#Intersex Ryo
artthemasquerade · 1 year
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Easier days Akira x Ryo
Thought I'd do a happy picture of these two for once, they deserve it and I wanted to have a nice summer in the 80s feel to this piece. Also finished this on my Birthday so that's a nice extra treat for me too! XD
Also Happy Devilman day! :D
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram or a note on deviantart
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gay and intersex ryo asuka icons for anon!
like/reblog if you use and credit me
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intersex-char-otd · 9 months
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The intersex character of the day is:
Ryo Asuka from Devilman Crybaby!
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lttleghostlemon · 1 year
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Day 21…I still have so many characters on my list still..
we have Ryo Asuka from Devilman Crybaby who’s canonically gay and intersex!
For the month of June I’m drawing and posting canon gay, trans, anything characters from different medias! I am also posting these onto my instagram and it might be easier to see them all on there!
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◯ InterNon Ryo Asuka icons ◯
- 200 x 200 - f2u - like/rb if using
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fffeel-good · 2 years
weird thing but- i really like seeing art of ryo as satan bcs, despite me having a lot of dysphoria for my breasts, i like seeing that art, especially with the comments of everyone adding and still referring to ryo as "he/him" despite having breasts. it eases my dysphoria for a moment and makes me really happy.
so to people drawing ryo who see this, keep up the good work. you guys make me feel better about my body.
sincerely, a trans intersex guy
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virigorne · 1 year
The thing about Devilman fans is that they will never stop aggressively arguing about Ryo’s gender identity til the end of time
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rivalcobalt · 17 days
Semi-Open Violence Jack Book Club!
Have you wanted to get around to reading Violence Jack but just never had the drive to power through it alone? Do you want to read or reread with the chance to discuss with others? Are you too daunted by the horrors of relying on google translate to get through the chapters that haven't been scanlated into English without people who can read a language it has been released in to ask if something isn't making sense? Come join us!
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Discussion will be run through an existing Devilman server, which you are also welcome to participate in. We're generally open to most new members, but we will be vetting people because we want to avoid both those who violate the rules below and who spend a lot of time participating in online drama or harassment.
Additional info below:
Rules of interest:
18+ (both for the content of VJ and the current server age range being 21-40)
Discrimination in any form will not be tolerated
We're obviously fine with "problematic" content in fiction, but we don't want to interact with anyone into ship content involving pedophilia, incest, or rape. We know this is ironic given that Nagai's works include all of these topics, but that doesn't mean we have to agree with his use of them for shock value or people who like them in romantic fan work contexts
No excessively violent sentiments towards Go Nagai. We just don't wanna hear it, even knowing how bad his works can get
No jokes framing Ryo as violently misogynistic for being a gay man, calling characters derogatory terms for being mentally ill, or other similar sentiments directed at characters for any marginalized identities
Please for the love of god have a nuanced view of Japanese history as a country that has both committed and been a victim of imperialism
Zionists fuck off
General biases:
Ryoakira, mikimiko, kairene
Reading Ryo as a gay intersex man, Akira as a bisexual, Miki and Miko as wlw
(We have these rules in place due to some unsavoury behaviour from others in the past, and we really don't want to deal with that in a small space like discord again. Conflicting interpretations are not necesarily invalid, but if your opinions or interests strongly oppose these, this may not be the best group for you.)
Please DM myself, @astr0nomically, or @royasuka if you're interested in joining!
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artthemasquerade · 2 years
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Ryo in marker pen 
The markers I ordered came today and I'm really happy with how they are working out so far, I've always wanted to play with markers and I'm so into them so expect more marker art from me for a while! XD The markers I have are the essential neutrals pack from spectrum noir and I had to draw one of my fave versions of Ryo, Devilman the Birth! He is really gender and fun, especially in the English dub lol!
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so i have a question regarding jjk
so I was watching jjk and one of my favorite characters appears its mahito but they are in women's clothing which idc but I was looking through it on Google and are they intersex?/gen like it says that they don't have reproductive organs and like I am curious since they look legit like female in those shots but I'm just curious and I cant find good results on google TT
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^ here is my claim btw i just am kinda curious and I have a friend who is intersex and doesn't see much rep that's good like satan/ryo from devilman crybaby that's good but I'm not sure plz help/gen
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missn11 · 11 months
So ryo is canonically bisexual :0?
well, Anon, I think so due to the fact in Violence Jack Ryo fell in love with Miki and he is always in love with Akira in the manga, manga spin offs and every anime adaption.
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But its not outright stated at times, and Go Nagai never has him say he is bisexual or gay, just that he is in love with Akira. And some writers do have Ryo be gay or at least only romantically interested in Akira, for example in Shin Devilman written by Hiroshi Nagai who is Go Nagai's older brother and Go Nagai ofc Illustrated it
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and yet in Violence Jack by Go Nagai, Ryo is in love with Miki.
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and in Devilman Saga Ryo seems to state that him being intersex informs his bisexuality? I'm not sure but this is what his speak sounds like to me, even if its really messy af
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So yeah, unless Go Nagai says one way or the other I would say that all we we know for sure is that Ryo/Satan is Queer af and I don't think its wrong to headcanon him as gay, bisexual, pansexual or demisexual since Akira is the only one he loves and he was friends with him first. The point of him possibly being demisexual could explain why Ryo falls in love with Miki in Violence Jack since he actually got to know her this time round.
