#also just the fact that noe will literally just say things
bonnievoyage · 5 months
rly loved this new chapter it actually teaches you SO MUCH abt noe's growth through just these 4 pgs
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or ig reaffirms a lot of stuff
bc he's very visibly distressed and getting kinda overwhelmed, not just bc it's difficult to follow but it's no doubt reminding him of how dehumanized he probably felt by vanitas refusing to call him noe in their fight
at the beginning when ppl were going off abt stuff and being kinda stupid and disrespectful (vanitas and orlok w the book) he freaked it a little bit and lashed out
but i feel like bc this is a lot more personal he decided to take a more logical/calm and collected approach in order to hide it
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phlurrii · 11 months
I just noticed in the old friend video cause lmao had to rewatch always good that there's a destroyed key card on the floor when they're travelling through that pathway in the forests, was rewatching it for Noe but noticed the lanyard haha
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They're clearly passing through some area where there's civilisation I'm not sure if this was where the old lab was that Meau destroyed hence the really strong mewtwo imagery as that's where he was first made or if this is just some old town by her home idk
Tho for some reason like brain is saying has something like this already happened or was predicted or is Meau just like projecting frustration/sensing future events because obviously mewtwo in this seems really angry he's frustrated and violent burning things is she sensing how he might become or just projecting because she's still angry with people or was there another who did the same/its prophecied and now she's sensing obviously our two, idk just very interesting how different this one is to the current baby two because our mewtwo is probably mentally frolicking with his clone friends rn I assume. Unless she's not seeing Mewtwo but is seeing Newt...hm..chewing on that thought..
I also really loved the Meau reflection becoming Mewtwo because like weird symbolism there I assume that water is the same healing tree of life water so like Mew is in there and Mewtwo is reflected from that water and from Meau idk I can't word but it feels symbolic
Sorry bout my rambles was rewatching it as mentioned cause I really love the animation, I also love how goopy Noe was when forming from her shadow very fun
I hate to inform you, that is just a shittily drawn lamppost that snapped off XD
BUT! You are right about the place having an important meaning to Meau! Tackling the Mewti thoughts first, someone did guess a while back that they were just visions of what could happen to a Mewtwo without her intervention, hence why she went to Noe for a second opinion given the consequences of it all. Especially considering Mewtwo was a Pokémon she’d never sensed or experienced before, thus was left disturbed as we saw in the more recent post to the fact it’s a butchered mew. I won’t say which Mewtwo was in the vision, as it could be either or, but she found ‘Two first. You’re also dead on about the symbolism with the reflection X3
The place Meau goes to talk to Noe in was… actually her home at one point in time. Not in the sense the forest was and then humans built on it, but in the literal sense that the civilization previously there was her home along with the humans she lived with ;>
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vanikolya · 2 years
Will you please write headcanons for Noe and Vanitas with a female s/o on her period?
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i can't explain why i think he'd be one of those "can't you just keep it in???" people the first time you ever mentioned your period to him
i mean tbh considering his childhood and the fact he never had to learn about periods for himself, fair. i don't think anyone would have ever taught him at least not in any sufficient detail at all
please set aside time at some point to explain to him, because his heart's in the right place, he's not being annoying about it to be funny, you're literally just the first person who's been like "oh im on my period" to him
yeah he'll look after you if you tell him what he's meant to do, but he'll also literally just get on your nerves on purpose to test your patience, being cheeky or making dumb jokes like "so.. i'm guessing no sex", regardless of whether the two of you have actually done that before
goes to the shop for sanitary products for you, gets to the right aisle and texts you a picture of everything saying "what pussy size you wear" even though he literally knows which ones you told him to get
would buy you any food that you're craving and subsequently keep trying to sneak some for himself whilst the two of you are sat together
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noe archiviste
the king of affection and looking after people !!!!
he's been around domi enough to actually know a good handful of things about the existence of periods (unlike vanita-) and ways to cope with cramps and other pains etc
probably has some like really niche advice as well for how to deal with cramps just bc its something he saw domi do once and he was like "what the fuck are you doing???" so she had to explain
happy to go out and buy things for you, like he doesn't even spare a thought about getting embarassed if anyone gives him weird looks (i talked to my friends and?? apparently this is a thing when men buy period products?? 😔 anyway)
he'll probably buy like 39 other things too though, he gets distracted while shopping he told he himself that its cano-
anyway would probably otherwise stay home and cuddle you and you can both share all the snacks he ended up buying in what was meant to be a quick trip to the shop
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anna-neko · 10 months
cannot stop thinking about a few things from last few eps.... this been marinating in there all night
Intent is a funny thing, ya know? The collar may say "blast those fools except Scary" but clearly Mr Stampler meant the order as "kill those meddling little boys" *cough* that panicked "don't let me kill you...."*cough* fuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Willy doesn't know Scary had a very traumatic experience earlier and has been disassociating as Terri for a bit. He doesn't know (weeeeeell, perhaps suspects. He never was too too trusting to begin with) that while she was separated from him for a few days, his control on her has weakened a touch. If she was so easily willing to murder the others at Rebecca's house just a few days ago, surely she won't mind it right now. Of course he is nice at first contact, keeping up the friendly charade as long as it suits him
but.... still.... guns. The kid-dads are on Earth with guns. The second Terry jr sees them float in he starts SHOOTING A GUN Not cast something. Not wait for them to land, get close to lead Scary away and oooh noes, the boys have been sniped by a mysterious assassin while offscreen! ...etc etc etc No, he shoots on sight. Willy absolutely set up the pieces in such a way that he gets what he wants & she wouldn't know ~ have no reason to suspect ~ she been played
Couldn't just write plainly "murder anyone w/ her" on those collars, not when there was a chance she may get close enuff to read it. noooope. "blast" or "stop all of them" could mean anything, plausible deniability y0! Scary needs to clearly see the weapons in this scenario, watch her [former?] team-mates be shot by those she knows. Bonus points if by stepdad - person she dislikes the most. But any of the kid-dads landing the final blow leads to exact same results.
She will end up alone.
Alone & isolated from her peers, toxic angst swelling inside by the second, zero doubts of Willy being her one and only true friend
but also - speaking of guns None of us question the sniper is Grant. Oh, we absolutely claw at the walls and wail in despair as it happens, but .... its fitting, isn't it? Poor lil Grant Wilson, the broken kiddo who was very much into shooter games. Of course he'd be the one to pull the trigger ("I'm up bad and broken, and wrong, and villain person. And it's important to me that you... I can't pass that on to you, okay? You can't be anything like me. So you gotta promise, don't ever kill anybody. Ever")
but hang on.... ALL the kid-dads have guns at this time. And why not Lark, who clearly is just as much about the guns. He was only giving one to his nephew literally at start of ep1! oooh right.. Lark comes prepackaged with Sparrow and the lvl of bitter betrayal at having him be the shooter just isn't the same . He already unleashed literal End of the World himself, the element of surprise won't work twice Terry jr could only fall by Grant's bullet.
______________ and while am spreading psychic damage out here - pray Scary herself never figures out she is partially responsible for that "kill" order How you may ask? weeeeeeeell *steeples fingers* think back a few eps and lets add up a few facts, shall we? Willy has been manipulating Scary for a while now, but he never actively tried to kill the others (even after separating them RE: Tony Pepperoni incident) Taylor's beheading was carefully done. Intensely shocking & upsetting, but non-lethal. Ever wonder why?
Sure, a group would have an easier time at getting all the anchors, but she's been more powerful than them for quite a while now; it is no longer as dangerous for her to go out there alone. But he didn't outright murder them..... because home & Earth dimensions hopping!!
the "amigara falls" door needed all 4 teens ~ alive and well as it were ~ to be able to travel between Earth & Forgotten Realms! Recall how furious he was with her when she sent that selfie of having "killed" them (you're fucking stupid for killing them because now we have to find another way into Faerune or Earth, I guess)
But now all anchors are taken care of, she has so conveniently just appeared right next to his other "travel keys" (collared kid-dads).... nobody else is as useful as this pathetic lil goth girl who's been dutifully accumulating power (for him to later suck outta her like a gusher, and throw away the empty shell)
./.....this has been a 6am brainrot......
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"He has never done anything wrong" is simply false. Just because his actions have reasonings and actually understandable intentions along with more personal and evil ones doesn't absolve him of his actions. The whole thing with that darkling guy was that he had no intentions except evil ones and that is the guy with more nuance? don't make me laugh. its not just about morality, even the worst to worst characters need to have more motivations than power and revenge on repeat.
I think you might want to reread what I said and try again:
I really wouldn’t call Grim (lame ass name ugh) a villain in like how the plot trajectory goes. Like Aster kept calling him a villain in her promo stuff but he… doesn’t do anything to narratively justify that. There’s a big third act betrayal (that makes ZERO SENSE) so he is like objectively fucking awful but he’s also not really framed as such. Like I’m fully waiting for Nightbane to be like “no actually he’s never done anything wrong in his life, in fact he single handedly invented feminism” à la ACOMAF
Anyway, I really should not indulge this anon further, as hilarious as this is. But for general context, one big twist in Lightlark is that pre canon Grim (the Rhysand/obligatory morally grey love interest with the exact same description in every romantasy ever) was convinced that the only way to win their stupid ass tournament thing is for the protagonist Isla to fall in love with Oro (Tamlin). But oh teh noes Isla already loved him! So his plan, framed as a huge sacrifice, was to… wipe all of her memories of him and their relationship without consulting her about it… so that uh.. hopefully? maybe? she’ll fall in love with Oro when the tournament begins. It’s just so precarious and flimsy to begin with!
Meanwhile he completely undercuts his own goals by showing up and immediately diving into terrible banter with her. And taking her out on a date through not!Velaris and randomly… hand feeding her chocolate. The entire book is just cartoonish but he basically takes every single opportunity to flirt with her and there’s at least one make out scene randomly set in an abbey (there is zero established religion in this book!!!!!) that I am glad to have mostly blocked out of my memory. Like he is NOT doing anything to further his own goals of pushing Isla towards Oro.
Isla ends the first book (lmao understandably) furious with Grim and randomly deciding she’s in love with Oro. But the narrative framing is obviously one where Grim made a tragic mistake and/or that his actions are justified if misguided. He’s just so blatantly a Rhysand! I haven’t read the sequel yet but just from the sheer ACOTAR of it all, I’m certain the second book is going to be speedrunning the ACOMAF trajectory where the narrative justifies all of his actions and conveniently forgets anything wrong he may have done.
He’s frankly barely a character, he’s just speedrunning Rhysand tropes. His motivations make no sense and his reasoning is so bizarre! The reason I was saying making him more evil could be more interesting is that, in the completely alien other world where Lightlark is remotely competently written, a scenario that acknowledges what an insane violation it is to like unilaterally decide all this for someone he supposedly loves could be genuinely compelling. If it’s acknowledged as cruelty and having no consideration for the protagonist’s desires and ability to make choices for herself. Also like damn literally all his screen time is just shitty banter and embarrassing angsting about being a monster like please just give me some variety— let alone actual genuine character work.
I don’t even like Rhysand. But his trajectory from ACOTAR to ACOMAF is at least appropriately drawn out. He’s actually framed as genuinely antagonistic and dangerous on introduction, and the points where he does help Feyre in the first book do a good job of very gradually shifting her perspective on him. And when she hates him the narrative at least mostly tries to lean into it. I already felt like ACOMAF was too annoying with its banter and the obvious foregone conclusion of their romance from very early on, where the reader isn’t allowed to come to their own opinions about him. But it’s way more competently done than anything in Lightlark. The relationship has way more time to breathe.
The Darkling meanwhile is a traditional villain who masquerades as the morally ambiguous sad boy love interest for like half of the first book. (But his fandom has never been able to let go of that initial framing rip). His motivations are pretty simple— at the heart of it, he just wants control. There’s depth to how he tries to achieve it. How he tries to present his motivations as much more reasonable and just than they are. He often undercuts himself too, but it comes from a point of deliberate characterization. His arc is one where he’s spiraling due to his waning control of the situation— and the protagonist— and becoming far more volatile and vicious for it. He’s horrible, but like that’s the point lmao
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signalwatch · 6 months
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The Marvels (2023)
Watched:  11/09/2023
Format:  Alamo Drafthouse
Viewing:  First
Director:  Nia DaCosta
Marvel has been having some issues, of late, with quality and maintaining a fanbase.  I'm not sure why having a fanbase for sci-fi/ fantasy stuff means eventually that the absolute worst people on Earth feel like their opinions should dictate what the rest of the planet sees and what constitutes a "good" Marvel, Star Wars or whatever movie.  But I suppose it's the same reason that people think they get to tell other people they're the only *real* Americans.
I don't want to define the film Captain Marvel or TV show Ms. Marvel by the audience that manages to mix misogyny and racism into rocket fuel for social media, but I will say - in the event of this year's strike by SAG-AFTRA, it's been tough to get much in the way of promotion out there for The Marvels other than dropping trailers, and that's left a gap in the conversation those folks have filled.  It's more likely we'll see the occasional hit-piece by a major industry publication looking for clicks than Disney doing anything worthwhile to actually promote the film on their own.  We coulda really used the lead cast hitting Hot Ones and Good Morning America.
