#THANK YOU for always remembering Jihae !!
I loved your Jihae dating hcs, I'm so happy to see people still enjoying this game.
Could you do a prompt where after Jihae wins, Jieun offers to send him back to Earth to be with the mc using the court mages. Would Jihae be able to let Jieun go to be with the mc? And if he does, his reaction to the mc taking him back after being gone for years
Okay so I saw this and fell in love with the idea! I am so happy to hear that you liked my Jihae hcs and it's so nice when I get requests for this and Nameless. Small snippet under the cut, note at the end. Hope you enjoy~
I don't think it was easy for Jiaeh to leave Jieun's side
He would feel guilty, like he doesn't deserve that kindness from Jieun after everything that's happened
It took months maybe even a full year of Jieun pushing for Jihae to finally accept the offer
A part of him is scared there's a chance you'd be angry with him for vanishing suddenly or maybe you've already moved on from him
But the worst thing his mind supplies is the idea that you've forgotten him, that all the time you spent together has been wiped away leaving no room for him to come back
Jieun is who gives him the nudge to take that finally step in finding you again, with a promise that everything will be okay and that no matter what he'll always have a place in the Grass Kingdom
Upon seeing you again Jihae is hit with overwhelming emotions it's this sharp and stinging warmth sweeps over him until its hard to think
He hardly noticed his own body moving, his voice was suddenly calling out and his hand reached for you before he could think
It's not the first time he's hugged you like this but he's never felt more whole then right now
After that there was a lot to talk about, you'd both been so busy over the years yet it felt like nothing had changed between you
He was truly happy that you've been doing well and simarrily it was nice that he had manged to stand on his own again, to find things that made him happy
There's such a sense of fulfillment and joy that comes from you accepting him again and still loving him of course he makes it clear his love for you never vanished either
There's a lot to readjust to, he's spent the past for years working as knight again and helping Jieun become a wonderful king
Thanks to that it's once more ingrained into him that serveing is what he must do but that's not needed anymore
It's almost like having to start over but Jihae is happier with himself, he's more willing to let himself be happy
Being together with you is more than he thought he'd get and Jihae wants to make this second chance with you truly unforgettable
It's been four years since the end of this so-called game. A long four years of hardships and work. Even now it felt strange to see the house so empty no longer was it filled with animals or people instead it was just me. Jiaeh and Jieun had both vanished leaving without a proper goodbye but at least my last memories with Jiaeh had been happy. Jiyeon had been the first to leave after that, it didn't even take a full day before he was gone. Jiwoo was next, giving me thanks before leaving for the mountains to write. I bought his first book recently. Jisoo as expected was the last to go, it seems even if he couldn't remember me he still wanted to make sure I was okay. He still lives nearby and sometimes on my way home I pass by where he works. There's an odd comfort in knowing he's still doing okay.
Since then a lot more has changed as well. Just like me and Jihae had talked about, I continued to pursue my passions and did my best to lead a life I love. To some extent I'm glad the Wizard couldn't grant my wish but it stings knowing he couldn’t just come back. Still I find myself hoping he and Jieun are okay, that back in their kingdom they've found a way to be happy. With that in mind here I was looking at my greatest piece yet, a dandelion already being blown apart by the wind. Seeing it here meant everything to me, after so much work it could finally be here and I just wish Jihae could see it, see me. " Y/n!" Could it really be? A voice I hadn't heard in so long was there and real. The warmth of a hand I was familiar with pulled me close and I was blanketed by that beautiful silver. " Jihae!?"
Well would you look at that! This took me some time even though I was really excited for it. I rewrote it more than once before I was really happy with it but I think it turned out well. Pretty sure this is one of if not the longest thing I've written but I really love Jihae so ya know it was worth it. I hope you liked it and thanks again for requesting! ~ Lilly
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19 (habits) with saeran and its hurt/comfort? 👀
Yusssss I love those
Habits (Saeran hurt/comfort) also a bit smutt bc I needed it I'm sorry I felt so bad and I needed to spoil muh baby
TW: mentions of abuse and self harm (not explicitly and it isn't the extreme kind though!)
You had been living with Saeran for a whole month now, and you couldn't be happier. You had managed to get the twins reunited again, and you solved the whole issue with the cult and RFA. Saeran was finally free.
Still, even though there were good times, there were bad times too. Saeran had spent most of his life in an abusive home, and afterwards was held in a place that did even more damage this mental health, and even if everything was solved, it still took time for him to be able to control his temper or ignore the sudden mood swings that would come.
Even if he managed to merge his two personalities together, sometimes Saeran came out, and sometimes it was Ray. It mostly depended on the situation.
Saeran wasn't one to easily get angry though, and he was really good at controlling his temper. Yet, sometimes he couldn't help but feel this anger inside, this hatred. And then he would scold himself for feeling that way, and he'd be back in the habit of calling himself so many awful things. Not only that, but sometimes he'd punch a wall, or tear at his hair, or just grip his arm so hard he'd end up bleeding.
But he was working on it.
One morning you had woken up to Saeran happily cooking you breakfast, and you smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips, making him blush.
Still, Saeran looked at you with a surprised expression when he saw you didn't go and sit beside him.
"Y/N?" He asked.
"Sorry Saeran, but I told you yesterday that I had something to do in the morning and so I couldn't eat with you. Still thank you for the food, could you please put it in the microwave so I can heat it up later?" You said.
Saeran frowned though. "I don't remember you telling me anything about that, I thought we were going to spend the day together."
"I know, but they suddenly called in at work, there's this new guy who keeps making mistakes and he really fucked up this time. But I'll be home as soon as possible!" You said as you made yourself a cup of coffee. Saeran sat quietly for a few minutes and then looked up at you.
"Well can't you leave it to Jihae and Emma? You've been working every single day ever since we moved in. Can't you work at home?"
You sighed. "Saeran, we've talked about this. I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to fulfill my promise today, but I swear I'll make it up to you!"
"That's what you said last time...." Saeran mumbled, and you stopped in your tracks.
"This time I promise I'll do it-"
"Well this is the fifth time you've said that. Listen Y/N, I don't exactly know if there's anything going on with the house, or with me or us, but you've been gone the whole time."
"Yes working! It's not like I'm super hyped up about it either, stop talking as if I'm doing this on purpose or something! I'm just trying to provide for us."
"Yeah but before it wasn't like this." He stood up and sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Whatever, fine. Go to work."
"Why are you suddenly so irritated that I'm going to work?"
"It's not that, it's just that spending time with you is really important to me and I feel like..."
"Like what Saeran?" You glared.
He looked at the ground. "Nevermind, I don't want to fight."
"No, no please finish the sentence. Like what?"
He stood quiet for a bit and then said, looking at you. "Like you don't really care anymore."
"Excuse me?"
"Every single day it's work, work, work, and everytime I want to just spend a few hours with you you always seem to have something come up. It wasn't like this before."
"Saeran I just got promoted, I have to show that I was worth it. I can't just put everything on hold because you feel lonely!"
"Wow, thank you, I love hearing that the love of my life actually cares about work more than me." He said sarcastically, and your eyes widened.
"Oh, I'm sorry for wanting to PROVIDE for us, Saeran, I'm just trying to help! Seriously I can't stay by your side every single hour of the day, you're not a child! And work is important!"
"Well then if work is so important then why don't you just go and start a relationship with it. You seem to be in love with it. In fact, why don't you just go and never come back!"
Now the both of you were yelling, and you felt so...so mad. You had never seen Saeran this angry before and that only made it worse.
"Maybe I will! You'd like thaytright!? For me to just leave and not turn around!"
"Yes, in fact, you're right! I don't need to be around you the whole time, I can take care of myself, in fact, I don't even need you anymore, so just leave! Maybe then I'll be truly happy for once!"
You stiffened. "You aren't happy here?"
Saeran crossed his arms and gave you that familiar cold glare you had seen in Mint Eye all those months ago.
"No. Why would I be happy with an idiot like you? All you've been doing is ingnoring me and trying to avoid me."
"Saeran I....ugh, you're just- you're impossible sometimes!!! Just because I'm busy doesn't mean I don't care! And I hate that, I hate that every time I look the other way for a bit you get sad and mad, it's so tiring, you're tiring, so don't blame me for wanting to go and spend some time by myself for once!!"
Saeran flinched, but you were too mad to stop. "Why can't you think of that for once, I mean, you aren't even making sense! Why did you think I moved in with you?!"
"Oh I don't know, maybe because of pity and to make yourself feel better. That's the only reason you've been doing anything at all, every single action you do it's to make yourself feel as if you're important, as if you actually matter in this world, and that's why sometimes you get into stupid shit, because you're thinking of being the 'good charitable one' and head into problems without thinking. And now you're doing it with that thing at work, you saw that I was getting better so now you got to hop on to the next problem to give your worthless life some meaning." He snarled. "You-" then Saeran stopped. He was pacing around the room and turned to look at you to say something else, but then he saw tears were streaming down your face and he just...he felt so many emotions at once. He felt...mad to see you cry. And he felt....guilty. You had been the first one to call him tiring, and he just lost control at that moment. His immediate reaction was to insult you, to try and cause you the same pain.
Saeran quickly moved towards you and tried to touch your cheek, to make you look up.tl him. "I'm...I'm sorry Y/N I-"
Then, as if on reflect you slapped his hand away and glared. "Don't....just...don't..."
You grabbed your purse and keys and left the kitchen, leaving Saeran all alone.
He looked at his hand. You had never....never done something like that before. It wasn't as strong as when his mother would do it, in fact it didn't even physically hurt him. But he felt his heart break as he realized what the two of you had done.
He had said things...awful things. The two of you. And he had regretted them immediately.
Saeran felt his eyes water and tried to wipe them.
Don't cry, don't cry. You're not weak. Weak people cry and you're not weak.
Still, he couldn't help the sob that came out of his mouth and he paced around the room, gripping his hair. Then he quickly went to the bathroom to look at himself, to try and calm down.
He looked at his reflection. His hair was now messy, and his eyes red. He had been crying non-stop. Still, he glared at the person he saw in the mirror.
He hated it. He gripped his hands so hard. He didn't know what to do, he wanted to scream, to take it out on someone like he usually did, or to take it out on... himself.
You idiot, you goddamn idiot. You've ruined everything, this is your fault all your fault. Now they're... they're going to leave and it's because they finally saw that you weren't worth it, you are never worth it you stupid, stupid weakling.
He sobbed and then felt the anger inside of him suddenly take over, and he punched the mirror.
"DAMMIT!!" He cried, as he held his now bleeding hand and sat on the toilet.
You idiot! You abdolute idiot, why, why?! You're nothing you're worthless why why?! You don't deserve happiness you don't deserve anything nice in this world, why don't you just shrivel up and die you worthless bug.
He gripped his hair as memories of what his mother would say to him came back, of what Rika used to tell him all the time. Then he also remembered the cold look in your face and panted, feeling as if he wasn't able to breathe anymore. God what should he do? You were never going to forgive him, and you were right.
He was tiring. He wasn't worth your time, your love. Yeah...he wasn't worth it, he doesn't deserve you...maybe it'd be better if he....if he...-
He suddenly jumped up from the toilet and snapped his head to look at the where the sound came from. You were standing in the doorway, your hair messy and your eyes red from crying. Saeran felt his heart break once again.
The two of you stood in silence for what seemed like hours, until you walked over to Saeran.
He held his breath, getting prepared to hear you saying you wanted it to end, that you didn't love him anymore. But...you didn't say anything of the sort. He gasped as he felt you wrap your arms around him in a tight hug.
"I'm so sorry Saeran." You cried, and it was suddenly as if something inside him moved, something that finally made him break. He gripped you tightly and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I love you Y/N, I love you, I love you so much." He mumbled as he felt the tears freely fall from his eyes this time. The two of you hugged each other, tightly, whispering so many words of love, of comfort. You ran your fingers through his hair as you whispered how much you loved him, how much he meant to you and you kept apologizing for what you said over and over again, while Saeran did the same.
At one point Saeran gently pushed you away and cupped your cheek, making you look up at him. Then he kissed you.
It was a messy, desperate kiss, the two of you still crying and sobbing and saying even more I love you's until you couldn't talk anymore.
When you pulled away you looked at Saeran, and then you noticed the bathroom mirror and gasped, immediately taking his hand to check it.
"Saeran..." You sobbed, as you looked at his bloody knuckles.
"I'm sorry...I got...I got a bit carried away...."
You shook your head and made him sit down on the toilet while you grabbed some towles and opened the sink, getting them wet. Then you knelt in front of Saeran and gently cleaned his hand.
Saeran bit his lip, trying to stop more tears from falling. He felt so bad, about telling you to leave, that you didn't matter, he felt so mad that he let his anger get the best of him.
And even after he said that....you came back. And you were taking care of him.
He can't remember the last time someone took care of his wounds like that for him. Last time he got hurt it was at mint eye, and you weren't even there yet. And now, he felt so grateful, so lucky to have you here.
As soon as you finished cleaning his knuckles you grabbed his hand and brought it to your lips, kissing them.
"Saeran...I'm really sorry. I should've...I should have never said said that. You...you are everything to me and I love you so much...I honestly don't know what I would do without you and...I'm sorry I've been away. I was...I was just so nervous about this new step in our life and I...I dont know, I panicked. I'm really sorry." You said, looking at the ground.
Saeran lifted your chin with his hand, and then he helped you stand up, so you'd be straddling him. Then, he leaned his forehead against yours and gave you a small smile.
"I'm sorry too. I know that you've been....so stressed lately. I'm really sorry for being selfish and only thinking about myself. I...I seemed to forget that a relationship is a two way street. And I'm supposed to also spoil you and smother you."
"And you do Saeran...you're...you're the best boyfriend ever. I love you."
"I love you too."
"And... I'll be more honest from now on...about my feelings and I won't try to run away. I'm...I'm going to be someone that also gives everything to you, just like you do to me."
The two of you smiled, and Saeran tangled his fingers in your hair pulling you towards him, kissing you again. This time the kiss was slow and tender, the two of you taking your time. Then, Saeran kissed your cheek, your neck, and made his way down to your chest, unbuttoning your shirt. Every kiss he gave you was his promise to you, to always love you and cherish you.
You helped him take off your shirt and you gripped his hair, gasping as he nipped and sucked, and kissed.
Eventually you stood up and took both of your clothes off, leading him to the shower. You could see he was about to put on the cold water, probably out of habit from doing it for so long, but you grabbed his hand and turned it so the water was warm. He looked at you confused for a second, but then you pulled his face down to kiss him once again.
