#The Death of Elisha
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apelcini · 11 months
cheap, accessible, and effective earthquake-resistant building designs and techniques for cities should be considered a global concern. even if we pull a hail mary and manage to completely halt all human damage to the climate, seismic activity will continue in frequency and intensity and we cannot change that. geologists devote their lives to being able to accurately predict the movements of the techtonic plates, and because of that we know that australia and parts of africa are moving northward into eurasia. disasters like the 2015 nepali earthquake and aftershocks, which saw the death of 8,000 people nationwide and the complete collapse of 600,000 buildings in the bustling capital of kathmandu alone. in the turkish city of adiyaman, over 8,000 people died in the february 2023 earthquake, and many of the structures that do remain standing are too danger to live in because of the constant possibility of spontaneous collapse, leaving most of the survivors to live in tents almost 6 months later. california is infamous for its frequent earthquakes, including the 1906 one that saw the death of an estimated 3,000 people. however, in 2010, a 7.2 magnitude quake in southern california reported no american deaths*, and a 7.1 magnitude in 2019 reported a singular american death. this is because california has earthquake resistant building codes and an institute of seismologists dedicated just to analyzing, understanding and predicting seismic patterns in california. the massive death tolls we’re seeing in non-western nations is DIRECTLY linked to poverty, lack of infrastructure, and an inability to create proper living conditions. This post is NOT an invitation for atruo-imperialists to suggest swooping in and intervening to “save” the helpless faceless masses, western meddling is the reason for so many of these problems in the first place and you can’t fight fire with gasoline)
*i have no idea how or if the immigration dispute affects earthquake reported figures, but i would not be at all surprised if it did. if anyone knows something about this matter, please feel free to share it.
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heartofashepherd · 4 months
Political Corruption Abounds, and a Day of Judgment Awaits (2 Kings 8-9)...
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kkoehn17 · 1 year
Our Trip to the Holy Land (Part 4)
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tabernacleheart · 2 years
It does not matter in what way the end of life comes. The reality is the same to all devout men; though one be swept to heaven in a whirlwind, and another lady slowly away in old age, or ‘fall sick of the sickness wherewith he should die.’ Each is taken to God in a chariot of fire. The means are of little moment, the fact remains the same, however diverse may be the methods of its accomplishment. The road is the same, the companions the same, the impelling [power] is the same, and the goal is the same.
Of Enoch we read, ‘He was not, for God took him.’ Of Elijah we read, ‘He went up in a whirlwind to heaven.’ Of Elisha we read, ‘He died and they buried him.’ And of all three- the two who were translated that they should not see death, and the one who died like the rest of us- it is equally true that ‘God took’ them, and that they were taken to Him. So for ourselves and for our dear ones we may look forward or backward, to deathbeds of weariness, of lingering sickness, of long pain and suffering, or of swift dissolution, and piercing beneath the surface may see the blessed central reality and thankfully feel that Death, too, is God’s angel, who "does His commandments, hearkening to the voice of God’s word" when in his dark hearse he carries us hence.
Alexander MacLaren
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eesirachs · 4 months
Anon who asked about the suicides here. Unfortunately I'll need the specific locations/texts (of at least two, I think). It's not that I don't believe in you!! I'm just trying to show it to someone
of course-
king saul kills himself via the sword in 1 sam 31. i have posted often about how god sees this death and never gets over it, and that is at least partly why he later incarnates as a non-roman (roman citizens would die by the sword: i think god feared dying as saul did)
sign-acts as self harm: see ezekiel's self-harm sign-acts: isolation in ezek 3:31; immobilization ezek 4:4-8; eating over excrement ezek 4:9; see also jeremiah's self-harm sign-acts: exposure to elements jer 13; auto-yoking in jer 27
elijah praying to die: 1 kngs 19:4; knowing elisha will also end up praying to die: ibid v. 20 ("what have i done to you!?")
tobit praying to die: tobit 3 (sarah also has a prayer for death here)
moses praying to die: numb 11:13
jonah prays to die and then attempts suicide via the elements: jonah 4
psalmist 88 also prays to die and, in fact, enacts a semiotic death (writing from the grave). this is one of two psalms that does not end in resolution with god
samuel asking to be put to rest after already dying: 1 sam 28
many close to god also express, without intention to enact and without real plea, their wanting-to-die: see job (all of it), jeremiah (jer 20), and rebekah (gen 27:46)
there are many more than what my post listed. almost every prophetic sign act is self-harm. and, in the second testament, you have (very famously) the apostle paul saying he struggles with suicidal ideation, as well as the suicide of judas, which lacks any affective response precisely because none suffice. keep in mind that in the ancient world, self harm and auto-death looked like, and meant, very different things than they do today. keep also in mind that in each pericope here, god shares in the wanting-to-die, never answering the plea or condoning or condemning, but holding gently unto the pain
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gsirvitor · 2 months
Why do Catholics believe that their saints are already resurrected, awake, and active? I cannot think of a single time in the Bible when God resurrected someone while leaving their old body dead.
When Elisha's bones were touched by a dead man, the dead man awoke in the same body. When Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb, Lazarus emerged still wearing his burial wrappings. Plus various examples of Jesus or an earlier prophet waking people in their own bodies on their deathbeds.
When Jesus himself rose from the dead, it was his original body, which he later took with him into the heavens.
1 Thessalonians 4:14-16 says that dead Christians sleep until the day Jesus returns, when they will be raised to meet him ahead of those who had not yet died. 1 Corinthians 15:18 likewise characterizes dead Christians as those who sleep in Christ, neither wakeful nor active.
For that matter, is there any passage that claims Jesus himself did not sleep while he was dead?
Easy, Catholics do not believe this.
Saints are active in Heaven, it is a common misconception made by those not within Catholicism, the idea that due to the power of the Resurrection, Catholics believe that the saints are not dead.
In truth the idea is more like this, the Saints have conquered death and are united to the Holy Trinity through Jesus, that does not mean they are alive through resurrection, or active on earth, but with Jesus in Heaven, and one with the Trinity.
Yes, when Jesus rose again, he rose in the body his mother had birthed, the body that had been crucified, he still had his wounds, but they no longer hobbled him, instead wearing them jewels or trophies of victory.
Catechism insists on this point, Catholics believe in God who is creator of the flesh; Catholics believe in the Word made flesh in order to redeem the flesh; Catholics believe in the resurrection of the flesh, the fulfillment of both the creation and the redemption of the flesh.
Catholics believe not just in the survival of the soul, but in the resurrection of the body, the idea that man was created to live forever and find peace and satisfaction in a way that is fully human, in both flesh and spirit.
So while Catholics believe that the soul is active, the flesh sleeps, for what is the purpose of Heaven if our souls are not meant to be active within it?
Now, here's an interesting bit of information, prior to the idea of the soul, or anima, the early church worked off of an old Jewish notion, that the breath held our essence, and would trap the final breath of a dying person so as to preserve their essence to be buried with them for the time of resurrection when God would imbue the flesh with breath or pneuma, which means spirit, or breath of life, in the New Testament.
So, God would imbue your flesh with your pneuma, which would cause it to be resurrected.
The "sleep" Paul refers to here was a common expression of the period, which implied death, it was meant to emphasize the ide that physical death for Christians was temporary.
Don't know if I'm giving sufficient answers.
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lauralot89 · 10 months
Named Angels
Fallen angels are not included. Neither are gnostic angels because I'm tired.
Aker: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Al-Khidr: Also known as al-Khadir, Khader, Khidr, Hidr, Khizr, Kathir, Khazer, Khadr, Khedher, Khizir, Khizar, or Khilr. The Servant of God whom Moses accompanies in the Quran is identified as Al-Khidr by Islamic scholars.
Ambriel: Ambriel is an angel associated with the month of May.
Arariel: Described in the Talmud as the angel in charge of the waters of the Earth.
Ariel: An angel in Jewish and Christian mysticism. Ariel has dominion over beasts, creative forces, the North, and elemental spirits.
Arphugitonos: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Artiya'il: An angel appearing in the hadith. Artiya'il removes grief and anxiety from humans.
Atid: One of two angels in Islamic tradition who records a person's actions. This record is used to confront each person on the Day of Judgment.
Azrael: The angel of death. Azrael is one of the four archangels in Islam.
Beburos: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Camael: Also known as Chamuel, Khamuel, Camiel, Cameel and Camniel. One of the twelve Kabbalah angels, Camael is assigned to the fifth sephirah in the tree of life.
Cassiel: Also known as Qafsiel or Qaspiel. In Jewish and Christian mysticism, Cassiel is described by various roles, such as the angel of Saturn the angel of the moon, the angel of tears, and the angel of temperance. Cassiel is sometimes said to preside over the death of young men.
