#and also hes one of the few mercs with a fully revealed name
mikiruma · 5 years
please explain who engie is. i know nothing about tf2 and i would like to know about him + any special kin memories you have regarding him. u have no choice but to infodump.
no choice huh........
(@ future me add a cut here)
engineer's one of the playable characters in tf2, his schtick is building stuff to help others in battle, ie teleporters bringing teammates closer to goals, sentries to deal damage, and dispensers to heal teammates & resupply their ammo. the game calls him a defensive class, but imo the most fun engineer players to watch are the ones who go out of their way to terrorize the other team by playing offensively. (who knew the smallest sentry you could build could also be SO TERRIFYING)
as a character hes pretty neat imo, like a mad scientist but he tinkers more with machines than humans. a lot of his blueprints were actually adapted from ones his grandfather made. the last name 'conagher' carries quite a bit of weight in tf industries (specifically blu but im not abt to step into that territory..) also hes got like what? 14 phds? so hes kind of a menace. o yea he built his robot hand (the gunslinger) too.
also i just think its neat that outside work hes just this quiet old dude who would play u a tune on his guitar and buy u a drink for the hell of it and probably end up being ur best friend after talking for 5 minutes. i think ppl comparing him to a golden retriever arent so far off also important to note hes texas so as you can imagine, hes basically cowboy. he says yeehaw. so much. im sobbing please learn a new word
uhh what else..... canon he works with medic on experiments and stuff (expiration date short, gargoyles & gravel comic, more hopefully) so thats always Super Nice. also since i found the true meaning comic earlier and reread that i got to experience him reading a (VERY team fortress 2) christmas story to pyro (another good character) and god please i know the games abt shooting people but i want more interactions like THAT between the mercs..... just. lay down have some tea
uhh memories!!! uhh hmm well i was a fan of getting the gunslinger to work!! or its first incarnation!!! sure what preceded was... not fun but in the end i had a cool ass robot arm that functioned way better than my original. the *ultimate* upgrade... until i redesigned it later to current game canon. oh on the topic of buildings my sentries were basically my lil buddies!! id have a level 1 keepin me company in my workshop if nobody else was botherin me and its so weird now thinking abt a gun that likes pets but like. gun dog. obv the ones in battle werent like that bc i would be even more upset when they were destroyed but like. i still said hi to them kygjsnd
also if medic and i were staying up way too late workin on somethin id bring tea.. depending on how late it was and what we were doin id maybe wild out and add sugar bc dang it ur not texan if u dont have sweet tea. also i made 2 way teleporters for his lab and my workshop so we could send each other stuff. sometimes the other mercs would send weird shit thru the teleporters. scout sat on one without noticing it and he flipped his shit when he materialized 2 inches from me. good times
*clutches chest* CHRIST that was a lot anyway dont forget to like and subscri
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jinmukangwrites · 3 years
@damianwayneweek Day 1 (6-13): Truth serum | Damian Wayne Protection Squad™ | Best friends to lovers
Note: Rushed. I'm sure it's still the 13th somewhere.
Warnings: kidnapping, nonconsensual drugging, needles.
Dick wakes to the taste of blood on his tongue.
Thankfully, after slowly moving his tongue around, it's just because he bit the inside of his cheek sometime between when he was knocked out and when he woke up. His head pounds like a war-drum with his heart as he tries to get ahold of his situation. Without opening his eyes, he assess his arms are restrained behind his back and he's sitting on an uncomfortable metal chair. His legs are also tied to the chair, keeping him from running.
The suit he wears feels suffocating, proof that—once again—him wearing Batman's cowl isn't some sort of sick joke. However, his shoulders are a bit lighter suggesting his cape has been taken. Not that he'll mourn it.
His cowl is on. He silently curses himself for not checking that first. It would be the first thing Bruce checked.
He always prioritized the identity. The mission. Secrecy before safety, Gotham before everything else. Not injuries, not friends, not family, partners-
Dick's eyes fly open, reminding him of the real thing he should have checked for first.
"Robin," he gasps out loud, looking wildly around the room and tugging on the ropes holding his back to the chair.
The room is dark and small, the walls made of cinder bricks that have water mold where it connects to the cement floor. In front of him is a metal table with a black, palm sized box placed on top. Dick ignores that for now and looks to his side, only relaxing when he finds Damian to his right, tied similarly to another chair with his chin to his chest. Only unconscious, Dick notes as he watches his stomach rise and fall.
However, anxiety flutters in his gut when he sees there's a dried trail of blood running down the side of his head.
"Robin," he tries again, knowing at the back of his head that Bruce would be telling him to be quiet. Check for cameras. Look for an escape route. Don't let them know you're awake until you have a plan-
Dick shakes his head. Damian could have a concussion, and that takes priority. Dick could have one as well, considering how badly his head hurts, but Damian is only ten years old and Dick knows better than anyone the lingering effects injuries could have when you're a child.
He presses his feet to the ground and pushes, attempting to slide closer to his protege. He does nothing more than jolt in place. There's not enough leverage.
However, it seems the sound of the metal scraping against the ground is enough to wake up the boy. He comes to with a small groan and a pain laced crease between his brow.
"Robin," Dick repeats a third time. He can do nothing but sit as Damian blinks slowly behind his mask; his shoulders tensing as he too notices the restraints.
Damian opens his mouth, but before any words could leave there's a loud clang. The door in front of Dick and Damian, on the other side of the table, swings open.
In walks three men; two are unfamiliar, but the third Dick recognizes from the case files he and Damian got from Gordon about a week ago. Jonas Gibbs. Known arms dealer and smuggler. He's made his moves in Gotham these past few weeks, getting the police and public nervous about shootings with illegal guns. Batman and Robin had finally pinned down the date, time, and location of his next shipment and intended to take him down then, but he was smart and had hired help from various mercenaries that Dick could confidently bet used to be in the military before they were dishonorably discharged.
The way they moved, worked, and attacked was too strategic and planned. It was only a matter of time before one got a lucky hit on Damian; a blow with the butt of their rifle across the kid's forehead. The barrel of the rifle pointed down at Damian's unconscious body was all it took for Dick to raise his hands in surrender.
And now they're here, in some damp old room. Tied to chairs. A table placed in front of them with a mysterious box set on top of it.
"Perfect timing," Gibbs says, grinning. The two other men, clearly mercs, stand on either side of him as he drags up a chair and sits on the other side of the table. "I was almost afraid we'd have to dump water to get you up."
"What do you want?" Dick growls. He must want something. He hasn't taken off the cowl�� or at least he hasn't tried to get through the various traps to pull it off. It means he must need something that an identity reveal wouldn't give him.
"I'm glad you asked, Batman," Gibbs says, a grin spreading on his face. He looks to one of his goons and they immediately pull a small camera out from a bag they had around their shoulder. He points it at Dick.
Dick gets a bad feeling about all of this.
"I want you to tell your real name for the camera."
Dick glares. "Are you serious?"
"Very. One of my men has second degree burns thanks to that cowl of yours electrifying him. So, I decided I'll let you go without any more harm. You tell me your names, and I'll let you go. Won't even show the video to anyone. Well," he smirkes, "unless you get in my way."
Dick clenches his jaw. Besides him, Damian mumbles something.
"I'm going to give you to the count of three," Gibbs says, unphased. "Otherwise it will get unpleasant."
His eyes drift to the black box, signifying it's mysterious importance. Dick doesn't let it scare him. He's not going to let this low life criminal blackmail him... put him and his family in danger. He'll take whatever will be thrown at him until he can work out a way to escape.
Gibbs counts down, and he reaches zero uninterrupted.
"Well," Gibbs says, unsurprised. "The hard way then. Gag him."
The grunts move like clockwork, and before Dick knows it his face is being grabbed and held in place while the other shoves a rag into his mouth and wraps a layer of tape around his face to hold it there.
"Batman..." he hears Damian mumble as the grunts back up. He sounds out of it. In pain. Dick can only hope that the hit he took to his head isn't too serious.
Gibbs retakes his attention, however, when he reaches forward and presses a hatch on the side of the black box, flicking it open on spring-loaded hinges. What's inside makes Dick's stomach drop. A needle and a glass vial filled with a yellow tinted liquid lays neatly inside. One of the grunts lifts the needle and the vial to begin filling it up.
"Do you know what this is?" Gibbs asks as the liquid fills the syringe. "I've yet to test it on anyone, but word is from the man I bought it from... It forces the truth out of you." The grunts finishes filling the syringe and flicks the bubbles. "Truth serum."
Dick has no doubt that the serum will work. He only wonders why he's threatening with it while he's gagged.
When the grunt walks around the table to Damian, he doesn't wonder anymore.
He can only tug on his restraints as the grunt grabs Damian's arm to aim the needle. Damian, for his effort, attempts to pull away, but the weakness of his head injury and his restraints do nothing to stop the needle from entering the inside of his elbow.
"You could have done this the easy way, Batman," Gibbs says. Dick watches as the syringe is pressed down, pushing the liquid into Damian's body. "I never like getting children involved."
Damian squeezes his jaw shut and turns his head away from the needle in his arm. It only takes a moment before the grunt pulls the empty syringe out before returning to standing besides his leader. A bead of blood appears where the needle left Damian's skin, but the boy doesn't move.
The air feels solid. Dick can hardly breathe as he tries to conceal his panic. He wants nothing more than to get out of these restraints and punch Gibbs and his men into next year, but he can't reach anything useful to do so. All he can do is watch Damian sit stock still as drugs spread through his veins.
A minute passes as Gibbs sits there in smug silence. Then, when a few more moments pass, he speaks.
"Robin," he says. Damian flinches, but doesn't look his way. His jaw still clenched. The goon with the camera points it right at Damian. "Why don't we start with something easy? What's your favorite animal?"
Damian curls his fingers behind his back and keeps his jaw grinding shut.
"Tight lipped huh?" Gibbs chuckles. He doesn't look surprised. Or worried. "Don't worry, I was assured that once it's fully in your system, it will hurt more to say nothing. What's your favorite animal, Robin?"
Damian says nothing, but he looks ridged. Tense.
"You look uncomfortable, Robin. Do you feel it in your head? I promise it will get better when you stop resisting. Let's try something different while we wait. Are you from Gotham?"
Damian's knuckles must be white under his gloves.
"How about your favorite color? Is it blue?"
Damian breathes a shaky breath through his nose, and Dick's heart breaks. He works harder to find a weakness in his restraints.
"My, your resilience is admirable. Were you trained on this?" Gibbs asks. Damian remains stubborn, but Gibbs still doesn't look worried. "Who were you trained by?"
"The best," Damian whimpers, cutting himself off with a growl and shutting his jaw. Gibbs smiles.
"What's your favorite animal?"
Damian shakes his head, a frustrated cry caught in his throat.
This continues, Gibbs finding victory in the one slip and pressing with everything he's got. Dick doesn't know how long Damian can last like this, and he doesn't want to find out. With every passing second, Dick knows it's only a matter of time before Damian's lips loosen. No amount of training can beat a good concussion and drugs designed to make your lips loose.
"What grade are you? Do you have any friends?"
After each question, Dick can see more and more discomfort in Damian's position. He's beginning to fidget and whimper and Dick's... Dick's had enough.
"What's your favorite color, Robin?"
"Green," Damian says with strangled gasp, sounding horrified with himself.
Gibbs smirks like a predator, knowing he's finally won.
"What's your real name?"
Yeah. Dick's had enough. With a hard tug, the ropes around his wrists finally snap against where he's been rubbing at them with his gauntlets. Gibbs and his men can barely react before Dick's upon them, cutting away the rest of the ropes with a batarang from his belt. He makes quick work of them in their shock, knocking them out and leaving them on the floor in unconscious piles.
He almost bends to put cable ties on their arms and legs, but he hears a tight whimper behind him. The moment after, he's rushing over to Damian to undo the ropes.
"Are you okay?" Dick asks, cutting through the bonds.
Damian shakes his head. Dick almost kicks himself.
"It's okay," he quickly says. "No one can hear. Let it out."
He's almost afraid Damian will force himself to remain silent, but to his relief and heartache, Damian opens his mouth and lets out a heaving sob. "It hurts- it hurts-"
Dick finally undoes the ropes, then he pulls his kid in close to his chest. "Get it out," he soothes, rubbing Damian's back.