He pushed you against the wall, and you gasped as he bit your neck and moved his hands to grab your hips.
Eventually the whole place got hot, and you wrapped your arms around Saeran as he slowly inserted himself inside you.
"Are you alright?" He whispered in your ear, and you nodded, making him look at you.
"I love you so much Saeran. I'm all yours, and I will always be. I promise I'll never leave you." Saeran's eyes widened and you gasped as you felt him suddenly move, his lips quickly against yours.
"I....I'm yours too. Forever, and ever, and I promise that I will always love you and stay by your side. I love you, I love you so much.....I love you...."
That night the two of you laid cuddling in your bed, the covers against your bare skin. As you looked at the man sleeping beside you, you couldn't help but smile.
You loved him so much.
Every couple fights, and everyone has both good and bad days, but you wouldn't let that get in the way of your relationship. You had made a promise that day to always be with him, and you swore you would fulfill it.
You kissed him and held him closer to your body, finally letting yourself relax with the person you love the most in the world.
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newagesispage · 3 years
                                                              FEBRUARY             2021
 The contents of someone’s bookcase are part of their history, like an ancestral portrait. –Umberto Eco
The world is about to change with Biden and Harris in office. It is great to have Harris in there. More women in power is so important. Women don’t think with their dicks. I mean, a pussy likes to fuck just as much but we can also get some work done. Men are rarely as good at multitasking.  The inauguration went off with high security after the Trump insurrection. 5 were killed as the traitors stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 but Biden still became the President on the 20th. Hooray for Pastor Raphael Warnock and Jon Osoff in Georgia for taking the Senate. We are off to an interesting start with Merrick Garland nominated for AG.** Janet Yellen is the 78th US Treasury secretary and the first woman!**John Kerry is the envoy for climate and Pete Buttigieg is up for secretary of transportation. ** Biden reversed the ban on transgender troops, stopped the Muslim ban and signed many other executive orders.
Kudos to Bill Maher for giving out  his Baldy award and talking about Henry Waxman. And I was glad to see Waxman mention it and the many others who do the hard work, the real work of running this country.
Elon Musk is now the world’s richest person.
Did ya see the Wendy Williams night on Lifetime?  I have known friends and family with her behavior, this complete lack of self- confidence and yet completely self -absorbed. Yes, she was married to a jack ass and she can be entertaining but whew.. high drama.  I learned one thing.. Her Father and brother are HOT!!
Neil Young sold stake in 50% of his song catalogue to Hipgnosis songs fund in Britain.
John Mulaney is in rehab.
The Little things with Jared Leto, Denzel and Rami Malek was tops at the Box Office.
Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles?? Ooh la la!! What a beautiful couple!!
Thank you Cleveland Browns for all the hope!!** And..C’mon Packers.. U should have won that!!** Seahawk Chad Wheeler was arrested for domestic abuse.
Think before you speak, read before you think. –Fran Leibowitz
The Zodiac killer cipher was solved by amateur codebreakers David Orandak in Virginia, Jarl Van Eycke in Belgium and Sam Blake in Australia more than 50 years later.
Rebel with Katey Sagal looks pretty good.
Richard Lewis will not be in season 11 of Curb due to his many surgeries. Miss ya Richard!!
Elliot Page has filed for divorce from Emma Portner.
In the ‘some things never go away’ category, there are new shows coming of V.C. Andrews and the Great Gatsby.
Dylan McDermott is joining Christopher Meloni in Law and Order: Organized Crime.
Cigarette sales are up.
Crayola is recycling old markers at colorcycle. Never throw away markers again! Less Waste!
Days alert: The big reveal FINALLY came on Days about Gwen from Peoria. She thinks she is Jack’s daughter! It looks like the DNA will prove it. The plot will thicken as Laura returns with a secret and bad things happen to her. Susan Banks is also back and gets in the middle of a couple of stories. I am always glad to see Ivan but unfortunately Vivian is close behind. The twins story should come to a head. Please don’t push Rafe and Nicole together!! Word is that Patch and Kayla will remarry on their old anniversary of Valentine’s Day!! Best of all, Ciara is back and has thoughts of Romeo and Juliet. Find her Ben, before you get close to Claire.
Tom Brokaw has retired from NBC after 55 years. I remember when he retired from the news desk way back when.
Ex- Chester county Sheriff Carolyn Welsh has been charged with stealing from a K-9 unit charity.
Succession has added Sanaa Latham, Jihae and Linda Edmond.
People are filling in for Robert Costa on Washington Week while he is off with Bob Woodward writing their book.  Yamiche Alcindor was a great host!!!!
Some last headlines and thoughts and facts about the end of the worst Presidency in our history. Let’s hope this is the last of the news about the Traitor in chief except for paying for his crimes. Unity does not mean there are no consequences for criminals. Make no mistake Trump and some of his followers are criminals. **Here are a few things I ran across: Vanilla Ice played Mar A Lago for NY Eve.** After the riot many rats started to jump ship like Elaine Chao, Hope Hicks and Betsy Devos. The American Federation of Teachers reaction to Betsy Devos resignation: “Good Riddance.”** Mo Brooks had told the crowd, “Take names and kick ass.” Plans for a Sen. Hawley book were scrapped.** Adam Kinzinger of Illinois was one of the first to call for the 25th amendment that never happened.** People are trying to get to the bottom of the Riot with questions like, “Who paid for the buses?” ** These types of people are the reason we can’t have nice things. **  Scary Clown is off Twitter for good. Funny how it took Senators, companies and voters so long, 2 weeks before he leaves office to make him a pariah. Trump was too dangerous for twitter but not for the nuclear codes?? ** To anyone complaining about a private media co. kicking Trump off their platform: Think of twitter as a Christian bakery and Trump as a wedding cake. _William Cusack**The riot proved that blue lives really don’t matter to them.** U.S. rep for Colorado Lauren Boebert was given $70,500 by Ted Cruz just as he asked for a probe into Netflix. Her husband, Jayson was arrested for exposing himself to a minor and for domestic abuse.** Trump was impeached again.** “Republican colleagues broke down in tears saying that Republicans are afraid for their lives if they vote for this impeachment.- Congressman Jason Crow.** Mike Pompeo cancelled his European trip after Luxemburg’s foreign minister and top European union officials declined to meet him.**232 was the number of votes to impeach him and the number of electoral vote in his loss to Biden.**Trump’s interior secretary had his own flag** Trumps EPA guy made super- secret phone calls in his own phone booth and had 24 hour security.** Toby Keith and Ricky Scaggs received the National medal of arts. ** The Supreme Court tossed out a lawsuit claiming that Trump violated the emoluments clause. ** Dominion voting systems sued Rudy.** Trumps impeachment lawyers, Butch Bowers and Deb Barbier quit. Word is that they refused to say the election was stolen. The new team seems to include Bruce Castor who would not prosecute Bill Cosby and Epstein’s would be lawyer David Schoen. That sounds about right.
Hey Manson didn’t stab anyone. Incitement is a real crime. –Michael Mckean.
ABC News President James Goldston has resigned.
Everyone is talking about the SNL Krasinski/Davidson kiss.
The NRA is bankrupt.
Lenny Kravitz paid tribute to his Godmother, Cicely Tyson.
Colbert could take a tip from Larry King. Ask simple direct questions and let the interviewee talk. We are watching to hear what they have to say. The beginning of the show is the host’s moment so shut up later!!
R.I.P. Dan Dettman, Floyd Little, Pierre Cardin, Phyllis Mcguire, George Gerdes, Joan Micklin Silver, Carl Panzram, Gerry Marsden, Tanya Roberts, Kerry Vincent, KT Oslin, Tommy Lasorda, Michael Apted, Dave Creek, Jamie O’Hara, Dr. H. Jack Geiger, William Link, Neil Shehan, Joanne Rogers, Duke Bootee, Phil Spector, Don Sutton, Siegfried, Sheldon Adelson, Larry King, Ved Mehta, Bruce Kirby, Cicely Tyson and Cloris Leachman.
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dreamiehan · 5 years
Birthday I.
stray kids addition au: yiji x stray kids
[ yi-an jihae masterlist ] 🎧
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Growing up, birthdays were always quiet mornings. Yiji remembered sauntering out of bed to a nice home made breakfast and greetings from her parents.
They would give her cards from her family members in Taiwan and discuss what she wanted to do that day to celebrate. In Yiji’s mind birthdays weren’t a huge deal and she never enjoyed them to be. Just spending close time with her family or friends was always enough.
That’s why being doused in silly string first thing in the morning, was not what how she expected her birthday to start to but when you room with Jisung and Felix, chaos is just natural selection at the point.
“What is going on?” A semi agreesice tone masking her small giggle that sought to her escape as she bolted after the two boys.
“Happy birthday!” The two shouted, taking off in the opposite directions of the dorm.
Her chase came to a hault as she laid her eyes on the animosity that was taking place in the kitchen.
Seungmin was making chocolate chip waffles while Chan was trying not to burn bacon. Minho was yelling at Changbin for messing with the TV, while the other five boys just added to the mix.
“What is going on in here?” Yiji laughed.
Chan made his way over to her, greeting her with a big hug and a quick peck to the forehead. “Happy birthday my lovely Yi-An, we we’re trying to make you a special birthday breakfast but I kind of burned some of the bacon,” he whined.
“That’s okay, let me try,” she offered, shuffling into the messy kitchen space.
“No,” Chan continued, “The birthday girl is supposed to relax on her birthday so go sit on the couch and open some gifts”
Honestly, Yiji couldn’t complain. She made it very clear early on that she didn’t like big outings or surprise parties. Being at home with food and her boys, was more than enough.
Reluctantly she did as she was told despite all urges to save the rest of the bacon.
She took a seat on the couch between Minho and Changbin.
“Happy birthday,” Changbin whispered, pulling her figure over to cuddle into his side.
“You have a bit of silly string here,” he laughed, pulling a small strand from her hair.
Yiji rolled her eyes, “Felix and Jisung are dead to me.”
Jeongin ran to sit beside her, placing a pink gift bag on her lap. “Noona will you please open my gift first?”
“Of course,” Yiji smiled. Carefully she unwrapped the gift before her, revealing a game cartridge.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the Nintendo DS.
“Jeongin no way!” Her eyes lit up instantly, “No way! No way!” She repeated, hugging him.
“I know you’ve been wanting it forever since you’ve already finished all your old games,” He smiled, “Plus this way we can play on long plane rides together.
She mouthed a quick thank you before her next gift along with breakfast was being shoved in her face.
“Okay,” Chan began, as he placed down a plate with chocolate chip waffles and bacon in front of her. “This is like a couple things, from us three,” he motioned pointing to Jisung and Changbin.
Suspiciously she glanced at Changbin beside her, continuing to open the gift.
She shifted through the tissue paper only to look between the three boys in shock. The bag revealed a really nice brand of studio headphones, that Yiji could’ve sworn she’d seen Chan use before, and a laptop.
“I can’t accept this,” she said, instantly handing the bag back to Chan.
“Oh come on Yi-An, you said yourself you wanted to start producing,” Jisung encouraged, pushing the bag back towards her. “Consider this like.. a getting started gift.”
“Really silly,” Chan said, pulling her into a hug. “Happy birthday.”
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fmdjaewonarchive · 4 years
► good luck.
date(s): mid-late november 2019 mentions of: @fmdyul & @fmdjihae (both v briefly but important nonetheless) word count: 992 warnings: panic attacks, anxiety, depressive thoughts, suicidal thoughts details:  jaewon has a panic attack on the set of he is psychometric (again) and finds a worm on string in his pocket to calm him down... that’s not a joke, i wish i was kidding, that’s actually what happens, i actually wrote almost 1k words about that. (but fr, it’s actually based on a very cute unity headcanon so shoutout to julias and their stupid worm on string obsession for keeping their leader from yeeting himself out of a window)
the knock on the door only vaguely registers in his mind but jaewon doesn’t answer. instead, he keeps his hands tangled in his hair, knees pulled up to his chest and head tilted back in some sort of desperate attempt to make breathing easier and hopefully, to make thinking easier.
“jaewon?” his manager calls from the other side in the door and jaewon doesn’t miss the concerned undertone in the man’s voice. “just… give me five more minutes.” he calls out in reply, trying to keep his tone as stable as possible. it doesn’t succeed entirely, there is a little shake to his words that he wishes wasn’t there but considering that in reality, he’s shaking like a leaf and on the verge of tears, it’s a feat in its own. maybe he’s not all that terrible of an actor after all huh?
“jaewon-ah open the door-” his manager tries but jaewon cuts him off halfway through. “no- really just- give me ten minutes and i’ll be fine to continue filming yeah?” he responds, his words almost pleading at this point. it seems to work, jaewon hears footsteps retreat and he can’t help but wonder how he managed to pull that off. he knows for a fact that his manager doesn’t buy the whole i’m fine act, it’s not the first time since the beginning of this cursed drama that the male had an anxious jaewon on the edge of a breakdown on his hands and he knows the older male knows how to read him by now, how he has caught on to at least a handful of his nervous habits. but his manager also the illusion of privacy most of the time, turns a blind eye as jaewon falls apart briefly and hastily puts himself back together and that the idol is thankful for.
it is still a somewhat new development for jaewon, the itch under his skin that makes him want to tear himself to shreds, the anxiety pressing down on his chest so heavily he can’t quite remember what it feels like to be able to breathe normally. it only started since the filming of this stupid drama and initially, a part of jaewon had pushed it on nerves about having to be an actor all of a sudden. he had also expected for it to get less, instead it only got worse, instead, it only got harder to set foot on set every day.
he has to go back soon, they only took a quick break into scenes and they still have a long day ahead of them yet the very thought of leaving the room he’s in only elevates his already uncomfortably fast heartbeat even more and makes him feel like he might actually throw up. jaewon has always been an anxious person but never before had he knew it could make him feel this physically sick, make him want to stop existing just to make it stop so bad.
when he finally pushes himself off the floor it’s with trembling legs, grabbing onto the backrest of a chair to somewhat stabilize himself. that his fingers, too, are shakingis something he’s willing to ignore, instead, he reaches for his jacket that is draped over said chair. he should probably text someone, or call them, get himself out of his head for just a bit to compose himself enough to go back to filming. he wants to hear that it’s okay, that he’ll be fine. but jaewon also knows himself to be a coward, knows he will never dare to ask for that comfort and that his whole attempt will remain just that, an attempt.
still, he humors himself, reaches into the pocket of his jacket to grasp onto his phone. instead, something else draws his attention, something soft and fuzzy brushing against his fingertips and for a second, he jumps in surprise, almost withdrawing his hand out of reflex before it dawns on him what it is.
his suspicion confirms to be true as he pulls his hand out of his pocket, a bright, neon pink worm on string resting on the palm of his hand. being eye to eye with the toy makes it easy to conjure up the memory of the excited look on yul’s and jihae’s faces as they had received a large bulk box filled with nothing but those exact cheap toys, of their concentrated frowns as they had woven a whole curtain out of those things and had even proudly hung up their hideous creation in front of their bedroom door in the dorm. but most of all, jaewon reminds the blinding smile yul gave him as he slipped the worm on string in the pocket  of the leader’s jacket on the morning of his first day of filming (“his name is kevin, think of him as some sort of good luck charm. jaewon hyung fighting!”). it’s a bit embarrassing, how grounding it feels to even just touch the object. it’s a silly, cheap toy yet it manages to calm jaewon more than any of his other attempts in the past ten minutes have. he kind of still wants to stop existing but it’s less overwhelming, less paralyzing now, it’s a small victory jaewon is willing to take.
this time, he catches the footsteps as they near, hears the knock on the door clearly rather than muffled and distant. “jaewon? you good?” his manager asks carefully and the group leader has to admit he feels a little bad, surely the man has been bending over backward to buy jaewon as much time as he needed. so he runs a hand through his hair, tosses one look in the mirror and silently thanks the heavens that disheveled is a look they’re going for with today’s filming anyway. “yeah, yeah, i’m fine, gimme a second.” jaewon glances at the worm on string in his hand one more time and pocketing it before unlocking the door.
