection. when you’re at his place watching a movie you’re always cuddling.
• when you start attending his games you always show up with his jersey. something that very much cheers him up if the team ever draws or loses. also when he doesn’t get any minutes.
• also whenever the two of you decide to take naps midday you purposely stay awake longer to just lay on his chest. his heartbeat calms you. and you have a private album on your phone full of pics of him asleep.
• once he asks you to move in you start taking catalan lessons. pablo tells you it’s not necessary but you insist wanting to get familiar with the culture. he already knows the language so he simply helps you with the accents and annunciation of certain words.
• pablo never admits it but he loves when you randomly massage his hair. it’s soothing for him and for those few minutes you spend rubbing your hands through his strands he forgets about the pressure he has on him to break out as a football prodigy.
• you also never tell him but your favorite thing about him is definitely his hair.
• in general it’s a very affectionate relationship with the two of you always showing your obvious affection for each other.
• you expect him to be very vanilla when it comes to the bedroom by the way he acts in public but it’s quite literally the opposite.
• he’s always down for quickies whenever. “pero mami i can’t hold it till we get home you look so good in that dress.”
• heavy eye contact while he’s inside you. he loves seeing you squirm under him but most importantly he thinks you’re the prettiest thing to ever exist he can’t look away from you.
• although he’s very subby at times especially when you’re on top. he practically worships the ground you walk on.
• he loves admiring your tits as you bounce on him. his hands digging into your hips as you take him in.
• also bringing up how much he loves when you touch his hair he absolutely loves when you tug on it as he’s going down on you. it just fuels him even more.
• although it’s the opposite for quickies. he does the hair pulling then as he bends you over the sink.
• also he’s still a young spanish guy his sexual stamina is through the roof. he loves blowjobs. sometimes you’ll find yourself on the side of the road with his tip hitting the back of your throat.
• always jerking off to the photos you send him during away games.
• overall the two of you fuck like bunnies. always getting teased on by his friends. it’s a very active relationship to say the least.
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lynzishell · 4 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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TYSM for sending me this ask @elderwisp and @igotsnothing 💖 I almost used this as an excuse to do two sims.... but it takes me so long to answer these things that I didn't want to risk it sitting in my inbox for too long lol!
But let's dive in, shall we? I chose my beloved...
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✨Asher Goode✨
🩶Asher is a dog lover, and is very attached to his border collie, Jasper. He rescued Jasper as a six-month-old puppy when he was fifteen. The dog lives at his parents’ house because Asher doesn’t want him to be cooped up in an apartment. (He’s the main reason Asher visits his family so much.) If he does bring Jasper home to the city, it’s only for one night, and usually means he’s having a tough time and needs a little extra comfort.
🩶He is a very talented artist. One of his favorite hobbies is writing and illustrating comics. He’s been doing this since he was a kid, and it’s his creative outlet outside of work.  He completed his first story when he was fifteen. It was inspired by Jasper and is still in his old bedroom at his parents’ house. (I hope one day to share it, but I need to share it as a comic and I don’t know how to go about doing that yet, so I’m holding onto it for now.)
🩶He gets his creativity from his father, who is a musician. His dad had always hoped that his kids would share his love of music. While Asher appreciates a wide variety of genres, he’s not interested in playing any instruments. In fact, he hates the piano because it reminds him of how miserable lessons were as a kid. He’d much rather put on his headphones and draw. However, he does love dancing and going to concerts.
🩶He's not much into fitness or sports, but he does love to run on the beach with his dog. He’s also a very strong swimmer. Not because he enjoys swimming… quite the opposite really. When he was nine years old, he nearly drowned in the ocean when he was swept away by the undertow. He was saved by this mother, but he’s hated the water ever since. Rather than avoid it, though, he asked his parents to sign him up for swimming lessons. He’s not the type to avoid what scares him, he’d rather take control in any way he can.
🩶Asher is madly in love with Atlas... yes yes, we know this… but did you know that Asher’s love language is physical touch? He is very affectionate. The type to always greet you with a hug, put a hand on you while talking, lean against you while standing, drape his legs over you while sitting on the sofa, and snuggle you in bed (and he’s almost always the big spoon).  A lot of the time, he does this without thinking, so people who don’t like others in their personal space tend to not like being around him. But, for Atlas, the casual closeness and affection always put him at ease around Asher, even long before they started dating. (I could really dive into all that, but this isn’t about Atlas right now, so perhaps I’ll save it for another time 😉).
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lady-eris · 6 months
hi hi! i was wondering if i could have a romantic matchup! (any fandom is fine!)
i’m not entirely sure what my gender or sexuality is :,> (all i know is that i have a preference for men)
i really like sleeping when i can, drawing and writing are thing i also like to do! i also like ranting about random things-
i tend to stay by myself though i do like hanging out with my friends whenever i can! i’m very sensitive emotionally and i tend to be able to empathize with people easily, though it tends to take a toll on me. having anger issues doesn’t help either- though i rarely take my emotions out on people
i’m very physically affectionate and i tend to show my love through actions rather than words. i tend to get overstimulated/overwhelmed whenever there’s too much noise or people around me. i’m also super loyal to my friends and tend to be a bit protective over them (and just the people i love in general)
i tend to stay up VERY late at night because it’s pretty calming and it’s when i have the most energy. i tend to stay at home a lot but i do like going on walks or randomly exploring my area.
i love moths to death and could talk for hours about them tbh- though i love listening to people i like talk about the things they like too!
thank you for your time and happy holidays!
of course you can have a matchup! don't worry i get it, It can be hard figuring it out! Remember to not stress yourself!
Theres a few character's i match you with!
Aoi Todo is the first character i match you with! With an eccentric persoanlity, he'd love to hear all about moth's, and everything to do with them! He'd adore you to death (we see how much he adores Takada) He's also protective, so he wouldn't let you get hurt, he'd take all the hit's if it means your safe. though he does, get concerened with your late night's, and will try and make sure you have a normal sleep schedule.
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congratulations! you get both brothers! Choso is rather paitent, as that's what he's used to with brother, so he'll have no problem listening to you talk, honestly he'll find it really soothing. I imagine that he's the type that likes listening to his lover talking, so You talking for hours? Choso would be at peace and happy. Choso can struggle at showing emotions, as he himself doesn't know how to properly show it. (especially with who he's been around) But i feel that, acts of love is how he shows his affection. He loves, physical affection he just doesn't know how to show it.
