#and the bare fucking minimum from a work-study experience
probablygayattorneys · 4 months
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I was reading a list of female characters clearly written by men and this is about X-Files but yes yes yes this is EXACTLY what replaying Layton games (particularly Unwound Future) is like!
#professor Layton#professor layton and the unwound future#the way flora is completely shafted whenever it’s inconvenient#the way the ptofessor says multiple times a gentleman always keeps his promises#and then specifically promises he won’t leave her again just to ditch her at the first opportunity#the way that Claire is the only one to suffer any real consequences#and she accepts it because it was their fault for trying to mess with things they didn’t understand yet#that were not made to be messed with#and yet instead of being like ‘I wasn’t the head researchers#I was a lab assistant#and the bare fucking minimum from a work-study experience#should be asking to be provided a safe working environment’#no instead she graciously takes all the blame#she accepts her death as if this was all her design and now she must pay the pied piper for the consequences of her actions#rather than being angry that the people who were supposed to keep her safe#just completely brushed her death under the rug#even bill hawks is given#what? a few harsh words from Chemley?#like I know hurt people hurt people and that’s not a good thing#but I kind of see where Clive is coming from on this one#like at least this is something they couldn’t ignore#and there’s no woman around to martyr herself for something that shouldn’t have been her fault#Jesus Christ#THE PERSON WHO PUSHED FOR THE EXPERIMENT#REGARDLESS OF THE LACK OF SAFETY PRECSUTIONS#HE’S THE ONE WHO SHOULD SUFFER#NOT SOMEONE WHO HE HAD A POSITION OF POWER OF#AND YET SHE ACCEPTS HER DEATH AS THE NATURAL CONSEQUENCE OF AN EXPERIMENT THAT WASN’T HER IDEA#JUSTICE FOR CLAIRE#JUSTICE FOR FLORA
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the-casbah-way · 9 months
i just think it's so unfair that when i left high school my entire support system was gone overnight and i was just expected to get on with it with no help and because i wasn't diagnosed back then no one believed me or accommodated for me or cared, so i had to postpone my degree for two years and watch all my friends graduate without me and move to different cities and i went from being a straight a student who never had to study in their life to barely scraping the minimum grades and never showing up to class because i had convinced myself i was too stupid and slow to ever get my degree because i wasn't getting any of the support i kept asking for and was expected to read and listen to lectures without any help and keep up with everyone else when none of my support needs were being met. and now after trying for five years to find a way to get the degree i always wanted my uni have told me they're not going to let me do it anymore because of one module requirement that i missed because i was in hospital against my own choice. and even after i said i would use the entirety of my savings which i specifically worked for so that i could have a safety net for my studies to pay for the extra year required to get the module they need they've still said no. even though there's a bunch of spare places on the course and it wouldn't impact my timetable at all. even though i got As in every assignment i did for that course compared the the Bs and Cs i used to get in every other subject. even when i told them that i can't keep doing a science based humanities subject because i have dyscalculia and it's literally impossible for me to get through a single sentence of reading on my own, compared to the module i want to do where my lecturer literally bought me extra course textbooks with his own money because i finished everything else on the reading list in my own time and he said he was impressed with the work i sent him. i told them that me and my brother are the first in my family to go to uni, and how neither of my parents finished school or have any qualifications, and i never though in a million years i would ever get to have a degree and i've had everything stacked against me because their uni is 99% rich able bodied neurotypicals and i'm so close to graduating even though i had no support at all for the first four years. and they still don't care. they can't even give me a reason as to why they won't let me get the degree i want. they just keep saying 'we're not in a position to let you do the extra module' over and over again and i don't even understand what they mean. i'm going to pay for it myself. they have spare spaces on the course. i don't understand what else i can do to make them listen. they talk so much about diversity and accessibility yet every other poor and disabled person i talk to (and there's barely fucking any at this uni because they don't want us to be there) has been through similar experiences and had opportunities taken away from them because they were too unwell to attend one single fucking class. i don't know what to do but i've been here way too long and tried way too hard to drop out now. but i also can't bear to not to the degree i've always dreamed of. i don't want to do anything else
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
I have a new ultimate intellectual crush, which is great timing frankly because I'm having that Don't Meet Your Heroes experience with the old one (it's fine, it's a good lesson to learn, I still love their work, but etc). I don't know if I have the strength to describe all the details but I've entered this bizarre moment where I'm realizing on my own that there are complex esoteric connections between several of my obsessions that at first appeared to have nothing to do with one another, and now they all keep surfacing together in the form of freaky synchronicities, one of which is meeting this scholar who I originally reached out to about this one question I came up with--and then I quickly found out that like ALL of her work addresses ALL of the things I'm fixating on, and my totally feral new hypotheses about the ties that bind them are all foregone conclusions for this broad because she has been studying and publishing on them for decades.
Her academic, non-fictional work reads almost like a William Gibson novel, full of elite scientists, intelligence agents, entrepreneurs who are so rich as to be invisible and infinitely powerful, civilians who have stumbled into reality-rending experiences, and so on...and she's able to do this work because of her extraordinary native intelligence and extreme commitment to knowledge. The second topic I brought to her, that I thought was so out-there in all my ignorance, is something she's been studying since she was fucking 16. 16! Imagine having that kind of grasp of purpose as a child? (Don't tell me if you can imagine this, I don't need the agita)
I'm constantly aware of how behind I am. College was kind of wasted on me because I had no idea what I wanted, and only a little idea of what interested me (as far as professional and academic fields go), and for my lack of motivation I have many excuses, the first and foremost of which is depression. Whether we suffer it or not, we all know that depression is destructive: It can sabotage relationships, compel self-harm, cause you to miss opportunities, and all sorts of other bad stuff that comes from believing in your own hopelessness. What they don't usually tell you about depression is that feeling bad is enormously time-consuming. Feeling bad is an involved, exhausting, gas-guzzling activity that is mutually exclusive with many other activities. Time that I could have spent going to class, working, learning, and generally exploring the world had to be spent flat on my back in the dark instead, for hours, days, weeks at a time. Talking, eating, and breathing without actively forcing it all went by the wayside. There was absolutely no pushing through it. Whatever energy I could possibly set aside was eventually put into graduating with what was considered the bare minimum of effort for anybody else. Today I can vividly imagine the great things I would do with four years of undergrad (if I had the room in my life again for school), and beyond. But I didn't do them then, because the time I needed to figure out my interests and abilities had to be spent feeling terrible.