Look, I agree:  Marvel has put out too much content since Endgame, and that's had a deleterious effect on the overall quality of the material.  Even I have been asking "will this be necessary?" as I hear about each new Marvel thing still in the pipeline.  And sometimes you're watching, say, Loki Season 2, and you're thinking "I literally do not care what happens here" because something like "oh noes, the timelines will all collapse" is both meaningless, up it's own ass of the story being about itself, and insanely old hat to us aging comic nerds who've seen timelines and multiverses collapse and expand over and over for our *entire lives*.  And, yes, Superman will still get printed every month.
Movie superheroes still have to have an antagonist, and they still have to wind up in a big crescendo of a finale, but we've seen this dozens of times in the past fifteen years.  You can polish it, put a new coat of paint on it, but eventually it's someone in a slugfest with their evil opposite who has the advantage on paper (but not the heart of a hero).
So what you have left is what you can do with characters.
And that brings us to The Marvels (2023), Marvel Studios' latest offering.  
The movie has mediocre reviews and is tracking to open badly.  I haven't read the reviews, because (a) I already had tickets and was going, and (b) I kinda wanted to write this before I saw what Chris Spectacles of the Akron Observer thought of the film.*  And I didn't want this review to be me addressing the concerns of reviewers.  
I saw it in a 2/3rds full theater on opening night, and with not a child in sight.  I will say the following up top:  
First - there's no post-post-credits sequence to wait for.  Go home after the first couple of them.  This is not a trick.
Second - Before watching this, yes, you will have to have seen Captain Marvel.  You should see Ms. Marvel.  You will want to just skip Secret Invasion, which this movie pretends didn't happen, and that's fine, because that show was quite bad and more confused the MCU than helped it along.
The Marvels (2023) is not going to change the world.  This is also not going to "save" Marvel Studios, if, indeed, Marvel Studios needs saving, or the *idea* of saving the studio that means anything at all.  
What I'll argue the movie does is provide a fun time at the movies with characters that are a good hang for the movie's speedy, non-stop runtime.  If Guardians of the Galaxy taught Marvel that what you need is a mix of action, comedy, space and family issues, this movie is absolutely a product of that line of thinking.  The Marvels isn't trying to copy Guardians (despite the fact the villain is a version of Ronan who is a mean lady instead of a mean man), but clearly those items were on a whiteboard somewhere while this movie was getting sorted out.  
The movie knows that the villain's plot is going to fail, and knows we, the audience, are just following the beats on that score.  And so it does the unthinkable of late for Marvel:  it uses the plot as an excuse to tell a three-sided story with three solid characters thrust together an inextricably linked, thereby creating a movie that's character driven.  The problems it addresses are personal in nature as much, or more!, than the need to stop Kree Hammer Lady.**
We catch up with the MCU as Kamala Kahn has settled a bit into her role as teen-hero, Ms. Marvel.  She's still very much a kid living with her family (Marvel understands when they've struck character gold).  Meanwhile Carol is in deep space, living with Goose and part of a network of folks helping keep peace across the galaxy, one supposes.  And, working aboard SABRE's orbital base, Monica Rambeau (I think last seen in WandaVision) is putting her powers to some use and being a scientist/ astronaut type.
But it seems since we checked in during the 1990's, the Kree had a civil war that somehow:  (a) messed up their sun? (b) evaporated their oceans and (c) ruined their atmosphere, creating a permanent state of planet-wide nightfall.  Not-Ronan has taken up the mantle and is trying to restore Hala, the Kree homeworld in a very Kree way - by murdering people.  She's obtained the second Quantum Band (Kamala having the first one we'd seen - there are two) and she's using it to open worm holes to...  
Look, the plot is the villainous plot from Spaceballs, and our villain is MegaMaid.  There's really no way around it.  It's not what *I* would have done as a writer, but Spaceballs was also 40 years ago, so... we may have to let this one go.  What's important is that MegaMaid is targeting planets in which Carol Danvers has an emotional investment and stealing their water, air and sun, and that's personal and mean.  But why?  Well, thereby hangs a tale.
But, like I say, it kind of doesn't matter.  She could be unleashing cooties on those planets.  She exists so our heroes get together and figure out their personal stuff.  And that's what the movie is about.
Monica has to figure out what it means that Carol didn't come back for Monica when Maria fell ill, both the why's and the impact.  Kamala has a parasocial relationship with Carol that Carol feels she has to live up to, even as it inspires Kamala and Carol doesn't feel at all like that hero.  But Kamala's hero-worship is kind of the unspoken opposite of how Monica has reacted to learning she has powers of her own.  And Kamala and Monica are complete strangers, navigating knowing each other while also seeing each other's relationship with Carol.  It's complicated stuff!  You could have made a similar indie movie about a movie star, her old friend and a fan, and gotten much of the same effect.  
But this one is in space, action-packed (I mean VERY action packed) and manages to balance the sincere moments with the incredibly silly moments with the pathos of inadvertently causing the self-immolation of Space Nazis.  And, in my opinion, it all worked.  
I liked the singing planet (but they did need to hold to the concept through the battle), I liked the kitten Flerkens and the absolute chaos of the evacuation scene.  I liked Kamala's family dealing with the nonsense of superhero/ SABRE life.  I liked the kooky three-way fights and the "we gotta synch up" montage.  The fight sequences are very well choreographed and work well despite what absolutely should have been a lot of confusion for the audience - ironically, only the audience is in a position to get what's happening. And I very much liked that our heroes *tried* to reason with the mad despot once it was clear they had the upper-hand and offer a way out of this.
In general, I was already in the bag for Brie Larson's take on Carol, and it's interesting to see a version 30 years older and with a lot of new, self-inflicted baggage.  Iman Vellani's Kamala Kahn is an absolute delight and can't wait to see her again.  And Teyonah Parris is very pretty great as my first Captain Marvel, and with decades of baggage to sort through with Carol, the blip, super-powers and how to be a superhero, which, frankly, she doesn't want to be.
So - did the singing planet die?  I have no idea what happened there.  It would be nice to know.  It seemed like everyone was going to die, and no one seems to care.
They basically borrowed the ending of All Star Superman, but didn't do it as well or with much emotional resonance, which is a real bummer.  Now DC can't use it, and this didn't land as well as it could have for Carol.  Felt like it needed a few more beats.
We gotta find more interesting ways to dress aliens.  Bright robes are very 1990's ST:TNG and it keeps happening at Marvel
Space is boring in this movie.  Marvel space was defined by James Gunn, and it is beautiful. Show that candy colored majesty, not ST:TNG white stars (the new Trek knows this).  There's definitely some more creative design they could have done, but maybe less is more if Quantumania was any indicator
Carol sure is good at astro-navigation and everything is apparently cosmically nextdoor in the MCU
I don't understand how the heroes became disentangled
Kamala uses her powers without her bangle, and I didn't know that was a thing
Spoilery Spoilers
It was fun seeing Valkyrie again, and good use of the character in her current role.  Also, sure felt like she and Carol knew each other pretty intimately...  Close to making that happen as Marvel will get, I guess
I don't know who Park Seo-joon is, but he was swoony.  I guess he's a big star?  Probably make the kids very happy
The first post credits scene was met with audible joy from the audience, so here's hoping that works.
The second post credits scene received an involuntary verbal response from me and a few others in the theater.  I like where they're going with this.  X-Men will not work in the MCU, but as close-universe neighbors, seems like a fine idea.  Also, thank goodness that isn't the last we'll see of Lashana Lynch
I was led to believe Richard Ryder/ Nova would appear, he does not.  
(late edit: this movie has the single greatest needle drop in Marvel history)
I don't think this one landed for me exactly as hard as the origins of either Ms. or Captain Marvel, but if the requirement was "I would like to spend time with these people, and see them together in a fun way" this managed that.  It feels unnecessary only in that it only barely strives to move a universe of stories forward and is, instead, self-contained and about these three people and their family/ friends.  It is very necessary as a "we should have solo stories that advance the characters but not carry the universe forward in obvious and awkward ways" sort of way.
Would I watch four more of these?  Yes.  
And thank god they got Nick Fury into a place where it's not a drag to have him around.
Look, I don't know what you people want out of Marvel, but I want something fun I can rewatch without feeling like I'm doing homework.  I like a good adventure and fight scenes and jokes and characters to enjoy.  I suppose I'll check out some reviews, and I think from my laundry list of nits to pick, it's clear I'm not giving this a 5/5, but when all you hear is "underperforming" and "mediocre reviews" in a world with ten movies about Vin Diesel driving cars fast and the general shit people get enthusiastic for, I won't even pretend to know what people consider a win.
*I swear to god, if I see one more person thinking they've got the edgy take on Marvel by saying "I don't consider Marvel movies to be *cinema*...   Dude, we get it.  You're very special and very smart and you can get your "I'm a very smart person on the internet" cookie on your way out the @#$%ing door
**no one is beholden to remember made-up alien names for longer than the name pass by in the credits
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charliethebugfan · 9 months
So uhh... I came back :D But I'm not going into details because fuck it.
I'm here, writing this after watching season 2 (two) of "Good Omens".
"Silly little gay people" - Charlie thought to himself right before having a 6 (six) hours watching session and got absolutely obsessed. He was desperately searching for season 2 (two)... And he found it. And now.. he's back with thoughts that absolutely no one asked for. That absolutely no one gives a single fuck about...
A quick introduction
•I will be using any pronouns for all angels/demons unless they have canon pronouns.
•If you notice any spelling mistakes, that I used wrong pronouns for any character etc. please tell me! ^^
•I will be talking about season 1 (one) and 2 (two) of "Good Omens". If you don't want any spoilers, please come back here when you're done with the series.
So yeah...
I will be talking about why I think Aziraphale left. A topic that everyone absolutely ate and left no crumbs for others at this point. Let's get started!
First I wanna take a moment to think about the relationship Crowley and Aziraphale have with heaven. For this post let's just say that heaven is a toxic parent and our dear little boys are their children.
So first I'm just gonna explain Crowley's situation quickly. Different people react differently. For example person A will cry because their ex cheated on them, while person B won't give a fuck. Same with our little demon and angel here. God kicked Crowley out for asking questions. She's angry at Heaven. He thinks they're toxic, like they said in episode 6 (six) of season 2 (two). This is the first reaction we have. A kid realises that their parent is toxic and, as they should, they get away from them. They know it's not worth it to actually try and have a good relationship with them because they will never change. On the other hand...
Aziraphale's reaction to heaven's toxicity is different. When heaven, or angels really but you know, show even a little bit of affection and trust towards her (like metatron did) they go absolutely crazy. They want this affection and love. Like I said before - different people will react to things differently. Also our childhoods can and will affect our lives, even after therapy. It's kinda the thing with Aziraphale and Crowley. But here something else comes in...
Being an angel and a demon is not the only thing that makes Crowley and Azi different. Their personality is also very important here. Demon always asked a lot of questions undermining absolutely everything. On the other hand Aziraphale never questioned God. I believe it was mainly because of their personality. Or maybe they were "raised" differently? The fact that Aziraphale actually still believed that God's plans were good after all what happened (Noe, Job, wars, more wars, innocent things dying, war between war and hell) is a sign that something's not right. The fact that he was also, don't be afraid to say this, abused by other angels and still came back is a huge flag with "Trauma response" written on it.
What exactly is wrong with heaven?
Well let me tell you! I will dig out every scene in those 2 (two) seasons we got that shows the "bad" side of heaven :)
•Starting off not so strong - Garden of Eden. If God really wanted Eve and Adam to stay, why did she test them? 🤨 If you really want someone to stay you don't do that kind of stuff. Especially that if God knows everything she did know what will happen.
•People killing each other, killing other things. I'm going to say this once and never come back to it because there's just too much of it in the series. Heaven could easily stop this but they won't. Hooray. Onto the next one.
•Armagedon. Do I really have to explain that one?
•Job. God literally was like: "Oh.. yeah sure you can kill his children, goats.. uhh.. what else he has? Geese?". Also let's not forget about leprosy of course. I'm not sure if he had it in the show honestly because I couldn't see anything on his skin. Some stuff were different from the actual Bible so I'm not sure. Feel free to correct me! Still he was attached to his children and they literally were ready to kill them all. Even the precious pot girl :( other 2 (two) sucked tho.
•Noe. I almost forgot about that particular moment where God drowned 99% of living things on earth. Tho not sure because Azi said it was local or something. Still think about all those poor animals and kids. Also fun fact: in the Bible it's literally said, that God got sad and drowned everything. Like it's implemented that he thought of people as a failed experiment.
•Remember when Gabriel told "Aziraphale" to shut up and die already? Yeah. I hated season 1 Gabriel.
•Beating up Aziraphale. So how it was? "Love everyone"? 🤨 Crowley is literally more kind at this point and he's a DEMON.
•Remember when Gabriel told Adam to restart armagedon? 😭 And they get to be the "good" ones? Also that little shit told Adam he's a brat so uh... Yeah.
•Kicking someone out for asking questions or disagreeing with everyone else blah blah blah. TWICE.
•Have I mentioned how they treat Muriel? 🤨
•Of course an attempt to kill demon and angel. You know - normal daily stuff.
I think that's all, but I also have a feeling I forgot about something. Also no, I'm not trying to excuse hell :) just the fact that they call themselves "the good ones" bothers me a bit.
So why Aziraphale chose heaven over Crowley? Was it the coffee? A lie? Naah. It was probably just a trauma response. Tho lie theory is possible too. I recommend checking it out :) I personally don't believe in coffee theory, but until season 3 (three) we don't really know! Believe in what you think is the most possible. I also probably forgot about something but... Anyway.
