thatspecificanomaly · 1 month
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Little pizza tower fucks (part 2) ft m y favorite little guy (guess who)
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beardedjoel · 1 year
closer | part one
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joel x f!reader. non-apocalypse au
series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3
story summary: you are staying with your parents, helping them move into their new house in austin. what happens when joel miller, the attractive neighbor you've been eyeing obsessively starts to show you some much wanted attention? 4.9k words.
chapter warnings: 18+ MDNI, age difference (joel is 42 and reader is 25), masturbation (f and m), reader is described in a few outfits (shorts and cropped shirt) and as having hair, this chapter is mostly expo and some ~flirtations~
a/n: been posting this mostly on ao3 for a while but thought the tumblr audience might also enjoy my self indulgent joel smut story <3
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It’s well into your second week staying with your parents, and you’re laying in the grass in their backyard, reading the latest off your long list of books you’ve been itching to get into. It’s pleasant but already getting hot as you lounge in the shade, the Texas summer heat not yet at its peak for the day.
You came to stay with your parents in Austin after they officially moved here several weeks before you arrived, and your mom called you in a panic because your dad broke his leg falling down the stairs while they were moving in. You remember sighing loudly, your accident prone dad had finally broken something, and of course it was something this major.
You had already planned to move here after a job offer at a new startup in Austin was too alluring to pass up on, and after graduating from your Master’s program you had no further plans before this came along. So you came a few weeks before you planned to, hurriedly packing up your things in Chicago and coming to help your frazzled mother before planning to eventually find your own place and get settled at your new job. It’s been mostly relaxing aside from the moving and your anxious mother buzzing around constantly, almost like a little vacation before you start the rest of your life after years of college.
You peer up from your book, seeing their dog Benny, a chocolate lab, running around the yard with a smile. You stifle a yawn before taking another drink from the iced coffee set beside you in the grass, the glass sweating onto your hand. You go on high alert quickly, though, when you see that your parents’ neighbor is pulling out his lawn mower in the yard next door. This is the other perk of staying here - Joel Miller, the man who lives next door, the man you’ve been obsessed with since the first time you laid eyes on him. You haven’t managed to say a word to him, but every time he’s outside you’ve watched him as casually as possible, trying to learn more about him, observe him. You feel completely creepy half the time that you’re so interested in everything he does, but it’s hard to help it when he’s the most attractive, alluring man you’ve ever seen. He’s definitely older than you, although you can’t be sure by how much, but none of that matters to you as you lay your eyes on his toned form across the way, taking in his tanned skin, slightly tousled dark hair, and beard yet another time.
You find it hard to go back to concentrating on your book, although you’re certainly pretending to as you periodically look at him through your sunglasses while he mows his lawn. Even from afar, you can see the sweat glistening on his forehead and neck as he works out under the sun, and it’s driving you insane to think about how it would look up close. You can picture a bead of sweat running down the back of his shirt, and you have to force yourself to snap out of it. When the hell did you become such a horned up monster like this? It has… been a while since you’ve been with anyone, and even then those past encounters were pretty underwhelming, you muse to yourself as you continue to peek over at Joel. He reaches his white t-shirt up to wipe the sweat off of his face and you have to bite down on your lip as you see a glimmer of his stomach appear and then disappear.
Fuck, you need to go inside and cool off.
You snap your book shut, gathering your things and heading back towards your parents’ house, to the small detached apartment above the garage that came with the place. They hadn't thought much of it initially when they purchased the home, but for this situation it worked out perfectly - as a grown adult you were dreading the lack of personal space that would surely come with staying with your parents. This small apartment was a great surprise to find out about after agreeing to come to Austin early, affording you a bit of privacy. And thankfully you have it, you think as you quickly fling yourself onto your bed, letting the air conditioning cool you off and try to wipe the downright nasty thoughts you’re having about your neighbor you don’t even know from your mind.
