#youre misrepresenting the content of your fic if you tag a pairing as one of the main relationships when theyre only there to help another
possamble · 20 days
I think the most egregious case of "tagging a background f/f ship" is when the f/f ship is an established couple that spends most of their screentime trying to get the m/m or f/m ship together. They barely even flirt. Many such cases. :(
I know there are real problems I could get heated about but this one truly makes me want to book a rage room
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sweetmotherof · 3 years
Haikyuu Fics: The Classics™️
EDIT: pt 2!!
I wanted to make a post to archive what I would call “The Classics” as far as Haikyuu fanfic on ao3 goes. For anyone new to the daunting world of Haikyuu fanfiction, these works are probably the most popular, talked-about works throughout the fandom, so they are a good place to start! I haven’t read some of these, but the reason I included them is that I’ve seen so much hype around them. Comment the ones I missed, and I’m definitely going to be doing a part 2. Enjoy <3 :D
*contains nsfw fics* READ TAGS BEFORE U READ
⭑=my faves
Rules by ConesOfDunshire⭑
E, 120 k words
Accountant Akaashi. Pianist Bokuto. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT??? This fic is seriously novel-worthy, and Bokuto having Asperger’s is a beautiful component to the story. I found that the characterization and the attention to detail the author put into the story is what made it a truly distinguishable and unique fic that allowed it to rise to the top. It is worth every kudos, comment, bookmark, and more. Highly recommend.
Behind Bricks by DeathBelle⭑
E, 60 k words, cw: prostitution, choking, and heavy content so READ THE TAGS
This darker fic follows Akaashi as he deals with his life as a prostitute, and how Bokuto comes in and is able to change it for the better. I feel sometimes that heavy topics such as the trauma from sex work are really misrepresenting in fanfiction, but the author does a great job of portraying it in a real way and not romanticizing it at all. I loved to watch love bloom for Akaashi in the cracks of his tumultuous life, because he deserves everything <333
In Another Life by LittleLuxray⭑
T, 22 k words, cw: terminal illness, hospitals, major character death
As the highest-rated Haikyuu fanfic on ao3, this work is a monument and will go down in Haikyuu history. That being said, it honestly did such a number on me that I think it deserves the hype. This hospital au revolving around Akaashi and Bokuto’s budding relationship is truly heartbreaking, to say the least. Read it at your own risk, and oh, you can find references to it under almost any Bokuaka related post.
Conquering the Great King by SuggestiveScribe
105 k words, E
This rollercoaster of a fic, set in a universe where Oikawa and Iwaizumi meet in a bar, is funny, profound, and awe-inspiring all in one. The relationship dynamic between the two is very cute and well-done. I highly recommend this one if you are a sucker for some good, old Iwaoi, and I also love the side pairings. Just, overall, a really nice and satisfying read.
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu(chanyeol)
T, 66.3k words, cw: injury, homophobia
This fic is a favorite on tik tok, from what I’ve observed. I haven’t read it yet, but when people discuss it, they always commend the writing and the non-linear narrative. I have personally not read this one yet, but I have seen people rave about this one because of the emotional impact it had on them. It seems to me that the writing and emotions on this one are its claims to fame, so definitely check it out.
Desperado by Verbrennung
M, 82k words
Talk about raved about fics, I have seen this one mentioned countless times on various platforms. This Iwaoi fic is set in a Vegas/Japan fusion setting, which immediately caught my eye. The premise of a heist fic also is probably what caught people's attention the most, because what is better than an Iwaoi heist fic (nothing. nothing is better.) I recommend this if you want a bit of a longer fic that had a tumultuous plot and a wild romance.
Burden of Blame by DeathBelle⭑
E, 91k words, cw: graphic violence, guns, ptsd, panic attacks, murder, death, injury and more so READ TAGS
Burden of Blame is THE mafia au fic of the Haikyuu ao3 universe. I love this fic soooo much. From it’s wild plot to the flawless writing, I was constantly on my feet. I definitely recommend if you want something that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Also, the enemies to lovers is CHEFS FUCKING KISS.
A Liar’s Truth by internetpistol⭑
E, 49.6k words, cw: HOMOPHOBIA!! read tags pls
Oh. My. God. I simply cannot with this fic. It turned me inside out, upside down, and threw me into the void. Please, if you have one singular brain cell, you will read this fic. This narrative about Sakusa’s life and his relationship with his sexuality is a masterpiece. I cannot recommend this one enough. You do not want to miss out on this genuine piece of art. 
