#NOT because of young snow
sceletaflores · 6 months
going through my hunger games phase like 11 years later is an experience.
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adakechi · 6 months
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you're gonna look at me and tell me that im wrong? am i wrong?
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sunny12th · 1 year
love the idea of young griff announcing himself as rhaegar's kid, jon snow also raising his hand like "same here according to my time traveling brother and my dad/uncle's bestie", and aurane waters just jumping on the Claiming Targ Heritage train immediately. and dany "i am so desperate for family i dont even care at this point" collecting them all and forcing everyone to attend family game night on dragonstone
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coryosmin · 5 months
Feel Better - Coryo x GN!Reader
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Coryo x GN!reader
warnings: sick coriolanus, reader taking care of coriolanus, no nsfw, ooc coriolanus probably, reader notices that coriolanus has an itty bitty cold and they just want to be there for him. oh and reader and coriolanus are best friends with romantic feelings for one another. this is definitely fluff.
AN: there’s just something about vulnerable Coriolanus Snow that just makes me swoon. All terms in here should lead to a gender neutral reader but if there’s any indicators I might’ve accidentally put otherwise, please let me know! Sometimes I make mistakes and miss them 😭😭
2,000 words
Coriolanus had woken up feeling groggy. His throat was parched, his nose was a bit stuffy, and his head hurt a little bit. He didn’t think too much of it. The apartment, being so old, was prone to giving Coriolanus allergies. He was probably experiencing post-nasal drip from the dust and mold. He sit up in bed, clearing his throat. With his head hurting, he forced himself to get out of bed, grab his clothes, and head to the shower. A hot shower should help clear things up, right?
It didn’t help. It gave a sense of relief while in the shower but as soon as he finished and got himself dressed, he was back to feeling all groggy. Coriolanus looked at himself in the mirror, noticing the paleness in his face and the small circles under his eyes. He rolled his eyes to himself. Of course he just had to get sick. Coriolanus has a cold. It’s no surprise really. He should’ve seen it coming.
It was winter and many students at the Academy had been getting sick lately. Livia Cardew had been sneezing and coughing all day yesterday without even having the decency to cover her mouth and nose while doing so. Begrudgingly, Coriolanus walked out of the bathroom and back into his bedroom to put his socks and shoes on, grabbing his satchel as well.
Even if he wasn’t feeling well, he had to go to school. How could he land on top if he missed a day? It would be no good for him and his future plans to be the President.
Coriolanus walked out to the main room, the cabbage soup already boiling on the stove. Tigris was standing there, sipping a cup of tea as she waited for the soup to finish. She looked up at Coriolanus, seeing his pale complexion and the bags under his eyes. “Oh, Coryo,” Tigris said, placing her tea down. “You look ill.” She said, walking over to him. She felt his cheeks and forehead, pursing her lips. “No fever though.”
“I’m fine,” Coriolanus muttered, his voice certainly hoarse. It hurt a bit to talk.
“Are you sure?” Tigris asked, concerned for her cousin. She walked back into the kitchen, pouring some warm tea for Coriolanus. She handed him the mug. “Drink.”
Coriolanus grabbed the tea cup, taking a sip. It definitely helped to soothe his throat. But it was just regular black tea which ultimately, he knew, didn’t help sore throats at all. “I can rest when I get home from school,” Coriolanus replied, looking at Tigris. “I’ll be fine.” He gave a small smile to soothe Tigris’ worries.
“If you say so, Coryo.” Tigris replied, serving Coriolanus a bowl of cabbage soup.
Coriolanus began to eat the soup, though he didn’t have much of an appetite. He forced himself to eat it because something is better than nothing and if he were to survive the day, he needs as much energy as possible. He ate as much as he could stomach before stopping. He drank the rest of his tea before standing up. “I’ll see you later, Tigris.” He said, getting ready to head out the door.
“Take care of yourself, Coryo. If you start to feel worse, please come home and rest.” Tigris said, looking at her cousin.
And with a simple nod, Coriolanus left the apartment and began his walk to school in the cold weather. He sniffled as he walked to the Academy, the cold temperature making his nose run.
Coriolanus arrived at the Academy, seeking refuge in the warm building. The cold helped to at least clear his head from the fogginess. As Coriolanus walked through the hallway to get to his class, he felt someone take hold of his arm, interlocking it with theirs. He looked down to see you with a smile on your face.
“Good morning,” You greeted, looking at at Coriolanus.
“Morning,” Came the sound of his voice, hoarse and stuffy.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at Coriolanus, stopping in your tracks with him. Though you didn’t remove your arm from his. “Are you feeling okay?” You asked softly, looking up into Coriolanus’ blue eyes. You could see the bags under his eyes and the more pale complexion that was outside of his normal pale complexion.
Coriolanus simply nodded his head. “It’s just a stupid cold,” He said, reassuring his friend. “It’ll go away quickly.”
You hummed in response. “Just don’t overwork yourself, Coryo.”
The two of them walked to class together, sitting down at their desks.
