#Poppy fully knows they be doing this and she supports it
blackmarquer · 2 months
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I haven’t painted in damn near 3 years. Of course this is how I jump back into it 🤣
I ship these two so hard. I think Synth fell for Branch first, then Branch fell for Synth harder.
I bet banging a Techno Troll sounds like playing DDR
If you wanna see the uncensored version check it out on twitter
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cartoon-lovers-world · 5 months
Another Trolls fanfic...?
Sorry, but this is my new obsession
Tell me if you have any comments, I gladly accept them, love y'all~
A dash of chaos, a pinch of order
"Are you eating the batter?" Branch asked, staring at his eldest brother.
"Well, it does taste good," John Dory replied. "Who knew you could cook?"
Branch rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the recipe, unaware that his tongue was sticking out.
"So," Clay began, smirking. "Who are these for?"
Bruce chuckled. "Is that even a question?"
"Poppy," the four brothers said in unison, shaking their heads in amusement.
"Guys, cut him some slack, she's his girlfriend," Floyd said, defending his little brother.
"Thank you, Floyd!" Branch exclaimed, then added with a sly grin, "My favorite brother."
The elders' eyes widened.
"Excuse me?"
"Your favorite?"
"I thought you didn't have favorites!"
"Done," Branch finally looked up from the bowl he was stirring. A proud smile danced across his face, ignoring the commotion going on behind him.
"Wow, bitty b," Bruce said, feigning hurt. "That was really harsh…"
Floyd's smirk widened as he helped Branch pour the batter into the cupcake tray, exaggerating his delight.
"Wow, my now fully grown-up brother, Poppy will surely love those," he teased.
The youngest couldn't help but chuckle, joining in with his older brother, saying, "Thank you so much, my favorite brother, I don't know what I would do without your support."
John Dory, Bruce, and Clay raised an eyebrow, stiffing their smiles. "Are you two done?" Clay asked.
"Yup, we just wait for them to bake," Branch replied, reaching for the whipped cream. "Do NOT open the oven!" he warned, not even looking up from his new task.
"Oh, please, when did you become a master chef?" John Dory asked, slightly annoyed.
"Overnight," Branch replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I went to bed as the grumpy, sarcastic troll and woke up as Gordon Ramsey, it's a miracle."
Bruce stared at him. "Last time I saw you, you were just a cute, adorable baby, where did all that sarcasm come from?"
"The sarcasm fairy-"
"I say we stop, because apparently, he has a reply to everything," Clay interjected.
The group burst into laughter, unable to contain it any longer. It wasn't everyday they got to laugh like this, and it was so refreshing for them to have a moment of peace together, forgetting about the world outside. However, amidst the laughter that filled the place, Clay's cheeks flushed slightly, and he quietly walked over to Branch, clearing his throat to catch his attention.
"Hey, uh…" he stammered. "When everyone goes to sleep…can you help me make some? But don't tell anyone, okay?"
Branch smiled genuinely at him. "Sure, but for who?" his voice trailed off, realization hitting him. "Oh…ohhhh,"
Clay's eyes widened when he saw his brother take a deep breath then turn to the others, and he quickly covered Branch's mouth, knowing what's coming next.
"Alright, what do you want?"
Branch wiped his mouth, gagging, then whispered, "Do the dishes for a week."
"A whole week? No way, man."
"Okay, then, let's see who's gonna help you."
Clay surrendered. "Fine, you win."
"Awww, you two are getting along, what are you saying?" Floyd said suddenly, earning a yelp from Clay and Branch.
"Nothing," they said in unison.
"Hey, baby Branch, don't you think that's enough for the cupcakes?" Bruce asked, staring at the oven
Branch glanced at the clock, then shrugged. "Yeah, Bruce, can you please turn off the oven-What are you doing?!"
Branch rushed forward, preventing his brothers from opening the oven and ruining his culinary masterpiece. He sighed in relief as he raised to his feet, then turned to John Dory and Bruce with a disapproving look.
"You shouldn't open the oven right away or the cupcakes will…i don't you, you just can't take them out," Branch said sternly.
Floyd chuckled. "And why's that, Gordon Ramsay?"
"Poppy leaves them in the oven after it's turned off for a while before taking them out," Branch replied, checking the time again. "But maybe that's enough…"
In a heartbeat, the brothers raced to the oven, taking out the cupcake tray and hovering over it.
"Wow, they've gotten bigger," John Dory and Bruce grinned, each reaching for the treat.
Branch rolled his eyes and sighed, realizing that it was no use telling his brothers to leave the tray alone, so instead, he tried a new approach. He cleared his throat, setting the whipped cream bowl aside.
"So, uh…" he cleared his throat. "Wanna help me decorate them?" Branch asked, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.
The elders' heads snapped up, their eyes wide with surprise. It's not like Branch hated them, they just had problems, and they're sorting it out. But out of all of them, Branch seemed to be the one with the most issues, so him offering them to anticipate in his cooking mess was a noticeable step. 
"Is that a question?" John Dory smirked, getting the cupcakes out of the tray and carefully setting them on the table.
Clay leaned against the wall. "But what do we get in return?"
"Well, working together and having fun is enough, isn't it?" Floyd replied with a genuine smile.
"Nah, we wanna taste, bitty b," Bruce corrected playfully, earning a look from Floyd.
"Alright, alright," the youngest troll, now covered in flour and batter, said playfully. "Guess you can't resist my incredible baking skills."
"Oh, shut it," Clay teased, then walked over to him again.
"You're gonna help me, right?"
"You did promise to do the dishes."
"And what if I don't do them?" Clay dared.
His brother smirked. "Then I'll gladly shout out your adorable little secret."
The yellow-haired troll blushed. "I don't like Viva!"
"I didn't say her name," Branch said triumphantly.
"Darn it, when did you become like this?"
Branch opened his mouth to respond, but Clay stopped him.
"Yeah, Mr. Sarcastic, we get it, now let's go decorate those cupcakes, we have a girl to impress!"
Brozone cheered, each taking turns in putting a certain topping on the sweet gift. Chuckles, giggles, and whipped cream filled the place as the brothers worked together, reminiscing about old memories.
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kittyball23 · 7 months
Apologies (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: Knowing it's the right thing to do, Clay mans up and addresses the incident that occurred in Putt Putt Village with Viva
A/N: Taking place after TBT :)
While it was seven Trolls who sang, and seven Trolls who danced in synchronization upon the stage, it was the entire audience - Trolls, Islanders, and Bergens alike - who’d joined in the grand celebration. Vacay Island’s sky was filled with song and fireworks, bursting in colorful showers of light that danced above their heads. Cheering and laughter erupted from everyone’s mouths, and smiles graced their faces. By the end of their number, the newly rebanded - and expanded - BroZone was feeling a whole lot better than ever!
Poppy whooped, turning to her boyfriend with a grin from ear to ear. “I love you, Branch!”
“And I love you, Poppy,” Branch told her right back.
Poppy giggled and, tugging him by the vest the way she’d done in Mount Rageous not too long ago, she let her eyes slip close and her lips press against his. It was another incredible kiss that made the pair feel like fireworks were bursting inside of them with how much happiness filled their hearts!
Needless to say, they weren’t the only ones who were happy.
Floyd was reduced to tears once more at the sight of his fully-grown brother sharing such a special bond with the Pop Queen. John Dory clapped his hands, hollering support at Branch, while Bruce looked on at their youngest brother with approval.
Viva in the meantime was making her rounds with each of the brothers, absolutely filled with energy (even without the aid of a strawberry milkshake in her system!) giving them high-fives and enthusiastic pats on the back.
“We did a great job out there tonight, huh, fellow bandmate?” Viva teased, giggling and nudging Clay’s side with her elbow when she got to him.
“Definitely,” he agreed, beaming at her. He was glad to see Viva in much better spirits than she had been when he’d last seen her. That look on her face, one of broken trust and betrayal as he’d opened the gates of Putt Putt Village and escaped against her will, had been etched into the back of his mind for the remainder of their mission to rescue Floyd. It would be much better to simply not mention anything about it now, as it appeared that she’d moved on from it. But, Clay knew that the mature and responsible thing to do was to own up to what he’d done and aim to make up for it.
Clearing his throat, he said, “Hey, um, Veevs, I want you to know that I’m real, real sorry about, um… you know, what happened back in Putt Putt Village…” He winced, hoping she wouldn’t react too badly.
