#almost done w my degree! this may
gingersn4pp · 3 months
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one year older!
14 notes · View notes
minustwofingers · 1 year
exoplanet p. 4.5
second half of exoplanet part 4!
pairing: ellie williams x reader
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summary: you’ve won the life lottery as one of the few people on earth with parents who gained admittance to the most prestigous safezone in the world after the outbreak. but after a lab accident sends you out to jackson, wyoming, real life hits you fast. it’s a good thing that a hot lesbian finds u. (lol). mean ellie at first, slowburn, enemies to friends to lovers, fem reader asf
warnings: PLEASE READ! mentions of nsfw content (read at your own risk), violence, explicit language. also a lot of angst. ellie is still kind of a dick but not quite as much. 
a/n: haha. isn’t it sooo funny how i said this would come out almost 12 hours later and then i posted it? i need to hit the hay early asf today if im to be frank w you guys so here it is now. i want to thank you all for the sweet and kind messages and comments i’ve been getting—they’ve been fuel for my writing!! also, i’ve got a better idea of how i want to end it now, so i’ve got a pretty good outline for what’s going to happen. expect around 3 more parts (one of which may or may not be an epilogue from ellie’s pov). as always thanks for reading!
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4.0 (first half of this part) 
playlist inspired by exoplanet!!
wc: 6.5k
tags: @prettyplant0 @666findgod @sawaagyapong @rystarkov @buzzybuzzsposts @addisonnie @galacticstxrdust @parkersmyth @pinkazelma @ariianelle @lu002 @blairfox04 @sparkleswonderland @elliesflower​ 
enjoy x 
Dina’s sudden reappearance in your life was turning into one of the best things you had going on. When you were done with work, instead of loitering about Joel’s home and hoping to run into Ellie, you’d knock on Dina’s front door and spend your afternoons gossiping and trading stories. 
She never asked so explicitly about Ellie again, but you could tell that occasionally she wanted to.
“Guess whose birthday it is this weekend?” asked Dina one day in late April. The Wyoming sun was hung high in the sky, and the weather was steadily becoming warmer. The temperature was stuck at a breezy 60, and a part of you wondered just how hot it would get over the summer. 
Terranova rarely ever got over 70 degrees. Would it be hotter than that? Would you even be here to see it?
“Yours?” you guessed casually, pushing away the ever-present question of how long you’d really be in Jackson.
Dina snorted. “No. Not quite. You just missed mine, actually. I’m a December baby.” 
“Nope.” Her mouth popped on the p. 
Your heart thudded. “Uh—Ellie?” 
Her face split into a wide grin. “Yes! It’s her 20th. Isn’t that crazy? She’s ancient.” 
“Wow!” you said, coaxing faux enthusiasm into your voice. 
You and her had kept seeing each other at night, long after Joel had turned in. It always proceeded like clockwork—she’d come knock at your door, you’d fall into her bed, and then you’d leave.
You’d thankfully avoided any of the embarrassing stuff that you’d done the second night—no more unnecessary sensual face touching and whispers of her being a good person. You wanted to, though. There was so much that you ached to tell her, so many words that threatened to spill from your lips that you just barely managed to keep at bay. 
The worst part was the way that nothing had really changed between you two beyond what transpired every few evenings in her room. Each morning, you’d wake up knowing that you were in for another day of pretending like she didn’t know what it sounded like when you whined and begged and told her where to touch you. Like you didn’t know how her mouth tasted.
“I want to get her a present,” Dina was saying. “I do something for her every year, but I want this birthday to be a little different—given that she’s made it two decades and all, you know.” 
“That’s really thoughtful of you.”
Dina’s eyes sparkled. “I know! Do you want to help? If you do, I’ll tell her it’s from you, too.”
“Actually,” you said, wheels in your head turning, “That would be amazing. I have no idea what I’d get her otherwise.”
“Great.” Dina leaned back, nabbing her backpack from the ground and fishing through it until she produced a map. She unfolded it and began gesturing over the marks. “I found an abandoned bookstore in this area outside of the wall.” She tapped on a dot that she’d made, situated a fair ways away from the wall and on the opposite side of the town as the dam. 
“So we’re going shopping?”
Dina laughed. “Yeah. 5 finger discount, too. The only problem is that we might need to kill some baddies to qualify, but once we clear our way, it’s home free.”
“Right,” you said, fear creeping into your bones at the thought of having to fight off the infected. You’d only been on a few patrols since you’d been shot, and each had been totally unnoteworthy. You’d yet to actually shoot your gun at anything. “You—you do know that I’m not actually that good of a patrol partner, right?”
“Don’t worry about it,” said Dina, waving her hand dismissively. “I can take care of us. Plus, we haven’t seen infected in this area for a while. This is a pretty remote area—tough to reach unless you know what you’re looking for.”
“So, when are we going?”
A glimmer appeared in her eye. “Now?”
“Where are you going?” 
Ellie stood, her arms crossed as she leaned against the opposite wall. You were grabbing your patrol things, slinging your backpack over your shoulders and pulling on the gray sweatshirt she’d given you.
“Out with Dina,” you said, slightly breathless from moving so quickly. You hadn’t been expecting Ellie to be home—normally she was keeping herself busy picking up extra patrol shifts and helping Joel. It had been an unwelcome surprise to run into her, sour faced and serious while you were trying to get ready. 
“Out where?”
You shrugged, trying your best to look nonchalant. “Dina said she wanted to show me something.”
She was silent as you finished lacing up your shoes, but you could see her watching you from the corner of your eyes.
“I’ll be back in time for tonight, if that’s what you’re worried about,” you offered snidely, hardly realizing what you’d said until it had left your lips. It had been a low blow. It had been nasty. You weren’t sure why you’d said it. 
“That’s not—” She rubbed the bridge of her nose with her fingers. “I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“I know.” You stood up, feeling deflated. “Sorry. I don’t know why I said that.” 
Ellie sent you a tight smile. “It’s fine.”  
You walked back to Dina’s feeling heavy. That was how most of your interactions with Ellie seemed to go nowadays—awkward, stiff, and remarkably unfriendly. You weren’t sure what changed. And she was still fucking you, which didn’t make much sense.
Sometimes it felt like she was distancing herself on purpose. But that had to be wrong, because why would she do that? You obviously liked her. She wasn’t the one at risk of being hurt. 
You and Dina took off by foot as the sun began to set, well-armed with both weapons and navigational equipment. Well—Dina was, at least. All you had was the small gun Ellie had given you. Dina was doing all of the heavy lifting.
The forest was quiet, interrupted only occasionally by songbirds and the sound of wind rustling through the leaves. Spring had hit Jackson suddenly, the underbrush exploding in volume and flowers blooming everywhere.
As you two walked through the woods, chattering mindlessly and generally enjoying each other’s company, you made a mental reminder to return to the forest to pick up a makeshift bouquet of flowers. Ellie didn’t seem like the type to swoon over things like that, but even the most unromantic people could recognize the gesture of flowers. You were sure she’d at least put them in a vase. 
Eventually the path Dina was leading you on opened up to a heavily overgrown street, a small decrepit strip mall hidden away in the shrubbery.
“Here!” said Dina cheerily. She jogged forward, scrubbing the moss off of the door to show a book icon on the filthy glass.
“And you said that there’s no infected here?” you asked, your fingers wrapped nervously around your gun.
“Of course I did,” said Dina. “Do you think I’d take you somewhere that was infested?”
The glass shattered as a body came crashing through the door, thrashing and clicking in a mass of bloody limbs as it took Dina to the ground.
Your finger squeezed the trigger before you could think, sending a spray of gore into the air as Dina forced the thing off of her and stood, panting. 
There wasn’t even a chance to breathe. A piercing shriek cut through the air before three more followed the first, not paying any mind to the jagged edges of the broken door that grabbed at their mutilated skin. 
“Fuck!” Dina’s knife went swinging through the air, slicing and jabbing at the creatures in front of you. They fell in quick succession, but there was more rustling and screaming from inside. Far too much rustling. “Run!”
She didn’t have to tell you twice. Despite the fact that you’d never been a track star in school, you bolted quicker than you’d even known possible. Your backpack banged against your back as you sprinted down the road, ducking into the brush and making a break for it with Dina right on your tail. 
The walk there had taken close to 30 minutes. Your sprint cut that in over half. You and Dina ran in stride, with her lagging behind to send off a few shots to ground the runners that were quick enough to keep up. The clearing you appeared in all the way back in the winter flashed by you in a second, and within another few moments, you were both resting against the wall, chests heaving as you both picked off the stragglers that had come out of the forest to investigate.
By the time the last gunshot rang out and the final infected slumped to the ground, you were shaking uncontrollably, your gun vibrating in your hand. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” said Dina, equally breathless though significantly more composed as you two walked through the entrance, getting concerned looks from the people who were manning the gate. “I’ve never seen so many in that store before. I don’t understand. It was clear the last time I went.” 
Before you could respond, someone stepped into your eye line.
“What the fuck did you do,” seethed Ellie. Her eyes were wild, her lip curled in a manner so derisive you began to wonder if you’d ever actually seen her angry before this. 
“Chill, Ellie,” said Dina. “Y/N and I were just going to try and pick something up for your birthday. There were…a few more than what I was expecting. But it’s fine. We handled them. She did great.”
Ellie looked at you then, and you could feel her taking you in. Her eyes rested with accusation at the way that your hands were trembling. “You’re so fucking stupid, Dina. You knew that she’s never done this before. What the fuck is wrong with you, taking her out like that?”
“It was clear the last time I was there!” Dina spoke with her hands, waving them through the air in emphasis.“There wasn’t supposed to be any. I don’t know what to tell you. I didn’t purposefully try to get us killed.” 
Ellie sent her another scathing look before turning her attention to you. “And don’t even get me started with you.”
You blinked. “What?”
“What the fuck were you thinking?!” she snapped. 
Dina sent you a wink and disappeared down the street in the direction of her house. 
“I was thinking of your birthday, actually,” you said delicately. “We were going to get you something from the bookstore.”
“That is not an excuse to go get yourself killed!”
You held up your hands in mock surrender, which looked really stupid considering how hard you were still trembling. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t the original plan. Can we not do this right now? I’m still trying to, uh, process what happened.” 
As if to punctuate your point, the next step you took nearly sent you to the ground, your knees wobbling. 
Ellie’s hands were at your sides in an instant, solid and steadying against you as you regained your balance.
“Sorry,” you said again, lower this time. 
“How many?” Ellie asked. Her voice was softer now, almost resigned. She hadn’t let go yet.
“I don’t know,” you admitted. “After the first three or four, I lost count. They just kept—” You winced at the memory of the wet sound that they made hitting the ground. “They just kept coming.” 
“You did them a favor,” said Ellie, stepping back and to your side as you began to walk forward. Her hand stayed posed on your forearm. “It gets easier.” 
“I don’t know if I want it to get easier,” you confessed. 
“Well, how about you start by never doing something that fucking stupid again.” Her words lacked any venom. “Don’t you ever go out without me again, okay? Do you have any idea what could’ve happened to you?”
You gave your trembling hands a look. “I can take a guess.”
Ellie walked you back to Joel’s house, helping you out of your jacket and unsubtly checking your skin for bites. Or at least that’s what she said she was doing. She couldn’t seem to stop touching you. 
You headed back up to your room to get changed as Ellie shut the front door and was off to finish her work with Tommy. As you leisurely made your way down the hallway, you noticed that something was off—the hallway closet was slightly ajar.
The memories of your first night there came floating back to you, images of Ellie shutting the door before you could see inside emerging to the forefront.
It wouldn’t hurt to look, would it? It was probably nothing. 
Your hand wrapped tentatively around the handle, pulling the door open so slowly that the old, rusty hinge fell silent.
It wasn’t what you were expecting. It wasn’t what you were expecting at all. 
It wasn’t really a closet—there were a few shelves, but no hangers. In their place, there were stacks of textbooks with old, dated covers of the stars, planets, and physics. The back wall was plastered with drawings of constellations and calculations in Ellie’s messy scrawl, reminiscent of the leftover scrap paper from when you sat your physics exams and did your problem sets.
The memory of Ellie staring at your textbook re-emerged to hit you with full force. No wonder she was interested in it. THIS is what she was going to say that she wanted to study when you’d asked her. 
A slow smile crept onto your face as you thought about her upcoming birthday.
You knew what you were getting her now. 
Preparing for Ellie’s surprise party was a full day’s worth of work. You and Dina had convinced Maria to give Ellie enough things to do that she’d stay out of the house for the majority of the afternoon. You felt kind of guilty that Ellie was being put to work on her birthday of all days, but Dina just shook her head.
“It’s Ellie,” she said. “She lives to act all macho and patrol and shit. This is probably an extra present to her.” 
You two had located some flour, sugar, eggs, and butter and were hard at work baking a cake. It was tough going without a real recipe, but you’d grown up with a mother who loved baking, so you tried to do it from memory.
The result was a rather lopsided looking monstrosity that you and Dina had attempted to salvage through the liberal application of the thin icing you’d managed to whip up using milk and powdered sugar. It didn’t work, and you two didn’t wait long enough for the cake to cool before frosting it, so it melted in puddles and made the cake soggy.
“Fantastic work,” said Dina, wiping her hands on her front as you two surveyed the final product. “Really incredible, Y/N. You should really consider a career change.”
“Shut up,” you said, snorting. “Ellie’s gonna hate this.”
“She’s going to think it’s hilarious,” Dina corrected. “I’m sure it can’t taste too bad, right?”
You shivered. “Don’t say that.”
The decorations and gathering of presents were thankfully an easier challenge, and before you knew it Joel’s living room was fixed up to look obnoxious as possible, with a tacky “HAPP BIRTHDAE ELLIE” strung up in blood red reflective plastic (you two couldn’t find any Ys) above the fireplace. “Happy 5th Birthday!” balloons filled the ceiling, their gaudy purple color clashing horrifically with the red of the lettering. 
“This is just awful, Dina,” you said. “Ellie’s never going to speak to us again.”
“You need to chill,” Dina responded. “She might act grumpy all of the time, but I know her, and I know she’ll secretly like this.”
7 rolled around quickly, and with it came the guests.
First was the unsurprising Jesse, grinning and carrying a satchel that had a makeshift card attached to the top labeled “Ellie”. 
Next came Astrid, Bonnie, and Greg—all of the patrolmen that were roughly around your age. You hadn’t spent all that much time with them, but they’d always been fun.
Last came a girl you’d never seen before.
“Hi!” she said, extending a hand and looking at you through a fringe of choppy black hair. 
“Hi!” you said, taking her hand and shaking it once. “I’m Y/N.”
“I know,” she said, her eyes crinkling. “I’m Cat.”
“I can’t believe you two haven’t met before,” said Dina, swooping in to stand beside you. There was something written on her face—something that looked kind of like worry.
“I can’t either!” you said good-naturedly. “How do you know Ellie?”
Dina cringed.
Cat just smiled wider. “Oh. Ellie and I go way back.”
“Cat, why don’t you go help me in the kitchen? I need to finish plating some stuff,” said Dina. 
“Sure!” Cat sent you one more winning smile, following Dina with a bounce in her step.
Something felt deeply off about that interaction, but you couldn’t quite put a finger on what it was. You’d never seen Dina so eager to get you away from someone. Maybe it’d just been a coincidence?
You didn’t get a chance to dwell on it further, because Ellie was opening the door. 
“Surprise!” Everyone in the living room yelled upon seeing her. 
Ellie blanched, her eyes landing on you for a moment before she cast her gaze to the rest of the room. “What’s this?”
“Your birthday party,” said Dina, appearing from the kitchen with a plate of crackers and other appetizers, Cat in tow. “You didn’t think we were just going to let you turn 20 without embarrassing you just a little bit?”
“Those are the most hideous balloons I’ve ever seen,” said Ellie, crossing her arms.
“Thanks,” you said, beaming. “I picked them out myself.” 
Much to your surprise, her lips lifted until she was smiling back. “You’re such a loser.”
“Okay!” said Dina, clearing her throat and stepping in between you two. “You two can flirt later. I’ve been slaving away in the kitchen for an entire day. Let’s eat.”
You shut your mouth, blushing uncontrollably as your eyes lifted. Ellie’s cheeks looked uncharacteristically pink and her eyes were fixed on your shoes.
Dinner went by quickly, with everyone trading odd stories about patrolling and their life before Jackson. You learned that Dina had actually been born in New Mexico and that Astrid was from Oregon. You heard all about how Jesse and Greg came across an old mall a few miles out of Jackson that was so full of infected that they could hear them scratching at the doors and clicking even before they were within eyesight of the building. You told some stories about your life in Terranova, about studying and your family. 
“What the fuck is this?” asked Ellie once Dina had reappeared, carrying your sorry excuse of a birthday cake. Time had not treated it well. The first layer was almost entirely slid off, and the cake looked damp from the melted icing.
“It’s your birthday cake,” you said. “We, uh, tried. I don’t have a cake recipe memorized, and it was harder than I expected.”
The candles Dina attempted to stick into the cake kept falling out, the structural integrity so weakened from the melted frosting that chunks were coming off.
“Let’s just pretend that there’s 20 candles,” said Dina finally once the top layer of the cake finally split in half. 
“Right,” said Ellie, snorting. 
Dina led a very enthusiastic rendition of the Happy Birthday song that ended in cheers and hollers as Ellie dramatically lowered her head to the cake and pretended to blow the “candles” out. 
No one touched the cake, but you couldn’t blame them. 
Next came presents. Jesse went first, giving Ellie a satchel that held a bunch of cleaning equipment for her patrol rifles. Dina had found a t-shirt that said “Enemy of the State” in goofy comic sans lettering, and Ellie was unsuccessful in holding back her giggles at seeing it. 
“Dina, this is so stupid,” she said, but there was no venom in her tone, just amusement. 
It was your turn next, so you leaned across the table to place the small box in front of her. 
“Please tell me you didn’t almost die getting this one,” said Ellie, giving you a suspicious look.
“Not at all,” you said. “I accidentally brought it from Terranova.” 
Her nimble fingers untied the flimsy ribbon you’d haphazardly wrapped around the tiny brown box, lifting the lid off and peering inside.
“It’s a…rock?” Ellie frowned, pulling it out and holding it in her hand.
“You got her a rock for her birthday?” Cat asked you from her position to your right, her eyebrows raised.
“It’s not just a rock,” you said. “It’s a moon rock. Like, from the moon.”
Ellie froze, her eyes saucers as she stared at the rock balanced in her palm. “What?”
“I told you I studied astrophysics,” you said casually. “One of my professors let me borrow it because my research supervisor wanted to take a look at it, so it was in my bag. And I never had the chance to give it to him, obviously. So it’s yours now.” 
“Holy fuck.” She turned in over, her fingers running across the surface. “This is…wow. Oh my god.”
“That’s so cool, dude,” Jesse said. “Like, insane. I didn’t even know that those were a thing.”
“There’s only a couple in the world,” you added. “And even fewer that are still reachable. The rest are…well, out here somewhere. Terranova only has a few from our own expeditions and the professors who managed to grab what they had when they moved.”
“This one’s from me,” said Cat, leaning forward and placing an envelope in front of Ellie. “It’s not as cool as a moon rock, but I thought you’d like it.” 
Her fingers slid under the tongue of the envelope, ripping it open and pulling a piece of paper out. 
“Good for one more free tattoo,” Ellie read out.
Cat sat back, looking awfully pleased with herself. 
