sparkles-rule-4eva · 5 months
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I'm a hostess, and three days ago when I told someone that was my job, they, without hesitation, straight up just nodded, and said with a smile.
"So you're a professional gaslighter."
I haven't been able to stop thinking about it because I started thinking of all the times I've told customers and servers to fuck off so nicely that if they persist they end up looking like the bad guy in the conversation.
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daisychains111 · 3 months
incorrect chb camper quotes but it's actually just my sister's quotebook from Twitter
Disclaimer: This post is gonna be LONG AF
Percy: "Ahh, die quieter"
Clarisse to Silena: "Do I look majestic?"
Will: "I live in America. Cultures?... casserole"
Nico: "At-home lobotomy"
Baby Nico to Clarisse: "You look like Harry Potter, You just need a scar black hair, different clothes, and to be a boy. "
Annabeth:"I don't know if I have enough sanity for 2 Holy books"
Leo: "I've seen titties before....not really in person, but yk"
Annabeth: "Do you have ears?"
Jason: "I kinda wanna work at Taco Bell"
Piper: "I've never been passive-aggressive in my life"
Will to Apollo: "There's no batteries in my butt Dad I'm not a robot"
Clarisse: "I'm not upset I don't hold grudges"
Ares to Clarisse: "I don't like your clothes it forces me to look at you"
Frank to Leo: "It's not 'drip' it's stupid"
Travis to the whole Hermes Cabin: "I'm the Rizzington bear... like Paddington bear but Rizz" (after his 1st date with Katie)
Nico: "I love Olive Garden, I wish Italians were real"
Rachel: "Come on, you guys stop trying to cockblock the view"
Katie: "If people can smoke weed in the middle of the day, then I can drink chamomile tea"
Rachel: "You don't want to piss me off I'm witewally a werewolf"
Piper about Jason: "All my friends are boys, and one just died... he would have made a great bridesmaid"
Frank: "I was doing a silly but the funny didn’t land"
Jason: "Why am I white"
Rachel: "I am not a whore, I am a celibate queen!"
Drew: "It's not the fashion statement that you think it is"
Nico about the Ares Cabin: "They're gonna call you a slur, but they're gonna be really nice about it"
Piper to Annabeth: "If we both think it, it's not bitchy"
Grover: "I'm just gonna write a paragraph or two about global warming"
Annabeth"I have like a 7th-grade reading level!!! (this is impressive when you're dyslexic)
Jason: "Dude I love yoga"
Will: "They say that Utah is the promise land"
Kayla: *explains what a text-fic is to grandparents (Apollo)*
Clarisse: "Put that on your Twitter!" *points knife at me*
Travis: "Do you eat?"
Katie: "...um yes?"
Travis: "Oh, I mean do you want to eat." (when he asked Katie out the first time)
Hazel: "That's not gonna change my heart. That's just gonna make me cry!"
Alabaster: "I wanna find someone somewhere to impregnate and then steal the baby......Where's your Twitter, that was kinda funny"
Percy about Leo: "I would spoon that man so hard"
Frank: "The closer I get to nature, the closer I get to being a werewolf"
Apollo: "I feel like Jaba the Hut"
Rachel: "It's because you ate girl dinner"
Apollo (same convo^)"I fell asleep, and I woke up, and I ate a girl dinner, and I didn't feel that good"
Percy: Don't mind me just cleaning the ocean" *hand angrily on hip*
Will to the Stolls: "Although my bellybutton was once my mouth I don't want soda in it!!"
Connor: "Look at how majestic I am"
Clarisse: *gasps* *throws uno cards* "This is communism at its finest, and I hate your life." *Is losing* "All I'm doing is humoring you now. There is no reason for me to play anymore." *throws cards* *again*
Nico: *passes out*
Will: "We need to take you to the doctor like right now."
Nico: "No fireworks are more important than my health"
Leo about Percy: "That's a pretty boy right there... if we were in prison, it's over."
Kayla when Will came out to her: "Slay motherfucker"
Annabeth: "I hope to not run over any old ladies...old men are fair game tho."
Percy: "Main characters get bullied, Jesus....yep!"
Leo: "What if I was an astronaut!!!!"
Travis: "Banana, Banana, Meatball"
Clarisse: "I am going to break your toe shut the hell up"
Katie to Connor: "I hope you get bullied in high school."
Clarisse about Leo: "This guy's a fuckin goober"
Clarisse: "What did you do to your sweatshirt? Did you get hungry?"-Grover: *sighs*
Nyssa (Hephaestus kid) to Leo: "Dont hurt me. I'm Batman!.... You better not tweet that"
Kayla to Apollo: "It's called multi-tasking Apollo! "
Apollo: "It's mother to you"
Clarisse: "I could fight God and win"
Percy: "So you wanna fight rn"
Clarisse: "No, I'm good"
Jason; "You look gang"
Leo: "What? I look gay!?!?!"
Jason: "You look straight, but nice"
Leo: "Oh... thanks!"
Apollo to Rachel"Lie, deny, cry, and for good measure be a raging slut."
Silena: "There's all kinds of nature out here"
Katie: "Live, laugh, love, low iron"
Annabeth to Piper: "Keep backing up...Cuz you have a fear of commitment
Lou Ellen to Katie: "Does your knee affect your shoe size... or are your feet just that small??"
Travis: "The amount of testosterone in me, peanuts are allergic to me!"
Leo: "I'm cracked up on feeling sexy"
Connor to the whole Hermes Cabin: "The "10" of us? our parents sp*rm pets"
Apollo about Athena: "OH gods, a single mom"
Apollo about Kayla's dad: "I cheated on myself with a man"
Malcolm about Athena: "She's a mom boogie woogie woogie"
Nico: "I cried at Chick-fil-A the other day"
Nico: "Live, laugh, lobotomy."
Drew about Thalia: "She has no friends and a dead brother."
Katie: "I wrote fanfiction on my i-pod touch"
Lacy to Leo: "Was it a tech? or was it a human?"
Will: "Live, laugh, love, tampons"
Kayla: "Die, cry, hate, condoms"
Aphrodite to Clarisse: "Do you like being a girl? You just always wear pants"
Percy: "Chill I know how to make conversations I have Rizz"
Will: "What! no! cow!"
Frank: "Fvcking knock it off seriously you guys are acting like children!!"
Travis to Lou Ellen: "Yesss pussy-pop you slayed"
Ashlyn (Hermes kid): "Chick-fil-A is mid, Taco bell is where it's at"
Percy during tlt: "You couldn't even buy a gumball with that shit (drachmas)"
Percy (same convo ^): "A quarter? You could buy a gumball with that shit"
Nico: "Your soul and your money!"
Tyson: "You've seen fishes, fishes move fast"
Leo to Frank: "What the fvck is a kilometer"
Leo making fun of Frank: "Mua ha ha ha I'm Canadian"
Percy: "Jesus didn't give up his life he gave up his weekend"
*as seen at 2am in the Apollo Cabin*
Gracie: "You're discriminating against me"
April (the token straight): "It's cuz she's gay"
Will: "We're all gay."
Nico: You don't have any slurs about you."
Leo: "No because I'm perfect"
this was fun to make lol....there will probably be a part 2 but like far in the future. if you made it this far I love you....also if you don't recognize names it's bc I deep-dived Wiki to find canon names for each cabin.
If y'all want one-shots based on these TELL ME I NEED STUFF TO WRITE ABOUT
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garbagewitchcraft · 2 years
Tarot Correspondences
SWORDS - related to element of air, Sping and male energy. They have active polarity. It is The Mind of the Suits and the quickest of them all.
Keywords:  logic, intellect, ideas, change, communication, teamwork, decisions, thinking, planning, analysis, ego, cruelty, abuse, conflict, arrogance, manipulation.
WANDS - related to element of fire, Summer and male energy. They have active polarity. It is The Heart of the Soul and the second quickest. 
Keywords: energy, creativity, action, willpower, strength, sexuality, intimacy, adventure, ambition, community, fun, celebration, social skills, soul, aggression, self-centered, impulsive, destructive. 
CUPS - related to element of water, Autumn and female energy. They have passive polarity. It is The Heart of The Suits and very slow. 
Keywords: feelings, relationship, love, healing, family, home, comfort, nurturing, dreams, intuition, spirituality, the past, childhood, subconscious, fantasy, illusion, repression, secrets.
PENTACLES - related to element of earth, Winter and female energy. They have passive polarity. It is The Body of The Suits and the slowest of them all. 
Keywords: health, finances, appearance, education, possessions, career, responsibility, routine, manifestation, stability, security, safety, service, the body, materialistic, strict, critical, greedy, detached. 
active (wands, swords) - changes one’s environment, focused energy outward, direct, extroverted, active.
passive (cups, pentacles) - adapts to environment, focused energy inward, indirect, introverted, reactive.
Interaction between Elements:
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Strengthen - increases the intensity of elements, amplifies both positive and negative qualities.
Support - collaboration between elements, build each other up.
Weaken - elements cancel each other out, decrease the effectiveness of each other.
Neutral - elements don’t influence each other.
KINGS - related to air element and mutable zodiac signs (end the season; adaptable, flexible, communicative, rebellious). Kings as Control.
King of Wands - Sagittarius. King of Swords - Gemini. King of Cups - Pisces. King of Pentacles - Virgo.
They lead their people and inspire the masses; they’re in the center of attention. Strategic and analyzing.
QUEENS - related to water element and cardinal zodiac signs (begin the season; assertive, initiators, decisive, aggressive). Queens as Creation.
Queen of Wands - Aries. Queen of Swords - Libra. Queen of Cups - Cancer. Queen of Pentacles - Capricorn.
Feminine energy at its finest; they work behind the curtains, far away from the public but not less effective than Kings. Private and wise. 
KNIGHTS -  related to fire element and fixed zodiac signs (middle of the season; focused, stable, stubborn, reliable). Knights as Movement. 
Knight of Wands - Leo. Knight of Swords - Aquarius. Knight of Cups - Scorpio. Knight of Pentacles - Taurus.
Often impulsive and charming, they are the one to act rather than think. They serve. The quickest of all the court cards. 
