#Larry theory
louisplumpyass · 6 months
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prince-kallisto · 1 year
Missingno! Larry AU Evidence
This is an AU/Headcanon made by johnchurch on AO3, this was all inspired by them and I really fell in love with it, please support them! (I hope it’s okay mentioning you)
I wanted to share this AU and give some “evidence” to support it for fun. Larry deserves to have some glitch eldritch vibes <3
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The iconic Missingo from Red and Blue had a Bird/Normal typing! The Bird Type was a scrapped typing for Red and Blue, which became the Flying Type. Larry specializes in both Normal and Flying types due to being a Gym Leader and an Elite Four member. This is probably a reference to Normal/Flying being the most common dual typing.
Missingno’s party sprite appears as the “generic man” NPC sprite. Larry the Exceptional Everyman…
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Missingno is very pixelated with lots of squares and rectangles. Some believe the white spaces with a pixel in the middle are its eyes. Larry is the only character in Scarlet and Violet to have square eyes
Missingno causes a lot of glitches in areas like the Pokémon League Hall of Fame, making all the entries become scrambled or straight up ineligible. In the Scarlet and Violet Books, there are pages that are missing words and letters in every single copy of that book. *Squints at Larry working at the Pokémon League for 3 different jobs*
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This is a bit of a joke, but when describing Missingno’s appearance, many websites say it’s shaped “like a backwards L.”
L for Larry haha
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Larry’s Gym Floor has this odd clipping effect going on. It’s more noticeable once you send Pokémon out in the Gym Floor. Depending on the severity of glitches in your game, Pokémon can sink halfway into the floor! Interesting how this effect is only seen in Medali Gym! (His Gym vs Elite Four room for comparison)
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The Elite Four battle music has become infamous for somehow glitching, repeating the first few notes over and over again. It’s caused by a Memory Leak glitch, and it’s very unnerving to battle with it playing haha. What did you do, Larry? Were you in a bad mood?
Looking at the slowed-down animation of Larry’s Pokeball throw kinda freaked me out. I love his aggressive throw, but looking at it carefully, it looks like there’s a frame where his head is detached from his body? Once I noticed it, I can’t unsee it! It’s a lot more noticeable when watching the actual animation. Please be more careful with your vessel, Larry
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This glitch was so funny to me, but when battling Top Champion Geeta, a glitch can occur where Larry appears at the edge of the arena. He just…watches you battle, unmoving. It’s so perfect haha. Larry glitches his way in to support you and watch you beat up his boss
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I know this is just classic Pokémon animation, but Larry pulls all his Pokeballs from his breast pocket instead of a belt or pants pocket. I’ve always loved this animation for its ‘misdirection’ trick. He goes to adjust his tie, and in a flash he pulls out a Pokeball! Considering he has several teams of Pokémon,how do they even fit? Missingno glitches the 6th item in your inventory, giving you 128 copies of that item. People have used this glitch to get tons of Masterballs or Rare Candies. Perhaps Larry’s pocket has these infinite capabilities as well? (also he looks so cool in this screenshoot!)
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I love how…aggressively normal Larry is. Average office worker, average tired overworked man, normal personality , normal appearance, normal normal normal. I’d like to imagine that Missingno!Larry tries so hard to behave like a normal person, to the point he’s a bit abnormal haha. If you think about it, his title of the ‘Exceptional Everyman’ fits very well. Exceptional can mean “outstanding,” but also “unusual” and “abnormal.” His title is very deceptive
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This AU is so entertaining ! Having this sort of mindset makes the glitches in the game a lot more fun. All the twisted movements, glitched out faces, and see-through landscapes may all be from the forbidden presence of an ‘unremarkable’ Missingno.
I’d love to hear some other ideas/evidence y’all have! Thank you johnchurch for my new obsession haha, it’s such a cool idea
Edit: I’m definitely making a Giratina! Larry AU because the reblogs are right, it is too funny to pass up. The real banishment is being stuck in a 9-5 office job and working two side jobs to make ends meet
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pathetic-dreamy · 24 days
*Harry pulling up a picture of Louis*
Harry: Look at this face. How can anyone spend all day with this face and not fall in love with it?