“Oh, you mean when you totally backstabbed me, disobeying my direct orders, destroying my trust and possibly soiling the friendship we have forever?” She crossed her arms, her face serious, and raised an eyebrow as if daring him to deny.
Clay sighed, slowly lifting a hand up and hanging his head. “Guilty.”
Viva humphed, raising a fist and almost making a move that looked as though she were going to give him a good sock to the jaw. He braced himself, shutting his eyes, but then was surprised to feel only a light, playful punch to the shoulder. When he reopened his eyes, confused, he saw her smirking.
“Clay, it’s totally forgiven! Come on, you had to go save your brother. And, if it wasn’t for what you did… I might’ve still been back in Putt Putt Village, hiding, instead of being here with my sister and you guys now!” Suddenly, she batted an eyelash and lowered her voice. “But, if you still feel like you wanna talk about it, we could do it over a milkshake… with two straws.”
Clay paused, considering this. Wait a sec. But the only time you share a drink is when… “Hold on, you mean like a date?” he blurted, not believing his ears, and in need of the clarification.
“Well, I suppose you could call it an informal business meeting…” Viva shrugged, her smirk widening.
Clay put a hand up quickly. “Oh, no, no, I’m cool with calling it a date if you’re cool with it.”
Viva smiled. “Great!” Leaving him with a great big hug, she bounded off the stage, heading off to catch up some more with her father, King Peppy.
Clay blushed as he watched her go. He was so distracted gazing at the Putt Putt Queen that he startled when Bruce slung an arm around his shoulder.
“Nice going on that ‘informal business meeting,’” he chuckled. “Now, I know you’re gonna let me help you get yourself lookin’ fresh for your girl, right?”
Clay smirked, liking the sound of Viva being called 'his girl,’ and fist-bumped his bro. “I wouldn’t ask anybody else!”
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rebelwrites · 8 months
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Three: He Was Checking You Out
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till The Wheels Fall Off Masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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“Auntie Nova,” Elenor shouted over the sound of the shower.
“What’s up princess?” I smiled, poking my head around the shower curtain, making sure my body was covered.
“Poppy, called me your name today,” she whispered with an air of sadness in her voice. She was too young to fully understand Pops’ health concerns, but she knew something was wrong with him, there was no way we could hide that from anyone.
Retreating behind the shower curtain I ran my hands over my face. How the fuck was I meant to explain to her that her Poppy’s memory was getting worse? I took a deep breath before speaking. “Poppy just got confused, baby, he was watching the race and when I was your age, I used to sit on his knee watching with him.”
“Okay,” she hummed, slowly nodding her head as she chewed the inside of her mouth. I could tell by her reaction it was not the response she was seeking but I let out a small sigh of relief when she asked no more questions on the subject. For now, I had dodged a bullet, but I needed to warn Jax that at some point we needed to try to find a way to explain everything to Elenor that wouldn’t scare her. She loved her Poppy to bits and the last thing we wanted to do was cause her to worry.
“Have you thought about what you want to wear tonight?” I asked, quickly changing the subject as I shut the water off. Reaching my arm out of the shower I fumbled until I found the towel.
“My Ferrari hoodie,” she giggled, making me smile. I had definitely taught her well when it came to which team to support.
“Good choice, baby,” I grinned to myself as I wrapped the towel around my body. I was so grateful that we made sure the bar had an apartment upstairs and that we all kept a spare change of clothes here. “Has Uncle Bobby made you anything to eat?”
“He made my favorite.” She beamed as I pulled back the shower curtain, stepping out over the edge of the bath. I didn’t need to ask her what she had, her go to was always chicken nuggets and curly fries. It was honestly quite scary how alike Elenor was to not only Jax but to myself as well, especially since I had no blood relation to either of them.
Once we were both back in the small bedroom I quickly dried myself and got dressed. The outfit I had was simple: a ribbed light gray cropped vest top, black high waisted skinny jeans, my oversized long gray cardigan and finishing the outfit off with my black boots. It was the perfect outfit for relieving Chibs for the rest of the night whilst maintaining that edgy look I preferred whilst working at the bar.
Staring at my reflection I let out a small breath, my whole life I had been battling with the demons. It had been a long road, but I was slowly loving the body I was in but some days the voices grew louder making them hard to ignore. Taking one final glance at my appearance I made sure I was satisfied, I had done my makeup in record time but decided to leave my hair as it was because drying it was more effort than I wanted to spare right now. Feeling Elenor take my hand, I tore my gaze from the mirror smiling down at my niece. “Come on then, trouble.” I hummed. “Let’s go find your Dad.”
The two of us ran down the stairs, quickly reaching the small hallway that ran through the entire building, at the end was the main bar area, on the right side was mine and Jax’s shared office which was off limits to everyone and then the kitchen and storage area were towards the back.
Elenor instantly made her way over to Jax who was sitting with some guys from the MC, whilst I dipped in the kitchen to check on Bobby.
“There's my favorite cook,” I hummed, entering the kitchen. “How’s it been tonight?” I asked, leaning against the stainless steel countertop, picking at the batch of curly fries that had just come out of the oven.
“Not too bad, it’s been pretty steady, to be honest,” Bobby nodded, “it’s nice that it’s just the usuals. Lord help me when the summer tourists finally hit. Might have to drag a prospect or two in to help.”
“Whatever you need, you know you’ve got it. All you need to do is say the words,” I smiled, as he passed me a bowl of chicken nuggets, cocking my brow at him he just smirked.
“You won’t eat otherwise, and picking at the fries doesn’t count either,” he said, giving me a knowing look. Leaning over I pressed a kiss against his cheek before pushing myself off the counter to go relieve Chibs from behind the bar.
As I entered the main room, chicken nuggets in hand, I took a moment to scan the area; it was still pretty early in the evening so the place was somewhat quiet, however I knew things would change once the lads finished work piling in the bar. But it was something I loved, this bar was the heart of the town.
As soon as I was behind the counter I abandoned my chicken nuggets on the side before placing a clean mug under the spout of the coffee machine, pressing the green button on the front of the appliance to make Pops a fresh brew. He rarely drank alcohol now, so we always made sure we had a good stock of fresh coffee grounds and soft drinks, not only for him but for Elenor, too.
Looking up from the machine, my heart melted as I watched Jax with his daughter. Elenor brought out a completely different side to him. When he was with her he became softer, watched his language and didn’t drink too much. Initially it was weird seeing Jax completely change, but it always made me smile. She definitely made him a better man.
My mind was spinning with what Elenor had revealed to me upstairs, my worries were getting worse when it came to Pops’ health. Now he was calling Elenor by my name. I had a strong feeling things were only going to get worse. I needed to speak to him; I needed to understand what was going on with him right now even if he wasn’t going to make any sense. Looking over to the booth that Pops was sitting in I saw a bright smile on his face, one I hadn’t seen for a couple of days, it always warmed my heart. But the main thing I noticed was he wasn’t sitting alone, there were two people sitting with him, both with their backs to the bar.
Taking a deep breath, I left them to it not wanting to disrupt the conversation that was causing Pops to be this ecstatic.
“He looks happy,” Chibs whispered, placing his hand on my shoulder.
“Yeah, he does. So anything I should know?” I asked, changing the subject, glancing at Chibs over my shoulder.
“Nope, you are all good to take over, lass,” Chibs winked, leaning against the bar, pulling the beer bottle to his lips. He was hiding something from me, the smirk on his face gave that away, in fact I knew when all the club members were keeping things from me, one of the numerous benefits of being brought up around the MC. Raising my brow at him, he just shook his head quickly changing the conversation. “Tig isn’t joining us tonight, so it's gonna be a quiet one.”
“Tiggy isn’t gracing us with his presence, has hell frozen over?” I chuckled, as I finished the coffee. “I swear he props the bar up most nights.”
“I think one of his kids is in town for a couple of days,” Chibs shrugged.
“Which one?”
“The crazy one.”
“Again which one?” I chuckled, cocking my brow at my favorite Scotsman.
When it came to Tig and his girls we all knew it was best not to interfere, letting him do what he needed to do because the last time one of us got involved it got messy.
It didn’t take long for the coffee to be ready but before I had a chance to take it over to Pops, Chibs had already picked the mug up from the counter. “Oh and lass, you never know who might be in the bar tonight,” he smirked, throwing me a wink as he exited the bar making his way through the room to join Pops and whoever was sharing the booth with him.
