#Sorry to that nonnie šŸ˜­
l3viat8an Ā· 5 months
Do you ever think about demons being a little confused about what gifts humans do and donā€™t like during ā€˜courting / courtshipā€™ say MC LOVES getting jewelry (fairly standard counting gift across worlds) but when one of the demons gifts them a beautiful set of REAL still a little bloody eyeballs they scream and thatā€™s just so confusing for the poor demons.Ā 
CW: Gore mentioned (cuz like bloody eyeballs)
Especially Asmo and Mammon- but Iā€™m gonna focus on Asmo for this <3
He always wants you to have the best of the best!!! Heā€™s always gifting you the best jewelry, lovely new outfits, anything he thinks youā€™ll like he gives you in the hopes that youā€™ll understand just how much he cares for you. How often heā€™s thinking about you and what you like.
So when he overheard you telling another demon in class that his eyes are ā€˜such a beautiful color!ā€™ wellā€¦..itā€™s only natural that he gets them for you!!!
Surely youā€™ll love them!!! Asmo takes extra care to clean the blood off the eyeballs, before he puts them in a adorable little pink gift box and leaves it on your bed, right where he always leaves your little gifts <3
Youā€™ll love it!!! He canā€™t wait to hear you gushing about your new gift later!!! What he doesnā€™t expect is to hear you screaming, calling for whichever demon is closest to get them out of your room- why????
He put so much care into getting them for you!! he runs to your room and sees Beel taking the box away from you, telling you not to worry about it, heā€™ll take it away and Asmo wants to cry- what did he do wrong??? they really were beautiful eyes- you should love them!!!
Beautiful jewelry and clothes are fine but an even more thoughtful and important gift, he had to rip out himself isnā€™t??? It doesnā€™t make sense!!!
Why do humans have to be so damned confusing???
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chrollohearttags Ā· 4 months
bestie i love your version of eren sm!!!! could you give like a deep dive on his personality and his hobbies? i'm so obsessed and i can't get enough, i've been listening to the ej core playlist on repeat! tysm for writing him so well he's such a comfort
thank you sm bestie!!! I canā€™t believe somebody else actually listens to it besides me!! But of course I can šŸ„¹ Iā€™ve missed him so bad.
so Iā€™ve talked about this forever ago but eren was always a very introverted person. Even as a kid, he stayed to himself and he just struggled with interacting with people. But mainly because he just loved music over everything else so he shut out the rest of the world. He had Mikasa and Armin for a little while but they were also the kids of famous billionaires so they moved around and were gone once he became a teenager. Eren used to despise small talk and had lowkey terrible communication skills (still love him though! šŸ˜­). But heā€™s honestly just not used to having people around him that he could truly relate to. Another thing about him, even though he left home really young, he is a mamaā€™s boy! He and miss Carla are best friends and he donā€™t play about her. She has songs with voicemails of her hyping him up on it. She comes to his shows and yā€™all know Mrs. Jaeger is a baddie so she gets mistaken for his sister or his fans will try to get with her lmao!! His dad on the other hand? Not so much and itā€™s been hard for him to mend their relationship (for reasons coming in the later chapters). Itā€™s affected a lot of his adult life but he doesnā€™t like to talk about it much. Which made him really guarded. He started putting all his feelings into his art to help not only himself but others heal. So many fans hear his music and says itā€™s helped them through the hardest times. To his core though, Eren is truly a sweetheart. Behind his black clothes and nail polish, all the jewelry and emo look, heā€™s so nice and is also very sensitive. It may take him a while to open up (and trust, he will damn near push you away) but he is such a loverboy to his core. Heā€™s a natural protector and will go to the end of the earth for the ones he adores. Someone said that (y/n) truly healed his inner child and I agree šŸ˜­
As far as his hobbies, outside of music of course..he LOVESSS cars! Specifically older muscle cars. He goes to car shows and races all the time. Fans will spot him and ask him for autographs, whole time heā€™s geeking out over the different motors and vehicle types. He tinkers with old ones and tries to fix them too. He also has a CRAZY collection of new and vintage thatā€™s worth millions. He loves drawing and has actually drawn a lot of the tattoos he has. Like his dragon piece, one he designed for (y/n) and a couple others. Heā€™s an all around creative and he has to be doing something all the time. Heā€™s also big into video games and he and his friends stream on Twitch.
