#Yay for not abandoning something because I was bad at it.
plasticfoundation · 5 months
CC Blender Progress - 001
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to be clear it's the fence I'm working on!
I didn't want to continue in the year without at least seeing an attempt of me putting some CC in my game. It's quite a bit of steps for me (meshing, doing ANYTHING with UV maps) but it's coming along.
As soon as I get this stuff at a certain quality I'll be happy to share!
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pixelatedraindrops · 5 days
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Yuma Month: Day 31: Post Game
…for the sake of the world’s happiness.
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culling · 9 days
every day s2 does draw a little closer and every day i fear for alastor & vox specifically ,,, such great characters that i believe will be handled SO poorly and i’m resigned to sit on the sidelines and watch
#hi i have a fever blister and im miserable. so naturally im gonna lament some woes#like ughhhh i do NOT trust the writing of this show to handle either of these characters well#s2 is such a mixed bag for me because i’m like yay!!! vox time!!! and then i’m like oh no. vox time.#alastor is more of a long term issue i think. so my fear for him isn’t TOO strong yet but#ohhh i don’t think vivzie can write mental illness well if it isn’t a specific special brand of mental illness so. eeeeh#idk!! vox being the main antagonist of s2 is inchresting in a lot of ways. especially a catra sort of way!#but given vivzie’s record with villain characters ( adam / mammon / stella / poor striker! ) i just.#really fear that vox will become a one dimensional villain who’s revealed to have been evil all along or w/e wfhwkfkws#like i think fanon’s valid interpretation of him having a bleeding heart and being a deeply hurt person#as well as someone who was given intense abandonment issues … i just feel like that’s gonna be HEAVILY disproven#like oh actually vox is acting like this because his ego was hurt from one little rejection isn’t he AWFUL?? etc etc#and dgmw i dont WANT them to woobify him either! i dont want the narrative to sympathize with him too much#but i also dont want completely villainization either#which is ironcally my fear for alastor as well. i dont want them to erase all his good traits just to make him a big villain#just like i dont want them to erase all his BAD traits to make him a plot twist victim#ugh </3 its complicated! s2 in general makes me nervous for a lot of reasons#and i’d rather go in expecting the worst than to expect something good and be let down i suppose!!#anyway uh good morning imma pass out and then do drafts adjskdjsd
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rimunagenius · 2 months
Off Day
ʚ pairing: Kate Martin x Roommate!reader
ʚ word count: 2.6k words
ʚ warnings: RPF!! angst, creepy!stalker-ish!classmate, harassment, some fluff at the end
ʚ ri speaks: okay so i literally just dropped part one and the masterlist and right after i literally wrote this part! i literally pulled this series out of my ass last night…pardon my french. so i finished the masterlist and first part last night and so far, the feedback im getting is really good so…yay!☺️ anyways, this part is a little dark? but trustttt it will be resolved soon.
Part 2
| Series Masterlist |
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You desperately wanted to crawl back into bed, get back under the cool covers, and just lie there until the world ended. Or until Kate got home. Either way, you wanted to be anywhere but class.
Something about today was so off. You woke up and did your routine like any normal day. Kate left earlier than you but came back right before you left. You left her breakfast or lunch, whatever she decided to classify it as on the counter, and said you'd see her later at practice. That was 3 hours ago.
But today you had an exam in your anatomy class. This class was easy but you just did not want to be there because of Nick. Ever since a couple of days ago when you told Kate what went down between him and Gabbie, he's been relentless in getting the details of "your and Kate's relationship." You didn't want to tell him it wasn't Kate because you'd rather have to pretend to date her than anyone in California. Especially the girls you knew.
Something about Nick was off so you weren't going to pick a random girl in your following on Instagram. Knowing him, he'd probably stalk the poor woman. You just wanted to skip this class altogether. You hoped this line in the coffee shop on campus would move faster to possibly find a seat where other people could fill in around you before he could.
"Hey!" You turned your head, pulled one airpod out of your ear, and smiled at the brunette next to you. Her name was Juliana and you had class with her in like ten minutes.
"Oh, my god, hi!" You put the AirPod back in its case, abandoning the tranquility for the rest of whatever conversation was going to ensue.
"Not to be nosy or get in your business, and I really don't want to make you uncomfortable, but that guy over there keeps staring at you." She pointed her finger, subtly, in the direction behind her. You got to be fucken kidding…Nick. "He's been saying things to people in anatomy, saying you guys are talking, and how he doesn't like how you're too close to Kate. Or something like that, it's all unclear. But I found it weird and thought you should know." Her face looked genuinely concerned. Her eyes went soft as she looked at your expression change from friendly to somewhat terrified.
"Oh, my god. Thanks for telling me. I don't even know him. He's asked me out a couple of times but I rejected him. Who is he telling? Do a lot of people know?" You asked her. Your hands started to get clammy, as you started to move to the pick-up counter, your name being called; your drink ready.
"I honestly have no idea, but if anyone asks just tell them you're in a relationship." Juliana suggested, unsure of how to handle the whole situation.
"Yeah, I thought he'd leave me alone when my friend Gabbie had said I was seeing someone already. He automatically assumed it was my best friend Kate." You really thought this was behind you. This was probably the bad feeling you've been feeling all day.
"Oh, so you're not dating Kate?" Juliana asked, her face lightening up.
"No, but she said she was okay with going along with it to keep him away from me. Why? You like her?" You had no idea she swung that way. She usually talked about boy drama whenever you guys did group work in your class.
"Uh, no. But if she decides to start seeing someone and needs to drop the whole "fake girlfriend" thing, you can definitely ask me. I'm happy to help." She smiled warmly at you. You were very grateful for her willingness to help.
"Oh, okay. Thank you so much!" Her friend then called her over, and you both said goodbye. You had already made it to your class. Juliana keeping you company the whole way. You walked in and took a seat, pulling out your phone. You figured you could text Kate and let her know that if Juliana was willing to help, you'd relieve her of her duties. You also wanted to catch her up on what the hell went down in the coffee shop.
"you will not believe what just happened..."
almost instantly, her response bubble popped up.
"omg, what?"
"a friend in my anatomy class came up to me in better buzz and told me some guy was staring at me"
"what guy? are you okay?"
"and the guy was Nick!"
"apparently he's telling people me and him are talking but doesn't like how me and you are so close"
"wtf. are you serious?"
"did you tell her that me and u were together?"
"ab that...she said she would be down to be my "girlfriend" if I needed it. so I was thinking I would just tell ppl that me n her are together, so that way you're not dragged into this mess lol"
"okay for sure."
"I gtg. I'll see you later at practice!"
"alright, see you later. love you!"
" 'bear <3 loved "alright, see you later. love you!" "
Usually, she said it back. You, Kate, and all the girls got in the habit of saying 'love you' to one another because it was true. You all loved each other so dearly. None of you had shame in how you felt about one another and how close you held each other to your hearts. But you just decided to brush it off, she was probably just super busy. 
You honestly had no idea why your mind told you to read into everything she's been saying and texting you, lately. I was seriously getting unhealthy with how much you worried about what she thought about you. You were lost in thought before someone took a seat next to you. Assuming it was Juliana because she was just outside with her friends, you turned to tell her that if she was down to be your "girlfriend." You were pretty startled to see it wasn't her but Nick instead. 
"So, how have you been?" He asked. Something about him seemingly so off. You didn't like the feeling you got around him at all. You noticed his gaze following you out of the shop with Juliana ten minutes ago. You looked around the room, the spots in the class filling up quickly. You saw Juliana walk in, but before you could get her attention, Nick moved into your line of sight and prevented anyone from coming between you two. 
"Uh, good?" You looked down at your phone trying to find anything to keep you looking as uninterested as possible. 
"That's it? Nothing else to say to me?" He seemed to be growing more irritable with the short responses. 
"I don't know what you want me to say, I didn't want to talk to you anyway." You looked at him, wishing he'd go away. You didn't want to say it out loud and catch the attention of everyone around you. 
"Oh, now that's not nice. That's no way to talk to your boyfriend." He said, a weird smile encroaching on his lips. You did not like this at all. You were genuinely starting to get scared. You pulled up Juliana's number, thankful you asked for it last week so you could send her the notes she missed. 
"911. he's starting to really freak me out." 
You sent the message and immediately Nick asked who you had been texting. "Can you please, for the love of god, leave me alone? I'm seeing someone." The smirk on his face dropped, a cold stare being directed right at you. 
"No, you're not. You're seeing me." 
"No, she's not you creep. She's my girlfriend." Juliana then sat on the opposite side of you, staring Nick down. Nick's face flushed, his eyes looking at a few people who had turned around to see what was going on. She placed a hand on your leg.
It wasn't long after your exam and when the class was dismissed that Nick approached you again. He tried to talk to you, you just want to get straight to the Carver stadium. No students that weren't on the team or staff weren't allowed in. You just needed to get there as quickly as possible. 
"Hey! Stop ignoring me." Nick semi-shouted at you. You had put both airpods in, trying to tune him out. It wasn't until he tried to grab your arm and pull you back from walking away from him that you turned around ready to blow up before your saving grace came up to both of you. 
"Hey, man! Watch the fuck out. I don't know who you think you are but you are not gonna put your hands on my friend like that. Not like that, not now, and not ever." Hannah, with the hand she had placed on his arm to throw it off you, pushed him back a little before putting her arm around your shoulder and walking away from him. "That was fucking weird. You know that guy?" She looked back to see if he was still there, and indeed he was. Watching you both walk in the direction towards the arena. 