Dobiel: Also known as Dubbiel. Dobiel is the guardian angel of Ancient Persia.
Gabriel: An angel who announces God's will to men. Gabriel is considered in archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Gabriel appears to Daniel to explain his prophetic visions. Gabriel foretold the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah and the Annunciation of Jesus to Mary. Gabriel appeared twice to Muhammad. In the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Gabriel lived a mortal life as the prophet Noah. Gabriel was named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Gabuthelon: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Haniel: Also known as Hananel, Anael, Hanael or Aniel. Haniel is sometimes listed as one of the seven archangels. In Kabbalah, Haniel is associated with the seventh sephirah.
Jegudiel: Also known as Iehudiel. Jegudiel is one of the seven archangels of the Eastern Orthodox Church tradition. Jegudiel is the patron saint of hard work and leadership and is often depicted holding a whip (as a punishment for sinners) and a crown (as a gift for the righteous).
Jerahmeel: Also known as Jeremiel, Eremiel, or Ieremihel. Jerahmeel is recognized as an archangel in Lutheran, Angelican, and Orthodox traditions. Jerahmeel is said to comfort the righteous dead in the Bosom of Abraham, or to guard heaven with St. Peter.
Jophiel: Also known as Dina, Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel, Youfiel, Zophiel, or Zuriel. In Anglican tradition, Jophiel is an archangel and in Kabbalah, Jophiel is associated with the sephirah chokmah. Some sources list Jophiel as the angel who guards the garden of Eden with a flaming sword.
Kalqa'il: Kalqa'il is an Islamic angel who guards the entrance of the fifth heaven.
Lailah: An angel appearing in the Talmud. Lailah is associated with conception, pregnancy, and the night.
Maalik: An Islamic angel of hell. Maalik carries out God's punishment on wrongdoers.
Metatron: Described in the Talmud as the heavenly scribe, Metatron is allowed to sit in the presence of God to record the deeds of Israel. Metatron was mistaken by Elisha ben Abuyah for a deity, and was subsequently lashed 60 times with a fiery rod to demonstrate that the Metatron was an angel and could be punished, unlike a god. In mystic writings, Metatron is the form Enoch took after his ascension. In Islam, Metatron is the angel of the veil and alone knows what lies beyond it.
Michael: Also known as Mika'il or Mikal. The prince of Israel and prince of the Heavenly Host. Michael is regarded as an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition, and is the only angel explicitly identified as an archangel in the Christian Bible. In the book of Daniel, Michael fought the prince of Persia. In Revelation, Michael fought Satan and cast him out of heaven. Michael and Gabriel are the angels said to have shown Muhammad paradise and hell. In Jewish tradition, Michael prevented the sacrifice of Isaac by providing a ram. Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses believe Michael is another name for Jesus in heaven. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, Michael is the same person as Adam. Michael is named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Moroni: In angel in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Moroni was the guardian of the golden plates from which Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon, and appeared to Smith numerous times.
Muriel: Muriel is a Domination, a class of angel in the second angelic sphere. Muriel is associated with the month of June.
Nuriel: Regarded in some traditions as the same being as the angel Uriel. Nuriel is the angel of hailstorms and commands an army of 500,000 angels made of water and fire.
Pahaliah: Pahaliah is the angel of Redemption. Pahaliah is a throne, an class of angel in the first angelic sphere.
Puriel: Puriel accompanied Abraham on a journey to heaven. Puriel is tasked with examining the souls of those brought to heaven.
Raphael: Known in Islam as Israfel or Israfil. Raphael is regarded as an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. It is believed that Raphael is the angel in the Gospel of John who stirs the pool of Bethesda. In Islam, Raphael will blow the trumpet which signals the Day of Judgment, and the hadith lists him as the angel closest to God. Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Raqib: One of two angels in Islamic tradition who records a person's actions. This record is used to confront each person on the Day of Judgment.
Raziel: Also known as Gallitsur. Raziel is the angel of secrets and mysteries, and the keeper of all magic. In Kabbalah, Raziel is associated with the sepirah chokmak.
Riḍwan: Also known as Riswan. Riḍwan is an Islamic angel who guards the gates of heaven.
Sabrael: Sabrael is an angel appearing in the apocryphal works the Testament of Solomon and 3 Enoch.
Sachiel: Also known as Sariel, Suriel, Suriyel, Sikhael, Sixael, Satquel, Satquiel, Saquiel, Seriel, Sauriel, Saraqael, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel, Souriel, or Sachquiel. Sachiel is a cherub who is associated with charity and wealth.
Sahaquiel: Listed as one of the archangels in the Third Book of Enoch. Sahaquiel is attended by "496,000 myriads of ministering angels."
Samkhiel: An angel of Gehenna, Samkhiel is the angel of destruction. Samkhiel torments the wicked to cleanse their souls and eventually reuinte them with God.
Sandalphon: An archangel in mystical traditions of Judaism and early Christianity. Sandalphon is said to gather prayers and bring them to God. Some sources regard Sandalphon as an angelic ascension of Elijah.
Sarathiel: Also known as Serathiel. Sarathiel is an archangel in the Oriental Orthodox tradition.
Selaphiel: Also known as Sealtiel, Selatiel, or Selathiel. Selaphiel is regarded as an archangel in the Byzantine Catholic and Greek Orthodox traditions. Selaphiel is sometimes viewed as the angel in Revelation who offers people's prayers to God.
Uriel: Also known as Phanuel. Uriel is often depicted as a cherub and is the angel of repentance. Uriel is regarded as an archangel in Russian Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, and Anglican traditions, as well as in Kabbalhah. Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Uziel: Also known as Usiel. Uziel is an archangel in 3 Enoch.
Yahoel: Also known as Jahoel, Jehoel, or Yaoel. Yahoel is charged with destroying idolators and restraining the Leviathian. Some sources list Yahoel as the chief angel of the Seraphim. Another lists Yahoel as one of the names of Metatron.
Zadkiel: Also known as Hasdiel. In Kabbalah, Zadkiel is an archangel associated with the fourth sephirah.
Zaphkiel: Also known as Tzaphqiel, Tzaphkiel, Zaphchial, Zaphiel, or Zelel. Zaphkiel is the chief angel of the thrones and is regarded in some traditions as the same angel as Raphael.
Zebuleon: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Zephaniel: Zephaniel is the chief angel of the Ishim in Kabbalah.
Zerachiel: Also known as Zachariel, Zakhariel or Saraqael. An angel who leads souls to judgment and is set over those who "sin in the spirit."
Zotiel: Zotiel is an angel mentioned in the Book of Enoch.
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luminecent-sky · 1 year
Divinity of the deathless - II
Looks like the first part was well received. 
Tw.: None for now :))
Death loop AU, Impostor AU, Isekai AU, Cult AU, Feat. Kaeya, Jean, and Diluc
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The impostor paces their cell, rapidly losing their grip on themselves.
'Shit- shit- shit-! Where the hell is my notebook!'
Their thoughts race, trying to figure out what to do next. With the lack of their notes, all their rationale starts to break down. Their train of thought is broken by a harsh knock on the cell door.
"Imposter of the divine, the Grand Master wishes to see you." The stern voice of the guard booms through the cell, causing the impostor to jolt.
'Oh shit- is this going to be like the last few loops?... How should i play this?'
The impostor plasters a faux look of civility, choosing to reenact a past loop for now. The guard leads them towards an empty room, shackling them to the chair before taking his post near the door. Eyes trained on the impostor, waiting for any suspicious movements.
Soon, the Acting Grand Master enters the room, holding a familiar black notebook in her hands.
"Please be at ease, i mean no harm."
She sits quietly on the other side of the room, and the guard watching from behind.
"Now.... I am aware of your situation and am willing to provide my aid, your grace... but i must ask for further elaboration."
They look at her for a moment, seemingly thinking of how to respond, until finally they speak.
"You've read through the notebook...?" They ask, tone devoid of any emotion. Eyes trained on the Acting Grand Master. Waiting for her to repond.
"Ah.. yes, I have. My sincerest apologies to you, Your grace, for looking at your personal belongings...." A sheepish look crosses her face, mixing with the worry etched upon it. She averts her gaze,
"Then you can probably understand that this isn't the first time you've sworn to aid me, nor will it be the last." They state, playing with the sleeve of their jacket, a beat passes before Jean composes herself enough to speak again. 
“I... am aware of what my actions were in these ‘previous incarnations’, and while this will not be the first time I extend my aid, however, surely I can succeed where my past selves did not.“ She places a hand on her chest, looking at the impostor with determination and regret in her eyes.