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♡ hi hi! i’m Dove and i was wondering if i could have a romantic matchup please? (i’m 17 if that helps!)
i’m not entirely sure what my gender or sexuality is :,> (all i know is that i have a preference for men and i prefer to be referred to as masc titles)
i really like sleeping when i can, drawing and writing are things i also like to do! i also like ranting about random things-
i tend to stay by myself though i do like hanging out with my friends whenever i can! i’m very sensitive emotionally and i tend to be able to empathize with people easily, though it tends to take a toll on me. having anger issues doesn’t help either- though i rarely take my emotions out on people.
i’m very physically affectionate and i tend to show my love through actions rather than words. i tend to get overstimulated/overwhelmed whenever there’s too much noise or people around me. i’m also super loyal to my friends and tend to be a bit protective over them (and just the people i love in general)
i tend to stay up VERY late at night because it’s pretty calming and it’s when i have the most energy. i tend to stay at home a lot but i do like going on walks or randomly exploring my area. i’d also like to be a librarian or work at a bookstore!
i love moths and cats to death and could talk for hours about them tbh- though i love listening to people i like talk about the things they like too!
Based on what you said I think Kirishima might be your best match. Based on his friendship with Bakugo, he has ability to deal with people who have strong emotional reactions. He tends to be physical in most things, and that would include his affection, meaning you'd have matching love languages. He has a calm, level head at most times, and a great deal of patience in most cases. He is fiercely loyal, just like you describe yourself. He's confident and self-assured, so he wouldn't begrudge you the alone time you need. He is perceptive to emotions and is able to be a solid wall for you in uncomfortable situations. He is very passionate about his interests, and would likely click with someone with equal passion, even if they have different hobbies/interests.
Those are my overall thoughts. What do you think?
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 8 months
hi hi! i was wondering if i could have a romantic matchup?
i’m not entirely sure what my gender or sexuality is :,> (all i know is that i have a preference for men)
i really like sleeping when i can, drawing and writing are thing i also like to do! i also like ranting about random things-
i love moths to death and could talk for hours about them tbh- though i love listening to people i like talk about the things they like too!
i tend to stay by myself though i do like hanging out with my friends whenever i can! i’m very sensitive emotionally and i tend to be able to empathize with people easily, though it tends to take a toll on me.
i’m very physically affectionate and i tend to show my love through actions rather than words. i tend to get overstimulated/overwhelmed whenever there’s too much noise or people around me.
i tend to stay up VERY late at night because it’s pretty calming and it’s when i have the most energy. i tend to stay at home a lot but i do like going on walks or randomly exploring my area.
(i hope this wasn’t too much to read-)
I match you with (ooh- someone I haven't talked about yet-) Eclair.
Tw: stealing, implied stalking, somewhat controlling behaviour
With you guys both obsessing over something, it's a great match- in terms of interest. He likes listening to your moth facts, and often has a thing or two to share about them too. He rambles about his artifacts, trying to catch himself each time he almost slips up that he has stuff from you...stolen from you actually.
He's more of a person affectionate with words, but he likes your hugs and physical affection. He doesn't usually initiate anything, but he certainly loves to give you all the praises.
He gets worried if you're ever in a bad state. Physically or emotionally. He consoles you, and won't let up (whether it's today, or the next year) until you tell him. He wants to know everything about you. He wants to know your life completely.
He's had his fair share of all-nighters. But if you stay up for too long, he gets worried. Trying to get you to sleep.
(Eclair- a new one! My memory is getting better aha-)
- Celina
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emeritus-fuckers · 11 months
Hi I wanna participate in the match up event and I would like to be matched up with a papa!
So personality wise I am usually very energetic and out going, I like to talk to people and listen even though I get side tracked a lot, I can also ramble a lot about something I’m passionate about or just random stuff, I have a bad tendency to apologize a lot even for stuff that doesn’t even need an apology. I can also he very BLAH at times and just feel sad and moody sometimes but not often, I can also get frustrated easily with something if I don’t understand it when I feel like I should understand it right away and I don’t Like being frustrated and or angry so sometimes I end up in a frustrated crying mess somewhere. I hate annoying people and or angering people and I’m always scared that I am somehow even when people tell me I’m not, I almost all the time put others before myself and make sure that they are comforted and cared for even if I’m not doing so great myself- I don’t like loud noises or loud areas it gives me major anxiety and makes me nervous (this includes yelling I hate yelling). I can also be very touchy in like I give a lot of physical affection to people I am friends with but I am respectful of boundaries and only do what makes them comfortable and always ask if I can do something before doing it. I can be quite… oblivious? I guess at times because sometimes I don’t get certain jokes and or I don’t get social cues and it needs to be explained to me before I go “OH-“ and finally understand. I am also not that confident in certain stuff liking singing and can’t do it in front of certain people even though I really want to but I just don’t have the confidence and so I just can’t- and I like drawing, dancing, archery, wake surfing, writing, MOTHS, Butterflies and music! Also Daddy issues-
Anyway onto physical appearance I am very short I stand around 5’3 to 5’2, I am pretty chubby, I can’t exactly explain how my hair looks cause I’m growing it out and it’s not exactly a certain hairstyle so Idk anyway my hair used to be black and blue but now it’s very faded and my natural blonde is showing through again. style wise I don’t have a specific style but I mainly stay within the realms of Goth, Lolita, and cottage core, I like to wear baggy shirts and hoodies and jeans, but sometimes I wear more form fitting clothes and fem clothes like dresses or skirts. I like to watch a lot of Disney movies mainly old Disney movies Like beauty and the beast, Sleeping Beauty, Aladin, the little mermaid, or princess and the frog, I also like old rom coms (my sister introduced me to singing in the rain and it happened one night and I’ve been absolutely in love with them), I also like musicals my favs being Sweeney Todd, Hamilton, little shop of horror’s, be more chill, Six, Phantom of the opera, and Heathers. Anime is another thing I like my favorites being Full metal alchemist brother hood, and JoJo’s bizzare adventure, and I also like horror movies and to scary things like haunted houses. I don’t read much but when I do… it’s mainly fanfic- or romance novels. My music taste very much varies GREATLY like my Spotify playlist is just a fucking mess, but I’ve been listening to ghost mainly for the past few months.
Other little random facts I most likely forgot to add :D, I like listening to heart beats they are very comforting, Spider-man and Harley Quinn are my favorite superhero’s, I get called a cinnamon roll often and I constantly refuse cause IM NOT- I have a bad tendency to bite the skin off of my lip sometimes till my lip bleeds, and I have a bad tendency to bite the bed of my nails. I am surprisingly good with kids even if I don’t like them most of the time, I don’t like big parties, I have sworn off drinking and drugs, I will dance and sing to music when I think no one is home, I get embarrassed easily, I sometimes gently bite the people I love in an affectionate gesture (only if it’s okay with them ofc), I sometimes give random nicknames to my friends. I will quote movies at random times (mainly princess bride), and I make a popping sound sometimes and I sometimes make a small squeak sounds, and I shake my hands up and down and jump a bit when extremely happy or excited.
