#Stephanie Ulrich
moviemosaics · 2 years
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Benny’s Video
directed by Michael Haneke, 1992
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love-cindgar · 3 months
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@_edgar_ulrich: 2023 THANK YOU ❤️
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Random movie ideas:
1) A comedy-historical movie about the real life event during the Russo-Japanese War in which the inept Russian Baltic Fleet embarked on a disastrous voyage to Japan, only to get slaughtered completely. David Harbour (using his Russian accent from “Black Widow”) plays Admiral Zinovy Rozhestvensky, who spends the entire movie pissed off that his crew are basically the Three Stooges. (If you want to know more about this event, watch Bluejay’s “The Dumbest Russian Voyage Nobody Talks About” on YouTube)
2) A dramedy about two college dropouts (played by Taz Skylar and Joe Keery) who attempt to make it big as indie game developers. Troy Baker cameos as himself during a scene in which he’s asked to be part of a game that the developers are creating.
3) A mystery/crime movie centered on a NYPD detective (played by Oscar Isaac), a FBI agent (played by Pedro Pascal), and a private investigator (played by Amy Adams) in three different investigations. As the movie goes on, the three stories eventually connect when the protagonists realize that even though they’re investigating different crimes, they’re tracking down the same killer (played by Tom Holland).
4) Metallica biopic, starring Chris Hemsworth as James Hetfield, Giovanni Ribisi as Lars Ulrich, and Jake Cuenca as Kirk Hammett. (I don’t have a fancast for the other band members right now)
5) A thriller/semi-horror in which six individuals (played by Jon Bernthal, Samuel L. Jackson, Simu Liu, Florence Pugh, Stephanie Beatriz, and Jenna Ortega) all wake up in a barricaded room where the door is set to a timer. They receive a message that the door will open after 3 days and that all the group has to do is get along with each other. That seems easy on paper, but the thriller part comes in when the group realizes that they were specifically chosen because their captors knew they would tear each other apart.
As a hypothetical: Bernthal’s character is a racist xenophobe who brags about killing illegal immigrants and somehow getting away with it. Ortega’s character reveals that her father was killed by a “crazy white man”, which turns out to be Bernthal.
Another hypothetical: Jackson’s character says he’s going through an intense divorce since his wife admitted to having an affair. Liu’s character is the mystery man who was engaged in an affair with Jackson’s wife.