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iko-kokomi · 1 year
ORIGINAL A.U (i think :v)
This is au is a little bizzare of the promised neverland (or yakusoku no neverland) and kuroshitsuji (black butler) in the mansion phantomhive, Sebastian gives Ciel a letter, saying it was given by an unknow person, Ciel thinks is someone on name of the queen and decides to open it.
the letter talks about an "strange" orphanate, what despise that the children lives as an happy and comfy way, theres someting rare, and the misión of Ciel is discuber what it is and how to help children who live there. what catches Ciel attention is that the orphanage its from another world, but at the end of the letter is the Undertaker's name in, he thinks is a stupid joke.
when its appears Ciel was going to total ignore the letter, Undertaker says he was gonna be there yes or yes, that he doesn'ts have a choice. Ciel seeing that will be going agaist his voluntary, stars remember the children of the circus arc of noe, and a little of his past, convincing himself to go, but tomorrow. :v
on the night, Ciel asks himself what as rare the orphanage where kids lives as a way happy and comfy, until he falls asleep, and for power of magic shinigami and the power of the screenplay... ¡boom! ¡wake ups on of the beds from gracefield! \>:D/
The first person he sees is Emma, who Ciel though was a boy, then he notices she's just a girl with a short hair, without understad anything, Ciel goes down the floor of the house until he meets with Sebastian, who is also confused. literally he was vigilating the mansion in the night until everything turned blurred and by front of him there was Isabella and then he meets with the children who calls him "dad".
sebastian doesn'ts understads, Ciel doesn'ts understads, nobody understads, but ciel remembers undertaker told him someting about the orphanage with someting weird, and seeing so many kids with white uniformes (and the fact hes using on) gets to know that at some way, they get to go there, someting weird is that the children as numbers on the left of their necks, someting that sebastian was the firts to notice this and when he revised ciel's neck, notices he as the number "141294" ( i don't know how the numbers works on the anime so i just put the day of his birthday and thats it xd.)
anyways, Ciel notices that they are two centuries in the future. tag it, (where he almost lost a lung), washes clothes for the firts time of is life, ¡lives a normal orphanage life!.. ¿or no?.
comes the day of Conny's adopción and everyone knows she forgets her bunny, so Emma with Norman and Ciel goes to give it and.. they knew everything, ciel tolds Sebastian to investigate everything about the place and with that seduce Isabella (someting at the begining hard but not imposible) and they end doing ✨things.✨
and thats how its born the bizzare ship from this bizzare au, "Sebastianbella". XD
Sebastian takes information from Isabella, and tell ciel like a good gossip- i mean, butler. and now that Ciel knows the truth with Emma and Norman (then Ray) they planned their escape.
Now, you may be thinking, "¿doen'ts everyone think it is weird that two randoms appears of nothing?" Let me answer that cuestión... NO. ¿Why? because Undertaker took it upon himself to stuff cinematografics on everyones memorys, and with that, he made an history and everything speaking about historys, i will tell you about Sebas :D
Sebastian was a cattle boy, along with Isabella and Leslie, and being Claude's younger brother, where they get along like "dogs and spiders". xd But those are small details. Leslie was adopted, Claude was "adopted" and Isabella we already know what happened to her. And finally Sebastian was left alone... until his 12th birthday. There they offer him training to be "dad", this is only offered to girls but Sebastian was an exception. And also, being a man, he would help with the reproduction of children (they prostitute him, in a nutshell). 🕴 He meets Isabella, they grow up, and there comes a time when they fall into their carnal desires and... we already know what happens. And so Ray was born! HA HA HA \>:D/ Now analyze, if Sebastian is a demon, and Ray is his son... then that means... Ray is a demon too! >:D (That's why I say that this AU is kind of bizarre xd). Leaving details aside, Ciel goes to Lambda along with Norman. Where there they would use Ciel as a project for the other farms called "cloning". Where they had to subject Ciel to physical tests that instead of strengthening his body, weaken it. Do you remember Claude? It's a Lambda Scientist! Since, like Sebastian, he demonstrated a knack for science (although he had to be a guinea pig first). If Claude is here, Alois is here too, on one occasion Ciel comes to meet Alois. Alois is a Lambda experiment who has lived in that lab all his life, he didn't know about the farms until Ciel told him. When it looks like Ciel is ready to start the cloning project, the scientists decide to start at DAMN 11 PM. WHO THE FUCK WORKS AT THAT TIME?! Well, obviously Ciel won't let him and Sebastian takes him out of Lambda and that's when they part ways again. What they don't know is that they will be separated for two long years...
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rainofaugustsith · 2 years
ETA since some apparently don't get this: I will not debate anyone who reblogs to argue with me on this issue; I just block and ignore. If you like the Jedi, cool, do it in your own space and leave me out of it. If you can’t do that, I’ll help out by blocking you. If you don't like that the source material shows the Jedi removing kids from their families and cutting them off permanently while indoctrinating them into lifetime religious and military service, complain to Lucasfilm, not me, because that is what was written. ***
Ah, I see the "oh noes, the Jedi don't kidnap children, that's all mean genocide apologist talk" is making the rounds again. Sigh.
The Jedi conscript kids into their program as toddlers and babies. This is not debated anywhere in the media. As to the ethics of that, no, they may not have put kids under their arms and run away with them, but it can't be denied that they did conscript those kids, train them for Jedi combat and expect them to serve the Republic for the rest of their lives, while denying them attachment, contact and community outside the Jedi Order.
That's not propaganda. It's what we see in Star Wars media. I'd like to call attention to the fact that a major Jedi character in the entire Star Wars franchise, Luke Skywalker, had issues with this aspect of the Jedi Order and specifically changed it. Is he "Sith propaganda" too?
Exhibit A: Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order specifically cited the lack of attachment and methods of the old Jedi as problems. Luke's Jedi were allowed to keep all attachments and ties to their families.
This is the old AU, but a substantial body of work, literally decades of books, revolve around Luke's New Jedi Order. Also, in the Jedi Path (my bad, I called it Book of the Jedi, sorry) which IS Disney canon, Luke makes several notations about "my order won't run like this, it will be completely voluntary, and I think attachments are good."
Exhibit B: The Jedi Path published as Disney canon as the collected thoughts of various Jedi says, among other things:
1. The Jedi absolutely were thought of as kidnappers by some, to the point where there were organized groups in the Republic who opposed them.
2. There was Republic law that allowed them to take children from their families if the families didn't want it.
3. The issue that the children didn't consent was dismissed as them being chosen and consenting because they were Force sensitive.
4. The Book of the Jedi also notes specifically that attachment to birth families needed to be disavowed, which is something Luke Skywalker objected to in the footnotes.
In various Star Wars media we also see:
1. Numerous characters such as Ahsokha and Ashara Zavros who say they have had no contact with their families for decades.
2. Jaesa Willsaam's family being told they should not expect to hear from their daughter again.
3. Shmi not being allowed to remain in touch with Anakin and actually rebuffed when she tried to call him at the Jedi temple.
4. Anakin being told by Yoda that if harm to someone is troubling him, drop the attachment and stop caring.
5. Baby Ludi. This was a case where a Force sensitive baby was taken during wartime and given a new name. When her mother was found to be alive she exhausted all resources going to Coruscant to try to get her child back. The Jedi refused. She sued, and Republic courts sided with the Jedi. The Jedi refused to allow her to even see her daughter again.
Yes, the Jedi did originally think the baby was orphaned, but upon finding out that wasn't the case and that the mother was in fact desperate for her child to be returned, they did not return her. Nor did they restore her birth name.
6. In the original trilogy, Obi-Wan and Yoda expect Luke to give up attachments by a) leaving Han and Leia to die on Bespin; b) deliberately not sharing that Leia and Luke were siblings until their hand was forced; c) insisting that Luke needed to put aside any familial feelings to kill Darth Vader.
Luke succeeds in the original trilogy because he refuses to give up his attachments. He calls Vader 'father' and pulls on that thread of attachment until Vader can't resist it - and does the right thing.
7. Yes, Jedi do keep their own cultural traditions but they are still not largely in touch with family or their communities as a whole. As to keeping their own names, tell that to Ludi Billane, Depa Billaba and Sar Labooda.
8. "But the kids and parents consent." Okay, Qui-Gon asked Anakin if he wanted to be a Jedi. Did he sit down and explain it meant he would be bound to a strict moral code for the rest of his life, would not be allowed any attachments or family contact, and would have to sacrifice any of his friends for the greater good, or fight for the Republic regardless if he agreed in their cause?
And even if he had, do we routinely let nine year olds conscript themselves into lifetime military or religious service? Or do we recognize that they should perhaps not make major life decisions at that juncture? Moreover, since the Jedi recruit toddlers and babies do you think they have even the slightest amount of comprehension at that point as to how this will affect the rest of their lives?
But Shmi said yes. Yes, she did. It was offering her kid a ticket out of being enslaved on Tatooine forever, what do we really think she was going to say? If Qui-Gon had said "I'm going to buy your freedom, and your son's, and help you start a new life" would she have made the same choice? Yes, other parents said yes. How much were they advised that this was the safest way for their child, the ONLY way for their child?
9. "But they can leave at any time!" Mhmm. Now how far will they get without any money, possessions, professional connections, experience with living outside the Jedi Order, etc? Yeah maybe they are lucky and can reclaim an inheritance like Dooku but maybe they end up like Ahokha living hand to mouth in poverty on the lower levels of Coruscant.
None of this is "Sith propaganda." It's what the writers of Star Wars actually described. If a fan wants to think this level of separating children from their families and attachments is acceptable, and justifiable nothing I say will change that. Appreciate Star Wars as you want. If some of us think that it's one reason the Jedi kind of suck and had very harmful practices (and let's use critical thinking here and realize that saying "the Jedi kind of suck" is not in any way agreeing with genocide, erasure, slavery or fascism, or similar practices found in other factions), that should also be fine. Don't like that? Such is life.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Ok I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I'm just now copying your Norwegian Bella AU into a text translator, and if you don't already have 50 people in your inbox demanding a translation then shame on ALL OF US because this is glorious! And while Google Translate does have a certain charm (it translated "piper hun ut" as "she beeps") I'm curious to see how you'd put it in English.
Troquantary is referring to this post. In which Bella doesn't speak English.
Fun fact, you're the only one who's gone into my inbox to request this. I was so sad, had the translation half-written and everything, but I was too proud to beg. So thank you, Troquantary, for popping this ask.
As for the dictionary fuckups, sounds about right. I made a few typos, too, that made Google Translate suffer even more. (Such as managing to mix up "henne" (her) and "hendene" (hands), resulting in Aro patting Bella instead of clapping his hands. Poor Google.)
Also, there are a few cultural references and language things that would be lost in the translation, in an attempt to keep them I included notes clarifying things.
Some things, like Aro and Carlisle's very old man way of speaking, are easier said than done to translate, you'll have to bear with me there.
Additional notes are that I added a few things to this version, many of them because translating is hard, but a few because while translating I thought "oh you know what would be much funnier-" and then wrote that.
Alright, without further ado:
When Renée left Charlie she did not go to Florida, she went to Oslo. And she went all in to make her daughter a true Norwegian, hiring Norwegian nannies and making sure never to speak English around the child. Since transatlantic flights are expensive, little Bella Swan rarely got to visit her father, and as such she never did learn what should have been her native language.
She quickly forgot what English she did have in favor of Norwegian, with the exception of words like “Yes”, “No”, and “I’m Bella”.
The few trips she took to visit her father were all the more awkward than in canon since she couldn’t play with the Black kids. Let not the blame fall upon Charlie: he took Norwegian classes and speaks conversational Norwegian. He can’t speak to Renée, because her Norwenglish is incomprehensible even to Norwegians, but he can communicate with Bella.
Not that he’s had a lot of chances to do so.
Bella makes it to seventeen years old, she’s in second grade at Handels* and is a major outsider among the preps there, and then Renée marries a handsome skier**. Together they shall travel the continent all winter to participate in as many skiing races as they can, and in the summer they’ll take gigs at Hurtigruta to see the coast.
*“Handels” is the nickname for an Oslo high school infamous for its pupils being rich and beautiful blonds who are going to be CEOs when they grow up.
**Skiing as a sport is huge in Norway
***Hurtigruta is a famous ferry that travels across the Norwegian West coast
Bella, who sucks at skiing and is too young to work at Hurtigruten, takes the hint.
With dread in her stomach and dictionary in hand she goes to her father in America.
Where she doesn’t speak the language.
Charlie gives her a car, and I wish this meta was set in the present because I could have joked about electric cars and the automat only driver’s license*, but Twilight is set in 2005 so I can’t. The car part proceeds without drama.
*An increasing number of Norwegian youth take the driver’s license for automatic cars only, and we’re the country in the world with the highest percentage of electric car purchases.
School is worse than in canon, because she is now a thousand times more sensational than if she was merely the new student. She is from another country! All of Forks keels over with excitement.
To make matters even worse, our girl doesn’t understand a word of what people are saying.
She is too awkward to let them know she doesn’t know English. It’d become a thing, and they might think she’s dumb. To be fair, it’s not good that she’s been through primary, secondary, and now a year and a half of high school and still sucks at English.
So she nods, smiles, mumbles “Hi, I’m Bella” to the new faces, and blushes heavily when anybody says anything.
People assume she’s shy. That’s a bit boring, but oh well.