Of course, I'm overstating things a little bit, because there exist people who metabolize pain into energy for artistic expression, or who become workaholics when pain prevents them from cultivating community or taking care of themselves. One of my theories about why I'm not one of those people is that for most of my life, I was desperate to be in a relationship. I'm sure there's something freudian going on there; you know, I was rejected by my mother, I had no sense of belonging, I was obsessed with finding someone whose desire for me would make me feel protected. And, if you've ever seen any movies or TV shows about the mafia, you know that the need for protection is a great way to turn into a magnet for bullies. Which is exactly what happened from the moment I was old enough to make my own friends, and I only learned what a healthy relationship was after I'd been through so much harrowing bullshit that I decided the relationship fantasy could not be a goal anymore. I could not control for that. I had to live as if I might be the only person in my life from then on, and I'm sure that helped me meet my now-husband on more egalitarian terms.
Some of us are more inclined to submission and/or codependence than others, but I do think that there is something in the basic-issue human psychological template that helplessly fetishizes authority. It's like we're all just trying to replace our parents; this has become a stereotype of romantic relationships (thanks again, Freud), but I think you actually see it everywhere--like, I think that's where we get all this neurotic purity testing of politicians on the left. We can't just evaluate candidates for what their best practical uses could be, we have to treat them like they're trying to date our mom, they need to be no less than our heroes OR ELSE. I bet you didn't think that I was about to drag Whitley Strieber's classic alien abduction memoir Communion into this, but he makes a lot of really surprising observations like this one: Many abductees report seeing, among all the anonymous drones, one identifiably specific visitor, often seemingly of the opposite sex, who cultivates a sort of personal relationship with the victim. Strieber describes how, in his experience, he noticed himself developing personal feelings toward the feminine, mantis-like creature who often appeared and tried (fruitlessly) to alleviate his fear. His feelings amounted to an overpowering awe that gave way to an ingratiating impulse, a compulsion to please through submission, something akin to religious love. He wondered if his feelings were genuine and personal, or if they were resultant of an instinctive human reaction to power. Maybe humans naturally love demonstrations of extreme (apparently authentic) superiority, maybe "love" is sometimes a subconsciously obedient, self-sacrificing reaction to dominance; to someone who comes to instate authority, predictability, and offers the possibility of being acknowledged meaningfully by someone better-than. Maybe this is the secret to the hero-seeking urge. And also to cults of personality, which I will avoid discussing now, but I'm sure you can imagine what I was about to say.
Anyway. I find myself obsessing over my new hero, and my tantalizing level of contact with her (first when I asked her advice on a personal project, and now that I'm attending a stunning online lecture series during which I have emailed with her a bit but that's about to end, sob). Fortunately for both of us I'm aware that, while she has been generous in responding to my questions, which are all well-trod territory for her, we're not in danger of becoming BFFs. I have nothing to offer her beyond my respectful attention to her amazing work. The best thing I can possibly hope for, even though I've lost half a lifetime already to depression and submission, is that my lucky exposure to her will inspire me to do something great down the line.
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levbolton · 7 months
Jesus you are a really bad person. You're 23 and acting like this. "You think I don't face discrimination because my skin is pale?" I don't, actually. Imagine being this out of touch that you would complain about the police not enacting action on your behalf angainst a person of color and then say you suffer from being white. Disgusting.
Why are you trying to silence my own struggles as a eaterns european in western europe? Do you live in a social bubble? When you people think of romanian you think of stealing wallets jokes, of beggars, of scammers. Westeners refuse to employ me and my people or take us seriously just because of our nationality. Or they employ us, and they pay uq just the bare minimum for overwork, this is what happened with my mother. Human trafficking happens, they take tomanians, don’t allow them a place to sleep, and have them sleeping on building sites and work non stop! And this is just the tip of the iceberg you dipshit. So again, who are you to silence my own experiences?
Just shut up. (« BaD pErSoN » my ass.)
Oh wait you’re talking about my neighbours
THE ONES THAT KEEP ME AWAKE AT MIDNIGHT, what if I also start playing music so loud people can’t sleep? Or talk so loudly i others hear me?
I tried 3 times to tell her « ma’am, this is an old building, the isolation isn’t that great so could you speak less loudly? »
Not to mention i was studying for my last bachelors exams and she made it more difficult
Why are you on anon? Come on, show yourself otherwise you’re just a clown that doesn’t deserve any attention, don’t just play the twitter idiot
3 years ago I had noisy neighbours with kids making noise at night from running inside the house, of course we fucking complained to the police for that and ofc they got moved, but you know what?! They were also romanians. If you’re noisy and have a nasty personality i’m going to complain abt you no matter your ethnicity or skin color. Get that inside your head for once
Why did i have to wait 2 months to call the police? Why did i have to have that patience if i wasn’t trying to be an understanding person? 2 whole months, noise every night and i accepted that but everything has its limit
Our neighbour that lives in front of us is a muslim man, we have another poc neighbour on the 1st floor. But they are nice people, they don’t scream and we always chat when we cross paths. All the apartments are occupied, everyone has their own life so why am I to suffer from someone who just doesn’t know how to modulate her voice past bedtime?
