#ah I forgot but I was thinking about changing the @ of the blog and personal
pikorins · 11 months
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
2024 Villain’s Festival: Jude Jazza Bonus Story Part 1 ♛
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Please note, I will translate what I am able to obtain during the event. This is a two-part story with part two only available to those who rank. I can not guarantee I will receive part two. Part 2 was achieved.
Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with///
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Kate: Haa…
(Yesterday, Victor's momentum got me nodding my head…..)
(It's a lot of responsibility to decide where all that money goes.)
Starting today, I’m sure they’ll go after my heart any way they can for the bonus.
(But, I don't think I can stand the thought of being targeted for a while….)
I think I understand a little better now how the criminals targeted by the Crown feel.
I'd like to hide myself at least for the morning to prepare my mind.
(Okay, I got out of there without anyone finding me….!)
(Let's just stay out here and kill some time and go back in this afternoon.)
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???: Where are you going out so early in the morning, Princess?
(This voice is…?)
Kate: Jude…?
I slowly turned around and saw Jude standing at the gate under the dazzling morning sun.
(I knew it was Jude. But there was something wrong with the way he just spoke.)
Jude: What’s wrong? You’re making a strange face.
Kate: What's wrong with…..the way your talking?
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Jude: You’re curious?
Jude: I wondered if this way of speaking will make you like me more.…..
Kate: Huh? Like?
Jude: Ah...I almost forgot. I bought this because I thought you would like it.
He hands me a paper bag, manipulating his beautiful Queen's English even though he is not at work.***(See T/L at the bottom).
It was a paper bag from my favorite bakery. The bag was warm and smelled good, as if it was freshly baked.
Kate: I can have this?
Jude: Of course. I bought it for you.
Jude: I just think it's a bit much for one person to eat.
Jude: I'm hoping we can have breakfast together…..what do you think? 
Kate: “What do I think”?!
(I can't believe you asked me for my opinion…..!? Who is this, could it be prank ......!?)
It was almost as if Victor would jump out and say something like, "Yeah! It was a huge success!
Jude is being totally strange right now.
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Kate: Um, have you been working too much? Or did you hit your head?
Jude: What makes you think that?
Kate: Because you’re acting too strange! I think you should see Roger!
Jude: Am I sick? There's nothing wrong with me……but if so, I hope you’ll take care of me, Kate.
Jude scooped up my hand in a flowing gesture and dropped a kiss on its fingertips.
Kate: Eek….!!
Jude: …….
I thought I saw a vein on Jude's temple rise when he saw me scream.
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I may have seen it wrong, though, because it disappeared in an instant.
Jude: I've only recently fallen for you by accident, so it's no wonder that you’re surprised.
Jude: What do you think? What if we went on a date for the day, and I let you know how I feel about you?
(Oh, he stared acting strange since today...... perhaps, without a doubt.)
Kate: Jude, did you do something elaborate like this just to collect all the bonuses?!
Jude: No way….
Kate: Because, even if heaven and earth were to topple over, there’s no way that you would fall in love with me, Jude. 
Jude: ……..
Kate: See, I knew it!
Kate: If you can get money just by spoiling me, you’d think it’s worth the money! 
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Jude: Haa…..***(See T/L note at the bottom)
With a sigh, the mask of the pasted-on smile crumbled.
Jude: Ya know exactly what I’m doin’….If ya know that much, then give me what I want.
The sweet atmosphere from earlier has completely changed. Jude shoots me a sharp look.
I felt a little relieved because his eyes, which held a dangerous light, were the same as usual.
Kate: Give it…..
Jude: The winner's necklace. Ya wear it, don'tcha?
Kate: I will not give it to you!
Kate: This is my very heart and I will not give it when threatened. Because those are the rules. 
Jude: Tsk, how annoyin’. If you're gonna talk about rules, whaddaboutcha, who tried to escape from the review?
Kate: I’m not trying to escape….
Jude: If ya weren't gonna run away, where were ya goin’ to go out so early in the morning?
Kate: That’s…
Jude: Oh, I remember now. Ya were gonna go out with me, weren'tcha?
Kate: What? I didn’t promise that….
Jude: Is there any other reason why ya left the castle so early in the mornin’ other than your plans with me?
Jude: I can't imagine. Why don't we ask some of the other guys?
Kate: Is that...a threat that if I don't go out with you, you'll reveal that I tried to run away?
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Jude: If that's whatcha think, then that's whatcha think.
Jude: So, whaddya doin’ today?
Kate: …….
Kate: I'm going out with you Jude.….
As I gave up and accepted the proposal, Jude smiled wryly, as if convinced of victory.
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***Queen’s English. This is a literal translation. According to Cambridge Dictionary: the English language as it is spoken in the south of England, considered by some people as a standard of good English. Essentially, Jude is speaking proper, well-educated English when trying to woo Kate. 
***I believe it's self-explanatory, but I went all out on his informal speech just to contrast it with his proper English that was described as beautiful by Kate.
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[Next] [Master List]
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I have returned to the best blog on Tumblr. Can I get some raifus of your choice with a pure ray of sunshine S/O who is just a "medic" (mechanic)
PS: youre the reason I got into girlsfrontline thank you.
(GFL) Scarecrow, Gager, M4A1, M16A1, WA2000, G11, HK416, Angelia, AK-15, and RPK-16 with a loving S/O
Welcome back, and thanks for the kind words! Also, welcome to the Frontline. Enjoy your raifus and depression.
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Scarecrow is eternally confused by S/O's behavior.
They always seemed so happy, especially around her.
Considering she was a combat android, there should be no reason S/O should be excited enough to hug her upon her return.
(S/O) "Thank goodness you're okay! I heard the Logistics mission got dicey! Here, let's get you back to the repair bay and I can-"
Scarecrow gently shoves S/O off, her eyes simply staring at S/O unblinking while her monotone voice was muffled by the mask.
(Scarecrow) "It is nothing to be concerned about S/O."
S/O cutely pouted, the only change in Scarecrow's expression was her irises focusing on their mouth.
(S/O) "I'll always be concerned for you, Scarecrow!"
The empathy module that Griffin and the Assimilation Protocol installed in her makes the info S/O gives with their affection go absolutely haywire.
And it wasn't their tinkering on her limbs that made that happen, either.
Their smile makes her feel things she has no words or any prior experience to compare it to.
It was honestly frustrating. But, this was far more care than anyone had ever given her, besides the Commander.
(Scarecrow) "I will never understand human attraction towards objects that aren't alive."
S/O's smile bounced her harsh words off.
(S/O) "I think the fact I can annoy you like this means you are alive, Scarecrow!"
If Scarecrow could sigh, she would.
But then again...Their personality wasn't entirely insufferable.
The care S/O put in repairing her delicate systems was certainly a plus as well.
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Gager almost leans back in surprise as S/O almost leapt onto her, smiling so widely at her return.
(S/O) "Welcome back!"
(Gager) "...T-Thank you, S/O."
Their smile vanishes just as quickly as it appeared when they notice some of the damage on her chassis.
(S/O) "You're hurt! Let's get you to the repair bay and get that fixed ASAP!"
S/O grabs Gager's hand and gently tugs it, letting them drag her along.
Truth be told, if she wanted to, she could just refuse to budge and S/O couldn't do a single thing to stop her.
But Gager was just so shocked by S/O's affection that she forgot.
She's grateful to S/O for always being the one to repair her, despite the fact she had been a former enemy.
And for that same reason, their love was almost an enigma to her.
(Gager) "S/O, if there's anything I can do for you, please let me know."
(S/O) "Hm...How about staying as yourself? Does that work?"
Gager's eyes widen in surprise as she feels her digimind failing to come up with a response.
(Gager) "Uh...Y-Yes, that...works." ahem
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M4 lovingly returns the embrace that S/O gives her, being careful to not let her equipment get in the way.
(M4A1) "Hello, S/O. I see you've missed me."
(S/O) "Who wouldn't miss your beautiful smile?"
A giggle escapes her lips as she walks alongside S/O, limping slightly due to the damages suffered from the operation.
(S/O) "I see your leg got hit. How bad is it?"
(M4A1) "Ah...I-It's not great, to be honest."
(S/O) "Don't worry, I can carry you to my station and-"
S/O immediately moves to carry her bridal style-
...Only to struggle even lifting her to begin with, making M4 now laugh.
(M4A1) "Appreciated dear, but I can still walk."
(S/O) "...P-Please don't mention that to anyone."
The palm of her hand rubs against their cheek lovingly, closing her eyes as she smiled, and then continuing her walk back to the repair bay.
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(M16A1) "S/O, I'm hurt!"
M16 counts the seconds as S/O rushes to her side, struggling to contain a snicker at their expression.
(S/O) "SIXTEE-...You...!"
(M16A1) "New record, that was six seconds!"
M16 gives them a cheeky grin as she sees their pout, lovingly wrapping an arm around their neck.
(S/O) "Come on, that's not funny!"
(M16A1) "Sorry, sorry. I can't resist. It's just so cute to see your face, y'know?"
They averted their gaze, trying to remain angry. Only to fail as their cheeks became crimson at her compliment.
(M16A1) "But hey, if it's any consolation I mean it this time. My arm's got a bit dinged up in the field-"
S/O immediately grabbed her hand and realized it was facing the complete wrong direction.
(S/O) "What in the- You should've just led up with that!"
(M16A1) "Where's the fun in that?"
Before S/O can pout again she gives them a kiss on the nose.