As the day went on, Coryo’s symptoms got worse. Coriolanus tried his hardest to pay attention in his classes. The fogginess from this morning was coming back and he began to feel hot but cold at the same time. His throat was hurting more than it had been earlier. He sniffled every few minutes. He even began to develop a small cough! Which unlike Livia Cardew, he covered because he actually had the decency to try not to spread his germs. He was even going to the bathroom frequently to wash his hands, thank you very much.
And as he tried to get through the day, you noticed how bad he was starting to feel. By lunch time, Coriolanus had grabbed his food and sat down. But hardly had the appetite to eat it. And usually, Coriolanus would munch down his food immediately. You sighed to yourself as you looked at your friend. You cared about him a lot and didn’t like seeing him so ill. He used to get colds a lot when the two of you were kids and it was always you who would take care of him as you had the financial means to do so.
“Coryo,” came the soft tone of your voice as you put a hand on his shoulder. “Perhaps it’s time you go home and rest?”
Coriolanus shook his head no in stubbornness. “I’m fine, Y/N. Please don’t fret about me.” His voice was so hoarse and he sounded so nasally, you couldn’t help but pout in sympathy. “Just trying to get through the day.”
“Sleeping would help.” You said, rubbing his shoulder soothingly. Your other hand moved to his face, feeling his forehead. “You’re burning up, sweetheart.”
Coriolanus leaned into your touch, the coolness of your hand providing a relief that he didn’t realize he needed. “I don’t want to go home though.” He said softly, closing his eyes for a moment.
You gave a small smile. “Then let me bring you to mine.” You replied in the same tone. “I’ll take care of you.”
And with that, Coriolanus couldn’t deny you. He knew he couldn’t focus on anything else. His body was on fire while also being so cold. He felt miserable and wanted nothing more than to sleep. “Okay,” He agreed, opening his eyes to look at you. “You’re probably going to get sick though too.”
“And I’ll have you to take care of me.” You smiled, looking at Coriolanus.
So, the two of you left the Academy early. You had told Sejanus to let the professors know that you had taken Coriolanus home due to him not feeling well. You and Coriolanus arrived to your high end apartment after a bit of walking. Coriolanus looked as miserable as he felt. As you walked into the apartment, you were grateful that your father was working and your mom was out and about.
Coriolanus took his shoes off at the entrance, just as he usually does. You did as well. “Go lay down in my bed. You need to rest.” You said softly, looking at Coriolanus. He simply nodded and didn’t say anything else, walking to your bedroom. He took his uniform jacket off before crawling into your bed, covering himself with your lush blankets. Your bed was so soft and welcoming. Coriolanus couldn’t help but sigh in contentment as he closed his eyes and eventually, sleep consumed him.
Coriolanus awoke awhile later, still feeling relatively the same. Except when he awoke, you were sat right next to him with a cold cloth on his forehead. You smiled as you saw his blue eyes open. “Hey.” You said, smiling. “I had one of the maids make you some chicken noodle soup.” You spoke in a soft tone. “Would you like some?”
Coriolanus gave a small smile, unable to help himself. He nodded his head slightly, sitting up in the bed. The maid walked over, placing a tray in Coriolanus’ lap. He looked at the soup, remembering the times when you and him were kids and that time the both of you got sick. Your mother decided to take it upon herself to take care of both you and Coriolanus, ensuring that you both got the nutrients and medications necessary. Chicken noodle soup had become one of his favorite things because whenever he saw it, he thought of you.
“Thank you.” He whispered to you before eating the soup. He relished in the taste as he hadn’t had it in a long awhile. Coriolanus couldn’t remember the last time he had gotten sick like this. It must’ve been years ago. Really only four years but who’s counting? So yeah, Coriolanus might’ve actually been counting. But to be fair, it’s really good soup.
You simply smiled as you grabbed the cold cloth off of his forehead. “You’re welcome, Coryo.” You whispered back. You leaned in, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
Coriolanus couldn’t help the burning in his cheeks. He was grateful that his cheeks were already flushed from the fever otherwise, it definitely would’ve been obvious that he was blushing. He cleared his throat and continued to eat the soup.
When he finished eating, you reached over to the nightstand, grabbing a glass of water and some pills for Coriolanus. “Here. A fever reducer and some anti congestion medication.” You said, smiling softly at Coriolanus. “It’ll definitely help relieve some symptoms.”
Coriolanus grabbed the glass of water and took the pills, swallowing them before drinking the water. He handed the glass back to you. The maid came back to grab the tray from Coriolanus’ lap. “Now lay down, Coryo. Get some more rest. I’ll let my mom know when she gets home that you’ll be spending the night.”
“Will she be okay with it?” Coriolanus asked.
You simply smiled and nodded your head. “Of course, sweetheart.” That nickname always made Coriolanus’ heart flutter. “You know she cares about you as much as she cares for me.”
And with that, Coriolanus smiled a small smile before laying back down. “Stay with me?” He asked, getting himself comfortable.