"While I have gone through this scenario multiple times already, I want to see what plan you'll make this loop." The impostor states, finally looking up at Jean.
"That is all for today, i still have to talk with the others about this.... Predicament we are in. Thank you for putting your trust in me once again, i will not fail you this time." Jean says solemnly as she leaves the room, handing the notebook back before the doors close.
The impostor is finally escorted out of the room and is put back in the cell. They sit down on the cot provided to them. 'Fuck.... how do we convince them that we're the creator before they decide to kill us???'
"So Jean, are you 100% sure that this is a real thing?" The calvalry captain starts, leaning back on his chair as he nurses a glass of dandelion wine.
"Yes, when I read through the notebook, the first 30 or so pages were written in a different language... I even had Lisa check the library." Jean sighed, putting a hand to her forehead.
The air stilled at that moment, before Diluc spoke up. Leaning on a bookshelf
"And what do we do now?"
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@meimeimeirin - @esthelily - @elisha-httyd - @samarill - @itz-luna - @kiznax - @vvyeislazzy
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beebopboom · 4 months
Always an Angel, Never a Man
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Intro post - where we discussed some more Wizard of Oz parallels and some of the title sequence
Now though we are going to dive deeper in the character that is the Metatron, and for that we are going to be going into The Book of Enoch and who he is as an angel - at least for this part
Background info
I've said this before but I’ll reiterate here - yes I know that Neil has said…somewhere that the Metatron has always been an angel in reference to someone asking about Enoch - but I don't think we can throw all the books away especially when it seems ideas have been pulled from them.
This actually started out as a question of whether or not the Metatron had come down to Earth and paraded around as Enoch to further his agenda - and well, it was a start.
So for the most part there seems to be two explanations for the origins of the Metatron - one: he was always an angel - two: he was the human, Enoch who was then turned into the Metatron. Each of these versions vary from religion to religion but for the most part that’s the gist of it
ha yeah right you know me time for probably unnecessary long explanations to the best of my ability
Disclaimer (I guess): These explanations are not going to stick to just one religion and are going to be summaries to the best of my ability - summaries are the devil how tf do people do this all the time
Also this is quite long - it took me about ten minutes to read through
The Metatron
The Voice of God, King of Angels, Prince of Divine Presence, Prince of the World, Prince of the Countenance, lesser YHWH, Angel of the Veil
Just some of the titles that have been attributed to the archangel known as Metatron - the list could go on
Created before or along side fellow archangels - including Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel - he is considered to be above them and the one they defer to. He sits at the hand of God as their scribe and is one of the few angels able to see beyond the veil God sits behind, able to look upon and hear God. He is said to have immense Power and Wisdom
His main job is to write down the good deeds of both Heaven and the Earth and record those in the Book of Life. He is said to have connections to both the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life therefore having a special interface between the two realms, physical and celestial - he is a bridge between God and humanity. He is a patron angel of children, giving them the knowledge they had not received and can be said to have been the angel who led the people of Israel through the wilderness. He is in charge of guiding the souls ascending to Heaven.
He is often attributed to roles God, Jesus, and even the Archangel Michael has had - to the point where there is a story of Rabbi Elisha calling out that there were two powers in Heaven and the Metatron is punished by 60 fiery lashes and unable to sit in Gods presence again for not correcting the assumption
Which leads us to the other origin story for him and that is-
Now he has one mention in the Bible in the book of Genesis and it is only to say he no longer walks among men because God took him. This then spawned the Book of Enoch - which is really three books. Among other stories that I will get into later - it is the story of a man that was so righteous God took him so he didn’t experience death and made him an angel with all the same roles as we just went over.
This book covers things such as the concepts of fallen angels, a Messiah, Resurrection, the Final Judgement, and a heavenly kingdom on earth
………we aren't going to talk about the Nephilim
But there are these angels called the Watchers who have banded together and turned away from God. Enoch is shown the destruction and knowledge these angels have put upon humanity and shown the four archangels and their task to go about fixing the Earth. Enoch is then tasked with telling the Watchers that they shall have no peace or forgiveness for sin. He then goes on to see the universe - the Earth, the cosmos, and both Heaven and Hell - guided by angels. He sees the fiery pit that is where the Fallen are held and the river where all the dead souls await Judgement. He is shown the cornerstone of Earth and the pillars(mountains) of Heaven, and on the highest one sits the throne of God. He is told the secrets of the stars and is shown the hierarchy of Angels. 
He goes on a few journeys through the Heavens and eventually turned into the angel Metatron - which some would say this is a reversal of the Fall of Man, where Enoch is given that “spark" back. Upon reaching the 6th sphere of Heaven the angels call out to God asking why he has been brought to Heaven and God answered that he was righteous and worth the rest of the people - this is placed in flood times I forgot to mention
But why is any of this important? Well we are working with around 10 minutes of screentime people - crumbs I tell you, crumbs.
What really got this going though was Metatron saying this when referring to his outfit and corporation
"This calls for much less attention, though”
This implies the Metatron knows how to blend in - with humans and angels……and demons
But particularly with humans - further proven with the line
"I've ingested things in my time, you know”
Whether or not this is true he is really pushing this in front of Aziraphale and Crowley - clothes and food wonder why - it’s almost like it’s reminiscent of another conversation, one between Aziraphale and Gabriel back in season one at the Sushi restaurant.
Anyway though - the Metatron may not have had the transformation from Enoch but the story is still relevant to who he is as a character - it’s actually a great combination of the two
In season one he only appears as a floating head but I want to start with right before he appears
Four lights come down and four pointed stars start to appear
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The thing is I think these are meant to represent our archangel council
The number four and its connection to the Metatron has been sitting in the back of my head for a while now - it's a common grouping in good omens with the horsepeople, the them, the angels, and the demons - but I think it's also a call back to Enoch and the four archangels that guided him, here me out - I mean it’s four colored lights surrounded by stars cmon
The only one missing is Raphael. In season one he is replaced with Sandalphon - who has a special connection to the Metatron with a similar origin story as Enoch and is said to be his twin brother. In season two he is replaced with Saraqael who is also mentioned in the Book of Enoch, one of the only places to do so.
This council though is the last stop before reaching the Metatron - so they have to come first. Four angels at the trial and four (active) angels when he appears in the bookshop. Sensing a theme of needing four angels.
Aziraphale then asks if he is God which is quickly corrected by the Metatron saying he is only the voice and to speak to him is to speak to God which then Aziraphale calls him a presidential spokesperson - and yeah that all tracks for what we know to be his role, just no mention of the other things he is in charge of
Which let’s take a quick break to point out that the Metatron is supposed to guide souls into Heaven - Heaven is very much empty, where are you taking them our dark clothed angel hmmm?
Season two though we really get a look into his character
In the trial we get to see a bunch of floating heads and yet his is still different, as he has no body. He is still concealed with no corporation - behind that curtain
Now we have two instances of this both in Heaven and Earth - not something we see with anyone else who all have a corporation to move about - besides when Aziraphale gets discorporated but even then he is still shown with his whole see-through body. So here is that special interface playing out - his way of showing his position off and maintaining an air of mystery
An interesting thing to note during his speech is him saying that for one prince of heaven to be cast down to hell makes for a good story - in the habit of telling stories about fallen angels there Metatron?
Now we’ve analyzed the coffee shop scene to death and I don’t particularly have anything to add so we are just going to keep truckin
But the bookshop - the bookshop tells us so much.
He walks in and hardly anyone recognizes him - only Crowley and Saraqael. And this makes sense, he’s in a corporal form - out from behind the curtain. The thing that made him special, that put him above other archangels - he’s removed it. They’ve probably never felt his full essence and it’s not like it’s going to set off alarm bells when they are the same rank as you, essentially. Then Crowley describes him in terms he knew Aziraphale (and others) would recognize - finally cluing everyone in 
But why Crowley and Saraqael? What makes them special?
I’ll admit I don’t have a clear answer for Saraqael - for why they are different. Only a theory that they are one of the angels that he has keeping an eye on the angelic deeds he was told to keep track of - perhaps even the corporations that are being used, when one is needed and whatnot
Crowley though is a Fallen Angel - the series goes through great lengths to stress this point - this term. You may remember that this is the term used in Enoch to describe the Watchers. The group of angels that turned away from God and Enoch then had to inform them of their fate.
It’s been sprinkled in throughout the series that Crowley only ever asked those “damn fool” questions and went his “own way” with hints that those questions were never asked to God. Which leaves the Metatron. The Metatron who Crowley has seen.
"Oh I know you. Last time I saw you, you were a big, floating giant head, mind.”