She has her biology class with the redhead hottie she noticed during lunch. She watched him and his family, they were fascinatingly pretty, but she doesn’t know anything more about them. Sure would have been great if she could have asked the tiny girl (was it Jess?) about them.
Biology proceeds as in canon - Edward badly wants to eat the delicious girl, but fortunately doesn’t.
She runs into him in the office when he tries to switch to another biology lesson, but she has no idea what he’s saying so she only has the suspicion that this somehow concerns her. Which is still uncomfortable, but Bella is probably the problem here. The hottie surely can’t be.
He’s missing from school for a week, Bella finds that weird.
He returns, and to her great horror he starts talking to her.
“Hello”, he says.
Bella dies inside. He’s too handsome!
"I'm Edward Cullen," he continues, and ok, she got that. The hottie is called Edward, that’s good to know. She’s not sure she caught that last name, though, Köln?
He says something else, it’s gibberish to Bella even though she’s concentrating, and at the end there he says “Bella Swan”.
She gulps.
"I'm Bella Swan," she confirms and nods. That should be correct. God, she hopes it’s correct.
He smiles a crooked, boyish smile. She’s awed. She didn’t think it was possible to be so beautiful.
He says something else.
Bella didn’t catch it.
She blushes even harder, she hasn’t been more embarrassed in her life. Here he is, the most handsome guy in all the world, and she has nothing to say to him. Literally, they don’t speak the same language.
She should tell him.
It’s one thing to chicken out of telling the town she doesn’t speak English, but there’s something different about Edward Cullen. He deserves the truth.
He’s the most beautiful person she has seen in her life. He is American, too, so the odds of him knowing Norwegian are microscopical. If he finds out she doesn’t understand a word he says he’ll stop talking to her, and selfish as she is she doesn’t want that.
So with a slightly guilty conscience (but not enough to fess up) she contributes to the conversation with enough words and smiles to pull through. "Yes", "No", "Thank you", and "That's nice".
He is surprised by several of these answers, but instead of giving her odd looks and losing interest he grows more invested in the conversation.
Class ends.
The next day the near accident happens, and he saves her. She is stunned - dear god, did he just pick up a whole car? After teleporting across the parking lot..?
Soon she’s in the ER, and more than a little bit stressed about that fact since she knows the Americans have a terrible healthcare system.
She hopes Charlie has an insurance.
An insanely beautiful man walks into the ER, and Bella is shocked. He is just as handsome as Edward and Edward’s lunch friends!
He introduces himself as Carlisle Cullen, and Bella can only assume this is someone’s older brother. Possibly related to the blonde girl.
He smiles at her, says something, and she answers, "I'm Bella Swan."
He frowns.
That must have been the wrong answer, then.
His hands return to investigating her scalp, and to her great surprise he switches to perfect Norwegian, "kjenner De* noe ubehag når jeg holder her?" Do you feel any discomfort when I touch here?
*De is the Norwegian polite pronoun for “you”. Du = thou = the French tu, and De = you = the French vous. These polite pronouns went out of use in the 1980’s, save for when addressing royal persons, and would be considered antiquated in 2005.
He hurries to add, "Norsk lærte jeg i... fjor sommer. Det var et nettkurs." I learned Norwegian… last year. Online class.
"Hvilket da?" Which one? Bella asks, because Charlie needs to hear about this. The doctor has beautiful, if slightly outdated, pronunciation.
The doctor’s smile turns uncertain. She gets the feeling there’s something he doesn’t want to say. "Husker ikke," I don’t remember, sier han etter en litt vel lang pause.
That’s a shame. And weird.
"De hadde hellet med Dem i dag, som ikke ble truffet av den bilen." You were lucky today, not getting hit by that car. he then says, noticeably changing the subject.
"Det var ikke hell, det var Edward," It wasn’t luck, it was Edward, she replies sharply.
The doctor definitely looks uncomfortable.
She continues, "Han krysset skolegården på et blunk, og plukket opp hele bilen. Jeg så det," He crossed the schoolyard in a moment, and picked up the whole car. I saw it,
The doctor laughs. "Om han kunne det hadde nok gymkarakteren hans vært meget bedre. Nei, frøken Swan*, jeg beklager å si at det høres ut som at De er litt omtåket. Det er helt normalt ved hjernerystelse." If he could do that, his PE grade would be a lot better. No, Miss Swan, I’m sorry to say you seem confused. That’s normal with concussions.
*Addressing a young woman as “frøken” is even more outdated than using polite pronouns.
Why does Bella get the feeling he’s lying?
She’s discharged.
We’ll jump ahead to her trip to La Push - that trip uneventful, since Jacob knows she doesn’t speak English. They stick their hands in their pockets and stare at the sea.
The next day she’s shanghaied to Port Angeles, because apparently she said “Yes” at the wrong time when talking to Jessica (Turns out Jess’s name was Jessica!) and accidentally said yes to a day trip to Port Angeles.
Like in canon she wanders away from the others, and as in canon she is nearly gang raped. And again as in canon she is saved at the last moment by Edward.
He buys her dinner, and she can’t believe her own luck- and misfortune. A date with the most handsome guy on the planet (hence the luck) and she can’t say a word to him (hence the misfortune)!
He says things to her, lends her his jacket, and really this is it for Bella, she’s peaked, life can’t get better than this.
(That’s a lie, it would be better if she spoke English.)
He’s so amazing.
She’s gotten pretty good at navigating conversations with him, so she nods and aha’s her way through.
In his car on the way home the tone takes a more serious turn.
He asks her about something, and it’s a serious question, that much she’s gathered. She answers in the confirmative.
He is silent.
Did she say anything wrong?
(Edward, on his end, just asked if she knows what he is. She said yes, so calmly, not even a trace of fear in her.)
A few days later he takes her out on a walk in the woods.
He shows her a meadow in the woods, and when he steps into it he lights up in the sunlight.
Bella is in shock.
She knew there was something different about him, but- holy cow. This guy isn’t human.
Is she dating a god?
She stumbles into the clearing after him, and they spend a day together where he says things, and she can barely hear any of it (nevermind understand it) because she’s so distracted by how pretty he is.
The next day he takes her to a house in the middle of nowhere. She doesn’t want to guess that this can be where he lives. Surely gods don’t live in houses?
He shows her inside the house, and introduces her for Dr. Cullen and a lady with a name she doesn’t catch.
Bit weird that these two are acting like a couple of parents, they’re far too young and divine for that.
Edward shows her around in an old-fashioned office, and she doesn’t know what to make of i when she sees a painting of Carlisle. Edward launches into a long story when he sees her watching it, unfortunately she doesn’t catch any dates or artist names. At one point she heard the word “suicide”, though, and that’s not good.
She doesn’t get much out of the story.
The baseball game doesn’t happen because Bella didn’t pick up on what Edward wanted and didn’t realize she was being invited to a thing. They spend the afternoon watching a movie instead.
The relationship continues, impeded slightly by communication problems, but she’s mostly able to cover those up.
Until her birthday comes around.
She gets a papercut.
Jasper lunges at her. Edward throws her into a glass table, and then everyone is leaving.
Carlisle is kind enough to switch to Norwegian when he’s stitching up her arm, perhaps remembering the last time she was his patient. "Jasper har ikke vært på dietten vår så veldig lenge." Jasper hasn’t been on our diet for very long.
"Diett?"she asks. She’s never seen Edward eat anything. She wasn’t clear on what the Cullens ate, honestly she thought they were above such things. She was thinking maybe photosynthesis. The knowledge that they apparently eat food astounds her, but diets?
"Dyreblod istedenfor menneskeblod," Animal blood in stead of human blood, Carlisle clarifies.
Carlisle gives a slight smile. “Jaspers liv som vampyr fikk en brutal start." Jasper’s life as a vampire got off to a brutal start.
Bella’s missed something here.
Oh dear lord, oh fy faen, she has missed something.
“Åja”, uh huh, is all she can say, and suddenly she’s very aware of the fact that she’s sitting there with a bleeding arm.
And Carlisle.
Who is a vampire.
Over the course of the following conversation Bella makes a host of discoveries.
Edward has been a vampire this whole time, and he’s a telepathic vampire. Whether Bella should be a vampire too or not has been a matter of hot debate, but due to religious reasons Edward doesn’t want that.
Carlisle also brings up how Edward died of the Spanish flu.
"Jeg var under den oppfatning at Edward fortalte deg bakhistorien min?" I was under the impression Edward told you my back story? Carlisle asks at one point, and Bella just has to ask very nicely if he’d be so kind as to repeat it.
Turns out the guy is nearly four hundred years old.
Jahahaha jaa ha.
That’s… a lot.
She wanders out of the house in shock, and hardly notices Edward’s strange behavior over the next couple of days.
One day he picks her up at school, and takes her behind the house.
That works out.
He’s a vampire, but he never hurt her. He is endlessly beautiful, perhaps easier to love now that she knows he’s not a god. He’s her Edward, and that’s suddenly easier now that she knows.
They can still be together.
But now that she knows this about him, it’s about time he knows something about her as well.
It’s time to finally be honest with him.
So when he opens his mouth, she opens her mouth as well, but she doesn’t get any further than to “Edward-” before he launches into a monologue.
She’ll have to wait until he’s done before saying her piece. It’s a bit embarrassing, but it doesn’t seem like he intends to stop talking anyway.
And what he’s saying seems to be serious, so it’s probably best to let him finish.
Edward concludes his monologue by kissing her forehead. Then he disappears.
Where did he go?
A big unsure, Bella goes back to the house. She’ll just have to wait until he gets back.
She doesn’t know what to think when Charlie returns from work and tells her the Cullens have all left.
Oh, god.
Edward must have found out she doesn’t speak English.
She made a mockery of him.
He has every right to leave.
Knowing this doesn’t make it any easier to live with.
Bella sinks into a depression.
The hallucinations begin, as in canon, though Hallusinward speaks Norwegian. Thank god for small mercies.
The friendship with Jacob (dictionary in hand) blooms, as someone has to help her see those hallucinations.
The cliff diving happens, and Alice shows up. Bella’s not sure what this is about, but she has gotten good enough at English to know that something bad happened, and Alice wants them to do something.
She’s a bit surprised to find herself on a plane to Italy, though.
Alice tells her to “Run to Edward” and ok, she got that, actually.
So she saves Edward.
After that she’s taken into the sewer, which turns out to house dozens of vampires.
Bella, Edward, and Alice are received in some kind of hall, where an unusual vampire has quite a bit to say. She understands some of what he’s saying, at least the part about “la tua cantante”. She knows a bit about Italian, see, so she knows that he’s talking about a song now.
She wishes she knew the context.
At one point he takes her hand, and appears fascinated by it. She wonders if he’s a palmreader. Not very vampirey, but what does she know.
He asks her a question.
"Yes," she says.
Saying yes has gotten her this far, after all.
But when he lights up and claps his hands together, and Edward and Alice stare at her in shock and betrayal, she knows she must have said the wrong thing.
The two are dismissed from the room before Bella can do or say anything, she’s just listening to Edward make a racket outside in the hallway.
Not good.
The unusual vampire brings her further down in his sewer palace to a basement, and she is given comfortable clothes to wear.
This is getting terrifying.
The vampire leans towards her - and she chickens out.
"Jeg snakker ikke engelsk!" she squeaks. "Non habla ingles!" I don’t speak English.
Han stanser, og ser forvirret ut. "Que- Hva behager*?" I beg your pardon? spør han etter et øyeblikk.
*A very formal, and slightly outdated (you can use it, but people will think you’re putting on airs. And they will be right) way of saying “excuse me?”
Sobbing, Bella tells him the whole story, from how she didn’t want to be the weird kid in school to how she’s now somehow in Italy without knowing why nor what she just agreed to.
When she’s done the vampire starts laughing.
"Dette forklarer jo en hel del," This explains quite a bit, ler han. "Men, kjære Bella, jeg er redd det ikke endrer noe." But, my dear Bella, I’m afraid it changes nothing.
He tells her that she has agreed to serve him and his army of undead warriors into eternity.
Well fuck.
"Du skal få slippe det, når du ikke visste hva du samtykket til - men skjebnen din forblir den samme. Loven er loven." You’re released from that promise, as you didn’t know what you agreed to - but your fate remains the same. The law is the law.
After a moment of silence, during which she looks terrified, he hurries to add, "Vi har en lov. Du må bli en av oss." We have a law. You must become one of us.
A law that Bella Swan has to become a vampire?
People are finally speaking Norwegian, and Bella is still lost. And it’s too embarrassing to keep pestering this poor, polite man with questions.
So she nods.
He gives her a glittering smile, and bites her.
When she wakes, Aro offers her an English course. A language course that, naturally, leads to her staying in Volterra. Why not learn a few more languages while we’re at it, dearest Bella?
Some time later Edward breaks into Volterra to save his Rapunzel, only to barely recognize her now that she’s a vampire who says things. Lots of things, she talks all the time now. WHAT DID ARO DO TO HER.
Too mortified to admit that she never spoke English, Bella claims she’s been brainwashed.
Aro is having too much fun to correct her, and the whole sad affair sets off a regrettable flood of rumors.
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mikauzoran · 3 years
The Shipping Continues
I’m still reading through the Vanitas no Carte manga to practice my Japanese, and I have some more favourite moments from Volume Four to share. ^w^
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First off, Noe completely losing it when Dr. Moreau tries to touch Vanitas.
Dr. Moreau was just asking Vanitas if he could extract one of Vanitas’s eyes to study it, and Noe has had enough.