Stick With You by lettersinpetals
E, 99k words
This fic follows Sakusa and Atsumu as they get stuck in the Philippines over quarantine. Honestly, if you want an enemies to lovers that really goes in depth into the trope, this is the one for you. One of my favorite things about this fic is the inclusion of the Filipino language, and I found myself reading all of the translations at the end. I would recommend this if you want a longer, feel good Sakuatsu fic. Also, lettersinpetals is a Sakuatsu classic author.
the Terminal Curiosity series by favspacetwink and moonlumie
E, total 112k words, not finished, 8 works, READ TAGS
This fic is probably the notorious BDSM fic, which I’m glad because it portrays it in a very consensual and safe way. I’m personally not into that stuff, but I still was able to enjoy it for the plot and the amazing writing. I definitely recommend it if you are looking for something with BDSM components with some focus on their relationship dynamics too. I actually did really enjoy this fic, and I think the way their relationship kind of progressed backward was really, really good. Even if BDSM isn’t your cup of tea, I still recommend checking this one out and reading the tags to see if it is something you’re willing to give a chance too, because, for me, it paid off.  
the galaxy is endless (i thought we were, too) by cosmogony
T, 30.9k words, cw: illness, DEATH
I have yet to read this fic. I am genuinely too afraid. Similarly to In Another Life, I constantly see people discussing to the degree in which this fic destroyed them, and honestly after In Another Life, I don’t think I could handle another one. This soulmates au has crushed so many people throughout the fandom that if you want someone to give you more detail on why it’s the saddest thing ever, you probably wouldn’t have to look very far.
Of Monsters and Men by shions_heart
M, 220k words, cw: violence, temporary character death
This longer fic follows Kuroo, Kenma, and many others through a demon hunter/buffy the vampire-style universe, with magic, drama, and much more. If you are looking for a fantasy, action-packed, beautifully written fic, this is definitely one you should check out. The romance and action combination will always be chefs kiss, superb. 
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ticklesofcolor · 3 years
Welcome to Tickles of Color, a diversity focused writing event hosted by @tickle-bugs and @peachytickles! This event aims to introduce diversity within our community via a content swap, and will run from 1 - 30 April 2021.
You have until close of day on the 20th March 2021 to sign up via the attached form ^ at which point we will begin sending out assignments. 
If you can, there’s an option to recommend media you enjoy (films, novels, comics etc) that has strong BIPOC leads! Please also take a moment to reblog this post (so we can reach as many creators as possible) and, - of course - don’t forget to have fun!
1. In order to receive content, you must create content. 2. For fics, there is a 250 word count minimum. For art, please post at least one flat-colored image (colors are pretty! if this is an issue, pls reach out). More than that is absolutely okay and encouraged. 3. Your art/fic should be based on the prompts provided to you by the person receiving your content. 4. Your content is due April 30th, 2021, but you can post it early if you'd like. If you think your fic will be late, contact us ASAP so we can let your person know! If for whatever reason you're unable to complete the swap entirely, please let us know! We want to ensure that everyone receives something. Honesty is key :) 5. NSFW is ONLY allowed if you mark the appropriate questions below AND we are able to verify your age.
- Signups close March 20th, 2021 at 12am EST
- Your assignments will be sent out before March 31st. If you haven’t received your assignment for some reason, send us a message!
- You have until April 30th, 2021 to post your content, but feel free to post it earlier than that! Please message us if you anticipate any issues with this or need support! 
- Tag @ticklesofcolor in your content, tag the person your content is for, and post with #TicklesofColor2021! This allows us to boost your content and keep track of everything.
- Communicate! You must have your DMs or askbox open on Tumblr, unless you specify another method of communication, like email, on the form. Anonymous posting is an option, but we need to stay in touch with you. Feel free to reach out to us with questions!
- Include multiple fandoms/character pairings and groups on the form, ESPECIALLY if your fandom is small or your ships are rare. The more you give us to work with for assignments, the better.
- Include harmful representation in your work. Please pay extra attention to the way you portray BIPOC! A quick google search should tell you if something is dubious or not. If you're diving into a culture you aren't part of, you should represent it accurately and without stereotypes.
- Sideline BIPOC characters. Having characters of other races and cultures in your content is encouraged, but please ensure that the focus is on the BIPOC characters involved!
The idea of this event is to celebrate BIPOC and encourage diversity in our community! No one wants to be misrepresented :) Here’s a link to a blog with excellent resources on diversity (Bug uses it personally in writing projects, it’s the best).
