#IT'S ALSO been a thing since book 1??? lmaooo
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Lonan as fine art in Seventh Virtue x Moth Work x Feeding Habits
get you a man (harrison) who only describes you as elaborate works of art lmao
A range of Lonan descriptions from Harrison’s POV, circa 2019-2023.
In order of appearance: Seventh Virtue, Moth Work, Moth Work, Feeding Habits.
Text transcript under the cut!
Seventh Virtue (2023)
Some of this was taken from an early 2021 exploration for Feeding Habits that never made the cut.
At first, he’d tried to resist it, the way his hands seemed to unconsciously flick out Lonan’s jaw in charcoal, blot his eyes in ultramarine. Lonan was his raven with the Pacific in his eyes, his muscle memory. By the end of it, Harrison’s fingers were stained irreparably with a body, and on Reeve’s seventh day away, he found himself nearly finished the sketchbook, every single page grafted with Lonan’s unsuspecting, two-dimensional face. Harrison tore each one out, threw them into the solitary air of their room and left them all there on the floor.
Moth Work (2020)
The flame tints his jaw gold, glares in his eyes so they look like blue fire. The night halos around Lonan, burnishes the cove walls, turns the sand into a mirage. As Lonan nurses the fire, Harrison traces his face, the violet impasto around his eye. Lonan has always looked like a masterpiece to him, damp black hair that almost looks navy blue, a smile so subtle, it’s almost acquired.
Moth Work (2019)
Lonan turned as he caught him staring and hid under his sheath of hair, and he was Harrison’s David, statuesque, carved in soapstone, polished, ready for a museum.
Feeding Habits (2020)
Final line was written in 2022!
Lonan’s blips of humanness are disturbing for the reason that yes, he’s a better person now, but yes, Harrison is a worse person because of it. So he wishes to be yelled at. To be left unspared. But instead, Lonan sits there, silent. In the snow’s glow, he is sunbeamed, could be holy, some soapstone cherub iconized, a luminist painting. Cael could never be this man before him, this divine being Harrison loves.
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pallases · 2 years
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rise-my-angel · 3 months
The thing with R/L shippers and their annoying push back when anyone brings up the super dark undertones of that relationship is that they have convinced themselves the show depiction of R/L is more or less what will happen in the books/is GRRM's intent. Which is hilarious because the people who ship R/L are almost always Dany/targ stans who think Dany breaking bad, being the final villain, and Jon/the Starks being antagonistic to her and taking her down was complete Benioff and Weiss fanfic. Which...lmao...I have a bridge to sell them.
In general, I've noticed this with the remaining book fandom, there is very much an undertone in their 'theories' and 'speculations' of 'everything I liked in the last four seasons of GOT totally came from GRRM and will totally happen in the books, and everything I didn't like was total fanfic, not Martin's intention at all, and will not happen.' Which, once again lmaooo and good luck with that!
Side note, the show depiction of R/L was hilarious. The writers had to magic away Rhaegar's marriage in one of the dumbest plot points on that show, and then attempted to magic away Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon's existence/deaths. They also had to magic away Rickard and Brandon's existence/deaths. Gave zero explanation as to why and how and what happened between R/L. The writers really made R and L into two sociopaths who they wanted viewers to romanticize, but only the opposite ended up happening. The absolute dragging they received from the fandom was INSANE lmao.
Anyway, I think the lack of any development of R and L by the writers to the point where Jon didn't even state how he felt about their relationship might indicate that the book version Benioff and Weiss were told was problematic and they just didn't want to open up that can of worms. But instead their writing choices made R and L even more hated and worse than I think GRRM intended. Just the most hilarious writing choices.
The fact that where the first substantial introduction to the nuances of this plot was scrapped entirely tells me that Benioff and Weiss had no idea what kind of character they wanted Rhaegar to be. We don't truly see anything of the Tower of Joy until late in season 6 in some half baked Bran Greensight vision. But if they did it properly, that Tower of Joy scene should have been all the way in season 1.
Open episode 6 of season 1 with the Tower of Joy flashback as it is depicted in the books. Then slowly transition into Ned waking up in bed after his fight in the street with Jaime Lannister. That is how early in the books the seeds of that mystery were planted, but they never even begun to tackle it until the end of season 6.
Which is bizarre, beacuse they actually shot themselves in the foot already. Show Robert is so much more nuanced of a character in his book counterpart. The way he talks about Rhaegar and the way he lements a genuine heartache over Lyanna is so much more dynamic then what we got from book Robert.
What I could critizise from the books, should have been fixed in the show. They proved they could. They turned what is a pretty black and white unlikeable character in Robert to someone who is as problematic as he is tragic. He is so much more human and that should have been the perfect set up happening at the same time Ned is beginning to experience his traumatic dreams and flashbacks about Lyannas death.
That despite Roberts heartbreak, there is something so much darker then Ned is letting on that is now spiralling him into having consistent trauma reactions over it.
If this were a love story, why would Ned twenty years later be so utterly haunted by it in a way he had long since pushed down?
Also the annulment is...I don't have words for how impossible it is.
I'd literally have to make a whole separate post to explain why that annulment subplot literally could never have happened.
And like, Jon had no reaction because they did not care about using it properly. The revelation of who Jons mother is has always been about Jons personal journey with identity, and making sense the parts of his father he never understood and the sacrifices he made to protect him. It's supposed to be about Jon realizing he was never the bastard who accidentally ruined his fathers honour. It's about Jon realizing he had a mother who loved him and watched over him in their home his entire life, and that Ned Stark chose Jon to be his son all on his own.
It's about Jon learning his mother died loving him feircly begging to keep him safe, and that Jon wasn't Neds son by accident. He was Neds son by choice out of love.
But they only used it to fuel half baked drama about the Iron Throne because at that point all Jon was there to do, was act as an accesory on Danys arm. He was no longer his own character by then so of course he has no reaction. He wasn't told because it was meant to impact him. Jons secret was revealed soley to add drama to Dany's narrative.
R+L=J was never meant to be about Jon's Targaryean side. It was meant to be about Jon learning he had a mother who died protecting him, and that Ned chose to ruin his own reputation because he decided to raise and love Jon as his own.
It was supposed to be about Jon learning who his mother is, why she isn't here, and how that heals all of the hurt left behind that Jon didn't understand about Ned.
It was never supposed to be about Rhaegar or the Targaryeans.
But I mean the second I saw they aged Lyanna up to the the oldest in the show I checked out. I knew they did that beczuse they couldn't portray a 14-15 year old girl marrying a 25+ year old man without the obvious implciations of at the very least, grooming a minor.
They knew this wasn't a romance, but that is too hard of a story to tell, a forbidden romance is so much easier. It was done only out of convience. They had to do something about that mystery, and so they took the easiest route and only ever mentioned it when it pertianed to adding drama to Dany's personal narrative.
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myphotodiaries · 7 months
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🎃 tue oct 17 - day 1/100
we are back! lately things have been so hectic and unstable that I decided to channel some energy towards getting my motivation back. also decided to do a new dop since i dropped the last one lmaooo. let’s see how long I can stick around :3
🎧 - text book (lana del rey)
📚 - before your memory fades (toshikazu kawaguchi)
* work
* doctors appointment
* class readings
* crochet
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
2x05, part 1.
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I'm here for them ONLY.
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I'm a bit surprised they continue with flashbacks. But then I remembered Kaz should fall into the water & I'm very intrigued. Maybe Kaz calling Jesper "Jordie" is still gonna be there? Please? Pretty please? I like seeing this. One thing is to read about his trauma and another is to actually see it. I'm glad it's in the show. So far it might be the only thing they got right for the crows this season.
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Hey Jes... if you slept with the boss, that would've been a bit easier. :) You wouldn't need Wylan, either, lol. I'm full in my Kazper mode now. Since they ruined Wesper in the show, I don't care at all. Have it your way.
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He. Him. Who does THAT to his hair this season though? Where is all the volume, like in s1?
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Flashback to s1 with "You alright, Boss?" — "No." Once again I have ideas for gifs and no energy to make them *sigh*
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I've been fed. ;___; Genyalina tag lives on. ;_; Alina keeps hugging her and hugging some more. <3 And Genya leans into her embrace.