Vanitas says, “Hey. What are you doing? Stop it.” because Noe is going to blow their cover to which Noe replies, “I’m sorry, but that’s impossible. Dr. Moreau, I’ve got a mountain’s worth of things I want to say to you, but...calling people by a number like you’ve been doing with your ‘Number Six-Nine, Number Six-Nine’...cut it the hell out!!!”
I like that Noe just drops all pretense of politeness here and snaps. ^.^
A side note on Dr. Moreau: I really love the allusion to the 1896 book by H. G. Wells: The Island of Doctor Moreau. (Have people heard of it before? ^.^;) It’s about a mad scientist who’s made these hybrid human-animal creatures on this island that the narrator gets shipwrecked on. My favourite character is the pink sloth creature. It’s an interesting book, and I always love when contemporary fiction references classic fiction. The references make me happy. ^w^ It’s like finding Easter eggs.
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This is another great scene. Vanitas was about ready to give up, but Noe inspired him to keep trying. Actually, what happened was Vanitas was going to have everyone leave and seal the room until the monster consumed itself and disappeared on its own because there was no way for them to get the cursed one out of the monster in order to purify them. Noe convinced Vanitas to jump into the monster’s void-like maw in order to perhaps save the cursed one from inside of the monster.
Only, they didn’t know that that was going to work. For all they knew, they were going to their deaths. Instead of letting Noe go in on his own (because Noe wasn’t giving up, and he was going whether Vanitas went or not), Vanitas decided to go with Noe, knowing that it could be a suicide mission. It’s kind of romantic in a twisted way that Vanitas picked possibly dying with Noe instead of letting Noe go alone and then sealing up the room to let the monster eat itself out of existence.
But what I really like about this scene is the dialogue!
Vanitas: That’s the cursed one who created “Predator”. (The kanji says “shadow figure”/“silhouette”/“shadow monk”, but the furigana reads “puredatouuru”.)
Noe: It’s okay. We can win.
Vanitas: Ha. “So long as we’re together”?
This is a callback to a scene in Volume 3:
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Here, Vanitas has just asked if Noe can win against Roland (I’m guessing that’s how you spell his name. In katakana, it’s “rooran”. I’m guessing that’s the French name “Roland”). Noe says, “I don’t know...but we can win. So long as we’re together.”
A note on my translation: That’s not literally what Noe says, but that’s the vibe. In Japanese, it’s “oretachi nara”. Literally, that means “so long as it’s us”. The emphasis is on “tachi”. “Ore” would just mean “me”. “Tachi” makes it plural, so Noe is emphasizing that so long as it’s him and Vanitas, they can win. It feels more natural in English for me to translate that as “so long as we’re together”. 
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I love the above scene of Vanitas and Noe laughing together after having pulled it off and narrowly escaped death. I also love Roland looking on in awe at a vampire and a human laughing together. 
You can tell he ships it. This is his “and then a shipper was born” moment.
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Above is another great scene. Amelia comes in to give Vanitas a message, and Noe is still sleeping. He’s just fallen out of bed with a loud crash.
Amelia: Noe-san?!
Vanitas: Oh, so he’s fallen out of bed again?
Amelia: Uh... Is this...really okay?
Noe: *soft, breathy snore*
Vanitas: Hey. Don’t get close to him. He’ll turn you into a body pillow.
I love the implication that Vanitas knows this fact from personal experience. How else would he know that Noe latches onto and snuggles anything and anyone within reach when he’s asleep? Vanitas has definitely gotten snuggled before, and I want fan art. XD
Honorable Mentions from Volume Four:
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This scene. I won’t translate it word for word, but Vanitas is getting worked up because Noe refuses to take one of the Chasseurs hostage. Vanitas says that if Noe doesn’t like Vanitas’s way of doing things, he can just go because Vanitas doesn’t want to be around people with Noe’s soft way of thinking. Vanitas is afraid that if he spends time with people like Noe, Vanitas will eventually go soft too, and then he’ll end up dead.
I really love the depth of Vanitas’s character. Sensei has done an excellent job with him in particular (though, all of the characters are wonderful). His psychology is fascinating. He’s obviously been through a great deal, and he’s adapted in order to survive. He’s scared of letting people in because being the way he is and being a loner is what’s kept him alive and safe up until this point.
I’m really looking forward to seeing how Noe slowly chips away at the walls Vanitas has built around himself. ^w^
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This is my other honorable mention. After Noe and Vanitas escape from the catacombs, Vanitas collapses next to Noe and slumps against Noe’s back. It’s really precious.
He closes his eyes and sighs, “I’m tired”. I love the trust and vulnerability here. Vanitas obviously feels safe enough around Noe to let his guard down. ^.^
My Love Letter to Yen Press:
Once again, if you’re interested in reading Vanitas no Carte, you can get it in English from Yen Press. I really love this publisher because they do an excellent job of staying true to the original text. When I was in high school and couldn’t read manga raw yet (either because I couldn’t get my hands on it or my reading level wasn’t sufficient for what I wanted to read), Yen Press was my favourite because I felt like I could trust them to translate the manga how I would myself.
When I was little, you couldn’t trust the people who were dubbing anime into English. They did ridiculous things to sanitize anime for kids’ consumption like editing out all of the cigarettes and guns. They changed dialogue so that characters who had been hinted at being queer in the original were no longer queer in the English dub. They did silly things to localize the anime like changing onigiri into donuts and whitewashing the characters. That was my main motivation for teaching myself Japanese. I wanted to be able to tell for myself what was actually being said and going on. Yen Press was one of the companies I could trust to be faithful to the original in their translations until I was able to read the original on my own, so I’m sure they’ve done a fabulous job with Vanitas no Carte, if you’re interested in checking it out. ^.^
Okay. That’s it for me for now. Do you guys like me talking about my favourite scenes? ^.^; I know my Ladybug followers are probably like, “What is she on about?” XD Thank you for indulging me.
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ocdhuacheng · 2 years
thee promised thots and onions:
1. Noe my boy my baby boy my best friend my little guy hes such a lad and i would do anything for him
2. I dont really like vanitas sorrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
3. DOMI IS SUCH A QUEEN okay first of all the vibes. The way shes, and i quote “popular with the girls” , and how she makes her automaton release literal roses like some shoujo manga everytime shes being a bisexyual infront of women like. legend behavior. Im obsessed with her. Bisexual queen. And her sister is super hot too but like, what a bitch come onnnnnn. Like the contrast between their ice, how veronica’s (thats her name right) was described as being super violent but when domi conjures ice its like a dance…… waagh
4. Also completely enamoured with the relationship between domi and noe, like not just in a romantic sense but like in general. Like first of all im a complete and total slut for childhood friends tropes, but also, domi’s crush on noe literally puts nothing awkward between them? And its so refreshing. Like usually when female characters have a crush on their male friends it makes them so blushy and irritating. But with domi shes just like. It issss what it isssss, like yeah i have a crush on him but before all else hes my best friend and im not going to make our relationship awkward because of this. Its just so nice. Not to mention her bisexual shenanigans with other girls. Domi really said im attracted to girls and noe ONLY. Also noe is just too dumb to notice skdfnskdjfn bless him
5. ON THE OTHER HAND………… -_- the relationship between vanitas and jeanne is so annoying and i hate it like. Vanitas literally SEXUALLY ASSAULTED HER, HARRASSED HER EVERYTIME THEY MET, AND MANIPULATED HER INTO A BLOOD DRINKING CONTRACT AND YOU ARE TRYING TO TELL ME THAT SHE STILL FALLS FOR HIM AFTER THAT???? bLOCKED AND REPORTED Like ms mochijun i love you but that is NOT THE VIBES. Like i get she has TRAUMA, and EMOTIONAL ISSUES from being a [french word for executioner that i cannot remember right now] but like. Its sooooo fucking uncomfortable i cant even enjoy all the cute jeanne moments because its all just about vanitas when he doesnt deserve to have her affection. its so forced and contrived 
6. Anyway.
7. Okay like vanitas is just. Like im pretty annoyed with him over the jeanne thing and also the things he says about domi (please note im not annoyed at the writing over him being a jerk about domi like its very in character for him to be like that its just that his character annoys me sometimes. also Vanitas really said misogyny win) like okay vanitas has his moments and i do feel for him with his backstory and i get why he is the way he is but hes just not for me ig . i just dont really care about him sooooooorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
8. Mr Noe meanwhile. Literally the perfect man. Tall. pretty. Is Vampire. Has Fangs. Has Claws. Gets lost. ADHD bass boosted. Excellent fashion sense that isnt actually his but domi’s (also side note domi and him playing dress up in her clothes when they were younger……. Sobbing fr)  Has to hug things while sleeping. Can’t cook. Cat person. Just a goofy little guy. Literally the kindest person you will ever meet. turning _red_awWOOGA dot gif. also If i see anyone whitewashing him its on SIGHT
9. Also murr i have to give a shout out to my little man murr. Though the fact that he and germaine teacher whats his face has the same eyes give me one fear.
10. Anyway anyone else think its weird that noe is so casual about his entire family being massacred. And like how casual and downright cheerful he is about being literally child trafficked when he was younger. Like “it was just a fun trip” honey that huge bandage covering half your face says otherwise. Like. i just feel like hes being such an unreliable narrator about his own story. Like hes giving us all the gorey details about vanitas’s trauma but he really is just brushing aside his own. It makes me think if he isnt just ptsd repressing these childhood memories himself, that ugly motherfuck “teacher” he has stole or altered them because 1) we know thats possible bc it was a real fear that vanitas had and 2) ruthven did SOMETHING to noe to make him forget that meeting they had in the cafe and 3)  like ‘teacher’ acts kind but he really was super creepy about noe and louis like he basically was observing (ex[perimenting on?) louis as if he was a lab rat, and purposefully kept noe ignorant about many important things, is specifically keeping noe with him for some unknown reasons because he has the archiviste powers, had no issue killing louis literally right infront of noe and then i dont even want to KNOW what exactly he did to mikhail like. Im going to tear that freak apart limb from limb.
11. WHYYYYYY were the archivistes all killed i need to know i need to know more about them im shaking my computer so hard rn the website says 20 days till the next update bites the bars of my cage
12. Noe please join the My Entire Clan Was Massacred Therapy Group consisting of scar fma sasuke kurapika (hbd aries king) lan sizhui wen ning etc
13. Ruthven (?) having mind control power over noe to make him do whatever he wants and noe DOESNT EVEN KNOW is so scary like……… biting my nails to nubs over this
14. The social viewing (? sorry i cant think of a better word) of blood drinking in the story… like honestly one of the most uncomfortable scenes in the story was when noe woke up in a bed without his clothes with someone on top of him drinking his blood like. Vile fr……... i dont even have to explain. Like i do like chloe but that scene really made my stomach turn ngl. And also the way vanitas sorta manipulates jeanne into drinking his blood is. Less overt than that scene but it still had some really uncomfortable implications to me like maybe im just reading into this too much and being too sensitive but just the vibes i get from blood drinking is that its a very intimate thing and well noe specifically says drinking blood without consent is a crime and like. yeah.. and Vanitas toying with jeanne like that made me so uncomfortable. this isnt a dig at the writing necessarily (ok it really is in the case of vanitas and jeanne because what he did was wrong and its just not treated as a big deal) its just an aspect of the story and characters (specifically chloe and vanitas) that i found disturbing. like on one hand you have noe who is very much aware of the consequences of non-consensual blood drinking especially from his point of view as an archiviste, and then vanitas who (granted is a human but still) was treating it as something to hold over jeanne. idk where im going with this but just some thoughts are being thunk :/
15. Some more things that made me kinda depressed…….mikhail. What a creepy child but like. You need to be wrapped up in a blanket and given a nice hot chocolate. And perhaps a little smooch on the forehead. I feel so bad for him……. Like i get he was the cause of literally all the grief in the last arc but . HES A CHILD OKAY………. I just feel awful for him. And the motherfuck teacher allowed him to hurt himself like that just for what. Like treating him as an experiment the same way he did with louis..
16. Anyway.
18. anyway sorry vanitas nation i just dont really like him. noe stans please call me.
19. Ok thats it for now bye
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auburnflight · 3 years
Jeanne, Vanitas and Agency
From the little I’ve dipped my toes into it, the VnC fandom seems pretty heated regarding Jeanne as a character. In drastic situations, I’ve seen accusations of misogyny based solely on someone’s comments on their feelings about Jeanne... a single character. And while yes, critiques can certainly be rooted in misogyny (must women be strong all the time? must they be submissive?), I think it’s important to consider not just the character herself, but how the story treats her and why we’re making the critiques we are.
Given that points of view in the fandom are so polarized, I’m going back to canon--to the text itself--to orient this essay. In particular, I’m going to focus on the point of agency--the freedom to make one’s own decisions about one’s self and one’s course of action. This goes beyond just Jeanne’s background as a borreau, trained to fight and follow orders. Agency is also consequential in her relationships with other characters and with the story as a whole.
(Content warning for discussion of abuse dynamics, and brief mentions of sexual assault.) 
It’s natural to start off with Jeanne’s first appearance in the story: alongside Luca, she’s introduced as a new agent of conflict with Noe and Vanitas’s budding alliance. In fact, she is the one who initiates the physical altercation with Noe and Vanitas, while Luca is still trying to talk them into giving him the Book of Vanitas:
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Aesthetically and conceptually, she’s introduced as an active element of the story. At this point, the “forced kiss” scene during the initial fight seems more like a fluke, a comment on Vanitas’s personality (and willingness to do despicable things to get what he wants) rather than Jeanne’s.
