#also idk how to type in character for him so excuse any bad attempts i make lol
catjest3r · 2 years
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NICE PLACE!!! THEY EVEN GOT ME A [[live to ride, ride to live]] NEW HARLEY!! [[Hop on back]] LET S GO FOR A RIDE, BABEY!!
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teddy-yandere · 3 years
I'm a simp for your writing, really went through all your work all night just to read about my favorite male-waifus XD
Don't ever stop writing, please!
So if it won't be weird can I ask for a request? Never done this before sorry if it's gonna be like jibberish XD Maybe another isekai type of stuff
Sanemi, Rengoku, Muzan(we all need a little bit of demon Jackson, hee-hee), Kokushibo and maybe any character of your choice?
Like the "Darling" woke up of just traight up yeeted into KNY world, knowing what happens and trying to help out the main characters? Maybe trying to prevent the bad things that may happen(and fail, because IDK, drama). While also trying to find a way to go back, because they understand that they don't belong there, but want to help as much as they can. Idk what else, a sprinkle of nsfw somewhere maybe, if the idea is decent I know you'll do some magic, if not I'd be happy to get a meme as an answer tho XD
- Different World -
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes ( NSFW )
Characters = Sanemi , Rengoku , Muzan , Kokushibou
A/N = Hii Darling!! Thank you so much for requesting this. I had a bunch of fun writing this. I am really sorry this took so long to make I hope you understand . To be honest this is my first time writing something like this so I hope yall understand if this comes out really shitty x-x . Feel free to submit requests . Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this!! <3
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
• When he first heard about you situation he was extremely confused about it. It took the other hashira multiple attempts to explain it.
• At first he wanted you dead. He was very rude to you and would go out of his way to make your life more difficult then it already was . Eventually he started to notice how kind and caring you were to others.
• He understood that you had to go back to your world but at the same time he did not want you to leave. In the past you had warned the other hashira about upcoming battles and tried to give them advice about it. He found himself thinking about you all the time. He always thought about how unique you were. As time went on he found himself feeling more and more possessive over you.
• He wanted you to himself. Since you were not from their world you needed someone very strong to protect you because you are truly defenseless. What if a demon comes and you can’t protect yourself from it. Every time he would catch you crying about wanting to go home he will try to comfort you in his one way.
• He would say stuff like “ I don’t know why you want to go back to your world . Don’t you like it more here?”. Every time you tried to tell him that you missed your family he will say “ Aren’t we your family. I thought you cared for the other hashira and me . Don’t you want to protect us.”?
• Because he can’t risk you going back to your world , he results to kidnapping you. He completely cuts you off from everything and everyone . His excuse is that you don’t need anyone other than him. Lucky for you, Sanemi does not treat you badly. He can be very sweet. After a while he does want to get married. His goal is to get you to forget about your old life and stay with him forever.
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• Let’s talk about sleeping with Sanemi. Despite popular belief I feel like he would be a total gentlemen in bed. Every once in a while he might take out his anger in you but he will always give you kisses and cuddles afterwards. Ugh his aftercare is perfect.
• When Rengoku first met you , he was very wary of you and your presence.
• Overtime he realized that you had very. Good intentions for everyone. You always tried to help people and give them advice right before they go on a mission. As Rengoku starts to study you more , he realizes that you are very kind and companionate. Whenever he is not on a mission he tries to spend as much free time as he has with you.
• He will ask you about how your life used to be in your world. He will even go as far as to ask you to talk about your family. Sometimes he will bring you little gifts from his missions and travels.
• Whenever somebody does not make it back alive from a mission. He always tries his best to comfort you and constantly remind you that it is not your fault. Rengoku will never get mad at you . The only time that he will get mad , is when you talk about your world a little too much.
• In his eyes you and him are soulmates and you are supposed to be together forever. He has no trouble announcing his feeling in front of everyone. Because Rengoku is known to be a very kind and reliable person , nobody will believe you if anything were to happen.
• Rengoku’s breaking point is when he hears you talking about finding a way to go back to your world. That same night he kidnaps you. He tries is best to convince you that what he is doing is the right thing but you seem unconvinced. Every single night he goes in a long rant about how much he loves you . He won’t shut up until you say “ I love you “ to him. Don’t worry though he will take very good care of you !
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Rengoku is very loud in bed . This fact should come to no surprise. Rengoku also really wants to have a big family so be prepared darling. He will never non-con you he is not that evil. He will probably wait till the two of you get married before sleeping with you. He is traditional in a way.
• If I am being completely honest , when this man first heard about you he was very intrigued. He thought that you were very strange. Because he was so curious about you decided to follow you and see what you would be doing.
• Imagine his surprise when he found himself fawning over how Handsome / Beautiful you were. He could not help himself from staring at you.
• That night when he was doing his lightly patrols looking for people kill. He ran into Tanjiro … and you.
• He could see the terror in your eyes. You gave Tanjiro a look before apologizing a thousand times for disturbing him. He found it almost amusing how you attempted to drag Tanjiro out of there. Normally he would kill Tanjiro in a instant , but the truth was is that he did not want to give a bad first impression. Instead he looked at you before smiling and telling you to enjoy your night.
• Tanjiro and you were stunned.
• Over the course of a couple of weeks he would send out his upper moons to keep a eye on you. Any demon or human that would try to lay a finger in you would be dead. In his free time he would like to watch you himself. He found you adorable. At the same time he was worried for you. He hoped that you weren’t to stressed out about being in a completely different universe. When he was stalking you , he would watch you as you cried to Zenitsu about wanting to find a way back home .
• That was when he snapped. That very night when you were in town looking for fresh food you felt yourself being gagged and knocked out.
• Don’t worry Muzan won’t really hurt you physically but he will gaslight and manipulate you. Very rarely will punishments ever get physical. He will do anything in his power to convince you that this universe is where you belong. He will also try to get you to forget all about your old life and family members.
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• Sorry hunny but this man will always top you. Being the bottom really makes him feel weak and like he is not even in control. He can be very doughy but also very passionate if you have been behaving well recently.
• I feel like the only Kokushibou would be aware of your existence, was if Muzan had sent him to kill you. He never go the full story except for the fact that you were not from this universe and that you apparently “ knew too much “ about Muzan. He had never seen Muzan get this stressed over somebody in a long time. So like the food servant to his master he went out to hunt you down.
• Imagine his fave when he finally found you. He was stunned by your beauty. When he found you , you were feeding some rabbits. You seemed like you really cared for those timid animals. Immediately he felt his heart ach. He did not know what this feeling was since he had not felt it in a long time. He was confused to say the least.
• He knew that he did not have the heart to end you. So what was he going to tell Muzan when he failed his mission. He stood there behind a tree watching you for what felt like ages.
• Eventually he decided that before he killed you he wanted to ask you some quuestions about you universe and reality. He felt ashamed by how he felt about you even though he had just met you. He did not want to scare you when he approached you so he made sure to announce his presence to you. To his shock you only waved at him. He sat down before introducing himself as upper moon 1 and he wanted to ask you some questions. You knew you could not exit this conversation so you nodded and told him your name before talking.
• You ended talking for a couple of hours before the sun started to set. Eventually you got down in your knees and begged for your life. He told you that he would not kill you and that he really enjoyed talking to you and how he hoped to cross orbs with you again. You were very uneasy to say the least. That demon was strange.
• He ended up thinking about you a lot. Then he came to the conclusion that he was in love and needed to protect you from this horrible world. He knew from your conversation that you were trying to find a way back to your universe and that could not happen. So he kidnapped you.
• Kokushibou was very patient with you it was almost scary. He treated you kindly and waited for Stockholm Syndrome to set in before he proposed the idea of y becoming a demon. You happily excepted your livers offer.
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• Similar to Muzan he will never let you top him. It makes him feel inferior to you and he hates that feeling. He can surprisingly be very soft to you after the deed and will cuddle you .
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading Darling !! <3
You guys can start sending in some Halloween requests !! Feel free to request any character you want. I write for all genders. I write for many different fandoms such as:
• Demon Slayer
• Haikyuu
• Attack on Titan
• My Hero Academia
• Death Note
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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panncakes · 3 years
oh no bad buddy is the type of show thats going to lead to dumb essay writing on my dumb blog lmao
anyway, here’s what i like about bad buddy; everything feels earned. it feels like they understand that for a story to be good and have a strong foundation but also have good pacing every scene needs to push the plot forward and add to the character arcs. you can have cute and soft scenes, you can have over the top fight scenes, you can even have ridiculously obvious ads but if you don’t use them to put things into motion they just feel arbitrary (and it’s so prevalent in bls to just throw in a shippy or music or angsty moment and have them mean nothing for the overall picture because they don’t seamlessly work into the story or the characters). they are also incredibly good in showing not telling; the exposition dumps don’t feel as forced or needless as they do in some other shows.
the established feuds both in their families and faculties are ridiculous but they make sense for the story because they use time in the series to show us rather than simply tell us and it’s used very well to move the plot when it needs to. the pull between pat and pran feels genuine because they show us how it has always been there even as kids and that in turn is used to move the plot forward and build upon to have them reach a new understanding. them growing closer feels genuine because we are shown why they grow closer other than ‘two hot guys have tension and look at each other’s lips sometimes’. of course pat is interested in getting to know pran better and hanging out with him aside from them trying to keep their faculties from getting in trouble; they were sort of friends once! they have been a constant in each other’s life since before they were born! they have literally been brought up to pay attention to each other and surprise! they actually kind of work really well together! of course that is intriguing and fun; but we don’t just get them instantly hanging out and being buds; we get pat actively working to be friends with pran and because of that we get to see why pran is in love with pat. it’s not just because the story demands it; they put actual time and effort in showing why they work well together and why someone like pran would fall for someone like pat.
and it leads to the angst in the last episode feeling earned as well. i dislike the ‘girl in bl means drama’ trope because it is always handled so stupidly; i hate a lot of angst in bl because it always comes down to bad communication without valid reason just for an excuse to be dramatic and have a sad boy moment. but again it makes sense here because they took the time to lay the proper foundations and move them forward to get them to this point. it’s heartbreaking to watch pran so crestfallen; but damn if it isn’t done wonderfully and satisfyingly so. we understand his emotions because they’ve been shown to us; we are also given the time to understand and see that neither pat nor ink are malicious or bad people and it makes it all hurt that much more. and you bet your ass that this isn’t just a ‘bump’ in the road to half-assedly overcome and never to look back upon; it’s going to be another thing to propel these characters forward further into their arcs and since this is a very character driven plot it will undoubtedly move the plot as well.
idk i just like good story telling even in silly shows; it makes the wonderful genuine acting so much more satisfying to watch. it’s not a perfect show by any means; but it’s really very good and the characters feel real and it takes all these tropes and doesn’t necessarily turn them on their heads but executes them the way they should be executed instead of using them for dumbass attempts at nothing.
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
About YZY leaving YMJ/JFM with her kids Post-WWX Arrival
Dear Dee, feel free to delete or ignore this or post it, whatever floats your boat. This just stuck in my head after those posts and I had to blurt it all to someone. Thanks for taking the time to read my word vomit.
So I had to do this instead of an ask because it got long and I wasn't sure how many asks it'd need or how short I could cut it down without losing parts of the argument. And then other things came up as I was writing and, well.  Well..... >_>;;;; 
But you know, after that post/ask you had about YZY fics saying 'Fuck U' to YMJ/JFM & leaving both with her kids, I had a sarcastic 'yeah right' attitude about it. Mainly due to a lot of negation emotions to such an abusive (and delusional) bitch, partly due to how she wouldn't do that since it doesn't seem to be something her sort of character would consider either because she'd think of it as 'losing' (losing what, IDK, it's why I consider her type of person crazy) or she legit wouldn't think about such a viable action.
But then later, in the shower, I seriously went 'Wait, she can't fucking do that' and it wouldn't be about how MXTX uses her as a part of the narrative but entirely about the/their culture in the novel; the actions that have and would be taken in response; and her entire toxic personality as well.
1) We already know that the sects and the cultivation world in general is sexist, elitist and so Capital T 'Traditional' to the point that it's starting to petrify and any deviancy from this is an exception rather than the norm. YZY might be a madame of a great sect (for what that's worth considering how shit of a madame she's been and the titles she's chosen for herself) but she's still a woman even with her high rank and the things she's personally accomplished.
Even if she was in her rights to leave a 'bad' marriage, she'd be the one who'd get scolded more instead of JFM by her natal family, her former husband's family and by their entire society at large even if she had a few singular supporters. Because That's Not How Things Are Done in their society and I do believe that such a thing was rare even when it was accepted method by the upper echelons. Especially since it would have to be done by more than YZY simply deciding that She Wants Out and just- goes and Gets Out. With no serious allegations that would allow her to divorce or separate from YMJ/JFM without the input from her family, JFM's family and, I think, possibly some measure of compensation as well. And no, having or bringing in a 'bastard child' is not a serious enough offence for such a humongous decision. I think something more along the lines of treason or crimes against multiple, high-ranking parties would be more along the lines. Maybe.
And even if she does this, she'd be considered 'Used Goods' (such a terrible comment) and there'd be no other good/proper marriage prospects for a divorced woman with children let alone a woman like YZY with her entire abrasive personality and attitude put off even easy-going JFM.
(If she'd been widowed then it'd be more forgiven but I consider that a Real Bad End since, IMO, it would lead to the sudden and inevitable decline of YMJ either via mass exodus of disciples and/or residents of LP; being merged with another sect due to it's unstable leadership; or create an internal political war 'cause I bet you anything that the YMJ Elders/relatives (if they have any) Would Not Want YZY in charge of YMJ when she's already proven herself such a shit betrothed let alone madame.)
2) Speaking of families, while YMJ/JFM/LP as a whole might be glad to see YZY's back, I don't think her natal sect, MSY, will be glad to see her come storming back after all the effort they put into getting that particular marriage alliance with YMJ. And if she brings her children with her? Oh man, oh boy- mother or not, that could be considered as kidnapping or line theft (is that a thing?) especially if YZY is also seriously considering divorce proceedings and raising them as Yu and not Jiang. That could give leave to, for anyone more unforgiving and maybe JFM if he's pushed enough, disown both JYL and JWY from the Jiangs through no fault of their own (though I'm sure YZY would make it so as well as blame JFM for her own decisions and mistakes).
Therefore, any inheritance or benefits they might gain for being legitimised children of a great sect are forfeited. JYL will likely lose that betrothal with JZX because JGS will drop it like a hot potato and JWY won't be a sect heir because YZY literally decided to remove that by deciding to raise JWY as a Yu, no matter their blood relation to JFM. They leave him, they leave YMJ and everything attached with it. Which is if YMJ/JFM doesn't demand MSY to give back their heir/ess and to punish YZY for her actions. Or send all three of them back for the appropriate reactions/decisions.