The last time implying there was a Before - before the beginning perhaps.
So let’s say God gives this criteria of what qualifies as a rebelling angel which then the Metatron is supposed to carry out the acts of punishment - except he’s an angelic scribe not a fighter so he gives this confrontation job to fellow archangels, let’s say Michael, and tells them this what God told them to do, while he works on the way to make it actually stick - through the Book of Life and finally activating the threat of this book by crossing the angels out causing them to lose their names, their status, their place in paradise
and then comes in this pretty high ranking angel, a prince perhaps, asking these questions that just happen to fit into this criteria but different in the way that they don’t want it all to end and you still turn him away
(I’m probably going to do a whole other thing about the connection between Crowley and the Metatron but for the sake of not derailing this post even more I’m just going to move on)
The Book of Life - The Metatron is said to be the angel that writes in it - records all the names of the beings doing good deeds in both Heaven and Earth. He hears all, sees all, and he’s going through past exploits. And yet has only just recently made a move - he truly is a King
He immediately calls Michael out for their “you’ll be erased from existence” spew saying they don’t have the authority for that and sending them away - implying he does have the authority and he’s here to offer a way for that not to happen**
And here on out we get to see some interesting characteristics. The Metatron has always been one to offer shallow praise - even back in season one - and he is shown to be openly revered and feared. He has this all seeing - big brother affect on all the angels. He is said to see everything it’s only a matter of what and when he chooses to use it. And use it well he does - he’s manipulative with praise and interest, with the knowledge he reveals. He is also in the nature to wind them up and watch them go. I’d say this is a twisted take on the Patron Angel of Children. 
So when you take out the parts of those two versions of Metatron’s backstory that we know are not canon to Good Omens and mush it all together - this could be a narrative that comes out
But I want to take a quick dip back into his clothes before rounding this off. He is dressed in darker colors, usually associated with demons, there is just no way to ignore this. An angel with duality written into their clothes - An angel that can go into Hell - An angel that is supposed to guide souls to Heaven and yet there are none but there is an overflow in Hell - An angel that created the back channels.
Now hear me out - I know we are heading into a crack theory area.
Back in season one when Michael brings forward the pictures of Aziraphale and Crowley they say they got them from the Earth observational files - something that the Metatron would be in charge of as the angel tasked with the Book of Life - and ask Gabriel to use the back channels already knowing they were going to.
Michael is the only angel we really see have any connection to these back channels, through the phone and actually going down to Hell. Michael is also very quick to take up the Supreme Archangel spot without explicit permission, a role apparently the Metatron is able to assign. It almost like the Metatron has given them special permission before….
Why would Metatron have use for those back channels though? Well gotta put those human souls somewhere, not that he particularly wants to deal the predictable and dim humans - and why not make sure all plans are running smoothly for the inevitable next War.
There is also this concept called the Humbling of the Metatron - has it already happened or is that where we are heading? All I know is we have a lying***, manipulative, exploitative Angel on our hands
and I truly think that he has made his moves and revealed his cards - it’s only putting it all together
**I really don’t think the Metatron has access to this book like he is foretold to have, like he acts like he does - at least not anymore
***When he orders the coffee he asks for a dash of almond syrup but when telling Aziraphale he says a hefty jiggle - such a weird thing to lie about there Metatron
This series is mainly just going to be exploring the character that is The Metatron with pretty much every route possible. I’m not trying to say which is the correct conclusion because this character could really go in any direction. This is just for fun. I tired to get all the religious stuff as correct as possible but there is always the room for error, things I’ve missed, etc
but anyway for the next part we are going to dive into another big influence over our series and characters, as Crowley calls them - Occult Forces.
part 2 is out!!
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yandere-fics · 2 months
♡ You Kill Elisha But She Comes Back For You ♡
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♡ Elisha was yours from the moment you shared your first kiss, you had known it and you assumed she was well aware of this. She often sobbed at your knee when she returned from somewhere she couldn't take you, begging you to forgive her for wandering too far away, telling you she would never let you become permanently separated, even if she died on a mission she would crawl up from her grave in order to return to you as you let her wallow in her misery for a couple hours before ultimately forgiving her. ♡
♡ Maybe that was why you couldn't bring yourself to visit her grave after you laid her to rest, she hadn't crawled up like she promised she would, she had sworn to be yours but she hadn't come back. You were still determined to keep her yours in death however so you made absolutely sure you were the only one who knew where she was buried, no one even knew she was dead, how would they even begin to look for a gravesite, and that brought great comfort to you as you stared out the window at that ungrateful whore's grave. ♡
"Ma'am?" The maid who served you asked quietly. Elisha had a great deal of funds tucked away for you and so when she 'disappeared' you put those funds to work having a house built near the grave with a maid to keep you company though you'd had to replace the maid's quite a few times before you settled on this one, Mina, who was quiet enough to mind her own business but nosey enough to know what you needed from her without you having to give the order. "Why are you always staring out the window?"
"They say the forest in that area is haunted, I keep looking hoping I might see a ghost there some day." You knew she wouldn't come back, if she was planning on returning to you she would have returned weeks after you buried her but you still looked anyways. "Amina dear, bring me a pen and paper I want to write to my wife."
Not that the letter would receive a response, it never did but it help to vent your frustrations towards her in the form of letters that you kept in a locked box with an opening at the top, you were sure there had to be hundreds of letters in the box, not that you ever opened it to check. If she did ever return you'd make sure she'd read these letters first thing.
♡ You hated having to write to the temple about the disappearance of their chosen one, you wished you could kill every single member of the temple, she was yours, she didn't belong to them, she was yours. You held her closely in your arms every night telling her about how the temple would separate the two of you some day with all these missions, they didn't love her only you did which is why when she strayed you had to hurt her to remind her who she truly belonged to and when she strayed too far? Well... you had no choice. ♡
♡ The temple was against your love from the start, you were sure of it or else they wouldn't have called her away from your side every few weeks for a very minor dragon problem and your poor wife was beholden to their whims despite you pleading with her to stay, telling her you would leave the house if she left again and yet she always gave you a kiss on the head telling you she'd be back for you, she'd just have to return you to her side if you left where she'd put you. You... could never bring yourself to wander far from where she left you which is why you had to build your house close to the grave, so you would be close to where she remembers you being last. Even if you knew she didn't deserve this after all she'd done. ♡
"Any news on the adventurer, ma'am?" Mina could tell you were tense after reading the letter from the temple, whatever you'd gotten couldn't have been good news. She had thought about hiding temple letters from you since if they were good news you wouldn't be getting a letter, your wife would be home but you only got more agitated when they went too long without sending one of their letters. You sighed and shook your head and her shoulders drooped. "I'll go heat the kettle, ma'am..."
"They want me to move closer to the capital and the temple, they say it's too dangerous for me to be out here alone, I told them I had you and no one except the fucking temple knew I was out here." Mina pursed her lips as you disparaged the temple but said nothing of her displeasure. Despite being the wife of the temples unofficial leader you never did like them very much which she didn't understand but she knew to stay silent. "Anyways it looks like we're moving soon enough."
♡ You'd sooner drop dead then alone them to remove you from your house, to let them potentially find her, to put their sickening hands all over your property in order to give her a proper funeral, she was YOURS and it would remain that way forever, you couldn't allow anyone to know where her grave was nor that she was even dead, she belonged to you alone and now she would stay yours. It was a wise decision to burn your house down two weeks before the move, sure you would lose a lot of precious items but it would be impossible to rebuild here after you burned the house and let a bottle of miasma "accidentally" break as you and your maid ran from the area carrying only what was near you at the time of the fire. ♡
♡ Mina sobbed as she lost everything she owned meanwhile you just patted her on the back reminding her that the temple would give her a higher salary once she was your maid within the temple, you'd make sure everything was replaced as a thank you for being by your side. You were just thankful she didn't question how the fire began. ♡
"Wow I can't believe I was given such a big room!" You couldn't help but furrow your brows and frown as she twirled in delight, this should not have been a happy occasion you were ripped away from your one true love, but you bit your tongue and just gave her a soft fake smile. It was understandable to be slightly upset but you had to be sure not to show too much. "Sorry ma'am I know how much you loved that house."
"It's quite alright, I'm more upset to be in the temple, I never pictured I'd have to come back here." It made your skin feel like it was crawling, this place had caused so much trouble for you and your Elisha, you wanted to rip everyone in here including the gods if they were watching apart, she was yours and the fools couldn't even realize it even after she'd been gone for two years.