“Cat was the one who gave Ellie the one on her arm,” Dina explained to you.
 A memory pricked at your consciousness, dating back to your first patrol with Ellie.
An ex had given her the tattoo on her arm.
The girl who had given her tattoo was Cat.
Cat was her ex.
That makes so much sense you realized with horror as you remembered how Cat had told you so confidently that she and Ellie went way back. Of course they did. They used to date.
“Where’d you go?” asked Dina, bumping your shoulder.
“Sorry,” you said, rubbing the bridge of your nose. “Just, uh, tired.”
When you looked up, Ellie’s eyes were on you, her lips slightly quirked.
You looked away, instead focusing on the placemats that Dina had set out. Cat was so different from you—so peppy, so confident, so loud. No wonder Ellie didn’t want anything more than what you had now. Whatever Ellie had seen in Cat had nothing to do with you. 
The night ended with you all sitting on the couches in the living room with Dina mixing drinks so strong that you were wondering if she was trying to kill you. 
“Jesus Christ, Dina,” you said as you watched her pour. “What is that? 90 percent vodka?” 
“I prefer to call it efficient,” Dina corrected. 
It burned going down your throat and you fought back a cough as you placed your glass back on the coffee table. Ellie was right next to you, her thigh barely brushing against yours as you moved.
Cat was on the other side of the room, seated next to Jesse and Astrid. You were internally very proud that Ellie had chosen to sit next to you instead. Her arm rested on the back of the couch behind you, and even though it couldn’t have meant all that much, you couldn’t help but wonder if it at least meant something. 
You were just halfway through your cup by the time you started to feel really and properly sloshed. Your voice sounded tinny in your ears, and from the way that Ellie was laughing at anything anyone said, you had a sneaking suspicion that she was somewhere around where you were.
It wasn’t long before everyone had excused themselves and wished Ellie a final happy birthday—it was getting late and quite a few had early shifts the next day.
Dina was the last to go, saying goodbye and sending you another look as she pointedly stared at the arm rested behind you.
For a few minutes, you and Ellie just sat in silence, hearing the fire crackle and the sound of her softly breathing.
Then she spoke.
“How did you know that I’d like the moon rock?”
“Oh.” You blushed. “Don’t be mad. You left the closet door open the other day—you know, the one with all your space textbooks and everything. It was an educated guess.” 
“So nosy,” she tutted. 
“But you do like the rock?” 
She smiled. “Yes. Thank you.”
You reached forward and polished off the rest of the drink that Dina had made you, feeling the liquid fire slide down your throat and settle in your stomach. 
When you turned back, you could see Ellie staring at you, her auburn hair glowing in the firelight, her pupils blown wide, and her eyes slightly unfocused. She’d had more than one of the drinks that Dina had made, and it was really showing. 
“You’re so pretty.”
You froze. Out of all the things you expected her to say, that was nowhere on the list. The words had left Ellie’s lips like a compulsion, raw and honest. 
She hadn’t stopped looking at you, but her eyes were wider, her cheeks red. She hadn’t meant to say it, you realized. Now she was embarrassed and flustered, and it was all because of you. 
It was the boldness of being tipsy that made you move towards her, pulling your legs up until you were seated on your knees in front of her.
Ellie didn’t move apart from wetting her lips, her eyes darting from your eyes to your mouth. 
When you kissed her, she melted into you. The arm that had been draped over the couch behind you dropped to your back, your own hands sliding into her hair and tightening at the back of her neck.
She gasped as she felt your nails scrape against her, and you took the opportunity to lick into her open mouth, tasting the vodka on her tongue as it slid against yours.
To your surprise, her hands didn’t creep up your shirt or dip below the waist of your pants. They stayed static, one glommed onto your back while the other clutched your jaw as she let you kiss her, over and over again. 
You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but there was something about it that felt different than your usual nighttime meetups. It felt more—vulnerable, almost, that Ellie was kissing you just to kiss you, not with some other agenda. 
The grandfather clock chimed, indicating that it was almost midnight. You pulled away from her for a second, panting as you caught your breath. A string of saliva suspended between your lips, snapping as you waved a hand through it and flushed.
“Sorry,” you whispered.
She just smiled.
“Is Joel going to be back soon?”
As if to punctuate your point, the front door banged open, the man in question pulling his jacket off and turning to see you both. You’d thankfully managed to get off her lap before he saw. 
“Oh!” he said, his eyebrows nearly touching his hairline. “I wasn’t expecting you two to still be awake.”
“Uh, yeah,” said Ellie, scratching the back of her neck. “We’ve just been…talking.”
“Good party?”
“I’m glad. Tommy and Maria wish you a happy birthday, by the way. Though I’m sure you knew that.” 
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“Well,” said Joel, giving a sigh that only old men could recreate, “I’m off to bed. You two don’t stay up too late, huh? You’ve still got work tomorrow.” 
“Goodnight,” you two chorused. 
Once Joel had disappeared into his room, you turned to look at her.
“That was close.” 
“Yeah.” Ellie laughed nervously, picking at her cuticles. “Um—do you want to move somewhere else?”
Something deep in your chest ached. Sure, you’d be okay with spending another hour or so feeling her hands on you as she made you finish, but a part of you had really liked just touching her for the sake of touching her—kissing her just because you could.
“Sure,” you said. “Just give me a chance to change.”
When you knocked after switching into more comfortable clothes, the door swung open to reveal a significantly more nervous looking Ellie than you’d seen in a while.
“Hi,” you said shyly.
You stepped into her, pressing a tentative kiss to the corner of her mouth. When she didn’t react, you pulled back.
“Is everything okay?”
“Do you want to stay over?” Ellie blurted out, her eyes wide and afraid. 
You balked. “Uh, what?”
“You don’t have to,” she said, her eyes dropping to the ground. “I’m sorry. I know we’re not like that. I just thought that—maybe, I dunno, just this once—”
“Yes,” you interrupted. “Please. I’d really like that.” 
“Right. Good. Okay.” She took a deep breath, then laced her fingers through yours to lead you to her bed.
When your mouth found hers again, it was just like on the couch—no intentionally rough or overtly sexual touches, just gentle brushes against your skin and the weight of fingers tangled in your hair as she pulled you further into her.
For the first time since you confessed, you didn’t sleep together. When you two finally tired out, you flopping down on the pillow first, Ellie’s head came to rest on the expanse of skin between your shoulder and your neck, your arms coming around her.
It was strange. For someone so deadly and tough, Ellie suddenly looked so small and fragile curled against you, the rise and fall of her chest synchronized with your breathing. 
“I’m sorry Cat was invited,” Ellie said, her voice muffled from where her face was pressed into your neck.
“What do you mean?”
“I should have told you what her name was. That must’ve been a nasty surprise.”
Her foresight and understanding made your heart ache, deeply. How was it that she could say all these things but not want anything more with you?
“It was alright,” you said. There was no conviction in your tone. “I wouldn’t have expected you to tell me.”
Ellie was silent for a few beats. You knew she was thinking, though; you could feel the flutter of her lashes against you as she blinked.
“How long do you think it’ll take for you to forget me?”
You paused. “What? What do you mean?”
Ellie shifted against you, one of her arms draped over your chest. “I mean, when you go back.”
“Ellie,” you chided, bringing your hand up so you could run your fingers through her hair. “Don’t be ridiculous. As if I’d ever just leave you behind. If I go back there, I’m finding some way to bring you with me. So, no. That’s not even a valid question. I’m never forgetting you.” 
In truth, you hadn’t even begun to consider what you’d do if—when—you were found. You’d been so focused on trying to fit into your new life here that your past had largely just faded into the back, shrinking in the horizon. What you did know, at least, was that even in some dystopian future without Ellie, she’d never be off of your mind.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” 
“I’m not,” you replied, tapping her shoulder. “I mean it. You’re stuck with me.” 
Her diaphragm vibrated as she let out a short laugh. “Oh, the horrors.” 
She fell silent as you kept threading your fingers through her hair, letting your nails scrape against her scalp. The hand that wasn’t draped over your chest had crept up, her thumb rubbing back and forth as she traced the outline of your jaw.
“I’m sorry,” she said suddenly. “I can be such a sad drunk sometimes. It’s pathetic.”
“It’s okay,” you soothed, your other hand lightly dancing up and down her back. “I think it’s sweet.”
She snorted. “You would.” 
Then, after a few more seconds of silence: “You really weren’t jealous?”
“I never said that.” 
“So she did make you jealous?”
You flicked her shoulder. “Fuck off. Of course she did. Happy?”
A few moments later, she spoke up again. 
“Can you promise me something?” Her voice was deceptively casual.
“Anything.” You’d give her anything she wanted.
“Promise me that you’ll take the first opportunity to go home,” she said softly. “Promise you won’t do anything stupid.”
“I’ll take the first opportunity to go home as long as I get to have you around, too.” 
You couldn’t see it, but you knew she was rolling her eyes. “Not good enough.”
“You want me to leave that badly?” You weren’t sure if you should be hurt.
“Of course not,” she responded. “I just...I don’t expect you to wait around here for me. I don’t want you to. I want you to be safe.”
“I feel safe with you.”
“Will you just—fucking—say you’ll go?” Her voice sounded raw, tired. 
“Fine,” you said. “I promise.” 
Your words were empty. You couldn’t promise her that. She had to know that. But would it matter? If you never had to make that choice?
In retrospect, you weren’t sure when you drifted off. All you remembered was the warmth of Ellie gathered up in your arms, her measured breath blowing across your exposed neck as you felt the slow, marching rhythm of her heart.
When you awoke to the early morning sunbeams streaming in through the window and warming your face, Ellie was passed out cold on top of you. A few unruly strands of her auburn hair had ruffled upwards overnight, sticking to your cheek and threatening the seams of your lips. 
You’d never been happier.
As you thought, running your hand gently up and down the length of her spine, Ellie’s breath hitched.
You froze, thinking you must have woken her.
Then she made a quiet snort. She took another deep breath in, whistling as it went. Her next exhale was louder and caught in her nose. 
You did your best not to laugh enough to wake her.
Ellie snored, even though she wasn’t that loud. The part of you that was still intimidated by her was shrinking by the minute. If only you had known in the beginning that after a long day of bullying you she went back to her room to honk shoo the night away, you never would’ve let it bother you.
She jolted awake, blinking rapidly as she pulled away and looked up at you.
“What the fuck are you laughing about?” she said groggily. “It’s—” She twisted in your arms, squinting at her desk. “It’s 6 in the fucking morning. Shut up.” With that, she flopped back down on top of you, laying one arm over your torso so she could shove it the space under the pillow beside your head. 
“You shut up,” you heard yourself say. 
Ellie smacked your shoulder, not even bothering to lift her head. 
“You snore,” you said, quieter this time. 
“I don’t.”
“You literally do. I was there when it happened.” 
She was silent for a few moments. “Really?”
You pressed your lips to her forehead instead as you trembled from the laugh you were doing your best to rein in.
“Oh, god,” groaned Ellie. “That’s so embarrassing.” 
“I thought it was cute.”
“You think everything I do is cute.” 
“And what about it?”
You settled back in, wrapping your arms around Ellie as you tried to drift back off.
“Do you hear that?” 
Her voice was whispered.
“Hear what?”
“That sound.” 
You let go of her and sat up, your eyes unfocused as you tried your best to tune into whatever Ellie was talking about. Out of the corner of your vision you could see her staring at you with big, nervous eyes.
It took you a moment to notice it. No one could blame you, really. It was hardly a rarity to hear the sound of a plane when you grew up in Terranova. 
“That’s a plane, Ellie,” you said, reaching out to cup her face. “It’s fine.” 
“A plane?” She frowned, still blinking bleariness out of her eyes. “I’ve never heard one before. Joel told me that they stopped being used after the government officially fell.”
“That’s not true,” you corrected. “There’s some in—”
A puzzle piece clicked into place, and with it came a sense of underlying dread. But you shouldn’t be dreading it. It’s what you were hoping for after all, weren’t you? What you’d been praying for since you’d arrived?
“Let’s go outside and look,” you said, nudging her side. “I’m sure it’s nothing.” You were hoping it was nothing. 
Ellie followed you, pulling a throw blanket from her bed and draping it around her shoulders like a cape. She looked so cute like that. You wanted to bite her. Not, like, in a weird blood kink way. Just in a…you didn’t know how to describe it. Better leave it there. 
A lump formed in your throat.
Maybe you were wrong. Maybe this had nothing to do with you.
The air was tepid and pleasant against your bare skin as you two quietly opened the front door and crept onto the porch. The town was quiet. No one was awake at this hour, not unless they were down by the stables or doing night watch. 
There was a sliver of pink and orange hanging over the tops of the mountains, no doubt remnants of what had been a spectacular sunrise. There were still snowy caps on the highest peaks. You hadn’t known that mountains could stay so cold for so long until you’d come to Jackson.
The lump in your throat grew larger.
“Shit,” said Ellie, leaping down from the porch and onto the road. “Do you see this?”
The plane was no longer in sight, but the swirling papers that hadn’t been on the road the night before were left as evidence.
“They must’ve dropped them,” said Ellie excitedly, snatching one from the ground and bounding back up the steps so she was next to you. “What do you think this says?”
You smiled sadly. “Why don’t you read it?”
She unfolded the envelope, ripping open the top and dumping the contents out in her hand. 
It was a picture of you. It’d been taken months prior at your family’s Christmas party. You’d worn glittery silver eyeliner and curled your hair. The upper half of your body was in view, clad in a rich red fabric that landed right below your collarbones. A string of creamy white pearls were clasped around your neck, matching the teardrop pearls that hung delicately from your ears. 
There was no other text, but you did notice a divet at the top right corner in the shape of a small oval. 
Terranovan security. Of course. 
Wordlessly, you pressed your thumb into the mold, holding it there for a second as the parchment recorded your print.
Then a paragraph formed at the bottom, ink slowly leaking into the paper.
You’d been found. 
final a/n: sorry not sorry this was the original cliffhanger that i was planning for part 4 all along. you guys are incredible for still sticking around and reading even though this is getting lengthy as hell. anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this sort of different side of ellie before we reach the final act. the plot is abt to reach its peak and i’m hellaaa excited to share it with you. okok let me know what you think! it might take me around the same time it took me to finish part 4 to get part 5 out considering how sick i am/how much i have on my plate, but i promise it’s coming :))
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kurogane2512 · 2 months
Evening, so about coquelic uhh I'd thought of a scenario when she doesn't like to believe that chief(fem) was actually treating her sinners with care including garofano and sumire as she thought that the chief of bureau only captured sinners to use as tools though that change when she witness it herself and got the same treatment as well when she got captured by chief which days went by she begun to feel comfortable and always tease chief whenever she likes which her liking for the chief deepen more resulting her desire for the chief only grew wider. So I guess this might be nsfw when her desire grew because she's having wild thoughts about chief whenever she focuses her gaze on chief working on her office desk and coquelic was scanning every part like her hands, face and stuffs. So yeah that's the scenario I had in mind I hope it's not confusing and I tried my best to explain it🥲
A very cute scenario anon, I actually wanted to write something like this for Coquelic ever since her event <3
Game: Path to Nowhere
Characters: Coquelic x fem!reader (Chief)
Type: Smut and fluff (kissing, fingering, bath sex)
A/n: Let me see how many of you recognize this scene ;)
The Garden may not exist anymore, but its flowers were alive and blooming. Coquelic knew her lovely flowers had found their new home, but could she really rest easy that they had been left in the right hands? She remained suspicious and uncertain ever since Sumire left, but when she saw Sumire go to the ends of the world for you, she knew you were special. And then there was Garofano, almost transforming into a monster and sacrificing herself for you. Both of them did everything to find you, to protect you and to care for you.
The Mentor wasn't easily convinced you deserved such importance from her flowers, just what was so special about you that they couldn't stay away? Coquelic had to find the answer; fortunately, it did not take long for her to find it and she was still alive to experience some of it herself. A considerable amount of time had passed ever since her arrest, her days in the MBCC were boring for the most part, but she was glad to see her flowers were living well here. She was proved wrong about you, now the Mentor wanted what you gave to her students.....
You just finished dealing with the exhausting chores today and were planning to catch up on the pending paperwork left behind since you went to the Rust, but it seems a certain someone had other plans for you. A knock was heard on your office door but before you could reply, the door already swung open and an unexpected guest walked in.
"Oh, you are still working so late at night?~" it was Coquelic, the infamous Mentor of the Garden.
"Well, anyways. The bath bombs you bought last time were good so I bought some more myself. I'm about to take a bath, come and help me prepare it."
"Uh.... help you prepare your bath? Are you sure you want me to do that?"
"Why not? In this place, you are the only one who understands my preferences. Now, make haste."
"W-Wait, I have work to do. There's all these bills from the logistics department, field mission reports, analysis from the hypnotherapists, test results from the researchers an—"
Coquelic sighed in exasperation, "You can't do all of that in one night anyway. Come now, don't waste my time."
You knew it was pointless to argue further, you nodded with a sigh and followed Coquelic towards her personal bathroom and started preparing.
"You know what I want, right? I'm looking forward to see how you perform so don't disappoint me~"
Coquelic smirked and stood at the door quietly, adamant to see you do it all by yourself. You looked around and thought for a moment before starting, "Chilled milk with ice cubes.... water temperature at 45 degrees.... sprinkled with white rose petals..... Then, bath towerls, shower cap and robe.... oh, and the scented shampoo with conditioner...."
Coquelic watched you meticulously prepare the bath, each and every step was done perfectly as she wanted despite her telling you her preferences only once. She was taken aback but had come to realize this was your nature, she couldn't help but feel warmth in her chest as her heart started beating loudly.
"....There are many members of my Garden here in the bureau, right?" Coquelic spoke softly.
"Hm? Yes, there are." you replied without looking at her, still preparing the bath.
"Is everything here arranged by you? The schedules, treatment etc?"
"Uh, for the most part, yeah. I personally approve every document and requirement pertaining to each Sinner, that includes their diagnosis, treatment methods, diet, among other things."
Coquelic nodded then silently walked closer to your figure, her footsteps as silent as the moon, she stopped when she was inches away from you then slowly wrapped her arms around your torso and embraced you from behind. You were caught by surprise feeling her arms sling around you and her body press into you, "C-Coquelic? Is everything okay?"
"....You, perhaps you can really make a difference and change this wretched world."
Your eyes widened at her words then she continued, her voice as soft as silk, "Thank you for taking care of my flowers."
Silence engulfed you both for a while until you spoke, "I.... I just treat every Sinner equally, I want everyone to be well. Your Garden is beautiful.... and so are you."
Coquelic's heart skipped a beat at your words then she chuckled, "Heh~ Never expected to hear such words at my age but I understand, I know my beauty is eternal~"
You chuckled as well then she let go of you and you turned around to face her, but before you could say anything she pulled you down by your chest harness and connected her lips with yours for a quick kiss.
"Let's relax together, Chief. You are tired from working all day, aren't you?~"
Coquelic stepped back with a gentle smile, then her hands moved to the string on her gown to untie it. The pure white satern fabric slid down her body, revealing her perky breasts with light pink nipples. She tied her flowing silver hair in a messy bun then walked towards you and kept her palms on your chest, flirtasiously rubbing them up and down.
"You are staring so much, Chief. Hehe~ I know I'm pretty, that's why you can't keep your eyes off of me. But are you really satisfied with just looking?~"
Coquelic walked towards the bathtub and climbed inside then beckoned her finger at you. You were still quite shocked by the turn of events but more than that, you were definitely turned on from her body. You quickly discarded your own clothes then climbed in the bathtub as well and sat on the opposite edge, directly in front of Coquelic.