Their society would demand no less in reaction because, to them, it would seem like YZY had gone mad and JFM would look weak (or weaker) and imply that YMJ is vulnerable and exploitable if JFM doesn't do something in response to her actions. That's not even getting into what the other smaller sects may try to do in an attempt to curry favour with YMJ or what LLJ or QSW would try in order to destroy or diminish YMJ. And whether JFM chooses to demand his children back or not, it may not change the fact that this may give him reason enough to choose a nephew or niece to be the new sect heir especially if, even after getting rid of YZY's poisonous influence, JWY grows up to be his mother's child more than his father's or even his own person.
Either way, such a thing would bring great backlash on YZY, and MSY as well as the collateral. No one would want to give face to her or her children because it would bring up some very uncomfortable questions and scenarios to the other sects- specifically, what would happen if the female members of their clans/sets decided to follow the footsteps of YZY and leave with their children and heirs. Especially if they use it as an excuse to leave for their own comfort and whims and not some legitimate wrongs and dangers. That would create some more restrictions on women thanks to YZY
3) And lastly, if any one of those idiot YZY stans think that she'd ever give up the status of being a madame of a great sect they'd be as crazy or crazier than her. YZY is all about status and power and face. Specifically, her status, power and face and how people in her reach reflect her or 'insult' her. She is a selfish, terrible, abusive and toxic person and can only see people in regards to how they would benefit her and the elevation of her and in no other way. Especially her family. They cannot be their own person, they can only be an extension of her and gods forbid they go against her.
We can see this in how she treats the people she supposedly loves. JFM? Arguments day in, day out along with accusations and slander of cheating, having one(1) supposed 'bastard' and being 'in love' with CSSR. Which all seems sus as hell. And that's when she's actually there and not out 'night hunting'. Even her 'training' seems to border on unhelpful rather then helpful if my vague recollections of juniors fainting from exhaustion can be relied upon (please call me out if they're not or find proof).
JYL? Berated by not being 'strong' but not helped at all to be 'strong'. It doesn't help that YZY seems to believe in the same standards strength in their society- that is, of martial masculine strength which does not and should not apply to JYL who has been said to be sickly. Which means h should have been learning a different way of cultivation/fighting anyway.  If that was something she wanted and had been offered in the first place- which I doubt. That isn't even getting into her repeated generational trauma mess of a betrothal which was decided only by those 'sworn sisters', accepted by her as a way out of her terrible home life and puts her squarely within reach of JGS who we know to be a womaniser, rapist, predator and a possible ephebophile considering we don't know the exact age of his youngest 'conquest' or the age of MZY's mother when they met which could be anywhere from 14 to 21.
JWY? Gods, so much meta on him and his(non-) relationships with his parents that I don't think I can contribute more to it. It's been all said and done. Unless people want me to stir the pot by saying that, maybe, just maybe, YZY resents JWY as much as she 'loves' him.Either because he's her son and yet never manages to 'accomplish as much' as WWX or because he's a boy and therefore, more benefits and allowances than a girl/woman- more than anything that YZY ever got without either a fight or screaming at someone about. *shrug*
So, in conclusion to this sudden an unexpected essay that I wrote(I'm so sorry about that, I thought it would be shorter -.-;;;;), YZY leaving YMJ/JFM with her kids? Impossible. Not without some sort of personality transplant or a complete AU. She's too prideful, too bitter, too angry, too everything negative and little positive. She's a resentful product of the values and restraints of her society taken to the extreme negative with a willingness to inflict her pain on others to an abusive degree. But she's also too obsessed and reliant on those same values and restraints to keep up the image of her status. So her? Giving those up? You'd be more likely to see WRH as a doting grandfather than that.
Dee - All of this is true and yes YZY leaving YMJ is highly unlikely. While there will be consequences if she decides to leave, she does canonically lives separately from her husband. They seem to be in a situation where they are married but living separately, which was a common way to end a marriage (at least in spirit) back then. She essentially had all the perks of being Madam Jiang but fulfilled none of the responsibilities.
Afaik, her training the Jiang disciples is a donghua thing? I may be wrong but I recall she spent most of her time nighthunting.
As for taking her children along with her- that's completely impossible. At that point, children were the property of the father. She could leave but she would've never been allowed to take JC.
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jovalencia · 2 years
okay because I know you all care a lot and are simply dying to hear my opinion on heartstopper here it is. I’m gonna be a bitch btw be warned
I will preface this by saying I’ve read the comic like four times and I really liked it! it was very cute and I did plan on gatekeeing this show but. whatever I decided I don’t care enough but I can horde the urls of their instagram @‘s and maybe thats enough. if you’re mad at me too bad I already said I’m a bitch so sue me. 
right off the bat. the acting needs work. like seriously every scene made me wanna rip my ears off like why are you taking like that and standing like that and looking at each other like that. it was painful. the dialogue felt so…unnatural so I guess the delivery was on par with that. anyways. 
I know that some changes were necessary to make the comic into a show so I’m not gonna get upset about that, just the changes I didn’t like.
first of all the comic book editing was not very good. like it would have worked if it was consistent but it felt like every now and then they were like “shit this show is based off a comic let’s add some leaves”
now I’m sure this is a Super revolutionary take but WHY did they have that plot line with Imogen there was literally no fucking reason. I hated it and it was a cheap attempt at more drama and it wasn’t even that dramatic it was just bad.
#1 thing I hated about a change that they made in show was how they had Elle out nick to tao because like. maybe I just know my bff Elle better than the writers but like she would literally never do that like. WHY. anyways.
Tao my bff tao. I think I could talk about this for like a thousand words but I’ll try to keep it to a minimum. he is me and I am him and normally I wouldn’t excuse or support his type of behavior from a character, and certainly not a man, but he is me and I am him and I Get It. like they dialed every character trait of his up to a fucking hundred and I loved it. they just made him suuuuch a bitch. In a good way. the only thing I didn’t like was when he said he didn’t wanna be friends with Charlie but other than that. okay maybe I like him so much because as we have established I am him and he is me we are best friends but I literally would have acted the exact same way as him in these situations. the only time I’ve ever almost gotten into a fight was when I tried to punch a guy in the face because he said something mean to my friend and yes you needed to know that. he literally threw a ball at somebody and was mean to them bc they were mean to Charlie and him and got in a fight and threw apple juice on somebody. anyways sorry for being a tao apologist but somebody has to do it.
I have a theory that they took any potential personality that nick could have had and transferred it into tao. because tao felt so big and real but nick might as well have been a rock. like after the first two episodes I was like. tell me why I should care about this man. and then at the end I was like “okayyyyy so he literally could have been any guy and it wouldn’t have mattered okay” like why did they just decide to make him a brick personified I don’t get it.
Idk what the writers thought they were doing with Darcy but it did not slay. they took her chaotic-ness (I hate that word but that’s the only way I can describe it) and combined it with a complete lack of understanding or respect for boundaries and I was not a fan. I’m gonna be a Darcy apologist tho. I quite frankly I have no complaints about Tara tho I think they did a great job with her
the casting for Harry was some of the best I’ve ever seen it was fantastic. he was soooo English and such an asshole I laughed every time he was on screen I loved it. they made him not only hatable but also annoying and honestly might become a Harry stan in like an ironic way you know exactly what I mean 
okay. was ben… not white in the comic?? if not. WHAT was the reason for making him not white. Okay. Uh. anyways.
oh Charlie my bff Charlie they made him even MORE of a bitch in the show I loved it. that’s why him and tao are besties. again he kinda lacked personality a bit but it was fine. (brief sh and ed mention in the rest of this paragraph btw) However, I know that this point in the comic that Charlie’s mental health wasn’t really that big of a thing but at least in the comic whenever he would say something about not eating it was emphasized. whereas in the show it really was just completely skimmed over. also I can’t remember that if at that point in the comic Charlie had told nick about his self harming but if he had I wish that was in the show.
rapid fire round for characters that were irrelevant to me. hey where the fuck was Oliver btw I loved that lil guy. tragedy of the century. tori was there no complaints about her tbh. Isaac was there as well and he was fine, aled didn’t really do that much in the comic so it’s whatever. Miss singh was great as was that art teacher sorry I can’t remember his name I just don’t care. They took away all of nick’s mom’s personality it’s rough out there for the Nelsons. Taos mom is the best btw I love her.
saved the best for last let’s talk about my best friend Elle. And I mean best friend. I am so happy with what they did with her in the show (aside from the aforementioned outing of nick). They have her so much life and maybe I have my heart shaped glasses on but god I love her so much. I seriously don’t even have any specific thoughts but like. GOD Elle argent is Thee character of all time
and time for the rapid fire round of things that made me raise an eyebrow. Isaac walking in on nick and Charlie almost kissing and it never being resolved or addressed. lol. having Imogen’s dog die although that was pretty funny I did chuckle. sports day. So silly. rugby existing what is rugby. take a shot every time they say “Hi” “hi” and you’ll be so hammered by episode three that you won’t notice that the show isn’t that enjoyable. the school is sooooo ugly if I went there I would be miserable those kids are so strong. this show is so hard to compare to riverdale and it’s concerning considering that riverdale is the cornerstone blueprint etc for all good television. making out in front of a claw machine😐move I want a turn. Nick NOT recommending that he watch but I’m a cheerleader with his mom after he looked up gay movies. not knowing who won the fight between nick and Harry I want to see nick beat his ass. also I’ve seen middle schoolers fight better. 
rapid fire of things that made me want to punch a wall (in a good way!). Harry’s existence he’s so silly fr. commenting on the Elle smells bowling name. hi dani. the British accents which did make the show funnier. the soundtrack was good! I didn’t know or particularly like any of the songs but they fit the vibe. nicks house is so pretty on the outside I love ivy. the your mom jokes. me. 62% gay nick having his Isak valtersen moment. btw this show wants to be skam sooooo bad .Tao’s three story house. so silly. nicks tight ass uniform shirt a boy who plays rugby Would do that. Nick’s ugly ass bedroom decor. he’s here to represent bi boys with no swag. who also dress like elementary schoolers. all THREW of the running through the hallways scenes what if I started crying tears of joy huh then what. Tao’s “you clearly didn’t get hugged much as a child but if you’re craving human contact that badly you could just say so” noora m okay because I know you all care a lot and are simply dying to hear my opinion on heartstopper here it is. I’m gonna be a bitch btw be warned
I will preface this by saying I’ve read the comic like four times and I really liked it! it was very cute and I did plan on gatekeeing this show but. whatever I decided I don’t care enough but I can horde the urls of their instagram @‘s and maybe thats enough. if you’re mad at me too bad I already said I’m a bitch so sue me. 
right off the bat. the acting needs work. like seriously every scene made me wanna rip my ears off like why are you taking like that and standing like that and looking at each other like that. it was painful. the dialogue felt so…unnatural so I guess the delivery was on par with that. anyways.
I know that some changes were necessary to make the comic into a show so I’m not gonna get upset about that, just the changes I didn’t like.
now I’m sure this is a super revolutionary take but WHY did they have that plot line with Imogen there was literally no fucking reason. I hated it and it was a cheap attempt at more drama and it wasn’t even that dramatic it was just bad.
#1 thing I hated about a change made in show was how they had Elle out nick to tao because like. maybe I just know my bff Elle better than the writers but like she would literally never do that like. WHY. anyways
Tao my bff tao. I think I could talk about this for like a thousand words but I’ll try to keep it to a minimum. he is me and I am him and normally I wouldn’t excuse or support his type of behavior from a character, and certainly not a man, but he is me and I am him and I Get It. like they dialed every character trait of his up to a fucking hundred and I loved it. they just made him suuuuch a bitch. In a good way. the only thing I didn’t like was when he said he didn’t wanna be friends with Charlie but other than that. okay maybe I like him so much because as we have established I am him and he is me we are best friends but I literally would have acted the exact same way as him in these situations. the only time I’ve ever almost gotten into a fight was when I tried to punch a guy in the face because he said something mean to my friend and yes you needed to know that. he literally threw a ball at somebody and got in a fight and threw apple juice on somebody. anyways sorry for being a tao apologist but somebody has to do it.
I have a theory that they took any potential personality that nick could have had and transferred it into tao. because tao felt so big and real but nick might as well have been a rock. like after the first two episodes I was like. tell me why I should care about this man. and then at the end I was like “okayyyyy so he literally could have been any guy and it wouldn’t have mattered okay” like why did they just decide to make him a brick personified I don’t get it.
Idk what the writers thought they were doing with Darcy btw but it did not slay. they took her chaotic-ness (I hate that word but that’s the only way I can describe it) and combined it with a complete lack of understanding or respect for boundaries and I was not a fan. I’m gonna be a Darcy apologist tho. I quite frankly I have no complaints about Tara tho I think they did a great job with her
the casting for Harry was some of the best I’ve ever seen it was fantastic. he was soooo English and such an asshole I laughed every time he was on screen I loved it. they made him not only hatable but also annoying and honestly might become a Harry stan in like an ironic way you know exactly what I mean 
okay. was ben not white in the comic. if not. WHAT was the reason for making him not white. Okay. Uh.
oh Charlie my bff Charlie they made him even MORE of a bitch in the show I loved it. that’s why him and tao are besties. again he kinda lacked personality a bit but it was fine. However, I know that this point in the comic that Charlie’s mental health wasn’t really that big of a thing but at least in the comic whenever he would say something about not eating it was emphasized. whereas in the show it really was just completely skimmed over. also I can’t remember that if at that point in the comic Charlie had told nick about his self harming but if he had I wish that was in the show.
rapid fire round for characters that were irrelevant to me. hey where the fuck was Oliver btw I loved that lil guy. tragedy of the century. tori was there no complaints about her tbh. Isaac was there as well and he was fine aled didn’t really do that much in the comic so it’s whatever. Miss singh was great as what that art teacher sorry I can’t remember his name I just don’t care. They took away all of nick’s mom’s personality it’s rough out there for the Nelsons. Taos mom is the best btw I love her.
saved the best for last let’s talk about my best friend Elle. And I mean best friend. I am so happy with what they did with her in the show (aside from the aforementioned outing of nick). They have her so much life and maybe I have my heart shaped glasses on but god I love her so much. I seriously don’t even have any specific thoughts but like. GOD Elle argent is Thee character of all time
and time for the rapid fire round of things that made me raise an eyebrow. Isaac walking in on nick and Charlie almost kissing and it never being resolved or addressed. having Imogen’s dog die although that was pretty funny I did chuckle. sports day. So silly. rugby existing what is rugby. take a shot every time they say “Hi” “hi” and you’ll be so hammered by episode three that you won’t notice that the show isn’t that enjoyable. the school is sooooo ugly if I went there I would be miserable those kids are so strong. this show is so hard to compare to riverdale it’s concerning considering that riverdale is the cornerstone blueprint etc for all good television. making out in front of a claw machine😐move I want a turn. Nick NOT recommending that he watch but I’m a cheerleader with his mom after he looked up gay movies. not knowing who won the fight between nick and Harry I want to see nick beat his ass. anyways I have seen middle schoolers fight better. 
rapid fire of things that made me want to punch a wall (in a good way!). Harry’s existence he’s so silly fr. commenting on the Elle smells bowling name. hi dani. the British accents which did make the show funnier. the soundtrack was good! I didn’t know or particularly like any of the songs but they fit the vibe. nicks house is so pretty on the outside I love ivy. the your mom jokes. me. 62% gay Isak valtersen moment. btw this show wants to be skam sooooo bad .Tao’s three story house. so silly. nicks tight ass uniform shirt a boy who plays rugby Would do that. Nick’s ugly ass bedroom decor. he’s here to represent bi boys with no swag. who also dress like elementary schoolers.all the running through the hallways scenes what if I started crying tears of joy huh then what. Tao’s “you clearly didn’t get hugged much as a child but if you’re craving human contact that badly you could just say so” noora moment. nick is so much stronger than I could ever be if my mom gave me that fuckin 3rd degree when I came out I would have been pissed.