You nodded your head. “Always, Coryo.” You whispered to him, your e/c eyes looking into his blue orbs.
He grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours and holding it to his chest before closing his eyes. He was laying on his side, facing you. He was almost asleep when he heard, “I love you, Coryo. I hope you feel better soon.” Your tone had been so quiet and soft, as though you didn’t want to disturb him. And Coryo couldn’t help the small curl of his lips as he drifted off to sleep again.
So, maybe getting sick wasnt so bad. Especially because he had you to take care of him.
And a few days later when he felt much better and you had come down with a cold? He stayed with you at your house to help take care of you. Because Coriolanus loves you too.
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coryothesub · 3 months
A Useful Present
nsfw / mdni / sub!coryo / dom!reader
“Oh thank you, angel!” you took the gift box from Coryo's hands and pressed a soft kiss on his forehead.
It was a neatly packaged box, adorned with a red satin ribbon and a single white rose tied into the bow. One of his signature little gestures.
You loved the sheer excitement of him watching you as you were undoing the ribbon. This time you noticed a hint of that bratty cocky smirk on his face. What could that possibly mean?
You figured that out as soon as you opened the gift and found another box with instructions written in bright pink on its side.
“Multifunctional vibrating dildo,” you read out loud. “Suitable for your every need.”
“You've been having dirty thoughts, Coriolanus?” you tilted Coryo's chin up and looked at him with a quizzical grin on your face.
“Were you fantasizing about me using this?” you taunted him.
Coryo looked at you, so wideyed and endearing looking like a little boy who'd been caught doing some mischief.
“Did you think I would let you watch, while I fuck my pussy on your present?”
You could see that the boy was getting aroused at the thought and you pulled at his blonde curls slightly yanking his head back.
“Have you lost your ability to speak, darling?”
“Y-yes…” Coryo blurted out, not sure whether he would get rewarded or punished. You hadn't decided about that either.
“Such a naughty boy,” you whispered just a few millimeters from his deliciously parted lips, before sliding the tip of the dildo in between them.
“Suck it!” you commanded, and watched him obey with content. The boy was sucking and swallowing around the thick object as you pushed it deeper down his throat. 
“Open it up, love!” you hummed, amused by his struggles as the toy touched the back of his throat, making him gag.
You pulled the whole thing out, glossy and wet with Coryo's saliva.
The boy coughed a couple of times and looked at you while catching his breath, his eyes cloudy and lips slightly swollen. Simply adorable.
“You look so pretty!” you mused before getting back to the users manual.
“It says it can be used by everyone for all kinds of stimulation. So why don't we let you have the first ride, huh?”
Coryo's eyes widened as he started to realize where your mind was going.
“B-but I have never inserted anything in there. What if it hurts?” he stuttered adorably.
“Mommy will be gentle with you,” you reassured him and shut his pretty little mouth with a gentle kiss before he could think of any more protests.
A few moments later you both were completely naked and Coryo was standing on his all fours in your bed.
You grabbed the small lube bottle that came with your new toy and poured the transparent liquid on his hole, making him shiver at the cool sensation. 
The tip of your thumb teased his opening as you noticed him trying to bring his hand down to his hardening cock.
“Did I allow you to touch yourself?” he heard your stern voice above him and put his hand back on the sheets.
You replaced your thumb with your pointer and middle fingers and pushed them against the tiny opening, causing Coryo to let out a cute whimper. 
Smirking with content, you continued to push deeper, opening him up inch by inch. He felt so warm and tight around your digits.
You continued your movements at an easy pace and made contact with the sensitive spot inside him, making his erect member twitch.
“Feels good, mommy,” the boy moaned, amazed by the new sensations.
You pulled your fingers out of him and replaced them with the thick dildo, carefully inserting it in his tight little hole deeper and deeper with each movement.
“I need to touch myself,” Coryo whined, feeling his cock getting so damn achy and sensitive.
“Shhhh, baby, mommy will make you come, just be patient,” you leaned down beside him and hummed into his ear, gradually speeding up your movements.
You didn't even have to switch on the vibration, it was enough with the tip of the toy making contact with his prostate for him to become a whiny little mess under your complete control. The way you made him feel without even touching him directly made you incredibly wet.
“Please…” Coryo mouthed in the air, not capable of wording what he needed. You were fucking him faster and harder with each thrust and his neglected member became so sensitive that he felt tears forming along his waterline.
“I can't do this any longer,” the boy whispered helplessly, legs shaking and large tears running down his cheeks. The forceful stimulation made his limbs feel weak and he felt like he was about to sink down into the sheets completely powerless at any given moment.
“Then cum for me, baby!” you instructed and pushed the whole silicone length inside him watching thick ropes of cum spurting from his dick and messing up the sheets beneath him.
You pulled out the toy watching as Coryo's limbs gave up and he laid down onto the mess he had just made in complete exhaustion.
You crawled around his trembling frame and brushed away a stray curl that was sticking to his glistening forehead.