PAGES - related to earth element. They are usually the students, the least experienced and willing to learn. Pages as Messengers. 
Ace -  represent the entire element itself, and therefore 3 entire zodiac signs (example: Ace of Pentacles represents Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus).
2, 3, 4 - represents the cardinal zodiac signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn.
5, 6, 7 - represents fixed zodiac signs (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus).
8, 9, 10 - represents mutable zodiac signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo).
Astrology Correspondence
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More information here
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1 (Fire) - beginnings, potential, opportunity, individual, raw energy, birth. Tarot: Aces, Pages, Magician.
2 (Air) - collaboration, teamwork, opposition, decisions, balance, duality, diplomacy, crossroads, partnership, yin-yang. Tarot: 2s, High Priestess, Justice, Judgement.
3 (Fire) - group, growth, action, friendship, creativity, ambition, expansion, fertility. Tarot: 3s, Empress, Hanged Man, World.
4 (Earth) - foundation, stability, security, comfort zone, protection, focus, stagnation, structure. Tarot: 4s, Emperor, Death.
5 (Air) - chaos, conflict, unknown changes, struggles, challenges, damages, loss. Tarot: 5s, Hierophant, Temperance.
6 (Water) - harmony, support, memories, charity, help, fragile, vulnerable. Tarot: 6s, Lovers, Devil, Knights.
7 (Water) - introspection, reflection, past, experience, knowledge, change of course, motives, asses. Tarot: 7s, Chariot, Tower.
8 (Fire) - success, movement, action, achievement, progress, change, evolution, finishing. Tarot: 8s, Strength, Star.
9 (Earth) - near completion, reward, fruition, moving on, final outcome, transition, fate. Tarot: 9s, Hermit, Moon, Queens.
10 (Earth) - ending, cycle, rebirth, death, extremes, path, renewal, karma. Tarot: 10s, Wheel of Fortune, Sun, Kings.
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How I wanted Marjory’s labour to go, versus how it wacktually went:
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Both fast asleep and her waters break. Peter does the panic.
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She doesn’t care at this point, he’s going wild yet all she wants to do is make the frickin bed. Passive aggression at its finest!
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So I watch, and peter decides that was unneeded. He decides to leave her suffering alone while he heads out to do the laundry.
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And that was where the wee bairn landed, head first into the ground!!
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It was twins, but sadly, this means one of the babies didn’t make it on their treacherous journey through the mortal coil.  
No kid could have made that landing, I had to oblige the force kill :(
Peter then had to head off to work, in mourning, as it would have been in the day - childhood mortality was as common as the common cold.
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This is how my gameplay uses stupid EA glitches to create realism in Medieval times. 
Realism. . .
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imthefailedartist · 2 years
I'm five episodes deep into The Watcher it is white nonsense at its finest.
They have no money but have not made one frugal alteration to their lives. In fact they seem to be purposefully making it worse.
Is this all a dream? Because that's how this is feeling. The über weird neighbors. The fact that their house is so much bigger than everyone else's. Nora's wishy washy behavior. KAREN in total. The kids lack of going to school despite the fact that it is clearly fall. They have a sex life but suddenly they don't. The whole John Graff nee List plot. Ellie being dumb as hell. The son barely being a character outside of crying. Nora's a ceramist but we never see her making anything. The home reno going so quickly and smoothly. How long have they been in the house. Dean has a job but it's never clear what he does. The daughters a pianist but never plays and is instead swimming. Everyone keeps repeating phrases. They never go anywhere in town. We've never really seen the town. They lived in NYC for years where are their friends? Nora still has business & a show there she never checks on anything no one ever updates her. The chief or head detective & the PI both weird. The PI having such a convoluted story to how she became a PI. Everyone knows everything but everyone knows nothing. They spent all their money on the house yet have money for country clubs, private detectives, security systems, weeks long motel stays. The house address is 657 BOULEVARD is that the streets name Boulevard Blvd. St. Ln. Trl. Ave. What? Everything is linear but nonsensical like a dream.
I know multiple locations and characters is limited because of covid safety and budget restraints but a lot of this is feeling purposeful.
This whole show feels like one of those really intense hyperfocused scenes where a character is on the verge of a breakdown or just dropped acid and is trying to pretend they aren't tripping.
I think think the Watcher is Karen. I think 657 Boulevard was her house. She lost it when her husband left her. She used the divorce settlement to reinvent herself and get her realtors license. Now she's trying to buy the house, her dream house, back one commission at a time. With every scared seller the price gets lower and lower and she gets closer and closer. It explains why she's so passive aggressive about Nora's marriage. And insists on them selling. And keeps bringing up the Watcher and making it out to be way worse than some letters. It's probably something else but who knows?
It's probably not a dream or novel or story. And instead of a fun guessing game I probably just pointed out a bunch of plot holes. Oh well. Nothing is perfect as long as I had fun watching it I don't care.
Is Dakota one of the guys from Rae Shremmerd?
So I'm past episode 5 onto 6 and I was wrong. It's more normal than what I thought. It's just white people being white people and not minding they damn business. So truly the scariest thing of all the scary things.
Well this is hitting real close to home. I too have neighbors doing things I don't like to their homes. Two put up the world's ugliest and gaudiest fence. Another's fence is falling apart. Another has trash and uncut grass spilling from his back yard. One house removed the shrubbery from the front of house and made it look so plain and ugly. And I live in a normal suburb. I imagine I'd go insane if my house was worth a couple mill and my new neighbors were fucking up.
Also, I'm not selling my house. Keep watching Watcher because I'm gone do what I want in my house and you can suffer. $275,000 less from $3.5 M with improvements, I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch. We moving back in there letters and all.
Is this a dream? When the fuck did Maurice die? What is the timeline. So much time has passed and yet it feels like none has. Why is Karen so shady?
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Piece by Piece: Healing Touch
"Your back is pretty fucked up, or so I hear every morning." Ignoring Steve's protests, he carried on. "If you let me help you with that, I swear on my guitar I will eat. Something. Nutritious," he spat out with feigned disgust.
"So...you're telling me that I get a massage and you start eating well?" Steve chuckled and the tension was gone, just like that. "You've got a deal. Seriously, Munson, where is the catch?"
But it's not that easy, as Eddie finds out. While Steve pretends to be okay, Eddie still hears the pained grunts, sees the stiffness of his boyfriend's shoulders. He's going to give him that massage if it's the last thing he does.
Part 2 of Piece by Piece series. (previous one HERE)
You can also read it HERE.
Taking care of Steve Harrington was proving more difficult than Eddie had anticipated. Ever since Steve's caring side reared its pretty head with the intent to ensure Eddie wouldn't die of malnutrition or diabetes and they had the talk in which Eddie agreed to eat normal food and Steve promised to have some of his injuries and painful body parts looked at, they lived in a delicate balance. Eddie passive-aggressively munched on pre-cut fruit and vegetables, only to announce "that's it, I kept my side of the deal, now show me that cut, Harrington." Steve would ask Eddie to check a sore spot on his side, letting him treat the scars that wouldn't heal as quickly as the others, and then resolutely shoved an apple in Eddie's hand. It worked, they were both getting what they wanted, except for one thing. The bloody promised massage. Steve's back was still a mess and Eddie was running out of patience.
Not that he would have ever had in his wildest dreams imagined touching the bare skin of the former King and all that (not without significantly improving his sprinting, evasion and subsequent camouflage for the rest of the school year), but life somehow wrapped Steve in a lovely bow and sent him Eddie's way, as if to apologize for the minor murder charges/bat mauling/messed up resurrection fiasco. As grateful and elated as Eddie was (constantly, 24/7 baby, 1986 really had been his year in this regard), Steve didn't come with a manual and Eddie was finding out very fast that his lovable ex-jock was prone to attempted self-destruction every two to three business days, sometimes on weekends and holidays too if he was feeling special (hint: always). The irresistible combination of brave, hot and stupid was suddenly way more concerning when he had the first hand chance to realize that Steve didn't even have the common courtesy to say "hey, I'm about to do something stupid that might get me killed!" as the kids often did (in different words but with the same meaning), he just went ahead and threw himself into danger. Again. And again. And again and again and again.
It wasn't that Eddie didn't appreciate Steve's chivalrous nature, he truly was his knight in shining armor, but he would honestly much rather get punched by some of Hawkins' finest vigilantes once, twice, or any number of times really to ensure that Steve wouldn't get pushed around, hit or worse for trying to protect him. It didn't happen often, fortunately enough, but it still did. And whenever they finally got home, Eddie almost tripping on the stairs to get the first aid kit and treating Steve's wounds, begging him, pleading with him to please not do this again, it's not worth it, he isn't worth it, Steve would just smile at him through his bloodied lips and simply say: "It's not your choice if you're worth it. It's not up for debate." And fuck that, fuck this and fuck that whole happy expression that screamed I'm so glad you're safe Eddie, don't mind my broken lip, don't mind the bruise, you're okay and that's all that matters. How was he supposed to argue against that? He just muttered "You get hurt one more time Harrington, one more time and I'm searching this whole stupid town to find Hello Kitty band-aids to stick on your stupidly pretty face whenever you get stupid ideas like this" and hoped, hoped so strongly, that Steve would listen to him for once, that he would get to keep him around longer and in one piece.
The massage agreement was a very desperate effort to at least give Steve something back, to take care of him for once. But getting Steve to agree to something and actually having him do it were two completely different things. As soon as the topic of the promised massage came up in their conversation, Steve assured Eddie that he was indeed looking forward to it, but really, if Eddie had something better to do, that was absolutely fine, the (terrifyingly familiar, nope, not going there, not thinking of her lifeless gaze, her stiff shoulders, what happened right after, back to Steve!) crunching sounds of his spine were absolutely normal, they never caused him any issues or pain and really, Eddie worried too much (all the snorts in the world couldn't unite in the supersnort Eddie gave at that proclamation. The nerve of this man). As if Eddie hadn't seen his careful stretching in the morning, time and time again, when Steve thought Eddie was still asleep in their bed. As if he couldn't hear the muffled grunt of pain when he touched certain parts of his body, or how Steve rubbed his neck more than seemed normal, or when he sometimes had trouble focusing on letters and played it off as a joke, that of course he can't read fine print, he's the pretty and stupid one of the group, hahaha. Eddie wanted to punch every single person who ever convinced Steve that feeling pain and ignoring his health was normal. And if Steve was the one who convinced himself, well. Then Eddie would have to punch him because he's a man who sticks to his principles. And then he'd kiss it better.
