#and let others ship and stan in peace
beforeastorm · 28 days
The entertainment industry is not my area of expertise so I could be completely wrong... But I really do feel like Tim saying "[fanfic writers] don't have network notes. You don't have studio notes", then in the next paragraph saying "I don't really plan out endgame so much" and in the next article acknowledging "Eddie also has very complicated feelings...about his place in the world" when asked about Buddie, has a pretty straightforward (pun intended) interpretation when you splice them together:
Buck's storyline in 7x04 may be a Buddie audition or test run for the studio/network execs. (narratively and societally Buck's coming out arc is so much more than that but from the lens of the C suite? However much they say they care about messaging and inclusion we live in a capitalist hellscape: they're looking at the dollar$.)
More under the cut.
I just - I don't see the value in my fellow buddie stans venting their spleen via rage-bombing IMDb ratings or stating that they're not going to watch the show any more. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. Ultimately, it's everyone's individual choice on how they choose to react, but I have serious doubts that Network execs are going to look at a ratings/ranking/other metrics dip and go 'oh, clearly the issue is that Buck is with the wrong dude lets give him a different one.' They're more likely to say 'Tim pulled an Icarus and we need to rein it back in.' Which is bad for queer rep in general, and not just this one ship.
You want Tim to be able to march into his boss's office and sell them on Buddie? For continued focus on queer narratives? Give him the numbers to back it up - and we know the homophobes are peacing out so let's not compound it? Please?
Anyway, you don't even need to move mountains or do something wild but here's what I'm doing: - Texted all my Destiel and Merthur friends. <3 They walked so we could run, or something. - Convinced my sister to watch/stream the show (even if it's just on in the background as she does other stuff. Shout out to the best sis ever). - Leave kind (but fair) IMDb rating on the episodes, especially queer forward ones. Seriously - I see posts on Tumblr all the time with more notes than an episode has ratings. You can even write a review (and include your continued hope for Buddie) if you're feeling frisky.
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stranger-theory · 3 months
Expand on current narrative that means byler? Because biased based theories aren’t a narrative I could argue a whole theory that Joyce and Karen want to get down and dirty with time and screenshots and easily led “narrative”
Although i'm not as articulate or as expert in expressing my opinions on this as I would like, i'm willing to try my best to explain to anyone who will politely listen.
Quick note: Using "bias" would mean that I treat Byler with higher status, and that I don't listen to any Mileven perspective, even if it's objectively the right one. Both ships have a shot, I just lean to the Byler side, but that doesn't mean i'll never listen to a Mileven. I'm more than open to hear why that perspective makes sense to them.
That being said, the first thing I would like to say is that technically, yes. You could argue that Karen and Joyce would be into something like that. But it's obviously not anything like Byler, specifically considering that there isn't a love triangle situation going on between Joyce, Karen, and Hopper.
Again, you are correct in the sense that these are simply theories, and anything can be the outcome at the end of the day, but it's more likely for Byler to happen than Joyce/Karen. The relationship between Mike and Will has been explored far more than an example like that. By that comparison, Byler's chance skyrockets.
-Karen/Joyce haven't had scenes with [tender, emotional music playing],
-Karen/Joyce haven't had the most obvious queer coding,
-Karen/Joyce haven't been confirmed by the Duffers that one has been canonically in love with the other through the whole show,
-Karen/Joyce don't have a famous love triangle where people debate wether or not Joyce wants to leave Hopper for Karen,
-Karen/Joyce aren't being promoted along with the other couples in posters or general media for the show,
-Karen/Joyce are not in a similar situation to Byler.
Now that we've established which is more likely, let's remove the comparison, and talk of Byler generally.
I've always said: there's always a ship for anything. So it isn't really a surprise that there were big Byler stans back in 2016, and I can't count that as proof. What's bigger proof to me is how many people have become stans now. There's such a large community of Bylers on tumblr who genuinely believe they'll end up together, and they're dedicated fans. I've seen this show sixteen times, and the past six watches have given me confidence that they stand a good chance. Their story makes sense to me in a lot of ways, mainly being the general idea for the love triangle.
Let me explain the Byler plot through my lens.
Imagine this: Two best friends since kindergarten. One day, Boy1 meets Girl. Their friend group keeps insisting that they like each other, so Boy1 gives in and says, "Why not? It's all part of growing up anyway, right?". Boy2 becomes jealous and sad that Boy1 is pushing him away for Girl. What Boy2 doesn't know is that Boy1 and Girl aren't the happy couple he thinks they are. Boy1 feels unfulfilled in this relationship, and he feels strange about his friend. In hopes that these feelings leave, he pushes Boy2 further away. Because of obvious tension, Girl confronts Boy1 about why he can't say "I love you". And it's simple. He can't say what he doesn't mean. Friends don't lie. Girl and Boy1 know they aren't in love, but for the sake of normality, they pretend. (Next is my idea of after canon) They eventually talk about everything, and feel at peace. They become best friends who want nothing more. Boy1 grows more comfortable with his feelings for Boy2, and they even flirt sometimes. Something dangerous has returned to their small town, and stress is high. Through this stress, their bond is even closer, and they confess the years of feelings they have. Maybe a smooch?? Who knows. They're secret for a bit, but when they tell people, everyone is happy for them. Boys who've been pining for years, but couldn't say anything about it because of heteronormativity(rip), finally have their happy end.
That's a dramatic run down of how I see their relationship going. Again, you don't have to agree, but since you asked, that's how I see it. There are also other things that aren't in the show itself, that I find interesting. They constantly promote Byler along with Jancy, Lumax, and Jopper, meanwhile El always has her own posters/pictures. They use a song between Lumax for a Byler scene (we know how important music is). Mike's top Spotify song is "Smalltown Boy", a song about being gay in a smalltown and wanting to run away so you can be out. There's also "Are Friends Electric?" in the playlist (I think the title explains itself). Honestly there's a lot his playlist says, but those are my top picks for kinda fruity.
ANYWAY, i'm sorry that this was a bit long, i'm just not one who's very good at explaining what I mean with fewer words. I hope you understand better why I see them becoming a thing, and why I wouldn't say it's an unfair bias. I think both have a chance, but this is my take on why this makes more sense to me. Thank you for asking! This took me way too long to write, but I hope it helped.
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irishhorse-blog · 1 month
Even as a non-shipper, two things always jump out at me about the current air in regards to Jikook.
1) The fact that people can't even ship them jokingly. People will scream into a pillow about JK and his crush on RM, about Jimin and Jin being chaos cuties, or about Sope being...just Sope and no one gives a fuck. But the moment Jikook is the conversation topic, everyone's always "aw such besties". Like you never see anyone call JK whipped for JM or vice versa even in the way they do with other non serious ships? It's really fucking weird
2) I'm no expert on SK military procedures. But if there were two dudes who enlisted as part of a program with the purpose of staying together 18 months. To protect them both, to make them better soldiers, to help them serve their country? Why would you then go out of your way to separate them? My BFF has been in the military for years and he's been serving with the same team for most of that time. You bet your ass no one is gonna rip tight nit groups apart, that's incredibly demoralising. Which you don't need on the base that is so close to the literal border of North Korea. Like why is this even a discussion point in the shipping community? This is the furthest from romantic or cute or whatever I can think of? Our 7 men are risking their lives and mental health every day for their country, after holding up the economy almost single handedly mind you, without being asked if they wanted to. And People use this mandatory enlistment to further rumours about them? Kinda insane. I won't ever celebrate what we hear about BTS and their training, because I only want to know they're safe. Let them do this job in peace
Well spoken, Anon.
