#Romanian Woman
lady-dulcinea · 29 days
Everybody is applauding Ben Galpin for his impeccable performance as Jonathan (as they should), but I would like to call attention to Ioana Adăscăliței as the Romanian Woman. That "For your mother's sake" was genuinely so gut wrenching I had to pause for a minute before continuing.
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stablediffusionxl · 17 days
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Romanian woman 🇷🇴
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thinkingimages · 2 years
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Costica Ascintes
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bridesclub · 6 months
How to Text Romanian Girls: Tips for Building Connections
Texting has become a primary mode of communication in the modern dating world, and knowing how to text effectively can greatly enhance your chances of building connections with Romanian ladies. Romania, like any other country, has its own dating culture and norms, but there are universal principles of effective communication that can help you connect with Romanian women. In this article, we will explore how to text Romanian girls, offering tips and strategies to make a positive impression and build meaningful connections.
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Learn some basic Romanian phrases
While many Romanian girls are fluent in English, making an effort to learn some basic Romanian phrases can be a charming way to show your interest and effort. Simple greetings like "Buna" (Hello) and "Cum esti?" (How are you?) can go a long way in breaking the ice and demonstrating your respect for their culture.
Start with a friendly greeting
Begin your text conversation with a friendly and polite greeting. A simple "Hello" or "Hi" followed by her name is a good way to start. Being polite and respectful from the beginning sets a positive tone for the conversation.
Show genuine interest
Ask open-ended questions to show genuine interest in getting to know her. Avoid generic or yes/no questions, and instead, inquire about her hobbies, interests, and experiences. For example, you can ask about her favorite places to visit in Romania or her hobbies and passions.
Use proper grammar and spelling
Take the time to write well-structured messages with proper grammar and spelling. Carelessness in your texts can give the impression that you are not serious or don't value the conversation.
Balance frequency and timing
Finding the right balance between texting too frequently and waiting too long to respond is important. Pay attention to her response times and adjust your messaging accordingly. It's okay to initiate conversations, but avoid overwhelming her with too many messages in a short period.
Compliment sincerely
Compliments can be a great way to make someone feel special, but they should be sincere and specific. Instead of generic compliments, try to notice and appreciate unique qualities about her, such as her sense of humor, intelligence, or style.
Share about yourself
Don't make the conversation one-sided. Share information about yourself, your interests, and your experiences. This helps create a balanced and engaging conversation.
Be patient and respectful
Respect her boundaries and personal space. Avoid pressuring her for personal information or intimate details too quickly. Building trust and rapport takes time.
Use emojis thoughtfully
Emojis can add a playful and expressive element to your texts. However, use them thoughtfully and sparingly. Overusing emojis can make your messages appear childish or insincere.
Plan thoughtful dates
As your connection grows, consider planning thoughtful dates or activities that align with her interests. Showing that you've put thought into your dates can be very appealing.
Maintain a positive tone
Keep your texts positive and light-hearted. Avoid negative or controversial topics, especially in the early stages of getting to know each other.
Respect cultural differences
Romania has its own unique cultural norms and values. Be aware of and respectful of these differences. What may be considered polite or appropriate in your culture may not be the same in Romania.
Signs a Romanian girl likes you
Determining whether a Romanian woman likes you can be challenging, as individuals express their feelings differently. However, there are several common signs that may indicate her interest in you. Keep in mind that these signs are not definitive, and it's essential to consider the overall context and her personality. Here are some signs a Romanian girl may like you:
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Engagement in conversations: She actively participates in conversations, asks questions about your life, and shows genuine interest in getting to know you better. She may also remember and reference details from previous discussions.
Initiating contact: She initiates contact with you through text messages, phone calls, or social media. This is a sign that she wants to maintain communication and stay connected with you.
Eye contact: During face-to-face interactions, she makes prolonged eye contact with you, which can be a sign of attraction and interest.
Smiles and laughter: She frequently smiles and laughs when you're around, even at your jokes that may not be particularly funny. This indicates that she enjoys your company.
Physical contact: She initiates subtle physical contact, such as touching your arm or shoulder during conversations. Physical contact is often a sign of comfort and attraction.
Plans and invitations: She suggests or agrees to spend time together outside of regular interactions. This could include inviting you to social events, outings, or dinner dates.
Compliments: She gives you compliments, whether about your appearance, personality, or achievements. Compliments are a way of expressing appreciation and admiration.
Jealousy: She may show signs of mild jealousy when you mention spending time with other women. This can be an indicator of her desire for exclusivity.
Introducing you to friends and family: If she introduces you to her friends or family, it suggests that she is comfortable with your presence and sees potential for a deeper connection.