Liam: Well, for one thing, at some point that face starts talking.
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dawgri · 15 days
So I been thinking, maybe the reason Penny is with The Elite four in Anipoke isn't only because "she works for them" but because she's PART of the league.
Let me explain real quick, at the end of scarlet and violet/operation starfall, instead of Team star disbanding, Clavell offer them to work with the league instead, right? To train students in their bases acting as training centers, this again is under the LEAGUE now.
Penny being the leader and not having a base of her own could very much put her in a position of "ok you completed and defeated all team star bosses so now you have the right to challenge the final boss"
To sorta "complete" that training.
It's a whole new challenge for students to take part of for those who attend the academy, mirroring the gym challenge, both, of course, optional.
But this would make Penny hold a position as a league member that's similar to a elite 4 member and I think that's pretty cool.
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cj-the-human-disaster · 5 months
The new trailer of episode 8 of the gilded age and the crumbs of Larian
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awesomefringey · 9 months
normally i don’t put too much thought into the venues Louis chooses but this one definitely has me thinking
Hi love, I’m so bad at these theories because I’m the slowest Larrie on the planet. 🤧
But Harry is a huge Mina fan and I had no idea she called herself Baby Gate! 👀 Wtf… That’s an odd… cOinCiDenCe.
Here’s a quick summary of the Twitter theory that connects Harry - Mina - Bussola - Louis:
1) Harry loves Mina (especially the song Se Telefonando, the album had a bluegreen design)
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2) Mina’s stage name was once “Baby Gate”
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3) Mina has an album called “Baby Gate” (with a cover of Mr. Blue)
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4) Mina loves BussolaDomani and produced several live albums there
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daily-stylinson · 7 months
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Check out this 🧵
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nyahkmenrah · 7 months
My theory on how the tablet works!
I’ve been thinking about the tablet a lot (as one does), and I believe I’ve cracked the code.
This is going to be long, buckle up.
So we know from the 3rd movie it's blessed by Khonsu and activates under the moonlight, needed to be exposed to moonlight every so often to retain its power. The fact it's been blessed by a god implies that the Egyptian gods and their realms actually do exist in this universe. We know there's an underworld because Kah tried to open it up in the second movie. Weather other pantheons exist is unknown, but the Egyptian one absolutely does in this universe.
Since the is an underworld and thus an afterlife, I think that the tablet works by placing the soul of a person/being into the object it's bringing to life.
The whole reason the tablet was created was so Ahk and his parents could be together forever even after death, the whole point of it is to resurrect the dead. So the enchantment is one that takes the soul of a dead being and places it back into the body as long as it's nearby enough to the tablet, and under the light of the moon/ charged with the moon. I do find Khonsu an odd choice for resurrection magic, since he's not really a death god. But he is a moon god and watches over night travellers, both living and dead. So the fact the tablet brings the beings back to life at night checks out.
1. What can come to life?
We also know that objects that aren't a corpse like Ahk can be animated. Like the minis and wax figures. Not just people but animals like Dexter and Rexy. So I think the rule there is that as long as it resembles a living being, real or mythical it can come to life.
2. Who can come to life and how?
If the figure represents a specific person (Teddy, Sacajawea, Atilla etc) the tablet will place that persons soul into the figure and that person will come to life with the memories, personality etc if that person carried by the soul.
If the figure doesn't represent a particular person, the tablet will find a soul that somewhat matches the figure and use that. Like the minis. Because let's be honest there's no way the museum named every single mini and modelled them all after real people. So the tablet saw a figure of a Roman general, found the soul of Gauis Octavius who was a known Roman general and placed his soul in the figure. It saw a cowboy, and picked a soul from that same area and time period to place into the figure. The real Jedediah was actually a mountain man, but mountain men and cowboys are similar enough the tablet made that figure Jedediah Strong Smith anyway.