I've noticed the same weirdness around Jikook. People can't even kid about it without getting awkward and making it weird. I love Sope and NamJin and JinKook even Yoonmin, basically every ship/friendship pair but Taekook (because the cult ruined the fun for me). I don't know why it's so hard for other people to love Jikook the same way. See them as lovers, see them as besties, see them as brothers - their relationship is still lovely and wholesome, and I think it should be admired no matter what anyone believes is the true nature of their feelings for one another.
I agree also that it makes no sense to separate men who enlist under the buddy system. The government makes them jump through too many hoops just to qualify for the option. After all that, they'd never pull them apart. Like you said, close-knit units are part of the driving force of any military. A good team can perform miracles. Jimin and Jungkook enlisted together, they are assigned together, they are in the same dorm, the same camp, the same everything. That's the way they planned it and the way they wanted it. If I see one more cultist or solo stan playing the "mean old BigHit made them do it" card, I really will go insane.
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solisaureus · 11 months
What was it about Will and Nico that drew you to them, individually and/or as a ship?
nico has always been my favorite character!!! well technically that's not true it was annabeth until battle of the labyrinth (and i still love her very very much) -- i read the original series as each book was coming out so when titans curse came out in 2007 i honestly thought nico was so annoying LMAO and i thought bianca was going to be the new addition to the cast. so when she died i was totally shocked and i didnt know how to feel about nico until battle of the labyrinth came out. and then he had that dark and edgy character arc, and my dark and edgy emo 14 year old self was like "ok this kid rules actually" and hes been my fave ever since. how long has it been. (checks watch) ive been stanning nico di angelo for 15 years.
i have always loved nico because i've always related to him -- i have a lot of the same problems that nico has (catholic repression, internalized homophobia, trauma, mental illnesses, feeling like you dont belong, i could go on) and seeing him fight so hard to survive just for the chance to see the day when things might get better...it was really inspiring to me. it sounds corny but this character helped me get through some really difficult times in my life. the way that nico strove so hard to survive in heroes of olympus when he basically had nothing he wanted to live for really gave me strength to keep going too.
And thats part of why solangelo immediately appealed to me! Nico di Angelo finally finding love and laughing and allowing himself to be close to someone after i watched him endure ceaseless torment since 2007 was so gratifying. ever since their initial interaction in blood of olympus i have felt like will was so right for nico -- he was never afraid of him, he treated him the same as everyone else, he went out of his way to make nico feel wanted and refused to let nico fall back on his old self-destructive habits. and i thought it was really fitting that nico's love interest would be someone new, someone unentangled with nico's twisted past, someone he could look to the future with and heal with.
so i started liking will because he was nico's love interest, but once trials of apollo came out I got really invested in will as his own character too, and this feeling has only strengthened with the sun and the star's release. I have actually been waiting for an Apollo demigod to be a main character since I was like 12, because I've always identified with Apollo (I've had a lifelong special interest in Greek mythology lol). And Will was exactly who I was waiting for -- i love how gentle he is, i love that he's a healer, i love his relationship with Apollo, I love how much of a dork loser he is, i love how much he cares for people, and i love his dynamic with nico so much. i ended up writing my fic Solace because I couldnt stop thinking about how will was there in the background the entire time, he lost his siblings, he pined for nico, he was forced into leadership roles when he wasn't ready. and after reading tsats i LOVE how much he is filled with self-doubt and anxiety and how he loves nico so much and wants to support him and make him feel safe and loved in the ways that nico needs. he is so so so fucking good and i adore him and he is truly unlike any other character in this series.
i love nico, i love will, i love solangelo, i love how they contrast each other and yet are the same in so many ways, i love how they overcome realistic relationship obstacles to be together because after all theyve both been through they deserve to feel secure and at peace with someone they love, who they know loves them back.
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not-goldy · 5 months
The way you've now expressed more anger towards jimin solos for not fucking with jikook as a ship than you did towards jk solos for what they did to jimin recently is extremely telling. There's nothing wrong with defending Jungkook, cause he doesn't deserve the hate jm solos throw at him either, but there are levels to these issues and some jikookers do not have the same energy for them the way you like to tell yourselves you do. None of it is surprising at this point, just wish you'd be more honest and/or self-aware about it.
If it helps, just a reminder, jk solos also don't fuck with jikook.
The only problem here is there's no damn Jk solo in my Ask box spewing nonsense about Jimin- it's jx yall being toxic trying to stirr shit up acting crazy on my page.
I don't entertain any vitriol against any of my ship captains. I'm sorry I'm not sorry. Come at Jimin come at Kook I'll tear through your arteries with my teeth.
There's nothing wrong being a solo, however know your boundaries if you're gonna socialize with others and Choose your battles well.
It's brainrot to go around picking fights with other Jimin stans trying to create schisms and divisions even among ourselves. Such a pity.
You can't come into a space where BTS is revered and shit on one person out of the group and think I'd agree with you. NEOOO
I'm not a solo. If I ever gave off that impression sorry.
I'm open to making peace however
just kiss Jimin's feet right here
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And then Jungkook's 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
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And if that's too hard to do then may be let's keep a china wall up and stay out of each other's hair.
How about that
Ready to sign when you are
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
The odds we faced, with FACE
Just as a reminder for the record:
Antis and cult members began systematically targeting Jimin-focused accounts two weeks before his Set Me Free Pt. 2 prerelease, resulting in some key, experienced ARMY getting suspended right when their wisdom and fanbase alerts were needed most.
Ramadan meant that practicing Muslim ARMY could not listen to music during the release time.
The stores ran out of pre-orders multiple times.
Most physicals shipped on time, but some did not. It was a challenge for Target to keep physicals in stock.
We got less than 0.1% radio play, practically nothing in the US at all, it wasn't even a request option for any station that feeds Hot 100.
True OT7s also had On the Street, Smoke Sprite, and People Pt. 2 to support.
Jimin had only 10 uninterrupted days to promote his first solo album. No blame, no shade, I am just saying it's been a challenge for our artists that their timelines are condensed and overlapping like this due to military service.
Fake ARMY boycotted Jimin altogether and came up with bullshit reasons to attack Jimin funders.
Antis dragged Jimin to hell and back online because of a technical in-ears issue that resulted in 10 seconds of a less-than-perfect live encore performance.
Spotify froze streams.
YouTube froze and deleted MILLIONS of streams, not just for Jimin but for all of BTS and ONLY BTS, with no explanation whatsoever.
Other Kpop stans and Jimin-akgaes joined forces to mass vote against him in MCountdown out of pure spite for him topping Hot 100.
His own media began commenting in articles on his inevitable free fall.
The haters also started up again mass-reporting his Insta account to continue his shadow-ban and try to get him suspended.
All that, and Jimin has beat such odds that his success is untouchable.
So I just need to say this...
It has been an exhausting three weeks, filled with extreme highs and lows.
Whatever happens in the charts now, true ARMY worked hard to show Jimin we love him and his work. Nothing will take away the fact that he made history with Hot 100 #1, and won 3 MCountdowns, and raised stocks for Hybe, the Kpop music industry, and South Korea with his solo debut.
All that, and Jimin still made history.
Jimin says he didn't do this for charts or awards, but he got them anyway, and they will forever be proof that true ARMY adore him. So thank you for your hard work.
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Whatever happens now for the second and subsequent weeks, everyone reading this can feel peace in their hearts, knowing they will always give their all.
Well done, puppykittes!
Please rest up because we need to ensure FACE has longevity in our playlists going forward and begin doing our due diligence for D-Day, too. And since YouTube is being a word my mother wouldn't want me to say out loud, we need to focus heavily on Pandora in the US and Apple and Spotify everywhere.