"No, actually. He's a fucking creep who asked me out a couple of times and took it horribly. He's been harassing me for a little. He was staring at me while I was getting coffee before my class like two hours ago." You said, calming down significantly since Hannah showed up. But your stomach was still uneasy and you really did not want to go to that class tomorrow or ever until he was gone and far away from Iowa City. 
"Yeah, don't walk around campus alone anymore. I'll come to find you after every—what class is this?" 
"Okay, after every one of your anatomy classes, I'll come to find you and we can go to practice together. Do you have friends that know what classes you have and can walk you?" Now that you think about it, Juliana was in a lot of your classes. She wanted to do nursing so most classes you had in the week, were with her. 
"Yeah, funny story. The girl that's pretending to be my girlfriend to keep that guy away, which he obviously doesn't give a damn about, is in a lot of my classes. And it works out because the ones she's not in, Kate takes me because they're on her way." You smiled at the tall girl, grateful. 
"Okay, good. I don't want you getting stalked and possibly worse because of that guy. You should report him before it gets too bad." Hannah suggested, and rightfully so. 
"Yeah, I will. Thanks again, Hannah."
The girls' practice was going well. Until it wasn't. 
"Hey, you got a minute?" You were organizing gauze and wraps in the med bag behind the bench before you looked up and saw Kate holding her nose. 
"Yes, of course, Kate. Another one?" You looked at the girl as she walked around the bench and you handed her a towel. She broke her nose every year, you and Caitlin swore on it. You grabbed some gauze squares and put them in each nostril, to absorb as much blood as possible before you completely ruined the towel. 
"Don't tilt your head back. It could cause clots." You knew she already knew that with how prone Kate was to bloody noses. But it never hurts to refresh her mind, as it is instinct to stop the bleeding. 
"Yeah, thanks." You and Kate stood there while the bleeding stopped. "Alright, I think I'm good." She said a small smile on her face. You saw some blood on her shirt, grabbing the small bottle of peroxide in the bag, and a small gauze pad, you tried to soak as much of it out so it was easier for her when she did laundry. Suddenly your phone started buzzing. A new notification every second. 
"Jeez, who is blowing up your phone?" Kate asked, as she looked at your screen lighting up and watching the notifications pop up one by one.
"I don't know. Can you check?" You asked as you tried to get the last spot of blood off her clothes. 
"It's Instagram. Someone named Nick? Is it that same Nick guy Hannah said harassed the fuck out of you today?" She set your phone down. Your stomach immediately churning. You were honestly getting the creeps. 
"Oh my god. She told you?" You asked as you looked into Kate's eyes. Both of yours mirroring each other. The same worried look. 
"Yeah, and I'm glad she did. You need to say something. Or I can if you're not comfortable." Kate suggested. Now six more new notifications popped up, all from Nick. "I'll block him for you." She said, picking up your phone but stopping to look at you. Her eyes silently asking if that was okay with you.
"Yeah, please." You sighed as you threw the gauze squares away, putting the peroxide back before watching Kate block Nick. On your main and spam account. You have no idea how he found you; your name isn’t in the usernames. You really should go private and change your message settings. "Alright lemme check your nose though, to make sure it's not broken." There was absolutely no need to do this. You knew it was probably just a simple elbow or ball to the face. You both would've known if it was broken. 
"Alright." She sat on the bench, signature manspread. Good lord. You stood between her legs, putting pressure on different parts of her nose, checking for any indication of pain. It was a little tender but that was obvious, and so was you making an excuse to keep Kate a little longer. I mean, could she blame you? You haven't seen her much in the last couple of days. Late practices you missed for studying for your exam, her leaving earlier than you and by the time you get home she's either asleep or visiting her nephew. You missed your best friend.
You could see her looking at you as you checked. Your eyes meet once or twice, small giggles escaping your lips every time. Her eyes dropping to your lips occasionally, watching your tongue poke out a little as you focused on the task at hand. That made her giggle too. "Okay, bear. You're good." You kissed the top of her head and patted her shoulder before she stood up and ran back to the court. 
"If I roll my ankle, do I get a cute nickname and a kiss too?" Caitlin shouted as she pretended to throw herself on the ground. You laughed at her antics loudly before nodding your head and yelling yes. You laughed harder as she pretended to limp towards you. 
"Yeah, I'm gonna need like ten kisses to make this unbearable pain go away."  She fakes winced as she took a seat in the spot Kate was previously in, resting her "injured" foot on the chairs next to her. 
"Oh for sure, Cait." You laughed.
Suddenly, Sydney, Kylie, Jada, and Gabbie, hobbled over pretending to be injured to get their kisses too. "You need one too, Coach Bluder?" You shouted after you made your way through half the lineup. You made the assistant coaches laugh, including Coach herself. The practice was better after that, but you just couldn't shake the events from today off. 
Maybe another movie night with Kate would fix this. A lot of ice cream must be eaten tonight. Just one night, peaceful, and Nick free.
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azure-cherie · 5 months
What's in your store for January
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Pile 1 -3
Hello love's hope you had a very happy and fruitful new year , I'm praying for the happiness and well being of all of us one more year together I'm so grateful for each one of youuu
Please choose using your intuition and take what resonates
If you'd like a personalized reading for new year
Paid readings , paid readings 2 , masterlist
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Pile 1 :
First of all what are you guys even dealing with good lord The energy is pretty heavy , I will not be surprised if you have prominent Saturn in your charts this month I believe you are dealing with karmic cycles , Things ending in general, you might be a bit shaken up soon something you thought never would happen will happen
I'm sensing career or home sector fights could be there as well as inner conflicts beware and take precautions don't get too caught up about what others have to say rather choose your own story this also indicates you might soon take a stand for yourself its really required something has to come to an end because the time is over now you are to urge for more ! Financially! Abundance is written for you this time your creativity will pay off I know you like you play with fire but remember life moulds you like a clay some fire glazes some melts you gotta choose your own battles why do I feel like I'm talking to myself lol .
You will understand the worth of spontaneous plans soon sometimes you gotta do stuff for the sake of doing it and you just gotta act wild just be careful about the fact that everyone you go out with isn't a friend every co worker doesn't mean good for you learn to see through people's mask ! Theres one video by persephonesmind its perfect she explains it really well , followed by ten of swords some of you might experience a rock bottom moment however it isn't for everyone but with the world be assured you will pick yourself up this might seem like a bad ending but it's a good one or turn out to be good it's a matter of time bae anyone who tries to play you cheat on you will be ashamed themselves because they will see the purity in your heart .towards the end of the month I see some enemies becoming friends.
Pile 2 :
You're a bad bitch period !! This month is about embodying the best version of yourself move on despite the snakes around you ignore the people you're gonna be investing on something that is worth it it's a sign ! Friendships are something you will be blessed this month new and old you will also actively let go of a fear of yours I heart heights and abandonment issues.
If you're looking for commitment from someone it will be given this month like engagements marriage yay social media fame is also written there would be more family functions to attend to I see more active energy in this pile. You will understand the worth of standing alone and work your intuition through difficult situations .Your dreams might be a clear indicator of something also I feel you're making someone cry or someone is making you cry ask advice from someone who's been there in your situation you can also ignore if the situation isn't as important I also feel ignorance energy I guess it's good because you're also healing from abandonment issues .
You'll be doing some course on money management or get advise from your elders on your resources. Sometimes we make our own problems dont get sucked into that take time but let your loved ones know that you need it ! Also you really need that money management advice as you might end up losing something but I also don't think it will he a bad loss ! Sometimes sacrifices are necessary you might understand the worth of small losses now but that will protect from bigger issues later.
Pile 3 :
I don't dress for women I don't dress for men lately I've been dressing for revenge! That's your main mood this January you're gonna show everyone who didn't believe in you what you're capable of you're going new heights reaching new goals making new ways I'm so proud of you
You have struggled a lot to do this actions manifesting you are getting closer to what you want , might fetch yourself a new leadership position this month you're gonna be an example an epitome of grown beside the struggles because you're so ready to work despite all the sneaking going on behind your back you're gonna be doing the thing needed to defeat your enemies you will undergo momentary defeat and might cry for a while because you might feel all forces are against you this is the time to pour into your inter child
When trauma shows up remember to shadow work nothing ever goes away one needs to heal with it don't get swayed away with temptations and fake promises I heard devil is strong but so is the knight know that your emotional strength will lead you through this you have to be more intune with your emotions but also lead with logic it's a hard balance to learn but once you're on it you become undefeated and you will be I'm so sure about that.
Thank you so much for reading
Have a great day/night ahead ❤️
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ghostssweetgirl · 1 year
Okay, I've got you. 🤪
What if reader (already in established relationship with the boys 141+los vaqueros) asks them "Would you love me if I was a worm"
Its gonna be so much fun!
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😂😭💀Dying at this LMAO it's a legit question though, because if they wouldn't love you in ANY form do they really love you? 😂😂😂 @ghostslillady
Reader x TF141 + Los Vaqueros | Would You Still Love Me if I Was a Worm?
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Captain 'John' Price
"Hey, babe," you looked over at him with a smile on your face.
"Yes, dear?"
"I have a question."
"What's that, love?"
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" you said it outright and confidently as you held eye contact with him.
"A worm?" he laughed. "Bloody hell kind of question is that?"
"I'm being serious!"
"I... I don't have an answer for that, darlin'," he shook his head while he chuckled, you could see his cheeks flushed red.
"So... you wouldn't?" you frowned, looking down at the ground.
He sighed. "Yes, yes, I would, y/n. I'd still love you if you were... a fuckin' worm." He peered over at you with an unamused look on his face. You smiled ear to ear, happy that he'd still love you... even in an unrealistic scenario...
John 'Soap' MacTavish
"Babyyyy..." you crawled closer to him on the couch, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug.