(M16A1) "I know you love me, S/O!"
(S/O) sigh "I do, Sixteen. And for that reason, you're not drinking tonight so your diagnostics can run smoothly!"
(M16A1) "...I take it back, you hate me."
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WA's tsundere reactions seem to melt at seeing S/O's warm smile towards her.
She wants to say how they're always smiling like an idiot, or how they shouldn't be that affectionate with a T-Doll.
Yet whenever S/O gives her such a loving hug, her sentences get caught in her throat.
(S/O) "WA, welcome back! Anything got damaged?"
(WA2000) "...N-No, I'm fine."
(S/O) "Alright, good! I'd offer to tune up your weapon, but I know how you feel about me touching it. See me when you're done, okay?"
(WA2000) "...Idiot. You don't have to say it like that..."
(S/O) "Huh?"
(WA2000) "Nothing." sigh "I don't get how you can always be so bubbly. Isn't that tiring?"
(S/O) "Maybe sometimes, but you're all I need to get me running back up to 100%!...Are you blush-"
(WA2000) "I-I'm not blushing, blockhead! It was just hot as hell out there, that's all..."
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WAY too much energy for G11 to deal with.
She groans as S/O gives her a tight hug, lifting her off the floor.
(S/O) "Welcome back, G11!"
(G11) "Loud..."
S/O chuckles and sets her back down.
(S/O) "Sorry. It's just been such a long time!"
Fighting off a yawn, G11 rubs her eyes as she groggily examines S/O's face.
(G11) "It's not been that long."
(S/O) "It's been two weeks! It probably didn't feel that long because you were asleep!"
G11 didn't even bother fighting back on that point. They were right.
(G11) "After you look at me, I can sleep on your bed right?"
(S/O) "After dinner!"
(G11) "Alright..."
G11 loves her sleep, but obviously S/O loved her more. Maybe she should return that affection.
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416's foul-mouthed and standoffish attitude is completely contrasted by S/O's loving nature.
No matter the insult she throws, they always have that stupid, adorable smile on them.
(S/O) "Ah, you're back!"
(HK416) "Obviously. You better not have been worried about me, I'm not just some run of the mill T-Doll-"
(S/O) "I know, but I still can't help but be relieved everytime I see you!"
416's eyes narrow, seemingly in anger, but the blush creeping up on her cheeks dispel that notion.
(HK416) "...Whatever. Get these damn bullets out of me and quit standing there smiling."
S/O slightly adjusts her hat to be out of the way as they kiss her forehead, making her leap back.
(S/O) "Now I will!"
(HK416) "You little shit...!"
416 pouts and lets S/O take her hand when no one is looking, gripping it tightly.
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Angelia has a smile of her own, seeing S/O waiting for her outside the briefing room.
She lets S/O give her a warm hug, one she returns with an arm on their head, patting it.
(S/O) "Hey, Ange! Briefing over?"
(Angelia) "Mhm. Some more stuff I need to do, but you're welcome to tag along. How's the rest of DEFY?"
(S/O) "All fixed up, as usual."
Angelia nodded and walked back to her quarters, S/O tagging along with their expression seemingly brightened by her mere presence.
It was some kind of miracle for S/O to remain that positive despite the things Griffin has been through.
And she hopes that they never lose that outlook on life.
Her hand seems to tighten around S/O's, making them look at her with a curious face she could pinch.
(S/O) "Ange?"
(Angelia) "Am I not allowed to be as annoyingly affectionate as you are?"
S/O smiles at her teasing, turning their attention back to the hallway.
(S/O) "Hah, fair enough."
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15 barely budges when S/O's arms wrap around her.
(AK-15) "S/O."
She nods at them respectfully, while S/O glances at her body.
(S/O) "...You're hurt!"
(AK-15) "The damage is superficial. No critical systems were compromised, but I will need to be repaired anyways. Thank you for your time, S/O."
(S/O) "Come on, helping someone I love? I'd spend all the time in the world for that."
15 can't help but be a little flustered from their statement, not knowing how to react.
(AK-15) "...I see."
S/O smiled at her confused expression, putting their arm around hers as an invitation. One she accepted after a few moments, and walked down the hall with them, arm in arm.
(AK-15) "...I would like to help you too as well, S/O."
(S/O) "You already do that by protecting me, you know!"
Finally, the corner of 15's lips grew into a smile.
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16 is always intrigued by S/O's bright outlook on life, doubly so by their relationship.
Would any human become this loving towards anything that would reciprocate, or was that solely S/O?
Regardless, it did feel nice to be appreciated in such a way only they could give, so she had no real complaints.
(S/O) "16, I'm glad you're okay!"
(RPK-16) "Hm~. I have to be. Otherwise your smile would quickly, like a flame in the wind."
(S/O) "...H-Hah, right..."
Even after all their time together, her strange metaphors never failed to make S/O's brain halt.
She laughed at their reaction and gently put a hand on their shoulder.
(RPK-16) "Surely you would be used to these kinds of statements from me by now?"
(S/O) "Hah, well not everyone's as strange as you, 16...E-Er, wait! No I didn't mean-"
16 laughed again, gently dragging along S/O.
(RPK-16) "And I thought I would be used to your reactions, but I'm glad I'm not either."
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 8 months
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A Gentleman Boyfriend
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
Blank, ageless, and suspicious blogs will be blocked.
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Kicho: "Change your perspective."
Mai: "Kicho?"
He emerged from the trading post and looked at both of us.
Kicho: "I believe Motonari is trying to convey something along those lines."
Motonari: "What? You were eavesdropping?"
Kicho: "I heard your argument through the window."
Mai: "Sorry."
(We shouldn't have argued in front of the trading post, especially with customers coming and going.)
Feeling apologetic, I lowered my voice and asked Kicho.
Mai: "But what do you mean by changing perspectives?"
Kicho: "It means not just thinking about what to sell but considering the perspective of the wearer or the buyer."
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Kicho: "Normally, that's what you do."
Mai: "The wearer or the buyer一ah!"
His words helped me realize something.
Mai: "You're right. I've been so focused on what to sell that I've neglected what the wearer would appreciate."
(I might've neglected the important aspect of how to make the wearer happy.)
Kicho: "By thinking about what would make the person wearing it happy, you should be able to create something that truly represents you."
Mai: "Okay, thanks! You really understand me."
Kicho: "I'm not sure if I completely understand you, but I always strive to."
Having a supportive lover was really reassuring.
Motonari: "Hey, how long are you going to keep showing off?"
(Crap! I forgot that Motonari was here.)
Kicho: "Motonari, you're here for business, right?"
Motonari: "Of course. I didn't come here just to tease her."
Kicho: "I thought so. Let's talk inside."
He took Motonari and started returning inside. However, as he was leaving, he gently brushed the back of his fingers against my cheek.
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Kicho: "I look forward to seeing the designs you create."
Those words lightened my mood, and the stiffness that had settled in my heart began to melt away.
(Right. I should rethink my ideas again!)
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(Considering the perspective of the wearer and the buyer...)
(I just need to make something I want to wear and something I want to give as a gift, right?)
I immediately started sketching in my notebook, letting my imagination run wild.
(I should also jot down things that might serve as inspiration.)
I started writing down recent memorable experiences.
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(During our negotiation, Kicho held my hand and led me to sit on the sofa.)
(And the gentle way he touched my shoulders and cheeks.)
Mai: "If I were to walk beside a wonderful partner like Kicho, what kind of dress would be perfect?"
Ideas for designs naturally came to mind.
Then, I suddenly heard the sound of a bell ringing from outside and was startled.
Mai: "Whoa! It's already this late!?"
Without realizing it, I'd become engrossed and had drawn several designs.
(Wow, I've made a lot of progress today.)
With a sense of accomplishment, I looked at my sketchpad, and my notes about Kicho caught my eye.
(Weird. Ideas keep popping into my head whenever I think about him.)
(I think I'll continue making notes about him for a while.)
Kicho: "Mai, I'm coming in."
Mai: "Kicho!?"
(I can't let him see these notes!)
I hurriedly put my notebook face down on my desk.
Mai: "C-Come in."
Kicho entered the room and briefly glanced at my desk.
Even though I'd hidden my notebook, the ink and brush were still out.
Kicho: "Were you working on something?"
Mai: "Um, yes. I was just brainstorming some ideas."
Kicho: "I see. It's good that you're working hard, but you should consider going to the bathhouse soon."
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Kicho: "They're about to turn off the furnace."
Mai: "O-Okay. I'll get ready and head there."
He nodded and left the room.
Mai: "Phew."
Feeling relieved, I reopened my sketchpad, full of several compliments written about him.
(I can't let him see this. It's too embarrassing! I need to keep it a secret!)
The next day--
I was out shopping with Kicho in town.
Mai: "There seem to be more people than usual."
Kicho: "It's probably crowded in the market, too. Be careful not to get swept away in the crowd."
Mai: "Got it."
Passerby: "Move out of the way!"
I turned towards the voice and saw a cart forcefully rushing through the crowd.
Kicho: "Mai."
Kicho placed his hands on my shoulders and instinctively positioned himself in the middle of the road to shield me.
Mai: "Thank you for protecting me."
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Kicho: "I just acted on instinct. It wasn't anything special."
He took my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine.
Kicho: "If I'm going to protect you from the crowd, I might as well do it this way."
He firmly held our intertwined hands in a lover's grip.
Kicho: "Don't let go of my hand."