Sorry if this is a lot of information- anyway I hope you have a good day or evening or night! :)
Your match is…Copia
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You both get side tracked when chatting and then both pause “err… what were we talking about cara?” Copia will ask before grinning kissing you “doesn’t matter amore”
You both apologise too much. You caught him apologising to the table after walking into it.
When he sees you getting frustrated by something he’ll support you through it. Lots of hugs and he’ll help if you ask.
He loves how you put others first but when it’s you that needs support he’ll make sure you look after yourself.
If he thinks you now need to be looked after, he’ll carry you to bed, put a blanket over you, put on and old Disney film and hold you close to him.
He also loves to let you listen to his heartbeat. He’ll stroke your hair as you rest your head on his chest
He once heard you singing, he got home early. He coughs awkwardly and you stop and get embarrassed. “No cara please don’t stop, you sing beautifully. And umm well I err love this song, can I join you please?” He starts to sing and you join in quietly at first. His eyes light up with joy and he grins. He gives you confidence so you sing a little louder.
Now, when it’s just you two alone you sing and dance together.
He loves receiving physical affection and giving it.
He adores seeing you excited, he thinks it’s adorable how you jump up and down.
The first time you asked to bite him he was a little surprised. But he now is quite happy for you to because he knows it’s affectionate. He does often wonder if you might be distantly related to a ghoul.
This post is a part of Match-up Event. The Event ends on July 15th.
Written by Nyx
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ghostiwrites · 5 months
hi hi! i was wondering if i could have a romantic matchup?
i’m not entirely sure what my gender or sexuality is :,> (all i know is that i have a preference for men)
i really like sleeping when i can, drawing and writing are thing i also like to do! i also like ranting about random things-
i tend to stay by myself though i do like hanging out with my friends whenever i can! i’m very sensitive emotionally and i tend to be able to empathize with people easily, though it tends to take a toll on me. having anger issues doesn’t help either- though i rarely take my emotions out on people
i’m very physically affectionate and i tend to show my love through actions rather than words. i tend to get overstimulated/overwhelmed whenever there’s too much noise or people around me. i’m also super loyal to my friends and tend to be a bit protective over them (and just the people i love in general)
i tend to stay up VERY late at night because it’s pretty calming and it’s when i have the most energy. i tend to stay at home a lot but i do like going on walks or randomly exploring my area.
i love moths to death and could talk for hours about them tbh- though i love listening to people i like talk about the things they like too!
thank you for your time! i hope the new year treats you good!
Ahhhh! You have no idea how excited seeing this made me! I hope you’re having a good year so far as well <3!!
So I had a difficult time choosing a slasher for you! Or more like I had a difficult time choosing just one so, why bother trying to choose one! You’re getting two babyyyy mwahaha!
I match you up with Thomas Hewitt and Bubba Sawyer!
Both Leatherfaces just for you! I hope you’re prepared for these sweet loving boys :P!!
Both Leatherfaces can appreciate your different arts! But more so Bubba, he’s quite the artist himself! Mask making counts as art right?
I can also see them both really enjoying your writing! When you read it out loud to them though, can’t imagine either of them were really taught to READ but they still wanna enjoy your work!!
Tommy isn’t too physically affectionate but appreciates the love from you! It was hard for him to imagine someone would wanna be so close to him. Bubba however love love looooves physically affection and happily reciprocates it! He’ll squeal and squeeze you back or give you a sloppy but sweet kiss! It makes him so happy that you would love on him so much!
Both Leatherfaces can also be emotional as well, in their own way, so when you’re feeling strongly whether you’re upset, angry, or anything like that! They always know how to help, Bubba would most likely hold you and pat your head while Tommy would listen to you rant or vent, I could also see him offering to let you punch his arm or give his hand a squeeze to release some of those overwhelming emotions :)!!
Both of them VERY much appreciate your loyal nature, considering the life they live and their family. It’s nice for them to know you’ll always stick with them and they won’t have to make you the next meal <3!
Bubba fusses over you for staying up so late, you need sleep! How can you expect to do the work you’re assigned if you’re sleepy? Bubba tries to get you to go to bed at a more reasonable time while Tommy has a tendency to stay up with you (not for very long, poor boy is tired from his chores). He wouldn’t fuss over you like Bubba but he would also like you to go to bed earlier.
Speaking of sleep, these two are absolute cuddle bugs but of course, more so Bubba. Bubba will curl up around you and squeeze you in his sleep while Thomas would probably hold you close by your waist but wouldn’t squeeze you like you were a little stuffed animal like Bubba would.
PLEEEEASE TALK ABOUT MOTHS AND ALL THE OTHER THINGS YOU LOVE TO THEM!!! They will listen so intently, Bubba will absorb all the info you share excitedly, he loves to learn about new things! Especially if it’s stuff you like! Tommy is listening just as intently but isn’t all excited the way Bubba is.
Bless Bubba’s heart he’ll try to get you a pet moth because he just wants to bring you all the things that make you happy! Nobody tell him about how moths don’t live very long, it would break his heart.
I hope you enjoyed these and they were to your liking <3!
-Love, America’s Cannibalistic Sweetheart ☆
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desiredcaramellatte · 6 months
hi hi! i was wondering if i could have a romantic matchup?
my name is Dove and i’m not entirely sure what my gender or sexuality is :,> (all i know is that i have a preference for men)
i really like sleeping when i can, drawing and writing are thing i also like to do! i also like ranting about random things-
i tend to stay by myself though i do like hanging out with my friends whenever i can! i’m very sensitive emotionally and i tend to be able to empathize with people easily, though it tends to take a toll on me.
i’m very physically affectionate and i tend to show my love through actions rather than words. i tend to get overstimulated/overwhelmed whenever there’s too much noise or people around me. i’m also super loyal to my friends and tend to be a bit protective over them (and just the people i love in general)
i tend to stay up VERY late at night because it’s pretty calming and it’s when i have the most energy. i tend to stay at home a lot but i do like going on walks or randomly exploring my area.
i love moths to death and could talk for hours about them tbh- though i love listening to people i like talk about the things they like too!
The fluffy little poodle moths mmmm I’m in love
Anyways, I shalt match you with-
He may not always understand you but he tries his best. And he does a pretty good job ngl.
Madeleine is a very public and extroverted person, so he’s used to large crowds and gatherings. If you’re ever overwhelmed or overstimulated he’s likely to notice. He’s pretty good at detecting changes in demeanors, especially if it’s you.