In the case of animals, the same rule applies. If the figure represents a particular animal (like the space monkey Abe from the second movie) it'll put that soul in the figure. If it's just a random animal it'll just put a random animals soul that matches the species and time period.
And in the case of mythical creatures, it'll create a kind of puedo-soul to fill it. Lancelot isn't actually a real person, but it is likely he was inspired by real people. So the tablet saw a figure meant to be lancet and took the soul of a knight that inspired Lancelot, made some tweaks and put it into Lancelot figure. And with creatures like the giant snake thing (I can't remember the name) from the third movie it did something similar, taking several snakes souls and giving each head one of them. Similarly, the Anubis-Jackal guards that protect Ahkmenrahs exhibit are probably pseudo-souls created using warriors/guards and jackals. Made with the intent to protect Ahkmenrah and his belongings.
With the artworks, it again depends on who or what the art is depicting. If it's just a scenery, it'll simply open up a kind of pocket dimension (like the ones Larry jumped through in the 2nd movie) that resembles the scenery.  If it's depicting a real person, it'll put that persons soul in. If it's depicting random people it'll place a soul from the time period in. As well as creating a pocket dimension of that place and time for the people to exist in.
Like the the photo of the solider kissing the nurse, it took a the souls of people from the time period and placed them into the photo. In the case of this particular photo, the subjects in the picture are unknown although some contenders exist, and are still alive. So the tablet kinda just took a random set of souls from the time and shoved them in, the man being kissed in this tablet pocket dimension photo ended up being Joey Motorola who was one of the people who invented the mobile phone. Larry accidentally created a time anomaly that day, when he dropped his phone in the painting and Joey picked it up, reverse engineering it to make the phone.
Btw Joey is played by Jay Baruchel, who is the voice of Hiccup and I can't ever un-hear him as Hiccup from my HTTYD days. So when he talks in the movie I was all "omg hiccup?"
3. How real are the living figures?
We know they can be hurt, as when Jed and Octavius were still in their enemies phase of their enemies to lovers arc, they whack each other up and react in pain. We also know they can eat and drink, since there's a set of advertisement skits for the 3rd movie that shows them eating and drinking. For people like Ahk, real corpses reanimated it'd simply just be their bodies reanimating and the tablets magic allowing them to function. In cases where they're missing organs, like Ahk being mummified as thus having his organs taken out or, being made of wax etc and not having organs, the tablet with simulate them. Allowing them to eat, drink, get tired and out of breath after running etc.
So yes, that means you could probably do the no pants dance with one of the exhibits because they'd have simulated organs.
But, they can't die. Not unless the tablet does. We see them start to loose life in the 3rd movie. Ahk stars to mummify and the others start to act up and freeze. But we know they can't die any other way because Teddy literally got chopped in half in the first movie and was able to just melt some wax to put himself back together. Jed and Octavius definitely should have died in that RC car crash too, but they lived. And if Jed ended up covered in sand by that hourglass, he's likely not fully die since he can't, but he'd definitely be in constant agony breathing in sand and basically endlessly suffocating. And we've established they can still be hurt, so he'd be... alive but very traumatised. Not fun.
The tablet simulates restores or simulates bodily function by putting that soul into the vessel. It's magic keeps them alive until the sun comes up.
4. Other powers.
We do see that the tablet can do some other things, in the first movie when Ahk says some commands to it and it pulls all the exhibits back to the museum. That is a power I can understand since you know, Khonsu, watcher over travellers. Makes sense the tablet can draw people to a meeting point.
It can also open portals, as shown in the second movie. Now you could argue the painting pocket dimension things are portals, which is just a side effect of brining in animated objects to life. I'd assume the only portals it can open is the underworld one, since the original purpose of the tablet was to resurrect the dead, you might need to get the dead from the underworld for that. And those painting ones which wasn't the initial plan, just a side effect.