So yes, Eddie learned soon enough that Steve would find every single loophole that would allow him to escape his care. Which had led him to this point - grabbing Steve's hand, dragging him to their bedroom and pointing at the bed. "You're getting the massage now, Harrington, and I'm not hearing any response that isn't yes." But even when Steve is under him, just in his underwear and Eddie is spreading a massage lotion over his fingers, heating it up, when he kneads those stiff muscles, something isn't right. Steve is doing his best to do as Eddie asked, tries to lie still, but he is fidgety, tense, and Eddie is getting worried that he might unintentionally hurt him if they keep this up. And it's so, so frustrating, because he could see Steve was hurting, he had him right there, so obedient, but he couldn't do it right. The helplessness rose into his throat and threatened to choke him. He really tried to keep quiet, to focus on Steve and nothing else, but Eddie's mouth had a mind of its own.
When Steve's muscles tensed against Eddie's fingers again, but he stubbornly pretended that it's all good, it's how his muscles are, Eddie could continue, he just lost it. "I love you, you know. I may not say it enough, but...I hope you know that." Shushing Steve's attempt at a response and rubbing between his shoulder blades, he continued. "Please, just...just listen, okay? That way you feel about others, always protecting them...us...that is amazing, Steve. But have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe we might feel the same?" His voice was more strained now and he was praying that Steve would mistake the change in tone for physical effort. The massive knot in his back wasn't helping either. "But none of us are strong enough to do that. To stop others from harming you. Hell," he chuckled and nope, his hands weren't shaking at all, or maybe it was just the physical effort again, yep, that's it, "hell, we can't even protect you from yourself. I can't even...I can't even keep myself safe so that you don't have to keep rushing to my rescue and...and..."
Shit, he couldn't do it. He had it all planned, well, not for this moment and as much as his racing brain allowed, but instead of explaining to Steve how he could never protect others if he destroyed himself in the process, by appealing to his common sense, he just sat there, straddling Steve's lower back and mindlessly stroking all those scars that should have never been there, not for anyone, especially not for him. Steve's shoulders twitched when one traitorous tear fell between his shoulders and oh no, he was shifting, turning around and Eddie's eyes wouldn't fucking stop watering. He crouched down, fully lying on his boyfriend's chest and breathing a silent prayer to any gods who might be listening that Steve hadn't seen his expression. By the gentle hands stroking his back and tangling in his hair, he guessed that prayer wasn't heard.
"Eddie. I don't- it's what I always tell you. You are worth all of this and more to me. You're worth everything."
"That's not the point , Steve! Can you...can you imagine what it's like, seeing someone you love jumping in harm's way for your sake, again and again and just...being fucking terrified of the possibility that this might be the final straw, that thing which will take them away from you? Can you imagine just feeling good and grateful if I graciously decided to die for your safety?" He stopped himself, biting his lip. Perhaps more than he had to, but man. If  that sentence wasn't stupid, with all that had happened. "Don't-don't answer that. Please. Sorry. Thank you. What I mean is...I really, really want to keep you around for longer. Long. Very long. As long as you'll have me. And I can't bear the thought of that not happening...because of me. Saving the world, well, sure, that seemed like a good priority, but...it's got to be both of us, baby."
The gentle combing through his hair wasn't stopping, strand by strand, and Eddie allowed himself to relax into Steve, finally getting his breathing under control. In his whole life, he found being still very difficult, well, nearly impossible, he always had to be on the move, wild gestures, jumping on tables, pacing and all that, but somehow, Steve managed to do what any arguments, persuasion or yelling couldn't. What a thought.
"I'm sorry."
Eddie thought for a moment that maybe he imagined it, but nope, Steve definitely said that. Pushing by his knees, he moved next to Steve, not breaking their embrace but just changing the level so he could actually see him. Stroking his face and tracing the moles on the cheeks with fingertips, he smiled. "What a man. You even apologize for saving my ass all the time and getting punched when doing that."
Steve smiled back, but very briefly. He bit his lip and Eddie was very, very tempted to just abandon this whole conversation because what business could Steve have biting his lips? That was Eddie's job!  And then he shifted his gaze to the left. Eddie wondered for a split second if he lost Steve's attention, but it was still on him, just - again - his hair and the fingers stroking them. And not that he was a snob or something, but whenever Steve gave him this sort of attention, Eddie swore on all the gods and his guitar that he would get a proper conditioner or something, that if Steve loved his hair so much, it should be bloody worth it (he might have gotten a new shampoo promising to tackle the whole frizzy situation and it hadn't done shit, except for the next time that Steve came behind Eddie and sneaked his hands around his waist, burying his nose into Eddie's curls, he sighed like he was experiencing something special, not just the untamed beast that was Eddie's hair, and muttered "you smell like strawberries. It's nice" and that didn't start Eddie on a quest to figure out all the scents that Steve liked and getting a shampoo selection worthy of his fine nose, well...).
But then Steve spoke up again and that had Eddie abandoning the whole hair train of thought (hair of thought?). "I guess I never...I never saw it this way," Steve admitted in a low voice, still hypnotizing Eddie's curls instead of meeting his eyes. "I never wanted to make you worry, Eddie, I just...it never seemed that important."
"Steve." Eddie raised his other hand and shimmied closer, taking Steve's face in his palms. "There is literally no one more important than you. How could you think for a second it didn't matter if you got hurt?"
The chuckle that came out of Steve's throat got muffled by a peck on his lips, careful, as if he would shatter if Eddie wasn't gentle enough. "No one? Did I finally beat your guitar?"
"Cheeky bastard. For your information, you share the first spot. Don't let it get into your head. It's difficult to decide, you're both drop dead gorgeous and make the most delicious sounds," Eddie nudged Steve's side and enjoyed the moment of shared laughter before getting serious again. "Really, Steve. Why would you think that?"
More biting then, except not just his lips, but also chewing his cheeks and Eddie didn't have to be a psychologist to see that this was a whole new can of worms. "I..." the words got stuck in his throat and Eddie gently took his hands and moved them back to his hair, with a gentle sound of encouragement. That seemed to calm Steve down a bit. "It isn't that I don't think you care, Eddie. It's just that my parents," and oof, the tone makes it sound like an insult (and rightfully so, Eddie isn't a vengeful person but moments like these have him fantasizing of many, many things that the Harringtons deserve, and he has a rich imagination), "my parents never made any fuss about...you know. Me sometimes not coming home completely okay."
Eddie gave a disapproving "tsk" and returned his attention to Steve's moles and freckles. Apparently keeping an eye contact wasn't adding to Steve's peace of mind and...while those amber eyes were always on Eddie's mind, Steve's marks were close second. He could write serenades about them, create a whole campaign about navigating them, if he was willing to share (which he wasn't). Steve's skin was a like a whole new galaxy, just for Eddie to explore. "I know they have the habit to fuck off whenever," he mumbled against Steve's cheek, "so I'm not surprised they didn't take you to a doctor for...all of that. Jesus, Steve, I wish I knew back then, that it wasn't some jock fights or brokenhearted boyfriends. I would have dragged you to the hospital myself."
"I'm sure you would have," and oh, the brief press of lips on his forehead made Eddie's eyes swell with tears again. Not helping. "But it wasn't just the Upside Down stuff. It has...um...sort of always been like that?" Steve's chuckle sounded bitter and resigned at the same time and Eddie was a second away from bursting out the door, gathering the local pigeons and training them as his personal army to shit on the Harringtons' coats, car and preferably faces whenever they had the gall to show up in Hawkins. "I can't remember them ever taking me to a doctor, a hospital or even just putting a band-aid on something."
Eddie's breath hitched. "Not even when you were a kid? Jesus, Stevie! Even...even my shitty dad did that for me."
"Um." Steve's hand left his hair for a moment to massage his temples, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Actually, once. I was what, six or seven? I was running in the street, you know, a normal kid thing, when I tripped and scraped my knee. It wasn't that bad, it was just bleeding a lot, but I was freaking out. My mom took me inside and helped me clean the wound, when he...my dad, he showed up and caused a fucking scene about it. Apparently I was making him look bad." Scratch the pigeon plan, he would train a fucking eagle squad. "It looked like it might need a few stitches, but he forbade my mom from taking me to a doctor. He said that they would look like neglectful parents for letting me get hurt. And whenever I came back later, you know, after sports or fights, he would just look at me with that...that empty, disgusted look and remind me how my mistakes affected his reputation. So...I just did my damn best to hide all that."
"How..." Eddie gasped out, "how do you even hide that? I saw your face, man. After the Russians, after Jonathan, how the fuck did you hide that?"
"Well, they weren't home for most of that. And if they were, I just left them a note that I'm invited to a party or something, left and took my car. They never stay long, so it was just a night or two. It usually got a bit better then. At least the puffiness and color. You okay, Eddie? You...you are breathing kind of weird." Just like Steve, to be worried about him when he was casually talking about years of neglect, as if it was a funny party story.
Eddie fisted his hand in the pillow under Steve's head and, with great difficulty, unclenched his teeth. "I'm just trying to figure out what job would pay enough to allow me hire a hitman," he muttered, squeezing the pillow even harder. "Just...what the fuck, man?! Is that why you think you don't matter? Because you never mattered to them?"
"I don't- I don't think that. I just don't think about it at all," Steve admitted quietly. "And I don't hate it when you...take care of me. It's just not something I'm used to and I feel like I should be doing something. I don't know what. But I do hate that I'm making you worry about me, because you have enough shit to deal with. I just want you to be happy, that's all I've ever wanted."