The more I see of Wylan, the more I dislike the casting. He's too... doe-eyed? Timid? Kinda logical, considering years of abuse, but he had character and personality in the book. In here he just... stares, his mouth often open? Also partially logical bc he can't read and is often presented with the need to read, but often it's unnecessary. I really need more of his personality. What a way to waste such an amazing character.
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Lmaooo. Lovers' tiffs are harmless :) I know he calls him that ironically, but I can't help but smile.
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Lmaooo. Those dorks. <3
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THERE we go. A very important part of Wylan. Wylan Van Sunshine.
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I think I understood the first time I tried to read the book why people like him. I couldn't get past the beginning of the book, but I'm glad to see the real him is okay. I kinda like him. He didn't continue blaming Genya when Alina explained it, and he was quick to protect her from his mother. "I apologize on behalf of all of Ravka for all that you've indured." He really is going to be a good king. Not that it's going to take away years of abuse Genya went through, but it's something.
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Another reason why Kazper just WORKS. They make me giggle at times, these two. Such a great pair.
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Awww. David. :( That's the sweetest thing that I didn't expect to encounter. that's really, really nice. "You don't need fixing." He does care about her.
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"It was Baghra. She amplified me. To seek out familiar heartbeat." 😭 I don't even ship them, but they got me with that.
I don't remember at what part of the book that was, but seeing how Kaz and Jesper fall ON THE FUCKING TABLE DURING A GRAND DINNER would've been a blessing, lmaoo. I remembered that scene and if it doesn't make into the show, it's a robbery in the daylight.
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Nina: a foodie.
Kaz: none of that nonsense.
The funny thing is that none of his usual responses would work on her. She sees right through him & she's more powerful than him. Their relationship in the book is a blessing, yet I still couldn't get enough.
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lilac-vode · 2 years
If you ever do end up making one I'd love to see it! I could list the consonants I have too if you wanted to see them. Love your idea for the voiceless n. I was wondering what you thought about a chiss space sprachbund? I was thinking about the other languages we know are spoken around or in chiss space like taarja, tybroic and minninsiat and thought it would be cool if they had areal features. Tybroic might be part of the same language family as Cheunh, would you prefer it in the same family or not? For taarja we know Thalias describes it as "angular" which my brain interpreted as "guttural" so maybe it has /x χ ʁ ɣ/ and Cheunh doesn't? Minninsiat from the name alone makes me think of an Algonquin language so I guess it's in a different family from Cheunh. 1 of 2 part
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hi!! first off thanks for these asks hehe, it gives my brain something to chew on
i. phonemic inventory chart – i’ll absolutely post it when i make one!! i’d love to see yours too but i’m nervous about seeing other people’s before i post mine because i don’t want it to look like i’ve copied things lol
ii. sprachbund – yessss ok so taarja and minnisiat are trade languages and i’m sure they, like sy bisti, have also been influenced somewhat by cheunh so i wouldn’t be surprised if they share some features! as for tybroic, since all we know is that it’s “an ancient chiss language” i think you could go either way re: it being in the same family as cheunh and both options are really cool. i LOVE the idea of all the different families having historic languages which are distantly related to each other and i think it’s absolutely feasible that a blend of those might have given rise to cheunh itself! on the other hand it would be super interesting if cheunh WAS one of the families’ historic languages, probably the most societally powerful family, and just passed down more or less unchanged until it became the foremost chiss language. that said, i’m sure there are populations of chiss very far removed from csilla who don’t speak cheunh at all so that’s also cool to think about 👀
re: taarja being “angular”! i think that’s a fun descriptor even though – or maybe because – it seems arbitrary and subjective, for example you interpreted it as “guttural” while my first reaction was to think of voiceless stops – but voiceless stops occur ALL THE TIME in chiss names so i don’t think my idea is what thalias meant lol!! i like your idea of guttural phonemes in taarja!
iii. sy bisti parent languages – ok so it’s implied in the 2017-2019 thrawn books that sy bisti and basic are not mutually intelligible, so i don’t think basic really had a hand in its creation. my guess is that apart from cheunh, it has contributions from one of more languages that are specific to a smallish area in wild space (it’s commonly used on lysatra so maybe it originated on or around there)!
iv. areal features again – phonemic aspirated consonants were definitely a feature of cheunh in legends and i’d love to see that brought back into canon because it’s super cool!! and yes, wouldn’t it be neat if cheunh had three distinct vowel lengths, like coatlan mixe? as for clicks, clicks my BELOVED, i think it would be really interesting if there was one click phoneme that had different placement allophones/variation depending on either surrounding sounds or geographical region!! i had a vso order in mind for cheunh that i thought was fun but i gotta remember what it was LOL. it would be really neat if it was a comparatively unusual one that was then shared by trade languages in the region!
v. apostrophe in cheunh orthography my BELOVED – tz said in Alliances that it represents a glottal stop (even if he doesn’t pronounce it himself lmaooo) so that’s absolutely what i go with! my one variation on that is that i’m convinced there are dialects of cheunh where the glottal stop is replaced by a click just because i think that’s very very cool 😊
vi. vowel system – oh boy i don’t have them all figured out yet but in addition to the /aieou/, here is a list of some of the less standard vowels i’ve assigned to various chiss names: æ, œ, ɘ, ʊ, y!
vii. cheunh grammar – this is where i get tripped up a lot of the time, as soon as i try to go past phonology at all 😂 i agree with them having no grammatical gender but i don’t have any bright ideas otherwise yet!!
viii. orthography – ok first off. i will advertise this every chance i get: my friend made a really cool cheunh script for transliterating stuff 1:1 from latin script and i think it looks really cool!! now let me delve into my headcanons and stuff for that. i think there are at least 2 writing systems for cheunh
-in legends, cheunh has an ideographic script, so i’m guessing that that’s probably still the case in new canon
-i think that much like japanese orthography, cheunh orthography also has a separate script for loanwords, which is where i would propose a phonetic alphabet or syllabary for sure
-as for how it looks, i’ve pictured cheunh characters as looking something like the Georgian script! i really like your idea too, the tsalagi syllabary has many characters that definitely have features i imagine written cheunh to have (:
-i have a headcanon that the middle part of chiss names is always 1 ideograph for a word that plays into their “name meaning” (:
ix. csilla – csilla is actually an existing name of hungarian origin! it’s pronounced [ˈt͡ʃillɒ], so that’s how i go about it for the planet name too. i extrapolate from this that the cs digraph in ‘csap’, for example, is also pronounced as [t͡ʃ].
as for ipa transliterations: i’ll write out a few of my favorite sounding ones as i say them myself. for me, i keep the stress and pronunciation the same in core names as they’re said in the full, just like they were taken right out of the full name! (with the exception that the core names don’t have glottal stops) i’ll admit that right now i’m a bit wishy-washy on whether i attach the glottal stop to the end of the preceding syllable or the beginning of the following one. i think both are cool options!
evroes’ky’mormi (oeskym) – [ɛvrˈœsʔkyʔˌmormi], [ˈœskym]
ufsa’mak’ro (samakro) – [ˈʊfsəʔˌmækʔɹo], [səˈmækʔɹo] (or swap ɹ for r)
che’ri – perhaps [ʃeʔ’ri] or [ʃeʔˈʀi], i have so many conflicting ideas for this girl’s name lol
mitth’ali’astov (thalias) – [mɪtθʔˈaliʔˌastov], [t͡θˈaliˌas] (when pronouncing mitth core names i’m guilty of starting them with more of an interdental affricate rather than a pure fricative, even though there’s only one T at the beginning of their core names 😅)
x. parting addition just for fun – i also think it would be super cool to have triplicate consonants as well as geminate. i know neither of these ideas is supported by the cheunh names and words we’ve seen so far, but a guy can dream, right?
thanks so much for letting me ramble about technical stuff!! it got me in the mood to really start gathering my ideas together and actually tightening it all up. it’s really a delight to hear when someone enjoys reading what i put out into the world!
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vacantgodling · 1 year
tagging @calicojackofficial & @an-elegant-void bc they fuel me tm
this is gonna be long but a bunch of questions about jihan & hue’s relationship i’ve answered and compiled here! feel free to ask me more or just sop it up like a sponge lmaooo
1. Describe their first date.
jihan asked hue out after probably 6 months of dancing around one another once they were formally introduced. they went to a bowling alley, absolutely shouted and screamed and got mad competitive (the whole alley was up in arms about this match lol) and then they left laughing hand in hand. then they went stargazing and hue fell asleep on jihan’s chest and jihan was like wow ig i’m in love PFF.