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navybrat817 Ā· 22 days
Working on anything ? If yes what is it
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This is a very loaded question, nonnie! I only say that because there are so many things I've touched or discussed lately:
Updates or continuing AU's:
Sugar Daddy!Andy
Alpha!Bucky and Alpha!Hal
Stud and Smartie
Tattoo Artist!Bucky
Newlywed Mob!Bucky
Motocross AU
New AU's or fics:
Superpower AU (Dream With Me)
Silly Boys With Silly Toys AU
Demon!Bucky and Witch!Reader
Space Pirate!Bucky
Neighbor!William Miller
Sex Pollen Fic
New dark AU's:
There's Something in the Water AU: Multiple readers who get trapped in a town.
No Good Deed AU: Readers doing a good deed for others and we find out why no good deed goes unpunished.
Brother's Best Friend!Bucky who sets his sight on you.
And I can't say much right now, but šŸ« šŸ« šŸ«  that @targaryenvampireslayer recently discussed. šŸ˜ˆ
I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but. There you go!
Love and thanks. ā¤ļø
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pinkmirth Ā· 1 year
What do you think Reiner and his s/o would argue about in a relationship? I can't imagine it would last long
BACK TALK, reiner braun !
SYNOPSIS ā€” just a fluffy lil drabble about reiner wanting to take care of you. he doesnā€™t want to argue, but youā€™re just so stubbornā€¦
CONTAINS ā€” 1k words of . . . fluff, fem!reader (black coded), ā€œgirly-girlā€ reader, reiner feeds you, lowercase intended, just sappy stuff with this caring gentleman <3 (kinda sorta self indulgent!)
this is a tough one, nonnieā€¦. only because maturity is reinerā€™s best attribute! picking a problem with you is the last thing this man wants to do, and heā€™s very slow to anger. youā€™re right about any disputes not lasting long! even if he tried, reiner canā€™t stay mad at you.
the most that could happen between you and him are petty squabbles about preferences, something dumb like waffles over pancakes! the pair of you ultimately laugh it off and end up cuddling once all is said and done. Itā€™s hard to envision a topic that could stir such a reaction from him to the point where heā€™s arguing with you. i think the only thing that would get him going back and forth in an ā€œargumentā€ is if heā€™s worried about you, but you decide to be stubborn with him.
for instance, youā€™re tired and have been studying all day, and he just wants you to allow yourself to relax. but! youā€™re persistent on finishing up your assignments. heā€™d probably grow upset and insist that you deserve a break . . . (veryyy self indulgent ā€˜cause iā€™ve been studying for a gajillion tests lately!)
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dull thuds of reinerā€™s heavy footsteps upon carpet announce his entrance into your room. he strolls around your cozy little home-desk, the one he helped you build a couple months back when the school semester first began. itā€™s adorned in sanrio stickers galore and polaroid pictures of you and him, nostalgic square photos secured with baby-pink thumbtacks. reiner circles you with a brooding silence, flitting his eyes from the slideshow on your laptop screen to your scribbled notes. you feel him linger behind your chair, but opt on saying nothing.
ā€œbaby, cā€™monā€¦ā€ reiner calls out, his tone borderline pleading, ā€œyouā€™ve been here for hours.ā€ from behind your seat, he inches in until heā€™s close enough to rest his weighty hands on your stiffened shoulders. reinerā€™s warm palms rub along the junction of your neck. itā€™s helpingā€” he can see it in the way your body slackens in your swivel chair.