The more you try to fight it, the more the thoughts invade your mind, and not for the first time since you noticed Joel, you give into the thoughts and slowly reach down into your linen shorts and start touching yourself, feeling the wetness that had already formed just from seeing him mow the lawn and the racing desires you were having about him. For fuck’s sake, you think to yourself as you feel it, but move on quickly to imagining what was under that shirt, imagine undressing him and kissing him and fucking him. You just know he’d be a good fuck, a giving lover - he has a confident, sexual appeal to him that feels so undeniable. You rub your clit in slow circles, trying to picture his hand being the one to do it, and come quickly at the thought, biting down on your fist to muffle your panting moans just in case your parents could hear. You haven’t yet figured out the amount of noise traveling from the apartment to the rest of the house, so better to be safe than sorry. You lay, breathing heavily and staring at the ceiling for a bit, debating yet again on finally talking to him. There’s no way you’d even be able to get a sentence out at this point, and you laugh to yourself trying to picture it.
Instead, you keep yourself busy around the house for a while with your mother while your dad attempts to unpack some things from a chair, his leg fully casted. You both roll your eyes jestingly at his effort, and continue to organize until your mom decides she wants to go pick up some dinner. When you sit down with them that evening to eat, you notice Joel through the kitchen window, which has a decent view into his yard. He’s cooking on his grill, holding a beer in the other hand, taking a swig from it. You sigh quickly, irritated that you can’t even eat your pizza in peace without his distractions. Your parents both eye you, your mom asking if anything is wrong with the food, and you shake your head.
“No, I just… remembered I was supposed to call my friend back in Chicago - you remember Sofia? So I think I’ll just eat the rest of this up in my space, if that’s okay,” you say, lying right to their faces.
“Of course, don’t miss your little date with Sofia,” your mom smiles at you, and you excuse yourself, grabbing the plate of pizza and going through the sliding glass door to the backyard. The entrance to your apartment is along the back of the garage and up a flight of stairs, so you have to cut through the yard to get there. As you approach the stairs, it takes you nearer to Joel’s fence and your view of him at his grill. His back is turned, but when you walk closer he turns slightly, just enough to catch your eye. He raises his beer slightly as a greeting and gives you a smile, and you’re barely able to smile back due to the nervous butterflies you now feel under his gaze. You rush quickly now, darting up the stairs and heading into your apartment.
Coward, you think as you set the pizza down on the counter of the small kitchenette and hold your head in your hands until you can calm down. You do indeed end up calling Sofia, filling her in on the latest news of your “hot neighbor” as you two have been naming him, and she laughs in earnest at your complete inability to speak to Joel, that she’s never seen you like this about anybody, but continues to encourage you to go for it. She says she knows you’ve got it in you, but you aren’t sure anymore. You can’t tell if she’s a bad or good influence on you, but you do know you desperately want to follow her advice and simply begin by having a conversation with the man. Maybe once you talk to him, you won't feel this insane desperation towards him anymore, maybe he’ll be boring, maybe he’ll seem uninteresting if you get to know him. Somehow, you think as you try to fall asleep that night, you doubt all of that to be true.
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“Mother fucker…” you mutter angrily to yourself the next day, attempting to do… you truly have no clue what you’re attempting to do to fix this gate, but you’re stubborn enough to keep trying. Your parents are both out of the house at work today, and you were told to try and be productive, so here you are trying to do just that, desperately poking, prodding, screwing and unscrewing pieces on this latch.
“That’s quite a mouth you got on ya there,” a deep, slightly rough voice with a southern accent cuts in. You gasp lightly in surprise, having not heard him coming with how focused you’d been. You turn your body and look up from your crouched position, shielding your eyes from the sun shining behind him. It’s Joel Miller, right there in the flesh, and it’s the closest you’ve ever been to him. He must have come up behind you from the pathway that leads to the driveway of the house when he saw you struggling with the gate. You can see the lines in his face a little better - his tan, speckled skin, and brown eyes are catching your attention much more at this distance. You suppose you’d known he had brown eyes, but as you rise up to meet him, you’re absolutely mesmerized by them.