One last hypothetical: Pugh’s character is a Christian fascist while Beatriz’s character is an atheist anarchist.
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lvdbbooks · 8 months
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A Magazine Curated By Sacai, A Magazine Curated By, 2023
Softcover. 200 pages. 230 x 295 mm. Color, black and white.
『A Magazine Curated By』は、sacaiの創設者兼デザイナー、阿部千登勢を第25号のゲストキュレーターとして迎える。
ウルトラマリンブルーが彩る先駆的なイメージを表現したカバーと、英語・日本語の両方でコンテンツを紹介する本誌は、 #sacaiTHEpeople を用いて東京からロサンゼルスまで国際色豊かに見せるポートレートシリーズから、シェフ、工業デザイナー、建築家、アーティスト、ライター、ビジネスアナリストによるコミッション・プロジェクトまで、sacaiの背景にあるそのコミュニティとハイ・コンセプトの世界に迫る。ミニマリスト建築やアップサイクル工業デザインといった物質的な問題から、CGI製品やAI(人工知能)によるファッションルポといった無体の可能性まで、阿部はsacaiのコラボレーション精神を、ハイブリッドや「安心と裏切り」というブランドの柱に様々な方法でアプローチする、きわめて現代的なドキュメントへと注ぎ込んでいる。
主な収録内容:sacaiの著名な友人やコミュニティが私物コレクションを身にまとい、一流のフォトグラファーたちによって彼らの本拠地で撮影された国際的なポートフォリオのページでは、ラシダ・ジョーンズ(Rashida Jones)、忽那汐里、エディソン・チャン(Edison Chen)、チン・シューペイ(秦舒培 / Qin Shupei)、ドクター・ウー(Dr Woo)、窪塚洋介、ミシェル・ゴベール(Michel Gaubert)、カール・テンプラー(Karl Templer)、サラ・アンデルマン(Sarah Andelman)、ザ・ルーツのブラック・ソートことタリク・トロッター(Tariq ‘Black Thought’ Trotter)などの著名人が登場。
カール・テンプラーがスタイリングを担当し、ファッションフォトグラファーのクレイグ・マクディーン(Craig McDean)がオーストラリア人モデルのジュリア・ノビス(Julia Nobis)をニューヨークの街中で撮影。2023年秋冬コレクションとカルティエ(Cartier)、阿部千登勢により誕生した限定ジュエリーコレクション CARTIER TRINITY FOR CHITOSE ABE of sacaiをフィーチャーし、写真家エドワード・マイブリッジ(Eadweard Muybridge)にインスパイアされたファッションストーリー。
アート、建築の話題を中心とした東京発のインディペンデントマガジン『TOO MUCH Magazine』とのコラボレーションでは、sacai の旗艦店 sacai Aoyamaの大規模な改装をそれぞれ手がけた日本の著名な建築家、藤本壮介と関祐介への詳細なインタビューを通じて、sacaiと建築とのつながりを探る。
アメリカ人コンセプチュアル・アーティスト、ローレンス・ウェイナー(Lawrence Weiner)へのオマージュとしてキュレーターのハンス・ウルリッヒ・オブリスト(Hans Ulrich Obrist)との新たなインタビューと、ウェイナーとの歴史的な対談を収録。ウェイナーとは、 sacai の2018年春夏メンズ・コレクションでコラボレーションを果たしている。
「食」のストーリーの三部作『saCOOKBOOK』では、京都の老舗和菓子屋である とらや、ミシュラン二つ星シェフ成澤由浩、ニューヨーク・ブロンクスを拠点にする3人組のフードコレクティブ・ゲットー・ガストロ(Ghetto Gastro)が本号のために制作した、コンセプトと料理で構成されている。
巻頭では、阿部千登勢とsacaiのクリエイティブ・アドバイザーを務める源馬大輔に、東京を拠点にするカウンセラー、ジョセフィン・クレイトン(Josephine Creighton)が前代未聞のインタビューを実施。2人のクリエイティブ・コラボレーションを心理学の観点からアプローチする。
ハーバード・ビジネス・スクールの大学院生ショーン・ホーヴァス(Shawn Horvath)とステファニー・フェイ(Stephanie Fei)が実施した、ナイキとのアパレル&フットウェアのコラボレーションの進化に関する詳細なビジネスケーススタディと市場分析も掲載。
ダンスとファッションの世界を融合させ、数々の受賞歴を持つビートダンサーのソラキ(The D Soraki)が、カーハート(Carhartt WIP)やモンクレール(Moncler)とのコラボレーションを含むsacaiのボリューム感のあるデザインを身にまとい、東京・新宿のストリートで踊る姿をフォトグラファー、ROLLSWYZEが撮影している。
コントリビューター: 鈴木親、クレイグ・マクディーン、源馬大輔、ダニエル・アーノルド、ドクター・ウー、エディソン・チャン、ゲルチョップ、ゲットー・ガストロ、ハンク・ウィリス・トーマス、ハンス・ウルリッヒ・オブリスト、ジャック・ピアソン、ジャン・トゥイトゥ、ホアキン・ラギンジ、カール・テンパー、内藤カツ、キース・オシロ、川谷光平、ローレンス・ウェイナー、マーヴィン・ルーヴェイ、ミシェル・ゴベール、ヌーア・ウヌ・スタジオ、パブロ・ズレト・ザール、ピクゾー、ラシダ・ジョーンズ、ROLLSWYZE 、ローリー・ファン・ミリンゲン、サラ・アンデルマン、忽那汐里、秦舒培、藤本壮介、ホンマタカシ、ブラック・ソートことタリク・トロッター、ソラキ、とらや、ヴィンス・アウン、辻村慶人、成澤由浩、窪塚洋介、関祐介 他