I’m conclusion I don’t think I would have liked the show if I wasn’t already invested in the comic and Elle and tao would have made a much more interesting main couple I’m sorry it had to be said. I just like them better and I Know you do to.  regret staying up late to watch it.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 289: Looks Like the Gang’s All Here
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “you guys don’t really need to know what’s gonna happen to Deku and Shouto right now” and cut away to Toga and Ochako before anyone could get a word in. Skeptic utilized the power of Freak Shounen Coincidence to magically zero in on Ochako and Tsuyu amongst the fleeing crowd. Toga was all “IS THAT OCHAKO” and immediately leaped down to fight them, ignoring Spinner’s heartfelt speeches about Villain Found Family because fight now, hug later!! Down in the streets of some unidentified crumbling city, Ochako was approached by a sweet old lady and was all “I better help this sweet old lady who is definitely not leading me into a trap”, which unfortunately turned out to be poor decision-making on her part. Anyway so now she and Toga are going to throw down. AND ALSO, P.S., BEST JEANIST IS STILL ALIVE, and that doesn’t really have anything to do with anything right now, but BY GOLLY I JUST HAD TO SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS.
Today on BnHA: Iida and Hadou are all “is it our turn yet”, and Horikoshi is all “yes”, and so the two of them finally burst onto the scene and are all “hello Shouto, Gigantomachia is on his way, btw do you need help” and so they all get ready to fight Tomura together. Meanwhile in Unnamed Ochako And Toga Fight Town, Toga is all “what’s up Ochako, oh is this the All Might doll Deku gave you, I guess you must like Deku as well, just like me, we truly are the same, btw I can use other people’s quirks now” before she vanishes in a flurry of knives and ambiguity, as mysteriously as she came. So that’s a thing that happened. The chapter ends with Gigantomachia and the League STOMPIN’ ONTO THE SCENE, JUST IN TIME FOR ENDEAVOR TO WAKE UP AND BE ALL “OHHHHH SHIT.” YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT, “OH SHIT.” Finally the pieces are in place for Dabi to reveal his true identity to Hadou and Iida, JUST LIKE WE ALL EXPECTED.
before I start, thank you so much to everyone who sent birthday messages on Wednesday!! I had a good day; my quarantine impulse purchase guitar that I ordered months ago but had been backordered finally arrived, and so now I can do something productive with my time as I continue to while away these months in isolation! not to say that capslocking over fictional characters and their shounen escapades doesn’t also count as being productive lmao. anyways, my fingers hurt so typing is kind of a bitch right now, but I’m having fun still. IF KAMINARI CAN DO IT THEN SO CAN I
anyway so let’s see what mishaps my various catastrophe-prone children are getting up to this week
okay there are several things happening in this panel which I want to comment on
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“some time after” jesus fucking christ though, how long have Deku and the rest actually been fighting?? like it’s absolutely absurd to imagine that they’ve been managing to hold off Tomura for more than a few minutes, and yet everything we’ve seen these last couple of chapters suggests that this is indeed the case. which is just pure insanity tbh. excuse me sir, but I have an emotionally maturing son, a homewrecking grandpa, and a sleep-deprived one-legged platonic husband who are all in DIRE NEED of medical attention just FYI
lastly, I direct your attention to these two cool cats in the background who are both riding on hover surfboards. living it up like it’s Back to the Future. why are there two of them. do they both just happen to have the exact same quirk. what are the odds. ARE THEY TWINS. I want to know everything about them dammit
anyway so Hadou is asking Iida why he’s tagging along, because unlike the others, he can’t fly and is thus vulnerable to Tomura’s attacks and such
well Hadou I’ll have you know that it his DUTY AS THE CLASS PRESIDENT to tag along and THAT’S WHY
oh shit you guys IIDA SAID “FUCK THE LAW”
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“plus Bakugou-kun, whom I am not particularly close to, but nonetheless hold nothing personal against!” well uh, kind of a weird distinction to make there bro, but okay. listen everyone, it’s a tense situation; if Iida feels the need to clarify the ins and outs of his interpersonal relationships with each of the people he’s rescuing then please just respect that okay
anyways though have I mentioned how much I fucking love Iida Tenya though you guys. feels like I haven’t mentioned that enough. I LOVE HIM. there
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is it bad that my immediate reaction to this page was A LOT OF LAUGHING, though. fkldlksh this entire situation is SO ABJECTLY TERRIBLE that if I were Shouto I would almost be fighting the urge to look around for a hidden camera at this point. ASHTON KUTCHER WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING HERE. OH THANK GOD, IT WAS ALL JUST A PRANK
anyway so uh. heh. how screwed are we at this point, exactly. oh and also, whose speech bubbles are these. who the fuck would look at this situation and these bleeding children and say “HA!” what kind of monster. just ignore that paragraph right before this one please
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pretty please. we kind of have a situation here. not that I wouldn’t love to see what this icy flamey boi could do if push came to shove, but I also have had just about enough of watching children get maimed for today though
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lmaoooo a wild Lida has been spotted what the fuck is this translation though
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I don’t know which is better, the “Lida” (DO YOU EVEN READ THE SERIES BRO), or the “CHRIST” gkfhkg. CLASSIC LIDA
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sobbing at Manual cradling the still-warm corpse of Gran Torino like a tiny baby khlk;h. BUT ANYWAYS HADOU SAW HER TEACHER ALL BLOODIED UP AND IS READY TO THROW DOWN, YESSSSS, THE MY LADIES ACADEMIA ARC CONTINUES
(ETA: listen you guys, there were many things at the end of this chapter that brought me joy, but perhaps none more than the inclusion of Hadou in the final two page spread looking all serious alongside the Todorokis, as if she has any fucking clue at all wtf is going on slfkhlkhgghsl. what I wouldn’t give to see her and Deku and Iida all making frantic bewildered eye contact at each other throughout the next chapter lmao.)
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“true, I already watched him murder my dad, my boyfriend, my other boyfriend, my teacher, and dozens of other people, but gosh darn it, I just feel like the fifteenth time’s the charm you guys.” shit, I ain’t even mad. who’s up for yet another episode of Todoroki Shouto Attempts to Murder a Bitch
-- “TIME TO CUT AWAY!!” laughs Horikoshi as he gleefully dodges out of reach before I can punch him, that SON OF A --
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goddammit. you’re just lucky that I’m invested in the girl power fight too
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damn, looks like she managed to touch Toga’s shirt but not Toga herself. both of them are so fast
now Toga is monologuing from the shadows
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we’ve all been there, Toga. sometimes you see someone you really like and it’s just like, ahhhhhh gotta kill them am I right
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lol I love Toga so much you guys, but I’m also kind of wincing in anticipation of whatever essays are gonna materialize out of the fandom this week explaining how hero society has failed her utterly and she is just a victim here. CAN YOU NOT SEE HOW SHE JUST WANTED FREEDOM TO BE HERSELF AND MURDER A BUNCH OF PEOPLE flhkklhl
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and it was fucking awesome and scary as shit, Ochako. like damn, still sends a chill up my spine just thinking about it
anyway so now Toga is continuing to explain that she can use the quirks of whoever she transforms into
and Ochako is kind of freaking out, which I don’t blame her for, since it’s probably really upsetting to hear that your stolen blood and quirk were used to murder a bunch of people. shit
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??? was this somehow the wrong answer?
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for fuck’s sake. Toga you literally came down here to ask her if she would be willing to kill you, and here she is telling you “I would never be happy about killing someone, that’s fucked up”, and you’re all “......”
like come on though, what else do you want her to say?? and why does Ochako look so shocked now
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THEIR FACES DKSLHFKG. TOGA NO THAT IS MEAN. and jesus christ Ochako it’s just a toy. I know it has Sentimental Value and shit but is this really the thing to be getting distracted about right now
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this entire confrontation makes absolutely zero sense to me you guys. just. Horikoshi was all, “this is the kind of stuff girls talk about when they’re battling to the death, right?” just, are you okay my dude
anyway so Toga has somehow deduced that Ochako got the doll from Deku, which means that she and Ochako are exactly alike in every way, and this is somehow an important plot point, and now they’re finally getting back to the fight lulz
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so now Toga’s all excited and she’s all “THERE’S SOMETHING I OUGHT TO TELL YOU, I’M NOT LEFT HANDED EITHER” oh snap
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fuck, it almost feels like she’s trying to warn her. Ochako idk maybe you should run shit I do not like this ( ゚д゚)
but of course she is not running, and she’s all “I’ll have you take responsibility for your actions”
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fuck, she was crying??
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ceterisparibus116 · 3 years
Daredevil scenes / plot points you would have done differently? (I get a suspicion a lot of them have to do with the law stuff, Frank Castle's trial especially. 😉 )
Aaaaa I love this question! Warning: VERY long response:
DEFINITELY the Frank Castle trial. Man, it could’ve been SO GOOD. I have a lot of issues with it, obviously, but the main one is that Matt treating Frank as a hostile witness could’ve been amazing (character-driven, emotionally-charged, also at times hilarious), and we were ROBBED.
 I also wish Matt could’ve been involved in more trial prep. The show makes it seem almost like Matt’s skill is limited to courtroom antics, but charisma and the ability to think on your feet in the courtroom mean next to nothing if you haven’t laid a foundation with good legal research and legal writing. I would’ve loved it if the legal plotlines showed us more of that. Like, you know Matt and Karen’s date night in S2 where she helps him come up with witness questions? I would’ve loved it if: a) they’d gotten, like, ANY part of that scene correct from a legal standpoint, and b) if we could’ve gotten MORE. I know that kind of thing might seem boring, but I don’t think it would be. You can really show off characters’ personalities in that kind of environment, and then the audience gets the reward of seeing that hard work pay off at trial.
 Speaking of, I know we’ve talked before about S3 splitting everyone up. I still think that could’ve maybe been worth it if we’d gotten a S4 where we could see how everyone learned from how disastrous the S3 isolation was, but without S4, everyone’s isolation in S3 is really unfortunate. I would’ve loved to see Nelson, Murdock, and Page working together for at least half of the season, instead of just the last 3-ish episodes. It would’ve been fascinating to watch, since Matt would still not be in a great headspace, and Karen would still be hurt, and Foggy would be just Trying To Deal with his idiot best friends. (But since we don’t have that, at least we have my S3 canon-divergent retelling thing: Take A Deep Breath – shameless plug.)
 I also would’ve generally kept the stakes lower in S2 and S3. I think you agree with me that both seasons would’ve been more powerful if we’d had more lower-level villains. But one of my favorite things about S1 is that we get to know the people who are at stake. Unlike in the Avengers where it’s just “the world” or “New York” or something, S1 showed us a little boy who wanted to go back to his dad, and Elena, and that one juror who was being exploited, and Melvin, and even a bad guy like Vladimir, and they’re ALL sympathetic. We really understand who Matt’s fighting for, but with the exception of Grotto, Jasper Evans, and Julie Barnes, I don’t feel like we really get that in S2 and S3.
 Related: our S2 ninjas needed a clearer motivation. (That goes for Defenders, too.) Imo, they needed personal stakes. Fisk’s mission to clean up Hell’s Kitchen was personal. Frank’s mission to take out bad guys was personal. Everything about Elektra was personal. Dex’s desperate attempt to find a place for himself and find people who care about him was VERY personal. But the Hand? Not personal at all.
 With Elektra…I’m torn. Part of me really wishes Matt could’ve told her no and maintained his boundaries all along, because a) I hate love-triangle-type drama and drama that could be resolved if people just stopped keeping secrets, and b) it would’ve been so refreshing to see the femme fatal trope subverted, and c) it would’ve given Elektra more agency. That being said…that might be veering too far away from comics canon. Matt is canonically a disaster with relationships, and he and Elektra have this whole…epic…magnetic…thing. I personally would argue that the show isn’t beholden to the canon in this specific way, but I can see how people would be upset if Matt and Elektra hadn’t turned out the way they did in S2.
 I would’ve liked Marci to have a smidge more character development. She was so sweet and supportive in S3and I don’t…quite…know where that came from? Oh, well.
 Speaking of character development: I wish Matt and Foggy could’ve had some real conversations. Aside from when Foggy found Matt at the gym in S1 and they talked about moving forward, I don’t feel like they had deep conversations that weren’t arguments. Matt’s S3 apology is good, but I would’ve loved to see Foggy apologize for how he contributed to the problems in their friendship. I also wish we could’ve seen Foggy explicitly thank Matt for, y’know…SAVING HIS LIFE.
 As for Karen, I wish her revelation scene to Matt had been more about HER. It says a lot about how selfless she is that she used her own pain to try to convince Matt not to kill Fisk. But even though I know Matt’s super depressed and everything, I would’ve loved to see him put his own angsty issues aside for a sec and just be there for his friend and the woman he loves. Even the fact that she is the one who crosses the room to be close to him is telling; he should’ve gone over to her when she started crying and been there for her.
 Although if I’m talking about Matt’s romantic relationships, I wouldn’t have minded if the show went a Clairedevil route. Although that would require A LOT. I do wish, if I’m being really fanciful, that we could’ve seen Claire in S3. Or, at minimum, seen Matt and Claire interact in Defenders.
 FATHER LANTOM TELLING MATT THAT GUILT IS A SIGN THAT HIS WORK IS NOT DONE. I cannot with that scene. I love Father Lantom, but that? Really? I mean, I get it. That’s a common way that Catholic doctrine is interpreted, and it’s what Matt basically wants to hear anyway, but it is SUCH a dangerous thing to tell Matt (and I feel like Father Lantom should’ve known that???) and it’s also, as I understand it, not even the technically correct Catholic interpretation of guilt. Like, that’s literally not what guilt is or how it’s supposed to work. (Although who knows. I’m not Catholic, and as I understand it, Catholics themselves vary a lot in their interpretations of doctrine. So idk.) If I were writing that scene, I would definitely not have written Father Lantom to say that.