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The Mortal Engines: Film Review
When my boyfriend first requested that we watch The Mortal Engines together, I was incredibly skeptical as to whether or not I would like it. It has been 11 years since I have read the novel, and even though I can honestly say my memory of the book is very blurry, I was reluctant to watch a screen adaptation. Why? Well, I had already seen from the trailer that Hester Shaw, the main character, had been considerably beauty-washed and this made me question the integrity of the film. However, my love for Peter Jackson outweighed this mistrust. Considering the changes made to The Lord of the Rings franchise (I will always love LOTR), in my opinion, didn’t do a disservice to the books, I agreed to watch The Mortal Engines.
Brief, Spoiler-free Plot Summary:
The film follows Hester Shaw (Hera Hilmarsdóttir), an emotionally and physically scarred young woman seeking murderous revenge on the man who killed her mother. This man, Thaddeus Valentine (Hugo Weaving), is a powerful figure living in the hungry, massive, rolling city of London. As London continues to expand, with thanks to Valentine, an anti-tractionist rebel group attempts to put London’s expansion to a crashing halt. Due to unexpected circumstances, a young historian by the name of Tom (Robert Sheehan), finds himself accompanying Hester on her mission.
My Thoughts:
First, the design for the hungry cities was perfect. They looked exactly as I pictured them when I was 12 years old. As an adult, the metaphor of British colonization in the form of the giant, powerful nations/cities literally eating other smaller nations was really enjoyable. As far as the script goes, it is quite fast-paced, but the acting makes up for it. A fast paced script only equals a bad film if the acting is poor. Personally, as soon as I saw Robert Sheehan in the role of Tom, I knew I could trust the casting. Hera Hilmarsdóttir did a great job of playing the grumpy, mean role of Hester, however, I do think they chose to soften up her character a little too soon. From what I do remember of the books, Hester was quite bitter and angry, in large part because of her extremely scarred face. I do think the character of Hester Shaw in this version suffered a little by choosing not to have her missing an eye, and part of her nose (basically half of her face). The love story between Tom and Hester also suffers as a result of this choice. In the books, it means so much to Hester that Tom loves her despite her appearance, and I think that would have been a wonderful sentiment to show in the movie (especially to kids). Anna Fang, who plays the role of rebel Jihae, deserves a round of applause for her portrayal. Many of the lines she had could easily have come across as extremely cheesy in the hands of a lesser actor. I actually have no idea how she managed to, not only pull off her lines, but also be super cool while saying them. ROUND OF APPLAUSE. One storyline I had a little trouble believing was Katherine Valentine’s (Leila George D’Onofrio). I had a hard time believing her moral compass was stronger than her love for her father, but again, it is a fast paced script. In fact, they blended together different aspects of more than one book in the series. The character Shrike (Stephen Lang) adds an unexpected depth to the film, particularly during his flashback sequence, yet I feel the movie didn’t use him as much as they should have. Hugo Weaving is the perfect villain (he always is). Something that needs to be mentioned is the Minions statues and other “of the ancients” references. I died. Over all, the movie really made me wish I was 12 again, which never happens. I just know that 12 year old me would have loved this movie with a passion. As an adult, I feel a little removed from it.
Now, if any die hard hungry city fans read this and take issue with my nice review, I would just like to say that no movie adaptation will ever, EVER, be as bad as Eragon or The Lightning Thief.
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tropicskies · 6 years
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♥︎ –– ( Cameron & Rory. @brcezy ) : ❛ so can we be done yet? ❜ he hasn’t been blessed with much patience or even an interest to learn. if one were told him a couple of years ago that he’d be learning korean, he’d end up laughing. it just doesn’t seem like anything he’d ever do! of course, he never imagined himself being a celebrity of some sorts in korea either. actually scratch that, he’d never see himself as a celebrity in ANY country. it’s funny really, when he was casted he was told he’d be a natural. he can openly admit that his audition was terrible. vocals aren’t his favorite nor is dancing. he’s lucky that the position for rapper was available to be filled. it suits him. again, he’d never seen himself as a rapper but here he is. it’s even harder being a rapper when you’re not even all that great at said language you’re trying to rap in. if he had it his way, it’d be english all the time. hell, he could even cook up something in mandarin but korean? forget about it. he’s lucky he has jihae around. he’s always there to help write lyrics when cameron himself is struggling.
he’s also thankful for rory who’s sat next to him. rory might not write lyrics for him. rory helps him with a lot boring subject matter: his target language. they’ve been studying for a while now. cameron likes to think he’s reached the end of his stick with this. one more lesson & his head might just explode. he’s rubbing at his temple. he’s stressed & it’s written all over a tanned face. ❛ my brain’s going to explode soon. hey, what are you making for dinner? you’re going to make dinner, right? ❜ it should be assumed as rory’s one of the few members that can cook a somewhat decent meal. yohan helps out too but he thinks he remembers yohan mentioning something about being in the practice room. he shuffles in his chair. ❛ can i help you if you do make something? ❜
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instantlyiconic · 6 years
Commission for HuntersxHunted
A reminder that my commissions are open at $0.05 per word. I really enjoyed this, and I honestly hope that I’ll get more commissions! Thank you so much, I really appreciate this opportunity :)
He could still feel the ink settle into his arm, even though it had been at least a month since he’d sat for hours in that chair. The artist had honestly done a wonderful job, and he’d spent his fair share of time just staring at it. Now, he touched it at least once in remembrance before walking out onto a stage. This night was like one of many, he was rapping not only some of his more popular songs, but something new as well. Thanks to the art on his skin, he became a bit inspired, and he decided that it’d be possible that the song he’d written may also get positive reviews.
Stepping up to the audience, he was excited to see everyone who’d shown up to see him, but there was one in the crowd that he already recognized. Jihae? What was he doing here? He didn’t even remember talking about what he’d done for a living, just that music had been important. Had Jihae always known? Was he, while tattooing him, thought that he was getting that much closer to someone important? While he was taken aback and now full of doubt, he didn’t let that stop him. He had a show to do, and he wasn’t going to allow one person to stop him from giving a show to hundreds more, despite his song choices. He had to admit, though, the further along he went, the closer he came to ‘First Love’, he started to become nervous. It had been a very long time indeed since he’d felt this nervous, but he’d always been incredibly careful about who he shared anything with, and he’d given Jihae a piece of his past that he’d kept very close to his heart. What had he thought of Yoongi when he’d walked into the tattoo parlor? What did he think even now��? Not only that, but now that this man knew the first line of his song...what would he think knowing more of the story?
He couldn’t help himself. For someone that was so withdrawn, so closed off to others… To know that anyone in that crowd had an inkling of what it meant to him, truly… It was terrifying to Yoongi. He waited until the very last moment before he finally had to bite the bullet, so to speak. He had told himself that he was going to perform this song today, and he was going to be damned if he decided against it. It was either he do so now, or he bury that song for the rest of his life. While he thought that maybe he would like to do so now, and leave the memory to himself, where it belonged...He didn't write an entire song for it to collect dust. It deserved to be heard as well. His hands were shaking as he gripped the mic, and he took a deep breath to introduce the song. However, he couldn't help but look at Jihae in the crowd as the first line left his lips.
'In the corner of my memory, there's a brown piano.'
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mochixjimin · 6 years
Baby, It’s Cold Outside...
Jung Hoseok| BTS| singledad!au
a/n: for the anonnie who asked for this, thanks fam, you really broke my writer’s block. plus i’m finally on break from uni hehe
The frigid, brazen afternoon skies of the Busan air nipped the flushed skin of her face as she adamantly opposed his glove-clad hands, “Jihae, please cover up. It’s freezing out here, I don’t want you getting sick.”
“But Daddy, I’m too hot! I want to go home, why are we even here?” Jihae brusquely said and made a feeble attempt to tug away from him once again.
Feeling defeated, Hoseok stopped his attempts at lacing the fuzzy scarf around his daughter, looked at her, and simply exhaled, “You know where we are going. Every year since we’ve been going to visit your mother. It wouldn’t be right to not see her, don’t you agree sweetie?”
“No! I hate her! I don’t want to go, why do you keep making me see her?” She yelled, causing passerby’s turn their heads in annoyance and distaste at the father failing to quiet his young daughter from having a tantrum on the street.
“Jihae. Never say that again, I don’t want to hear those words come from your mouth ever. You understand that saying such things aren’t true and I won’t have it; your mother has always wanted the best for you, don’t disrespect her.” He sternly warned, leaving the child to quit her brazen words for the time being.
“I understand Daddy, I’m sorry. But do we have to go so soon? Can we stop to get some hot cocoa before, she likes cocoa; maybe she’ll be happy if we get her some! That always made her smile before,” Jihae cheeringly suggested with Hoseok in agreeance. He always loved to make his girls happy.
“Ah, Jihae, go get a table for us, the line is quite long and you should go warm up by the fireplace.”
Nodding and already turning to go to the play area with warmth and toys just dying to be played with, “Okay Daddy! Remember cinnamon and extra marshmallows!”
Looking at her smiling, Hoseok simply gestured a thumbs up followed up with a silly face to make her laugh loudly, “I know, I won’t forget, go play!”
“Jihae, are you sure you can carry that, you look like you’re struggling.” Hoseok commented while looking at his daughter holding the hot cocoa with both hands and a very determined look on her face, “Nope, I’m fine daddy, I can do it! I’m six now, I’m a big girl!” She aired, with a wide, toothless smile at her father.
Hoseok let out a light chuckle, pinched her rosy cheek, and went back to looking forward in their path “Okay, okay, I understand Ms. Jung, anything else that big girls do?”
There was a lull in the conversation, leading Hoseok into suspicion, “Jihae?”
There she was; that scarf, it matched the one Hoseok stuffed in pocket earlier. Jihae couldn’t help but feel all the wind get knocked out her body, “Mommy?!” In that instance, she dropped the three lukewarm cups full of cocoa, browning the street block, running at full speed into the street, tears dusting her eyes “M-mommy!! I knew you would come back!”
It was as if it all happened in an instant, like a light suddenly burning out. Hoseok screamed, feeling like the candle had blown out. This was it; his knees giving out trying to grab the small of her back, “Jihae no! Don’t run into the street!”
Hearing the screech of cars on the street, his eyes closed, and he folded in on himself I-I’ve failed. She’s gone, my baby girl. My sunshine. My will. My reason.
Until a familiar voice rang out, large wails and screams for him, “Daddy! Daddy!”
He all but leapt to his toes and ran out into the now stopped traffic where he saw his daughter and a stranger, “Jihae, what in the hell were you thinking!? You could have been seriously hurt! How could you do something so stupid?” He scolded all while tightly gripping her, tears profusely pouring from his eyes, never wanting to let her out of his sight ever again.
“I-I” Jihae tried to speak through broken breaths, “I thought it was Mommy! The scarf was the same and I don’t know, I’m sorry daddy! I’m sorry!” She finished, breaking down into tears once more.
Hoseok turned to see the woman, still in shock over the previous events that just occurred, “Excuse me, you saved my daughter? How could you just run into the street like that?!”
“Oh, um, well I thought I heard someone call me and then when I turned, she was running. On the bright side, she could be a track star, I mean she was practically on the curb,” the woman added, trying to lighten up the situation.
“Well, whatever it may be, thank you.” Hoseok expressed gratitude for your presence.
“No really, it’s no big deal, but what is the scarf? I got this old thing from a thrift shop a long time ago, it’s really nothing.” She nonchalantly added, running a hand over the hat covering her tight coils of hair that would be sprawled all over the place if not for the beanie she added last minute to her outfit.
“Well, that scarf is the same as this one I have in my pocket, you see?” Hoseok mentioned as he slipped the blue and white knit scarf from his pocket, “This scarf was Jihae’s mothers’ and she passed away three years ago and every year since then we go to her grave and spend time with her for a while, then make a Christmas prediction for the New Year. Jihae’s still having trouble dealing with her passing, and I don’t know what came over her.”
Jihae finally calmed down, and able to respond, “Daddy, it wasn’t just the scarf! She reminds me of mommy!”
The two of you awkwardly looked towards each other and laughed uncomfortably, “Well, I guess I should introduce myself, I’m ____, I see this cute little bug is Jihae and you are?” She gracefully navigated around Jihae’s words to now question you.
“Oh, yes, uh, I’m Hoseok. Want to get out the street now, I can see people beginning to stare…” He muttered shyly, not enjoying the attention the three of you were getting from the people looking at you like strange people.
“Oh! Yes, of course! There’s a café we can go in actually, I was just about to stop in there honestly.” She aired, quickly going back to the safety of the sidewalk where you could continue the conversation inside away from the elements.
“Okay! So I have two hot chocolates here for you two ladies and an Americano for myself.” Hoseok announced as he passed out the drinks to Jihae and ___, “Anything else before I sit down?”
“Yeah, can you get me some cinnamon? It’s weird, but I love putting it on my hot chocolate.” ____ responded, making Jihae smile brightly and then share a look with Hoseok, yet he coughed lightly and answered, “Yes, sure. I’ll be right back.”