♡ The incident was two years ago on this day, a priestess had gotten too friendly with Elisha and although Elisha had pleaded with you that she didn't want it and she was going to get the priestess fired, you'd had enough of watching as people took her away from you, despite how much she claimed she loved you and was fully committed to you, you knew better, as long as she was walking around alive, they would always earn for her even if she didn't reciprocate, the only way to keep her yours was to kill her and so you did. ♡
♡ You killed her right where you had camped that night, you didn't truly want her dead, it was merely a test of loyalty, you wanted her ugly and undead, no one would ever want to hit on your property again if she was a walking corpse, and so you waited and waited but she never crawled out of her grave and you realized that bitch had lied about it and if she had lied about that there had to be dozens of other pretty words that were also lies, perhaps she did like it when others stared at her and so you did hate her, but not tonight. No tonight she had finally come through. ♡
You often returned to your chambers late which was why Mina often waited patiently to receive you, not tonight though, no tonight all you could hear was her screaming and crying in pain as something seemed to be chewing. You opened the door only to be met with your beloved Elisha on top of your bitch maid and while the sight made you enraged momentarily, you quickly realized your beloved was chewing a hole in your terrified maids face and that thought made your heart flutter and so as you always did when Elisha finally returned home to you, you sat on your bed waiting for her to kneel at your feet and cry for forgiveness.
♡ Elisha was always going to be yours in life and death, together forever no matter the cost. ♡
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baldguy-fight · 11 months
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See all mega tournament polls here
Reasoning under cut
Elisha the Prophet
Funniest part of the bible fr so: Once some guys were mocking Elisha for being bald so he cursed them and then bears came out of the woods and mauled the guys to death (2 Kings 2:23-24)
because it’d be funny
Lady Cassandra
One big ol slab of face on skin. MOISTERISE ME
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Minuet in Hell
The twenty-first century has just begun, and Malebolgia is enjoying its status as the newest state in America. After his successful involvement with Scotland's devolution, Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart has been invited over to Malebolgia to offer some of his experiences and expertise.
There he encounters the charismatic Brigham Elisha Dashwood III, an evangelical statesman running for Governor who may not be quite as clean-cut and wholesome as he makes out. One of Dashwood's other roles in society is as patron of a new medical institute, concentrating on curing the ills of the human mind. One of the patients there interests the Brigadier — someone who claims he travels through space and time in something called a TARDIS.
Charley, however, has more than a few problems of her own. Amnesiac, she is working as a hostess at the local chapter of the Hell Fire Club, populated by local dignitaries who have summoned forth the demon Marchosias. And the leader of the Club? None other than Dashwood, who seems determined to achieve congressional power by the most malevolent means at his disposal...
this is objectively bad but i have also listened to it at least five times (october)
Germany, 1589: the townspeople of Cologne, Germany pronounce a sentence of death on a mass-murderer who has stalked the countryside in the guise of a ferocious wolf.
Russia, 1812: retreating from Napoléon's invading forces, a merchant's daughter is rescued from bandits by a handsome partisan with a ravenous appetite.
Brazil, 2080: The Doctor and Turlough arrive for the Rio de Janeiro carnival.
Is wealthy heiress Ileana de Santos all that she seems? What sinister ailment afflicts her invalid son, tended by the mysterious Doctor Hayashi? And who exactly is Rosa, engaged on a secret quest to fulfil the destiny of her extinct tribe?
Time is running out for Rosa, Ileana and the Doctor, as the fearsome shadow of an ancient werewolf moves ever closer...
This story was in my notes with one sentence beside it, 'Turlough is proper jealous'. Take that as you will (anonymous)
The Chimes of Midnight
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house not a creature was stirring...
But something must be stirring. Something hidden in the shadows. Something which kills the servants of an old Edwardian mansion in the most brutal and macabre manner possible. Exactly on the chiming of the hour, every hour, as the grandfather clock ticks on towards midnight.
Trapped and afraid, the Doctor and Charley are forced to play detective to murders with no motive, where the victims don't stay dead. Time is running out.
And time itself might well be the killer...
It just wouldn't be Christmas without it (anonymous)
"Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without one of Mrs. Baddeley's plum puddings." And Christmastime wouldn't be Christmastime if I don't re-listen to this audio story at least once each year. (@youremyonlyhope )
Seasons of Fear
On New Year's Eve, 1930, the Eighth Doctor lets Charley keep her appointment at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore. But his unease at what he's done to time by saving her life soon turns into fear. Sebastian Grayle: immortal, obsessed, ruthless, has come to the city to meet the Time Lord. To the Doctor, he's a complete stranger, but to Grayle, the Doctor is an old enemy.
An enemy that, many years ago, he finally succeeded in killing. And this is his only chance to gloat.
The Doctor and Charley desperately search human history for the secret of Grayle's power and immortality. Their quest takes in four different time periods, the Hellfire Club, the court of Edward the Confessor, and the Time Vortex itself. And when the monsters arrive, the stakes are raised from the life of one Time Lord to the existence of all humanity.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
The Time of the Daleks
The Doctor has always admired the work of William Shakespeare. So he is a little surprised that Charley doesn't hold the galaxy's greatest playwright in the same esteem. In fact, she's never heard of him.
Which the Doctor thinks is quite improbable.
General Mariah Learman, ruling Britain after the Eurowars, is one of Shakespeare's greatest admirers, and is convinced her time machine will enable her to see the plays' original performances.
Which the Doctor believes is extremely unlikely.
The Daleks just want to help. They want Learman to get her time machine working. They want Charley to appreciate the first-ever performance of Julius Caesar. They believe that Shakespeare is the greatest playwright ever to have existed and venerate his memory.
Which the Doctor knows is utterly impossible.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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jeremiah-33-3 · 5 days
We are the salt of the earth
Matthew 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Interesting facts about salt (Sodium Chloride) aside from the well known
fact that It flavors food and is used as a binder and stabilizer , and a food preservative , bacteria can't thrive in the presence of a high amount of salt (because of the process of osmosis ). Salt also has healing properties.
Colossians 4:6 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
Proverbs 10:21 The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die for want of wisdom.
Job 6:6 Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the white of an egg?
Mark 9:49 For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.9:50 Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.
2 Kings 2:19 And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren.2:20 And he said, Bring me a ("new" cruse), and put salt therein. And they brought it to him.
Cruse is a cup or a flask a new vessel if you will.
1 Samuel 26:11 The LORD forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the LORD's anointed: but, I pray thee, take thou now the spear that is at his bolster, and the cruse of water, and let us go.
2 Timothy 2:21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.
2 Kings 2:21 And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the LORD, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land.2:22 So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake.
It is God's presence that preserves us and keeps us from corruption! It was salt that this city needed just like It is salt (God's life) that we require.
Psalm 121:7 The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
Following Hamas's criminal invasion of southern Israel, brave men and women have stepped up to defend their homeland, with dozens sacrificing their lives in the process; These are their names
Yoav Zitun, Ilana Curiel, Elisha Ben Kimon, Meir Turgeman, Israel Moskvitz, Roni Green Shaulov|Updated:10:13
Related Topi
More than 700 Israelis were murdered on the first day of the war against Hamas. So far, only a few dozen names have been released.
Reports emerged on Saturday of the death of Nahal Brigade Commander Col. Jonathan Steinberg among numerous others. He was killed in clashes with a terrorist near Kerem Shalom. On Sunday morning, the names of an additional 25 fallen soldiers were reported.
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Nahal Brigade Commander Col. Jonathan Steinberg
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Steinberg, 42, from Shomria, was en route to a clash site where his soldiers were engaged with terrorists. He encountered a terrorist on his way there and was killed during a firefight near Kerem Shalom.
The names of the fallen IDF soldiers that have been released are as follows: Sst. Roi Weiser, 21, from Efrat, a Golani soldier; Sst. Adir Geori, 20, from Jerusalem, a Sayeret Matkal commando; Cpl. Ariel Eliyahu, 19, from Mitzpe Yericho, a 7th Armored Brigade soldier; Sst. Guy Simchi, 20, from Gedera, a Paratrooper; Cpl. Shira Shochat, 19, from Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut, a Unit 414 soldier; Sgt. Maj. Aharon Parash, 36, from Ofakim, a Technology and Maintenance Corps inspector; and Lt. Shilo Cohen, 24, from Sderot, a Shaldag soldier.
Maj. Amir Sakuri, 31, from Jerusalem, a Sayeret Matkal commando; Warrant Officer Ido Rosenthal, 45, from Ben Shemen, a Shaldag soldier; Maj. Ariel Ben Moshe, 27, from Kiryat Bialik, a commander in Sayeret Matkal; Cpl. Danit Cohen, 19, from Sderot, a soldier in Southern Command; Sst. Or Mizrachi, 21, from Petah Tikva, a Nahal soldier; Cpl. Amit Gueta, 21, from Rehovot, a Maglan soldier.