If there are any issues or questions, shoot us ask or DM and we'll get back to you. Thank you for signing up! We're excited to see what you lovely people create :)
- Peachy and Bug <3
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averykedavra · 4 years
This is a list of all my fanfictions and drabbles, loosely categorized by category, length, and pairing! You can also find them under the tag #averywrites. Feel free to prompt me if you want to see me write something! My Ao3 account is Avery_Kedavra.
Multichapter Fics:
Valley of the Dolls: Platonic DLAMPR. In progress. When Roman becomes a Dark Side, Remus is thrilled to have his brother around. But soon it becomes clear that without Creativity, everyone in the Mindscape is falling apart.
Leave No Trace: Romantic Moceit. Completed at 198k. Patton, his maybe-enemy Janus, and his best friend Virgil journey through a magical forest to rescue their friends from the dragons.
A Conversation I Overheard: Romantic LAMP. In progress. Roman attempts to support his friends’ new relationship, but struggles to get past his own feelings.
Soulmate September: A oneshot for each day, different pairings and different ways of finding your soulmate.
Whumptober: A oneshot for each day, different AUs and different hurt/comfort prompts (or just hurt, it depends!)
Holiday Exchanges: Yes, I entered enough to make a separate masterlist. Don’t judge me.
Too Far Gone: Human AU. 16K words. Logan plays matchmaker for his three oblivious best friends. Then he realizes he doesn’t just see them as friends.
Couldn’t Care Less: 4K words. Logan reluctantly agrees to accompany Roman on a quest in the Imagination, but after Roman gets hurt, Logan blames himself.
If Only To Say You’re Mine: Human AU. 2K words. Roman calls Logan late at night under the guise of conversation, but soon it’s clear that something else is going on.
Wherever We Are (It Feels Like Home): 8K words. When Virgil messes up and tries to apologize to Roman, Roman thinks something very different is going on--and they learn they might have some things to figure out.
Would You Be So Kind: Human AU. 4K words. Patton finally asks out his crush, but it doesn’t go as planned.
Enjoy This As Much As I Do: Human AU. 1.4K words. Logan doesn’t understand his feelings for Janus, but for once, he’s content with leaving it unknown. (Based off an AU by @/coconut-cluster.)
‘Cause It’s All About You: Human AU. 2K words. Janus might have made a mistake--but if he pretends everything’s fine, maybe they can forget about it. (Based off an AU by @/coconut-cluster.)
Dance With Losing It All: Spies AU. 3K words. After Janus gets hurt, Logan’s left struggling to help. (Based off a oneshot by @/coconut-cluster.)
Dry Ice: Human AU. 1.7K words. Remus has a terrible idea and Janus does his best to stop him.
The Days We’ve Been Waiting For: Human AU. 1K words. Remy attempts to cook breakfast for Janus on their anniversary.
Will You Be There To Follow: Human AU. 3K words. Remus and Janus debate the merits of possible pets.
Make It Your Own: 3.9K words. Songfic of Streaks by ANIMA! The other Sides write stories but never Logan never participates. The reason why is complicated.
Come and Save My Day: 3K words. Since the last video, Roman hasn’t left the Imagination. When his brother drags him out, he receives the last thing he expected.
All I Want is Serenity: 13K words. Roman knows he needs to be perfect, but his persona is slipping, and he knows the other Sides will hate him when they find out how weak he really is.
Ready as I’ll Ever Be: 5.5k words. Post-FWSA. Roman and Virgil are excited about Thomas’ new date, but the other Sides raise some concerns.
Aftermath: 2K words. Immediately after Putting Others First, Virgil deals with the fallout.
A Vision With Nowhere To Go: 1.7K words. Roman gathers the other Sides for assistance with picking his skirt.
Only Logical: 9K words. When Thomas is, once again, incapacitated due to his emotions, Logan takes the others to his room so they’ll finally listen to him.
Set All My Regrets on Fire: 10k words. Roman wants to apologize. Janus wants to explain. It's a shame neither of them can work up the courage to say hello.
Our Bodies Made of Stardust: Human AU. 10K words. When Logan was six, he broke his arm trying to touch the stars. This is how he finally managed, twelve years later.
I Keep To Myself (I Want To Break Through): 10k words. Thomas worries that pursuing a relationship with Nico would be a huge mistake. When Logan and Patton try to help, they learn there’s something deeper going on.
Babysitters: Human AU. 600 words. After Roman and Virgil lose the kids they’re babysitting, they reluctantly team up to track them down.