I wish you this kind of neighbours if you’re so understanding, I’m not, I’m a tired person after being at university 10h (and 2 for transit). If i’m home I want silence, not to hear my neighbour’s screams and music at 10-11pm and midnight. Get it inside youe head
You’re annoying stupid anon
Here’s an article in case you’re capable of reading (you’ve proven you aren’t but let’s be hopeful)
And ofc a wiki page that has even more sources
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erodasfishtacos · 2 years
Okay mama personal question
I wanna do child/teen counselling and forensic…so the thing is I’d have to move all across the globe to pursue it but I’ve been seeing all these people on the net saying that it’s not been paying them well and stuff and ofc money is not my first concern but if I move across and leave my family will I be able to sustain myself comfortably?! And do we get a good placement after masters? Or is it like medical that it’s gonna take years to build coz I think I wanna get a phD too
Also can u actually pursue both counselling and forensic???
PS : I gotta start applying to college next month and this year is sooooo bad nearly 80% of my batch flunked mid terms plus I don’t wanna leave home tbh but I kind of want to get out there :(
You definitely don’t make a lot starting out. Here are my thoughts. If your goal is to be therapist and you want to be successsful and have a good income. You have to get your masters and you have to get licensed. The money comes in when you’re liscensed and that means you can work in private practices where commercial insurances are paying the bigger bucks. You can easily make over 100k in the field with all the degrees.
It is a huge decision and a massive commitment so I would really consider it before you do it.
I’ll talk to you through what my experience looked like
Undergrad degree in psychology with a minor in sociology (4 years)
Masters degree in clinical mental health counseling (2.5 years)
In my masters program, I have to complete 350 hours of unpaid practicum, 650 hours of internship. That equals out to about 40 hours a week in internship on top of five classes.
In my school, to graduate I had to pass the CPCE.
Then after you graduate, you need to take the NCE which is the National Counselors Exam and pass that - that’s about a 300 question exam that I studied about nine months for
Then after you pass your NCE you have to then get 3000 supervised hours of work (about 2.5 years) before you can apply to be an LPC.
I just became an LPC this summer and I’m 28.
My college did not set me up with a job.
PhD is a good idea depending on what you want to do with it. I am planning to start my PhD program when I turn 30 and get it in counselor education so that I can be a professor and teach.
The reason LPC makes money and an unlicensed therapist with a masters doesn’t is because insurance will not pay nonlisenced therapist, thus private practice won’t hire you unless the company accepts medicad and Medicare which pay bare minimum or out of pocket pay.
As for what you’re planning to do.. I am a child and family therapist.
I did all of my internship and practicum at a children’s psychiatric hospital
And all my supervised hours in an agency that does family therapy funded through the state
Any type of specialize means more education, trainings, certifications, etc…
I am certified grief counselor but I had to take endless trainings for it.
As for the forensic side, I’m not sure what job you’re thinking out and I’m not knowledgeable on that side.
This isn’t trying to steer you away from the profession.
However, even though I would do it all over again, I wish someone would have told me how fucking difficult it was going to be.
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topoillogical · 1 year
WARNING: ectremely weird and kind of angsty brag incoming
Got a 100% on my first regular stream (as opposed to the specialized math stream at my school, these courses are for econ students, CS students, etc) 300-level combinatorics course midterm, despite skipping a bunch of class and barely studying. Got a 90% on the second midterm despite skipping every single class between the two tests, not reading the textbook, and not studying. I just looked at the paper and figured out the answers.
God, it's weird. I'm in a pond with such big fish all the time in my math program. When I take the specialized courses I'm a fucking dunce. Even working for 40 hours on a problem set I cant outperform my peers who spend 10 hours. I struggle in lecture. I always score below average on tests. I nearly fail.
But then I take a step back into the regular world and I remember that I'm a FUCKING genius! Like, for example, one of the questions on the midterm was this:
Let G1 and G2 be two copies of the complete graph on 5 nodes (I.e. K5). Let f:G1 -> G2 be a bijection on the nodes of the graphs. Then define a new graph G, with the nodes of G being the disjoint union of the nodes of G1 and G2. The edges of G are the edges from G1 and G2, as well as a set of new edges between G1 and G2 determined by the given bijection: there is an edge between nodes a and b whenever f(a) = b. Find the chromatic number of G.
Okay, so, look. I've never done a question like this before. But I'm smart, and I have experience, and I know about bipartite graphs and the four color theorem. So I made an educated guess that "chromatic number" meant the minimum number of colors that it takes to color the graph with no two adjacent vertices being the same color. I was right, of course. I also got the right answer: it's 5. You color the vertices of G1 from 1 through 5, and then color the vertices of G2 in the following way: the color of w (a node in G2) is (n + 1) mod 5, where n is the color of v (a node in G1) and f(v) = w. I wrote something similar to that, at least.
Okay, heres another question from the test: Find the number of integer solutions to the equation w + x + y + z = 100, subject to the following rules:
1. w is greater than 0
2. x is between 1 and 3, inclusive
3. y is greater than or equal to 0, and even
4. z is greater than or equal to 0
Okay, so, apparently, in order to solve this, you're supposed to use generating functions. I only know that bc I mentioned it to a friend after. During the test I didnt know that, but that's fine. I just applied logic and figured it out on my own.
If these questions seem easy to you and therefore this brag seems silly, that's just because you're also a genius. The test averages weren't that high.
