Chapter 19: In which Muriel discovers spices...
a little fluff between the angst...
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quilltedtulip · 5 months
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I am- SO HAPPY WITH HOW THIS TURNED OUT!!! LOOK AT MY BOY!!! Go check out my TikTok for the speedpaint of this but MAN! All day I had been in a art slump and creative block and finally I was like "I wanna draw the 'good ending' Anath!Benrey" and then BOOM. This beauty came out! And he looks so GOOOOOD!!! Keeping Benrey's eyes under GM's was such a good touch idk why I didnt think of that in the original design for their corrupted fusion- I mean C&D have four eyes why couldnt these two have three?
I need to draw more HLVRAI fanart- I've missed drawing my scrunklies 🥺
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noctanotherone · 18 days
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Hey everybody~! I got 3 more done!!!
Introducing Charon, Bar, and Belo!!!
Now all thats left is the OG cast! And once again, Character sheets will be under the cut! I also included the type of hands and feet they have, hope that helps!
Anyways, got to go to work now! Enjoy~!
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bgmoth · 22 days
“A taste of the strap will set you right, and clear your head of nonsense,” the tall woman went on in a voice like ice. “Ask for it and be done.”
- Anath out of context
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skinny-balllz · 3 months
I think we need more Ana hair/skin/nail care tips on here tbh 💕
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whumpdrivethru · 6 months
Hello again! Can I get a Parting Words Regret trope, where Whumpee and Caretaker got into a bad fight, and Whumpee storms off, only to be kidnapped and is never seen again? I would also like some extra guilt on Caretaker's side, please!
-- @whumperofworlds
Thank you for choosing the whump drive through, enjoy your order!
Warnings: kidnapping, whipping, pet whump, self destructive behaviour
"I never wanna see you again!"
Caretaker didn't realize how much of a lie that would be.
Whumpee stomped off without saying anything, holding up a middle finger. And then they weren't seen again.
It'd be an understatement to say Caretaker was stressed. They'd lost countless hours of sleep over it, filed a police report, some friends sent messages asking about meals. They got ignored.
At this point there was close to nothing they wouldn't do just to see Whumpee again.
Whumpee on the other hand was in a similar boat. All they wanted was to see their friend again.
"C'mon Whumpee, time for today's walk," Whumper said, walking into the room with a leash. Whumpee didn't move. They didn't feel like moving.
"On-nly if-"
Whumpee screamed as they got whipped with the leash, Whumper kneeling down and securing it to their collar, hoisting them up in a way that made it hard to breathe.
"I said time for a walk. You don't get to make demands here."
Whumpee sobbed, being tugged along through the halls of Whumper's massively luxurious house.
They stopped at an outdoor lounge on a balcony, Whumper sitting and having conversation over tea with a friend while Whumpee was forced to kneel next to their chair until they were done. Whumpee leaned towards the railings of the balcony, watching the people below.
They were yanked away from the railing to be put back in their room for getting too close to the edge while Caretaker shook their head.
Their friends were right, they needed some sleep. There was no way Whumpee had just been looking down at them from a balcony at Best Friend's house.
You have been served by Anath! :]
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jpriest85-blog · 6 months
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Some more @vendetta-if art featuring my MC Katerina Smirnova aka Kitty as her vigilante persona Anath the Huntress, and during her downtime.
Kitty is definitely a Horse Girl™️ ever since she was a little girl and used to watch My Little Pony Friendship is Magic with Ash growing up. She still has an affinity towards the animals, even to the point her grandparents and Uncle Luka added stables to the family estate and bought her therapy horses to help her cope after her father's death. I'm headcanoning she has two therapy animals, currently a Shetland pony named Medovic, and a Snowflake Appaloosa named Zefir. Both of them are named after Russian sweets. Sometimes, when she's hunting down criminals under her vigilante Codename Anath, Katerina will use her Umbrakinesis to literally create a nightmare and ride the shadowy horse while pursuing criminals, along with her hounds of course.
Tbh, the visual contrast between Kitty in her day to day life vs. her vigilante persona is striking. Normally, she's just a very bubbly and friendly person and would probably wind up eventually working as a very successful accountant or actuary.