Shaking off his words I quickly found myself busy tending the bar along with serving food, even though Tig wasn’t gracing us with his presence tonight the place still had a buzz about it. Scanning the room I was greeted with the familiar faces of people I grew up with, most nights it was filled with members of the MC. This was practically our home, if you couldn’t find one of the guys around town, you knew they would be here.
More of the locals joined us when we hosted themed nights, quiz and karaoke evenings were definitely the most popular. I loved it when this place was packed, the sounds of everyone talking, laughing and having a good time with their friends and family.
It also made the hours pass quickly.
However, no matter what I did I couldn’t shake the feeling of worry, I needed to speak to Jax about Pops. We needed to sit down and work out what we were going to tell Elenor but we needed to figure it out sooner rather than later.
Eventually things quietened down, the mad rush of everyone finishing work had passed, giving me a chance to catch my breath, looking over to where Pops was sitting, noticing that his guests had left. Quickly I grabbed the two mugs of fresh coffee before making my way over the booth, sliding into the cherry red leather, automatically resting my head on his shoulder.
“How was your evening?” I asked, letting the familiar smell of coffee and aftershave wash over me.
“Pretty amazing, my sweet Nova,” Pops beamed. Pulling away from him I looked up noticing how wide his smile was, he had that sparkle back in his eyes. “I spent the whole evening talking to Charles Leclerc and Pierre Gasly.”
I had just taken a large sip of coffee as he spoke, his words caught me off guard causing me to choke on the caffeinated liquid.
The realization finally hit me like a ton of bricks, he had completely lost his mind.
Taking a deep breath, I tried to ignore the feeling of my stomach twisting into a tight knot. I knew there was no way he had spent the evening talking to two drivers that he had spent two hours watching on the TV.
“Of course you did Pops,” I mumbled, trying to mask my worry with a strangled laugh. “Let me go find Jax, he is your ride home tonight.”
Pushing myself to my feet I scurried back behind the bar, bouncing on the balls of my feet whilst I waited for Jax to finish conversation with Chibs. I found myself holding back tears as I tried to calm myself down. I was normally pretty good at holding it together and not showing any emotion to the outside world but right now I was failing.
Suddenly Jax was now standing in front of me, wrapping his arms around me providing a sense of comfort. Yes, me and Jax fought like biological siblings but when it came down to it I knew I could count on him when I felt weak and needed someone to be strong for me for once.
“Where’s your head at Squirt?” Jax hummed, guiding me from behind the bar and out onto the patio terrace.
“Can you take Pops home please?” I sniffled, pulling away from him, leaning against the wall. Automatically I ran my hands over my face before speaking again, Jax extended his hand holding out a smoke which I gratefully took. “I’m worried, Pops is getting worse. Tonight he told me he spent the evening talking to Leclerc and Gasly.”
“As in Charles Leclerc and Pierre Gasly?” Jax mocked, cocking his brow at me. There was something about the look on his face, I couldn't quite place. Normally I was pretty good at reading my brother but right now I was struggling.
“Yuup,” I hummed, popping the ‘p’, ignoring his playful tone. Right now wasn’t the time for him to be joking. “My head is spinning right now, he is getting worse. I don’t know if I have time to focus on Pops, the bar, and the cafe. I feel like I am drowning. I think we need to look at getting outside help.”
The moment the words left my lips I felt the bile rise in my throat. I hated myself for even saying them. Teller’s never quit on family, but saying those words made me feel like I was giving up on him, when in reality I was just struggling to keep my head above water. The look on Jax’s face changed, this look was something I knew all too well, it was a look that told me he felt guilty.
“Nova,” Jax breathed, draping his arm around my shoulder, pressing a kiss against my temple. “You deserve a break more than any of us. I know the last couple of weeks, hell even the past year with the custody hearings, I haven’t been around much and I am so fucking sorry,” his voice was quiet as he spoke. “I will take Pops home, don’t worry about anything else but the bar tonight. Tomorrow we will sit down and work out what we need to do to help him.”
Taking a deep breath, I silently nodded at Jax. “I just hope tomorrow is a better day,” I whispered.
“It will be, Squirt,” Jax hummed, “think positive. We are in this together, till the wheels fall off, remember.”
Hours had passed, the work was steady which I was grateful for however I desperately needed sleep. Over the last month I had been opening up the cafe followed by a closing shift at the bar. Both businesses were short staffed due to people taking vacation time and illness, meaning I had to spread myself thin to make sure both establishments kept bringing in income for the club. I could have asked for help getting some of the prospects in to take some of the pressure off but the truth was I didn’t trust them. They hadn’t been patched yet and a lot of them still had to prove their loyalty to the club.
The moment I had put the lock on the main doors of the bar I let out a huge sigh of relief that was until I looked around the bar seeing the glasses scattered across the tables. The prospects that had been chosen to help around the bar really hadn’t pulled their weight this evening, confirming my decision not to ask for any help. I was definitely going to be having words with Jax about it.
Glancing at the time I groaned knowing that by the time I had finished the clean up it would be well past 2am, so once I had gotten to bed I would only end up having a couple of hours sleep before I had to be up to get the cafe ready for opening.
It made me wonder if it was even worth going to sleep tonight.
“Nova, go home,” Bobby said, appearing from the direction of the kitchen. He already had the large black plastic tub that we used for collecting the glasses tucked under his arms. “I’ve got this, you go get yourself in bed, sweetheart. The last thing we need is you collapsing from exhaustion.”
“You sure?” I asked, trying to hide the yarn that escaped from my lips.
“Absolutely,” he said, flashing me a soft smile.
Right now I was so grateful, I hated abandoning ship but I knew I could never win this fight with Bobby. He was someone that once he had set his mind on something you couldn’t do anything about it.
It didn’t take me long to round my things up, not when it comprised my phone, smokes, car keys and lighter. Slipping everything into my pockets I strolled over to Bobby giving him a hug.
As I was making my way out of the bar Bobby started speaking again. “I’m proud of you sweetheart, you acted better than we all expected tonight.”
“What are you on about?” I laughed, cocking my eyebrow at him in confusion.
“We were graced with the presence of your favorite Formula One driver tonight,” he said with a large smirk firmly planted on his face.
Great first Pops and now Bobby, was everyone losing their mind in this town?
I had two options: play along with it or call him out on him going crazy. After weighing up my options I decided to go along with this crazy story.
“I know right! I can’t believe they chose our small town, let alone our bar,” I squealed over dramatically whilst rolling my eyes. “Maybe they will come back tomorrow, we will fall madly in love before running off into the sunset together!”
“Kiddo with how the boy was checking you out, it wouldn’t surprise me if he became a regular,” Bobby replied, with a large smirk on his face.
“You’ve been reading Elenor too many stories, old man,” I scoffed, once again rolling my eyes at him. There was no way on this earth that two talented formula one drivers were in the bar let alone checking me out. “Maybe I need to send you with Pops to the memory clinic.”
“Sweetheart, he definitely was, I swear Jax was moments away from ripping his throat out with the way Leclerc was running his eyes over your body,” he chuckled, a large smirk gracing his face as he continued to collect glasses.
“Goodnight, you crazy old man, I will text you the details of Pops’ next appointment,” I hollered over my shoulder, making my way to the back exit.
For what felt like the millionth time this evening my mind was spinning.
Was it fuck with Nova day or something?
Clambering in the driver's seat of my old truck I rested my forehead against the steering wheel, I desperately needed sleep. I knew I would be fine in the morning and this would just be a bad dream.
The drive home went by in a blur, a small smile appeared on my face as I noticed Jax had left the porch light on for me. No matter how many times he did this it always warmed my heart.
All I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep, but there was something playing on my mind. I needed to know if Pops and Bobby were telling the truth because if they were I had made a complete fool of myself from the moment me and Jax got back from dirt biking. I just prayed that if he was in the bar, he wasn’t there when I was reciting Crofty’s commentary from Monza. Because if he was then I could never show my face in the bar again.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @celestialams @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @inesramoss30 @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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schneiderenjoyer · 3 months
whats your headcanons for TWTR!Vertin?
Oh, boy! Get ready to see how much of a disaster TWTR!Vertin is (by my own doing) Thank you for asking too! It'll be fun to share things about this AU of mine.
The list is long so continue with that in mind:
Vertin uses she/they pronouns. It's one of the first headcanons I thought of the moment I saw their design and how lovely they look in a suit!