Let's get it for chimchim and lil meow meow, y'all!
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gunsatthaphan · 7 months
I’m not planning to watch it but I read about Kidnap being a BL too and saw some of the ON stans’ reactions online and it’s… wild. I hope some of the delulu stans realise that one of the likely reasons why ON don’t publicly interact anymore is cos shippers keep obsessively projecting their fictional fantasies of ON onto them, which affected their friendship.
I’m neutral about Ohm. Overall I think he’s one of the better actors in Gmmtv with great chemistry with his costars but I don’t really follow him. I do feel a bit sorry for him though, regarding the ON situation and now, how some delulu stans are reacting to his new series.
Best to let both ON move on with their lives. I assumed Ohm might avoid doing another BL role to avoid a repeat of the ON situation. But it’s good he’s moving on. Do the delulu stans expect him to only work with Nanon forever? 😂
this is an issue I have with fixed pairings. I understand why Gmmtv does that - for the money and fanbase mostly lolol. Fans just expect fixed pairs to act with the same person for the rest of their lives and get upset if they have other partners. Actors are supposed to act with different people, that’s part of their job. 😂
Yes, Kidnap was confirmed as a BL and yes, ON stans are plastering Bangkok with protesting signs and yes, they're harassing Leng on social media and yes, they're writing public letters of complaints and yes, it's sickening.
I'm not a big fan of Ohm but I think this is a good move from his side. He's under a new management, the ON ship is officially declared as dead & gone, he's moving on with a new partner who is completely unknown and Nanon is taking a break from acting. The situation is disturbing and this is the best they can do imo. So I respect them for these decisions.
Obvs the ON delulus won't stop anytime soon though so I really hope they go through with this show and refrain from recastings or even a cancellation because of that. Hopefully it will die down eventually. And yes, this is a general issue with fixed pairings; most fandoms are not as toxic though and I hope it stays that way. Because it's not like they're gonna stop with the promotions. I personally love seeing the fixed pairs switching it up with different partners, it just shows their range and I never understood why people have a problem with that.
But anyway after rewatching the trailer a few times I think the plot of Kidnap looks interesting so I'm gonna check it out. Also Leng seems like a sweet guy and they seem to have good chemistry so I'm excited to see what this new era brings ✌🏻 (hopefully some peace)
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
So I'm relatively new to the fandom, and during my stay in this rabbit hole, that is, Clexa, I've got a few questions that I'm hoping you could answer :)
Why is everyone here pro-Lexa? Like don't get me wrong I absolutely love Lexa as a character and Alycia is a queen, but why all the hate towards some of the other characters, like Bellamy? I've never watched The 100 the whole way through (literally exited outta the show the second Lexa died), even then, it's been years since I watched it. Did I miss something while I was binge-watching, or was my teenage brain at the time just too immature to realize he was a total jackass..? Also, it's not just Bellamy, I've also seen hate for Bob, the actor who plays him. Which brings me to another question: does this fandom not like Eliza? I always see so much support when Alycia has an upcoming project or is posting Instagram updates but nothing for Eliza? Again, no judgment for the Alycia love because I completely understand why everyone here is head over heels in love with that girl but I just wanted to know, has Eliza ever done anything wrong? Or have I just conveniently only stumbled upon Alycia stans on this app?
Anyway, a totally unrelated note but since I'm here… may I just say ma'am, your writing is the bomb diggity. Like the perfect blend of humor, sexiness, angst, and fluff, THE GODDAMN FLUFF. Genius, you're a genius, like a mad scientist of Clexa fanfic. Hope you keep doing what you're doing, my friend. Take your time though, and don't listen to those ignorant anons that are crawling around yelling "wHy ArE yOu TaKiNg So LoNg To UpDaTe?" Thank you for writing for the Clexa fandom! ❤️
First I wanna say thank you for the sweet words and reading, that means so much to me 🥹💕 not to be a nerd but I screenshot that for one of my worse imposter syndrome days lol
Long post so you can read under the cut. Long time clexas you can just skip if you want because honestly I got annoyed all over again just typing it and you know it all already 🥴
Now right off the top, you don't have to hate Bellamy if you don't want to. It's not like that's a prereq for being a clexa, so if you like him, like him and don't worry about what anyone says. He's a fictional character so anyone who gets intense over someone liking him I think needs to take a walk.
But the reason why a lot of Clexas, myself included, hate him is somewhat of a two part answer. The main reason being is that his character is trash 😅. I mean I'm not gonna dissect every little bit of canon but the main points for me at least, since I can't speak for anyone else, are that he was constantly fucking up literally everything. He gets to earth, proclaims "tHeRe aRe nO RuLeS" and then,,, immediately declares himself the leader and starts forcing people to follow what he says. He literally almost let Clarke fall into a pit of spikes, tried to handcuff her and keep her hostage "for her own good", he spearheaded the whole thing with taking off their wristbands, HE BACKED PIKE, participated in the massacre of a peaceful army sent to protect skaikru, he constantly shamed and blamed Clarke for everything that ever went wrong even when a lot of that stuff was either the best solution in a bad situation OR was an indirect fallout from something fucked up that skaikru had done. The sweaty little fucker was always trying to control/manipulate Clarke and skaikru and his own damn sister despite the fact that everything he ever planned himself turning out to be: A Terrible Idea. Basically the dude sucked but was held up on spindles of glorification as being this heroic uwu soft boy that wasn't actually supported by any one damn thing in canon when you actually look at it objectively. And I'm sure I'm even forgetting stuff. The dude just sucked.
Agian, that's my own two cents.
The other reason being, it's rollover from having to deal with blarks. Their constant harassment and shoving their fanon, non-existent ship down everyone's throat, while being entitled little brats throwing tantrums about them not happening at every turn has led from what probably would've been just a mild distaste for a character for most into loathing even the name. Understand I'm not saying the word harassment lightly. They were awful for years. Death threats and homophobia, spamming inboxes with hateful messages and sending awful pictures/memes etc. One even sent EJT a dick pic with Blark written on their penis. They sent memes non-stop about Lexa dying when people were still reeling from it. I'm not saying all Blarks are bad because they're not, but there was enough harassment and viciousness from a large enough and loud enough faction that at a certain point it becomes a blanket feeling of animosity toward the entire ship and everything that follows it.
As for disliking EJT. In reality, she used to be the fandom favorite. I mean she was our girl because she used to champion us and was hilarious about it. Go look up old cons and interviews with her. She was funny and great. Once upon a time E was our biggest cheerleader and dealt with A Lot of abuse and harassment from The Other fandom for it. I'm talking body shaming, slut shaming, comments about her intelligence, sexual harassment and trolling her about her boyfriends and very descriptive messages about how they wanted her to harm herself. The list goes on. And no one, especially not Bob who was the golden boy for The Other fandom, ever said a word in her defense. Never told his fans to stop or that he condemned it. Ever. Not once. That never sat well with clexas, but you can't control what other people do.
We had her back anyway. So, it was whatever. Gross, but whatever.
And then she married Bob. Which, and Blarks cannot seem to wrap their heads around this fact, literally no cared about. She could've just married him and kept being the same person and no one would've cared. In fact, the way this fandom loved her, at first everyone was like hmmm weird and sudden but good for her I guess! Be happy!
But then Bob's ex came forward with very serious allegations about her past relationship with him. She released a statement that you can easily find online and from that it painted a very dark picture of things that involved both him and EJT. As I'm someone who believes victims, I have no reason not to believe her, and since the very bizarre (non) rebuttal that EJT posted in reply made zero sense, that was that. It changed the lens of how a lot of people started looking at her.