He’ll escort you away and give you some time if you need. Otherwise he’ll be extremely clingy to you after you manage to calm down. Expect a big hug from him.
He gives you drawings he’s done of random things. He’s drawn a bunch of moth pictures for you. If he sees a pretty or unique looking moth he’ll try to remember it to draw it for you later.
^ He doesn’t know how to color inside the lines.
He pins and/or hangs any drawing or art you give him on his wall. If he ever runs out of space he just starts using folders and binders and then hangs those up.
Madeleine is mainly expressive through physical affection as well, and he is very happy to accept yours.
He loves to just talk to you. Like just talking is this best thing in the world to him, and he loves all the silly little conversations you have.
He can’t really stay up late at night due to his job, but he will be very happy to sleep near you while you are doing stuff. Occasionally he will wake up in the middle of the night and just be very exhausted-ly clingy and cuddly.
Likely to drown you in affection if you’re still awake by the time he does fully get up.
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abiiors · 1 year
Ross being jealous of another guy who you've been paying attention to and then when you get home it's just so soft and sweet and your super affectionate with him (I like soft things what can I say)
You’re absolutely right and I don’t think Ross is above a bit of jealousy when it comes to his partner! Like not the toxic kind of “how dare you look at him” jealousy but he definitely gets a bit sassy and snide. It’s all “oh I’m sorry I thought you found a new boyfriend!” And it’s hilarious how pouty he is about it so you decide to take it one step forward and be like “hmmm I guess he won’t be mean to me at least” and he’s all “no 🥺 i wasn’t being mean I promise”
But also you know that you did get a bit too busy being a social butterfly and you didn’t miss his longing glances all evening, the small brushes against your waist, the instant smiles any time your eyes met and now you’re determined to give him all the love and affection he wants.
He can’t stay mad for very long, sorry I refuse to believe that he can hold a grudge (unless it’s some real fucked up shit) so he just melts when you walk up to him like “babe, let’s just unwind together, okay?”
And then out come the fancy, scented candles, the bubble bath products, the soft playlist and the dim lights. The water is perfectly warm when you lean against his chest and he sighs happily.
Bathing together as a couple doesn’t always have to lead to sex, sometimes it’s just intimacy in other ways; like how his fingers gently knead your shoulders, trying to find any knots, any spots that particularly hurt. Or how he hums along to the song and smiles when you join him.
He also absolutely loves drawing things on your back in bubbles btw, he suddenly becomes quite the artist and you make a whole game out of guessing it. It’s not hard most of the time, mostly it’s just him drawing little hearts or writing his own name.
Once the water goes cold, you both have to step out but you’re still quite clingy and needy for each other so he’s like let’s just stay up and watch something or just talk. So you agree, forgo the clothes because why not? (Also cockwarming????) 👀
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v-anrouge · 1 year
exposing myself on the internet for a character assignment go brrrrr
also: *sweats in aroace*
Okay so I possess a distinct lack of hobbies because ✨ mental illness ✨ and also I am a total hikkineet. I do however, have less active hobbies like drawing, painting, reading/writing. I do enjoy rewatching Musicals from my childhood whenever I’m feeling down or generally empty. Some faves would be “The Sound Of Music”, “Mary Poppins” and “Anastasia”. Ya boi likes singing along with em even though I am terrible at it hehe ❤️
God okay. My personality. Uhh. I have a lot of feelings (and cry a lot) and I am extremely affection starved so show me positive attention and compliment me and I am fucking worshipping the ground you walk on so.. affectionate? I guess. Also Kind of quiet. I’m in my head a lot, and I have anxiety about voicing my opinion and thoughts to people. Especially irl. I’ll usually just remain silent or provide a few comments but otherwise mainly a listener. But if it’s a special interest and I can see that you are actively listening to me instead of waiting for me to stop talking I’ll turn into a walking Encyclopedia about Said thing. I do love physical affection but only when I am in the mood for it lol.
Giving love language is acts of service and gift giving (flashbacks to the time I offered to buy you something even though we barely knew each other). Receiving love language is words of affirmation probably idk i have 3 irl Friends outside of Family so my experience on the matter is limited.
Also people who are audibly/visibly angry will set off my fight/flight/freeze response and I will physically distance myself from them due to discomfort/fear. I’d also definitely go non-verbal as a result. This would be a time where touching me could result in a panic attack/me just crying lmao
Okay bare with me here because I have never actively considered my type so I’m only really thinking about it now
Type wise, perhaps someone kind but firm, I’d say? I lack a lot of motivation, self-discipline and self-respect, so a partner who is gentle, accomodating and understanding of my situation but isn’t afraid to call bullshit when they see it would definitely be preferable. Also direct communication because I CANNOT read between the lines. And.. someone who would go places with me. Not even for like the cute coupley things like Dates and Shopping or whatever (though that would be great too) but literally as a Support Person for stressful situations like dentists, doctors and other such appointments. Lord knows I need it because I stutter so badly when talking to strangers irl and stare straight at the ground and go silent when I inevitably become embarrassed at my lack of social skills💀 I don’t really have a strong preference for any hobbies a partner might have, but it would be cool to watch musicals together. And dress up and stuff. Maybe even cosplay. Idk just Indulging in each others hobbies would be fun. Also I struggle with like, mobile(?) communication and find it difficult to take the initiative to start text convos or call people, so they’d need to take the lead on that otherwise I may accidentally end up ghosting them. Not maliciously, but as I said, ya boy is stuck in his own little world a lot.
Also my favourite colour is green! HEX Code : #9AEEC8 (this probably wasn’t necessary but teehee)
And if a partner can’t handle spice I will constantly give them shit for it but in an affectionate way ❤️
I match you with...