sacai: ハイブリッドの発想を組み込み、ニットと繊細な織素材など、対照的なテクスチャーのファブリックを組み合わせ、パターンを再解釈し、予想外のフォルムとシルエットに洋服を変化させる。コレクションがフェミニンな様相を呈する一方、阿部の関心は、独特でありながら普遍的、そして革新的で実験的な服作りに傾倒し続けている。自身をとりまく日々の生活や、周囲の人々を観察することからインスピレーションを受け作られるコレクションは、ベーシックでクラシカルなアイテムを崩し変化させながら、独特のエレガンスを放つ。ある特定の機会だけでなく、様々なシーンにおいて成立するアイテムに仕上がっている。
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llllllllllii · 1 year
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ERÖFFNUNG: 7. Oktober 2022 |
- 23:00 Uhr
LAUFZEIT: 08.10.2022 -
ÖFFUNGSZEITEN: Werktags, nach Vereinbarung
KURATIERT VON: Andreas Hachulla
ORT: SCHAU FENSTER, Lobeckstr. 30-35 (U8/M29 Moritzplatz), Raum fur Kunst 10969 Berlin
DANK: Jan Kage, Lukasz Furs, Thomas Mahmoud, Carla Frieling
KONTAKT: SCHAU FENSTER, Lobeckstr. 30-35 (U8/M29 Moritzplatz), Raum fur Kunst 10969 Berlin, www.dasarty.com
Rozbeh Asmani / Balzer Balzer / Lacy Barry / Hauke Beck / Sebastian Blinde / Birte Bosse / Başak Çalişir / Senem Denli / Stephanie Dost / Dogan Dogan / Ismael Duá / Margret Eicher / Mischa Fanghaenel / Jay Gard / Sebastian Gögel / Bhima Griem / Bianca Gröger / Roswitha Grüttner / Mylasher / Franziska Güttler / Andreas Hachulla / Ulrich Hachulla / Marc Haselbach / Paul Philipp Heinze / Fleur Helluin / Bernhard Holaschke / Franziska Holstein / Gabriela Jolowicz / Thomas Judisch / Andy Kania / Sebastian Kiss / Alexander Knopf / anna.k.o. / Matthias Krause / Lena Kunz / Marian Luft / Johannes Makolies / Veronica Manchego / Alina Mann / Rosa Merk / Enrico Meyer / Sascha Mikloweit / Adrian Mudder / OODD Studios / Susanne Ostwald / Manfred Peckl / Peter Piek / Jirka Pfahl / Günter Pfeifer / Aram Radomski / Nadja Schütt / Semra Sevin / Ronny Szillo / Christian Thoelke / Philip Topolovac / Emmanuelle Wilhelm / Martin Ziegler
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Starring Skeet Ulrich, Anne Heche, Daniel Diemer, Jordan Kristine Seamón, Alec Baldwin, Praya Lundberg, Johnny Wactor, Richard Gunn, Anjul Nigam, Tyler W. Gaisford, Mattie Ward, Jane Lind, Jack Eyman, Stephanie Astalos-Jones, Gabriel Clark, Chozy Aiyub, Helena Sadvary, Krissy Notes, Carlette Jennings, Skip Talbot, Michael Klingher and Cheyenne Adamson.
Screenplay by  Herbert James Winterstern and Anna Elizabeth James.
Directed by Herbert James Winterstern.
Distributed by Saban Films. 100 minutes. Rated PG-13.
If you ever wondered what Twister would be like if it were filmed with a shoestring budget and very little special effects, well here you go. Slipped into theaters quickly, to beat the long-delayed Twister sequel – being filmed 17 years after the first film became a moderate hit and due to come out in the summer of ‘24– Supercell tells the stories of a clan of tornado chasers who go from small town to small town to watch as tornadoes destroy the local farms and neighborhoods.