“You did good, babyboy,” you cooed, planting small kisses on his flushed cheeks. “Now I'm gonna need you to lie on your back and put those pretty slender legs as high as you can.”
A glimpse of despair flashed in Coryo's teary eyes.
“You want me to….? I can't, this is too much already.”
“I know you can do one more,” you replied, caressing his cheek. “Otherwise I wouldn't ask you, angel.”
Coryo complied reluctantly and soon he was laying on his back and holding at his ankles, completely spread out for you, his pink flaccid cock laying on his flat stomach, a delightful view for your eyes. 
You licked your lips at the pretty sight and grabbed the dildo, making Coryo's body tremble at the thought alone.
“Don't worry, baby! Mommy will help you this time.”
You leaned forward and wrapped your hand around his sensitive cock, giving it a few gentle strokes. Coryo let out a tiny whimper, his chest heaving.
Continuing to pump him at a lazy pace you brought your face to his fucked out hole and began circling motions around it with your tongue.
“Oooh,” Coryo moaned as he was getting acquainted with the new sensation of your tongue teasing his opening. You smirked against his hole and spit on the sensitive skin before pushing the tip of your tongue deeper inside his warm tightness and starting to move your head back and forth.
You heard Coryo moan above you and felt his dick growing hard in your hand. Your tongue kept dancing around his hole causing a series of lovely sounds to escape his lips.
“Fuck, mommy this is perfect,” you heard praises above your head.
You licked a wet stripe upwards to his balls and gently sucked on the tender skin continuing to stroke his rock hard cock. Your hand brought the side of the dildo next to your mouth and you pushed the button starting the lowest vibration mode.
Coryo gasped sharply, surprised by the sudden vibration against his sensitive flesh.
You proceeded with your ministrations, watching his beautiful face as he was panting and moaning under your touch. Your hands combined with your lips and the buzzing object against his most sensitive areas was just too much for him to bear.
He turned his head to the side and sank his teeth into the pillow trying to hold back tears. But they ran down his reddened cheeks anyway, leaving wet stains on the pillow as his lips kept begging without words.
You felt your juices overflowing and dripping down your thighs as your sweet boy was laying before you broken by his own pleasure.
Your tongue moved up along the base of his handsome cock, catching the pink tip between your lips while you slowly inserted the toy back into his hole. 
You felt his body convulsing at the sensation as the vibrating object was making its way inside him dangerously close to his sensitive spot. The buzzing silicone tip finally touched his prostate causing his cock to twitch against your tongue.
“Aaaaah! Mommy, I…” you smirked against his overstimulated member seeing that the boy wasn't even able to get out a single coherent word. He was just a teary, moaning mess, trembling and whining under your touch.
“You gonna cum for me, babyboy?” you encouraged him, pushing the dildo against his sweet spot and letting his cock out of your mouth for the final burst of pleasure. “C'mon, just let yourself go!”
Coryo let out a desperate groan and his cock twitched, shooting a massive load all over his own stomach and chest. He looked so delightful covered in white, pearly drops, his brain short circuiting from pleasure. 
You pulled the toy out of him leaving the vibration on and crawled up his side, settling yourself above his face. You brought it between your legs and it only took a few seconds of you teasing your throbbing clit for you to cum hard all over Coryo's pretty face.
Your juices mixed with his tears as he rushed to lap up every last drop of your sweet release. 
You laid down next to him and wrapped your arms around his exhausted body letting your fingers play with his blonde messy curls. You felt that he was still trembling from the earth shattering orgasms he had just experienced.
“Did you like it, babyboy?” you hummed against his warm lips.
“It was phenomenal,” he replied in a soft, exhausted voice. “You always know how to make me feel best.”
“This time was your lovely present,” you smiled at him thinking what to do with your newfound knowledge about Coryo’s fondness towards back-door pleasures. Perhaps, you should buy a strap-on for the next time.