My heart started beating faster as we held hands and gazed at each other.
Mai: "Okay, I won't."
I replied in a slightly trembling voice, and he responded with a gentle smile.
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Kicho: "Thank you."
He lifted our joined hands and placed a tender kiss on my fingertips.
(He's incredibly kind, yet he never imposes himself on me.)
(This delicate balance is what makes him a true gentleman.)
I decided to make a note of this in my design book.
The next day, while I was sketching until late at night, I heard a voice from behind the door.
Kicho: "Mai, can I come in?"
Mai: "Kicho?"
I closed my design book and went to greet him.
Mai: "What's wrong? It's already late."
Kicho: "I noticed the light in your room has been on for a while, so I thought you might be overworking yourself."
Kicho: "I brought some tea and snacks. How about taking a short break?"
I looked at the tray and saw a tea set and some rice crackers.
Mai: "Wow, it looks delicious. The tea smells wonderful, too."
Kicho: "I'm glad I found something you like."
He placed the tray on the table, poured tea into the teacup, and offered it to me.
Mai: "I can do it myself!"
Kicho: "We may not have much time to share tea, but please allow me this."
(He's so kind.)
Mai: "You've done so much. Please let me return the favor next time."
He suddenly stood up and gently touched my cheek.
Mai: "Nn..."
Then kissed my lips.
Kicho: "You don't need to thank me. This alone is more than enough."
(Just with a kiss?)
Kicho: "Of course, looking at your face is also soothing."
Mai: "........."
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(I'm so lucky to be loved like this.)
At that moment, the snacks and my thoughts about my designs faded into the background. I felt the urge to embrace him, but he gently stepped back.
Kicho: "I'll leave before I become a distraction."
Kicho: "Make sure not to overwork yourself."
Mai: "Okay. Good luck with your work, too."
(Why is he so cool?)
I touched the spot where he had kissed me and watched him leave.
(As expected, talking to him sparks my creativity.)
(I should also jot down today's events while I'm at it.)
Work progressed smoothly, and my compliments about him in my notes doubled in number.
Several days later, I was with him, visiting Darren's mansion.
Maid: "Please, have a seat. The master will be with you shortly."
We were led into a room and had to wait for a while.
Kicho: "It's finally time. How confident are you?"
Mai: "I've prepared several designs that I think are good."
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Mai: "I hope there's something Darren will like among them."
As I was about to take out my designs, I noticed something.
Mai: "Huh?"
(No way. Why?)
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Part 1╎Part 2╎Premium End╎Epilogue
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strugglingatart · 5 months
Jr Year ep 3
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don’t want to this will be long
EX GIRLFRIEND I will legit fight Brennan why did we at least not see it....
btw me saying I will fight brennan is mostly a joke like I get why we made all these changes, I don't actually love everything but I do trust all these people enough that it will serve the story and play out great
Immediately clocking the fairy festival (Frosty whatever it is I'm so sorry Brenan says it and then it's immediately out of my head) connection we love
love love looove the aguefort projections, so many Arthur statues!
Riz's manic energy is such a vibe, not exactly healthy but a vibe I get
the astral realm where all the dead gods go
lowkey love that Gorgug and Fabian are solid like the boys lowkey play them so dumb but that's just teenage boys for ya (also thought maybe Fabian would be in less trouble but still some so this makes my anxiety relax a bit, only issues we already knew off)
Actually for the wizards I'm really chill is an A+ and also probably true sentence
ah the answer I needed about Fig's multiclass
Ah the society of shadows again, and a college for sad alone adventureres lol
their record is bad but it should be worse when talking about the one person sports team is SO FUNNY to me
the friends bit is so good, everythig about it, all the laughing, Emily failing intentionally, Ally letting it work even tho it shouldn't, perfection
Lydia still making half orc meals we love and stan
Adaine-Riz friendship is SO IMPORTANT to me
the sibbling energy our girls have are amazing
the Thisstlesprings will literally just go into sex ed and Gorgug's reaction is gold everytime
"Can I run from you?" LMAO
ok I'm getting the silly energy they were talking about now
listennnn we are gonna get into Gorgug isn't a good barbarian according to his teacher again aren't we? it's why it wasn't pre approved? I will fight this teacher he literally saved the world twice as mostly a barbarian let him be a chill barbarian
yes Fabian make Fig go to class
yay new lunch lad
also I legit thought the time quangle was just an explain continuity errors away and also get rid of the agueforts who break encounters thing but it might be related to the plot now that it's come back up in the recap and in the intercom in story
Fig has Gillear's luck confirmed ok
Zac's physical comedy continues to be SO GOOD
the sillies really are here I'm laughing so much
straight away this lady is insane
four different dogs is such a good burn, love agro Kristen
do not trust this people at all
ohhh skullcleaver, Katya's aunt? cousin? I don't recall the seven mentioning that
listen Fabian's house being party house is lowkey dangerous
Kristen being a disaster gay even when trying to help friends flirt is a mood and a half
ooohh I like mazey
don't trust the attomaton tbh
also yes I just thought of this now so it's late but going back to Kipperlilly whatever her name is, like homegirl can't make big institutional changes youre class president not on staff
rules always being followed to the letter is tbh scary there has to be room for interpretation, perfect order doesn't exist
YES PLOT love how it's already too much bc mood and "yeah I cannot think about that right now" and "embodyment of writers block" oh this season is gonna continue to hit me in the face
Wanda Childa is wild
she was a turncoat, more importantly she was a mirror
why is Ally's hey girlie voice so terrifying
fully forgot porter was the barbarian teacher and I will fight porter LET GORGUG MULTICLASS...
aaaa I'm going into a worry is here, legit thought it was gonna be in battle but I love Gorgug's energy here bc I've been there where you do things kinda nontraditional way and have teachers make the achivements sound so much worse just bc i didn't get there through the path they wanted me to take
love terpsichore immediately
they get 30's fairly often now we love level 10
fabian is such an arsty kid at heart and always was like Lou wanted to make a jock maybe but never did
listen trashbag sandwich is worrying but it was indeed fine
I get that Riz is type A but he is the non annoying kind
homegirl who desn't like technicalities and ppl gettign away with stuff got out in one huh? also I have no idea what that means the teacher found her? what?
Jawbone I love you and also I worry about how much I relate to Riz
I so hate this girl I'm with Adaine, she's the worst we've had
oh no the Applebee's
ok so I have a huge like essay somewhere about both why I don't like how Kristen is dealing with Cassandra but also how I 10000% understand her as someone who abandoned religion but was then forced to still be in similar roles and religious enviornments after that somewher in my head buut also who cares but just know it exists
omg Bucky giving her a hug I cry
Kristen is not doing well but that was actually a pretty good parental confrontation tbh I'm proud
oh damn poor Adaine I'm sosorry my dear you don't deserve this
Brennan really went you know what? we are not having your wildness work for you this time Emily, your shit is catching up to you
yay fig went to class finally
we got SO many designs with all the teachers and such and they are all so great
oh nooo Kristeeen, each step I take the step behind me vanishes is such a raw ass line like this poor teenager is legit so lost like someone help her please (also that was a relatable little monologue.. am I ok?)
love the cleric teacher a lot
ok but i love cassandra alright twilight, mystery and doubt are such a cool ass domain you can sell it and embrace it Kristen I belive in youuuu
but also again: a good ass teacher
awn I love that they're back in the forest
again Siobhan promised no taers and I have cried twice now maybe three times in three eps??? rude af
the bad kids should've helped with the whole Cassandra stuff I just realised I'm so sorry
oh shit not Kalina again.... I feel like i got stabbed in the heart
oh I am sooo pumped for next ep!!!!!
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12percentspider · 5 months
Let's discuss a matter, and if a certain someone has an explanation, I'd like to hear it.
In this house, if we're going to play dodgeball it's going to be dodgebrick.
Ah, "buymeacoffee" link. Not a ko-fi, buymeacoffee.
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Huh, where's that go? A blank page actually BUT
Huh interesting. There's that same photo that's been proven is a stock photo, and you can see here from me, too:
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The other image used for the fundraiser page is here:
So yes, both of these images are STOLEN. And one of them directly picturing the victims of homophobic abuse. (That's messed up! Why are you using their picture to profit off of??) Now, you may be wondering why we need to look at a now-terminated (for scamming, mind you, but I think you've noticed that by now) tumblr blog. WELL. Turns out we get the link from...
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Right there. On the "buymeacoffee" page for casualdonutfire.
So this does in fact, further support this post in showing that the person behind the current blog is also the person behind the deepeagletimetravel. After all, only the owner can change a profile unless they were hacked... but why in the HELL would a hacker just change the tumblr link, and why in the hell would you not change it to your correct tumblr? Meaning this is a new url for the buymeacoffee/AmeeradelzC, only the name was changed. The same exact tumblr link is on the archived version of the previous scam's fundraiser page.
Now. If casualdonutfire has an explanation for this, that'd be very welcome, because what in the everloving fuck is going on here? I have webarchive shots showing both the terminated blog and its fundraiser page, so WHY does this "new" fundraiser link back to it? Is it just a revamp of an older, existing fundraiser page? Very possible. Just as scammers will change the names on paypal accounts, they could very well just reuse old accounts.
By looking at the waybackmachine captures of the 'Ameera' fundraiser page, it was cleared out at some point from August-September 2023. From digging through reblogs to get better timestamp nonsense, the last post was around August 8th 2023. So if someone was caught as being a scammer about that time, cleared out their buymeacoffee page, and forgot to remove the tumblr link, that would check out, as the story was yes, cleared from that page sometime between August 4th and September 26th (based on waybackmachine captures).