Vertin is ambidextrous, they use their right hand for professional documents and their left hand for personal letters. It's actually canon and mentioned in the game's story that they're ambidextrous!
Vertin has freckles. I know this is canon, but there's still people who prefer her without them. I'm not one of them. I'm a freckle believer.
Vertin can play the piano. SPDM offers their students some form of entertainment through the arts like dance and music. They kept the ones they found most interesting. Mainly composing music sheets and playing it on the piano.
Vertin is an engineer. They have many hobbies and tried many things, but only few really stuck. Engineering is one of them.
Vertin created the Storm clock! Using their skills in engineering and high sensitivity towards arcanum, they've managed to accurately create a clock that tells when the Storm arrives. Only that it can tell its arrival within 24 hours. It doubles as a normal clock sometimes too.
The realm inside the suitcase is part of Vertin's arcane skill! Vertin can't use their arcanum effectively for offensive purposes, but it's useful in other avenues like support. Their arcane skill is [Ne iru milde en tiun bonan nokton] which has created the space. It also explains how the suitcase sustained some anti Storm properties, even if it doesn't fully protect everyone from the Storm.
Vertin is skilled in physical combat. With their arcanum mostly inferior and ineffective for battle, they've trained to be more resourceful in combining melee with arcane tools or potions for self defense.
Vertin is an insomniac. You can hold so much trauma in this Timekeeper. They're plagued by nightmares and even in quiet nights, it's hard to sleep. Schneider's presence and the occasional sleepy poppy pill helps most of the time.
Vertin has abandonment issues. Their fate is set on the day of the breakout incident, nothing can stop the Storm from taking people they love away. As a result, it's become detrimental for them to make friends, but never become too close. There's always a chance to lose them in the Storm. Well, except maybe Schneider.
Vertin has separation anxiety. This is extremely strong with Schneider, but they've gotten better over the years. They still panic if they don't know where she is for too long, especially when they're asleep and wakes up to Schneider missing. It only takes 5 minutes for them to notice her gone and 5 more minutes for them to start panicking.
Vertin has a sweet tooth. Candies, cakes, toffees, you name it! It keeps their sugar levels up when extremely exhausted and throughout all the bitterness they go through, they deserve a bit of sweetness in life.
Vertin is touchy. Their every word and action is always observed, they can't say what they want most times. So they express their fondness towards someone through action. Their favorite form of affection is patting someone on the head. For Schneider, it's to completely cling onto her and smell her all over. No, that's not appropriate. Yes, they still want to do it.
Vertin has a body pillow of Schneider. It's self explanatory. Those were dark times... Schneider lets it slide knowing it helps with their anxiety.
Vertin is selfless to a fault. It ties in to their abandonment issues and desire to grant people's wishes as much as they can. It's only recently they've express selfish desires around Schneider more.
Vertin likes critters. They often veer towards befriending them than fighting them if they can help it. But self defense is self defense.
Vertin is strong. They can lift alright, like a whole lot. They may not be magically strong, but they can at least punch like a bear.
Vertin is a mediocre learner. They're not the smartest and even find studying to be boring (like math). If it's something they take interest in, they hype fixate on it and eventually just be good at it.
Vertin is often misunderstood to be talented. Contrary to popular belief, a lot of the rumors and facts know about the Timekeeper is all a matter of circumstance and misinterpretation. They're just fortunately at the right place in the right time and most, if not all, their plans always ties in to the fact they have connections that help them get through it. Vertin doesn't actually have much skills in many departments. They just have the power of friendship on their side lmao.
Vertin is...passionate. Life of oppression, depression, and trauma can't be good for developing relationships of any kind. Fortunately the one they have now is four years in the making. While it still has a lot of bumps on the road, it's far more stable than what could've been if they haven't been given all those years to develop it. Still, Vertin being desperate to feel and smell their lover both privately and publicly needs some work...
Vertin is jealous and possessive. Ties in with being passionate and the whole "working out the bumps" part. They're not fully aware of it either, but their "selfless to a fault" nature aids in keeping this side of them strangely dormant for the most part. Timekeeper is very complicated.
Vertin shows signs of disassociation. While this one is a lot more hard to pin point, when overwhelmed by trauma and emotions, Timekeeper starts losing focus on their autonomy and action. They see with their eyes and hear with their ears, but they start noticing less of what they're doing and only know what's happening. Ties in with their anxiety.
Vertin is both touch starved and touch repulsed. The worst and most conflicting of their problems due to the Foundation's experimentation. They enjoy being affectionate, but flinches or stiffens when others try to be. Only Schneider gets a pass, but even then they still twitch occasionally. They're growing to be more comfortable receiving affection from their friends too.
Vertin's favorite food is Trifle. Their favorite drink is Butterfly Pea Tea.
Vertin is a terrible cook. No, it's not because they're British. It's because they're spoiled by Schneider's cooking. They also think that an entire jar of picrasma candy counts as a meal.
Vertin doesn't like chess. They know how to play it, but they stopped liking it for...obvious reasons. Instead, they picked up playing Go from Madam Z.
Vertin makes dioramas and terrariums. Another hobby they kept. It bolsters their architectural crafts, but mainly it's to have fun homes for the frogs and creatures they collect.
Vertin is a prankster. That's never disappeared as they grow up. They have a particular sense of humor and they like teasing their friends like Sonetto to get a reaction. This stems from having a partner that rarely reacts with anything but a smile. Getting an open, honest response excites them.
That's about all the ones I can list at the top of my head for now! Thanks again for the ask!
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scientia-rex · 9 months
Reasons my life is better this year than last year:
-Umbrella reason: new job
-Work next to doc who consistently laughs at my jokes
-My boss doesn't get passive-aggressive and also doesn't mind profanity
-My boss, despite being straight, fully supports me providing gender care and likes to send me CME opportunities for conferences I can't go to because I can't take time off without a lot of notice but it's still a nice thought that he saw "LGBTQIA+ healthcare" and went "oh I know a doc who does that! she should go!"
-On my other side is an MA I get along with fabulously bc despite having different native languages we both appreciate the importance of snacks, naps, caffeine, and being a little bit snarky
-She always brings me a donut if somebody leaves a box in the break room and she knows I might not see them until they're gone
-My MA sits behind me and is possibly my long-lost twin? Except that she's a foot taller than me, GOD, I wish I was tall, but we're on the same wavelength at all times and we have very similar interests and senses of humor and I love it and I hope she works here until we both retire
-The other people who sit in our room with us vary between a delightful nerd who I only haven't befriended harder bc she has kids and is always making a point of going home to them on time, an older doc who works per diem for us now and taught me how to do greater occipital nerve blocks on a whim and is actually a decent person despite being an old white privileged man, and our dermatology provider who once told a patient I was, and I quote, "cool as fuck," which is funny because I think SHE'S cool as fuck
-Our nurses are the best. Just the literal best. They go all out, on a daily basis, to not only make sure I do the minimal amount of bullshit busy work, but also to make sure patients are getting high-quality care and that they have positive interactions with our clinic, and they never kick a request back to me with "we can't do that," they will always at least ask around to see if someone else knows. I love them. I love them so much I literally sometimes cry about it.
-Our chief referral coordinator is so much fucking fun AND so good at her job. I ask her for things and they just... happen??? She's relentlessly competent and also loves animals and also when I mentioned I need more plants gave me seeds from her double-ruffled hot pink poppies, which I WILL be planting next year.
-Seriously, I love everybody at my new work. It's been 10 months and I feel like a rescue animal, finally starting to creep out of my shell and have a personality, after working at my prior clinic for 4 years (2 in residency) of absolute chronically understaffed passive aggressive toxic workplace hell. Like, I love the providers at my former clinic, I love the support staff, I loved my patients and I loved what I got to do, but there simply weren't enough people and everyone was always being told to do more and more and more with no additional time or resources or compensation, and that was a big part of why I quit--I could see, very transparently, that the administrators didn't give a hot shit about how hard I was working and how I was busting my ass, any time they saw a chance to shaft me out of any benefit, no matter how small, that might save them money.
Life is better this year. I think it's going to be even better next year. I had no idea working in medicine could be this much better. Working in medicine is going to be draining, no matter what you do--but a good, solid, competent administration makes the difference between draining and soul-crushing.
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weirdrandomtina · 2 years
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My favourite cartoon ships 2.0!
