#They are two halves of the same soul
fruity-blogs · 7 months
Losing Hanji meant...
No more of listening to Hanji's interesting discoveries and ideas.
No more bickering about washing their laundry.
No more of playful trashing on their beloved commander's thick brows together.
No more of the sudden "LEVIIIIIII!" screams out of nowhere.
No more of being the partners in crime on various missions.
No more of staying nights after nights by each other's side in the face of adversity.
No more of a whole soul existing.
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tinseltownie · 1 month
Nico “I won my 111th race” Rosberg v Lewis “I didn’t have to wait that long to win” Hamilton
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h-doodles · 10 months
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Connection // Consumption // Possession is my way of Love & you are mine as i am yours, various - a web weave for it's quicker & easier (to eat your young) by @pinkcannibal 💖
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charmwasjess · 1 month
In Brazil they had to change Sifo-Dyas and Dooku's names because they sounded like "se fodias" and "do cu" which mean "he fucked himself" and "from the ass"
This factoid KILLS me so much because these are actually amazingly accurate character summaries for each of them respectively. :D :D
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stsghrs · 8 months
a while ago i saw someone say satoru and suguru are twin flames and i haven't stopped thinking about it ever since
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timothylawrence · 6 months
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Vaeril and Rana meme compilation because i love them
feat @katagawajr
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limpfisted · 9 months
wyll n karlach should BOTH date astarion. thats bisexual rights. lae’zel n shadowheart meanwhile try to eat each other. gale gets with rolan. halsin parties on with honey mushrooms in the woods
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unintentionalgenius · 2 years
my third eye is open and it perceives closeted trans man Cersei Lannister
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wistfulwisp · 7 months
Yknow… the more I think about it, Crowley is what humanity wants to do and Az is what humanity needs to do. Maybe that’s what makes the ending so tragic.
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yeonban · 1 year
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Wait I'm so soft about this...
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odairing · 2 years
@crestazul said: i don't know what to do without you.
AND  HOW  COULD  SHE?  he  is  just  as  lost,  just  as  absent  from  himself  when  she  is  not  around. he  does  not  bear  witness to  her  suffering in  his  absence, but  perhaps  it  need  not  remain  that  way.  if  only  she  wishes  to  share  with  her  best  friend,  with  her  corazón, the  heaviness  of  her  grief.    
his  chest  lifts, and  he  speaks words  woven  into  his  sigh.
“  I  think  we  are  two  halves of  the  same  soul,  angel. ”  it  is  too  late  to  do  anything  about  that  now.  they  are  inseparable.  “  and  what do  you  do  without  me? ”
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huntinglove · 5 days
Key Lime for that ask game :)
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!! I'll answer this for the main and the new F/Os!!
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Key Lime: How would you describe your self-ship’s aesthetic?
Being with Charlie feels like having a sleepover with my best friend while his family is out of town! Shy kisses and handholding, our favorite games and movies to set the mood just right and some junk food to get us through the night!!
Being with Alma feels like going for a walk in the middle of the night but feeling safe and protected while being all alone. Cold wind making the leaves sound like they're whispering and watching...
Being with Mychael feels like a warm day in the middle of fall, perfect for a silent walk to admire the wildlife and scenery! Fresh air, watching the leaves trail down the river and hearing the birds sing
Being with Tenebris feels like being the first person to ever care about somebody. Looking into their eyes and telling them everything you love about them while they're so used to people being afraid or disgusted about them
Being with Puppy feels like being with my soulmate! Sleeping in the same bed while holding each other, talking about our childhoods together, laughing at our own inside jokes until our stomachs hurt
Being with 🎻 feels like slow dancing in an empty ballroom in the middle of the night. Bodies pressed against each other as we feel more beautiful than ever before, music booming and echoing all around us like magic
Being with 🪽 feels like stepping through a beautiful but worn out bridge... Careful steps trying to avoid making it all crumble and break, while the snowy scenery all around take my breath away
Being with Casper feels like taking a moment to think about everything in life that makes me smile. Soft flashes of my favorite memories and people, feeling the comfort of knowing I've lived a worthy and happy life!
Being with Gavril feels like being watched by something lurking in the shadows, unsure if it's planning on hunting me down or keeping me safe from something else that would...
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justrustandstardust · 3 months
i saw an incredible post on tiktok and i wanted to expand on it, because it's genuinely amazing. all the credit to @noesbf on tt for the idea that inspired these thoughts.
geto's character is threaded through with motifs of consumption. he takes things in, whether they be curses or daughters, and is spurred by intense empathy that ends up going in the "wrong" direction once he takes the entire jujutsu world under his wing.
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when we're introduced to him in hidden inventory, our first glimpse is of him consuming a curse. he's also alone, in a dark alleyway, a symbolic image that parallels his journey throughout the story. he's a consumptive force, a facet of his being that ultimately leads to his undoing because he consumes the responsibility of "saving" the strong, who are burdened by the weak.
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gojo, on the other hand, repels. he's an outward force, extending out a physical barrier that creates distance between his body and the world. where geto invites, gojo rejects. their abilities are constructed as diametrically opposed to one another's.
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through the motif of gojo's abilities, this image captures their consume/repel dynamic in a singular shot. after riko's death, gojo leans into red, which repels. he focuses on growing stronger and in doing so, isolates himself from the world (and subsequently, geto). on the other hand, geto leans into blue, which aligns with the consumptive nature of his character. he harbours riko's death inside of himself and it festers, like a curse.
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black holes are all-consuming vacuums. they subsume everything around them and create an inescapable vortex— once you're pulled in, you're never getting out. it will literally eat you and in doing so, makes you an everlasting part of it.