"Hmm, you are quite shy, Chief. I thought you were more assertive or.... dominating from the way Sumire and Garofano described you~"
"W-What?! What did they say about me?!"
Coquelic laughed lightly, "Oh, nothing much. Both of them are too infatuated with you to care, they'd accept any form of pleasure you give them~"
Your face flushed at her words and you shyly looked down when you suddenly felt the water move and looked up to see Coquelic crawling towards you.
"But I'm not them...." she straddled your lap with her arms wrapped around your neck, "....I want to see what's special about you, and I'm not easy to satisfy~"
Coquelic's smaller frame looked delicate, you were almost afraid to be rough with her. You gently kept your hands on her hips and pulled her close to initiate a soft yet passionate kiss, her tongue licked your lips and entered your mouth, and you were quick to return the action by swirling your tongue with hers in a heated manner. Soft moans and whines left her lips, sounding too sweet and addicting to you.
Your hands roamed down her thighs and rubbed her skin, making her release the kiss with a soft gasp. You then leaned forward and snuggled into her neck to lick, softly biting and sucking on her fresh. She squirmed, her fingers intertwining in your hair and grasping the strands as she threw her head back, letting you kiss further up to her jaw.
"O-Oh.... Eager to mark me, are you? Mhm.... give me more then, let us stain each other~"
Coquelic hugged you and bit your shoulder, a muffled hiss leaving your mouth and she grinned against your skin then licked the mark. She felt your hands caress her inner thighs followed by your fingers rubbing her outer folds.
"Ngh.... is that all you got? I don't believe Sumire and Garofano were satisfied with just this~"
You licked her ear lobe then began pushing your finger inside her, gently parting her folds with 2 fingers and sliding deep inside. She moaned out as your finger prodded her sensitive spot, her head shooting back in ecstasy and her grip tightening around you. She moaned out near your ear as you thrusted your fingers in and out of her, scissoring and curling to scrape her insides.
"Aaaahn~ Yes.... more.... more.... r-right there!~"
Coquelic's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she approached her release, her nails clawing down your back making marks. She finally came with a soft scream, her juices drenching your fingers as she laid panting in your embrace.
"Hmm.... n-not bad.... mhmm~"
She kissed your cheek in satisfaction and the two of you bathed together afterwards. You were seated in the bath in each other's embrace when she suddenly spoke out
"Both of you, are you done spying?"
You were confused but soon realized there were 2 presences around you, sensed by your shackles. The door of the bathroom opened and Sumire and Garofano walked in, their faces flushed red.
"A-Apologies, Mentor. We weren't spying, we were just—" Sumire tried to interject but was stopped by Coquelic.
"Yes yes, save your excuses. Come inside already, Chief is ready for you both~"
You looked at Coquelic wide-eyed then at Sumire and Garofano who were already in the process of removing their clothes..... Well, you wouldn't complain relaxing with such lovely beautiful flowers, would you?~
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thepenultimateword · 7 months
Old Bones Part Six
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
CW: Blood, cannibalism, abduction and being trapped, starving, death, undead description
Vampire smelt blood. Not the sweet or savory scents they were accustomed to, but a bland, metallic flavor that simply...existed.
Their own.
As soon as they registered that truth, the lacerations on their ankles began to burn, sliced by the sharp edges of the snow as each step shattered the icy top layer.
Didn't matter. Run!
Footsteps crashed behind them.
But where next? They didn't know the way. They had not left Lav's cabin in weeks. And it was earlier in the morning than they'd originally thought. No later than 4 as the sun still hadn't come up. And it had begun to snow again.
Didn't matter. Run!
Anywhere. Anytime. Any place safe and lavender-scented and before all this happened.
Something heavy crashed into them from behind. The ice cut their cheek as they fell; a half-second later, their nose was filled with cold, stale powder. The weight lifted slightly as rough hands rolled them onto their back. Vampire blinked against the snow, making out a blur of red, and the weight plopped back on their chest.
"No, no, no!" Vampire warded them away with clawing hands, but the villager's beefy fists clasped them tight, drawing them in against their warm breast.
" It’s me! It’s me!" They kissed Vampire's knuckles. "It's Lav."
Vampire's eyes welled. "You don't-- You don't look like Lav. You don't... Your eyes...but not... What are you?"
The villager--Lav-- drew back as if slapped. Their yellow eyes drifted away from Vampire's face, fixing instead just past their shoulder. "Let me explain."
Vampire swallowed. Lav's grip had grown tight, almost painful. Worse because they couldn't seem to stop trembling, though, from the fear or the snow, they didn't know. "W-when you're done...can I go?"
Another slap. This time enough to make them drop Vampire's hands. "Yes. In fact...I've been quite expecting it. Should we go back to the house?"
Vampire shook their head rapidly. It felt like a trap. Walls they could be cornered against and kept behind. They couldn't imagine sitting down in the living room with that face across from them. They couldn't even make sense of what was going on. Was Lav even really their friend?
"Ok..." Lav said, shifting a little in the snow. Their new ruddy face was turning a bright shade of red in the cold, but they didn't even shudder. "You know I'm undead. Not like you though. You're beautiful. I'm... desecrated. You didn't have a choice in your transformation. And mine...well, it's only possible with some degree of choice."
"What are you?" Vampire said firmly, frankly tired of all this beating around the bush.
"I call myself an abomination. You'd call me a ghoul."
"A...ghoul?" Vampire blinked.
Lav thumbed away the cold dribble of blood rolling down their cheek. "You're smart. All those books. You've heard of ghouls."
Not a question, a certainty. And a correct one. Vampire had read about ghouls. They simply couldn't correlate the hideous illustrations from their books with the seeming human in front of them. The face they wore now may appear monstrous after last night, but If it weren't for those predatory eyes and the bone-chilling wrongness of their air, Vampire wouldn't have guessed anything supernatural about them.
Lav must have seen the recognition in their face and the wheels turning behind their eyes because they said, "What do you know?"
"Y-you live in graveyards," Vampire said. "You eat the dead."
"I eat the dead, true. As for the graveyard, it's more a hunting ground than a home. I much prefer my cabin. But I've never acquainted myself with another of my kind, so what do I know of others' habits. Anything else?"
Vampire shook their head. Since ghouls were apparently one of the less common creatures one could run into, the book hadn't dedicated much page space to them. And they weren't about to tell Lav the unflattering details of the entry's description. Especially when it had also offered no defenses.
"Ah." Lav's smile looked more like a grimace. "Then, unfortunately, I must be the one to give you the disturbing history of ghoulish birth."
Vampire grimaced. They weren't sure they wanted to know. There had to be a reason why Lav had kept it veiled for so long.
"I once told you my kind are not quite so simple as a bite. There are several parts to it. One, the moon: the process must last a full cycle, beginning and ending on a new moon. Two, the subject must willingly cannibalize. Three, the subject must die and with that death, make a choice: pass on permanently or return to life."
Vampire shuddered. Their death had been no picnic. Bloody. Nightmarish. Agonizing. But at least it had been quick. "So, y-you wanted to become a ghoul?"
Lav's eyes flashed. Vampire immediately shrank away, but Lav snatched them close again. It seemed meant as a comfort, but their digging grip and cold voice set Vampire's heart pounding.
"When I was 23 years old," Lav hissed in their ear. "I was abducted from my home and locked inside a tomb for thirty days. A sacrifice for a death god rumored to be plaguing our town. They were the cause of all their misfortunes, and my death would surely save them all in time for the next harvest. For four days, I starved in the dark, surrounded by the quiet dead. But, enough time passes, and anything begins looking like food. I survived on corpses' bones and spoiled flesh until the cold and the stomach sick killed me all on their own. But when the death god came for my soul, he gave me a choice. Most people don't know there's a choice. And that there's a reason almost no one chooses to stay.
"I didn't want to die. I had barely lived. I chose life. At first, it seemed like the right choice. I had escaped certain demise without consequences. Yes, something was wrong; anyone could tell that. Any extended amount of time with other people ended with their discomfort and avoidance. But I still looked like me. Sounded like me. Lived like me. And that was enough."
Lav's nails dug unconciously vicious into Vampire's shoulders. Vampire bit back a yelp. They leaned paralyzed on the again-stranger's chest, half frozen in horror, half captivated. Though Lav spoke rapidly, the words obviously came out with some difficulty. Any movement, any sound, seemed likely to send them back into silence.
Lav swallowed hard, throat bobbing against Vampire's resting head. "But I was dead. I couldn't stop the decay. Or the hunger. The craving for the things I had only eaten out of desperation before. My being twisted into something other, something monstrous. And soon enough...I was gone."
Vampire slowly pulled back, and Lav's hands slipped off them, settling in their own lap. They smiled vaguely at their snow-crusted knees, a sort of pasted-on, empty thing without any real feeling behind it. At least, not any of the good ones.
"So you...the real you..." Vampire trailed off, not exactly sure how to finish the question. It seemed insensitive to pry after such a confession. And yet so many questions churned in their head. Did Lav have a body? Were they a spirit that took others' bodies? What did Lav really look like?
Luckily, Lav seemed to understand where the thought was going.
"There's nothing left of me but old bones."
They couldn’t think of another response. This was all happening so fast. A few hours ago they were almost killed. A few hours ago Lav saved their life in a horrifying display. And now all this… Did they care that Lav had changed?
"I can shift my shape into the last human I consumed," Lav continued. "A facade for myself as much as others. I've done it enough times for it to have become commonplace, but each one still takes some getting used to. However, this body...was a less-than-savory choice."
Vampire cocked their head. Did a difference in appearance even count as a real change? They were still the same person. Even with this bulkier body, their mannerisms hadn't changed. The delicate way they folded their hands. The elegant tone of speech, so different from the villager’s harsh voice at the door last night.
Lav mistook their thoughtful look for further inquiry and rushed on. "I mostly survive on animal flesh, but every few months I must eat something human or I fall ill...as you witnessed yourself. I grew too weak on the way to the cemetery, and I needed to return to you...so I did what I must. It made you terribly uncomfortable. For that, I'm sorry."
Yesterday's conversation drifted back to them.
'Should you be getting fevers?'
'Sometimes. I’ve put something off too long, that’s all.'
So that's what they had been referring to. A few months, huh? Vampire had been with them for a few weeks, so they must have had their other form for a while. Had they been refraining for Vampire's sake? But why? They'd never hidden the fact that they ate things outside of Vampire's own comfort zone.
"So the way you looked before...when we met..."
"A traveling noble."
Vampire grimaced involuntarily.
"You don't need to look at me that way; I wasn't the one who killed them. I don't kill any of them if I can help it. From the looks of the carriage and the body, it was bandits. But who was I to waste a fresh body?"
"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let yourself fall ill?"
Lav's shoulder sank, and they folded their arms tight against their chest. For truly the first time since they'd met, they seemed small. "Because I've been alone so long. And you were the first person who ever chose to stay. Even if it was out of convenience. With you around, I could pretend I was normal, like a real host with a real guest who both really enjoyed each other's company. I knew once the truth was out, you would want to leave, and I... I just wanted to pretend a little longer."
Vampire paused. The immediate denial of Lav's words dying on their tongue. They had run. And they had wanted to leave. And part of that had been because of Lav's choice of body, but the rest... They couldn't deny that a part of them had recognized Lav immediately. And they'd still run. Maybe had even been looking for excuses to do so. Lav was easy to love when they were making tea or dozing on the sofa. It was a whole different story when they were ripping people apart. Or when they looked like something Vampire had decided they shouldn't. It was the wrongness that made them run. The predator part of their friend that their instincts had always told them to flee from.
They could keep ignoring it or...
"Lav...can I see you?"
The ghoul's yellow eyes flicked unblinkingly to their own. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"I don't care. I...I want to see you. The real you. I think I have to."
If they didn't, it would keep eating at them. They'd always know they were only pretending to accept what they refused to even see. And the distrust would curdle any remains of their relationship.
Lav wet their lips. For a long while, they were quiet, the only sounds the ghostly whistle of the wind through the naked trees and the creaking of the branches as they became overladen with snow. Vampire expected them to refuse again when they said, "Can I ask one thing?"
Vampire nodded.
"Don't run. I want to say goodbye properly."
Vampire's heart skipped an uncertain beat, but they nodded again. "I won't run."
Lav rose brusquely to their feet, thoroughly patting themselves off and taking a long, deep breath.
Vampire's chest tightened. They only knew they were breathing from the faint cloud puffing in front of their face. They gripped the snow on either side of them in handfuls the icy bite grounding them just enough to keep them still.
Lav gave Vampire one last mournful glance and squeezed their eyes shut. Then their face began to melt.
Freckles and hair and ruddy skin, it all dripped away like candle wax. There was no blood or terrible cracking of bone Vampire had imagined in shapeshifting; it was liquid illusion, wet watercolor running off the page, exposing the pale paper beneath.
Vampire bit back their gasp, but a strangled whimper still escaped through their teeth.
The creature was ghastly. A skeletal thing with only dried sinews holding them together. Their tunic, once pulled taught against a broad chest, now hung like drapes off their bony frame. Exposed teeth trapped their expression in an eerie eternal grin, while their yellow eyes, bigger without lids, seemed to roll in their sockets as they looked to Vampire for a reaction.
The thought wasn't so much verbal as it was a visceral reaction.
Vampire slowly rose, legs shaking.
The creature shielded their face with a grayed hand, nails discomfortingly long and claw-like
Their instincts had always been wary around Lav, but now they were screaming.
Vampire stepped forward.
The snow had deepened since the start of their conversation, and with their legs already unsteady, the drift immediately tripped them. Lav lurched forward, catching them in cadaverous arms. In turn, Vampire slid up their hands to hold their desiccated face.
It was much colder and stiffer than while tending their fever, but Vampire stroked the raw cheekbones and haggard brow. So terrible. So familiar. They knew these bones.
"I'll stay with you."
Lav's breath hitched. Immediately, they were fleshy and warm again, buried in Vampire's neck in a fit of stifled sobs. Vampire could have gone longer; they didn't think they'd made any hint for them return to a living guise. Maybe Lav was the one uncomfortable in their own skin.
Vampire ran their fingers through the stolen red hair. "But we can't stay here."
Lav spoke muffled into their shoulder. "I'll keep you safe. If we stay in the cabin--"
Vampire forced Lav's face toward them. "Three villagers gone missing after visiting your house? They'll come investigating. And they'll find the bodies soon enough." They squirmed a little. "...Whatever you've done with them. We can't fight them all. And I don't want to. I don't think you do either."
Lav opened their mouth, eyes roiling with a surge of emotions, but the protest died on their lips.
"You can't travel in the day," they said instead.
"They'll be back before nightfall. I'll...I'll wrap up tight."
Lav frowned.
"Besides, it's winter," Vampire rushed. "The sun doesn't rise for a few more hours. Maybe we can at least get the other edge of the wood before they come looking. Find a tavern or inn to hide out in until nightfall."
"And then?" Lav said.
Vampire's brain stuttered to a stop. What was next? They'd barely survived here, and what they had managed had been mostly from hiding. Not much chance of that on the open road. But there would be more information available. More rumors. More people, maybe the inhuman variety.
"Find a clan," they said more firmly than they felt. "For the both of us.
Lav mouth pulled into a skeptical line, but they simply pulled the collar of Vampire's tunic closer around their throat. "We can talk more inside. You're not going anywhere until you've warmed up."
Vampire was suddenly aware of their aching toes, bare and several feet deep in snow. The wind whipped their cheeks and snuck up their shirt sleeves, prompting a violent shiver.
Lav hoisted them into their arms. "You really are the strangest vampire I've ever met."
"Darling, I chased you all the way out here; I'm not chasing you home."
Vampire stuttered incoherently but eventually settled tiredly against their brawny chest. They’d been through too many traumatic things in the last 24 hours, and having Lav so close was steadying, even if their outer packaging still unsettled them. They closed their eyes and concentrated on what they could feel beneath the skin, ribs, sternum, collarbones, shoulders…
They could get used to old bones.
Part Seven
Me after finishing this section:
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I know it’s not the typical attractive love interest love story, but I think it’s important for Vampire to love Lav for who and what they truly are even if it’s ugly. And it not like they’re suddenly completely ok with it all either, more they’re comfortable enough with it at the moment to move forward. They’re still going to have to accustom to the idea that the physical attraction they’ve had up to this point has all been fake. And they’re going to have to be ok with an ever changing appearance and be confident in their love for what’s on the inside. Anyway, as I finished up this section I was thinking, “this might come off kinda weird for some people” but I enjoyed writing it so that’s what matters haha
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees-deactivated @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @talesofurbania1 @sweetsigyn
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Maze runner chapter nineteen
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Newt walked with you to the med tent where Thomas was sitting inside. The doctor was talking him through the immunity process having taken some of his blood, processed it and administered it to Brenda.
“Sorry Doc, we were just wondering if you check y/n’s arm.” Newt said sheepishly, concern filled Thomas's eyes.
“Sure, come here.” She patted a stool for you to sit on.
“She was…bitten about four days ago.” Newt said. The doctor looked at him and then you, suddenly very worried. Having removed your coats you hold your arm out to her and she gawks at it. She takes hold of your arm and twists it a little really taking in what she was seeing.
“You were bit by a crank?” She asks and you nod, “and nothing, no symptoms of turning?” You shake your head. “This is remarkable. You're healing wonderfully. Even with other immunes I've never seen this.” She uses some medical equipment to clean up the wound a little and ensure no other infections could get in before wrapping it in a clean white bandage.
“Usually, with immune kids we see them turn to some degree, they get the anger but after a few days it subsides. Do you mind if I take some of your blood? Just to take a look?”
You agree and she draws the smallest amount before putting on a glass slide to check below a microscope.
“Fascinating. Your blood is actually killing the virus.” She laughs, “wow no wonder she wanted you.”
“In the maze, well the control room I saw a list of the kids. Me, Newt, Minho and Thomas were highlighted. I'm not sure why.” You say.
The doctor thinks for a moment, then darts from the tent, leaving you all alone.
“Why didn't you tell us, y/n?” Thomas asks.
“I was scared, after Winston I just…” meets hands rubbed your shoulders and he kissed the top of your head. It seemed like now he had done it once there was no way he would stop kissing you, any part of you.
The doctor came back in with a folder of things in her hands.
“Here, look, the four of you scored the highest on all the tests, Minho a little lower but you three, you were her hopes. She put you two in early to try the breeding experiment.”
“The what?” You gawked, “what are those?”
“Thomas sent them to me, it's a copy of Ava's notes. Ava was convinced if immune kids had children together it would yield more immunes and better results. A master race of guinea pigs.”
“That's why they did the pregnancy test.” Thomas interjected.
“The what?” Newt looked between you all.
“At the facility.” You say quietly. Newt thought for a moment and then said, “I need to go.” He turned on his heel and left. You weren't sure what to do so you just sat there awkwardly.
“Come on, let's get you some food.” The doctor led you out.
The rest of the day seemed almost uneventful as you all settled into this new life. You ate and talked with other immunes and finally started to feel like you might be safe. The boys and you all take a seat on top of a small rock formation. Mai Mai sat beside you and Newt on the other side. The sun setting over the idyllic setting.
“I wish Alby could've seen all this.” Newt said.
“And Winston.” Frypan agreed
“And Chuck.” Thomas played with the small figure Chuck had made.