"Dogs-" Damian starts, dissolving into quick rambling breaths. Every question he had been asked begins to be answered. Dick holds him close and lets him get it out with his tears. Silently, he sends a message to Gordon to pick up Gibbs and his men, then he messages Alfred to get the med-bay and lab ready. Soon enough, Damian is silent except for pain laced gasps, he holds tight to Dick's chest as Dick lifts him up and stuffs the vial with extra serum into his belt.
"I got you," he says as Damian continues to cry all the way to the batmobile. "I got you."
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vacation-grif · 3 years
What kinda feelings?
A LOT, ACTUALLY. Like I said before, the RTNY group was telling me to skip it because it wasn’t a good season, and I want to express how much I wanted to just form my own opinion, only to end up agreeing with them in the end. Let me break this down as best as I can now that I am on my PC. I mean no disrespect to the director and writer, as well as the cast and crew. Honestly, I’m worried that my opinion makes me feel like a boomer at this point.
First off, if anyone was going to tell me that I’m going to have headaches over bright flashing lights and colors over a Red vs Blue series, I wouldn’t have believed you. As I said before, they should’ve just called this “Red vs Blue: Epilepsy Warning THE M0VIE”. I understand that they are using the Unreal Engine, because my god the graphics on this is INSANE. But everything is...too bright. TOO. BRIGHT. Everything has a lens flare no matter where the camera turns, and with the high paced action, all the lights and colors, it HURTS.
Next, this is a fully CG-animated season. We haven’t had one like that in SUCH a long time, and this is the first in the 20-ish years of Red vs BLue. When I was a kid who didn’t have a cellphone, I could only imagine what Red vs Blue was like when my best friend would play it over our landline on a weeknight before we would go to school the next day. And I would come over and be like, HOLY SHIT. IS THIS FUCKING HALO?! So imagine my excitement when after 8 years of Red vs Blue using Halo 1 to Halo 3 assets, you see a Warthog just crash through the walls of Valhalla, something you’d never see in a Halo game. A fully animated scene of Grif running over Washington (hell yeah), and an angry Washington outside of his game model just climbing onto the hood of the car and shooting at Grif through the windshield at pointblank range. Then cut to episode 10 of the same season, Tex makes her triumphant return, fully animated instead of her Halo 3 game model. And in the last two episodes of the season, you get OUR VERY FIRST FREELANCER VS FREELANCER FIGHT. You find out this was the work of the late Monty Oum (rest in peace), and until Season 10, Red vs Blue was THE HIGHEST POINT OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE.
Then we go to Season 12 where the animation post Oum (he was working on RWBY at this point but iirc this was just before he died) was choppy at best and didn’t feel right until Season 13, where within the one year the animation team REALLY stepped up. And this actually carries over into Season 17, Singularity, where it became more animation and less game effects, or rather it was balanced. It wasn’t extravegant like Oum’s works, but given that these are the Simtroopers, some Freelancers, some Mercs, and time gods, it felt par for the course. It felt right.
We cut now to these upgraded graphics, which felt like when you were playing on your Xbox 360 and you jsut FUCKING SHOT into the Xbox One. It was, as you would say, unreal (lol). But it felt...off. The first two episodes, the entire action didn’t feel like what you spent 16 seasons watching. It felt like a whole another beast entirely. With the use of super powers, you would think oh the Freelancers had that! Yes, but those were all suit enhancements. These...didn’t feel like it. Zero’s and Phase’s teleportation didn’t feel like something that Fragmented AI can control. Shatter Squad’s at least felt more at home. 
The models themselves were a bit off too. Choppy at best, but understandable given that they were using the Unreal Engine. But you notice that they do a lot of hand on hip pushed out to the side type of thing a lot? Everyone does it. Except Raymond, West, and the big dude. Like the SASSY STANCE. Also, there was way too much power stance. Where if your feet were shoulder width apart, it was a bit wider, and also the pelvis was out a little more. A bit weird. Finally, everyone has an ass. Everyone. Even West. West has an ass, it was like, everyone was dummy thicc and the clap of their ass cheeks was alerting Viper.
Next, voice acting. I...absoultely could not stand the voice acting. It was completely over the top, overdramatic, over exaggerated. Granted, I’m a singer, a perform, but I’m not exactly a good actor myself in the few shows I’ve actually done. It felt like watching an anime. When you wtach something with dialogue of your own language, you can tell when you feel something is to over the top. If you watch something of a language you don’t speak, it’ll go over your head, unless you start to speak that language, and you speak to people who speak that language, then you start to pick up what is regular speaking and what is acting. When an anime gets dubbed, most times, the voice actors tend to over dramatacize in the same way the Japanese due, and some times it works, most times it doesn’t. This is because the Japanese way of acting comes from kabuki theater. When English dubbers do that with this weird over emphasized emotions, it is extremely offputting.
In some places, the voice acting is poorly done. Jen Brown’s performance from just getting out of a hospital to giving an expositional lecture about the new cast in literally 5 seconds of time was...off. Carolina should’ve had more time to recover, especailly after losing Washington, one of her closest surrogate family, she felt...a little too calm and normal. Not like the Carolina who was hesitant but trying her best to be a whole better person (see the Paradox Arc, S15-17). It was jsut quick shift, and now she’s making snarky remarks in that Jen Brown voice she does (my god step on me please) and also being a mother hen. Also, she really calls Washington David way more this season than she ever did before that.
Fiona’s performance was shaky at best in my opinion, I don’t know her very well outside of what everyone says. All I know is that sometimes, the way she emphasizes some of her lines don’t fit the situation very well. I think East/Phase was a lot better done than One imo. But she was mostly angry and competitive.
Raymond is the textbook definition of what I hate about taking a character’s role and making it their entire personality. Think of it like watching Power Rangers, and all of their roles is just defined by the shit they say. Jason is the jock, Kimberly is the pretty girl, Trini is......I’m not gonna lie, I don’t...know what to classify Trini, Zack was the cool guy, and Billy was the nerd (Tommy was Jock II also the rebel/loner). Raymond reminded me a lot like Billy, where Billy was defined by being so smart, half of his dialogue was just look at me, i’m fucking smart, let me use all of these big words. Half of Raymond’s dialogue was, look at me, i’m the tech guy, I’m nerdy and loveable, it felt like it was too over the top of trying to stand out. By the end of the season, after East’s big reveal, I started to like him a lot more because he knew what was more at stake. I want to say that my initial impression of him was immature at best.
West was too stiff. Just.. Too stiff. I get he’s old. But show some emotion, please.
Why am I emphasizing on this more? When you listen to the dialogue of RvB, and then you listen at this, even with the return cast of Carolina, Washington, and Tucker, the direction was different. I think it’s because of the new medium with Zero being all super animated like an action, where RvB was just a bunch of net videos that you’re gonna laugh at with well timed jokes. It was super casual, but also super real. Geoff and Gus and everyone else aren’t big actors or anything, but that’s what made it feel real. That’s what made RvB feel like its own thing.
In terms of writing, I get that this is RvB meets FnF (Fast and Furious). But I honestly feel that it doens’t belong. The story of Shatter Squad vs Viper would have been a lot better if it didn’t have the RvB name tacked on. It’s such a cool concept, but given what RvB was before, the tonal shift is jsut too great, especially when you only have 3 of the previous cast returning.
Speaking of, what happened to Tucker?! What happened to the guy who became a leader? Responsible? Not as arrogant? Maybe playfully arrogant at best, but not stroking his ego? What happened to HIS SWORD? Did they forget how Tucker’s sword works? That it only works IF HE DIES? Tucker didn’t die, and yet Phase was able to use his sword (which by the way is now hers). One of the earliest stories/gags of RvB and they just...retconned it and threw it away! Also, Tucker’s voice acting did NOT match the scene at all. It’s like watching a video game that was localized from Japanese, and the dubbers spoke too fast before the character could finish. Tucker moves outside of his dialogue and there is this weird seconds of silence. That...that was just a BAD return for him.
My final thought is that, if RvB Zero is not...the RvB I grew up with. Maybe the jokes are dated, but the memories of what RvB was is still real. This just...doesn’t feel like RvB anymore. This should have just been it’s own show, it’s own story, replace Wash and Carolina and Tucker with new characters, it just wasn’t their place to be in this.
The only thing I liked about this? I’m glad Danielle (I’m assuming this is how you would spell her name) didn’t go AWOL and returned to the team. I actually really liked her the most next to Axel. She was done dirty, but she still held on to that one bond she had as East that Zero didn’t give her as Phase.
I know this is probably not a great opinion, and I really hope that Rooster Teeth finds the ground they want this series to go in. Sometimes, you have to try new things, or else staying stagnant will make it go stale. It’s all about trial and error. I don’t know how everyone else feels about Zero, how the new audience and the old audience feels. RvB as a whole wasn’t perfect. They had their down moments. But when you feel that way for an entire season...it’s a problem.
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huntsman-ash · 3 years
RWBY LiveThoughts: V8E7
Since I finally have time for it today, lets make sure Im all caught up for the hiatus. 
Before we get fully started, an idea; Its not a war crime if they’re Grimm. Then its just self defense. So break out the napalm, the cluster bombs, the chemical weapons, the fun stuff. Make em regret it, yeah?
And we start off...on a farm. Looks like my moms old farm in South Dakota. Even on Remnant, hay is best used in bales.
Waiiiit. Thats the place the Whale set down isnt it. I see a Sayber running. Ah, and the Atlas military! Surely, the vanguard of a massive force to hold the line! Also Im glad to see a close up of the helmet for once, I want to make my own. Also, the gloves, and the rifle itself. Not sure why it doesnt have a stock, seems kind of silly...
And airships too, so they got some fire support...whats that wall behind them though?
Also it TOOK US 8 FUCKING SEASONS to get a close up of these FUCKING Weapons. 8. FUCKING. SEASONS. Okay maybe more like 5 cause they didnt first appear till 3 or so but come on. Im so picking this shit apart later. 
Pfft, bros got some nerves going on. Come on man, its just some Grimm, you’ll be FINE.
Atlas field harvesters resemble Halo’s JOTUN Farming equipment. As wel as our own. No surprise there.
Alright, bunch of Saybers, not seeing much of a threat here.
Hey, Paladins! Damn, they...look way different than I remember them to be. 
I wont lie, I dont like the Paladin design. Way to much visual noise, I cant tell where anything IS. 
Also that is the most 2D grass I have sever seen in my fucking life. What the hell are they growing here...
Huh, the whale has two sets of teeth. Wait, its just there? And its wpewing out Grimm. So...why isnt the air force firing on it? 
Yeah its not moving, its just raising its head and slamming down and vomiting out more Grimm. Im not sure what the issue is here, just...seal the mouth. 
Oh, huh. Apathys. Let me guess, RTs gonna try and tell us depression is going to kill most of Atlas. Oh for fuck sake. IM NOT IMPRESSED RT. IM REALLY NOT. IM MORE FUCKING ANNOYED THAN ANYTHING
Okay so...I see what this is. Its farm land outside of atlas proper and there’s an additional wall behind them, plus the power lines I guess? Seems like a viable place to make a stand. 
...thats it. Please tell me this is just a single detachment of the Atlas military because there is less firepower here than a NATIONAL GUARD UNIT ASSIGNED TO ONE CITY
Im fairly certain there are more people assigned to ONE UNIT attached to JBLM then I amm seeing here. 
Not to mention this is an OPEN FIELD the Grimm have to run through. This is a literall fucking TURKEY SHOOT. Running across an open field anywhere is a ticket to DYING.
Just ask the poor fucks on D-day.
Also uh...why is everyone in line formation? What is this, fuckin’ 18009s combat Napoleon style?
And did the distance suddenly change, I feel like the whale suddenly got a hell of a lot closer.
Just...I dont get this. This makes no sense. Did Ironwood learn how to deploy forces from a fairy tale book? This is legitimately some fuckin Lord of the Rings shit here.
RIP that one specific trooper hit by that Behemoth though. Dont worry friend, the thing walked next to a Paladin. Its getting its eye blasted out
And cut back to Ironwood. Doing...fuck if I know what.
Staring angrily it seems.
“Dammit, my tactical deployment by line formation and parade ground tactics isnt holding back the Grimm, curses!”
I know people have told me why this is. I understand myself why this is. But it really just...does...not...jibe with me. At all. 
Okay so more details; first, apparently Atlas has a subway. Makes sense, its a big island. Inter-system transits probably a given. Second; Was that Mantis Squad Omega? Some kind of unit maybe...interesting.
 Also I love how this guy just questions Ironwood. Like, bro, if the General says do it, do it.