Which leads me to the charities.
Hear a collective Clexa sigh.
They're a saga in themselves, but to sum it up as short as possible, EJT had been a part of a children's organization for YEARS that she herself helped set up. Clexas raised a lot of money for this charity through fundraising and selling fanart and we really cared about it. And literally within months of them being married, he became involved in it, and then shortly thereafter, magically they both had to "step away from it" for dubiously explained reasons. (Which, if you read his ex's statement, logical deduction of what probably actually happened will make more sense than what they claimed, and not in a good way.) Sensibly, they started recieving backlash from supporters because, again a lot of people had been helping this charity for years and all of a sudden she was just gone from it and all the projects were halted. I'm not blaming solely her for anything but to just cut and run like she did was sus to say the least.
So to steer away from that shitshow, they started another charity. With a bunch of right-wing MAGA nuts. Yeah. They weren't open or transparent about anything, no records of where any of the money was going, iirc no real legitimate charity registration/tax documentation that anyone could find (and in the US that's all public info sooooooo). It was a total clusterfuck that people started calling them out on from the start. At first they tried to ignore it and just keep collecting money by doing these ridiculous cameos as cash grabs, but just like the first charity, after a while (and a lot of initially unaccounted for money being raised) the poor little darlings just had to "step away for mental health reasons."
Which I would accept and support wholeheartedly because mental health is extremely serious... except funnily, they didn't stop doing the cameos. They kept doing those and charging their fans money to listen to them blather on about made up ~behind the scenes info~ about Blark stuff and it being super secretly canon but for a million reasons that they don't know and can't name, stopped it from happening. Claims of love scenes and kisses that have never been backed up by evidence (like a script) or corroborated by a single person involved in the show. But it's totally true guys, just trust them bro. So yeah, they've kept doing all that. Just... not giving the money they're charging for the cameos to their "charity."
So that's the meat of it, I might be forgetting things and smudging some finer details because it's been a long while ago, but I think you can get the gist. People don't like Bob because he was an ass to fans and EJT herself before them even getting married. He's said ableist things and quoted racists trying to sound smart and never once apologized for anything. He's been accused of abuse in his personal life and has never addressed it, only made his wife write a terrible fanfiction-esque response to appease his ardent followers. And frankly, she pissed off her fans. Once she married him, she completely flipped her personality from a funny charity doing, body positivity leading, cheerleading about "Clexa are soulmates" and "Lexa is the love of Clarke's life" girl, to doing personal cash grabs constantly while spewing all this made up Blark garbage that directly contradicts things they've both said in the past to please her faithful paying cameo fans (read his fans).
It's all left a lot of people with a bad taste in their mouth, to say the least.
And ya best believe if Alycia does some crazy shit, I'll turn on her too 🤷‍♀️ but honestly I'm not too worried about that cuz the girl is a cryptid who you literally can't pay to go to cons or do cameos
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maddy-ferguson · 10 months
honestly byler side of the fandom (specifically mike fans most of the time) made me realize it can be really racist without intention especially regarding how they ignore lucas's character often times in favor of propping mike or mike's relationship with other characters. idk i don't even think the ga does this. if you asked them what is the relation btwn mike and max will be in the next season they'd say mike is gonna support lucas and el emotionally, like as a friend. no one with their mind would think mike's gonna interact with max or will be able to find or save her like wtf.
i know like lucas doesn't get that much in canon you're gonna take what little he has from him and make it about mike instead? lmao. i remember last summer someone on sttwt said they couldn't love lucas and max's relationship because it felt one-sided and everyone was like how dare you say this worry about byler instead etc etc but they were literally RIGHT, billy abuses max and dies, they have lucas comfort her and her dealing with her complicated feelings surrounding its death its own (great) storyline, billy assaults lucas and is racist to him and he gets...nothing? okay, he gets a blink and you'll miss it hug. you know how people are always like "has el ever said she liked anything about mike?" and stuff like that? is a single heartfelt lumax moment about lucas and not about max? and i'm not implying max doesn't have as much affection for him or saying he should have done less for her and i totally understand her situation in s4, i'm saying that the writers center max and sideline lucas in his own relationship. when they literally invented lucas first. they don't think about him. it's like @/googoogagaeyes said a few weeks ago:
Anyways, the fact that Mr. Davies "made up more stuff than [he] took from the show," for a character that has existed since S1, should signal that there is a writing problem. Although Lucas is lovely, he is also underwritten. That is the result of the Duffers and the writers room.
and i would love to have faith in them on this topic and to think that It's All Intentional or to let myself hope that they'll do better in season 5 but they won't! and not hoping for it might sound counterproductive because it's like letting them off the hook right, if no one wants white writers to do better how could you expect them to do better, but also i'm just me lmao. they won't do better or they would've done better already.
so yeahh that (black) sttwt user who got jumped by (mostly white) lumax stans DEFINITELY had a point and that incident made me stop seeing lumax stans as "the most peaceful and mature part of the fandom" lol. stans all the same at the end of the day. disregarding valid criticism because you think it's ship hate is crazy. all that to say that yeah, when people look at max, whose most meaningful connection in the show is lucas by a mile and go hm...what about mike? it does come off as "racist without intention". which is how racism tends to manifest unless you're like a white supremacist who proudly admits to being a racist lol. what about mike? while everyone's free to like some dynamics better than others and while lumax, ship so often hailed as the best one of the show, the one without flaws (even if you ignore everything i'm saying, it's not flawless, they're 14-15 and obviously struggling, if they were perfect they wouldn't be interesting), definitely has flaws, most of which can be traced back to the racist writing...looking at them and being like but what if max's most meaningful connection was MIKE, with whom most of her interactions are fights. they're best friends. don't they just NEED to bond, don't they just HAVE to be best friends, woulnd't it be SO GREAT for him to fight to get her back in s5? never mind that she has someone reading at her bedside and hoping she'll wake up any minute whose priority in season 5 is definitely gonna be to get her back. will said mike's the heart of the party so god forbid he's not the most important person in the room at all times. idk, maybe i'm just being mean right now. you're so right in saying that most of the ga would definitely never do this, they'd probably exaggerate their worst moments and say that they hate each other but i couldn't blame them when we see them argue wayyy more than we see them be bffs. because we don't see them being bffs at all.
people thought the writers had forgotten how to write mike and stopped paying attention to his character for a second after volume 2 and then realized that they haven't and that they didn't but they never knew to write lucas with all the complexity, depth and nuance they allow their white characters to have. when mike gets a conformity storyline about queerness it hits because he can technically choose for himself, either pretend to be straight and be miserable or be himself by accepting and admitting that he's queer because it'll make his life harder in a lot of ways but it'll make it worth living. lucas gets a conformity storyline that ends with a banger line, normal's just a raging psychopath. but it's not like lucas can exactly be a racist society's version of normal in the way jason is, right? he can be popular but being black isn't exactly something you can hide. being accused of trying to act white is definitely a thing when black people are seen as betraying their culture in an attempt to succeed in a predominantly white society but that's...not something i'd trust the writers to portray, especially because the thing lucas does to try to blend in, be more popular and lessen the bullying is join the basketball team, which is literally a racial stereotype. his storyline in season 4 leaves a bad taste in my mouth because their version of telling lucas to keep being a himself and a nerd sounds like having him learn to know his place. it's not the intention but him saying he "never should've knocked" literally gives that impression. and while we're on the topic of lucas in season 4, you should definitely read The Antagonism of Blackness in Netflix's Stranger Things, it's a shame this article came out in june of last year because i would have loved to read their thoughts on volume 2.
you would have to be very naive to trust them to do lucas (a character that's been here since day one!) justice, and with the fandom it's kind of like the classic "women are badly written that's why i don't care about any of them" excuse but for black characters instead. imagine this max scenario but instead of her black (ex-)boyfriend who held her as she died being intent on saving her, it's...mike? is just so "racist without intention". what is lucas doing in the meantime. the (byler/mike fans side of the) fandom is definitely not better than the writers in that regard. are fandoms ever better than the writers they love to claim aren't as progressive as them?