No Longer Will You Deceive Yourself: 2K words. Remus knows Janus is going to leave. He just wishes Janus would get it over with.
Leap in the Dark: High school AU. 2K words. The last thing Virgil wants to do is talk on stage. But if he doesn’t, Logan has to, and Logan also doesn’t want to be seen.
Ever Slightly Out Of Reach: Ghost AU. 8K words. Roman doesn’t want to leave the house. Remus makes him a map, so he won’t get lost while Remus is gone. (Based off an AU by @/fanartfunart.)
No Pairings:
Scary: 500 words. Just a quick Remus angst drabble.
Honestly: 1.2k words. Virgil’s thoughts during Flirting With Social Anxiety.
Paranoia Theory: Written on 4/22/20. Why Deceit taunts Virgil about his name in SvS. (Edit on 3/28/21: I should have written this earlier, but this theory wasn’t okay. ‘Paranoia’ headcanons misrepresent a serious symptom and experience of mental illness, and I was ignorant of that. I’m leaving the post up for completeness, but please know that I sincerely apologize and no longer stand by this theory.)
Orange Side Theory: Written on 5/5/20. My take on the possibility of Logan’s Dark Side.
Analyses and Metas:
SvS Analysis: My analysis of Selfishness v. Selflessness.
ATHD Analysis: My analysis of Are There Healthy Distractions.
Logan’s Apologies Analysis: How Logan apologizes in LNTAO and how it reflects his character.
Analysis of ‘You’re a Cad’ and Janus: An (over)analysis of the song You’re A Cad and Janus’ relationships with Virgil and Roman.
“Tells” Headcanon: When one of the Sides is feeling down, they have a system to let the others know.
Pets Headcanon: What the Sides’ pets are and why.
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pastelwitchling · 4 years
Been watching the "Michael in Forlex fics" drama from afar, but after that last anon I have a message for the people: can y'all leave Rin alone? She can write whatever tf she wants and it's ridiculous that people think they can or should police her content. Don't like it? Too bad. Write your own goddamn fics
I’ll add to that message (thank you for coming to my defense, by the way, you really didn’t need to do that, these people don’t frighten me); Guys, I appreciate your feedback, always. If you have critique, even if it’s negative, then I don’t mind if you send it in.
But just as you’re having a tough time after that mess of a season, so am I. Just as you’re a fan of the show with feelings, so am I. You’re a person, I’m a person, it’s not that hard. Writing fanfics is supposed to be about fun. Writing angst is supposed to be stress-relieving and cathartic. I write angst. I always have. I write fluff as well, but angst is somewhat of a trademark of mine. If you don’t like that, I suggest, as this anon above me did, that you write your own fics. Block me, if it makes you feel better, but malex angst still exists.
I’m not a writer on the show, I’m a fanfic writer on tumblr. Don’t take your anger out on me. If I ever decide to post one of my original works, you can complain about that, but talking to me about how I’m misrepresenting Michael? This is how I see him, and I’ve made a million arguments about it, and I won’t change my mind just because you tell me seeing him like that upsets you. Talking to me about posting malex in the forlex fics? Yeah, only when malex is heavily included. I do the same thing with kylex and max x alex fics, even if Michael and Alex don’t end up together, when malex is a big part of the fic. To me, that’s malex, and, again, I have that right to tag it so.
But the worst, I think, is talking to me about posting it under malex to spite fans? How dare you? Not because it proves that you don’t know my blog or a thing about me (I mean, I posted a 30-page malex amnesia fic after the finale, for God’s sake, despite an extremely heavy depression period, because malex is the only thing that cheers me up), but because you took one look at a fanfic of mine and automatically assumed the worst. How many times do I have to post about my love for malex for people to get it? I don’t have to prove anything to you guys, but I constantly feel like I do because otherwise, I wake up to nasty messages in my inbox.
I’m not the showrunner, I’m not a writer on the show, I’m a fan who works very, very hard at her fics, and posts them online, for you guys, for free. The only thing I ask in return is that you remember that when you speak to me, when you speak to any creator whose work you have a problem with, that you are speaking to a human being who can snap, too.
I am already liking social media less and less the more I’m on it, I have already considered walking away for good, despite my love of the show and this pairing, because of how toxic certain people in the fandom can be. Because of how toxic cowards hiding behind their screen can be. You have no right to boss me around, understand? Do not try it again because I can block anons, and I will use that button.
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qrowbang2020 · 4 years
First things first, what is the Qrow Bang?