“I… uh,” you stammer, still surprised he’s talking to you. “My mom would kill me if she knew a stranger heard me talking like that,” you laugh a little, rubbing your neck nervously, feeling how it’s sticky with a layer of sweat from being out in the hot sun. You can’t believe those are the first words you’re uttering to Joel, the one you’ve been trying to find the perfect thing to say to introduce yourself to, and you end up talking about your fucking mom. Just great.
“Good thing I ain’t a stranger then, I’m a neighbor,” Joel replies, looking at you with a small, friendly smile. You see his eyes roam quickly over your whole body, taking in your shorts and small cropped tank top leaving little to the imagination. You feel your cheeks go warm under his gaze taking in your features.
“Yeah, but I don’t even know your name, so where does that leave us?” you lie, acting as if you hadn’t casually asked your parents about him as soon as you could fit it into a conversation.
Joel lets out a little chuckle, his whole body seeming to rumble slightly with it. “Right,” he says, and you think he may be able to see right through you with his scrutinizing eyes. “Your folks didn’t tell you anything about me, then?”
“Not really,” you say sheepishly. He doesn’t seem to buy it, but he plays along.
“I’m Joel,” he reaches out a hand, “Miller.”
You tell him your name and grab his hand to shake it. His grip is firm but gentle with you, and you can feel how hard his large hands are from working with them. You try not to have a visceral reaction from touching him, but you can feel yourself shy away from it and you hope to any higher being that he doesn’t notice.
“What’cha workin’ on there?” he asks, gesturing to the gate.
You press your lips together, feeling embarrassed at him having seen you fail so miserably at your handiwork. “Just trying to fix this gate for my parents, the latch is messed up or something,” you say, biting your lip nervously. Joel gives a wry smile with his head cocked as you attempt to explain.
“Lemme take a look, darlin’,” he says, putting a hand on your shoulder to gently move you to the side. You try not to let your mouth hang open at his use of a pet name and the feeling of his hand touching your bare skin. You don’t know how it got this far, these few weeks spent watching him from afar, that you’d fallen head over heels for the man based on sight alone. Now that he was talking to you, touching you, there was absolutely no turning back now. You need more, all of your senses already hungry for him, and you force yourself to reign it in as quickly as you can, blinking to focus on what Joel is doing.
He inspects the latch, testing it a few times before calling you over to look more closely. You can barely breathe as you stand next to him, the warmth of his body radiating towards you, but despite the heat of the day, you find you don’t mind it at all.
“Now see here?” He says, pointing to an area on the latch mechanism. “This is all bent up, no wonder it keeps poppin’ open.” You realize he must have been watching you attempt to fix this for longer than you’d thought, if he knew that the latch had kept popping back open on you. The thought is equally tantalizing and embarrassing and you can’t help but wonder what he was thinking of you as he watched. You realize he’s looking towards you now, awaiting confirmation that you understood what he said. You make quick eye contact, but decide to focus your eyes on the latch instead so you don’t immediately lose your train of thought.
“Ah, okay. So... what do we do, then?” You bite your lip again, then silently curse yourself for the nervous habit.
“Could try hammerin’ it back into place until you can get a new piece,” he says with a small shrug, still standing close to you. “You got a hammer in that toolbox of yours?” he asks, motioning down to where it rests near your feet. You bend down to grab it for him, feeling his eyes on you as you grab the hammer and hand it to over him. He shows you what he’s doing and explains along the way, but you can hardly pay attention - his toned arms, tan from being out in the sun, are bulging out of his dark t-shirt as he puts the effort in to knock the latch back into place are the biggest distraction. You nod along and appear interested, sneaking a quick glance at his arms or concentrated face every so often.
“All done, should do for now,” he says, quickly testing the gate’s latch, then turning to you with another friendly smile, his brown eyes catching yours again.
“G-great, thank you,” you say, knowing you want to keep the conversation going, but unsure of how to keep his interest. What the hell could hold his interest about a stuttering, inexperienced woman like you? “Really, I appreciate it. Who knows how long I’d have been out here trying to fix that.” You laugh a little, and it comes out nervous sounding, which makes you nearly cringe. But Joel just continues his lopsided smile at you and hands the hammer back over.