That brings me to why I found it so jarring when colored art of her that was subsequently revealed: that agency fell away to portray a visually more passive air.
In the existing full-color art we have of Jeanne, she’s more static in her environment, looking towards the viewer but with a face that looks rather blank, even meek. Specifically I want to point out this wallpaper, which I obtained from the official site fairly early on in Vanitas’s serialization (December 2016), in contrast to another piece of official art that was released of Noe and Vanitas with Memoire 11, around the same time:
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In both cases, the characters are posed intentionally, rather than actively doing something. And, they’re aware of the viewer’s gaze to some extent. However, Jeanne has her back turned to the viewer, and her expression is more idealized and ambiguous. Meanwhile, Noe and Vanitas are rather assertive: their expressions are more intentionally focused, and they seem to know their situation in the artwork. Jeanne is simply passive, very nearly objectified.
...Yeah, maybe this is just my art background speaking. But I also notice something similar happening in other official colored pieces of Jeanne, such as the cover of volume 4.
By this point in the story, lack of agency has become an even more significant element in Jeanne’s character arc: we learn that she’s been cursed. Not only is she unable to speak of the curse, it’s also in direct opposition to one of her primary character motivations, to protect Luca and those she cares about. Due to her uncontrollable urge to kill and drink blood, Jeanne fears that she’ll unintentionally hurt the very people she’s trying to protect. 
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Jeanne’s involvement with Vanitas also unfortunately comes with a sacrifice of her own agency. Seeing that she’s been cursed, Vanitas demands that she drinks blood from no one but him in exchange for keeping her secret. He further establishes her sense of reliance on him by promising that if he ever does see her lose control, he’ll kill her (so that she doesn’t harm Luca). Whether he’s simply a smitten 18-year-old who doesn’t yet know how to conduct healthy relationships, or whether he’s crafty and intentionally drawing Jeanne in further--or even whether it’s a mix of both--this idea of Vanitas’s control over her is reflected in the cover art for volume 4.
At this point, considering the literal events of the story, Jeanne’s passiveness is not only visual, but symbolic. In this illustration, Vanitas’s hand is grabbing Jeanne by her bow, and functionally by her neck: she’s being dragged along against her will, with little means of escape. And she looks at the viewer with a surprisingly similar expression to the previous illustration: one that communicates little say in the situation.
This matches up with their literal relationship in the story itself. Knowing she’s cursed, Vanitas is establishing her exclusive reliance on him, in exchange for keeping important secrets from others with whom she’s close (i.e. threatening to drive a wedge into their relationship). He’s already pushed himself upon her physically with clearly no warning or enjoyment from her. Yes, he’s been kind. And when Dominique trails Vanitas and Jeanne on their date, she notes that Jeanne is “terribly weak against any sort of kindness.” But in spite of some more “cute” and candid moments, the overall dynamic between Jeanne and Vanitas is far from genuine kindness. Returning to how Vanitas garnered an edge over her in their initial fight--with taunting, carefully chosen words--I would phrase it more as that Jeanne, a borreau trained to kill and inexperienced with matters of feelings, is particularly susceptible to emotional manipulation. (There’s more than a little irony in this internal comment from Jeanne, at the beginning of her date with Vanitas:)
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Jeanne’s relationship with Vanitas becoming important isn’t, in isolation, inherently an issue. In most cases, it’s fun to see how a character who usually appears unshakeable is rounded out when we see them at their more vulnerable times. What makes me feel squicked out and worried on Jeanne’s behalf is how it’s executed, considering how it works in opposition to how she was introduced as a character, and how Jeanne and Vanitas’s relationship harkens back to known dynamics of abuse. 
In other words, my discomfort is not at Jeanne herself for falling for Vanitas and his tactics. It’s at how she’s introduced with a promise of agency in her own story, and that agency is subsequently taken away in how she’s portrayed in official art, and in plot points as the story progresses. It’s at how their relationship begins to fall into a harmful template perpetuated by rape culture, where a man forces himself upon a woman at first, but she is shown to eventually enjoy those advances even when unwanted. I had high hopes for Jeanne as a character developed with her own agency, motives (and yes, for cool fight scenes that WLW like me can admire), and so far, Vanitas’s effect on her has threatened to overshadow these. This is where I think sections of the fandom throwing accusations back and forth of each other being misogynistic, on the grounds of criticizing Jeanne and her relationship with Vanitas, fail to see the wider issue.
Of course, eliciting this sort of discomfort may even be the whole point. Jun Mochizuki is known for putting her characters through tragic and painful situations, and her previous work Pandora Hearts is rife with unstable, imbalanced, and otherwise less-than-perfect relationships. But even without this background knowledge, a decisive scene that convinces me of the intentionality of this purpose is one I’ve written about before: Jeanne’s internal fantasy as she’s left unattended by Luca and loses herself in a storybook.
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Here, Jeanne fantasizes about being the agent in her own story, a position that, the art reminds us, is often occupied by a male character such as a prince. Ultimately, this progression looks innocent and could serve to remind us of Jeanne’s more vulnerable, innocuous side. But including it here in the story could also serve as foreshadowing, a contrast to what Jeanne’s situation is like for her in reality. (If you want to read more on this panel specifically, my analysis is in the source link of this post!)
Essentially, critiquing Jeanne as a character requires more nuance than simply judging her individual characteristics. It’s necessary to also take into account the way that the story treats her and her relationships with others and other forces in the story. Not just is she allowed to be soft and emotional, but what consequences does this have for her, and how do the story elements lead the reader to feel about her being soft?
Personally, I think she’s very likeable as a character--her situation just seems unfair, and I feel like she deserves so much better than Vanitas and his schemes. I mean, she could easily destroy him with her gauntlet, and he knows it! But, then, it’s Jun Mochizuki. We should probably expect to be feeling pain and pity for her characters. Still, the relationship between Jeanne and Vanitas has always kinda rubbed me the wrong way, and I think this pretty much sums up why.
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kingofhearts709 · 3 years
Bill and Ted do a scary movie marathon but then cant sleep
hello yes its no surprise that my first thought was nightmare on elm street so we're going with a 5 movie marathon of THAT up to the 1989 film HAHA 🤙 hope you enjoy!!
A/N: there are some very vague spoilers for the nightmare on elm street series (i mean like VAGUE) and also uhh small warning for like mentions of the slashing in the films?? its NOES i mean 🤷
this came out very kinda cute and idk if that's what you wanted but it's what my brain created 🎸
Bill and Ted have never done very well with especially scary movies.
Of course, they could handle one by itself, so long as it's followed up by something else lighthearted and definitely not The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
However, the newest A Nightmare On Elm Street was supposed to be coming out soon, and it was Bill's brightest of ideas that they marathon the first five in preparation for the plotline. The last thing Bill remembered happening, vaguely, is an unborn baby and something about a nun. Ted hardly remembered the first one.
Hence, the marathon.
"Dude, we're totally gonna dominate this horror marathon," Bill said as he started busting out the VHS box set, laying them side by side so he wouldn't forget what order they had to watch them in. "I highly doubt that we, as mature adults of modern society, will cower in the face of Freddy Krueger." Bill looked up to see Ted's face scrunched with pension, and immediately started to back away from the whole thing entirely, putting the first movie back down.
"I just...," Ted huffed where he was slumped on their couch, and whipped his head up to look at Bill. "Remember when we saw the first one in the theatre and screamed so loud that the attendant dude had to escort us out?"
"Yeah..." Bill remembered the memory well. They totally missed out on the ending of that movie the first time. Bill shook his head, "But Ted, that was, like, seven years ago. We've totally grown up! I'm sure that it'll be a most excellent experience."
Ted could hear the hope in Bill's voice, so he gave a small huff and a firm, brave nod for Bill to put the tape in. Bill pumped his fist as he inserted the tape, jumping back up onto the couch next to Ted and nearly knocking their popcorn bowl over. Bill suggested they start the marathon around five, considering they were about to embark upon nearly eight hours of monster movie magic. The two had already spent the afternoon together making sure they had easy meals for when they got hungry later.
Ted had almost wished they didn't need the marathon as an excuse to do so, but of course, it was quickly a thought to be pushed to the back of his head.
The opening sequence of the first film began, and soon enough, both Bill's and Ted's eyes were laser-trained on the small TV, Ted giving a jump at any scare and Bill giving a gasp at any gore.
They managed okay through the first one. "The first one's never the scariest, dude," Bill said with forced confidence, though Ted could clearly see him shivering as he set up the next tape. He was shivering too, and he kind of wished Bill would sit closer to him, just to make sure he was actually there, and it all wasn't a dream where Freddy was about to slash open his insides at the last second.
They pushed their way through the second and the third without moving from the couch, and Ted finally chanced a glance over at Bill as soon as the credits started rolling.
Bill was visibly shaking, in a way that made Ted wonder if he was having some sort of horror-induced seizure.
"Dude," Ted said quietly, and Bill blinked as he let out a deep breath and looked over at Ted. "Are you okay?" Bill swallowed as he nodded.
"I'm totally cool, duder," he said assuredly, though his face didn't say the same. "Uh... Snack break?"
"Yeah, dude, definitely." Ted looked up and over at their wall clock to see it was almost ten at night, and they hadn't eaten a single mouthful of anything since their popcorn. "I'm egregiously starved."
Bill nodded as he stood up before stopping completely in his tracks.
"Dude," he said, quiet. "I have a most terrible feeling." Ted swallowed thickly as he watched Bill turn away.
"Dude, whatever joke you're about to pull, I swear, I'll punch you," Ted warned immediately. "Don't."
"Dude, it isn't a joke, I think-" Bill suddenly whipped his body around towards Ted and Ted let out a loud scream as he cowered away from Bill's figure. Bill let out a relieved sigh and Ted slowly uncovered his face to see Bill rubbing at his back. "I twisted my back, dude."
"Oh," Ted breathed out. He shook his head, "Dude, I totally thought you were about to Krueger me." Bill looked at him for a long moment before he started to laugh, and Ted couldn't help but join in.
The thought was so ridiculous, of course, but Ted could never be too sure with the things he'd experienced in life.
"C'mon, Ted, let's eat dinner," Bill huffed as he stretched out a little more before heading to the kitchen to heat up their pre-made spaghetti. Bill returned five minutes later with two bowls of noodles and two forks, passing one into Ted's lap and setting the other on top of the TV before reaching for the next tape.
"Bill, dude, already?" Ted said as Bill slid out the tape and inserted the next (he'd have to remind himself to rewind them all later the next day).
"Ted, the sooner we get through them, the sooner we can be done," Bill reasoned as the fourth movie began, grabbing his bowl and sliding back onto the couch, this time within Ted's immediate reach. Whether or not it was intentional was beyond either of them.
"You make it sound heinous," Ted mumbled, though his eyes were already studying the screen with apt attention.
"Sometimes, my friend, you have to suffer to enjoy masterpieces," Bill mumbled back, mindlessly twirling his spaghetti in the bowl without picking it up.
The fourth movie ended more abruptly than either of them expected, with only half of each of their bowls eaten. Bill blinked into the suddenly eerie and dark room as he abandoned his bowl and fork and dove for the TV to stop the tape. The room went suddenly quiet and Ted didn't dare move.
"One more," Bill whispered despite the fact that they were the only ones there, and Ted listened to Bill insert the fifth and final tape.
"Dude," Ted pleaded, unsure what he was pleading for. Probably for Bill to finish and get back up on the couch so Ted didn't throw himself in a full-fledged panic. They'd already come so far and they weren't about to give up now, but it would help immensely if he weren't alone.
Bill jumped back up onto the couch, thigh to thigh with Ted as the last opening sequence of the night played in their dark living room at nearly midnight.
Bill's closeness was more distracting than ever, Ted almost missing the best and most heinously gorey pieces of the film every time Bill tensed up and shook against him. He's sure he'd been doing the same thing, though Bill didn't seem at all affected by it.
It was strange how fear seemed to literally bring them closer together, and it almost made Ted laugh at the thought that Freddy Krueger could possibly be some kind of ingenious cupid, creating connection through collective terrorising.
However, as he listened to the children sing Freddy's rhyme at the end of the movie, he thought better of that notion because Bill was hiding his face in his shoulder, and he was pretty sure no cupid would do such a thing as to make his best friend cry.
"Bill, dude, you're shaking," Ted whispered quietly. "The movie's over." Bill breathed in as he lifted his head to look at the TV, relieved to see that it was over. He subtly began to wipe at his eyes, and it amazed Ted how this had all been Bill's idea, and yet he was the one most terrified.
"Ted, I do believe," Bill began, doing his best to puff up his chest, "that we are truly the most bravest of all the brave." Ted smiled as he nodded. He would've made fun of Bill for getting scared were it not for the own lingering terror he was still feeling.
"Bill, we are most definitely two of the bravest men alive," Ted agreed with a nod. He paused for a second before adding, "Next time, though, maybe we should just see the new movie by itself."
It took a moment before Bill nodded, and they both collectively said, "Agreed."
Ted did the liberty of turning the lights back on and throwing out their half-eaten dinners, Bill putting the tape pile aside for rewinding later. They both finished and met up at their bedroom door before nodding and heading to their respective beds.