The Qrow Bang is an exchange of art/fic exchange of fanworks for Qrow Branwen from the RoosterTeeth’s show Rwby.
Are fics going to be based off prompts?
Nope! You get to decide what your fic is about! It can be AU, canon compliant, whatever you want!
Are any characters/ships welcome?
All ships and characters are welcome. However, the main ship needs to include Qrow.
What about ratings? Is there anything that cannot be written about?
All ratings are welcome! However, minors are only allowed to create for fics and art that are rated T or lower.
Incest and pedophilia ships are not allowed (this includes Ruby/Qrow). Any stories/art featuring either of these elements will not be accepted. If there are any ships that you’re not sure meet this criteria, please ask!
Minors in explicit situations is not allowed.
Other than that, sensitive topics like mental illness, eating disorders, real-life tragedies, main character death, strong kinks are accepted as long as the author warns properly and is tactful to others.
Participation Info:
* Fics must be 5000 words minimum. There is no maximum limit.
* All fics must be beta-read. If you already have a beta, you can use them but if you don’t and are unable to find one, message me or post in the discord for help finding one! I’m hoping to put together a spreadshit of people who have volunteered to beta that I can send to people!
* The fic can be a WIP or a brand new idea. It needs to be a stand alone which means it needs to be a complete story.
* If your artists drops out, you will be sent a pinch hitter if one is available. The exception being if you have more than one artist.
* In order to keep things anonymous before claims, do not disclose any part of your fic outside of the designated discord channel before you have been paired with your artist. After claims have been complete, you can discuss it wherever (especially with your artist(s) lol).
* Before claims open, you will be asked to fill out a form summarizing your fic so artists can view and claim them. This includes a title, tags, rating, and summary. The summary must be completely SFW even if your fic is not. 
* You will be able to pick your posting date. Submission will be due on the day you pick.
* A maximum of two writers can co-write a fic.
* Your fic must be a minimum of 7,000 words.
* Artists must complete at least one work for their claimed fic.
* Any type of art that can be posted online is eligible. This includes visual art (such as digital or traditional art, comics, manips, picspams, photosets, and gifs), audio-based art (such as podfics, playlists, or fan videos) or physical crafts that can be photographed and posted online.
* During claims, Artists can choose up to five fics. Any fic can have up to 3 artists. You may not choose your own fic.
* Before this, all artists will receive a link to a spreadsheet with all the information for the eligible fics as well as a link to a form to fill out your claims.
* Once artists and writers have been matched up, you will be sent an email with contact information for your writer(s). Claims are in a first come, first serve basis.
* Pinch Hitters are artists that take on extra assignments to make sure all the Writers have some art for their fic. You don’t have to have signed on as an Artist to be a Pinch Hitter. Pinch Hitter sign-ups are always open! If you did sign up as an Artist, you can claim extra fics to art for by being a Pinch Hitter.
* If a fic doesn’t have at least one artist claim it or has its only artist drop out, a call for Pinch Hitters will be sent out, so keep an eye out on your email!
* Betas assist writers in many different ways: checking spelling and grammar (SPAG), checking continuity, fact checking, and cheering writers on.
* All fics should be beta’d, at least checked for SPAG. Writers can come in with their own Beta or can find a Beta inside the Bang.
* We expect a surplus of Betas to Writers, so don’t be surprised if you don’t personally help a Writer. We still welcome you on board to cheer our Writers and Artists!
Discord is a great place to discuss your fic/art with the other writers/artists! However, there are rules that need to be followed and failure to do so will result in you getting kicked out from the discord and potentially banned from the Bang.
If you are under 18, you may still join the Bang! Please note that if you are under the age of 18 you must not complete, view, or interact with, any content over the T rating. 
If we find that you as a minor have misrepresented your age on any forms, produced explicit fic, or claimed explicit fic, you will be removed from the Bang completely.
Contact Info:
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on tumblr, discord, or email! Please me email me at [email protected]
My main tumblr is @thatsclassicsbaby (I’m shadowbanned rip)
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roguelibrarian · 5 years
inspired by @greenreticule​‘s post, which was in turn inspired by this post
BROTP: THE PLATONIC ONE TRUE PAIRING, the CHOSEN FRIENDSHIP, your entire blog can be identified as “that person who won’t shut up about characters A & B”
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Look I don’t even know what to say about Kanan and Ezra at this point because I just love them and their relationship so much.  Anyone who’s spent 5 minutes on my blog or read even one of my fics knows how I feel.