2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late?
lmao they’re both nocturnal. hue tends to wake up earlier though, usually to help the girls with school. jihan is a sleepy boy :D
3. What was their first impression of each other?
hue was super attracted to jihan off the bat but said absolutely NOTHING lol. jihan also had a bit of a different look back then (slicked back hair that was darker, clean shaven, bit of a punker style, he settled into the look he has now lol.) even jihan licking the blood off his fingers like he was like “ishouldnotfindthisattractiveishouldnotfindthisattractive—”
jihan thought hue was cute but was worried that he was lost or wanted to fight him since he was staring at him so hard lol.
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
both of them are extremely affectionate with one another i don’t think there’s any hesitation in that regard, but that’s kind of what happens when you’ve been with someone for as long as they have lol. they’re extremely comfortable.
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
they rarely argue. they’ve had a few before, about the kids and just random shit that they both got too proud to apologize for.
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
they usually have in depth convos where they try to pinpoint where the problem was and talk out their sides and apologize once they truly understand where the other person was coming from. then they either go on a date, cuddle, or fuck, depending on the situation lol.
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
not insanely often, though jihan is more likely to say it aloud.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
hue loves jihan’s wisdom—for a variety of reasons (some are related to the bedroom LOL). but really, he loves how jihan is patient and observant, and knows. it helps him feel secure in forging his own path by having someone who can support him without having to use words, just understanding.
jihan loves hue’s stability. he never thought he’d be interested in being tied down—and while he’s had loves in the past, he’s never gone and started a fucking family with any of them.
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
neither are dislikes born of malice but hue hates that jihan is immortal and jihan is frustrated when hue tries to shoulder everything on his own instead of letting him share the weight of things weighing on him.
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
they share a good chunk of things in common. games, sports, and adrenaline seeking are a big thing for them. but they also kind of picked up on each others hobbies too? hue likes strategy and intellectual things like reading which jihan can be a bit bored to do. but audio books and hue reading to him have definitely gotten him into it, as well as movies and cinema. jihan also didn’t pick up cooking until hue bc there was no reason but the methodical process and plating really strikes his fancy. jihan is a traveler and hue has never been interested in it before him. jihan is also a collector of random facts and experiences and it grows on hue too. he’s also not particularly artistic but jihan is very good (he’s had centuries of practice lol). but doing wine and art events has warmed hue up to it. it helps them learn more about what they each value and how they see the world, but they’re both pretty open to trying new things generally :)
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
funnily enough neither of them are huge nickname or pet name people. at most hue will call jihan “han” (which is different than everyone else who calls him ji and jihan isn’t fond of anyone aside from hue calling him that lol). whereas, at most, jihan calls hue “babe” but even that alone makes hue’s face get red lol. neither of them hate pet names or anything i just don’t think they think about them. + their names are pretty straightforward so there’s no like Super Obvious ones lol.
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
when they were married, it was pretty easy for them to be separate from each other because the security that they had in each other and their relationship was extremely strong. divorced its really difficult t.
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
usually phone, through texting or calling—the joys of modern tech. they haven’t really been apart much for any extended period of time until the divorce so lol.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
while its pretty obvious they’re in a relationship together, they don’t really do MUCH pda that’s beyond like, hand holding or pecks on the cheek/chaste kisses in public unless they’re alone. it’s not that they’re private so much as the two of them are rarely alone, be it the kids, hue’s family, friends, crowded public areas etc.
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
let the predictable sap fest begin
all of me — john legend (a classic)
be — hozier
beautiful soul — jesse mccartney (i had to do it to them)
better love — hozier
better than me — hinder (ouch or whatever lol)
be without you — mary j. blige (OOF)
could it be you — cascada
fall for you — secondhand serenade
gravity — sara bareilles
hate to see your heart break — paramore
here without you — 3 doors down
i’ll be — edwin mccain
iris — the goo goo dolls
16. Would they ever get matching tattoos? If yes, what would these look like?
hue doesn’t like needles so idk if he could be convinced LMAO, but i think jihan has a tattoo for hue already. it’s pretty cheesy, but it’s a minimalist outline of a wolf over his heart. it’s a pretty intimate place to get a tattoo tbh; jihan has tattoos of other people he’s loved (family, friends, past lovers) on him as well, but they aren’t as large or over such a vulnerable spot like that. the love he feels for hue is very… deep lol. if hue were to get over himself and get a tattoo, i think he’d probably get something simple; a circle. jihan has been alive for a long time, and he’ll live for a long time more. to hue it’s like he has no beginning and no ending, but the circle of his arms is where life truly is. sooooo yeah its sappy and jihan would cry about it lol.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
A LOT. jihan i think was more surprised by it than hue bc he’s never settled down before.
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
much of their relationship is built on them being silly and joking with each other lol
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
they used to share a home but jihan moved out recently and has gone back to couch surfing with his friends.
their house looks pretty average on the outside, any standard brick townhome, and on the inside it’s cheerful but dark. you can tell a family and people live there but it’s a lot of dark, warm tones so it’s not hell on either of their senses. there’s a lot of throw pillows and blankets and floor seating for spontaneous cuddle piles and there’s a lot of knick knacks from the girls toys and projects and possessions, to random trinkets they’ve bought for each other etc. it’s not really one person has this style or that style; hue’s never had his own space until he moved out (wolves amiright) and jihan has never had a real Home (at least not for several centuries) so they really built a lot of it together. it speaks volumes to their trust and reliance on one another as well as their teamwork to raise essie and ozzy.
26. What sacrifices do they make for the other?
jihan is actually pretty nomadic; as some of his friends have told hue on several occasions he’s really just a glorified couch surfer. so the fact that he was willing to settle down with hue says a lot about how much he cares about him. he’s usually never enjoyed being stationary lol.
being the breadwinner, hue takes on the brunt of caring for jihan and the girls. it’s not that jihan couldn’t or can’t get a job (he hasn’t had one for a good bit lol) but hue enjoys that he’s able to provide for his family—just seeing them safe and happy is more than enough.
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
jihan does a lot of things for hue to ease the load and burden. tying his tie is a really intimate thing for the two of them (i can see a scene where someone tries to tie hue’s tie for him at work and it makes him so uncomfortable his skin crawls lol), jihan also touches his pulse points a lot—his wrists or jugular esp. it’s weird but hue gets it; he’s saying i know where your vulnerable spots are and i will cherish them basically lol.
hue scents jihan a lot especially when they’re cuddling. he’s very physically affectionate with jihan who craves that so any act of him touching him or wrapping his arms around him conveys that feeling.
28. Who’s the better chef? Do they cook for the other?
hue, but they have completely different diets lmao. hue usually cooks for himself and the kiddos while jihan grabs a blood bag if he’s feeling peckish. the only time hue really “feeds” jihan is when they’re in bed or if jihan is feeling particularly hungry. there can never be anyone else around tho bc the biting really arouses hue so they usually fuck after lmao.
29. Describe their nighttime routine.
the two of them are more nocturnal, so it’s moreso their daytime routine than anything. at 5-6am, one of them (usually hue) wakes up to get the girls ready for school; making breakfast, making sure their bags are packed, anything project or homework related has been done, and they’re ready to take on the day. once they’re off to school, whichever parent was up gets back in bed and they sleep/doze/etc until around 3-4pm, when the girls get out of school. usually jihan is more awake at this time and so he’ll help get the girls started on homework and will help hue get ready for work (he always ties hue’s ties lol). around 6 hue heads to work. jihan and the girls stay up having fun and doing other things until bed time. then jihan will usually just vibe and wait for hue to get home lol. usually cleaning, reading, setting stuff up, just real house husband stuff :)
30. What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together?
(i did quizzes for these lmao)
hue is definitely words of affirmation. its not necessarily surprising, in the sense that wolves are dogs 💀 but on a more serious level, jihan is pretty forthcoming with his words. he never says anything he doesn’t mean and hue really values that. he values how jihan always knows exactly what to say to make sure he knows he’s loved, appreciated, heard, seen, and cared for. his second biggest would be quality time or gift giving because he enjoys how jihan thinks of him outside of when they’re together, or how he’s the center of his attention when they are.
unsurprising (to me) for jihan, his biggest love languages are quality time and physical touch. having lived so long physical reminders of the person he’s in love with being there and spending time with him are far more valuable than material gain. every touch, absent minded kiss, hug around the waist, date night, it all means the world to jihan. he just wants to be with hue.
these love languages work very well together imo because the two of them are very good at reading people and reading each other. they are acutely aware of what the other enjoys and a lot of the time their love languages overlap. when they go bowling for instance, jihan is always praising hue and cheering him on, letting him know with words how amazing he is. and jihan is just happy to spend time with hue.