"Hey, there, pretty," he chuckled, hugging you closer.
"Can I ask you a silly question?"
"Oi, I love a silly question."
"Okay. Say I was a worm."
"A little earthworm?"
"Yes, exactly, me, a little tiny earthworm."
He shook his head, understandably.
"Would you still love me... if I was that worm?"
He busted out in laughter, his face turning red from how hard he giggled. "How exactly do you take care of a worm? The hell would I feed you?"
"I... I don't know," you thought. "Leaves? Dirt? I don't know, but you would still love me?"
"Of course, bonnie," his laughter didn't stop. "You'd love me if I was one, aye?"
"Yes! We'd be worm boyfriend and girlfriend!" you grinned, laughing with him.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
It was a bad time for this question you had... it was bugging you all day. You were in the middle of a mission, and were taking cover in an abandoned building.
You and Ghost were reloading your guns. You looked at each other and he squinted at you. "What is it?" he knew that look on your face.
"I just... wanted to ask you something," you tried to hide that smile forming on your face.
"Can it wait until we're done here, luv?" he rasped as he secured the mag into his gun, patting it with the palm of his hand. You followed suit and sat up next to him as you eliminated enemies on the opposite side.
You emptied bullets into the enemy soldiers before ducking again. Ghost took out the rest before he was sat back next to you. He took a quick look at you, and you were already staring, still with a smile on your face. "Just what is it?"
"Well..." you started before you started quietly giggling. "I was wondering if... you'd still love me if I was a worm?"
"A fuckin' worm?" He repeated before calling over the comms, waiting for pickup. "Seriously? Fuckin' bloody hell kind of question is that?"
You couldn't help but laugh, laughing even harder even though no sound came out as he grumbled on about the question. Your stomach was starting to hurt.
"... Still love you if you was a goddamn worm...", "Fuckin' dumb questions you come up with sometimes..."
"Simon!" you yelled in a whisper. "Would you? Yes or no?"
He simply rolled his eyes, sighing in defeat as he looked at you. "... Yes. I suppose I'd have to learn how take care of the damn thing, yeah?" he chuckled.
"Yay!" you shrieked as you pulled him into a hug, he hugged you back tightly before pulling away as your getaway vehicle showed up.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
A mission completed successfully, as always, results in a night of good fun and drinking.
You were sitting next to your boyfriend, Gaz, as the alcohol flooded through your veins.
You giggled behind your hand, covering up your laugh as it only became more intense with your thoughts.
"What's funny, baby?" Gaz asked.
"Oh," you paused. "Just thinkin'."
"If you'd still love me if I was a worm?"
"Oh my god," he shook his head, his hand wiped down his face at the question. "How do you come up with this?"
You shrugged, your face beet red as you couldn't stop giggling. "Would you, though?"
"I..." he stammered. "Y/n... why? Just why?"
"Because! Just because!" you said. "Yes or no? I'm a cute little worm!"
He sighed, soon laughing as well. "Yeah, yeah, I guess, as long as you're cute."
You hummed, smiling, happy with his answer.
Alejandro Vargas
You had prepared a home-cooked meal of one of his favorites, along with some wine to wash it down with. Waiting for his arrival, you nearly jumped for joy when he entered the house, jumping into his arms as you attacked his face with kisses.
"Mi amor," he rasped, kissing you passionately. "Missed you so much. Smells so good in here."
"Hehe, thanks, baby," you ushered him into the kitchen, pulling out his chair for him to sit and eat.
You finished your lovely dinner, catching up with him after his absence.
It was now bedtime, and as you laid cuddling him, one of the most random questions popped in your mind.
"Alejandro?" you whispered.
"Yes, baby?"
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
He didn't answer for a moment, but you waited, twiddling your thumbs as you awaited his response.
"Is this what keeps you up at night, hermosa (beautiful)?"
You softly laughed, but you shook your head. "Yes... But what's your answer?"
He chuckled, pulling you closer to him. "I love you regardless, baby. Even if you were a tiny little... slimy worm."
You were in the passenger seat as he was driving you back to the safe house. It was a bit of a drive and you had all the time in the world to be in your own head, pondering unanswered questions of the world until you came across one silly question...
You waited a moment, peeking over at your boyfriend while he had his eyes on the road. For a moment, he met your eyes and he smiled lovingly at you, holding his hand out for yours to take.
He rubbed the back of your hand before he pulled it to his lips, kissing it softly.
"Rudy, baby?" you cooed.
"Random... stupid question..." you giggled.
"Go on..." he nodded.
"Would you love me if I was a worm?"
"A worm?" he exclaimed, laughing.
"Darling, you would never be a worm," he spoke in between his laughs. "You're silly."
"I'm curious, though," your voice pitched slightly higher.
"Well..." he thought about it. "I love you. As you are now... and I'd love you in... any way, so... yes?"
"Yes?" your smile widened, your eyes lit up at his answer.
"Is that what you wanted me to say, my love?" he smirked. You nodded in response, sitting back into your seat.
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agent-darkfest · 9 months
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Oh gosh… I’m really getting into the Fall mood. For some reason I associate Fall with farms… hmm, must be because of harvest and scarecrows. Anyways, I was just doodling a bit and then my doodling went from that to making up different scenarios where Sun and Moon are working at a farm and getting on each other’s nerves. They get into shenanigans, and the child they watch over joins them in their free spirited high-jinx and pranking.
I’m thinking that Sun and Moon are like scarecrow animatronics that are helping the child’s grandparents around the farm (don’t know if there should be anything supernatural about them). The child’s parents work at the city and don’t have time to watch over them, so they leave them at the farm where they get homeschooled by their grandparents (they used to be professors). But after a particularly bad accident that sends the child and their grandparents to the hospital, the child is taken away from the farm and never returns… The farm becomes desolate and abandoned, a company wishes to purchase the land, but the owner refuses to sell… 20 years later the child grows and decides to return to the farm left to them by their grandparents. Their memory of the farm has faded, yet they feel that it holds something truly special… they drive to the farm eager to see it for the first time in 20 years… but what will they find when they get there?
I kinda wanna color one of these, but I don’t know which one…
Also, I don’t know if tumblr is gonna lower the resolution, so below are some close ups.
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Yay! Fall season! Pumpkin Spice Cappuccinos here I come!
Edit: I just figured out how to do links (yay!). Below are the links to a couple of concept sketches of Sun and Moon.
Early concept doodle
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falling-star-cygnus · 4 months
Heard you’re suffering artblock and want requests so uhhhh—
Alastor helping Lucifer with molting season?
i love you for this, dewflake :0
uhhh, i wrote this and then reread your ask and only just now realized it says art block and not writers block... hope you don't mind?
your pfp tho oml <3
{Alastor sneezes.}
{The feather that had drifted past his nose, tauntingly red, marks for the third occasion he's had to bat one of those blasted things away. Once he could dismiss as an accident, two an unfortunate coincidence, but three?}
{Why, it was practically a challenge!}
{Though... admittedly a messy one. Not to mention sloppy. You didn't see Alastor leaving the velvet from his antlers everywhere, now did you?}
{...that wasn't a bad idea actually. Not everywhere, of course, the Radio Demon had class. But maybe a hearty covering over a certain king of hell's pillow would be enough of a deterrent.}
{Why was Lucifer leaving his feathers everywhere? It was hardly his usual go-to for irritating the deer demon. Before he could dwell too long, however, a familiar chipper voice breaks into his thought process.}
"Oh! Alastor!"
{Charlie, he notes. She's carrying a stack of boxes that's leaning just a little too far forward for comfort and Alastor can't help but use his microphone to tilt them back into her hands properly.}
{Purely so it wouldn't fall on him, of course. Not because he didn't want the princess to hurt herself. That would've made excellent entertainment if he was standing maybe a foot to the left. That's what he'll tell anyone that asks. Until it's true}
"Ack- thanks, Al!" "No problem at all, my dear Charlie. May I ask why you're carrying such a heavy load? With no help for that matter."
{Alastor would've thought her little girlfriend would've leapt at the chance to help. Especially considering he could tell she still carried the guilt of keeping what she truly was a secret.}
"It's no worries! Juuust busy somethings around in storage. Oh, oh! Actually- do you mind checking on my dad?"
{The Radio Demon tilts his head to the side, wondering why in high hell the darling princess thought that that was a good idea. He goes to say as much when-}
"Please, Al? For me?"
{He chokes on static. Somehow, Charlie had managed to peek over her stack of luggage and flash the most horrendous pair of puppy dog- ugh dogs- pair of doe eyes at him}
{It's shameful how fast it works.}
"...obey the five-foot rule." "Yay! Oh, I could hug you right now!" "Do not."
{Charlie giggles, hefting her haul back into the crook of her arm with a nod}
"I would go myself, but this could be a good bonding opportunity for you two! He always gets like this this time of year..." "Oh? And here I thought he was a hermit year round, hahah!"
{Alastor doesn't stick around to see her expression.}
{Unsurprisingly, the feathers become a more and more common occurrence the closer he gets to Lucifer's gaudy apple tower. He'll have to loose Niffty in here sometime soon...}
{The deer half-debates just leaving, the king of hell is more then old enough to take care of himself. But- no, he gave Charlie his word. Not directly, there was nothing making him do this actually. So why does he want to...?}
{Alastor knocks}
"Huh- Uh.. who is it?"
{The door is opening before he can answer.}
"Now, now, your highness, you didn't even let me introduce myself!" "Ughh, what do you want, Alastor?"
{There's something itching at the back of his brain at the sight of Lucifer's unkempt wings. The way the feathers puffed and clumped up in some places, the ceiling high piles of red and white... hm.}
{He invites himself in}
"Wh- hey!" "Our dear Charlie sent me over, of course! Something about your current issue being a yearly problem?"