After the drinks and over an hour of talking with ____, the topic of what you two do for work came up, Jihae cutely interrupted, “Hey! I have a job too! I’m the line leader at school and I get to pass out the assignments in class!”
___ feigning awe aired, “Oh wow! Jihae, that is so amazing! Beats my job, all I do is boring paperwork and talk to kids all day! I don’t even get to color when I want! Can we trade?” She joked, laughing inward at her words, “What do you do Hoseok?”
“Ooh! Daddy’s job is so so cool, ___-ssi, he gets to tour the world! We even went to America once, I had so much fun! I want to go back, but he and my uncles are on break now. I can’t wait until they can start working again!” Jihae interjected, making Hoseok grin at her enthusiasm over his career.
Hoseok rubbed his neck and stared shyly at ___, “Ah, Jihae is somewhat correct, I do tour the world, but for Christmas our company let us enjoy the holidays. Are you familiar with BTS?”
She removed her jacket and gloves to show more of the reddish-brown of her warmed up arms and hands to pull off the beanie to take the pastel dyed ringlets of her hair in two haphazard buns out her semi-tired, but surprised eyes at the question, “Oh whoa, how could I not notice. Jung Hoseok, oh that’s chill.”
“That’s chill? You’re not freaking out?” He aired in confusion.
“Oh, do you want me to freak? It’s not that big of a deal, I loved your mixtape though, and y’alls music is fire.” She snickered to herself at the lame joke she made.
He guffawed and answered, “Yes, I see, you are familiar with our music, I see. Well, I don’t want to bore you, but you said you work with kids, are you like a daycare worker?”
“I wish! It would probably be way easier but no, I’m a children’s psychologist at the local school around here, Busan International actually.” She said, fiddling with the sapphire ring on her index finger.
Just then, Jihae hurriedly spoke up, “Ah! Ah! I go there!! How come I never see you, ____-ssi!?”
“Well, I just started there last week, I used to teach back home, but I wanted to do something new, so come see me when you get back to school cutie, can talk about anything you want. Stop by my office whenever!” She responded, giving the excited child a light pinch of the cheeks, making Jihae break into a fit of giggles, allowing Hoseok to watch at the two of them as if it were life before.
“Well, that was more time than I intended for us to spend in the café…” Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck once more and trailed off.
“It’s fine, I really had nothing to do today, I’ve only been here for a couple months, so I just wanted to explore the city.” ____ quickly responded, “I hope I didn’t infringe on you two’s plans for today…”
“No, no, it’s okay, this is actually around the time we go, it was nice to meet you, ____, I hope I-I mean we can see you again,” Hoseok added, quickly speeding over his mistake in words.
She laughed, and retorted the same sentiments, pulling her phone out the navy winter jacket pocket, “Same here, why don’t I give you my number and then you and Jihae can show me around this beautiful city? How about it, what do you think Jihae?”
Jihae, all but bounced, happily nodding up and down, “Yes! Go, Daddy, hurry up! Give her your number now!”
Hoseok chuckled and began to type his number in on the phone, “Well here you go, and you better call. Jihae gets impatient and will ask me every single day until you do.”
“You can count on it, Jung Hoseok. See you around. ” She smiled once more, waved goodbye, and turned on her worn boots to walk the other direction.
“Gosh Daddy, she was veeeeery pretty. What do you think Mommy will say?” Jihae inquired as he watched her disappear into the crowded street ahead.
“I don’t know, sweetheart, but let’s worry about that another day. I have a lot to say to your mother and I don’t think a couple days will cover it, but let’s go before it gets too dark out.” He responded, walking back across the street to continue their mission with an array of thoughts all over his mind.
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Hello. May i get seventeen scenario about their s/o who has important position in a company (ceo, etc) who rarely tell them what's wrong bcs she doesnt wanna bother him and one day she's like faint//break down bcs of the stress? Hehe is this too detail? If yes, then pls do whatever you'd love to write ❤ ( the member involved is up to you 😁 ). Thankyou! Have a great day 🙇
Hello, Thank you for sending in your request!! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to write for a member that we have not written for yet. Let us know what you think and don’t be shy :)   Thank you again and N’joy!!
Admin AJ
It’s the first corporate meeting of the new year. You are sitting at a table with other executives and administrators of your corporation.“Here we have a graph of the corporation income through the last decade.”
You sit and watch as the executive uses his pointer to follow the height of each bar.
“As you can see, this graph represents last year and the previous year before that.”
You see that the two graphs have minimal changes between each other but you did notice that last year’s income did have a subtle decline.
“Due to last years low profits, there needs to be a reduction in labor cost.”
You raise your hand, the executive acknowledges you with his pointer, “Yes, Ms. l/n.”
“Mr. Lee when you suggest a reduction, what do you mean by that?”
The executive looks at you with disbelief, “A reduction, as in lay-offs, letting people go.”
He then turns his attention to the other administrators within the room continuing with his presentation. “I suggest we start with those too unfit to carry on in the industry. I mean who can argue with an early retirement.” Some of the other executives laugh, as if some peoples life were something to toy with.
You cut into their laughter, “Those employees that are still working are those that cannot afford an early retirement.”
They made a quick comeback, not even considering the worlds they were about to destroy, “You cannot afford to keep employees if you do not make any profit. We are barely breaking even.” This didn’t sit right with you, at all, and you quickly tried to come up with some kind of compromise that didn’t result in people losing their jobs, “What if we suggest a pay cut. I’m sure we can reason with the employees…”
The man at the head of the table raised his brow at your suggestion, “Are you willing to risk the company as a whole just to keep some ensure everyone has a job?”
The executive prevented you from saying anything more as he continued to speak.“If you continue to think this way, everyone will be jobless. Remember it’s not personal, but ‘Business is Business.’ As for now I believe this meeting is finished.”
You watch as the conference room begins to empty as everyone gets up to leave. You were very much aware of the whispers among the other administrators about your supposed carelessness. Before he leaves, Mr. Lee places a folder on the table in front of you, “Here is the list of employees that up for debate about their employment. You can look over them to make a final decision.”
You open the folder seeing that it contained a list of at least 50 employees in it along with their information. Some have been with the company since the beginning, Hwang Kinam; 15 years in the company, While others are gaining a fresh start, like Kwang Jihae; graduate from Seoul University. You continue to look through the list, some have families that needed to be supported, like Kim Minsun; caretaker of two grandchildren. There was not one person over the other that deserved to be let go. Each of them performed to the best of their ability. You couldn’t make a choice not here, not now.The atmosphere was suffocating within the meeting room and you were desperate to leave. You decide to work from home, not wanting to have a chance encounter with any of the individuals on the list. You collect your belongings and head for the elevator, the things in your arms seemed heavier than usual today. ‘A few more step,’ you catch yourself thinking reaching out for the button next to the silver doors.
“Oh thank goodness. You are still here.” A soft, kind voice reaches you. You didn’t need to turn around to know who it was, and you realized today was not your lucky day.
“Oh! Mrs.Kim.” You say as you turn to greet the older lady, your heart aches as you remember that she is one of the employees up for debate.
“I went to your office and noticed that you were not there.” She lifts her hand up revealing a small box. “Here share this with that boyfriend of yours.” She placed the box in your hand.
You feel guilty accepting the gift but she insists. “Mrs.Kim this is lovely. I can’t accept this. Maybe you should share this with your grandchildren.”
She smiles at you, “Nonsense,  those kids are sweet enough. Please accept this as a thank you for giving this old lady a chance to provide you her services.” She bows and leaves, with purpose fueling her steps.
You feel your throat tighten as you bow deeply, “No, thank you for everything.” You attempt a small smile, “Have a good night Mrs. Kim.” You quickly step into the elevator not giving a chance to have your facade fall.
Once at home you began to make phone calls trying to reach out to partnered corporations. You sat at your desk which files and paperwork cover. You were keeping your mind busy, trying to multitask between typing on your laptop and making phone calls.
“Hello Director Park, I was calling about that project we had discussed earlier this month. Is there a possible way to set it in motion?”
You here the front door open and look up to see, your boyfriend of 3 years,taking off his shoes by the front door. He was wearing a comfortable outfit, he must be coming straight from practice. He looks up, eyes immediately looking to were you currently sat. His light brown eyes warm with affection, curl slightly upwards at the end, crinkling sightly as a smile spread across his face. He does a small wave, you smile, despite your current mood, he had this effect on you.
You sat and hoping it was convincing enough to make him not worry about your condition right now. The phone was still pressed to your ear as you received not completely reassuring news,“Okay you’ll consider. Thank you very much.” You hang up your phone, trying not to get discouraged yet.
As you hung up the phone, you felt a soft pressure on the top of your head. You turn to see Joshua, eye level with you as he crouched down to your level. He takes your busy hands away from their task, as he rubs them. “You feel a little cold,” he chuckles as he tries to warm up your hands. He looks toward the kitchen “Have you eaten yet, Y/n?”
It hits you then, you were too preoccupied with work that you forgot to make dinner. “Josh, I’m sorry.” You apologize, you hadn’t meant to forget to make the dinner. You didn’t want to burden Joshua, so you went to get up to make something really quickly.
He kissed your hands as he stood up, he held one hand up like the stop sign, “There’s no need to be. Hang tight.”
You gaze lingers as you watch the busy back of Joshua, currently digging through the cupboards for your dinner.
“Okay tonights menu consist of” Joshua creates his own drum roll as he sets down two package of ramen, one behind the other, as he says “We have Chicken flavor” You can hear the crackling of plastic as he shuffles the packages around. “And beef!”
“What does the chef recommend.” you play along.
Joshua’s eyes light up with amusement, and he puts his hand up to his chin, thinking, “I like beef in general.”
You laugh, “I’ll take the beef.”
“Coming right up! A bowl of beef ramen for the pretty lady.” The once quiet kitchen is now lively as you watch Joshua prepare the ramen.
You get up from where you are sitting and walked towards Joshua. You wrap your arms around his back, attempting to make him feel how grateful you were for having someone like him.
You rub his back affectionately, your version of a message, and say, “You must be tired.”
“Today was just a meeting discussing about our upcoming comeback and some vocal practice today. So it wasn’t too bad.” He chuckled, his shoulders rising and falling, “As soon as I walked through our front door and saw you working, I felt better. Besides it looks like you had a tough day. Anything happen at work?” He questioned as he turned to face you as he gets ready to listen, giving you all his attention as he always does.
“Oh you had a meeting today too. How was that?”
Your hands tighten on the front of his shirt and your breath is shaky. You averted you gaze away from his eyes, worried he would see the truth.
“It was okay.” You answer briefly, not giving any details.
Before any more questions could be asked, your phone rings and you sigh, “I should probably answer that.”
You pull away from his comforting embrace and the kitchen to answer your phone. Its one of your partnered corporations that seemed the most promising to help with your predicament. You don’t say much as you hang up the phone after thanking them for their consideration. You stand for a moment with the phone still pressed to your ear despite its silence, trying to process what was said. ‘Okay’ you think, ‘I can think of something else.’ You try to convince yourself that you can find another way. ‘Just because you couldn’t get any partnered companies to help doesn’t mean that you will still have to lay off some people…’ a tear escapes its confinement from your eyes.’right?’ You were close to breaking and you were struggling to keep yourself together. ‘Come on, _____.’ you stifle a sob, ‘You can do this.’ You say to yourself, hoping that saying these words to yourself would kickstart your brain into thinking of what to do next.
“Oh! You bought a cake?” Joshua questioned from the kitchen, reminding you of the world that was still going on around you. With the mention of the cake from Mrs.Kim, you felt the onset of a completely new break down. One for those you were too incompetent to help. You tried to stay quiet but you couldn’t calm yourself down.
Your attempts to try to keep yourself together failed as you felt yourself slowly become undone. The tears and sniffles were unable to be calmed as you felt a little sob come up. Quiet, was no longer an option as you felt a warm pair of arms wrap you in a comforting way pushin your head gently to their chest. Joshua placed his hand on your head and ran his hand down, trailing your hair. The slow pace he went at and the beats of his heart you could faintly hear both working to calm you down. “Im sorry,” were the only words you could get out at this moment. Joshua in that moment just embraces you, pulling you closer to his body and just holds you staying quiet as you cry.
After you were able to speak again, you tell him what has happened at your work. You also told him that you felt bad about breaking down in front of him.
He smiles as he says, “Trust me. Even if I am busy I am more than willing to listen to your happiness and joy.” He placed his hands on your cheeks, wiping your tears away. His hands pulling you to look at him. “But I also want you to share with me the concerns, stressors, and sadness you feel. The weight of your world is much easier if I am there beside you carrying some of the weight too, just as you do for me.”
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laulau95 · 7 years
Wolf Blood (Part2)
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» A lone wolf comes to disturb your brother’s clan. And you find yourself wanting to help him no matter what. » Yoongi x OC x ??? » 5.6 words
Part 1 | Part 2.
The sun had finally died down to welcome the night. The smell of dog was long lost as everybody was now back to their human form. As for myself, I was walking non-stop in the hallway of the bedrooms. Jimin was sitting on the ground, knees raised to place his elbows on. “Stop, Jihae.” He begged me. We were all nervous.
When Jin started to attend for the boy's health, I tried to sneak in and help but he pushed me back. Eventually, Jin took care of the new incomer while Namjoon patched up the scars on Taehyung’s body, that I learned would eventually get better. “How can you be so calm?” I asked Jimin who finally raised from the ground.
As I was doing the hundredth come and go into the hallway, he grabbed both of my shoulders. “ Because I know my hyungs. They will save them no matter what.” I was surely worried for Taehyung, my childhood friend that I almost lost, but also for that stranger, somehow. No matter how stupid it sounded, I couldn’t find enough strength to wish him death, even after attacking both Taehyung and me.
“ W-What if -” My voice was cracking and Jimin half smiled at me while bending his head lower to level up with mine.
“ Taehyung will be fine. You heard Jin when he came out earlier, right? “ I paused my breath to look up to him. “ It is benign scars. “
As if a cue for the rest to happen, the door of Taehyung’s bedroom opened, welcoming a tired Namjoon. He had his shirt’s sleeves raised up and he was busy cleaning the blood from his forearms. Jimin and I held our breath as he stared up at us. Namjoon sighed and then dropped down his stare back. “He will need a bit of rest but he is fine.” I finally sight, like if I had held my breath ever since he fell unconscious.