"Oh, Steve." The words that rolled from his lips were soft and unguarded. Eddie had heard enough, but if he thought that understanding would make it better, boy, was he wrong. He could let so many things go, resigning himself to the knowledge he'd never be able to change things, but now his heart was breaking for Steve, as corny and cliche as it sounded. He climbed up and flipped them around, burying Steve's back in the mattress. He marveled at how Steve, much stronger than himself, never resisted, never complained, he just went along with whatever position Eddie craved. In more ways than one. He was looking up at Eddie now, lips parted, waiting. Eddie cupped his cheek and Steve leaned into it, absorbing the gentle touch as if it was the only thing that ever mattered. "It's you that makes me happy. All the time. Even when you play your crap music or when you shove vegetables down my throat, no innuendo there, I'm the happiest I've been in my whole life. And it's scary as fuck. I've never thought I'd have anything like this, hell, some days I still have to pinch myself. I can't help it but think sometimes that this is just a giant joke that the fate played on me or something, that I got to have you, got to have everything I've ever wanted, just to have it taken away. But when you let me care of you, I..." he bit his cheek, but kept his eyes on Steve's because he deserved to hear it. "I feel like I'm actually doing something to keep this. You. That I'm not just accepting what life gives me, but I'm actually reaching out, chasing it. You're it for me Steve, and don't blame me if I'm ready to do everything in this world to keep you, healthy, happy, all that." And shit, he let his mouth run wild again, that was a lot to swallow even for himself, not to mention anyone else, but Steve was listening intently, gaze hanging on Eddie's lips for every word and Eddie's heart feels like it's going to burst out of his chest. The traitor.
And then there's a hand on his cheek too, mirroring his, and Steve pulls him closer and his eyes are so vibrant, so beautiful. "I get it," he whispers and kisses the wrinkles leading to Eddie's temples. "I think I sort of feel the same, so I...I will try. I still don't know how to make myself more relaxed, but I'll figure something out."
Eddie kisses him then, deep and grateful, and he grins at the twitch Steve's body gives when he presses against him. "Good. Although now that I think about it...maybe I went about it the wrong way?" Seeing Steve's confusion, he trailed his calloused fingers over his boyfriend's chest and reveled in the sharp gasp it elicited. "What I mean is, maybe you don't need to relax during the thing. Maybe you just need to be relaxed beforehand."
"I don't see how that's easier," Steve muttered.
And Eddie felt the familiar wolfish grin tugging at his lips, because this might actually be it, he might have finally cracked one of the key sections of the enigma that is Steve Harrington. Steve who wore his heart on his sleeve, but whose mind and body refused to follow the lead of their honest owner. "Then what about I show you exactly what I mean, baby?" he said and disentangled himself from their embrace to flip Steve on his stomach again.
Turns out, his idea was correct. Because when Eddie's long fingers were taking Steve apart, inch by inch, slowly and with unbreakable focus, Steve's tension gradually went away. He was rutting into a pillow that Eddie had placed under his hips, pushing against Eddie's hand and gasping out incoherent words, only sometimes muttering "please" and "Eddie" as a prayer. Despite those extra years in high school, Eddie was a fast learner. He had months to learn Steve and his triggers, what made him writhe and grasp sheets like a drowning man, and he'd be damned if he didn't use all that knowledge to its fullest. Steve was the patient one in bed, always taking his time with Eddie, and Eddie now finally got what was so great about it, found it intoxicating to be the one holding all the cards. When Steve got too impatient, too lost in it, he would just shush him, still his hand and kiss that strong back until Steve's grip loosened, until he laid himself down and whined "I'm relaxed, I swear I am, for god's sake, Eddie!"
Between the twists of his fingers and gentle coaxing, Eddie lost track of time and he was pretty sure Steve couldn't remember the day of the week or even the month once he was done with him. Steve was lying on his stomach, breathing heavily and too spent to move. Eddie carefully removed his fingers, leaning down to kiss Steve's back and removing the soiled pillow. He absentmindedly wiped his hand on it. "That's it, Stevie," he whispered against his nape and reached for the abandoned massage lotion. "Just stay as you are." He shushed Steve's muttered complaints about not being able to return the favor and finally got to those stubborn muscles which were now too tired to resist. Steve hummed against the mattress but made no effort to resist and Eddie found himself grinning like an idiot.
Much later, when he had cleaned Steve and moved closer to get some well-deserved rest, Steve's lips moved, half-asleep. "Eddie?"
He wrapped his arms around Steve's middle. "Yes, love?"
"This was...so nice. I really liked it." He went quiet for a moment and Eddie thought maybe he was already asleep, but then: "I'm still keeping our deal though. You're getting a healthy lunch tomorrow."
Eddie groaned and buried his face in Steve's shoulder. "The things I do for love."
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stedebonnit · 1 year
sunshine ❤️ but also noodle for the angst in joy's DMs 💀
LMAOOOO meow youre amazing.
And because i love you Ill share the angst from yesterday that I was talking about in Joys (@wearfinethingsalltoowell ) DMs 😈
Stede loves birthdays, but not his own. Hes never had a good birthday. His father wanted him to do something that a "real man" would on his birthday. Lots of tearful hunting trips as Stede flinched at the loud shots and cried at the sight and smell of dead animals.
At boarding school, his birthdays were either lonely, or purposefully hurtful. Fake surprise parties that ended with Stede getting cake or pie thrown in his face, planned events that no one showed up to, and so on.
With Mary, Stede mostly stopped trying. He did try, once, to plan a small get together with their neighbours. Everyone forgot, and Stede was left alone at the table, all dressed up, a cake to himself. Mary apologized of course, but Stede never planned a birthday for himself again.
That said, his loves for birthdays never stopped. Stede planned events for Mary and the kids every year. Birthdays were what he and Mary bonded over the most. He bought Mary her first painting set (even if he promptly forgot about it and asked her months later when she decided to purchase painting materials).
Stede was never terribly observant, except when it came to birthdays. He always knew exactly what to get Mary or the kids, how to plan an unforgettable event. He had never been good with anniversary gifts, but birthdays just felt different.
When he left for the sea, his crews birthdays became a centrepoint. A few members didnt remember or know their birthdays, so Stede assigned them, and made parties no one ever forgot. Even for Izzy, Stede would plan an extra bloody raid, and have Ed suggest it because he knew Izzy wouldnt agree if it came from him.
Stedes 40th birthday happened back home, sat alone at the table across from a petrified orange. "How was your day, Edward? Mine? Oh, its my birthday. I suppose I'm not surprised that its just us, here. Ive never had a birthday was wasnt terribly lonely. Though, i suppose there's no one to blame this year but myself."
The next year, Ed and Stede have reunited. Every single birthday on the Revenge has been celebrated with festivities that no one could beat. Eds own birthday was a beautiful dinner party. Fancy dress code, but with none of the rules of high society. They ate cake with the lobster spoons, just because they could. Stede taught Ed the Waltz, and they danced all through the night. Stede never laughed or smiled as big as he did that night, watching Edward unwrap the silk poets blouse with a leather vest, handmade by one of the finest vendors Stede could find. It became a regular staple of Edwards wardrobe.
When Stedes birthday rolled around, he kept it quiet. He'd never had a good birthday, and honestly he didnt want to bring the crew down with his sour birthday memories. Instead of celebrating, Stede decided he would stop at port on his birthday for a spot of shopping. He could buy himself a trinket, and allow himself some extra sweets after dinner. Truthfully, a birthday where he isnt alone would make this one better than any he'd had before, and for Stede that would be enough.
Its a day before his birthday when Charles shows up. Hes another one of Edwards rowdy pirate friends from back in the day, and he's strikingly similar to Jack.
Stede grits his teeth and endures the passive aggressive taunts, the loud noises through the night, the non-stop drinking. He decides he doesn't care if his birthday is terrible. He just wants to survive it this year without breaking down, something hes done more times than he can count.
Even this goal is left unmet when Charles stumbles drunkenly over to Stede on the beach that afternoon, slamming into him. He loses his footing and falls unceremoniously into the passing wave, his trousers becoming caked with wet sand. When he rights himself, Charles is laughing.
"Heh. Oops. Didnt see you there. Guess youre easy to miss. Blackbeard hasnt even noticed you all night. I bet its-"
He stops, not because anyone makes him, but because suddenly Charles is gagging and throwing up, the vomit spraying down Stedes front.
Stede feels the tears gathering, then.
"Oops. My bad. Want me to push you back in the water to clean it?"
Stedes voice wavers as he says
"No. Thank you. I think ill just head back to the ship."
He does, and as soon as the door shuts behind him, the tears start falling.
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kittyscrawls · 2 years
𝐵𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑀𝑒 𝐵𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝓉𝑜 𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒
Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC
Word Count: 3.350
Warnings: None
Summary: After everything that went down in 86', Eddie Munson got himself a job at the local record store, dropped the D&D party and was having a hard time feeling like himself again. That was until Holly Brown, spending the summer back in Hawkins, let's her curiosity get the best of her and slowly but surely tries to coax Eddie out of his shell.
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Chapter Two
It took Eddie over a week to take up on Holly’s offer; in a way, walking around Hawkins still scared him. Even though his name was cleared of any charges, the common folk of the city still thought of him as a satanist cult leader and managed to treat him in a way that while it wasn’t outwardly rude, it made clear he wasn’t wanted there. Passive aggressiveness at its finest.
But Holly’s words were engraved in his brain, making the knots in his chest loosen up — even if it just a little bit. To be reassured that someone outside his friends didn’t think of him as a monster was nice, and Eddie couldn’t say he had his fair share of “nice” in his life. His father left when he was three, his mom passed when he was ten and Wayne was out working for so long to be able to afford the bare minimum for his nephew that Eddie just got used to being treated by other people as white trash and eventually just basked in the feeling of being so different from everyone in Hawkins, who to him seemed as substantial as 2D characters in a movie.
A couple of times he actually made it almost all the way to the doors of the flower shop but couldn’t force himself to push it open; even though Holly was nice and sweet, the fear of rejection was too great for him to shake it off. When Eddie did make it through the glass doors, he wasn’t expecting it to be so cold inside and when Holly approached him wearing a pair of jeans and a striped t-shirt decorated with butterflies, he couldn’t tell how she managed to not wear a jacket.
“Hi! I was about to close the store for lunch and go over to Steve and Robin’s” she said while smiling brightly at him and walking over to the doors so she could turn the sign from “open” to “closed”.