{It's highly amusing to watch Lucifer waffle around for an answer, starting one sentence just to abandon it for an accusation. It almost makes him laugh as he watches over his shoulder. It's only after a minute of watching that he realizes the king is shirtless.}
{The final piece clicks into place.}
"Oh, I see. You're molting, aren't you?" "How did you-" "I suppose this goes to show even the most powerful of beings have their troubles, hm?" "So you admit I'm stronger then you!"
{Alastor's eye twitches}
"You mean you were doubting it?"
{Lucifer scowls}
{The micro king of hell manages to keep the staring contest going for about 10 seconds before throwing his hands up to viciously scratch at one of wings. The rough movement has the deer cringing and smoothing himself out before Lucifer rounds on him again.}
"Can I help you?" "On the contrary, maybe I can help you."
{His royal shortness barely has time to blink before Alastor is shadow slinking behind him.}
{The Radio Demon shoves at his shoulder until the little king is face down on his bed and ignores whatever noises of protest he manages to make at the sudden treatment.}
"What are you doing- oh. Oh, that feels nice."
{Alastor had sunk his nails into the clump of loose feathers closest to the middle of Lucifer's back and begun to gently scritch at the muscle underneath it; effectively, the feathers ready to fall were taken care of.}
{It feels like hours later of this rinse and dry process before the purring King speaks up}
"You're good at this... you done this for that bartender of yours or something?" "HAH- no."
{The deer contemplates leaving it at that, keeping whatever this calm air is between them going and stable and safe. He's not sure why he doesn't.}
"My ma- my mother used to look after the ducks that came by the pond."
{If Lucifer notices the correction, he doesn't say anything. No, he stays quiet as Alastor dusts his loose feathers into an idle pile.}
"She taught me how to do it." "...she sounds nice."
{The Radio Demon hums, a familiar song drifting through his microphone. He vaguely remembers it as something that would play in the kitchen all those years ago. Hm... didn't his maman say that molting fowl needed more protein? Perhaps then he'll make jambalaya for dinner tonight. Just in case.}
"...she was."
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yuri-is-online · 12 days
Silly Yutu idea but his parents finally get together in the Present Timeline, and like, yay! He hasn't accidentally Marty McFly'd himself from reality! Except his parents are teenagers and suddenly poor guy cannot stay in Ramshackle because he just can't walk in on his teenage parents making out again. He can't. After every thing he's seen in the Bad Future, this is what breaks him. He's not strong enough.
He's happy for them, he's happy to see his parents in love and together for once. But please, please think about how much your son DOES NOT want to see that.
Or something, I really need to get to bed. But want to give Yutu some silly situations for all this angst.
He needs a breeeak. But maybe not like this oh no.
Listen Yutu has always been curious about what your relationship was like. There is something reassuring about seeing your parents being in love with one another.
There is nothing reassuring about seeing your parents make out on a ratty ass couch in what used to be an abandoned building. That would be traumatizing even if it wasn't your parents. EVEN WORSE can you imagine seeing one of the more... proper boys, like say Riddle or Sebek, doing something like that? Riddle just takes Yutu's head off and starts screaming like he wasn't disappointing the gods and his mother 10 seconds ago and Sebek breaks the sound barrier with his embarrassment. Azul... if it was anyone else he'd want to die but since it's Yutu I think he feels weirdly secure in knowing that he won't go blab about what he was doing since he doesn't want people connecting the dots on what he is. He can be kind of shameless when he has something other people want.
Jade! Yutu would just roll his eyes, shuts the door, and to goes to have a smoke.
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howlingday · 7 months
Belladina Date Night
Jaune: It's done... Yes, Ma'am. All of our customers have been served. I'll be on my way home n- Oh, wait! I promised my wife I'd pick up some milk and eggs on the way.
Jaune: ...Okay. Thank you. Have a great d-
Lisa: (Via TV) Breaking news, multiple bodies have been discovered in an abandoned building in the northern district. The building, set to be demolished later this month, was inhabited by whom the police determine are members of The Black Beasts, a radical terrorist organization funded in part by foreign interests, and are responsible for multiple acts of indiscriminate violence across the Kingdom.
Penny: ...Mama, I wanna watch cartoons.
Blake: Not now, Penny.
Lisa: Moving on to stock prices...
Penny: (Teary-eyed)
Blake: ...Fine. Go ahead and change the channel.
Penny: Yay~! (Changes the channel, Sits)
Jaune: (Opens the door) Blake, Penny, I'm home!
Blake: Welcome home, Ja...
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Jaune: I... I got the milk and eggs...
Blake: Uh, thank you. Are you... Are you okay?
Jaune: No, no, I'm... I'm fine...
Jaune: (Thinking) I can't let him know that... THAT I TOOK A GUNSHOT TO MY ASS AND NOW I'M IN SO MUCH PAIN!.
Penny: (Thinking) A gunshot?!.
Penny: Please don't die, Papa!
Jaune: I'll be fine, Penny. Papa just needs a good night's rest. (Slams bedroom door shut)
Penny: Wow... Not even a gunshot can kill Papa...
Blake: (Thinking) DAMN! I must've said or done something to upset him! What could it- Argh! The groceries! If I wasn't so lazy, he wouldn't be so tired! Marriages are all about compromises, but what have I given him?!.
Blake: This is bad! This is so very bad! My mission will be compromised because of my selfish behavior!.
Penny: Mama, you are way off...
Blake: Maybe he'll feel better in the morning.
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Blake: He's not better today...
Jaune: It's not better today. It huuuuurts...
Blake: J-Jaune, I have today off, so... uh... W-Would you do me the honor of going out on a date?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: (Blushes) A D-D-D-D-
Blake: I want to thank you for all of your hard work around the house and with helping raise Penny. If anyone deserves a break, it's you.
Jaune A date...
Blake: O-Only if you feel up for it, of course!
Jaune: Yes! I accept! I need to learn what dating a married woman really means!
Blake: ...Wha-
Jaune: I'm going to go get ready!
Penny: Yay~! We're going on a date~!
Blake: You're not coming. A date is only between two people.
Blake: Take good care of her, okay?
Sun: Hey, hey, hey! Since when am I on babysitting duty?
Blake: Since right now. And you know why. (Whips out check) This is the first half.
Sun: ...You know my only weakness. (Takes)
Blake: Now... (Snaps fingers, Limo arrives) Your chariot awaits, my dear husband~.
Blake: Last night, I planned 863 different date ideas that he should enjoy. This date will be perfect.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Um I... I'm sorry, Blake, but c-could we not drive anywhere and just... walk?
Jaune: I don't want to make my butt hurt any worse!.
Blake: Huh?!
Blake: Is he still angry with me?! Damn! That's 794 ideas right out the window!.
Blake: Er, n-no problem then... Shall we? (Walks away with Jaune)
Penny: Mama... Papa...
Penny: Hey, Sunny.
Sun: Huh?
Penny: Let's follow them.
Sun: ...
Sun: Heh, alright! We'll throw on disguises and tail them!
Sun: (Thinking) Heehee! Now we'll see just how Blake swoons all her boyfriends~!.
Penny: They're too far away... I can't read their minds!.
Blake: What do those two think they're doing?. Are they pretending to be spies trying to follow us?. I'll just pretend they're not here.
At the mall...
Blake: How about a new suit? I'm sure you'll look stunning in one~!
Jaune: N-No way!
Jaune: Those pants look so tight, and I'm in enough pain as it is!.
At the movies...
Blake: Jaune, why don't you sit down? People are staring.
Jaune: I-I'm fine!
Many locales later...
Jaune: It's no use! I can't focus on this date at all!.
Blake: I haven't cheered him up at all! If anything, he looks even angrier!.
Sun: HA! Guess Blake ain't such a smooth talker after all! HA HA HA!
Penny: Are you a bad guy, Sunny?
Sun: What?! No, of course not! I'm just happy to see Blake finally get her comeuppance at last after all her years of taunting me for my lack of tact with getting dates!
Penny: So, you're a bad guy.
Blake: Those idiots couldn't be more visible if they tried.
Blake: Er, are you hungry? Why not stop for dinner?
Jaune: Sure!
Host: Ah, Mister and Misses Belladina! Right this way...
Host: Er, sir, I'll have to ask you to sit.
Jaune: (Hovers over the seat)
Hostess: I'm sorry, sir, but casual wear is not permitted, nor are children under the legal drinking age.
Sun: Yeah, it figures. Guess we gotta head home, Penny. Good thing, too. This game was getting boring...
Penny: Okay...
Waiter: (Thinking) Th-The Rusted Knight?!.
Penny: Huh?!
Sun: What's up? Need to go potty or somethin'?
Waiter: Yeah, that's him alright. What the hell is he doin' here?! I barely escaped the other day, and I thought that was Heaven's mercy! But now I get what my brothers and sisters in Hell are tellin' me. You want me to kill him, don't you? Then I'll do it. Tonight, I'll avenge The Black Beasts!.
Penny: There's a bad guy in the restaurant!.
Jaune: HI-YA!
Blake: You're a hired killer?! I want a divorce! Belladina family is no more!
Blake: Also, let's abandon Penny!
Sun: Hey, we gotta get back before they notice we're gone.
Penny: Wait! Papa and Mama are in trouble!
Sun: Why's she worried about them? It's not like they're her real parents.
Sun: Alright, fine. This next game is called "Infiltration".
Penny: In-Fill-Tray-Shun!
Waiter: What would the madam and... SIR like to drink?
Blake: Dry champagne in a glass, please.