 On the religious theme, I wish S3 had circled back to Matt’s original objections related to the book of Job. He gets quite a few things wrong in his recap, and I’m not sure if Maggie didn’t correct him because she didn’t know better, or because she didn’t think a Biblical literacy lecture was what he needed at the moment, OR because the writers couldn’t be bothered to read the book. (In fairness…it’s a long and complicated book. But they couldn’t have been bothered to read a commentary on it?) I wish S3 had not stopped at giving Matt an abstract tapestry analogy to heal his faith when it also should’ve addressed his specific complaints.
I wish we’d had more time to see Matt and Maggie repair their relationship, or start to. And I wish she’d hugged him at Literally Any Point.
I wish the whole Matt-hallucinating thing had been clearer. Was he actually hallucinating? Or was that just his internal monologue manifested through other characters? If he was hallucinating, did he just...stop? Is he not freaked out about that? What was going on????
Oh, and if only they could’ve gotten Dex’s psychological diagnosis right.
 Other than that, there are a couple scenes that I feel like drag on way too long (S3 especially has an odd amount of monologues that generally strike me as OOC anyway—except with Fisk; he’s just Like That) but I don’t want to go into all of them. It would be hypocritical, given how long this reply is. :P
 So yeah, I think I’ll stop there, although I’m sure there’s more, haha. Thank you again for the ask and the excuse to ramble about Daredevil! I look forward to your thoughts as well.
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
I got 25 asks that took me WAY too long to reply to! :}
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I have two top favorite episodes, the cone snail episode and the beluga whales episode.
When it comes to my favorite part of both episodes..?
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..Not happy parts...
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I have absolutely no idea what you just suggested.
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(Referring to this post)
Thank you! That was the intention. :} I was worried that their faces all looked weird..
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You want to learn more? Man.. maybe I should post that headcannon draft..
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Yeah haha, this blog has taken quite the U-turn hasn’t it? I’m just glad everyone seems okay with it so far. <:} I’m excited for season 5 also! I hope it comes out soon! :D
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Yes and no.
Does he think of his crew as children? Absolutely not. They are all fully grown, intelligent and capable adults, and he darn well treats them like it.
But you bet that if one of them is in danger or is frightened, he’s dropping everything he’s doing and rushing to their aid as if they’re his cub that just wondered out onto the highway.
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ME TOO! I always felt like he had this fatherly vibe to him with some professionalism sprinkled on top. Like he’s always looking out for his team because he cares for them and worries about them, but its kind of disguised as him just doing his job as the Captain.
I plan to draw more Protective Barnacles because its my jam, so don’t worry! That side of you will have some more fuel soon XD. And thank you for all the compliments! :}
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Daww thank you, it twaz nothin. I’m just glad that people want to see my art.
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Well, taking everyone into consideration, the tallest is Captain Barnacles, and the shortest is Tomminow. (This little guy 👇)
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The Vegimals aside though? Peso is the shortest. 
(And thank you! I’m glad :})
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Honestly? Awful. I feel like absolute garbage, I just hope this will all finally go away soon.
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Not really no, and no thanks on the cookies, I shouldn’t eat anything until I get super hungry because everything gives me stomachaches.. But a hug would sure be nice right about now.
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I can give you a link to their wiki pages if that’ll help, I’m not really good with my words and you can learn everything you need to know about them there. <:}
Captain Barnacles (The polar bear guy)
Kwazii (The orange pirate cat guy)
Peso (The bby Penguin doktor)
Shellington (Tall Otter boi)
Dashi (Doge girl with skirt)
Professor Inkling (Fancy squik)
Tweak (Green bunny country gal chick)
The Vegimals (Little veggie dudes)
All the Gups (Metal fishes)
The Octopod (Momma metal squik)
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Whos the youngest Octonaut? Well, if we’re not including the Vegimals, I’d say its probably Peso. And the oldest is most likely Professor Inkling.
Does anyone have claustrophobia? Yes! Captain Barnacles canonically does. He got trapped in a deep hole in some icy caves as a cub, since then he’s been afraid of tight and closed in spaces. I have extended on that fact and thought of many different scenarios relating to the aftermath of the Octonauts movie, but you know.. still not confident in all this Octonauts stuff so I haven’t posted my headcannons yet. <:/
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Novelas translated into English means Soap Opera.
You think so? I feel like that’s not Kwazii’s thing, he’d probably like horror movies and action filled movies. But Peso probably would like them not gonna lie, him and Dashi would probably watch them together.
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Well, in my draft post I’ve got two headcannons for her so far.
Tweak likes sleeping in the launch bay for the #1 reason that she can hear the water sloshing around in the bay. Which mimics the sound the water in the swamp used to make when she lived there with her Dad.
Tweak gets bad migraines when she’s sick, so the other Octonauts have to do a lot to accommodate her. Because the beds in the med bay aren’t that soft, she prefers to sleep in her room when she’s sick. But then the usually comforting sounds of the water in the launch bay become pain inducing. So the launch bay is emptied of all its water, the lights are shut off and, unless its an emergency, no one is allowed in the launch bay until she recovers. 
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I looked it up, and its true.
KWAZII WAS A GIRL IN THE BOOKS?? THEN WHY IS HE A BOY IN THE SHOW?? WHY DID THEY CHANGE THAT?? WH??? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like this Kwazii more than I would any other version of him, but still, WHY’D THEY CHANGE THAT?? IM GLAD THEY DID BUT WHY??
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Hmm.. let me think...
Captain Barnacles most likely doesn’t ever have uninterrupted free time, and even when he does, he probably still prefers to be up in HQ where anyone can find him if they need him. But lets say for the sake of it that he has some free time and he takes it. He’d probably either want to play his accordion, or want to read a book.
I feel like there’s a lot of different things Kwazii likes to do in his spare time, but goofing around in the Gup-B is probably his favorite.
Peso probably likes to do puzzles and play his xylophone.
Dashi probably reads books while listening to music. How she does both of these things at the same time I have no idea.
Tweak probably plays video games.
Professor Inkling and Shellington both probably read books in their free time.
I’m not too sure what the Vegimals would do in their free time though..
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Oh yes, indeed it does. 
Before becoming the Captain of the Octonauts, Barnacles had to ask himself,  “Am I really ready to be their leader?” Can he handle managing a team of that size? Can he react to situations fast enough and make the right choices? He thought it through and believed that yes. He was ready.
But he wasn’t. He wasn't prepared for that gut wrenching anxiety when one crew member goes missing. He wasn't prepared for the crippling heat that most everywhere else has compared to his home. He wasn't prepared to become so attached to his crew that the thought of something happening to them keeps him awake for nights in a row. He wasn’t prepared for that overwhelming nausea of missing home and his sister. 
There was a lot he didn’t know. They’d all turn to him when something went wrong and ask if everything's going to be okay. He’d say “don’t worry, its all going to be okay.” but he’s just as unsure as everyone else.
Now don't get me wrong, he’s not this completely hopeless and unexperienced Captain that bit off more than he could chew, no. There’s just somethings he didn’t think about before becoming Captain of the Octonauts.
Now usually he can really keep himself composed almost always. He’s very level headed and very good at thinking his way through things, But sometimes? He just.. needs a break. He usually cant get a break because he’s the Captain and always needs to be alert, so everyone else that sees it usually tries to help.
Some crew members, like the Vegimals and Kwazii, have a habit of following the Captain around when they see that he’s tired to keep an eye on him. Others like Shellington and Dashi tend to give him space and keep things quiet for him. Some crew members, like Peso and Tweak tend to clean up around the place to take some weight off the Captains shoulders, they all help him out in some way.
Professor Inkling will sometimes find an excuse to pull him aside to have some tea with him. They’ll sit and talk for a bit but then he’s back up on his feet and back to work. This poor bear..
..hold on.. was this a drawing suggestion?
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Dashi and Tweak would probably hang out in Dashi’s room and goof around. Not sure what they’d do.. maybe read, talk, play games or.. idk pillow fights? I don’t know what girls do on a girls night.
As for everyone else? I also am not sure, I don’t know what all those characters with all their clashing personalities would do on a boys night. Maybe they would all watch a movie? All attempt bake something obnoxious together? They seem like the kind of characters that would do that.
I’ve never been to a girls night or a guys night, so I don't really have much of a base to go off of.. but both groups would probably get together and do something they’d all enjoy. Guys maybe a funny movie, and the girls just talking and reading books? <:D 
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For real that’d be hilarious. Imagine if their voices were deep and gruff too but they just make them sound high pitched for fun?
Dude that’d be so funny. Like Kwazii’s up to his shenanigans again blabbering on about some sea monster or what have you, and Tunip out of nowhere just goes,
“Kwazii legit stop, we all know that you’re just talking about some ordinary sea creature that pirates interpreted as a sea monster.“
The whole crew gon be like
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If this game existed in their world and they all played it.....
Captain Barnacles would make it through a pacifist run and would be satisfied. He’s some kind of weirdo who doesn’t think of characters as real people and doesn’t obsess over them and cry about them. Overall he thinks the game is pretty neat, but probably not his type of game.
Kwazii would want to test his skills by attempting a genocide, but his heart of gold would get in the way and he wouldn’t be able to complete it. He’d feel terrible for killing goat mom, reset and go hard pacifist next round. Overall he thinks the game is awesome.
Peso would want to talk to every character so they’d all be included in the story. He’d go full pacifist and cry over the story and its characters. Overall 10/10 for him.
Dashi would probably cry over the game a lot and would never attempt a genocide run because the characters are now her family.
Shellington would hate the fighting parts so would delay those bits by walking around and talking to characters over and over again.
Tweak would go through a neutral run because she sometimes accidently kills weaker monsters. Overall she loves the story and its characters, 10/10 would play again.
Professor Inkling would become invested in the story I bet. Complimenting the story arcs for the characters and its creative game play. But I feel like he’d only play it once and probably wouldn’t beat it, but would have fun with it none the less.
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Thank you!!!♡♡♡ Man, I never expected such a positive response to switching to Octonauts, I cant believe everyone is so excited about it! I’m so glad you like my Octonauts art, that really makes me feel better and like what I’m drawing is worth while. ɷ◡ɷ
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Aww I’m glad! And oh yeah, the animals at the end were always scary. Remember the Boo the spookfish?
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Boo was a cute little googly eyed fishy boi who was just so sweet and somft until the creATURE REPORT AND I-
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Dawww thank you!! I tried. <:}
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sunsetsover · 3 years
"I swear half this fandom don't actually like Ben" lmao true! Thing is though he's not likeable all the time and he can be a right old dick. But personally even if I don't like him or his actions at certain times, I feel like the broader picture is still there and I root for him because I get why he's like he is? And I can see and appreciate the softer sides of him even if they're fairly well hidden at times.
I also think some people in the fandom intellectually understand that he's traumatised and a survivor of various abuses, and when that shows in certain ways e.g. like if Callum or Lola is comforting while he's crying. But when it comes to situations like this week with Jags and Whitney, I personally think some people have struggled to understand how his trauma connects to it because it's not as obvious as e.g. Whitney's fiance dies, Gray manipulates her, bish bash bosh hit and run. Even more broadly I think it's easy for the audience to underestimate how Ben's experiences have shaped him because there's a distance created by time, his criminal actions, his (un)likeability factor, not viewing Phil as an abusive parent etc.
I don't wanna say everyone criticising him is like that btw! I'm sure there's a few reasons but I think this plays a part tbh.
i get what you're saying but to me it's like.... why would you even waste so much time invested into someone you don't like most of the time. i genuinely don't get it. ppl tend to ship ballum but hate ben AND hate the majority of the sls lately and it's like.... it's 2021 bro it's not like gay couples are THAT rare anymore there is so much media out there if you're not enjoying what ee are doing then you literally do not have to watch. in fact im BEGGING you for your sake not to. literally just do not engage with media that you aren't enjoying. do not sit in your own negativity writing 20 posts a day abt 'why are they doing this? why don't they do that? if they did this i would enjoy it more' bc you're only making yourself miserable. like this goes for any type of media but literally just stop engaging w it if you're not enjoying it anymore. the think pieces don't help anyone. your opinions aren't universal and they aren't gospel. we all need to stop confusing our opinions w facts. just bc i'm not enjoying smth doesn't mean other ppl aren't and vice versa. just bc i'm not enjoying smth doesn't mean that the thing needs to change. eg i hate the fact that callum is a copper and pray every day that something will force him out of it BUT it doesn't really affect my overall enjoyment of him as a character and it doesn't mean that the show has to make him quit just bc i don't like it. you (the royal you not u specifically anon lmao) might hate the fact that ben still does illegal stuff but that doesn't mean the show has to make him stop just bc you don't like it. if it affects how much you enjoy him as a character/ben and callum as a couple then maybe consider stopping watching. festering in the energy of 'i hate this, i hate what they're doing and here's 1200 words why' is unhealthy! i learned this the hard way !
i know this seems like an irrelevant ramble but i think i've realized that this is what my issue is. ppl not understanding trauma is frustrating and damaging and still pisses me off, but i feel like what actually pisses me off more are the ppl who just don't even attempt to be understanding bc underneath it all they're angry/frustrated at the show/sls and that's how it manifests itself. ppl don't like the direction ben and/or callum are going in and so the minute they (and it's usually ben lbr) step out of line they JUMP on that as an excuse to vent their frustrations and often end up saying shit that is ignorant or damaging or mean or just straight up cruel abt things that are so often symptoms of mental illness or trauma. so they're out here posting so many things and making these cruel little comments bc they can't just acknowledge that they don't actually like ballum anymore meanwhile ppl who are actually disabled/mentally ill/traumatised are sitting there reading all of these things and seeing all the people agreeing w them and it's doing real life damage to people.
is it on purpose? probably not. but that doesn't make the damage any less real. i have never forgotten or forgiven the way ppl reacted after ben went deaf. it was vile. as a disabled person who reacted very badly to being disabled just like ben did, it genuinely fucked me in the head seeing what ppl said abt him during that time. now i understand that it was partially ignorance but also a big chunk of it was ppl being unhappy bc they thought they wouldn't be able to enjoy their ship anymore bc ben was disabled (not that he hadn't been disabled before, but now it wasn't ignorable anymore).
idk there's more i could say but i feel like it's pointless. ppl don't care lmao all they care abt is their ship. which, ok fine whatever, but stop letting ur mentally ill/traumatised/disabled followers get caught in the crossfire bc you can't just admit you're not enjoying it anymore and feel the need to tear the thing down and rant about how it's 'bad writing' or 'out of character' etc etc. it's frustrating to read (which is why im never on here anymore) and speaking from experience it hurts YOU in the long run. negativity breeds more negativity.
you don't need to make excuses! just let it go! find something that does make you happy! you deserve that! and we deserve to be able to enjoy something without seeing ppl tearing it (or worse - us) down every 5 minutes !!