1. Broppy, Branch and Queen Poppy, Trolls
Such an adorable couple with highly entertaining interactions, anything from bickering to heartfelt encouragement.  Great yin and yang with very opposite yet very compatible personalities.  These two truly have changed each other’s lives for the better, bring out the best in each other, and would do anything for each other - you can’t have one without the other.  I’m not much into reading fanfics in general, but have read all kinds of Broppy ones!  Hopefully we’ll get another special and series!
2. Elixie, Eli Shane and Trixie Sting, Slugterra
Close friends who are always there for each other, loyal teammates who work really well together, who both pester and support one another.  Cute interactions that, to me, give the vibe that they could become more than friends in the future.  I don’t know, there’s just something about them that catches my attention, so many options for fanfics!
3. Embade (not sure if there’s a ship name for them yet), Wade Ripple and Ember Lumen, Elemental
About as opposite as two people can be!  I fell in love with these two immediately - their dynamic is highly entertaining, being fire and water they have unique interactions no other couple could have, their dance scene / first touch gives me butterflies, their first date is the cutest thing ever, and I like how it wasn’t ‘love at first sight’ - they got to know each other first, then fell in love, and they really improved each other’s lives.
4. The Love Square (Adrinette, Ladynoir, Marichat, Ladrien), Adrien Agreste / Chat Noir and Marinette Dupain-Cheng / Ladybug, Miraculous Ladybug
Four ships in one, so lots of options for different fun stories between the characters!  I’ve read a few neat fan-comics of them, their varying dynamics are always interesting.  This ship also moved down my favourites list, because I personally thought their ‘just friends’ status dragged on too long in canon.
5. Simonette, Simon Seville and Jeanette Miller, ALVINNN!!!
Close friends who have similar hobbies and compatible personalities, I love the episodes where they interact, especially helping each other on projects or just hanging out.  They would make an adorable couple, I’d love to see them on a sweet little date.  I’m not a huge fan of the CGI movies, but I watch Chipwrecked solely for their interactions.
6. Guep (no solid decent ship name for them so I’m going with this), Guy and Eep Crood, The Croods
I love the fact that she’s stronger and bigger than him, and far from a typical girly girl, it makes a unique and unconventional couple.  Also, they take care of each other, it’s never one-sided (the macho guy rescuing the dainty damsel, or the powerful woman rescuing the weak guy).
7. Eugunzel, Eugene Fitzherbert and Princess Rapunzel, Tangled
Tons of excellent interactions in the series, a healthy relationship and another couple who has given each other better lives.  She’s not the typical dependent princess, but not an overly powerful female either, just the perfect balance.  And like Guep, he rescues her, and she rescues him; both have strengths and weaknesses, making them a very realistic pair.
8. Hiccstrid, Hiccup Haddock and Astrid Hofferson, How To Train Your Dragon
Another couple where she’s the stronger one.  I like their teamwork and interactions - even though she’s much bolder than him, she respects his leadership and is loyal to him.  At the same time, he respects her and is open to her suggestions.
9. Jilaire, Jim Lake Jr. and Claire Nunez, Trollhunters
Their development from barely friends to a close couple was natural and realistic.  There is literally nothing these two wouldn’t do for each other (Jim risking his life and breaking the law to save Claire’s brother, Claire fully accepting Jim no matter what physical form he’s in)
10. Snowlin, Prince Merlin and Princess Snow White, Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarves
Excellent messages about true beauty.  The rare movie relationship where the main female does not represent ideal beauty standards, yet still ends up in a happy relationship.  These two learned to truly love each other for who they are on the inside, regardless of their appearance, and will surely stick by each other’s sides no matter what.
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opinated-user · 7 months
Sort of a nuanced take so bear with me here-- I honestly think its a little weird that you obsessively post about every trans woman that happens to be poorly behaved. Not saying that Lily Orchard, Sophie Labelle, whoever this Poppy person is aren't doing bad things. It's just I don't know kind of strange that you have a blog all about documenting trans woman misbehavior as a non-binary person. Speaking as a trans woman you come off as transmisogynistic some times. I'm sorry it is. The only people who's bad behavior you post about are trans women. That's weird.
this blog started off talking about LO because i have seen evidence of her abusive/predatory actions to the point i felt worth talking about. she's the main focus.
P&Z came to the picture because they talked and responded to LO's lies about them. turns out they were abusive, as i have seen evidence myself and believed on their victims, and that felt worth talking about. especially since thanks to their videos on LO, the people who watched those and supported them deserve to know the kind of people who made them.
sophie labelle is a big name in trans/progressive spaces. massive even. i was a fan of her work and supported it fully until everything to do with using a irl toddler for lewd furry diaper art came out. i have only ever brought her up on that post in months to make an example of LO having a bigger issue with queer acceptance and usage than with pictures of irl babies being used for porn, so it was relevant.
EssenceOfThought made videos following on LO and then was unabled to continue doing them out of her own circunstances, so that clearly was relevant for this blog. she apologized to both Brittany and me in private for not telling us about that earlier and i have absolutely no ill will towards her or Levi. i'll probably not going to talk about her again in this blog except to say just that.
regarding all of them, i have never, ever, encouraged or supported any kind of harrassment, misgendering or transphobia against them. if anyone has any issue with any of them they can quietly unfollow or unsub. on my pinned post i put link to sites where you can download videos from youtube without giving anyone views if so people want it, encouraging, once again, to not go after any of these people for any reason.
i'm sorry that existing on the internet as a trans woman means being constantly demonized for merely existing. being used constantly as an example of a predator when you haven't done anything to deserve it it's incredibly tought and demorilizing. nobody deserves that. i don't blame you one bit for having a negative reaction when seeing transfemme being called out precisely for that, because so many bad people are going to use that as fuel to keep believing all transfemmes are the same and i hate that, i wish i could change it. for every transfemme that i discuss here i also met so many transfemme who were the sweetest, most considerate, smartest and kindest people that anyone can be.
but keeping quiet about these people is not an option either. it just isn't. they're bad people, dangerous people, who happen to have platforms where they have influence and power over vulnerable people, traumatized people, marginalized people who are desperate to feel safe somewhere. they're bad people because they chose to take advantage of the trust put on them, because they manipulated, lied and abused, not because they're trans women, and if i ever implied that then i'll dennounce it because that couldn't be further from the truth.
these people should never be used as any kind of example of how trans women are. they just happen to be trans. anyone using my blog or anything on it to further that narrative is no ally of mine and i'll block them whenever possible. if there's anything else you think i could do, please let me know.
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nos4ay2 · 5 months
No Troll left behind (no exceptions)
Poppy looked at her Trolls. She had tried so hard to get ahead of the Rock Queens plan, but had been on the back foot from the beginning.
Add in betrayals and an uneven playing field, shed ended up here, in an giant cell with the rest of her people. The enormous circular room was decided into 5 sections, allowing all the other tribes to see each other.
"Queen Poppy?"
She quickly dried her eyes and turned to the group of trollings.
"Yes, Keith?"
The little green trolling shifted back and forth in front of her.
"We've been talking and we don't want to be Rock trolls. And we don't want anyone else to be turned in to Rock trolls either."
Poppy hid a grimace. As soon as Barb figured out that she still had the Pop string in her hair, she doubted there would be much of a choice to be had .
"I know guys. I don't either but as long as Queen Barb doesn't have our sting we should be safe."
Keith stared up at her. And quirked an eyebrow. It was times like this that really showed Branch's influence on the kids. He leaned forward and whispered
"Queen Poppy, we know you have it."
She just barely stopped her self from rearing back.
"I don't.."
"We think you should break it"
It felt like she had been dunked in ice water.
Destroy the Pop string. Destroy the core of their music.
In her silence, Keith continued. "If the string gets broken, then the Rock Queen can't finish her guitar and she can't turn everyone into Rock trolls."
Taking a shuddering breath, she quietly replied, looking the all the trollings of her village, her people.
"But Keith, kids, if I do that we won't have Pop anymore. We won't have music. We won't ever be happy again."
That got a scoff from CJ, standing behind Keith. "We can still be happy. My Dad's Grey and he still gets happy. Isn't Branch sometimes happy too and he's Grey?
Taking a second, she looked around at all her Trolls. Grey wasn't uncommon among the blues, pinks, purple and green. Her tribe had survived horrors the others couldn't even dream about.
She had seen how some of the other tribes were. Whole and sturdy within themselves.