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yes-dillman-yes · 7 months
ahh!! awesome! could you write a miniseries stozier x FTM reader smut that takes place post them defeating pennywise the first time? (obvi a good while after so they’re an appropriate age) like the reader notices that stan is pulling away from the group and that richie is being avoidant about it/deflecting a lot and decides to talk to the two of them and things escalate from there
or if you’re not comfortable with ship x reader: a miniseries richie x FTM reader where the reader saves richie from a beating by henry bowers and comes out to richie (bonus points if you can work in a reference to the teenage werewolf in the basement incident into the fic <3)
Warnings: mature language, penetration, blowjobs, cunnilingus, unprotected smut, threesome
Summary: They had defeated Pennywise for years at this point, but the haunting presents of the clown had yet to leave them. They are now exiting their finale year of high school, when at Billy’s graduation party, Stan and Richie enter a private argument. Or what they thought was private - until y/n stumbles into the room to declare peace.
Notes: Never in my life would I think I would be writing a Stozier fic, but I found it as a challenge to overcome. All characters are 18/19, so no underage private time. I haven’t written is so long so please excuse typos or just shit writing. Long intro, and I kind of altered the story from the request slightly. Enjoy my readers!
There was never the intention for y/n to become an ease dropper, but he had somehow ended up as one. Eddie was freaking out over spilled punch and Billy had used all the downstairs towels for cleaning up a mess earlier that night that y/n took on the responsibility to hunt for some replacements. Which lead him to finding Richie and Stan in Billy’s room - whisper shouting at each other.
“I told you, Richard, everything is fine with me,” there is a pause in Stanley’s speech, “I’m just…I don’t know what to say anymore. I don’t know how else to move on - except to just leave.”
Richie grabs Stan’s shoulders, forcing him to look each other in the eyes.
“You don’t think I feel the same? But that’s not what this is about. You know that. The other’s keep asking me about you, and I’m always left with no response-”
“I’m sure that’s new for you.”
“IT IS! I tell them you’re at Boy Scouts, or bird watching! Because I can’t just tell them that you can’t even stand to look at any of them anymore since all you can see is that stupid clown’s face!” Richie’s face starts to turn red.
A beat of silence until another word is spoken.
“I apologize that my absents causes so many issues for you.”
“Don’t, Stan. Don’t turn this into something it’s not. I’m asking you to stop running. You have no idea the affect you have on me. You ignore us- me, and I feel like I’m loosing a part of myself.”
“Maybe it’s for the best-” Stan is about to finish his sentence when all of a sudden the door swings open. Y/n stumbles into the room awkwardly catching their balance.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt,” y/n tries to say casually. He doesn’t want them to know he was listening for so long. But they both look at y/n with a suspicious stare.
“You’re not,” they say in unison and then smirk at their actions.
Stanley pulls away from Richie’s grip, and heads for the door. But right before he brushes past, he is grabbed by y/n’s firm hands. A shiver runs down his spine excitedly. Y/n leans into their shared space and whispers, “Don’t go, Stan. Let me talk first”. Y/n leads Stan to sit on the bed, and shoots Richie a look that says ‘you too’.
Y/n stands before the two boys and begins his speech, “Ok, so I was definitely listening before I fell in. Which I am sorry for doing, but I know - we all know that something is wrong with you two. Stan, you’ve been MIA for weeks. Even when you’re in the same room as us, you’re mentally a million miles away. You saw shit that some of us didn’t but you’re letting it drift you away. We miss you. I miss you.”
Y/n sees tears start to build in the dark haired boy’s eyes and something in him shifts. Y/n can’t help himself as he bends down to wipe the boy’s tears away. He shares a smile as he does so. Their hands intertwine as y/n shifts towards Richie’s direction.
“As for you carrot top,” a giggle leaves Richie’s mouth at the name, “you’re always a loud mouth but recently- everything is a fucking joke to you. This is the first time in a while that I’ve heard you have a serious conversation. You criticize Stan for running away but don’t pretend that you’re not avoiding the pain too”. Y/n takes his free hand to run his palm softly across the other boy’s freckled face, “Now, please, tell me what I can do to help relieve you both of these feelings?”
Stanley hums to grab y/n’s attention, and leans forward to connect their foreheads. Before any more questions can be asked, both of their lips are touching. Stan moans into the kiss while he slides his left hand on to Richie’s thigh. His thigh shakes at the touch like a jolt of electricity runs through him. Richie moves into action, running his own hands over y/n’s hair and shoulders. He begins to leave kisses on each piece of skin he touches.
Y/n pulls apart from the kiss to catch his breath, and bends his neck to open more room for Richie’s mouth to suck. Stan rubs his hardening cock through his jeans while watching the show before him. The sucking comes to a pause so a whisper could be shared, “I think this is us showing you our gratitude”. The sucking instantly continuing. Y/n smiles at Stanley and can feel himself start to get wet.
“Don’t just sit there, baby. Show me what you want,” y/n request.
Both of the other men guide y/n onto the bed, with his face towards the ceiling, they begin to undress him until only his underwear remains. Richie begins to undress himself while Stan kisses the happy trail leading to y/n’s wet entrance. Stan shoots a look up, asking for permission, which is granted with a moan and a nod of the head.
“Your body is beautiful, y/n. I can’t wait to feel how good it is to be inside of you,” Richie is rubbing his cock right in front of y/n’s face while speaking pure filth, “But first, Stan the Man here is going to get you nice and loose. I bet you like his tongue.”
The only sound Stan makes in response, is his tongue sliding into y/n’s pussy to then slide out so he can suck on the clit. The minute he begins to focus on that area, a deep groan leaves y/n throat. But before he could make any more sound, Richie grabs his jaw and slides his long cock into y/n’s mouth. A sweet bliss washes over all of the men.
For a few beats, the only sounds that could be heard are the sucking sounds of skin and moans that sound like a choir. Y/n’s legs are shaking around his lover’s head while Richie gasps with pleasure from the friction of the tongue against his dick. The edge of his climax creeping upon him.
“I’m going to fucking cum all over your face, baby” Richie purrs.
All of a sudden, Stanley pulls his head up and lays a hand on Richie’s shoulder to pause the action. Stanley demands, without saying a word, for Richie to lay on his back while positioning y/n on top of the laying boy’s stomach. Stanley once again shoots a questioning look towards y/n - asking for consent. The request is eagerly accepted.
Richie is heard whinnying as Stanley leads the boy’s slim cock into the soaking entrance of their shared lover. A sigh of relief leaves y/n’s mouth as they finally become full. A sudden new sigh escapes him when he feels his cunt stretch perfectly to fit another cock inside. Both of the other men are gripping and kissing any flesh available to them.
Finally, Stanley utters his first words, “We’re going to cum inside of you. You’re our angel.”
Richie is sucking their lover’s nipples while reaching around to grip Stanley’s ass, helping the man to thrust deeper inside. Y/n is moving his hips in the best direction to feel his g-spot getting hit repeatedly. His nails scratching the surface of Richie’s scalp - Richie groaning and thrusting like an animal in response. Stanley, on the hand, is fucking like he has it all mapped out. Every move has a purpose and direction: making everyone cum.