(edit - to clarify anon none of this was aimed at you i just sort of started ranting and didn't even really answer ur question im sorry !! i get what ur saying tho lmao 💞💞💞)
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fluffybunnybadass · 4 years
Obligatory Father’s Day fic
Title: Get Rekt With Embarrassment, Silver (no, I will not be taking CC) (yes you can shorten it to ‘get rekt silver’)
Characters: Silver, Gold, Blue; brief appearances by Lance
Word Count: 4600
Rating: idk pg-13 for language?
tw: uhhh cursing and bad dads club, threats of violence by silver but none actually happening
inspired roughly by masters but mostly because it’s a funny idea of silver sending lance a “happy father’s day” text and then it spiraled from there thanks to plot bunnelbys. please enjoy and leave your feels in the tags or rbs, thank you.
You can read on ao3 here cuz my theme is atrocious to read on desktop, I apologize
also please don’t tag this as ship wrt lance and silver or else.
“Are you going to text him?”
“Gold, you know about my father.”
“No, not him. I meant Lance!”
The redheaded teen gave a suspicious stare at his friend, who was mirthfully grinning at him, playing the innocent but well-intentioned fool. He knew what Gold really meant, but he decided to play along, seeing if he could get his companion to drop the conversation before it even started.
“Because it's Father's Day!” The redhead's face went full flush and he angrily glared at Gold, who only grinned more at his best friend, knowing that he had hit his target. “C'mon Silver! We all know that Lance has been a better father figure to you than your actual father. The guy's got total dad vibes!”
Silver gritted his teeth, his anger and embarrassment growing more with every word that Gold said. “Don't even--! I don't have a dad and that's it, Gold!” He barely held himself back from getting in his friend's face, wanting to hit him but knowing that he would regret it if he did.
Gold help up his hands in a defensive, placating manner. “Okay, okay! I get it! You don't have a dad. You came straight from an egg like Togepi and Sneasel did,” he said, laughing at his own joke.
“... Let's just get on with training today.”
The two had planned to hang out for part of the day. Gold knew that days like today brought his friend some unnecessary reminders of the past that would always haunt Silver, and he wanted to help distract his friend from the cloud of despair, at least for a little bit. Blue was going to join them later on, her understanding of Silver's feelings too good for the redhead to stop her from dropping by unannounced. Silver knew exactly what his friends were doing, and when Gold had asked him to hang out today and train, he shrugged and said, “Suit yourself.” Now he was starting to regret that decision, if Gold was going to be like this the entire time....
They had spent a few hours training. They sat down for a break, letting their Pokemon rest as well. Gold looked over at Silver, sizing him up as he tried again.
“Hey Silver! Can I borrow your phone real quick?”
Silver gave his friend another suspicious stare.
“. . . Why.”
“I wanna see something.”
“Aw, c'mon, please? Pretty pleeeeaase? With a cheri berry on top?” Gold had clasped his hands together and bowed his head, begging pointedly.
“The answer's still no.”
Gold gave his friend a pout, and Silver shook his head, sighing a bit. But Gold was relentless in his teasing, and pushed once more.
“You know, you really should send him a text.”
“I'm not sending Lance a text!”
“But he really is a dad! It's courtesy to send your friends a 'Happy Father's Day' text if you know they're a dad.”
Silver gave Gold a skeptical look. In the time that he had spent training at the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn, he had never heard any mention of Lance having kids. Even though the man was pretty private for a public figure, he felt that the bond he shared with his mentor would have earned him some information like that. Not even Clair, who loved to share embarrassing things about her cousin with Silver, had made any mention about being an aunt, any niblings, or anything embarrassing about Lance and fatherhood.
“Oh really? Who's this kid I haven't heard about?” Silver asked, a smug look on his face. He was probably going to regret this, but he felt confident about his information.
Silver flushed redder than a Charmeleon. He lunged after Gold, who cackled and leapt out of the way of his glaring friend who shouted at him.
Silver chased after his friend for a moment, stopping only when he noticed Blue had join them for the day. He stopped and put his fist down, embarrassed that Gold had gotten a rise out of him. He turned away, glaring at where Gold had stopped to watch him, grinning at his friend.
“Don't let me stop you two from your games,” Blue said, teasing her best friend.
“I'm not playing any games...!” Silver said, gritting his teeth. He took at deep breath to calm himself like his two mentors had taught him, and turned around, putting on a smirk to mask that he had been caught acting like a fool.
“We were training.”
“Uh-huh. And part of your training involves literally kicking Gold's ass?”
“...Not literally.”
“That's not what it looked like to me,” she said, teasing her friend still in a playful greeting. Gold caught back up with the two trainers, slinging an arm around Silver's shoulders, who shrugged him off with a groan.
“Hi, Gold.” Blue exchanged a look with him, and the other teen shook his head slightly at her when Silver wasn't looking. “Have you guys taken a break yet? I brought snacks.”
“Nah. We were in the middle of one when Silver got mad at me all of a sudden,” Gold told her with a huge grin on his face, looking at Silver when he said it. “Don't know why though. All I did was ask to borrow his phone...”
“You...” Silver growled in warning, but he shook his head to rid himself of his frustration. “I wouldn't let you borrow my phone even if it meant you were dying.”
“Yeah, because we all know you would be the one using it!” Blue and Gold both laughed, and Silver's face flushed.
For all their ribbing at him, Silver was grateful that he had earned himself some true friends. He had spent a lot of his life alone, with only Blue beside him as part of a childhood promise they had made. But when they got separated, he vowed to never have any friends again, the pain and ache he felt without them too much to bare. He had spent a lot of his childhood and early teen years telling himself that it was better off that he was alone, that he operated better like that, that he didn't need friends because they'd only hold him back. He didn't need anyone. Not a father, mother, any siblings or any cousins either; just himself. Even his Pokemon were tools to him, no companions in any way that he could have wanted.
But things changed when he met Gold. He kept running into this trainer who kept beating him, even though he knew his Pokemon should have been stronger because he trained them to the ground. He evolved them as soon as was possible. And Gold, who still had a Togepi, a Pichu, Pokemon that were unevolved and powerless on their own, had won against his team that he trained harder and harder each and every time this dopeyheaded trainer crossed his path. It was unfathomable to him that he could ever lose to someone who spent his time laughing and playing with his Pokemon as much as he did train them.
And then he ran into him.
Lance had thoroughly trounced his team with no effort at all. The Dragon-type trainer had given him a pitying look, as though he felt sorry for Silver and his Pokemon.
“Why...? Why? How did I lose so terribly against you?” He had been holding back tears of frustration, shaking as his emotions played with him, the defeat stinging far worse than any against the kid he kept running into. Tears slowly filled his eyes, threatening to fall once the child closed them. He couldn't cry on top of the embarrassing defeat, he just couldn't--
Lance looked at the prone Silver, who had his hands curled up into fists as he slowly beat on the ground, the frustration the child felt too much for the young adult's heart. Lance let out a long sigh, and stood in front of Silver. He knelt down to the child's level, as much as he could.
“You lost because you don't trust your Pokemon. You don't love them.”
Silver found the empty despair within himself burning up with anger. His shaking stopped. He looked up at Lance, and spat on the ground next to him.
“Tch. I lost because of a thing like love and trust? Don't mess with me! I don't need things like that.”
Lance let out a sigh. The child, a preteen, wouldn't be open to hearing an explanation, but he wanted to try anyways. If nothing else, maybe it could plant the seed that would let this kid grow into becoming a better trainer to his Pokemon, and a better human. How he had acted during their battle... To treat his Pokemon so terribly during the match, he almost wanted to stop it before the child had called out the other half of his team. How much had this kid gone through, anyways, to think like this?
“Listen carefully. If you really want to become strong, then you'll need to love and trust in your Pokemon's abilities, and they'll fight their hardest for you. It starts with treating your Pokemon with respect. They're not tools; don't run them ragged in an attempt to be better than someone. Having a rival is all well and good, but don't use it as an excuse to abuse your Pokemon. I hate that. It's things like that, that will cause a trainer to lose, no matter how much training their Pokemon undergo. Once you've established respect with them, spend time with them outside of training. Play with them. It's okay to let go and be childish every once in a while. You won't be able to establish any sort of connection or bond with them if you don't show them love and appreciation. And that bond will turn into trust.” Something it felt like the kid hadn't seen a lot of in his life. The realization pained him to think about, but there was nothing he could do about it if the child wasn't open to him.
“I don't get it....! What does any of that have to do with being the strongest Pokemon trainer there is?!”
Lance let out a half-chuckle, shaking his head. He didn't know how else to explain it to him, but... “I hope that one day you will be able to understand. Please let your Pokemon have some well-earned rest. Even with how poorly you treat them, they still made an effort, and deserve some time off. I think that you, as well, should take some time off to think about things. If you're ever near Blackthorn City, stop by the Dragon's Den. You might be able to find some answers there.”
That had been several years ago.
Silver had grown a lot since then. He had made friends, and re-connected with someone who had vowed to stay beside him. He had confronted his own father, the weak, spineless man who had abandoned him years and years ago, and while he hadn't exactly made peace with his feelings on the matter, it didn't eat him up inside to think about his old man like it used to.
That didn't exactly mean that days like today --where good-natured salesclerks brightly asked him about his plans for Father's day as part of their scripts, or tried to push a sale on him under the notion that he would be seeking a gift for or spending time with anyone who could even remotely be considered a dad-- were any easier or better than they had before. But as he watched Blue and Gold talk and laugh, as they sat around and ate the snacks that Blue brought them, it made him feel a little better to know that he had such good friends that stuck by him. Friends that trusted him, and people that he could.... rely on.
His hand reached into his pocket, absentmindedly tracing the edges of his cell phone.
“Hey, Silver?” Blue asked, pulling him out of his thoughts. He quickly pulled his hand out of his pocket, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Can I borrow your phone real quick? I think I left mine at home and I wanna call to find it.”
Silver gave her a suspicious look. She was good at talking her way into and out of things, being sneaky while seemingly innocent. He looked over at Gold, who was busy playing with his own phone and feeding an Aipom he was training today.
“Can't you get Gold to do it?”
“Gold doesn't have my number saved and I don't remember it.” She gave him a plaintive, sad look.
“You don't-- What do you mean you don't remember your number!?”
She shrugged, looking at him sadly and innocently.
“Pleaaaaase? Pretty pleaaaase? It's just to call it!”
Silver had a feeling he was going to regret this. “...Fine.” He jammed his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, shoving it at Blue. “Take it. Just don't do anything to it, and definitely do not give it to Gold.”
He rolled his eyes and turned towards his Pokemon, remembering Lance's words about raising them. He had learned how to love and care for them, from his time watching Gold in order to figure out what exactly made the trainer stronger than him, back when they were still kids. Now they were older, practically young adults, and he wondered what he would have thought of himself back then, if he saw who he had become now. No doubt he'd call himself another bleeding heart like he did Lance that one time... But his Pokemon were happier than they had ever been; his Golbat had evolved into a Crobat once he had learned how to change himself and his attitude towards his Pokemon. He had gone to the Dragon's Den a reviled child, but now he was considered respectable among his peers there. Even Clair had remarked on his change, and it was hard to get some good praise out of the easily jealous, haughty lady.
Blue nudged his phone back at him.
“Thanks! I found it! Turns out it was on vibrate in my bag the entire time!” She laughed at her foolish mistake, waving her phone in her hand.
“...You're welcome.”
“Oh cheer up! You did a good deed today! You helped an absolute damsel in distress.”
He rolled his eyes, and was about to speak, but a text notification on his phone went off, nearly startling him. He gave Blue and Gold a suspicious glare, but they only grinned at him.
“Oh? Wonder who that's from; Gold and I are already here, so I'm not sure who else would be texting you...”
“Shove off.” Based off his friends' grins, Silver had an idea of what had happened. He shoved the phone in his pocket without looking at it, turning away from his friends who were waiting expectantly for the chain of events that were about to happen. “It's probably some spam mail or something.”
“You didn't even look at it!”
“I don't need to look at it to know that it's spam!” he yelled. “You two are right here, as you said! Leave me alone!”
The two other trainers exchanged looks, and Blue sighed. “Fine, fine. So what have you guys been up to?”
Gold and Silver explained to Blue what they had been working on as far as training went, and Blue offered to join in. The two boys weren't about to turn her down, so the training regimen for that day was adjusted to allow for a third person, including a three-way battle amongst the trio. Curiosity had itched at Silver's mind. He had managed to put the text out of his mind by focusing on training, but now that they were having another break, their Pokemon cooling off in the nearby river, Silver couldn't help but wonder exactly what it was. He wasn't signed up for any text messaging offers like Blue was, and he didn't give his number out to just anyone, like Gold did. Silver looked over at his friends, who were busy chatting and dipping their feet into the cool riverbank.
Hmph. They sure are spending a lot of time talking to each other today, he thought with mild bitterness. He chided himself before the selfish, jealous thoughts could spiral, and looked at them once more. They were distracted enough that maybe... Maybe he could sneak a glance at the mystery message.
Silver slowly pulled out his phone, looking around quickly to make sure no one else was nearby. The teen took a deep breath, turned on his lock screen, and took at look at the name on the message preview.
He immediately threw down his hand holding his phone, the screen turning back off. His face flushed immediately as he looked over at his friends, knowing exactly what had happened.
“Ho-oh damn these people with its Sacred Fire...” Silver muttered under his breath, trying to calm himself down. It could have been a coincidence, but he didn't believe in things like that. Okay. Fine. What did they send him?
He took a deep breath, and looked at his messages.
<<< Happy Father's Day
That's it. That's all they sent. He breathed a sigh of relief that it had been something simple, nothing big, silly, or extremely out of character for him to send; only to seize up once he realized what the implications were, since he was still very certain that Lance had no kids of his own, biological or otherwise. In a mixture of frenzy and fear, he looked at Lance's reply, worried that the Champion had questioned the message at all, or said something equally as embarrassing as the sheer fact that his friends sent this message at all. Silver's thoughts were rapidly trying to figure out how to escape any exchanges that could have happened, as he looked at Lance's response.
>>> Awe, thanks Silver. :-]
Silver stood there, stunned into confusion as his face flushed. He just.... accepted it? Didn't question it? Didn't press for more? There was no comment on if it was in relation to the implications of Silver sending it. There were a lot of people among the Dragon Clan who swore that the mentor-mentee relationship had evolved into one more familial, of a father and son, and he didn't seem phased at all by them being proven right, had the text been truly sent by him? But more importantly....
<<< What the fuck is :-]
Was that... supposed to be an emoji? A clown? Did it even mean anything? Silver was too embarrassed by the entire thing to even remember to deny any implications that the message could have given Lance, or any that the Champion could have inferred...
His phone's text notification went off almost immediately, and it startled the redhead out of his confusion as he quickly looked up to see if Gold or Blue had noticed what he was doing. He didn't see them by the riverbank anymore, or anywhere nearby, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
“Well... Whatever.” He looked at his phone again. An arm was suddenly swung over his shoulder, as Gold leaned against him, chin resting on his friend's shoulder.