Obscure: the one you’ve spent hours trying to create your own content for because there isn’t even an existing tag for the friendship, there probably isn’t even much art of the characters themselves, why must you suffer like this
Okay I don’t actually have an image for this one because it’s a book fandom and also I’m not even a third of the way through book 3 so for all I know this ends up not belonging in the “obscure” category or something will end up happening that will make his a bro-NOTP, but anyway...Vin and Marsh from the Mistborn series.
I just...I want to see them interact even a tiny little bit more and maybe bond over the fact that this person who was really important to both of them is dead now?  Please?
Misrepresented: okay there’s art but it’s ALL SHIP ART, it could be a ship you respect or something downright immoral, but either way, WHY CAN THERE NOT BE JUST /ONE/ PIECE OF PLATONIC ART YOU CAN REBLOG WITHOUT WINCING AT THE OP’S TAGS
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First of all, Parker is aro.  Second, please, just let there be one piece of content about these three in this entire fandom that isn’t shippy and that I didn’t have to make myself.  I’m dying over here.
Obsession: you woke up one day suddenly wondering “what if these two were friends” and spent the next 86 straight hours creating or consuming content about them, you now feel strangely surreal anytime they have one (1) line of interaction in a fanfic
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....listen, okay, it’s less of an actual BROTP and more of an Evil BROTP.  Yes, Maul needs to stay away from Ezra and never talk to him ever for any reason, but aside from that, literally everything else about this type of BROTP description is exactly how I feel about them (except for the “what if these two were friends” part. it’s more of a “what if Ezra was stuck with Maul” thing; tbh this is mostly about the “spent the next 86 hours creating or consuming content about them” thing).
Misrepresented (Pt. 2): there are actually other people who like this brotp and you know you should be grateful b/c that’s so rare, but like everyone gets their friendship WRONG, it’s the wrong dynamic, you’re so frustrated nobody else sees the same level and type of depth to it and sometimes it makes you doubt yourself
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And once again it’s the Leverage trio, and the whole misrepresented part is mostly because of how ableist the fandom is about Parker.  There is so much fic and meta in this fandom that portrays beleaguered Eliot and Hardison having to “handle” her and it’s super infantalizing and awful and just...*shudder*
Strange: how even do you label it, it’s not exactly parent-child but it’s not a sibling-like relationship for sure, it’s not really a “friendship” but it’s certainly something deep and meaningful which is not romance? is it aunt/uncle-nephew/niece? master-servant? you can’t figure out the tag
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And Parker makes her third appearance on this list!  I make so many comments about Nate being the “team dad” of the crew, and like...he is, but also he could easily be described as Parker’s sketchy uncle or her weird, eccentric (read: revenge-obsessed and always at least a little bit drunk) teacher.  But no matter what, I love it and I love how Nate might never really come to fully understand Parker, but he still recognizes how smart she is and how good at her job she is and he respects her and trusts her and she at the very least respects him even if actually trusting him is hard but anyway...
Closet Platonic: it’s a really popular romantic ship and you don’t really mind it so you just kinda go with the flow, but deep down in your heart you think how much better a platonic relationship would be, maybe some day you will find someone who feels the same way and proceed to best-friend marry them
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Look, I know, but I have been in love with the idea of QP Kanan and Hera since literally the first episode and I’m not about to let little things like “it’s the most popular ship in the fandom” or “canon” get in my way.
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Hiya, guys~!
So this is partially a writing blog (I’ll reblog some aesthetic stuff, or just anything I like sometimes, so beware~). I write fan fiction and some original fiction, but I’ll just be posting the fan fiction stuff here. Feel free to make requests or just drop by to chat/ask questions, whatever you want really. Keep it appropriate and be kind, though, please!
None of the characters, art, gifs, etc. I use are mine and I am in no way taking credit for anything but my own writing so all credit goes to their respective owners (I’ll try my best to credit when I can, but if I don’t and you know whose it is, please tell me! I’ll credit it right away~!).
So with that out of the way, here’s some info about me and my blog!
Fandoms in bold are the ones I’m most comfortable with, but I’ll try writing for any and all of these!
(Keep in mind that some of these are a bit rusty since I haven’t watched/read/indulged in its content recently, but I’ll brush up as much as I can if necessary~)
DC Comics
Bat Family
Young Justice
Teen Titans
The Avengers
Guardians of the Galaxy
Harry Potter
Marauders (but I’m open to try the other generations, so feel free to ask anyway!)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
General (House specific characters, e.g. Hufflepuff x Slytherin or the like)
Criminal Minds
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Miraculous Ladybug
Star Trek
Reboot Movies
Star Wars
All 8 (including Rogue One!)