Jimin’s hands fell from my shoulders and I slowly ambled to Namjoon, getting on my toes to peck his cheek. “Thank you Namjoon,” I said and he tiredly smiled. I softly pointed to the open bedroom door. “I-Is he? “
“ Yes, he woke up a few minutes ago. The first thing he asked was to know if you were alright, you should-”
But he didn’t have to finish his sentence. I wasn't going to be asked anyway. When he confirmed that my little puppy was awake, I jumped on my toes to sprint to the open door, leaving Namjoon and Jimin together in the hallway. I pushed the half-open door directly and gasped at the view of my friend.
Of course, Taehyung was full of bandages. His head was covered with a white one and it made him look even more innocent than he already looked. He stared at me and we exchanged the sweetest and most meaningful of smiles. I ran to his side and jumped on the bed, hugging him directly He held me closer, despite the injuries. Eventually, however, I pressed myself too close on his bruised chest that he whimpered. “O-Ouch.” He said and I cursed myself, pushing on my arms on each side of him to straddle him a bit.
“ Shit, sorry. “ I said and he offered me an apologetic smile.
“ I-t’s alright. “ He said before he raised a hand and caressed my cheek. “I am just glad you are alright.” I blushed a bit at that before he showed me his tongue. “Otherwise Jungkook would have killed me.” I gasped and he laughed.
Amused but a bit offended, I punched his shoulder and he grabbed it painfully. “ Screw you, Kim Taehyung. To think I actually was worried about you. “ I scoffed and he stopped laughing to stare at me.
“Jihae, you know I was serious, come on. You know me better than this.” I rolled my eyes as I sat correctly in the small space next to him on the bed. “ You know how crazy I am for you, I would have protected you with my life if I had to.” I was actually touched, despite the playful tone he used to recall his thoughts. That was the actual sweet side of Taehyung that would make anyone -except me- fall in love with him.
However, the reminiscence of the incident pushed him to deepen the discussion. “ What happened exactly? “ He wondered finally, yet painfully, sitting up on the mattress. I helped him the best I could and looked at him. His eyes were sparkly, like usual, yet I could see how useless he felt that he couldn’t actually beat the other stranger. I didn’t want him to feel like that. He protected me the best he could, only he was taken by surprise and, as I stated to myself before, the wolf was inhabited by a strange yet palpable strength.
“ Well.” I started and bite my lips. “ What do you recall of it all, Tae? “ He frowned softly, gazing at the blankets carefully placed and folded over his laps.
“ I only remember finding you and being really happy about it. You tried to trick me in the mountains, didn’t you?” He playfully smirked at me. I returned the action and nodded. “Then I remember a groan. I raised my eyes and there was another wolf.” He paused, examining the room as if it was foreign to him. “ I remember he was really strong. I was beaten up.” His hand raised to his neck where the biggest bandage was placed.
Of course, I feared to see him being too badly injured to recover since the wolf could have either broken his neck or section his main artery. Taehyung was actually pretty lucky through his misfortunes.
“ Then I remember you called me. That distracted him but not enough. I was pushed on a tree then-” He stopped and frowned. The rest was dizzy to him and I couldn’t be more surprised. I placed a hand over his which was placed on his laps. He intertwined our fingers, an act all the more natural for us.
“ You hit your head TaeTae.” He widened his eyes. “ Then you landed on my laps.” He bit his lips.
He squeezed my hand tightly. “ Did he touch you? “ He asked all the more seriously. I was taken aback by the determination in his eyes. I shook my head hesitantly. “ What happened after? “ He dared to ask, not leaving my eyes.
“ The wolf-” I hesitated. “ He never hurt me. He only … starred. “ Taehyung raised an eyebrow. “ He remained like that for a few seconds before Jungkook and the rest arrived. “ Taehyung seemed relaxed to know the others took care of the situation, especially Jungkook.
“ I am glad Jungkook arrived then. He must have taken care of him correctly.” The shadow of a dark smile appeared and I bite my lips. I cursed the fact Taehyung could see so clearly through me. “ What is it Jihae? “ He seemed nervous to ask me.
I sighed and let it go. “ Jungkook wanted to leave him for dead in the woods,” Taehyung smirked, knowing it was the right move Jungkook should have taken after an attack. “ But I begged him to bring him here.” Taehyung’s eyes grew bigger.
“ ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? “ He screamed. Obviously, such violent expression attracted the attention of the people in the house. After a few seconds , we could hear footsteps running our way from the staircase and I shut my eyes, feeling under pressure.
“ Listen to me, Tae,” I begged him and he was disfiguring me while letting me speak. “ Jungkook almost killed him,” I announced and Taehyung gasped.
“That’s what he was supposed to do, Jihae. Listen, Jihae, princess… “He pinched his bruised nose bridge and sighed.
“ Tae, he wanted to leave him for dead in the woods. We are not murderers. “ I almost shout the last part and, inevitably, the door flew open at once and Jimin, along with Hoseok, arrived in the room.
“What’s the matter?” Jimin asked and Taehyung stared at them as well.
“You knew about that motherfucker being in the house?” He screamed, a bit less loudly to our friends. At once, Jimin came closer, until he reached a spot right beside me. He placed a hand on my shoulder, like supporting my words.
“ Taehyung, calm down, it is not good for your health.” Hoseok tried to calm down Taehyung who visibly was starting to be more agitated. I never saw him like this. Taehyung usually was so playful. Hoseok came on the other side of the bed and pinned Taehyung down on the mattress, not to have him moving too much.
“ I don’t freaking care about my health. How can you guys let him come inside? He could have killed Jihae and me and- “
“But he did not. “ Jimin intervened. I was mesmerized how one's attitude could be altered in such situation. usually, Taehyung and Hoseok were the most playful ones, yet now they were awfully serious. As for Jimin, he always had been the biggest flirt, a real second brother to me, but he almost felt like a father at that instant. I was shivering and I ultimately placed my hand above his on my shoulder.
“ Hyungs, what’s all that? “ Taehyung asked as he finally calmed down a little.
Jimin sighed and gazed at Hoseok who sent back the stare. “ Jihae is right. We are not murderers. Jin took care of him and said he was already hurt in the leg.” I didn’t know yet since Hoseok had been helping Jin from time to time and didn’t really spoke to us about the patient’s health but had guessed due to the man’s constant whining during the battle.  Hoseok finally lets go of Taehyung. “ Taking him down while being at his weakest is incredibly low, even for a wolf.” Hoseok continued and I admired him for standing on such values.
Taehyung took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “ Guys, he attacked us. I don't say if he did anything, but he almost killed me. After that, he might have killed her. Keeping him inside result in keeping a bomb ready to explode.” He said, much more trying to convince us than to actually vent out his anger.
I raised from the bed and looked down at Taehyung. “ I think you hurt your head a bit too hard, Tae. The TaeTae I know would never act like that. I know he did wrong but is it too hard to endure his presence for the time we at least help him get better? It’s not like Jungkook actually planned on keeping him in for much longer anyway. “ This time, I was the one busting out my anger.
The guys were not used to see me so upfront with my feelings and they remained quiet. Jimin’s hand withdraw itself from my shoulder and I hatefully stared at Taehyung. “ I thought you had better values than this Tae.” I said, this time almost like a whisper.
With that, I turned on my heels and headed to the door. Taehyung called for me. “ J-Jihae.” He called out and I knew he was feeling bad, just by the tone of his voice. He felt bad. Utterly bad. “ P-Princess?” He called again but I was already out of the door.
I rushed down the stairs and finally reached the living room, wondering to myself why I was taking the side of a perfect stranger so much.
The answer? It was stronger than me.
That evening, the supper went on in silence. Nobody was speaking. The food, usually prepared by Jin, had been replaced by some homemade sandwiches made with love by our dear Hoseok. Not that it was bad or anything but, clearly, it wasn’t the only thing differing from the usual.
The table wasn’t full. After I had that little altercation with Taehyung, Jimin remained by his side, even until that moment. Hoseok brought the supper of the two men upstairs, where Jimin decided he would eat to keep Taehyung company. Not only the two funniest members were missing, but also Jin, who had been out of our sight for god knows how long. He never left the new boy’s side ever since his arrival in the house.
We all understood that his condition was requiring special attention but we were all worried. Not many for the sake of the man, but mostly for Jin’s well-being.  
Nobody was speaking.
Only Jungkook’s dark aura could be felt throughout the room. Sitting at the very corner of the rectangular shaped table, he was looking at us like if he was reigning over us. Sitting at his direct side, was Namjoon and me, both facing each other. Then, next to me, was the usual place of Taehyung, now completely empty. Next to Namjoon, Hoseok was sitting and eating his lunch calmly. I didn’t feel like eating much but decided to honor Hoseok’s efforts and ate half of my sandwich.
At one point, the stare of my brother felt like piercing right through me. “ You should rest. “ He said at once and I raised my head.
“ I am fine,”  I said emotionlessly. Jungkook cocked an eyebrow and I gulped down my last mouthful of food.
“ You haven’t rest ever since this morning and I got told you argued with Taehyung. I really think you should take the evening off.” He insisted. I knew what he meant by that. He hated it when we would fight altogether. Not that he happened that often but, as surprising as it could come, Jungkook wasn’t one to search for trouble. If anything, he’d rather avoid them. Which is why he wanted to kill the guy right away at first.
I stared up at Hoseok, who had to be the little bird who reported the whole thing to my brother since Jimin never left Taehyung’s side. Hoseok felt my eyes on him and lowered his head. “ It’s nothing. We just fell into a small discord but nothing time won’t erase. “ Jungkook hummed, finishing his sandwich.
“ Care to tell us exactly what it was about then? “ I sighed. I poked my cheek from the inside, not sure if it was a good idea to come on the subject tonight. But, hell, if he asked for it…
“ About him.” The silence that followed confirmed my dreads. Jungkook placed both his forearms on the table, waiting for me to continue. “ Taehyung hates to know he is under the same roof. “ Jungkook scoffed and poked his inner cheek also. It was a family pet peeve.
Jungkook met my eyes with his. “ And I bet you did your good samaritan as always? “ I felt shaken by his words. “You know Taehyung, whatever was his arguments, was right? “
I felt the anger burst from the inside once again. I let go of my fork that I used to eat some salad on the side. The noise made when it came in collision with the wood of the table caught everyone’s attention. “ Since when did we become so heartless? This is not only about an attack, it’s about a man, Jungkook. You only see the cover of the book, not the actual content.” He kept my gaze up, also starting to feel an immeasurable anger filling his minds. “ You are ready to throw him to his death without even understanding why he attacked in the first base.” Jungkook stopped breathing and I knew it too well that it wouldn’t be pretty.
Jungkook’s face turned from it’s silky usual white color to a bright and vivid red one. “ He was on my territory. These lands were ours for generations. He had no right to be in it. He signed his death penalty, to me, when he attacked my group. “ Jungkook said in between his teeth. “ I almost lost one of my childhood mate and my own sister. That’s enough proofs to have his head standing on a pick for other’s to see.” I knew it was coming but we couldn’t stop ourselves.
I placed my hands on the table and raised violently. “ I thought father taught you better than this.” I scoffed and Jungkook raised as well to get my wrist hard. I would surely bruise in the morning but at this point, our anger was getting the best of us.
“ And I thought I made it clear that I am the one in charge now. You don’t get to make decisions, don’t you understand? What happened in the forest shall never happen again, am I clear enough? “ Being the diplomat that he was, Namjoon confronted my brother and forced him to let go of my poor wrist.
“Jungkook” He called out for him. My brother harshly lets go of me and my stare to look at our friend. Even though he had a burst out of anger, I knew it was just because he was scared. Jungkook was scared to lose his pact. He surely didn’t allow people to see it, but he was worried as hell.
Namjoon eventually pulled Jungkook back down on his chair. An initiative that I was grateful for. “ She is not totally wrong, you know. “ The tall man continue. If anything, we were all surprised by his words. If it wasn’t already dead silent in the room, we could now hear ourselves breathing. “ Think about it, Jungkook. “ He forced my brother to think deeper. “ He was alone. None of us smelled another wolf in kilometers around. You know what it means. “ His voice was a tiny bit more threatening, but only to make my brother understand.
I frowned. If they all did, I didn’t. “ What does it mean?” I asked and Namjoon pursed his lips. Jungkook only stared hard on the wooden table, dead silent. Namjoon took the lead from there. “ It means it is a lonely wolf. He has no pack.” I gasped.
I didn’t clearly know what it implied, but having a pack for a wolf was important. The only thing I knew was that it kind of resulted in being homeless since a territory usually belonged to a group. “ What does it mean? “ I asked, slowly sitting back down as well.
Namjoon took a deep breath.  “ It means that he has nowhere to go. No matter the reasons why he doesn’t have one, it means he must keep going. If he is caught by an Alpha on its territory, he risks being killed at any moment. “ I gasped and then frowned at the small group.
“ His legs. “ I mumbled. “ I remember his leg was hurt. he whimpered a lot while walking on it back in the forest. Do you think he got that from previous confrontations? “ I asked.
Namjoon was about to answer when he was cut by another voice. “ I really think so.” We all turned our attention to a visibly sweaty and tired Jin coming our way. He smiled at us and sat down. Without saying a word, Hoseok raised and walked to the kitchen to grab another sandwich for his hyung. “ His injuries were never healed and it looks like he got them weeks ago. He has scars all over the abdomen. One or two I suspects of being a few years old.” I gasped in surprise, yet my brother and Namjoon remained calm.
“If that’s really the case, the attack was probably just a defense system. That would explain why he didn’t attack Jihae but jumped on Taehyung. When he saw another wolf, he feared to be chased again and preferred to attack one on one than to face the whole group.” As the explanations came in, I realized why my brother made of Namjoon his second in reign. Namjoon was more than brilliant, he was a real genius.
Jungkook balanced himself back on the two back legs of his chair. “He can be whatever he wants to be, that doesn’t concern me nor any of us.” His tone was harsh and I knew why.
Namjoon sighed and bent forward a little. “ Jungkook.” My brother felt irritated. “ You know what the logic thing to do is.” My brother was breathing harshly and I could see his nostrils going up and down.
He snapped at Namjoon. “ Don’t even think about it, Namjoon. I am not accepting that traitor in my pack.” I gasped and stared at Namjoon as I understood his plan a bit better.
Hoseok finally came with Jin’s sandwich. the oldest thanked him and started to eat as Hoseok sighed and looked at Jungkook. “ You know he is right, Jungkook. Nothing says he is a traitor either. At least admit him for now. I saw the marks on his body when I went to help Jin hyung.” I was holding my breath all the time he was speaking. “It will take him sometimes. You almost killed him when you jumped on him, Jungkook, if you push him outside the house before he makes a full recovery, you better as well never had him in, to begin with.”
