#also i just really wanted to use this gif it makes me cackle every time
lasshoe · 7 months
just saw saltburn and uh emerald fennell it's for your own good
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murfpersonalblog · 10 days
IWTV Ep3 Musings - Claudia & Louis (Spoilers)
I'm still teary & choked up while typing this. SUPER emotional episode. It's incredible how much they packed into one ep, too! But the second half of the ep was BY FAR the most emotionally impactful IMO. Jacob's acting is just WAY too good; he had me choking up something fierce.
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Louis taking pictures of his food for no effing reason like all the social media girlies do; I love it.
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Louis STILL tryna be Claudia's knight in vengeful black. U_U But just like before when he tried to save her from Lestat, he can't save her from Bruce or the Theatre or even his own eff-ups. DANG. 😔
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YES YOU DO. If you wanna keep pestering her about trauma she doesn't want to think/speak about, then be prepared for the consequences.
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AMC, you GOTTA kill Bruce on-screen for us, either in QotD during all the Burnings, or during the PL trilogy (Killer's death was GNARLY).
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LOOK AT MY DAUGHTER ALMOST CRYING RIGHT THERE. God's strongest soldier, she's suffered more than Christ, JUSTICE FOR CLAUDIA. All rapists deserve the death penalty, IDGAF.
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Understatement of the century.
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I CACKLED at that literal DEMON TIMING. Armand was already AT the door while y'all were concocting your lies! Then he just strolls on in, uninvited! 😭
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BULLSH!TE. Not that it matters, since vamps have SUPER-HEARING and can READ MINDS, you morons! Pack your bags and go back to America RIGHT NOW. 💀💀💀
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Louis, beloved, bless your heart, but if you don't take your garbage attempts at lying back to NOLA and stop playing with this ANCIENT immortal dressed in all white like the effing BOSS PIMP you USED to be.....
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Alpha DADDY Maitre Armand Sir, I take back every bottom Uke Omega joke I ever said about you~! 😍
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Yeah, about all that.... 😬
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Aaaaannnnnd THIS is where you effed up, Claudia.
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And Armand heard the WHOLE THING. 😭
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Look at her FACE. 😭😭😭😭
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They KNEW she hated being treated as a child, and they KNEW her time was numbered cuz she lied about breaking their Great Laws, so they DELIBERATELY made the "Baby LouLou" role to humiliate her, and EXPLOITED her image to bring in extra revenue (how many BLACK actresses did they ever have in their coven/stage? ZERO); all while KNOWING they were gonna kill her and Louis ASAP.
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I hate this Theatre coven with ever fibre of my being, Maitre.
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Excellent point, Louis. Cuz I noticed in Ep2 that their apartment is kind of crappy--I assumed it was cheap & low class cuz of the tenants all being college students & sex workers, and I noticed a bunch of chipped paint everywhere; on the doors & walls.
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They're slumming it in a studio, sleeping in the living room, as neither has their own room & she has to use a Murphy Bed. Major step below 1132; the exact opposite of how book!Claudia & Lou lived in Parisian opulence--highlighting my point that AMC!Claudia got NOTHING out out being a vampire.
But it's also pointing out how Louis covers all the cracks--in his MIND, in the lies he tells himself, just to live with the glaring problems he desperately wants to cover up & deny.
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I'm finna yeet myself out the nearest window.
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This is SO bizarre, cuz in this version Lou KNOWS Lestat's not really dead! In the book Lou set him on FIRE. So ofc he'd think Les was really dead. But here it makes no sense why he's carrying all this guilt!
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Armand knew Lou & Claudia LIED, sure--but he SHOULD know Lestat's still ALIVE--he's probably chained up in the Theatre basement in one of those friggin "wet room burial vaults!"
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The guilt is out of control. Louis, if Les couldn't tell you loved him after ALL OF THAT, then he's a effing fool who neither understands nor deserves you. Now go chop his d**k off!
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Is that what you tell yourself when DreamStat's in bed with you every night? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I haven't seen mental trauma treated so well in Horror media since Senua's Sacrifice; this is incredible. 👏
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Lou, give yourself a bit more credit--you're doing the best you can! :( Even if your best is an entire travesty. U_U
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Just when I thought she was having a breakthrough, she doubles down on thinking Lestat lied to them about Europe being terrible. 🤦
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(The way Lou clutches his pearls like he's having a heart attack--STOP it, ma'am~! 👌) And YES, you should've told her that you folded and spilled the beans to Armand and that she was walking into a trap, WTF!?! 😡
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Jacob, your GirlDad is showing; PLEASE have mercy on us! 😭
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
Hi 🤍 I have a request if you don't mind... So, remember that scene in season 2 where Billy enters the room and and sees Max getting ready for the Snowball ?
I believe that Neil punished Billy for not bringing Max home that night. I think in addition to hitting him, he probably also forbade him to go to that ball. I mean, everyone is preparing for the ball but him: he's not ready at all and doesn't seem to be about to go out.
And that's where my idea came from. Could you write a fic where Reader, who is best friends with Billy, decides to secretly visit him that night (through the window) and keep him company instead of going to the Snowball because she really likes him and doesn't want him to be alone ? In the end they have an amazing time together (laughing, listening to music and maybe slow-dancing too) and Billy is all flustered because he didn't expect anyone to think of him that way. 🥺🤍🤍🤍
May I Have This Dance?
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : ^^^^^
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Warnings : Swearing, Billy calls the reader babe, Neil Hargrove shows up at the end for a brief moment.
Word Count : 907
A/N : Requests are open. Thank you @moonlightfountain for the request, I hope I did your beautiful idea justice!!
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The Snowball, something that every teen looked forward to but not that everyone could afford. You knew that Max was going to go along with Billy who had two different girls to take.
"Why do you even need two dates?" Billy chuckled, "One for each arm, babe."
You knew there was an incident but that was all you knew. You drove past the school, everything lit up, girls in their dresses and boys in their slacks and nice shirts as you drove to Cherry Lane. Billy's Camaro was on the road, Neil's truck was nowhere to be seen. You drove to your friend's house a few houses down before walking to Billy's house.
Once you made it you tested his window, seeing that it was unlocked before carefully sliding it open and climbing through. Billy laid on his bed, cigarette between his slightly chapped lips, Motley Crue Shout At The Devil vinyl playing in the corner of his room. "B," he looked over at you, his eye beginning to bruise a little. "What're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the stupid dance?" You shook your head, shutting his window.
"Vickie said you cancelled so I came over here to check on you." He nodded, blowing out the mouthful of smoke, "Well, I'm alive, you can leave now." You rolled your eyes and made your way to his bed, the bed was small but you made it work. He looked at you, "Why are you still here? You have a date." You waved him off, "He'll understand, you're me important to me than some stupid dance plus we still have prom to go to so I'm not missing anything important."
He nodded and put out the cigarette before he turned to you, "Was Vickie mad?" You laughed, "I think she was more mad at the fact that you had two dates." He laughed with you, his nose scrunching a little. Vince Neil sang in the background as you both talked. "Okay but what fruit do you think you'd be?" Billy raised a brow, "A fruit?" You nodded and he hummed, pretending to think. "Pineapple, I use it to make my cum taste good." Your jaw dropped, you couldn't help it and Billy cackled, trying not to fall off of his bed.
"Are you serious?" He laughed and shook his head, "No, just pulling your leg but your reaction was priceless." You shook your head, flicking him off. "Can I change the record?" Billy nodded and you sifted through his contained of them, making comments here and there, "Donna Summer?" Billy laughed, "Hey, don't judge. I don't judge you for your weird obsession with rockstars." You rolled your eyes and grabbed the She Works Hard For the Money record and you turned up the volume a little and you laid back down, the record sleeve in your hand so you could see the tracklist.
Every song had passed before I Do Believe (I Feel In Love) and you stood up. "May I have this dance," you asked, putting your hand out and Billy raised a brow, "You serious?" You nodded, "As serious as you are about that car out there." He laughed and stood up, taking your hand in his and he turned up the volume once more. He kicked his bed a little to make room to dance considering he had the smallest room in the house.
You and me, we're together.
He pulled you to his body quickly, taking you by surprise. "I don't know how to dance." You laughed, "Me neither." You both laughed and swayed to the music.
I do believe I fell in love.
He quickly spun you before catching your hip in his hand and one of your hands moved to his shoulder as you held the other as you guys danced around the room.
Oh let me love you. Oh let me kiss you. Baby, I'm fallin', your love is a callin'.
"You trust me?" "Sometimes." He laughed and spun you again before dipping you slowly, his curls falling to frame both of your faces. Your breath hitched, your eyes searching his blue ones, his pupils dilating and he leaned in a little before the front door slammed shut and you both quickly pulled away a little, you trying to catch your footing and he quietly apologized and turned his music down.
"Billy," Neil yelled out and Billy looked at you, his eyes sad. "Go home, I can deal with him." You nodded and squeezed his hand, making sure you had your jacket before climbing out of his window and you jogged to your car. You took backroads back to your house, thinking about what had just happened.
Was Billy going to kiss you? Would you have let him kiss you? Is Billy attracted to you? Is that why his pupils dilated?
You asked yourself questions until you got back home and continued to ask them as you made your way to your bedroom. You got yourself ready for bed and as you laid down you came to your conclusion.
You're in love with your best friend.
You sighed and looked at your bedside table to see a picture of Billy as Lover's Lake as he looked at the stars, the cherry of the cigarette lit up as he took a pull from it. You smiled, admiring the picture before you fell asleep, wondering how Billy felt about you.
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house-of-slayterr · 8 months
I’m honour of just finishing Shadow and Bone… (the show not the books I read those a while ago) here are some incorrect Quotes!
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Y/N , to Jesper : I mean, I get complimented all the time-
Kaz: *starts cackling*
Y/N : I do!
Kaz: *laughs harder*
Kaz: You can track Y/N ?
Jesper : Of course I can. If the NSA can do it, so can I.
Y/N : *sneaking in through their window*
Kaz: *turning in their chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Y/N : I was with Jesper ?
Jesper : *turning in their chair* Wanna try again?
Wylan: Are you sure Y/N’s going to be able to handle that IKEA furniture? They’re not very good with technical stuff…
Jesper : Why are you worried? IKEA was never complicated; these days, it’s even easier! Everything’s color coded, numbered, and there’s even an assembly robot option to make it even easier for Y/N, which we’ve obviously opted in for. All they need to do is press the clearly labeled ON button, scan the QR code on the front of the box, and it’ll take care of the rest. Even a monkey could do it!
*Jesper ’s phone rings*
Y/N: Hey, so I’m at Lowes…
Wylan: …
Wylan: I should have gone with the monkey.
Y/N: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Jesper : Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Wylan walks in*
Jesper : Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
(Fucking cannon omg)
Y/N: Wylan , we need that!
Wylan , holding Nina over a trash can: Nope.
Y/N: Gimme it—
Wylan : It’s garbage.