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topsyturvy-turtely · 1 year
Fluffbruary with turtely
(missed days edition)
Day 26
[day 25] [day 27]
prompts: ice | beautiful | night by @fluffbruary <3
fandom: BBC Sherlock
will be uploaded to "That Stuff Called Fluff" on Ao3!
A/N: mainly inspired by the absolute amazing, lovely, kind, sweet, beautiful, lovely, heartwarming [insert all other positive adjectives to describe a person here] @justanobsessedpan - AN ABSOLUTE MUST FOLLOW BLOG!!! Arie drew this amazing art about a year ago and i was IMMEDIATELY inspired to write something based on it. i did NOT forget it... i'm just slow. thank you, bestie, for letting me use your art this way! here is the perfect perfect drawing (tap for better quality):
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"Ah, fudge!", John said, facepalming. They had just walked back into the changing room after their ice-hockey training.
"What's up?", Mike asked.
"Forgot my helmet at the rink. I'll be right back!"
John rushed out, grabbed his helmet from the bench right next to the ice, straightened up and-
dropped the helmet. It bounced a few times on the ice. It made loud thuds.
"Watson! You alright?", a voice from somewhere on John's left hand side yelled.
"Yeah, Greg, just forgot my...", John's eyes were fixed on the boy on the ice rink. It was a figure skater. A really beautiful figure skater. "Um..." His skating was... beautiful. His face was beautiful. In fact everything about him was beautiful. "My uh..."
The skater finished a flawless pirouette, in a half sitting position, his leg stretched out. How is that even- Wait- why did he stop- oh my god. Is he coming- what- wait that's-
"Your helmet?", the figure skater asked with a kind smirk on his lips. A kind smirk?! What the hell is a kind smirk?!
"Sorry- what?", John asked, after his brain finally registered that the figure skater had said something.
"You forgot your helmet?"
"I- uh... Yeah- I-", John let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. He half recognized Greg smirking at him, bemused.
"Do you wanna go-", a side glance at his friend proved his suspicion. He didn't care. "On a..." Damn, this guy has gorgeous eyes. John gulped. "Date? With me?" Where did that question come from?
The boy raised his eyebrows. "Is that it?"
"Is that what?", John countered.
"We only just met. And we're gonna go on a date."
Oh, shit. He hadn't been thinking. He had just spoken. Come on, Watson. Get a grip! Confidence! Confidence is everything! "Problem?", John asked, feeling himself grin (hopefully convincingly).
The skater bandied looks with Greg, bemused as well as amused. He shifted his weight on one hip, then looked John up and down. "We don't know a thing about each other. I don't know where we're meeting. I don't even know your name."
Oh, right. Awkwardly John fumbled with his helmet, stuck it under his left arm, so he could extend his right, "John Watson. Speedy's. Tomorrow night at six P.M.?"
The boy shook his hand, with a suspicious eye. "Sherlock. And fine. But only because you're cute when you're flustered."
"Why- I am not-"
"See? Cute. See you tomorrow.", and Sherlock glided off the ice. There was a certain swing in his hips that made John drop his eyes...
"What. on earth. was that?", Greg asked with a disbelieving chuckle.
"That, Greg", John sucked in a breath. "Was me realizing, there's no way in hell I am straight." John said, still staring at the door through which the beautiful figure skater had left.
A/N: this was so fun to write! i love reusing/ scrambling up quotes from the show :P hope you liked this too! again please follow justanobsessedpan, promise you won't regret it! (feedback as always very welcome!)
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed💚) @helloliriels @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @pansherlock @the-smol-bean-libby-blog @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @almosttinycowboy @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @psychosociogentleman @quickslvxr @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @johnlock2708 @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence
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diy-fire-water-pups · 2 months
//hello to the mod! just wanna give a heads up about your blog's colors since they can get pretty straining to the eyes, other than that it's really cool! marshall! im gonna quiz you a little if you dont mind heh, (holds up TEN strips of juicy bacon)
number 1! hypothetically, if a person gets cardiac arrest what are the courses of action you should take? What if you don't know how to do CPR? I'm pretty sure you're trained to do CPR, but in the hypothetical situation where you don't, do you just do nothing while waiting for help to arrive?
number 2! what are the principles of radiation exposure?
number 3! Blood and bodily fluids must always be treated as ____________.
number 4! you came upon a casualty who has hit his head badly in a strange position: his legs are rigid and extended, with pointed and turned-in toes. his arms are straight and tense; his wrists are flexed outward and his fingers are curled, making his hands look like "e"s. Where do you think is the brain injury located?
and finally: what are the components of a fire tetrahedron?
you get two pieces of bacon for each correct answer, good luck!
A quiz? Sounds like a surprise test. Scary... But okay, let's see.
1- Well, this first one is easy. If you don't know how to perform CPR- and no, "I saw it in a movie" doesn't count as knowing how to do that- what you gotta do is call your local emergency number, like, immediately. You can't move the body under any circumstances, except if it's to take it away from risky situations such as explosion, fire, drowning, and even then, the most you can do is to place them on a flat surface and pull their head back up to open their respiratory tract. Now seriously, if you're not trained to do CPR, just DON'T, because you'll probably just make things WORSE. For example, if you do it wrong and blow air into their esophagus instead of their larynx, you'll risk making them throw up right on your face! 😖 Yuck!
2- Principles of radiation exposure... Justification, if exposure is really necessary or if it will bring benefits; Dose Limitation per individual and Optimization of Protection, like using as little exposure as possible and being as quick as possible. Now if you're talking about reducing exposure, then it's Time, Distance and Shielding, I guess.
3- Uh... Infectious substance, or object? I keep forgetting this.
4- What...? Okay, hold on, this is VERY specific, let me think. I didn't go that far with my training, I just work with whatever superficial injuries, sprains and fractures or broken bones. I leave specific stuff like that for the leveled up professionals at the actual hospitals, most I do in these cases is first aid to lessen further damage or blood loss, immobilization and take the victim to the nearest hospital for proper care. That being said... Hmm... Is it somewhere in the frontal lobe area? I forgot what it's called, but as far as I remember, that's the area responsible for limbs movement, so an injury there could result in limbs paralysis...? I think I'm shooting in the dark here.
5- Ah, now that's basic firefighting knowledge! The components of a Fire Tetrahedron are fuel, heat, oxygen, and a chemical chain reaction. You take any of these out, the fire will stop!
So... How did I go?
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(( As for the blog colors, just so other people know, we sorted things out with another ask already XD One way or another I already made a couple subtle changes in post background and text colors in this blog's theme, what I'm "unable" to change is the colors I'm using for each pup because these are the very Tumblr text editor colors, so I need to adapt everything else to make these readable enough. ))
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Main account:
Total Swap Island is obviously a fan project that is inspired by the Total Drama series.
In this alternative universe, the participants of the first season: Total Drama Island, are swaped and fused with participants of other seasons, principally the 2023 reboot.
(Also, the swaps and fusions aren't literally, in this universe all the events of the canon total drama timeline never Happened and all the participants of all the seasons don't exist, it only exist they contra-parts/fusions/swaps)
And when I mean swaped or fused the characters aren't like just a normal cringy swap au like under swap, the characters actually change. And mostly of the time what change is: they personality, design, clothes, gender and principally the names, some of them are fusion name of the two certain and others are totally original. Also, all the participants are 18 - 20 years old
And let's start with the ACTUAL sinopse:
24 problematic and queer like teenagers in a island trying to get 1 million dollars! But while they try to get they hands on the money, they need to eliminate and beat each other till one is left, and this person might be the chosen one, the most loved one, the villain that snicked into the final or... Just a person that everyone forgot to eliminate.
They will have 8 weeks to one of them win the money, almost every day will have a challenge to they beat and Normally, when a team win a team lose. And the team that Losed need to send one of their most useless player home, or just someone that they don't think is THAT useful anymore.
Ah, and also...
In this reality show we just accept interesting people! Pretty, disturbed, famous, well known people, and if you didn't fitted in any of that categories, than darling you aint famous, you're not iconic you're just like them all, DONT ACT LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW!
Hunf, thats it. Anyways blame Briteney
Erm, slay and period
created by: deimos breakfrost
Xoxo (kisses n hugs) by Dan
What will I do in this blog?
Giving y'all the information/gossips about the TSI cast
Post some TSI drawings
Post actualizations about Tsi
Giving some spoiler, leaks, headcanons (it will not be BIG stuff okay? It will be things that won't Spoil the entire season)
Adm: deimos breakfrost
@ferocioustrout @sharkyrandom
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xiaosenthusiast · 2 years
17. a dance fit for a prince and princess
“hey, loosen up.”
xiao pulled you closer by the waist and whispered in your ear.
you were so busy on not messing up that you didn’t realize you were so stiff. it must’ve been uncomfortable for xiao.
“don’t worry it’s almost done.”
that sure got your attention, ‘it’s almost done..?’ you thought to yourself and decided to shift your focus to xiao and how close you two were.
you and xiao locked eyes and you just smiled. it was such a soft smile that made xiao blush, just the tiniest bit…not that he would ever admit it. he’s inlove with lumine anyway.
you two just danced comfortably while gazing into each other’s eyes. both of you smiling at each other. although xiao’s was very slightly visible, he looked ethereal. you imagine yourself as an actual princess and him, your prince charming.