ā€œi gotta prep for tomorrowā€™s test,ā€ his touch brings you to release a lax hum, but you donā€™t allow yourself to dwell on it for long. the fleeting moment of bliss he provides ends too soon, as you smooth out your oversized baby-pink tee-shirt and begin to refocus on your work.
ā€œhave you eaten?ā€ he asks. the shake of your head brings about his frown. you could surely get your work done without depriving yourself of basic needsā€¦ all he wants is for you to be well taken care of. ā€œno, not yet.ā€ you spare him a glance before looking back over your laptop.
reinerā€™s hand shoots out, grabbing your chair and turning you halfway-round to face him. the closeness of his face to yours makes it seem like the perfect opportunity to press your lips to his and linger there for a while. instead, you remain still, choosing a safer route by stealing glances of his handsome attributes. your eyes run across his prominent collarbone peeking through his low-neck sweatshirt, the slight clench of his firm jaw, most especially the raw concern swimming in his honey-golden eyes. ā€œwhy not?ā€ reiner questions, with his brows drawn tight in worry. you whirl back around, for the sake of your own resolve.
ā€œbecause iā€™m studying, reiner.ā€
ā€œno, youā€™re cramming.ā€ he corrects. reiner can read you like a damn storybook; itā€™s almost as though he knows you more than his very own self. ā€œat least iā€™m drinking water,ā€ you raise a bottle from your desk for emphasis. water sloshes in the cylindrical confines as you set it back down, ā€œhappy?ā€
reiner rolls his tongue and prods at his inner cheek. he decides to pay no mind to your little attitude. ā€œwaterā€™s fine, but you need food.ā€
ā€œa meal would be too heavy for me... iā€™d probably end up falling asleep.ā€ you haphazardly shoo his suggestion, scribbling bullet points onto your notebook.
ā€œso a snack would be better, then? your favorite fruit is in the fridge downstairs.ā€ reiner turns on his heel, intent on coming back with a bowl of nicely-cut strawberries and mangoes. you reach out, clasping onto him forearm before he zips out of your room and descends the flight of stairs. ā€œitā€™s okay, reiner.ā€ you assure. the ends of your manicured nails ghost his wrist.
ā€œis it really? ā€˜cause itā€™s hard to believe that you donā€™t want me to get anything at all.ā€ he quirks up a thin brow as he says it. reiner knows just how much you need his supportā€” youā€™re simply choosing to act like you donā€™t.
ā€œiā€™ll get somethinā€™ to eat later, i promise.ā€ with the twirl of your ballpoint-pen, youā€™re back to writing. this is his third time checking up on you, and you give him the same answer with every visit. all this stubbornness has gone on long enough.
ā€œyou may be busy, but youā€™re also tired.ā€ he's quick to snatch the pen from your hands, right in the middle of you scrawling a sentence onto lined paper. ā€œhey! reiner, give itā€”ā€
ā€œnuh-uh. stop beinā€™ difficult about it.ā€ he plants a large hand onto the back of your macbook and shuts it closed. you do an over-exaggerated huff, make a pout, throw in a bratty eye rollā€” he doesnā€™t care for it. what you need is to allow him take care of you. he canā€™t let his darling work herself to death, now can he? not in a literal sense, but he wouldnā€™t forgive himself for allowing this to continue.
ā€œiā€™ll be right back, okay? and for the love of god, donā€™t open that goddamn laptop.ā€ he makes his leave. you hear the faint hum of a microwave. it doesnā€™t take long for him to return, with a steaming plate of food in hand. reiner takes joy in replacing that stupid notebook of yours with the reheated dinner that he cooked up for you over an hour ago.
he pulls up a seat, scoots in close, and brings a hot forkful up to your mouth. ā€œdonā€™t argue. just eat, baby.ā€
this sly man knows that itā€™s your favorite food. you have no energy left to brush him off. finally, you give in. with a soft ā€˜ahā€™, you allow reiner to feed you. thereā€™s a satisfied gleam in his eye as he stuffs your mouth with bite after bite.