Wylan : Murder literally doesn’t hurt anyone!
Nina: What are you talking about? Of course—
Y/N, holding out a hand to shut Nina up: No, no, they have a point—
Y/N: Jesper , I have a great idea.
Jesper : Let’s hear it.
Y/N: We trick Inej and Kaz to go out on a date together.
Jesper : YES!
Jesper : And hey, if that doesn’t work out, maybe you and me could go out, get some drinks—
Y/N, hitting them with a book: THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU.
Jesper : Why do you look like that?
Kaz , laying face-first on the floor: Like what?
Jesper : Like you’re dead.
Kaz : It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish.
Y/N: Kaz accidentally called Inej “babe” in front of everyone today.
Kaz : *sobs into the floor*
(Also cannon)
Kaz : How is the most beautiful person in the world?
Inej: *blushing* I—
Jesper , butting into the conversation: Y/N is perfect, thanks for asking.
Inej: Wow, they really hate us.
Y/N: Yes, perhaps they’re homophobic.
Inej: But we’re not gay, Y/N.
Y/N: 👀
Inej: 👀
Y/N: We’re not?
Inej: Why are you doing this?
Y/N: Same reason I do everything, Inej. To get somebody to like me.
Y/N: *venting endlessly to Kaz about their week*
Kaz, every once in a while: *in a monotone* Wow, that is so wild.
Y/N: You got a date yet Kaz?
Kaz: No...
Y/N: Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
Y/N: When I first got my autism diagnosis, my first thought was “woah… it’s canon” and I think that maybe thoughts like that is why Wylan made me get tested.
(Me omfg)
Y/N: I'm trying to juggle family life and work life but I can't seem to find a balance. What do you suggest I do to keep everyone happy?
Wylan, deadpan: Quit your job, kill your family.
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 months
So! Spaizee Nuzi stuff! What's friggin' new!
Though it's just stuff i made purely because i thought it'd funny if N got all flustered and couldn't speak and i wanna keep the "bored, too much free time" energy, so it's not gonna be like- EXPLICIT, just teasing and an overheating N whose state was caused by having been dared to lick his small goth gf who can canonically kick ass and take names
It's still not very uhhh safe either way soooo i feel a fair warning is warranted anyway... Besides i'm embarrassed but i wanna do this for shits and giggles SO badly lmfao
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The alarm starts up.
Uzi gets up from laying on N's chest like he was a body pillow, yawning and rubbing her visor.
"Mornin' N..." Uzi kissed N on the forehead as he too rised from his slumber, first thing he does is blep. He just bleps. "I guess you didn't wake up in full yet-" Uzi chuckled at the sight.
It's the same thing every weekend. Morning routine, chilling, goofing around with whatever, it's the weekend they're gonna fuck around and find out and never regret it... Maybe. Who knows, they're having fun either way.
Well this weekend Uzi was hanging out with the others over at Camp Fever; V, Lizzy and Thad, because she was bored and wanted to be a piece of shit to V and Lizzy anyway they suck.
Unfortunately this meant Uzi was forced to socialize at the camp fire but hey at least N and Thad are there to make it bearable!
"Oh heck i gotta take a call from mom- be right back, sorry!"
"Robo-god, not mom- what did Chad do now?!"
Thad feels fear and Uzi didn't see him like this a lot, most of the time he's just worried or something but never outright scared for his or other's lives. Meanwhile Lizzy is already max annoyed by this "Chad" guy and really he's only mentioned. He must suck a LOT then.
Wait- Thad is gone...
Just awkward silence as the fire crackles and the wind blows inbetween the trees.
"Sooooo who's up for a game or two of truth or dare?" Lizzy broke the silence and now Uzi wishes for the awkward silence to come back.
"Ooh! Me me me!" N raised his hand, waving it around, excited to play a game with fellow drones at camp and he really doesn't like the silence anyway.
Well shit we're playing truth or dare then.
"I'll go first." Oh god oh fuck V just raised her hand we're fucking doomed.
"Oohoo what are you thinking, bestie~? I see your scary ominous grin of intent, what are you planning for us~?" V was indeed wearing her scary ominous grin of intent. Uzi Doorman, tamer of the Murder Drones, is afraid for her life.
"N!" V just whipped her hand to point at him.
"Yeah?" N just smiles so innocently, he doesn't know what's coming. Uzi has no hopes.
"Truth or dare." N started thinking of his choice...
Truth... Or dare...
Uzi couldn't say anything as it didn't matter what he chose, it would always be something painful knowing V.
"Dare! I'm feelin' daring today!"
Here we go.
"I dare you to lick Uzi" Lizzy began wheezing.
"V WHAT THE FUCK" Uzi exclaimed in sheer terror and rage and hatred and another thing she doesn't know the name of but she bets it's related to V being a bully and not the extreme blush her visor was displaying.
"DO IT! dO IT- LICK THE WEIRDO DO IT- AHAHAHDHFNDB oH MY GOOODD" Lizzy was cackling alongside V, who was pointing at N and Uzi furiously. If pointing could be a sound it'd be loud as hell.
"Ohoo nnooooo that's sooo weird... Hhhhhh- okay- can i- can i switch? Can i switch- i want truth now-" N is suffering.
"Nononononononono you're gonna do it! You're gonna lick your little purple friend! You're feeling daring, aren'tcha? Do it!" V just giggled non stop while Lizzy was crying laughing on her shoulder from the level of chaos and fucked upness that this game just reached.
"Can i run away-" Uzi was trapped, N's tail just wrapped around her. "N what the HELL"
"I'm in too deep now, i've dug my own grave, let's get this over with..." N pulled Uzi closer to himself, wishing the world was kinder to him, mentally praying to the nearest god available that could save him from this torture. V agreed with what N said. He is indeed, in too deep.
Uzi closed her eyes as she braced for the inevitable, thinking loudly in an attempt to numb the feeling she'll soon expirience against her will.
Ooookay he's gonna lick you, your best friend forever is gonna lick you and it's gonna be weird but that's okay you can repress that just fine it's no big deal it's still just your friend you're still just friends nothing more it's okay it's okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's-
For some reason she suddenly opened one eye a bit to see what N was doing, idk why either.
She just looked on at N's tongue. A glowing, yellow, thick, dripping appendage, she just looked on in... Not horror, not shock, she's just focused on it, it's not a feeling she can describe and it drives her mad, but she knows it's causing her fans in the cooling systems to go crazy trying to cool her down.
All Uzi could think of was the sound of an unlocked lock and... "HOT"
"Okay guys i finally finished that call with mom, how's the bunch doing!" Thad just walked in on N licking Uzi's neck while V and Lizzy looked on at the scene... Unaware of Thad being present. Watching the scene. Shocked and worried about the gang's mental wellbeing.
"OH FUCK-" Lizzy yelled as V skyrocketed into the nearest tree to grab on.
N and Uzi just froze in place and looked at Thad with their visors full of blush lines, completely overlapping with their eyes.
Well shit nobody be getting that image reppressed anytime soon.
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writeshite · 2 years
Im on my knees begging for more Homelander stuff
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You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine
You flick his forehead, “Yeah, well, at least I don’t wear hair gel, which, fun fact, is flammable.” You chase him around the room, hands in the air, and your little suns rush past him, leaving dents in the walls, “I’m gonna fry you, John,” you cackle when he tries to fly away and ends up with his head through the ceiling, you fall to the floor in full-blown laughter.
Homelander x Male!Reader
Supe!Reader | Childhood Friends to Lovers | Crack Treated Like Fanfic
Words: 1816
Author's Note:
Do I know what this is? No. Hope you like it.
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Your room in the Vought labs is average; you’ve counted every dent, corner, and scorched burn mark a hundred times over, so it’s strange when you see the new face. The face in question belongs to another boy, about your age, his hair is swept well, and he looks normal enough. He looked tired, though, like he’d just been running from someone and hadn’t expected his hiding place to have someone else in it. His confusion was replaced by curiosity when he realizes the shiny glow of your skin, like the sun, your skin is quite literally like the solar celestial. The burn marks, your outbursts, the human shape in the burn marks, Vought employees that thought it’d be fun to piss off a child with the power to turn you to ash. Your eyes are just white, with no pupils, no color, just glowy white things in your head.
“Wow! You’re shiny!” He reaches out to you, but you flinch back and try to warn him off, but he ignores you, grabs your arm, and he marvels at it. “That’s so not fair! You got a better power than me!” 
You just stare at him, he’s not burning or screaming; aside from the edge of his sleeves charring up, he’s perfectly fine. “You can touch me?”
He huffs, “Yeah. My name’s John; what’s yours?”
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John was a curious case, he was a lab rat like you, but he had a lot more freedom - mainly because he was a little brat and used his power to get what he wanted -  he was also your only friend, well, technically, he was the only friend you hadn't turned into barbeque. As mentioned, if John wanted something, then he would get it, so he wanted to be your friend, and there was nothing the scientists could do about it. 
“John, what are we doing?” He'd rushed into your room, and dragged you away without explanation.
“Just trust me,” he responds. 
It’s way past curfew, and if you get caught, you might get in trouble; you’re pulled into another area, and your light fills the room; John moves to stand in front of you, hands spread out in a ta-da gesture, “Surprise! We’re gonna be roommates!”
“Really? How? Vought wouldn’t….”
“Fuck Vought—”
You put your hands on his mouth, “That’s a bad word.” John licks your hand, and you draw back with a disgusted look on your face.
“See, this is our drawing wall, and this is our bed, and I even got more blankets in case you get cold.”
“How would I get cold? I’m the sun, you dodo,” you remind him.
His face scrunches up, “I know that! I was just trying to be nice,” he huffs, punching your arm; you smack his face and laugh when he flies into a wall. “Meanie,” he pouts. The two of you play fight for a bit, and when the Vought scientists come in the morning, they find you side by side, hands together. When they try to separate you, John breaks a few arms before they get the hint, and John’s room becomes your room.
It doesn’t end there; pretty soon, John decides it’s not enough and demands to have you by his side at every instance. So you clap when John gets his training done, and he catches the little suns you throw in the air. When he doesn’t pay attention to the education side of things, you stay up tutoring him, and sometimes, when you’re upset, he’ll make his shitty shadow puppets, and you wipe away the tears laughing. 
You go from child to teenager, and both your powers grow with you; John’s eyes hurt when he opens them, the red beams are more powerful now, and he sucks at flying. Parts of your body will flicker, and you'll have human skin for a brief few moments, but those moments are few and far in between. John says it’s stupid, “Why would you want human skin? You’re cooler than that,” he insists, but you sigh.
“Don’t you wish you were normal, like normal, normal?” you ask back; his face does the little scrunchy thing when he’s confused, “you know, like the kids we see on TV, parents, cousins, grandparents, normal birthdays and actual rooms, not this.” You gesture around you, your shared ‘room’ had seen minor upgrades, with the inclusion of a larger bed and actual drawers, but it still wasn’t a proper room. “Sometimes I wish I could actually touch things without worrying they’ll melt in my hands.”