But that's all we really see it do. So I don't really know what else it could do.
The tablet was originally made to resurrect the dead, being blessed by Khonsu. The tablet works by placing a soul into a vessel, allowing it life. The soul carries the memories and personality etc of the person it once was. The vessel it's in has simulated body functions. It can also draw people to a meeting point and open portals. All of this does fit with the kind of powers Khonsu would be able to grant as a moon god and watcher of night travellers both living and dead. It needs moonlight every so often to stay 'charged'. It responds to the ancient Egyptian language, certain symbols of tiles in a particular order and likely can only be activated by Ahkmenrah and his families use.
And there you go, that's my theory on how the tablet works. That's all I got for now, I'd I find anything else I'll add it in.
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larrylimericks · 6 months
Parmageddon Edition Some things, they just give you the ick: Like chicken not cooked makes you sick, Or protesting too much Theories no one brought up? And talking to fans like a dick.
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unfortunatetheorist · 3 months
Is Jacquelyn at fault in the Netflix series? (NCT)
Jacquelyn Scieszka is one of the most notable differences between Book- and Netflix-Canon. Her character is often portrayed alongside Larry Your-Waiter, with the pair acting as 'noble', working against Olaf and his accomplices, throughout the series.
However, there is one point I have picked up on to argue that Jacquelyn caused the heinous events of The Wide Window to occur: Jacquelyn chased Olaf onto the SS Prospero, and this was, arguably, one of the greatest mistakes made in this show.
Of course, as viewers, we understand her intentions:
Bring Olaf to justice, as nothing can happen once he's in Peru (even he knows that!)
Bring back Klaus' half of the Baudelaire spyglass
But this act made Olaf jump into the water below, where he would've made it back to shore, to meet with his troupe, before taking a boat out onto Lake Lachrymose, where The Wide Window's events begin.
If Jacquelyn did NOT get onto the SS Prospero, this would've happened:
Olaf sails away to Peru on the SS Prospero, to (in his words) "wait for the manhunt to die down, eat some cuy"
The Baudelaires go to live with their Aunt Josephine
Poe gets his promotion (probably)
Manhunts take YEARS to die down; Osama Bin Laden's - for example - took 10-15 years, before the US Navy tracked him down to a compound in North-West Pakistan.
So, here's the real genius of this part: by the time Olaf returns because the manhunt has died down, the Baudelaires already have access to their fortune!
As the phrase goes,
"It [was] a wicked thing to do, for a noble reason."
Did she have a choice?
¬ Th3r3534rch1ngr4ph, Unfortunate Theorist/Snicketologist
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wearmyjumperlarry · 9 months
“The queer – always already the exceptional, the odd, the outsider, the outcast – lies at the heart of circus’ practices and meaning." Charles R. Batson
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louisplumpyass · 6 months
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mf is so high i'm crying 😭
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prince-kallisto · 1 year
Larry’s Suit Style Analysis
After making my Tucked-In Tie post, I started to analyze Larry’s suit because I’m not normal for him. Long story short, it’s a cheap average suit haha. But if you want a thorough analysis and some suit facts, continue!
Quick disclaimer, I’m not an expert at suits, fabric, or tailoring. This is an analysis based on the in-game models, official art, and my own knowledge. If I missed something or got something wrong, please let me know!
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Larry is wearing an American cut, single vented, three buttoned suit with a notched lapel. The American cut suit was the first type of suit to be mass produced and affordable to the working class. It’s a modern suit compared to the traditional British cut and the sleek Italian cut, so most business men wear this type of suit. It’s referred to as the “sack suit” because of its shapelessness. American cut suits are often off-the-rack (OTR), meaning they are cheap and mass produced with ‘average’ measurements. OTR suits will always need tailoring to fit you perfectly.