“My pleasure, darlin’, felt like the neighborly thing to do,” he replies. You think you might pass out if he calls you darlin’ one more time, you swear it. “Got anything else you needed my help with?”
You try not to look too stunned at his offer, knowing it’s your chance to try and get to know him better, and not wanting to mess it up.
“Actually, y-yes,” you say, and it’s the truth. Your parents house came with a few projects that have now become your problem since you’d offered to help out. “I was going to try and fix this cabinet in my parents’ kitchen, but you don’t have to -” you start, but Joel interrupts you quickly.
“Let’s go on then, show me,” he says, putting a hand out for you to lead the way. You walk through the newly fixed gate and into the backyard, leading him towards the sliding glass door.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to take up too much of your time, I can probably figure it out,” you offer as you start to open the door.
“No offense honey, but the way you were fightin’ with that gate, I think you could use my help in here,” he says, his accent thick on the word ‘honey’ and you feel yourself sink into the feeling of it, a warmth low in your belly that spreads outwards. You just give him a nervous but appreciative smile as you lead him into the kitchen. The air conditioning immediately brings you relief from the way your cheeks are burning, just being around Joel sending you reeling. Goosebumps coat your skin and you cross your arms instinctively at the cooler air hitting you and shut the door behind Joel after he enters. Benny comes in the room, sniffing at Joel, and Joel pets him and gives him a scratch behind the ears with a soft smile before Benny trots off. You try to hold back a smile at the immediate green flag popping up with how sweet Joel was with Benny.
“Sorry about the mess, uh, still unpacking everything here,” you apologize, walking past some boxes and taking note of all the piles of stuff yet to get put in its place. “Did you… want some water, or anything?”
Joel nods. “You’re a polite thing, aren’t you,” he drawls, eyeing you, and the way he says it makes your skin tingle, the hairs on your arms standing up. “Raised in the south, I assume?” he says, watching you think for a moment which cabinet your parents had unpacked the glasses to and quickly finding one, trying to hide your slightly shaking hands as you fill the cup at the sink.
“Er, yeah, San Antonio,” you say, handing him the glass. He takes a lengthy sip then looks back in your direction.
“What brought your folks to Austin? Brought you to Austin?” he asks casually, leaning against the countertop now. He sure is making it easy to continue the conversation, which is exactly what you were hoping for, him carrying the brunt of it while you try to get your footing.
“My parents wanted to be a bit closer to family, buy a smaller house, that kind of thing. I’m just back here from school in Chicago to help them settle in since my dad broke his leg right after they moved. And a job offer here in Austin kind of sealed the deal for me,” you ramble nervously, unsure of what to do with your hands so you tug anxiously at your shorts.
“Hm,” Joel says, considering you and tilting his head to the side. “Awful sweet of you to help out.”
“T-thanks, it’s not a big deal, just for a while until I get set up at my new job,” you say as a shaky smile crosses your face. You’re looking at the floor on and off for most of the conversation, trying your best to meet his eyeline.
“A bit shy too, it seems,” he smirks a little, but not in a condescending way - it’s friendly, and almost sweet. “Seen you round, but you’ve never said hello,” he says. You think you can’t possibly feel any more flushed and embarrassed  around him, but there it is, that familiar burning feeling rising to your cheeks.
“Neither did you,” you retort, trying to sound brave and sassy, maybe the type of girl Joel would be into. He laughs a little at your comment, and you wonder if you’re on the right track.
“Fair point there,” he replies, “Didn’t wanna scare you away, I ‘spose.” His tone is teasing, but you have to wonder quickly at the content, that he was... worried about scaring you away. Does that mean he’d noticed you, wanted to get to know you as well, but didn’t know how to approach? You brush off the runaway thoughts, assuming he was just joking around and being friendly, because there was not a chance any of that was true. You picture yourself in his eyes and nearly shake your head - of course none of it could be true.