‘ah, there goes my imagination again..’
xiao tapped your waist with two fingers which signaled the dancing scene to an end. he stepped away from you and bowed. you did the same and followed him back stage.
it might’ve seemed like a minute to everyone else but it was a lot more than that to you. you didn’t really realize how loud your heart was beating until you got backstage. you had about 20 seconds before you had to go back on stage so you decided to take this time to calm yourself down.
after that scene you felt like your ability to breath was gone, your heart was pounding so loudly you wondered if anyone could hear it?
you were in bliss, you were so happy that you didn’t notice who was walking up to you.
“yn can we talk after the pla-”
“yn! you’re back on in 5 seconds!”
“ah! sorry! yeah sure!”
you answered the person and you didn’t even know who it was, you were thinking about too much that you almost forgot to go back on stage!
you forgot about the interaction once you got back on stage though.
extra !
“hello cinderella!”
venti walked up to you and smiled. you silently scoffed, you wouldn’t admit it but he looked good! he looked fancy, he really fit the role.
“w-who are you?!”
you got up and backed away.
“i’m your fairy godmother!”
he cheekily smiled and started singing his song while changing your dress. someone in your class had made it and it was really clever! it took you some practice but you eventually mastered the twirl and change.
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taglist ! @mikctp @fvrose @kayleigh-reuthlr @xxgenderenvyxx @ferumie @sxiaoul @whats-humanity-lol @skatercashew @kuni-kuzushii @plinkuro @5sos-wdw @sunizome @dollpoetwriting @yatarsagu @me1lif1u0us @yohoo-tehee
if ur blog is in bold that means i cannot tag u due to ur privacy settings !! if u change ur name lmk :]
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Chigasaki Itaru - Translation [SR] Festival of Blooming (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Chikage: I didn’t see that one coming. If anything, I thought you were going to wear my suit.
Itaru: Honestly, I thought of that. But it kinda felt like I was running away, so I decided against it. Re-evaluate yourself as objectively as you can and thank me.
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Chikage: Hm… I shall certainly see.
Itaru: Alright, I’m starting. “I’m home. I got souvenirs. Have some, all of you.” “English homework? Sure, I’ll check it in the morning.”
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Chikage: (I suppose he’s starting off with me when I arrive home?)
Itaru: “All of them are so cute.” “I’m home. …Chigasaki left his clothes all over the place again. They’re in the way.”
Chikage: (And this is me when I return to our room?) (Well, I guess do I usually use my feet to move things out of the way like that.)
Itaru: “This? This is tonight’s late-night snack.” “Green curry, Szechuan-style mapo tofu bowl, nakji bokkeum, jambalaya…” “Tastes great. This could use a little more spice though. For this one… it has more kick to it than I thought. Maybe I’ll note this one down.”
Chikage: (I might record my impressions of the things I eat that way too.)
Itaru: “It doesn’t matter how much you frown at me, rest assured, I’m not going to give you any, Chigasaki.” …And scene. That’s been Chigasaki Itaru playing Utsuki Chikage. Thank you very much.
Chikage: I’ll say, that wasn’t bad.
Itaru: Well, thanks.
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Chikage: However, do I spout things like calling everyone cute, or talk about my impressions after I take each bite?
Itaru: That was a dramatization. You might not realize it yourself, but even if you don’t say it out loud, it shows on your face.
Chikage: …Does it really now?
Itaru: You don’t look very convinced. Guess you need more than that. Allow me to elaborate for you. First of all, you’re soft with the other members, especially the younger ones. But you’re strict and harsh to Hisoka and I. And on that note, your face at the office is totally different too. Your attitude changes depending on the other person.
Chikage: I don’t want to be told that by you who has an unshakable outer image.
Itaru: Yep. That’s the only similarity we have, you and I. I can be my natural self more in this room than anywhere else. That’s why I acted like you while you’re in our room, which I thought might be closer to your true self too.
Chikage: …I see.
Itaru: You look like you’re all neat and tidy, but you’re unexpectedly crude. You eat a lot, your eating habits are awful, and also… Your thoughts surprisingly show on your face. You didn’t realize that about yourself, did you?
Chikage: …Well, you might be right.
Itaru: So thank me and re-evaluate yourself.
Chikage: Alright. As thanks, I’ll treat you to Szechuan food tonight.
Itaru: As much as I appreciate the offer, I’ll have to pass. Anyways, I have to take the polaroid picture.
Chikage: Running away, I see?
Itaru: If we don’t submit one to Director-san, then our mission won’t be cleared. I’ll leave it to you.
Chikage: My, my…
Itaru: How about this sort of pose?
Chikage: Looks good to me. I’m taking it.
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Itaru: Oh look, it’s basically you.
Chikage: It feels off though.
Itaru: It’s not close enough?
Chikage: That’s not what I meant. It feels way too unnerving seeing you in front of me with my clothes on.
Itaru: Well, I can’t argue with that. Ah, right, I forgot to use those.
Chikage: Those?
Itaru: New, super spicy chips I saw at the supermarket. I bought them thinking I’d use them for my role study. ‘Cept I gave up after literally 1 chip. Wanna try?
Chikage: Of course. …They taste great like usual.
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Itaru: Says the guy with inhuman taste buds.
Chikage: Don’t talk about me like I’m some kind of monster.
Itaru: You can have those for a late-night snack if you want.
Chikage: Sure. I would be happy to take them off your hands.
Itaru: By the way… was I right about what I said?
Chikage: My thoughts on the snack?
Itaru: No, not that… That you’re the closest to your true self when you’re in our room. On a scale of 100, how many points would you give me?
Chikage: …Maybe around 76?
Itaru: Press X to doubt.
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
Hi sweetheart ! First of all, I LOVE YOUR BLOG ! Can you make a Adrien Rabiot imagine where he’s secretly dating a famous british actress/singer and their romance is revealed by a paparazzi ? Thank you so so so much ! 😘
Yessss I love this request ❤️😭
I love Adrien so much😭😭
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London nights
You were a pretty famous british actress. You career started when you were 15 and you got a couple of roles into some local tv spots and tv shows but you’re greatest success came when you got casted in marvel movies and in the peaky blinders show.
It was everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
From that day you became one of the most Hollywood successful actresses, and one of the youngest too!
You were only 17 when you got casted in your first marvel movie and you couldn’t be happier.
You’re 23 now and you’re proud of all you have accomplished.
But being famous always hides a darkside.
The constant hate you’ve been getting from frustrated people on social media.
The lack of privacy.
Paparazzi following you everywhere.
That’s why you moved back to London a couple of years ago. You couldn’t stand remaining in Hollywood when paparazzi wouldn’t even let you breathe. You’re a very private person and you always separate work life from private life but that’s something paparazzi won’t understand.
Especially now that you’re dating a famous football player. Adrien Rabiot from Juventus and the French National Team. You’ve met during an event you went in Paris and for your lucky you were sat next to him. He was the one who made the first move. You became friends at first but then something changed and you both wanted to try and have a relationship. Probably the best idea you got.
You’ve been dating for over a year now and no one, except your friends and family knew that you were dating. You were pretty good at hiding. Never going in public or crowded places. Wearing caps and sunglasses if you had to go somewhere. It was kinda fun but also tiring always having to hide.
He was visiting you in London since due to his work he lived in Torino, it was hard for him to come and visit you. It was mostly you who lived back at his place but this time you had to come back home for doing some promos for a new show that was coming out in a couple of weeks. He surprised you with a bouquet of red roses and a teddy bear.
You couldn’t help but melt at his caring side.
That day you both decided to have a walk around London. It was a sunny and warm day so you thought “why not!”
You both dressed up and got out.
But you both forgot your caps and sunglasses. You both missed each other so much to even think about it and you forgot it.
You took a walk around Hyde Park and decided to sit on a bench that was hidden between some trees.
You on his lap.
His arms around your neck and your hips keeping you close.
He started kissing you, sweetly and gently.
He grabbed your chin with his hand and made you look him straight into his eyes.
You were so in love with him.
You both continued your making out session and you were so drunk in each other’s company that you haven’t seen a photograph taking a picture of the two of you.
It was getting dark and you both were getting hungry so on the way back home you stopped grabbing some dinners at your favorite sushi restaurant.
You got home and put on a movie and started to eat.
That was the moment you decided to look at your phone to see if someone called you.
Well…10 missed calls from your manager.
5 missed calls from your best friends.
18 texts from friends and relatives.
Most of them said “open instagram”.
You got worried and decided to do it and that was when everything came up.
So many people were tagging you and Adrien in the pictures the photographer took that day.
You stared to panicking and Adrien sensed it. He stopped the movie and looked at you.
“Mon amour?” he called you trying to get your attention.
“They know…” you simply said.
“They…people, they know about us” you told his showing him the pictures while you were having a panic attack. You were worried about your safety and privacy, yes, but mostly you were worried about people taking pictures of you without your consent.
Such a private moment ruined by some crazy person.
“Hey hey…baby…shhh” he tried to calm you down putting you on his lap facing him “it’s okay…calm down, try to copy my breathing” he said.
“I-I can’t…Adrien what if they followed us home?” you were panicking more and Adrian was getting worried.
“Hey no, don’t think about it…please baby breathe…calm down baby, relax” he said massaging your shoulders a bit to relieve some of the stress.
You calmed down. And hugged him.
He was your rock.
“There you go…shhh-shhh, calm down” he said again trying to ease all of your anxiety.