“He'd be proud of you, you know, Tommy.” Newt said to him.
“And Gally.” You sigh. Newt pulls you closer to him, wrapping his arm around his face. Thomas looked at you with his eyebrows drawn in.
“He was my friend, all he wanted was peace and safety for all of us.” You try to sniff away the tears.
“Yeah, yeah he did.” Minho agreed with a sigh.
“Hey, Aris!” Frypan called down to him
“Hey, guys!” Aris waved back, he was sitting between Harriet and Sonya. In a way it felt like he should've been sitting with you.
“I kinda like that kid.” Frypan laughed.
“Yeah. I still don't trust him, though.” Minho joked. You all laughed for a moment. Newt removed his arm from you and blew onto his gloves hands. He shuffled himself slightly away from you so you weren't touching anymore.
“Hey, where's Teresa?” Thomas asked.
“She went up there.” Newt pointed to a higher Rockford where Teresa was standing looking out to the horizon. As he walks away you turn to Mai Mai and stroke her. The tiger puts her large head on your lap and the warmth of her seeps into your skin.
“Guys, I'm really glad we all made it.” You say to them.
“Yeah, us too, y/n” Minho reached across and patted the tiger. You look at him but are distracted by two lights in the distance.
“What is that?” You ask standing up. The others turn and look. Several burgs were flying in and the noise that had been creeping up, now deafening.
“Run!” Frypan shouted as he grabbed your hand.
The chaos was instant, with people running around in every direction you got separated from the group. You trip on a rock and hurtle to the floor. Before you could stop him a man was kneeling above you. You struggle against him and manage to kick him off but as you scramble to your feet an explosion goes off beside you. It sends you flying into a pile of boxes. Your head smacks against the floor.
“It's the girl, get her in the burg.” you hear a voice you recognise commands a soldier.
You're too weak to fight back. In the distance you see Mai Mai defending Newt before being stunned by an electric shot.
The next thing you feel is cold metal against your face. Your hands are bound and then Teresa is standing above you but you can't hear what she is saying. A sharp scratch in the side of your neck has your eyes dropping and then, nothing, darkness
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@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @afalls14universe @akilaporu001
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
the last one (haha who am i kidding, i'm never done w. you), i promise. may i pls pls pls request an aot fic with a jealous jean x reader (i said what i said). can be angst, can be smut, can be whatever u like babey the world is ur oyster. bonus points if it includes strawberries and wine somehow. wink wink.
My love, I have had you waiting for this for like a month. I'm so sorry. Again, I don't know why time gets away from me so easily. I see your jealous!jean and I raise you an arranged relationship/contract marriage au with a jealous!jean. I had a really rough weekend so this was an attempt at distracting myself. I wanted it to be better than this!! But I don't think you would sit down for 12k of this. Maybe another time. So I limited the word count down to 4.5k lmao.
Please enjoy. Oh, yes, I included your requests for strawberries and wine *winks* You know I can't say no to you.
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A Messy Inconvenience
JEAN KIRSCHTEIN X FEM READER | NSFW WORD COUNT: 4.5k CONTENT WARNING: profanity because Jean has a tiny bit of a potty mouth, lots and lots of groping, dry humping, alcohol consumption (would it be a fic I wrote if they weren't drinking to some degree??? i think not), nipple play, lots of teasing, jealous possessive jean likes to do a lot of biting and marking, even if frankly he has no right to be jealous, he is a HYPOCRITE, that should be a warning, also jean does whatever he wants then acts like he did nothing, so another warning, he throws dishes in sinks and breaks them, another warning, the man breaks every domestic law and rule, i will fight him A SUMMARY: Jean and Y/N are in a marriage of convenience, and have been for several months. There is no reason for feelings to be involved, but when someone decides to hit on Y/N at the gym--Jean has to come to terms with emotions he has no power to control.
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An arrangement of convenience should always remain that: a convenience.
Four months had passed since you first walked through his door, carrying very little in your arms. When he had asked you about the rest of your possessions you had smiled—tight lipped, abashedly, almost secretive. I didn't have much to begin with, you had said. I'll just consider this a fresh start. It had always been this way. He had met you in college, as you walked down the corridor with your head in the clouds, carrying photocopies from course books you couldn't afford.
His chest was solid when you ran into him, papers scattering into the air like tinted flower petals reminding you—one by one—that you didn't belong at that school, no matter how hard you tried. He still remembers the hole on your slip on shoes, and the way the peek of the purple sock teased him. He still remembers the flush on your cheeks, the watery pathetic look in your eyes as if you had been holding back from crying all day long. He still remembers the way they laughed at your patched up backpack, and how you held your head high.
And he remembers the way it filled him with fiery rage, how it consumed him and prodded him to want to burn the whole establishment down—just like now. He watches quietly as he sits upright on the bench. His fingers curled into fists, gripping so tightly his clipped fingernails threaten to piece skin. There's a man next to you, smiling down at you with a lecherous sheen to his eyes. Jean does his best to sit still, to stretch his arms above his head and not picture himself ripping his eyeballs out. His hand touches your elbow, and Jean stands up, reasoning yelling in the back of his mind to grab his attention.
The contract flashes through his mind's eyes, taking precedence over his anger.
An arrangement of convenience should remain a convenience. Your lives were meant to be lived in privacy, without the meddling interference from each other. Those were rules strictly discussed and agreed upon. Jean's mouth twists into a scowl at the memory of his signature, neatly scribbled at the end of the paper—the same one that he kept a copy of in the drawer of his nightstand.
You had every right to entertain that idiot if you liked—even if Jean thought he looked like he couldn't count past ten. You had every right to smile back, the way you did, and laugh at whatever joke he had just said. You had every right to live a life away from him, as long as you came back home every night, to sleep in your own bed, in your own room.
He grabs a towel, and sprays sanitizer on the bench, finding cleaning his own sweat infinitesimally more productive than to focus on the bitter jealousy gnawing at the pit of his stomach. Jean knows he has no leg to stand on, no right to stride up to you and swat his hand away. He has no right to feel cheated, or uneasy—to feel like you're being tugged away from his fingers.
But he does, so he spins in place and walks towards you, feet slamming down on the gym mats—muffling his anger. He tries to think of excuses to give, something or anything that would make him sound less pathetic than he felt. He is within earshot when he hears you.
“No, I won't go with you,” you say flatly, your gaze is pointed as you blink. “I'm married,” you tell the man. Jean is surprised when he feels your hands on his bicep. The way your fingernails softly dig into his flesh remind him that this moment is real. It's not just another fantasy that plagued him at night while he laid in bed skin slick with his own sweat. This was you, standing your ground. This was you, holding on to him.
At the moment it didn't matter whether he was just an excuse for you to push away unwanted attention. Jean stares the man down who looks appropriately abashed before his mouth twists in anger. Jean feels his own mouth water. The words are cocked on his tongue but you're pulling away, leading him towards the exit and down the stairs. They fizzle and die out in smoke with every step taken.
He had hoped the heat of the shower would wash it all way. His hair sticks to his forehead under the shower head. Eyes closed, water running over his skin, he tilts his face to the ceiling in hopes that thoughts of you would evaporate from his mind and follow the steam away from his body. Instead, you envelop him in your heated cloudiness. He sees the band of your sports bra digging into the soft flesh of your torso. He can picture, in annoyingly perfect detail, the sweat that clung to the small of your back, the way drops drifted lower until they disappeared into your spandex. The same spandex that had made him uncomfortably tight in his gym shorts when he saw you bend at the knees for a squat.
Jean stays in the shower long enough for his fingers to prune. He stays until thoughts of you turn hazy, less significant. When he makes it out of the shower with wet hair, a towel around his shoulders he sees you coming out of your room, and into the kitchen. His eyes track your movements, a predatory hunger prowling inside him like a caged animal. Jean coughs into a closed fist; a sad attempt at composure. Your curls are wet, soft ringlets sticking closer to your skull than he is used to. He is used to seeing them wild, and bouncy, swaying with every move you make—but this sight isn't unappealing either.
Your pajama shorts are, frankly, a bit too short for polite company. Jean tilts his head in barely restrained admiration as you move towards the fridge and bend over to reach for something in the back. Ass cheeks taunt him as they peek out from under the legs' hemline. Your white t shirt is snug over your chest, and see through enough he can almost picture every detail on your bra.
Jean swallows thickly and drops himself on the couch—the same spot he always occupies as you cook.
It's where he can watch you the best. It's usually innocent, almost pure but tonight Jean feels filthy as he takes in your silhouette. He can't stand the sight of your hair, the way you keep brushing it away from your face with an impassive hand. He can smell your shampoo—imagine it. He had smelled it enough times when you got too close; the scent of coconut and vanilla. He is irritated at how accurately his mind can recall it, how he can recall the back of your neck and how badly he had wanted to kiss it then. Jean licks his lips.
He wanted to kiss it still. Badly.
Jean is still irate when he sits down for dinner. His body is tense from the constant clenching of muscle. His jaw hurts, but he chews anyway, not wanting to appear ungrateful. Your mouth; however, is treacherous. A sinful siren leading him to murky waters. You wrap it around each morsel, and around your fork, as if he was made of wet paper; wafer thin. Jean swallows his desires with a swig of wine. He did not often drink, much less wine, but you had insisted; another month in faux marital bliss.
You had a strange sense of humor he couldn't help but entertain. It pissed him off to no end.
The wine is sweet on his tongue, and he wonders if it's the same for you as you throw your head back, determined to get every last drop in your glass. Your tongue dips around the rim of it, throat exposed for his devious eyes to take in. Jean shakes his head, pretending his brown hair is in the way of his eyes. In reality, he's trying to shake your hold off his mind. He's trying to dislodge the imagery of that man at the gym running his tongue up the column of your throat. Jean blinks, a heat over his eyes as he finds the hollow of your neck, and fights the urge that blooms inside of him.
He wants to kiss you there, on the soft flesh that connects your shoulder and neck. He wants to follow up the trail to just under your ear, and he wants to mark you time and time again; a signature left on skin drawn with blood and teeth.
Jean bites down on his last morsel of dinner and barely misses his tongue. He is nauseated by his own desires. He thinks there might be something innately wrong with him and the way he wants to pull you up to the table and rip your clothes off, so he can fuck you before the desire kills him first.
He thinks he hears your voice saying his name in ecstasy in his ear, loud and clear, so he slaps his hand on the table in an attempt to make a louder sound. His blood rushing to his ears, beating against the walls of his sanity, threaten to drown out your voice.
“Are you okay?” you ask him, brows drawn together in confusion. Jean shakes his head, and smiles—soft laughter following his gesture.
“There was a mosquito,” he lies with ease, wiping an already clean hand with a napkin. He sees your eyes narrow, and sees doubt peek from behind the brown in them but he ignores it. Jean had bigger, bolder things to worry about—like the sudden erection in his pants. He moves his hips in the seat, trying his best to adjust himself under the table without using his hands. It doesn't work. It especially doesn't work once you have decided you're done with entree of the night and move on to dessert.
Strawberries had never seemed like a poisoned fruit before but Jean starts to question reality when your white teeth bite down on the bright red flesh of one. Juice spills over your bottom lip, a faint red that trails down your chin. You hurriedly bring up a hand, collecting the drips on the crook of your palm. Jean breathes out noisily through his nostrils, a rogue hand going to his crotch where he palms his erection. To adjust, he lies to himself, to push it down in a way that would not pain him, but the stroke of his hand only reminds him of what he is missing.
Your fingers—the ones that grasp another berry and another berry. Your lips—the ones that suck the whip cream right off the red tip of another strawberry.
His breathing is barely controlled, and he feels heat slide up his neck and face; lust filled fingers seeking to gauge his eyes out. The same eyes that refuse to let you go. They follow you as you move to carry dishes to the sink. He doesn't know when he does it, but he stands up nonetheless, as if he is tethered to you by an invisible string. He follows you into the kitchen, his own empty dishes in his hands.
“You know,” you start, placing the dishes in the sink. You're full, and content, but it wouldn't be right to finish dinner without at least bickering once with Jean before bedtime. Also, it helped to ease the tension that flooded your body at the feel of his presence. He was standing closely behind you. Too close.Enough to make your heart race. “Since I cooked dinner yet again, the least you can do is do the dishes.”
You turn around, determined to laugh your way out of this situation. Jean's arms are around you, plates clattering in the sink as he drops them in haphazardly. The noise is sharp and it fills your ears as Jean's mouth clashes against yours. There's a gasp in the back of your throat, one you swallow promptly when he pushes against your lips. The kiss is tight lipped, forceful. His hand is searing against your skin where he grips the back of your neck, thick strong fingers digging into your flesh. His free arm curls around your waist, and he pulls you in close, crushing you against his wide chest. A flush blankets you when you feel his hard on press against the softness of your belly.
Jean thinks he might suffocate. His shoulders stiffen as he keeps his mouth on yours, trying to weigh your reaction. He thinks he should wait for a sign from you, anything that will grant him access to the inside of your mouth to find the tongue that teased him time and time again earlier. He thinks he should practice patience but the scent of your breath heavy with the sweetness from the white whine threatens to intoxicate him; to strip him from whatever meager remains of inhibitions populated his mind and body.
Your eyes flutter open and close. There is heat at the pit of your belly. You're aware of this feeling making you tremble. You're aware of the embarrassing throb between your legs, the tell tale sign of rushing blood in a state of arousal. Your body wants his, and it only makes his erection all the more evident. You're not sure if you should return his kiss, but you find yourself pressing tighter against him, eager to see what would happen if you wiggle in his embrace; tease him just a tiny bit.
As you slip your hands over his chest, your lips break away. Jean slots his mouth against yours, his tongue slipping in between your sweetened lips. In a rare moment of tenderness, Jean brushes his tongue against yours, urging goosebumps to run their course over your brown skin. You gasp in his embrace, and it was all the incentive he needed. He didn't have to think anymore. He could just take.
So he claims your tongue as his—sucks on it with greed he tried to hide with pretenses and lies. His hands go rogue, they act recklessly as they smooth down your back and grasp fistfuls of the tender flesh of your ass. Jean sucks on your bottom lip, groaning as his hands keep moving. They slide over your hips, and over your belly until they find your breasts. He is nipping at the corners of your mouth, mumbling things you don't catch while he kneads your tits. You are too preoccupied by the building wetness between your legs to care about the words he's trying to say. From experience, you know it's nothing important. Jean had the innate ability to talk the most crap when you needed him to the least.
You don't respond, and it upsets him. So he pushes you against the sink. You cry out as the edge digs into your backside. Jean picks you up by the waist and places you back down on top of the edge of the sink. You mumble something about the faucet and Jean reaches around you, blindly as he is sucking on your tongue, to move the faucet around—anything so you'd stop complaining, so you'd stop interrupting him. Your taste floods his mouth; strawberries and wine, a combination he knows he'll never be able to recover from now. Your tongue marks him everywhere it touches, tattoos of memories digging into the skin of his jaw, down the column of his throat.
His fingers are tangled in your curls. Jean grunts when you bite down on his neck, tugging at sensitive skin. He pulls you close, tightly, as if that would help ease you under his skin. Your mouth is unforgiving, and Jean lets you go as you suck on the hollow of his neck, feeling his grip on you becoming elusive. He can't contain you or this heat slowly building in the kitchen. You are an arsonist and he is an abandoned building, too tempting, too lonesome and swallowed by darkness for you not to set on fire, to not stand back and watch as the flames eviscerate its foundations into dust.
So you dig your teeth into his skin, time and time again in your path for revenge. You leave a mark for every smart quip he threw your way, for every time he laughed sarcastically at something you said. His hand slams on the door of the cupboard above you. You look up, startled, eyes clouded with lust. His dark lashes obscure the flame behind his eyes, but you see the glistening saliva on his bottom lip, and the flush of his cheeks. You see his chest rising and falling, hear the rattling of his breath and in that moment you know that Jean Kirschtein is a beast barely contained.
He is a hunter seeking to be reformed but salivating at the chance of one more kill.
His body is trembling, fighting the urge. You look so decadent underneath him, trapped between him and the kitchen sink. Your neck is marred by angry teeth, and a hungry mouth. His mouth stretches into a lazy lopsided grin. That had been his doing, and he should feel no satisfaction. He had no right and no reason except that he just wanted to. Just like he just wanted to pull your shorts down, and push your panties to the side and fuck you right there and then, on the sink, with the dirty dishes behind your ass.
A newfound breath in his lungs he goes back to your mouth, a stupid moth to a burning flame. In his mind, somewhere small and dark, he knows he should stop kissing you. He knows he should end things here before they become more complicated, before you hate him in the morning. He knows this, but his body no longer belongs to him. He thinks, in agony and in lust, that maybe it belonged to you now as you slip your hands under his shirt and run your nails down his back. He hisses into your mouth, a small groan reminding him of his hardened cock. Jean thinks of pulling away but the moment his lips are not on yours, he sees that man again—that fucking ugly face smiling down at you. If your tongue is not in his mouth he thinks about him, kissing you. If his tongue is not pressed flush against the pulse of your neck, if he's not feeling your erratic heartbeat reminding him of the throbbing of his cock—he thinks of that bastard, running his hands all over your body, pulling moan after moan from you.
He groans again as he kisses you, too much teeth and tongue, too much passion to the point you cry out when he bites down too hard; he tastes blood as he licks your bottom lip in apology. He must have lost his mind, he thinks, as he licks it again and again until he can't taste copper anymore, until you grow softer, more pliable in his embrace.
His hands are under your shirt, fingers slipping under your bra. You cry out as he pinches hardened nipples. His tongue is back on your neck, and he kisses over the marks already left, and sucks where he thinks it is too light; not stark enough. He signs over them, again and again, as he twists his fingers, causing you to moan.
“Jean” you breathe out, your trembling hands going to his wrists. You hold on to them loosely, as he continues to tease your breasts. You bite down on a whimper, and almost lose your resolve when he looks down at you through his dark and thick lashes. “Why are you like this?” Suddenly, she wanted to add, but Jean's hands are relentless. His gaze is unwavering as he watches you squirm under his touch. In all honesty, he wanted to tell you. He wanted to confess the times he had thought about you this way, responding to his touch so eagerly that he'd wake up in a sweat, aroused by the ghost of your scent in his sweatshirt.
Still, he couldn't tell you. Not now. Maybe never.
“Service,” he pants out, brushing his thumbs against your nipples. You arch your back at his touch, a soft lewd song humming in the back of your mouth. “Consider it a service for you making dinner.”
He pushes his hips against yours as he curls his fingers around your throat. His hold on you is tight, almost suffocating. You gasp both at the feel of his erection, mercilessly rubbing against your heated cunt, and at the pressure he builds with his fingers. Your eyes flutter close, another soft moan filling your mouth. Jean thinks he's at his limit, but he ignores it. He pushes past it with every thrust of his hips, seeking out every sound you can give him; every moan, sigh, and whimper he can collect. He stores them in the back of his mind for later, for when his bed feels cold and empty.
A heat swirls at the pit of your stomach. It goes around in circles, tighter and tighter each time. You're familiar with the sensation, enough that it makes your toes curl in anticipation. You gasp and shout, holding on to Jean with one clammy hand. Your other shoots out behind you as you shout in surprise when one particular thrust rubs against your sensitive nub just right.
“I'm gonna cum!” you yelp as his face comes towards you. He's chuckling in your ear, and your hand moves again without you realizing it—your body's own way of trying to ground itself from the flight of ecstasy. Your fingers graze metal, and you hear the running water. Your breathing is harsh against your own ears. Jean is laughing again as you feel him reach around you. You feel something wet and cold splash against your back and you jump in his arms.