Hold the fuck up, why is everyone outside? It looks like fuckin’ Cali during our lockdowns...what ever happened to martial law huh?
Also “underground subway stations”. Yes, thats...kind of what a subway IS. I guess maybe they have overhead ones like New York does. Mass transit be weird like that.
I mean HELL the signs on it are almost identical to the ones in NYC too! Even with the colored circles and train cnumbers. 
According to the sign here they’re at Pickens Square Station. 
Oh boy. Ironwood just fed these poor bastards into a meat grinder. Anyone here ever played the Metro game series, or read the books?
Remember the Dark Ones? The Nosallias? Yeah. Tight corridors and monsters only work out well for angry vodka fueled Russians.
Didnt see it very well but I THINK those Mantas had some kind of wing gun. Either thats new, a separate armament setting, or RT forgot what ind of weapons they gave their ships AGAIN.
Cant get the shields back up, yeah, no shit, they DETACHED ONE OF THE FUCKING PILOTS YOU IDIOTS.
Also hah, they arrested Yang, Ren and Jaune. Not surprised.
Beta squads apperently been hitting the whale. ‘Bombs, missiles, we cant make a dent, sir.” ...while Im not surprised by this, I also hear shades of the opening of Halo 2s level Metropolis. “Where’s the rest of your platoon?” “Wasted, sarge. Blew right through us. Rockets, fifty cals, didnt do nothing.”
Honestly they could have SHOWED THAT too. Them just saying it feels like a cop out to me. Take that as you will. But if you want us to see the things hard to kill, show it. 
Not that I figure Atlas’s rockets are much more than Dust in a propellent tank. Not exactly a Hellfire or TOW.
Nice to see proper military talk for...a moment anyway.
Or what I figure RT figures is proper.
Oh so now the whales moving. Okay...huh.
Jaunes commentary is the same as mine. Though I guess the size seems to shift depending.
Ohhh. Its MANTA. As in the gunships. Alright, sure that works. And this guys making a good call. If you cant hit the big one go after the smaller. Of which there seems to be a HELL of a lot. Actually holy fuck that Grimm spew is across like...ahlf the fucking island right now. Time to fuckin torch and burn people.
Ahhhhhh and they get to the proper idea.  If you cant punch it from the outside, hit it from the inside.
I knew a crew...three madmen, names of Keegan, Lahni and Mac. The Hivebusters. Something tells me a Venom bomb would do the trick...if it can rip apart Swarm creatures as big as a Snatcher or a Swarmak and reduce them to green slime, I think it’ll work on Grimm. 
Something tells me RT isnt gonna give em a bomb though. Too obvious.
NEVER MIND. “Science team is putting together a bomb.”
Also I LOVE how Winter’s pupils expand and retract in fear as she realizes what Ironwoods asking her to do.
Awww now shes getting the shakes too.
Salem directing this shit like shes some kind of orchestra leader. I mean it FITS but...I dunno.
Ah so the command deck is directly behind the whale’s glowing nose. Basically inside where the spermacetiy organ would be in a real sperm whale.
What the fuck is Emerald doing there?
Sneaking I guess. Huh. Why’s she sneaking around the whale. Also, huh. guess seeers can get fooled by Emeralds semblance.  Is HE STILL BEATING UP ON OSCAR? Jeez dude. Take a breather.
Honestly if this was TRUE I would be okay with it. Replace the Huntsman with, I dont know, a massively overequipped military for each Kingdom, let them run rampant...stomp the Grimm out or push them back to nonexistence...everyone lives happily ever after
Lets be real here, the idea of the academies? Really really fucking dumb. Its cute. Fairy tale like.
But if theres one thing this show has taught me its that fairy tales SUCK. Reality...tends to be worse.
Ah theres one of those torture hooks they mentioned a few episodes back. Nice of the whale to have a specific interrigation room.
And at last we get some information on how Salem works. Alright so...what happens if you seperate the parts then? Sink one in the ocean, launch one into space.
Sounds like Oz/Oscars telling the fans what we’ve been saying forever, Companion Book be damned; Salem wants to die.
These mind games bore me. Its cute, but I dont like it cause I cant follow that shit. Give me a straight up fight any day, fuck this sublty backroom fuckery
No lies from them both here honestly.
Medical supplies in Atlas seem almost the same as here on earth interestngly. Also, soup. Or...coffee, tea?
Blake with the obvious here. But I mean thats not really saying much cause...well. Not hard to outfight the Atlas military it seems like.  (Long suffering sigh)
Im gonna make a seperate post about my frustrations with that and leave it there. But dont expect me to stop fully complaining about it because everyones gotta have something to bitch about with this show, and I’ll be DAMNED if I start joining the BB whiners.
Good question, Ruby. Might be that YOUR NOT LIVING IN A FAIRY TALE
I’d like to see these people dying in Mantle. I refuse to believe that there isnt SOMEONE in the nation that once brought Remnant to its heel that wont stand and fight. Unless Im wrong about that too...
May backstory? May backstory. Yeah.  Not amazingly complicated but it works. Cant tell if shes Henry though...or was. 
Dramatic lightning flash
Cute you think that Ruby. Theres sides. Always are.
Further proof honestly.
Hazels look of though is amusing. Cant tell if he doesnt believe Oscar, or if his tiny peabrain is runing full bore to think this through.
Coordination between farm boy and professor.
Oh. OHHHH. Plants the seed of doubt in Hazels tiny mind, he uses the last question for himself, sees the truth... Clever, Oscar. Clever.
Hazel peabrain go THUNK
Ah so Mercs going off to Vacuo. Guess that means everyone else is going there next too. Eat that, random Discord person, I called it.
Course, CFVYs there so...maybe we get to see Yats beat up on him.
Oh hi Tyrian. Do you just...randomly roam the halls of the whale waiting to DRAMATICALLY REVEAL YOURSELF and give violent expositon? Im very much okay with that.
Also I love how he just...accepts this. Totally fucking bonkers, totally down with it. 
Oh shit, Tyrian and Mercury going to Vacuo? Damn thats gonna be INTERESTING. I guess Tyrian’ll fit in well enough honestly.
Flying Beringal literally out of the roof. 
I remember back when this season first started and I said those weird bone platforms looked like VTOL launch bays. Guess what? They are.
Merc and Em emotion blah blah DONT CAAARRREEE
Jaune thinking tactically for ONCE IN HIS FUCKING LIFE. An I mean military tactical of course.
Also I like how the Aces say they dont let emotions cloud their shit WHEN THEYVE BEEN DOING THAT THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME.
This ENTIRE PLANET is emotionally run. Thats why the Grimm are such an issue! Makes small note to make Remnant Adeptus Mechanicus cult
Seriously though...
I wont lie though, Hare isnt wrong. Wonder what happened to that Tortuga guy. Tyrian, is my guess. Love how Ren interrupts the moment they almost mention Clovers name.
Expendable, yes. Replacable, no. You should have a talk with squadron leader Grey from Star Wars Squadrons Ren
ANNNNDDD SEMBLANCE EVOLUTION. Or the edibles just kicked in.
This is cool and all but its really fucking dumb and hamfisted. Explain all you want. Mention emotions all you want.
The Aces are fucking huntsmen. HUNTSMEN. FUCKING. SUCK. They always have. Its a dumb idea. Yes, lets stop the hordes of monsters invading this world BY SENDING IN SINGLE OPERATIVES WITH FUCKING MELEE WEAPONS
I’ll make this clear to you, Ren, right here and now. If you faced a REAL elites, you wouldnt have stood a chance. Nor would RWBY. Their bodies would have been three-shot from 20 meters out with a breach and clear and stacked against the wall like cords of wood, one final shot to the dome to make dead sure they were down. None of this stupid flipping and acrobatic crap, none of this clashing weapons and Dust and semblances...no. 
You’d be dead before you knew they were there and they would move on. You’d just be another body to the pile, one more faceless corpse to add to their kill count. A meatgrinder in human form. 
Because thats not what RWBYs about, never has been.  And that is what annoys me slightly. That and the fact I cant distangle what I know of other universes and our own from RWBY’s. Its hard to hold a universe on its own when everything they make points towards it being like ours, but they change it when they see fit. 
I feel like thats bad writing.
Hehehe. Winter touched Elms boob.
Glad to know that Winters got her priorities right. Course, that bomb probably aint gonna do shit cause its Dust based.
...again, hoping its a chemical weapon...
Wait, the Atlas forces from earlier are STILL FIGHTING? Damn, these Grimm must suck if they couldnt wipe them out in that little time...
Also I cant tell if its getting dark cause of the storm or if its the dawn of the next day.  Or did...they shift time around? I lost track. I SWORE the sun was setting the last time we saw everything.
Also return of the shitty 3D grass...
Marrows gonna defect.
So according to May there’s still front lines. Cool. 
Oh, I guess hes a doctor too. Oh he MAD.
Ayyy Whitleys being USEFUL for fucking once in his shitty life.
Shes gonna hug him isnt she.
CALLED IT. For fuck sake...whatever. Cute. But whatever.
Oh annnnddd now Grimmquake?
No. It stopped...Bolide?
Annnnddd shes leaking coolant. And sparking. And dead.
RIP Penny.
The concept art of the beached whale looks so fucking silly. Seriously, just...detach the whole section there. Drop the fucking thing. 
Oh well.
And thats it for almost two months! Be prepared for me to BULLSHIT MY WAY THROUGH ALL OF IT and continue on with my military fanwank because THATS HOW IM SURVIVING 2020!
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 40 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 40 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
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Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
Chapter 13: Outlaw
In the light of the early morning, the day after Kurin was poisoned, a Dark Dragon sailor came up the side of the ship and sprinted towards Sula.  He shouted to get her attention, “Captain!  Loris and I have just found out that the Grandalor left her berth last night!  She was last seen on a course of SSE.”
Galvanized to action she ordered, “Have the Hailing Drum sound ‘Emergency Recall’ and tocsin ‘prepare for battle’.  Go!”
She ran toward the bridge.  Amid the harsh rattle of the tocsin and the deep, carrying notes of the hailing drum, she turned and said intensely,  “Captain Mord!  You must notify your Council, so that the Grandalor can be outlawed.  We have no such restriction.  The Soaring Bird and I will hunt wide apart, in the hope of overtaking them.  We will return here in two day’s time whether or not they have been caught.
“I have never left survivors in the water, and never felt more like doing so, but once.  If I find them, that ship will no longer plague your fleet.”  Her face contorted in private grief.   She put her head in her hands, shoulders shaking.  “I have prayed never to kill another ship.  Dragons grant that we can take them without loss.”
Mord looked at her, startled, feeling more than a little guilt that he had just been picturing the Dark Dragon destroying the Grandalor.  He didn’t want Sula to have more pain.  He shook his head, puzzled that the thought of sinking the Grandalor should bother Sula.
She straightened up, hardening visibly.  Putting the moment of vulnerability behind her.  The tocsin was rattling a call that had never been heard in the Naral fleet.  In the background the mighty signaling drum of the Dark Dragon was thundering in a strange, hollow voice that almost seemed to arise from that deeps ‘Emergency Recall!’  It was followed moments later by the higher note of the Longin’s signal drum sounding ‘Recall and Assemble!’  The Longin’s crew boiled out of the market and the various ships that they had been visiting.  The Soaring Bird was sounding a mellow seeming but powerful trumpet.  Her crew too was racing for boats.
The crew of the Dark Dragon was diving into rowing boats and dashing for their ship.  The tocsin of the Dark Dragon could be heard, high and sharp, drumming unfamiliar orders, along with such familiar ones as ‘raise sail.’  Tall thin bundles were rising up swiftly, their feet at the deck, their tops high above the ‘A’ frame masts, more similar bundles were rising up on tackle between the masts.  At the drum call from the tocsin ‘make all sail’, the tall bundles opened with a slam and rattle of canvas audible on the market rafts as they caught the wind.
The Dark Dragon’s sails looked like an array of giant lobster claws reaching for the sky.  She slipped free of her anchorage and began to gather way.  The tocsin sounded again, and the claw-sails leaned over in their tackle to nearly sideways, catching the wind better as the ship was brought into trim.  
Gathering speed, the Dark Dragon swept around the western end of the anchored Naral fleet.  Sailors were pulling open her fore-deck, revealing a huge catapult.  Her harpoon catapults were being freed in their mounts and tested for aiming up as well as out and down.  Sailors could be seen racking ammunition by the catapults.  There were strange shot and other things that could not be made out due to the distance.  It was not harpoons.  By the time that she came about on to her SSE tack, spray was flying away from her bows.  