ā€œitā€™s good?ā€ he softly asks. you cover your mouth while chewing, giving him a sheepish nod. ā€œmm-hm.ā€
ā€œyou feel better, donā€™t you?ā€ reiner nudges your shoulder with his broader one. you donā€™t try to fight the smile overtaking your lips. ā€œi doā€¦ā€ you relent, looping your arms around his neck. he firmly hugs you in one arm, and uses his unoccupied hand to hold onto the ceramic plate. over half of the foodā€™s gone.
he hears your quiet, sincere ā€˜thank youā€™ murmured into his chest, feels your frame relax against his. ā€œgood.ā€ reiner sighs into your hair. he wants you to put yourself first, every single time. ā€œthatā€™s good.ā€
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ndcgalitzine Ā· 13 days
top 5 NICHOLAS SCENES!! heeehee šŸ¤­ so many to choose from
BOTTOMS/Jeff - "I can't answer that question because I don't know how to read!"
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2. MARY & GEORGE/George Villiers - his epic eye roll (I was trying very hard to not pick one of the many amazing nsfw scenes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚)
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3. THE IDEA OF YOU/Hayes Campbell - Guard Down music video
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4. CHAMBERS/Elliot Lefevre - being a little sh*t šŸ¤£
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5. RED WHITE & ROYAL BLUE/Henry Fox - coming out of the closet
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this was in no particular order btw !!!
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sisterofficerlucychen Ā· 4 months
Chenford + post valentines day ā™„ļø
+ Chenford + your THAT Bradford? (Lucy telling Tim what that meant!) + Chenford + when they fell for each other ā™„ļø + Chenford + why did you say it was just biology?
you are what you love
ā€œWhat did Noah mean when he saidĀ thatĀ Bradford?ā€ ā€œHmm?ā€ Lucy stirs against his chest. Dark eyes flutter lazily as a soft sigh leaves her lips still half asleep as Tim draws circles mindlessly against her bare shoulder blade.Ā  His touch almost rhythmic, just enough to threaten to lull her back to sleep if he doesnā€™t stop soon. Sheā€™s in that perfect state of bliss, completely sated but worn out enough to easily need a few more hours of sleep and she blames him completely for it. ItĀ wasĀ hands down the best Valentineā€™s Day ever. The gold plated necklace, a fancy (and romantic) dinner, the continuation of the mind blowing sex. Lucy had been left without words when he warned sheā€™d ā€œneed that fuel for laterā€ but she underestimated how much he meant it.Ā  Judging by how fragments of light sneak in through the curtains sheā€™d guess that sheā€™s gottenĀ someĀ sleep. Though not quite enough as a sleepy yawn leaves her lips and she reluctantly opens her eyes. What started in the backseat of his truck continued to her bedroom which then carried on to the shower. She mistakingly thought that being pinned against the cold shower tiles as Timā€™s hands explored every inch of her body while hot water fell on them was the cap to the perfect night but then his lips trailed up her thigh and she quickly realized he wasnā€™t quite done yet once they made their way back to bed.Ā  A vague memory exists in her mind of it being a little past three by the time she came down from the euphoric high. Her body as exhausted as her mind as Tim rolled off of her, limbs still intertwined as they both settled in each others arms and drifted off to sleep. While a few hours ago, it feels like only minutes as if sheā€™d just shut her eyes to try and get some rest. Sleep that has clearly come to an end as he asks again and she shifts, propping herself up on an elbow as she looks at him, gazed narrowed as she debates the question while chewing on her bottom lip. ā€œNothing,ā€ she settles on the most nonchalant answer she can give. ā€œNothing?ā€ he repeats with a sly smirk knowing better, ā€œyouā€™re lying.ā€
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mc-was-here Ā· 8 months
Imagine telling levi he was originally meant to be a yandere hehe
L:"well then what am I supposed to be if I'm not a yandere?"