Jean pushes against you, one hand clamped tightly around one hip. “Easy, you'll fall off,” he says against your temple, a small smile stretching his swollen lips. You dig your nails into his shoulders, wanting to bring him back to the more pressing matter. You had been so close and he had slowed the speed of his hips, causing small jittery motions of your body every time your oversensitive clit received friction.
“Why did you stop?” you ask him, but his eyes are unfocused. His jaw is set, and he looks everywhere but at your eyes. You feel his gaze on your mouth, and your neck. You feel him staring at your chest. He is reaching around you, holding his hands under the running water. He brings them towards you, and slides them over your chest over and over until it soaks through your t shirt. Your bottom lip is trapped between your teeth as you watch him. He is laser focused. The sight of white teeth pushing down on a berry colored bottom lip shouldn't be so arousing. You consider suing or at the very least writing a strongly worded letter, affronted at how wet it made you; wetter even.
It was starting to become embarrassing how much you craved him at that moment. You whimper when he wets his hands again, and slides them under your shirt. They're cold against your overheated back, fingers unclasping the bra. You narrow your eyes as he expertly reaches through your sleeves, pulls down the straps with your help, and tugs the bra off from the front—as if he's done this before, many many times.
You don't want to think about it. In fact, you hate that you are, even as your nipples are erect. You bite your tongue in hopes of staving off petty jealous things you want to ask and say. You don't get to expend too much energy in that endeavor. Jean never ceases to surprise you, and he commands your attention by grasping your breasts over your t shirt.
His mouth hangs open as he watches, amazed at the sight of the brown areola peeking through the wet fabric; translucent and teasing. You feel you should say something now, while you still can but the words never make it out. His mouth is back on you, on your breasts as he sucks on the nipples through your shirt. His kisses are gentle at first, testing, exploratory His curiosity becomes hungrier, slightly feral. Jean feels himself go blind as he sucks on your nipples, teeth grazing the t shirt until his own skin prickles from the sensation.
You egg him on, thrashing in place, seeking out his hips time and time again with yours. He feels your wetness through your underwear and straight through your shorts. He groans as he sucks loudly, his hands finding your ass. He brings you closer to his hips, moves them against you, feeling sickeningly satisfied with himself. It is him that's making you unravel, and it is him that has you here in disarray, shirt soaked through with a mixture of water and his saliva.
And it is his hair, your fingers tangle up in, and it is his name you call out when you cum, time and time again.
When you come down from your high, when your hips stop moving so viciously against his throbbing cock, Jean finds the will to pull away. He stands away from you, a small amount of drool oozing down his chin. He wipes at it casually with the back of one hand. His gaze is heavy, and his face is flushed in a way that makes you self conscious of your own.
“I'm gonna rest for a bit,” he tells you as he takes another step backwards. Your eyes flit from his face, to his abused bottom lip. You can't help when it drifts lower, to the obvious bump in his sweatpants. Jean turns away from you, and starts walking away from the kitchen and down the corridor towards his bedroom.“I'll do the dishes later, so don't fucking touch them,” he says as he pauses midway to twist his torso. His finger is pointing at you. You're enthralled by the way he frowns at you, at how casually he has changed the subject, as if he wasn't desperately rubbing his cock against you seconds ago. “That's my job, okay?”
He leaves you on the sink, the water running behind you. You startle and jump to turn it off, a shaking hand grasping the metal knob tightly. You try to ignore the slick sensation between your legs, how cold the shirt felt against your hot skin. You try to ignore the sick feeling taking over your chest, and how uneasy you felt now that Jean was gone. Now that his mouth and his hands weren't goading you into orgasm, your mind felt slightly clearer.
You shouldn't have done that.
An arrangement of convenience should remain that: a convenience. Entertaining this, whatever it was, would only make this complicated; a messy inconvenience. You set your jaw, and your convictions and decide that tomorrow morning, when your mind wasn't clouded by the phantom kisses Jean had dropped on your skin, you'll have a serious talk with him.
Lines needed to be drawn clearly in the dirt, in blood, or whatever it took.
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kristsune · 1 year
So I had this idea a while ago, to do little reviews for all of Tim Meredith’s songs because I feel like there isn’t enough love out there for them. So last week I decided to just Do It. I finished (including the two new songs he just dropped yesterday) I have it here under a readmore, or if you would prefer, you can just read the gdoc here, I only did the songs that were listed on his bandcamp (which you should absolutely go to) even though there are a few extra early ones on his youtube.  These were written in no particular order, basically whichever song I happened to click on next. Anyway, feel free to read and spread the word.
How to even describe Tim Meredith’s music. The way he can adapt to different styles and genres is honestly impressive. It’s probably got something to do with the improv background but it’s amazing how he can just … choose a style and write an incredible song for it. Everytime he drops a new song I am always impressed with what he has managed yet again. 
Disclaimer: I don’t have any musical education except being friends with multiple musicians for many years in which only small amounts of information have managed to seep into my adhd addled brain. So I apologize for the lack of musically correct terminology, this is a work of appreciation, not technical prowess. Also lyrics are generally the last thing I hear, so I may mention them here and there, but they aren’t my main focus for this.
Always Here 
I can’t quite express what it is about this song that I adore, but it absolutely has something to do with the deep rumble of the bass and the way it drives the song forward relentlessly. The effect on the vocals only adds to this. The fact that it goes minor definitely caters to my tastes specifically. The high tones that come in during the bridge have such a Bowie quality that is delightful and a perfect contrast to the rest of the song. (artwork: the mossy greenery adds such a vibe to the song)
Don’t Look to Me
This has been one of my favorites since it aired. The high vocals of the chorus, with the overlapping harmonies are beautifully done and how they are placed over each other makes me think of something being sung in a large hall or church, big and echoey. Additionally the offset of the lyrics “it’s what you chose” (and to a lesser degree “any other way”) makes it feel like you’re being surrounded, like its multiple people telling you this is what you chose, what you wanted. I adore how the vocals trail out with the music at the end. (artwork: the hot pink neon feels so right for the feeling, the tiles adding to the echo)
Sweaty (Near You)
I know this one was controversial at the release, but I honestly could not then, and still cannot understand why. People are honestly sleeping on this song and it makes no sense to me. It’s got a very sensual vibe without gendered lyrics. Sure “baby” is used, but if you don’t think baby could be used for any gender then that’s on you, not the song. The deep base with the sparse instrumentation with a fun noodly solo is just an excellent combination that works so incredibly well. (artwork: the b&w photo with dark maroon text is a perfect combination)
Lucky Boy
When this song premiered my first thought was the entrance song for a villain in a movie. I could see it so clearly in my head. It’s got drive, and movement, and attitude the way it kicks up into high gear into the chorus from the verse with that fuzz guitar. The incredible layers with all the different synth/organ sounds, paints such an image. Nevermind the vocals that fit so perfectly within all that. (artwork: The maneki-neko is such a perfect choice for this)
Numbers and Lights
This is another one I have difficulty describing quite what it is that I love about it. It’s rather lowkey all the way through and I rather enjoy the… almost the stops and starts, the way it gives pause before kicking back in, like the song needs to take a breath before moving on. Again, pretty sure this one turns minor in a way that caters directly to me. Small detail that really delights me is what sounds like the equivalent to crickets under the “Reid asks Reid tells”. (artwork: gotta love biflag color rep. always a plus)
Limb Controller
This song features Amy and was an early favorite of mine. It feels like a song that could and should be played at a disco, just making me want to dance. The synths are perfect and I love how they gain intensity in the bridge before coming back down for the verse. The contrast between Amy’s higher vocals to Tim’s rougher growly ones is a perfect combination. I’ve always loved the “I’ve already let him in, a puppet on his string” moment. (artwork: when videos were still being made, love the scifi vibes)
Never Loved
Another song that is a bit more lowkey, but still comes through with excellent vibes. This one is really all about the syncopation especially with the drums. Which includes the panning back and forth during certain portions, but especially during the time change. I also really love the effects on the vocals. The occasional splashes of a high stringed instrument, and the crash of a forward cymbal really just add to the atmosphere of the song. (arwork: something about being called never loved with what looks like kintsugi just kinda Hits)
Love Your Mind
The repeating pattern throughout this song is just So Good, I love everything about it, and then how other patterns build on top of it? Impeccable. There are so many layers but it's never too much or loses track of itself, never feels over complicated or discordant. I always end up tapping along to the pattern, sometimes difficult to choose which one to follow. This song is shorter, but never fails to make me smile. (artwork: love the chandelier with the many intricate patterns, feels like it matches the song perfectly in that way)
On Your Terms
Oh that bass line. *chef kiss* Absolutely the backbone of the song, helps create the perfect atmosphere for that distorted guitar. Tim always puts a lot into the vocals, but here it feels like there is a extra level of emotion that feels raw. The way the note is held for “on your terms” just kind of kicks me in the chest every time. (artwork: love that the fire is the only color)
Some Thoughts After Consideration
This song truly resonates with me on a molecular level. I have been working in retail for going on 18 years and I just feel this song in the depths of my soul. Something about the wobbly synths and strong beat with the soft vocals are just perfect. The transition to what almost feels like a … big musical number in a theatrical show for the chorus. Like I can just see big spot lights turning on the stage. Perfection. (artwork: can’t go wrong with a squawking seagull, theme on point)
Falling Away
This is another one of my favorites. It’s so soft and gentle, lilting piano blending so perfectly with the vocals, which build up in intensity for the chorus so beautifully. Again, I think this one turns minor key, though I’m not as sure about it as I am with the others. I don’t have a lot of words for this one, but it’s lovely in its simplicity. (artwork: always loved this one for no reason I can really define)
Regret Me Not
I love how this song starts off sounding like something like a medieval march. The most prominent thing about this song is of course those incredible harmonies all throughout. The whole initial build up, and how it switches halfway through is just incredible. There is so much depth in this short song. I don’t always pay attention to lyrics, but when I did look at them I was surprised and delighted by how uplifting they are. (artwork: another older one with a video. I am a sucker for nature anything, and this just being a series of nature shots particularly appealed to me)
The deep rumbly bass paired with the panning distorted vocals is just an incredible driving force. This song has the kind of beat that will just go on forever. If it were a predator it would be a komodo dragon just relentlessly following behind, never losing sight, always there stalking forward. (artwork: the starting line for a racetrack is an excellent choice)
The Aftermath
This was another early favorite of mine. The mandolin is the star of this song, but it is surrounded by a wonderful arrangement that allows it to be so. The gentle piano with the soft vocals, the shakers and woodblocks all come together beautifully. I always adored the extended pause about ⅔ of the way through. (artwork: this is my favorite video, and I’m sure it took a lot of work to match all the timing so well. The way it ends with the snuffing of the candle 10/10 no notes)
The light bouncy acoustic guitar is so catchy paired with the light and airy vocals, just makes for a lovely song all around. Truly impressive that so much can be expressed with so few instruments. I always find myself nodding my head along to this one. (artwork: makes me think of marshmallow and then want something sweet, but then I remember it’s a rock face and then that makes me want to climb it. Too bad it wasn’t a marshmallow clifface)
Deep Air
This is one of those songs that I love because it’s so out of the usual wheelhouse. It’s chill and wonderfully lowkey, and truly does make you feel like you are just floating around in space. The NASA audio certainly only adds to that vibe. Even with all that I do really love how it still slowly builds towards a big end. (artwork: excellent space vibes, love it)
A Horrid Angry Goose
I remember the goose game stream quite fondly, and this song in response to that was an absolute delight. It’s a fun and funny song, but it also has genuinely fantastic harmonies, and a strong baseline. The build up in each verse into the chorus is just so good. I love how it tells the story of the game, but in such a delightful way. This song is a guaranteed mood boost and I’m so glad for it. (artwork: Goosey perfection)
What It Says About Me
Adore the intro to this, the panning on the string instrument is perfect, and then when the beat drops and everything just drives on. Again, the way the vocals harmonize is impeccable. Truly impressive. Also adore the almost call and response at about halfway through. (artwork: something about the rusted half visible ship feels sad, though I suppose it’s apt for the song)
Unremarkable Sin
The alternating rhythms for this are just so incredibly good, the way it starts and the way it changes when the drums kick in, giving it a bit of swing that is just really great. I really love the gentle vocals for this as well, they fit between the instrumentation so perfectly. (artwork: i love the vague religious vibes, which somehow also translate into the music but in a not actually religious way)
What’s Due
Another one that just kicks ass right out the gate. The rising synths just gives this song such energy. The layered and overlapping synths and rhythms makes it feel like it’d fit right in at a bar or a scene in a movie (bar scene in a movie?) Again the pause about ⅔ the way through adds such drama and it’s absolutely perfect. The processing on the vocals is fantastic and the delivery only adds to the overall attitude of the song. (artwork: bull terriers are one of my favorite puppies and this one is SO cute, bonus points for bi pride colors)
The bass line with the panning distorted guitar is such a good combination. That plus the processing on the vocals, creates such a spacious atmosphere that feels melancholy (Though I suppose the lyrics probably add to that feelings). (artwork: love a good seascape, big fan of corals and anemones, and adds to the vibe of having already “fallen”)
An Imagined Sense
Another song that just makes me want to dance, The way this one goes from just a decent beat to kicking into high gear is so good. Again with the excellent doubled vocals/extreme delay just creating such a great balance with the synths. (artwork: the video for this is extremely hypnotizing and feels like you’re being sucked into the song, which feel right)
Walk Away
The really distorted bass paired with the really light piano synth and gentle cymbals is just a really excellent combination. I really love the repetition for the chorus, plus of course the lovely harmonies make for a really lovely chill song. (artwork: Always been a fan of viewing through an opening, but the broken down interior out into the green outdoors is very pleasing.)
Exquisitely Bad
The groove that is set as soon as the song starts is just impeccable. And that groove just doesn’t stop. I love the contrast of that deeper bass with the higher synths that alternate between ears. Something about how the vocals jump up during with the chord progression is delightful. Really just a killer song. (artwork: love the dilapidated house with green font, fit right in with the Halloween premiere)
Horny for Greece
I know this started as a song from stream, but it is genuinely a fantastic song. That funky piano that gives Stevie Wonder Vibes, the niche but perfect rhymes with excellent vocals, the syncopated drums. All just add up to great vibes. (artwork: having the title cut diagonal over the broken section of sculpture is perfection)
The Eventual
Always a sucker for a song with handclaps. Mixed with the woodwind and the harmonica creates such an interesting atmosphere. There is something about the double beat on the drums that I really enjoy. I also love the strong distortion on the vocals, really pulls the room together. (artwork: took me ages to realize the picture was flipped upside down, that being said, it’s still very visually interesting)
The slow build with the offset synths that make almost a round, the drums start and stopping before they fade and the beat truly starts is just so good. It creates such tension. I love how the synths create almost waves throughout the song, pulling it along. I also adore the effects on the vocals, just fits so perfectly with the soundscape of the rest of the song. (artwork: it took me a little bit to realize what I had been looking at, but the textures are so good. Fits with the vibes)
More Time
The hard fuzz guitar is such a strong start for this song, paired with the very rock drums is just perfect. Just has excellent classic rock vibes. I really love the depth of emotion felt in the vocals, and the low doubled vocal is a perfect extra layer you sometimes don’t even realize is there adding to it. (artwork: not sure how or why, but the fire seems to just fit perfectly for this)
Can’t Happen Here
I absolutely love the piano intro for this, it really sets the whole mood. I absolutely love the vocals for this song. The almost call and response, the harmonies, just *chef kiss* fantastic. I also really love the fuzz guitar when it kicks in. Ramps the song to a whole other level. (artwork: love the roiling clouds for this one. Yet again, fits the mood perfectly.)
I desperately love the percussion in this song, both the unusual patterns and the sounds used. It creates such a cool landscape for the song. And the interest doesn’t end there. The part where the sound pans quickly from left to right with the rhythm is just so incredibly good. This song is just an experience from start to finish. (artwork: I never quite figured out what this one was, an aerial shot? of the beach? My brain always just made it out to be an abstract painting but I am currently realizing that is incorrect. Still fits the vibe though, feels scattershot like the song.)
On Notice
(sidenote: I have barely listened to this one, because I tend to listen to my youtube playlist, and I found while making this that this song is only on bandcamp, so I haven’t listened to this one nearly as much as most of the others despite it being released about a year ago)
The sheer amount of Radiohead Vibes for this is absolutely incredible, and as someone who absolutely adores Radiohead, I love it. I love how the vocals come in and out, I love the almost droning instruments in the background. Additionally, on the delay on the vocals is fantastic, and I love the pause like ⅔ the way through. Excellent. (artwork: Love the b&w, looks like black marble. Great look.)
Better from Further Away
I love the simple clean (upright?) bass in the opening, with the soft drums. Again, I am a sucker for harmonies and I love them on the chorus. The juxtaposition of the very chill relaxed song, to the somewhat ridiculous (read: amazing) lyrics is very good. (artwork: Love this video, especially the close up zoom on the sheep when they are mentioned.)
Friend of Mine
I love how gentle and soft this whole song is. The piano and soft drums working so well together with the gentle lyrics. I really love it when the piano kind of goes into double time. (artwork: Love a good red sunset. Excellent.)
In The Dark
I love how this starts out with what feels like very 80’s movie synths, and then just shifts into a very chill song. Not sure why but it does give very 80’s Jim Henson vibes. Like I feel this should be in the Dark Crystal or Labyrinth or something. Maybe it’s the lovely harmonies that I can see being sung by small fuzzy puppets. Also I absolutely adore the horns throughout. Perfect 10/10. (artwork: I think 3 puppets should in fact pop out of the three holes to sing those harmonies.)
Now We’ll Never Know
This song is so very pretty. The simple bass and ringing guitar along with the gentle vocals. Yet again, the harmonies on the “oohs” are beautiful and I love them, especially paired with that gently picked guitar. (artwork: love a good dilapidated staircase. The green lettering is a perfect match.)
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
four | step 1 - be friends
prev masterlist next
classes start, and you're back in uni again. befriending viktor seems like a great opportunity for you to investigate more on him, and scaramouche shuts you out once more.
warnings: swearing, mention of guns and drinking, scara kinda cares for you lol
a/n: once again, sorry for the delay! i'll try to update as much as i can once i'm done with my midterms but please bear with me for now 😔 also i might start to write longer chapters so that you guys can enjoy it more. currently the average count of words in this series are around 2.2k to 2.5k. i still feel like they're a bit short so hopefully i can write longer ones in the future. happy reading!
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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if 21 year old you told you that you'd be back in campus learning again, you wouldn't have believed yourself. but here you are, sitting in the class hall for your mass comm class that's about to start.
seems like you're the first one here.
you took criminology for your degree and immediately went to the police academy upon graduation, so mass comm is a pretty new area for you to learn.
hopefully it's not as dreadful as your former field of study, thinking about all of the stressful work you've done for your criminology class back then already makes your head sick.
if you went through 4 years alive in criminology, you definitely could survive in mass comm for a couple of months.
what pisses you off is that you're gonna have to take criminology again for some reason. that witch, you thought, thinking about the captain from your precint.
captain tsaritsa was the one who made you apply for an extra field of study and she insisted on you taking criminology. has that woman not learnt from her uni days? criminology was hell. you continued thinking, placing your palm under your chin and staring off to the void.
coincidentally scaramouche also applied for criminology. you're not sure whether the tsaritsa made him do that or he'd actually rather take criminology again, but you couldn't care less about him.
you didn't go to the same uni as him so you wouldn't know what kind of student he was. for all you know he was a top student and had a huge interest in criminology, and now he's willing to go through another few months in hell again.
that's what you assumed anyways.