Hell, I mean, I was even critiquing the test as I was writing it! There was a question to list the integers between 1 and 100 inclusive that aren't divisible by 2, 3, 5, or 7. I solved it, and then was like, wow that was easy they REALLY should have just said 2, 3, or 5. Like the point is. This is kiddie math to me. It is so beneath my level. But it's real 3rd year uni math that people struggle with
THIS is why I'm so depressed and living in constant agony. I'm SO smart and SO talented. But the bar is just SLIGHTLY out of my reach
In the minor leagues, I am completely dominant. Life's a breeze. And that makes me yearn yearn yearn yearn yearn for the major leagues. And every time I play there, I get CREAMED. It's no contest. Among the normies I am genius, among the geniuses I am a wet paper towel. It almost makes me wish I was just dumb in the regular world too, as horrifically naive and stupid as that sounds. It just feels so awful being strung along like this
I'm smart!!!!! I'm so fucking smart!!! But not enough
This is why my whole life is centered around math, I'm easily in the 99.9th percentile of ability. I'm a prodigy. But higher math is chock full of prodigies and amongst the prodigies I'm nothing. Gahshdishshsm. Math is my calling, destiny, and purpose. And all the 99.99th percentiles are out here doing it better than I ever could, and so I'm worthless
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lookwhatilost · 1 year
all of the people on 2020s neobreadtube do not deserve their fucking platforms. they shouldn't be there as political commentators. they're getting paid absurd amounts of money but can't even do the bare minimum of research. go work a normal job at that point.
like, why would you show up to a job with no experience, no preparation, no anything, and then handle a customer or client, fuck it up completely, and say "i don't need to prepare for that. i stream 4 hours a day and make $250k a year. who the fuck cares?"
when you see people talking about alt-righters and saying "oh no, he's going to out-debate all the left-leaning people," there's a shitty little part of me that's almost like "GOOD! MAKE THEM FIND NEW FUCKING WORK!" you don't deserve the be on the internet if all you can do is run to twitter and tweet dumb shit at people, because that's the only platform you can thrive on. delete your dogshit youtube channel, stop hogging virtual oxygen from other people who might actually be valuable in the space, and just stay on twitter with the perpetual losers who won't ever be worth more than the 180 characters they tweet. fuck these people.
the people online who are representing ideas should be stalwarts for them, and if you can't even defend your positions, then what the fuck are you doing with your time? do some research. open a fucking study. open a book. open a goddamn wikipedia article at this point. if you're that scared that one alt-righter is going to wander into your space and turn everyone there into a nazi, act like it, maybe?
maybe these communities should just be steamrolled, and maybe we'd get some better political thought leaders instead of relying on ethan klein and hasan piker, some of the dumbest people on the internet when it comes to political discourse. fucking woof, dude.
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roylustang · 1 year
how did i not know you lived in japan lol?? that’s so dope and tbh i’ve always thought abt doing a study abroad there since i took japanese classes 😅 i got held up pre covid cause my school required homestays with a program that felt super conservative…. anyway i’d love to know what your experiences as an english speaking person in japan have been like! esp if you can speak to the experience of being queer while navigating those identities
Boy how DID u not kno that I’ve been here for over a year and I talk about it all the time lmao. I also tried to study abroad here for a semester but didn’t get to bc of covid rip but it’s fine I’m here now 👌🏻
Since I live in the middle of nowhere pretty much no one speaks English. anytime I find someone that does speak decent English I’m like WHO R U but I speak bad intermediate Japanese so it’s p easy to get by. They always ask me if I have a point card at the grocery store (the grocery store in general is v overwhelming at first but it doesn’t actually take that long to get the hang of it tbh), they ask if I want a bag at family mart, I tell the gas people いっぱい/満タン お願いします (they have full service gas stations which is wild) and then school is it’s own breed of language which I’m v good at understanding bc I’m around it every day obviously. I’ve also learned u really only need to know a few keywords when having a conversation u can figure out so much through context alone. Sometimes I only have to say like one word (like I said mikan zeri) and people know what I’m asking for (I knew the VP was saving my mikan jelly from lunch in the fridge for me bc I was working from home that day but it was Special Order and I wanted it). Sometimes (because there’s only 3 white people in this town) I don’t have to say anything at all I just show up at the doctors office say konnichiwa and they give me a cup to pee in bc I couldn’t do it six weeks earlier at my health check (bc period reasons). It’s kinda wild how u can communicate with people with just the bare minimum. I am known throughout the town as maddie-san or maddie-sensei if ur under 13 lol so when I sign in at the gym I only ever write my first name. The foreigners (all 5 of us) only ever write our first names at the gym bc no one else has a katakana name lol. It’s a bit strange bc since I’m white and I stick out everyone knows what my job is and what I do here but the people I actually talk to and stuff r v nice (old people r very nice and they LOVE to give u food esp mikans). Idk I could talk forever about this probably. It’s a lot different than living in a city where there are a lot more foreigners. Whenever I go to Kyoto and I see multiple white people im like omg white people 🤯 tbfh. I could talk about this forever lol
Also I don’t ever bring up being gay here. It doesn’t usually come up anyway and I think I’m on the aro/ace side of the spectrum anyway. But I do find it interesting the elementary and middle schoolers do get LGBT talks and speakers and whatever which is more than I could probably say for america. In general tho I’d say there’s definitely ignorance but they got the right spirit. This towns mostly old people tho so idk how the old people feel about it. Don’t b trans here (in japan in general) tho if u want to legally change ur gender u have to be sterilized which is super fucked up.