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I love how he wears a three buttoned suit!! It’s hard to see on his 3D model, but the official art confirms its there. Three buttons aren’t as flattering on most people because it isn’t as slimming and elegant as one or two buttoned suits. Tall and thin people are recommended to go for this type to suit if they want to “fill themselves out” visually. I don’t know Larry’s height, I’m terrible at comparing models haha. My guess is near 6 feet because he towers over the player character, and he slouches a lot. No matter his height, it’s an very interesting choice to add that extra button and I love it. A singular button can make a huge difference for a suit.
Edit: In case you’re curious, the BIGGEST rule of wearing suits is that you NEVER button the last button. This rule is so important that modern suits are deliberately designed and cut to not button the last button, or else the suit will be incredibly uncomfortable and awkward looking. Weird, right? But it’s why Larry has 3 buttons, but only 2 are actually buttoned.
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He has three cuff buttons, which look nonfunctional. Two buttons is considered casual (Hassel) and four buttons is formal (Geeta), so three is an in-between. It’s expensive to have functional cuff buttons, so OTR business suits will almost never have functional buttons.
There’s minimal padding in the shoulders. It’s another standard for OTR suits because it works on most people’s shoulders. Larry has sloping shoulders, so the padding on his shoulders help support his upper body silhouette a bit.
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Am I going crazy (yes), or am I seeing the stitches in his shoulder seams? It’s something that’s caught my eye since I first saw his 3D model. If it’s actual the thread becoming visible, then his suit is falling apart! Whatever it is, I really love the detail of it!
Edit: Notes pointed out his Pokéball throw, which makes sense why the threads are so strained! He has a really aggressive arm movement, so that plus the cheap and old suit isn’t a good combination haha
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Depending on his pose and angle, his shoulders look like they have divots. If this is the case, then he probably has a hard time finding suits that fit his shoulders properly. Shoulder divots can happen for a variety of reasons, most commonly with athletic people because their biceps don’t fit the arm hole. But people with bent postures also need to have their suits accommodate them, because their shoulders will likely not match up with the suit shoulders. This is probably Larry’s case.
The suit looks like its made of cheaper polyester/polyblend fabric, which is really textured and very shiny. I love the detail on his model, but his suit immediately looked on the cheaper side to me, which was probably the point haha.
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His suit is also a bit wrinkled; it’s not tailored specifically for him. Tailored suits aren’t necessarily form-fitting and slim, but they aren’t supposed to be creasing the way Larry’s is. Although suits can generally fit your size, an OTR suit will never fit you perfectly. His suit in the 2D official art isn’t wrinkled at all, so…I guess this just applies to his 3D model haha.
My theory is that he had some tailoring done to the lapel, which can pop out if it isn’t tailored (a bad lapel is one of the first signs of a cheap OTR suit). Minimal tailoring is a lot cheaper than tailoring the entire suit, especially if the suit was cheap and ill-fitting to begin with. He also has triangle embroidery on the lapel, which I interpret as foreshadowing for his Elite Four status! I wonder if Geeta asked the tailor to do that so Larry’s outfit could have something special about it haha
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His dress shirt is way oversized, or at least has bad shoulders for his body type and posture. The shoulder seam is way lower than it should be. It’s really not worth it to tailor the shoulders in dress suits/shirts, it’s pretty much impossible unless you want to shell out a fortune. Your dress shirt and suit should at least have properly fitting shoulders, because every else can be tailored.
Of course, I want to mention how his tie is tucked into his shirt in the concept art! It’s not considered the be “proper” to do this, at least according to suit fanatics. Many people do this when they’re doing something messy or eating, and Larry eats a lot! I love this detail!
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Larry wearing quarter-break pants. When the suit pant creases as it meets the shoe, this is considered a ‘break.’ A quarter-break has a very subtle crease and shows a hint of your socks. This style is considered modern but not trendy or flashy, so it’s very fitting for businessmen. Quarter-break also works well for tall and/or thin people! Geeta has no-break pants, which is very trendy and youthful, and Hassel has full-break pants, which is older and traditional. Hnnn the details!!!