“You don’t have to worry about that,” you say back, surprising yourself with your own words, feeling a rush of pride that you were able to flirt with him, even if just a little. Your response gets another smile out of him, and he seems to take note of your flirty tone with a small raise of his eyebrows.
“Let’s take a look at that cabinet, then,” he says, putting the glass down on the counter. You show him the slightly crooked upper cabinet that’s been driving your mom nuts, the one you swore to her you could try and fix today. You aren’t sure if you want to even explain the whole truth to her when she sees with surprise that it actually got done - you think she might be upset with a stranger being in the house, but like Joel said, he’s a neighbor, not a stranger. “You got a power drill?” he asks, interrupting your thoughts.
“Oh, um,” you say, thinking out loud, “I think it’s around here somewhere,” you immediately start looking around busily, trying to remember where your dad said he put it in this current mess of a house.
“No worries, let me just go and grab mine,” he offers, leaving out the sliding door and you standing alone. Finally. You release a long, slow breath, realizing you’d practically been holding it without noticing. You try to shake off the nerves, not let Joel get to you so much - he’s just your neighbor, just some guy, you shouldn’t be this puddling, nervous mess around him. But the way you felt being so close to him when you’ve been pining for him from afar has far from left you, you think as your stomach turns with butterflies.
Joel returns before you can fully calm yourself down and begins working on the cabinet. When he reaches up to use the drill on the hinges, his shirt lifts slightly, just enough to see a sliver of skin around the waistband of his jeans. You’re mesmerized by it, and feel warm all over again despite the air conditioning blasting through the house. You’re currently lost in wondering what it would be like to grab a fistful of his shirt and continue lifting it up, revealing his stomach and chest, the little peek of hair you can see there.
The intermittent noise of the drill as he works has become background noise to the downright filthy thoughts you were having about Joel’s midriff, so you don’t fully notice when it stops and Joel turns towards you, catching where your eyes had just been staring. You inhale sharply, caught in the act, and avert your eyes, rubbing your arm and trying to look casual. You swear you hear a quiet chuckle come from him and you know your expression gives you away, but you dare to bring your eyes up to his face, which is watching you with a knowing smirk.
“All set,” he says, seeming to choose not to comment on the situation, which you silently thank him for. He made quick work of fixing the cabinet, and now you truly don’t have any other projects for him to work on, feeling a small pit in your stomach at the thought.
“Thank you,” you squeak out, still reeling from your embarrassment. “My parents will be relieved that all of this is fixed now, but I guess no thanks to me.” You laugh at your own confidence this morning, thinking you had the ability to do any this handiwork today when you’ve hardly fixed anything around the house in your life.
“Don’t think you’ve got a handy bone in your body, darlin’,” he jokes. “Tell you what - why don’t you tell them it was you, take all the credit,” he says, giving you a wink. A fucking wink. It’s quick and you almost think you imagined it, but it makes your knees feel like jelly.
“Oh, n-no, I couldn’t do that,” you say, furrowing your brows with a quick shake of your head. Joel chuckles, the sound rich and ringing in your ears beautifully. You realize you want to hear it a million times more, that you don’t think you could get tired of hearing that sound come out of his beautiful mouth, those plush lips so fucking inviting it’s driving you insane.
“Like I said, such a polite girl,” he teases, and your cheeks continue the way they’ve been steadily warming since you two started talking. “Well, you know where to find me if you ever need more help ‘round here,” he says, turning to head for the door, then after a few steps rotates back towards you slightly. “Or anything else,” he adds with what you swear is a devilish smile on his face. You feel your breath hitch at the words and almost can’t say anything at all, your mouth and throat drying up and refusing to make any noise for several seconds.
“T-thanks again, really,” you say, still dumbfounded, as he reaches the door. You follow closely behind, trying to be polite and close the door behind him - there it is again, damn it, the word polite.
“Take care.” He gives you another quick smile and walks off, leaving you standing in the doorway for a few moments before you blink hard and regroup, finally closing the door.