John headbutts you, “Maybe, but if I were normal, then I wouldn’t have you, and I’d be a nobody.”
“With a face that ugly,” you joke, “I doubt it.”
He huffs, sticking out his tongue, “At least I’m not a lightbulb.” 
You flick his forehead, “Yeah, well, at least I don’t wear hair gel, which, fun fact, is flammable.” You chase him around the room, hands in the air, and your little suns rush past him, leaving dents in the walls, “I’m gonna fry you, John,” you cackle when he tries to fly away and ends up with his head through the ceiling, you fall to the floor in full-blown laughter.
On occasion, this lady comes to see you, well, not you, mostly John; she babies him every chance she gets. Coming in between you and him whenever she can. Madelyn Stillwell, if you heard the others right, she must be high on the totem pole if they let her take John anywhere she wants, whenever she wants. Despite John's reassurances, you don’t like her; any time she comes too close, you make sure her outfit of the day gets burned somehow. It’s probably why she hates you. Once John comes back from one of their field trips looking lost and barely utters a word for a few days, but after every other field trip, he gushes about her like the mother he never had.
The childhood euphoria doesn’t last long; Vought decides to make the two of you the faces of their brand, and they wind up some bullshit about the two of you finding some calling in an ordinary childhood. You don’t care about the details as much as they do and roll your eyes every second they force you to memorize it. Then they get you costumes; that was your favorite bit, watching John squirm as they fit you in various suits - his hero costume looks like the American flag took a shat all over it; yours is like a solar eclipse like it absorbed all the light, a contrast to your abilities, and between the two of you, you share a gold accent.
“I feel ridiculous,” John grimaces, “I mean, look at this thing; why are there so many stars?!”
“Yeah, you do look stupid,” you agree with him; holding the ends of your cape, you turn on the spot, marveling at your starry pattern, much smaller than his; it resembles the night sky, and every time you move it looks like it’s moving on its own. “I look amazing, they said my Supe name’s going to be Eclipse because I take away the light for myself.”
John sulks, “How come you get the cool stuff?” He sits on the floor, arms folded as his cheeks puff up childishly. 
You roll your eyes, flicking his forehead, “I was only joking; you look fine.” That doesn’t stop the pouting; in fact, John just turns away from you, so you resort to plan B. You’d seen something like this once; one of the Vought employees had made her girlfriend happy by kissing him, so that’s what you do, you kiss John’s cheek. It doesn’t make him happy per se, but he stops sulking, and now you’re not sure what to do because you just stare at each other. John’s cheeks have a slight tinge of red to them.
“You kissed me,” he mutters.
“Yeah, don’t expect me to do it again,” you shove him and run off; John sits there, hand on his cheek, as he watches you leave.
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Vought brings in other Supes over time; some survive, some don’t, and those that do survive get put with you and John in the Seven - the world’s greatest team of Supes. The lineup changes one or two times, but right now, it’s you, John, Queen Maeve, Stormfront, the Deep, Starlight, A-Train, and Black Noir. You go from a lab rat to a celebrity, interviews, paparazzi, fans, merch, the whole nine yards, and you get moved up to the 99th floor. Your room is ever bigger, and you spend the first few days just staring out at the city, John sneaks into your room a lot, and the two of you just sit. 
You talk, but sometimes, John is too busy staring at you to respond; unlike before, you could switch the glowy skin off. The first time you did it, you practically cried in relief; back then, John had said you looked weird, but now he just stared at you like you were the most remarkable thing on Earth. You snap your fingers in his face, “Hello, Earth to John.”
“You were staring again, weirdo,” you tell him.
“Sorry,” he says, looking away. Your hands are intertwined, and you’re leaning back on him; when you glance over at him, he’s got a red blush creeping up his skin. You grab his chin, tilting it down, and you kiss him again, this time on the lips. It’s fleeting and brief, but it’s enough, and John’s face is entirely red for a while.
You don't have a relationship per se; more like brief rendezvous in the hallways, tag teaming for missions; Edgar makes his displeasure pretty clear, but you don’t pay him any mind, and he, at the very least, does the favor of keeping it to himself. The general public is equally as perceptive, and before long, the internet blows up over it; Madelyn is very much displeased by it and makes it known.
“It’s a distraction to your careers and dedication to Vought International.”
“And trying to set him up with Starlight and having me with the Deep isn’t?” You ask, creeping close to her, “John may hold a soft spot for you, but I don’t, try and come in between him and me, and I’ll turn you to barbecue.” 
“You wouldn’t dare,” she challenges, stepping back anyway; she goes to say more, but the doors slide open, and John enters the room. He looks beat and barely pays her any mind; coming up to you, he kisses your forehead, Madelyn clears her throat when he starts to rant, and he turns to her in surprise. Their conversation is brief, but John ends it with a yawn, and as Madelyn leaves for the elevator, you smile, drawing a line across your neck to get the message clear.
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End Note:
Reader is a living sun btw, if I didn't make it clear enough. I don't know what this is, I just wanted to write some childhood friends to lovers kinda thing. Hope you enjoyed reading this shite, stay hydrated.
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louisisalarrie · 8 days
I have another one "where do you want to sit" "next to you" (just stab me with an angel blade it would hurt less) --- Harry got Louis a Christmas present and it even has a little bow on it --- Louis' birthday party --- I think we kinda share that really --- any domestic larry
anon “where do you want to sit” “next to you” makes me cry every time they were just KIDS it hurts so much
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and then them very obviously being told they can’t. god. vid here
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I assuuuuume you mean his 21st here hehehe so fucking cute look at that damn CAKE
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THIS is also one of my absolute faves and like !!!!!!!! Zayn losing his shit so much he has to put his helmet on and Louis making fun of Liam the whole time it’s just too good. Also in this iconic interview:
- harry messing up his V day narrative 1:20
- the ongoing Liam’s kidney saga 1:55
- “special relationship” and the above quote 5:40
- “I’ve got the fastest time, 2 minutes, dead” “not an endurance man!” cackles 6:35
And everything about this interview, really, is just incredible. Niall cackles at everything louis says, Liam tries to be so serious and do the right thing, Louis is being an absolute RASCAL, Harry is being sooky and then forgetting the narrative, and zayn just losing it quietly in the corner.
Idk who’s idea it was to give 5 teenage boys (particularly Louis) redbull but my GOD it gave us some great content
Okay now listen…. I could do a whole masterpost on larry being domestic. It’s extremely hard to just pick a few faves, but damn…
1. Harry dishing on how bad of a housemate Louis is but that he still wouldn’t live with anyone else im sobbing
2. Harry being up before louis every morning and making him a cup of tea I mean cOME OFF IT
3. Harry doing all the cooking in their house and FOR LOUIS
4. Harry bringing louis’ glasses over to him which may not seem like a big thing but it’s just so fucking cute and one of those little moments that we got to peek at but never see
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anyway thanks anon I’ve now been crying for 2 hours
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Ler!Eddie Munson Headcanons
Eddie Munson x Reader
Strictly SFW; fluffy, playful, and plenty of romantic + platonic sweetness all around, very self indulgent
Note: I. Have. Never. Ever. fallen in love with a character as fast as I fell in love with Eddie Munson. (First, this jerk <3 steals my heart platonically, and then BAM- steals my heart again and this time I want to kiss him-) Some of these hcs might diverge from the canon storyline, so do with that what you will <3 Major thanks to my tumblr moots for inspiring me and helping make these hcs happen. This is probably gonna be a long post 🥴 I have no regrets~
*Spoilers for Stranger Things 4 Volume 1 under the cut!*
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Where... do I even begin... AHSJDJEJD- I suppose I'll start with this:
Eddie "The Ler" Munson. 🫢 EDDIE. "THE LER." MUNSON.
Eddie Munson is 100% a ler-leaning switch (unless he's around Steve 🫢 where he becomes the biggest lee a good 95% of their interactions). Yup. Absolutely a ler-leaning switch. I'd say that a good 80% of the time, he's the one tickling someone else to pieces.
This was a given- I mean, do you see how much he LOVES making people laugh??? (His whole cafeteria monologue had the Hellfire club giggling, the entire scene with Chrissy, his adorable little "still super jealous as hell by the way" moment with Steve 🥹)
So, if you happen to not only be ticklish, but you like being tickled... Eddie is going to have a field day, lemme tell you. He's familiar with the t-word quirk, he has the t-word quirk.
Either he knew he liked tickles long before he found out you like being tickled, or finding out that you like them was what made him realize it brought him as much joy as it brought you, which is a really cute concept and I can't get over it.
Eddie Munson is the scariest (<3) ler in the history of lers, and I will proudly die on that hill.
I say scariest, but Eddie would never ever want you to truly feel scared of him. He's an absolute sweetheart. An angel. A honeybun. However, he is playfully evil and a mischievous little shit (/p).
He never, EVER crosses your boundaries. He always asks for your consent before every affectionate gesture (hand holding, snuggles, platonic forehead or hand kisses or all those previous gestures in a romantic sense plus kisses on the lips if you're dating, and so on) and affectionate playful tickling is no different. Eddie Munson is strict af about consent.
What makes him scary is how invested he gets in the whole ler persona (You saw his theatrics in the cafeteria AND during the D&D scene? 💀 Yeah- I rest my case), his deadly good tickling skills, and the fact that he's very blunt about wanting to tickle you. It also doesn't help that he's absolutely FERAL.
For as often as he says so with a grin on his face or giggles leaving his lips, he will also say so very nonchalantly in the same manner he'd casually answer someone's question about what he had for breakfast- (🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️). However, Eddie will also say it in the most serious. tone. of voice. 
"Eddie... What's with that look on your face? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because, I want to tickle you."
*cue you just about short circuiting because this man is bold bold as a ler*
He's definitely. completely. unafraid to be the most secondhand-embarrassing with his tickling theatrics. Like, it's bad enough being flustered because of him, but then he pairs it with the WORST secondhand embarrassment and it's deadly. 
He makes the concept of "cringe" his bitch. Silly voices, ridiculous faces (The demon face he made at Jason ahsjsjdhf), the friggin finger wiggling that he's scarily skilled at since he plays guitar (bastard <3 /lh), doing a thing where he talks suuuper quietly and suddenly loudly evil cackles and you scream because he's jumpscared you AND is now tickling you at the same time.
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Eddie is going to make up SEVERAL characters and use different voices as he sends you on the tickling version of the Hero's Journey. You know the whole "tickle monster" bit? Eddie Munson has created many, many versions of that bit.
Just to jump back to the demon face and devil horns thing he did. He will stand still and look at you with that exact same blank stare before suddenly pulling that face but instead of making devil horns, his fingers are wiggling and immediately after that he's chasing you. 🫢🫢🫢
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He LIVES to fluster you or catch you off guard, so fully expect him to subtly, or maybe not subtly at all, teasingly wiggle his fingers in the air while he looks you dead in the eye.