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bbygirl-in-lace · 1 year
"The politics arent as fucked up as they could be (looking at you UK and US), wages are pretty high, studying is free, rent prices are alright, health insurance system works well and generally speaking our laws make it a pretty "social" country"
You're describing my dream country. If you only knew how low the wages are in my country (the minimum wage is totally ridiculous, no one can live decently earning it, you barely survive), how much we have to pay for studying material and fees at the university, how high the rent prices are, how collapsed our national health service is nowadays and how corrupt our politicians are... If I were smart I would have migrated to Germany or Switzerland some years ago, now it's too late. Stupid me, really, I always hoped things would change here, but they never will. Please think twice about leaving Germany, and if you're planning to go living to any of the European southern countries, please think again.
Why is it too late though?? And where are you from?
God its terrible to hear that! I hope the situation will get better soon 😐 I hope you're not talking about Spain because thats where i'm planning to move in a few years 😄 I know that life in Germany has way more benefits but I refuse to experience even one more German winter
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mischiefmanifold · 9 months
Our Syscourse Code
[link to carrd] - doing this because despite us saying we're not included in syscourse we are at least a little bit
(NOTE: Nobody will be fakeclaimed on this account, but scientific inaccuracies will be corrected. If you feel like that's fakeclaiming or invalidating, I literally do not care)
1. Do you believe in endogenic plurality?
👎 (N) - No (I MIGHT be willing to reconsider if multiple reliable studies come out on endos, but until then it's a hard no)
2. Opinion on tulpas?
💚 (TCA) - I think it is cultural appropriation and am against it -> aka I listen to the people from the culture which is the bare fucking minimum
3. Do you think endos just don't remember their trauma?
📕 (YTR) - Yes
4. Opinion on shared spaces?
🔻 (ASP) - Against it
▪️ (NUSP) - Nuanced opinion / other -> even if endos are real, their experiences are too different than that of people with CDDs to justify shared spaces
5. Do you think endogenic plurality is comparable to transX?
🔴 (TXY) - Yes
6. Do you think you can have a CDD without trauma?
🌑 (DTNO) - No
7. Do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that culture's names if they aren't bodily part of it (eg. Japanese introject using Japanese names, while in a white body)?
🔇(ONA) I have an opinion but would prefer not to state it
🟦 (CNNU) - Nuanced opinion / other -> I would rather people listen to people from these cultures
8. Opinion on researched self diagnosis?
☘️ (SDXNU) - Nuanced opinion / other -> self diagnosis is a good starting point when well-researched, but people who are self diagnosed need to work to getting a professional diagnosis to get proper treatment; people who choose to self diagnose even with the proper resources to get a professional diagnosis are not valid
9. "Sysmed" as a term
☁️ (SMT) - I think it's transphobic, and we should use another term
🌦 (SMA) - Against it
10. "Traumascum" as a term
🥧 (TSA) - Against it
🍪 (TSNU) - Nuanced opinion / other -> it's horrifically transphobic
11. Endos using the term "system"
🐉 (ESA) - Against it
12. Endos using the term "alter"
🪲 (EAA) - Against it
13. Opinion on xeno-origins
🐟 (XEA) - Against it
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phoebeisempty · 2 years
Waste of time
Living feels like a waste of time
Living right now is going to work
Working a job I don’t care about
Enjoying the weekend and repeat
There’s 365 days in a year. Times that by however many years you get in your life and the majority is spent forced into school. Forced into work. Forced into mental illness. Forced into life.
I love my friends. I love my family. I love Partner and Best friend. I wasn’t outrageously bullied or abused by someone else. I’m an average height. And probably decently attractive from what I can tell. I can sing well and create quite well. My life is probably ideal or at least better than many peoples bare minimum ideals. But if I were given the choice to never have been born. There’s a good chance I’d take it.
I spent my entire school experience undiagnosed. Feeling “crazy”. When I was in elementary school I cried a lot. So much I’d have to get sent in the hall and go on a walk with Ms Snow. I don’t remember what she’d say but eventually I’d calm down. I don’t remember why I cried so much. But I heard it was because of assignments I couldn’t do. I remember the feeling of absolute confusion, disgust, fear, and pity. I knew I couldn’t do the assignment immediately and perfectly the first time so I couldn’t even try. My parents were told I’d grow out of it. I never did. Crying became shutting down which became breakdowns which became spirals of doom which became suicidal ideation.
At some point I began to lose to abilities to speak and move when I cried. Fear of failure? Rejection? Simply never being taught how to regulate emotions? I don’t know why I needed to be perfect. Maybe because my brother was smarter than me and my parents didn’t compliment me enough. I hated writing assignments. Topics I didn’t care about. Topics that made no sense. Topics based on my own opinions. Why did what I have to say matter all of sudden. I remember feeling ignored. Pushed into situations I clearly didn’t want. Told stranger danger but then told to order my own food. But not told how. What if I did it wrong. Why is it my fault I’m scared of the stranger behind the counter. Why can’t you just order my damn chicken nuggets for me like you always did. Why is everyone looking at me. Why are you mad that I’m crying. Cant you see that I’m afraid and confused. Help me.
I remember my dad focused on the computer often. My brother focused on legos. My mom focused on cooking. I remember talking and noticing they didn’t care.
Who is your hero? The worst writing prompt ever. Two kids completely unable to write this assignment. I never had a hero growing up. I didn’t look up to anyone. I followed my brother around and adapted a lot of his personality. I learnt exactly what I don’t want to be from my parents and everyone else but still, genetics and life has its ways.
I got to write about my best friend. But really, my dad wrote that assignment, aside from physically typing it.
Boring. Pointless. Confusing. Stupid. Why did my opinion matter all of a sudden. Why did people want to hear what I had to say now. And why did all those prompts suck.
My brain always went black. I had nothing to say. I had no words. It was like English and language didn’t exist anymore. I wonder if the failure in getting us to be bilingual aided in that. Or my future diagnosis.