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Joel leaves your house with a smug grin plastered on his face, his thoughts reeling from his interaction with you. Of course he’d noticed the sweet girl who arrived one day next door at his new neighbor’s house, the one who lounged around in the backyard in sexy summer clothes - little shorts and cropped shirts - trying to stay cool but making it hard for Joel to focus when he was struck by how beautiful you are. Of course he’d noticed how you noticed him, at first maybe thinking you were just being a little bit nosy, but then seeing the way he’d constantly feel your eyes on him, your expression changing over time as you continued to watch him throughout the weeks. He could sense the lustful look in your eyes even from afar, and did his best to keep his glances at you as short lived as he could stand. It was when he saw you laughing for the first time, fully and whole-heartedly, on the phone with someone as you twirled a strand of your hair, that he knew it was bad, that he was already in too deep.
He saw you always reading, writing in a journal, or sunbathing with headphones on, and it was mesmerizing to watch you in your element, Joel thought. He’d also noticed, whenever he did any kind of work in the yard, how you would watch more intensely, and his own thoughts would begin drifting into something inappropriate, until you’d get up in a hurry and head up into that little apartment above the garage. He didn’t want to make any assumptions on what you were doing, but seeing you rush away looking hot and bothered into a private place always left him feeling a bit of the same way. He’d already lost count of how many times you’d popped into his mind as he masturbated, despite him trying to avoid it, you always wormed your way in there, an image of you always being the final blow, the reason he came.
It was clear as day you were younger than him by a good amount, and he’d been having misgivings about it, thinking it was already borderline just how much he’d been unashamedly checking you out. But, when he saw you struggling with that gate, he couldn’t help but to watch with a little smile for a bit - you’d looked cute, your brow furrowed and concentrated, trying all the tools under the sun, having no idea what to do. He decided against his better judgment that it was time to step in and close the gap between you two, despite his reservations.
He hadn’t expected just how shy and nervous you’d be, based on your demeanor from afar and the way you’d been watching him. You’d seemed confident, cool headed, and a bit boisterous when you talked to your parents, or on the phone. It was sweet actually, he thought, just how shy he’d made you, but he hoped he hadn’t misread the situation and ended up making you uncomfortable. He found the way you’d looked so flustered and tripped up on your words so endearing, and the way you got a bit more bold towards the end of the conversation gave him hope. Hope for what, he wasn’t sure yet, but he was longing to find out exactly what you wanted from him.
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You’re not crazy, you know that. You didn’t imagine the wink, and you certainly didn’t imagine the way he so slyly added on that last comment, saying to find him if you needed “anything else”. You spend the entire evening analyzing every moment of the conversation, then imagining what that ‘anything else’ could entail, and find yourself reaching a hand down your pants for yet another time that night, furiously fingering yourself with thoughts of handyman Joel fucking you on the kitchen counter. Then on your bed. His bed. The couch. Against a wall. In his truck. The list goes on and on, each new place you fucked in your head better than the last. You lay back, sighing, after you come again and still feel completely unsatisfied, knowing that you’ll remain this way until you experience the real thing. You go to sleep exhausted but with resolve that night, knowing you’re going to find out if there’s a possibility of fucking Joel Miller if it’s the last thing you do.
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Vincent Price as Count Sforza
F-Troop: V is for Vampire (1966)
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gophergal · 1 month
Gonna be real if you accuse people of misogyny based on their favorite characters and ships, I do not fucking trust your opinion. full stop
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rosielav · 1 year
Rosie's Favorite (currently finished/caught up) Podcasts:
The Amelia Project - silly, quirky, morbid but almost always more jaunty and eccentric than completely dark. Great for anyone who loves 'narrator' or interview type podcasts. If I'm not mistaken, I've posted some of my thoughts on here using the pod's hashtag.
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbitity, and Mortality - another narrator type podcast, and probably my favorite of all time. The main voice you hear is perfect imo and keeps you engaged in all the right ways, bringing tension where it's needed, and levity where it's funny or odd. Absolutely consumed this podcast with a voraciousness I haven't felt for a bit. Keeps you guessing and always wanting more from every exhibit.