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He’s also wearing casual business loafers, and they look pretty worn out and dusty at the edges, especially in the official art. He seems to walk a lot between his three jobs, so his loafers probably get a lot of wear and tear.
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This could be a coincidence, but in Japan there’s a very well known apparel company called AOKI. AOKI was established in the late 1950s, and their goal was to make suits affordable to the average Japanese man. Even today, AOKI is best recognized for their suits for salarymen. Larry’s name in Japanese is Aoki! Again, it’s probably a coincidence but it’s a fun one nonetheless!
I don’t know what the point of this was haha (*゚∀゚*) I just adore the character designs in Scarlet and Violet, and despite how plain Larry’s outfit is, there’s so much to be revealed in the details! I hope you liked this analysis!
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the-average-melli · 1 year
Pokémon Violet after thots
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There are theories about this game and one of the ones that I like imagining is that Larry was either the original champion that Geeta dethroned, or Larry has ambitions to become champion and dethrone her because he doesn't like her outright. At many points in the game, Larry is the only gym leader and E4 member to openly say he doesn't like her as his boss. Other gym leaders are annoyed by her, but they are not as direct as he is.
When Geeta asks "which gym leader was most difficult? in the post-game, she reacts the same to each of the player's responses if they respond with any other gym leader except if the player says Larry; Geeta has a different reaction if the player says Larry.
I want Larry to become the champion lowkey, and if not that, fight with him against Geeta if she turns out to be the "evil team" herself. Someone theorised that the reason there are multiple "champions" in Paldea and Geeta has a different title (she is the only character in any of the games with the trainer class "top champion"), is because she could be the actual antagonist. Finding champion-ranked players and rounding them up by being head of the school board could be an elaborate way of "recruiting" her "team." Because the player is used to seeing this model throughout pokémon games (beating gyms + the E4), the player is is less likely to challenge this institution and go along with it to complete Victory Road.
The fact still stands that Geeta and Larry have a unique dynamic of Larry resenting her and Geeta over-working him specifically... it stands out because none of the other gym leaders multi-class as and E4 member.
Maybe Geeta has Larry working more than one position to control him and make sure he doesn't have enough free time to do other things--other things like planning to challenge her and take her down. If he's working under her, she can keep a closer eye on his activities in particular and keep him busy. He smells something and isn't keen about her one bit. I would like to speculate that Larry is being kept under Geeta's watch in the same way that rulers or dictators keep their inferiors in line.
Throughout history, dictators, monarchs, and others in leadership positions would either occupy the nobility or wealthy class (as the French monarchy did in the 1700s), or control their influence by running the very institutions that gave other classes their social standing (as with the feudal system).
If you take the history classes in-game, you can get the lore. If you befriend the teacher after class and speak to her outside of class, she gives more information that is very important to the region's history. My thoughts and the theories of others I've read so far have decent potential given some common knowledge: Paldea was an empire and the Paldean emperor was obsessed with finding treasure in the crater--so much so that the enpire fell to ruin.
Geeta is the one who decides the curriculum as the head of the school board; Clavell and others even admit that they have "little jurisdiction" over certain things. There is quite the possibility that Geeta includes the "treasure hunt, the independent study assignment, as a way to get others to help her search and report back to her, which continues the ambitions of the Paldean emperor who was concerned--and obsessed with--finding treasure in the past.
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thekingofspin · 7 months
hear me out.
ghosts s5 comes out tomorrow.
everyone assumes the shows gonna end with all the ghosts moving on.
but what if it ends with Alison dying in button house.
it would contrast the fact that the first scene is her aunt Heather dying. what if the last scene is her dying
First vs Last.
if she stays it could be a happy ending BUT WHAT IF SHE THEN MOVES ON. I'd die.
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sunbeamsandmoonrays · 5 months
If the current Van Rhijn financial situation causes them to move, there won't be any more sidewalk meetings between Larry and Marian...
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also what would happen to the downstairs staff and would Peggy move back in with her parents
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