Circling back to the whole "Eddie Munson has no issue vocally stating he wants to tickle you" thing, he also has a few looks he gives you that blatantly say:
"I am going to tickle the hell out of you at some point today and I'll leave it to you to decide when that's going to happen."
The smirk: An absolute classic, this one. If Eddie smirks at you, ha ha... you're in adorably ticklish danger.
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The glare or the squint: Almost exclusively reserved for when you "piss him off." Sass him (especially during the Hellfire Club D&D campaigns) and see what happens.
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The cheeky smile: A.K.A. Eddie can't stop admiring you and opts for tickling you because he lovesyour laugh and your smile and just wanted you to giggle. 👉🏾👈🏾
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The puppy eyes: More so the "I can see you're feeling down and I really wanna make you feel better, please let me make you laugh for a little bit" kind of look. Like I said, Eddie is an absolute sweetheart and it hurts him to see you sad or upset in any way.
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This absolute ass <3, sneaks tickling into the D&D campaign as often as possible. Whether it's the finger wiggle, giving you "the looks," saying the word out loud a few times in different context to make you squirm, describing something happening to your D&D character in a way that he KNOWS your brain will associate with being tickled (and he'll do the finger wiggle while he says it because he's an ass /lh /p)...
...or... if he's decided he's going to be very blatantly bold, your character actually encounters a tickle monster. AND... if he feels EXTRA bold, he's going to get up from his chair and tickle you if you don't roll enough hit points.
"Unfortunately, you did not roll high enough to make your attack~ The monster corners you, its hands lift, fingers wiggling... and it ATTACKS! With the most unbearable tickling you've ever endured in your time as a hero~"
He says it's for "immersion" but he knows what he's doing. Asshole <3
His favorite characters to act out are fantasy genre-related ones (of course they are! He's a D&D dungeon master) like an "evil overlord of tickling" who replenishes his mana from the sounds of your laughter.
He has custom dice with tickle spots on them, and dice with numbers for how many minutes he'll spend tickling that spot. T-word dice... HE HAS T-WORD DICE. And he makes YOU roll them-
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"Y-You can't make 'me rolling a nat 20' the only way to get out of this!!!"
"Best hope luck is on your side, Y/N~"
*You do not roll the 20. OR. if you do, he cheats and turns it to a lower number. You're getting tickled either way*
You don't know this yet, but he has a BACKUP. SET. just in case you try to hide the dice from him. Good luck to you when you try hiding the dice and find out about the other set.
He will absolutely call you by your D&D character's name when he's tickling you during or after the Hellfire Club meetings.
I like to hc that there's a random beanbag chair off to the side somewhere in the room y'all hold the club meetings in. He's 100% going to drag you over to it at some point and place you on it before tickling you to pieces. It's the tickle chair- HE NAMED IT THAT.
Eddie Munson is not above chasing you down the hallway and out into the parking lot as soon as y'all are done with the club for the night. 
"There is nooo shame, in running~" AHSJSKDJDJJEJE- PFFFHEEEEEE
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This jerk knows every type of teasing in the nonexistent "ler manual." 
I do mean EVERY TYPE.
Whether he uses them or not is entirely dependent on what you're comfortable with and your boundaries.
He LOVES using cutesy talk, but he will have zero complaints if you don't like it. If you don't like something, he won't do it, and that's final.
If you do like cutesy talk, Eddie is gonna be absolutely merciless with it-
His standard cutesy talk is this quieter, soft and sweet tone of voice and he's almost always smirking or grinning (unless he's been provoked into angry ler mode- I will elaborate on that in a bit 🫢)
"Why are you so giggly~? Huh~? You gonna tell me~?"
He is not above nuzzling your nose as he teasingly asks you why you're giggling like he doesn't know the damn answer.
If you're a person who's comfortable with full on babytalk/puppytalk kind of teases, it's your lucky day, because Eddie is also scarily good at those and manages to do so without sounding patronizing or like he's trying to be infantilizing.
If you don't like the babytalk/puppytalk, don't worry! Eddie understands 💙. (When I say that Eddie Munson has raised the bar from hell for me-)
He will however go so over the top with that kind of tease as a playful joke that makes you laugh because he sounds like a fucking idiot. He makes himself laugh with it several times because he cannot fucking take himself seriously.
Expect to hear him also jokingly use the most obvious teases that are most commonly associated with tickling. Like the classic "kitchy kitchy coo" type of teasing. He has a favorite one, though.👉🏾👈🏾 (I am too flustered to even type it out because it gives me the worst butterflies ever- so I have to copy paste it AGSHSHEJ)
"Goochie goochie goo~" Eddie LOVES annoying you with that one. (That fuckin phrase is my recently-discovered t-word KRYPTONITE- istg, it never flustered me before but then, the concept, of Eddie, teasingly singing that??? ⚰️ /lh)
He's an irritating little shit and it's cute. Eddie will annoy you with those joke teases and when you tell him off, well- further incentive to tickle you more. And he will justify it out loud to you.
"Maybe it wasn't the greatest idea to tell me to 'shut my pie-hole~' 
If those joke teases happen to ACTUALLY fluster you (me with that tease I had to copy x paste) and you don't mind hearing them, and EDDIE FINDS OUT YOU LIKE THE TEASES??? Prepare for the worst butterflies of your entire life while your face and ears get warmer than freshly baked muffins. Eddie, from that moment onward, takes those teases verrrrry seriously. 😈
This little fucker <3 will teasingly sing the word "tickle" over and over until you can't even look at him. And then he'll act like he doesn't know why you can't stop hiding your face.
If you love the banter-filled teases with playful insults, Eddie's so down for that. We've seen his banter. ("This is Hellfire Club. Not Babysitting Club.")
"Still think I'm all talk, you giggly little shit!??? Eddie 'all talk and no tickles' Munson, is very clearly tickling you! You knowww~ maybe I should start calling you Y/N 'no talk and all tickles' L/N, because I'm going to tickle you speechless."
He is not above calling you insult names affectionately if that's something you like and will insult him back. Butthead, dipshit, dumbass, numb nuts, jerk, shithead, etc. You two could affectionately banter back and forth all day if that's your love language. 🥹
Sweet nicknames are an Eddie Munson specialty too. If you don't mind being given a cutesy nickname, he'll call you a bunch. Lovebug, honeybun, giggles, cute stuff, sugar berry (this one is self indulgence to the maximum degree. Guilty. Oops 🥴🫢), sweetie.
You are the only person that Eddie calls "sweetheart." He deadass adores you as much as he adores his electric guitar, and that is A LOT of adoration and love right there. Whether you two are just best friends, or if you two are romantically together. That nickname is very high honor.
One of Eddie's favorite things to do is purposely "zone out" mid conversation, and you try to get his attention, only for his slow-wiggling fingers to suddenly come into your line of vision...
...and he will keep a deadpan expression on his face, as he keeps moving his hand closer and you eventually end up a squeaking flustered heap on the floor after your attempts to get away...
...then you've just tucked your arms by your sides and shriek when he kneels beside you and hovers his wiggling fingers closer again. His suppressed smile finally breaks onto his face because he's so. entertained. over how you're not even being tickled yet but you're THAT squirmy over what he's doing. 
"Why are you so giggly and nervous~?"
"B-Behehecahahause *hic* youhou're gonna... youhouhou're gohohonna..."
"Tickle you? Hm? Yeah, I am~ But you're gonna decide when I actually start~"
He loves being all soft and sweet-sounding with his voice in these moments.
"Why are you so giggly~? What's so funny~?"
"You're not gonna tell me what's making you laugh so much~? Do I have to tickle it out of you~?"
As mischievous and annoying but very adorable and sweet as he is, if you DO piss him off enough, I hope you're prepared for angry ler!Eddie. 🫢
He will whip his head around to look at you, and either glare, or smile, before he starts moving toward you as he tells you that you are in for the tickling of your life.
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This is the point where you should run. It's not like he won't catch you though. If you don't run, he'll encourage you to, just because he likes the chase and it's adorable how you react when he catches you.
Eddie's teasing amplifies by a full 100. He is going to use EVERY tease that he knows flusters you and he will repeat them relentlessly.
You know the whole "mock sympathy" thing? Yeah. Eddie Munson is really good at the mock sympathy.
"Awwwww, I know it tickles like hell. That was the goal."
"Switch spots? Is it too bad~?"
*cue you nodding, only for Eddie to move one hand to another weak spot so he's tickling two at the same time and you're thrown back into laughter*
The man is ruthless AGSHDHDJR- To make it worse, he doesn't even act silly or laugh along. His face. Is so. Serious. Or there's the tiniest smirk on his face.
Oh my God- there are so many more hcs I have for angry ler!Eddie but I am flustered enough as it is. (Don't worry, I'm not done with angry ler!Eddie you'll see the concept explored in fics- AGSJDJRKE) So, let's talk about Eddie post-tickling you to tears.
Every time, after Eddie's tickled you, he holds up his hands with a giggle and assures you he's done. Eddie's an attentive guy, and he'll stop whenever you want him to. First thing he does after that is grab you water.
He asks if he can give you a hug or hold your hand or snuggle. Whatever form of affection you allow, Eddie is so sweet about it. What he says also depends on whether he was in a soft mood, mischievous mood, or a full on "you are done for" mood.
Eddie will dote on you all damn day after that if you let him. I'm not even kidding. 
Wanna watch a movie? You get to pick it. And if it turns out to be boring the two of you, he'll talk over the movie with his own lines and character voices or roast the characters in the film just to make you laugh.
Hungry? He'll grab whatever snack you like. You just want to hold his hand and snuggle? Okee dokee. Hell, he'll even play songs on his guitar for you (yes. Eddie Munson will play your favorites 🥹).
No matter how you spend the rest of your time together, you can count on Eddie Munson to be the sweetest friend (or boyfriend) ever. Be on the lookout though 👀 because you might soon once again see Eddie Munson's slowly wiggling fingers out of the corner of your eye~
I'm so effing flustered from writing this oh my sweet Jesus H. CHRIST- AHSJDJKDFM /lh
I hope these hcs were worth the wait 🥺 The in progress fics I was working on before I got sick are still on their way, but I think I need to let myself get back into the writing groove and let my brain write for the most currently active hyperfixation. There'll probably be a whole wave of Eddie content on the blog. Get ready for the ler!Eddie Munson renaissance ✨ /p
~ Ushu 💕
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themagnusbane · 1 year
GAP The Series Episode 10 Thoughts
Knowing where we left off: some joy, some gay and a topping of pain, I'm hoping that we get a resolution to Mon's "Khun Sam deserves better than me" derailment, so we can get more of our beloved sapphics, before the wicked witch of a grandmother shows up to, like my people would say "pour sand inside their garri." If you're not Nigerian, that probably flew right over your head. Sorry.
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I love the irony in just how much I love Mon's love pajamas! It's soooo cute!!! I want!!!!!!