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Even growing up around her family and being trained in combat, Katrina has a reputation of being the more approachable of the Morozovs. Which is true for the most part. Usually, Kitty does prefer to resolve issues diplomatically when she can. However, if she considers you a threat, she will shut you down permanently.
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laffy-taffy-creations · 3 months
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Please feel free to add in your own version of this with your characters as you see fit
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doc-avalon · 2 months
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elizabeth-halime · 1 year
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Anat/Anatu/Anath = Queen of Heaven, lady of love and war, has dominion over love, sex, war, battle, fertility and motherhood. She also has dominion over death
"She is simultaneously a goddess of reproduction and war, of life and death. Sex and violence in her myths are graphic, even by modern standards. Anat doesn't just lead the devotees into battle; she exults in blood and bloodshed, wallowing in blood up to her waist."
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Our final big 2 page spread... love that warped Speedball...
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noctanotherone · 20 days
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Here is more of the Family!
I am coloring them in as I create the 'character info sheets'.
I was also going to work on the last triplet but I ran out of time (I do have to go to work in a few, getting this posted before then)
So enjoy~
Here are the Character Sheets and Reveal of 4 of the children under the cut! (I will repost these as I update each new post.)
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greenliketea · 2 months
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skinny-balllz · 1 year
¡ make me skinny !
1 like = 10 squats
1 comment = 20 crunches
1 reblog = 1 hour fast
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whumpdrivethru · 10 months
I’m having a bad day… can I just get a simple but dramatic death scene? With a milkshake plz? Thank you
One rush order for courtneygacha, coming right up!
Warnings: choking, major character death, mentioned food poisoning & implied food poisoning
"Here you are, my friend."
Was it just Whumpee, or did Caretaker's friend have a bit too wide of a smile? Something about it felt like it belonged in uncanny valley, but they couldn't pinpoint exactly what.
They took the snack that'd been prepared gratefully. It had been a long time since someone other than Caretaker made them food purely out of the kindness of their heart.
They'd never had a meat pie before. The one they were given was small, a one-person serving just for them.
"Oh, you made them a pie? Try it Whumpee, their pies are really good!" Caretaked said, finally returning from whatever errand they had been running that made them call their friend to watch Whumpee.
They thanked Caretaker's friend and started to eat into it. It was… pretty delicious.
The other two laughed, seeing Whumpee's sudden enthusiasm. "I told you their pies are the best!"
Caretaker turned to their friend, quietly telling them, "Thank you, Whumpee has been having a lot of issues with eating, Whumper apparently put stuff in their food regularly and it left a mark on them and their diet."
Their friend smiled and opened their mouth to respond, but got cut off by the sudden sound of choking.
"Whumpee?" Caretaker asked, at their side instantly. Concern flooded their whole person.
Whumpee didn't respond, they weren't able to breathe. They doubled over on the table, starting to fall completely.
Caretaker tried to grab them from behind, get a hold on them for the Heimlich. Inevitably they failed, the position made it too difficult and they couldn't support Whumpee's bodyweight.
"Can you help me‽" they yelled at their friend, who was also now trying to get them out of the chair. They couldn't lift Whumpee either to perform the maneuver.
After a few minutes of stressing, a failed attempt to call anyone nearby that could get there in time, and a lot of coughing, Whumpee stopped moving. They were blue at this point, deprived of oxygen.
Caretaker was so overwhelmed with sadness and grief that they couldn't stop themselves from crying as the same friend took them out to lunch a few days later.
"I know it- it's not wo-orth crying o-over, but I…" they sobbed incoherently. They'd ordered – or rather their friend had ordered – some chicken nuggets and an ice cream, and gotten themselves some sort of drink.
"I know… ironic cause you had just been telling me about their refusal to eat because of spiked food, then they die from choking…"
Caretaker cried harder.
Whumper simply smiled on the inside and took a sip of their milkshake, giving their friend a few comforting words and telling them to eat their ice cream.
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k-unt · 10 months
I NEED an ana coach who will push me to my absolute DEATH
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