Levi would be blushing and crying at the same time, his weeb ass (/lovingly ADHKGDH) would be in a corner stuttering and proceeds to scream in a pillow. Thinking to himself ā€œWhat the hell MC?!?! Me, moe?!? If anything, YOUā€™RE the one whoā€™s totes moe! How DARE you say that to my face so boldly!ā€
Heā€™d be told heā€™s a yandere probably mockingly imo, and of course heā€™s not fond of it given heā€™s already insecure and would be afraid to harm you in any way.
That said, Leviā€™s definitely the type to react very aggressively to being praised and complimented LMAOO- unlike Mammon, heā€™s flailing his arms and hands wanting to bury himself from embarrassment. It can be the smallest thing, but he will take it to heart because heā€™s usually so self-deprecating. šŸ„¹
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meiieiri Ā· 2 months
there's a song that reminds me so much of harmony in the twilight hour... big star by lorde šŸ„¹ i've always loved it but i love it even more now that i've read your story. ilysm !!
help this song was so good, im literally sitting in the laboratory iā€™m working at with literal tears in my eyes šŸ˜­ thank you for this nonnie ! šŸ„¹ and i especially love the lines bc itā€™s so perfect for tojiynā€™s tragic tale (and the fact that mc died in winter! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­):
ā€œbut every perfect summerā€™s gotta take its flight, iā€™ll still watch you run through the winter light.ā€
i could just imagine toji going back to that port they used to go to in yokohama, a year after the mcā€™s death. he does everything he wanted to do with the mc when he still believed sheā€™d get better: heā€™ll stroll down that boardwalk, heā€™ll buy two ice cream sandwiches (one for him, and one for you), heā€™ll ride the ferris wheel because the harbor recently opened a small amusement park, and heā€™ll watch the open sea wondering if you were right there next to him in spirit as the car reaches the top.
of course, heā€™ll take lots of pictures. thatā€™s what you would have wanted, after all.
and by dayā€™s end, toji will retrieve your ashes from the car and heā€™ll sit on the edge of the harborā€™s boardwalk, your urn next to him as he tells you what heā€™s been up to this past year ā€” how he went to your second honeymoon alone, the one you never got to go to, because you would have wanted that for him, how he kept everything in your home the way it is, how he took in that stray cat he always used to catch you feeding even when you were wheelchair-ridden as you neared the end of your life ā€” he tells you everything, picturing your head thrown back in joyful laughter when he forces himself to crack jokes every now and then.
as the last sliver of daylight appears on the horizon, he knows itā€™s time, so he picks up your urn, sliding the lid open. he takes a deep breath then he ultimately casts your ashes into the sea as per your final wishes. he tearfully watches the wind pick up what remains of the love of his life, the same breeze gently settling you down onto your bed of sapphire waves.
he never remarries.
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loosergirl Ā· 6 days
hello! this is the anon who asked the npt request! yes, thatā€™s completely fine!
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victory / champion names && prns . . .
Anlon, Nikko, Saige, Siphon, Adamai, Morrow, Jari, Vitya, Neal, Gael, Nils, Cassian, Darian, Galen, Jericho, Larkin, Kiran, Cinder, Alaric, Baine, Atticus, Caius, Kade, Nero, Silas, Louis, Alcide, Caelan, Fieke, Merida, Claes, Nicki, Glory, Cybi, Sigge, Nyla, Valerian, Kvatch, Victoria
Win / wins, Champion / champions, winner / winners, he / hero, su / super, victor / victory, le / legend, el / elite, med / medal / medalist, tri / triumph, pre / prevail, vic / victor, victory / victorious
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hopeswriting Ā· 1 year
Hi I saw your post on Skull and tv series about famous people and I raise you: The public have that sort of relationship to Skull's career as with many of the "acclaimed geniuses" usually the artsy ones aka. everyone knows him but nobody thinks they "understand his true depth", "he was very bright and loud but in private really he was actually sooo mysterious and it was impossible to tell what actually went on in his head when he spoke so much but rarely anything of substance about himself", "he was everyone's friend, but I always wondered if he returned the feeling, he always acted that way around everyone after all" etc. Someone is quoted talking about how he'd always laugh things off to hide what he really meant. It goes on.