The Soaring Bird was not idle either.  Amid the alien sound of blowing horns, her sails, also big lobster-claws, came up.  They rose more sideways from the start.  Whatever her means of communication, she too, had slipped her mooring and was moving out.  There was only a small purl of spray at her bows as she followed the Dark Dragon around the Naral fleet.
“I thought that the Dark Dragon was the fastest ship I’d ever seen . . . .” said Captain Mord watching in amazement from the front of the Council Pavilion.
Master Juris beside him, standing on a bench to see better, said, “She was — — Until the Soaring Bird got underway.  Come, we still have to get something done about the Grandalor.”
Captain Sarfin, upon hearing in a few words what had happened, ordered the Council’s Drummers to spread the word to all ships, ‘Captains’ Council! Emergency!’  Those Captains not on their ships came at once to the Council Pavilion.  Hailing Drums on ships farther out, relayed the message to those still further out.  Boats were being launched all over the fleet.
While the Council was assembling, the Pavilion was full of the buzz of Captains comparing notes.
“Did you see those strangers go?  Fastest ships I’ve ever seen.”
“I saw.  Saw that monster catapult under the fore-deck, too.  Can’t imagine any good use for a machine like that.  What are they up to, do you suppose?”
“I think that we’re going to find out soon enough.  Sarfin is about to call us to order.”
Sarfin raised both hands for attention.  The hum of voices stopped.  
“Captains, we face a grave crisis.  I can think of no worse thing in all of my Gatherings.  We need to decide what course to set in the face of this.  You have all heard that Kurin Behar Longin has fallen desperately ill.  The fact is no longer disputable.  She was deliberately poisoned by a party presently unknown.
“I must ask, with the authority of a Council Requirement for Knowledge, officially overriding any Ship’s Business, have any of you caught and kept or sold an Ord?”  He looked old and tired as he asked this terrible question.
Three Captains, also shaken, raised their hands.
The first one, Captain Darok, of the Muline, said levelly, “The Muline has not caught an Ord, but I know who would buy one.  The Grandalor approached us on the open sea, about four full Wohans ago, inquiring for an Ord and offering many Strong Skins and Glue blocks for it, if we should find one.  Captain Barad himself talked to me, and his officers to mine.”
One of the others nodded agreement, “Happened to us too.  Almost three and a half Wohans back.”  
Merced, Captain of the Dolthin, said heavily, “I sold it to him about three Wohans ago.  He said that he was going to try to make an infusion of it to stun Strong Skins.  He claimed that he hoped to make them safer to catch.”
Sarfin said sternly, “That is the thing we most needed to know.”  He held out for all to see, the innocent appearing awl with the ghastly green stain that revealed its true nature.  “This was used to injure and perhaps kill two people.  Kurin was the first.  At least one sailor known to be of the Grandalor’s crew bet a Grython crewman the set of sail stitching tools that this awl came out of that he could not take this awl and, undetected, pierce any part of Kurin’s food.  It was poked into her mid-day meal just once.  She collapsed last evening and was rushed to care aboard the Dark Dragon.
“Early this morning, the Grython crewman, whose name we still do not know, heard of Kurin’s illness.  He suspected that he had been used, and tried to bring the awl to Captain Sula.  Not knowing that it was an Ord spine, he put it into his pocket.  He collapsed on the way, and was taken to the Dark Dragon sickbay.  He implicated the Grandalor.
“Unfortunately, with what we have just heard, the facts are clear.  The Grandalor – Captain, officers and men – have long plotted the death of Kurin Behar Longin.
“Kurin is an exceptional person.  As the youngest full journeyman boat-builder in fleet history, she has become a fully legal adult. She is practiced in many skills, yet finds the time to make some of the finest toys that our children play with.  She has lately demonstrated a new form of navigation – a priceless skill.  The Grandalor’s action robs not only the Longin, but all of us as well.
“I have looked into Council records.  I can find no other case of the deliberate, planned murder of a crewman on one ship by the officers and crew of another ship.  I am going to give up the deck to discussion.  We must set our course carefully.  These are uncharted waters.”
An uneasy silence followed.  Merced broke it.  “I can only think that the punishment should be fit to the crime.  At the least, a large part of the crew knew of what was to be done.
“This is the first time that I have heard of a ship being guilty of a crime.  A Captain, rarely.  Some member of a crew?  It has happened. Many, officers and crew alike, being in on the plot?  Never before, nor ever again … .”
“I think that I see where you are going,” Captain Hored, of the Grython, cut into Merced’s long pause.  “I can only see one way to handle this.  Outlawry.  For the entire ship.  Let the Grandalor be stricken from the rolls of the Naral fleet.  Send the word to our neighboring fleets as well.  Give her no place to run.  Give the ship itself, her accounts and all of the goods in her to whoever captures her.
“Let us also keep careful account of all those known to be aboard.  If any are found in our waters, let them be brought to trial, to determine their guilt or innocence in this crime.
“Silor Elon is known to have delivered the lethal awl, along with the other tools.  The Grandalor’s Master Boat-wright, Selked, put his mark on the awl when he made it.  I recognize it, having bought many tools of his making before.  Captain Barad Maks and his officers negotiated for the Ord.  These men should be executed at once if seen in our waters.”
There was a rumble of agreement from the assembled Captains.  With some debate of particular points, and the agreement that it should be made a precedent, the notion was passed.  The Grandalor was an outlaw, with no fleet to call on for aid.
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wrathofthewind · 3 years
ii. Mercy
The first he’d ever laid eyes on Marius, it was during a mission near the Jungles of Tar. Everyone knew not to enter beyond the bounds of the black palms and acid rain. The poisons alone made it impossible to traverse. But occasionally, a poor soul would wander in the dead of night, usually an ignorant one or worse, a desperate one. There had been many stories of sordid bandits and criminals attempting to flee for their life or evade capture by risking entry into the Jungle. If they managed to emerge, they would usually beg to be captured or end their life.
Some of the curses were putrified skin from the sap of plans that dripped on them, or becoming instantly blinded as they attempted to wash their face by a creek. If they dared eat, in the madness of starvation, their lips would be burned or teeth melted, never mind swallowing. Sometimes they found edible meats or fruits… and there were even prized medicines to be obtained, with the right equipment.
Anything that survived the Jungles of Tar was built from a material far beyond what was normal, it could endure and flourish? It was clearly the strongest of its kind. Arnalt never expected to find one such creature to be a child. This also happened often, parents without the means to raise a child would abandon them in one of the hollowed trees or on a pile of random leaves. The child would be like an offering to the gods at that point, or straight up fertilizer. But on a rare occasion, some children survived and were eventually found.
Perhaps a happy occasion for some, but to survive in the jungle, it was more likely the child was cursed by the Kur. The very source of the jungle’s terrifying symptoms… an ominous land that was buried underneath the jungle. The roots had clung to that land’s evil and to this day the Azurians would occasionally come to deliver cleansing spells and help the jungle heal. One patch per generation, perhaps.
Marius had been near the very edge of the forest. Arnalt and his guardians hadn’t even fully entered, on a mission to locate the rare Vegnas Spyralia. An extremely important herb for Arnalt’s crowning ceremony. He’d been 17 at the time, dressed head to toe in protective gear. Enchanted cloths tied all the way up to his mouth, with thick black robes concealing a lithe body underneath. His hair tied up and wrapped in the magical cloths as well, and his eyes shielded by a thin blue veil.
The boy, if it hadn’t been exposed to others before, would’ve thought him and his whole party a pack of monsters. Maybe assassins from the Fallaix—shadow dwellers. But the boy just started crying and plopped on the ground, squeezing a fruit until its juices stained his arm. He looked dust-covered and windswept. His clothes weren’t ragged, but his knees were scrapped and his knuckles were bruised. He might’ve accidentally wandered on his own and gotten lost, ended up in the borderlands. Hungry and scared, maybe climbed a few trees to locate someone.
The child now looked pitiful.
“Sire… should we…?” One of his guardians pointed at an arrow and his bow.
Arnalt lifted a hand. “It’s alright Pallax, he looks healthy enough, he might even survive.”
“But he’ll be cursed even if he does… who knows what poisons are now in his system.”
“I will not have a child killed by my men, under my watch. We save him. Quite frankly fuck the curse.”
“But… but it’s a Kur now!”
Tyssen also attempted to stop him but Arnalt wouldn’t have it and side-stepped him, immediately finding his way to the boy’s side and lifting his veil, revealing pale icy grey eyes and light lashes. “Child, do you know where you are?”
The boy looked up and his eyes were uncharacteristically bright and honeyed. Arnalt pat the dust from his head away and revealed a disheveled mass of mahogany curls. A good wash and that hair would gleam. He was clearly in great health, just dirty, scrapped up and scared. He sniffed softly and stared at Arnalt with a pout.
“Where are your parents?
The child shook his head.
“They’re deeper in the jungle?”
Another shake. His eyes watered and he gripped Arnalt’s sleeve.
Pallax gave an audible gasp behind them. The energy was restless even among these hardened men.
“Are they alive?”
It was a blunt but necessary question.
The boy shook his head and Arnalt sighed. A thousand different stories popped in his head, this childs robes had accessories, he was possibly from a wealthy merchant family, overtaken on the road by bandits or some such, or perhaps one of the monsters that occasionally emerge from the Craigh. He was obviously all alone now and worse, had ended up a Kur.
“Alright, come with me.” He unceremoniously picked him up and arranged him piggyback style. The child was 5 or 6, not exactly small but not too big and either way he’d slow them down if he walked.
“Highness! We beg you to reconsider!” Pallax was practically foaming at the mouth now.
“It’s not recommendable to take this child. You should leave him where you found him. It’ll be better for the world, and for… him.” Tyssen urged.
“Says who? Some crap folktale? When was the last time anyone was affected by the curse of the Kur, at most from the few accounts I know the children don’t even live past a few days, if he’s going to perish then the least we can do is offer him a warm bed and some food for his remaining days.”
“Sire! What’s in his hand!” All the guardians went for the hilt of their swords or drew their bow and arrow. The young boy had simply opened his palm near Arnalt’s face.
Arnalt glanced. It was a curled, purplish-red vine with tiny bell-like flowers sprouting around it. Arnalt snorted. “Well, well. How can this child be so lucky if it’s as cursed as you say? Look, Vegnas Spyralia.”
The guardians were indeed shocked by this, but still weary.
“This child might’ve just been my trial. Let this be a lesson for all of us, that compassion is still a noble trait of Azurian, and when I’m made formal prince, this shall be one of my virtues. Have it engraved on my sword’s hilt.” Now Arnalt was in great spirits. This indeed felt like a lucky day! They’d barely braved the dangerous jungle and instead rescued a child with the boon in hand. The child’s hand went limp, but the Vegnas Spyralia was still tightly gripped in his fingers. A grip like that meant this child had learned to hold on to something and desperately strive to never let it go.
A mother’s robe perhaps? He heard the soft snoring behind him and thought it amusing.
A Kurian. When he regained consciousness Arnalt made a note to ask what village he was originally from. Maybe after a bowl of hot soup the child would even tell them how he ended up in such a predicament.
Now, as he entered Marius’s humble quarters near the kitchens, he was still a little mystified that the fragile young child had grown much more past the date of his imminent “death”. If anything, he was like the very medicine they extracted from the jungle, the sturdiest of its kind. Even now, at still such a young age, his potential was palpable. His spiritual force even slightly frightening.
Arnalt observed him silently as Marius ran a few solo drills, unaware his Master had entered.
He unconsciously gripped the hilt of his sword, still engraved with the word “Merced”—Mercy—and cleared his throat.
Marius immediately stopped mid-kick in the air and fell gracelessly on the floor. He clambered up to a formal salute position, but it looked rather amusing with his clothes half off.
“My… My… My Lord if I had known you would grace me with—“ he stammered some more unsure of how to finish and quickly kneeled down again. As if awaiting command.
Arnalt felt his lips quirk slightly. He really could be too amusing. “At ease Marius. I just came to check your vitals.”
“You— you don’t have to…” the boy stood up again but looked down shyly. “A medic can surely—“
“They will send you no medics Marius and you know why.”
“It was an accident.” His voice had gotten smaller and smaller.
“Let me see.” Arnalt extended his hand, expecting Marius to hold out his wrist and allow him to examine.