To be completely honest, I never particularly liked Twister, and Supercell doesn’t really resonate for me for many of the same reasons. Truth is, the main characters and their obsession with placing themselves in the middle of danger, seemed kind of absurd to me. I get that there is a certain adrenaline rush in witnessing the great ferocity of nature, but there is a reason that there are storm cellars all over the heartland. A twister is not something people should want to experience, and you have to worry about the mental competency of people who keep putting themselves wittingly right in the path of danger.
It's not good if you can’t decide if your main characters are determined scientists or merely suicidal.
Supercell doesn’t have all that much else to offer to the Twister template, other than a little family drama and a good-naturedly over-the-top performance by Alec Baldwin and one of the last appearances on film by the late Anne Heche.
Also, in fairness, it does revolve around the hole left in the lives of the family of one of these daredevil tornado trackers who actually did die in a tornado – years earlier in fact. So, Supercell does actually take a hard look at the hazard of the profession, although not to the extent that they stop courting danger.
The story is about William (Daniel Diemer), the teenaged son of that late tornado fighter, the legendary (in the small storm-chasing community, anyway) Bill Brody (Richard Gunn). Bill is killed in the film’s introduction, and then the film fast forwards to years later when William is living with his mom Dr. Quinn Brody (Anne Heche), a former partner in chasing but who has now cut herself completely off from the business due to the death of her husband. She sees that William is curious about what his dad used to do, but she refuses to discuss the old days.
When William gets a package of his dad’s things from his dad’s other partner, old friend Roy Cameron (Skeet Ulrich), William decides to go back to where his dad died and get the straight scoop from dad’s old pal. Cameron is not too happy to see him – knowing Quinn will blame him for igniting her son’s interest. Plus, their business has been changed into a cheesy tourist trap, offering twister tours for people who want to say they have seen one and yet do not want to actually face the danger. The tour is run by Zane Rogers (Alec Baldwin), a showman who sees the storms as a way to make a buck.
Until the end, Supercell tends to look at its tornados from a bit of distance – the destruction is mostly out of sight of the camera. This probably stems greatly from the lack of a special effects budget, but it can be like Bruce the shark in Jaws – you don’t have to see it close up to know how deadly it is. (And yes, this is the first and last time you’ll ever see Supercell even tangentially compared to the vastly superior film Jaws.)
This isn’t an actor’s film, and honestly Diemer makes for a kind of bland hero. However, I will give Supercell this, even from a distance these storms make for pretty arresting viewing. It doesn’t make Supercell a good film, but it gives the film whatever moments of intrigue that it can blow up.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: March 17, 2023.
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ljones41 · 2 years
Favorite Television Series
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Below is a list of my favorite television series (in chronological order).  I only listed my favorite shows . . . no television movies, miniseries or specials:
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“Leave It to Beaver” (1957-1963) - This surprisingly witty comedy sitcom was about the adventures of an inquisitive and often naïve boy and his adventures at home, school, and around his suburban neighborhood.  Jerry Mathers, Tony Dow, Hugh Beaumont and Barbara Billingsley starred. 
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“The Dick Van Dyke Show” (1961-1966) - Another witty sitcom that centered on the work and home life of a television comedy writer named Rob Petrie.  Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore starred.
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“Hawaii Five-O” (1968-1980) - Jack Lord starred in this first-rate crime drama about a special police task force for the Hawaii State Police.
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“The Mod Squad” (1968-1973) - This crime drama was about three young undercome police detectives for the Los Angeles Police Department.  Michael Cole, Clarence Williams III, Peggy Lipton and Tige Andrews starred.
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   “Remington Steele” (1982-1987) - Stephanie Zimbalist and Pierce Brosnan starrred in this elegant mystery drama about a female private detective partnered with a former thief who assumes the role of a fictitious detective in her business.