“Oh no, please don’t change your plans for me, it’s fine-” Eddie started, already making his way out but Holly stood in front of him, arms crossed. “Now now, Munson, don’t you dare leave this store. I was going over to Family Video because I have no plans, but please save me from hearing Steve complain again about his love life. I’m not sure how Robin does it without going crazy, but I just can’t”.
Eddie felt a smile tugging on the corner of his lips. “That bad, huh?”. Holly rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically “you have no idea! It feels like it’s a different girl every day and then Steve just mopes around complaining that he doesn’t want a relationship that’s just physical and blah blah blah”
“Yeah, I heard him complaining about it the few times I went there during my lunch break too. But I don’t go there a lot, I usually just go to the back of the store and read something” Eddie laughed a bit, toying with his sleeves. “Yeah? What do you read?” she asked, propping herself on the counter and tapping on the space next to her.
“Hm, normally something by Stephen King, sometimes one of the Lord of the Rings books… but right now I’m trying Frankenstein.” Eddie said, approaching the girl and resting his elbows on the counter. “Dracula and 1984 are next on my list. Trying to get done with all the ‘classics’, y’know?”.
This was the most Eddie had spoken to someone with the exception of his uncle, Dustin or the rest of the guys from Hellfire; he normally kept to himself and didn’t really looked for social interactions with the towners. But Holly made it easy, almost as if Eddie could forget for a moment that Hawkins would always treat him like a pariah. Because Holly wasn’t in town when the whole Vecna shitshow went down and she didn’t know about the upside down, they talked about a whole other world of things: books, music (with Eddie turning up his nose to Holly’s taste, but oh well), movies and tv shows, all while sharing some cookies Holly’s mom had baked the night before.
Eventually Holly managed to redirect the conversation to D&D and Eddie took his time to explain the basics of the game — the first time he’d dipped his toe into anything related to Dungeons & Dragons ever since his Vecna campaign. It was easier trying to explain the mechanism of the game than actually coming up with a campaign, and Holly was a good listener; she had good questions and listened attentively.
Eddie would never admit it out loud, but he craved attention… the good kind. And having a pretty girl being nice to him and interested in what he liked and what he had to say was not something he could say was a common occurrence. He never thought he’d spend his Tuesday lunch break explaining to a pretty girl the mechanics and particularities of his favorite nerdy game but there he was, offering to lend her some books about it.
But Holly was more than just a pretty girl; Eddie remembered her from middle school, always smiling and bubbly. She wasn’t necessarily a social butterfly — not exactly popular, but well liked enough to not be bullied. Good grades, good looks, a nice family… One memory that had been carved into Eddie’s memory was one Valentine’s Day during middle school — when he was already “Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson” — and he hadn’t gotten any cards or anything and was just sitting at his table, with a sarcastic smirk on his face, putting on a façade that it didn’t matter, and he didn’t care for it — even though it did hurt to be so clearly ostracized. Holly had brought flowers for her classmates; Eddie had a very clear memory of her walking up to him during lunch, placing a small bouquet of wild pansies in his hands and leaving with a big smile.
To this day, wild pansies were his favorite flowers.
Eddie kept his little crush to himself, as he knew deep down that Holly Brown was way out of his league, but he couldn’t bring himself to let it go completely and kept an eye on Holly in school and around town. When they were both in high school, Eddie even thought of shooting his shot and spent almost two weeks dropping notes on Holly’s locker and even managed to smuggle a mixtape onto Holly’s backpack but chickened out at the last minute after giving her the last note where he properly confessed his feelings and asked her to meet him in the woods behind the school.
Glancing at his wristwatch, Eddie sighed. “I should probably get back to work, don’t want to get you in trouble with your parents… or give my manager a reason to give me the boot”. “Who would’ve thought of that? Eddie Munson, conforming to the rules of society and bowing down to The Man” teased Holly, sticking out her tongue and nudging Eddie’s shoulder. “C’mon, don’t go around telling people that. I’ve got a bad reputation to live up to” he laughed, feeling his face heat up. Holly jumped down from the counter, stretching her limbs and Eddie looked away nervously from the little bit of skin showing up between her pants and her shirt. “Do you mind if I swing by later to get these books? I’m not guaranteeing that I’ll manage to get around to play, but I’m bored out of my mind at home, and I guess it wouldn’t hurt to at least try and read something different”.
Eddie stuttered, dragging his feet. “Hm, well, sure, I guess… if you really want to” he mumbled, shrugging. “Do you still have your van? I came to work on foot today and if I remember correctly, Forest Hills is quite a walk from here… I mean, if you don’t mind driving me, of course” Holly said biting her lip, unsure if she had crossed any boundaries or if she was imposing herself on Eddie. “N-no, I still have my van and I don’t mind driving you, it-it’s fine. I can pick you up after we closed the shops” Eddie scratched his neck while passing by Holly, who had now turned the little sign from “closed” to “open”.
As he walked back to the record shop, Eddie could still feel the pressure on his shoulder where Holly had touched him; even though it was just a shoulder bump and nothing more than a friendly gesture, Eddie couldn’t help but getting butterflies in his stomach and clammy hands. He could barely recognize himself — after spending so much time hiding himself and avoiding other people, he had pushed himself harder in a day than he had done ever since coming back from the Upside Down. But truth is, he just felt like he couldn’t say no to Holly, especially not when she looked up to him with those big luminous eyes of hers.
Eddie went through the motions of his job during the afternoon, finding it hard to focus completely on his clients and keeping the store running smoothly when his mind kept going back to the Brown’s flower shop, Holly and her warm smile. He had so much he wanted to ask her, like what life was like in Notre Dame, if she had a favorite mixtape to listen to while driving, her favorite Lord of the Rings character or if she had a boyfriend back at Notre Dame.
When it was time to close the store, Eddie did it in record time, got into his van and parked it right in front of the flower shop, while nervously looking for Holly through the glass doors. When the girl showed up after what felt like an eternity, Eddie felt his lips parting in a smile while watching her hair flowing behind her as she ran to open the car door. When Holly closed the door, Eddie could feel her perfume under the smell of the multitude of flowers she had handled that day, something warm and simple — maybe vanilla.
Driving and keeping his cool was a lot harder than Eddie would’ve guessed it could be; Holly fumbled with the radio until she managed to find a radio station playing something she liked — You Give Love a Bad Name, by Bon Jovi — and was happily singing along, stealing glances of Eddie whenever she felt he wasn’t looking at her. Eddie was too busy being in his head, trying to act normal and cool, to try and come up with something to talk about but somehow the silence didn’t feel weird between the both of them, maybe because Holly didn’t pressure him into being “the old Eddie” as the others did.  
Eddie parked his car in front of his trailer and managed to run up to the other side of the van to open the door for Holly, who managed to thank him in a voice that was barely over a whisper. She followed him to the doorsteps and had to hold back a laugh when Eddie couldn’t find the right key to open the door. When Eddie finally managed to get the door open, he held it for Holly for did a mock curtesy and stepped into the trailer.
The place smelled faintly of weed and cheap beers, but somehow it was cozy; it felt lived in and while it wasn’t super tidy, it had a homely feel that certainly made Holly feel comfortable. “I’m sorry, it’s not much… and I would’ve cleaned up if I knew I’d have visitors. Just… Just make yourself at home, please” Eddie said sheepishly, trying to hide his embarrassment while picking up some empty cans that laid around the couch. “Really Eddie, you don’t have to worry about any of this. I’ve been living in a dorm at university, do you think everything is always spick and span?” “I thought you were living in a female dorm? Aren’t girls supposed to… I don’t know, be tidy and organized?” “You know what, who said that clearly has never lived with a bunch of girls. Some of us do try to keep things… Livable, I guess you could say. But most? Just as messy as any guy” Holly shrugged, sitting on the couch.
Wayne, Eddie’s uncle, came out of his room as he heard a female voice in the trailer. His nephew hadn’t had any visitors apart from the Hellfire boys, and certainly not a female companion in a very long time. The sight of Eddie, with ears and cheeks slightly flushed, tidying up the place while a pretty girl talked to him from their couch made Wayne chuckle a bit. “Hey kid” he said, squeezing Eddie’s shoulder “who’s your friend?”.
Eddie stood up, gaping his mouth like a fish as he didn’t know exactly how he should describe Holly. A friend? Just a girl? Just a girl who was a friend? His school crush who never really had a real conversation with him until a week ago? Eddie could feel his face getting a darker shade of red, but all he could muster to stutter was “this is Holly”.
“Hi Mr. Munson! I’m Holly, I went to school with Eddie a few years ago. I’m sorry to come without letting you know beforehand, I’m just here to pick up some books Eddie is lending me” Holly introduced herself, shaking the old man’s hand with a small smile on her lips. Wayne dismissed her apology with a hand wave, “no, don’t apologize for it. It’s good to see Eddie finally talking to someone else for a change… especially if this gets him to do some cleaning I’ve been asking him to do for days. If anything, feel free to come by anytime you want”.
Eddie resisted the urge to roll his eyes and groan as a teenager, trying to look nonchalant but failing miserably as he couldn’t stop himself from pouting. Holly wiggled her eyebrows to Wayne, holding in her laughter. “I’m glad to be of help, sir” she said, eyeing Eddie who now seemed to be trying to hide behind his hair. Wayne shook his head, trying to suppress a smile, and made his way to the door. “Ok kids, I’m going to let you guys go on about your book thing. It was a pleasure meeting you, Holly”.
Watching the old man leave, Holly kept biting her bottom lip as not to laugh — not that she meant it in a mean it, it was just too cute and endearing to see Eddie, who she remembered being particularly bold and unashamed, acting so shy and embarrassed. Eddie took a deep breath, trying to force himself into acting normal, whatever the hell that means, and looked into Holly’s general direction. “Why do they always have to try and embarrass us” he asked, playing with the hem of his Dio shirt.
“I’m pretty sure it’s some rule that’s written in the parents and guardians handbook, or maybe it’s like a sport. I’m pretty sure my parents have some sort of competition about it between them, you’ll see” Holly replied, shrugging. Eddie chuckled and rolled his eyes, “Yeah, I guess. So, let’s pretend my uncle didn’t embarrass me and let me grab those books for you. Erm, do you want to come to my bedroom or…?”.