When I got older, school got harder. More boring and pointless. Who the fuck cares about social studies. Math problems, science questions, social studies worksheets, the answers were always in front of you but sometimes I just couldn’t find them. Que the waterworks of eventual self hatred. Que the father unable to emotionally connect with anyone unless it’s anger. Que just another reason for my parents to fight.
I never got sent to my room like my brother. When shit went south I dipped out. Catch me crying in my room with my only emotional support. Stuffed animals. And the brain that would eventually develop poorly. I guess when I was young and couldn’t grasp concepts and ideas well, I’d cry it out, sleep it off, and hope no one was pissed off anymore cause my bedroom is now boring. Cute apparently. Army crawling with one of my support stuffies to see if the coast was clear and any enemies were just pedestrians now. Maybe that was the beginning of my desire to run away.
My brother had a hard life apparently. Bullied for our race. Bullied for seeming gay. Bullied for existing. We didn’t have good role models so his love life wasn’t helping the situation either. Crazy attracts crazy. Crazy enables crazy. He’s a hot mess. But at least that’s just another person to not end up like. If I really consider it, I guess I was bullied. Everyone likes to downplay it when it’s “girl drama” but I was always an easy target apparently. Maybe closet racism? Maybe I just radiate easy target. Maybe I already had no self respect and let it happen. Apparently. I’m a bitch. Rich bitch. Slut. Raging bitch. Asian bitch. Bitch. People with their own issues just love to walk all over me, I let them, and of course if I don’t. Bitch. Bitch either way. Live my own life but somehow they get intertwined. Bitch. As if I had enough mental capacity to be fucking people over. I was busy worrying about essays and getting perfect grades. Bitch.
I almost always got the guy. But aside from fearing parents finding out. Lack of education and awareness. And a declining self image. Getting the guy was more trouble than worth. I never felt attractive. Beautiful. Worthy. And every time my curiosity outweighed my anxiety, I’d get steamrolled by guilt and self hatred. Plus society loves to just crush woman for enjoy and experiencing anything.
I went through school bored and afraid. A constant downward spiral in emotional stability. I made connections and experiences. But my identity and self were lost.
Turns out I have ADHD. Turns out I may have BPD. I’m pretty sure I have or have been on the way to an eating disorder for years. I worked through the bad paralysis in shut downs, it’s still a struggle though. I moved a lot. Changed jobs a lot. Learned Chinese and comics and graphic novels. I’ve enjoyed a lot. Fucked a decent enough amount of men. Loved. Grieved. Laughed. Smiled. Cried a shit ton. Hurt a fuck ton.
I love my partner and I love my best friend. I love my friend groups. I don’t hate myself. I don’t hate my current job. I don’t like myself. I don’t like working. I don’t like crying. I don’t like my body. I don’t like this part of my life. I don’t like this society. I don’t like this world. I don’t like this life. There’s not enough time to be alive. There’s not enough time to enjoy the limited time you get. Living feels like a waste of time.
0 notes
bakustark · 4 years
Cockwarming with reiji while he's studying with you and everytime you get a pratice question wrong he thrusts up into you. Thats it. Thats the tweet.
aw hell yeah, get ready for some biology facts 👀😤
warning(s): nsfw, cockwarming, brief dirty talk, procrastinating, creampie, subtly implied breeding/stuffing, Reiji himself is a warning, etc.
The Pleasure of Knowledge
Little drops of sweat gathered on the back of her neck, making her hair stick to her skin, and slid down the length of her spine. Her face felt almost unbearably hot and her lungs burned for air as she struggled to keep her noises to a minimum. Reiji hummed, the sound vibrating against her back, which was flush against his chest. His gloved fingers pried her white knuckled grip from the edges of the desk and he ran the pad of his thumb along her knuckles. 
“What has you so flustered?” Reiji asked with feigned curiosity, followed by a not so innocent roll of his hips. She bit back a cry, her eyes fluttering shut as she shakily inhaled and exhaled to calm her breathing. He hummed again, no doubt enjoying the erratic flutters of her cunt stretched around his girth. One of his hands slid down her side to press her down harder, her wetness slowly soaking into his pants. For once, he didn’t chastise or call her out on it. 
Right, he was waiting for an answer.
She swallowed thickly, her tongue feeling heavy in her mouth, and shook her head in response. “Nothing? Then why have you not answered the question?” Reiji’s voice turned stern and his fingers dug into her hip. “Which cell contains a singular vacuole, the animal cell or the plant cell?” He repeated his first question, looking over her shoulder at the worksheets on the desk. 
“The…” She looked at the question, trying to ignore the way the head of his cock nudged at that one spot that made her toes curl and her head spin. She seemed to be taking too much time because Reiji’s hand left her hip to press against the subtle bulge on her tummy, caused by his length buried within the depths of her cunt. 
“The what, darling?” Reiji asked in a smug sounding murmur, his cool breath ghosting over the shell of her ear. 
Dear god, what cell had only one vacuole? She vaguely remembered hearing the teacher discuss it in biology, but the only thing she could recall was that the mitochondria was the powerhouse of the cell. And that was because of the memes! The... plant cell had a wall that surrounded the membrane and it had—
The snap of his hips caught her off guard, the friction against her clit so deliciously torturous that it made her fail for a second before grabbing on to the desk once again. “Oh, fuck…” She shuddered, biting down on her bottom lip and resisted against the very powerful temptation to grind down against him, knowing it would only end up worse for her if she did. “Uh, the animal cell…?” 