31. Do they often go out on dates? What are these like?
when they were married every sunday was date night because jihan thought it was funny for a vampire to be out on a “holy day” when he should be struck down. old rumors and amusements die hard. they do a lot of things to keep things novel, but they are fond of competitive dates and “playing” so, bowling, arcades, escape rooms, paintball even—all things on the table for them. they love to get a good adrenaline pump going whether it be together or against each other. other times if they decide to go at night its very lowkey and usually a lot of stargazing and talking. if its close to hue’s heat its really straightforward and they book a hotel and have fun there lmaooo.
32. Do either of them drink? If so, who’s the lightweight, and how does their partner care for them?
i’d say that jihan is more affected by alcohol than hue because he doesn’t really have “blood” to absorb some of the affects. but it does take him quite more than a few drinks to get actually drunk lmao. when it comes to caring for him, the first rule of thumb for hue is to not let jihan drink when unsupervised. he can be horribly competitive and loves to get in on the fun when drinking so its easy to get him to drink way more than he should. second thing is, if its already too late and jihan’s drunk a lot, he’s very gentle with him. jihan is already sensitive to a number of things; light, noise, etc. but it sharpens when he’s drunk because in an altered state vampires tend to become more alert and defensive—its just apex predator shit for ya. so he never makes sudden moves, always speaks low and hums soothingly to help keep jihan from being jittery. once they make it to a safe place, hue would help jihan get comfortable and get him a blood bag/snack or just give him a meal from the source to help ebb off the alcohol. then he’d cuddle him bc usually once jihan starts to come down he passes out lmao.
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
hue is very good at flirting when sufficiently motivated to do so. he’s direct, but he’s sensual about it, and its helped him score many a conquest even outside of jihan. however, jihan’s the one person where he tends to get silly with when he flirts. they know each other too well, so there isn’t always a pressure to be sexy all the time lmao.
jihan isn’t the best flirt, or at least, he puts on that persona. while he’s not naive, he just doesn’t really see the point in beating around the bush “do you want to fuck or not?” yknow? things that could come across as flirtatious are for him just genuine honesty. he never says things he doesn’t mean in a way that he doesn’t mean them lol. so ig in a head to head match to pick up someone, hue would definitely win lmaooo.
34. Do they have any inside jokes?
so many i couldn’t count all of them. and i just made them so idk what they are yet lmaooo.
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
not at all. their divorce is more of the secret, as not many people know about it lol.
36. How do they feel about having kids? Are they in agreement?
yep! when the witch resurgence program came up, they were approached by the agency responsible for homing young witches and after talking it over with each other, they agreed that this would be good for the child but that they were wanting a real family. in his long life, jihan’s never had that before (for many reasons lol) and hue wants to do everything with jihan. coming from a large family himself, hue is used to having many kiddos around and he loves them. they got esther first, and after a few years, her bio parents actually ended up having another witch child, ozzy, so instead of the girls being separated they adopted ozzy too so the girls could grow up together.
37. Who’s more emotionally sensitive/cries more often?
jihan is more emotionally sensitive, but hue cries more often. he feels a lot and its hard to shut it off.
38. Who’s got a quicker temper?
hue definitely. jihan is super laid back.
39. When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven’t yet, why?
took them about 5 years to actually say the words “i love you” to each other, and the first time they did was at their wedding. they didn’t really plan it that way; both of them tend to show affection more than say it outright, but the timing was actually really good. reduced both of them to tears lol.
40. Do they have any regrets in their relationship?
this divorce LMAO.
41. What would they do if they lost the other?
to say hue would be a mess is an understatement. it also wouldn’t be an understatement to say that the potential for him to die of a broken heart—its what happened to his mother after his father died of a sudden illness. wolves are sensitive and hue knows he is too. esther and ozzy would probably be his only way to keep going, even though its dramatic.
jihan is more realistic. he’s loved and lost a few times in his long life, and he’s used to the inevitability of it. it pains him to think about it, so he doesn’t. but if it were to happen jihan would be a mess for a few years. and by a few i mean, probably a few centuries. whenever he’s loved and lost, he’s been off the rails for awhile before he finally is able to move on and change his appearance. he does carry his hurt with him, but having others to love and friends to lean on does help him cope. but i mean, ngl, he would be more fucked up over hue than anyone else he’s loved.
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
jihan doesn’t really have family but his friends care about hue and think the two of them are good for each other. especially those who have known jihan for a long time (which he has a few friends that old lol).
hue’s family ADORES jihan they practically begged hue to marry him and were so involved in the wedding that it made hue almost embarrassed. when hue told them about the split they were devastated, and know that something is up because the two of them are yknow. bonded af. so not only will hue have his children’s meddling to deal with but also his family’s in helping them get back together 😂
43. If they picked out outfits for each other, what would they look like?
hue would absolutely put jihan in something fitted. a suit, a tight shirt, well fit pants—anything that hugs his body and his curves he would want to see him in, though good luck getting him to admit to it lmao.
jihan loves seeing hue comfortable. sweaters, shirtless in sweatpants or boxers, his clothes.
its funny how they like the opposites on each other LMAO.
44. Do they cuddle often? Why or why not?
oh very often, esp with the girls. jihan actually isn’t used to such frequent cuddling until hue (he’s never been with a werewolf before) but wolves tend to lay on each other for warmth and comfort. once he got adjusted to it and realized that hue didn’t mind how he was cold, he grew addicted to them lol.
45. How do they support each other? How do they rely on each others support?
jihan is everpresent; essentially he knows when hue is struggling with something but he knows better than to try and push him to tell him things when he’s not ready to, or to try and offer help when hue doesn’t think its needed. it just leads to arguments and unhealthy coping mechanisms. even though it sometimes hurts to just stay beside hue and essentially “not do anything,” hue always assures him that his presence is enough, that him never judging him or forcing him to do things when he isn’t ready is more than enough. hue relies on this ever-presentness extremely heavily; he can’t really imagine doing most things without having the pillar of support that is jihan there.
hue is decisive and forthcoming, which is something really appreciates. because of his age and how he is in general, jihan is a person who sort of “lets whatever happen, happen” and its refreshing to have someone who’s, as he says, “young minded” to want to set about getting change and making his life his own himself. it gives jihan the drive to actually seek things that he wants and to put more effort into things he knows he should do.
46. Do they consider their relationship casual or serious? Is the answer different depending on who you ask? Why?
both of them consider it serious. aside from marriage, they’ve spent nearly 20 years together. jihan doesn’t get into relationships unless they’re serious and jihan is hue’s first meaningful relationship. they know each other like the back of their own hands, their home and comfort is in each other. they’ve built a whole family together lmao. the two of them definitely did not roll up to play around.
47. Do they sleep beside each other? Why or why not?
oh definitely lol. both of them are big cuddlers. and because jihan is cold and hue overheats they easily find temperature equilibrium.
48. Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
of course! they even got married lmao—and like had a big ass ceremony and everything lol (hue unsurprisingly has a p big family). the future right now is uncertain until hue can work through either accepting that he’s mortal and he’ll die and it’ll be over with or unless they find another solution.
49. Do they keep secrets from each other?
hue hasn’t told jihan about the mating for life predicament, nor his fears about him finding someone else after he dies and how it tears him apart.
jihan is pretty open about everything in his life but he’s not forthcoming if that makes sense. if someone doesn’t ask, he won’t really tell. but if you ask, depending on how close he is to you, he’ll open up. however, he’s never hidden anything from hue.