“I promise I won’t take notice of any messes, you have my girl scout word!” Eddie looked at Holly with curiosity making his brown eyes a little brighter; “oh, you were in the girl scouts?” “… No but it’s the thought that counts, right?”
Eddie snorted and made his way to his bedroom with Holly following him close by. Behind the door the faint smell of weed got stronger and mixed with cologne, and the room was basically what Holly would’ve expected: dirty laundry scattered around the floor among empty cans and bags of snacks, posters covering up the walls, a guitar hanging close to the headboard and a good number of books filled an old bookshelf. Eddie glanced at Holly who covered her eyes with her hands — the metalhead took this opportunity to at least ball up the clothes in the hamper in a corner of the room and kick whatever he could u under his bed. Holly uncovered her eyes when she couldn’t hear any more noises of Eddie hurriedly trying to organize his belongings and leaned against a wall. “So, this is the lair of the dungeon master?”.
“Well, something like that” Eddie chuckled, scratching his neck and looking around for the books he had in mind. He managed to find two in his bookshelf and the third one under his blanket. Holly kept herself distracted looking at all the posters adorning the walls and seeing that, in fact, she doesn’t know that much about music as she could count on the fingers of one hand the few bands she knew. “See something you like?” asked Eddie almost mockingly, following Holly’s gaze with his own. “I just really like this poster of Queen. Roger looks super good in it” she said, pointing at the blond guy in the photo. Eddie could feel his lips contracting in a frown but managed to quickly go back to a neutral expression. “Roger? Not Brian? I thought girls usually liked guitar players” he said in a I’m-joking-but-not-really tone. “Ah, so this is why you grew your hair out and picked the guitar? Because of girls?” asked Holly, squinting her eyes and pointing at the hanging guitar with an accusatory finger.
“N-no, I mean, I just heard girls talking ab-about this and about Brian M-May” Eddie sputtered, trying to find a satisfying answer as he could feel his whole face turning bright red. “Hey, no need to justify yourself, I’m really just joking” Holly said holding her hands up. “I know most girls go for the lead singer or the guitar player, but I don’t know, I think I just have a thing for drummers… and Roger is such a pretty guy, you know? Brian does have a charm to him, but it’s always been Roger for me” Holly explained herself absentmindedly, leafing through one of the books Eddie had picked. In a way her words were a hit into Eddie’s already bruised ego but it’s not like he really thought he had some sort of chance with Holly.
“Ok, it seems like I’ll have a lot of homework to do… Better get to it” Holly said extending his hands to grab the books, but Eddie swayed them away swiftly. “What kind of gentleman would I be if I’d let a lady carry all these heavy books? Come, let’s go back to the van and I’ll drop you home.” Now, it was Holly who felt embarrassed, and she didn’t want to bother Eddie anymore than she had already. “No, c’mon, Eddie… I’ve already took so much of your time today, it’s completely fine. I could, I don’t know, call my parents and ask them to pick me up”.
“We did spend a lot of time together today, but I-I’m fine with it” Eddie mumbled, feeling his cheeks flushing once more. “I mean, you think you’re burdening me and I’m over here thinking I’m burdening you, so I guess we’re even in a way. We could- I don’t know, we could just mutually agree we’re not burdening each other and… you’d let me take you home”. Eddie couldn’t face Holly and just waited for her answer while absentmindedly thumbing the spine of the books still in his hands. Holly cocked her head and thought to herself that Eddie was almost too cute to handle and smiled, not even bothering trying to hide it behind her hand. “Ok, ok. Let’s agree that we’re not being nuisances to each other, that I really like spending time with, I’ll let you drive me home and I’ll let you know when I’m done with my reading”.
Eddie nodded and guided Holly back to his van, mainly just listening to her talking about her day, but couldn’t really focus on her as his blood was rushing through his ears and all his mind could focus on was that Holly Brown liked to spend time with him. She liked his companionship. Holly liked being around him.
His driving skills weren’t necessarily known for being refined and with how nervous he was, it’s a miracle Eddie managed to get to Holly’s place without causing an accident. The girl hopped out of the van pressing the books to her chest and turned around to Eddie with a smile, “thank you so much for the ride, Eddie! So, today is Tuesday… Why don’t we see each other on Saturday? I don’t think I’ll manage to read everything by then, but I’ll read enough to at least get the gist of it”. “Hm, su-sure, Saturday sounds good” he replied eagerly, not being able to contain his excitement. Holly thought he looked like a puppy.
“Ok, I’ll see you Saturday then. I’ll call you to get the details. It’s a date!” Holly shouted, running to the door. Eddie stood in the driveway for a moment, looking at the door Holly had just gone through.
“It’s a date”
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🌴 My rules state I don't condone and callout culture. You followed me with "pro-callout" and passive-aggressive insults written all over your blog. These types of roleplayers act offended and write several posts how their boundaries were violated, yet they can't extend the same courtesy for others. Hypocrisy at its finest.
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sunny-deejee · 2 years
slight spoiler warnings for amari and the great game that i’ve gathered from goodreads!! 
this is just copy and paste from my twitter but ive gathered that amari and lara are some kind of partners (which is just nepotism at its finest), jayden has a cool ability, amari and dylan are competing, and maria giving amari magic lessons!! here r some character interactions i think would be fun 
- i think elsie and lara's relationship would be on the passive aggressive side, elsie subconsciously not being able to let go of what lara did and lara not being able to let go of her mean girl era 
- so for example elsie and lara r like idk investigating together and lara trying to break the ice is like "damn if i still had my status i could bully this guy into giving us info" and a fed up elsie is like "please SHUT UP" 
- adding onto this is that everyone (amari) is a lil passive aggressive towards lara except for jayden because he doesnt rlly know all the things she did. so its just amari and elsie rolling their eyes at lara while jayden is just nodding along
- BUTT do not get me wrong i do hope lara eventually gets to become apart of the group but not without a little slander first
- moving on to jayden i feel like he would be so casually godlike w his ability and awful at everything else 
- for example lets say his ability is amazing intuition (bc he had horrible intuition w that gang he was in....) and hes just like "yeah theres gonna be another attack against the Bureau in exactly 58 hours 8 minutes 32 seconds" and then fail the easiet test ever 
- for amari and dylan they would b beefing so hard whenever they cross paths, dylan would b like "how r u and ur SOFT REGULAR FRIENDS" and amari would b like "being legal" but the moment they leave each other's presence the angst ensues
- dylan would be stomping his feet while being a blushing mess all teary eyed bc he just wants amari to see his pov while amari is upset that she was led on by someone she truly trusted and have to confront in such an awful way who also like KIDNAPPED HER BROTHER???
- maria giving amari magic lessons and her just being a really sweet and kind person but randomly drops the most concerning things abt the van hesling family where it becomes clear why they all are a little messed up 
- but also amari and maria having a sisterly bond THAT WOULD B SO CUTE. amari slowly getting more comfortable coming to her for just regular things 
- this isnt based on anything from goodreads but i think it would be neat if throughout the book amari just goes into quinton’s mind and its like, a little break from all the events. they can fish together and have a moment of peace of enjoying each other’s company. i think it would be a really sweet thing for amari’s own sake 
so yeah, watch me be horribly wrong <3<3<3 and i will be liveblogging like i did last time
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Is Mars responsible for my anger? Part- 3
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In the previous part of the blog, we discussed the angriest zodiac sign of all. In this part, we will be telling you about the personality traits, behavior, and habits of different zodiac signs under the influence of Mars’ anger. So, let’s jump right onto it!
How is Mars responsible for your anger? Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Mars in Taurus Anger and Behavior
Mars in Taurus people are opposite Aries. Taurus is passive-aggressive. If burst, they’ll display your aggression. Taurus are placid and seldom agitated. Their feelings are more enigmatic. Mars in Taurus is possessive. They strive for success.
According to the Mars anger management system for the various zodiac signs, persons born in March are known for their high level of sensibility. Provoking them is difficult. They’re unstoppable when enraged.
Mars in Gemini Anger and Behavior
Geminis are prone to lose concentration. Mars in Gemini people are slow-moving and bored quickly. Energy powerhouse Gemini. Geminis seldom get upset. Their anger shows. Words communicate their feelings.
Don’t worry if they’re mad. When offended, they may utilize satire. They love exciting new things and are chatty. Geminis discuss and communicate well.
Mars in Cancer: Anger and Behavior
Cancer Mars is passive-aggressive. They desire stability in life. They also detest conflict. Self-protective. When they are trying to improve their performance, they often make themselves out to be incredibly complicated or subtle.
They may employ guilt or diplomacy. If cornered, they act quickly and defensively.
Mars in Leo and Anger
Leos strive for innovation. Mars in Leo people are passionate and determined. Mars Risk-taking Leo. Leos are fiercer than Aries and more outspoken.
They show emotions. They’re noisy, furious, and tantrum-prone. Leos’ passionate pitches frequently injure others, although they don’t intend to. Their wrath settles down as quickly as it flashes up.
Mars in Virgo Anger and Behavior
Mars in Virgo is not inherently antagonistic. Despite being critical, they are persistent by nature. They seldom display rage. Be ready to deal with their flaming acts if they are enraged.
They might be oversensitive and anxious. Sometimes they’re adamant about their choices. The finest quality of a Virgo is its incredible energy and fortitude.
Read Also:- Is Mars responsible for my anger? Part 2
Mars in Libra Anger and Behavior
Mars-in-Libra people avoid conflicts. They detest arguing. They are peaceful and seldom angry. They refrain from communicating with those they are furious at.
Mars in Scorpio Anger and Behavior
Mars-in-Scorpio people are ambitious and persistent. They have a laser-like concentration, are fiercely committed, and will stop at nothing to accomplish their goal. Scorpios are hardy by nature and tend to hold their emotions, particularly their wrath, within.
Hurting them might make them your adversary. They may take retribution. Scorpios avoid abusers. Scorpios, prepare to burn the period.