Reiji let out a long sigh and proceeded to take his gloves off, soon followed by his glasses. The meaning behind his actions turned her skin to gooseflesh. “If you don’t know such a simple thing, how can you remain in advanced placement? How disappointing of you.” That was the only warning she got before he shoved her forwards, her hips smacking painfully against the edge of the desk while her chest was pressed down against the now crumpled worksheets. His bare hand slid up her clothed back to curl around her nape, ensuring she stayed in that position. 
Her heart fluttered like a hummingbird’s wings within the cage of bones that was her ribs. “I’m sorry.” She breathed, anxious gaze solely focused on the wall in front of her as the head of his cock nudged against her entrance.
“No, you’re not.” He stated bluntly before snapping his hips forward and sheathing himself inside her moist warmth. The sound of her cry of pleasure was echoed by the low groan Reiji gave at the tight grip of her cunt around his cock. “Maybe if I drill the information into you this way,” Reiji started, a tad breathless as he began thrusting without giving her time to adjust, “Your whore self will remember the basics of such a simple topic.” 
She could only moan in response to his taunts, her cheek pressed against the papers as her body rocked in time with each purposeful thrust of his hips. Studying eukaryotic cells shouldn’t be this hot, leave it to Reiji to turn a learning experience into pleasurable torture. Right after that thought, Reiji pressed down on her to rub tight circles on her clit with his other hand and she bit her knuckles to muffle a loud squeal. They were both close. She’d sat on his lap, impaled on his cock, for a considerable amount of time before the topic about vacuoles came up. 
His thrusts were hard, fast and erratic, sticky with her slick and the precum weeping from his tip like a leaking faucet. She let out another moan when he took his hand away from her nape to slam it next to her head and press his chest against her back, pressing his lips against the pulse on her neck. His fingers on her clit moved faster and the knot in her stomach tightened until, finally, it snapped. Slick came gushing out of her and her legs shook, her walls clamping down on him. Reiji sunk his fangs into her flesh, muffling his loud moans, and he buried himself as deep as he could go before spilling copious amounts of cum inside her. 
She sighed in pleasure at the feeling even as the sheer amount of their mixed fluids made a mess of their inner thighs and dripped down to stain the carpet. Reiji collected the blood coming from the punctures made by his fangs with his tongue, and straightened with a satisfied sigh. She gave a soft hum in response and shuddered when he pulled out, making more cum spill from her entrance. She turned around, still half laying on the desk with trembling legs as she propped herself up on her elbows to give him a small smirk.
“The plant cells have a single vacuole, which is larger than the animal cell’s numerous vacuoles, and it’s used for both storage and maintaining shape.” She stated smugly and watched as Reiji raised an eyebrow at her. 
“You lied to me.”
She grinned, “Maybe, or maybe your technique worked. Who knows?” She shrugged her shoulders with a small snicker. 
Her laugh was cut off by a loud, strangled gasp when Reiji grabbed her by the thighs and buried himself inside her already filled cunt with a loud schlick. “If you were coherent enough to lie to me, then you’ll be coherent enough to name all the differences between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells— in alphabetical order.” Reiji hissed into her ear, already thrusting away and snaking a hand between them to toy with her clit, “Maybe then we’ll be able to move on to the next subject.”
“Oh, god…” 
1K notes · View notes
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Dabi // Touya T.
NSFW ABCs || A Thot’s Thoughts 💦
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|| ao3 version | mha tag | m.lists | main blog ||
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↠ Requested By: The Thirst™ ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: HELLA NSFW ((Minors, kindly ✨ fuck off ✨)) ↠ CWs/TWs: Any applicable warnings can be found before their respective sections, tho the ‘Kink’ section does get kinda wild (exhibitionism, choking, fear play, knifeplay, allusions to CNC, and degradation). Also I’ll go ahead and throw in a general warning for Dabi being Dabi and all that entails—because lbr that man is a gd walking crisis lmao—as well as Dabi-typical trauma. ↠ Betas? Where they do that at?? ↠ Total WC: 10k~ ((…yeah… lmao))
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Look, Dabi knows that other people find him attractive, but for the half-dead life of him he can’t figure out why? He is a literal burn victim, half of his skin has been seared away and what little there is left is attached with fucking staples. He thinks we’re all a bunch of weird ass freaks, but luckily for us all he’s into that shit lmao.
↠ I’ve got the worst case of horny Dabi brainrot and I’m determined to make it the world’s problem.
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((Since a lot of new people have been stumbling across this lately I figured now was as good a time as any to update it. There hasn’t been any major changes; it’s mostly just cosmetic, with a few nips and tucks to the writing itself to make things flow better.))
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If you’re familiar with my writing you’re probably damn tired of me doing these ABC’s and also not finishing my other works you’ll know that I tend to venture well beyond the boundaries prompts. That is to say that this shit’ll be kinky, yeah, but also a character study; sex and intimacy are such personal, intricate and integral things, often fueled by emotions and experiences that one doesn’t even readily know are at play. I like to use these prompts as a way to really dig my grubby little paws into a character and find out what I personally think makes them tick. If that sounds like your bag, then please join me in this feels-lined pit of depravity lol…
At current I’m anime only, so aside from a few spoilers and consuming fics I don’t know much about our favorite burnt bacon bitch other than the fact that he’s hot (in more ways than one), angy (and subsequently murder-y), and a Todoroki (which is synonymous with emotional repression, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and a whole bunch of other things that make my heart hurt to think about). So if anything sounds out of character in this that’s why. Also any CWs will be posted before the applicable letter.
But that’s more than enough rambling from me. Let’s get into things, shall we?
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Aftercare || What they’re like after sex.
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Lmaoooooo, bitch byeeee…
Wtf even is that, honestly? ‘Tending to your partner after sex’—yeah, that shit sounds fake to him. This man does the bare minimum to keep himself (mostly) functional, do you really think he has the mind to pat someone up after fucking?