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“Agatha Christie’s Poirot” (1989-2013) - David Suchet had starred in this long running series that featured episodes and television movies based on the novels and short stories of mystery writer, Agatha Christie.  Suchet portrayed Belgian detective Hercule Poirot.
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“Homefront” (1991-1993) - Kyle Chandler and Tammy Lauren starred in this superb period drama about a small Ohio town in the years following the end of World War II.
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“Babylon 5″ (1993-1998) - J. Michael Straczynski created this award-winning space opera about the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station in the 23rd century.  Bruce Boxleitner, Mira Furlan and Michael O’Hare starred.
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“Friends” (1994-2004) - This award-winning sitcom centered around six friends in their 20s and 30s who live in Manhattan.  Jennifer Anniston, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer starred.
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“Star Trek Voyager” (1995-2001) - Kate Mulgrew starred as Star Trek series about the adventures of the Starfleet vessel U.S.S. Voyager and its crew’s attempts to return home to the Alpha Quadrant after being stranded in the Delta Quadrant.
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“Lost” (2004-2010) - Damon Lindelof, J.J. Abrams and Jeffrey Lieber created this superb and original science-fiction/fantasy drama about the survivors of a commercial jet airliner that crashed on a mysterious island somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean.
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“How I Met Your Mother” (2005-2014) - This award-winning sitcom featured a father’s recount to his children of the journey he and his four best friends had taken, leading up to him meeting their mother.  Josh Radnor, Alyson Hannigan, Jason Segel, Cobie Smulders and Neil Patrick Harris starred.
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“Eureka” (2006-2012) - This entertaining science-fiction series told the story of a U.S. Marshal, who becomes the sheriff of a small town in Oregon that serves as the home of scientific geniuses, who work for an advanced research facility called Global Dynamics.  Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson-Whitfield and Joe Morton starred.
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  “Jericho” (2006-2008) - Skeet Ulrich and Lennie James starred in this excellent post-apocalyptic action drama about the residents of a fictional Kansas town in the aftermath of a nuclear attack on 23 major cities in the United States.
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“Modern Family” (2009-2020) - Steven Levitan and Christopher Lloyd created this funny and award-winning family sitcom about the lives of three diverse family set-ups in suburban Los Angeles, linked by patriarch Jay Pritchett.
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“Game of Thrones” (2011-2019) - David Benioff and D. B. Weiss created this adaptation of George R.R. Martin’s fantasy saga, “A Song of Ice and Fire”, a series of novels set in the fictional lands of Westeros and Essos.  Peter Dinklage, Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington starred.
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“New Girl” (2011-2018) - This excellent sitcom centered around an offbeat young woman who moves into a Los Angeles apartment loft with three single men.  Zooey Deschanel, Jake Johnson, Max Greenfield, Lamone Morris, Hannah Simone and Damon Wayans, Jr. starred. 
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“Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” (2013-2020) - Clark Gregg starred in this sci-fi action series about a team of operatives for S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division), a peacekeeping and spy agency in a world of superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
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“Black Sails” (2014-2017) - Jonathan E. Steinberg and Robert Levine created this superb adventure-historical series that served as a prequel to Robert Louis Stevenson's 1883 novel “Treasure Island”.  Toby Stephens, Hannah New and Luke Arnold starred.
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“The Flash” (2014-present) - Grant Gustin starred as D.C. Comics superhero the Flash aka Barry Allen in this comic-book hero action drama.
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“Mercy Street” (2016-2017) - Lisa Q. Wolfinger created this excellent period medical drama about the Union hospital, Mansion House Hospital, in 1862 Alexandria, Virginia.  Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Josh Radnor and Hannah Green starred.