The Clone Wars series (somewhat)
Percy Jackson
The books
Chronicles of Narnia
Merlin (BBC)
Final Fantasy XV
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Basically everything except Descendants since I haven’t watched it
And probably a bunch more! If you don’t see something here feel free to ask anyway and I’ll tell you if I’ve seen/read/know of it and if I can write something for it!
Things I Do:
Reader Inserts!
All of the things below will most likely be with a Reader or S/O (for headcanons and the like)
I will try to write any Reader. I want everyone to feel included! If I get something inaccurate or if you feel like I’ve misrepresented you, let me know! Offending anyone is most certainly not my intention. If I don’t think I can do a certain Reader justice, I’ll tell you so and hopefully recommend you to someone else who can do your request!
Readers might include: female, male, gender neutral, etc.
One Shots
Series/Multi chapter fics
I may or may not try Match-Ups/Ships, so stay tuned~
AU’s are my life, so if you want anything like that please send it, I love them to death and I’ll love you even more~
Things I DO NOT Do:
Most other trigger warnings, but I’ll do a few - it’s very circumstantial so ask, but I can’t guarantee anything.
Any content that I think might be triggering will be tagged and have a warning beforehand - stay safe, bugs! If something makes you uncomfortable don’t read it!!
If you think something should have a specific tag or warning, let me know!
Song fics
Fics somewhat inspired by songs are fine though!
I’m just not too comfortable writing for a character I don’t know all that well or that I didn’t make or just things along this line.
Exceptions may arise, but it’s not too likely
I am not too comfortable with my ability to write this, so I’d rather just wait until I am (if ever)!
While I love looking at them, I cannot make them -_-’’’
Requesting Format:
Okay, so now that you know what I write for and what I do, how do you request something? Easy!
All I need from you is something that looks like this:
Additional Notes
Okay~? This will help me organize and keep everything in order. Obviously the more detail you provide for the plot, the easier it will be for me to complete your request.
Example of a request:
Character: Jason Todd/Red Hood/Robin II
Fandom: DC/Bat Family/Young Justice/etc.
Plot: Soulmate AU where their name is tattooed on your body, etc.
Additional Notes: Gender neutral!Reader, Vigilante!Reader, Fluff, Angst, etc.
You can get as detailed as you like, more is better than less! However, I may change or add or remove certain aspects of a request if I just can’t seem to write it exactly as requested. If you are unhappy with what I do for a request, let me know! I can always try again, but if I just don’t think I can do what you’re asking, I won’t. I’ll always let you guys know if I decline a request, so if you don’t see your request somewhere and it’s been a while, I may have just not gotten to it yet or I don’t have it, so don’t be afraid to ask!
Note: this template is typically for longer requests. Things like headcanons won’t need as much detail or plot seeing as you’d be requesting for my headcanons.
 If I do decide to open ships/match ups I will add a template for that (but it would really just be anything you’d like to share about yourself, the fandom(s) [up to three] you’d like to get shipped with, and your gender preference [would you like to get shipped with a male? Female? Don’t care? etc.]).
How long will it take for a request to be completed?
I honestly don’t know. I’ll try to be as consistent as I can, but I’m in college so I don’t know when I can post other than whenever I have free time. I’ll complete requests on a sort of “first come, first serve” basis, or at least try my best to, though.
How many requests do you take at a time?
At this point, I’m going to try to keep a maximum of 15 requests at a time. Later on I’ll break it down based on what type of request it is (One shot? Headcanon? Drabble? Etc.).
Do you post anywhere else?
I do not! Tumblr is my only platform right now, so if you see my work anywhere else (I don’t see why you would, but just in case) it is not me. Please tell me so I can take care of it.
Do you give shout outs?
I do! I’ll do it for any kind of writing blog, fandom blog, whatever! By all means, I’m happy to help~
How do I know if requests are open?
My description should say whether or not I’m taking requests at the moment, so check there first! You can ask if you’re still not sure for whatever reason, but please do not send a request if they are closed. I will have to decline and tell you to request at another time.
What are AUs?
AU stands for “Alternate Universe”. So anything that doesn’t necessarily follow canon, but may contain certain elements of canon (depending on the AU) such as the characters or dynamics between characters (though not always). Some examples can include: soulmate! AU, high school/college! AU, fake dating! AU, roommates! AU, medieval! AU, royalty! AU, musician! AU, and many, many more!