Earlier, the names of the following fallen were cleared for publication: Col. Roi Yosef Levy, 44, from Shavei Tzion, commander of the Multidimensional Unit, also known as the “Ghost” Unit; Lt. Col. Yonatan Tzur, 33, from Kedumim, the commander of the Nahal Reconnaissance Battalion, Maj. Avraham Hovlashvili, 26, from Ashdod, an officer in Caracal; Sgt. Itay-El Marciano, 20, from Shoham, a Paratrooper; Pvt. Ofir Davidian, 18, from Patish, a logistics soldier in the Home Front Command; Cpt. Tal Grushka, 25, from Kfar Saba, a Nahal officer; Cpt. Arye Shlomo Tsering, 27, from Raanana, a K-9 Unit officer. Sst. Ilay Gamzu, 20, from Ashdod, a Paratrooper; Sst. Ohad Cohen, 20, from Idan, a Shaldag soldier.
Cpl. Itamar Ayash, 19, from Kiryat Gat, served in the Southern District of the Home Front Command; Maj. Ido Yehoshua, 27, from Yavne, commander of the training platoon at the Special Air Forces School. Cpl. Uri Locker, 19, from Pardes Hana Karkur, a Golani solider; Maj (Res.) Omri Michaeli, 35, from Nes Ziona, a Duvdevan soldier; Maj. Vitali Skipkevich, 21, from Ariel, an Egoz soldier. Lt. Shoham Tomer, 23, from Srigim, company commander in the 934th Reconnaissance Battalion; Lt. Itai Maor, 23, from Rosh Ha'Ain, a platoon commander in the Golani Brigade's 51st Battalion; Lt. Rom Shlomi, 23, from Moshav Ganot, reconnaissance platoon commander in the Shaldag Unit. Cpl. Yaron Zohar, 19, from Kiryat Ata, a Golani soldier.
Cpt. Adir Aboudi, 23, from Modi'in, a commander in the Home Front Command; Cpt. Yotam Ben Bassat, 24, from Bat Hefer, a commander in the Multidimensional Unit; Sgt. Ofir Tzioni, 21, from Yokneam Illit, a commander in the Home Front Command; 2nd Lt. Adar Ben Simon, 20, from Neve Ziv, a commander in the Home Front Command; Sgt. Or Asto, 21, from Be'er Sheva, a logistics NCO in Golani.
Fallen IDF soldiers and officers from the Swords of Iron War
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(Photo: Israel Police, IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Sgt. Eden Alon Levi, 19, from Nirit, a commander in the Home Front Command; Sst. Yuval Ben Yaakov, 21, from Kfar Menahem, a solider in the 7th Armored Brigade; Cpl. Guy Bazak, 19, from Givatayim, a Golani soldier; Pvt. Nerya Aharon Nagari, 18, from Talmon, a Home Front Command soldier; Pvt. Naama Boni, 19, from Afula, a soldier in the 7th Armored Brigade; Lt. Iftah Yavetz, 23, from Ramat Hasharon, a commander in Maglan.
Lt. Col. Sahar Mahlouf, 36, from Modi'in, the commander of the 481st Signal Battalion; Sgt. Ofek Rosenthal, 20, from Kfar Menahem, a Maglan soldier; 2nd Lt. Yanai Kaminka, 20, from Tzur Hadassah, a commander in the Home Front Command; Lt. Or Moses, 22, from Ashdod, a commander in the Home Front Command; Sst. Omri Niv Feirstein, 20, a Home Front Command soldier; Cpl. Dvir Lisha, 21, from Nitzan, a Golani soldier.
Sgt. Ido Harush, from Mitzpe Ramon, a soldier in the 7th Armored Brigade; Sgt. Menashe Yoav Maliev, 19, from Kiryat Ono, an officer in the 7th Armored Brigade; Cpl. Netanel Yang, 20, from Tel Aviv, a Golani soldier; Maj. Chen Buchris, 26, from Ashdod, the deputy commander Maglan; Lt. Or Yosef Ran, 29, from Itamar, a commander in Duvdevan; Cpl. Adi Gurman, 19, from Hogla, a Unit 414 soldier; Sfc. Amir Fisher, 22, from Tel Aviv, a Duvdevan soldier; Lt. (Res.) Ido Edri, 24, from Givaton, an infantry officer.
Raz Tzioni, father of Sst. Ofir Tzioni, said, "We spoke to him for the last time Friday evening, he said that everything is fine with him. On Saturday when we realized what happened, I sent him a message 'Write that everything is fine...,' but he didn't respond. In the evening, the army representatives came to inform us."
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Fallen police officers
After a day of intense combat, where Israel Police officers, Border Patrol soldiers and commandos valiantly stood at the forefront of battles against the enemy, the Israel Police solemnly announces the death of 30 of its members. The following are their names:
Chief Superintendent Ge-ar Davidov, commander of the Rahat station; Chief Superintendent Itzhak Shvili, commander of the Segev Shalom station; Superintendent Martin Kuzmickas, commander in the coordination of enforcement operations unit; Chief Inspector Shlomo Moshe Al, officer in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Superintendent Nisim Lugasi, deputy commander of a Magav unit; Superintendent Amin Ohonadov, squad commander in the Yoav unit; Inspector Andrei Poshivi, town station patrol officer; Inspector Alexei Shamkov, officer in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Meir Abragil, Sderot station investigation coordinator; Sergeant Major Chen Nahmias, sniper in the Yamam counter-terror unit.
Sergeant Major Roman Gendel, instructor in the Lotar counter-terror unit; Sergeant Major Yehuda Kedar, non-commisioned officer Border Police officer at the Eshkol Ein Habsor station; Sergeant Major Roni Abuharon, detective at the Rahat station; Sergeant Major Adir Shlomo, head of logistics at the Sderot station; Sergeant Major Igal Iluz, bomb sapper; First Sergeant Bar Sivan, fighter in the Yamam counter-terror unit; First Sergeant Alon Barad, investigator at the Rahat station; First Sergeant Alexey Borodovsky, Negev Yasam patrol unit; First Sergeant Vitaly Karsik, forensics department crime scene investigator, Tel Aviv District; First Sergeant Alik Poznyakov, detective in the Magen unit.
First Sergeant Melik Karim, investigator at the Be'er Sheva station; First Sergeant Yoram Eliyahu Cohen, fighter in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Staff Sergeant Major Dror Elton, sapper in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Staff Sergeant Yaakov Shlomo Krasninski, fighter in the undercover police unit; Staff Sergeant Major Elior Yifrach, detective; Sgt. First Class Avi Buzaglo, detective at the Rahat station; Sgt. First Class Michael Lizmi, detective at the Be'er Sheva station; Sgt. First Class Shai El Knafo, town patrol in police’s Southern District; Staff Sergeant Alyona Astapenko, town patrol at the Ofakim station; Corporal Ravit Hanna Asayag, Border Police officer in police’s Southern District.
The harrowing details from the incident near Moshav Re'im, where Hamas terrorists raided an open-air rave, are gradually coming to light. So far, the identified victims from the event include Tzur Saidi, Omri Ram and Aviad Halevi.
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List of names of the deceased from Netiv HaAsara
Shortly before midnight on Saturday, the names of 15 victims in Netiv HaAsara, a town of less than a thousand people near the Gaza border, were cleared for publication: brothers Amit and Yigal Wax, Oren Stern, Shlomi and his wife Ayelet Molcho, Hevik Segal, Gil Ta'aseh, Adi Baharev, Tal Keren, Ruthi and Aryeh Akuni and their daughter Or, Nurit Berger, Marina Almagor and Danny Vobek.
Vobek, a resident of Netiv HaAsara, had been a volunteer with the ZAKA divers unit for many years. The organization said that "he took part in dozens of rescue missions, dedicated to saving lives and honoring the deceased. During the brutal attack on Netiv HaAsara, Vobek courageously defended his home and friends, ultimately losing his life in the battle against armed terrorists. ZAKA volunteers, alongside the entire nation of Israel, mourn his loss, share in the pain, and extend condolences to his family and loved ones."
Talia Marcelle, from Kiryat Arba, was murdered in the surprise attack on Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha near the Gaza border. A few years ago, Marcelle relocated from the Talia farm in the Hebron hills to Kiryat Arba. She was fatally shot on the kibbutz where she was celebrating the holiday.