For the most part his spiritual current seemed fine, but there was a light tremor somewhere near his thumb. Arnalt brought out a small knife from his belt and pricked the pad of that thumb. Immediately, a small stream of tar-like black blood spilled, viscously sliding out until it was replaced by the sight of normal fresh blood again.
“T-thank you, I’m sorry.”
“I thought we went through this, you are to never use Aerial magic, or any magic unless you’ve verified your blood is fully cleansed and your spiritual current is purified.”
“It was fine this morning.”
Arnalt sighed. It had been accumulating like this more frequently. He wondered if this was the real curse of being a Kurian, that they would eventually need to be exsanguinate to keep up with the rate of blood pollution. A very poor way to go indeed.
“We’ll need to drain you more often then. Here.” He passed Marius a strip of jerky. “You’ll need meat to keep up with all this bloodletting. You really should reconsider this martial knight business.”
“This is nothing!” Marius declared.
When he looked so determined Arnalt felt like once again patting his head, ruffling that thick head of hair. Arnalt’s face usually looked stoic and cold, a picture as calm as water without a single ripple. Befitting of the Azurian name. But even though his face remained unchanged, he must’ve let something slip in his expression because the young boy in front of him suddenly stared at him with eyes that practically glittered.
Arnalt frowned. “How dare you!”
Again Marius kneeled. “Forgive me my Lord, I momentarily forgot my place.”
Arnalt felt heavy all of a sudden. “They’re going to bring this case to the council. I don’t know if I can help you.”
“My Lord has already done too much for me. I will gladly accept whatever punishment befits me.”
What would it be this time Arnalt wondered… the water dungeon was grueling but at least it was nearby. Lashes were barbaric, but Marius was so sturdy he healed immediately. Either way Arnalt hated those old methods. He was known to never use them himself. The word on the hilt of his sword wasn’t just for display.
“I’ll try to speak for you, it really seems to just be this blood issue, but I make no guarantees.”
“My Lord is merciful.”
Arnalt thought the words sounded rather odd and… fond. He cleared his throat once more.
“Stand. Go eat. I’ll have them send over rice.”
“I should starve in penance.”
“Knowing the council. You just might.”
Just then a young girl entered, wearing a grey simple tunic. She bowed lightly. “My Lord Arnalt, your presence is requested in the council room.”
“Thank you Pagytha. Be sure to have rice sent here while I’m gone.”
“I... I can’t do that My Lord.”
Arnalt froze mid-step. He turned towards her, his eyes bloodless and cold. But this gaze wasn’t really directed towards her, but to the dark thought that overcame him.
“That was a direct order from your Prince. What is the meaning of this?”
“The King has ordered his... the creature’s exile. By royal decree it cannot be undone. Forgive me my Lord, I am only authorized to speak until this point.”
Arnalt’s shock was the first ripple on his face, quickly replaced by anger. ‘Can you at least tell me to where the hell exactly he’s been exiled?’ He instantly felt bad for his tone, gripping the hilt of his sword once more to calm down and when he was sufficiently less altered, he at last spoke up.
“How long?”
“A year, sire.”
“The Winterlands.” 
It was just as he’d feared. 
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Lasting Embers part27: Winding down
The fifth day of final family bonding is in full effect. Midday sun shines down on Tenzen’s back yard where him and both his parents currently are. Friday’s were usually days when they decided to use the grill so why change up the tradition now? Might as well go a bit grander than usual, which is exactly what they did.
Mercury:*flipping burgers* Thanks for the invitation you two. It’s nice to have a moment of peace.
Emerald:Not to mention good food. Constantly going around the world is fun and all but you do not always end up near good restaurants.
Nora:*wearing an apron* No problem you two. The food would be better if Ren was helping but as you can see.....
Tenzen:*fully powered and standing still*
Ren:*watching him*
Nora:He’s busy at the moment.
Emerald:I don’t mind the light show. It’s actually kinda pretty.
Orange and pink aura flow upward into the air as usual when his semblance is in use. The added effect of lightning of the same color crackles calmly around his body thanks to his close and once again his usual appearance has had a color swap. Nora honestly thinks the pink hair with an orange strip looks better on him. Not to mention his orange eyes.
Mercury:You know it might be a good idea to change your semblance name before you go to beacon and everyone sees it.
Tenzen:What’s wrong with Overflow? It’s literally what my aura is doing.
Mercury:Yeah but is it cool? There’s other things you could call it to make it slightly cooler. Like Over Soul....
Nora:Limit Break!
Emerald:Soul Surge.....
Ren:Oooo that’s a good one.
Tenzen:Hey! I thought you were gonna be on my side?
Ren:It was just a thought. You ready to attempt your new move?
Tenzen:*shakes out his arms and legs* All right, let’s see if I’ve improved.
He takes a deep breath and puts his hands together. Slowly his aura stops flowing up and starts concentrating itself behind him. Everybody watches intently as it starts to take the shape of a silhouetted version of himself. It increases in a size a bit bigger than him and starts moving independently before fading away. Sweat drips down the poor boys face.
Ren:You got it to move and last longer this time.
Tenzen:*huff* Yeah but it isn’t near perfect yet. Man....*huff* I usually don’t have too much trouble with aura manipulation.
Ren:Nobody has ever done anything like you are right now. I’m learning new things just by watching you.
Mercury:Uhh what did I just see? It was almost like seeing monkey boy’s semblance but more intense.
Nora:Tenzen as exceptional aura control and can use it ways most people can’t thanks to his semblance. He’s moved it around freely in small ways like wrapping it around people for protection or to grab them. Now he’s actually trying to mold it into things.
Mercury:So you choose yourself?
Tenzen:It’s both the easiest and most complex thing I can think of right now. After that maybe I could get crazy with it.
Mercury:You gave yourself a Stand.....
Tenzen:Why would you say something like that..?
Emerald:As far as semblances go I think Tenzen might have the weirdest I’ve ever seen. I mean your aura seems boundless yet you still run out like everyone else.
Tenzen:I like to think of it sort of like a stamina bar. Let’s say my regular bar reaches up to 100% and my aura ranges in between that number and zero. My semblance breaks that cap and makes my aura amount 500%. Yeah it gives me way more to work with but instead of my semblance just eating away at my aura, it eats away at the bar itself. So when it’s all said and done, I can end up with a bar that can only hold 25%
Emerald:Sounds tricky; you’ll end up only being able to take minimum damage if that happens. Is that what happened in the woods?
Tenzen:Basically, I’m surprised what aura I had held up against me falling from the cliff. What makes things scarier is I knew even with Jaune around to use his semblance it wouldn’t help much. We’ve tested it before and it would restore the aura but not the bar; that only comes back with time.
Mercury:Yet despite all of that you rushed in to save everyone. Risky move but respectable.
Nora:Please don’t make that habit.....
Tenzen:Mmmm no promises. *smiles*
Nora:*grumbles* Why are you like me?
Ren:Alright, you seem like you still have more than enough power to attempt your other move.
Tenzen:*Grinning* Oh we’re way pass me “attempting” it. I was actually going to try it in training but then all the cult shenanigans happened.
Emerald:(Shenanigans, he makes it sound like it’s not the craziest thing in the world. Well....it kinda isn’t but still)
Once a again he takes a calming breath before bending his right arm and stares at his hand. Aura and lightning dust travel down to his palm until his hand is engulfed in it.
Ren:How!? When did you- *smiles* it took me forever how to influence my aura with dust. You really are a genius at this stuff.
Tenzen:Well it helps I have the best teacher ever. *powers down*
Nora:Wow, I see how it is. Not like we spent countless nights together sparring and perfecting that together.
Tenzen:That’s because you’re the best mom ever. *hugs her* I love you!!!!!
Nora:I love you too my little ninja.
“You still go by little ninja?”
Everyone turns to see Yujin walking into the backyard. She has a white sack over her shoulder.
Yujin:Sup sherbet head.
Tenzen:First of all, that nickname can die. Second, why are you here?
Yujin:Want me to leave?
Tenzen:I didn’t say that at all. Just surprised is all.
Yujin:Home is a little.....lonely. I tell dad to spend time with Yang and sitting on my porch gets old. So I thought “why not go see Tenzen?”
Tenzen:*smirks* So you’re here for me?
Yujin:*red* Don’t make this weird.
Ren:Well obviously you are welcomed here anytime.
Mercury:Too bad you didn’t bring any food to this little cookout.
Yujin:*pulls chips out the bag* I know how Friday’s work around here.
Mercury:New favorite person right here. Besides Emerald of course.
Emerald:Nice save dork.
Yujin:I hate to ask but is there any chance I can inspect all of your weapons?
Tenzen:*squints* I know your game.....
Yujin:*nervous* Pfft what game?
Tenzen:Did you come here to socialize or get weapon ideas?
Yujin:.......Can’t it be both?
Tenzen:Will it?
Yujin:*grabs his arms* Let me tinker around with my weapon please? If I have one more emotional conversation I might fall apart. Do you want me to fall apart in your backyard? I’ve learned to cry really easily the pass five days. I’m holding back tears right now man!
Yujin:*tearing up*....
Tenzen:Oh you weren’t joking! Uhh fine, just-
Just like that she emptied what was left in the bag to reveal a sketch pad and some intricate tools for salvaging whatever she can from her sword. By the time he looked back up at her she had her hair in a ponytail and glasses on.
Yujin:I already know where you guys keep all your weapons so....*darts off*
Emerald:How does she know that?
Tenzen:Don’t ask me. Maybe her real semblance is sniffing out weapons. At least she’s happy.
Nora:How has she been about all this? Her face looks kinda paler than usual. Also a bit thinner?
Tenzen:She actually looked worse a few days ago.Looks like things are getting a bit better but I’m worried it might not stick. After all, leaving day is soon. That’s gonna hard on her.
Nora:Don’t forget yourself....
Brief silence comes after that statement. All adults looking at him sadly as he just looks at the ground for a moment. The mood changes though when he raises his head with a smile.
Tenzen:I’ll be just fine! Sure I’ll miss all you guys but honestly school might keep me busy and you all will be back before I know it. I am looking at some of the most capable fighters in Remnant after all.
Mercury:*wraps arm around him and Emerald* Thanks kid, the cult won’t know what hit em!
Emerald:Hell yeah! *all three laughing*
Nora:*frowning at Ren*.....
Ren:I know. He’s not gonna talk about it though. I’ve tried everything.
Nora......!!! We’re not completely out of options yet. I gonna go check on Yujin.
Ren:Please don’t be pushy.
Nora:Mmmmm no promises. *smiles*
Inside Yujin was having a field day. Her house was nothing quite like there’s seeing how the entire building actually uses to house other people like an apartment studio. Now different floors have different functions. Their living room and kitchen were connected on the first floor since it was more than big enough. The spiral staircase upstairs led upstairs to a hallway with rooms for four people which she always found weird. Two of course were their rooms and at best a third round would occupy Merc and Em. Maybe the fourth room was for her or Jaune if they visited? She could not imagine sleeping under the same roof as Tenzen; especially with what happened recently. There was a final door upstairs that obviously was the restroom.
Nora:Hey Yujin can we have a minute to chat!?
Yujin:I’m on the dance floor!
Nora:*going upstairs* You know we do more than dance up here right?
Yujin:I know, but anytime Tenzen sends a video of him doing a routine it’s in here.
She was setting on the floor with her sketch pad. Different designs of everyone’s weapons over the years were set in front of her.
Nora:Woah, you found all of them.
Yujin:From Beacon days, the fall, Salem quest modifications, post Salem, etc. they are all so similar but different. I’m hoping one of these will spark an idea. Transforming weapons was never my finest skill set. Made too many moving parts or not enough to help. *Sketching*
Nora:Turning a sword into gauntlets sounds rough. Why not just make gauntlets with hidden blades.
Yujin:My sword skills depend on me being to do things like twirl it and hold it backhanded sometimes. Merging the two limits that. I need to find away to fluidly transition in between them. The way Ren’s blade retract in is giving me a few ideas but not much.
Nora:(I don’t think I’ve seen so many sketches for one weapon since Jaune tried to change his.)
Yujin:Maybe I should forget the gauntlets all together? Sigh, not like they’ve been useful.... *slumps shoulders*
Nora:....Are you-
Yujin:It’ll pass, don’t worry about me. *keeps sketching*
Nora:Yujin I have a favor to ask you.
Yujin:Sure thing Mrs.Valkyrie.