I couldn’t agree more with my dear Hoseok and I smiled faintly while nodding at him. Jungkook was on the edge of flipping the table over. “ What if he is a deserter? Hmm? A murderer?  There is just too many risks.”
Through Jungkook’s dark smirk, I shivered. Namjoon raised from the table and announced at once; “ In any case, we are 6. He is 1.” A  point that I couldn’t agree more on.
Jungkook then raised as well, ambling dangerously close to Namjoon, before speaking to him, face inches away from a treat. “ If he does the slightest little thing to hurt anybody in this group, I will make sure his corpse will be food for birds.” A faint smile draws itself on my face and Jungkook made a few steps to the door leading to the outside.
Namjoon wanted to catch up to him and thank him but Jin was faster at that. “ Don’t worry, we’ll make sure it doesn’t happen.”
I was proud to see that, despite it all, some of my oppas still had some common sense.
“ Jin,” I called out when he came out of the guest room later that night. He was holding a dirty bowl of water in his hands and seemed pretty surprised to see that I was still awake at this hour.
“Jihae? What are you doing? It’s already 2 am. “ I smiled at him and walked close enough to take the bowl of water he was holding. He frowned and let me do it softly.
“I couldn’t sleep. “ I explained and looked at the bowl of water. “ Is he that dirty? “ I tried to joke but Jin seemed too tired to be open to jokes.
“ He is burning up. Looks like his body is finally looking to heal itself but he is sweating a lot and I kept him under infusions for as long as home medicine can go.” I nodded. Jin was good. As we were a pack, we couldn’t actually send any of the boys at the hospital. That was why each generation had to have at least one doctor or health specialist. Taking the steps of his father as well, Jin had made sure he would be the most skillful doctor possible.
“ Is he still unconscious?” Jin licked his dry lips and nodded. “ Go rest. “ I said then. “ I can watch over him for the night. There won’t be any risk if he is still asleep.” I tried to make my voice seem carefully sweet and warm but Jin shook his head in negation.
“ If Jungkook learns that I let you alone with him, he will throw him by the window. Let’s not push our luck too far. “ I knew it was a fact but I wanted to help him. It was my idea to bring him here and I felt responsible.  “ Anyway, Namjoon is supposed to take over for the night. Go back to sleep, darling. “ He patted my shoulder but I stood here.
I took a deep breath, showing I was about to make a huge speak. “ I want to help. Being only wetting his forehead to help the fever, I want to do something. I got it, you are the doctor, Jin, but I sure can be of some help, right? “ Jin pursed his lips, a faint smile on his features as he playfully pinched my chin.
“You really are some kind of good Samaritan, aren’t you?” I proudly smiled and he finally sighed and closed his eyes. “ I guess you can go change the water and sponge his forehead until Namjoon arrives. He is out searching for Jungkook. He shouldn’t be really long.” I hummed with satisfaction, showing him the sweetest of smiles.
“ Thank you, Jin oppa. “ I never really used the ‘oppa’ term before but this time I felt like it was adequate.
I jumped on my heels and headed for the bathroom near the guest room. I changed the water silently while searching for a new towel to humect the stranger with. Once the bowl filled with fresh water, I hummed in satisfaction again and headed back to the room. Jin was now out of sight and, most likely, off to bed.
I held my breath as I dreaded the moment I shall open the door. I realised I had never seen the stranger in his human form and I wondered how he would be. Would he be much older? Much younger? Would he be big or small? I had no idea.
To clear out my thoughts and doubts, I pushed on the half open door and was welcomed with the darkness of the room. I could barely see where my feets were going. I closed the door softly with my feet before heading to the bed and the chair placed next to it.
I saw the reflection of the moon hitting the metal of the pole Jin used to keep the bags of fluids attached to the man. I placed the bowl of water on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed, reminding me of my time with Taehyung a bit earlier. I didn’t spare much attention on the man yet but grabbed the towel before dunking it into the cold water.
I twisted the towel, just to get out the excess water and then put all my attention on the man. Only then, my breath was cut short.
I was facing a young man, probably in his mid-twenties, with soft and handsome features. Hell, I didn’t expect him to be so cold looking fabulous. I gulped and gently raised my other hand to swept away his bang. I carefully touched his wet hair out of the way. I got where his silver fur was coming from now that I saw the moon reflect on the silver strings of hair. It was like blond meets grey color and I found it suited him very well.
I then took the time to analyse his closed eyes, his little nose, and dry lips. He had soft features, added to an almost too milky skin. He was sweating like crazy, still deep into a stage near to coma. I gasped when I realised he must have been burning like hell. I took the twisted piece of cloth and gently tapped on his forehead to take away the excess of heat.
He seemed to have suffered a great time. His face was covered with bruised and, a bit similarly to Taehyung, he had a bandage on the neck, where Jungkook attacked him. I felt bad for him. I wanted to know more about who he was, where he came from…
He didn’t bulge when I drenched his face with cold water and I sighed. I feared he would remain in that stage for too long. He seemed too weak to wake up in any case. Not only was he bruised from head to toe, but he was swollen considerably and really skinny. His arm was coming out of the blanket and I could see that he must not have eaten correctly for days, if not weeks. The mama bear in me came out and I swore to myself that I would get him back in shape.
I turned to drench the towel once more. “ How can a man like him be alone like that? “I wondered, questioning how he happened to be what Namjoon called a ‘ lonely wolf’. When I twisted the towel, the excess water came out once more and I turned to the man to humect him correctly, only this time, I wasn’t welcomed by the same closed eyes. They were clearly open.
I first was taken away by the fact he was indeed awake. It was in the fact a good thing, but I couldn’t forget that I was now alone with a man who attacked us. I didn’t know what he would do but I could only hope for the best.
Hopefully, Namjoon would make it in time.
“ Y-You are awake?” I asked the stupidest of questions and the man only stared at me with the same dark orbs that pierced through me in the forest. He didn’t say a word and I realised how cold his face looked when he was only looking at me without saying a thing. I cleared my throat at once and got on my feet.
“ My name is Jihae.”  I presented myself, offering my hand for him to shake, as it was our formal introduction. I waited for him to say his name or something, being even just a noise, but he didn’t. He could only gaze at me. I offered a shy smile. “ Not much of a talker, I see?” He followed my eyes when I looked down on the mattress.
For once in my lifetime, I didn’t know what to say. What was there to say anyway? He had been pretty injured and he figured out just how bad of a state he was in when he tried to sit up. He groaned in pain and I widened my eyes. “ D-Don’t. “ I said, immediately, pulling on his milky arm to keep him still on the bed. “ Jungkook didn’t mess around with you and Jin said you were previously injured. You need to rest.” My voice was filled with good intention but the stranger turned his head to the window, eyeing the moon raised up in the sky. I followed his gaze, wondering why the moon was much of a show for him. But when I came back, I noticed he was looking only at me again. What was it with him that he needed to look at me that much?
“ You must be confused, aren’t you?” Once again, the silence. “ You are in our house now. You are safe. We won’t hurt you but you must promise not to run away, okay? I heard my friends say you wouldn’t make it outside.” The first thing he ever said -if I could count that as a way of speaking- was that he scoffed. He visibly was against my last sentence. “ Please, just stay still.” I implored him sweetly and he eyed me deeply. I was paralyzed in that position and so was he.
Up until the door burst open, none of us could move. When it did, both shared the same reaction and looked at the door. Namjoon wasn’t ready to see the stranger awake and panicked at first. “ Jihae, come behind me.” I gasped and wanted to repost but Namjoon walked up to me and pulled my wrist to hide me behind him.
Defying the pain, the strange sat up immediately, as if the air had been drained from his lungs the moment Namjoon pulled me away. I couldn’t help but look at him over my friend’s shoulder. Namjoon looked doubtful of the man’s intention now that he saw how fast he was even in great pain. “Namjoon.” I placed a hand on his shoulder, act that the stranger oddly followed. Was he staring at every one of my actions or what? “ He seems okay. He didn’t hurt me. “ Namjoon relaxed and looked over his shoulder to have a glimpse of my face.
“ You better go now. I’ll take care of him. “ I knew that what Namjoon says equals to the words of my brother; we can not go against it. Head down low, I turned to the door, taking one last glimpse as Namjoon ambled to the pained man.
One last glimpse was allowed to each other, both with our mouths ajar, as I disappeared from his view and him from mine.
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clevernewdimension · 7 years
Exhaulted Part Eighteen
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Parts: Prologue, One, Two, Three (M), Four, Five, Six (M), Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen (Coming Soon!)
Genre: Drama, Romance, Violence, etc.
Pairing: SehunxReaderxMinseok
Word Count: 5.2K
A/N: Sorry if this seems disjointed. Trying my best. Now? NAP TIME~!
The next few days flew by in the blink of an eye. Jiyeong was shocked to hear my decision but supported it since he knew it was coming from a good place. Apprehensively, though. Thankfully, since I was just going to be an acting princess, the duties required of me are very limited. Just be there for balls and dinners. Meetings are a no go since, apparently, ‘princesses aren’t fit to be in them’. I was assured by Junmyeon that it was just me, not all women. There are plenty of women in the meetings, just never female royalty. Which, he agreed with me, was still fairly fucked up. What I learned from Junmyeon was that Princes are given duties to perform and things to look over. Princesses are just candy to look at and things to trade. Needless to say, it made me very, VERY, angry that for the foreseeable future I was going to be some sort of doll on display.
I’m allowed to live in my old apartment, but the security has been boosted for the building. Now you need a password to even open the doors, and if you don’t live there someone who knows you have to buzz you in. Thankfully, since the landlady has been skyrocketing the rent, only three people lived in the building now. One was Mrs. Riss and her two dogs, the other is a couple. I don’t know their names, but they’ve always been very kind to me. I won’t have to worry about them letting people in who shouldn’t be there. Not to mention the password to use the elevator and passwords for the stairwell, too. This change didn’t bother me as much because I know Daejung has some friends that are shady. I managed to talk my father out of a 24/7 bodyguard, thankfully. However, I am having to take self-defense courses, that requirement was suggested by Sehun in the super brief moment I saw once him four days ago.
Junmyeon spends days with me, teaching me manners and how to bow properly. All the etiquette one needed. I was good at it, apparently, but he always said that I did have to focus on when to speak and when to remain silent. I don’t blame him, anyone who knows me knows I have a fucking mouth and I don’t really back down. Junmyeon shrugs, in the middle of the lesson on how to sit properly. Yes, sit. “You have a mouth on you, Y/N. Royalty from other countries can and will use just the smallest insult to start an international affair. Some are just drooling for the slightest chance to go to war with us.”
“That’s fucked up,” I mutter, taking a sip of my tea. I was uncomfortable, my back straight and my legs crossed at the ankles. Junmyeon just sighed at my choice of words before tapping on one my shoulders back into place.
Every day for the past five days I had lessons like this. He was very patient with me and helped me learn how to act. “Being royalty is just an act”, he told me, “an act you have to perfect.”
All we’ve covered so far was just walking, sitting and standing and I was already tired of it. I wanted to lean back in my chair and quit sitting like I have a stick up my ass. Next week we have to go through the proper way to eat and drink since there’s going to be some sort of dinner to celebrate this announcement. The Dukes and Duchesses from Exdria will be there, ready to judge my every movement. Jihae was certainly getting her wish of making my life hell.
The self-defense lessons were given to me by Kyungsoo, which makes sense. He is, after all, the son of the general of the military. He’s been trained how to fight in every way since he was small. Kyungsoo knows what he’s doing and takes it very seriously. After my first lesson, that was very evident. Apparently, these are not a ‘this is what you do when someone gets you into a hold’ kind of lessons. Sure, I learned those too, but he taught me some basic punches and kicks. He’s thankfully very patient with me. I’ve never hit someone. Not like, really hit them. So, our first lesson, he taught me how to make a fist and instructed me to punch him in the face. Two and a half hours later, my fist met his face. It bruised, but he told me it was overall really weak.
From then on, we worked on how to get out of grabs and holds. The first time he grabbed me in real time and not slowly pretending, my mind flooded with memories of Daejung. My previous natural instinct kicked in and I just… went limp. I didn’t fight him, I let Kyungsoo sling me around. He was expecting me to put up some sort of a fight, so there was some force. After, when I finally realized what happened, he apologized over and over. It is a hard habit to break. I’d freeze and just stand there, or, now, hesitate slightly before I do what I need in order to break his grasp. It was progress. Tiny and slow, but still there.
I was exhausted. After the fifth etiquette and self-defense duo lessons, I had my tattoo appointment and added the sunflower for Lina. It was more painful than I remember, but the result was stunning. It itched, but after five days, it will be mostly normal. Now, a whole week into these lessons, the news broke out and now I was officially Song Y/N, Acting Princess of Exdria. The first time I stepped foot out of the palace, I was swarmed by people holding microphones and cameras to my face, asking for answers for why I was hidden so long. Thankfully, my father was there and answered the questions. Some lies are thrown into the mix, but overall, it was very positive. I was nervous as I went to my place. My face is all over social media, the news talking about me, and my face all over magazines and newspapers. I was the hot topic of every daytime television show. Already it was all overwhelming.
But I have to do this. This isn’t for me. It’s for the good of the country.
After another long day of lessons with Junmyeon and Kyungsoo, meeting with my father and receiving gifts of congratulations from royals of other countries, I was finally about two feet from my apartment. My hands filled with bags of overpriced gifts that I’ll never use, I was content to know that I was now allowed to just resume my life as close to normal as possible. I check my mail, seeing the results of my previous year in school. All A’s, top 1% of the country. Somehow that part felt just… hollow. My final painting graded, and out of 250 points, it was 244. 97 percent. I was thrilled, and my professor chose it to feature in a gallery. I can’t wait to see it hanging in all its glory. People also go there to bid on students work too, which is awesome, not that I have to worry about money for a while.
I unlocked my door, walking in and setting the bags next to the door. There’s nothing perishable in them, it can wait. I turn, looking towards the living room. My eyes widen at what I see.
Sehun was on the bean bag, waving at me with a blushing, embarrassed face. Minseok was standing, turned to me once I walked in. My heart was frozen glancing at them. Minseok looks tired, bags under his eyes. His suit jacket was on the couch, his tie loose and his sleeves rolled up. A few folders were beside his jacket along with his glasses. Sehun was the opposite. He was dressed in pajamas pants, a sleeveless tee. His hoodie was beside Minseok’s on the couch and his shoes and socks by the door. Where Minseok’s hair was neat and perfectly placed, Sehun’s looked like bedhead from hell.