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
well, they’re technically broken up divorced right now—instigated by hue lol. the tl;dr is that hue is starting to get older and he’s starting to get very conscious of his own mortality. even though werewolves/were-creatures do live longer than humans, they pale in comparison to other creatures like vampires. like jihan, who has already lived for 800 years or so. at most, hue will live to be about 200, and the idea of jihan living on after him is painful—hell, even the girls could live longer than him. legends say that powerful witches can learn spells to gain longer life and essie is already showing a lot of promise. so, in a backwards way to save himself the heartbreak he broke things off. the idea of jihan being with anyone else pains him but the idea of being so attached and knowing jihan will find someone else after he dies is even worse (or so he thinks). he knows to a certain extent he’s being selfish, and the feeling is made worse by jihan being still so sweet and loving towards him and the girls. so despite initiating it, hue’s taking it worse than jihan.
jihan is definitely hurt about the break up, made even worse by hue not giving him the Real reason why he broke it off so suddenly, yet, he knows and can tell that hue is hurting more than he is. it gives him solace to not give up on everything or to wallow. he just wishes hue would tell him what was wrong so he can try and help fix it. he wants their family back, him back. but he knows pushing won’t fix it so he’s trying to be patient.
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valleydean · 10 months
✨ let's play 10 Qs for GK! 🎆
1- fave character besides harvey/twoface? 2- fave harvey/twoface scene? 3- fave dynamic between 2 characters? 4- best character development? 5- most memorable line? 6- fave plot twist? 7- what did you think of twoface? 8- something you loved about the creation/design? 9- anything you would change about the season 1 plot or characters? 10- what did you think of the season 2 setup?
💌 thanks for sharing the love! #GothamKnights 🦇💋
ooh this is fun! this got long so....
hmmm. tough because i love them all for different reasons, but i think i'd be lying if i didn't say duela. every time she was on screen, i was delighted. and i think her character arc was really well done. she had a lot of layers to her that were peeled back over the course of the show and it was a pleasure to watch
i mean, his last scene blew me away! my dude killed it he did so awesome. wish we got to see more of two-face. but prior to that scene, i think the one where harvey/two-face are talking to each other. that was cool.
harper/stephanie for sure, but also cullen with pretty much everyone. he was really the heart and soul of the show, and he had really special relationships with like - turner and stephanie and of course harper (and that one cop lol i like how they teamed up at the end) that really gave something extra to the show and filled out the group's dynamic as a whole
they all had great character arcs, but i think in terms of development, harper and again duela. they stayed true to their characters throughout, but their motivations and priorities and values shifted and grew and changed. whereas, i think every other character pretty much stayed consisted with their morals from start to finish. harper and duela had a little more growth there. i feel the same for brody, but we didn't really get to see that process with him. we did a little bit, but i would have liked to spend more time with him as see that shape out
the "girl with two working kneecaps" line really sticks out to me lol
they had some good plot twists but i liked the reveal that duela was harvey's daughter. i'm pretty good as seeing plot twists coming, but i kinda wrote that one off. i think they'd originally billed her as duela dent but then changed it in the promos to the joker's daughter, so i thought they just went in a different direction with her character. so i didn't see that twist coming until like 2 seconds before it revealed! that was delightful. i gasped
i think two-face is hot and funny and i would have loved to have seen more of him! you know when you have a character you love that's like "he did nothing wrong, actually, apart from the crimes." no, he did lots of things wrong and i would like to see him do it again in detail. he'd look hot doing it. (also i have been talking about the prosthetics and how they made the suit burned instead of that weird comic book suit two-face has. it all looked disturbing instead of cartoonish and it was really, really awesome! they did a great job with that design!)
well, i answered this design question above lmaooo but i think it was a very visually interesting show. the costumes certainly, were incredible. there was a lot of attention to detail that tied in with the characters and story and foreshadowing. and kinda the blending of modern/past eras was a cool choice. it all came together really well. they put in hard work and it shows
i mentioned how i would have liked to have seen more brody and see his development. he was kinda on the outside of the group and then all of a sudden in the last couple eps, he was this important character to the group. i would have liked for that to have played out slower. also, him not being able to die. i imagine they would have gone into that a little next seasons, but i almost feel like they should have done that earlier and played it out this season. i get that means the rebecca being evil twist would have had to come in earlier too, since she killed him, but like... i wouldn't have minded if we knew she was evil sooner. like, the characters don't know but we do. kinda see her doing evil shit more. she was too damsel in distressy for a lot of the season and that kinda was like. ok. i'm not buying it, something's up with her. so getting that payoff a little earlier and seeing her still act up that damsel in distress when we KNOW she's not would have been satisfying.
the season 2 set up was GREAT and i'm foaming at the mouth pissed we won't get to see it. like, the gotham knights kicking ass, turner becoming this highly trained assassin or whatever, two-face maybe becoming the big bad of the season (also getting harvey back and harvey/duela father/daughter moments). the more i think about it, the angrier i get because it really is a good show. it really is fantastic and this is a show that probably belonged on max from the get go instead of the CW. i'll be honest, i didn't expect much going into it, but it knocked it out of the park. it's a shame the industry is a mess and the show is a victim of bad timing, because it really was special.
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oatbrew · 5 months
weekly reads (12/10)
the bed me books (#1-3) | felicity niven: ★★★☆☆ (duke) | ★★★★★ (baron) | ★★★★☆ (earl)
⤷ series of regency romance books built on the premise of the fmc approaching the mmc for a temporary liaison. felicity niven is quickly rising to the top of my favorite hr authors. one thing i appreciate is the flaws of her characters, especially the mmcs. since many books in this genre appeal to fantasy, sometimes the leads are portrayed as ideals — that while the mmc can be imperfect they can't be too imperfect as to be unattractive or unsexy to the reader. i don't decry this since i actively seek these books out myself. however niven seems largely unafraid to paint her mmcs in unflattering and unattractive lights. and she does all this while maintaining a romance that is still pretty swoonworthy. i also just appreciate that sometimes her leads aren't conventionally physically attractive, which is my catnip in romance novels.
in duke i felt for the fmc and her plight. the chapter where the mmc writes a series of letters while he's convalescent in london and desperate to know if she's found another suitor is my favorite. he kept the lie up a little too long for me to swallow easily since all the while she was literally trying to find a way out of poverty. so that deserved a much longer grovel than it got. but i LOVE that she figured it out much earlier than he or the audience realized. a strength to the writing is how niven withholds information, especially if it's a pov character keeping a secret. and the reveals always catch me by surprise then make me appreciate how much everything they've done or how they act make perfect sense now in retrospect.
earl was just so sweet. i love a short king mmc and the way he just doted on the fmc was so heartfelt i teared up. they're just perfect for each other: he's chatty and sunshine and kind of shameless and uncultured while she's dark, reticent, bookish, and more pragmatic. one amazing small detail is that whenever it was the fmc's pov chapter, her words were written straight out in dialogue because she was ashamed of her lisp but in the mmc's, it was phonetically kept because he loved everything about her, especially the things of which she's most ashamed.
baron though was just the right amount of angst i've been craving. i LIVE for the premise of an mmc who's been too stupid and paternalistic (think knightley but if he was also an idiot) to realize that he's been in love with the fmc all this time until it's too late. and like the actual ramifications of that (the RAMMYS bro). i relished in his despair lmaooo but i was crying basically every other chapter because i could see so much of myself in phoebe and the way she basically molds herself to other people's validation especially the mmc's that a huge part of her journey is shedding that and learning who she really is.
anyway much as i enjoyed these books, my favorite niven is still a convergence of desire. that one is just honest poetry like there's no fighting that
the benevolent society of ill-mannered ladies (#1) | alison goodman: ★★☆☆☆
⤷ i read this thinking it was an hr with mystery elements but turns out it's more historical heist with mystery and romance elements. which i appreciated as a mini palate cleanser but def caught me off guard esp since i felt the romance was not as well paced as i would have liked. but i did appreciate the social justice bent of the "heists" (though any historical fiction that features all the protagonists or "good characters" with modern/anachronistically progressive outlooks on politics or being on the right side all the time kind of turn me off which is why i appreciate anne with an e because characters like anne and marilla who are fundamentally good still initially fall prey to the biases of their time but eventually learn for the better. like if it wasn't for the fmc's sister in this book i would have found the whole thing a little unbelievable to be enjoyable but I DIGRESS.) anyway the machinations in each section were structured a little too same-y that it was slow going on all parts except the "escape" portion of the heists, which i found acceptably suspenseful
my best friend's exorcism | grady hendrix: ★★★★☆
⤷ have no connection to this time period so i unfortunately couldn't fully appreciate the references but idc. this shit wasn't scary (except for a lil bit in the beginning when that normal ass voice said her name which was just unnerving in how deceptively mundane it was) but it did make me sob. you can't give me lifelong devotion (whether you construe it as purely platonic or queerly romantic) and not make me froth at the mouth. these characters prickled me like they always do in horror but i've never rooted for horror protags more than these two best friends. i do get thematically and functionally why the exorcist did what he did but i didn't really feel the impact of it because we don't spend nearly enough time to understand much less be invested in him. the ending otherwise was pretty much perfect.