“Fuck me harder! I’m close…so, so fucking close,” y/n demands.
Richie is there too, leaking inside the other’s hole.
Stanley slams his thick cock in the perfect spot that y/n jolts forward, climaxing as Richie’s cock slips out. His cum covering Stan’s stomach and y/n’s ass. Richie quickly moving his hands to stimulate Stan’s nipples - just enough touch to get the dark haired boy to groan out his sign of climax.
Y/n didn’t need to hear the groan though. He felt the warm fluid coat his raw insides. Finally feeling complete and fulfilled.
“Goddamn that’s Stan the fucking man!”
“Shut up, Richie.”
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deeaselriel · 9 months
Everyone has been treating Elriels SO BAD and disgustingly over the years, and when we defend ourselves we are painted as the “mEaN gUyS”. I’d dare to say that we are the “saints” of this fandom. I know there are some Elriels that can come off more rude than they should, but this is life. Nothing is perfect.
But a hard pill for y’all to swallow is that Elriels are usually soooo peaceful, minding their business and just enjoying their CANON content. They create edits, fan arts and post about Elriel not harming anyone, but then YOU KNOW WHO comes after us, ON OUR ACCOUNTS, ON OUR PRO ELRIEL VIDEOS, PICS OR THEORIES, that have absolutely NOTHING to do with their crackship(s), and spew their venom. They speak so many lies that don’t even come close to what is the CANON content of the books. They insult us and call us names, they bullied some creators SO BADLY they refuse to do Elriel fan arts anymore. YOU ALL ARE DISGUSTING AND I PRAY TO GOD FOR KARMA TO HIT SO HARD! I myself was a victim of y’all’s bullying when I did NOTHING! I just appreciated my Elriel and put facts on the table. Y’all told me I deserve to be R@PED just like Elain deserves!!!!
We, Elriels, have been put in a corner by THE ENTIRE FANDOM! This mob mentality made y’all treat Elriels like people with some kind of disease and it’s so sad honestly.
I’m not even being biased when I say that Elriels are usually very good people minding their business and the other stans of those 2 ships (y’all know) are constantly attacking us and making fun of us out of nowhere. They keep making content about Elain making fun of her, but yeah, they don’t like her. Lol. Y’all are so obsessed and have such internalized misogyny it’s scary. Especially when El didn’t do anything wrong, besides maybe the thing with Feyre that she’s making up for it. She’s a saint compared to many others in that serie, yet… she’s hated for liking to bake and plant flowers. Make it make sense. 😶
I think it’ll be ok for everyone to acknowledge WHO exactly is the most toxic in this fandom; who’s constantly attacking us for PUTTING FACTS on the table, who’s bullying artists into being scared to draw Elriel anymore, who’s harassing SJM at this point with a crackship that has 0 buildup. WHO IS SENDING DEATH THREATS to people so randomly just because, who is wishing R@PE on REAL people? The list is so long I just can’t…
I always knew that the mob mentality is forever going to be present, but OH MY GOD. These people that hate Elriel and ship the other ship just because “everyone does”, those going into the books already shipping Gw*nriel because “some content creators of TikTok said they’re sooooo endgame”, THOSE BIG ACCOUNTS THAT SPREAD ELAIN HATE JUST BECAUSE IT’S “TRENDY”. Y’all are SO pathetic; I wonder if you can think on your own.
Should I also talk about how often y’all don’t acknowledge what’s in those books related to Elriel? There are tons of evidence y’all pretend it’s not there and have THE NERVE to say Az only wants El for s*x. Bro, Feyre when she couldn’t read would’ve understand these books (and Elriel) better than y’all. 🤓 The delusional world y’all live in makes me laugh. What’s even funnier is when you are the ones making fun of US, when we have all our proof that Stands with us. WE ARE ON THE CANON SIDE, if we can say it this way.
Literally at this point, STOP being so toxic, and let Elriels IN PEACE. Acknowledge that Az and El have feelings for each other and that EVERYTHING points to them as endgame, and even SJM herself said that “it’s obvious”. None of us would’ve have any problem if y’all only acknowledged that Elriel is for the next book, and then go on with your day and make X head canon ships. It’s not harming to ship Az with someone else for fun, but when it comes to the ACTUAL BOOK & CANON, the answer it’s only Elriel. Just stop lying to yourselves. And stop playing the victim when Elriels have been like in prison for many years, being pushed aside and all. WE ARE THE VICTIMS OF THIS WHOLE FANDOM. The fact that I’m scared to even write a comment positive about Elriel or my girl Elain because I just know someone’s gonna say something “ironic” or bash me for whatever reason, says A LOT. And it’s the case for soooo many Elriels.
One last thing, I know we are reading fantasy books, but at least don’t make a fantasy of a couple the main talk of this fandom, lol. The couple should actually have “history”, build up & hints/ foreshadowing. CANON SCENES. And only Elriel has them. BYE. 🩷🌸💙🦇
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esther-dot · 1 year
Hiii! Do you ever see GoT writers, actors or even D&D confessing their plan of Jonsa or the reason Jonsa parallel Ned&Cat and even Jaime&Cersei? Something in the line of: okay, this was the plan but we changed our minds because X. That would give me soooo much peace. The foreshadowing and parallels were so obvious it makes me anxious when I remember the real ending.... even if they never get together. But what happens in between.
I would love an explanation too! I sometimes try to put myself in D&D's shoes and imagine what their platonic explanation could be for all the parallels/contrasts they created for Jonsa, and I actually think that the Cersei and Jaime connections would be the easiest to rationalize, but the fact that they also paralleled them with Braime is what makes it seem like it wasn't just a healthy sibling duo in contrast to Cersei/Jaime, it wasn't just about showing us the difference between Cersei and Sansa as leaders, it felt romantic! Especially as that convo carried through to the ending, Jon and Jaime were being paralleled and juxtaposed, both choosing their sisters over someone else, but Jaime choosing his "evil queen," Jon rejecting his, which means, you can't say it was accidental, they were intentionally doing that in s7-8.
Obviously, in the books the NedCat 2.0 idea will be a thing, we've already gotten comments about Jon and Sansa individually looking like the og, so D&D inserting that with the redux of NedCat scenes, ok, not necessarily romantic, maybe just a nod to the books, maybe they overdid it, but their motives were pure. Except, they included the choking LF scene. Jealously, rage, desire to kill. Sure, of course, LF deserved it, but then they also had Sansa be angry and jealous in s8, and again, there are platonic explanations for some of it, but it crosses the line, particularly in the feast scene. At that point it feels like it's more, something else.
(And let's not even talk about the parallels with Robb and Talisa, Sam x Gilly, or Gendrya.)
But will they ever tell us anything? Well, let's say TWOW comes out in a year or two and Jonsa is a thing in the books. We absolutely would have the entire fanbase revisiting Jonsa's odd chemistry in the show and rethinking things, and I bet, yeah, we'd finally get a reporter who would ask a useful question regarding the Jonsa scenes. Or, say Kit goes for it in Jon's spin-off, we'd definitely get some new insight into the acting choices he made in s6-8.
Absent of that, I can't imagine getting confirmation? Mainly because, it's not just an unpopular ship, it's hated. Dany stans, Targ stans, Jon stans, I saw all of them taking comfort in the midst of their rage and grief that at least Jonsa didn't happen. Any hint that show Jonsa in some form was real is probably the only thing that would make people hate the last season/finale more. Considering how disgusting our fandom is (they harassed child actors because they hated the characters they played, they ship the actors with other actors, bully them off social media, stalk them...) I don't see the upside of bringing it up and there is a big downside.