“I’m scared Adri…I don’t feel safe here anymore. I came back from Hollywood for this exact reason and now it’s happening again…I just I can’t” you cried a bit into his shoulder while he was hugging you.
“Hey no baby don’t think like that, you’re safe here. With me”
“But eventually you’ll go back to Italy and I’ll stay for a couple of weeks all alone and…”
He interrupted me by kissing me “what if you move permanently in Torino with me?” he asked.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes…all I want is to spend my time with you”
“Just say yes”
“Yes” you said smiling and he started to kiss you again. This time with more passion.
And you knew it was going to be a long long night.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 11 months
Difference of Taste
Scene: From the tv show Wednesday
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, and Teschmacher from Supergirl
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 750
A/N: This is for the Rewrite Challenge hosted by @choicesprompts This is a rewrite of a scene in the Wednesday tv series using Supergirl characters.
Summary: Lena and Kara have a difference of opinion of their room and what it means to be roommates.
Lena stared at the multicolored window in the room that she shared with Kara. She winced at the display. It looked like candy exploded everywhere. She sighed and took out a black tap and divided the room in half even the window. On her side, she started peeling the multicolored plastic off of the window. By the time she was almost finished, Kara had arrived back to the room. 
“Hey, what are you doing to my room?” asked Kara looking miffed. 
“I thought this was our room. Your side of the room looks like it is covered in unicorn vomit.”
“You can’t just make changes to the room without saying….”
“Shush. I need silence.” said Lena walking to her desk with the typewriter. 
“Silence for what?” 
“I take an hour out of my day to write my novel. If you put in half as much time on your blog, it could be at least half coherent. I read mental patients journals more coherent than your work.”
“At least I am doing something that I love in my own voice” said Kara pouting. 
“You say that like it gives you any prestige” mused Lena. 
“I have tons of followers that love my content and eagerly await for me to produced more.”
“Yes, you have moronic readers that are only able to understand the small icons you post.”
“You mean emoji’s? People use them to express their feelings.” said Kara baffled. 
Kara chuckled, “I forgot having feelings is a foreign concept to you”
“The following emojis come to mind when I think of you: bottle, barf face, skull and crossbones.”
Kara looked shocked as Lena headed back to her desk. 
“By the way, if you are going to continue to gossip about me on your blog, you should know that Luthor is spelled with or instead of er. It would give your writing more integrity if you got the subjects name spelled right.”
As Lena started to type, she heard the beginning of Respect by Aretha Franklin playing in the background. Lena turned around and saw Kara dancing like a moron to the song. 
Lena got out of her chair and slowly started walking to Kara and said, “Turn that off.”
“I can’t hear you” smirked Kara while continuing to dance. 
Lena narrowed her eyes and raised her hands. Around her hands started forming a magical orb. 
“If you don’t turn that off…”
Kara turned to stare directly at her, but now her eyes were glowing red. 
“I would be careful of what you say next. I don’t want to accidentally cause you to pop, now do we” said Kara smiling wickedly. 
The two girls glared at each other before they heard a knock at the door. They quickly stopped their powers and turned off the music just as an older woman entered the room. 
The woman stood in front of the door and said, “I am so sorry for introducing myself to you so late this evening. The plants were being in particularly finicky about their food source today. Did I interrupt anything?”
Both girls shook their heads. 
“Ah perfect!” 
The older woman walked to Lena and said, “It is a pleasure to meet you Lena. My name is Eve Teschmacher. I am the room mom for this dorm. I always present the new girls with a flower that I think that best represent their personality.”
Ms. Teschmacher produce a black flower from behind her back. 
“A black dahlia” mused Lena. 
“Ah, you have heard of it.”
“Of course. It reminds me of my favorite unsolved mystery. I love it!”
“Perfect! I see that you have already met Kara. I hope she has been showing you the ropes.”
“Kara has been very hospitable during my time here. I hope to return the favor by making her my favorite sleeping potion. Hopefully, it can give her a long, long, night sleep.”
Kara looked at Lena warily.
“Ok…. Well, there is a couple of rules that I want to go over before I take my leave. Lights out at 10pm, no boys under any circumstances in the dorms, and keep your magic and laser beams to yourselves.”
Both girls stared at her startled. 
Ms. Teschmacher chuckled and said, “Don’t think i didn’t see how you two were behaving before I got here. I expect both of you to at least respect one another during your time here.”
Ms. Teschmacher then smile and left while Kara and Lena stared at each other baffled. 
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hisui-apparently · 1 year
<Video Attached>
"Alright... uh, is it recording?" A feminine voice started in Galarian, sounding unsure.
The brown backround, that looked to be a cave wall, moved down and up, as though the phone itself was nodding.
"Okay, okay good." The unseen person let out a shaky breath, "Focus the camera on me and stay out of whatever happens, alright? Thanks for this Rotom, you're gonna get spoiled rotten after this."
A buzzing noise sounds, likely from the phone itself, as the Rotom responds and turns the phone around, allowing the camera to see Remy. Their hair is pulled back into a ponyta tail and there's a red cotton scarf covering their nose and mouth. They have on a thick and fluffy black jacket, and when their hand comes up to pull down the scarf, it can be seen that they're wearing faux-leather black gloves. They smile awkwardly and wave at the camera.
"So, uh... Hi! I'm about to head inside Uxie's cave right now - at least I think it's Uxie... Uxie's the one in the cave on Lake Acuity, right?" They grimace, "Well, I'm about to find out." They press their lips together and look off to the side, "So, uh, if you don't know why I'm doing this, just check out the posts on my rotomblr blog, I'll have this video posted on there too. But, long story short, I'm about to go through all the lake spirits and get their blessing or whatever to enter the Distortion World at my own will, more or less. Mostly cause I wanna have some tea with Giratina, since they seem pretty lonely."
They do another awkward smile and shrug, clearly unused to being on camera. "My, uh, my Rotom-phone will be recording the whole ordeal, and rest-assured, he's gonna stay far outta the way. I just wanna make sure that, y'know, if I die or something happens, I have record of what happened, heh." They begin biting their lower lip, anxious. "Well, uh... In we go, I guess."
They turn around, now facing away from the camera, and begin to walk into the tunnel. Smoothly, the camera follows and stays close to the ceiling of the cave. Remy lays their backpack - which is mostly black with some purple accents - against a wall and takes off their scarf, gloves, and coat, laying all three items haphazardly on top of the bag. From the back, they can be seen wearing a maroon colored flannel, and there's a quick glance of their shirt as they turn around, which is plain black.
They make it to an opening in the cave, where old, deteriorated, dirty pillars seem to be holding the rock walls up, and puddles of water were littered across the floor. The most notable thing in the room, however, was a Zoroark. White and red and hunched over, like their own Zoroark with a palette change, with red eyes and a towering figure.
"Oh that's what Mesprit meant-" The audio barely picked up Remy's words, but they were quickly cut off by the roar that came from the Alpha Hisuian Zoroark. "Oh shit-" Remy cursed and dove out of the way as the Guardian Pokemon rushed towards them with a swipe of its claws. "Okay, yeah, right, there's a fight- forgot about tha-aaaaaaat!" They dodged again and the camera caught a look at their face, which was very panicked.
"Ah, shit, what did Violet say?" They murmured to themself as they kept dodging. "Ghost/Normal type, weak only to dark." They let out a deep breath as they grabbed a luxury ball off of their belt, the top of which was painted blue and red. "Riptide, I need you to use Night Slash immediately!" They pressed a button and the telltale red energy of a Pokemon being released exited the ball, and as soon as the Hisuian Form of Samurott formed, he used the move his trainer instructed him to.
Remy was able to stop moving as the move hit the Baneful Fox Pokemon, and the screen showed them holding their right side with their left hand. The dark-type move had clearly done a good chunk of damage to the Guardian Pokemon, and Remy grinned as a fire formed in their eyes, "Don't give it a chance to recover! Hit it with Night Slash again and again til it's out for the count!" They were breathing heavily despite their grin, out of shape from all of the walking thet had done in the past two days. They took their flannel off and tied it tightly around their waist, covering the spot they had been holding before and revealing the light shine of crimson red blood on their hand.
It was only two more uses of the move that took down the Zoroark, and it laid on the ground, unconcious. Remy took in another shaky breath as Riptide walked back over to them, gently nudging their bloodied hand. "I'm fine, Rip. A quick potion and a bandage should do me just as well as if I were a Pokemon." They used their clean hand to rub the Samurott's head, and the footage began to glitch out, the video turning black, though the audio remained fully intact.
A voice projected by psychic means echoed through the cavern. "So you wish to access the Distortion World. You do realize that you need only prove your worth to one of us, and we shall grant you passage?"
Despite the clear presence of the Mythical Pokemon Uxie, a tired sigh was heard, "I've already explained this to Mesprit and Giratina. I want to be able to enter and leave as I wish, without sole reliance on beings that live across the Earth from my 'permanent residence'." The air-quotations could be heard. "And, well, Giri said I'd need all three of you to be able to do that."
"I see." the Being of Knowledge responded. "Very well then. Combee. Zubat. Unown. Magneton. Dusclops. How many are their eyes?"
"Oh, uh-" Remy stuttered, not expecting such a quick list. "Um, Combee has six, a pair for each honeycomb. Zubat has none - they use echolocation to get around. Unown... um... those... those I think only have one. Magneton is... the second evolution, so that one has three - one for each body. And Dusclops has one, like Unown." Despite their anxiety, they were able to answer the question that, unbeknownst to them, had been asked and answered centuries earlier.