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We as a fandom don’t talk enough about how Game of Thrones decided to combine Jon Snow and Young Griff into one character and how that was absolutely ridiculous on like 1000 different levels. Because how do you combine two characters who are FOILS to one another and then play it completely straight?! Then to make matters worse they gave Jon the boy’s stupid name?! Goddamnit I knew they didn’t get Jon as a character pretty early on, but why mesh his arc with the one guy you shouldn’t combine with? 😭
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sneeping with his legs up over his head for some reason... weird boye
#cats#love the second picture... skrungly sleepy well rested boye face...#since he's an elderly boy now sometimes when he wakes up from a nap he looks a bit scruffy and squinty eyed#Hard to beleive he's like 15 though.. he still looks like a kitten to me.. due to his giant round creature eyes and childlike demeanor#I think it's interesting that like... baby cats are babies. kittens are kittens. and you can tell a cat is like 'young adult' phase#looking from like a few months to maybe 1yr or 2yrs.. but after that they just always look the same to me#a 5 yr old cat is a 10 yr old cat is a 15 year old cat. unless the cat in question is particulalry aged or youthful#I still have so so little energy... it's been icy here this week. like not even FUN but just scary icy even thoguh i lOOOVE the cold#and its my favorite weather. I think it'd be okay actually if I had a woodburning stove/fireplace/hearth thing. literally thats my only#concern with the power going out. I genuinely don't mind stuff like having to go to the bathroom in buckets or cook over a fire or do other#less conveninet things. Its just that if eveyrhtng is electric then you have no way to cook and all of that. well.. and I literally need#background noise to go to sleep lest my ocd sprials become so loud I am slowly driven into maddness.. but a few battery packs or something#and a phone with one downloaded video I could play on repeat is fine for that. I dont need internet. ANYWAY.. so so sad that my fav#orite season ever (winter) is here. and the first cold of the winter is like... just an ice storm that you cant even walk in. I#love like 4 feet of snow where you can play in it and stuff. But just a thin flat sheet of a few inches of ice over every imaginable surfac#is not really playable. the wind speeds are so high and so many trees fall it's actually not that safe to go hang out outside anyway unless#you were in a totally clear open field. which is SAD also because i love ice and high winds. i love to stand out there and get whipped in t#he face with ice crystals and feel like I'm in some dramatic movie or something. but alas.. the threat of being attacked by a falling tree.#I did go out some but again it's like. literallyyou cant walk on it. so I just squatted and dragged myself along the ground lol#One of my stories has a whole section where the main characters are trapped in a deadly cold environment for a week and have to use magic#to survive and etc. etc. so I'm always like.. ouuu.. I should go in the ice.. it's Writing Research actually.. *foolishly gets frostbite*#THOUGH yesterday I went on a harrowing evil journey down a bunch of icy hilly roads to go check on some person's cat because the cat#had been left in the house for like 5 days at that point with nobody to check on them and nobody else seemed to want to do anything#about it (like call all of the neighbors or try to get someone out there) so I just went myself with a roommate who agreed to drive me.#It seemed acting totally normal and I gave it more food and water but.. I am still worried about it.. Apparently the person will be able#to get back to their house tomorrow but.. I dont trust them. But I couldnt take the cat with me because it's like.. a stranger's cat#basically and also no carrier + very skittish.. so I feared if I just tried to carry them bare handed they'd definitely leap from my grasp#and then it'd be like.. sliding on a sheet of ice chasing a cat and so on.. I still think they need to be watched for health issues tho >:|#ANYWAY.... many cat adventures lately... and strange weather... I wish for a normal week without always so many Things Happening.. augh
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shiesie · 1 year
I’m gonna be honest, I never used to be much of a Jonsa shipper when I first got into AoIaF, purely because I think that Sansa can do better than any man in the series, but after seeing how nasty certain parts of the fandom and the shipping community can be to Sansa I’ve decided to ship it out of spite and pettiness
Jonsa Rights 🫡🫡🫡
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shieldofmen · 10 months
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Day 12 - House Targaryen
Ha ha they’re both dead
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atopvisenyashill · 9 months
my asoiaf crack ships
Jon/Sam/Gilly i KNOW the forced baby switching makes this uncomfortable i don't care they have my heart!!
Jon/Aegon Vi listen, beyond my jokey "jon finally finds a hot single twink to smush only to find out they're brothers" take, i think given all of jon's bastard baby brother issues re: robb colliding with general targ gender & sexuality fuckery AND aegon's short fuse + raised by a proud gay dad + is dornish and they're less uptight about that shit has the ability to give me a homoerotic toxic spiral to rival visaemon and throbb and i will hold onto this until i'm dead and buried
Jon/Arianne i just want my faves to smush + "we were both in love with the same man" bicon duos are my favorites
Aegon IlI/Gaemon Palehair i know there's a wonky age difference but it's bc george is a coward and he knew if they were the same age they would have kissed on the mouth
Willas/Ellaria they bond over both being lovers of Oberyn and missing him (Willas/Oberyn isn't a crackship they're friends in canon i’m justified in having a crackship offshoot for a non canon ship alright!!!)
Baela/Cregan my opinion on the pact of ice and fire is that instead of being this vague thing where Jace's theoretical first born daughter goes North, Baela has to marry Cregan even tho the regents hate the idea of this and she winds up defying them, which gets her cut out of politics, the succession, and generally pariah-ed in the South. Then she never has a living child with Cregan after all that. It just makes way more sense to me that Cregan would want a Targ now and not in the theoretical future (plus you still have the pact thing re: the main series bc they never have a living child, and Jace doesn't actually get to crown Sara)
Black Aly/Alyn Oakenfist they both love a war crime, they're opposites aesthetically so it would look hot, plus I think "i left my culture, my religion, and my home to be with you only for you to constantly cheat on me including with your incredibly young Valyrian relative" is less aggravating and more tragic if its Black Aly instead of Baela "is vastly superior to everyone yet is constantly cheated on by her shit ass, mid lovers" Targaryen
Grey Worm/Jeyne Poole i had a dream where Grey Worm and a large band of unsullied decided to stay in the North after the war for the dawn and they fell in love due to shared history of extreme trauma and Sansa gave Jeyne away and helped Grey Worm design a coat of arms for the marriage cloak and now I’m attached to this idea.