But Pop had had to change over the centuries of captivity. The ability to adapt had always been a core part of them, Pop being the most fluid of music.
But under the stress of yearly (and at the whim of the Head Chef's peckishness) harvest, they had learned to bolster each other.
Going Grey wasn't a sign of shame it had once been. To be Grey and still here, still trying was a sign of strength. The Grey of the village had always been supportive of their colourful families.
Making sure that they were protected, and always loving and being loved in their own ways.
She was proud of her tribe.
And now, the youngest generation, the first generation to be fully born outside the Troll tree and have no grey members, were willing to give up their music so no other tribe would lose theirs.
She was so proud and so heartbreakingly devastated.
A small hand touched her face where she knelt.
Priscilla smiled at her.
"Come on, Queen Poppy, No Troll left behind remember?"
Taking a shaky breath, holding her tears back, she gave a smile in return.
"No troll left behind".
I mainlined TBGO in like 3 days. Love that show so much. The Trollings are adorable kids. I also wanted to show that its the Pop Trolls as a whole that have changed. Going Grey to the kids isnt a end of the world thing.
They know that the Greys dont sing and do lots of other stuff the colourful members of their tribe do, but they're still part of their tribe. They still love them, still there if the kids need them just like anyone else in the tribe is.
(The Pop trolls have a very 'it takes a village' mentality partly because before 20 years ago it was not uncommon to loose a parent or parents to trollstice, so support system ftw.)
And the kids grew up with that. So loosing their music is sad and they don't want to do it. But they don't want to be Rock Trolls more and this way, the other tribes wont be forced to loose their music to Rock as well.
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scribesofcalamity · 5 months
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We took my sweet bean in for her CT scan and biopsy today.
The tumor is huge, and the disease is into her spine and a majority of the bone. The vet stated it is inoperable because of the spine area. Our only options were trying chemotherapy which was out of state (and won't be possible for us) , or moving to palliative care.
We are upping her pain medications to keep her comfortable for now. Once her quality of life is no longer at a sustainable level, and she's having more bad days than good, we'll do the same at home euthanasia we did for Blaze so that she can cross over safe and warm in her own space. Until then, she's getting maximum cuddles and treats. Cheza has not been very interested in food but will eat if you slowly hand feed her. She's been getting chicken, eggs, fish bits. And frankly whatever the heck she wants from now on that isn't poisonous.
I can't describe how much my heart is breaking. Cheza is my soul pup. I waited a year on the waitlist for her. I met her the week after she was born. I picked between her and one of her sisters. The little swirl on the back of her head prompted my choice. She came home with me the week after my Poppie passed away and during a time when I was severely struggling with my own mental health. She's been there for all the big moments in our lives since then. She's the prettiest, friendliest little pup I've ever seen and everyone always loves her the moment they meet her. She has filled these last 4 years with so many fun and beautiful memories. I don't know what we're going to do without her.
Everyone has been so unbelievably kind and supportive as my partner and I go through this tragedy. I want to thank all of you. Every kind word, every share of my art posts, every donation and commission, has meant the world to me. I love you guys and I'll never be able to fully express my gratitude. Keep us in your prayers. Please give all your furballs a big kiss and hug from me.
Commissions are still open and you can check the status of any currently open ones on the pinned commission post on my art pages. I couldn't make myself do anything other than hold her and cry today but I promise I'll get back to them tomorrow.
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genz420 · 2 years
The Fire That Burns With Us - Chapter 20: Milk Of The Poppy.
Previous Part - Next Part
135 - Red Keep
Visenya rubs her sweaty palms on her pants.  She does not understand why she is nervous about meeting with her grandsire.  Maybe she thinks that he will be able to see into her soul and know what had happened at Winterfell. Perhaps she worries that he will not be fully there in the mind again.  
Visenya nods to the king's guards outside his room, and they open the door for her.  The room is dimly lit, and the once magnificent model of Valyria sits untended to, collecting dust and spider webs.  Visenya makes her way back to the King's bed.  
The air smells like death.   
Visenya thought that the king had been in bad shape a year prior but compared to his current state, it wasn’t so bad.   His cheeks are sunken, and half of his face is wrapped in bandages.  The sickening sound of his breathing makes Visenya choke up.   
She sits in the chair next to the King's bed and looks around the area.  
Visenya grabs a hold of the cup sitting on the king's bedside, bringing it up to her nose and sniffing it.  Milk of the Poppy.  She has only taken it once, when in Winterfell. The memory makes her stomach turn.  Visenya knows that she would rather die than take it again. The medicine makes one's mind cloudy and not fully there.
Visenya lets out a sigh as she sets the cup down.  The king will not be able to answer any of her questions or even have a conversation with her at the moment, but Visenya needs him.  Needs his support.  She grabs ahold of his hand and gently rubs her thumb up and down the back of his hand.  
“My King?” She asks out loud.  
There are no answers.  The only sound comes from the rats that have made a home in the model in the other room.  
“My King, it is me, Visenya,” Visenya squeezes his hand, hoping that he still remembers who she is.  “Please, I need you to listen to me.  You need to show your support to Lucarys,” 
Viserys lets out a grunt of what seems to be a pain, but Visenya hopes that it means he understands her.  That he is listening.  
“His claim to the Driftmark throne is being challenged.  Please, my king,” Visenya pleads, but Viserys does not answer.  
Visenya pulls his hand up to her and places a soft kiss on it. She carefully sets his hand back onto the bed and makes her move to stand up to leave, but Viserys uses all his strength and grabs ahold of her hand.  He can hear her pleas but can not get the words he wants out.  Visenya sits back down in the chair and holds his hand again.  
“Visenya,” He says.  He knows it is her.  He knows without even opening his eye.  His sweet Visenya.  
“Yes, My King,” Visenya answers.  She can only hope that he agrees to support Luke.  
“Emagon ao kustittan īlva ānogarr?” He mumbles out.  The common tongue left his mind and returned to the first language he was taught.  
Have you strengthened our blood? 
“Skoros?” Visenya asks.  What does he mean?  Does he mean their allies?  She had done that.  Does he mean the fear felt when the name Targaryen is spoken?  She had done that.
“Ānogrosa nehugon lēda zirȳla,” Viserys gets out, but the words come out differently.  The king's mind was scrambled, and his words reflected that.  
Bleed with him.
Visenya does not understand him.  His words are too slurred to understand, and Visenya feels frustrated with herself for not understanding.  She felt like a little girl when she was first learning Valyrian.  All she wants to do is shake the king out of his current state and make him repeat his words.  To understand what he has said.
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purple-haired-faerie · 8 months
Feysand children
Some H/Cs following the poll! Let me know what you think in the comments
A/N; mentions of violence, Sexual assault and rape and prostitution if that is a trigger please avoid!!
First born and for a long time believed to be the only born.
Knows he doesn't want to be High lord. Doesn't want the pressure of not only the title but to live up to his parents legacy. Also it's not his calling, what his soul is telling him to do with his life, but alas if it is his duty he will do it. Not that he tells his parents this in case he disappoints them (they could never feel disappointed in any of their children)
Studies with Rhys and Amren and trains with all three Bat Boys. If he ends up high lord then he will do what he has to do be a good one.
Like Feyre he is creative but where Feyres creativity is her art, his is music. It helps him communicate things he can't with words alone. Piano, chello, violin and oboe. He joins a string quartet and knows this is really what he wants to do.
Eventually, having seen Nesta successfully pop out a couple of winged children, Feyre and Rhys try again for another child. Selene is born with a lot less drama and near death experiences than her older brother
It doesn't take long to realize she is Feysands true heir to the Night Court. Intelligent, cunning and the perfect mix of brutality and kindness. Violent criminals feel her wrath but innocent citizens feel nothing but her love
So when she's chosen by the court it takes no one by surprise. She makes history as the first high lady to sit alone on the throne. Vivian and Feyre were high ladies through their own merit and being mated to forward thinking males. Selene does it all by herself.
Total space need and having Rhys being...well Rhys and extra he commissions an observatory to be built for her. As much as she enjoys being there it also becomes a safe space for her and if she's had a bad day, you'll find her in the observatory
Rhys had once mentioned he'd like to do what his mother had done for Cass and Az; and take in a kid or two and Feyre is supportive of this.
The bat boys are at an Illyrian camp. One even more backward than most Illyrian camps which says something. The Bat boys are there pushing for better treatment for the women.