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ROOK HUNT let me start this off by saying that this can be taken in both a platonic or romantic way and that in either way u and rook are like made for eachother im serious like u two are fucking inseparable, rook absolutely adores everything about you, you two have A LOT in common and he LIVES for it, rook and you can constantly be found almost sobbing over eachother and how much you mean to eachother, you two are so close people consider u both goals (couple or friendship it's up to u). rook is absolutely sure you two are soulmates he has never felt so connected to someone like he feels connected to you
rook loves spending time with you he adores talking to you even if to other ppl it might seem like he's being ignored rook knows he isn't he knows that you are listening intently to him and he loves it, most people hate it when he starts talking to them since he talks A LOT but you? you don't mind it! you stay there and listen to him ramble and sometimes even join him! rook always feel so warm when he manages to make you feel safe enough to ramble and infodump him and he'll be very happy if you allow him to do the same in exchange you two have a lot of interests in common and love talking about them to ppl that actually care so this normally ends w u both talking for hours non-stop and not even noticing as time goes by (not u two talking about vil for 5 hours straight)
rook absolutely adores your works, wether it's a drawing, a painting or a piece u wrote he'll love to see it, he could spend hours talking about your works seriously it became one of his special interests his ur number 1 fan now he'll always hype you up and even do some of them with you (like painting and reading together etc)
rook swears he can feel his heart exploding in his heart when u give him a gift this man won't stop smiling as he goes on and on about how much he absolutely adores you and how much he loves the gift and how he's so honored and happy to receive something like that and there's literal tears on his eyes as he does so, rook feels so happy when you offer to help him too, it means he gets more time to spend with you! and rook loves spending time with you<3
if you like words of affirmation than rook is the man for you, this man constantly writes poems about you and the special connection you two share and even though he has written multiple of them somehow they never ever look the same it's always so fresh as if it was his first time writing something like that, it also never fails to make you smile rook is very observant so he'll def know what makes you smile and he WILL be making a LOT of use of his privileged knowledge
rook knows how you get when someone is mad and being loud about it so whenever rook feels an situation escalating he'll immediately take you away from it and make sure you're okay, if rook ever happens to arrive to late he'll do his best to help you calm down, rook is super patient and even if you go non-verbal rook somehow still always know what to say and what to do, if you like company in times like these rook will not leave your side, he'll constantly be making sure you're feeling alright and comfortable and paying attention to your body language if you can't speak
rook will always encourage you to try new things at the same time he'll immediately take you out of any situations that make you extremely uncomfortable, for rook it isn't easy to trust people, however he trusts you, and he wants you to trust him back so he wants to be there for you, to show you he will always be by your side to support you and he wishes that you feel the same towards him
if you want to talk to someone or ask for anything but you're too nervous because they're a stranger rook will offer himself to do it for you, he has no problems doing that for you, rook would never shame anyone for not having good social skills because rook himself used to be very shy as a kid and he understands how hard it can be to talk to strangers
rook LOVES to watch and re-watch musicals with you! it's one of his favorite things to do, rook feels so happy when he's watching a musical you two like by your side he truly wishes that moments like these lasted forever, because there is no place rook would rather be than by your side
other possibilities: vil ( u two are like made for eachother seriously as i read ur info i was like omfg it makes sense why you love vil so much) lilia, cater & malleus
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writinandcrying · 1 year
Hi hello! May I request a matchup with the TMNT fandom?:)
My name is Xena and I’m 5’5, INTJ-T and I go by any pronouns and Omni :)). I’m a Libra / September baby. I’m Latine and have wavy brown hair that barely go past my shoulders, brown eyes and olive skin(I tan pretty quick in the summer too if that’s important) and I’m mid size (full thighs&ass and bit of chub on my stomach & round-ish cheeks) my cheeks are naturally pink too, I wear small square glasses, and my main clothing style is normally a loose crop top, jeans and a hoodie around my waist
I would say my personality is a mix depending on the person. I love to help people as much as I can but I tend to put myself second because of it. With new people I’m very sweet and polite because I’d hate to have a bad impression. But once I’m used to someone I’m very loud and lively. I can be a bit cocky but I love to tease. But with my s/o I can be very affectionate (it’s just I’m sometimes embarrassed to do so 🥲) I hate the feeling of being lonely or to be excluded. I’m very physical with my loved ones, I enjoy to give out hugs, link arms or hold hands with them. Prepping/teasing my s/o kisses is also up there :)). My hobbies are writing fics, drawing or doing a small project when it comes to mind. In my academics I’m really good with physics and maths, and English is one of my top five classes, idk something about numbers and writing makes me feel calm :,)
Hi there! Since you didn’t specify which version, I’ll be doing a more generalized version!
I match you with…
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I also thought about you and Mikey tho! You could def be best buddies
Besides rottmnt Donnie, and a little bit of 2012 version, I totally se don with a more affectionate reader, it doesn’t really matter if the reader is badass, or more on the soft side/shy, they need to provide that sweet loving, even behind closed doors, he isn’t as vocal as mikey, but he craves that connection as deeply (just like Raphael)
in first meet ups he would be very impressed with your politeness (since it’s not everyday the boys are bless with it) so he would lower his guard a little bit into giving the opportunity to know you (the truly you, if you are down the lair / in the talking stages with the turtles, he has already done a background check on you and made sure you aren’t a threat)
When he finally sees that lively side of you he’s truly excited, specially since you like numbers and physics! Someone he can nerd with!! infodumb, theories, talking about new discoveries and articles on those subjects, he absolutely LOVES talking with you about it, specially to someone who gets it, adores that he can be excited about it without being teased, your visits around the lair has become more expected for him everyday
Confining on Donnie is easy, he’s so welcoming, makes you feel safe and heard, he has a way into making you feel that you can just tell him everything, and your secrets will be safe and sound. Don has noticed patterns on how you don’t like feeling excluded, but he feels like your friendship has reached a mile stone whenever you told him about your concerns, you trust him enough to actually voice your issues, that means the world for him
Don couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he was already infatuated with you from that point, he really admired how affectionate you could be with his brothers, by either giving hugs, being a good friend, and everyday he wished he got the longest hug, most of your attention during hangouts, when he finally realized his feelings, it would take a LOT of him to act on it, but he couldn’t let this turn into a April fiasco 2.0, he wouldn’t allow só thing to happen twice
After you two got into a relationship, he REALLY craves your attention and affection, my god, loves it way too much to cup your face and gives you pecks across your cheeks, lips, tip of your nose, you name it, really enjoy taking his sweet time, specially if he can feel the heat growing on your face under his fingertips
lowkey adores when you get shy bc he gets it, he also gets embarrassed sometimes to show affection (even if he loves to show it,specially to see your reactions from it) so the begging of the relationship might be a bit slow, but it’s so endearing to see, extremely cute!
Your physics/math dates still are a weekly thing, but now you two always have to be physically connected some how, either you sitting on his lap, liking pinkies, his arm lazily around your around you back, drawing patterns with his fingers, he adores not only feeling intellectually connected and heard, but physically as well
He will help you with whichever project you are currently working on, or wants to! Please share your ideais with him, and listen to his as well :) , doing projects with Donnie is really fun, plus, he knows humans can’t go on and on AND ON like him, working on endlessly, so he sets up little breaks for you two, which are extremely helpful for him as well (cuz god knows he also needs to rest)
He likes when you share your writing wips with him, you can tell a lot about someone by their writing style and favorite tropes, so it’s like learning about you in a… unconventional way? He feels it’s more personal than just telling your feelings, he knows you gotta trust someone to show something so deep as artistic work, there’s a lot of feelings underneath, so he takes this with a lot of respect, the only thing Donnie will every correct is grammar cuz he can’t let it slide lmao (but hey; you will have a proof reader for free! Yay!)