Victoriocity - excellent voice acting, interesting and unique premise and setting, and great plot. One of the podcasts I'm most looking forward to returning :) think steam punk but also it's the 1800s still in weird ways. If you love an old timey British accent, you'll love this haha.
The White Vault - probably my favorite specifically horror podcast, that makes you wait for answers in a craving sort of way, a longing to know what's going on, and not slogging through a bunch of filler to then get answers. It's great, gorey, geographically diverse fun. Interesting mashups of various cultures re: mythology, history, religion(?). Another on my list to watch out for the return of.
Midnight Burger: the quick pitch is - a time traveling diner that always services people in need, no matter what time, space, or dimension they may reside in. Excellent cast of characters, great development, wonderful implementation of a new character(s), and in general a very comfortable vibe to return to (speaking of, once I run out of recommendations I may relisten to this one). Highly recommend if you like sitcoms with time travel splashed with a bit of horror.
Edit: just finished up another one, so time to add it to the list!!
Monstrous Agonies: A radio show advice segment, about, by, and for the Creature Community. If you like WTNV, but find it a bit intense sometimes, or a bit too plot heavy/etc, you'll absolutely love this. Instead of the whole show, you just get the advice segment, but oh ho ho, is it so much more than that. If you're queer, BIMPOC, from a blended/mixed/broken/anything but 'typical' home... I think you'll like it. Very much what I would call 'easy listening', meaning you can just ease into an episode without having to remember a huge cast of characters, a plots b plots C plots meta plots... And it just feels *real*, in that strange and beautiful way WTNV does, but instead of a fictional town, the setting is the real world, with real problems, and real solutions. Sometimes you really do just need to howl or cry or chew on some slippers and that's OK. Highly recommend for ADHD havers or anyone with a short attention span who loves a soothing voice.
Edit: Another absolute banger to add to the list
Wooden Overcoats - how do I even properly describe the experience of this podcast. Let's start with the basics: It's the story of twins who run a funeral parlor on a small island, in a small village. Their family has been running said parlor for hundreds of years, as the only funeral directors on the island. Until one day... They aren't. A man arrives and sets up his own funeral parlor directly across the square, and boy, do things change for those twins. If you've listened to (and loved) Victoriocity, or The Amelia Project, I guarantee you'll enjoy this one. Strange, silly, and interesting things are always happening, except this one doesn't have quite as much drama (well...... Perhaps a different kind of drama. I'd call this an interpersonal dramedy, with emphasis on the comedy). An incredible listen, through and through. I thoroughly enjoyed every single episode, and the ending was quite safisfying :)
Another EXCELLENT addition to this ever increasing list of content!!! I'm not even finished with this one, I just love it so much that I can't help but add it to the list:
Mission Rejected - you know in those spy movies, where the spy gets a secret message from HQ and they say 'your mission, if you choose to accept it...' ok great. Now imagine if 007 said 'no'. This is the story about the backups, the team that takes the missions rejected by the Top Spy Guy. It's got diverse voice acting (in many senses of the word - you can tell the voices apart, it's not exclusively straight cis white dudes, etc etc), wonderful worldbuilding, great pacing, an excellent plot, I really could go on and on. I highly recommend this specific podcast to anyone who wants something light to get deeply invested in, that has a lot of comedy but also develops the characters outside of just their bits. 100/10 no notes
Edit: not sure which podcast/podcast enthusiast rb'ed this yesterday but I'm so glad more folks get to see this list!!! It makes me so happy that lots of folks enjoy this list, a d share their fave ones, and!!!! Aaaggghhhhhhhhh!!! I love podcasts and podcast enthusiasts!!!!!
Also I have another one for yall :3 if you're looking for another improv comedy to add to your list!!!