It was quiet as they slipped underneath their sheets, Ted reaching and turning off the bedside lamp, shrouding them both in darkness. Ted could hear Bill's unsteady breathing from the other side of the room, large breaths in and out like he was having trouble calming down.
Ted was having a similar issue, wincing every time he tried to close his eyes and seeing gruesome scenes from the movies behind the lids. He did his best to think about other, less Krueger-y things, but ultimately, it seemed like even through film, Freddy seemed to have a hold on both of them.
After nearly a whole hour of heavy breathing and occasional wincing, Ted finally spoke up, "Dude, I totally can't sleep."
"Yeah, me neither," Bill said instantly, taking another deep breath. "I keep thinking that Freddy dude is gonna get me as soon as I fall asleep."
"Dude, me too." Ted huffed. "You think if we fell asleep at the same time, we'd have the same dream? That way if he does end up coming after us, at least we'll be together."
"Ted, that's total bogus," Bill groaned, rolling over to look at Ted. "He isn't real."
"Yeah, but our brains think he totally is," Ted countered. "So, if we trick our brains into thinking he can't fight the both of us at once, maybe we'll get some sleep." A long silence seemed to stretch before Bill let out a snort, and Ted let one out right after. "Yeah, dude, that's definitely not how it works."
"Nah, dude," Bill laughed. "But your idea would be most outrageously correct within the Elm Street universe." Ted laughed as he watched Bill shake with his own in the darkness.
"Let's try to sleep, Bill," Ted said when the chuckles died down, and he tried to shut his eyes. The images still flashed, however, and he had to open his eyes again. Bill was still staring at him. "Dude, this is most non-triumphant."
"...Hey, Ted," Bill spoke up, voice nervous, and Ted gave him his undivided attention. "D'you... Like, would it be okay if-"
"-we shared the bed?" Ted finished the thought, and Bill let out a barely visible grin. "Yeah, dude."
Since Bill had the bigger blanket of the two of them, Ted was the one to climb under Bill's covers and lay down inches from his face. Somehow, this was far better than sleeping ten feet away from him. This way, Ted could feel him and make sure he was there.
"Hey, dude," Ted said, breath hot against Bill's face, and he managed a smile.
"Thanks, Ted," he found himself saying, and Ted furrowed his brows.
"For what, dude?"
"I would've never gotten through five of the most egregiously gorey and triumphantly horrific movies in cinema without you."
Ted laughed as he hid his face in Bill's chest, and Bill found himself holding him as he did so, until they were just lying there, together.
"And we'll get through the new one together, too," Ted mumbled into Bill, whose breathing had finally gone steady.
This time when he closed his eyes, he didn't catch the flashing images of Freddy Krueger. Instead, he saw the flashing images of Bill and his grin that said there was no way Freddy Krueger could ever best the both of them as long as they were together.
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aikrus · 4 years
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Pairing: T. Iida x Reader Rating: 15+ Words: 4k289 Warnings: Reference of Alcohol, and angst  Requested by: No one, but requests are open! Summary: The story of Iida’s summer before UA, and how love isn’t always a good thing.
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      QUIRK: Soul Beam
   The summer before high school was a fever dream that Y/n never wanted to wake up from. The sweat sticking to her skin was only ever washed away from the storms that passed through her life- note: even the pools she submerged herself in never removed the glistening water from her body because sometimes water needs a little force behind it in order to cleanse you. 
The gold and purple sunsets are passing memories that she wants to desperately hold on to. No taste will be quiet like the pancakes she had eaten, and no smell will ever replace that of the sweater she stole (despite overheating every time she wore it).
Scars are a painful reminder of what she went through, and it takes a little to see them as a badge of honor, but the help she received only made it re-open in the long run. 
Tire swings will never be the same, and that stupid song is still on the radio- as if it wasn’t playing enough in her head. Y/n used to think she was strong, but now that’s barely believable. Ice cream cones and train rides have a hidden meaning that will only ever be known by her and it hurts to know that no one can help her mourn a love that never happened.
The first question was asked when the summer started. It was next to a moving van that was a beacon calling out to everyone on the street it was parked on. The well-off neighborhood was full of upstanding citizens who wanted nothing more than to welcome the newest member with open arms. 
It was that beacon that called the Iida family over to the driveway. But as Tenya walked with his brother and parents, he wondered if the bright beacon that drew him in was the moving truck of the bright smile of the teen girl, happily grabbing boxes of things to bring inside. 
“Hello! We’re the Iida family, this is my husband, and these are my two son’s, Tensei and Tenya. Welcome to the neighborhood!” The wife smiled kindly at the mother.
“Thank’s for coming out! This is my husband, Y/d/n, and my daughter Y/n. We’re really looking forward to joining the neighborhood,”  to the untrained eye this looked like any normal greeting, but Y/n knew better. She could see the subtle glances her mom threw at her. She was trying to say how cute the younger boy was. It received a light chuckle and an eye-roll from her daughter.
“Tenya,” The Iida’s father said, clasping him on the shoulder, “Why don’t you go help Y/n with her boxes?”
“Yes, sir,” he said, walking over to the moving truck.
“You can just grab that one if it’s not too heavy,” she pointed at a medium side box labeled ‘Knickknacks’. He hummed in agreement and followed her up into her room, noting the aesthetic that she surrounded herself in.  
A knock echoed through the newly-decorated house, alerting the present family members of a visitor. 
“Not it,” Y/n’s dad said, pressing his finger to his noes; her mother follows suit.
“You guys are literal children,” Y/n groaned, forcing herself off the couch she had grown ever so attached to.  Grumpily, she made her way to the door.
“Oh hey! Iida, right?” Y/n said, recognizing the boy that had already been in her room.
“Yes! That’s me. I uh,” he scratched the back of his neck nervously, “I was heading down to the boardwalk, and I wanted to know if you would like to come with me?” 
Truth be told this wasn’t his idea. His mother had been pressuring him for days in hopes to grow closer to the new family. It wouldn’t be long until they realized the Iida’s are a line of hero’s, and she wanted to get close to them before they found out.
“Oh,” Y/n replied, suddenly thinking of the clothes she was currently wearing. While her tie-dye shorts and loose t-shirt weren't anything to be ashamed of, they were not ‘paint the town red’ clothes. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to!” Tenya said, suddenly embarrassed that he randomly invited a girl his age to hang out with him. 
“No! I’ll gladly go, just give me a few minutes to get changed. Come inside,” Y/n had said, opening the door wider for him before racing upstairs. 
       Iida walked slightly behind the girl he was supposed to show around. It was a cliché, but she was mesmerizing. Her hair bounced with every step, and she walked like she had a purpose, and the end goal was in mind and she would stop at nothing to get there. 
She looked like she was made of honey and sugar and a taste would give him a cavity. The beams of the sun projected from her eyes like the cosmos and it made him want to fall in- knowing full well that drifting through the endless space would never cease to amaze him.
“Do you think they sell corn-dogs here?” 
“Huh? oh!” He blushed, before pointing ahead, “Yeah, there’s one right by the docks.”
“Well then what are we waiting for?” She smiled and leaned closer to Iida. “Let's hurry!” There was a burst of light laughter in her voice, as she grabbed his hand and ran off. What was he doing here?
When they reached the end of the docks- corn dogs in hand- they say on the bench which over-looked the sea. Night had fallen while they were out, Y/n becoming absorbed in learning as much as she can about where she moved to.
As she looked out to the wine-light sky, she wondered if she could swim to it. The horizon looked so close, like just reaching out a little further would put it in her grasp. It wasn’t until Tenya’s hand grabbed her shoulder that she realized she really was leaning forward.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked, eyebrows pulled together.
“Yeah!” She smiled, snapped out of her thoughts,. “Just day-dreaming,”
“We should get you back home,” He said, before looking back to the water. 
She saw his glasses, they reflected the golden hue of the sunset, and the beautiful purple that fought underneath it. She saw all the beauty in the world in his eyes, all that was good and right- was all in front of her. He was the sunset, he was the horizon she so desperately wanted to get to.  
“Hey, Iida?” Y/n asked, swinging her legs back and forth under the bench. 
“What is it?” He said, looking over to her face- which didn’t turn to see him.
“Stupid question- but an icebreaker; if you could have anyone in the world- living or dead- over to yours for dinner, who would it be?” she blushed a little, but kept a calm face.
He knew the answer as soon as she finished the sentence, but there was no need to tell someone he just met the name of the girl he had been in love with for years- so all he said was, “Probably Catherin The Great, she had a few political opinions I’d like to hear about first hand,”
“Hmm, I can see you two bonding over tea,” She smirked, standing up from her seat, “Let’s get home.”
Tenya nodded, walking beside Y/n- thinking about her.
        A month had passed, and the little interactions the two families had resulted in the Iida’s inviting them over for breakfast. Y/n had woken up early to get dressed. She pulled her hair into a ponytail, harshly shaking it so the baby hairs would fall out. She threw on a form-fitting sweater and yoga-pants. Despite wanting to look like it’s a casual mornings- she did apply some casual makeup to make herself look a little more awake. 
It was stupid- she knows- but Y/n really just wanted to look a tiny bit better when he sees her again. Looking in the mirror, she wonders if he’s putting a little extra effort in his appearance as well. She could only hope.
Walking down the stairs, she saw her mother- also wearing casual makeup- and her father in a black polo and slacks. They were both standing by the door, waiting for their daughter to come out from her cave. 
“Why are you guys already done?” She asked, turning on the phone and checking the time.
“Wanted to make a good impression,” Her dad smiled, putting his own phone away. 
“Alright,” Her mom smiled, putting on her wedges, “Let’s get going. Y/n can you grab the scones and smoothie?”
“Yeah mah, I’ll be right back,”
“Thanks love,” she smiled, grabbing the house keys off the hook. 
They were kinda heavy, but it was nothing she couldn’t carry. That didn’t stop her dad from taking it from her with a smile. She could have done it, but she’s not necessarily upset about it.
Sitting at the dining room table was only awkward in the beginning of the meal. The Iida’s seemed to be pretty profesional people, but the Y/l/n’s were introverts with an acquired sense of humor. Joking about everything from people at work, eachother, and random facts they had learned, the Iida’s quickly became much less tense during the meal. 
The mother and father- whom’s names Y/n never seemed to learn, were last few to smile or laugh along side the rest, beaten by Tenya by only a second, but Tensai had been the first to crack a joke, almost beating Y/n herself to break the ice. 
The loud laughter slowly split into multiple side conversations; Y/n- who sat across from Tenya- tried to strike up a conversation. “Do you want to be famous one day?” 
“Hmm?” He asked, looking up from the lone strawberry cut on his plate, “Yes, I plan on being a Hero.”
A few seconds longer than a moment had passed, end Tensai asked Y/n in return, “What about you? You wanna live the life of fame, or are you more of a low-key kinda gal,” he smiled at her, and for a second Y/n though he had noticed the embarrassment worn on her face after being rejected and forced into silence.
“I dunno really, my quirk is pretty multipurpose. I originally wanted to be a counselor or therapist, but it’s changed from a vet to doctor, to a hundreds of other things. My parents think I should be a hero- I wouldn’t mind I don’t think, but the constant attention could get pretty annoying. A like being busy with people and events, but I do value my privacy,” 
He smiled at her, nodding in acceptance at her answer. The Iida parents had been listening into her words while she spoke, but they still conversed with Y/n’s parents as well. 
Y/n saw a smile on Iida’s face. That mirrored on her own, and suddenly her pancakes tasted a whole lot better. She missed the far off look in his eyes, if only she saw the worried look that was on Tensai’s face. If she had, maybe that small warning could have protected her heart.
         Y/n had found an abandoned tire swing in their large backyard, three acres of cleared land and two of forest. The swing was in a small clearing- it looked like a party or two had been thrown while it was vacant- shown by the few nips thrown about the ground. She swung back and forth- listening to music playing in her head. 
Because of how caught up in her head she was, she never heard the footsteps approaching her. “Hey, Y/L/N!” Tenya greated. 
“Jesus Christ!” She shouted, falling from the swing. Thankfully, with the use of his quirk, Iida was able to catch her just in time.
“You should really be more careful,”
“I’ll be sure to remember that,” she rolled her eyes. 
He smiled, helping her back up to the swing. He slowly began to push her back and forth, spinning her as fast as he could listening to her laughter. Getting more and more dizzy, she closed her eyes to stay level headed. 
With a heavy sigh of contentment, Y/n lied on the grass with Iida, staring up at the beautiful blue sky. “Hey, Tenya?” She asked, still looking up.
“Yeah?” He turned on his side to see her better- only to notice her eyes were closed. 
“What’s your perfect day?”
“Hmm...” he thought for a second, trying to think of a good answer. “Probably waking up early, and seeing the girl I love as soon as I open my eyes. Then I’d like to eat breakfast with my family- followed by patrol with my brother. Then I’d like to go home and make a cup of tea and sit down with a book I like. Yeah, that sounds pretty good,” he smiled himself, closing his eyes to really picture what he was saying. 
“That sounds really nice Iida,” she whispered, wondering if she could be the one he loves.
           Summer only had a month left, but Y/n wanted to make the most of the fleeting free-time she had left. Wanting to explore more of Japan before her freedom was stripped from her, she invited Iida to go on a roadtrip with her. 