Overall: Donnie is a sweetheart, will support you on anything and everything you do or wants to, 10/10 bf
Hope you liked it! Matchups are closed (for now)
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hi can I request a romantic male jjk matchup please? Here’s my details
• bisexual
• She/her
• Height: 5’0”
• personality type: INFP
• Age: 24
• I have originally dark brown (almost black) wavy hair but I bleached all of it recently so it’s now platinum blonde and I’ve kept it short for years (it’s now in a wolfcut style). I have dark brown eyes and a light to tan skin. My style varies from moment to moment. Sometimes I like wearing clothes with light colors (imagine Lana del Rey vibes) and sometimes I like wearing clothes with a dark aesthetic (my friends told me I look like an egirl one time). I like animals and would like to have a pet cat or dog someday
• Personality:
I could say I’m a really sensitive person. I feel a lot, especially empathizing with other people. And because of this, I find it hard to conceal whatever I feel.
I also enjoy observing people and their body language. I kinda hate small talks so I don’t usually don’t interact with people I know. However, my friend told me that they notice that people get attracted to me (both platonically and romantic) and I make friends that easily if I want to.
I’ve learned that you can’t please everyone, so I usually do whatever I want and ignore other people cuz we’re all gonna die eventually so why bother think about what others think. I’m usually loud around my friends but I try to be more soft-spoken towards adults, but I also don’t let anyone belittle or manipulate me and cut the interaction right there if I sensed that they’re doing that, even adults. I also believe that it doesn’t matter if you share your blood. If they disrespect you, I also give the same disrespect back, even for adults. People often think that I’m this reserved person and can’t do any harm, but I’m actually the opposite but of course I would cause harm if it’s really necessary, like for attaining justice. And since I have a strong sense of justice, I don’t condone wrong doings. So if someone, even a family member, does something bad that affected other people, I will do whatever it takes for that person to get what they deserve and more.
I love hanging out with people that I could talk with everything and nothing at the same time. Like we could joke about anything random but talk about philosophy or psychology next. The recent topic I’m interested the most is about ethics and morality and questions about what is right and wrong. I don’t mind pda, but I don’t really do it that often. My love language is just hanging out and do whatever like watching movies, going somewhere, or just talking. I also like giving gifts and also appreciates so much if someone gave me gifts.
My hobbies are drawing, playing guitar, singing, making resin stuff, reading, playing chess, cooking, and sometimes writing. 
Also, I have a big fascination about death and the concept of it. I think that concept is really beautiful no matter what culture the concept is from.
Thank you very much!
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
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Choso is a calm person. Even if he has someone to talk to, he rarely does. He's more secretive.
Even among friends or family, he won't talk much. Often times, he doesn't show his emotions at all. However, his relatives know him, they know that he is a very affectionate person.
However, once his emotions get to the bottom of it, he can't hide it. Especially when it comes to his relatives. He will be sad or furious and he will not be able to hide it.
Very often he just ignores the people around him. He doesn't care what happens to them. Death is a natural thing. He knows that he cannot help them, and he would not like to help them either. Not everyone deserves it. The only people I want to protect are my loved ones. No one more.
He also doesn't care what others think about him. They may say that he acts strange, looks strange. If someone accepts him as he is, he will be better for that person. He may find it very valuable.
He can only be louder for close people. If he is only with them, he can smile and play. (Even though he'll be a little calmer anyway)
He is soft to everyone who is close to him. But he hates even family members who hurt someone close to him. He can hate with all his heart.
When he loves someone, he does it as hard as he can. If he hates someone, that's also the case. A hated person cannot be respected.
He will not allow anyone to hurt his relatives, and he will not allow himself to be manipulated to accidentally hurt them. He doesn't want this.
He causes fear among people. He's just the way he is. Emotional, dispassionate, looking as if he wants to die or kill others, he calls. Sometimes they think he's weak because he looks like it. In fact, sometimes they are scared and sometimes they are not. It depends on the person.
He doesn't care what he has to do to the person he hates. He will protect loved ones. He also doesn't care what happens to someone. He would piss him off with something once, and he would certainly not be enjoyable meeting them. He will only try to hurt this person at all costs in order to bring justice.
He doesn't tolerate hurting other people. So even if he's a family member, he's going to make him feel even worse. But he couldn't hurt his younger siblings. They are always calm and nice about him. They love their older brother.
He also would like to have someone he can always trust and trust. Someone who can light up his life.
• He could never hurt you. He believes that you make everything clear and that you also defend your beliefs. That you protect others around you, no matter who they are.
Even if you defend him. He would like to smile and cheer you on, but he will never leave you alone. He himself will protect you while you want to protect him.
He will be the enforcer for your justice.
• While he doesn't look, he is able to smile and joke. Really. All he need is the right people. Just the right people.
Even though it may seem that he has nothing interesting to say, especially funny, he may be doing something that will make you laugh. Even if not, he'll laugh at what you're laughing at. Talking to him is not so boring.
But talking to him about more serious topics is interesting. He could talk about the meaning of life and also (when you start this topic) about morality, ethics and what is good and bad. He may not know it, but he says everything as he thinks. He presents his views and will also gladly listen to yours.
• You can do whatever you want with him in any company. You can touch him, and if you don't want to, don't. Your touch is for him like a pleasant form in the pain of life. But it won't force you to do it everywhere.
When you don't mind, when you are walking, he will hold your hand or wrap his hands around you. Only the moment he knows he won't bother you.
If he could choose where to go, he would choose nice places where there aren't many people. Peaceful walks, quiet restaurant or whatever.
He would like to spend time with you always, no matter what. And he also does this to show you that he cares about you. He will do whatever you want for you.
He only does what you like. He does not force you to do anything and pays attention to what you feel comfortable with and what you are not comfortable with.
But he really wants you to like hugging him and showing him physical affection. His life is full of pain, and he would love you to soothe him as often as you can. Even if your mere presence makes him feel better.
• He can give you banal gifts and is also such a romantic… He only does what he knows. That's why he gives you gifts in the style of something you like, or sweet items, like a teddy bear, a pendant with a heart. (Don't worry, he probably won't bring you a pendant with a tiny bottle of his blood on it).