There was a moment of silence - glitched silence. The audio has been cut out too, for a moment.
The audio and video only return as Remy is exiting the cave, minutes later, now with their coat, gloves, and scarf back on, and their hair has been taken down.
"So, well, I guess that's one down, two to go!" Remy half-heartedly cheered, pumping their fist in the air with the same energy before the winced and grabbed their side, "Ow..."
"I'm gonna have Vex fly me back over to Snowpoint City and... and then I'm gonna find a place to stay the night. With a heater, preferably. I've also gotta get this scratch bandaged up, so... I'm still gonna be posting as I travel, but, the videos are gonna be saved for the events with the Lake Spirits. Until next time, I guess!" They waved with their right hand as the video ended, but there was another second of audio, "Hey Rotom? Can you just upload it directly to my Rotomblr? I really don't wanna watch it through myself."
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I have lurked LONG ENOUGH
And this hole in the ground is not exactly high living, so hi, sorry, all that. I started Stampede right after episode 12 aired, because, ah, I had actually forgotten about it -- I was never really a fan of the 98 show (I was in another, even-weirder-in-retrospect fandom space when 98 was new, but I watched it maybe three or four years later). I read bits and pieces of the manga and agreed that it seemed right up my alley on literal paper. So why didn't I like 98? Embarrassingly, I think it's a matter of genre. I am avidly attracted to science fiction and neutral toward/bored by Westerns. Trigun is either SF cleverly disguised as a Western, or it's a Western cleverly decorated with SF elements, depending on your perspective. It was clearly good, but it could just never hold my attention.
I was immediately interested in seeing Stampede when it was first announced, though. Not because I thought there were going to be any big changes, but because the animation fascinated me. How are they doing that?? I asked. Are they capturing this with the Unreal engine?? (yes, they were. kind of. that's actually become pretty common in TV shows; I don't know why I thought that would be crazy for an anime.)
Stampede, at least compared to 98, is SF with Western aesthetics. It leans toward hard SF at times, even. Which is certainly good news for me, but I wonder if it hasn't lost an important part of itself in that. Just because I don't personally like Westerns doesn't mean that it wasn't thematically significant that Trigun was a Western. This is only one of many things I felt guilty for liking more in Stampede. I could write a whole list, though now I've finally caved and made a side blog where I can actually discuss all this. It caught up to me twenty years late, but the hyperfixation finally found me. I feel like I've triggered a curse someone put on me in high school and forgot about because the only anime I watched in high school was good ol' Sailor Moon. Ha ha, hypothetical sucker! ...wait
Anyway, watch this space for a lot of rambling about that jeep. Forget Knives, that car is the most powerful being on the planet.
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missnedge · 2 years
Just for tonight (Starscream/reader pt 3)
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Summary: After a harsh beating from Megatron, Starscream seeks solace in the only place he can think of. And you of course, welcome him.
Chracters: Starscream/You (Miko and Bulkhead make a special appearance)
Tags: Hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, TW for abuse and just Megatron in general cause fuck that guy, no smut but it is refrenced, mutual pining, someone get Starscream some help for the love of god.
This was written by Edge
Personal blog: @hollister-mc
Sunlight dipped into your room, you groaned and rolled over. It was your day off, you only planned on getting up when you felt like it. Or if you had to pee before your bladder bursts, whichever came first. 
Three short beeps of a horn make you jolt under your covers, you huff and drag the blankets over your head. People and their shitty driving would be something that irked you till the day you died… Wait, you live pretty far out. Why would someone be honking right outside, unless…
"Y/N!!!!! WAKE UP, IT'S ROCK AND ROLL TIME!" You groan even louder into your pillow as your front door gets assaulted by Miko’s fists. "GO AWAY I'M NOT HOME!" You scream back at her, and she goes silent. You pause and raise your head. There's no way that actually worked, right?
"AH!" You vault your body onto the floor with a grunt. Miko starts to laugh maniacally outside your window. You wince as you move your stiff body up off the floor, you make your way over to the window, ripping open the blinds and unlatching your window lock. 
Miko stops laughing as you yank her through the window. "Ow! Geez sorry, someone isn't a morning person." She mumbles. You roll your eyes and make your way over to your dresser to scour for an outfit. "No, especially on my day off." She scoffs and flops onto your bed. "You can't just sleep the day away! It's almost noon!" 
You chuckle and turn back to her, outfit in hand. "You see Miko, the point of my day off means I can spend it however the hell I want. Besides, I already hung out with you guys yesterday." 
Miko jumps up and latches onto your arm, putting on her best pair of puppy eyes. "Pleaseeeee Y/n! We love hanging out with you!" You chuckle and raise a brow. "I'm an adult, shouldn't hanging around me be a buzzkill?" She laughs and shakes her head rapidly, making her pigtails flop around. "Pfft what? So what if you're an adult, you don't act like it! Plus Jack is more of a buzzkill than you." 
You laugh loudly and push her out of your room. "Alright, you've convinced me. Now get out so I can change." 
You shut your door and quickly get ready. After a couple minutes you head out of your room to find Miko staring at your counter. Your stomach drops as you realize she's staring at the missing chunk in your counter. 
"What happened here?" She asks, glancing up at you curiously. "Oh uh…" 
FUCK! You completely forgot about your poor bar that got wrecked along with you last week.
"Oh right, yeah a friend and I were uh… Doing a project, and it uh— kinda got out of hand…" You ramble as you avidly search for shoes so you both can leave quickly and drop the conversation. "A friend huh? Which one?" Miko starts to get a wicked grin on her face.
"A friend from work." You say, a bit too quickly for Miko’s liking. "Oh yeah?" 
"Mmhm, yup, yup, alright let's go!" You flash a nervous grin and gesture to the door. Miko stands with her hands on her hips, giving you a disapproving look. "I thought we were best friends Y/n?" 
"We are–"
"Then why didn't you tell me you hooked up with someone?!" 
You let out a squeak while waving your arms around in a desperate attempt to sway her. "Whoa! Haha, where'd you get that idea?!" She scoffed and crossed her arms. "Um hello? You're like– totally blushing!... Did yall get freaky?” 
You nearly screamed, you did not want to have this conversation with a teenage girl. Especially this one, who would embarrass the hell out of you for it. “I’m leaving without you!” You shouted and ran out of your house. 
Bulkhead swung open the driver door as you sprinted to his vehicle mode. Miko was yelling as she ran out of your house, the passenger side opened for her as well and she climbed it. Bulkhead started driving and broke the silence. "Whoa, where's the fire?" His amused voice comes through the radio.
Miko huffs and slouches in her seat, shooting you a frown. "Y/n won't tell me about their new partner!" You roll your eyes and cross your arms, staring out onto the road. Bulkhead sighs. "Miko… If Y/n wants to talk about their relationship then they will, stuff like that is private sometimes." 
The teenager groans and sits up straighter. "Fine, but I hope you'll tell me about it soon!" You laugh and reach over, ruffling her pigtails fondly. "Sure Miko, I'm just figuring things out right now ya know?" 
She nods and starts to laugh. "I understand, maybe it's a good thing you're keeping it private right now. We wouldn't want Starscream to find out would we?" You choke on air, a coughing fit starting up in your chest. Miko cackles loudly and Bulkhead groans in disgust. "Ugh Miko gross…" 
Right, how could you forget? Let's rewind for a second. Now, it didn't go unnoticed by team prime that Starscream had a certain… Fixation on you. Whenever the cons got involved with whatever the bots were doing Starscream always seemed to make it his mission to capture you, or at the very least rile you up.
Most everyone didn't think anything of it, even you. Just chalked it up to Starscream hating how snarky you were with him. The flirts you would shoot at him were typically done out of range from the bots or cons, you didn't want to be asked questions you didn't have the answers too. 
Most everyone didn't think anything of it… Except Miko. 
See, she had this wild conspiracy theory that Starscream was secretly in love with you and that the reason he always tried to capture you was so he could have you all to himself… Hilarious right? You thought so, at least, you used to. Now? You don't know what the hell to believe. 
"Oh come on Bulk, Screamers would be so jealous if he found out that Y/n was dating someone." Miko says. "Look, Starscream's not the type to care about anyone but himself. Especially about a human, no offense. But I think it's safe to say that he's not capable of any kind of affection." 
Miko and Bulkhead start to bicker back and forth about Starscream and you. Bulkhead may have a point. Starscream is loyal to himself, you're not sure if he is capable of affection but you sure as hell know he's capable of turning the inside of your pants into a slip and slide. Your face burns at the thought and you do your best to tune out their conversation the rest of the drive to base.
Starscream walked throughout the dreary halls of the Nemesis, his posture stiff. This past week had been absolute torture. You constantly plagued his thoughts, all day, all night. Even in recharge he can't escape you. He's been on edge constantly and everyone on the Nemesis was starting to notice. The worst part was that he had also begun to slack in his work. He'd be spacing out more, snapping at anyone who'd point it out. More errors in coding and other data entries, even taking more time than usual out on protrols. 
Unfortunately for him, Megatron especially had begun to notice his second in command's change of behavior. 
Starscream folded his servos behind his back nervously, pausing in front of the door to the bridge. Megatron had requested his presence a few moments ago, and he had a horrible feeling that he knew what it was about. 