My mood from finding out about my painting fell immediately. My heart was hurting, knowing what was about to happen. I didn’t want to hear the rejection, never mind hearing it twice back to back.
“We owe you an explanation,” Minseok says, nodding. He looked nervous as he started to fidget a bit. “Um…”
Sehun stands, now being the calm one. “Minseok and I have been in a weird ‘on and off’ thing for two years. Mostly off when he’s SUPER busy or back down in the South. No one knows about it. We kept it to ourselves. It was our secret thing just for us.”
My throat felt tight as I remained silent for a few seconds until it was clear to me they were waiting for me to reply. I nod, “Oh… well, I’m happy for you both. I-I just want you both to be h-happy.”
“We were going to tell you,” Minseok says, running a hand through his hair, finally messing it up. “We just… we don’t know how to explain it, really.”
“We love each other,” Sehun says, not nervous at all.
The way Sehun said it so nonchalantly broke my heart like he wasn’t even considering my feelings. I nod, “Alright, well… um. Thank you for telling me.” I turn towards my room, walking quickly as my eyes started to fill with tears. I am happy for them, truly. I want them to be happy because they’re two amazing and lovely people. I’m just sad my heart had to be stupid.
“Y/N, wait-” Minseok says as I shut the door behind me, locking it.
“I understand and I’m happy for you. Really, I just need some time to myself, ok?” I explain as the silent tears finally fell.
“You didn’t let us finish,” Sehun mutters as his voice is now next to the door. The knob rattles a bit. “Come on, please face us!”
“No, it’s fine, I understand really,” I say, just standing by the door. “I hope you and Minseok are happy. I want you both to just… be fine.”
Minseok sighs, “But-”
“Please,” I say, “This is hard enough as it is. Princess lessons, being the newest hot topic and plastered all over the news, the whole trial with Daejung… I don’t need to add heartbreak to the list, ok? Rejection hurts so if we could just get this over with that would be ideal.”
“I love you too,” Sehun says, his voice loud as if he couldn’t take it anymore. “I love Minseok, but I love you too. Minseok loves me, but he loves you too!” The handle rattles again before he sighs. “Minseok is fine, but I didn’t want to say anything to you. I mean, doesn’t it sound stupid?” It was quiet for a moment before his voice softly says, “I felt like an idiot. I love Minseok for so long that falling for you felt like I was betraying him. I thought I was a broken idiot. Who the fuck falls for two people? All the love stories are about two people who love each other and then happily ever whatever bullshit. I was scared to tell Minseok. When I did, I didn’t expect him to be so understanding. He told me that it’s ok to love more than one person.” Sehun said, his voice becoming more and softer at his speech went on. “It’s uncommon, sure, but it does exist. And it’s weird, I know, but… all I know is I love the both of you.”
“And you’re not broken either, Y/N,” Minseok’s voice says through the door. “I know you love the two of us too. But we aren’t here to make you decide. We’re not standing here saying now or never. We just don’t want your heart broken. We never wanted that. Sehunnie told me when he finally realized you saw us, why you looked just so defeated.” Minseok says through the door, his voice softer than before. “I can’t imagine how you must have felt, seeing what happened in the courtroom, standing up to Daejung because of me… only to see us do that.”
“We didn’t want you to felt like we were leading you on or anything,” Sehun voice rings out. “We just… Seeing him hurt like that for just wanting to help people? It hurt so badly. But in the process of helping Minnie, I hurt you. I can’t tell you how fucking awful I feel about that.”
It was silent for a moment as I was leaning against my door, listening to the two of them, my mind swimming. It was like the conversation I had with Chanyeol and Baekhyun, about loving more than one person. They thought it was fine too. Is it fine?
“We’re not here to make you choose or anything,” Minseok says, “We just wanted to explain and say that… it’s ok, Y/N. We don’t care if you love both of us, one of us or even neither of us. We’re just glad you’re safe and want to make sure you know you can still trust us.”
I turn, unlocking the door. Opening it slowly, I see the two men taking a small step back. It was kind of funny, seeing them side by side. Minseok was smaller than Sehun, and yet still fairly taller than I am.
“Oh Y/N,” Minseok says as he sees my face, reaching over and wiping the tears.
“It’s just… God, I’m so fucking stressed,” I mutter. “Between princess lessons, self-defense shit, now having the eyes of a whole country on me… I just thought you both were here just to explain and I just… didn’t want to deal with it all right now.”
“I can’t imagine how stressed you are,” Minseok says as he pats my shoulder.
I scoff, wiping my eyes as I brush past them to get a paper towel. “Yes you can,” I mutter, “You’re THE Royal Lawyer now. You’re probably up to your eyes in paperwork and court shit. Nevermind the fact that people are hounding you for going after their friends.”
“To be fair,” Sehun says, walking over and leaning on the bar, “You being now an A.P. has drawn all the attention away from him. He’s old news. Everyone wants to know about you and who you are. From where you shop down to what brand of shampoo you use.”
“Ew,” I say, making both of the men in front of me laugh. I wipe my face before I blow my nose, disposing of it quickly. “I literally just get whatever’s cheapest…”
“What’s all the gifts,” Minseok asks, distracting from the still a bit uncomfortable topic.
“Foreign dignitaries and royals sending their congratulations and regards,” Sehun says, rolling his eyes. “They assume you’re like them. There are probably hundreds of thousands of dollars in jewelry and clothes sitting there that she’ll likely never want to wear but will have to wear other wise they’ll take it as an insult.”
“So fucking dumb,” I mutter. “There’s a necklace with an amethyst so large I could kill something with it.”
“Purple is a royal color.” Minseok smiled, “Well, Junmyeon did say that one of the Princesses from Rivorha seemed to have nailed your style spot on.”
I nod, “Apparently her country is known for its chocolate! Yum!”
Sehun just smiled, “Princess Selinya. Unlike others, she actually tried for something that people will actually like and use. For my birthday this year, she sent me a blanket that literally feels like a cloud.”
Minseok gives him a curious look, “Wasn’t that who Song tried to marry you off to?” He takes a few steps to the bags, searching for them.
“Really,” I ask, looking at him shocked before I turn to get something to drink from the fridge. The bottle of water cold in my hand as I turned to face them again.
Sehun nods, a smile on his face, “She and I are friends. When we have to visit we spent time together, so he thought it was a perfect match. What Song and her father don't know is that she has a secret lover. The people of her country are not open, so she has to hide her girlfriend.”
I frown, “That’s sad.”
“It is. Shame, really. Rivorha is beautiful, and their justice system is one I’d love to implement here.” Minseok was looking, before holding up a bottle, reading the label. “Damn, champagne. Great brand too!”
“Keep it,” I mutter, “After my first encounter with alcohol, I’m fine with never drinking it again. Ever.”
Minseok doesn’t need to be told twice, picking up the bag that contained three bottles of it. “If the person who sent it asks, tell them you had a get together of friends and drank it there. If you tell them you gave it away they’ll take offense.”
“Stupid Royals and their big fucking egos,” I mutter.
“Some of us have a reason for having big egos,” Sehun says with a smile.
“Arrogance isn’t a good look on you, Hun,” Minseok mutters, his voice playful.
I roll my eyes, “Well, how about you and your ego scram. I’m sore from the self-defense class and planning on spending a long time in the tub.”
“I’ve had Kyungsoo throw me around too, it isn’t pleasant.” Minseok smiles, “Um. We know you’re stressed right now, so don’t worry about us and relationship anything for now, ok? I know I speak for the both of us when we say we just want you to focus on what you need to. Think things through, ok?”
“Put what you need for once, will you,” Sehun says, crossing his arms. “It’s hard to see you like this. Let loose once in awhile, whatever way you can.” The smile on his face turned to a smirk as he practically sings his next words. “I know Jongin or even Junmyeon wouldn’t mind helping in that regard!”
“How did you-”
“Jongin is my best friend, Y/N,” Sehun says with a smile, “You left one nice hickey right on the side of his neck for everyone to see! Just asked and he’ll eventually spill. And don’t get me started on Jun! I just had to mention how pretty you are and his face gets so red that just one little prod and he’s spilling his secrets!”
I roll my eyes, “Shut it, will you!”
Minseok laughs, shaking his head, “Rest well, ok?” He wraps me in his embrace, being careful not to hug me too tightly. I nodded, hugging him back. It felt warm and comforting as it usually does. He gave me a small kiss on my forehead before he’s opening the front door. What was weird was he left, closing the door after him. Sehun stood for a moment before finally looking me in the eyes.
“Minseok has to go after the judges first. So, unfortunately, Daejung is out on bail. There’s a restraining order, so he can’t legally get close to you, but you know how that goes. Minseok thought it would be best if I told you,” He says, looking angry. “He feels guilty, and it’s eating at him. I wish he could go after him first. I don’t want him harassing you.”
I nod, biting my lip, “Thank you, for telling me.”
He nods, “If anything happens here and you don’t feel safe, you’re welcome to come back to my place. To have your own room again and not… you know. I don’t want to force you to... I just want to make sure you’re safe is all.”
I smile, seeing how awkward he felt as I watched his blushing cheeks turn a deeper shade of red. “Thank you, Sehun. If I feel uneasy, I’ll make sure to tell you, ok?”
He glanced up, looking at me before looking away, one hand scratching his head. His voice was low as he mumbled,  “How in the hell do the others do this?”
“Do what,” I ask, smirking.
His face got even redder, “You know. Talk to someone when they’re in… when they have some sort of feelings for them. Now you know and it just makes me more nervous than it did before.”
I giggle a bit, “Did you do this with Minseok too?”
“Yes,” He blurts out quickly. He runs a hand through his hair nervously. “For like… six goddamn months! It was humiliating, even after we slept together I was still a stuttering mess!”
I laugh, before leaning forward and hugging him. “You have nothing to be worried about, I assure you. Hell, you probably know me better than anyone by now.”
He hugged me, wrapping his tall frame around me and enveloping me easily. I rest my head on his chest, hearing his heart beating quickly. He was nervous, I couldn’t help but notice. All of our hugs before have come from talking about some awful shit or when we’re freaking out. A hug just for the sake of it felt like a very welcomed change of pace. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and I wrap mine around his thin waist. Minseok’s hug was quick, but I could tell Sehun just wanted to savor the moment. He sighed before pulling away, looking down into my eyes. His brown eyes staring into my green ones. “Fuck it,” He mutters, before placing his hands on either side of my face. They were warm as he held me there softly. He just smiled as he leaned down, his lips meeting mine softly.
The kiss was soft and just as quick as it started it was done. I looked at him, to see him smiling down. “I just… I wanted to know what it was like,” He mutters, “Goodbye. Lock your door!” His face once again becoming red as he quickly presses his lips to my forehead. He practically bolted for the exit, looking so nervous. He was gone before I could even process what just happened, much less tell him goodbye.
“There are so many goddamn glasses, what the absolute fuck,” I mutter, trying to lean forward only for the scarf keeping my head back stopping me. I groan, pouting and crossing my arms.
Junmyeon and my father sat at the same table, both eating lunch. Junmyeon sighs, trying to hide the smile from my words. My father was a bit less pleased.
“You signed up for this,” He says, eating a bite of his steak.
“Well, I didn’t know that royalty apparently can’t just have one damn fork,” I mutter, reaching over for my water glass. It was just out of my reach since my waist was also tied to the chair in order to stop me slouching.
Junmyeon reached over, pushing the glass forward in order for me to reach it. He finished his meal quickly, waiting. I barely ate any of mine as I struggled. This is one of the few things I’m still having trouble with.
“Thank you,” I say, taking a sip.
“I’ll make sure to tell the staff to place your glasses a bit forward,” He says, smiling. Junmyeon turns to Jiyeong, “I hear Minseok has already had a few people convicted already. Are they going to prison?”
“Treason is punished with death,” He says, finishing off his last bite of food. He takes the napkin, wiping as he finished his meal. “Seems to me there are going to be some mass executions.”
“He’ll have to be there for all of them,” Junmyeon says, “You will too, I take it? How many so far?”
“I will,” He says, taking a sip of his red wine. “Minseok works fast, he’s already proven the involvement of over eighty people, and that was yesterday. Today he’s probably over a hundred by now.”
The door to the side opens, revealing Kyungsoo and Jongin. They bowed respectfully to Jiyeong. They waited in the door until Junmyeon nodded, giving them permission to walk in.
Kyungsoo looks at me, tied to the chair. He gives me a weird look before looking at Junmyeon. “She’s late,” He says, glancing at me as I cut off a piece of my steak and eating it. I didn’t really care for steak, but with all the self-defense lessons late I’ve been eating more.
“Table manners seem to be a weak spot,” Junmyeon says as my father stood up.
“I have some business to attend to. I’ll see you later, your highness,” Jiyeong says to Junmyeon. He pats my shoulder as he went by, “You only need to learn this for the dinner soon. After you can go back to eating pizza and cheeseburgers.”
I smirked, “And they’ll be the best damn ones ever after all this!”
My father tried to keep the smile off his face. It was small, but it was there. He’s still a fairly closed off and cold person, but he’s opening up bit by bit.
Kyungsoo sat at one of the empty chairs as Jongin looked at me, ruffling my hair. “You looked like a child trying to learn all of this!”
“Don’t make me stab you with my salad fork,” I mutter, holding it over to him in a threatening manner. If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t joke like this, but after getting my ass handed to me daily, I knew even if I actually tried he could handle it.
Junmyeon shakes his head, snatching the fork from me, “That’s the dessert fork, Y/N. It's supposed to be over here.”
“I don’t even have dessert so what’s the fucking point,” I whine, putting another piece of food in my mouth.
“Small pieces, Y/N. Small, bite sized pieces,” Junmyeon scolds, “The dinner is in three days.”
“I promise you I’ll be the perfect picture of royalty then, but now I’m hungry,” I mutter, stabbing the steak in the middle and just holding the half that was still there to my face with the fork. I take a huge bite, eating it quickly.
“Eager to be thrown around again,” Kyungsoo asks, smiling.
“Fuck,” I mutter, causing everyone to burst out laughing. The rest of the day was quick. Kyungsoo easily countering everything I could throw at him and helping me learn how to get out of an attacker’s grasp. From holding my wrists to grabbing my hair, any possible way an attacker could try to keep you in their space Kyungsoo taught me to defend.
It was exhausting, and after Kyungsoo left, I went home and showered quickly. I made sure to wear some of the gifts today as paparazzi took some photos of me. Thankfully there are laws to stop them from getting directly in your face, so it was as peaceful as one could expect.