Mars in Sagittarius and Anger
Sarcasm is a well-known trait of Sagittarius individuals. Sagittarius is fiery. They’re quickly enraged. They avoid fights. Impatient, they attempt to flee.
Breaking trust may harm. Sagittarius, in contrast to other zodiac signs, may utter nasty phrases. Anger takes time to overcome.
Mars in Capricorn Anger and Behavior
Capricorns are fairly mature. Their emotions are excessively controlled. When you damage someone, they keep a tab and sometimes become angry. Capricorns are stubborn.
It takes them some time to go back to normal. Mars in Capricorn natives are characterized by complete dedication to their goal. They regulate their fury using self-control and willpower. Despite having an acquisitive tendency, they do not value ostentation.
Mars in Aquarius Anger and Behavior
Mars in Aquarius births are marked by intense intensity and open outrage. They avoid conflicts. When furious, they disengage. Aquarians loathe pressure. Since they require space, it may enrage them.
They have a very delicate temperament. They like surprises. They’re independent and appreciate others’ independence. Our Experts can explain. Depending on your date of birth, they will advise you on how to manage your Mars anger.
Mars in Pisces Anger and Behavior
Mars in Pisces natives are compassionate, emotional, and confident. They blame themselves for life’s misfortunes. They may unleash their fury or retain a grudge. Pisces seldom show anger. Guilt and sadness may follow. They forgive and forget.
Read Also:- What is the importance of Satyanarayan Puja?
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vinsmokc-sanji · 2 years
𝐵𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑀𝑒 𝐵𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝓉𝑜 𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒
Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC
Word Count: 3.350
Warnings: None
Summary: After everything that went down in 86', Eddie Munson got himself a job at the local record store, dropped the D&D party and was having a hard time feeling like himself again. That was until Holly Brown, spending the summer back in Hawkins, let's her curiosity get the best of her and slowly but surely tries to coax Eddie out of his shell.
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Chapter Two
It took Eddie over a week to take up on Holly’s offer; in a way, walking around Hawkins still scared him. Even though his name was cleared of any charges, the common folk of the city still thought of him as a satanist cult leader and managed to treat him in a way that while it wasn’t outwardly rude, it made clear he wasn’t wanted there. Passive aggressiveness at its finest.
But Holly’s words were engraved in his brain, making the knots in his chest loosen up — even if it just a little bit. To be reassured that someone outside his friends didn’t think of him as a monster was nice, and Eddie couldn’t say he had his fair share of “nice” in his life. His father left when he was three, his mom passed when he was ten and Wayne was out working for so long to be able to afford the bare minimum for his nephew that Eddie just got used to being treated by other people as white trash and eventually just basked in the feeling of being so different from everyone in Hawkins, who to him seemed as substantial as 2D characters in a movie.
A couple of times he actually made it almost all the way to the doors of the flower shop but couldn’t force himself to push it open; even though Holly was nice and sweet, the fear of rejection was too great for him to shake it off. When Eddie did make it through the glass doors, he wasn’t expecting it to be so cold inside and when Holly approached him wearing a pair of jeans and a striped t-shirt decorated with butterflies, he couldn’t tell how she managed to not wear a jacket.
“Hi! I was about to close the store for lunch and go over to Steve and Robin’s” she said while smiling brightly at him and walking over to the doors so she could turn the sign from “open” to “closed”.
“Oh no, please don’t change your plans for me, it’s fine-” Eddie started, already making his way out but Holly stood in front of him, arms crossed. “Now now, Munson, don’t you dare leave this store. I was going over to Family Video because I have no plans, but please save me from hearing Steve complain again about his love life. I’m not sure how Robin does it without going crazy, but I just can’t”.
Eddie felt a smile tugging on the corner of his lips. “That bad, huh?”. Holly rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically “you have no idea! It feels like it’s a different girl every day and then Steve just mopes around complaining that he doesn’t want a relationship that’s just physical and blah blah blah”
“Yeah, I heard him complaining about it the few times I went there during my lunch break too. But I don’t go there a lot, I usually just go to the back of the store and read something” Eddie laughed a bit, toying with his sleeves. “Yeah? What do you read?” she asked, propping herself on the counter and tapping on the space next to her.
“Hm, normally something by Stephen King, sometimes one of the Lord of the Rings books… but right now I’m trying Frankenstein.” Eddie said, approaching the girl and resting his elbows on the counter. “Dracula and 1984 are next on my list. Trying to get done with all the ‘classics’, y’know?”.
This was the most Eddie had spoken to someone with the exception of his uncle, Dustin or the rest of the guys from Hellfire; he normally kept to himself and didn’t really looked for social interactions with the towners. But Holly made it easy, almost as if Eddie could forget for a moment that Hawkins would always treat him like a pariah. Because Holly wasn’t in town when the whole Vecna shitshow went down and she didn’t know about the upside down, they talked about a whole other world of things: books, music (with Eddie turning up his nose to Holly’s taste, but oh well), movies and tv shows, all while sharing some cookies Holly’s mom had baked the night before.
Eventually Holly managed to redirect the conversation to D&D and Eddie took his time to explain the basics of the game — the first time he’d dipped his toe into anything related to Dungeons & Dragons ever since his Vecna campaign. It was easier trying to explain the mechanism of the game than actually coming up with a campaign, and Holly was a good listener; she had good questions and listened attentively.
Eddie would never admit it out loud, but he craved attention… the good kind. And having a pretty girl being nice to him and interested in what he liked and what he had to say was not something he could say was a common occurrence. He never thought he’d spend his Tuesday lunch break explaining to a pretty girl the mechanics and particularities of his favorite nerdy game but there he was, offering to lend her some books about it.
But Holly was more than just a pretty girl; Eddie remembered her from middle school, always smiling and bubbly. She wasn’t necessarily a social butterfly — not exactly popular, but well liked enough to not be bullied. Good grades, good looks, a nice family… One memory that had been carved into Eddie’s memory was one Valentine’s Day during middle school — when he was already “Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson” — and he hadn’t gotten any cards or anything and was just sitting at his table, with a sarcastic smirk on his face, putting on a façade that it didn’t matter, and he didn’t care for it — even though it did hurt to be so clearly ostracized. Holly had brought flowers for her classmates; Eddie had a very clear memory of her walking up to him during lunch, placing a small bouquet of wild pansies in his hands and leaving with a big smile.
To this day, wild pansies were his favorite flowers.
Eddie kept his little crush to himself, as he knew deep down that Holly Brown was way out of his league, but he couldn’t bring himself to let it go completely and kept an eye on Holly in school and around town. When they were both in high school, Eddie even thought of shooting his shot and spent almost two weeks dropping notes on Holly’s locker and even managed to smuggle a mixtape onto Holly’s backpack but chickened out at the last minute after giving her the last note where he properly confessed his feelings and asked her to meet him in the woods behind the school.
Glancing at his wristwatch, Eddie sighed. “I should probably get back to work, don’t want to get you in trouble with your parents… or give my manager a reason to give me the boot”. “Who would’ve thought of that? Eddie Munson, conforming to the rules of society and bowing down to The Man” teased Holly, sticking out her tongue and nudging Eddie’s shoulder. “C’mon, don’t go around telling people that. I’ve got a bad reputation to live up to” he laughed, feeling his face heat up. Holly jumped down from the counter, stretching her limbs and Eddie looked away nervously from the little bit of skin showing up between her pants and her shirt. “Do you mind if I swing by later to get these books? I’m not guaranteeing that I’ll manage to get around to play, but I’m bored out of my mind at home, and I guess it wouldn’t hurt to at least try and read something different”.
Eddie stuttered, dragging his feet. “Hm, well, sure, I guess… if you really want to” he mumbled, shrugging. “Do you still have your van? I came to work on foot today and if I remember correctly, Forest Hills is quite a walk from here… I mean, if you don’t mind driving me, of course” Holly said biting her lip, unsure if she had crossed any boundaries or if she was imposing herself on Eddie. “N-no, I still have my van and I don’t mind driving you, it-it’s fine. I can pick you up after we closed the shops” Eddie scratched his neck while passing by Holly, who had now turned the little sign from “closed” to “open”.
As he walked back to the record shop, Eddie could still feel the pressure on his shoulder where Holly had touched him; even though it was just a shoulder bump and nothing more than a friendly gesture, Eddie couldn’t help but getting butterflies in his stomach and clammy hands. He could barely recognize himself — after spending so much time hiding himself and avoiding other people, he had pushed himself harder in a day than he had done ever since coming back from the Upside Down. But truth is, he just felt like he couldn’t say no to Holly, especially not when she looked up to him with those big luminous eyes of hers.
Eddie went through the motions of his job during the afternoon, finding it hard to focus completely on his clients and keeping the store running smoothly when his mind kept going back to the Brown’s flower shop, Holly and her warm smile. He had so much he wanted to ask her, like what life was like in Notre Dame, if she had a favorite mixtape to listen to while driving, her favorite Lord of the Rings character or if she had a boyfriend back at Notre Dame.
When it was time to close the store, Eddie did it in record time, got into his van and parked it right in front of the flower shop, while nervously looking for Holly through the glass doors. When the girl showed up after what felt like an eternity, Eddie felt his lips parting in a smile while watching her hair flowing behind her as she ran to open the car door. When Holly closed the door, Eddie could feel her perfume under the smell of the multitude of flowers she had handled that day, something warm and simple — maybe vanilla.
Driving and keeping his cool was a lot harder than Eddie would’ve guessed it could be; Holly fumbled with the radio until she managed to find a radio station playing something she liked — You Give Love a Bad Name, by Bon Jovi — and was happily singing along, stealing glances of Eddie whenever she felt he wasn’t looking at her. Eddie was too busy being in his head, trying to act normal and cool, to try and come up with something to talk about but somehow the silence didn’t feel weird between the both of them, maybe because Holly didn’t pressure him into being “the old Eddie” as the others did.  
Eddie parked his car in front of his trailer and managed to run up to the other side of the van to open the door for Holly, who managed to thank him in a voice that was barely over a whisper. She followed him to the doorsteps and had to hold back a laugh when Eddie couldn’t find the right key to open the door. When Eddie finally managed to get the door open, he held it for Holly for did a mock curtesy and stepped into the trailer.