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Dolev and Odeya Swissa and their two daughters
Dolev and Odeya Swissa were murdered in their hometown of Sderot. They leave behind two young daughters, ages 3 and 7. Dolev, who was shot by terrorists, was found dead Saturday night. A search was conducted throughout the night for his wife Odeya, who was considered missing until her body was discovered in the morning. "We don't know how the girls were saved," said Rehovot Deputy Mayor Zohar Blum, who is married to Dolev's sister. "We woke up to a dark morning."
Blum added, "Following the heart-wrenching news of Dolev's murder and a sleepless night, we have now learned that Odeya, his beloved wife whom we searched for hours, was also mercilessly murdered by the assassins. This young couple's lives were tragically cut short in the war, simply because of their location near the Gaza Strip and the startling ease with which the terrorists invaded their home. A remarkable couple, they leave behind two young, now orphaned, daughters. My heart aches for my wife and her family in Sderot.
Aharon Haimov, a 25-year-old senior paramedic and ambulance driver with Magen David Adom (MDA) from Ofakim, was fatally shot on Saturday morning en route to treat the wounded in his hometown. He is survived by his wife and two children. Haimov began his career with Magen David Adom as a post-high school volunteer before joining the organization in a professional capacity.
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Magen David Adom senior medic and ambulance driver Aharon Haimov, 25, of Ofakim was killed on his way to treat injured
“He was a person who put the good of others and the value of life ahead of everything else — including today, on this tragic morning,” said MDA Director-General Eli Bin.
Israel Fire and Rescue Services announced that Kiryat Gat Fire Station Commander Battalion Chief Shalom Tzaban and Senior Firefighter Yevgeny Galsky were also slain in the attack. Tsaban, 60, a father of two, joined the fire brigade in 1992 and was posthumously promoted to fire deputy chief. Galsky, 34, served in the Netivot fire station. He was promoted posthumously to the rank of sergeant firefighter.
Israel Fire and Rescue Services Commissioner Eyal Caspi extended his condolences to the families and commended the firefighters and commanders who were working tirelessly in numerous locations throughout the conflict zone.
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Israel Fire and Rescue Services announcement of the death of Shalom Tzaban (right) and Yevgeny Galsky
The fire brigade on Sunday morning announced the death of Sergeant Major Firefighter Eric Yehuda Marciano, 50, who joined the fire brigade in 1996 and served as a team leader at the Kiryat Gat Fire Station. He is survived by his wife and three children.
His daughter Coral said: "He went on duty, and probably because of the pressure, he forgot his bag at home. I wrote to him, 'Dad, you forgot your bag.' At 7:05am, he told me he would come back to get it and at 7:20 he no longer answered me, he had already encountered the terrorists. Numerous trucks loaded with armed terrorists entered the area. He fought the terrorists and managed to save a child. I knew my father was dead before we were informed; someone saw him dead and sent me a picture. My father is a hero. He was my whole world. He was a father who always put us first, and himself second, placing everyone before him."
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Head of the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council, Ofir Libstein, was killed in the terrorist attack on the Gaza border town
(Photo: Contact)
The head of the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council, Ofir Libstein, was killed during fighting with Hamas terrorists Saturday morning. “Ofir was killed when he went to defend a town during the terrorist attack,” the council said.
Israel Amichai Vitzan and Moshe Yedidya Raziel (Rosenberg) were killed in Kerem Shalom. They were both residents of the West Bank settlement of Psagot.
Nine people, including a number of children, were killed when rockets struck their communities in the northern Negev, which do not have shelters, according to local authorities.
In Arara, Yazan Zakaria Abu Jama was killed when a rocket landed near his home. In Alba’at, brothers Malek Ibrahim Alkra’an, 14, and Jawad Ibrahim Alkra’an, 15, were killed in a direct strike. Alba’at cousins Amin Akal Alkra’an, 11, and Mahmoud Diab Alkra’an, 12, were also killed. Faiza Abu Sabaakh, 57, and her granddaughter May Zuheir Abu Sabaakh, 13, were also killed in Alba’at.
On Monday morning the IDF released the names of a further 16 fatalities among its force.
Lt. Col. Eli Ginsburg, 42, a commander of the Naval Commando 13 unit, from Dovrat; Private Lior Levy, 19, an operations commander in the Home Front Command, from Dimona; Corporal Adir Tahar, 19, a soldier in the Golani brigade, from Jerusalem; Staff Srg. Uriel Moshe, 21,from the Golani brigade, a resident of Rechasim; Major Peleg Salem, 30, from Netanya; Corporal Amit Tzur, 19, a fighter in the Golan Brigade from Eliachin; Corporal Elai Bar Sade, 19, a fighter in the Golani brigade, from Ramat Gan; Lt. Itai Cohen, 22, a commander in the Engineering Corps' Yahalom special unit, from Rehovot; Sgt. Ben Rubinstein, 20, from the Lotar anti-terror unit, from Hod Hasharon; Srg. Yaron Uri Shai, 21, from the Nahal elite unit, from Kadima-Tzuran; Srg.(Res.) Roi Nagri, 28, from the Lotar anti-terror school, from Tel Aviv; Staff Srg. Itamar Bruchim, 21, paratrooper and commander in the officers' school, from Ashdod; Lt. Nitai Amar, 22, Engineering Corps, from Ma'alumim; 2nd Lt. Yonatan Gutin, special forces, from Modi'in; Staff Sgt. Tashgr Tekah, 21, Golani Brigade, from Jerusalem; Staff Sgt. Naveh Eliezer Lacks from the Matkal special forces unit, from Lod
First published: 00:25, 10.08.23
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genshinarchives · 2 years
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : After conquering death, you open your eyes to find yourself in a completely different era.
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 : Al-Haitham, Kaveh; hints of Cyno x reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : Romance, adventure, isekai
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 : I made a tldr guide to the side characters of this story for your convenience.
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It was warm, as if you were being embraced by the sun itself.
You didn't know how long you've been trapped in this neverending darkness, but for some reason, you weren't afraid.
There was something inexplicable wordlessly telling you to not be afraid. That everything will be alright.
Has death always felt this gentle... this pleasant?
When your eyelids fluttered open, you found yourself standing in the middle of a flower field, under a shower of light pink petals. The first thing you thought of was how beautiful this place is, and you extended a hand in front of you with a smile to catch a petal atop your palm.
"Something good usually happens in places like this... and it kinda reminds me of Enu's domains," you mused, recalling your friend's adoration for flowers.
"That's because I did create this domain."
A flurry of petals suddenly obscured your vision, causing you to lift your arms over your face; when the flowery winds died down, you lowered them again to see a familiar man with dark-coloured hair standing in front of you.
You gasped.
You could never mistake his bright green eyes for another person's.
"Enu...?" you whispered, taking a hesitant step towards him. Grinning with his eyes closed, Enu spread his arms as if he was inviting you for a hug.
"Hey (y/n)! It's been a while," he said, "I must say, you're more beautiful than Elisha despite having the same face as her- KUGH!" His sentence was cut off abruptly when you delivered a solid punch to his gut. "Wh-what was that for? Is this how you greet an old friend?!"
You glared at him, your eyes glossing over with unshed tears. "How dare you die here and shove your responsibilities as king on me! Do you know how much pressure I've been put under in the past six months?"
As Enu clutched his stomach in pain, he gave you an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, (y/n). I really am. It was never my intention to place such a heavy burden on your shoulders."
You lowered your gaze to the ground. So many questions that needed answering swarmed your mind, and since there was no need for you to maintain a dignified image as king anymore, you allowed your emotions to spill out. Throwing yourself at your friend, you wrapped your arms around him tightly and let your tears soak his chest. Enu was caught off-guard but quickly recovered from his initial surprise to settle his arms around your shoulders in a comforting manner.
"There, there. Just let it all out, my king. You've done well to protect Auruk," he murmured.
Sniffling, you pulled your head back to meet his remorseful gaze. "Enu, what happened to you two years ago? Why did you suddenly disappear? How did we both end up in such an old game, and why... Why did you die?"
Enu lowered his eyelids halfway as his hands shifted to grasp your shoulders. He hesitated to answer your questions as he didn't want to risk letting you know too much, fearing that Celestia will punish you like they did to him once your soul returns to Teyvat. But knowing your perseverance, perhaps you can endure the trials of this timeline and prevent more unfortunate souls like him and yourself from being transported here against their will.