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2. But on a side note though. Every single time they wake up with a face full of makeup, I cackle at how unrealistic it is. Like sure, if Idol Factory wants to convince me (which they absolutely CANNOT because I have eyes!!!) that Mon wakes up every morning with her lips soft and dewy and just that smattering of the right blush on her cheeks, and her eyes that pop, one question still remains... WHAT ABOUT THE BED HEAD? WHERE IS THE BED HEAD GAP THE SERIES???
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3. Awwwwww. Look at Sam smiling at her beloved. MY HEART!!!!!! But also. Are we just going to ignore the fact that they had a fight with Sam walking away, just the previous episode? Did they think we forgot? Or is Sam just so hopelessly in love that she can't stay mad at the sight of Mon's gorgeous face. Which...
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4. The hug from behind. The "Good mornings". That kiss on her cheek. Them walking hand-in-hand. They're killing me your honor. They're killing me with all that sweetness and I AM DYING A VERY VERY HAPPY WOMAN!!!
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5. Ah!!! So they started from before-the-fight. Okay, that makes sense. Cuz I was worried for a moment that the show wasn't going to address it. Which now that I think about it... GAP honey. I'm so sorry I doubted you for a minute there. I know you are not that kind of girl. I can't believe I briefly forgot that. Please forgive me!!
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6. Ooooof. The fight is still as painful the second time around. Mon sweetheart, we really need to get your self-esteem up. Sure you're a "commoner" [I really REALLY hate that term!!!], but you're a commoner that Sam loves. Why can't you believe that? I would understand if her reservations are around whether or not Sam's grandmother would be accepting of her, considering her gender AND her commoner status, but she's coming from this from a place of "I don't deserve Khun Sam", which urgh!!! I really hope Sam sets her straight and is clear in how perfect Mon is, and how in fact it is Sam who is underserving of her, and not the other way round.
7. Gghghghjgjhghj. Cher complimenting the colour of Sam's car is like that cliche of "I a gay man, likes sports" and I am cackling because this is so fucking hilarious and I love how they're giving my sapphics ALL the cliches. Yes!!! Feed them to me. Shoot them directly into my veins!!!
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8. Cher being all "of course the weird girl will give her car a weird name" is SENDING ME!!!! But... she's not wrong though. The only thing is, we and Mon, love Sam just the way she is. Hehehehehehe.
9. Mon Sweetheart, I know you want to get something nice and expensive for your girl. But Sam doesn't want that. The only thing she wants from you, is you. Your love, your goodness, that big, big heart of yours. Why would you feel bad about not being able to buy the woman who has everything, something lavish. Look at Kirk! He could do all of that. But is she with him? No!!! You are the one she wants! Let that sink in. PLEASE!!!!
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10. See!!! I knew the minute I saw Cher, there was a connection between us!! I just knew that this was a lesbian who could wreck me, an acerbic tongue, with a sense of style and common sense to boot! Tee is still my goddess, Nita would destroy me, and for Cher I would risk everything. GAP is making me even more happy that I am polyamorous. BRING ME ALL THE SAPPHICS!!! I want to collect them like Pokémon cards!! But also, MON ARE YOU LISTENING TO THE OLDER SAPPHICS!!! Money can't buy love!! Sam knows this. She recognizes this. I hope after this conversation, you would too!!!
11. Romance. Comedy. Drama. Horror. Would you look at that Mon. Risa and Cher's story has the same elements as yours and Sam's. Even down to the wealth and the family that hopefully Sam cuts off because fuck that evil witch of the West masquerading as her grandmother!!! But yeah. Listen to the slightly older and much happier lesbians Mon. Grab your happiness and your girl by your hands and don't let go. Cuz her grandmother would do enough objecting of you both's relationship anyway.
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12. Aaaaaaaand... Speak of the witch and she doth appears. Urgh!!! Why do I have the feeling that she probably knows that Sam isn't with her friends, and this passive aggressive phone call with the "is Kirk not with you", is just her testing her granddaughter to see if Sam would lie to her. Urgh. This woman gives me anxiety!!!!
13. I knew it!!! Look at that look in her eyes. She totally knows!
14. Kirk. You piece of trash with your ghost-looking face!!! You know that telling her "you should hear it from Sam" would confirm evil grandmother's suspicions. But you want to keep up the facade that you are a good person, whilst nudging her in the direction where she will confirm everything. You shady bastard. Urgh!!!!
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15. And of course evil grandmother is all "I'll handle it" with that conniving look on her face. You see what you did there Kirk? You set her in that direction. Let her see the hesitation in your eyes, indirectly confirmed that you know Sam's with someone else, and have therefore set off the snowball that would seemingly get you what you want, even though it would make Sam miserable. I really, really don't like you!
16. Awwwwww. Look at that sweet apology. Look at Sam being honest about her being hurt, and why she is hurt, and what her fears are. You see that Mon? You're not the only one with fears and doubts. Sure both your concerns have different faces, but the key to solving them is COMMUNICATION!!! Glad you both are finally doing just that!
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17. OMG!!!! It's Tee and Yuki, on their couple's retreat as well!!! Look at all my favourite sapphics, gathered under one roof!!!!
18. Sam's "you must have been sent by grandmother, you a spy!!!" talk is sending me!!! And Tee's being able to guess that Sam's grumpy reception is because she and Mon are fighting???? Chef's kiss. I LOVE THIS WOMAN EVERYONE!!! I WOULD DIE FOR HER!!! Tee, I love you. I will make you the main interest in my harem of women. Be mine!
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19. Risa and Cher flirting in front of my single salad is making me feel even more single.
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20. Awwwww. Look how quickly Sam ran to Mon's side, when she thought she was hurt. Even whilst angry, she's still like "Mon, you come first!" My darling. My baby. My precious.
21. Of course she's not angry anymore. She can't stay mad at you for long. It's why she's so precious. How adorable!!!!
22. Hehehehehe. Cher and Sam have such similar personalities, watching them clash makes me cackle so hard. You can basically see both their Persian cat furs bristling at each other, with Mon and Risa having to work extra hard to calm their women down. This is glorious. Look at them fighting over festivals. Ha!
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23. Yo! Why am I only seeing two couples and two lanterns? Where are Tee and Yuki??? Where's their lanterns???? Are they helping with Mon's surprise???? I have questions!!!
24. OMG!!! They are!!! Ha!!!! Is she proposing??? OMG! OMG! OMG!!!! They're totally doing a proposal/marriage thing right now. I am not crying! I am not crying. These are not tears! It's my allergies acting up! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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25. That was so sweet! THE SWEETEST PROPOSAL!! My heart!! I can't stop grinning. That was sooo good, and so beautiful. I love love y'all!! I LOVE LOVE!!!!!!
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26. I swear, I think these two became even more radiant after Mon's proposal. It's like them settling into the knowledge that they love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together, filled them with the honeymoon glow and I AM LIVING FOR IT!!!!
27. Hold up! HOLD THE FUCK UP!!! Isn't that her elder sister??? The oldest, who wanted to become an artist and witchy grandmother burned all her things??? OMG!!! It is her!!!! Look at that glow!! Look at that radiance!!! She is incandescent!!! That is what happens when you get out from under the roof of the wicked grandmother of the West! Sam!! Take a cue from your oldest sister and bounce. Tap into the radiance you deserve. Cuz your shitty grandmother doesn't deserve a modicum of goodness from you.
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28. See. I understand what she is saying. And somewhere buried beneath all that, is the truth of what I want Sam to realize (she will never be happy living with her grandmother and she needs to cut the woman off and never look back), but there is a decent way to make that statement, and calling your younger sister, who you abandoned (because she is the oldest, and she basically left her two younger siblings in the hands of an abusive and toxic relative, without trying to create a situation where they can come to her and rely on her and ask her for help), who died trying to get away from the evil witch, weak, is so not cool, and is in fact very cruel.
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29. Aaaaaand of course, the witch of a homophobe that is her grandmother now knows the truth. I am bracing myself for carnage because we all know that the person who's going to get the brunt of the disaster that is about to go down is poor, innocent Mon.
30. Urgh!!! It's already here. I don't want to see this. She's about to manipulate her in some way isn't she? Poor Mon. You don't deserve this.
31. See? She's starting things off by establishing that she knows everything there is to know about Mon. That she knows her family. Her friends. Her history. Before outrightly stating that Mon planned everything, and set things up to be close to Sam. And of course she's going to bring Kirk and his "feelings" into this. Which FUCK YOU GRANDMOTHER! Mon sweetheart, just because he was good to you, doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice your happiness for him. Because trust me, if the tables were turned, his entitled ass won't do shit.
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32. And of course they are double-tagging to try and break Sam and Mon up. Fuck you and your apologies Kirk. I hope you fucking choke, you lying, backstabbing piece of shit. We already know that her grandmother is going to rot in all the nine hells. But you? You piece of shit who pretended to be a good person, until you weren't able to get the girl... You are so much worse!
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33. He really fired Chin and Yha???? And we all know it's a set-up to whatever it is that evil grandmother of the West has set in motion to get Sam and Mon to break up, to to have Sam do what she wants. Which urgh!!! Please tell me Yha wouldn't out of anger at getting fired, want to pull Mon down, because she also knows their secret! Urgh, this is a mess!!!!
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34. On one hand, I'm cheering Sam on for being all "I am going to fire Mon. And date her outside of the office. Thank you for opening my eyes to that possibility". But on the other hand, I don't think Kirk is done with his stupid plan and I'm anxious about what he and that grandmother witch have planned.
35. I can't believe I'm saying this but Nop... You are a good egg. You have sense. Who would have thought that between you and Kirk, you would be the one with the backbone and the cool head on your shoulders. Yes please! Call out trash grandmother for her trash ways. Fuck the bourgeoisie. FUCK HER!!!! And thank you for encouraging Mon to pick up Sam's calls and talk to her. You see that Kirk? YOU SEE YOUR MATE?!!! Just like you, he too was interested in Mon. He wanted to be in a relationship with her. And when she said no, he backed away. When he discovered her relationship with Sam, he supported her. And now, he's encouraging her to be with the woman she loves. Nop's baby finger is better than your entire ass put together Kirk! Infinitely better!!!
36. Urgh Mon. Just tell her the truth already!!! None of this "I miss home" nonsense. If y'all's relationship is going to survive, you need to tell her that her grandmother came over, and tell her all the trash things, that witchy vampire of a grandmother said.
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37. Atta girl. You did good. And Sam's immediate 'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you face this" has me bawling. My precious babies. I want only happiness for you both!! You need to walk away from your grandmother Sam. But knowing Mon, she would feel extra guilty if she felt that it's because of her that you walked away from your witch of a grandmother which urgh!!!! Toxic family relationships are the worst!!!
38. Her grandmother's house really is stunning. But it's cold. So fucking cold. Fitting for a witch in her soulless castle. I swear if this conversation doesn't end with "Grandmother. If you love Kirk so much, then YOU marry him," I am screaming at my TV.