What are OCs?
OCs are “original characters”, which are essentially characters that fans create. Often times the creator will insert these OCs into already existing fandoms/universes, sometimes pairing them with a character/characters from that show/movie/book/etc.
What are headcanons/blurbs/drabbles/one shots/etc.?
Alright, so every author will probably define these differently in order to fit their personal preference, so these rules only apply to me!
Ideas or concepts regarding a character/characters that aren’t specifically stated as fact or a part of canon. These are things that an individual likes to believe to be true about said character(s), that they consider to be a part of their own ‘canon’ in their head. Sometimes headcanons can become widely accepted by the fandom and thus become integrated as a part of the fandom’s interpretation of the character(s).
I’ll typically write these out as bullet point lists in regards to a certain topic, i.e. “headcanon for what it would be like to date [insert character(s)]”.
A very, very, very short piece of writing. Probably under 100-200 words. Usually based off of a prompt of some sort, e.g. “blurb for reader and [insert character(s)] cooking together”.
Still typically a shorter piece of writing, probably around 250-500 or so words. Can be based off of a prompt similarly to blurbs.
One Shots:
Pieces of writing that are stand alone fics. Can be any length, but will not have any chapters or additional parts. Sequels/prequels/etc. may be added if I get inspiration for it and you guys want more of this particular work, but I wouldn’t count on it every time.
Series/Multi-Chapter Fic:
As stated by the title, this includes multiple chapters! That means a certain prompt/request/idea/AU/etc. will span multiple parts and become a series. This means a fic will have at least two (2) parts/chapters, but can have as many as I/you want (as long as I have the inspiration for it, again).
Ship/Match Up:
(Keep in mind that these are not yet open, I’ll decide later on if I think I can do these, but I’ll put this here just so you guys know and just in case~)
These are where I would tell you who I think I’d ship you with (platonically, romantically, both, etc.) based on information you give me about yourself and what kind of character you’d prefer (fandom(s) [up to three], gender preference of character [male? Female? Don’t care? etc.]), etc.). You can tell me as much or as little as you want, however, more detailed reasons and responses as to why I would ship you with this character are easier with more information. I can’t really ship you with someone if all I know is that you’re a girl, your favorite color is green, and that you would like to get shipped with someone from Marvel. Personality, looks (not really necessary, but it does help!), preferences, hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc. all help! I can also take a look at your blog if you’d like me to (though any information you can provide would also be helpful as this does not act as a substitute for telling me about yourself)!
About Me:
So, feel free to ask me anything you’d like to know~! I’m pretty open, but I will not share some more private aspects of my life (for obvious reasons). If anything you ask me makes me uncomfortable or if I simply do not want to answer, I will say so. Don’t be afraid to be curious though! I won’t get mad at you (unless you’re being a jerk, then I may not be the most kind), I promise!
Here’s just some basic information about me:
You guys can call me Al (A-L, not A-I), but feel free to use any other nicknames or whatever you’d like to to address me~ Whatever you’d like is fine with me (as long as it’s appropriate and kind, as I’ve stated before)
I am 18 years old
I use she/her pronouns
I am a Hufflepuff, but my secondary house is Gryffindor
I am majoring in Aquatic and Marine Biology
I live in the United States (I have my whole life, though I would love to travel around the world and get to see new places)
I say I am 5’3” (but really I’m closer to 5’2 and ½”)
I try to love and accept everyone I meet~ though I also live by the motto of “you cannot tolerate the intolerant” based on the paradox of tolerance. Just be kind, guys~
I love to talk to people. I’m chatty, it’s part of my charm (love you if you get that reference, love you even if you don’t), so you guys are always welcome to talk to me! I may not be the quickest to respond, but I’ll try my best!
I am an INFJ and a Taurus (Dragon in the Chinese zodiac)
I love my friends more than anything in the world and would do absolutely anything for them
I don’t really like mayonnaise and I don’t like pickles on burgers (when I do eat pickles, I only really like bread and butter, sue me)
I use nicknames and a lot of teasing and physical touch to show my affection
I’m an introvert, though I have some extrovert qualities. So I guess you could say I’m an ambivert that leans on the introverted side~
I live for rainy days in bed with fairy lights and something good to read.
Annnnnnnd, yeah! I threw in some (hopefully) interesting tidbits so you can get to know me a bit better, but again, feel free to ask away~!
I love you all very, very much! Have a great day and happy browsing, bugs~!
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