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roswell-rp · 1 year
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happy saturday! later today we will be doing another round of acceptances and we’d love to see some new faces around roswell. the admins will be around most of the day to take questions or give suggestions. some faceclaims i’d personally love to see in our inbox: ashley moore, daniel kaluuya, sebastian stan, simona tabasco, phoebe tonkin, alfred enoch, fivel stewart, ella purnell, thomas doherty, stephanie hsu, jeremy allen white, sydney park, zion moreno, dylan o’brien, simone ashley, rudy pankow, avan jogia, yandeh Sallah, tati gabrielle, emily alyn lind, michael b jordan, odessa a’zion, drew barrymore, yara shahidi, adelaide kane, julia garner, will poulter, drew starkey, dacre montgomery, rami malek. and on an extra selfish note with having just watched scream vi: skeet ulrich, jenna ortega, melissa barrera, hayden panettiere, mason gooding, jack champion, devyn nekoda, samara weaving, liana liberato and my heart for jasmin savoy brown. 
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When a left leaning media source does not list a race we should just assume it’s not a white man.
When a left leaning media source does not list a race we should just assume it’s not a white man. I remember them finding out very quickly in this case WHY this gunman killed 4 people. They never mention the suspect's race or gender once but there is extensive amount of information on the weapons and a history lesson on violent racially motivated events one that happened 101 years ago.
Almost comically the article references several other mass shooting, their gender and race. It almost appears that they go out of their way to find excuses for the Tulsa Hospital shooter, focus on gun control AND find other items to discuss rather then this shooting.
Can we find common ground that anyone wanting to bring physical harm to anyone for any reason should be locked away and unable to gain access to weapons but law abiding citizens should still be able to own weapons? How we enforce that is a totally different conversation.
Direct Quotes:                
The gunman who killed four people at a Tulsa hospital on Wednesday blamed a doctor at the facility for ongoing pain after back surgery and vowed to kill him and anyone who got in his way, police said Thursday.
Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin told reporters that Michael Louis bought an AR-15-style weapon on the same day as the attack, killing St. Francis Hospital doctors Preston Phillips and Stephanie Husen. Two other victims were identified as William Love, a patient, and Amanda Glenn, a receptionist.
The shooting came on the 101st anniversary of another horrible event in Tulsa, when a White mob pillaged a Black neighborhood, killing hundreds in one of the worst episodes of racial violence in the nation’s history.
Wednesday’s attack came as the nation is reeling from several recent mass shootings that have renewed calls for tightening gun-control laws. As the hospital shooting unfolded, funerals were being held in Uvalde, Tex., after a gunman killed 19 students and two teachers at Robb Elementary School. And in New York, a White man accused of killing 10 people at a Buffalo grocery store on May 14 was indicted on 25 counts, including domestic terrorism and murder as a hate crime, authorities said. Payton Gendron, 18, burst into a Tops Friendly Markets store and shot 13 people — 11 of them Black, investigators said. As police cleared the area, first responders located victims and survivors scattered throughout the second floor.
Last year, a man in Minnesota was arrested for allegedly shooting five people at a rural health clinic that denied him opioids. On Thursday, Gregory Paul Ulrich told a jury during his murder trial that he wanted to shoot as few people as he could during the deadly rampage.
In 2017, an Indiana man shot and killed a doctor who refused to prescribe opioid medication to his wife before turning the gun on himself.