If you love him and he loves you, he would like to have some connection with you. It can even be something trivial like a matching pendant or whatever you want. (But if you want something weirder then go ahead)
• A fascination with death may be normal for him. If you are fascinated by death, you are fascinated by him. He is the only one of the nine pictures of death.
Despite the danger he poses to others, he is so soft to you that he is harmless. Needs a person who will think of him as someone with feelings and worry about him.
He just wants to hug and forget about the rest of his life.
• Everything you do is great for him. Any activity you like, you can also like it. It is important that she will be close to you.
"You're not afraid of me, are you? I would never want to hurt you. You are an important person to me. Thanks to you, I really feel alive."
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in2thenewworld · 5 months
hi hi! i was wondering if i could have a romantic matchup for Genshin Impact?
i’m an ISFP 9w1 Virgo if that helps
i’m not entirely sure what my gender or sexuality is :,> (all i know is that i have a preference for men)
i really like sleeping when i can, drawing and writing are thing i also like to do! i also like ranting about random things-
i tend to stay by myself though i do like hanging out with my friends whenever i can! i’m very sensitive emotionally and i tend to be able to empathize with people easily, though it tends to take a toll on me. having anger issues doesn’t help either- though i rarely take my emotions out on people
i’m very physically affectionate and i tend to show my love through actions rather than words. i tend to get overstimulated/overwhelmed whenever there’s too much noise or people around me. i’m also super loyal to my friends and tend to be a bit protective over them (and just the people i love in general)
i tend to stay up VERY late at night because it’s pretty calming and it’s when i have the most energy. i tend to stay at home a lot but i do like going on walks or randomly exploring my area.
i love moths to death and could talk for hours about them tbh- though i love listening to people i like talk about the things they like too!
thank you for your time and i hope you have a great new year!
loading your match! ପ( •̤ᴗ•̤ )੭ु⁾⁾.。.:✽・゚+
your match is…
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omigod this was such an easy decision. perfect pair!!
the first thing I thought was that i think although your circumstances are not exactly the same, you’d be able to relate to one another emotionally. a lot of people see cyno as angry, intimidating figure because of his approach to work, and that’s the side most people see to him. however, he’s not mean at all, and it is instead only a reflection of how much he cares.
he wouldn’t be used to such affection at first but he will warm to it pretty soon. he had no idea of what he had been missing, tbh.
plus, this also lines up with cyno in the sense that he too values people’s actions over their words in the greater span of things.
cyno is protective and loyal, just like yourself. you always look out for each other. although you’re both capable of independence and doing your own thing, you’re attached at the hip in spirit!
you’re an introvert, and cyno, although he can be talkative, chooses to keep his circle on the small side. you’ll get to know a few new people but you won’t be thrown into any overwhelming crowds or anything like that on his watch.
if you do get overwhelmed in any place you can always signal to him and he’ll get you guys out of there asap
you like exploring? he’s so down to come with you. he’s out a lot on the job but it’s always the same sort of places. show him somewhere new or a hidden gem! he’ll love you all the more for it.
you love listening to people talk about things they love; get ready to be introduced to a little card game called tcg! he’s competitive even with you, so don’t expect him to go easy. bring your all so you can totally tease him about it if he loses! ;D
he’ll listen to you for hours, too. nice little trade off about both being mostly introverts with a bit of a talkative side. sometimes you’ll even sit in comfortable silence, and it’s calming, especially after a long or hard day.
if he’s around and not too tired, he’ll stay up late with you just to indulge in your company. his job is demanding of his time and effort but you are his peace c:
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sunsale · 10 months
but first let me ask- are you in the drv3 gift exchange? If not you can ignore this but I wanted to check if your discord used to be marshmellow#5688 because I’m in the gift exchange and I wanted to check who I was drawing for so I went through the introductions and I found you which matched everything that I had minus the discord tag so I just wanted to be sure 😭
Second, if that IS you, could I pretty please get some of your drv3 pregame/ingame headcanons 👉👈
You can limit it down to just a few like oumota or saiibo if you want but I wanna make sure whatever I make actually matches my person’s headcanons and stuff ahajhsjshsj
And like I said, if this is the wrong person, I’M SO SORRY
Hi! Yes I'm in the drv3 gift exchange and yes that used to be my discord user. I changed it yesterday. Got the right person haha!
Pregame Oumota: Both popular kids but Kaito doesn't realize that a lot of people don't like him and Kokichi doesn't realize that people do in fact like/appreciate him.
PG Kokichi is still outgoing but it's toned down significantly. Has a collection of trinkets and items. Conscious of the vibe he gives off so more cautious with others.
PG Kaito he never plans anything out and is rash with his decisions. Weird about how he conveys his affection. In between bluntly showing his feelings and not at all. Never consistent with it. But at the same time aggressively gives hugs, because he puts too much power into it.
Their relationship: Kokichi wants to be overly affectionate with Kaito but doesn't know how to show it. So he does nothing about it. Kaito does the opposite of that and does advances constantly that it overwhelms Kokichi. Flirts heavily with teasing.
Ingame Oumota: Both of them trying to out top the last one. Big displays/events done for the other always out of love. Tease each other all the time and prank each other. Dynamic is where they love each other a lot but others wouldn't be able to tell.
Pregame Saiibo: Their relationship would be a friendship first then build up into a comfortable position for both. Swap clothes/pick out each others clothes/matches clothes I think they would do those sort of things. Two planners (write out plans for dates)
PG Kiibo: aloof. Not one to overshare. Enjoys others company.
PG Shuichi: Very talkative. Many interests/hobbies. Messy hair, messy room filled with stuff.
Ingame Saiibo: Mostly Shuichi trying to get Kiibo to notice he's interested in him. Very touchy with each other i.e. Hold hands
Kiibo: Silly and gets flustered easily. Likes himself but ultimately worries about his appearance.
Shuichi: Overthinks, overanalyzes. Sensitive. Asks a lot of questions.
I hope that helps!