Longer messages: When texting or messaging, she sends longer and more detailed messages, indicating her willingness to invest time and effort in communicating with you.
Engagement on social media: She likes, comments on, or shares your social media posts. This demonstrates her interest in your life and what you share online.
She teases you playfully: Light teasing and joking can be a sign of flirting and interest. If she does this in a friendly and playful manner, it may indicate attraction.
She makes future plans: She talks about future activities or plans that involve you, suggesting she sees you in her future.
Support and encouragement: She offers support and encouragement when you face challenges or setbacks. Her willingness to stand by you during tough times shows her investment in your well-being.
It's crucial to interpret these signs in the context of your specific relationship and interactions. Keep in mind that not all signs may apply to every individual, and some people may express their feelings more subtly than others. To truly understand her feelings, open and honest communication is essential. If you're interested in pursuing a romantic relationship, consider discussing your intentions and feelings with her directly, while respecting her boundaries and feelings as well.
Why is online dating with Romanian girls better than offline?
Online dating and offline dating both have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to meeting Romanian chicks. Whether online dating is better than offline dating depends on your personal preferences, circumstances, and dating goals. Here are some reasons why online dating with Romanian single women might be considered advantageous:
Access to a larger pool of potential partners
Online dating allows you to connect with a wider range of people, including those you might not have the opportunity to meet in your daily life. This can increase your chances of finding someone compatible.
Online dating and mail order bride platforms are available 24/7, making it convenient to browse profiles and communicate with potential partners at a time that suits you. It can be particularly useful if you have a busy schedule.
Filtered matches
Many mail order bride platforms use algorithms to match you with potential partners based on compatibility factors, such as interests, values, and personality traits. This can help you find matches that align with your preferences.
Safety and control
Mail order bride platforms often have safety features that allow you to control the information you share and who you interact with. This can help you feel more secure in your dating endeavors.
Communicate before meeting
Online dating allows you to get to know someone through messaging and video calls before meeting in person. This can help you build a connection and ensure that you have common interests and values.
Cross-cultural connections
If you're interested in dating someone from Romania but are not in the country, online dating can bridge geographical gaps and enable you to connect with Romania women regardless of your location.
Online dating provides a level of anonymity that can be appealing to some people. You can take your time to get to know someone without the pressure of face-to-face interactions.
Clear intentions
Online dating profiles often include information about a person's relationship goals, which can help you find individuals who are looking for the same type of relationship as you are.
While online dating offers these advantages, it's important to acknowledge that offline dating has its own benefits, including the opportunity for face-to-face interactions, immediate chemistry assessment, and a more holistic understanding of a person.
Whether online dating with Romanian girls is better than offline dating depends on your comfort level with technology, your preferences, and your willingness to put in the time and effort to build connections in either context. Some people may prefer a combination of both online and offline dating to maximize their chances of finding a meaningful relationship. The key is to approach dating Romanian women with an open mind and adapt your approach to what works best for you.
Taboos in online communication with Romanian women
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When communicating with a Romanian female online, it's important to be aware of cultural norms and taboos to ensure respectful and considerate interactions. While individual preferences and sensitivities can vary, here are some general guidelines on what to avoid:
Aggressive or overly forward approaches: Romanian women may feel uncomfortable or put off by overly aggressive or forward messages. Avoid making unsolicited explicit comments or advances.
Respect personal space: Do not invade personal space by sending unsolicited explicit messages, photos, or requests. Such behavior is universally considered disrespectful.
Assumptions and stereotypes: Avoid making assumptions about someone's background, beliefs, or intentions based on stereotypes. Treat each person as an individual and avoid making generalized judgments.
Offensive language: Offensive or discriminatory language is never appropriate. Be mindful of the words you use and avoid making derogatory comments or jokes.
Respect privacy: Avoid pressing for personal information, such as addresses or phone numbers, unless the other person is comfortable sharing them. Respect their privacy and boundaries.
Engage in meaningful conversations: Avoid sending one-word or shallow messages. Engage in conversations that have substance and show genuine interest in getting to know the person.
Cultural sensitivity: Be aware of cultural differences and avoid making insensitive or ignorant comments about Romania or Romanian culture.
Consent and boundaries: Always respect the other person's boundaries and consent. If they are not comfortable with a particular topic or action, do not push them to engage in it.
Online harassment: Online harassment, including cyberbullying, is unacceptable. Do not engage in any behavior that could be considered harassment or stalking.
Treat online dating profiles respectfully: When using mail order bride platforms, respect the information and preferences stated in a person's profile. Do not ignore their stated preferences or engage in disrespectful behavior.