"luna!" a voice called. you darted your eyes towards the person who called you by your fake name. it was viktor.
right, he said we should sit together in class the last time i met him, bringing your hand back to the table.
"oh, hey." you said. "looks like we do have the same schedule."
yes because as if captain tsaritsa wouldn't assign you on different schedules, when you're supposed to be going undercover and get more evidence from the one and only viktor stepanov. the one that's standing right beside your seat right now.
"yup! you're here pretty early. that eager to start your first ever class in campus, huh?" he mused, taking a seat beside you and taking out his laptop to prepare for the lecture in a couple of minutes.
you already had all of your stuff taken out from your bag on to the table, with a cup of coffee you made from your dorm before heading out. and the other students seemed to only arrive now unlike you, who arrived 10 minutes ago.
huh, you really do look like you're looking forward to this.
"well... it's safe to say that i'm an early riser. i usually wake up this early to get to work—" you said before stopping abruptly, almost slipping out the fact that you're working full-time. at a job that lets you legally hold and shoot a gun at that.
"w-work out! i'm usually up this early to do my work out routine." you quickly covered up, hoping that he didn't catch on.
you can barely get up from bed every day to go to work and suddenly you're working out, very ironic.
"that's interesting! you didn't seem like the type of person to be working out. but since we're friends, i guess it's nice to know a thing or two about you." viktor said.
great, now people can see through me that i don't work out regularly, you frowned.
it's not like you don't actually work out. your police job requires you to have the agility and physical endurance to chase and fight bad guys, so working out is pretty much obligatory. you're just... a bit on the lazy side is all.
viktor noticed the frown on your face and immediately tried to cover up his words upon realising that it sounded backhanded. "i-i mean, it's not like you look like a lazy person. ah, how do i say this..." he scratched his head. "you already look healthy so um, it's good that you're taking care of your health more!" viktor defended.
it's not exactly like the kind of compliment people would give, but viktor didn't seem to notice it. whatever, you thought, as long as he doesn't catch on your made up stories.
"maybe you can teach me how to work out sometime, i really need to get these muscles working..." he continued after a moment.
"sure, i'll let you know when i have the time for it." you replied nonchalantly, staring blankly at your laptop screen.
viktor smiled, turning to his laptop. "i'll hold on to that." after a few seconds, he turned back to you again.
"ah, i almost forgot."
viktor opened up his bag and rummaged through it before taking out a piece of flyer and handing it over to you.
"it's a party i'm hosting this weekend, it's at a frat house i don't use. i usually only use it on occasions like these or for some other personal business." he informed.
"everyone on campus is welcomed, so it'd be rude for me to not invite you. you're my utmost welcomed guest after all, just treat it like a welcoming party. and feel free to bring along your friends too! the party is just a little booze to get out from your cramped classes and loosen up a little before midterms." viktor said, almost as if he's pleading you to come to the party.
"i'll... think about it. thank you for inviting me, viktor. i'll let you know if i'm available for the weekend." you smiled at him, before the professor of the class arrived at the class hall.
"i'll be sure to wait for your answer." the tall man said, turning back to his laptop and focusing on the class that's about to start.
step 1 - be friends with viktor stepanov ||accomplished ✓
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you opened the front door to your dorm, exhausted from the 1 hour lecture today.
well, to be honest it was 1 hour and almost 30 minutes. the 1 hour being the lecture and the latter was just you getting to know viktor better. he was the one who insisted on it, saying that it's good to know a few things about one another.
at least i've got some information on him, you thought.
"had fun on your first class as a returnee?" scaramouche asked, snickering at your limping body at the front door. he was on the couch, writing something on a book.
you flipped him off before heading to the couch and flopping right beside him. letting out a huge sigh, you leaned your head to the back and relaxed for a moment.
"i forgot how exhausting being an undergrad student can be, or grad, whatever. i don't even know if we should be called undergraduates when we've already graduated years ago." you mumbled, looking over towards scaramouche.
he was wearing his glasses. truly a rare sight. usually, he only wears them in occasions for reading and writing. hence why he never wears them in public. he'd never want to be known for using glasses.
you figured you were the only one who knows that he wears them, since he never bothers to put them away whenever he's with you.
you've always known everything about him, not like it's a surprising thing considering that you've been working with him for the last 5 years. he's a though nut to crack, but he's comfortable enough to loosen up around you once in a while.
"whatcha' doing?" you asked, pointing out to the book in his hands.
"writing some stuff about viktor. just some leads that we've gotten so far. you've got any?" he put his attention away from writing on the book, darting his indigo eyes towards you instead.
"ah, wait. let's see..." you muttered, taking a moment to think.
"he said he likes cooking."
"not related to our case."
"um, he wanted me to teach him how to work out."
"again, irrelevant to the case. and you? working out? you can barely get out of bed whenever childe calls you to go and have a mile run with him." scaramouche scoffed.
"shut the hell up. i almost slipped out and that was the closest word i could think of." you fought, staring daggers at scaramouche.
"anyways, he told me that his dorm is a few blocks away from the human resources building. he didn't say which though, but he did say that i'm always welcomed if i want come and visit." you said, taking another few seconds to think of other information he's said to you.
"ah, he did mention that he has a pretty packed schedule and that i'd have to call him up first before going to his dorm, in which i do have his number." you continued. "it's really suspicious considering he only has 4 classes a week."
"and he told me he doesn't have a roommate so he basically lives alone, pretty much adds up to the case..." scaramouche hummed, listening to your current leads.
"and last but not least..." you opened up your bag and took out a piece of flyer you've gotten from viktor. you shoved it right in front of scaramouche's face.
"what?" scaramouche asked coldly, snatching the flyer away from your hand. "frat house party...? y/n, just because we're back as students for this case, doesn't mean-"
"ah, ah— i haven't told you the news yet. look here." you said, pointing out to a bold text that says 'viktor awaits you' at the bottom of the flyer.
you smiled at your next words.
"apparently viktor has a frat house he doesn't use. every semester he hosts a frat party and invites everyone in campus to have a bit of fun. it just so happens his upcoming party is this weekend." you finished, grinning up at scaramouche.
"oh—oh no. nope, we're not going." scaramouche quickly refused.
"dude, come on! it's part of the case. we are supposed to do everything in order to get enough information on viktor and this is one of the greatest times to do so! do you really want to stay cramped up here, with me, your sworn enemy?" you pressed, shaking scaramouche's shoulders violently.
"do you even remember what happened last time you got drunk at a party?" scaramouche glared at you, shoving your hands away from his shoulders.
ah— that time.
you got extremely drunk and almost got run over by a dumpster truck. pretty ironic, knowing how slow dumpster trucks are.
"i promise i'd be sober this time! we're supposed to catch up on leads, not partying our asses off." you pouted.
"well, it also wouldn't hurt to have at least a bit of fun..." you mumbled.
scaramouche was glaring at you again and you immediately continued your sentence.
"—just to fit in! wouldn't want people to get suspicious of us. come on dude, i already miss my desk and i want to be back before winter hits. you know how winter is in snezhnaya. campus is not a great place to be spending your winter time." you pleaded, looking over to the balcony of your dorms.
the leaves were molten-red and the fall breeze gives a warm welcome to the autumn season. it's one of the only seasons you get to experience without the snezhnaya snow hitting the grounds and freezing up the weather. it gives you a nice feeling to have the opportunity to do the most before winter comes.
"...fine. i suppose a couple of hours there wouldn't hurt." scaramouche reluctantly agreed, looking to your direction. he takes up on the view of you looking over to the balcony. though still pretty early in the afternoon, the view in front of him is mesmerising.
upon hearing his reply, you turned your head back to him, smiling giddily at him while clasping your hands.
scaramouche swore the smile was genuine.
"well then that's settled! i'm looking forward to this weekend." you happily said, standing up and heading to your room.
scaramouche on the other hand was still on the couch, slightly frozen from the sweet smile you gave him a few seconds ago.
his ears were slightly red and he had an embarrassed expression plastered on his face. he blinked a couple of times before bringing a hand up to his face that's currently burning up.
what in the world is happening, he thinks.
it's probably just a fever.
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"heading out already?" you asked scaramouche, whilst drying off your wet hair with a clean towel. you just got out of the shower a few minutes ago.
1:32 pm, the clock on the wall read.
he doesn't have class until 3 pm, that's almost an hour and 30 minutes. why is he going out so soon?
"i just need to take care of a couple of things outside of campus." the short male said, taking his car keys from the key bowl you contended on having, saying that it's a nice addition to the dorms. he took his shoes on the shoe rack and slipped them on.
"you've been heading out to run errands outside of campus lately. mind i ask why?" you questioned, heading off to the kitchen to get a drink. he's been leaving the dorms to run off to his car and leave campus for the past few days now.
it's not like you're worried, it's just highly suspicious.
you've always wanted to ask what sort of errands he needed to run that he needs to go out frequently, guess this is a good time to ask.
"what, wanna come?" scaramouche raised his brow, unlocking and opening up the door.
"ah, no, not really. i just wanted to know-"
"then don't ask." he snapped at you suddenly, slamming the door.
you winced at the sound. "jeez, i was just asking. grumpy much..."
you shrugged. well, it's not my business to pry. whatever the hell he's doing outside, it's not my right to need to know. it's not like he'd say it even if you asked him nicely with pleading eyes.
you moved to the couch and took a seat, taking a few moments of relaxation before opening your laptop to finish up more of the investigation work you have on viktor.
you huffed. there's a lot of stuff you'll need to update on before sending it to the precint.
"i wonder what they're all doing..." you mumbled, referring to your co-workers. you miss hearing pulcinella's daily good morning greetings to everyone, childe and his single life problems, signora and her bashful words, and so on.
even if they can get annoying sometimes, they're the reason you enjoy working on this tedious line of duty every day. it's nice knowing that there are other people that are willing to place their lives on a thread just to keep snezhnaya safe.
your phone on the coffee table vibrated. heading to the living room, you took your phone and opened the message you received.
i'm gonna come home a bit late after i'm done with class
i've got something to do.
there's some food i made for you while you were in class
it's in the fridge on the middle
make sure to eat
scara replied to "ive got someth..."
don't bother asking me.
well, looks like you'll have the dorm all to yourself the whole evening.
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scaramouche sighed, looking at the texts he sent you.
he appreciates your respect of boundaries. you never bother to pry into his business when he asks not to, while still being caring and thoughtful. it's one of the qualities he likes about you. it's also one of the reasons why he still can stand you after all these years.
he leaned back against the leathered seat of his car before looking back at the parking lot of the dorms.
i'll tell her when the time comes. eventually.
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hehe don't be fooled with the title it's just y/n and viktor being friends
taglist; @beriiov @cloudsandrenoswife @thenightsflower @bleedingwhiteroses222 @yuuki4646 @hopesandlegacy
send an ask or dm me to be in the taglist!
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bleach-your-panties · 6 months
toji, the dick-slinging slasher 🍆💦 🔪❗️- toji fushiguro x fem reader 
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🍔: first jjk fic EVER and it's crack lmao.
🍔: this was too good for me not to write
🔪: prompts from the wheel of misfortune, i can't help myself
🔪: includes horror prompt from beyond the grave & kink prompts sir kink, clothed sex, filming/recording, food play, & size kink 
🔪tagging: @bastardblvd, please don't kick me out of town for this mess of a fic 🤣😭
🍟:4.0k words
🍟:warnings: crack, slightly dubcon, non-penetrative sex?, cursing, dirty talk, spitting, age-gap (reader is early 20's, Toji is..undead) & spongebob dialogue. reader is squidward, basically.
🍟: this is not to be taken seriously! mcdonalds!manager!aki and denji from grimetown make appearances.
🍟: loosely based on my experience working in fast food.
🍟: banner made by me on pic collage
🍟: dividers by @/firefly-graphics
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"Finally. 10 pm." You let out a deep sigh of exhaustion.
You had just finished mopping the entire lobby over again after a group of late-night stragglers  had came in and ordered twenty McDoubles, extra pickles. What a strange order.
One of them even tried to get into a verbal altercation with you because he claimed that his sandwiches had no pickles and accused you of not giving him any. 
You don't even work the fucking line; you're a cashier, for Christ's sake, even if you’re in the process of being cross-trained.
After dumping the dark, murky mop water outside the front door, you began to roll the bucket back to its designated area in the back of house.
Back there, Denji, your manager's weird associate, was picking at the leftover food from the dinner rush like a scavenging raccoon.
"You're not supposed to be back here." You gave him a deadpan look. 
"You're not supposed to be back here," He mocked you, "Fuck that, I'm starving." 
"Then go home and make something to eat?" 
"Nah, this'll do." He unwrapped a McChicken that had probably been sitting there since lunchtime.
"You're about to have diarrhea out of this world." 
He just shrugged.
You went on about your business with your other little housekeeping duties then took off your headset and nametag once you were done.
God, I hate this job.
You'd just finished university a week ago and upon your rejection of your dream graduate school, you ended up having to move back to Grimetown and live with your parents.
Your old-fashioned parents who don't believe in their grown children moving back home unless they have a job.
So here you are. Working at Mcdonald's with a fresh bachelor's degree under your belt.
"I'm going home. Later, Dingy." You pulled on your coat and grabbed your purse.
"Alright, and it's Denji." 
"That's what I said, 'innit? Peace out."
Denji rolled his eyes at you just as Aki came out of the office. "Hold your horses, Y/N. Where do you think you're going?"
You froze, hand poised to open the door.
"Uh, home? It's almost ten-thirty." 
Aki pulled a cigarette from under his hat, turned one of the grills on to light it, and then stuck it between his thin lips.
"No, you're not. I've decided that I'm going to keep the store open 24 hours now. More money for me-I mean you. Money for you."
You gave him an incredulous look and removed your hand from the door handle. 
"What?! This place is a shithole, it's not built to run 24 hours!" 
As you said this, the lights started flickering.
"Denji, stop that!" 
Aki looked about ready to give up on life but he shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. 
"Anyway, here's the keys. You'll switch out with the morning shift at 6 am. Have fun. Don't burn the place down, no matter how tempting it may be."
You didn't know what to do, so you just stood there with your mouth open.
"I can't believe this shit! You can't just leave me here by myself all night!" Snapping out of your little trance, you followed after the dark-haired man.
Aki turned his body halfway to meet your gaze, half-smoked cigarette still between his lips.
“You won’t be by yourself. Denji is here with you.” As if that was supposed to put you at ease.
“What? You can’t leave me here with him; he doesn’t even work here!”
Denji hopped down from the counter and strutted over to the two of you, chest poked out.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head, Y/N. I’ll take good care of you~” He then smirked as his eyes trailed over your body in your too-tight uniform shirt and pants.
You swear that bastard Aki purposefully ordered your garments two sizes too small, causing you to have to literally squeeze your assets into the God-forsaken red shirt and black pants every other day.
"You stay away from me." You pointed an acrylic fingernail at Denji without taking your eyes off of Aki.
"No way you can leave me here with Dumbass all night."
"It's Denji."
"That's what I said."
"Oh, but I can. You stay or you're fired. Simple as that. See you later!" He attempted to give you both a half-hearted wave, but you grabbed the sleeve of his jacket. 
"Where are you going?" 
Aki looked at you befuddled - are you actually whining?
He gently brushed you off of him and removed the cigarette from between his lips. 
“I’m going home - where else? I have a life.”
"I have a life, too, ya know!" 
Denji snickered. "How can you? You live with your parents."
“You shut up! No one asked you!” You retorted before sulking off to the back again.
Toji didn’t know how to feel after he was killed by Gojo.
He thought that he’d at least go straight to hell, but apparently, that didn’t happen. Now here he was, in the middle of some…weird ass town in a shitty graveyard where the tombstones were poorly maintained. Damn, did anyone in this piece of shit town even tend to their dearly departed?
“This shit sucks…” Toji complained as he pulled himself out of a shallow grave that someone must have dug and threw him in unceremoniously. After brushing the dirt off his broad shoulders with his one good hand (only hand), he stretched it above his head and yawned.
The town ahead of him was dark, with only a few lights on of some apartment buildings, houses, and businesses that were crazy enough to run their power bills up by staying open all damn night long.
Like one certain McDonald’s….
“Hey, Y/N, look at me! I’m uploading thirst traps to my Instagram story…at night.” Denji winked at you and clicked his tongue, waving his iPhone in his hand.“When else would you upload them, Dumbfuck?” You replied blandly as you lazily flipped through a magazine.”Whoever is thirsting over you is clearly blind or just desperate.” You added.
“Oh, that’s harsh.” He frowned. The two of you were just sitting around, bored out of your minds. No customers had entered the store since Aki left forty-five minutes ago.
Denji paraded around the table you were sitting at, chanting about different tasks that he was doing on his phone…at night.
Then suddenly…
“Hey, Y/N, wanna hear a scary story?”
Silence over.
“No, but I know that you’re going to tell me anyway, so let’s hear it.” You rolled your eyes and closed the magazine, now giving the blonde your full attention.
"Okay, so-"
The bell over the door rang and in walked a customer, whistling happily.
"Good evening! I'd like to make an order!"
Both you and Denji stared at him for a long while until you finally decided to peel yourself out of the red leather booth and head to the cash register.
"What can I get for you tonight, sir?" 
"One Big Mac Meal, please, extra onions on that. Oh, are the fries fresh?" 
You looked behind him at the clock on the wall: 11:25 pm.
"No," You stated dryly, "will that be all for you?" 
The man gulped nervously at your lackluster expression and less-than-enthused tone and nodded.
After the customer was situated at a table and munching his food happily, Denji continued with his story.
“As I was saying. The legend of Toji, the Dick-Slinging Slasher.”
You had to hold back from spitting some of your orange Hi-C right into his ridiculous face.
“I’m sorry, did you say ‘dick-slinging?!”
“That’s what I said, yeah.” Denji nodded, not phased by your outburst. 
“Legend has it, that on dark, cloudy nights, much like this one, he stalks the neighborhood looking for unsuspecting bitches to rob.”
“Okay, and that’s scary, because? Sounds like an average day in Grimetown.” You snorted.
"Be serious for one second, Y/N!" He slapped his palms down on your table.
Who is he to tell someone to be serious?
"Alright, alright, I'm listening."
Denji continued, "In his past life, he was a nothing-ass-bitch and deadbeat father who went around stealing from people or assassinating them for money." 
"He got killed by this super overpowered albino that he failed to assassinate and then after that, no one knows what happened to him. I heard that some teens from Grimetown High threw his ass in a ditch as a dare and that's where he's buried to this day."
You couldn't help but bust out laughing; this was the dumbest story that you'd ever heard!
"Denji…I'm still failing to see how this story is supposed to be scary…" 
"Well, when the albino killed him, he mutilated the entire left side of Toji's body, leaving a big ass gaping hole and Toji with only one arm. That doesn't stop him from slinging his community dick to all the unsuspecting bad bitches, though."  
'Okay, this is idiotic. I'm checking out.' You shook your head and got up with your cup, dumping the leftover ice down the drink fountain’s drain.
“Heed my warnings, Y/N! When the clock strikes midnight, he’ll come for you! Guard your booty!” Denji wiggled his fingers and made moaning noises that sounded more…pornographic than ghostly.