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Speakers: Barbara Carrasco, Lara Demori, Esther Gabara, Andrea Giunta, Sophie Halart, Giulia Lamoni and Cecilia Vicuña (video contribution) Conveners: Burcu Dogramaci, Laura Karp Lugo and Stephanie Weber Program 11.00 Welcome by Ulrich Wilmes, Chief Curator Haus der Kunst 11.15 Introduction by Lara Demori, Goethe-Institut Fellow Haus der Kunst 1st Session 11.30 Sophie Halart (Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile) "Mater chilensis toward a maternal re-reading of the Chilean neo-avantgarde" 12.00 Lara Demori (Haus der Kunst) "Transnational influences in Marta María Pérez Bravo's series Para Concebir (1985-1986) 12.30 Q&A moderated by Laura Karp Lugo (LMU) 13.00 Lunch break 2nd session 14.00 Barbara Carrasco (Artist and Muralist, Los Angeles, CA) "Chicana Artist in a U.S. Context" 14.30 Esther Gabara (Duke University) “¿Acaso hay otro orden?: Shouts and Murmurs from the 1970s” 15.00 Q&A moderated by Burcu Dogramaci (LMU) 15.30 Break 3rd Session 16.00 Giulia Lamoni (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) "Artists as Radical Educators in Latin America (1960s-1970s): A feminist research project" 16.30 Andrea Giunta (Universidad de Buenos Aires) "Race, Ethnicity and Empathy in Latin American Women Artists, 1960-1985" 17.00 Q&A moderated by Stephanie Weber (Lenbachhaus) 17.30 Cecilia Vicuña: an artist interview (video contribution) 18.00 Closing remarks and panel discussion Barbara Carrasco, Burcu Dogramaci, Esther Gabara, Andrea Giunta, Sophie Halart, Laura Karp Lugo, Giulia Lamoni and Stephanie Weber 19.00 End This one-day symposium explores the diverse forms of feminist artistic practices that developed in Central and South America between 1960 and 1980, and proposes a reevaluation of the notion of the ‘Third World’ via an examination of the historiography of exhibitions alongside artistic and activist practices that draw on the symbolic frame of feminism. Emerging from the 1955 Bandung Conference and subsequent formation of the Non-Aligned Movement, the term ‘Third World’ has traditionally shifted between denoting a political position that was ancillary to both the capitalist West and communist East, to identifying the cultural and economic conditions of so-called ‘underdeveloped’ countries; a position which in turn perpetuated a fallacious, homogenized understanding of the countries that constituted it. Such a misnomer is particularly egregious when one considers the pluralities of race, ethnicity, and gender that constitute Latin America, a region whose multiple identities and intercultural complexities are commonly analyzed within the framework of 'mestizaje' (miscegenation, mixing. Nevertheless, as Gerardo Mosquera has warned, even a notion as fluid as 'mestizaje' cannot escape the tendency to erase imbalances and conflicts within diverse cultural communities and, in so doing, similarly runs the risk of becoming “an attractive stereotype for the outside gaze.” Situating itself between the totalizing tendency of the “Third World” and the orientalist proclivities of 'mestizaje', "Decolonizing Third World Feminism: Latin American Women Artists (1960-1980)" will utilize the lens of feminism in order to excavate the aforementioned historical moment, exposing its inherent contradictions, as well as probe its political and cultural specificities so as to emphasize and locate modes of resistance against patriarchal hierarchies and hegemonic forms of feminist identification. In so doing, it will circumvent the notion that “Third World” women constitute a homogenous category “victimized by the combined weight of their traditions, culture and beliefs, and “our” (Eurocentric) history,” as well as abstain from promulgating the notion of some form of “universal sisterhood” that assumes a commonality of gender experience across race and nationality. In place of this, the symposium takes up the call of several scholars who advocate for a new analytical methodology that acknowledges the struggles of Latin American women in relation to their history, cultural context, economic class, and social identity. "Decolonizing Third World Feminism: Latin American Women Artists (1960-1980)" will strive to unveil the presence of multiple feminisms and their decolonizing subaltern positions. It takes  ethnic and cultural differences into account, as well as to exploring their political and economic implications. By investigating as well the intersectionality between the presence of African populations in Latin American, movements of Native Americans and differences between Latino and Latin American identities, “Decolonizing Third World Feminism: Latin American Women Artists (1960-1980)” aims to further complicate the idea of feminism in Latin America. Unfortunately there is a sound interference during video photos by Marion Vogel
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regalbois · 2 years
Fandom: Kingdom Come Deliverance, I’m gonna have zero context but you love it SO much so I gotta know [chinhands]
Push off a cliff: Sir Hans Capon, no cap. I enjoy the quests he sends my loyal ass on, but given the chance I would grant him nothing more than a little push-push
Marry: Do I really have to choose between Ulrich and Hermann? Can't we just form the polycule? That was allowed in 1403 Bohemia I think, along with general homoerotic-ness
Frick frack: It is at least between Lady Stephanie and Sir Radzig
Set on fire: Everyone who was ever mean to Hermann in his entire life
Wrap a blanket around: Theresa is the most deserving of the comfort blanket
Be roommates with: Matthew's dumb ass!