Nora:You know you can just call me Nora?
Yujin:I know, but I like saying your last name since it’s cool.
Nora:*smiles* I would say call me Auntie but that might be weird since you’re crushing on my son.
The pencil breaks as she accidentally put too much pressure on it. Why is she always getting caught off guard like this? It’s like the entire world is trying to make her deal with at least one emotional problem a day. Blood rushes to her face and her ears turn red as memories from two days ago surface.
Yujin:I....*mumbles* Tenzen is just a friend....
Nora:I wonder how many times I said that about Ren? Admitting it helps a lot you know? *smirking* I’m not saying go confront him about it; I realize how much of a flirt my wild child is. Personally I blame all his fans.
Yujin:I cannot tell you how many people I see wearing a shirt with his mask on it. “Nobody dances like TZ!” It’s like everyone goes a bit crazy for him and they don’t even know him.
Nora:His personality and energy are very infectious. A people pleaser like him knows how to keep spirits up. That’s actually why I wanted to talk to you.
Nora:It might not be noticeable but Tenzen also has his hangs up like you.
Yujin:Really? He seems fine and calm about most things that happen. It honestly makes me a bit jealous seeing him handle stress so well.
Nora:He gets that from his father. Still he has them for sure. My son is just the type to put his problems on the back burner and prioritize everyone else. Problem is he never takes a moment to himself and faces them until it’s a bit late.
Yujin:Huh, I had no idea. Actually, the other day I did mention how much I admired how strong he was compared to me in situations and he was about to say something until he got cut off. Can’t say if it was about his problems but he did seem....sad.
Nora:Listen, I doubt he’ll tell anyone how he feels about everything going right now but I do know they’ll come out eventually when it’s too late. Can you just make sure to check in on him sometimes when we leave? I want him to have a person to talk to when he needs it.
Yujin:Oh of course! Can’t say I can really picture him needing my help much but I’ll be there.
Nora:*smiles* That’s a relief. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if he suffered in silence after we left. My heart wouldn’t take it.
Yujin:......Nora, you’re a good mom.
Nora:Yang is better, or at least in my opinion.
Yujin:Agree to disagree.
Nora:Not even going to entertain this conversation huh?
Yujin:Not in the slightest.
Nora:.........It’s not really my place to pry but I hope you know she loves you and right now the things you’re doing are really hurting her-
Yujin:She’s hurt me my whole life!
The entire room echoes with that yell. Nora just stares calmly as the girls anger quickly vanishes as it came.
Yujin:Sorry I.....I didn’t mean to yell at you. That was wrong.
Nora:It happens. *grabs her hand*
Yujin:Why does it feel like people are taking sides? *trembling* The way everyone keeps praising her and just wants me forgive makes it feel like I’m wrong for acting this way. Everyone seems to be on her side while I’m just alone.
Nora:Trust me when I say nobody thinks you’re wrong for being upset. It’s just we know Yang and that she is doing everything she can and more for you. We want you to see that. Leaving you a second time is killing her but sometimes hard choices have to be made. Even if that choice feels wrong. You know about Pyrrha right?
Yujin:Of course, without her I might not even be here.
Nora: For a long time her sacrifice didn’t feel like the right call. Going off to a fight she couldn’t win felt like nothing but a waste; especially to Jaune. Looking back on it though we couldn’t have been more wrong. Pyrrha gave people precious time to keep evacuating and Ruby might not have found out about her powers without her help. That dragon certainly would’ve done more harm.
Nora:I’m not saying you have to forgive your mother right now. But I do hope that one day you can look back at all this and take some sort of pride from the fact that she’s doing it to protect everyone; including you most of all. By the way *smiles* I think the gauntlet part of your weapon is one of the coolest parts.
Yujin:Nora, can I ask you for something? It’s...*red* a bit strange. You’re not my mom but.....I mean I would like it if you-
Nora calmly pulls her into a hug. Allowing the girl to just rest into her embrace. Her heart rate starts to speed up and her breath a little heavy. She’s crying into Nora’s shirt heavily with no signs of stopping.
Yujin:How’d you know?
Nora:It’s all I ever wanted as a kid too.
Yujin:The worst part about this feeling is it won’t last. You’re leaving too.
Nora:*tightens hug*(You poor child. )
[Tai’s house]
Ruby:Downloading and uploading countless videos across different scrolls and onto a computer is one thing. Putting those files in chronological order, making sure they aren’t corrupted and then onto a scroll with enough space is an entirely different ball game. People who use computers for a living have my respect.
Jaune:You can take a break if you want. We still have two days left.
Ruby:*holds up scroll* I’m done. Do we have coffee?
Ruby:Coffee, I’ve been up for a full day doing this. I would like-
Jaune:You finished with two days to spare? Ruby that’s-
Ruby:I know, “Ruby you’re so amazing!” I appreciate praise but right now I feel like I’m dreaming.
Jaune:Cream and five sugars?
Jaune:*eyes widened*..........who are you?
Ruby:I need a drink that’s gonna slap me in the face. Plus I’m a grown woman.
Jaune:*hands her a mug* So all that’s left is the journal then.
Ruby:Don’t forget to wrap it all up. *sips*....... hey can you put-
Jaune:*hands her another mug* Cream and sugars in it?
Ruby:*red* You suck....
Jaune:You swallow.....
Ruby:But you still kiss me afterwards.*finger gun* damn where’s Yang when I need her? That was a good comeback.
Jaune:*points to the couch*
Yang:*passed out*Zzzzzzz
Ruby:Guess she needed a break too. I hope she can stay awake on look out when we leave. This stress might get to her.
Jaune:Both of you don’t talk much about what happened over the decade. Almost like you’re avoiding it.
Ruby:Not really, wasn’t much to say. Travel, hide, spy, kill, hunt, research.... It felt like a giant manhunt honestly. They were constantly looking for us while we looked for them. Only difference is they also had to spend time progressing their plans. We had some cool fights and close calls. More than I would like.
Jaune:You ready to go back?
Ruby:Ready as I’ll ever be. It’s wrong to say but I think of piece of me was relieved to learn the mission wasn’t over yet. Starting to move forward made me a bit anxious. Am I wrong for that?
Jaune:*shrugs* Consider this a chance to do the mission the right way. You’re the one who said that this time around it’s not about vengeance.
Ruby:That’s right; protecting others are serving justice. Just like it should be.
Yang:*waking up* I’ll drink to that. Someone poor me some cof-*handed a mug*
Jaune:It’s black coffee.
Yang:Is there any other way to drink it? *downs it admittedly*
Ruby:*shudders* That will always freak me out. Good news, the scroll is done. How’s the journal coming along.
Yang:Honestly I do not know anymore. I write but I keep wondering if any of it is actually any good. I’m worried she won’t even read it.
Jaune:She’ll read it. Maybe not in the beginning but she’ll definitely read it eventually.
Yang:I hope so. The other problem is how can anyone express everything they want to say to their kid with just one journal? There’s no time to make another one and everything I write in this one keeps reminding of more things I want to tell her. Before I know it I’m at end of a page and I still haven’t told her everything I think she should hear. *looks at it* Pouring out your emotions onto paper has been more frustrating than fighting Salem.
Jaune:Sigh, what’s with the women in this family struggling with emotions but excelling in combat. All three of you have that same exact problem which is surprising. Tai seems to be fine at sharing feelings and he’s the only DNA link you all share.
Ruby:I think you’ve been thinking of this journal wrong. It’s not meant to replace you or even say farewell. Think of it more as “see you later.” Because you will see her later Yang Xiao Long. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. So stop treating it like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do for her.
Jaune:She’s right. It’s not like you to prepare for the worst. You always plan for the best!
Jaune and Ruby: *smiling*........
Yang:Sigh, who am I to resist a double leader pep talk? *grabs it* better get back to work then.
Adam:*packing* Jacquelyn can you hand me my flashlight?
Jacquelyn:Here you go. Finally packing for the trip?
Adam:Don’t wanna forget anything last minute. It counts as work but it has to be done.
Jacquelyn:Fair enough. I mean Jael has been packing for beacon for awhile too.
Adam:I’ve noticed, she’s packing like her spot is already guaranteed there.
Jacquelyn:You don’t think she is gonna pass the exam?
Adam:I do, I’m just glad she does too. I’d be concerned if she packed light.
Jacquelyn:It’s weird to think everyone is leaving so soon. Sienna’s missions for the shadows, your mission, Jael’s entrance and initiation exam. Things are going to get lonely around here.....
Adam:I’ve actually been thinking about that. *stands up* what do you say about going on another venture across the world when Jael gets in? You haven’t done that in years.
Jacquelyn:That’s an option. It wouldn’t feel right though. I’ve gotten used to having someone to talk to on those trips. *holds his hand* he was never much for conversation but he kept me company.
Adam:He also tried attacking you a few times.
Jacquelyn:Yeah but I could beat him with one hand tied behind my back; still can. *smirks*
Adam:Oh so you’re that confident.
Jacquelyn:You’re strong my love but face it, I’ve always been too much for you to handle. *rubs his face*
Adam:Sounds like a challenge I just might except. *grabs her waste*
Jacquelyn:Careful, I don’t accept challenges with rewards. I just might have you try to put another baby in me if you lose.
Adam:I’d do that win or lose regardless.
Jacquelyn:Who are you and what have you done with Adam?
Adam:I’m Jacquelyn Frost’s husband *leans closer* so in other words I’m the luckiest man alive.
Both of them start kissing and getting a bit handsy when-
Jael:*red* Ahem!!
Jacquelyn:*grinning* Hi sweetie!!!!
Jael:......Dinner is ready. *slowly walks away*
Sienna:*walks by with her ears covered* You two are gross.
Adam:*face palms* We forgot about the door and their hearing.
Sienna:Speak for yourself. They’re old enough to know to leave the house when this happens. *happily hugging him* I at least wanted to have one fun day out of the week. Don’t tell me I’m the only one who’s thought about it?
Adam:*red* Tomorrow.....
Jacquelyn:You here that you little wild flowers!?
Sienna and Jael:Unfortunately!!!!!
Adam:Let’s go eat dinner.