So yeah. We get happiness and sapphics in love, and proposals. But we also get this nonsense with Kirk teaming up with Sam's grandmother which urgh!! This will probably be our lives for the next two episodes until the end of the series. But you know what? The fact that I only have to hang in there for two more weeks, until they kick Kirk to the cub, and hopefully break the bonds with grandmother witch? I can hang in there. I just want to see my babies get their happy ending. And I'm willing to do anything to make that happen for them!!! Including praying and hoping that dishonorable witchy grandmother croaks. Cuz that's the one solution I see to all of this.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
oh god where did i leave off. oh fuck i left off with THAT? oh geez sorry
in my defense, the music in the next area is great so i didn't want to leave and i'm almost to the boss i think? Reverie, Yukiko, and Kanji make a DEADLY team, and while I am Big Mad at Yosuke:
he starts every battle first and has tentafoo/Cause Panic. so. he's just maddeningly useful, idk what to say.
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Huh I somehow thought the other character was next but it's Rise time!
Man. I like Rise a lot. Out of all the romance options she's the only one I'm considering at all because she's neat. Rise is an idol who is taking a break from the business to return home to Inaba and recuperate. And right from go, she is just on another level from everyone else.
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She knows about the Midnight Channel (though doesn't understand it's a supernatural hit list yet) and is aware of the dangers around her. The Idol business in all its forms across the world fucking Sucks and it's clear to see it's had an effect on her, like emotional stretch marks from having to mature really fucking fast. She's been in her late 20s since she was 13 and it shows.
Oh and she's working in her family's tofu shop for the time being.
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/googles ganmodoki
oh i would try this in a fucking heartbeat. Also, Yosuke, bro, what do you mean you don't eat tofu. Like... no tofu ever? I'm American and I eat tofu. It's good.
(I do genuinely want to eat more tofu but I cook for a whole household and they are less willing to let me experiment with tofu. Please pity me. 8C I heard if you squeeze out all the liquid or even freeze them first, they become really easy to fry? Anyway. Sorry, I cook a lot.)
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Anyway aw shit Rise inadvertently reveals to Dojima that we're working this case. Worse, Dojima is not immediately angry or confrontational about it. OH NO, he purposefully avoids being confrontational about it.
Instead he puts Adachi on our tail.
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Look at that man's face. Does this motherfucker have a single candle on behind those eyes.
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Which leads to discovering a stalker who Adachi arrests as the murderer.
GODDAMMIT ADACHI. Whatever, it gets him out of our fucking hair.
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buuuuut in that time, Rise got got. goddddddfuckingdammit.
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An idol who's shadow self is on some level genuinely an exhibitionist. Whoo boy that's... a lot. Also, out of all the shadows, I find Rise's the most creepy, weirdly? Maybe because Idol Culture scares the shit out of me and I don't even remotely understand the appeal. It's like this terrifying black box of concepts I can't divine anything out of.
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In TV World, I feel SUPER BAD for Teddie. I keep flying through these dungeons in one or two days and not really coming back to the TV World to see him. Which is a shame because I genuinely love Teddie! I think he's top three characters for me right now.
I was trained in the unhallowed halls of Tartarus, I know how to curbstomp a dungeon, okay? I wish I was around more for Teddie. 8C
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i just went from Big Mad to cackle in like a minute. CHIE OH MY GOD. "Aw buddy, you're sad? Yeah, you can hit on me, I'm cool with that!" i'm dying. it kind of says a lot about Chie's opinion of Teddie vs everyone else since she's the one who shoved the boys into the river at camp.
She has standards, is what I'm saying, and I respect them immensely.
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say what
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omg yes yes yes yes yes yes lemme see it what is it
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STAR SOCIAL LINK: GET. THE STAR IS SO FUCKING GOOD FOR TEDDIE TOO! The Star comes after darkness has fallen and you are lost in the night with no sense of direction. It is the pinprick of light in the distance, the hope that gets your feet moving again after the despair has settled in. It is not a promise of warm or answers or completion, but it is sign that the story is not over, that you aren't over, and encourages you to follow to the next page.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
MY SDC 5 Episode 11 thoughts 💭
I can’t believe we’re down to the last episode before the finals. for all the excitement of yibo joining this season ( and my personal bias towards this show ), I feel like it went by too fast. So I just had to write down my favorite moments from tonight. It was excellent because, well, it was all battles. The heart & soul of this show will always be dance battles and how raw it is. Those moments really come across the screen especially to the audience, even if we’re not there physically.
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How can I make this without applauding the one & only - Sean. I swear. From Day 1, this kid got me. He did so well in all the survival battle rounds and I am so thankful for Poppin C cause he saved him to get through to the Finals. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
and I didn’t know they were familiar with each other, but since they both do popping, it makes sense. It’s so cuteee!
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The part about them talking about their regrets and wishes was also cool cause it gave us an insight to their personal lives. I’m cackling at Zyko & Dykens writing down they wanna go to Disney Shanghai & Great Wall of China WITH HANGENG. It was a good move cause obvs, the good host that he is couldn’t possibly say no. I hope they all get to go on that trip. Lucas was again super cute talking about how his mom would comment on posts about him @ SDC. He clearly just wants his mom to be proud of him. 🥺
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The past seasons had great personalities that you can’t help but love and at the beginning I thought SDC5 will not deliver. I was wrong. The combination of well known dancers and new generation brought out people that I grew attached to. I’m sad Yuki & Doudou were eliminated but they have a bright future ahead. ☀️
THE INITIAL BATTLES for a save. Zyko. That’s all. I don’t care and do not remember anything else but Zyko battling. How can someone be so creative and work well his team + be a beast in battles all at the same time? I am convinced he is some kind of a genius. I’be said it before but I’m happy that he came back.
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( i mean look at that. and he owned the battles. completely. )
Tho my favorite part would have to be the 2nd round of “save” care of the Masters. All these amazing dancers? We had all of them last season? I can’t! This is why some people can’t help but compare S4 and S5 this line up reminded how amazing last season was. and the fact that yibo danced a lot.
AND OMG ROCHKA. I forgot how fun it is to watch him dance / battle! Look at the reactions of the dancers and you’ll know he’s got that vibe in him. Observe Kyoka, homegirl is feelin the moves!
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AND FINALLY, the collab I didn’t know I needed was AC & SIWEN! Miss prim and proper with the Chaos that is AC. The performance was fun and sexy! Yibo definitely liked it — he said his thoughts about Siwen’s progress. It’s actually one of the things I like about Bobo as a mentor. You don’t have to the absolute best. You don’t have beat yourself up every day that you don’t get the number 1. You just have to be better than who you were yesterday. Progress is the most important.
I also felt for Siwen when she pretty much said she’s a loner and doesn’t get along with people. but joining SDC 5 changed that. It’s moments like this that make me think that humans aren’t trash. gives me hope. Lol.
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AND UH— I definitely caught this moment. Bouboo whispering to Yibo like a schoolboy after Siwen’s performance. HAHAHAHA! and Yibo being the supportive friend. I remember that episode ( hotpot ) where Yibo was lowkey teasing him about Siwen. I can’t blame Bouboo, she is gorgeous!
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THAT IS ALL. It was so much fun! I’m feeling the separation anxiety now but I gotta prep for the Finale. We know how exhausting that is. Looking forward to 10/29 🤍🤍🤍
P.S. Thank you to this season for giving us Shipper! Wang Yibo.
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missnight0wl · 1 year
Don't you ever get annoyed how the game literally deleted Bill Weasley in y6 and y7? I thought that since Bill is an actual professional Curse-Breaker he'd be more involved with the MC and the cursed vaults especially since Griphook knew the MC and her adventures with the vaults and I expected him to ask Bill to investigate these vaults especially since he was in every vault in from years 1 to 5 with the MC. but nah the game decides to forget about Bill and shove Merula into our face along with Ben (no hate I love Ben, I have no objections about him). It broke my heart going to the final cursed vault in y6 without Bill. He's been here for us ever since the beginning, we went to every single vault with him, we should've finished what we started together with Bill 😭. I didn't mind Ben and Jacob being present at the final vault since I love them both (don't murder me for loving Jacob since we know he's a fugly slut for you 🤣)
So how do you feel about Bill being less involved after his graduation, do you think it makes sense?
People “apologising” for liking Fugly Slut never fails to make me cackle 😂 It’s fine, guys! Like I don’t exactly approve of it… but you do you! 👍🙂
As for your question though – I think it makes absolutely no sense. I actually even ranted about it in my longer commentary about the Sunken Vault in this post. It covers more problems than just Bill, but yeah, Bill’s absence is just a misunderstanding.
That being said, I have to point out that Bill wasn’t necessarily with us in all of the Cursed Vaults. HOWEVER, he was the only character who had a chance to be in all of the Cursed Vaults. Bill was a set companion for the Vault of Ice and the Portrait Vault, and one of the options for the Vault of Fear and the Forest Vault. And personally, I always felt that it might be meaningful in the future. You know, even aside from the fact that he actually ends up being a professional Curse-Breaker.
Also, the thing that makes it even worse is that it’s not even that he was totally forgotten after he graduated. The writers went through the effort of bringing him back for our private DADA classes in the evenings. And sure, it could be simply explained by: “Oh, JC didn’t want to get rid of DADA classes and so they needed a teacher”. But no! It can’t be the only explanation! Because Bill was actually pretty damn involved in the main story after Rowan’s death! Like, remember this?
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For a short time, Bill became the brain for this group of idiots – the brain that we really needed. And sure, our return to the crimes scene led to absolutely nothing, but still. Bill showed that he could be our PROPER leader. But nope! After that point, JC totally forgot about any plans they might’ve had for the eldest Weasley brother.
Honesty, that’s a big reason why I still claim that after Rowan’s death, JC started changing the original plans for the story in general, mixing Y6 and Y7. I still believe we weren’t supposed to reach the final Vault in Y6 yet. So, because the writers stopped following the set course, they also started forgetting things and messing everything up. And we got a dumpster fire as a result. I mean, look at this scene from before Rowan’s death:
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Yes, Bill still wasn’t involved in the end (even though it'd make sense), but at least it was addressed. Before the Sunken Vault, we didn’t even acknowledge Bill’s existence – which is simply ridiculous.
Another thing that makes me believe that Bill was supposed to play a much bigger role overall is actually his relationship with Rakepick, which got quite a lot of attention in Y4 and Y5 and then never had any conclusion. For example, Y4:
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And then Y5:
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And sure, it might be just a fanservice referencing Bill’s future, but if you ask me, it got way too much screen time to be just that. The problem is that it makes absolutely no sense for Rakepick to be so invested in Bill if she was always evil. Like, she only wasted her time, really. It’s not even like it could’ve helped her manipulate MC or whatever because Bill was never like: “I trust Rakepick, so you should too”. In fact, he’s pretty chill about your different opinion if you choose that option in Y5Ch21:
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So… What was the point of building that background relationship between Bill and Rakepick??