“Soooooooooo, who was that message from?” Gold asked loudly, peering at the phone with the biggest grin on his face.
Silver scowled and tried to shove him away. “None of your business!”
But Gold held on as Silver struggled to push his friend away. In the process, Silver's phone dropped. Before the redhead could retrieve it, a purple flash ran by, swiping the phone in the process. Gold's Aipom had the phone gripped in the hand on its tail, waving it around playfully before passing it over to its trainer. Gold quickly unlocked the phone and read the message aloud.
“Awww, he said thanks! Aren't you lucky to have such a good dad in your life? He didn't even question it! It's almost like he knows.....”
Blue was standing by Gold, and read over the younger trainer's shoulder, before looking at Silver with a mock gasp. “Silver! You really use that language with him?”
“That's none of your concern!”
“Eh, I'm not surprised,” Gold said, as though Silver weren't right in front of them. “Though I'm surprised Lance didn't tell him something like to mind his language or anything. He seems like the kind of dad who would frown on cursing. What is that thing he put anyways? Oh, he replied! Let's see....... 'A smiley face'. What is he, fifty? Use an emoji like the rest of us. Or call it that...”
There was a pause. A devious smile crept onto Gold's face. “I'm gonna reply!”
“D...A....D, That's dad....  space... P...L...S..... please. There, sent!” He tossed Silver's phone back to him, darting away from Silver before he could lunge at him.
“I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!” Silver growled at Gold, who was busy laughing his ass off. Blue wasn't helping, as she was trying to stifle her own giggles. This was great. Just great. He loved his friends, but sometimes.... Sometimes he regretted being friends with them. This was one of those times.
There was another text notification. Silver snarled at them, then quickly looked at the message to see what kind of damage had been done.
>>> Did you just type dad?
Hastily, Silver replied back, his face hot from embarrassment and ignoring his friends' teasing laughter, asking him to read Lance's response out loud.
For some reason, he didn't have the heart to tell him that Gold and Blue had gotten a hold of his phone and sent those messages. As easier as it would have been to explain it, his flustered feelings had gotten in the way, and he found himself responding in a panic before he could even think about his responses. Silver's own panic had given a response to Lance that was possibly worse than telling him that his friends were pranking him and not Lance,which would have meant that there were no good feelings in the messages at all. He could have at least spared him that had he just been more honest and upfront about his feelings, but his own denial made it difficult to even see that he cared about what the older trainer had thought of him until it was too late.
Silver groaned, slapping a hand to his forehead. “Arceus end me, please.”
He ignored his friends, shrugging them off when they gave him apologies for the teasing, asking what he had furiously texted back. Silver showed them, embarrassed, head hung as they read.
“You guys couldn't just leave well enough alone, could you?” Silver snapped. He shook his head, realizing that was harsh. He knew they actually meant well, despite all of their teasing. They really were just trying to get him to open up and see that he had at least one potential paternal figure in his life that cared about him, that he could have had given the barest recognition to. Another groan escaped from Silver and he crouched down, embarrassed and ashamed of all the hard work that he had done thanks to Lance, resulting in this rejection of him. “...He's going to hate me now.”
“I don't know... He didn't seem to hate you when you met; actually, I remember him being concerned about you during the shutdown of the Mahogany hideout,” Gold said, trying to be helpful.
“Gold's right! He's helped you grow and change your life around so much! I think Lance knows you better than that. You're pretty tsundere after all.”
“Ugh. I hate it when you guys call me that.”
“Well, maybe you should stop being one!”
“Nah, if he did that, I don't think he'd be Silver!”
There wasn't a very long wait to find out, as Silver's phone now began to ring in his hands.
All three of them looked at the caller id at once.
“Should I answer it?”
“What do you mean should you answer it. Do you really think he's going to just give up if you don't answer him? He knows that you're looking at your phone right now!!”
“I don't know! I've never had this issue until you guys made it a thing.”
“Hey, don't look at me! I told Gold it was a bad idea.”
“You still took part!”
“Guys...” Silver sighed loudly, trying to quiet down the squabbling. “I'm answering it.” The other two immediately shut up.
“Hey.” His voice was unsteady as he tried to play it cool, like his usual, detached self. The other two listened intently, trying to hear how the conversation was going. Silver turned away from them, going a few paces away.
“Y-yeah.... Sorry about that. ….Mhmm.... Yes... No, not like that! It's just...” There was a sigh and the other two trainers leaned in, straining their ears to hear as Silver walked away further from them. Blue pouted. Gold threw his hands behind the back of his head.
“Think we might'a pushed it a little too hard?” he asked Blue.
“Mmm.... Maybe? It's not good for him to pretend like he doesn't feel some sort of way towards his mentor. Lance really has been the father figure that Silv's lacked in his life. And I felt a little guilty for awhile that I got my parents back while he still... but the few times I've seen him with Lance, it's like... he actually has a parent for once? Even if Silver hates to admit it, he doesn't wanna let Lance down. He wants to surpass him, sure, but...” She frowned, looking at the silhouette of Silver in the distance. “He's probably wanted a better dad than what he had, and now that he has someone who could fit that bill,  he... doesn't think he's good enough for that? I don't know how to explain it. I just know he needed a push in the right direction and I'm pretty sure that Lance isn't gonna sign some adoption papers unless Silver wanted it. And,” she gestured in Silver's direction. “We all know how that would go if we don't.”
“Yeah, that sounds 'bout right for him. Well, maybe one day he'll feel okay. Maybe next year he might actually send him a text without us saying anything!”
Blue laughed. “Wouldn't that be nice? 'Hey Silver, did you remember to text your dad this year'?”
“ 'Yeah, I did, and he said I was a good son'--” Gold broke off, snorting in laughter. “Okay, okay. He probably wouldn't say that. But maybe we could try again next year. Who knows? Maybe by the time we're thirty, they'll have adoption papers.”
The two broke off their chatter when they saw Silver heading back towards them. They watched as he approached, his expression surprisingly calmer than it had been the entire time they had spent together. He looked... relieved?
“Okay... Yeah. ….... Bye.” Silver put his phone away as he walked back towards his friends, the smug expression they were used to back on the redhead's face.
“What happened?”
“What'd Lance say?”
“...Heh. You two are in sooooo much trouble.”
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astroellipse · 3 years
rambling time :)
Hmmm I realize now why Urianger is actually leaving the party at this point. It’s to force Thancred to actually do something concerning Minfilia. He’s served primarily as her emotional support up until now, with Thancred... idk he gave her a headpat a couple of times. His optional dialogue there was “I will talk to her. When the times is right.” You dumbass the time has been right for an eternity.
Oh and now we get death baited again. I was genuinely afraid the first time that they really killed Thancred. He seemingly had enough death flags for it, unlike with Y’shtola whose apparent death came from nowhere. God... and the hiding his very soul stuff... I wonder if that’ll make a return later. Certainly is convenient, not to mention dramatic. But man this really was bait, he just like, turns up fine later. Kinda dumb ngl.
Wtf I’m tearing up about Minfilia prime again... god...
Oh... OHHHH I understand what’s going on in this vision now! G’raha is reading Count Edmont’s book, and this roegadyn man is Bigg’s descendant... Huh, that’s funny. Two of the stories from Heavensward got muddled. A hero rides in astride a white dragon to save a little girl... The WoL riding into Ishgard on Midgardsormr, and Vidofnir saving the little girl. Fun detail.
?? Did Emet-Selch just SMILE at the WoL? His eyes crinkled. Do his eyes crinkle anywhere else??? Nobody else even saw that I think it might’ve been genuine, even if it’s just to see that the WoL hasn’t fallen apart yet. Like, he smiles in other places. There’s the mocking smiles, and the one last genuine but sad one near the end, but I can’t recall seeing one like that.
Ah. I think this is it. He’s explaining the Sundering.
I love this line and the delivery...
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His logic makes sense. It IS relative, in this case. It of course doesn’t excuse the killing of millions and whatnot... it’s simply that the Ascians can’t accept things as they are now. A world without Zodiark is wrong. I wonder if they’d ever accept things as they are now if they weren’t tempered.
It’s silly that the game first explains the true nature of Ascians nowadays in some optional dialogue... the unsundered Ancients can raise fragments to become Ascians themselves, presumably anyone... though only fragments of the Convocation of Fourteen can rise to their respective office, through use of those... memory stones, or whatever they were. I’ll get back to that eventually.
Oh. You can also ask about Emet-Selch’s true name here, and there’s foreshadowing that you may one day learn... mannnnnnnnnn why do they have to kill him though??? The Hades fight is cool, though heart breaking. They bring back every other character, even Asahi to an extent for godsakes... The trailer, iirc, had a voice over from him so... maybe... maybe if we get more into the WoL being Azem... I dunno. I want to hope.
Ohhghhg I regret eating right before this bit with Vauthry downing... meol... ugghyhhh the noises this is awful I can feel my stomach turning :( That whole business... it’s not surprising the story moves past it quickly. Still funny though that they never outright acknowledge that all that was literally cannibalism.
Ah. AH!!!! There’s the line!!!!
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So... he recognizes Azem even now. Huh. And what follows... he thinks the WoL would have liked it, Amaurot or however you spell it. He’s being... nice. Oh. That is... a sly proposition. He’s suggesting that the WoL just let things happen, that if they survive they’ll become whole. Of course Emet-Selch would want that, to have his friend back...
And now we come to the silliest plot point in the expansion. Really? Just make a giant Talos? Just like that? Even with an entire nation’s people working on it organizing everything and putting together the materials and all should take an eternity.
Duuuude I hate Mt. Gulg. Also this stupid audio effect they have on Vauthry, the echo is too much it hurts to try and understand what he’s saying, even with the text.
Ohhhhhhh myyyyyyyyy gooooooooooood G’raha’s deception is so bad but... it still hurts....... and Urianger... this is the most intense he sounds in the entire game... that “Do not interfere!”. G’raha!!!! You idiot!!!!! Gggghg. OH MY GOD THAT’S HIS RING HAND! HE’S REACHING TOWARDS HIM WITH THE HAND THAT BEARS HAURCHEFANT’S RING.... UNINTENTIONAL BUT GOOD!!!!!!! And finally his hood..... god.... I’m gonna cry again I can nbarely type./.... his inspiratyion...... and HIM EMET-SELCH!!!!!!!! GGGGGGGGGHGFHGH NO. THIS SUCKS SO BAD@!!!!
Ohhhhhh this story is evil. That it should be able to make you feel bad for disappointing Emet-Selch....... I mean it’s true. You weren’t strong enough, and others pay the price.
Seeing all of this... I wonder if Endwalker will attempt to top this level of relevance the WoL has. Suddenly... they are the existential threat. I mean again I suppose they could if they let the WoL take on Hydaelyn’s power as Zenos suggests. I do still hope that happens.
Ah... and again his ring hand to touch Ardbert..... cute... Hey wait why isn’t the WoL allowed to have any real heart to hearts with any of the Scions. Let them be friends :(
... ... wh. Why have they said the same thing? Emet-Selch says to the WoL before they depart, mocking how the world would react to the WoL’s affliction, “There is no hope. We are finished. Mankind is finished.” And. G’raha says this to Urianger once he arrives originally, to convey people’s reaction to the final calamity that befell the Source. I... suppose... Emet-Selch was watching? But that doesn’t make sense, they discuss other information here he doesn’t know. It’s just to draw a parallel, then? Oh. I see. G’raha then expounds on it and makes it something hopeful.
Oh also. It would have made infinitely more sense for it to have been one of Cid’s descendants to assist G’raha in traveling back in time. I can only assume that SE knows their fans well enough to know there would have been a crowd upset at what that implies with Cid, with how much they play around with the rivalry between him and Nero. Very funny thing to notice.
I can’t get out of my head what must have been the WoL’s original plan to reach Emet-Selch... take an Amaro over open water, then just dive in and swim around until the find him.
Ohhggh... I love Urianger his apology is so cute... he’ll stay by the WoL’s side for as along as he is able, if they’re willing to forgive or at least set aside their displeasure... even if they’re a danger to those around them...
Ohh and Alisaie!!!! This is why ShB is so good they actually CARE about the WoL it’s so nice... Oh right, and Urianger actually acknowledges their poorly thought out plan and thinks it’s silly. I don’t remember this from the first time, that swimming that far would probably make them die from exhaustion anyhow.
I saved this as a draft when my internet was being stupid hoping closing firefox would help. It did not. Anyways i came back to close this up and also note. I have been playing GNB terribly wrong for a while now. You’re granted a bonus damage ogcd after every move of your cartridge combo, not just the last one. I’m so stupid I thought it was like, an option of which one to use, but no. GNB is confusing, the combos are like... barely combos you can interrupt them to do whatever and return to them later. I’m looking at the optimal opener and i can feel my brain melting how the hell do I remember this??? I mean I don’t have to yet, I’m not at 80, but jfc. Idk if I’m ever gonna be able to raid like, properly lining up skills during battles sounds too difficult for me. I have a pea brain when actually fighting things case in point that one raid where it makes you do simple addition and division. It made me think 6+4 was 12. It’s hard enough for me as is to not let too many ogcds drift, at least not too bad...
Anyways. going to keep playing but I can wrap this up.
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queeruma · 4 years
pastelbatfandoms replied to your post “Unpopular opinion: (ignore if you're not taking them anymore) It's not...”
How are Ben's parents abusive? I think out of all the Aurodon kids,Audrey has the most abusive.
I’m like a week late replying to this, I’m so sorry!
So, I agree with you that Audrey’s grandmother is Terrible with a capital T, (’and perhaps I have owed you one, too’ biTCH HOW ABOUT APOLOGISING TO YOUR OWN GRANDAUGHTER FIRST????), but I would say Ben’s parents... well, even if you don’t want to use the word abusive, I’d say they’ve cultivated a pretty unhealthy relationship with their son, and they don’t treat him well.
I wrote about the way Beast treats him here, if you’d like to read about that in more detail, and admittedly I’d say Beast treats him worse than Belle does. However, that post is based on the first book, not on the films, so I’ll talk more about those now - and in the films, I’d say Beast and Belle are pretty much equal in how terribly they treat their son.
First film:
Ben is 16 years old. Why, exactly, is he becoming king (high king? emperor? disney im begging you to sort out your shit)? We see that he’s in school with at least a few other students who will also, presumably, take over their respective countries at some point, being their parents’ direct heirs. But neither Audrey nor Chad seem even close to becoming the leaders of their... nations? states?
If Ben were in the UK, where I live, he wouldn’t even be taking his A-Levels yet. He’s in no way old enough to handle the responsibility of running a country, let alone an empire-type situation. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with Beast or Belle, and I refuse to take tradition as the excuse, considering the United States/Kingdom of Auradon has only been established for twenty years. They’ve only had one king! And it’s Beast, who also didn’t become king at 16, so there’s literally no reason for Ben to be taking over now, except that Beast and Belle want him to. This is so fucking irresponsible - and unfair of them to place that pressure onto a literal child. Beast calls him a baby in the very first scene!