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cryptidofthekeys · 4 years
May I present to you- the babs
Okay so let me start off by saying I legit worked on these guys ALL day yesterday, mind you a few breaks of course! even then uhh breaks... didnt do me much good... my arm hurt like a b i t c h- but im super proud- god, just, these babs are gonna be fun to write with ....eventually- not now- god no- arm machine broke- I’ll put this under a keep reading btw so it aint too much a hassle
Names: Ashton (Ashton is the Sniper), Vincent (Vincent is the Spy and he's the leader of the group), and finally Erwin (he's the Medic) | Nicknames: Ash, Vin (Ash loves to call him Vinny much to his dismay but eh he'll be fine), and Erwin doesn't really have any nicknames he cares for tbh- just call him by his name | Genders: Male | Species/Race: Androids/Robots | Heights: Ashton is 8'7", Vincent is 9'5" making him the tallest of the group, and Erwin is only 5'0" making him the shortest of our lovely little group here | Hair Colors: Ashton's hair color (not that'll ye'll see much of it, he usually keeps his hat on) but his hair color is: Hickory Brown and honestly its just super messy underneath that hat, Vincent's hair is Pitch Black and slicked back, annnd finally Erwin's hair is dyed a: Mint Green (his hair is a Messy Undercut style) | Eye Colors: Ashton's is an Icy Blue, Vincent's is Imperial Red, and Erwin has heterochromia, his eyes are a light pastel blue and a Mint Green color | Appearances: Let's start off with Ashton bc why not, first off I gotta say- despite what the normal tf2 bots look like, these babs ACTUALLY look like r e a l mercs, real people, there's only a few ways to tell their androids and that's by looking closely at their open wounds which I'll get to all their prominent wounds in a moment, first up... Ashton usually wears punk-like clothing, or something similar- he has leather jackets with TONS of spikes on them, gloves with spikes on them, pants with the chains that hang down and don't forget them sweet sweet combat boots, he also tends to wear some of those face masks, most of the ones he owns has sharp teeth patterns on it but one in particular that he owns has eyes all over it (all of them are black, his clothing is either black or just REALLY dark colors in general) However, when Vincent and them aren't doing business stuff or whatever, he usually wears again, its mostly dark clothing but he doesn't give a shit what he wears like, t-shirts, tank-tops, whatever- that's when you can PROPERLY see his wounds and this android has a TON of them, v e r y open wounds that expose tons of wiring and robotic-y insides as well, so many various parts, so many w i r e s... just o o f- oh and for all of them I'll say they ALL have facial hair, Ashton has a circle beard, Vincent has a short boxed beard, and Erwin's is REALLY just stubble to get that out of the way, ahem- anyways, Ashton actually DOES have sharp teeth, a few rows of them actually. Now... Onto big boss man Vincent, Vincent is a fancy man for sure, fitting considering he's supposed to be an android/robot of the Spy, like Ashton, he H A T E S bright colored clothing but its for different reasons aside from bright ones just being irritating to look at, it also messes with his sensors actually, he's the only one out of the group who has that problem- the other's sensors aren't bothered at all by bright clothing, anyways- Vincent usually wears dark colored suits, not just black n brown though he has MULTIPLE options, dark red, dark blue, etc- I could go on- he has a LOT of fancy clothing, even his s h o e s are fancy, oh and uh he wears the typical leather gloves and that balaclava/ski mask lookin thing ya know the usual spy attire there blah blah, he also sometimes wears fedoras or some sorta fancy hat n stuff, unlike Ashton he doesn't have rows of razor bladed teeth, his teeth are just- normal tbh but that doesn't make him any less dangerous- he has a few wounds actually, one on his back that reveals some robotic parts and has a few wires sticking out although it doesn't seem to bother him too much, a has a really large stab wound on his chest that has some wires sticking out of there as well and reveals some rather serious looking parts- this one actually bothers him a little bit but he tries his damnedest to keep it hidden. and finally... Erwin, he usually wears pastel clothing with cute designs on them long sleeved t-shirts, hoodies, sweaters, etc- even his p a n t s are pastel colors! He does try to make sure the pastels aren't TOO bright or anything, he doesn't want Vincent's sensors to malfunction nor does he want to irritate his friends! He has TONS of openings that'd reveal a BUNCH of tattered wires, its a wonder he's even still functional at this point, a lot of his parts and wires are tattered and not in a VERY good condition, but he doesn't seem to let it stop him! His voice box is a little... messed up but he's still fully intelligible, sometimes it DOES make him stutter, sometimes it cuts out completely but he always somehow finishes his sentences in the end even if he has to start over, he's self conscious about his voice box messing up sometimes and he's DEFINITELY self conscious about all the scars he has over him, its partially why he wears hoodies/sweaters the MOST out of all the other clothing, he doesn't want people to see all his tattered wires n scars! He does have four prominent canines but other than that, his teeth are relatively like a normal human's. oh and as a bonus he usually wears circle glasses, it CAN technically help improve his vision a bit more but also they look cute so he loves them shh. | Personalities: Ashton's up first, now I will say even tho their robots and technically powerhouses compared to humans ANYWAYS- he IS the true powerhouse of the group, the b r u t e- BUT he's not all brawn and no brains, he's not stupid by any means even if he can act like a punk or cold rude bitch, he has a l o t of intelligence in fact- and he uses that to his advantage for sure, he's not entirely a cold rude bitch- to his friends he's relatively well, friendly and nice- even if he does mess with them sometimes- he loves to get on Vincent's nerves the most because he finds it funny mostly, but he knows when to stop so he doesn't take things too far, Erwin... messing with him can be... difficult, he uh- its not that he CANT do it, he can! He TOTALLY can its just... listen, shut up- Spy's his fave to mess with- He absolutely hates humanity, their creators especially more so- if he ever saw em or hell humans in general when he sees em- it always takes e v e r y t h i n g in his power to hold himself back from tearing them to shreds, he wouldn't even w a n t to use a gun against them despite being based off a Sniper, he'll take them apart with his strength and teeth alone if he REALLY wants! After all, making them suffer first would bring him such joy, he's not evil, none of them REALLY are, but I'll explain that all in side facts, for now (tl;dr: Ashton gets along quite well with his friends even if he messes with Vincent a lot and gets on his nerves, in fact that's when you'll see him a bit more cheerier than he usually is, now... towards humans or whatever, he's a g g r e s s i v e- he'll strike them down then and there if Vincent gives him the command, but even if he c a n t, he'll still be cold or rude to em at the very least, terrify them a little bit even- he does NOT like humans at all whatsoever) Vincent... as I've stated, he's the leader of the group, he's DEFINITELY got the perfect personality to be a leader for sure, first off he has MAJOR confidence- he's a super confident dude, he REALLY kinda has to be- after all, his role was the leader of this little group- it was forced upon him so he decided to go along with it- they wanted him to be leader so he'll fulfill that position but if he e v e r gets a hold of them their gonna wish they hadn't e v e r done what they did, he DOES have some narcissistic tendencies but its nothing TOO major, he can be suave and gentlemanly but that part is usually just an act to trick people, he plays nice and makes them think he's trustworthy and then that's when they strike, its a m a z i n g to him how naive and so trusting humanity can be, he can't w a i t to get his hands on their creators, what a f u n day that'll be! Now he's not all big and bad, he can be nice to his friends- he does have a bit of snark and sass but its all in good fun, he mostly keeps it directed towards Ashton but sometimes he'll dish out some snark or sass towards Erwin ...he seems oblivious to that part tbh- but he... even though he doesn't show it a LOT he does care about them a lot, they've been there for him ever since the day they were first created, he absolutely loathes and despises humans- he always uses an act to just lure them to either their death OR, to a little interrogation room where he tries to find out if they know a n y t h i n g about their creator, I mean either way they do kinda die in the end so it really doesn't matter and finally Erwin, he's... a lot nicer than the other two, he doesn't hold a grudge towards his creators nor especially not to humanity, not ALL of them are as bad as Vincent and Ashton think surely... not that he'd ever tell them he doesn't hold grudges or whatever, he's worried he'd ruin their plans or worse, make them mad at him- so he pretends to hate humans when their around, he's actually helped his fair sure of humans escape from the others as well, now sure he DID try and ask a few of them about the creator, when they said they knew nothing he managed to lead them safely away without the others detecting them, now I won't say he's ALWAYS been lucky- sometimes the other two... catch him in the act and he almost had something equivalent to an a n x i e t y attack when they caught him but he played it off by telling them he saw this human wandering around and he also tried to play it off like he interrogated them and they knew nothing about the creators, but of course they uh... wanted to... "take care" of the human for him and he couldn't risk arguing against they'd suspect too much bc he's never been one for killing or whatever (despite being a version of a Medic lmao), there's been a lot of those times where he's felt so guilty for letting them take the human... They didn't know anything, they didn't even seem bad, why kill them? He knows their angry, they want revenge but something seems wrong... but, he'd n e v e r go against his friends, no matter how he feels- they've been there for him through thick and thin and he cares a LOT about them despite this (p much he's a good boy, he can get nervous/anxious sometimes, he just... wants his friends to be happy and rest easy really, he cares a lot about them despite all they do, he's deeply afraid if they find out what he's done or that he doesn't have grudges, etc- that they'll be a n g r y with HIM) | Side Facts: Alright, so... the best run down I can give is this... They didnt really wanna be created in the first place BUT they tolerated it- like ok chill, we gotta tolerate existing now- but then like they were pretty much abandoned bc they were discontinued, bc the tf2 bots look like actual robots, im making these guys more like androids as you already know im sure- closer resemblances to the actual human mercs n shit- but ANYWAYS- something happened and they didnt want to continue making androids like them so the three of them got left behind and of course were thought to be shut down but surprise surprise, their still active, their still out there and their. fucking. l i v i d- first they didnt really wanna exist in the first place, ok they could chill out bout that bc they learned to deal with it BUT- N O W their being discontinued? They dont even have a full t e a m!! its bullshit so now their a wee bit- okay no they are absolutely fucking livid at the creators and humanity in general- except, as you know- Erwin can't hold grudges or anything- he doesnt think ALL humans are bad or at least he hopes their not, but either way- Vincent and Ashton p much feel hatred n coldness towards the creators and humanity. | AU: So a best bud of mine suggested since I had like t w o really good ideas for these lads and couldnt use both of them bc it'd like conflict with many things, to make an AU outta the second idea- I- honestly gotta thank em for fuckin reminding me that AUs are a t h i n g that e x i s t s- but anyways, this AU is basically where Ashton, Vincent, and Erwin died and the respawn, sorta... well broke for em, dont know why or how but it just did, so they died for reals and just... their souls wandered the earth for a bit until they found the bodies of these robots and decided to possess them p much, and now since they died for real- they REALLY wanna return the favor to the ones who killed em (of course, not gonna tell who that was e x a c t l y not yet anyways), I will say their personalities will probably differ from canon a LITTLE bit in this regard, like their still- well in this AU their MORE vengeful than they could EVER be in canonverse- even Erwin in this AU is vengeful, only towards those who did em wrong of course. and with a conversation I had with my partner, there was more expansion that happened, essentially- it was questions of the teammates and what'd happen there (thank you darling, I appreciate this bc this just gave the AU more expansion that I really wasnt just thinking bout on my own), bc if they didnt go back to their teammates they'd be without the supports and ahem, the medic- but anyways, if they did wwweeeellll... their team wouldn't EXACTLY recognize it as them, to them its just potential enemy bots that they need to dispose of orrr at least run off, and that's what they'd definitely do at first, now I will say, there's the chance oh Idk, Erwin interacts with the Heavy (listen... I dont have canon names for this team... im- im too tired to figure it out rn for all the team sdjkajdj they will have to wait for awhile) but Erwin and the Heavy were VERY good close friends, and Erwin could show him that, he's... well, his best bud- they ALL had certain things they used to do or say to their teammates- and ya know if Erwin proved that to Heavy- he'd- well, a lotta emotions would be running wild in that case, of course im getting a head of myself- I should have clarified, bc the team k n o w s the others died and weren't respawning which of course they absolutely tried to deny- they'd be back soon ....yeeaahh they werent, and like now they do find it suspicious these three bots showed up that are designed like the supports but they'd never go that far to say its their dead teammates possessing these... robots, that's a little far-fetched for them. So unless Erwin goes and tries to convince his best friend, who knows what'll happen- oh and I'll also say, aside from the personalities- the actual human versions of Ashton, Vincent, and Erwin would look a LITTLE different- they still wear the same clothes n have similar features, they have scars but those don't reveal tattered wires since their humans you know, and their eye colors- Ashton's eyes are Cobalt Blue, Erwin's eyes are baby blue, and Vincent's eyes are a Caramel Brown, they also don't have those sharp teeth or fangs- oh and their heights are different, Ashton is 6'4", Vincent is 6'8", annnd Erwin- eh he's the same height the bots of course, still retain the same look as in canonverse however so try not to get too confused by different appearances!
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dcwnedrobin · 4 years
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s JASON TODD/RED HOOD, an ANTIHERO from DC! HE is TWENTY FOUR years old and look an awful lot like AVAN JOGIA. I hear that they work as a SORT OF MERCENARY. Rumor has it they were AGAINST the Accords and ARE NOT registered under the new laws. I wonder what they’ll find with their new beginning!
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That gif is jason at all of his family tbh if you haven’t seen ghost wars avan basically has a jason mood and i’m loving it
hello this is my first jason attempt please bare with me !
Background ;;
Jason grew up in crime alley. His father was a criminal and was killed by one of Two-Face’s men, his mother was a drug addict who died of an overdose. Jason was left orphaned and alone as a child, and had to resort to crime to survive
He had the bright idea of trying to boost the batmobile’s wheels and unfortunately got caught by the Bat himself
Bats took him to a school being run by Ma Gunn in hopes he would be reformed but Jason uncovered the illegal activities going on there and escaped. When he was found again by Batman Jason explained was was going on, and helped Bruce take Ma Gunn in for her crimes
It was then, at age 12, that Jason was adopted by Bruce and made the next Robin
After 6 months of training he was able to go out into the field with Bruce, but as time went on it was obvious he was much more impulsive and reckless, borderline ruthless with the criminals they were dealing with. He struggled with the expectation to be like the first Robin, which just made him that much more determined to make his own way in the role
Jason’s anger and reckless ways eventually lead to the death of a criminal, for which he was grounded as Robin for a time. During this time he found out his biological mother was still alive, and not the woman he had known as a child, and set off to find her, tracking the clues to the middle east. At the same time, Bruce was tracking a trail to the Joker which lead to the same place, and they were able to stop a bombing set up by the Joker but didn’t catch the man himself
They continued on the trail to find Jason’s mother and, eventually, located her. It was all a ruse though, a trap set by Joker - he had blackmailed Jason’s mother and when Jason spotted him he followed Joker and his mother to a warehouse
In trying to save his mother Jason was captured, tied up, and brutally beaten with a crowbar by Joker, before a bomb was planted in the warehouse and Jason and his mother were left to die. Despite Jason’s attempts to untie her and find an escape, the bomb went off before they could do so, and both were killed before Bruce could arrive
Thanks to some reality-shifting, Jason was brought back to life while still in his coffin in the ground, forcing him to claw his way out of his own grave in order to survive his new resurrection, but collapsed and was hospitalised. After a year in a coma, Talia Al Ghul found him and intended to nurse him back to health
Unfortunately the damage was too extensive for Jason to fully return to the way he was, so in a last ditch attempt Talia immersed him in the Lazarus Pit, resurrecting him fully
Upon learning (from Talia) that his death has gone unavenged, Jason’s rage and trauma of his brutal murder drove him to learn and advance his skills in firearms and weapons, poisons and antitoxins, bomb making, and god knows what else so he can confront and kill Batman for letting his death go unavenged, and the new Robin for replacing him
Eventually Jason returned to Gotham with a new mantle - the Red Hood. He began taking control of criminal gangs and rising up in Gotham’s underworld, revealing himself to Bruce - who had no idea he was alive until that point - and generally just... letting his rage drive his decisions. He was a mess.