What I didn’t expect was to hear my door open. I had just gotten in pajamas when I saw Lina there, her eyes red as she looked at me. She looked angry, but not at me.
“My mom,” she says, “She… she’s one of the people who are corrupt! She was brought to court. Only a few people there, some lawyers, Sehun, and security. Minseok he told us those charges. But then others like drug distribution and manufacturing, blackmail and bribery and… and even rape, abuse of minors, both sexual and non-sexual!”
Tears of anger streamed down her face, “I just… I was confused. Who did she rape and sexually abuse? She’s hit me a few times, but she never did anything like that. My father told me he told Minseok about it, so that’s how he knew. Then my mom… she turned, looking around. She saw Sehun and just said the most disgusting things about him. Minseok asked him if she… if that was the woman who abused and raped her and he said yes and… oh god, Y/N! It was my mother! The one who hurt him was my mother! Sehun’s going to hate me-”
“No, he won’t,” I say, taking her hands and pulling her into a hug. “No, he won’t. That’s not you. He knows you’re not like her, ok? He knows that I swear! He was worried you’d hate him when you found out!”
She wipes her eyes, shaking her head. “How can I? Besides you, he’s my best friend…”
I held her as she cried, rubbing her back softly. Seeing strong, independent Lina like that was hard to take. She’s alway so put together, that seeing her break down like this was hard.
It didn’t last as her phone chimed. She glanced at it, wiping her eyes, “It’s my dad. I should go to help him.” She looked up, hugging me again. “You… you need to go to Sehun. I know things between you two have been rocky, but he was a mess when I left-”
“Where,” I ask, as I stand with her, going and getting my phone and keys. I didn’t even have to think about if I was going or not. Hearing that he was upset and hurt was enough for me to leave whatever I’m doing and go.
“Minseok’s,” She says, “He said he’d help him.” She hugged me once more, “Thank you. I’m going there after I and Dad have some time, ok?”
I nod, “Ok. Drive safe. Do you need me to drive you?”
She shakes her head, “I’ll take a taxi.”
I hug her tightly, “I’m so sorry, Lin. I wish I could make the pain go away.”
She just hugs me, “I love you, Y/N. You’re the sister I wish I had.” She just laughs, “I’ll just say you mom is my mom for now on. You always tell me she would have liked me, after all.”
“She would have fucking adored you,” I saw with a smile as I slip on shoes quickly.
My drive was quick. My heart hurt as I drove as quick as I could, cursing when I hit a red light. Finally, after what felt like a century, I pulled into the driveway. I ran to the door, losing one of my slippers in the process. I just kept going, my hand hitting the door over and over.
Minseok opened it, his eyes red and tears in his eyes. He opens it wider as he wipes his face again, trying to look strong. “He… he’s in my bedroom but he won’t talk about it and just tells me I wouldn’t understand. He’s just… I can’t help him, he won’t tell me. I just want to help him but I can’t.”
“It’ll be ok, Minseok,” I say as he leads me to his bedroom, his hand in mine. It was shaking as we walked quickly. “Sometimes you just can’t talk about it unless they know what it’s like.”
“I just want him to know that all that she said isn’t true and that I love him for who he is,” Minseok says as we stop in front of his door. He gives my hand a gentle squeeze, “I’m going to go make sure the case against her is foolproof. I can’t help him here, but I can help there. I just need to do something.”
I hugged him, “Sh, it’s ok. You do what you’re best at, ok? You make sure she’ll never go free again, got it?”
He nods, giving me the signature kiss on the forehead. He walked back down the hall before leaving my view. I spent a few moments to ready myself. No matter what, I have to be there for him and tell him it’s ok. Sehun needs to know what whatever she said is wrong and that people love for him.
I take a deep breath and open the door.
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hi, mo! i love the list of prompts you put together for your drabble game! if it hasn't been requested yet, can i please have jaebum + #47? thank you
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“Meet me on the roof in ten minutes.” // 047 out of 050Im Jaebum (GOT7)*my apologies, this may have gotten lengthy lol
Your magic is off.You have no explanation as to why, you just feel it.
But you were growing more and more nervous as the nights went on, the sky thundering on the horizon as the clouds rested over the city.
The weather had been going crazy these past few weeks, sudden rain or snow, even though it was the middle of spring. Cherry blossoms weren’t blooming and oak trees were still bare. The ocean’s water was still too cold and leaves weren’t changing colors.
You slam your fists against the railing of your balcony, only slightly concerned about the neighbors maybe waking up. With your magic on the fritz, everything around you was being affected.
Not to mention you were more exhausted than usual, dark circles under your eyes and your body weak as it leaned against the cool metal. You let out an exasperated sigh, eyes falling shut as another thunder clap sounded towards the mountains.
If this kept up, you were unsure of what was going to happen next.
When a voice sounds in your head, your shoulders tense even though your eyes remained closed.
“Meet me on the roof in ten minutes.”
The voice was deep and had an air of amusement to it, something you’ve grown to love over the years. You didn’t bother with the ten minutes, you were never good with orders, so you bound up the staircase and throw open the door to your building’s roof.
“I said ten minutes. Eighty years and you still can’t follow simple instructions.”
You grin at Im Jaebum as he turns to you, mask covering half of his face as he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his favorite black leather jacket. You walk towards him, legs wobbly, as raindrops start to fall. Surprise is evident on his face, eyes shooting upwards as water descends.
In a matter of seconds, his eyes start to glow, the emerald green color intensifying as his magic moves through him and then outwards. The rain keeps pouring but he’s created a sort of dome around you both, untouched by the change in weather. You wince when his eyes meet yours, questions no doubt scurrying through his mind.
“You wanna explain why it’s March and it’s raining?”
You shrug, toying with your hair, “Spring showers?”
“Yah. Spring showers don’t usually come with flood warnings. What’s going on? I leave for a month to see Jackson in Macau and suddenly this? Mark hyung called and said I should maybe come home and check on you.”
Silently, you curse Mark for ratting you out, words caught on your tongue as you try and form sentences. You stare at him and he just waits patiently, eyes burning holes into your already flushed skin.
“My magic Jae. I don’t know. It’s been weird lately. Simple things like spells sure, I can cast no problem. But the bigger the use of magic, the more weak my body feels. I can’t even mutter a strong incantation without getting dizzy and an immediate hail storm in Busan.”
His brows furrow together and you know that under his mask, his lips are set into a thin line. “Why didn’t you call me?”
You snort, arms crossing over your chest, “Im Jaebum. I’m one the most powerful enchantresses anyone has ever seen in the last three centuries. One that doesn’t need to go crying to her almighty warlock of a boyfriend. I thought it was nothing. I didn’t see a need to make you rush all the way back here, especially since you haven’t seen Jackson since he moved away. But now that you are back, and now that you see my problem, just help me fix it.”
The last bit came out in a sort of whine and you begrudgingly noted how an amused look passed his face.
“Well, since you asked nicely.”“Don’t be an ass. A solution please.”“I’m sure Jinyoung has one. And I’m sure, once we visit, he’ll be irritated you didn’t come to him right away. He’s busy training Yugyeom to better control his magic but you know he’d drop it all to come help you.”“I didn’t want to be a burden.”
He grabs your hand, fingers warm against your ice cold digits. You can feel how worried he is, especially now that’s he’s gotten a better look at you. Magic or not, you could always read Im Jaebum.
“You’re never a burden love. Now come on, hold tight.”
You quickly nod, letting him support your weight as his arms wrap around you. You could feel his magic, feel it moving through him like slow waves as it started to wash over you. Your skin prickles as the magic strengthens and you don’t need to look up to know Jaebum’s eyes are glowing, like they do everytime he taps into his abilities. It was like a well, stored up and waiting until it’s needed. His chest expands as he channels the magic outward and before you know it, you’re in front of Jinyoung’s small home in the countryside.
Teleportation was so convenient.
Slowly, you let go, careful to not get too dizzy. With your body feeling weaker than usual, you didn’t want anyone unnecessarily worrying from your ‘I worry about absolutely everything’ boyfriend.
You’re lifted into the air, Yugyeom’s strong arms strong but gentle enough not to crush you. You let out a soft laugh, running your fingers through the maknae’s hair in hello. Jinyoung comes out then, glasses perched on his nose, eyes scanning the pages of his immensely thick and heavy grimoire.
“Kim Yugyeom. Until you’ve mastered your basic spells and incantations, don’t go running…oh. Annyeong noona. Hyung. What brings you by?”
Jaebum wordlessly makes eye contact with Jinyoung and you know they’re speaking without actually opening their mouths. Telepathy took years to master, it was actually one of the harder abilities, but both Jaebum and Jinyoung had been reading each other’s thoughts since they were children.
You watch Jinyoung’s eyes widen just a fraction, darting to you and then back to his book. He turns back towards the house, throwing a ‘come in’ over his shoulder. Yugyeom follows, muttering something about telepathy not being fair, and Jaebum goes in after you.
“So you’re the reason the weather has been so weird noona.”
Your cheeks heat up, the room starting to slightly shake. Yugyeom’s brows shoot up into his hair and Jaebum just sighs, sudden emerald eyes quieting everything down. Jinyoung observes you carefully, hands wrapped around the grimoire as you slightly sip the tea he had given you.
“In all my years I’ve never seen your magic be anything but perfect. Have you done anything or eaten something that maybe is somehow affected your abilities?”
You shake your head, “No. Nothing is different. I was in Jihae maybe a week or so ago and when I got back…that’s when I noticed. The weather. My exhaustion. I can’t even do simple spells Jinyoungie.”
“What were you doing in Jihae?”
Jaebum’s voice surprises you, eyes meeting his, “I was visiting Jiyeon. She said she had some herbs that help with the enhancement of location spells and I figured I’d pick some up. You had already left for Macau.”
“And nothing weird happened?”
You think for a moment, “…no. Well…she had a guest in her shop but we barely exchanged more than ten words. She was just a halmeoni that runs a flower shop down the street. She gave me peonies that I stuck in the kitchen.”
Jinyoung’s head snapped up then, pupils dilating, “She gave you flowers?”
“Ne. They’re lilac.”
He turns to Jaebum, expression panicked, “Hyung, I need to see those flowers.”
“Echorpus Felis?”
Jinyoung nods, a grave look on his face as the last of the flower petals burn up. There’s a mark on your windowsill, a strange twisted carving embedded in the wood. Jaebum is outside making calls while Yugyeom played with Nora in the living room, practicing a transfer spell with her cat toys.
“Echorpus Felis. It’s a very old spell, much older than even you noona. It’s used to strip a person of their magic. Slowly until said person is dead. Without magic, we return to dust. Whoever that halmeoni was, it was no coincidence that you met in the shop. By giving you the flowers, she was able to start eating away at your abilities until your magic was completely gone. And you’re one of the most powerful enchantresses anyone has ever seen. Your magic is strong and fierce. But it was draining so fast. That halmeoni, if she was one, must be equal in strength as well, if not more so.”
You sigh, hands running through your hair as you sat at your dining room table. The mark, burnt black, could still be seen from where you were seated, it’s dangerous intent hissing at you the longer your eyes remained on it.
“Someone tried to take my magic. Why? And how do I regain what’s already been lost?”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, a fist clenched at his sides, “I don’t know noona. I’ve never dealt with this before, in all my years alive.”
“Her magic isn’t gone. It was stolen.”
Two pairs of eyes land on Yugyeom, his attention still on the cat. “What do you mean Gyeom-ah?”
He turns towards you, “The mark. In the middle of the signet, there’s a tree. The Alishan Sacred Tree. There’s an old Tawainese legend I read about, where a human wanted to steal the powers of a very powerful witch living up in the mountains above her town. She hated how unfair it was, that a witch had powers and stayed up in her mountain while the villagers struggled daily. So she vowed to take the magic and use them. She traveled to the tree and it granted her a wish. She was able to take the witch’s magic after offering some food to her. But once the witch found out, enraged, she took back her magic.”
Your eyes widened, “How?”
“She killed the human,” whispered Jinyoung, “I remember that legend. She proved that, even without her magic, she was a capable person. So the tree took the wish back and transferred the magic to who it thought was stronger. Yugyeom. You read that?”
He snorted, “I read hyung, okay?”
“….I can’t kill someone!”
Jaebum entered then, removing his hood and shaking off the water from the rainstorm you caused outside when you had all teleported home. Four other bodies entered after, faces familiar as they came into the light of your apartment.
“Mark. Jackson. Youngjae. BamBam. You’re all supposed to be scattered across the globe. Don’t tell me he called you call here?!”
Jackson grinned, dark hair dripping water onto your hardwood floor. “Of course we did noona! Hyung said you’d need our help. So here we are!”
“If it’s an attack on you, it’s an attack on the rest of us,” Mark said gently, oversized sleeves running over his hands.
“So what do we do? Who needs ass kicking?” Jaebum hits Bam on the back of the head, sending him a quick and playful eye roll.
“No asses are getting kicked. Yet. First, let’s figure out how to get her magic back. Everyone sit, I’ll order food, and Jinyoungie can do that thing with the books he always does.”
“Yah. That thing with the books has saved all your asses a thousand times over the past few centuries so shut the hell up and let me conjure up my stuff.”
They all watch as the room goes dark, Jinyoung’s eyes going from their deep brown to a violent strike of red. His hands stretch forward over the tabletop and his lips quickly move as he barely whispers the incantation. Your table fills up quickly, Jinyoung’s leather tomes stacking up on after the other. Mark smiles at him as Youngjae whistles, impressed. When the lights are back, your resident bookworm starts to flit through pages in search of anything that can help. The boys join in and you decide to go to the kitchen, that black mark drawing you near. Jaebum’s arms wrap around you and you lean into his embrace, relishing the feel of his magic giving you a little energy.
“We’ll figure this out baby. Don’t worry. You’ll get it back.”
He can’t see you, but your eyes burn violet as you eye your windowsill.
“I know I will. And I’ll make sure whoever took it will never try it again.”
A/N: We really have to stop meeting like this. Lol. As usual, I’m immensely sorry I haven’t been posting. My usual excuses like ‘too much life is happening and not enough inspiration’ are applicable here. Again, sorry. I’m trying to focus more on the drabbles since I’ve hit a wall with ‘Leather and Onesies’ and need to head back to the drawing board. And in focusing on the drabbles, I came to the conclusion that to finish them, I need to stop trying to go in order. Hence, this post (which is #47 on the list). I’m just going to pick them randomly and write, hopefully completing this drabble game sooner than later haha.
Anyway, Hope my darling…all my wishes that you enjoy this. As always, sending my love.
xoxo, Mo
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