“Yeah, alright. I’m going to dust the drive-thru windows.”
12:00 AM, Midnight
So those clouds turned out to be storm clouds full of rain that was soon pounding down onto the miserable roof of your little establishment. The roof was leaking in a few places because Aki was too lazy to call the contractors to come and look at it.
“I swear, what is he even good for besides secondhand smoke and micromanaging everybody?” You groaned, placing yet another bucket under a leaking spot.
A loud crack of thunder sounded, and then everything went black.
“It wasn’t me that time!” 
A few seconds later, said blonde came from the back carrying a heavy-duty flashlight.
“The power’s out. I tried tripping the breaker but got nothing.” 
“Isn’t there a backup generator here?” You asked and he just shrugged.
“Don’t ask me; I don’t work here.”
With a loud groan, you went to grab your cell phone out of your bag to call Aki.
No signal.
“Oh, you’re fucking kidding.”
You replaced the rectangular device inside your bag and retreated to the lobby where Denji was.
The thunder roared louder and the rain pattered harder against the roof and the glass windows.
“Hey Y/N?”
“What, Denji?” 
“This is kind of like the story, right? The perfect setting for Toji to show up.” You scoffed.
“Denji, that was just a stupid story. It’s not true at all! No one could survive with half of their body blasted away!!” You were just about at your wit’s end now, when the customer with the Big Mac came to the counter to ask you for ketchup.
“You’re still here?” Denji asked and the guy just looked at him. After he got his condiments, he packed up the rest of his meal and left, probably to get home and out of the rain.
The next few moments were spent in silence with the two of you trying to figure out how to get the power back up and running.
While Denji was in the back where the breaker box was, you were searching underneath the countertops for some sort of panic button or something.
Either Denji fell or a tree came down outside. You hoped it was the former, honestly.
Tap tap tap tap tap.
“Denji?! Is that you? Did you fall?” You whisper-shouted. You shined the flashlight on your phone to the back, trying to locate him.
Tap tap tap tap tap.
The lights began to flicker again and you jumped once you saw Denji suddenly standing beside you.
“Don’t do that! You almost scared me half to death, you dummy!”
“Sorry. Hey, what’s that tapping sound I keep hearing?” 
“Y-you mean…you weren’t doing that?”
Lightning flashed at the same time that the lights flickered back on.
At the front door, the tall outline of a burly man was standing there. His wet, dark hair splayed across his forehead and his eyes glowed a menacing red.
“IT’S T-THE D-D-...!” 
Denji’s body seized up as the man put his hand on the door and pushed it open, letting the pounding rain slosh and slide across the tiled floor. His slippered feet stomped through the puddles of water that were forming as he stalked his way toward the both of you. The little squish squish of his shoes through the water must’ve snapped Denji out of his little trance. He then looked at you as if realizing you were still there and in this predicament with him.
“Oh Y/N…I’m so honored that you went to all this trouble dressing up and using my own story to try and scare me! I knew that you liked me!” He chuckled, trying to convince himself that what he was seeing couldn’t be real.
Your mouth gaped open as you could only stare at the huge man coming towards you both now. Up close, he’s quite a looker. Deep, blue eyes, a cocky smirk set upon those handsome features, and a long, diamond-shaped scar at the corner of his mouth.
“Denji…there’s only two problems with your theory, there. I barely fucking know you, so how could I like you, and how could that be me when I’m standing right fucking here?!” You screamed at the idiotic blonde.
“Ah, what a noisy couple the two of you are. Making my fucking head spin.” Toji continued walking until he was right up on you. You had to crane your neck back to look up at his face. He looked right back down into your surprised one.
“You’re a cute one. Judging by that tight-ass uniform, I’m assuming that you work here?”
Yeah, I think it’s a little too late for that now, don’t you think, Denji?
“Is that what I’m being called now? How lame.” Toji chuckled and before you could blink he kicked Denji into the wall.
“H-hey! Leave him alone, you one-armed prick!” You argued with a shake in your voice, which only amused Toji further.
“Prick? Where are your manners, you little brat? You’ll address me by sir and nothing else. You understand that, bitch?”
Denji groaned from where he was slumped against the wall.
"Sir? Fucking cringe. Next, he'll be expecting you to call him daddy."
Toji ignored Denji's comment and waited for your response. 
You opened your mouth a couple of times but no words came out.
Toji leaned his ear down to your mouth.
"Can't hear you, darling. What was that?"
"Y-yes sir."
He smirked and straightened his back.
"Good girl. Now, what do you serve here?"
"W-we serve food here, sir."
He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at you before looking above your head to the lighted menu. 
"Don't be a smartass."
He rubbed his thick fingers over his chin while he tried to decide on a meal.
"I think I'll have the Spicy McCrispy meal, hold the onions. Extra ketchup and pickles, large fry, and Diet Coke. Gotta keep it balanced." He chuckled to himself once he'd finished.
"Make sure you make it extra tender, juicy, and hot."
The bile began rising in your throat - both at his words and at the fact that you knew the oil that those crispy sandwiches were cooked in hadn't been changed in over a week.
Toji stared at you blankly and you just returned it. You both stood there awkwardly staring at each other for a moment.
"$10.96?" You repeated.
"I…uh..left my wallet in my other sweatpants?"
You could feel the sweat dripping down the side of your forehead.
"Forget it. You'll pay for it with the insane amount of explosive diarrhea that you're going to have."
Toji chuckled nervously and leaned against the counter, watching you move around while you fixed his food.
He was instantly mesmerized by how much your ass still jiggled despite the tightness of your pants. 
"Here ya go." Your voice snapped him out of his perverted thoughts.
The tray of food looked surprisingly delicious, but you know that it's old and that the fries are cold and stiff.
Toji didn't care, though; he was just glad to have a meal.
He ate everything greedily, all the while never taking his eyes off of you.
When he finished, surprisingly, he dumped his trash in the bin and straightened up his area.
You had retreated to the back of house before he finished; with the power being restored, you could now focus on doing some other menial tasks that you'd only just now remembered.
"Hey…you! Leave Y/N alone!" Denji warned as he watched Toji begin to follow where you had gone.
"Fuck off, pipsqueak, or I'll kill you."
In the back, you'd started washing dishes and prepping some things for the morning staff.
The door separating the back of the house and the lobby swung open and then shut loudly behind you.
"Huh? You? What are you doing back here?"
"Hush now, darling; you wouldn't want your little friend out there to hear us now, would you?" 
"Who, Dickhead? He's not my fucking friend, not by a long shot. Doesn't mean I'd want you to kill him, though."
"You sure got a nasty mouth on you, little one. What, not afraid of me anymore?" 
The rusty blade of a sword made contact with the back of your neck.
"I mean, at this point, I was hoping that you were just a bad bout of indigestion, but that doesn't seem to be the case, now does it, gramps?" 
Toji could feel the left side of his face twitching: "Gramps?" 
You blinked once. "Yeah, gramps. You've probably been dead for ages now, so you're like somebody's rusty old great-great-grandpa."
He pressed his crotch against your ass and let you feel his raging hard-on. Even through your pants, you could feel the weight and girth of his dick.
"Would someone who's considered to be 'rusty' be able to get this hard, baby girl?"
His one hand pushed down on your lower back, making you bend over the sink.
"Much better. 'Face down, ass up' suits you, darling."
Toji continued to rub his hard dick against the seat of your pants while making sure you stayed pressed against the sink.
A few soft moans of surprise escaped from your lips as he continued rutting against you.
"T-Toji.. " Your fingernails gripped the edge of the metal sink. His pelvis pushed against your ass and you bounced it back against him…
"Good girl, so fucking sexy." He growled, moving to grab a handful of your ponytail that peeked out of the hole in your McDonald's cap.
This continued for several minutes; Toji moving his hand between gripping your hair, holding your hip, rubbing his thick fingers over your clothed cunt, and smacking your ass.
This ordeal would have to take the cake of being the weirdest night of your life, with no competition.
"Fuck, Toji…this is so weird but hot…I think I'm going to cum…" 
He chuckled darkly, "So you get off to dry-fucking creepy old men after insulting them, eh? What a pompous, dirty, little slut you are, baby."
His movements got faster, making the sink rattle against its unstable position on the wall. 
Just as you were getting close to finishing in your panties, Toji flipped you around, making your back press against the sink painfully. 
You didn't have time to start a complaint though, because now he was slotting himself in between your legs. 
You didn't know that your leg could stretch that far, but Toji stretched it until your black slip-resistant sneaker was behind your ear.
He began again with the same movements: thrusting against you with all the intent of a man getting ready to bust a fat nut.
"A-ahh, Toji…
"Hmm, feels good, sugar?"
"Y-yes, Toji…God."
He chuckled and moved to hover over you. A trickle of warm saliva dripped from his lips into your waiting mouth before he cupped your cheeks.
You gulped, letting the viscous material slide down your dry throat.
With your head slightly tilted back, a blinking red light caught your eye. Toji followed your line of sight and then smirked.
"Does that camera work?"
"I don't think so…Aki never gets shit fixed around here…ah.." A sharp thrust of his hips against your covered clit made you shiver.
From the sound of your moans, Toji could tell that you were getting close.
With that one arm wrapped securely around your waist, the strong man lifted you up high to where you almost touched the dingy, grease-splattered ceiling.
He settled you down onto the line where the food was bagged and prepared to be sent out. There was a stack of brown serving trays next to you, containers of ketchup and other condiments, and…the ice cream machine.
"Toji.. what are you planning?" You asked, bringing your cute and confused E/C gaze up to meet his lustful sapphire one. 
He hummed quietly and pressed his lips against your neck.
"Could have sworn I told you to call me sir, brat."
You rolled your eyes. He just wasn't going to let it go, was he? 
“May I ask what you’re planning to do next, sir.” You huffed like a contemptuous child, making Toji’s dick jump.
With this new positioning, you were facing the camera head-on. God, you really hoped that thing wasn’t actually on.
“Smile for the camera, sweetheart.” He whispered in your ear before biting the shell of it, letting his tongue trail down until he was tasting the metal of your silver earring.
"You're so tiny and light, I love lifting you up as if you were nothing more but a little ragdoll." Toji bit at your earlobe, making you let out a loud squeal. Denji definitely would've heard that.
His hand moved to pull your hair, yanking your head to the side so he could leave a trail of wet kisses down from your ear, across the expanse of your neck and collarbones, and down the valley of your breasts once he'd popped the buttons on your shirt open. 
With the angle he had you at, your chest was positioned right under the nozzle of the ice cream machine and your near-fucked-out self hit the button, making a gush of cold, melted cream-colored confection spill across your chest.
Toji raised an eyebrow at you and failed to bite back a laugh. You, on the other hand, weren't as amused.
"What? You'd rather have something else white and creamy splattered across your chest?"  He asked.
You flopped back on the counter and flipped him off. He began to massage the melted ice cream into your skin.
"Looks so sweet. Got any cherries to go on top?”
“Fuck you.”
A handsome, devilish grin stretched across his face. “You just did.”
"What made you appear here tonight?" 
He laughed outright.
"Didn't you listen to the story, dollface? I'm here to sling dick to all the unsuspecting bad bitches, and tonight just happened to be your lucky night."
Aki came in the next morning, well-rested and without a care in the world.
With a lit cigarette between his lips, he fumbled with his massive set of keys until he found the correct one needed to open the doors.
Denji had texted him at some point last night telling him about the storm, so his first order of business today was to check to see if the security cameras were still functioning properly.
He sat down at his desk and popped in the security tape from last night. 
The employees, customers, and vendors that had come in after him would hear a very loud and very distinct shout of 'WHAT THE FUCK?!' from the back. 
*ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵃᵗᵉᵈ!
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Episode 10, huh?
Let's talk about it.
(Gonna make some references to this previous post of mine so you may want to give that one a read before reading this one, I'll try to make this as stand alone as possible tho)
So I was wrong about the name in the letter. This was signed Eden and not Julia as I had theorised.
I still was right about the fact that the name it was signed with was misleading on purpose, and that the killer used Arei's desire to be friends to coax her into coming to the playground and therefore be killed. So I'm taking like... Half a W. I'm taking the V.
Now, how does what we know now impact my theory about Hu being the manipulator, convincing Nico to kill and then killing Arei? Honestly, not that much.
Hu is still most likely the manipulator, Arturo having the sister secret helped us whittle down the 'unknown secret' list to 4 people (not counting Teruko because everyone and their mother knows that David lied and the secret he got is hers) and Hu doesn't really have any other secret that fits her. Her secret quote talks both about how she feels regret for what she has done but still wants to live, which doesn't really fit what we know about either the murderer or the hopeless child, and the other secret... Well, it's pretty clear that one is Veronika's.
The only secret that even makes sense for Hu is the manipulator one, so that bit remains unchanged.
Hu also definitely played a part in Ace's attempted murder, the weapon used was hers and she has been protecting Nico to an absurd degree- I know that Ace is an ass, but he is in more than the right to be distrusting of the person that tried to kill him, and it is also fair of him to find them suspicious because they don't have a set alibi, Hu is getting unreasonably angry at him. He could use a less shitty tone, sure, but I don't think he even really owes it to the person that almost killed him- Nico and Ace's situation is not black and white in the slightest, but Ace is not the bad guy here anymore.
(Nico is also really not helping themselves, honestly, who gets asked "what were you doing at the time of the murder?" and answers "just... Wandering around..." Nico please I know you are socially inept but you have to realise how suspicious that makes you sound-)
Back to the main point of this post, do I still think that Hu is the killer? Yeah, I do. We know that someone could have easily overheard what happened in the infirmary, it isn't as though anyone was being all that quiet in there, and the note makes the killer of this case look more manipulative by the second- and I already stated who I think the manipulator is.
And sure, Hu 'has an alibi', since she allegedly spent the entire timeframe of the murder with Eden, but alibis are notoriously the easiest piece of evidence to fake. We also don't have all that much knowledge about the murder itself, like why the fish was there in the first place. It's still too early to say that knowing the alibis for the time window between 7:30 and 10 PM is gonna be actually indicative of who had the means to commit Arei's murder.
So, for now, my opinion remains unchanged. Hu is still most likely our killer- the only real other potential suspect is Levi, but him being the most likely not first-time murderer in the group makes him, funnily enough, the least likely to have murdered Arei at the same time. I'm still waiting for him to become more relevant in the trial, because it's so weird that no one is asking him anything about Arei- like, did he tell her he had her secret? I'm hoping next episode we get some more answers.
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ehlers-danloscircus · 9 months
Ok, since I started on a new medication and I'm feeling a little bit better…I thought I should finally update on what happened with the Wellbutrin.
Let me start off by again mentioning that I have recently had pharmacogenetic testing done which shows I have multiple issues metabolizing medications. I don't yet have the full official doctor explanation but it would seem that my body may have been metabolizing the Wellbutrin slow than intended so, it may have been kind of storing up in my body.
So as you can see from my original post about my initial dosage of Wellbutrin things were going pretty well (I will add a link to this post to that entry though) and I was seeing some good changes to my life after a month on that lower dose. At my next appointment my doctor and I decided to up the dosage.
So at this time in my life I was basically living in a long term stay hotel because of my health and a paint can that had been left open for almost a month in my home back in December. I had been at this hotel for at least a month, month & a half so, I was pretty familiar with all the sounds and comings and goings etc. About three to four days after upping the dosage I became sort of hyperaware of some noises in my room from a neighboring room. At some point that night it briefly occurred to me I might be hallucinating these sounds because as I said, I was very familiar with how sounds in the hotel typically carried and this suddenly didn't make sense to me. I ended up not sleeping that well.
The next day I realized that I may also be experiencing some sort of physical hallucination which basically felt like an on going small earthquake or like everywhere I went there were large engines/motor causing the building to shake. I was leaving the hotel that day to move into a rental place near by my home as things at home were slowly improving and seemed like I would be able to return soon. This seemed like a good opportunity to see if I was really experiencing these things or if I was hallucinating. Initially at the rental things seemed better and I was relieved!
Later that evening, however, it all came back and worse than ever. I became really paranoid that I had been followed. So I again didn't really sleep. I left early in the morning to go home to my mom. The sounds followed me home to varying degrees so it was even more confusing. I did call my doctor who set up some calls to varying departments to try and figure out next steps besides me going cold turkey off the Wellbutrin. At one point I for some reason was convinced again that I wasn't hallucinating and so some of those calls got cancelled. This was really bad because that night things got way worse.
I started to have visual hallucinations as soon as it got dark out and my paranoia skyrocketed. That continued into the next day and night even though I had been off the Wellbutrin since the morning I came home. It was a very strange and obviously terrifying and traumatic experience. It reminded me of when I was younger and had a really bad night terror, you at some points know your dreaming but then your brain falls partially back asleep. With this there would be moments where I knew I was hallucinating and none of this was really but then all of a sudden there'd be something that seemed so real my brain fell back into the hallucination and no one could convince me otherwise.
On the second night of the visual hallucinations I ended up voluntarily going to the psychiatric ER since I was too afraid to sleep at all. From there I had to do a one week stay at an inpatient hospital and was placed on some heavy duty anti-psychotic medication. On the third or so day of anti-psychotic meds the auditory and physical hallucinations stopped (I did not have the visual hallucinations anywhere except in my home.) This medication was no joke and I experienced a lot of extremely unpleasant side effects from it but I was willing to go through it rather than risk what everyone was warning me about which was that if we did nothing there was a chance that the hallucinations could become "permanent." Basically, it was suggested by the doctors that (kind of like trauma I suppose) your brain can sometimes hard wire those paths that it's making.
After the week there I came home, began recovery and started to slowly wean off the anti-psychotic (which was a whole other terrifying journey mostly just not being sure if everything would come back or not) which took about a month. The anti-psychotic it turned out was really ramping up my anxiety so once I was about to get down to a safe dose to go completely off it, that went away instantly!
So here I am about 6 months from the start of that increased dosage and about 4 months from weaning off the anti-psychotic. I've started a new medication at the lowest dosage, given guidance by the genetic testing, and that has definitely stirred up a of PTSD from the whole experience with the Wellbutrin but I'm working through it and trying to remain positive now that we know more about what might have happened. My psychiatrists feel very confident that there is no lasting/lingering issues to worry about and that it's very unlikely I have any underlying mental health issue (I'm a closed adoption adoptee so no family history to go on) that I need to worry about that would have caused this, given things stopped very quickly with the anti-psychotic and there has been no sign of return since stopping.
Apparently this is just an issue that sometimes happens with Wellbutrin and maybe more so as dosage increases. It may have been I would have been fine at that lower dose. This is also often an issue with stimulant adhd meds so for that reason I cannot take those (aside from also having heart issues which initially took those off the table.) I have since heard a lot of stories from other people taking these medications that have had similar experiences.