Final say
Texting Romanian girls is about building a connection based on mutual respect, interest, and communication. While these tips can guide you in the right direction, remember that each person is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to texting. Be genuine, patient, and respectful, and focus on getting to know the individual on a deeper level. Building a meaningful connection often requires time and effort, both in text conversations and in face-to-face interactions.
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aubadave · 6 months
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hiddenromania · 2 years
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Neo-Romanian house, designed by the first woman architect in Romania, Victoria Andreescu-Haret (1894-1962), Bucharest
Source: Reddit
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peaceinthestorm · 1 year
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Viktor Schramm (1865 -1929, Romanian) ~ Dame am Spinett, 1900
[Source: invaluable.com]
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yourdailyqueer · 11 months
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Naomy (deceased)
Gender: Transgender woman
Sexuality: Queer
DOB: 25 April 1977  
RIP: 19 April 2024
Ethnicity: Romani
Nationality: Romanian
Occupation: Singer, songwriter, actress
Note: Tried to represent Romania in 2014 for Eurovision but didn’t get through to final selection
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gifmovie · 7 months
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adarkrainbow · 2 months
Romanian witches: Muma Padurii
(Note: I unfortunately cannot add the accents needed for the writing of those names since my keyboard is not equiped. So know that there are accents missing)
I originally made a post about one Romanian fairytale figure... which turned into a post about two fairytale figures... which became a post about three fairytale figures... So ultimately I decided to split this post into a whole series because it was getting too big. I want to explore with you three characters tied together in Romanian folklore and all present within Romanian fairytales, but each fascinating in their own right. And I want to begin with the first of these ladies... Muma Padurii.
Muma Padurii means "The Forest Mom", or "The Mother of the Forest" (Muma is an archaic form of "mom").
In fairytales, Muma Padurii is an antagonist. She is an embodiment of the wicked witch, or rather of the hag. She is a very old and very ugly woman (so ugly the expression "You look like Muma padurii" is an insult) who lives all alone in a little, dark and scary house in the depths of the woods. She is not a normal woman: she is a witch gifted with various supernatural powers (including shapeshifting), and she is also an ogress who loves to eat children. It is as a children-predator that she usually appears within Romanian fairytales, luring kids to her house to kill and cook them. One of the most famous Muma Padurii fairytales is the Romanian version of "Hansel and Gretel", which mostly differs by A) having the witch named B) the house not being made of candy and C) the genders are reversed (here it is the girl that is to be boiled alive into a soup, while it is the boy that pushes the hag into the oven).
But the thing with Muma Padurii is that, in a similar way to Frau Holle, she is an entity that was "split" between fairytales and legends. There is a Muma Padurii of folktales which is the evil hag I presented above, but there is also a Muma Padurii of beliefs and legends which is quite different and much more neutral.
This Muma Padurii is still an old, ugly, shapeshifting witch - but she is presented as amoral rather than wicked, with a personality mixing a fairy-like mischieviousness and just pure insanity. The name "Muma Padurii" is also very revealing... In the fairytales this name is used in the typical motif of the witch/hag as the "false mother" or "anti-mother", but in the Romanian mythology, this name indicates what Muma Padurii is. She is the Mother of the Forest, as in the spirit of the forest. Her main role, and the reason for her hostility towards humankind, is her function as the guardian of the woods. She still lives in a remote and hidden location - but it is not always a little cabin, it can just be a tree, and it is usually within a virgin-woodland at the heart of the forest, untouched by human hands. She still brews potions - but they are good potions, that she uses to heal injured animals and sick trees. For Muma Padurii always keeps the forest alive. She does attack humans - but only those that destroy the fauna and flora, or that trespass within forbidden areas where only wild things are supposed to be. This was why those that entered the woods were warned to not go too far and to respect what surrounded them: else Muma Padurii would at best scare them away, at worst drive them to insanity with her magic. As such, it was forbidden to pick up certain wild fruits and berries in the forest during certain times of the year - they were for the animals to replenish their strength, and Mama Padurii made sure this rule was followed. In the most extreme cases she would kill the trespassers and devour their corpses like a wild animal - a bogey-version of Muma Padurii that explains her role as a child-eating crone in fairytales...
Muma Padurii is present all across Romania, sometimes in local variations (Padureanca, Muma Huciului), and this explains why there are so many different incarnations of her. Sometimes she is an angry ghost of the woods, a vengeful spirit which can be heard crying among the trees for all the plants that mankind destroyed, and if a house built near the forest isn't carefully locked up at night, she will enter in them at midnight and kill all those inside... Other times she is depicted as a young and beautiful fairy of light, who will be kind and helpful to children but will trick adults into being lost, having their body paralyzed or dying in various ways. This specific idea of the "young faced Muma Padurii" is notably present in another folktale/fairytale, where it is said that the Muma Padurii is a witch that needs to eat human hearts to keep herself young and alive - as such she takes on the appearance of a beautiful woman to lure young men into the woods, but once they are isolated enough she turns into a giant monster and rips their hearts away.