They are coming back from a particularly long headache inducing meeting when a woman approaches with a young child. Both are in a bad way and the woman seems like she is close to death. She begs them to take her daughter, to give her a life she can't.
They bring the pair in and do what they can but the mother dies a few hours later. Her body no longer able to hold out. Rhys takes a long look at this child, and knows she's coming home with him.
Given her age, she has yet to have a period so her wings haven't yet been clipped but she hasn't had a chance to fly. Rhys takes it upon himself to teach her and she loves it. Where Rhys would have flights with just him and his mother, Poppy has flights that are just her and her Dad.
Given her love of flying she's a traveller. Not just around Prythian but to the mortal lands and to other continents. She's full of stories and gifts from when she returns home.
She becomes a Valkyrie and is a total badass. If we are making comparisons she's like a mini female Cassian. Scares her parents shitless. Selene knows her armies are in safe hands with her sister.
Arron is the next kid to be adopted by Feyre and Rhys. His mother died from sickness and his father got beaten by some guys who felt he had wronged them. It hit close to home for Feyre.
During his father's beating Arron had gotten hurt himself. Badly and he never fully recovered. On good days he is able to walk unaided. Some days he needs crutches and on really bad painful days he uses a wheelchair.
Rhys literally builds a fully accessible house so the family can live somewhere where Arron has full access even on bad days.
Like Feyre he uses art as a means to help him deal with his emotions. His particular talent is charcoal drawings and pottery. He likes that you can make a mess and end up with something beautiful.
He also really likes swimming as it's an exercise that he really helps him following his injury. The water takes some of his weight and he looks into utilizing hydrotherapy for other disabled people or those recovering from injury.
The last to be adopted is Dahlia. She's older when she gets adopted and it's Nyx who finds her. He's returning from music rehearsal and finds her literally half naked lying in a gutter. Covering her modesty with his coat he mentally contacts his parents and let's them know he's bringing her back.
She's 16. Has been working as a prostitute against her will. Her father abandoned her mother as soon as she found out she was pregnant and she made some desperate decisions to look after herself and her daughter. One such decision was taking a loan from a brothel madam and working the streets to pay it back. When she died and the dept was still owed, it fell to Dahlia to continue working the streets to repay the dept
Dahlia had been on a bad job. Her patron had beaten and raped her and left her in the gutter where Nyx had found her. Feyre and Rhys had been horrified that this sort of thing happened and sent Mor, Amren, Az and Nesta to 'do what they needed to to deal with it'. They did.
Dahlia, like Rhys' mother, loves clothes and she had always dreamed of having her own shop with clothes she had made. As well as modelling them. Of course her new parents support this.
She claimed the modelling helped her change the narrative with her body following what she had been through. Gave her back her ownership and confidence in her own skin, and eventually takes on other sexual assault and rape survivors when her business grows.
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hawkefaery · 1 year
The Da'neers; a fucked up but not-that-much-fucked-up family
(Found this half written on my drafts and decided to finish it lmao so this is an old teaser. not from 1h ago like the pic shows)
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I read this teaser from A soul of ash and blood and a random thought occurred to me. The Da'neer family might be all fucked in the head, like Malik, Casteel, Eloana, and Valyn are at the very least murderers-manipulators-liars-kidnappers (again, at the very least). Nevertheless, Casteel and Makik have the best upbringing among the main characters/the characters that are part of the prophecy and that is just so funny to me.
On the one hand, there is Poppy who grew up under that veil and never actually got to experience life. She didn't have friends or an actual childhood/teenagehood until Casteel (literally) kidnapped her from there. Then there is Millie who is Poppy's sister. It is true that we do not much about her but we do know that first, she was also a maiden so she probably didn't grow up much differently from poppy. Second, the girl is literally dead, she was literally murdered, Millicent is literally a walking corpse moved by either, she can't even die now and that does not happen in a healthy household. Next, there is Sera, whom I personally think had the worse of all upbringings. Sera was groomed and basically handed like a sacrificial lamb by her own family, her own mother could not even look at her in her eyes, her stepbrother was an abusive disgusting pervert, and her stepfather was too passive when he needed to do something about his own son, etc. Her life before leaving Lasania was a nightmare basically and it all started as a young girl in her own home, with her own family. Following, there is Nyktos. He does not apply much to this list because his younghood was hard but it was not directly and fully his parents' fault. They seem like great people and that they would have been lovely parents. Yet, Nyktos' life/younghood was, in fact, traumatizing so I am going to mention him anyways. He literally had his parents killed by his own uncle, who is also a constant threat in his life. He grew up without his mother and she was murdered while still pregnant, horrible.
On the other hand, you have Casteel and Malik whose childhoods couldn't have been happier compared to the others. These brothers were born to parents that actually wanted them and truly loved them in the healthiest way they could. Plus, Valyn and Eloana didn't even know that their sons were part of an ancient prophecy about how they are basically key parts to save the realms (lmao). Malik and Casteel grew up like normal children or at least normal princes. Examples of this are:
the fact that they were free to explore the caves, or casteel mentions in one book an adventure to the sea the fact that different from the rest they had toys such as Casteel's wooden horse, etc. they were allowed to have friends and interact with people, to leave their home, to show their faces, to have partners, and basically to have a common healthy life/social life.
It is not only the fact that they were treated like normal children but also the fact that they were actually shown love, support, and kindness. Casteel never shows to have a bad relationship with his parents. In TCOGB that man turned into a little kid while embracing his mother and letting her ask him if he had gotten taller despite the fact that he is 200+ years old, or when he literally shook while hugging his father in TWOTQ and described that he felt like a kid back to the time where his father would be the strongest and bravest to his eyes. Also when Casteel recalls his childhood in AKOFAF he does it so fondly and 99% of types Poppy describes that she smiles while remembering.
And it is not even only that, Valyn and Eloana continue to support and respect their boys, for example (AN: this will always be so funny to me, I just love it) Eloana and Valyn were genuinely worried and care for Casteelʼs happiness when he brought Poppy to Atlantia and married her and not the fact that she just has kidnapped her like lmao their youngest boy was like "yeah this the maiden, the one a kidnapped, also the one whom we believe to be malec's child, just murdered a bunch of atlantians, is literally the blood queen's favorite etc and oh I married her" and they were like "okey! we are so happy you are home baby, let;s crown you and your wiffy king and queen" *nodding heads*, then there is the fact that they respect and support his claim as king, Valyn respected Malik's boundaries to not want to be hugged in twotq which I think that is very important considering how none of the other characters' boundaries get respected, another example is when Valyn helped cas to find poppy and even went to fight for her by his side, etc etc. Basically, Cas and Malik had basically the healthiest childhood in blood and ash, yeah their parents are not perfect but they really try their best so yeah I adore this family and I will defend them no matter what.
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(AN: If this does not make sense I apologize, is one in the morning but I can't sleep)
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So I’ve been sent by the OC creator bingo, but I don’t really know that much at all about the Umbrella Academy.
So here’s your chance to ramble about your ocs, the plot, whatever you want!! (And maybe give me a little synopsis lol)
Hello there! Thank you for reaching out!
Long post ahead, so I'll put it under a cut!
Okay, so, first I'll explain the differences between the Magnolia Academy and the Umbrella and Sparrow Academies
The Umbrella and Sparrow Academies both had Reginald being a Terrible Father:tm: that forced the kids into it and essentially treated them like child soldiers/experiments
Meanwhile, the Magnolia Academy have the human version of Grace Hargreeves we saw in season 2 as a mom, who adopted as many kids as she could to keep Reginald from getting them (also one of them is her biological daughter). Becoming superheroes was actually the kids' idea. When they assured her that, yes, this is what they want to do, they know what they're getting into and still want to, she supported them and got them the best training she could. She was already teaching them how to control their powers
(Poppy didn't want to be a part of the superhero aspect so she stayed with her mom in the lab)
The kids weren't experiments. They weren't child soldiers. They weren't numbers. They were still kids that got to have a childhood but also wanted to save the world. Grace made the Magnolia Academy not to control the kids, but to support them in their endeavors
Later on, for example, when Fauna left the Magnolia Academy to become a veterinarian, Grace as well as her siblings fully supported her. Same with when Vanessa wanted to become a lawyer, and Bridget wanted to become a nurse. Meanwhile, Casey, Vincent, Elizabeth, and Sonya, kept doing the whole superhero thing, and Poppy went on to work in the scientific field with her mother
Because of this support system, the family dynamic is a lot closer and, for lack of a better word, healthier, than we see with either set of Hargreeves. Obviously, they love each other, but let's be real here: they're dysfunctional as fuck. This is part of why we love them of course, but it's still a major contrast to the Abernathy siblings
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Alright, LGBTQ month is upon us. Time for
My OC's LGBTQ Identities.