Hey Riddle Riddle - exactly what you think it is, but also so much more. Three friends/coworkers who also happen to be sensational improv comedians solve riddles and puzzles together, while also introducing bits and skits and reoccurring segments, so it never feels like 'just a Riddle podcast' (whatever that means). I have laughed every single episode, which is a big deal for me (some comedy podcasts only make me laugh every few episodes, and I require at LEAST one laugh per episode). I can genuinely say this is one of the funniest podcasts I've ever listened to, and the absolute best improv I've ever heard. I'm all for committing to the bit, and this one absolutely delivers on both the commitment part and the bit part haha. Seriously can't recommend this one enough if you maybe listen to a lot of drama/horror and need something easy to listen to (easy meaning there's not a plot you have to be intensely listening for, you can just enjoy it casually). 1000/10, please listen and also tell me YOUR favorite riddles :)
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eternal-moss · 3 months
When people continually whitewash my favourite characters.
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[ID: A black and white, rough digital drawing of someone sitting at a desk and clutching their head in their hands. End ID.]
^thank you @describe-things
#This is mainly about Noé Archiviste. But also I will not forget what some people did to Simon Petrikov either when I was watching f&c#I’m so desperate for drawings of them. But for the love of God,is it that difficult? Somehow every other hexadecimal of their#Character design is exactly on model other than their skin. Just. .#OH YEAH I FORGOT KAEYA. FFS. Somehow it’s always the K**luc-ers that always do it. Which makes sense because they disregard his entire char#And with the new influx of atla fans people have been whitewashing Katara too! And I mean drawings of the original show too#probably delete later#And no one seems to have any problems with it? Especially if it’s sexualised art *talking more about Kaeya & Noé here.#People who whitewash the few (and when I say few I literally mean 5/82 playable characters) darker genshin characters. Actually fuck off#If I see ‘it’s just my art style’ or ‘it’s just the lighting’ *every other colour than the skin hasn’t been lightened in the slightest*#One more time-i’m going to explode#Oh and while I’m on this topic! Fuck Bochum for whitewashing literally the entire starlight express cast! Electra being the first ever#non binary character in musical theatre while also being played by black actors. And then Bochum happened.#When was the last time Pearl or Rusty had actors who weren’t white? Literally the last character who hasn’t been replaced is Momma/Poppa.#And being black is so integral to their character and music. You quite physically couldn’t#I really really hope the casting for the London performance this year is like the 1984 cast again. Please.
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frnkiebby · 2 months
I'm kinda sad i changed my url bc I have no nickname now ☹️ but that's okay and also the fucking envy. ENVY BC ILL NEVER BE A GUY THAT LOOKS LIKE FRANK OR FRANK HIMSELF 😭
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Also this. This this this is ssusjebeirbfjAAHHHH
this fuckin’ guy i stg i honestly CANNOT~🎃
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Wow wow wooow 😍 Sk8rboi Ava! Bad boy Bae
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…I just don’t think I’ve said it enough…
I need more of him
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Tony is just so passionate and so bitchy and he pretends to be sure of himself but is absolutely suffering from imposter syndrome or failure to launch (or both!) and in the last two episodes they went and gave him a self-actualization moment and then confirmed he has daddy issues
-> and then they took him away from me <-
He’s just so hot and so. sad. and I love him
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more please
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francy-sketches · 1 year
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This is the worst explanation I've ever read what 😭
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possamble · 1 month
I think the most egregious case of "tagging a background f/f ship" is when the f/f ship is an established couple that spends most of their screentime trying to get the m/m or f/m ship together. They barely even flirt. Many such cases. :(
I know there are real problems I could get heated about but this one truly makes me want to book a rage room
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stellerssong · 5 months
starting the new year off right with some werewolves being fucking unwell
@lucienne-thee-librarian @raspberryjellybrains pspspspspsps
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wheresmulder · 1 year
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So uhhhhhh D'Arcy Carden said my fucking name with her mouth last night and now if I think about it for too long I get lightheaded but it looks like I'm getting a Janet tattoo 🥲💕🌵
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virgilsbass · 11 months
hes so silly i cant cope ugh
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I'm not having heart palpitations, you are!
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peachteaships · 3 months
These two have me pinned between them as they glare each other down cause they're jealous, but they forget that I have two hands.
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