BUT here is the KICKER: Skull isn't. He has his own depth of course, but all of this post-mortem rose tinted "mystery" is that he was young and fearless and cheerful and genuinely a bit dumb and hypocritical and very bad at elaborating on the things he said. And best part: now he will never live it down around the arcobaleno and this time it's not even him who was talking himself up in ridiculous ways. (Actually it'd be kinda funny too if it made some canon character actually believe it and look at him differently)
hi nonny, thank you for the ask! [post referenced]
nooo not the unseen depth zerfghfgc!!!! not the MYSTERIOUSNESS!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ and yeah you bet he ISNT nor was he EVER any of that lmfao, nonny i'm losing it over this.
but okay, now let ME raise you this: 1) i know it in my bones tsuna is the one to buy into all of that bullshit, no questions asked. yes, hyper intuition tsuna, the last one who should buy into it and know better, i know, but no, listen. i KNOW he watches that documentary or whatever and goes "omg, i can't believe i misunderstood skull this whole time. i need to apologize to him right now and do better, and also i should stand up for him from now on and help the others realize they've got it all wrong about him too".
and then no one can stop him or make him change his mind. least of all reborn, who's the one trying the hardest to stop him and change his mind. for a yet undetermined reason, but i just know he canNOT stand that new development, it just makes him soo mad.
wait, no, i just figured out why he'd hate everything about this. it's because he knows skull, thank you very much. he's among the few who got through the obnoxious ordeal of bearing his bullshit long enough to know him, and to even become begrudgingly glad he did and fond of him but we're not going to talk about that, but now? he's just supposed to stand there and be told he's only ever seen the surface of skull? that he--he, of all people--couldn't tell he was just seeing the surface of him? over decades of knowing each other? he's just supposed to let people not recognize and acknowledge the arduous and praiseworthy achievement that is him having gotten past skull's terrible first impressions until they became close for what it is?
he's just about foaming at the mouth, and tsuna does not give a single shit about it because, as everyone knows, reborn is skull's number one hater. and then tsuna's undeterred work to, like, rehabilitate skull's image or something, actually WORKS because if hyper intuition tsuna says so then??? surely there's some truth to it at the very least???? and it works even more because skull does NOTHING to clear up the misunderstanding.
which brings us to point 2) shameless little gremlin that he is to his core, skull absolutely finds this the funniest thing and takes FULL advantage of it. like suddenly tsuna & co (the 10th gen/varia/shimon/etc) start to actually pay attention to him whenever he's around, trying to see """through him""", and skull makes sure to always be all like "oooh look at me not talking much Ć  la hibari, i'm sooo mysterious and definitely thinking some deep thoughts and not trying really hard to not burst out laughing". or like, the arco are their usual rough but playful selves with him, and instead of snapping at them with no heat behind it either in a well-rehearsed routine the way he'd usually do, instead he's all like "oooh look at me and my fake laugh Ć  la yamamoto. am i really laughing this off because i don't mind or am i just doing it to hide how it actually hurt me? there's sooo much unseen depth inside me".
and they buy it. go all like "oh shit??? maybe--????". and the arco are losing their shit because 3) okay look. consider this: the arco are the ones miserable over this, and skull is the one not letting them live down the new-found appreciation everyone else but them suddenly has of him. because like, the arco's reaction to this can only go one of two ways: either they find it just as funny as skull and help him pull off the whole "yeah this is actually the real me, you just didn't care to notice it before" act, OR. they just absolutely canNOT stand it. they're so mad about it. they're sooo mad about it. they did NOT unexpectedly survive through a curse alongside skull, only to hear they somehow missed everything about him that would have made him more bearable lmao. especially from people among whom most of them have never spent more than an hour with him. have never even TALKED to him even once. their blood pressure is through the roof while skull is living his best life and does not give a single shit about it. also becomes best friends with tsuna in the process of this whole thing because i say so.