Then, we have the infamous family day scene. Beast and Belle give their son absolutely no support when things start going wrong, even though Leah is behaving egregiously towards children who are under their care, and in the end they blame Ben for everything that’s gone wrong, and walk away, leaving him alone.
Second movie:
They just fuck off. Their 16-17 year old son is trying to juggle managing an entire... country? empire? continent? while being a full time student and apparently also making a full tour of Auradon and making press appearances. Could he possibly need any help? Nah, time for a six month long cruise. When they do eventually come back, and something is off with Ben and Mal’s relationship, they immediately go to Mal, without taking a moment to speak to Ben about why he’s acting the way he is. From the audience’s perspective, this seems fine, since we know Uma’s probably done something to Ben. But from their perspective? Who cares about understanding their son, better make sure we comfort Mal, who is already surrounded by friends, first. (this is not me saying that Mal doesn’t deserve comfort in this scene. she’s having a super awful time. I’m just pointing out that they never seem to be in their son’s corner.)
Third Movie:
Oh good god, where do I even begin with the third film? The first scene we see them, they seem... fine. They congratulate Mal on her engagement, Belle makes some comment about finally having a daughter, Beast says well done to his son - I don’t think Belle says anything to Ben at all? Idk, it’s easy to read this charitably and say that Ben’s obviously already discussed this with them a lot, therefore there’s no reason for them to focus on him now. Mal is our main character, so we get to see their interactions with her. This is fine.
Then, the scene where Mal decides the barrier needs to be closed.
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(A real-life image of me sitting through this fucking scene.)
First of all, Beast, Belle and Fairy Godmother have themselves positioned as a solid line opposite Ben. They’re literally opposing him right from the beginning. Beast instantly takes this condescending tone, as if Ben hasn’t realised that Hades almost escaping is not a great thing.
Once Ben has received his text? call? whatever that was about the crown and sceptre having being stolen, and Beast and Belle aren’t getting the reaction they want from him - Beast instantly accuses Uma of the theft and Ben defends her - they immediately turn to Mal, putting the weight of the decision on her, even though at this point she doesn’t have the authority to make the decisions. She’s engaged to the king, sure, but she’s basically just an 18 year old girl who’s just graduated high school. The second she gives them an answer they like - to close the barrier for good - they turn back to Ben and nod at him as if to say ‘see? even your girlfriend knows trying to do the right thing by those kids is a stupid idea’. The only time in this scene when Ben gets a chance to speak his mind is when he and Mal are having their conversation, away from the adults.
After Mal has done her best to talk Ben into it, Beast steps forward, and it’s here that I noticed - all the way through this film, he refers to Ben as son. Maybe that’s just meant to be a sign of affection, but in this context at least I can’t help interpreting it as Beast, at least subconsciously, trying to place Ben back into the dynamic where he has authority - father and son - rather than acknowledging Ben as the king, and therefore the one with the power to make the final choice.
And of course, we have the moment with Hades, where he refuses to move and growls, even though Hades has done nothing to warrant any kind of threat. Then, in the final scene, he objects even when it’s clear Mal and Ben are on the same page about opening the barrier. His behaviour speaks of a man who can’t handle letting go of control of any situation - and people who refuse to give up control don’t typically make great parents.
I can’t say any of the behaviours I’ve listed here, like, individually depict abusive actions? But I can say that even without the books, which cast Beast (and therefore Belle, since she’s letting all this go on without speaking up) in a pretty damn negative light, when you put all of this together it’s possible to come up with a very sinister interpretation. And because these are the people who came up with, implemented, and tried to keep the idea of the Isle, I think interpreting their actions as less than just bad-parents-who-are-trying-their-best is pretty justified.
So, my interpretation is as follows:
Beast and Belle are placing their son onto the throne so young because they know he’s going to take over at some point, and if they throw him into it when he’s young, unsure of himself, and swamped with other work, he’ll depend far more on them to help him make decisions. They want to stay in control even once they’ve officially stepped down. They don’t help him during the first film because they want him doubting himself and his choices. They leave in D2 because it doesn’t really matter to them whether he’s doing okay as king or not. And by the end of D2/beginning of D3, they’ve realised Ben isn’t going to be manipulated as easily as they wanted him to, and they’ve moved on to Mal. I’ll just remind you of this:
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hmmmm, Beast has been teaching Mal how to lead and it just so happens that in D3 she’s far more sympathetic to his way of thinking than she was at the end of D2. Wonder how that could have happened?
Mal, who after D1 is unsure of her place in Auradon, and no longer has the relationship with her mother that she originally depended on to guide her, is now perfectly placed to be manipulated herself, and therefore help them manipulate their son.
I know that’s just one interpretation but seriously??? When do we ever see a really genuine, happy moment between Ben and his parents where they don’t at some point cast doubt on something he does, except that one time his father congratulated him on getting engaged (to a girl he approves of)? Even at the end of D1, when Mal attempts to apologise to them outside the cathedral, Beast immediately places the focus back on Ben and his decisions - ‘I told Ben this wasn’t going to be easy’.
I guess what I’m trying to say is like... the films never take the time to properly establish that Ben has a good relationship with his parents, and so their whole relationship in the films, especially when you add the material from the first book, just ends up feeling super creepy and honestly, pretty cruel. It’s just conflict conflict conflict, without any material to properly contrast it. I don’t think Beast and Belle are in any way good people in this universe, and I certainly don’t believe they’re good parents.
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strigiiformes · 4 years
Uuuh can i get 10, 16 and 21?
10. what frustrates you the most as a writer
well before i hit refresh and LOST EVERYTHING ID TYPED FOR THIS ASK it was stuff like characters being funnier than you. and not knowing how to end things. and forgetting what happens in canon
baby rage i hate it here. anyways
16. any ideas you wanted to write but never did
deep inhale. i had them all typed out. i had them all typed out. oh my gosh. take two.
anyways WILD LAUGHTER BOY DO I HAVE PLENTY OF THOSE. this is an open invitation to come poke me about any of these. bullet pointed because why not
missing scenes from 3.1 before they free quirin (varian and raps just. talking i guess?) and then varian adn quirin talking afterwards. mostly ditched this because important conversations are hard. ew talking
one in nltl where cass actually does get varian with the sword. i LOVE this idea im gonna write it i swear i will - i made an attempt very early on and it stalled and i didnt like it but im more confident in the fandom now. so . expect this sometime? in the future? it’s just shameless hurting and comforting. thats it thats the fic
that one really long idea where varian and eugene go on the run - it was a lot of fun to talk about with u but idk about writing it ,,, long ideas scare me pfft
oh YEAH that idea i had about varian in jail and arianna visiting him. that was before i watched s2 or s3 so pretty sure that would be AU. there was sickfic in there somewhere. it was glorious. f for that idea
varian and eugene talking about fears? or something? in 3.9. dont remember what i wanted to do with this one frankly
eugene in 3.1 right before he frees raps and varian from the cell. this one wouldve been basically just his thoughts about like. varian’s redemption
ruddiger but more flavoured like if he were an emotional support animal. wouldve been short scenes tied together. probably going to write this? at some point? get back with me later id need to do a little research
5 times raps carried varian and 1 he carries her. mix of funny/fluffy and super whumpy probably. idk i havent thought more about it than literally that sentence
not much i can talk about s&m planning here but i WILL say im going to write a sickfic for it set in a downtime much later on in the story. it’s going to be amazing and i cant wait to sit down and actually write it. is it really an AU with me if there’s not a sickfic in it at some point. the answer is no. no it isnt
if i knew how to write long multichapter fics i would do the prison barge varian idea i had in a HEARTBEAT. id move that episode earlier in the season and give him redemption and we’d get both varian in s2 AND all the fun redemption based stuff later like nltl. galaxy brain. if only, huh
varian wrangling deaged raps/eugene/cass/lance if only because it would be hilarious. and probably really cute
he succeeds in actually wiping everyones memories. probably 2-3 chapters. angst for a bit at the beginning then just. h/c probably. too bad i dont like multichapters - basically most of my inhibitions are 1) im scared of it so i dont write it 2) lazy
also considering writing short selfcontained scenes from some of the AUs ive spitballed. the modern ghost one. icarus. mermaid. newsies. whatever else we talked about bro i . it’s all hazy KJFHKJ. considered drawing for these too. idk man i just *holds them* love them
and then of course always thinking about those fics that have no actual plot and are just an excuse to shove all my favorite whump tropes into a thing. those are . my bread and butter. kicks that around i guess. watch me ignore all my actual ideas for more of this kind of h/c stuff LOL
21. favorite writing advice to share
PROBABLY write whatever you want. write like no one’s watching. if you catch yourself worrying about a detail ask yourself if its actually worth worrying about, laugh at urself, cast it aside like the lameo thing it is, and move on. chances are its not worth it LOL. chances are nobody will notice anyways. life is too short for that B)
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aparecium-muses · 4 years
Romance Headcanons.
→  repost, do not reblog.
Name: Gladion Spica Aether
Nickname: Stoneface, Quickdraw, Slimy snake, a badger in snakeskin ( due to his Hufflepuff tendencies )
Gender: Male
Romantic orientation: Bisexual
Preferred pet names: Truthfully if Gladion is going to get a nickname he’d rather get one that means something to the relationship he has with the person and not something random. He’d want it to have a meaning, for example, if Gladion was in a relationship with Neville he’d call him buttercup because of Neville interest in plants
Relationship status: Single in default verses 
Favorite canon ship(s): I m e a n there’s really no canon ships over here due to Gladion being a crossover in harry potter soooo ?? // tbh I can see him with a bunch of different people within the story though I adore the ship that I have with @doggedfather in the marauders verse I have for him. Her Sirius was the first-ever person that was with Gladion in a shippy like manner and that ship will always have a special place in my heart. <3  
Favorite non-canon ship(s) so far: excuse me as I sit over in my paper ship boat with Neville/Gladion... Also Susan Bones and Gladion idk I like that- RON AND GLADION FROM @broodingswan first-ever Ron I ever interacted with and that was just *chefs kiss* beautiful- @foxturned THEO AND GLADION AAAAA- tho we mostly just talked about the ship in private messages but my ass still write a smut fic for them... now I'm just rambling about all the ships I like whooops 
Opinion on true love: Is skeptical and has a hard time accepting that a person could ever love him for himself and not for his connection/ riches. He’s extremely wary of people who vide for his affections and more than not will attempt at pushing them away. Depending on the age that he’s at when this is happening there will be various levels of success.
Opinion on love at first sight: in his own words… “Complete and utter hippogriff shit,” He thinks it’s ridiculous and is more likely to believe it was lust at first sight then love. He believes a relationship has to grow from friendship to something more to be true love as what can a relationship be if you’re not friends with the person?
How ‘Romantic’ are they?: Depends on the day and where they’re at- He’s more likely to be overly romantic in private than in public though. He’s not one to do large gestures of his love as he thinks it’s too flashy and hates having people sticking their noses into his love life. His love life is a private affair, though he will do more public things to prove a point to others if they are trying to flirt with his significant other while he’s standing right there.  
Ideal physical traits: Truthfully he’s able to see the beauty in everyone and even in things that others might see as ugly or unsightly. He has a like for scars freckles and stretch marks, he’ll make it a habit to press kisses to them. He adores soft hair and has the tendency to comb his fingers through his lover’s hair. He’s very reverent of it all, of what people call imperfections he adores them. It stems from the fact his mother always tried for perfection and true beauty which is what causes him to be attracted to people who others would call average, ugly, or not the pinnacle of beauty.
Female: He likes brown hair on women for some reason; any shade really he thinks it looks nice. It’s likely that he’ll find himself with a woman who is family-oriented and nurturing. A woman who is equal footing with him in magic (or more powerful than him) as he wants to be safe in the knowledge that his partner can protect herself without him there. He’s more likely to find himself with a woman who is more dominant then he is at times as he grows tired of having to take the lead in things. 
Male: he likes Green or Brown eyes along with blond or black hair. He’d go for a man who is loyal to those he sees as family or friends and is protective of them; along with being family-oriented/ nurturing. He’d choose someone who is of equal footing with him in magic (or more powerful than him) as he wants to be safe in the knowledge that his partner can protect himself without him there. He’s more likely to find himself with a male partner with a dominant streak.
Ideal personality traits: Loyalty is the trait he respects the most along with a person who understands who to give that loyalty too. He loves passionate and ambitious people who he can talk with about their ambitions. He’s also attracted to people with dry humor and a boatload of sarcastic remarks in their pockets who he can vocally spar with. Not that these traits are necessarily needed in a relationship but he wants them to have some passion.
Unattractive physical traits: Nothing much except people who are unkempt and don’t bath as much as they should.
Unattractive personality traits: weak of will, overly arrogant ( only time arrogance is acceptable is when they are using it in an ironically joking way or to goat someone )  know it all personalities ( yes, yes little Gladion would have a huge beef with mini Granger let me tell you but I still ship it with @therearemoreimportanthings )
Ideal date: Private places where it’s just him and his date. Be It in the library, in secret rooms within the castle, out in a less populated place in Hogsmeade or even outside in the forest. He wants to have deep conversations with his date, speaking on anything and everything- sometimes likes to do debates or just listen to them speak about their passion
Do they have a type?: Loyal, family-oriented, passionate, and ambitious- that’s all folks!
Average relationship length: Is very likely to try to hold on to a relationship until the end. Will only let go if he’s aware of the emotional decay and wouldn’t want his partner to leave on bitter terms. When breaking up with a partner I feel like more times then not both parties are able to be friendly with each other after some time apart.
Any secrets that have been told Gladion will keep to the grave even if they break up and Gladion expects the same from his partner. If his secrets are revealed or his partner cheated on him then sorry buddy your own secrets will be put on blast so everyone and their mothers in France would hear about it....
Preferred non-sexual intimacy: He’s a pretty handsy guy once his partner gives the okay for it. More likely than not in public he’ll always have a hand on them wherever they go,( Hand holding, hand on their back, an arm around their waist etc. ) In private he’s a bit of a tease with his touches ( they’re feathery light and prone to make a person shiver ) and has a tendency to whisper sweet nothings into their ear as they snuggle.
Commitment level: Ride or die kinda man when he’s with a trustworthy partner. Loyal to a fault with eyes only for them, ( unless they both talked extensively with bringing another person in on their relationship ) He’s willing to do almost anything for them if they only ask him of it. Would kill a man no questions asked for their partner.  