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thecreatornooj · 1 year
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Inspired by the Tim Drake: Robin #6 cover. I put Bernard in one of Killua Zoldyck's outfits from Hunter x Hunter for shits and giggles.
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indigomovn · 7 months
making young coriolanus snow attractive should be considered a crime.
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mossypidder · 6 months
I finally finished it and got the makeup and everything- The respirator is made from painted foam core, the the tnt is cut PVC pipe with red constriction paper glued to it, and the overalls were based loosely on a pair of overalls I had already, but brought the waist up and changed a few things here and there. Overall really happy with how this came out and I’ve warn the overalls casually an embarrassing number of times because I just really love how they fit and look.
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Also just obligatory ooc as I spin and trip over myself because
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navree · 11 months
to be clear, i'm not angry about pretty boy slade wilson at all, if clark is just starting out then bruce has probably only been at it for a couple years himself, and dick is definitely still flipping about at haly's with his totally alive not ever gonna die parents and a good few years from slade deciding that his archnemesis needs to be a teenager from the most insane family in all of north america, it makes sense that slade so far is a young man still fulfilling mercenary contracts and other things like that and still in the relative flush of youth
also again, the way they drew him was hot, if this is how slade's anime twink phase goes i'm not mad about it
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coryothesub · 1 month
This is a little weird, but hey, shower thoughts, you know, right?
I thought about Coryo running out of air, I mean choking, when he licked your pussy, all because he insisted that you sit on his face.
Ha ha anon if you think you're weird then it makes two of us since this was actually one of the ideas for my president!sub!coryo fic that flopped miserably over at AO3 (who knows, maybe one day I’ll finish it and repost it here). I find breath play hot af and it's def something that sub Coryo would enjoy, but also this is my first time actually writing it so please bear with me!
nsfw / mdni / sub!coryo / dom!reader
You were feeling kinda frisky so you decided to tease Coryo on purpose, parading around the apartment in your flowy little summer skirt and no panties.
Coryo was hooked immediately. You could see his pupils dilating as he stopped and stared, trying to catch a glimpse of your pussy when you twirled around in your skirt and let them flutter in the air.
“Please…” he approached you and squeezed your butt, making you jump a little.
“Please what?” You smirked. “Use your words babyboy!”
His grip on your ass cheeks tightened and now your bodies were pressed so close to each other that you could feel his heart beating in his chest.
“I want…” he looked at you innocently.
“No, I NEED to be buried in mommy's sweet pussy. Please, please, sit on my face!”
“Mmmm,” you hummed and brushed your thumb over his soft pink lips imagining them wrapped around your clit.
“Alright,” you nodded, amused that Coryo was already sucking on your thumb instinctively. That boy always needed something in his pretty little mouth.
Moments later you were both naked and Coryo was waiting in anticipation as you were standing on your knees, your pussy lingering above him.
You slowly lowered yourself spreading your legs wider and Coryo’s fingers dug into the soft skin of your thighs. The boy got to work instantly kitten-licking between your folds and then lapping at your clit with an insatiable hunger.
You let out a little whimper as he wrapped his lips around your clit, pressing the tip of his tongue against the sensitive bud and sucking at it quite harshly.
Desperate for more sensation, you started moving your hips back and forth, rubbing your clit against the pointy tip of his nose while his tongue was still buried between your folds.
You noticed his already hardened cock resting against his lower abdomen and reached behind you to give it a few lazy strokes, making his moans vibrate against your pussy while your thighs were still thrusting forward against his tongue and his nose.
“Fuck!” You moaned into the air, desperate for more friction, so you lowered yourself even more completely burying Coryo's face in your cunt.
You pressed yourself down on him for a moment, enjoying the feeling of his tongue teasing your entrance, then you felt him grip your thighs harder and noticed that your pussy was completely covering his nose and mouth.
Realizing that the boy was literally fighting for air you lifted yourself up a bit, looking at Coryo trying to catch his breath, his face filled with red and glistening from your juices.
“Oh shit, are you okay?” You covered your mouth in surprise.
“Oh yeah!” Coryo gave you a lewd little smile as he steadied his breath.
“I fucking loved it! Can you do it again?”
“Oh you little pervert,” you chuckled after letting out a sigh of relief.
“Please, mommy! Smother me with your cunt,” he pleaded before taking a deep inhale and watching you drowning his face in your pussy once more.
This time you held it for longer, reaching back and grabbing his cock. You started to pump it rapidly, while his muffled moans created delicious vibrations against your dripping cunt.
Feeling Coryo clutching at your thighs harder you eased up and looked down at his flushed face as you kept stroking his dick.
“Oh shit, it makes it stronger!” Coryo spoke while gasping for air. “The feeling of you touching me is stronger when I get no air. Please do it again, I need to cum so badly!”