Her link to the forest is highlighted by how she is often said to disguise herself as a tree, to be a part-tree woman, or a hag clothed in moss (she also can appear as a cow, a horse or an ox) ; her function as a "Romanian fairy" is also highlighted by how in various legends she either makes babies sick, or replaces them by changelings (and as such they were several folk-spells and rituals Romanian country-folks used to protect their babies from the Forest-Mom). But mostly Muma Padurii stays an embodiment of the woods in what they have of dangerous and scary. She can be kind and helpful - but only towards the "innocent", animals, plants and (sometimes) children. However she stays an ancient woman of the woods, the mistress of the wild animals, the embodiment of a state of non-civilizations, and as such she is the fright that drives one mad and the savage force that will kill and eat men. And even then, the fauna and flora itself is not always escaping her wrath - some records say that Mama Padurii knows the name of every tree of the forest, but that she can get angry at some and curse them to fall either by the woodsman's axe or by lightning.
The last interesting difference between the fairytale Muma and the legendary Muma is that, while the fairytale Muma is usually a lonely entity, in beliefs Muma Padurii was part of a large family. Sometimes Muma Padurii herself was multiplied into several "Muma" - there was notably a belief about many of them sometimes visiting the cabins of those that lived near the woods, asking to have their hair brushed and cleaned, with a comb and butter (which isn't an easy feat since she had her hair dirty, tangled in snake-like braids and so long it touches the floor). Anyone who agreed to the task and performed it well could receive a wish from the Mother of the Woods - but the rule was that they could only pronounce three words in total as long as she was here, if a fourth was pronounced, she would take your voice and leave you mute. Sometimes Muma Padurii was given a male counterpart of companion called "The Father of the Forests", or the "Woods Papa".
Muma Padurii was also said to have several sons, which were the spirits of the woods and/or of the night (going by names such as Decuseara, Zorila, Murgila, Mamornito or "Midnight"). She is also linked to a set of female forest spirits known as the Fata Padurii (Fata being of course linked to the "fairies", "fées", "fatum" - but here it is to be understood as "The Daughters of the Forest", "The Girls of the Woods, and fittingly they are said to be the daughters of Muma Padurii) ; and to an entity I personaly do not know much about, "Mosul Codruilui" (she is said to be her mother, and "Mosul" means "old woman")
Finally, there was a certain Christianization of the Muma (as some tales started saying her task as a guardian of the forest was given to her by God), and a modern attempt at explaining how she could be such an ambiguous entity, benevolent and malevolent at the same time: most modern storytellers highlight how protective she is of the fauna and flora, and how she was said to wail and cry for the destroyed wood, to explain her "transformation" as her becoming more and more bitter, and angrier and fuller of hate the more humans destroyed her domain, harmed her trees and wounded her "children". A true ecological fable.
Some people point out that Muma Padurii could be a "Romanian equivalent" of the Russian Baba-Yaga which is... not quite exact and not quite true. The two characters seem to derive from a same old "forest mother-goddess" but there are too many differences between Muma Padurii and Baba-Yaga for them to be consideed one and the same. There is however a interesting link between the two, which will be the subject of my next post... about Baba Cloantza.
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thinking about how romanians described women as a light brighter than the sun in folk tales and legends, shining so blindly one couldn't even look at it. a presence so etheral, a being so mythical, magical, that not even the SUN, a real star in the sky very much worshipped all over the globe, can't compare to her, a woman.
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stablediffusionxl · 29 days
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Romanian woman 🇷🇴
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magnoliamyrrh · 7 months
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out here looking cute and exhausted in this grocery store trying to focus on 50 pages of human biology when i havent slept all night
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Nora Iuga
Nora Iuga was born in 1931 in Bucharest, Romania. Iuga is the author of 19 poetry collections and 7 books of prose, and is regarded by many poets as a significant influence on Romanian literature. She has also translated more than 30 books by German authors. From 1971 to 1978, censors in her home country forbade her from publishing poetry or fiction. After that, she resumed writing to great acclaim. Iuga has won five awards from the Writers' Association in Romania. In 2015, she received the Knight Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In 2017, Iuga won the National Order of Merit in the rank of commander from the Romanian government.
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the-cricket-chirps · 5 months
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Victor Brauner, Untitled, 1934
Nana Shiomi, Mitate No. 35 - Front of the Back (Ushiro no Shomen). 2000
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h0wlcastle · 7 months
you know what, im just gonna change my last name to the maiden name of my great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother Fuck this
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