#Thank you for this ask! ❤️
prythianpages · 3 months
fanfiction writing asks, 23 and 46!
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
It’s always the beginning for me that is the hardest. I usually write the middle and end first.
46. If you could only write one type of AU for the rest of your life, what would it be?
The fated mates au ❤️ while choosing who you love is precious in itself, I absolutely adore the idea of soulmates. Two souls/kindred spirits feeling pulled toward one another 🥺 I’ve mainly explored the romantic side of it in writing but I did love Cassandra Clare’s platonic version of it “parabatai” in her Shadowhunters series.
Based off this ask game.
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blanketforcas · 5 months
✨️When you get this ask you should put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 other blogs (because positive vibes are cool)🎶
heya ali :))
some songs i've been loving recently:
Silver Springs - Glitterfox (fleetwood mac cover)
En cavale - Pomme
I, Carrion (Icarian) - Hozier
Azadî - Naaz
Nothing Matters - The Last Dinner Party
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
17 and 26 for both Erwin and Zoe, please and thank you!
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
Zoe is very well traveled! I've talked about this a bit in the past, but before her mom got sick they would go on wildly lavish vacations! Her mom valued exposure to historic places, other culture, and other customs so she worked hard to ensure her daughter appreciated those things as well and didn't "live in a bubble." Zoe hasn't really traveled much since her mom died, partly because of money but more-so because it makes her sad to travel alone. She feels the absence of her mom too much and even when she's with friends it just hasn't felt the same.
Erwin's family wasn't wealthy by any means, so they would travel to visit his grandma on his mother's side of the family for holidays or sometimes just for long weekends (she lived roughly 4 hours from them, so it was enough of a distance and time commitment to be considered traveling imo). They also went on family vacations every now and then to affordable, middle-class-family touristy places like Gatlinburg (they went to Dollywood one year) but they never had the money to do like... Disneyland, cruises, out of the country travels, or anything extravagant. Their vacations were not done yearly but more like every 2 or 3 years. Erwin would like to travel more, but he's been pretty preoccupied the last couple of years.
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
Zoe's answer is kind of elaborate lmao - she's never had a "home of her own." She currently lives in a sorority house and she has her own room because she has a leadership position. She likes things to be bright, full of natural-light and she decorates with plants, soft colors, and simple patterns. She is a very clean, organized person who always seems put together. Always rocking the "no makeup" dewy look: glowing and put together in a way that takes a lot of maintenance and discipline and her physical space would reflect that. We know that she inherits her uncle's home in Strangerville, and all I'm gonna say is that his home is.......... not those things lmfao. But I digress!
I know that every time I talk about how Erwin is essentially a trash possum I get someone in my asks complaining that I've made him not an uwu boy... but he lives in a shitty motel room and it is a MESS. I would argue that this is not who he is by default, but just who he has become after a lot of time putting his own needs on the backburner to chase a mystery bigger than he originally realized. His place looks like the inside of his head - wildly disorganized, littered with remnants of vending machine meals and takeout, pieces of his true personality here and there that are buried deep below the mess and chaos, untouched more and more as time passes. He would say he doesn't have a sense of style, but I'd call him a thrift-store-grandpa mixed with alternative, bookish, academic. He likes statement pieces - shirts with dumb sayings and sturdy denim, fun patterned socks and button downs layered under jackets littered with patches and pins he's collected over the years. Contrary to popular belief he does not willingly walk around with tin-foil hats or Christmas light colanders on his head 🤦... that's just a gimmick uniform for the conspiracy stand he works at!
Prompt here - ask me about my OCs!
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rozenphox · 3 months
oh absolutely, anon ❤️
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hasello · 2 months
What would Mikey and orange think about meeting a cardinal cat yokai? Like he tallll. Fangs and claws are pretty terrifying...
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How do you think they’d name him? 🤔
Also! It was about a caracal cat of course, it was corrected in another ask! 🫶🏻
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hyunpic · 3 months
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gentlebeard · 3 months
If I could hold you for a minute, Darling, I’d go through it again
For @edsbacktattoo & @stedesearring 💕 Show: Our Flag Means Death - Season 1 & 2 Music: Francesca by Hozier YouTube
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mschismosa · 2 months
Hello! I absolutely love your dgs art! I was just wondering if you were considering posting the one asoryuu art of them lying down from status1748267189973516307 from twt on here? it's one of my favorite recent asoryuu arts and I always come back to it over time ;u;
Thank you this is so sweet ❤️(⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠)
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I'm so happy to know something of mine is one of your favorites!! I drew some extra doodles just for youuu ✷
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2aceofspades · 2 months
hi you probably got this question asked before. BUT who are your favorite duos in rottmnt??? >:D
btw i love the f!Cassandra and f!Leo they are my favorite duo (after disaster twins 🥳) but love your art and keep up the great work :DDD
Hi hello! 🙌✨ Oh! My favorite duo is Leo and Raph in the show 💙❤️ I don't draw them all too much cuz ✨EMD brainrot✨/pos, but I love them very much.
Here's a lil semi-old doodle of them that I never posted on here~
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Them 🥹❤️💙
I also like Donnie and Mikey as a duo in the show 💜🧡 I love how they interact with each other in the show
I will say though, my favorite duo in my own au is probably f!Cassandra and f!Leo cuz they've got such interesting tension between them. I would love to draw another comic with the two of them 🌟
Awwwwee! Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it 🤗✨!
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princess-kittyxoxo · 3 months
You have a great ass
I do, don't I? 🥰
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CashApp | Venmo | Ko-Fi
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shuploc · 2 months
Neil mentioned at the end of his stream today he'll be adding a new print to his Streamily soon, it is perhaps your liveaction Astarion drawing he was talking about? sorry if I'm mistaken
No, you're absolutely right! 😃 I was told to reach out to him about a week ago and was asked if he could have permission to use my "Neilstarion" drawing for his Streamily and for prints at cons for people who want to get something signed, but didn't bring anything themselves. To which I of course said yes!
Even though I had said it wasn't necessary to compensate me, Neil really insisted that he did, which is super sweet of him. But yes! You're right indeed 😊 I'm not sure if other prints will be added besides mine though, but I suppose we'll see. I'm very excited!
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lukekirby · 2 years
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THE BLACK PHONE dir. scott derrickson
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nibbelraz · 1 year
Oh! Can I kindly request Bingliushen of some flavor? (your style is so cute!!!)
Love to think that they have to schedule time to be with Shen Qingqiu and they go feral if they go above the time
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It's ok he kisses it better
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Always jealous
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themeeplord · 1 year
i give you 5 minutes and a pencil, what you gonna do?
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Draw a little fish~
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giggleme-green · 5 months
hi !!! i just wanted to say omfg i love your art !!!! you're super talented and seeing your drawings across my dash always makes my day !! could you draw fell papyrus ? i love how you draw the silly papyruses and would love to see more of him in your style, but no worries if you can't !! i hope you have an absolutely fantastic day :D
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THANK YOU!!! You’re so very kind👊💀♥️💕💕💞💖♥️
Edgy guy belongs to @underfell 👾
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sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
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I read all of tnv today and I am insane for it please take my offering (that only took me like 2 hours sorry I have a project I have a deadline for and I couldn’t sacrifice much more time)
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RIP Donnie in the back doing the family guy pose i love it so much LOOOOOOOOL
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