Jaune: Uh, wh-whatever cocktail you reccomend.
Blake: I'm glad you're enjoying the atmosphere. This particular restaurant is famous for its fish delicacies.
Penny: (Hidden above, Whispering) H-Hurry, Sunny!
Sun: (Whispering) Easy, kid. Infiltration is a slow game.
Waiter: Take this to the gentleman at table 9.
Penny: No! We're too late!.
Jaune: Oh, it, uh... It smells a bit ripe... (Drinks, Eyes widen)
Penny: PAPA!.
Waiter: Brothers and sisters... I've avenged you...
Jaune: ...
Jaune: (Sits) Amazing! It's like all the pain in my butt just disappeared!.
Contract killers have a high toxicity tolerance.
Jaune: You hungry? Because I am famished!
Blake: Uh, y-yeah...
Blake: He cheered up all of a sudden, but I guess I shouldn't be too upset by this sudden change. Just blame it on the alcohol.
Waiter: What?! That should have been a lethal dose! Fine, then I'll just build a bomb! Enough playing safe! If I'm gonna make my brothers and sisters in The Black Beasts proud, then I need to go all out and-
Waiter: WAAAAAGH! ARGH! Wh... Where'd all this oil come from?! I almost broke my-
Penny: (Disguised, Holding a "gun") Ka-Klick!
Waiter: Wh-What?! Wait, is she... Is she one of the Rusted Knight's lackeys?! She's just a kid, too! He's a real monster!.
Penny: Listen up, Mr. Black Beast guy, stop bothering Pa- Er, that guy out there. Go home, forget about this, and make sure Catty is happy.
Waiter: How does she know I'm with the Black Beasts? And how did she know about Catty?!.
Penny: (Turns away) Go home, and make Catty happy.
Waiter: I... I see now. This isn't what The Black Beasts would've wanted. They would want me to move on. For Catty, I'll live a normal life.
Jaune: That restaurant was great! Kinda noisy, though...
Blake: I wonder what made all that noise. Still, it's nice to see your mood improve.
Penny: And it's all thanks to me!.
Sun: Hey, where'd you run off to earlier?
Jaune: Thank you for tonight, Blake. Growing up, I spent most of my time taking care of my sister. That's why today meant a lot to me, and I hope we can do this again soon.
Jaune: Preferably when I'm not injured.
Blake: ...I'd like that, too.
Jaune: Hey, look! The carnival is in town!
Blake: Well, well; would you like to go?
Penny: The carnival?! I wanna go!
Sun: W-Wait! I thought we were being shadows!
The next day, after the poison wore off...
Blake: Good morning, Ja-
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Blake: What?! No! Why?!
Blake: I don't understand men!.
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“Poor Unfortunate Soul” octopus hybrid!Scaramouche x reader nsfw
A/N: SOOOOOOO...... I want to thank @fatuifucker for giving the idea of scaramouche but as an octopus hybrid and these pictures (mermaid!scaramouche, octopus!scaramouche) I've tried to find the artist of the second picture and I couldn't find it (please if you know them tell me) Enjoy my loves!!
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Your job at the local aquarium wasn’t all bad thanks to some of the creatures it held and specifically one of the exhibits that always seemed to be interested in you. Somewhere off the coast of abandoned island miles below the surface, divers found a mermaid-type creature with a male human's upper half and an octopus bottom. The man himself was stunningly beautiful with indigo short cut hair and a small ponytail flowing down his back with lilac scales scattered on his bare chest.
The only problem was his ego and spitfire personality because of course being kept up in a cage away from your home wasn’t something that seemed pleasant. It was only after months that they finally got his name by coaxing him with premium seafood and alone time, smirking while revealing people called him Scaramouche. You had some thoughts on what you thought about his personality but his teasing mocking comments to you overruled any red flags you saw, opting to try and hide your growing curiosity whenever you were near his tank.
The company fixed up one of the main large tanks that held many other sea creatures and constructed a rocky home with a cavern for privacy inside (away from prying eyes) that he often dwelled in unless he had to come out. Scaramouche had spent some time collecting certain tokens throughout the tank to decorate his makeshift home and used his long winding tentacles to grab what he needed without showing his human half. It was obvious that he was attractive and many people often flocked around his tank during the aquarium’s working hours, hoping to get a glance at the mysterious beauty of the deep but almost never did.
However, employees would resort to using waterproof tasers to get him to come out and coax him to show himself so they could grab more people to both yours and his dismay. Scaramouche often had quite an audience when he did reveal himself to the public, acting bothered by the attention and going as far as to flip off or make rude gestures to people who pissed him off.
You were different in his eyes, seemingly not caring about him or wanting to pick him apart like the others which irritated him. Why were you not intrigued by him? He was no doubt gorgeous and had handsome features but you didn’t seem to care. Going about your work duties and when you both did interact you were usually silent.
He tried to entice you by spitting insults or flirts occasionally but to no avail. It was like you couldn’t hear him. Ignoring him until you were out of sight. What was that saying… people want what they can’t have?
Walking into work and checking your assigned area to clean you sighed, tracing the highlighted section with your finger and seeing it involved cleaning in front of Scaramouche’s tank…yay…at least you had headphones with you. The dimmed lights above you helped your eyes adjust to the black tile leading to the backrooms, grabbing your cleaning equipment and selecting a song from your playlists. Time passed as people came and looked at the different tanks around you, occasionally helping a stranger find the restroom or a certain animal and of course, directing at least 4 or 5 people to the octopus’ exhibit.
“What do they even see in him? It’s not like he’s that interesting with his long dark violet tentacles and purple fade of his scales to his skin on his abdomen or anything.” Images of the man began floating around in your head and you couldn’t help but blush as your shook your head. Bringing up your chemical spray to clean the glass and humming to the song playing in your ears, you dried the outside of the tank.
A tap on the glass got your attention after a couple of times and you looked up to see the one and only Scaramouche peaking out from behind the rock, smirking at you and beckoning you closer to the side of the tank he was as he threw small pebbles to make you look up. His features complimented his lower half and inky pupils dilating when you met his vibrant purple irises, he seemed particularly needy today compared to what your workmates said about him the previous day.
But your brief period of calm was interrupted when a child spotted the hybrid out in the open unlike every other day and shouted “He’s out! He’s out! The octopus boy is over here!” Not being able to move out of the way in time as you were squished against the glass and heard mumbled insults being thrown at you by parents who couldn’t see him thanks to you. After some pushing and elbowing, you got out of the crowd and turned around to see the tip of one of his tentacles, giving the crowd a glare and the middle finger.
Giving you a soft but cocky look then quickly swimming up to the top of the tank when the flashes of cameras and phones from the growing audience began to be too much. You rolled your eyes before putting your headphones back on your ears and smiling at the chirps directed to you from the penguins who thought it was feeding time, talking to them in a playful voice and laughing at their silly antics. “I’m sorry guys, I’m just cleaning for today. I don’t have food even though I would love to feed you guys. Be nice-”
A squeak of surprise interrupted you when some water splashed on your head, soaking your head and dripping onto your face. Chuckles came up from above you and you spotted Scaramouche smugly grinning, hanging over the edge of the tank and happily waving a tentacle to say hello. He flicked a bit of water onto your face before arrogantly cooing at you and shaking his head, brushing his sharp-cut bangs out of his face. “Shame your attention is focused on lower life forms like those flightless birds and you’re missing out on the main event, you could be having fun with me~”
You attempted to ignore him you carried on with your work much to his displeasure and continued working your way up to the top of the tank, saying your greetings to the creatures and cleaning the minuscule smudges on the glass. “Come on! Are you deaf or just stupid? Get up here!” Your “friend” called to you and got impatient at your tediousness, smiling coyly when he saw you drop what you were doing and head up to the opening of his enclosure. The bright yellow “employees only” sign stares you in the face and reminds you of the many many hours you put into this 9 to 5 job, trudging tiredly up those stairs to where you caught sight of Scaramouche.
“I have work to do shortie so what do you want?” He gestured over to the barrel and shelf on the wall, seemingly ignoring your insulting nickname and putting on a convincing pout. “Jenny was supposed to feed me an hour ago but never did so I’m so hungry. Maybe you could?” You sighed before thinking about it and weighing the choices of getting in trouble with your stupidly strict boss who was insistent on who was allowed to interact with special animals and who wasn’t (you obviously not being on that list as you were “just another minor employee”). Eh. He could kill you right now and that’d be it, so who cares. “Fine.”
Begrudgingly holding back a sigh and grabbing some bits of fish to feed him, crouching so you could reach him and still not get wet. He perked up a bit more when he saw his lunch and the fact that it was you who was feeding him, swimming closer to the edge and smirking at your attempt to hide the blush rising in your cheeks at his blatant staring. “Ugh seems they still haven’t fixed this issue… the platform and ladder broke a few days ago but they never got around to fixing it. Shame. Looks like you’ll have to feed me from up there.” Clicking his tongue and shaking his head in fake disappointment, all too eager to have you to himself.
His deep violet tentacles sprouted from the water and unknowingly to you using one of them to slip closer to your ankle as you got closer with his lunch. Squatting at the rim of the enormous tank and holding out a slice of tuna for him to eat, grossed out by how he greedily took it and slipped it down his throat. The violet-haired hybrid hummed contently, enjoying the flavor of his fish and licked his lips, snatching another slice of salmon with his tendril and dropping it on his tongue. “You seem unhappy,”
“I’m not I’m just tired from the lack of sleep I’ve gotten, my roommates have been keeping me up, and tending to you isn’t easy.” A yawn escaped you and you attempted to cover it with your hand but one of his tendrils stopped you, his eyes brimming with concern and something else. He scoffed and cursed that inexperienced manager for overworking you. You were one of the more competent workers here, many of the animals favored you because of your kind heart and hard work ethic.