“Such a needy boy…” Amused by his enthusiasm you sat on his face once more, this time almost with your full weight and pressed his head between your thighs while he was tongue fucking your hole, his nose pressed against your clit. 
You felt your climax approaching as it became harder to hold yourself in place. Your legs were trembling as you pumped Coryo's cock at a relentless pace, it twitched in your hand just before releasing a heavy load of thick cum that coated your hand and spurted all over Coryo's flat stomach.
Coryo let out a deep muffled groan, the vibration sending you over the edge and you came hard, drenching his whole face in your juices.
Only then you let him go from the tight grip of your thighs. The boy was a complete mess, coughing and struggling for air, his face all red and the curls embracing his features drenched in sweat and your cum. He looked hella pretty like this.
“C’mere,” you pulled him up and wrapped your hands around his fragile frame. “You served mommy’s pussy so good, baby.”
Coryo rested his forehead against yours and graced you with the most adorable smile.
“I hope that means there's gonna be another round!”
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“Dead. He’s dead.”
“No.” The eunuch’s voice seemed deeper. “He is here. Aegon has been shaped for rule since before he could walk. He has been trained in arms, as befits a knight to be, but that was not the end of his education. He reads and writes, he speaks several tongues, he has studied history and law and poetry. A septa has instructed him in the mysteries of the Faith since he was old enough to understand them. He has lived with fisherfolk, worked with his hands, swum in rivers and mended nets and learned to wash his own clothes at need. He can fish and cook and bind up a wound, he knows what it is like to be hungry, to be hunted, to be afraid. Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right. Aegon knows that kingship is his duty, that a king must put his people first, and live and rule for them.”
(ADWD Epilogue)
Varys’ words to Kevan Lannister about Prince Aegon are so interesting because of the overarching insinuation that the boy has had a slew of advisors and teachers who have carefully and extensively prepared him for the task of ruling. His listed examples to that point are rather peculiar, however: a knight to train him in arms, a septa to train him in the faith, and various tutors to train him in history and languages.
Now there’s nothing inherently wrong about Aegon’s educators but one has to ask, what do these people even know about actual ruling? What have they seen about the nature of ruling and the nitty gritty of it? What experience do they have? And if they themselves don’t really know what it means to rule, what does that say of their young prince’s education?
It’s an important question to ask when we consider Aegon’s narrative foil: Jon Snow. Jon does not have the expectation of ruling. In fact, as a bastard, he knows that he can never ever get a lordship let alone a crown/throne. Yet Jon has, unlike Aegon, a crew of experienced tutors who have shown him the nitty gritty of ruling. Every single one of his on-page mentors is either a ruler or a leader of men; in addition to the other tutors he had growing up.
So I wanted to take a look at Jon’s mentors and the positions they have held to contrast their experience (and thus the validity of the lessons that they give Jon) as opposed to the lack of experience in Aegon’s crew.
Ned Stark - Jon’s first and (arguably) most impactful mentor. While teaching Jon important lessons about rulership, he was serving as the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North; thus making him one of the most powerful men in the entire realm. He then went on to serve as Hand of the King - the most powerful official save for the king. The irony is that Ned didn’t teach Jon as a successor. Robb was the one meant to succeed him. Yet Jon absorbed his lessons all the same.
Benjen Stark - we don’t actually see much on-page mentorship from Benjen, yet he still is one of Jon’s many father figures in the series. He is a a man of the Night’s Watch so he is sworn to hold no lands or titles. Yet as First Ranger, he is undoubtedly one for he highest ranking officials in the Watch and potentially a skilled warrior. He takes on the role of the knight or leader of men among Jon’s teachers.
Tyrion Lannister - despite being an ‘outsider’, Tyrion comes to hold considerable power. He is an exceedingly learned and intelligent man and managed to impart important life lessons during his short time with Jon. He rises to become Hand of the King and later Master of Coin. Though he doesn’t actively teach Jon how to rule, he’s still an important part of Jon’s character development.
Maester Aemon - one of the anomalies in this list. Yet his impact on Jon’s life cannot be understated. He is a teacher to Jon; we have various references to Jon going to Aemon for advice on how to lead. Aemon also gives Jon advice meant for kings: “kill the boy and let the man be born”. What makes Aemon an interesting addition is that he is a would-be king. And an interesting contrast between Jon and Aegon is that both parallel Aegon V; Jon more organically, Aegon rather artificially. If we remember, Aegon V was a hidden prince who ultimately became king. This is the very same trope that Jon and Prince Aegon are following. And it’s interesting that Aemon, Aegon V’s brother, gives advice on governance to Jon; the same advice given to the unlikely king. So it’s Jon who is carrying the torch of kingship from Aegon V, not Young Griff.
Jeor Mormont - one of the most direct mentors in Jon’s arc. Not only is he a surrogate father to Jon, he does what Ned never did: he directly grooms Jon to be his heir. Jon gets to watch Jeor actually govern the NW as his steward but it’s interesting that he shadows the LC through servitude. Though Jon is intended to succeed the Old Bear, he has to humble himself; he has to follow before he can lead. It’s a contrast to Aegon who would hold power over most (if not all) of his tutors.