If they had the cover of Martin's books or a new show, D&D could say they didn't do it because it was weird but here's how they hinted at it or Kit could say it grossed him out but he tried to subtly include it. Presented that way, people could be sympathetic to them, not blame them, so I could see that. But if they just announced, "Yep, Jon had Targy feelings for Sansa," I don’t think people would take it well!
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
Oh man, magical girl fandoms are a dumpster fire for antis. I was shocked at how many are in Sailor Moon. You know, the anime where a 14 year old's true love is a dude in college. Yes they are closer in age in the manga but many of these are anime fans. A lot of UsaMamo fans will go after anyone who ships Seiya X Usagi because he's supposedly a stalker who doesn't respect her boundaries, a fact that is WAY over blown and exaggerated in the fandom. Keep in mind these same people stan a ship between a 14 year old girl and a dude in college. Now I don't care if they ship it just let me ship my non canon ship in peace and don't write an essay on how my ship is problematic. (Yes even the Diamond/Usagi ship, I am fully aware that the stalkery rapey prince is in fact a bad dude, that's not stopping me from writing my kink fic).
And there is so much wank in the fandom. It feels like you can't do a damn thing without upsetting someone. You like one thing about the DiC American dub? You just have nostalgia goggles on and think it was way better than it was. Uh no I just like it in a so bad its good sort of way and for all the 90s cheese. That and what's wrong with nostalgia goggles for a cartoon? Some fans go as far as calling anyone who uses any of the Americans disrespectful to the creator. Even for like a very minor character.
There are also manga purists who will come at you for preferring anything in the anime.
The other annoying thing. In the manga, Naoko drew a picture of the four Sailor Soldiers paired up romantically with each of the four main bad guy minions. In their past lives they were good guys that were brainwashed to work for evil or something like that. In the Crystal anime (that follows the manga more closely than the 90s anime) they even confirm the romantic relationships between them. (It lasts for like five seconds because the guys are quickly killed off because they all do die in the anime and manga). So people want to ship the Sailor Soldiers with their respective Dark Kingdom general.
So why does the fandom have an issue with this? Well in the 90s anime, there were no such relationships hinted. Instead two of the Dark Kingdom generals were in a gay relationship. (The 90s anime turned one into a woman to censor it.) Instead of just seeing the manga and anime taking place in separate universes, people will call you homophobic for shipping Sailors/Generals. They will say that you are erasing two gay characters even though the creator of the original manga never intended for them to be in a relationship with each other. Of course, the word heteronormative gets thrown around to try to discourage people from shipping them.
I guess at the very least, Haruka/Michiru is still a very beloved ship and my experience with them in the fandom has been very pleasant. But since Sailor Moon is an older fandom I was hoping it would be very ship and let ship. This unfortunately does seem to be common in magical girl anime fandoms. So much purity culture!
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
Last anon, it's easier to say it in words but extremely bad in reality. You sound like you just want JK to confirm your ship Jikook like a hero and save jimin from tkkrs. Do you think in this real world it's happening?
Let's look at their personal lives first ? Their families will be attacked, Antis will be attacking magnate restlessly. Idk if you were here in 2019, but some kjjkrs arranged a bday party for JK in magnate and had to cancel it because they got a Ton of hate calls, messages.. even their staffs were stalked and hated. So imagine a coming out ? They'll eat, especially Jimin's family, alive. JK's brother's business, their rest family businesses, their friends, their close people everyone will be attacked, including other bts members.
Do you think this won't affect them mentally ? This 🤏 amount of peace they have now will be gone forever. They won't stop until Jimin is completely ruined in every aspect and JK goes insane. They can be attacked on streets, while they are just living their lives. Again idk if you were here when Holland, openly gay idol, was attacked in ITAEWON, which is usually called a safe place for queer people.
Now their career ? This high career graph they have will reach sea bed. They will be literally boycotted from performing in music shows, their MVs will be boycotted on national TV channels, their sm accounts will be attacked, there will be protest infront of hybe to disband and kick out Jikook. Their brand deals will be affected, their reputation will be gone, their peers will be attacked, bangtan's whole career will be on danger. Their companies stock value will steep down, their shareholders and investors will pull back. Around the world, this news will be spread like wildfire, in every news channels, YouTube channels, media outlets, social media. Each and every homophobe and bts antis will be mocking them and armys around them. There are many incidents of armys being attacked and ragged for just liking bts in many conservative countries so how about after this gay dating news ? They will be blacklisted and forget about the super stars Jimin and JK status they worked hard for all these years. They can be banned from performing in conservative countries and will be infamous for this news than all accolades they have till now. Fanbases, fan accounts and fansites which are very important for idol will be closed especially forget about more than half of JK's fanbase. Some fanbase even closes after hetero dating rumors duh. Now they may get some new fans and some real ot7 army may whole heartedly support them. But it's a big maybe. But what is the use of getting fans who were here with you for some fans who stanned you for your relationship with your bandmate or out of sympathy or curiosity ?
The damage all these will do to Jimin will be fucking unimaginable. Those fuckers will burn that boy alive. If you don't know Taeyeon was attacked at airport and had to apologize for dating baekyun. So how will they treat Jimin for dating JK ? His life will be in great danger. In short if you want Jimin happy by JK's side the best thing is to be private. Hiding ? Nope but private ? Yes.
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I hear what you're saying.... I do. I hear you and I agree. And I'm sure they worry about all these things too. Jimin more than JK... but yes. I hear you.
BTS are BTS. Those celebrities that got fucked over are not even close to being on the same caliber as BTS. I'm not saying nothing would happen to them, but I think people would hesitate before treating them like they have treated other gay idols in the past.
Before I continue can I just say that people forget? People always forget. Scandals don't last... there is always gonna be something else. Yeah if they come out it will be huge and scandalous but people will move on like they always do.
They will loose fans but they will gain new ones who will stan BTS already knowing there's a gay couple in the midst. Yes they will be banned from going to certain countries ever again. But the countries that would do this are less than those that wouldn't care.
I honestly do feel Jikook have the potential to pave the way for how people view homosexuality over there. BUT it is alot of pressure and I wouldn't blame them if they never came out. The world is indeed a scary place like u described.
But I honestly do think them being from BTS would make the backlash less severe.
That being said, I dont think its happening. Not even in 2025. They will live like a couple hiding nothing, but they won't come out orally. Like some announcement. And honestly as long as they're happy, is all Good.
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maxemilianverstappen · 7 months
as a max Stan( but you also seem like a very objective also), you thoughts about CL in RBR? I know it’s probably the most common discussion on twitter but I don’t remember your take on it.
Okay. I am completely leaving aside how Max said it would be a disservice to Charles' talent and how Charles always says he wants his WDC to be in Ferrari.
I am not y'alls favourite dilf Christian Horner, but let's think from a TP's point of view:
Having two equally talented guys in the team seems like a great idea, right? You have the two alpha wolves of the pack and your car suits to both their driving styles and you expect all the p1-p2s there can ever be, yes? Everything will be great, because your drivers won't have to adapt themselves to the car, since both Max and Charles seem to prefer a pointy front and a looser/flexible rear..... Until you find yourself with a civil war and a hellish amd toxic work environment for everyone involved, a divided garage and political shit which will tear up the morale and the motivation day by day.