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bi-bats · 10 months
for the get to know the author asks!!! 3, 6, 11, 18, 23, 25. i know thats a lot so feel free to pick and choose haha
p.s. i am LOVING your jaytim week works!! ive gushed in the comments but i really am having a blast reading everything that youve shared so far <3
ASLKDJFALSDKJ omg thank you!!! I'm so flattered that you want to know that much about me actually, cause I never shut the fuck up so this is going to be long 😂 And thank you SO much abt the jaytimweek fics!!! I worked so hard on them 😭 also!!! what's your ao3 username? I usually recognize my serial commenters (and as you probably know sometimes have full conversations with them) so let me know which one is you, if you're comfortable!!
Also, I answered all of these so I'm putting it under a read more because it is. So much lmaoooo
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
I write favorite scenes first- usually there's an idea that gets stuck in my head or a bit of dialogue and that hits the page first. Then that spirals into other thoughts I have to write down, until I have something that actually resembles a plot and has the beginning and the climax of the story. (For Know yourself it was chapter 1, then a scene from chapter 8, then the scene where they finally get together, then the scene where they fall asleep watching star trek for the first time, then a bunch of scenes I ended up having to cut. For Rooftops and Bookshops, it was chapter 1, then them getting together, then the scene in the breakroom, then the scene where Tim gets drunk.)
Then for a longfic I take my plot to the corkboard™️ and sort it out, and then I start writing in order. Usually, I end up completely rewriting the scenes I wrote beforehand as I go along, and sometimes I end up replotting the whole thing. Then I work on it chapter by chapter until I get to the end, but I usually along the way I keep writing scenes for future chapters when inspiration hits!
6) something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now?
Honestly? All of rooftops & bookshops. I would rewrite the entire thing and change absolutely none of the plot or dialogue. It's just... the rest of the writing. God. It seems so rushed to me now? something something I've improved as a writer, but like. I would rewrite it if that wasn't so much work. And also, whenever I say that I hate it people rage at me, so. fine. I guess it stays. 🙄
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
Actually, plotting. I've been writing since I was in the third grade, and it took me FOREVER to realize that the reason I never finished anything was because nothing had a plot. Like, within the last 4 or 5 years I bought a book called Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell after listening to a writing podcast (No Write Way with VE Schwab) where Marie Lu (I think) recommended it, and suddenly, it wasn't just that I could write, it was that I couldn't stop writing.
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
Oh I get to talk about actual books!!! akdfalskdjfkj YES!!
Vicious by V.E. Schwab and the Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey, but honestly anything by either of them is amazing. The way both of them write is just so. SO. ASLKDFALSKDJ. For me, they both scratch the itch for sci-fi and characters that are incredibly fucked up but justified and logical and their prose is just perfect, especially when it comes to lines that just fucking slap. Sincerely, I don't have any fic recs for this one. Just book recs lmaooo
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
LMAOOOO okay so specifically when it comes to writing in this fandom, I have a lot of life experiences that have helped me write what I write, especially when it comes to writing Tim. Some of them are not so fun (<- overachiever perfectionist who thinks they need to do everything by themselves), but some of them are funny so we'll talk about those.
I have a coffee problem. Like, I know off the top of my head that the FDA recommends that a healthy adult doesn't ingest more than 400 mg of caffeine a day (I try not to ingest more than 384 mg a day), and you would overdose around 1200 mg of caffeine a day. I use this fact at least once a month when someone expresses concern about my caffeine intake, and I did not have to google that, just ask my girlfriend 😂
Also, I have severe insomnia, which predates the coffee problem. Usually, I average 5-6 hours of sleep on a good night, but I can go about 5 days straight getting between 2-4 hours of sleep before I have to do a night with at least 6 hours. I am intimately familiar with what running on that little sleep looks like. I once was not able to sleep for 4 days! So also, I know what that looks like! I have gone over 40 hours without sleep within the past four months! It just. happens. Like, at some point in the night the calculation stops being "how much sleep am I going to get if I fall asleep right now" and starts being "if I do sleep, will I be more tired than if I just don't?"
And it is such a useful reference when it comes to writing any of the bats, but especially Tim 😂
That also helps because in the time I am not sleeping, I am usually reading or writing. I'm a huge reader and that really has helped me. There's that one quote that's like "a person can be an expert in any field if they put 10,00 hours into studying it", and I have put in my 10k hours. If you write, reading is basically a part of the job.
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
Tim was his own worst critic. It was just self-defense, something he’d picked up while he was learning how to stay alive.  He’d learned how to slip binds, and how to take a hit, and how to be so harsh on himself that whenever someone found a new hurtful thing to say to him, it was the second time he’d ever heard it, because he’d already thought of it first.
But the strangest thing is how everyone believes Jason anyways. Just like that.  Then again, Dick is backing him up, so of course they believe him. Everyone believes Goldie, all of the time. He just flashes that gorgeous smile like a fucking master key, and Jason’s always been a tiny bit jealous that everyone else turned out so goddamn endearing. 
But apparently, his body had been hiding that instinct somewhere: Jason’s angry. Defend yourself. 
He’d done what he did best: tried to freeze over his white-hot anger, and still managed to be surprised when the ice cracked and steam shot out. 
Now he knew Tim wasn’t just some kid who slipped into his life like it was a suit that fit him better. 
This was what he did. He wrecked things. He couldn’t be trusted with anything delicate or valuable, because he’d crush it in his clumsy, blood-stained hands.
This was so much fun!!! Thank you for popping into my inbox and giving me a chance to ramble for a while, I had such a blast!!!
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nizynskis · 1 year
tagged by matea @filmstar1997 for the 15 questions game thank you I love talking <33 you’re supposed to tag 15 people but let’s say 5
1) are you named after anyone? No my ma just thought the name was pretty. And it is. 🐑
2) when was the last time you cried? At the end of poly styrene: i am a cliche. The mother daughter stuff the.. 🥺
3) do you have kids? No thank God I will someday but not before I develop my brain
4) do you use sarcasm a lot? No I try not to I think it makes me into a person I don’t like
5) what is the first thing you notice about people? Their mouth! Not sure why it just pulls the face together
6) what color are your eyes? they’re green on summer nights in Seattle and gold in 70 degree weather on leap years ok enough fucking around theyre hazel but we all talk like that
7) scary movies or happy endings? Like matea said everything has a time and place but happy endings are all I can handle so I don’t go sleepless for a week
8) any special talents? Also like matea said I can fold both my legs behind my head so now I’m feeling less special about that. And I can pull off any ugly outfit perk of being a dyke
9) where were you born? Manhattan it’s a source of shame
10) what are your hobbies? I like to sew and embroider and occasionally knit but it’s been a long time since I did anything lmaooo
11) do you have any pets? My dog Willow is dachshund/pitbull she looks like a seal and she’s an angel that bites other people but not me
12) what sports do you play/have you played? I was very briefly on my high school wrestling team otherwise nothijg I have no coordination
13) how tall are you? 5’5 I think that’s 165 cm?
14) favorite subjects in school? I love English also sorry for being cringe but my economics class is very exciting
15) dream job? book editor .. 💞
tagging @franzkafkagf @gummirock @tavalen @gender444 @doradotcom
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prongsandhisfoot · 1 year
i was reminded today that i once made a playlist of songs related to prongsfoot in some way and i don’t think i’ve ever actually?? listened to it, but i’m going to listen to it for the first time! and try to remember my reasoning...