Donal Noye - the other anomaly save for Maester Aemon. He is a humble Blacksmith. Yet he has been in the service of kings (having served the Baratheon boys who would all end up as kings). He plays an important role in bringing Jon’s ego back to earth and helping him sympathize with those less fortunate than himself. Despite his humble origins, he does briefly take command of the Wall during Mance Rayder’s attack and then transfers that command to Jon, purely because he believed in Jon’s ability to lead (and he was right).
Qhorin Halfhand - another who takes on the role of a skilled master at arms for Jon. He is an undoubtably powerful warrior. But he is also a leader of men. He teaches Jon important lessons on leadership during their time together beyond the Wall - e.g., to lead your men you must first know them. And in true ‘fridged mentor’ fashion, Qhorin dies so the young prince can take over and grow as a leader.
Mance Rayder - the King Beyond the Wall and one of the most important leaders in the books despite spending all his time in the North. Mance’s role as a mentor for Jon is doubly important given that he also takes on the role as a Rhaegar proxy. Despite Jon coming to him as an (undercover) enemy, he’s still able to impart powerful lessons on how to command an army and wrangle support from different factions of men. Jon learns a lot about diplomacy from observing and being under the KBTW. Mance is a skilled warrior, commander, and politician. A charismatic and gifted man - the picture perfect king for Jon to emulate.
Tormund Giantsbane - a leader of the freefolk who rises to become an unlikely ally for Jon. A skilled warrior and proven leader (we know that he took charge of a couple of thousand of freefolk), Tormund becomes important when there’s a transfer of power from Mance to Jon as leader of the freefolk.
Stannis Baratheon - by law, he is the rightful king of the seven kingdoms. According to prophecy, as Melisandre says, he is the promised messiah. Despite a less than ideal personality, he’s still an important part of Jon’s political arc in ADWD. Arguably a man of immense administrative potential, Stannis is also one of the most successful military commanders in the series; which is great for Jon since he also learned from Ned, who ran an undefeated streak as a battle commander.
The total count now comes to: two kings, two Hands of the King, a ruling lord, three warriors, one wise maester (who has counseled a king), and one commander. That quite a resume for Jon. All these men have some experience leading men and commanding armies, however big or small. So Jon’s preparation has been quite thorough.
What a stark contrast between the two boys, then. Varys’ words give us a roadmap of a “perfect ruler” (or as perfect as one can be) yet when we actually take the time to examine what we see in the text, Aegon is not at all suited for that role - Jon is. In fact, not a single character in ASOIAF has had the intensive preparation to rule that Jon has.
It’s beautiful irony. The prince, the one promised to rule, is actually quote underprepared for the task of it. Meanwhile the bastard, who is at best promised a life of servitude, is the one with the most preparation (and experience) for rulership. It’s the way Aegon, as a narrative foil to Jon, acts as one who validates Jon’s journey. There are certain things needed of a ruler. Jon has them, Aegon doesn’t.
Winds isn’t out yet so we don’t yet know for certain where these two boys will end up. But I’m almost sure that young Prince Aegon is doomed and though he may hold the throne for a while, he will not be the king at the end of the story. And it just might be his inexperience that ultimately dooms him. So what does that say for Jon then? Aegon can’t hold the throne as he’s unprepared for it, but what about Jon who is?
#jon snow#aegon vi targaryen#young griff#asoiaf#valyrianscrolls#yes I am a Jon will be king at the end of the story believer - that’s the archetype#and so far he’s been following it despite several diversions#he’s the closest character we have to a true to form retelling of King Arthur#Aegon is there to validate Jon’s rise to kingship - he’s not the ruler we should be looking for because Jon is#Aegon is what happens when you make a young boy take on such a terrible task without adequate preparation#he is what happens when your prince in hiding relies almost entirely on blood and his father’s name#which is ironic given varys’ insistence that aegon isn’t entitled - we see that he actually is#Jon is what happens when you actually prepare your king to rule#a prince in hiding who relies on ability and experience - that’s why it’s so important that adwd serves as a training arc for him#and more poignant is the subversion to the trope#unlike most princes in hiding who learn of how special they are quite early in their journeys#jon still knows himself as a bastard - one with no entitlement to anything#Aegon is similar to many fantasy princes because the story starts out with him already knowing who he is#so basically Aragorn#His story has already been written as far as he knows#‘and king Aegon took the throne and ruled wisely for ever and ever’#He knows he’s special and he expects that specialness to carry him to greatness#Jon doesn’t have that so he can only try - try to rule wisely#he can try to rule kindly and equitably#and he’s not perfect - he fails as we see in ADWD - but he tries anyway#remember Aragorn? Perhaps the most famous hidden king in fantasy?#well who do you think answers the question ~what was Aragorns tax policy?~#spoiler alert - it’s not Aegon!#my stuff
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