That was part of your charm, you were such a determined worker and made sure to put your all into a job. Not because it counted into your paycheck but you genuinely loved many of the inhabitants here including him (even if you were denying it) taking precious time and care into making his food. You always reminded the employees what ticked Scaramouche off and what could cause him to drag them into the depths of the tank (often never coming back). Before you knew it you felt a tentacle tightly grip your waist and pull you into tank, cool water soaked through your clothes and bunches of tendrils wrapped around you.
“Aw poor thing. You do so much hard work and you get nothing out of it-” The man seemed to be resting on the platform that handlers stepped onto before performing (which was supposed to be broken) and cradled you in his “arms”, using his hands to cup your cheeks and pepper kisses across you face. A thick deep blush coated your face and you stuttered at the sudden show of affection, startling you and causing a flurry of curses to stream out of your mouth. “WAIT! Hold on! What are you doing?!” A slimy dark violet tendril stroked your cheek and poked your lips, a wide smile still gracing his features. “Now now, don’t get so loud or someone might hear and I don’t want our tender moment to be interrupted,”
“Not after how long I worked to make our meeting happen, hm? I mean it’s fairly obvious you like me, you do a terrible job at hiding it.” Before you could say anything the tentacle wormed its way into your mouth and the soft squishy tendril prevented you from screaming or making a loud noise, not that you wanted to. These were your thoughts, weren’t they? To be filled and used by the very creature you said you hate, it’s something that plagued you deep in your mind.
The day he arrive, tied up in thick rope to make sure that he didn’t hurt anyone and rolled up cloth stuffed into his mouth in case he tried to do something else no one could predict since there wasn’t any knowledge of what he could do. Your eyes met briefly and in that span he smirked, throwing a wink your way before continuing to try and fight the people containing him. Ever since then you tried to work your way closer to him so your curiosity could be satisfied and you never thought it would lead to such an infatuation as this. “Mmhm!”
You couldn’t help but suck and chew on the tentacle in your mouth, feeling the smaller suckers cling on to your tongue and inner skin. In his eyes, you were perfect. Innocently staring up at him while you suckled on one of his many arms and willingly giving him pleasure when he owed you hours of back-arching orgasms for the unknowing happiness you provided him.
Before he didn’t have a reason to be so willing when it came to being so agreeable, Scaramouche was merely biding time so he could escape back to his home in the ocean. You were coming to tend to a small injury he had gotten due to a fight during a physical checkup and paid no mind to his mockery, cleaning the dried blue blood that stained his skin.
“Look at you, already knowing what pleases me. It’s amusing but that’s not what I’m here to do.” A string of saliva connected your lips to the tentacle now curling around your jaw, the boy crept closer to you and ran a thumb across your lower lip. Admiring the lustful dazed look in your eyes and kissing your lips passionately, pulling you closer and entangling his tendrils around your legs. You felt him creep closer to your clothed cunt which would’ve already been wet if you weren’t drenched from the aquarium water. “Let me show you my appreciation.”
He hesitated for a second and looked at you with nothing but sincerity, “Only if you want to though, I’m happy to just cuddle instead if you want~ I may not be human but I’m not that sadistic” You looked at him and brought him close, pecking his lips once before trailing your hand down his chest and stopping just before you reached where his pale light skin faded into dark violet. “Fuck me.” Let’s play with fire. “I’m ready to make you scream so much that your throat gives out.” Scaramouche smugly smiled and one by one quickly unbuttoned your uniform shirt, revealing your perky tits and rosy nipples. One of his tendrils crept up and prodded the damp clothing that covered your clit, enjoying the cool water compared to the burning sensation building up in you.
You whined at the lack of sensation you were getting and rolled your hips only to be met by a thick strong-arm securing you so you couldn’t get off any more than he allowed. “Hold tight. We have plenty of time and I don’t plan on sharing you with anyone, not since I spent so much effort.” He started with slow ministrations as he circled your clit and used his other arms to massage your breasts. Drawing moans and gasps out of you, love bites littered your neck and collarbones. “Tell me where you want it?”
“Just fuck me.” He whistled and chuckled, amused by your answer. “aw, getting impatient are we?” You gave him puppy eyes and how could he resist that face, gorgeous bright eyes begging to be fucked and used like the good little fuck toy you were. Indigo tentacles bound your arms behind your back and continued to wander and massage every curve your body had to offer, slowly working his way up to your lips. Sticking out your bottom lip unconsciously and wriggling around to try to get some satisfaction, you leaned forward to kiss him and got a tentacle in response to your lips.
“Tell me where you want it? Like a good plaything?” You blinked back tears and hoped to stable your breathing, relaxing all your tired and tensed muscles. His violet eyes you now noticed we’re decorated with seemingly red eyeshadow or a liner of some sort but it only made him look more alluring and attractive. “Everywhere. Anywhere.” Your response caused him to chuckle and coo at your reaction, running his thumb along your jaw line and bringing you in for a sweet kiss. Another one of the tentacles slithered to make sure the door to the top was locked before using another to tend to you and tug at your boring useless bits of cloth hanging on your body.
“Strip. Your clothing is getting in the way and don’t worry about being cold, I can slip some of my blood in your so you can resist the cold water like me.” Giving him a look and going to interrupt him to ask if he just wanted to drug you, “and no I’m not trying to drug you, I want you to be alive and aware when I fuck you senseless.” You gulped and nodded, standing up and slipping yourself out of Scaramouche’s arms. The wet heavy clothing stuck to your skin and felt sticky as you peeling them off, letting them drop on the ground with a wet splat and shivering at you were now completely bare in front of your friend (?)….lover(?). Who knows and frankly who cares.
You tried to remain calm but your nerves were creeping up with you it was hard to ignore when all of your insecurities were laid out in front of you. He clicked his tongue and shifted around so he could get a full view of you. “I thought you were a pretty sight before but now…” Closing the distance and slitting his finger so droplets of blood would come out, holding it in front of your face and rubbing shapeless figures on your naked ass cheek with his opposite hand. “You are absolutely stunning. My, my.” You grabbed his hand and pulled it to your lips, suckling the blue blood dripping from his finger. Warming you up and lighting a fire in your stomach, urging you to kiss him.
He flicked one of your nipples and lifted one of his tendrils to your lips, giving you command. “Suck.” You brought it up to your lips and tangled your tongue around it, the small smooth suckers tickling the inside of your mouth. Squeaking when many of his arms traveled around you to different parts, tweaking and touching your clit and plucking your nipples.
“You know I ought to thank you for being so obvious with your affection or else I wouldn’t have had the idea to lure you up here,” All you could do was keep your eyes locked with Scaramouche’s as your lips locked around the tentacle in your mouth and hollowed your cheeks out, humming to let him know you heard what he said. He tutted and clicked his tongue “Was that all you had on your mind when you were walking up here? Just to get fucked?”
To him you looked lost in thought, mindlessly twisting your tongue around his arm and those bright doe eyes gazing up at him without a thought behind them. “Such naïve little thing, so defenseless in front of a strong scary monster such as myself. Whatever would you do without me, helpless against all those other horrible people in the world who just want to fuck you,”
Running a hand through your damp hair and cradling your face all while you still gave him pleasure, condescendingly chuckling at your position. “You’re so lucky to have me, aren’t you?” Now, he ego was getting suffocating prompting you to yell out something in your defense and temporarily forgetting you couldn’t talk, hearing him click his tongue in disapproval. “Now, now. Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
You bit on the soft squishy skin in your mouth and glared at him, tired of him assuming things and treating you like his personal little pet. The violet haired man grumbled before pushing the tendril further into your mouth and shaking his head, lifting you up to his height. “I’ve been so kind to you and this is how you repay me? I want to give you pleasure and I will.” Scaramouche trailed his fingers up from your clit to your stomach and breasts, circling your nipples flicking them for a delicious reaction. “But you’re being quite a brat right now and I can’t let that go unpunished.”
He lifted you up and shifted you so that your ass was up in the air, being bent over his knees and hands secured in front of you. A harsh smack landed on your ass and he shushed your cries, rubbing the sore spot that was blooming red and kept spanking you. “Are you going to behave yourself?” “Mhm! I will, Scara. Please just touch me~”
Fingers creep their way down to your clit and slide their fingers back and forth, pressing down between the folds of your cunt. Scaramouche drank up your moans like nicotine and sank his fingers deep into you, feeling your ribbed walls close down on his hand. “That’s a good Y/N. Give in to your desires.” You reached your hand up and gripped his arm, silently pleading for him to kiss you and just fuck you already.
“Use your words, darling.” “I wanna kiss you. Hold you.” Quickly being swept up and sat on his lap, his smooth lips pressed against yours and biting your lower lip. He kissed you deeply and wrapped a hand around your neck, keeping you close and pulling back into his lips when you took a breath of air. You moaned softly as he licked your bottom lip and allowing his tongue to wander your mouth, gagging when his tongue forced it’s way down your throat.
Your hand hit against his pale chest and he let you breath, leaving a string of saliva connecting you both and tentacles worming their way up your back. Grinding your hips against the smooth surface, very eager to get fucked and feel the pleasure he’s been promising you. “Stop teasing me. You promised to “fuck me senseless”. So do it.” Laughing he nodded and smirked, wrapping his tentacles around your limbs and stretching you out in front of him. Many of them reaching different places but all of them meant to please you.