But again I don't know how Go Nagai envisioned Ryo's sexuality and he isn't really talking about it either so all we can do is decide for ourselves what to headcanon.
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you WILL be normal about cis intersex Ryo in MY house in MY inbox OKAY?
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so glad you feel remorseful now, thanks for understanding 👍
love and peace
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fmet · 1 year
This is a very niche discussion but I think a lot of the defensiveness that people possess towards Ryo’s “gender” and the potential intersexist implications of saying he’s effeminate or even nonbinary (according to modern parameters) can be valid, but without acknowledgment of the larger context personally appears to fall flat. And also shows a vast dissonance towards the actual Devilman text. I’ll admit that, surface level, Ryo is someone who resembles an camab intersex person. He is someone who, for the majority of the manga, held a male identity, but by the end of the series is revealed to have breasts and a feminine physique. I think if Go Nagai were less of a homophobe and could actually write respectfully about gay people, you could even say that Ryo was intended to be a cis gay intersex man.
But if you understand anything about the Devilman manga, he’s obviously not supposed to be a cis gay man with an intersex condition, he’s supposed to be a hermaphrodite with his “femaleness” enabling him to fall in love with Akira. (To clarify, when I’m saying “hermaphrodite”, I’m not referring to true hermaphroditism. I’m referring to the mythological application of the word). Go Nagai argues that he’s only gay because he’s “actually” female(not how homosexuality works), but he’s also “half” male(not how intersex conditions work, even if you’re discussing something like xx/xy chimerism or true hermaphroditism, both broad terms that show broad variations in phenotype), because he’s fucking Satan. Every aspect of his sexual and gendered features is offensive to actual lgbt and intersex experiences; and, at the same time, every aspect of his sexual and gendered features are linked to each other in their problemacy. You cannot call Ryo a canonical gay man without also acknowledging that his attraction to Akira was revealed to be ultimately “heterosexual”, you can’t call Ryo canonically non-binary without admitting that his femininity and masculinity are both contingent on his simultaneously male and female anatomy, and you can’t call Ryo intersex without addressing that his anatomy is neither medically accurate nor appropriate to project onto actual intersex conditions.
I see the occasional devilman fan implore other people to “act normal” about Ryo’s gender but I just can’t see the point in even worrying about something like that. How can anyone “be normal” about Ryo’s gender when neither the author, the narrative nor “Ryo” himself are normal about his gender sexuality shit. It’s not that I find offense with people asking for this, because I think it’s a fine request like there’s nothing wrong with it, but putting standards like that onto a character whose source material clearly spits in the face of the very respect you’re asking for just doesn’t make sense to me. See yourself in Ryo all you want, I know how fun it can be to relate to characters! But projecting so hard as to ignore the actual offensive text that he comes from and that his entire character is hinged off of makes you look like a goon.
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vexenya · 11 months
Everytime someone is weird about Ryo being intersex a puppy dies
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beyondboy · 1 year
Oh my god I just spent my whole evening reading the 1972 Devilman manga, and wow, it was amazing.
Thank you @balsemicvinegar for sharing the link with me (x)
Anyway here are my favourite bits that I just had to share.
One thing I will say is that I actually prefer Ryo's character design in dmcb but overall I think this version is a lot better, the story is just so much better and makes a lot more sense.
This pannels just really cracked me up -
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Ryo's just a funny guy out of context and in, he just seems so serious that when he says certain things I can't help but laugh
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Akira the Pokemon
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I love the mental image you get here of him just picking up an arm and thinking "I wonder if I can just put it back on? "
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This just sounds like a line straight out of Shakespeare, idk I just thought it was funny
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Just Ryo screaming about God, one of my favourite moments in all of fiction
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You can really tell this was written even the seventies because they literally try to say that Ryo isn't gay because he's intersex (and they use the H slur, idk whether I should blur that out or not)
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And I just like this ending more, it seems more poetic than dmcb
And this final panel with lots of angels on so I had to include it
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Anyway thanks for reading my ramblings, big lover of angels me, so I just had to read this, on a strange note I've realized that I could pull off a great dmcb Ryo cosplay if I had a white coat because I've accidentally got the same hair as that version XD
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hecateisalesbian · 1 year
The Pride of June: Intersex
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The Intersex Flag is the Flag used to describe someone whose genitals, chromosomes or reproductive organs that don't fit into a male/female sex binary.
Fun History Fact: The Word Intersex has been around since the 1700s and is possibly the oldest Queer term still used today (with the same meaning).
Tumblr User: @dejimonkaizaa
Media Character: Lauren Cooper, Ryo Asuka, Stevonnie, and Lorraine Finster are all Intersex characters
Why the colors? Yellow has long been seen as an intersex color or to represent those who do not fit the binary. The Purple circle represents the wholeness of the intersex community free from colors like blue and pink that are commonly seen as male and female, respectfully
Where can I find the calendar? The calendar is my pinned post on my blog @hecateisalesbian! This will be occurring all throughout June, and tags such as #The Pride of June and #PoJ Project can be used to find my post
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