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white holes, on the other hand, function in opposition to black ones along the same axis. where black holes pull, white holes push. nothing can enter them; they're doomed to a lonely eternity because of the force that holds the universe at a distance. nothing outside of it can affect what goes on within, yet it affects everything around it.
however, white holes can be subsumed by black holes. while nothing can enter them, if a white hole were to cross paths with a black hole, its consumptive force is so powerful that it would eat them too.
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after geto and gojo experience a rapture in their relationship, gojo withdraws from the world, holding everyone at a literal and figurative distance. yet, even while he's alone, he's endlessly drawn towards geto. his eyes are bound but his soul isn't— it's tied to the piece of him inside of someone else, and gojo visibly feels the pull.
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white/black holes also correspond to the colours associated with gojo and geto's characters (they align with their yin/yang dynamic, where yin (black) symbolizes darkness & the moon and yang (white) symbolizes light & the sun).
yin/yang are more than two halves; they form an indivisible whole. they become one another: light turns to dark, the moon replaces the sun in the sky, life transitions into death only to be born as life again.
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if two celestial bodies exert oppositional forces upon each other, they function in equilibrium. geto's consumption was growing alongside gojo's repelling, reaching an event horizon when he took the lives of 112 villagers and forcing the two of them out of equilibrium. he continued to consume (curses, money, vulnerable people through his cult) until he died and took gojo's soul with him.
consumption can only exist if there's a repellant force pushing back. geto and gojo are not opposites, instead, they each contain the other— every yin has yang within it and vice versa.
they are borne of each other, they are unknowable without the other. they are more than matching; together, they are complete.
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gay-dorito-dust · 11 days
scar with a gn! Reader that’s crazier then him :3 (headcanons please)
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You probably caught a glimpse of him one day could feel this chaotic and intense energy about him, which would’ve been enough to have anyone making the smart decision to leave while they could.
for you however, it was more or less the opposite and it wasn’t long before you’d actively tried seeking him out, causing chaos and discord however you could just in the hopes of getting an audience with the man known as Scar.
You knew of the stories that have been told about him but you didn’t care and instead found something to bond with him over; wanting to watch everything go up in smoke as the fires blazed on well into the night.
Scar saw you both as kindred spirits, people who saw things as they really were whilst everyone else was more or less content with living in ignorant bliss.
If anyone were to call your love deranged or unstable, Scar would gladly destroy them in whatever ways he felt suited them best, as he went on a triad about how yours and his love was a genuine, one of a kind love that couldn’t be replicated because people didn’t have the same passion for destruction and desolation like you two did.
So in his eyes, anyone else’s definition of love was false in comparison to yours as yours stemmed from an obsession that bloomed from a simple glance.
Scar would preach whilst holding you close as a village burns to cinders that you were soulmates, two halves of the same soul that were forced to live separate lives because you were deemed too powerful of a force when together. so they had to rip you both apart while they could to preserve their definition of ‘peace.’
Your dates were…unique to say the least, such as participating in his experimentations and misleading good and well meaning people for fun and laughing when they come back a monstrosity of their own creation, as you’d let them believe.
You: would you burn everything for me? Would you even kill thousands for me my dearest Scar?
Scar: I’d do so and much, much more, charred corpses that would try to take you away from me, try to persuade you into leaving me or even exist within the same space as you will be used as an cautionary art piece; an example for everyone else that they’d too would suffer a similar fate made purely for our entertainment.
*he grabs at your face and leans in real close* they are merely mortals fooling themselves into thinking they’re smart enough to speak upon issues regarding those of a higher power and purpose. Do you hold me in the same regard, my desire?
You, leaning your forehead against his, looking deep into his eyes that were unusually soft in this moment: if I had it my way there’d be no one left alive to look at what’s mine. I’d rip out my own heart if I could to prove that it only beats for you and you could do whether you’d like with it for as long as you want. Cage it? Destroy it? Preserve it for all time always? My heart is yours to toy with.
You truly were a match made in a demented, morbid version of heaven.
Scar would probably test how much you love him by making you do the most morally questionable shit known to man, if you succeed, you’ve proven your love was genuine but if you failed, then he guesses you didn’t love him as much as you declared you did.
However once you’ve become scar’s, you were forfeiting your freedom in order to shape yourself into being the prefect lover for him, however that was the plan to being with wasn’t it?
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theoppositeofprofound · 9 months
The point about the permeability of the soul is at least in part that we cannot separate love and consumption. You almost always can’t say ‘this is because of the soul juices mingling’ vs ‘this is one of the horrors of love’ and that’s the point.
Is Naberius haunting Ianthe because they grew up together, because they were trained to be two halves of the same whole, because she knew him inside out and there’s a love in that, however violent? Or is it because she’s been using him like a battery and a hand-puppet and a computer program and now he’s threaded up through her. She can’t know! She doesn’t want to know, she refuses to look.
Did Gideon v1 become more militaristic after Pyrhha’s death through osmosis? Or was it because he loved her and trusted her and his first thought in a crisis was What Would Pyrrha Do. Did he love Wake because their programming got jumbled or was it because he met a awful redhead and thought oh, my best friend would have been so stupid for you, she would have been such a wreck…
Did John make the earth angry or did the earth fill John with anger or was it both? Did the love come first or the fury? Does Mercy love her god because Cristabel did or does she do it for the sake of Cristabel? The lyctors all view themselves as living memorials to the dead, of course they’d voice the dead’s thoughts, act out their habits and carry on their infuriating quirks. How else do you remember? You can’t peel apart the analogy and make it all magic or all mundane because soul-permeability coexists with the everyday manacles of affection.
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