One tendril circled your clit while another pounded into your cunt, the cool of the water coating the arm filling your walls and stretching you out. Moans spilled out of you and struggled against your bindings, curling your toes and arching your back. “More, please. ‘m begging please!” Feeling another tendril wrap around your neck, constricting your breathing and leaving bruises from the suckers kissing your neck. All while this was happening Scaramouche tweaked your nipples and groped your tits, desperate too hear all the lustful noises you could make.
So many sensations were crashing down on you and you yelped in shock when the tendril inside you prodded a certain area that made you see stars, gasping and rolling your hips to feel that spike again. “Ngn! There!” Deep breathing and pants interrupted you. “Scaramouche-” “You want to cum? Do you want me to make you cum, slut?” You vigorously nodded and tried to keep your eyes open, seeing his indigo irises disappear as his pupils dilated.
“You know what’s funny about being not entirely human?” He took your grunt and nod as an answer, bringing the tentacle that had been occupying your mouth to your lips. Without thinking you opened your mouth, welcoming the slick cold tentacle in and curling your tongue around the tip, the blush coating his cheeks giving you all the more euphoria. “My tentacle you’ve been sucking on is my cock.”
Scaramouche felt your pussy tighten at his sentence and chuckled, you were aroused by what he just said. You couldn’t get more adorable. “Oh~ You like that?” The crimson red painting your cheeks only dug the hole you were in deeper and hummed in disagreement, the vibrations giving your partner more pleasure. “Aw, baby. I think you do. I can feel your cunt squeezing my tentacle and that blush is evident you do.”
The smug grin on his lips wasn’t leaving and he laughed, mocking your arousal and further drawing you closer to your orgasm. “Cum.” That was all it took to send you over the edge.
Searing hot pleasure flooded you and made you see white, your muffled moans and shrieks filling the air. He helped you ride out your orgasm, continuously pumped in and out of your cunt. One of his fingers pressing on your bundle of nerves and grunting as he came from your sucking, keeping the image of your face while you orgasmed thanks to him forever in his mind.
You let the tendril slip out of your mouth and lean your head against his chest, panting from the intense climax you experienced. One of his hands cupped your face tilting it up and softly kissing you, whispering praises of how well you did. How you were perfect being fucked on his tentacle. How you happily welcomed his cock when he revealed you’d been sucking on for a while.
“Up for another round, love?” You managed to shake your head and snuggle further into his grasp, murmuring incoherent sounds contently. “No, maybe later. I want to rest now and I still have work to do.” The realization dawning on you that it was only noon and you still had hours of work to get done, spending what could be considered your lunch break being fucked by one of the inhabitants. Scaramouched coiled you in his “arms” and brought you closer to him, gently giving your forehead a soft kiss.
“Uh Uh. You’ve done so much hard work and I still need tending to, after all you made such a mess and I still have a cut that needs caring.” Blessing you with a fake pout and grabbing your damp work uniform off the tiled floor, grasping it so nothing came loose. “Hold your breath, beloved.” You held your breath and plugged your nose, feeling light headed at first due to so much activity and closed your eyes. Sinking into the water and burrowing closer into what little warmth he provided, soon being shrouded in darkness in what seemed like a small underwater cavern.
You hadn’t seen what his private hideaway looked like as it was only cleaned and touched whenever deemed necessary, not to mention how territorial the octopus hybrid got over the only thing he could call his own (well not anymore). The dark colored rocks provided a secluded cove and floor that let some water in like the platform above in case Scara ever slept above the water (assuring that he wouldn’t ever get dried out). A small light could be seen wedged between two rocks near the ceiling grazing your hand over it and toying with the switch so you could finally see.
“Isn’t this much better? Now rest up because I’m hardly done with you yet, slut.” Not missing how he dropped your soaked clothes on a nearby ledge and cradling you closer to his chest, pieces of his bangs tickling your cheek and neck. He made sure that you were comfortable enough to sleep secure in his tendrils, eyeing your gorgeous nude form and smiling at your steady breathing. Whispering, “Finally, all my hard work payed off. I won’t let them take you away from me.”
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sillyrandomwriter · 2 months
hello hello, gingerbread here, back with another angsty scenario that leads to guitarspear hurt/comfort!
let's say this is modern au, though it could work for hellaverse as well. i prefer this as a modern au hc though.
say this scenario takes place before adam and lute realize their feelings for each other. like, they're just friends with benefits, and lute's spending the night at the house like she usually does. the kids are with their other parents (lucifer, lilith, and eve). adam already knows he's in love with lute but he's too stubborn to actually do anything about it. and we've all agreed on the fact that adam has abandonment issues, right? right.
so, with that being said:
Adam has a nightmare about Lute leaving him and he wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. He checks the time---it's four o' clock in the morning. He's frantic and panicky, his heart is beating a mile a minute, and his breathing is unsteady. He knows he just woke up, but he feels like he's about to pass out. What is this? Why is he so anxious? Why won't his mind just slow down? Why is he like this?? It was just a stupid dream, why is he-- WHY THE FUCK IS HE CRYING?! Crying is weak, he's strong, he's a man, men don't cry, he can't cry, he can't be weak, he can't be vulnerable. Why is he still crying, why--- "Adam?" Lute says groggily. She's tired, why is Adam awake still..- She freezes. So does Adam. They stare at each other for a moment. "Adam..?" Lute says again, concerned. Is he crying?
Adam sniffs. "Uh.. haha.. oh! You're... still here. Right, I forgot. My bad if I woke you up. Go back to bed, nothing's wrong," he says in a tone that implies that something is definitely wrong.
Lute quickly but cautiously goes over to him and hops onto the bed. Adam is covering his face in embarrassment. He doesn't want Lute to see him like this.
"Adam, what's going on with you?" Lute asks. Her voice is soft but firm. It's kinda comforting, actually. Adam looks up from his hands at Lute. She's looking back at him worriedly. Adam notices how pretty she looks. She's so... fuck, she's so hot. Shit. Fuck. No, Adam, don't spiral, not in front of her, stop being like this you--
Lute hugs him. Adam is taken aback. But he's not complaining.
He hugs her back tight. They stay like this for a little while.
"Are you alright now?" Lute finally decides to ask. Adam nods, looking away. He's glad that it's too dark to see any actual colors, because his face must be tomato red. "Do you wanna tell me what caused this?" Lute inquires. Adam stays silent. Lute nods. "Fine by me. Good night, Adam," she says, getting up.
Before she can leave, she feels a light tug on her arm. Lute turns around.
"Uh.. stay," Adam says bluntly. He looks up. They make eye contact. "Please?"
Lute's heart skips a beat. They sleep together that night. Literally, not sexually.
sooooo what do we think of this? yay or nay?
i have read all of this but all i can say is that this is a certified yay. i now have the urge to write a oneshot on ao3 about this but its too early by the time im answering this
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lushaletta · 2 years
baby, just say yes / james potter
pairing: james potter x fem!reader
warnings: none
summary: he’s romeo, you’re a scarlet letter.
a/n: hi lovelies! back again with james because i can’t get enough, apparently. inspired by love story by taylor swift, of course! also can somebody STOP ME from writing summaries because they’re so bad,,, also workin on a lil something for george weasley so yay
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⋆ ࣪.  ⁺⑅ ⋰˚ *.゚ .˳⁺⁎˚ ˚⁎⁺˳ . ༺ ˖࣪ ˖࣪ ∗
He's sweet on your lips, tasting like heaven and hell and sin and virtue. You wonder if anything would ever compare to the sensation of kissing James Potter.
The answer is no and you know it, because his flavour is so addictive and you're not sure if you'll be okay if you don't get closer.
It’s wrong. You’re not supposed to be sitting with him at the abandoned part of town and kissing him like the world is ending.
You’re not enemies. Your families are. It’s not your fault, you never wanted this and neither did he.
And yet here you are, fingers tangled up in James' dark hair, trying desperately to fulfill your need for him and the tantalising taste his tongue brings you.
He looks at you with a lazy smile. "You're so pretty. You're so, so pretty." He plants a kiss on your forehead and maybe it's the air, but you're dizzy. In the best sense of the word.
"I feel like I should've been the one to say that," you think out loud.
The quirk in his eyebrow tells you he's flattered. You feel accomplished. Then you feel amused that you can read his body language so perfectly.
"Maybe you should've. But it appears I'm quicker," he teases.
A chuckle escapes you. "Of course you would make it a competition."
He gestures to himself, as if to say 'that's me'.
You gaze into his eyes, they're enchanting. Complex. Haunting. Then he kisses you again. More passionately this time, if that's even possible. Worries fill your head, what would people think? Of this?
James must notice you're not fully present, because he pulls away and says, "What are you thinking?"
"Should we be doing this?"
"No. Definitely not." He laughs. "But no one's watching, right?"
James is correct. There's no one there to judge or make faces. It's just you, him, and the stars. Maybe they're disappointed, but perhaps it's worth it.
And god, is it ever.
This moment is too perfect to throw away in favour of people you don't even like, so you set your thoughts aside and let him do what he pleases with you.
You’re on his lap now, straddling his hips as his forehead touches yours.
It’s exciting, the danger. You feel guilty for finding this so thrilling, but the way James’ chest is heaving up and down makes you think that maybe he does too.
“What if our parents find out?” you ask, worry creasing your brows.
“So what?” There’s a finality in his tone that should probably comfort you, and it sort of does.
Your forehead is scrunched up, you’re thinking hard. “They’ll kill us! My god, your dad is terrifying. My dad’s terrifying! And your mom— I don’t even want to think about what she’ll do to us.”
“I’ll— I’ll handle it. We’ll be fine.” He’s sure. He’s so sure. And you’re not.
But he’s also happy. Really happy. And that, you are.
It’s the euphoria in his eyes that tells you. The constant upturn of his lips. The way he’s holding you so dearly, as if you’re not the daughter of his parents’ worst nemesis.