And you know what makes it even worse? When we go to see Bill in the DADA classroom after the Portrait Vault, he admittedly is very upset about Rakepick’s betrayal, but then we talk about his job at Gringotts, and he’s like… totally happy??
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Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m certain that Bill’s own talent and hard work also played a big role in getting this job. But he literally said earlier: “She’s even getting me a job at Gringotts”. And now we’re pretending it didn’t happen??
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So, to sum up, I believe that both Bill and his job at Gringotts were originally supposed to play a much bigger role when it comes to the final Cursed Vault. Interestingly, when Diagon Alley was added to the game, Gringotts was a location to open in Y7. They changed it much later when they decided to make the Adventures in Curse-Breaking TLSQ taking place in Y6. And look at that, it happens that this quest was released after Rowan’s death, too – so when I suspect they started really changing the original plans for the story.
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charmante-mp3 · 9 months
Pieces of Eight - III.
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No warnings that I'm aware of! I. II. III. 1.1k
“His name is Kim Hongjoong. Ring any bells,” our captain spoke after our promise of no harm. The name rang in my ears and I shifted, I knew that name. Captain spoke with the others, but I stayed out of the conversation taking in the fact that I knew our recent guest.
I walked outside the captain’s quarters, the bright like unfamiliar to my eyes. Once I adjusted my eyes to the light I became aware of the others walking around the ship. My heart started racing as all of their eyes landed on me.
“Ah our new crewmate,” A loud voice came from my left. I turned to see a tall man towering me. 
“Yunho I’m pretty sure you’re scaring him,” Another one spoke, walking up to him, being just as tall they took steps back. They both had brown hair, one darker than the other.
“Didn’t think we’d meet you without the captain,” The lighter haired male spoke.
“I found him asleep over his table, I figured it would be best if I got someone to put him in his bed,” I spoke, trying to hide the fact I was uncomfortable by their towering presents. They turned to each other, surprised grins on their faces.
“Well that’s new, cap’t doesn’t sleep much. Let’s go make the man comfortable, aye Mingi,” The other nodded. I turned to look at the others roaming around the ship. I met eyes with dark red hair. It was like he was studying me, feeling me with unease. I followed the tall males back to their captain.
“He’s probably gonna wake up once we put a finger on ‘em,” Mingi, as I learned, spoke.
“Doesn’t hurt to try,” The other, Yunho, said. They stood for a moment, clearly trying to figure out how to move him carefully. Finally, Yunho just grabbed his waist and threw him in the bed.
“What the hell?” 
“If you didn’t wanna wake him, that wasn’t the way to do it Yunho,” Mingi laughed.
“Well he was in such an awkward position I didn’t know what to do,” Yunho said defensively. I could see the captain stretch out the uncomfortableness from his body. 
“I would’ve preferred you woke me up in the chair over that,” He said, pulling himself onto his feet.
“What are you two doing in here anyway?” He was clearly not happy with the intrusion, causing me to cower into myself.
“You’re new friend wanted to put you back in your bed,” Yunho said, clasping a hand on my shoulder making me jump. A knock sounded behind us, to which the door opened. Seonghwa walked in and soon confusion covered his face at the two giants in the room. 
“I need to speak with Y/n privately. Do you mind if they take Hongjoong out captain?” He said. I turned over to the male in charge, just to meet his eyes.
“Why not, Mingi Yunho,” He said and the other two guided me out the door. 
“How about a tour, aye?”
“I think San is familiar with our friend,” Was the first thing Seonghwa said.
“What makes you say that?” I questioned.
“When you told us his name, he looked surprised. He also got really quiet which is unusual when new people arrive,” He explained. The surprise wasn’t something I caught, but I did catch on to the sudden quietness. 
“Do you think he’s like San,” Seonghwa asked, disturbing my thoughts.
“I guess we better ask before jumping to conclusions,”
“You popped out just in time, Wooyoung’s throwing together breakfast,” Yunho said, throwing another door open. It was below the captain’s quarters where I resided most of my time. 
“I’ve heard you two have met before,” He continued as my eyes landed on the lanky male I encountered on my nightly exploration. Once his eyes met mine, a wicked grin spread on his face. 
“Ah so our newbie didn’t fall overboard, figured you would’ve by now,” He cackled, his witch-like laugh made my stomach drop. 
“Chill he’s just messing, he’ll tease ya every chance he gets. Especially the jittery ones,” Mingi said, walking further into the room. While the comment eased my nerves, I was still cautious. 
“You would know that all too well wouldn’t you Mingi,” Yunho said, following him. I could barely hear him mutter ‘unfortunately,’ under his breath. I flinched as an arm threw itself on my shoulder. 
“You’ll warm up to us eventually won’t cha?” The man I come to know as Wooyoung, now stood right next to me. 
“Wow you might be worse than Mingi was,” He said after a long beat of silence.
“Well come on get situated, I make the best food! And no it’s not poisoned,” His arm never left my shoulder as he led me further into the room. 
“Well he’s about to never know, considering you’re scaring him more than me,” Mingi said, sitting at a table and leaning back.
“He better be healed if you keep maneuvering him like that,” A deep voice spoke from the doorway, which led Wooyoung to drop his arm with a grumble. I turned to see the male I saw when I first awoke on this ship, minus the captain. 
“Yunho, you’re awfully civil for someone who almost killed the man,” He said, now sitting across from Mingi. 
“Cap’t hasn’t been very injured so I say he’s okay, for now,” I could hear a little jab at the last part. Two more others came into the door, I recognized the man who stared me down earlier. Yet, the other one was completely unfamiliar. 
“That’s Jongho and San by the way, and now congrats you’ve met all of the crew,” Wooyoung said, passing out food on the table. Everyone sat now once Wooyoung forced me to sit on his left. I could see the red haired male, who I learned was San, still eyeing me down. I have yet to hear him speak even though the other ones were bustling with noise. 
“You really don’t remember how you got on the shore, half alive at that?” Yunho spoke, bringing me into their conversation. 
“I only remember my name, and being on another ship,” I told them. At this point I figured if they were going to hurt me, they’d have done it by now. 
“Oh so you’re another pirate, or maybe sailor?” Wooyoung said, pretty loudly. I just shook my head ‘no’ in response and I noticed the look they all gave each other.
“San,” All of our heads turned to the door, Seonghwa now stood at.
“Can you come with me?” He continued. Hesitantly, he got up and followed Seonghwa out.
“I wonder what that’s about?”
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httpknjoon · 1 year
omg i just saw the q&a you're doing for the a listers!! i'm sending in a question of mine as well 🥰 thank you also for doing this drabble series it's become such a mood booster for me when i need it the most
to both:
what were some of your favorite scenes that you've done with each other?
what are some of your favorite stuff to do off camera?
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note | hi, anon! I'm so sorry it took me long to answer. thank you so much for reading the series. I'm happy to know that it became your mood booster :)) sending you so much love <3
main masterlist | drabble series
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"I think it was a scene for Maybe Yes, Maybe No." Jin began, pursing his lips. "We had a scene where our characters were playing around in the rain. Then, our director let us improvise for that scene. We played tag, barefoot. I and Y/N ended up settling to doing a silly dance while really drenched in our formal clothes."
The baby blue slip dress you wore in that scene was one of the highlights of that movie. It was called iconic and most talked about online. In your opinion, the dress was pretty and classy. But you didn't thought it would attract that much of attention.
"Oh, I know my favorite!" you exclaimed. "For Cornelia Street, there was a scene where I would literally pull Jin really close to me by his shirt's collar. Like, face-to-face. Then, we had to do it for like a hundred takes because we cannot stop laughing every time. I swear if they included that in our gag reel, it would be four minutes of us two making mistakes and laughing around."
Jin nods, agreeing. You continued, "So yeah since we already shot a lot of it. Our director ended up picking the best one she thought was the best. And we only saw it at the movie's premiere. And if you'll watch the film, you will see Jin blushing all over his face and neck. His ears were even red! I mean, it's fine. It suits the context for that scene."
When you and Jin talked about that scene before, he confessed that he was just flustered shooting that scene. You wondered why he didn't answer. It wasn't his first time filming something like that.
For the second question, you answered first.
"For our past films, we often shoot in various places. So when the camera is not rolling, me and Jin, along with other people that are in that production, would try to go around our locations. We would usually try food from that place."
Jin suddenly laughed when he remembered something, "One time when we were in London, we were tipsy when we learned about this certain dish."
"Oh, Spotted Dick!" you cackled, covering your mouth with your hand. "Hailey was so annoyed because we were like little kids when we read that in the menu. Then, the meal arrived. We still cannot stop laughing and we don't know why!"
"That's why Hailey doesn't want to go anywhere with us when we drink," Jin recalled and you nodded, still giggling.
Then, it was his turn to answer.
"Well, my favorite stuff we do off-cam is probably... when we would just chill. You know? We would sometimes listen to songs together when we were waiting to be filmed. Or we would binge-watch some series or movies you found."
That one was no secret to your fans. In the setting of your third film, you and Jin were captured behind the scenes sharing AirPods while walking side by side. You two were in your characters' outfits and sunglasses for the bright sun at that time. It was an adorable picture, considering your height difference.
"Oh, yeah. I made you watch musicals, right?" you asked since you learned before that he rarely watched anything from that genre. "You loved the songs from the last one we watched."
Jin smiled in defeat, "Yeah, Hairspray was a good one."
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taglist rules
@seolaquotes @jub-jub @yoontaethings @kissme-ornot @sleepy-daydreams @veronawrites @cuteipat @ratherbefangirling @babystarcandy-gcf @akirawhore @alpacaparkaseok @rjsmochii @prlan @lovesickbangtan @zealouslightcookiebasketball @rapmonie2047 @btsiguess-kpop @angelarin @walkinganxiety0 @bloopkook @stopeatread @yoooonie @amara-mars @firesighgirl @zwiehe @hiii-priestess
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
ONE MORE TODAY gghhhh I just want to finish out the first season
s1 ep13 The Battle of Bright Moon
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Dear netflix: what the fuck. this show is only really four seasons.
it's like the opposite of what cartoon network did to Steven Universe:
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TRUE STORY the actual over-arching plot/backstory of SU doesn't start until halfway through its first season, literally episodes 25 and 26, which were MEANT to be a cliffhanger and then the first episode of the second season, instead of partway through season one.
But a lot of character and world-building does happen before that. So when people aren't sure whether to attempt to watch all of SU (it's......a LOT) I tell them to watch until Lapis Lazuli shows up, because if they don't like at that point, they're not going to --but 90% of the people I know get to those episodes are are like WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT???? and keep watching and meanwhile I just cackle because congrats, you're one of us now, have fun being confused!!! It only gets worse!! :)))
(Like seriously every tiny bit of the plot being pushed forward is dependent on more of the backstory/lore being revealed. So much of the plot is just dependent on huge amounts of history and trauma that we learn about at the same time as Steven.)