1. keep away - lou reed
i genuinely don’t remember this song. may 6, 2022...yeah, no recollection. my best guess is i was reading pioneers for the second or third time and made some parallels with the lyrics. reading the lyrics now, i kind of see it? in a more ironic/lying way...i’ll probably delete it, though it’s a very fun song tbh, so i’m glad i re-listened to it! 
2. thick as thieves - the jam
this one is pretty obvious. i could just copy and paste the whole song lol, but that’s a little too much, so i’ll just paste the first few verses! second half is just as prongsfoot-y though. for similarly clear reasons.
Times were so tough, but not as tough as they are now We were so close and nothing came between us, and the world No personal situations Thick as thieves us, we'd stick together for all time And we meant it but it turns out just for a while We stole, the friendship that bound us together
We stole from the schools and their libraries We stole from the drugs that sent us to sleep We stole from the drink that made us sick We stole anything that we couldn't keep And it was enough, we didn't have to spoil anything And always be as thick as thieves
Like a perfect stranger, you came into my life Then like the perfect lone ranger, you rode away, rode away Rode away, rode away
3. pale blue eyes - vu
i genuinely annotated a copy of this song in the book i have of lou reed’s lyrics from the perspective of prongsfoot. something was wrong with me but also, i was right. this one is a bit (lot) more metaphorical than #2, hence my annotations lol, so i’ll just paste the most obvious bit:
It was good what we did yesterday And I’d do it once again The fact that you are married Only proves you’re my best friend But it's truly, truly a sin
as for the eponymous “linger on, your pale blue eyes,” i wrote in the book that it represents sirius losing his memories of james while in azkaban--aka him lingering on james while alone for a decade lol, and his memories of james changing. according to what i wrote, “pale” represents how he’s losing his memories (i.e. they’re losing color; paling) and “blue eyes” represents the same exact thing--or more specifically, how he’s remembering incorrectly, since james’s eyes are hazel (and sirius’s are grey). this is so funny and terrible
edit: i almost forgot the other pretty clear verse??
Thought of you as my mountaintop Thought of you as my peak Thought of you as everything I've had, but couldn't keep I've had, but couldn't keep
4. i’m sticking with you - vu
another fairly very obvious one (this song is literally james and sirius in the levicorpus flashback scene lmao). the clearest parts:
Anything that you might do I'm gonna do too
and then
But with you by my side I can do anything When we swing We hang past right and wrong
I'll do anything for you Anything you want me to
5. red right ankle - the decembrists
this one is literally since a prongsfoot fic i have bookmarked is named after this song and inspired by it lmaoo
here’s the first two verses:
This is the story of your red right ankle And how it came to meet your leg And how the muscle, bone, and sinews tangled And how the skin was softly shed
And how it whispered, "Oh, adhere to me For we are bound by symmetry And whatever differences our lives have been We together make a limb" This is the story of your red right ankle
“oh, adhere to me // for we are bound by symmetry / and whatever differences out lives have been // we together make a limb” tbh that’s all i care to include, the rest is just for context lol.
adhere to me <-> i’m sticking with you lmaooo
6. black and gold - sam sparro
this is the most cringy of them all. i promise it’s not just because of the title that this is here. it’s still cringy either way but still. tbh someone needs to give this to the jegulus fandom they’d eat it up. the “black and gold” at the very least
'Cause if you're not really here Then the stars don't even matter Now I'm filled to the top with fear That it's all just a bunch of matter
Cause if you're not really here I don't want to be either I wanna be next to you Black and gold, black and gold, black and gold
also this part, which this fic comes from. (it’s not exactly a favorite fic of mine but it is a readable prongsfoot fic, which is rare enough for me to call a fic with a “misunderstandings” plot readable)
I look up into the night sky And see a thousand eyes staring back And all around these golden beacons I see nothing but black
7. barracuda - john cale
tbh i could explain every line & verse as prongsfoot-y but some are less obvious and some are more obvious so i’ll just do what i’ve been doing and paste the most obvious lol
Barracuda, barracuda Won't you lay down your life to me? Won't you love me barracuda? If you always need to bring out the worst in me
and then, of course
The ocean will have us all The ocean will have us all
and finally (think of this in reference to poa lol)
Dead forest with the moon arising Smiling at you out of reach
8. supplier! - crisaunt
this is...not exactly my type of song?? to be honest i don’t even know the prongsfoot reference but i do remember adding it...i just don’t have a clue why
9. what’s good (the thesis) - lou reed
this is what made me remember this playlist!
Life's like a mayonnaise soda And life's like space without room And life's like bacon and ice cream That's what life's like without you
Life's like forever becoming But life's forever dealing in hurt Now life's like death without living That's what life's like without you
and then
What's good is life without living What good's this lion that barks You loved a life others throw away nightly It's not fair, not fair at all
pretty simple!
the verdict: i’m taking off keep away, black and gold, and supplier. now it’s a 6-song, 22 minute playlist, lol. i doubt anyone’s read this far but if you have--suggestions?
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biolizardboils · 2 years
its been 10 days since the movieversary but my CU hyperfixation's still going so heres another one of those Scattered Thoughts posts (minor movie spoilers!)
So i updated the playlist at treehouseblogsinc this week! Idek if Wikplayer still works for most people, but this streak’s five years long and i aint quittin yet! (Usually i just replace song links when they break, but this time i removed a song too cus the guy it references has been Bitch lately)
Speaking of, i did my semi-annual reread of the whole blog too and... man :’’’) Its still mind-blowing how many people played along (and got pissed at Melvin when he took over lmaooo). All the silly, sweet, and angry asks i got there still warm my heart to this day
You know what else i still do to this day? Draw things Pilkey-style! Sometimes i try to follow a rigid anatomy when i draw and feel stuck when it doesnt look right. When that happens, i step back and make a quick Pilk-ish sketch as a reminder to keep things loose. Works every time :)
Something i still love about the movie and the months leading up to it is how much of it felt like a grand... I dont wanna say joke, cus that kinda implies they didnt care when its obvious they truly did. Lets go with prank — it all felt like a grand prank! Like the decisions they made worked in the end, but were also super funny to read and hear about. Like oh my god, they rented Abbey Road Studios to record a choir playing kazoos and singing the word “underpants!” They got the biggest up-and-coming horror director to voice white-ass Melvin Sneedly. (Tho i guess now it can be argued that he’s white-passing in movie!verse, so thats cool)
My fave example of this is how they got Lil Yachty for the album. On one hand, whatever chunk of the limited budget they spent to get him probably could’ve been put to better use, like actually animating the Turbo Toilet fight or something? (While moving the Flip-O-Rama to another scene of course.) On the other hand, its hilarious that they got him to rap the word “cool” 15 times to a cover of Oh Yeah, and then didnt even put it in the movie. Its like George and Harold themselves wrote the stupidest lyrics possible just to see if he’d agree to them, and he did?? Thats comedy gold???
Why didnt i bookmark all the production stuff posted to Instagram. There was so much cool stuff i wanna see again but the search function there is still garbage and uuuughh
So i dont remember if it was production art or fanart but theres this one Instagram post i saw once thats lived in my head ever since. it looked like the cover of Action Comics #1, but with Captain carrying a school bus. If by some miracle somebody has it saved, please send it to me ill be forever in your debt
Im still scared of getting what’s coming to me when the Dog Man movie drops, but now im also wondering if theyll still have George and Harold as a framing device. Ngl i havent caught up with the new books in a hot minute, but ive heard that the boys have stopped appearing in them? if that’s true, that’s Dav’s choice and i have to respect that. ....but also i really wanna see them in CG again. pretty please dreamworks, i miss my sons so much
It mustve been a while since i last watched the movie, cus when i did on the 2nd, the Origin Issue sequence like... broke me all over again. i wrote about why its so great once for a thing that never got made actually, lemme dig that up and paste it in here
The score begins with chiptune and kazoos, two common motifs for childhood whimsy, and already a great fit for this sequence’s simple, handdrawn look. 
But it doesn’t stop there! It goes from what sounds like just two or three people playing kazoos… to a whole chorus of them… which gives way to a full-fledged orchestra. It’s as dramatic a transition as… oh, say, a one-man children’s book to an animated movie by one of the top studios in the industry.