He’s so hopelessly fallen, and who are you to deprive him?
“You have my heart, Potter. You know that?” you say.
“All too well,” he replies.
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deedala · 4 months
✨weekly tag wednesday✨
weekly tagly wednesdly?? lolol thanks for todays game and thanks for tagging me @darlingian!! and @energievie!! <<3333
About you name: deanna age: noel-aged (which isnt old actually, stop being weirdos) starsign: scorpio your first language: english second language: right now the only other language i might be able to have a little convo with you in is norwegian favourite lip product: blistex medicated mint lip balm the best food dish you can make without a recipe: pico de gallo yum yum If you drink tea, what kind?: peppermint If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get?: light roast (i didnt know about that being more caffeine!! But yay!) favourite thing to watch on youtube right now: mike’s mic’s appropriately unhinged tv show summaries favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: i dont have a fuckin clue lol. All i did in 2012 was work at and manage a barber shop well over 40 hours a week, experience a fucked up pregnancy, got traumatized, and played mass effect 3. favourite item of clothing right now: my black joggers favourite item of clothing in 2012: uhmm…green cardigan was something i wore a lot to work cuz it looked extra cute with my red hair. (i had red hair in 2012!)
fandom three movies you recommend: The Fall (2006), Love and Monsters, Palm Springs your favourite concert: went to a ton of dmb shows a youth which were always insane levels of fun have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?: oh for sure, im here to enjoy myself lol have you ever left a fandom because of the fans?: i dunno what i consider leaving a fandom? I guess maybe i dont JOIN them very often (ie make friends and participate in events and such) so no i’ve never really left one as the only two i consider myself really being a part of is dragon age and shameless? the best tv show you watched last year: hmmmm….the fall of the house of usher (i have such a short fucking memory i dont know what came out earlier in the year sorry lol) do you have a fancasting you just can't let go of?: not that i can think of off the top of my head… a ship you've abandoned: uuhhmm…also cant really think of one? on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history?: oh zerooooo. Its all rather tame, i just am not willing to lay my fucking soul bare thanks lolol do you have a fandom tattoo? i dont have any tattoos which i will probably go to my grave being sad about because i have so far failed at every meager attempt to get one. what fandom do you wish was bigger?: on one hand it might be fun to have more folks around in shameless but also i know our tiny friendly tumblr bubble is what keeps things playful, so i dunno… maybe uuhhmm the expanse?  has a finale ever ruined a show for you?: how i met your mother was pretty bad. I think even worse for me was Chuck. have you... swam in an ocean?: yes been vegan/vegetarian?: i’ve been a vegetarian for 28 years gone skinny dipping?: yes gone skiing?: no been to a convention?: so so so many
now my precious nuggets, please accept this tag and either play along or just know that i am gently squishing your face in my hands @too-schoolforcool @michellemisfit @heymrspatel @heymacy @metalheadmickey @crossmydna @tanktopgallavich @sam-loves-seb @jrooc @gardenerian @mickeysgaymom @softmick @howlinchickhowl @the-rat-wins @lingy910y @sickness-health-all-that-shit @gallawitchxx @mybrainismelted @juliakayyy @creepkinginc @whatwouldmickeydo @suzy-queued @squirrel-fund @tsuga-of-mars @transmickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @palepinkgoat @themarchg1rl @purplemagpie @thepupperino @callivich @rereadanon @grumble-fish @ardent-fox @thisdivorce @lee-ow @iansw0rld @ritualpyre @vintagelacerosette @rosemacclare @maizzycakes @7x10mickey @rrapp @gofionaonthem @suchagallabitch
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bigdsgirl · 6 months
sobbing because its the finale, and I don't want my babies to go!!!
reliving the baby announcement brings me so much serotonin 🥹
why must I watch her be abducted, this will break me
the second chance! its July 20th, 2023! Let's survive this bitch!
oh this is fucking stressful
Yi Joo, what a fucking baddie let's fucking go! choke him out, he deserves it!
side bar, Do Guk looks fire in that blue shirt
Oh god I'm stressed but I cackled seeing Jung Wook with the knife, all I can imagine is this:
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shit the stab freaked me out get the fuck out Jung Wook, I will kill you sir!!!
that's right king, beat his ass!!!!!!!!!
oh the truck ruined me bye
the numbers are gone yes yes yes!!! its all over!
"Don't Cry, I'm Okay" - is bleeding out from the stomach, ok sir
MIL in the pink sweater, i love you queen
the tubes coming out of him, lol sir
Yi Joo, you have to eat it's bad for the baby!! Yes Mom!! You tell her!
Lol this dad is truly delulu if he thinks Jung Wook would change after being in prison
HAHAH I bet his mom cheated on him or something. That would be hilarious. All this BS for a mom that abandoned her son.
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"It's my fault" too little to late bruh
Now it's time for Yoo Ra justice :D Oh she big pregnant and just shows up that the house???? LOL
"Let me stay here" - girl, you are asking for trouble. HAHAH It's time for a paternity test. Let's air this all out.
Manager Kim you have my heart, send all the good vibes
ahem, sir, flowers are not going to fix what you allowed to happen. Jamie, lay the man out. "it is your fault" - damn right it is!
oh the hands as she send him in 😭😭
"Meeting you taught me who I am" - I am going to sob. Just sedate me please.
"There is so much I want to do with you", I am so unwell, this scene is destroying me. She loves him so much and I love them.
The way he is back in his memories and wanted to help her even then. "What have they done to her", YES PROTECT HER! oh god oh god. never mind that's not protecting her.
the way he was that messed up and still went to her, I am losing it.
the prayer, you TWO STOP RIGHT NOW
"where did you go, leaving me all alone", sir. I love her sass of "I leave for 5 minutes!!! five!!! and you do this!!!"
TWO MONTHS??????????????????
"teasing you and giving you a hard time is the greatest joy in my life" I am tearing up, they are the light of my life.
Oh father-son heart to heart, oh good.
Hands, it all about the hands. Thank you show for giving me what I need.
oh look - back to the family I hate. OH MY GOD THIS IS A NEW WOMAN. He went and moved on.......... oh lord. oh sir a storm is coming. *evil laughter*
oh this is... iconic. I do feel so bad for the other girl, she does not deserve this. oh she is an angel. Joo Ri run, you deserve so much better.
Bruh, the way he fucked up so so hard. delicious. I love watching these people suffer. gorgeous.
well sir :) you got the girl :) nice work :)
"give me money" -- I'll give it to Yoo Ra, she is bold.
ok bad people got punished, let's have some fun :)
Mommy daughter time yay!!! I love them.
LOL I love that line "we are going to file our marriage" FINALLY!!!
Do Guk you DID IT!!!!!! You successful little bean you. <3
the ad placement is PRIME this episode. I love it.
Grandfather sassing that Yi Joo sees Do Guk daily. I love him.
omfg they lost the ring, hilarious - WAIT THEY ARE HAVING A MOMENT!!!!!!!!!! kiss kiss kiss!
omg look at them officially getting married and shit. I am squealing they deserve the world.
the way he RUNS to open the door for her. omg stop everyone is there to celly; they are so cute.
"I'm a good driver" okay queen, go off!
wait is she reenacting them first meeting???? I LOVE THIS. I LOVE THEM. I AM SQUEALING!!!! GTFO.
"I'm thinking I'd like to take my chance on a future with you" I-- I am so unwell.
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I love love love love the ring. I love them. I love them so much.
oh my god the card key bit I am giggling
I am overflowing with joy, this ending is everything to me. EVERYTHING.
"Every day and happiness"
"no more hearts" - has a million photos of them together. Literally me in life.
"So this is our perfect marriage" -- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
for the last time
10000000000000000/10. This show has everything. I love them so much. <3 <3
the CREW SHOTS AT THE END. I love love love <3
now i must live on, post perfect marriage revenge :(
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810nd1 · 6 months
How does I.N view Stray Kids?
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Yay I.N finally agreed to do the reading but it won’t be long. He wants to leave out many details so I won’t be getting deep with this reading
the strength, page of wands, 2 of wands
In his eyes Bangchan is strong, not just physically. His power is different. His strength lies in his compassion. Bangchan can lead without being a tyrant. He inspires I.n to do better.
Lee Know
ace of cups rev, the emperor
He’s way too strict. He is put together, but behind him being calm there’s someone that hides his emotions and doesn’t let anyone perceive him as weak. Because of this he hides his true self behind a mask on an Emperor.
7 of pentacles
Patient in his work. Changbin will continue with his goals until he receives a revard. This could also might be about his body and how much weight he gained (in a good way)
ace of wands
My first thought wasn’t a hand holding a wand but a painting brush. Jeongin admires his abilities to recreate reality. Artistic. Always surprises people with his unique ideas.
8 of cups rev, the empress, 3 of wands
The 8 of cups reversed are his main thoughts, the empress and the 3 of wands are clarification cards. Han might want to go back into something that did not serve him well. He refuses to abandon the idea. Jeongin thinks it’s a bad idea and Han has many more opportunities ahead of him if he just let things go and sit down and relax. He should step into his feminine energy more. He should be more passive about the things that happen to him and shouldn’t be scared of letting something go.
ace of cups
Jeongin sees Felix as loving and kind. Felix might take care of I.n and he appreciates that.
the wheel of fortune
Jeongin thinks good things are waiting for him. He might not realize this now but he will become more successful in the future. I.N is sure of it.
And I wouldn’t be surprised if Jeongin had some divination skills. He’s energy isn’t scary but it’s similar to energy of other witches that I do readings for. He is well protected and has a strong presence. He’s probably an old soul.
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