The place smelled faintly of weed and cheap beers, but somehow it was cozy; it felt lived in and while it wasn’t super tidy, it had a homely feel that certainly made Holly feel comfortable. “I’m sorry, it’s not much… and I would’ve cleaned up if I knew I’d have visitors. Just… Just make yourself at home, please” Eddie said sheepishly, trying to hide his embarrassment while picking up some empty cans that laid around the couch. “Really Eddie, you don’t have to worry about any of this. I’ve been living in a dorm at university, do you think everything is always spick and span?” “I thought you were living in a female dorm? Aren’t girls supposed to… I don’t know, be tidy and organized?” “You know what, who said that clearly has never lived with a bunch of girls. Some of us do try to keep things… Livable, I guess you could say. But most? Just as messy as any guy” Holly shrugged, sitting on the couch.
Wayne, Eddie’s uncle, came out of his room as he heard a female voice in the trailer. His nephew hadn’t had any visitors apart from the Hellfire boys, and certainly not a female companion in a very long time. The sight of Eddie, with ears and cheeks slightly flushed, tidying up the place while a pretty girl talked to him from their couch made Wayne chuckle a bit. “Hey kid” he said, squeezing Eddie’s shoulder “who’s your friend?”.
Eddie stood up, gaping his mouth like a fish as he didn’t know exactly how he should describe Holly. A friend? Just a girl? Just a girl who was a friend? His school crush who never really had a real conversation with him until a week ago? Eddie could feel his face getting a darker shade of red, but all he could muster to stutter was “this is Holly”.
“Hi Mr. Munson! I’m Holly, I went to school with Eddie a few years ago. I’m sorry to come without letting you know beforehand, I’m just here to pick up some books Eddie is lending me” Holly introduced herself, shaking the old man’s hand with a small smile on her lips. Wayne dismissed her apology with a hand wave, “no, don’t apologize for it. It’s good to see Eddie finally talking to someone else for a change… especially if this gets him to do some cleaning I’ve been asking him to do for days. If anything, feel free to come by anytime you want”.
Eddie resisted the urge to roll his eyes and groan as a teenager, trying to look nonchalant but failing miserably as he couldn’t stop himself from pouting. Holly wiggled her eyebrows to Wayne, holding in her laughter. “I’m glad to be of help, sir” she said, eyeing Eddie who now seemed to be trying to hide behind his hair. Wayne shook his head, trying to suppress a smile, and made his way to the door. “Ok kids, I’m going to let you guys go on about your book thing. It was a pleasure meeting you, Holly”.
Watching the old man leave, Holly kept biting her bottom lip as not to laugh — not that she meant it in a mean it, it was just too cute and endearing to see Eddie, who she remembered being particularly bold and unashamed, acting so shy and embarrassed. Eddie took a deep breath, trying to force himself into acting normal, whatever the hell that means, and looked into Holly’s general direction. “Why do they always have to try and embarrass us” he asked, playing with the hem of his Dio shirt.
“I’m pretty sure it’s some rule that’s written in the parents and guardians handbook, or maybe it’s like a sport. I’m pretty sure my parents have some sort of competition about it between them, you’ll see” Holly replied, shrugging. Eddie chuckled and rolled his eyes, “Yeah, I guess. So, let’s pretend my uncle didn’t embarrass me and let me grab those books for you. Erm, do you want to come to my bedroom or…?”.
“I promise I won’t take notice of any messes, you have my girl scout word!” Eddie looked at Holly with curiosity making his brown eyes a little brighter; “oh, you were in the girl scouts?” “… No but it’s the thought that counts, right?”
Eddie snorted and made his way to his bedroom with Holly following him close by. Behind the door the faint smell of weed got stronger and mixed with cologne, and the room was basically what Holly would’ve expected: dirty laundry scattered around the floor among empty cans and bags of snacks, posters covering up the walls, a guitar hanging close to the headboard and a good number of books filled an old bookshelf. Eddie glanced at Holly who covered her eyes with her hands — the metalhead took this opportunity to at least ball up the clothes in the hamper in a corner of the room and kick whatever he could u under his bed. Holly uncovered her eyes when she couldn’t hear any more noises of Eddie hurriedly trying to organize his belongings and leaned against a wall. “So, this is the lair of the dungeon master?”.
“Well, something like that” Eddie chuckled, scratching his neck and looking around for the books he had in mind. He managed to find two in his bookshelf and the third one under his blanket. Holly kept herself distracted looking at all the posters adorning the walls and seeing that, in fact, she doesn’t know that much about music as she could count on the fingers of one hand the few bands she knew. “See something you like?” asked Eddie almost mockingly, following Holly’s gaze with his own. “I just really like this poster of Queen. Roger looks super good in it” she said, pointing at the blond guy in the photo. Eddie could feel his lips contracting in a frown but managed to quickly go back to a neutral expression. “Roger? Not Brian? I thought girls usually liked guitar players” he said in a I’m-joking-but-not-really tone. “Ah, so this is why you grew your hair out and picked the guitar? Because of girls?” asked Holly, squinting her eyes and pointing at the hanging guitar with an accusatory finger.
“N-no, I mean, I just heard girls talking ab-about this and about Brian M-May” Eddie sputtered, trying to find a satisfying answer as he could feel his whole face turning bright red. “Hey, no need to justify yourself, I’m really just joking” Holly said holding her hands up. “I know most girls go for the lead singer or the guitar player, but I don’t know, I think I just have a thing for drummers… and Roger is such a pretty guy, you know? Brian does have a charm to him, but it’s always been Roger for me” Holly explained herself absentmindedly, leafing through one of the books Eddie had picked. In a way her words were a hit into Eddie’s already bruised ego but it’s not like he really thought he had some sort of chance with Holly.
“Ok, it seems like I’ll have a lot of homework to do… Better get to it” Holly said extending his hands to grab the books, but Eddie swayed them away swiftly. “What kind of gentleman would I be if I’d let a lady carry all these heavy books? Come, let’s go back to the van and I’ll drop you home.” Now, it was Holly who felt embarrassed, and she didn’t want to bother Eddie anymore than she had already. “No, c’mon, Eddie… I’ve already took so much of your time today, it’s completely fine. I could, I don’t know, call my parents and ask them to pick me up”.
“We did spend a lot of time together today, but I-I’m fine with it” Eddie mumbled, feeling his cheeks flushing once more. “I mean, you think you’re burdening me and I’m over here thinking I’m burdening you, so I guess we’re even in a way. We could- I don’t know, we could just mutually agree we’re not burdening each other and… you’d let me take you home”. Eddie couldn’t face Holly and just waited for her answer while absentmindedly thumbing the spine of the books still in his hands. Holly cocked her head and thought to herself that Eddie was almost too cute to handle and smiled, not even bothering trying to hide it behind her hand. “Ok, ok. Let’s agree that we’re not being nuisances to each other, that I really like spending time with, I’ll let you drive me home and I’ll let you know when I’m done with my reading”.
Eddie nodded and guided Holly back to his van, mainly just listening to her talking about her day, but couldn’t really focus on her as his blood was rushing through his ears and all his mind could focus on was that Holly Brown liked to spend time with him. She liked his companionship. Holly liked being around him.
His driving skills weren’t necessarily known for being refined and with how nervous he was, it’s a miracle Eddie managed to get to Holly’s place without causing an accident. The girl hopped out of the van pressing the books to her chest and turned around to Eddie with a smile, “thank you so much for the ride, Eddie! So, today is Tuesday… Why don’t we see each other on Saturday? I don’t think I’ll manage to read everything by then, but I’ll read enough to at least get the gist of it”. “Hm, su-sure, Saturday sounds good” he replied eagerly, not being able to contain his excitement. Holly thought he looked like a puppy.
“Ok, I’ll see you Saturday then. I’ll call you to get the details. It’s a date!” Holly shouted, running to the door. Eddie stood in the driveway for a moment, looking at the door Holly had just gone through.
“It’s a date”
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queenofcastile · 6 months
of a devil with many names
She really does not deserve the attention. But it seems such measures are the only thing keeping this woman child in check. Narcissistic abuse at its finest most vindictive, and passive aggressive. The worst has not been captured but that is of no account, when dealing with the small minded, dragged up in the school of hard knockery, it’s none too difficult to anticipate their child like…
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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xlmains · 2 years
Kobe trash talker
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Off the court he’s shown equal expertise, employing the social media subliminal dig, passive aggression and even aiming his ire at media members. His infamous verbal confrontation with former teammate Kevin Durant demonstrated the phonetic perfection of a trash talking virtuoso. On the court he’s shown he can jaw with the best of them, taking on all comers-the young, the old, the strong, the weak, the fans and hell even the hopeless Knicks. Russell Westbrook is not only one of the best players in the Association but one of its finest orators in the art of shit talking. The 2016-2017 MVP has converted many a pagan worshipper to the Church of Russ where parishioners testify their faith to triple doubles, one man fast breaks, vicious dunks, all out effort and giving Andre Roberson this look whenever he tees up a three. I trust you’ll note that three of the five players listed are All Stars, proving that talk isn’t always cheap. It gets the competitive juices flowing and is as much a pep talk for the talker, as it a way to psych the opponent out.Īs a celebration of this NBA tradition, we have listed the best trash talkers in the league by position. Confidence is the key for any player to succeed and one of the surest ways for a player to maintain faith in their own game is for them to engage in trash talk. Trash talk is as old as the sport itself, with many of the game’s most acclaimed players noted equally for their verbal prowess as their athletic ability. A distinctly meritocratic environment devoid of the polite “thank you’s” and apt “excuse me’s” of the outside world, replaced with eff bombs, aggressive commands and a decidedly diminished filter when it comes to telling someone how you feel. Then there is the language of the gym, learned later in life but its speakers fluent all the same. There is of course the language of the outside world, the native tongue, where politeness and courtesy are valued, a place where most people are given the benefit of the doubt, and direct conflict avoided as much as possible. “I’m just looking around to see who’s going to finish second.” – Larry BirdĮvery basketball player on the planet is bilingual, whether they know it or not. “If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all” -Mothers everywhere
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