Opinion of public affection: If he’s the one doing the affectionate teasing he’ll be smug along with a tad prideful at his partner’s reactions. Now if the tables are turned he will be completely and utterly embarrassed by their actions. He’s the very epitome of unable to take what he dishes out. Will melt into a puddle if his partner starts bragging about him to other people ie “this is my boyfriend Gladion- he’s amazing!” etc  someones got a praise kink whoop s
Past relationships?: None in the default verse. Really his default verse is quiet sad, he’s all alone and I feel so bad... Though a lot of my default verses I don’t give my character friends- partly because if I pick a canon character to be their friend I don’t want someone else who plays that character to feel pressured into being friends with my character. The same line of thought to the romantic side of things, which is why more then not they have never dated anyone else before.
Tagged by: stolen ayyyy
Tagging: Uhhhh tagging everyone that I mentioned in this post- YOLO 
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placesyoucallhome · 5 years
Never-Ending Survey: Q’ruhka
Tagged by: @voidsentprinces
Tagging: Fuck, idk, anyone else who wants to do this
Rules: Repost, do not reblog, tag 10 blogs! 
FULL NAME: Q’ruhka Tia
NICKNAME: Ruhka, Rui, RuRu, Trash Cat
AGE:  He assumes about 24-25
BIRTHDAY: 21th Sun of the Fifth Astral Moon, probably
ETHNIC GROUP: Seeker of the Sun Miqo’te
NATIONALITY: He primarily considers himself a Limsan
LANGUAGE/S: Common, sign language, some Garlean, bits of Hingan and Ishgardian,
CURRENT HOME:  Topmast apartments
PROFESSION: Admiral, merchant, bar owner
HAIR: Cream white just past his shoulders
EYES: Blue and gold
FACE: Diamond
LIPS: Full
BLEMISHES: Not particularly
SCARS:  Crossed scrapes on his cheek
TATTOOS: Tribal tattoos done when he was a child
HEIGHT: About 5 fulms
WEIGHT: 140 ponzes??? (I’m terrible at weights, I actually have no idea)
BUILD: Well toned
FEATURES: Well kept, long, fluffy tail
ALLERGIES: None that he’s aware of
USUAL HAIR STYLE:  Long, slightly wavy, well kept but generally left to whatever style it falls into
USUAL FACE LOOK :  Kind smile, curious eyes
USUAL CLOTHING: Business casual button up shirt and black slacks for most days, or long boots and gloves with a cropped top while working, or recently, a sweater because this sand cat still can’t deal with cold.
FEAR/S: Namazu, otherwise, very little
ASPIRATION/S: He’s not sure at the moment, a crew, but beyond that he hasn’t decided. Finding someone that’s willing to put up with his bullshit for the rest of their lives maybe.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Kind, patient, giving, willing to consider new information and change opinions.
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  Guarded, no self esteem, there are certain things he lies about
TEMPERAMENT: Generally presents himself as a happy shoulder to lean on, ready to help as a moment’s notice. 
SOUL TYPE/S:  Server
ANIMALS: Angora cat
VICE HABIT/S: Drinking
FAITH: Doesn’t follow the twelve, has mixed feelings on deities in general
AFTERLIFE?: Well, he does now
REINCARNATION?: According to his readings on the aetherical cycle, it seems a given
EDUCATION LEVEL: No formal education, but plenty trade education
FATHER : Qu’halha Nunh He claims to not know
MOTHER : Qu’mazh
SIBLINGS : 6 half sisters, one full sister he’s unaware of
EXTENDED FAMILY: Q’ tribe in general
NAME MEANING/S: Q’ is the Puk tribe, Qu’ was meant to stand for the Quetzalcoatl, which as a child he was fairly certain the adults had made up just to sound cool. Otherwise, there was little effort put into his name as he wasn’t particularly desired by his mother.
BOOK: Whatever he’s picked up most recently
HOLIDAY: Any with food or drinks
MONTH:  Fifth Astral moon (September)
SEASON: Summer or fall
PLACE:  The Willow’s Meet
WEATHER:  Thunderstorms
SOUND / S: Opening a bottle, the rumble of thunder, the whirl of a spinning wheel
SCENT / S: Heavy rain, coffee, something baking in the oven
TASTE / S: Savory, salty, sour
FEEL / S: Soft wool, worn wood, dark glass bottles
ANIMAL / S: House cats, dogs, bats
COLORS: White, black, gold
TALENTS: Crafting, decorating
BAD AT: Initiating conversations
TURN ONS: Conversation, humor, trust
TURN OFFS: Aggressiveness, ignorance, arrogance
HOBBIES: Knitting and drinking
TROPES: The Everyman, possibly The Watson
QUOTES : “God damn it Gen.” (I need to start actually saving some of the shit Ruhka says)
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?       A1 :  Possibly some Treasure planet type romp with Wes Anderson type humor/cinematography and probably steampunk thrown in. I honestly don’t have much of an idea.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?           A2 : Modest mouse with other odd smatterings thrown in, I’ve started a playlist on spotify
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?         A3 : He’s particularly new as my characters go, actually, just about a year old, started him in fall/winter of 2018, started attempting to rp him at the turn of the year I think.
Q4 :  What first attracted you to this character?         A4 : He’s so goddamn normal I thought it was funny. He’s not got any magical powers, he has a shitty backstory but it’s pretty bland comparatively, all he’s got to get by on is whether he can charm people and he’s not got much confidence in that. So now he’s the basically the one normal guy surrounded by immortals and magic and warriors. Also it was an excuse to actually put my crafting knowledge to use as he’s a merchant that deals quite a bit in weaving and carpentry. Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5 : Well, he’s pretty fucking normal isn’t he? Sometimes I wonder if he’s just too boring for anyone to particularly care about. I’ve always cared more for the ‘odd man out’ characters in series, but I perhaps I was in a small minority there. Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?           A6 :   We both short as hell, five foot fuck you. Also crafting, always making something. Q7 :   How does your muse feel about you?         A7 :  He’d probably offer me a drink and condolences, hah Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?       A8 :  All characters have something interesting to them, I like to think Ruhka’s a way for them to get there, he’s got bit character mcguffin energy. But for him to have an interesting interaction, it usually comes down to humor, and he’s particularly easy to fluster.  Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?     A9 :  Redemption, I guess. Still being worth something even if you aren’t anything more than normal. Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?   A10 : Fuck, idk, an hour?
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class-wom · 5 years
Legion Chapter 24 “Morning After”-Thoughts – SPOILERS!!!
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Okay, as I mentioned in a previous tag from a previous reblog, where Shakespearean tragedy analogies/comparisons are concerned, this is looking less and less like Romeo and Juliet (doomed star-crossed lovers, but hey, at least their folks kissed and made up at their funerals, so to speak!) or Hamlet (huge “pile o’ bods,” including the struggling title character, but hey, at least he finally avenged Daddy’s death and left Horatio behind to tell the tale!) and more like MacBeth.  And frankly, that’s really hard for me to take, because I hate MacBeth!!!  (That being said, yeah, Lenny is now officially a classic Lady MacBeth figure.  Out damned spot indeed!)  And it seems rather ironic to me now that the body count we thought was “a thing” by the end of the Pilot -- dead Lenny, dead Clark -- really is a thing now.  (...or is it?!?  Duh-duh-DUHHHHHHHH!!!)
On the bright side (yes, I’m determined to find one -- LOL!), good and/or bad, there was a lot that happened in this ep that imo needed to happen if we’re going to reach a halfway-decent conclusion for better or worse.  And let’s not make the decision there just yet, though we’re kind of left in a position to anticipate the latter imo.
Clark’s fate? love him or hate him, yeah, he had to go imo, because to me he was a vengeful fly in the ointment who only back-burnered his David-grudge from Chapters 9 to 19 due to lack of sufficient evidence of David being a threat (a terribly useful tool in Farouk’s “bag o’ tricks;” please let us remember how casually Farouk literally flicked him off in the closing scenes of Chapter 18!), and consequently only succeeded in his relentless pursuit and obsession in making a bad situation ten times worse and more complicated in the long run.  I’ve mentioned before that Daniel’s lines in Chapter 20 made the consequences of Clark’s one-track mind perfectly clear, which brings me to Daniel’s fate:  Yeah, this is definitely one to file under “Okay, if you want me to badmouth David, I’ll go with this one; what he did to Daniel was (borrowing from Clueless) way harsh and completely unnecessary and cruel.”  Funny that it happened before he took down Clark, who again did have to be removed if any headway is to be made in any direction imo.  But maybe that’s part of the point being made here:  Okay, fine, go ahead and hate David for savagely taking down Daniel’s mental capacity as collateral damage, if you like.  But in the end, what put him in the line of fire in the first place?  His love for and loyalty to the obsessed (”focused”) Clark.  So could it be possible that, consciously or otherwise, Clark was so focused on taking down David by whatever means necessary that he was willing to put his partner at risk in the process? and doesn’t that make him as bad as David, allowing his obsessions to distract him from and ruin what he holds dear?  Not an excuse, mind, but just a thought.  It’s just that there are so many more of David at this point that it’s easier to spot in his case! LOL!
Which leads me to the next batch of things that happened that needed to imo:  The long-overdue Sydvid talk and Syd’s discovery of David’s alters.  Now regarding the former, this brings me to a tiresome sore point in light of the Chapter 23 gulag scene, namely the “one step forward/two steps back”-type of scenario where David has a much-needed confrontation that reveals his deep-seated pains and struggles beneath his dark persona, but GOTCHA! -- the whole thing turned out to be a trick, and David’s back to his guarded ruthless self as a result.  Still, hopelessly optimistic viewer that I am, I’d like to think some much-needed seeds were planted during the talk:  Even if Syd was deliberately attempting to lull David into letting his guard down (via SK’s Chapter 21 cringe-worthy promise to “teach you to lie so well that he’ll thank you as you stab him in the back”) by saying everything he wanted (and imo needed) to hear.  (Yeah, since David made a point of mentioning how he used to trust her, we’ll see how well he trusts her in future after that stunt!!! 🙄)  I’d like to think that, whatever state she may be in at this point (there’s the possibility that she may not take a literal physical form, but hey, after the whole Lenny S1-S2 Saga, who knows with this show?), she’ll know a lot better than to trust Farouk from now on.  (David was right about that when he said she shouldn’t have trusted him!!!)  I like the fact that she at least admitted that she had been jealous!!!  So at least she came out and stated the obvious; I was pleased about that!
And now that it’s happened, I can go ahead and say it:  Yes, the Sydvid Body Swap, Syd-trick or otherwise, needed to happen, because Syd needed to see what was/is driving David and making him behave the way he has been all this time.  I was shocked as to how quickly it transpired:  I wasn’t expecting it for a few more eps, tbh, and yeah, I was kind of hoping it would end a little more optimistically, with Syd and the Davids eventually talking things over, but depending on wherever Syd is mentally now (in David’s mind? somewhere in the stratosphere? I know that the next ep, which I may miss altogether but follow up on via summaries in the name of continuity, will follow her on the astral plane, so idk, maybe she’s just in a deep coma right now physically), maybe it could still happen with three eps to go? 
Also, on a side note, I liked watching DS’s “Syd-as-David” drag RK’s weakly protesting “David-as-Syd” down the halls muttering, “It’s okay, David! I gotcha!”  Took me awhile to figure out wtf Syd was up to and what she was really trying to pull during the discussion, complete with her tipping her hand about Switch’s whereabouts; I concur with a tweet I read dismissing it as a stupid plan on the part of Syd, quite frankly, thereby minimizing sympathy somewhat imo for her current position.  But I still enjoyed watching that post-swap part for some reason; acting-wise, that had to be a challenge for both DS and RK, so props there!  (And okay, yeah, Syd using David’s powers to blast his knife-wielding followers?  On the one hand, I feel sorry for them, but on the other, I concede with reluctance that it was kind of cool, if for no other reason that I no longer have to listen to them call him “Daddy”!  ROTFL!  Not sure what annoys me more, their calling him “Daddy” or Farouk calling him “My son” or “My baby.”  Let’s put it at a photo finish, shall we?  LOL!)
Okay, on to the Lenny Shocker -- and to me, it was a shocker!  Yet there was a huge dropped ball in this scene that annoyed me:  As Lenny was calling David out on his narcissism, why the heck didn’t he point out that the only reason he was keeping her around and/or she had a body in the first place -- a body destroyed by Syd, accidentally or otherwise, using David’s body and powers, I might add!!! -- was because Farouk destroyed the only tangible family, adopted or otherwise, in order to grant her request for a physical body and freedom?  He would have certainly had grounds to do so, Heaven only knows!  Okay, fine -- not saying that Hawley & Co. had to call up Katie Asleton to get her to film new scenes; a few flashbacks and/or at least the name-drop of Amy would have been good enough for me.  But I’ll give NH credit:  There may have been a case in which he did write such a line in this scene for David, and heck, maybe it was even filmed, only to be cut at the request of the FX execs who argued that it would cause the ep to run too long to ironically run that Twizzlers ad during the commercial breaks.  (Anyone else catch that in the “Lenny Swan Song”-ep with regard to a sponsor choice? that couldn’t have been a coincidence! LOL!)  Perhaps the best part of the scene (at least imo), David shedding visible and genuine tears as Lenny slowly bleeds to death, was supposed to indicate this, that the closest thing he had nearby to remind him of a true family was slipping away from him.  Interesting ref during the Sydvid talk that he later describes this as “abandonment” and equates it with his parents.  I guess that’ll work for now, but I would have liked to at least hear the Amy-ref, since it’s safe to call that moment the turning point in S2, David’s realization of Lenny’s true identity.  JMO.
And while the World Wide Web is crying “There’s no doubt about it, David truly is a villain now!” can we just take a look at Farouk in this ep once and for all and say “Yeah, okay, whatever, but that doesn’t mean that Farouk is good by default!”?  (I know, I know -- two wrongs don’t make a right, as I keep saying, but again, Farouk’s old enough to have a better idea of what he’s doing, and apparently for all his coolness, even he in the end underestimates his competition!) Puppet master, master Chess player (oooh, a Xavier/Magneto ref! LOL!), etc., etc. -- we definitely see Farouk as nothing more than a master manipulator.  Yet he’s not completely successful in his control over D3, and since the D3/Summerland gang has changed so dramatically and frustratingly over the course of this show to the point where I’m not even sure I can root for the Loudermilks anymore (Kerry’s excitement about going to space was kind of fun, though!), I’m not sure whether to be pleased or disappointed in this turn of events and the inevitable parting of the ways.  (Or at least I would hope so; perhaps he’ll use Syd’s apparent condition to his advantage, idk.)  Frankly, I’m coming more and more to the conclusion that there is going to be no true winner at curtain’s end no matter how you slice it; at best, perhaps some parties will come away with a bittersweet sense of closure, and that’ll be about it.
Regarding Farouk’s underestimation of his control over the situation, I liked Switch’s suddenly popping up to help David, but if she’s incarcerated in a hibernation chamber, how the heck did she manage to snap out of it so quickly?  That had a rather deus ex machina-feel to it imo.  I may have missed something, idk; quite possible with this type of a show.  LOL!
And as often happens, I guess I had a little more to say the morning after than I thought I did! 😂
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