anyway. i couldn't stop laughing while answering this nonny, i love it so much. and idk if you remember this @cloudspark @ravensilversea @juudaimes-true-form, but here's the hilarious sequel of the netflix's skull series au ezrsfgvhfd
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l3viat8an Ā· 9 months
Ro!!! What if!! What if!!! Mammon has a dick piercings!!!! But he didnā€™t tell you so youā€™re just loooking at his dick in awe!!! Thotsā‰ļøšŸŽ¤Ā 
Nonnie Iā€™m so sorry this is from literal months ago- but itā€™s his birthday (in my timezone) ā€˜n I wanted to post SOMETHING!!!
Here you are, kneeling on the floor in Mammonā€™s room. The demon himself sitting on the couch in front of you, pants pushed down to his knees and cock standing at attention, his eyes following your hand as your fingertips skim over the little gold balls of his jacobs ladder piercing. (Link to a pic of a ā€™piercedā€™ banana cuz the actual dick pics make me laugh shjshshshsh)
ā€œDid it hurt?ā€ you ask, genuine curiosity in your voice as you start to pull your hand away, only for Mammon to grab it and guide you back to wrap it properly around his dick.
Keeping his hand around yours and setting the pace, urging you to go a little faster, until youā€™re jerking him off properly-
Mammon bit back a moan, before replying, ā€œLike a fuckinā€™ bitch.ā€ followed by a low chuckle at the shocked look on your face.
His hand still guiding yours, up and down his cock, your thumb rubbing across the tip to smear his per-cum down the length and making the jewelry shine for another reason-
ā€œIf it hurt that badā€¦.whyā€™d you do it?ā€ You didnā€™t really expect an answer, hand still jerking him off as you moved your mouth closer. Wrapping your lips around the tip of his cock and sucking gently, pushing your tongue flat to rub along the top bar of his piercing before pulling off with a lewd pop.
Mammonā€™s other hand moves to grab a handful of your hair, guidelines you back down towards his cock, your mouth falling open again as you take him in again, deeper this time.
Hearing the demon above you, moaning freely when your tongue starts sliding across the ladder and his dick twitches in your mouth, ā€œKeep fuckinā€™ suckinā€™ me like that, and I promise Iā€™ll show ya.ā€
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chrollohearttags Ā· 5 months
huh? are you giving him a spit kink or a šŸ’©kink? gimme some time, i had a few of my tests handed back faced down
spit yā€™all!!! LMAOOOO šŸ˜­ Iā€™m sick but not that sick.
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itoshi-s Ā· 1 year
imagine being the bllk boyā€™s personal fuckdoll that ego hires so they can destress and ā€œbetter their playsā€ā€¦. šŸ˜«šŸ˜£
i. i see the potential šŸ«£
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stxrslut Ā· 28 days
Iā€™m so sorry but I just cannot have anything to do with riara. it makes no sense to me šŸ˜­
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deepspace-letters Ā· 1 month
i love you but you make me so insane. not even positively, you just drive me wild. what do you want from me!? you're so warm one moment, so cold the next. is it me? am i the problem in this back and forth? (i won't say for who exactly, but it's a popular blog in the fandom. thanks.)
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dnpbeats Ā· 2 months
Part 1: Makes me sad to consider the sacrifices they might have been making in order to maintain their privacy. As someone in a relationship I know the joy that comes from small gestures hat can carry immense emotional weight even if it's just a quick peck on the lips when you are out and about or simply holding hands in public. These can hold profound meaning so the fact that they may feel unable to do it without fear of scrutiny or unwanted attention, I can't help but feel sad for them.
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yeah šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i so agree. bc even like let's say they wouldnt be into pda even if they didnt have all these other factors, it is different not doing something bc u don't wanna do it vs. feeling like you can't do it. also slightly unrelated but it does make me wonder like, at this point in time, do they literally never do anything coupley in public ever, or do they just keep it on the dl enough that no one has recognized them. idk. but regardless yeah i do feel bad for them bc either way it's such a weighted decision!
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