It wasn’t hard at all to convince her parents to let her go, with her quirk she really didn’t need to worry about being attacked. Even then, she’s physically strong if she can’t use her quirk to defend herself. With the rise of heroes to protect everyone, Japan quickly became one of the safest places. Y/n was also very closely trained with America’s top hero, Reflector. She taught Y/n everything she knew and fully plans on giving Y/n her hero agency as her predecessor. 
Iida’s parents were a little harder to convince, but Y/n’s parents were very persuasive. They would be gone for a week, and they would check in every morning when they woke up and every night before they went to sleep. If they didn’t call during one of the time’s then they had until the next call to respond.
They had made a list of regions and cities in them to visit in them, with the days they would be arriving and leaving. If they skipped a stop of stayed longer, then they had to text their parents with the nex information. Solid rules, and both the teens agreed to them, as well as their parents. 
The bus ride to the train station was relatively short, but it was in complete silence. It was a little awkward, but they just had to get through that one part. 
The train ride itself was much more enjoyable. With their suitcases in hand, they sat close yet comfortably. “Hey, Tenya?” 
“What’s up?” He asked, looking up from his phone to see her eyes staring back at him- a smile tugging at his lips. 
“For what in your life do you feel most grateful?” She questioned, smiling into his eyes.
“Probably my family,” He responded as soon as she finished- having grown accustomed to Y/n’s random questioning, “They’ve done so much for me, and I only hope I can pay them back for all that they’ve supported me through.”
Y/n nodded at his answer, acknowledging how very much like him it is. The loud bustle of train and constant shaking led them to listening to music together, sharing earbuds and squeezing close together. It was a cheesy, new, pop song- one that will probably inspire a sub-culture of girls to bind together. It was weirdly comforting.
        The last night they spent through their travel of Japan was by far the most enjoyable. There was a small frost in the air that traveled with the two, following them in their own little bubble. 
The streets were lightly illuminated, and it seemed like they were the only two in the world. Y/n had grabbed him by the hand, dragging him to an ice cream vendor. Seeing her in front of him, Tenya was thrown back to the first time they spent time together- everything's so different now. Yet, her beautiful eyes stay constant. Her kindness in unwavering. She’s still a girl made of honey and sugar.
After traveling together for so long, the two stopped correcting people who referred to them as a couple- they simply accepted it as an inside joke. This was why they laughed when the man behind the counter said “And these two for the cute couple,” with a wink at the end of his sentence. 
Walking linked by the elbows, the two passed through the park. Shivering from the wind and the chill of her ice cream, Iida stopped the pair. He took off his sweater, revealing the long-sleeve shirt he wore underneath, and he handed it to her. 
“Ten! You’ll freeze to death,” she said, refusing the offering.
“C’mon Y/n/n, I can heat myself up through my engines, and I wasn’t asking. You’re gonna wear the sweater or you’ll get sick. Put it on,” he said, taking the ice-cream from her hand and raising her arms like she was a child. 
Y/n was very pleased the cold hid the blush on her face- last thing she needed was for him to discover her feelings on the last day of this amazing trip. She slipped into his large sweater, and grabbed her ice cream back from him.
“Hey Iida, I’ve got another question,” she said, walking with him through the trees bordering the street. 
“I’m ready,” he asked, looking forward to make sur they didn’t walk into anything in the dark. 
“What’s a personal problem you could use some advise for?” She asked, actually curious as to what he could possibly need help with. 
He sighed, not making eye-contact. “I guess since we’re close enough- even on nickname basis- I should be comfortable telling you this. I’m in love with this girl, I’ve never stopped thinking about her since the moment I met her,” a dopey smile came onto his face, “I have no idea how to tell her. And now we’re going into highschool, and she’s going to meet so many other people- people I’m sure are more fun than me. I want to confess to her before the summer ends, but I have no idea how to. So,” he sucked in a deep breath and looked at Y/n, “What do you think?”
Y/n smiled, she was so sure he was being cheesy and talking about her. She fully believes that he’s gonna confess tonight. It has to happen- that’s the only way what he just said makes sense. 
“I think,” she closed her eyes, “You should look her in the eyes, and compliment them. Whether she accepts your compliment or refuses it, tell her you want her to know how perfect she is- and then tell her how you feel. Tell her how just seeing her makes your day, how you want her to be the first thing you see in the morning, and the last voice you hear at night. Tell her you want to spoil her, want to tell her everyday how perfect she is. Confess to her that she’s amazing, and that you love her. Let her know how you feel, and then respect her reply. But, there’s no way she’ll turn you down. Be confident, you’re amazing and I’m sure she feels the same,”
Tenya thanked her for her advise, and they fell back into a comfy silence. It was then she remembered the night they decided to go by first names, the night she realized how hard she fell for him.
Y/n was sitting on her rooftop, Iida beside her. They were looking up at the stars- sitting in silence. Like always, she started the conversation- “Hey, Iida, If you died this evening without being able to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? And Why haven’t you told them yet?”
“Huh,” he murmured, thinking hard. “I’d regret not thanking my brother more. He risks his life to save people, and he practically raised me. He’s why I want to be a hero, to live up to his expectations. I guess I haven’t told him yet because I want to prove that I’ve done something with myself. I want him to know he doesn’t have to raise me anymore- that I succeed,”
Y/n thought for a moment, before answering a question for the first and only time they have known eachother- but he didn’t ask it. She just felt a need to finally speak.
“I had an ex-boyfriend,” she sighed, clenching her eyes shut; “We’d been dating for five years- since we were children. We were so close as kids, but when our quirks manifested he broke up with me. He said my quirk was too dangerous for him, that he didn’t want to be part of the backstory of a villians history. It fucking ruined me. I was an idiot for actually thinking we could have lasted. About a month after we broke up, a villian attacked the agency I was working at. The only reason I was there was because I know the hero in charge, and he knew that. He had come to the building during my break- I don’t know why he was there, but I was the only person he knew there. The villain attacked, but his quirk wasn’t very strong. All he could do was change the color of an item for a few seconds. He was killed that day- slaughtered by the villain who’s only reason was boredom. I wish I could talk to him one last time, tell him I loved him one last time.”
Iida scooted closer to her, pulling her head onto his chest, letting her use him as a crutch. “It’s okay, Y/n. It’ll be okay,”
When highschool started, and Tenya hadn’t confessed his love to him, Y/n came to the painful realization that she wasn’t the one he loved. However, it was the first day of school that hit the nail on the head. 
She had entered the classroom of 1-A, after her family convinced her to at least try out the hero course, and was terrified that she would know no one. And then, she heard a voice that reminded her of someone very similar.
At the far end of the room, she saw the back of a blue-haired boy scolding a blond with his feet on the desk. A smile spread across her mouth when she realized who this up-tight teen was. Practically running to cover the distance of the class, Y/n launched herself onto Iida, latching onto her. 
“Ten!” She smiled, shifting to wear he could comfortably hold her up.
“Y-Y/n?” He asked, momentarily stunned by her sudden appearance. He smiled and spun her around for a second before putting her down. “You’re here? You’re parents convinced you to pursue being a hero?” he was reasonably confused, but he wasn’t upset she was there- if anything he was glad to have a second familiar face around.
“Yeah, I’m just trying it out,” Y/n laughed, scratching the back of her neck. 
“So heartwarming, now get outta my line of sight four-eyes,” the blond snapped, glaring at the pair.
“You’re annoying, you know that?” Y/n said, rolling her eyes at his comments. 
Meanwhile, Iida laughed at Y/n being called his girlfriend. Y/n, who used to laugh with him, could only do her best to not cry. 
“C/mon Ten, let’s go to your seat,” Y/n said, tugging his hand towards the spot with his name on it- stopping when her arm was tugged, caused by him not moving with her. 
“Sorry Y/n/n,” he said, releasing her hand. “I would, but I promised Momo I’d meet her by the gate and guide her to the classroom. You know about Momo, right?” He looked into her eyes hoping she would put it together herself. After realizing she wouldn’t, he reminded her, “We talked about her on our last day of the tour.”
“Oh,” she said, feeling suddenly really cold. 
“Yeah,” He smiled, “Wish me luck!” He gave her a thumbs up and walked out the room- leaving her stunned and so very cold. 
A scoff echoed from behind her, causing her to look back and see the blond once again. 
“That guy’s an idiot- glasses or not. It’s so obvious how you feel about him, and you’re way to attractive to pine after someone like him. You’re smart too, since you got into this school- he’s really missing out,” he rolled his eyes, but he also knew what just happened- even though no one else in the room picked up on it. 
He assumed they were dating, but when Iida laughed, Bakugo had no clue if he was laughing at them dating or the girl’s reaction. He quickly figured out which of the two was the truth, and he also realized that he had no clue that she was in love with him. 
Y/n didn’t react to his words, just stuck in the weird state she was in. She wasn’t sad, or angry. There was no tears or screams or breakdown, just a silent wave of shock. An ocean of doubt consumed her, filling her with a sense of... nothing. 
She should have known. She should have realized. It’s entirely her fault. Who could love her. Who would want to love her. Who wants to date a freak. Who wants to date someone with a villainous quirk like hers. That’s why he was shocked when she showed up- he thought they’d reject a future villain like her.
No wonder everyone hates her; if she was someone else she’d hate herself too.
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laulink · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
The Case Study of Vanitas' cast is amazing because it's the only anime I've ever watched where the yaoi, yuri and straight ships are all as adorable as the others.
Jeanne x Vanitas : light and dark, Bourreau and Saviour, ennemies to lovers who's relationship heavily hinges on the desire they have for Jeanne to drink Vanitas' blood because of how good it tastes/feels for both of them, which is basically the vampire version of hate fuck/sex buddies. 10/10, wish we'd see more of this kind of dynamic well done.
Noe x Dominique : childhood friends to lovers with one of them having been in love with the other since they first met and the other being denser than a brick about it, and since they are both vampires, we get the "loves to drink the other's blood" trope x2. Sweet and adorable and pretty hot tbh, 10/10
Dominique x Jeanne : the scene where Dominique tells Jeanne that nothing is more important, in that moment, than to be close to and dance with her to admire and appreciate her beauty instantly sold me to this ship. A Bourreau and a vampire from House de Sade serving the Queen, that's basically commoner x noble and I love this kind of story. 10/10
Noe x Vanitas : honestly didn't see much going for this ship before ep 7 but Noe lamenting about not being the first to taste Vanitas' blood because it smells so good and not realising he's jealous opened up an ocean of possibilities. He's just so dense and Vanitas is a smart little shit who gets confused and angry and flustered and even crazy when his feelings become too much for him to handle and I think their dynamic would be extremely fun, were it to turn romantic. Also the fact that Vanitas isn't interested in someone who would fall in love with him *chef's kiss*. Watch Noe's dense ass head shatter all his barriers and make him accept his love because damn him, Vanitas, this man is going to love you whether you like it or not ! 10/10
I have less thoughts about Jeanne x Noe and Dominique x Vanitas but since it's basically cinnamon roll x cinnamon roll and smart ass little shit x smart ass little shit I'm sure the first would be extremely fluffy and cute while the other would be the funniest thing ever where love rhymes with constant bickering and competing (even in the bedroom).
I don't usually like poly ships because I always have my favourites in the relationships, but in this case ? I'm begging the creator to put these four together. They'd be the most powerful and iconic unit the world has ever seen and also the sweetest and stupidest one since they're all well-meaning morons. This would be hysterical.
61 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 21:25:46 GMT
Something I just realised about Hazel using light dust : 
He showed us that, even in its raw form, light dust makes a shield around him, it's not a technological application of the dust, it's literally its natural power. 
Which means that VELVET is the technological genius here, for managing to use light dust in such a different way to its natural form. Making it pick apart the weapons she takes a picture of and replicate them must have been helluva hard. 
63 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 10:50:57 GMT
A. N. : This is totally random, so don’t ask where I got the idea. The only thing I will say is this : Penny Polendina would absolutely ADORE being a mother and she’d be a wonderful one.
Penny, holding a random baby who’s mother asked her to keep an eye on for a second and gently cooing at it, looking like maternity personified : Hello there little love~
Ruby, looking at her with hearts in her eyes : ... You know, I think having one or two kids might not be so bad.
Yang, who’s heard Ruby say she’d never have kids since she was 4 : *spits out her coffee*
79 notes • Posted 2021-05-08 19:29:06 GMT
Also I feel so much for Winter right now.
In 5 minutes, she just lost both of her little sisters
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The way her voice breaks while screaming Weiss’ name... I have a sister, an older one instead of a younger one, true, but still a sister, and I can imagine so well the pain Winter was feeling
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The grief is so great she can barely fly herself back on the bridge before collapsing
And now she can barely look her mother and brother in the eye
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She can’t bear the thought of having to announce that Weiss is never coming back
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Instead she throws herself in the fight, she puts all her energy in doing something other than thinking about what she’s just lost and her grief.
I hope team RWBY+J’s trip doesn’t last for months in Remnant, because I am not sure in what state they will find Winter (and their friends) when they come back if it does.
1319 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 16:23:19 GMT
The Summer Hound theory always seemed just a tad too much to be true, and RT managed to find the exact balance to make it fit perfectly in this point of the story.
Make it true, but with another SEW. Just as horrible, just as terrifying, and it means a big chance to see the Summer Hound later in the story, closer to the final act.
It also means that Ruby and Yang will undoubtedly at least wonder if that’s what happened to their mother and why no one ever found her body.
Now, every time they face a Hound, they’ll wonder “Is this Mom ?”
That’s even worse than if Summer had been the one inside this first Hound.
1460 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 16:32:37 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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