There is a reason why you don't get two top dogs of similar age. Toto experienced it first hand. The current demographic of the fans is very young, so they possibly haven't witnessed how Nico and Lewis literally tore each other a new one every race weekend both in front of the cameras and behind closed doors. Even to the point of Lewis blaming the engineers at the factory with developing the car more towards to Nico's liking and insuniating that they sabotaged his car somehow.
Would Christian want to deal with shit like this every day? Of course, he wouldn't. Why should a team lose precious time and energy on intra team shenanigans (and also fight other teams in the meanwhile, thus dividing all resources and patience and morale) instead of standing united and fighting against other teams?
I am a shipper, but I am not stupid. I have watched both their career for a long time and I know how they treat their team mates. In the first wiff of blood, I am pretty sure Charles will turn cold and political while maintaining a PR look. Max is more open and gets going by seeing good faith in people, but if you play dirty with him, I doubt even Charles can take it. Max has a cruel and merciless side that he chooses to not show much, which is very clinical and unfeeling. He also has the psychological edge of having multiple WDCs and also knowing the car and the team much more intimately. Charles can be quite detached and cold, too, when he wants and also can be very sassy with a forked tongue. But he has a lot to prove and is also getting very desperate as years go by and has to sway the team to his favor. He is much more mistake prone and he will be measured up against a 3x WDC even if he jumps ship next year. It is a lot to shoulder. It is a huge task. And RedBull will not politically sway to his side in the way he'd want until he'd beat Max tooth and nail and within an inch of his life. Which will also be within an inch of his own life, too.
And this process.... It is ugly to watch and manage for both the TP and all the team from the mechanics to the media personnel to the pitwall.
Nobody would want to deal with it.
Getting a strong and consistent second driver who will accept their role and be there when the first driver can't deliver for whatever reason and can get all the points they can for the WCC is much more manageable, peaceful, and ideal.
I can completely understand Charles fans wanting to see their boy in the top team, but that's neither feasible nor possible. What we should all need to understand is how the team mentalities should change, not just the car.
2022 Ferrari challenger seriously could have been a WDC car. But we all saw how having a good car doesn't mean shit when you aren't a team that has cleared its head about what it wants in what way and how. Indecisiveness, being divided, saying you don't have a 1st/2nd driver, saying the team is over everyone (Ferrari should really think of their priorities they aren't a football team) and team success is much more important than a driver's and thus you can sacrifice your wdc contenders race just because otherwise you can get more points as a team.....
Michael, Seb, Lewis, Max all had their teams wholly supporting and accommodating them. Sure they all had problems with their 2nd drivers, but it was all managable. Unless Charles feels like they did/do, unless the team takes its head out of its ass and starts to act more rationally, Charles won't win for them ever. I don't think anyone can, tbh. Because this team literally fears another Michael level ownage. Michael had them by the throat and no matter how much glory songs they sing about him, I think the top brass fears giving up the reins to a driver to that extent again. Shit always has to be done their way. I remember reading an article about how Seb seemed to be disillusioned by the way the team and development kept him at bay from involving himself too much into how shit was done unlike the way he was accustomed to in Redbull. A driver is just an instrument for this team, not a focus. I wonder if Charles understands this.
Realistically speaking, he doesn't have anywhere else to go. But continuing like this also seems like a career ending choice. Man, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
My personal take on this whole aeon debate, as a non-shipper is that their relationship is just so unhealthy and I feel like his character deserves a little bit of peace in his life. Ada cannot give him that, and as much as I think she could be a great character - her character was born just from an idea of a James bond-esque sexy untrustworthy spy and....that's it. She hasn't been developed further because it would ruin the mystery.
I imagine Leon flourishing with an honest and capable partner in his life to support him. Maybe as he's estranged from his family (or whatever happened there) yknow if he's not on a mission during Christmas then he could go with her to visit her family, then the soft inner-leon could start peeking out. Or something.
I just don't know what there is to support aeon as a ship bar chemistry. I get the vibe some aeon stans thrive on toxicity. Ada is not nice. Sure she's got a soft spot for him.... But he ended up in a mental spiral because of her.
I'm nervous for separate ways. Capcom has really set up for him parting ways with Ada but I'm not sure I trust them to follow through.
Just my thoughts!
So, there's a lot going on here in this ask.
I don't like looking at ships from the perspective of "What does this character deserve to have happen?" because that's not how reality works, and it's not how storytelling should work, either. There's nothing in the universe that states that if you put X amount of work in or you suffer for Y amount, you will/should get a certain specific outcome.
What Leon deserves? Is the consequences of his actions, whatever they might be.
OG Leon does deserve Ada, because he keeps making the same dumbass fucking mistakes that keep him attached to her. If he can't let her go -- if he can't allow himself to mature emotionally past age 21 in 1998 -- then he deserves the misery and discomfort that it causes him. His horrifying, manic mental breakdown at the end of RE6 when she gets shot is earned. He did that to himself. No one else did it to him -- no one forced him to keep sticking his hand in the fire. RE4make proved that Leon can still care about Ada without becoming obsessive to the point of a horrible downward spiral that culminates in him becoming a functional alcoholic. OG Leon refuses that reality, though, and he reaps what he sows.
Is that what's best for him as a person, in order for him to live his best life? HELL no. But those are two different things. Leon gets/got what he deserved, and what he deserved wasn't what's best.
Don't be nervous for Separate Ways. Leon's role in the story of RE4make is over. Leon and Ashley are done. Separate Ways will deal with Ada, Luis, Krauser, and Wesker. If Ada is still romance-coded towards Leon in Separate Ways, then that would actually be really fucking interesting, because what Remake will have actually done is switch their roles around. Now it'll be Ada's turn to get attached to Leon in a hugely unhealthy way, and she'll get what she deserves for it, same as he did in OG. (This was also kind of foreshadowed already a little bit, with Wesker saying "don't come crying to me if you get bit.")
Personally? I get the appeal of toxic/mutually destructive ships. There is something very cathartic about them, especially if you're a self-destructive person yourself or you've just been through a bad breakup or whatever the case may be. I don't ship Joseph/Kidman in TEW or Tseng/Aeris in FF7 because I want a happily ever after. I ship them because they can never be together, realistically -- it's a dream born from a wish that will never manifest in reality, and I find the pain and longing and the "if only" that comes from that -- from the state of being so close to a person but never actually ever being allowed to touch them -- to be very cathartic.
Aeon is a similar kind of ship in concept, except Aeon goes one step further, and Ada and Leon do actually touch each other, and it just makes everything so much fucking worse. And there is an appeal to that kind of thing. I get it. I do, really, I do. The only reason why I don't ship them is because I think it's written poorly and executed even worse and it fucks up Ada's entire character and screws her over in terms of her contributions to the overall plot of RE.
But the issue from the fandom perspective is that that's not how the vast majority of Aeon shippers actually view/treat them, and that's where my disconnect with the whole thing comes from, personally. I don't understand how someone looks at Leon and Ada and thinks of retirements for them that are happily ever afters, or has fucking family/children headcanons for them??? THAT'S ANTITHETICAL TO THE NATURE OF THE SHIP I seriously don't fucking understand Aeon fandom in the slightest, and that's why I say that it's very likely just a case of a bunch of people self-inserting onto Ada really fucking hard because they want to suck Leon's cock (which, I get it! I'd suck it, too, holy shit I'd suck that man dry).
So like.
Would Leon flourish with a supportive partner? Yes, absolutely. Is that what he deserves? Not necessarily.
I would argue that Remake Leon deserves that, which is why the romance with Ashley has already been set up. But OG Leon? He's on his fuckin own. He had so many opportunities over the years to grow the fuck up, and he never did. And that's on him.
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