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mrfahrenheit92 · 3 years
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tiny-librarian · 8 years
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Royal Birthdays for today, August 28th:
Go-Reizei, Emperor of Japan, 1025
Taichang Emperor, Emperor of China, 1582
Louise of Mecklenburg-Güstrow, Queen of Denmark and Norway, 1667
Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Holy Roman Empress, 1691
Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Russian Grand Duchess, 1694
Anthony Ulrich, Duke of of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, 1701
Stéphanie de Beauharnais, Grand Duchess of Baden, 1789
Catherine Mikhailovna, Russian Grand Duchess, 1827
Tatiana, Princess of Greece and Denmark, 1980
Nikolai of Denmark, Count of Monpezat, 1999
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frankenpagie · 5 years
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hollywoodlandhq · 6 years
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Zac Efron 
Skeet Ulrich 
Lily James 
Sam Hunt 
Colin Donnell 
Candice King 
Tyler Blackburn 
Derek Discanio 
Dylan O’Brien 
Ansel Elgort 
Hilary Duff 
Stephanie Styles 
WARNING: Inactive for 2 or more days or aren’t following activity guidelines.
Luke Hemmings
Julianne Hough 
Nick Jonas 
Aaron Tveit 
Blake Lively 
Sophie Turner 
Charles Melton 
Oscar Isaac 
Camila Mendes 
Charlie Heaton 
Paul Bettany 
Gigi Hadid 
Natalia Dyer 
Emma Watson 
Everyone is welcome to return! You have 24 hours to reclaim your character.
NOTE: Memes, social media postings, and pictures do not count as activity. Bubble rp-ing consists of not replying to 3 or more characters and is considered and warn-able offense. Also, please make sure to message the main if you need a hiatus. Posts in the ooc blog might be missed and we can’t guarantee an admin will see it unless it is sent directly to the main. Thank you!
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I Love All Aquarians
I know this sounds like BS but very actor/ celeb I look at and like them enough to google them, they miraculously happen to be AQUARIUS
[I'm a Leo Sun and Aries Moon (Taurus moon according to western astrology)]
I’m not saying I have a crush on ALL of these people but I just like them little more and in a different way than others
I’m just listing famous people, but this happens to me in real life too
Any Astro-freaks feel free to comment on this
[Maybe zodiac stuff is actually true to an extent]
Aquarius People I love:
2. Harry Styles
3. Alicia Keys
4. Madhubala
5. Tom Selleck
6. Justin Timberlake
7. Johnny Orlando
8. Shakira
9. Bhuvan Bam
10. Cristiano Ronaldo
11. Chris Rock
12. Jennifer Aniston
13. The Weeknd
14. Elizabeth Olsen
15. Michael B Jordon
16. Sushant Singh Rajput
17. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
18. Ed Sheeran
19. Molly Ringwald
20. Oprah Winfrey
21. Paris Hilton
22. Stephanie Beatriz
23. Taylor Lautner
24. Bonnie Wright
25. Simon Pegg
26. Michael Sheen
27. Olivia Colman
28. Megan Thee Stallion
29. Isla Fisher
30. Skeet Ulrich
31. Abhishek Bachchan
32. Preity Zinta
33. Freddy Carter
Fictional Characters :
1. Luna Lovegood
2. Flynn Rider
3. Aquaman
4. Phoebe Buffay
Anyone else???
I'm gonna keep adding to this post every time I discover someone new
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