He’s come and gone to Gotham a number of times - Gotham is his home, he doesn’t want to and can’t let it go. He’s tried to kill Dick, Tim, and Bruce more than a few times in the early days. As time has gone on and Jason has learned to deal with his anger he’s come to terms with Bruce and the others - though he’s not sure he’ll ever feel like he’s part of the family anymore, seeing himself as more of the black sheep
During some of his stints away he’s pulled together the “Outlaws” - first with Roy and Koriand’r, then with Bizzaro and Artemis, usually working towards unravelling some kind of underground criminal group or plot. Ultimately everything leads him back to Gotham though, one way or another.
Look i left a lot of specific stuff out of this because Jason’s got a long history so please feel free to hit me up for any specific backstory stuff !
Good/Important To Know ;;
Jason uses guns. A lot of guns. He has no problem with guns. Always has two handguns with him, and also has a sword as part of his standard attire at the moment
He’s currently sporting the new Red Hood look and has the grey streak up front in his hair because of the Lazarus Pit
He has a much more brutal version of justice, he’s definitely not below killing criminals who deserve it. He tries not to kill when Bruce is around, and doesn’t kill in Gotham on Bruce’s request - his attempt at an olive branch, really. Otherwise? As far as Jason’s concerned criminals who hurt innocent people are fair game
In terms of where he is with the family - it’s been a few years (since Tim was Robin, probably think around when Bruce died and Dick took over with Damian as Robin) since Jason was trying to kill the family. He’s come to terms with things - not necessarily forgiven everything, but he’s okay with Bruce and the others now. In saying that he’s aware that most of the Batkids don’t like him or approve of how he operates - he will avoid them wherever possible purely just because he doesn’t have the capacity to deal with that
Jason has a dog - she’s a very protective dog Jason took in and he calls her Dog. He figures it’s as good a name as any. He loves her a lot though.
Jason is ridiculously rich - he’s done a decent amount of time as a Merc and is currently working as one now so he works for a lot of money. He doesn’t splash out the way Bruce and the family do but he has plenty of money stashed away.
There’s still a lot of anger built up inside Jason - but he’s learned to deal with it. He’s much more pragmatic and logical now, but in a fight you’ll see his brutality come out
He’s very sassy and sarcastic, very walled off and it takes a bit to let anyone in. Even with people he’s close with, there’s always a sense of armour - but those are the people who probably don’t mind it so much. He’s not really here for showing his vulnerabilities.
In a hand-to-hand fight, there’s a good chance Jason can kick your ass. He’s trained with the best and most brutal of them, he worked with Talia Al Ghul for a decent stint of time not to mention having years of experience behind him, and he’s not afraid to fight dirty. Don’t underestimate him.
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : World of Sea : Part 40
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2018
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
Chapter 13: Outlaw
In the light of the early morning, the day after Kurin was poisoned, a Dark Dragon sailor came up the side of the ship and sprinted towards Sula.  He shouted to get her attention, “Captain!  Loris and I have just found out that the Grandalor left her berth last night!  She was last seen on a course of SSE.”
Galvanized to action she ordered, “Have the Hailing Drum sound ‘Emergency Recall’ and tocsin ‘prepare for battle’.  Go!”
She ran toward the bridge.  Amid the harsh rattle of the tocsin and the deep, carrying notes of the hailing drum, she turned and said intensely,  “Captain Mord!  You must notify your Council, so that the Grandalor can be outlawed.  We have no such restriction.  The Soaring Bird and I will hunt wide apart, in the hope of overtaking them.  We will return here in two day’s time whether or not they have been caught.
“I have never left survivors in the water, and never felt more like doing so, but once.  If I find them, that ship will no longer plague your fleet.”  Her face contorted in private grief.   She put her head in her hands, shoulders shaking.  “I have prayed never to kill another ship.  Dragons grant that we can take them without loss.”
Mord looked at her, startled, feeling more than a little guilt that he had just been picturing the Dark Dragon destroying the Grandalor.  He didn’t want Sula to have more pain.  He shook his head, puzzled that the thought of sinking the Grandalor should bother Sula.
She straightened up, hardening visibly.  Putting the moment of vulnerability behind her.  The tocsin was rattling a call that had never been heard in the Naral fleet.  In the background the mighty signaling drum of the Dark Dragon was thundering in a strange, hollow voice that almost seemed to arise from that deeps ‘Emergency Recall!’  It was followed moments later by the higher note of the Longin’s signal drum sounding ‘Recall and Assemble!’  The Longin’s crew boiled out of the market and the various ships that they had been visiting.  The Soaring Bird was sounding a mellow seeming but powerful trumpet.  Her crew too was racing for boats.
The crew of the Dark Dragon was diving into rowing boats and dashing for their ship.  The tocsin of the Dark Dragon could be heard, high and sharp, drumming unfamiliar orders, along with such familiar ones as ‘raise sail.’  Tall thin bundles were rising up swiftly, their feet at the deck, their tops high above the ‘A’ frame masts, more similar bundles were rising up on tackle between the masts.  At the drum call from the tocsin ‘make all sail’, the tall bundles opened with a slam and rattle of canvas audible on the market rafts as they caught the wind.
The Dark Dragon’s sails looked like an array of giant lobster claws reaching for the sky.  She slipped free of her anchorage and began to gather way.  The tocsin sounded again, and the claw-sails leaned over in their tackle to nearly sideways, catching the wind better as the ship was brought into trim.  
Gathering speed, the Dark Dragon swept around the western end of the anchored Naral fleet.  Sailors were pulling open her fore-deck, revealing a huge catapult.  Her harpoon catapults were being freed in their mounts and tested for aiming up as well as out and down.  Sailors could be seen racking ammunition by the catapults.  There were strange shot and other things that could not be made out due to the distance.  It was not harpoons.  By the time that she came about on to her SSE tack, spray was flying away from her bows.  
The Soaring Bird was not idle either.  Amid the alien sound of blowing horns, her sails, also big lobster-claws, came up.  They rose more sideways from the start.  Whatever her means of communication, she too, had slipped her mooring and was moving out.  There was only a small purl of spray at her bows as she followed the Dark Dragon around the Naral fleet.
“I thought that the Dark Dragon was the fastest ship I’d ever seen . . . .” said Captain Mord watching in amazement from the front of the Council Pavilion.
Master Juris beside him, standing on a bench to see better, said, “She was — — Until the Soaring Bird got underway.  Come, we still have to get something done about the Grandalor.”
Captain Sarfin, upon hearing in a few words what had happened, ordered the Council’s Drummers to spread the word to all ships, ‘Captains’ Council! Emergency!’  Those Captains not on their ships came at once to the Council Pavilion.  Hailing Drums on ships farther out, relayed the message to those still further out.  Boats were being launched all over the fleet.
While the Council was assembling, the Pavilion was full of the buzz of Captains comparing notes.
“Did you see those strangers go?  Fastest ships I’ve ever seen.”
“I saw.  Saw that monster catapult under the fore-deck, too.  Can’t imagine any good use for a machine like that.  What are they up to, do you suppose?”
“I think that we’re going to find out soon enough.  Sarfin is about to call us to order.”
Sarfin raised both hands for attention.  The hum of voices stopped.  
“Captains, we face a grave crisis.  I can think of no worse thing in all of my Gatherings.  We need to decide what course to set in the face of this.  You have all heard that Kurin Behar Longin has fallen desperately ill.  The fact is no longer disputable.  She was deliberately poisoned by a party presently unknown.
“I must ask, with the authority of a Council Requirement for Knowledge, officially overriding any Ship’s Business, have any of you caught and kept or sold an Ord?”  He looked old and tired as he asked this terrible question.
Three Captains, also shaken, raised their hands.
The first one, Captain Darok, of the Muline, said levelly, “The Muline has not caught an Ord, but I know who would buy one.  The Grandalor approached us on the open sea, about four full Wohans ago, inquiring for an Ord and offering many Strong Skins and Glue blocks for it, if we should find one.  Captain Barad himself talked to me, and his officers to mine.”
One of the others nodded agreement, “Happened to us too.  Almost three and a half Wohans back.”  
Merced, Captain of the Dolthin, said heavily, “I sold it to him about three Wohans ago.  He said that he was going to try to make an infusion of it to stun Strong Skins.  He claimed that he hoped to make them safer to catch.”
Sarfin said sternly, “That is the thing we most needed to know.”  He held out for all to see, the innocent appearing awl with the ghastly green stain that revealed its true nature.  “This was used to injure and perhaps kill two people.  Kurin was the first.  At least one sailor known to be of the Grandalor’s crew bet a Grython crewman the set of sail stitching tools that this awl came out of that he could not take this awl and, undetected, pierce any part of Kurin’s food.  It was poked into her mid-day meal just once.  She collapsed last evening and was rushed to care aboard the Dark Dragon.
“Early this morning, the Grython crewman, whose name we still do not know, heard of Kurin’s illness.  He suspected that he had been used, and tried to bring the awl to Captain Sula.  Not knowing that it was an Ord spine, he put it into his pocket.  He collapsed on the way, and was taken to the Dark Dragon sickbay.  He implicated the Grandalor.
“Unfortunately, with what we have just heard, the facts are clear.  The Grandalor -- Captain, officers and men -- have long plotted the death of Kurin Behar Longin.
“Kurin is an exceptional person.  As the youngest full journeyman boat-builder in fleet history, she has become a fully legal adult. She is practiced in many skills, yet finds the time to make some of the finest toys that our children play with.  She has lately demonstrated a new form of navigation – a priceless skill.  The Grandalor’s action robs not only the Longin, but all of us as well.
“I have looked into Council records.  I can find no other case of the deliberate, planned murder of a crewman on one ship by the officers and crew of another ship.  I am going to give up the deck to discussion.  We must set our course carefully.  These are uncharted waters.”
An uneasy silence followed.  Merced broke it.  “I can only think that the punishment should be fit to the crime.  At the least, a large part of the crew knew of what was to be done.
“This is the first time that I have heard of a ship being guilty of a crime.  A Captain, rarely.  Some member of a crew?  It has happened. Many, officers and crew alike, being in on the plot?  Never before, nor ever again . . . .”
“I think that I see where you are going,” Captain Hored, of the Grython, cut into Merced’s long pause.  “I can only see one way to handle this.  Outlawry.  For the entire ship.  Let the Grandalor be stricken from the rolls of the Naral fleet.  Send the word to our neighboring fleets as well.  Give her no place to run.  Give the ship itself, her accounts and all of the goods in her to whoever captures her.
“Let us also keep careful account of all those known to be aboard.  If any are found in our waters, let them be brought to trial, to determine their guilt or innocence in this crime.
“Silor Elon is known to have delivered the lethal awl, along with the other tools.  The Grandalor’s Master Boat-wright, Selked, put his mark on the awl when he made it.  I recognize it, having bought many tools of his making before.  Captain Barad Maks and his officers negotiated for the Ord.  These men should be executed at once if seen in our waters.”
There was a rumble of agreement from the assembled Captains.  With some debate of particular points, and the agreement that it should be made a precedent, the notion was passed.  The Grandalor was an outlaw, with no fleet to call on for aid.
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