"Listen to me, (y/n). This entire world is an alternate dimension, a failed timeline that has been abandoned by Celestia. Some things will not go according to the current Sumeru's history, so you'll have to find the anomalies and remove them," he said, making your eyes widen, "One god up in Celestia refused to abandon this failed timeline and has chosen us to be its saviour. I don't know why they've chosen us. Maybe it's because our otherworldly powers defy the 'laws' of Teyvat, or maybe it's because we're from the future... But we are the heroes meant to correct it." He briefly closed his eyes. "Death shouldn't have come to me that easily. It's my fault for wanting to know the truth of Teyvat... because I ended up knowing too much, that same god punished me with death and pitted me against Enkidu in a brutal fight. I'm sure they also planned for Gugalanna to steal my Sword of Marduk."
"Marduk's Sword belongs to you...?" you asked, knitting your eyebrows together.
"Yes. Gugalanna stole it from me during one of his invasions," he replied with an irritated look.
"Then why did you say that he was the original owner in your journal?"
"I... didn't want the next player to know that I created such a terrifying weapon. B-besides, I managed to antagonise Gugalanna with that false info, right?"
You gave him a deadpan expression as he laughed sheepishly. "Right... and how exactly does the sword kill immortals? It can't be that simple." You remembered that Enu was one of the top players when it came to forging weapons in Camelot Chronicles. His weapons were quite expensive to purchase from the consignment boards in the cities, but the damage they deal was guaranteed.
"It puts a curse on the victim's heart. I forged the sword with my Rank S Blacksmith Skill after being transported here," Enu said, pulling away from you to lift a shining red orb resembling a heart in his right hand, "Their heart will undergo necrosis that progresses slowly until 80% of it is destroyed. It speeds up after that, leading to eventual death." He then crushed the illusion, emphasising the heart's destruction as a result of the curse. "Only a miracle would allow someone to endure such a fate, and the curse can only be broken if the sword itself is destroyed."
There was a moment of silence.
"Rukkhadevata stabbed me with the Sword of Marduk during the war against Sumeru... Does that mean I've truly died?" you murmured.
"Under normal circumstances, yes. But my domain prevented your death." He swept his arm to the side, directing your attention to the magical flower field shielding you from Celestia's gaze. "This is Irkalla, a place for the souls of those who have been wounded by the Sword of Marduk to heal. It's directly under Auruk and since you fell on this land, you soul was immediately brought here."
As you took a step back from him, you raised your gaze to the sky above you. It had a gentle yellow hue, and silver winter stars adorned it. With the scent of spring flowers and the summer breeze caressing your skin, your mind felt at peace in this foreign place. You looked at Enu again. "The Enu I'm seeing right now... isn't really him, is it?"
He let out a chuckle. "You've realised from the start, haven't you? Before my untimely death, I sealed a fragment of my soul in Irkalla." He then sat down on the flowers and patted the spot in front of him, gesturing for you to do the same. "Come, sit. Do you have any questions? Now would be a good time to ask."
Plopping yourself down in front of him, you asked the first question that came into mind, "You said that this is a failed timeline and that there are anomalies I have to remove in order to correct it. What are those anomalies exactly?"
"A story needs plot points, or major turning events for its progression and the development of its characters. Anomalies are major events that do not occur or are deviations from the 'correct' events in the current timeline," Enu answered, cupping his chin, "When I was alive, the first anomaly I encountered was Enkidu. He was a god that should not have existed, and I had a hard time defeating him because I discovered Gugalanna's existence shortly after. I had to take both gods out to allow history to flow in the right direction, but as you can clearly see, I failed. I was able to correct the second anomaly though."
You arched an eyebrow. "And that is?"
"King Deshret, or the Scarlet King. For some reason, he was still alive during the Archon War... He was the reason I forged the Sword of Marduk, a blade capable of killing immortals. I resolved to end his life myself and make it seem like it was Rukkhadevata's doing, and that's exactly what I did."
You grimaced, realising just how far you needed to go in order to fulfill the role that you've been forced to play. Even though you've killed a god before, you weren't sure if you could do it again. The thought of taking someone else's life to correct history as well as for your own survival is a scary concept. You felt no guilt or remorse when you ended Enkidu's life in a blink of an eye, but the memory haunted you, even in your dreams.
"But you can't die yet, (y/n)," Enu began, snapping you out of your thoughts. Taking your hands in his, he then gave them a small squeeze. "The people that you've protected, even beyond your grave, still need a king. Sumeru too, will need your divine chains to drive off the monsters of the abyss in the future."
You immediately shook your head, suddenly feeling the immense weight of responsibility crushing your lungs.
"I-I can't. I'm not as strong as you..." you stammered, gaze downcast.
"That's true," he said, tilting your face up, "You're much stronger than me." Leaning forward, he pressed his forehead against yours. "Please live on. You can struggle unsightly, you can run away when you're flooded with gusts of sand, but as long as you live, that's your win."
Your pupils dilated when you spotted a trail of flower petals leaving him from behind; the petals seemed to be peeling off his back in layers and thus eroding his physical form. Before you could comment on it, Enu spoke up.
"Looks like I've run out of time," he said, withdrawing himself from you whilst standing up. He flashed you a closed-eye smile as his body began to glow. "I've recorded everything you need to know about the correct history of Sumeru in a notebook, which I've hidden in a secret compartment behind my bookshelf. Good luck, (y/n)."
"Enu, wait-!" you exclaimed, quickly pushing yourself to your feet. As you reached out for your dear friend, he burst into a whirlwind of flowers that immediately encased you.
"It's time to wake up and greet a new era, Teyvat's chosen star."
Your eyelids flew open as a loud gasp escaped from your mouth. You found yourself staring at the ceiling of your room in Gilgamesh Palace, and you slowly sat up, the blanket that was draped over you crumpling up on your lap. Nothing has changed; everything was the same as you remembered.
Tears suddenly gathered in your eyes.
"We were able to meet again after so long, yet all you told me was the cold truth. That's cruel..." you mumbled, your vision blurring, "Enu..." Unable to hold your tears back anymore, you buried your face in your palms and cried.
Why did the god up in Celestia choose you and Enu?
None of you are omnipotent beings. None of you are deities or monsters.
You're just a human with a weakness.
You raised your head to see Enki standing in the doorway. The moment your eyes met, he snapped out of it and rushed over to your bedside.
"You're finally awake!" he exclaimed, an expression of hopeless relief painting itself on his face, "The petrified tree that protected your body for many years released you when I checked on you yesterday, so I carried you back to the palace. How are you feeling now?"
"I saw Enu," you said, making his eyes widen.
"You did?" he asked, blinking.
You recounted what happened in Irkalla and the conversation you had with Enu. Enki listened to every detail attentively, his expression a mixture of disbelief and anger; disbelief because you were somehow able to reunite with Enu even if it was brief, and anger towards the god in Celestia for giving you and Enu such a heavy burden.
"I see... That must have been a lot to take in," he remarked.
"How's everyone?" you suddenly asked.
Enki stiffened; he seemed reluctant to answer you. "This... is not the same Auruk that you once knew. Out of everyone you knew back then, only Ereshkigal, Shamash and I are left."
You stared at him incredulously.
Does that mean Ushar, Kingu and Semiramis are...
You swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling your throat go dry. "How long was I asleep for?"
"For a very long time. It's been more than a millennium since the Archon War ended. General Kingu couldn't bear the guilt of not being able to protect you and went on self-imposed exile in Avidya Forest."
You averted your eyes and clenched your fists on your lap.
"Could you please step outside? Tell everyone to not disturb me for the entire day. I need time to... think," you uttered solemnly.
Enki bowed with his right hand on his chest. "As you wish. I'll inform the servants to leave you alone for today."
"Thank you."
As he exited from your room, he carefully shut the door behind him and then leaned against it, the back of his head hitting the surface with a quiet thud.
He felt inexplicable sadness when he saw you.
You were someone who very willingly bore with the unbearable for a long time because you believed the thing you had chosen to protect was worth the price. You hopefully awaited to reach the end to your pain that was in sight, only to have that hope destroyed by the harsh reality that it will never end due to you being Teyvat's second chosen star. You could have gone down the path of murder and villainy, but you never lost the ability to care about those who cared about you or the will to protect what Enu had left behind.
Even when you're at the darkest and most broken of your resentment towards Celestia, Enki was sure that you'll hold onto what is left of your humanity to continue being the God of Heroes.
And he'll be there, every step of the way.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 : @flowwerpot / @myevergarden / @hey-comrade-hold-stil / @genshin-idiot / @crunchy-princeles / @yandere-romanticaa / @o-f-f-u / @tiffthescales / @5ugarcan3 / @hana-chie / @lunavixia / @depressed-bitchy-demon / @cynides / @mangobee / @a-piece-of-shell / @kazukazusbaby​ / @ella-janehaven / @catvyr / @sophisticatedleslie / @kiraisastay / @miralifox /
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