The doors slid open and he made his way onto the bridge. The room was mostly empty, only a couple of Vehicons were posted at their station, and of course, Megatron. Starscream made his way towards his leader, every step in his pedes felt like lead. Megatron was facing away from him.
"Starscream." He spoke, voice eerily calm.
"Lord Megatron." Starscream replied. 
"Do you know why I called you here?" Megatron asked. 
Starscream paused. Either he had found out about Starscream's little escapade with you, or he was here to reprimand him about his slacking lately. A small part of him hoped it was something completely different, but the underlying malice in his voice told him that there was no painless way out of this. 
"No my liege… I do not." He uttered. Megatron instantly picked up on his reluctance. The tall mech slowly turned around, glaring down at his second in command. “I don’t like liars Starscream. You know perfectly well why you're here. Correct?” Megatron started to circle Starscream as he spoke. The shorter mech felt his knees tremble. “I don’t tolerate slackers. You should know that better than anyone. It’s bad enough my second in command is a spineless fool who constantly plots behind my back, but I don’t need one who does poor work as well.” 
“I’m sorry my–” Starscream grunted in pain as Megatron struck him across the face, the force of the blow making him crumple to the ground. “The only reason you’re still here is because you’re of better use to me here than anywhere else.” Megatron sent a kick to his side. Starcream jolted to the side, landing painfully on his wings. “Don’t make me regret it, Starscream. I’ll dispose of you myself if you stop serving a purpose to me.” 
Starscream shakily tried to get to his knees but Megatron grabbed his wings and threw him to the side, eliciting a sharp yelp from the seeker. Despite the throb of pain running through Starscream, he couldn’t help the rush of relief that coursed through him as well.
Megatron didn’t know about you.
You waved goodbye to Miko and Bulkhead from the top step of your house. The two drove away, blasting heavy metal. You chuckled and headed into your dark home. A yawn escaped your mouth as you flicked on the light of your living room, you set down your things on a chair and stretched. You had an eventful day at the base, Wheeljack was back on Earth visiting, so naturally the day was filled with fun and chaos. 
Before you could head into your bedroom a familiar sound of an engine stopped you. Your heart instantly started to beat faster, you hadn’t seen Starscream in a week. You wait for him to burst through your back door but you hear shuffling and muttering instead. Slowly you make your way to the back door, creaking it open you see Starscream there in his smaller form clutching his side. Instantly you notice the dents and scratches littering his form. The grimace of pain in his face was enough to snap you out of your shocked stare. “Christ— What happened to you?” You swing the door open fully enough for him to come in. A hiss of pain leaves his mouth as he limps through the short doorway. “Who do you think?” He grunts out.
You shut the door and watch him limp further into the house. You chew your lip in thought, you could say the autobots but considering you were with them all day the only logical explanation was… 
“Megatron…?” You inquired dolefully. Starscream said nothing as he looked to the floor, his back was to you, letting you get a clear view of his wings. They weren’t horrible wounds, he would clearly live; but the light blue energon leaking from a gash in his wing made your gut heavy in discomfort. “You’re leaking…” You mumble. Starscream continues to stare at the floor, refusing to look back at you. 
You may not have the right tools to patch him up, but you could at least ease some problems. Slowly you walk over to him, moving carefully into his line of sight. The situation as a whole is bizarre, the enemy faction of your friends is here in your house injured, and while he may not be asking for help directly the look in his optics tells you everything you need. 
You reach your hand forward, gently wrapping your hand around his servo, silently noting how cold he was compared to the last time you touched him. His optics dart to your smaller hand, before looking at you directly. A soft smile makes your way onto your lips. “Come with me?” 
Starscream raises a brow before nodding slowly. You smile, and lead him towards your bedroom. You slowly open your door and flip on the light, you lead Starscream to your bed, gently making him sit on the edge. “Wait here, I’m going to grab some stuff.” 
“Alright.” He mumbles. 
You turn and walk into your bathroom, mentally going through the possible supplies you have that would be beneficial. You doubt anything antiseptic would work on him, and obviously you don’t have any welding gear, or whatever they use to mend wounds. That leaves cleaning and wrapping up injuries temporarily. So, you grab some rags.
When you come back Starscream is looking around your room from his spot on the bed. You don’t think you can get used to the tall Decepticon sitting on your bed so casually. He turns back to you and notices the stuff in your hands. “What’s that?” He asks. 
“Just some rags, do you mind if I clean you up and tie off any leaks?” Starscream seems confused, before looking down at himself. “I don’t understand, am I leaking that badly? I apologize if I got energon on your things…” Your throat tightened at his words. Truly, you don’t think you’ve heard an apology come from his mouth before, let alone the absolute defeat in his voice. 
You instantly moved towards him. “No, no it’s not that. Don’t worry about any messes okay? I just want to help, I may not be able to do much for you medically… But I just–” Your breath hitches as you meet his stare. He looks so broken. You briefly wonder if anyone has ever done anything for him out of the kindness in their heart. You raise a hand to his face out of instinct to comfort, but he flinches away. 
Your heart shattered. 
He must have seen the shock in your face, for he turned away from you in shame. You swallowed the lump in your throat, crying wouldn’t help either of you right now. So you continued to reach your hand out, slower this time. Your hand met the side of his faceplate, you gently turned his helm towards you. His optics seemed duller than before as he looked at you. You raise your other hand, the rag you had wet earlier in your grasp. With utmost care you wiped a scuff that was on the lower left side of his face. 
“I don’t know your situation on the Nemesis… I know Megatron is far from being a gracious and forgiving leader, and in all honesty he doesn’t deserve the crew or position he has now…” You speak as you continue to wipe up his various scratches, his optics never leaving your face. You can feel your heart racing in your chest, yet you continue to speak tenderly. “But I want you to know that my door is always open. Whenever you need to get away from it, or if you want company, you need to vent, get cleaned up. Whatever it may be, day or night, whether I’m here or not, I will still be here for you. Okay?” You finish wiping his face.
Starscream has a look you’ve never seen before on him, then again, you haven't seen him like this ever. It hurts you to think he’s been suffering silently and alone from Megatron's wrath all this time. Starscream doesn’t know what to say, no one ever has extended such generosity and kindness to him before. At least without some sort of catch to it. So he says the only thing that comes to mind. 
The question shook you. One word, and yet it raised so many questions inside you. Why were you doing this? Setting aside the fact that you were ‘enemies’ , Starscream wasn’t exactly the friendliest around. That, and most times you’ve interacted it was threats, bantering, or flirting borderlining taunting. Only recently did things change, clearly you skipped some steps when it comes to… whatever relationship you have with him. What relationship did you have with him exactly? You’re not really hostile anymore, friends is a loose term that doesn’t quite fit. Partner isn’t the right word, neither is lover. Fuck buddy isn’t to far off, yet would just a plain old hook up care this much about the other person? So it all loops back to the original question. Why do you care?
“I don’t know… I just do… Why did you come here instead of your medical bay?”
Starscream blinks in shock, his expression befuddled. Another moment passed, both of you just staring at each other. Finally, he speaks once more. 
“I don’t know… I just did.”
A small smile grew on your lips at his words, his face softened ever so slightly. “Well then… Since we obviously have no idea what we’re doing, can I finish what I started?” He nodded.
You grinned brightly and started to get back to work, cleaning any smudges or energon leaks. Starscream watched you with a soft expression, admiring you and how you worked. He had no idea how to express to you that there was no possible way you could finish what you started, not when it came to how you made him feel. Starscream was terrified of what you did to him, more so what could happen to you or him if anyone else found out what was going on.
He watched you wrap a long cloth around his thigh, you tied it off, pausing and glancing up at him concerned. “That doesn’t hurt right?” He shakes his head, and you nod before reaching for another cloth to tie off a gash on his arm. You worked silently, briefly stopping here and there to ask permission or to check in on how he was doing. Once you were done, he honestly looked a lot better. You stood in front of him, hands resting proudly on your hips as you grinned. “All done! How do you feel?” 
Starscream glanced down at himself, obviously the dents and such were still there, but surface wise you did an amazing job. “I feel better… Thank you.” The words felt forigen, but the way your face lit up was all he needed to forget the oddity of pleasantries. 
For a moment, you both were staring at eachother again. The tension creeped back into the room, increasingly becoming difficult to ignore. Before you impulsively smashed your face against his you cleared your throat and gathered the used rags and brought them back into your bathroom. Starsceam watched you the entire time. 
You came back into the bedroom, shutting the door behind you. “So um… Do you have to go back soon?” You asked, slightly hoping his answer would be no. 
“Probably… But I don’t exactly want to go back.” Starscream rested his arms on his legs, leaning forward in thought. You frowned and shifted your weight between your legs. “Do they need you back for something?” He shook his helm, running his optics over a few objects on your wall. “No, not exactly. My shift was nearly over when I left anyway.” 
You ran your eyes over him, his body language seemed uncomfortable. If his words weren’t enough you could clearly tell that he dreaded going back right now. Before you could stop yourself, the words slipped. “Then stay.” 
Starscream froze, and slowly turned towards you. “...What?” 
Your mouth felt dry, you wanted to avert your eyes from his intense stare but you couldn’t seem to pry your eyes away from his. “Stay… Just for tonight.” 
Logically, you shouldn’t have offered. Then again, if you want to go by those rules you should have stopped what you were doing a long time ago. Starscream was having a similar thought. He already has let you do this for him, he was already here. The looming threat over both of your heads was already there, one night wouldn’t lessen or greaten the affects. 
“Alright… Just for tonight then.” 
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