I'm sharing all this to say…it may not happen to you, it doesn't happen to everyone but it does happen…it's probably not a sign that you have schizophrenia or anything like that but you DO NEED TO TELL YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY! The sooner the better, even if you aren't having scary hallucinations like I did. Let them help you sort it out. Yes, anti-psychotics are scary and not pleasant I get that but it's really not worth risking the hallucinations getting worse or permanent. I know it can be hard to find doctors and psychiatrists to trust, BELIEVE ME I KNOW!! I knew that before but yeah, this was a whole new eye opening experience of how vulnerable one is in mental health settings…it can really be nightmarishly terrifying to feel so vulnerable. There are so many people out here (sadly) though that are willing to share there experiences and how to get through it, how to advocate for yourself, and resources of people and places to get help. It's something to be aware of, it's something to take quick action on before it spirals…
My last take away from this, which is something my therapist brought up and I'm very appreciative of, is when going on medication give a lot of thought to what you are looking for from it and keep in mind that "perfect" doesn't need to exist. Sometimes good enough is good enough. That low dosage for me was good enough after a month and who knows maybe it would have still continued to improve my life after several months on it with no issues. I think going slowly with it would have been fine (adhd wise). I admit I think I was desperately chasing some perfect idea I had in my head about how things were going to be in my life so I agreed to rush ahead. This time I feel like I have a better idea of what I want out of medication and what I'm measuring my experience/improvement/life by. I'm more ok with saying "Ok, this is pretty good or okish…it's not "perfect", it could maybe be a little better but I'm ok with staying here and seeing how it continues at this dose. If things seem worse then maybe talk about what to do from there." I think there's a medical mantra of "slow and low" (start low dose and increase slow), it's a good one.
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forgottenwyrm · 2 months
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[ FORGOTTENWYRM ] ⸻ an independent role play blog for an original character set in the Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition setting of Forgotten Realms, featuring a companion au for Baldur's Gate 3. Includes homebrewed ideas about dragons, faerun, and more. (not dm approved).
[ ABOUT POST ] ⸻ Caledonia, an amnesiac white dragon appearing as a friendly tiefling draconic sorcerer trying to make sense of the world. [ABOUT THE TIEFLING ] ⸻ about the tiefling from Caledonia's backstory [ LORE / HC TAG ] ⸻ all headcanons to date [ BG3 VERSE ] ⸻ all posts detailing cal's bg3 verse [ BG3 RECRUITMENT ] ⸻ Caledonia's bg3 companion verse, not a tav nor durge nor party leader
A STUDY IN ⸻ memories lost from trauma, imposter syndrome, potent magic, unadulterated joy, escape from cults, freedom in flying, an icy tempest, feeding anger, learning to cope with emotions, forgotten shapes, art of volatility
Wyrm hatched & blog dm'ed by Izzy. they/them. 25. established 3/3/24. SIDEBLOGS ⸻ @dragonsfell (dnd & bg3 multimuse) & @ofmythandmagic (fantasy & myth multimuse) [ MEMES & PROMPTS ] ⸻ ask box is open and empty
RULES are under the read more, along w/ info on affiliates, mains, & exclusives.
Affiliates, Mains, and Exclusives
example blog + character name [ main ]
example blog + character name [ exclusive ] [ affiliate ]
Rules and Guidelines
⸻ This blog does act both as a roleplay blog for Caledonia and as hub blog for my sideblogs that I operate, following this blog is preferred
⸻ I would prefer to only be followed by and following blogs by people who are over the age of 21+
⸻ I am not mutuals only on my blogs, but priority tends toward mutuals and plot partners
⸻ Any and all followers may like posts and send asks, but please do not reblog posts not intended for you
⸻ I do cut my posts using x-kit and x-kit mobile. I do some formatting with small text and using colors for identifying spoken words/quotation marks. I can accommodate the way you need to me format if it makes reading easier, but this will only be for our threads; not every post.
⸻ I do read people's rules and try my hardest to remember and respect boundaries laid out, but mistakes may happen and if there is some issue to arise, I would prefer a message privately. I don't do rule passwords, I operate on I trust you to have read rules and you trust that in following you I have checked your rules.
⸻ Additionally, Do not expect me to get involved in discourse, of any kind, whether it’s fandom or otherwise. Please assume I have seen the discourse, done what was appropriately necessary, and moved on. No call outs reblogged here.
⸻ This blog is mine first and it’s safe space for me first, and while I hope by my own intention and proxy it is for you as well, but don’t expect this blog to be reactive or for me to add my two cents to everything going on.
⸻ I do almost no smut writing. Nsfw topics / discussion is alright. Ship partners if you wanna write our ship smut drabbles though, go for it; it just won't turned into a thread but I will save it for our ship tag. I am somewhat comfortable with nsfw headcanon discussion. Generally don't expect to see smut/nsfw here.
⸻ I do dabble in exploring heavy and darker content. I try to always tag content warnings, accordingly with trigger warning + #content/trigger cw or put heavy material under a read more. Given a few of the characters have pasts associated with this kind of content, these may be explored. Abuse, physical assault and murder, suicidal idealation will be tagged if mentioned. No Sexual Assault will be mentioned (if a canon character has that in their past, it is acknowledged as is their coping/trauma recovery but no detail of SA will be given). If anything is missed, you may tell me and I’ll go back and retag. 
⸻ The muse does not reflect the views of the mun. Plenty of the media we consume and get attached to will display characters of varying views and behaviors etc etc. To some degree we can and should detach from that, and I do, I am detached from my muses and do not share their views. I am someone who does NOT condone racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, colorism, antisemitism, pedophilia, ableism, fatphobia, body-shaming, slut-shaming, and such at all. 
⸻ I do not interact with real people muses, content creator muses, youtuber muses, minecraft youtuber muses, or any muses within the same vein. I will not write them as those are real people/the parasocial relationship people have with content creators can be a problem and that makes me uncomfortable. Tabletop game characters are acceptable and different as I feel there is enough separation between the character and player that it doesn’t make me too uncomfortable. (so like crit role/dim 20 characters as exceptions/allowed)
⸻ I will be using hard block and soft block liberally as I see fit.
Fun Rules
⸻ Asks are always welcome, any time and any blog, tag linked on this post.
⸻ You are welcome to approach me about shipping, and we could discuss. I prefer if we've already been writing together or talking out of character first, and always ship based on chemistry. As well as I tend to only ship with one iteration of character, exceptions for close friends may be made; but every ship always ends up so special to me
⸻ Every ship and thread (unless we have multi threads together) is always of its own universe, unless otherwise established differently
⸻ I am open to having mains, affiliates, and exclusives; but only after we've been writing or chatting. Established mun chemistry.
⸻ You may ask for my discord. With adhd, i can tend to be a little sporiac on messages, but am usually down to chat ooc plenty.
⸻ Fun stuff to expect from me ⸻ fluff, angst, slice of life, content heavy, dialogue heavy, paragraphs, crossovers, alternate universes, multi-verse, multi-ship, anon asks on, ask box starters, mutuals getting tagged in fun things
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unohanadaydreams · 1 year
I'm sick as shit and in the middle of a move. I would let Mayuri give me weird medicine at this point regardless of chances. I want Grimmjow to be real and spooning me while he grumbles into my ear about me being a dumb weak human.😭
This is so old so I hope you recovered well, but literally Mayuri would give you SUCH weird medicine. Also, would be applied in weird ways.
For instance, if you're sick with a virus, I think Mayuri would put you on a metal bed and like sonogram (of course a wildly high tech one that can show cell movement) w/commentary of his super-heated anti-viral cells beating the virus at it's job and hijacking every cell with viral genetic material until you are unpleasantly warm and able to feel your blood rushing and heart pumping too fast.
He even helpfully explains that unchecked, this anti-viral could elevate your temperature to unnatural degrees and melt you from the inside! But because he's so generous, he's programmed them to cease multiplication after a certain point. If you'd gone to the 4th like originally planned, they would have put you on bed rest and suggested plenty of liquids. Don't you feel silly for even considering it?
Of course the entire session has also been used as a learning opportunity for Nemuri and your heart almost stops when she wonders out loud what someone melting from the inside would look like. There's an horrible moment where you and Mayuri meet eyes and you think you'll be made an example.
But it passes and Mayuri pulls up an old video, because of course he's already made an example of someone ELSE. Don't be so silly as to think this is his first time using this anti-viral! And stop lying on the bed like you're still sick--the virus has already been removed, after all.
You don't usually stick around when you see Akon on a smoking break outside, but this time when you leave R&D, you do ask for a cigarette (that can hardly be called a real cigarette thanks to its inherent lack of nicotine, or in fact any addictive qualities beyond the ritual).
And as far as Grimmjow!! I think he would super insistent on the bed rest. With zero contact from anyone (besides him, of course). In Hueco Mundo sickness is something to be hidden at all costs, lest you be seen as vulnerable.
I can see him tucking you both away in the bathroom of your little apartment, one of the corners piled with non-perishables and a little mug warmer in a plastic baggie, so it doesn't get wet.
Much to your annoyance, he's really insistent on leaving the apartment dark and not leaving this one room. It's blessed lack of windows and sturdy nature seems to mean a lot to him. With you sick, the precaution is needed. He's an Arrancar, after all. He knows how simple it is to kill of the weak. And your fever is so high that you're shivering in his arms and mumbling incoherently. The tub is large enough for the both of you but not so huge that you can leave his arms. So, it's perfect.
You've probably never seen him this paranoid. And his usual brusque annoyance feels very superficial because of all the care he's putting into protecting you.
He calls you a dumb, weak human and insists if something happened to you, he'd have to answer to Urahara again and he'd rather fuck off back to Hueco Mundo then work there once more. Sure it wasn't too bad. Just annoying. He hates annoying things. Congratulations on being less annoying than Kisuke Urahara (not like it's hard).
But he keeps hold of you the whole time. And spoon feeds you soup. And tea. And reluctantly stands outside of the bathroom when you need to use the toilet, but only because you started to cry, your frustration hitting hard when you're brain's fried from trying to fight off fever & virus alike. It was really pathetic and he doesn't need to put up with that crap. But he still comes back the moment you knock on the door to let him know you're done. (Of course he has no qualms going to the bathroom in front of you, which may or may not bug you. Either way, he cares absolutely 0%. He's not leaving unless he has to.)
There is so much forehead rubbing and back scratches and he even washes you with such care that you cry when you thank him and he has to busy himself with opening a can of soup to keep from looking like a love-sick dope.
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muzdiir · 4 months
i transferred 4 times when i was working on my bachelor's (bc of crippling anxiety). it took me a total of 7 years to finally get the fucker. things i would recommend to others in the college realm:
FILL OUT YOUR FAFSA. even if u think u won't qualify for any financial aid, do it anyway! i forget what age u can do it as an independent but it helps A TON. (i'm sure fafsa may be well-known to most college-age ppl but it sure wasn't to me. if i knew fafsa was a thing, i woulda gone to college right outta high school but i didnt & i thought i could never afford it)
if u qualify for federal loans, ALWAYS choose them over private. theyve got better interest rates & terms. ur loans will come outta their grace period 6 months after u graduate; if u don't have a job/enough income to pay the monthly balance, LET YOUR LOAN SERVICER KNOW. you can put them into deferment and/or forbearance (i dont remember the exact difference rn) until you're able to afford it. even then, federal loans can (usually) be adjusted for your salary.
start off with community college, esp if you have anxiety/financial concerns. the tuition is usually dirt cheap (for US college), the admissions process is infinitely easier, you can get all your basic degree requirements done, it is completely fine & normal to only do it part time, (most) instructors are super chill, & (probably my favorite aspect) it is full of non-traditional students (ie older folks ranging from "just past ''''normal''''' college age" to "retiree just here for a good time). nontrad students are the best bc 1) they have so much real world experience that they bring to the classroom 2) they easily keep class discussions going 3) they are frequently very helpful/encouraging towards younger students 4) they genuinely give a fuck about their education & don't waste anyone's time
make sure to have fun with your electives. pick what you like but also try new things. you never know what will suddenly spark your interest & perhaps become your major.
keep your mind open irt majors. it's okay to change your mind!!! just keep pluggin' along & sticking to classes you enjoy. if it sucks, drop them! talk to department advisors about changing ur major. (i would recommend you do this BEFORE you graduate--fafsa/federal finaid only really works for ur 1st bachelor's but you can milk it if you're careful & paying attention to tuition/fees/room&board)
make sure you're aware of what help the school offers irt mental/physical/financial well-being. if ur struggling w certain academics-related stuff, u can usually find help to make it easier on yourself. (the uni in the UK i went to had this whole thing where u could get specific accommodations if u had physical/mental limitations which was Neat)
im sure i have more but i'm tired & its almost 4am as i type this lmao
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
hey I don’t want to pick on you or anything I just have a couple of things for you to consider re: your post about never criticizing fic/fan works in public and your responses to that anon. I completely agree with you wrt stuff like prose or characterization. But in terms of something like racism, I will say that as a Black person, I find fandom in general incredibly resistant to seeing any fandom behaviors or tropes as being driven by racism. Privately approaching someone who you may not have a relationship with and who is almost certain to be some degree of defensive or hostile is a big ask. I just think of all those posts I see about how hard it is for people to even comment positively on a fic they loved. We all know it’s hard to approach someone to talk about their work, even if it’s positive! and it seems like an unfair burden on poc for us to always be expected to overcome that reticence so that people aren’t offended/embarrassed by the public critique of any racist content in their fan work. I think that critiquing these racist tropes and behaviors (even using specific works as an example) can actually be an act of community because we’re discussing how to treat each other better and how to acknowledge that fans of color are also reading and viewing and our experiences matter also. Like the point of calling out racism isn’t to shun and disgrace everyone who has done something racist (which is everyone in the world) it’s to help people stop being racist and to show racism is not tolerated or acceptable. Just another perspective for you to consider! I know you’re not like the arbiter of fandom and you’re not responsible for what other people do. Thanks for reading!
i do not feel picked on don't worry!! i really appreciate this message i actually feel like this helped address some of my questions re: differences in posting publicly vs taking it to the fic writer privately when it comes to like. how draining/how much of a burden either of those things can be.
i definitely get what ur saying here that going directly to the fic writer just. is not always going to be the best option for an individual trying to figure out how to address racism in fandom. and while i personally tend to err on the side of addressing issues privately, i agree w u that discussing them publicly can be just as much an act of community + education. i think where my wariness comes from is that i have seen a lot of call-outs that are more witch-hunts where it is sort of burn-them-at-the-stake vibes, and that's more what i was responding to when i made my original post.
but i think the flipside when i talk about things like being in community, assuming the best in each other rather than the worst, etc is that it all needs to be going both ways. so like - when addressing issues, starting from a place where we assume it's misinformation and not intent, but then on the flipside for writers who are having something in their work pointed out as problematic, i think it's important to assume that the people pointing that out to u are (as u say) also coming from a place of community + trying to help educate, not just putting u on trial to humiliate u. like, none of this works if it's not a two-way street. and so i get how seeing writers frequently become defensive or hostile when having their racism called out is gonna mean u develop different tactics for addressing racism--like, that makes a lot of sense.
anyway, thanks for taking the time to send me this message! i feel like it helped me understand a bit more of what that anon might have been getting at; definitely gave me some things to reevaluate when talking broadly abt how we address issues in fic. while i do think that, generally speaking, it's best to go to the writer first, there are definitely situations where that isn't going to be the case + i don't want to act as if there is always one correct set of steps to follow in addressing issues!
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cherrywoodmaeg · 1 year
Shortcut, Pt. 4
I'm on a new med dosage and like, writer's block w h o
(is this what life is like for neurotypical ppl??)
A conversation, Part 2
After taking his last bite, the human spread his coat over the fire.
“Careful!” Niphka urged, but as she was astonished to see, the man remained unharmed.
“It’s safe, see?” He looked at her. “The fire can’t breathe through the fabric.”
Niphka wasn’t so sure, but Jon gave her a smile. He even took a step towards her, leaning on his stick for support. Then, he looked around.
“Can you tell me where we are?”
“You don’t know?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Then why- ?”
Niphka knew exactly where they were, but how should she make a being with such limited senses understand that she could always feel the ocean around her, feel the pull of the earth and the magnetic forces around them?
“I know where we are, but I can’t explain it.”
“Oh.” He sat back down, looking at the ground.
She could never quite get a grasp of this one, never quite read him. And why was that stupid feeling coming back? The more she looked at him, the worse it got!
“Are you sad?” she flat out asked. It was almost like she felt his emotions! That was new.
He laughed, but it sounded bitter.
“I didn’t even last a week on that stupid ship. I always wanted to go to the capital to get a science degree and become an explorer, but we didn’t have the money. So I became a carpenter, because I thought I could find work in ship maintenance. When that didn’t work, I became a rigger on the HMS Triumph. The salary was bad, the sailors were worse, but it didn’t matter! I was finally out, finally on the sea. And now it’s over.” His eyes darted away. “Aaaand I don’t know why I’m telling you this. Please don’t let me bother you after all you’ve done for me, Niphka of the Balaen.”
As he finished his monologue, Niphka passingly noticed that her bad feeling was gone. This wasn’t about her, and something about him made her forget who she was – a monster, to him.
Maybe, just for this one human, she could be… a friend?
Without thinking, she extended her left arm to stroke his shoulder.
“No, Jon,” she spoke softly, “It’s not over. You’re alive. And you’re not alone.”
He tensed at her touch, but as his wide eyes met hers, he hesitantly relaxed. He patted her thumb in an awkward attempt to emulate a hug. He looked like he was about to say something, but then he just leaned himself into her fingers and squeezed her thumb using both his arms. Maybe, everything would be okay.
Or not.
“I have lost everything,” Jon insisted hoarsely. “The HMS Triumph is part of a conspiracy to attack Millersby. Have you heard of Millersby? It’s up North, a port town with little defence. I grew up there. Everything I own, except from what I have on me, is still there. They will pillage my home and I have no way to stop them. When I found out, I-”
It clicked into place.
“You found out and they…”
“…threw me overboard. Yes.”
Niphka clenched her jaw. An idea began to form in her head. A bad idea, no doubt. But one that would allow her to stick around this human for a while and find out how to deal with these weird new blots of emotion.
“What if… I knew a way to save your home?”
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Jon explained again.
“The HMS Triumph left Surivier seven days ago, sailing West. They are probably moving up North by now. If they make it in time, they will catch the May winds and sail East for less than a week before arriving in Millersby. At best, they’ll be there in 9 days, but they might make it in 7. Either way, we have no means to warn anyone.”
He had a headache, his ankle was in no shape to support his weight, and the desperation made him inpatient. But he could see that the gi- that Niphka wanted to help, and so far, she’d done more for him than basically anyone he’d met in the last 10 years.
“So they have to sail around the continent to get there?” she asked, lost in thought.
“Yah?” Her tone raised his interest.
“Then, theoretically, they’re taking the long route up. If you travel on land, the way is a lot shorter.”
Disappointed, he shook his head.
“Technically, yes. But they’re on ship, moving day and night. Even the fastest horse needs rest sometimes. And I’m not even that fast. Nor a horse.”
Jon got a bit more comfortable. “Look, I am very grateful for everything you’ve done for me, but this is a dead end. I just need to get back to civilization. Once my leg is healed, I can try to find work as a carpenter.” He sighed. “Do you think you could help get me off this island? If I had some more wood and the right tools, I might be able to build a boat, or-”
“I can take you to the mainland.”
Something in her voice sounded off, but he was too exhausted to ask. He felt his body yearn for sleep, even though the sun was still up.
“Maybe I should get some rest,” he muttered, not sure if she could hear him. Either way, as he rested his head onto his arms, she announced that she would leave him for a while. Part of Jon meant to ask where she was going, but as her large, muscular body dove into the water, he was drawn back into reality. Yes, he felt blessed that she had saved him. But as he saw her shimmering scales disappear into the darkness, he was harshly reminded that Niphka was far closer to being a God than to being human.
The fact that this realization felt like a form of loss to him was the last thought on his mind before Jon’s consciousness finally shut down for the day.
Part 3 < Part 4 > Part 5
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