0 notes
bunny-xoxo · 3 years
How They Cuddle
karasuno x reader
warning(s): none ! :)
a/n: some sweet luv for the hq boys :) I’m planning on doing a part for the other fandoms I write for too - aot, bnha, & jjk - as well as the rest of the hq teams/characters - so keep an eye out if you’d like! And as always I love interacting w you guys :) feel free to leave comments/flood my inbox :D!
characters: daichi, asahi, sugawara, nishinoya, tanaka, yamaguchi, tsukishima, kageyama, hinata, yachi, & kiyoko
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He’s a hugger for sure! If you’re on your phone, or reading, or doing anything before bed he’s snuggling up behind you and resting his head on your shoulder to watch what you’re doing - he’s nosey like that. Anyways, being the big spoon is a very convenient cuddling position for that, and he gets to wrap you up and hold you close <3
Through the night though he slowly scoots down off his pillow in his sleep, so when you wake up his face is nuzzled into the middle of your upper back with his arms still squeezing around your midsection so tight you know you’d have to wake him up to get him to let go 😭 he’s also for sure a light snorer, but it’s ok he makes up for it by being cute or whtv 🙄
Another spooner! He’s not particularly bias to being the big or little spoon but he just can’t face you 😭
There’s a few reasons: 1) it makes him freak out and it’s like he can feel your eyes on him even if they’re closed. He’ll be constantly peeking one eye open to look at your face and he’s half scared he’s gonna open them and you’re gonna be staring at him like 👁👁 LMAO
2) the breath on his face tickles too much and will eventually start to irritate him and he gets pouty cause it makes it tough to sleep
And 3) what if he’s making a weird face in his sleep and you wake up to see it 😭
So spooning for the win it is
I don’t think he’d be a big fan of being held, it makes him feel too claustrophobic and he’d feel kinda bad moving you off of him if he had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night :( I also think he tosses n turns a bit while sleeping so holding him wouldn’t be the best option anyways, however!
He likes touching/lightly intertwining legs - one reason is because you can kind of get away with it from any angle but still find a comfortable position that suits you, the other reason is because his feet get cold in the middle of the night and this is the easiest way to steal your warmth
Ok ok, so I know it’s cliche - but I do think he’s a teensy bit too excited for bedtime cuddles! Not in a restless way, he’s just too excited with the act of actually cuddling you, like every time. Day cuddles are different! When the two of you have some alone time and he’s snuggled up with you on the couch, leaving a bunch of kisses (his favorite are Eskimo kisses), periodically grabbing your face so your lips pucker and leaving a dramatic kiss there after he talks about how cute you are (“oh my god you’re so adorable I could crush you ☹️🥺”), and then squeezing you so tight sometimes your back even cracks, it’s fine! You’re not trying to sleep so it’s just sweet Noya doting on you - but you can see how this would be a problem when y’all are tryna get some shut eye 😭
Solution: back to back, but touching so you can still feel each other’s closeness <3, bonus: every time Noya becomes aware your guys’ butts are touching he giggles and wiggles a little until you remind him it’s time to sleep 😭
Ok but he needs to have a hand on your ass and not even in a sexual way 😪🤚🏼 he just grabs on naturally or rests his hand there and sometimes lovingly pats it when he kisses your cheek before either going back to falling asleep or being on his phone or smth :)
He also loves burying his face in your neck, it just feels so soothing to him and he also finds your smell so relaxing and makes him feel all warm inside! Like when he sees you after a long day he loves wrapping you up in a big hug and leaving kisses in the crook of your neck and burying his face there cause he just missed you sm <3
Very much like Hinata he also adores being intertwined with you!! He finds it particularly comforting with your face buried in his chest or neck while he has his legs wrapped up with yours. He thinks it’s the best position to lean down and press a kiss to the top of your head (his favorite kind of sweet kiss), which he always does right before he feels himself drifting off to sleep.
He also likes rubbing your back/neck this way until you fall asleep, or while you talk about anything you wanna talk about. Waking up this way is also his favorite, and if you guys have moved in your sleep, you bet he’s pulling you back into a hug. He periodically squeezes you in his arms, leaves feather light kisses to your shoulder, runs his hands up and down your back, sure you probably won’t be asleep for much longer now with all this movement, but he just can’t help it with how sweet you look sleeping! Don’t worry though he’ll keep up the soothing while you wake up and talk about your dreams and what you want for breakfast :)!
Not much of a cuddly guy throughout the day but when bedtime rolls around you bet your ass he’s expecting some kind of physical affection. His favorite is when he lays on his back with his arm out so you can nuzzle into his side, and once you’re all comfortable he wraps said arm around you to pull you in close.
Your favorite is when he runs his hand up and down your side or draws little designs with his fingers on any exposed skin. His favorite is when you bring your face up to rest in the crook of his neck or rest your head on his chest, any light kisses you leave or the breath that puffs out of you and hits his neck every now and then never fails to give him goosebumps and make him blush.
I don’t think he’s particularly ~stiff cuddling with you but I definitely think it’s not his forte when it comes to bed time! He just finds a comfortable spot - usually on his side or back - and that’s that! He’s found it and is gonna be out in approximately 2 minutes, but he does love feeling you in bed next to him :(
A good compromise he’s decided is reaching his hand out next to him him so he can hold onto your hand while he sleeps, or being the little spoon! It actually feels super comforting to him to feel you all cuddled up to his back and keeping him warm no matter if you’re bigger or smaller than him <3 he also loves the way he has to pry your arms off of him when he has to get up in those early mornings, or the way he feels your face squish up against his back sometimes, he just loves you.
He definitely gets hot in his sleep but he love love loves cuddling with you, so you’ll always start off wrapped up in each other somehow. Usually face to face with your legs intertwined cause he thinks talking to each other about any and everything is a good way to wind down before bed - and I mean anything. Sometimes it’s just him asking you odd questions he’s been thinking about recently before one of you remembers you can google it
But no matter how you two fall asleep at first, you always wake up clinging onto his sprawled out body (probably because he’s kicked the blanket onto the floor and you got chilly in your sleep) or far away from him with all the blanket to yourself as he peacefully snores beside you <3
Play with her hair and she’s KNOCKED 100%! She also loves either holding you or being held, but there’s got to be SOME kind of holding going on for her heart to feel full <333
She’s also the queen of surprise hugs from behind once you’ve been together for a fair bit and she feels more comfy being publicly affectionate with you! And if you do the same to her it never fails to make her smile or cover her face cause she’s blushing from surprise
“(Y/n)!! You startled me!” And now you have a very excited & giggly gf 😽😽
I personally see her as a pretty religious back sleeper so the most ideal position is you in her side or you laying between her legs while she holds you and your head is resting on her chest. PERSONALLY she prefers the second one but she leaves it up to you <3
She just thinks it’s most ideal how she could reach down and trace her fingers lightly on the side of your face; or play with your hair if she’s able to; or rub your neck, back, and shoulders to ease any stress from your day. She’s a big giver of private affection and thinks it’s so cute when you’re so tuckered out you she wakes up with a little drool on her shirt. Not to mention your weight and warmth is super comforting to her ! And even if she wouldn’t admit it, she likes being able to use not wanting to move and wake you as an excuse to get 5 more minutes of you cuddling with her.
Ahhhh hehehehe I hope you like and comments and all that jazz are always appreciated!! Big smooches :)
taglist: @plutowrites @sweet-darling91
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