Also keep in mind each episode is like 11 or 12 minutes, and that's including the intro/credits. It's painfully easy to marathon SU because any single episode is short so you always think "oh just one more" and the next thing you know six hours has gone by.
OKAY back to she-ra
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you cannot actually be surprised by this
also everyone's freaking out specifically at the snow/ice, and I keep wondering if Etheria has seasons at all??
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She's a little grotesque!
(Gargoyles are specifically water spouts, and called that because of the gargling noise they make. Yes, really. Grotesques are the ones that are decorative. So Catra here is a grotesque, not a gargoyle. /pedantic nerdery)
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oh that's just living in Oregon eyooooo
I can't get a good screenshot but Entrapta is yelling into her tape recorder and spinning around in a wheely office chair, I love how much they leaned into her being autistic, she's so happy and stimming like mad.
But also SPEAKING OF SU AGAIN I can't see her with that tape recorder and not think about Peridot ahaha
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"April is that from Too Far, the episode that started your OTP" yes. yes it is.
Also I used to have a phone case meant to look like it until I ran it over on my bicycle ):
plot: activating the Black Garnet runestone is sucking power from the other runestones and making the weather "go screwy."
Having Catra say "IN ENGLISH PLEASE" after every one of Entrapta's infodumps is such a great way of allowing Entrapta to make technical-jargon infodumps and then making them easier for the viewers to understand
oh that's right Entrapta doesn't have a runestone. Makes sense. Her abilities are all technical knowledge, not magic. Which means "Princess" doesn't necessarily mean "has a runestone/magical abilities."
Catra: "We're going to take out Bright Moon's runestone!"
gee, why that one, specifically, i wonder
(i do not wonder)
Bow: She-Ra can't fight off the entire Horde???
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this is just a nice contrast to the shot of Catra I got earlier
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yeah but ALONE?
oh shit she hadn't told everyone Catra had been in the Crystal Castle. And Adora blames herself for Catra getting worse. because of course she does.
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Angella: "But you're too stubborn and hotheadead...and brave, just like your father"
Me: huh I'm really starting to like Angella Me, remembering later plot events: ah right so it hurts more
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that thing is pretty
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awww they all have some armor now! nice
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paused it here by accident, but she looks so fucking DONE, either that or kinda high, hard to say
also I made popcorn
Angella made the Moonstone do a cool sonic wave thing, nice
So this is a problem all shows of this type have: when Adora/She-Ra makes those ships blow up, there's likely Horde soldiers IN them, and does she ever think about those people? that maybe she knew them? that they were forced into being soldiers just like she was?
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I knew she was gonna be there and I startled anyway
Catra: Y'know, I'm actually glad you made it out of there alive Adora: *moment of visible but short-lived hope*
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This whole fight scene is why I'm not the only fic writer to assume at least one of them has nightmares about them trying to kill each other
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the temptation to re-write the specific dialogue in my fic to match this scene...
OKAY so it all happens so fast (and animated in a way that makes it clear how much it hurts but also makes it a bit less bloody) but Catra just straight-up drags her claws down She-Ra's back with her full weight behind it, and She-Ra responds by--well, screaming in pain first, but then backing up and slamming Catra into some rocks so hard they shatter, and then they both have a moment of just gasping in pain:
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And lemme tell you, I have seen both of those mentioned in fics repeatedly. Mostly Catra seeing Adora's scars and feeling guilt and shame. But one fic has Catra realize she never told Adora that the smashing-on-rocks thing broke a few ribs.
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owwwww more scars but on her face this time
Not gonna type up Catra's vicious little speech here, but oh MAN
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What is it with these two and CLIFFS
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well no but you do tend to distract her (something something Light Hope something something "attachments")
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not now Scorpia omg
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another example of Cartoon Bondage
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part of me was like "WHY does Catra look unreasonably hot in this shot" and then remembered we're literally seeing her from Adora's POV, like we see through her literal eyes as they open and focus on Catra, ahahahah
(Reminds me of a post I saw about why Blackbeard looks the way he does when he meets Stede Bonnet in Our Flag Means Death--there's that slow shot panning up to Blackbeard's face and he's framed in the most attractive way possible--because that's how Stede sees him.)
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fAcE tOuChInG
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She-Ra finally found her healing powers!! WOOOOO
BAHAHAH okay so all the runestones are healed and get little bubbles of protection or something, but this includes the Black Garnet, and all the tech shit attached to it gets blown off, the room goes dark, and all you see:
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Entrapta's goggles
ANYWAY the princesses are all back to full strength and there to fight together and woooo VICTORY
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defeated by the homosexual agenda
I've hit the image limit despite deleting a few and didn't want to do another two-parter but there's a moment when everyone's like YAY WE WON WOOO and Scorpia and Catra take off in a skiff and Adora watches them go with a face that shows her mixed emotions.
(I have so many thoughts on this, like yay she saved the world (for now), but her friend she's known the longest hates her guts and refuses to be near her except to do a violence, like at least Catra's alive and clearly going to be okay, but I'm sure Adora's trying to do a whole "but we won, so it's fine, everything is fine")
Also Mermista lets Sea Hawk put an arm around her and actually says "Really good job" to him in a way that sounds genuine (given their expressions they totally boned later)
And then She-Ra gets hugged and thanked by Angella and her eyes do a "omg I'm so happy" as she turns back into Adora
And then Catra and Entrapta and Scorpia have a chat with Hordak and knowing what I know about later plot I'm laughing bc this is the first time Entrapta and Hordak interact, and Hordak is like ">:( you failed" and Entrapta's cheerfully all ":D no we didn't! I learned SO MUCH!!", she's just incapable of being afraid of Hordak here
Anyway now Catra is officially second-in-command
which means (given the list up there) I am actually 1/4th through the show, NICE, tho I will continue to use Netflix's season numbers on the posts for clarity
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sinkableruby · 6 months
Ougi 1-26
mother mother - ghosting...........................
balance.... balance balance balance balance reason balance
show them being spooky and weird. ougi must be weird and spooky at all times this is a requirement GOD i love ougi
misogyny, transphobia, homophobia (less this but still)
yes because i love them. i would have to get better at cleaning my room but i definitely could as long as i did that
obviously. i appreciate their tricks and i would go along with their lies and laugh at their jokes because i already do that. we would be so tricky and fun together
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12. loves hats and other hair accessories but just never gets the chance to wear them because COUGH always in the school COUGH (i say this bc of the amount of official arts giving them hair accessories n hats) 13. 🤭 14. hmmmm.... it's not quite right to just say "goth." ougi absolutely wears black (could even say another headcanon is that its their favorite color bc i mean. cmon) almost if not all of the time... if i'm going off official art, cute clothes, sometimes with frills. if i'm going off a whim headcanon, fancier, elegant stuff (like smth you might wear at a fancy party), maybe formal attire, or just plain black shirt and skirt/pants. if i'm going off both, lots of dresses, long or short. if i'm picking specific styles/genres of fashion, probably either casual, business casual, or evening wear. maybe some goth too actually, but not lolita and probably no eyeliner to go with it 15. hmm.................. i dont ship ougi so much. but tsubasa/ougi kismesis rivalry ship is real. 16. >:((((((( koyougi. setting aside that it would never happen bc they dont see each other like that bc of who they are, it would put ougi in a really bad spot that i really dont want to see them in to the point where it physically pains me. koyougi can only exist and make sense by being mutually toxic and destructive and i'm fine with torturing koyomi but i refuse to subject ougi to that. 17. was gonna say this for 15 but then saw this. for a more traditional romantic ship, i think ougi/tsukihi is alright 18. well assuming this doesn't have to be romantic... koyomi, probably. she does so much for him and loves him so much. their dynamic is so unique and interesting and... intimate and special. and touching, too :) (and of course, fun and mischievous and all the good stuff) other than that... maybe nadeko? because of nademonogatari. and how nice he is to her 19. mmm don't think i have one of these? 20. TSUKIHI!!!!! TSUKIHI TSUKIHI TSUKIHI!!!! ive talked about this in another post but. they share similar situations and ougi had a heart-to-heart with her in ougi dark!!!! besides koyomi ougis opened up the most to tsukihi, and tsukihi genuinely respects ougi (ln)! ougi can unbalance tsukihi but the reverse is also true so they're on an equal footing. and tsukihi would help ougi out on whatever they needed, too bc tsukihi's just like that. they'd be really good friends i think nisioisin should scrap whatever his next novel idea is and write this instead 21. oh absolutely the gags. its soo fucking funny to think about how the hell ougi would take the piss out of something. i cannot count the number of times i've read my own fics and burst out laughing because god ougi is such a little shit and would totally do this. something i dont like........ second guessing myself on whether they would in fact, say that. alternatively, trying to figure out how to give them character development in a satisfying way because nisioisin forgor 22. there's no one thing because everyone other than me gets it wrong in an unforgivable way. HOWEVER, the thing i see people doing the most (or just remember the most) is making ougi Too intellectual. ougi isn't Not intellectual, but ougi is also not stuck up their own ass. this is the person who said "*blush*" out loud. ougi gets silly with it. ougi is a jokester and disrupts the balance and preserves the balance by disrupting it. if ougi is being too much of one thing, they will take notice and immediately shift gears to be the opposite. ougi is incredibly self aware. if ougi was ever using an average of 6 long and sophisticated words per sentence, they would cotton on and then make "Huh WHUHHHHH" their next sentence. 23. WHAT YOU CANT ASK ME THIS OK I KNOW WHAT IT IS NVM. its this (explanation in the link)
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there's two to tie with this, or runnerups perhaps: this, which is just. fun and playful and lonely. a moonlit waltz, and ougi's leading him around wherever she wants. wonderful
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and this vofan art! love these so very much. this one just feels like im in school and the sun is shining through the windows. which is what literally is in the picture but it feels like i'm there. ive always loved seeing the sun shine on things and it's no less beautiful here, especially when it's lighting up the euler's identity proof on the blackboard. the big ZERO scribbled a few times over is a nice touch too
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THIS VOFAN ART IS ALSO SO SO SO GOOD! LOOK AT THEM!!!!!! IN THE MIDDLE LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL SMILING AND ACTING ALL HUMBLE WITH THEIR FANCY LITTLE TUX THING. GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!! LOVE THAT FOR THEM LOVE THEM YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! 24. thought i didnt know this one, but actually... ena from. ena lol. it's the inscrutability + the gender + the formality 25. "wait who is this? did i skip a part by accident?? am i supposed to know who this is??? ive never seen this character as part of the lineup for mono girls. huh." then this became admiration and joy when she started doing interesting philosophizing and harassing of koyomi. not to mention the GENDER. and how entertaining they always were. without even realizing it i started rooting for them...... and now of course. they're the most important thing to me 26. "Are you really always right about Ougi?" hehehe...
YES. I AM ALWAYS RIGHT ABOUT OUGI!!!!!! *cackle* *cackle*
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