And in turn, as the comic continues, we’re brought closer and closer to the panels until the white gutter between them vanishes, and they engulf the screen. The medium through which this story’s being told has faded from awareness; all that exists now is the story itself. 
But just as suddenly, we’re brought back to our true surroundings. The orchestral music ends, the chiptune returns for one last gentle sting, and we remember this epic tale’s humble origins: a comic book, written and drawn by two 4th graders. *sniff*
Another Score thing i love: you know how Captain is one big Superman parody? I think Shapiro mightve had that in mind when he composed his theme tune, because it starts with a triumphant first three notes (the “Underpaaaaants” part) — just like some of Superman’s! I dont know the right musical terms but cmon, theres a pattern there! And its so touching that they found Captain worthy of a song of that caliber!! Like yes, he IS a true superhero!! heres the epic theme song to prove it!!
Oh wow okay. So to dig up that Writing Thing, i had to open some folders i havent touched in years. And there were outlines for 10 different fanfics in there. I remember not really meaning to finish them ever, just writing them down cus the ideas wouldnt leave me alone. Hell i still dont have time to finish them now
But. Man now i feel bad for never doing anything with them. I have half a mind to post the outlines at least?? Cus someone out there might get a kick out of them?? You know what, if this hyperfixation doesnt peter out in another few days ill probably do it
Speaking of things i havent looked at in years, i listened to this song while typing all this and im tearing up now send post
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog ❤️
Took me ages to actually finish this, my apologies to whoever sent it!!
1. I've been told my blood type multiple times, but can't ever fucking remember it. If I get injured and someone asks me I'm fucked lmaooo.
2. I've had a tick on me that i almost couldn't get off, even with help from my mum (called in to help bc i was 14 at the time lol.) She nearly considered taking me to the walk in clinic for more help before my ex step dad got pissed, pulled out his lighter, and put it up to the thing till it popped off. Burnt my stomach slightly in the process, but worth it bc Fuck Ticks.
3. I permanently fucked my back from years of carrying too many books in shittily designed backpacks and messenger bags (oh middle school and my handmade MCR messenger bag as backpack aksndkf.) Multiple docs I've had since abt 15 have confirmed it, but also say there's nothing to be done abt it, and tbh? even if there was, I'd rather die than have a surgery that invasive and potentially dangerous. Like, yeah, all sx carries risk, but that's my fuckin spine, man. What if they just fuck it up more lmaoooo
Apologies for all three of these being weirdly medical, my back and knees are killing me as i lay in bed rn and it's clearly colouring my answering ability aknsjdnfng
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What's uppp! Luv ur blog and i got curious with the matchups so i'd like to request a matchup for MHA!
Also just to recognize my ask, I'd like to go with 🪩
So let's get to myself:
I'm female and go by she/her. Also i’m straight.
1,80 (5'11/6'0?), chubby, brown eyes, dark red (colored) mid length hair, usual ear piercings, one nose piercing on the side and a lip piercing (ashley), big ahh feet and hands LMAOOO.
Ijust can't decide so i switch it a lot. Either it's streetwear, punk or something elegant/ sweet (wild combo ik). My room looks pretty natural (lots of plants and wood etc.) since i need something that keeps me down to earth 💀
Music taste:
Big ass spectrum but let's try. Luv rock/hardrock/ metal, enjoy techno from time to time. The usual tiktok songs,.. Tbh anything that's very loud or makes my headphones vibrate 10/10. From time to time i do enjoy the calm/classical music but only if i REALLY feel like it.
Fav current songs if it helps:
Black No. 1 from Type O Negative
Fucking Your Ghost In Chains of Ice from Leviathan (pls ignore the title 😭)
prayer1 from april27
Nightmare from plenka
Stay from Narrow Head
Wicked Game from Chris Isaak
I've seen others mention it so; aries sun, pisces moon, virgo rising and ENTP.
honestly think it fits just not AS serious. People often mention i look rather intimidating at first which is understandable since i can seem uninterested and reserved but when talking to me i really love making others laugh, as well as laughing myself. Honestly my love language (combined with aggressive love). Love to goof around but i like to seem more closed off at first.
It makes things more interesting. Very personal emotions i like to only keep for myself (like most ig). I isolate pretty quickly and don't mind it since I've always been more independent and alone (not at all badly, i like the peace around me while enjoying the chaos inside my head 🫦😭).
I've actually never been in an relationship but based on other experiences i like both to be in control and let someone have control.
definitely not the type to only have one thing.
Swimming, MUSIC, analyzing, watching trash tv and cooking shows (i just love judging people < /3), reading on my phone ig though i don't read many books irl, gaming from time to time, eating LMAO, adrenaline boosting stuff like rollercoasters,...
Cooking (ironically), bugs that have this hard shell on them (scared shitless, can't deal with them biches), morning breath, no motivation days, people that don't have their own personality (i get annoyed easily)
so yeah idk if this is too long or short or whatever.
I'd be happy if you would match me but if you don't feel like it that's totally fine love <3 don't stress, take ur time.
Hi 🪩Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchup!
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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You and Shoto are the “intimidating but actually just reserved” couple of UA. People are often too scared to approach you, especially when you’re together but once they get to know you, they enjoy your company.
Shoto loves the more goofy side of you, especially since it brings out his sillier side as well. He feels honoured that you’re comfortable enough with him that you feel you can let that more private side of you out.
Enjoys watching tv with you and just relaxing in general. He doesn’t mind what you get up to, as long as you’re spending time together.
Shoto’s surprisingly good at motivating you when you’re struggling to find the energy to do anything. He’s been there before and knows how annoying it is.
Gets rid of bugs for you. He’s happy to either take them outside or just kill them depending on which you would prefer. If it’s a particularly large bug, he might baulk a bit but he’ll push his own concerns aside to help you out.
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iknowitwontwork · 6 months
Omg hope she likes it!!! That fic raised me
Lol I’m fine tbh but the two classes I have today are professors who are very anti sneezing in class lmao so I was like whatever send me the notes. It’s just a sore throat and a little lethargy I guess. I thought it was bc of the weather but I did get swabbed yday and the doc was like yeah ur Covid positive (but std negative slay). I have nothing coming up this week so I thought I’d take a break from studying lol I was reading this book about a rockstar (and I swear to god if you squint it’s totally one direction fanfic like there ain’t nooooo waaaayyyy it’s not) and I was like oop lemme see what’s going on in the fandom ❤️
We love being holy and doing holy things 🤪 I might listen to 1989 tv cus I remember liking that album lol but I’m not crazy into her. Right now my ass is listening to 10 hours of rain sounds lmaooo but I do have troye and mansionz2 queued up lol todays my catch-up day fr 💀💀💀
Girl I was just about to read the stepbro fic!! I feel way too giddy about it for no reason 💀😭 lol i reread dark (version 2) last night and I got this empty pit in my stomach cus I miss those weirdos 💔 also I feel slow but Jude’s dad is totally a cult leader in that fic bye the brainwashing makes sense I’m an idiot Peach literally spelt it out lmao I even read version 1 and didnt even connect the dots properly, my ass was like oh he’s like a mercenary or smthn arms dealer perhaps (I was totally mixing it up with junior mafia au) (to be fair on myself I was reading a lot of things at once!!)
I also lowkey started reading webtoons lmao it’s been a busy day since I woke up
Anyways might bother you all day w my essay messages ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ before I go ghost again 💀💀
that's good (that ur fine and don't have std slay)😌 and omg which boookkkk also also for some time i went back to my wattpad phase for some reason and i started this fic which btw which WASN'T a 1d/harry fic (shore) but guess what....the mc was literally named harry and he was literally fancasted as him like ohk sureeeee whatever u say.....anyway it's safe to say that i didn't start it
omg dooo that!! if u wanna listen to just one song listen to this one and also troye's one of ur girls like>>>
and hasdfghgfd ik!! seeing u liveblog it on peach's blog rn sjsj and omg i wanna reread now aah
bitch i didn't even finish dark once i found out the smut isn't there yet cuz i knew if i finished it i would be begging for more and go insaneeee and helpppp why didn't i realize that??? like ofc he is a cult leader omg
omg webtoons?? that's niceeeee
and pls bother me i'm currently suffering while studying for my two tests tmrw ughhh kill me and noooo don't ghost ur so sexy aha
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