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Betty Locera: Cis/Het Supporter
I was planning on making Betty bisexual, but after a while, I changed her to being straight. Though some of her siblings are LGBTQ.
Since this is the 1930's, the chances of the average person knowing Betty is a supporter, let alone know some non-hetero people, is low; Betty knows her siblings don't want the drama, so she isn't open about who they are unless she knows she can trust that person. But if she sees anybody on the street being homophobic, she will not hold back. Especially if it's her family being hurt/disrespected. She doesn't tolerate any of that hate.
Detective Sketch: Non-Binary, Asexual Aromantic (partially out)
I do have a ship with Sketch that I love (Dice x Sketch. I'm a sucker for rivals to lovers). But in their own canon timeline, I can't see Sketch being interested in relationships or sex.
It doesn't happen often, but they have had people try to coerce them into going out for a night of fun. Whether it be because they genuinely thought Sketch was attractive, or they thought they could get away without paying them for their services. Sketch has turned them all down, and refuses to share why if they ask. As such, they've gained a small reputation of either being 'very picky', or being a 'romantic who only wants their true love'. Both of these titles make them cringe.
Sketch isn't really an open person, so them being partially out is kind of because they simply don't want to talk about it with strangers. But their family do know, and they're forever grateful for being accepted as who they are.
They didn't really have anyone to accept them before, when it was just them. They didn't even open up with the care takers at the orphanage. So they didn't really know what it felt like to be accepted like this until they had their family.
Prism: Demigirl, Demisexual Demiromantic (out)
Prism may use she/her pronouns, but all dream entities are on the non-binary spectrum in some way. Prism, in particular, is feminine leaning. And when it comes to romantic and sexual relations, she can't imagine anything like that with anyone she doesn't know. Prism doesn't get how some people can have these 'one-night stands' or go on a date the first thing. But whatever floats their boat.
The night dimension does not hold the same prejudice against sexual and gender orientation the same way some humans do. So, to Prism, being out and open about her identity is just the norm. When she first encountered a visitor who was closeted, it was a shock and a half for her. Especially when she found out why these visitors stay quiet about themselves for however long. What's the point of hating somebody for who they are?
Prism wishes she could understand. But she'll offer a safe space for any visitor no matter who they are, and will try to offer as much help and advice as possible.
Poppy: Cisgendered Bisexual (closeted)
Poppy had no idea she was bisexual. At least until she saw Disney's Snow White for the first time (Queen Grimhilde was her awakening). After that, she was left very confused. She had noticed women before, but she assumed that she was just appreciating their beauty, similar to appreciating a work of art, rather than... You know, wanting to kiss them.
Regardless of where she came from, whether she was drawn from paper or she came from her two strict and stuffy parents, Poppy wouldn't really be...Entirely sure of herself for a while. Especially since she's never been with a woman before. She isn't a homophobe at all, she'll support you no matter what you do behind closed doors. But for herself, she always assumed she was straight and that sexuality was simple. So this caught her way off guard.
Even when she fully realized and accepted who she was, Poppy has a hard time telling other people. Because this is the early 1900's, she knows that her sexuality would be a problem to some people, and she doesn't want any trouble. Even with her loved ones, she's scared of not only making them hate her, but also finding out that her loved one is that kind of person. It wouldn't be until she fully trusts someone before she tells them she's bisexual, and it wouldn't be until the modern era until she becomes more open about it, too.
Any questions anybody has, I'll be more than happy to answer ^^
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heather-ouo · 2 years
A dream’s disguise pt 3 ( end ) 
Fu hua x HoC! G/n! Reader
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Things to remind
Black mixed with yellow line near the end is (y/n)
Bold yellow - also (y/n) but still have their core but not in dream
yellow line - OC: Khalique Kaslana
Orange line - Fu Hua
(H/c) - your hair colour
Part 1, Part 2, Alternative end
You give a question face.
“ Hua, did you forget to take your medicine again? ”
Avoiding topics you don’t like as always.
“ It’s not about the medicine, don't avoid the question, you overheard the conversation when I got out of the dorm didn’t you? ”
“ … ”
“ It was an accident…? You two happened to be outside the dorm.”
Fu Hua heard this line from you frequently, you would only say that when you overheard someone's conversation and went on was an accident.
“ Accident or not, (Y/n) have a very poor imagination to set up a dream.. yet you or whoever you are…. Are not them. ”
You? Rise your head and put a hand over it. The person lets out a laughter as the house or to put it correctly the dream realm starts to change.
“ I should have known when she said you are a hard one to deal with and it turns out to be true. ”
“ Yet congratulations! You find out but with no reward~ ”
Now the one who is facing Fu Hua is none other your Herrscher’s personality, the one who give you the suggestion of putting everyone to sleep. On Fu Hua’s side she has prepared herself in battle status.
“ You seriously thought i'm gonna fight you? ”
“ No, but dreams always have a way to break it, such as defeating you who drag me into this dream. ”
“ Tch… you could have waited till Your dearest won the war for humanity.. so let it be then. “
Chains appear in the never-ending walls of the dream and surround the herrscher.
“ It's either I knock you out or you crush my core! ”
. . .
. .
“ Ha… Ha…”
The land was broken to pieces, numbers of weapons can be seen floating around the realm, you? And Fu Hua is ten feet away, ignoring the broken floor the white and red haired girl walks towards the ghostly Herrscher.
The phoenix didn’t say anything other than bend down and grab the Herrscher’s now-cracked core.
“…!… H-hold up! ”
You? Grab Fu Hua’s hand not letting her go farther than grabbing your? core she can’t allow this!
“ Y-You can’t do this! I-if you crush the cor-e..! They will die! ”
Without a second thought she pulls the core despite the herrscher’s plead and tighten her grip on the core.
*c….ra…ck *
Fade cracks sounds fills the herrscher with horror but without the core she is nothing in this ghostly body, with the last crack following you? yelled.
Everything fades to white.
 . .
. . .
Everyone has fallen asleep. It worked out just as she said!
You are heavily wounded but you ignore the pain, one step wrong the humanity behind you will be erased again.
Here you are in the battlefield fighting one on one against The End, you were about to give the last strike but was stopped when a crystal crack sound went through your mind following with cracks appearing on your body.
“H-huh...? ”
The (h/c) drops their weapon while The End takes this as a chance and escapes, massive Honkai energy bursts out from the cracks of your body and you know someone has crushed the core.
Now without the massive Honkai energy to support your body, the (h/c) crumbles on the floor but was picked up by someone then your head is resting on the person’s thigh.
“ Wh-o..? ”
“ It’s me Kha. ”
“ Khalique… im not gonna die… am i? ”
The girl didn’t reply, instead she guided her left wing to cover your chilling body.
“ Plea-se.. answer me..”
“ You know fully well how much this body relies on the core yet your choice to go with the dangerous plan. ”
“ … ”
“ Let the rain drop down for the brave soldier who ward off the last threat to humanity for they use a life for the world’s safety. ”
Beans of water fall down from the sky slowly wetting the Winged girl, poppies and spider lilies sprout around the duo but mostly around the (h/c).
“ (y/n).. ”
You turned your head slowly to the voice source, Fu hua who has walked up towards with shock on her face then looks at Khalique, she throws a fist at the winged girl but is chained down.
“ Maybe I should break this news for you. ”
“ There’s nothing to say to you. ”
“ Hmph… remember the core you break back in the dream? ”
“ That’s your dearest life line, I told you about it but you choose to ignore it. ”
Fu Hua stops struggling upon hearing the news. It kind of explains the cracks on your body and the massive Honkai energy, seeing the girl having a computer crash moment Khalique places you in her arm before disappearing to cubes.
When your cold hand touches her cheek it brings her back to reality. Don't know what to say Fu Hua hugs you close to her but your chilling body tells her otherwise, you are dying.
She is the one who ruined yours and hers happy ever after war life.
Don’t cry on me, there’s an alternative ending in script which is a good ending.
Part 1, Part 2, Alternative end
Tagging people ( permission asked! :D )
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