Most of his hookups are just that, one time deals that aren’t meant to last much longer past the time it takes for him to put his clothes back on and fuck off into the sunset. He doesn’t trust anyone enough to stay over at their place, and bringing them back to wherever the fuck it is he’s crashing at currently is a big ol’ ✨ Nope ✨ so anything other than a “That was fun” coupled with a smirk and a wave has never been a thing he felt the need to provide.
If you become a reoccurring fuck buddy, or gods help him, his actual significant other, then…
Look if he likes you enough to sleep over then he definitely probably likes you enough to try, but…
Intimacy is a thing that terrifies him, okay? Being that close to another person has never ended well for him in non-romantic situations; things always soured, always turned volatile and violent and terrible and that was just his familial relationships, things that weren’t nearly as complicated as whatever… this is the pair of you have going.
Whether you’re friends with benefits or something more he refuses to put a label on it because words and titles would make it real. This thing you have may be without any true form, but he likes it that way—he likes you, if he’s honest (which he so rarely is when it comes to things like this, even in the confines of his own mind, ‘thinking makes it so’ and all that noise). He wants to keep you around for as long as possible and if that means tossing a bag of your favorite snack and a bottle of water on the nightstand for you before he pounds you into the mattress then so be it.
As you’d probably expect his version of aftercare isn’t exactly a gentle thing. He’s more opt to use a discarded shirt (always yours because it’s definitely the cleaner of the two not to mention the fact that he has to put his back on when he slinks out of your window at o’dark-thirty) to clean you up than a towel; more likely to tease you until you’re a blushing, stuttering mess than to outright praise you; more prone to fucking you in the shower than actually helping you to bathe.
But still, he’s sweet in his own way.
Like I said before he’ll make sure that you have something to munch on once your session finally sees its end. If he’s done his job right—and he always, always does—then you’re probably too tired to actually feed yourself. Though he’ll tease you about it, he won’t hesitate to prop you up against his chest and pop the morsels into your waiting mouth. Yes, he does this in the most suggestive way possible, and yes, he oftentimes ends up eating a good portion of the food himself, but it’s all good because he brought extras—“So quit yer complaining, brat, and let me take care of you. Ol’ fussy ass…”
If he’s been especially rough with you, and you’re really insistent on not limping in to school/work/wherever it is you have to go the next day, he’ll give you a rubdown and my god is it heavenly. He heats his hands up just enough for you to really feel it and just digs and in and ahhhhh~
I really just sat here and made myself jealous over a fictional murder man giving a self-heated massage to an amalgamation of readers, huh? Damn, I really need to get out more lmao…
This is only if he’s feeling especially soft and generous. He knows he can’t claim you in any official capacity for several reasons, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want the world to know that you’re his that someone’s already taking care of your needs, thoroughly, and we all know that he’s more than petty enough to leave you in a state that just screams ‘I got my soul fucked clean outta my body last night’ lmao. So if you start talking about someone else just a touch too much, or mention a colleague that reads as just a little too friendly for his liking he’ll pipe you down good and make sure that you’re damn near crawling out of the house the next day.
Yeah, he’s a petty, possessive prick—what about it?
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Body Part || Favorite body part, on them as well as their partner.
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On him it’s probably his cock.
Are you honestly surprised? Because you really shouldn’t be lmfao.
Look, Dabi knows that other people find him attractive, but for the half-dead life of him he can’t figure out why? He is a literal burn victim, half of his skin has been seared away and what little there is left is attached with fucking staples. He thinks we’re all a bunch of weird ass freaks, but luckily for us all he’s into that shit lmao. That said any confidence he has in his looks is derived from the thirst of others. It’s a hollow thing, but given everything else he has on his brain he doesn’t feel the need to delve into that shit too deeply. If his doll thinks he’s attractive, he’s not going to argue—after all, you’re the one that has to look at/fuck him. If you like your men burnt all to be damned and homicidal then who tf is he to judge?
Whatever confidence he does or does not have in his looks is irrelevant once he gets you between the sheets—or against the wall or on the couch or maybe even bent over the balcony’s railing, the cool night air caressing the whole of your very much exposed body… (yeah, our mans is an exhibitionist among other things, but more on that in ‘K’). He knows his stroke game is on point, knows how to roll his hips and angle his dick so that it hits that spot that makes you see stars every time… Even if he wasn’t so damn talented he’s sure that it wouldn’t take much to bring a mf to their knees; he’s long and thick and curved just so and yeah… Dude slangs cock, and he does it damn well.
On you it’d have to be your chest.
It doesn’t matter what you have going on there, your chest is his new favorite pillow. If you ask him about it, he’ll play it off with some lewd remarks—as well as a few gropes and tweaks at your nipples for good measure. He wants you both to think it’s just an extension of his physical attraction to you, and that is indeed a part of it, but…
Look he loves really likes you, yeah? You’re one of the few people he feels at ease with, probably the only one in the entirety of the whole ass world that he lets his guard down around. Just existing in the same space as you is enough to calm his racing thoughts, and touching you… Sometimes you blue screen him with your sweet, casual touches, ngl. He wishes he could say that he didn’t know how touch starved he was before meeting you, but that’s something he’s been keenly aware of since childhood. We all know the shit his snatchbag of a father* got up to, so I think it’s safe to say that he doesn’t have the best relationship with touch. Outside of sex he’s one to actively avoid it at all costs as it hurts too much—physically, emotionally, and mentally—to entertain otherwise.
But like with most walls he’s built, this is just yet another one that you scaled without ever actively trying.
All it took was for him to crack, just a little bit, to seek your hand only to be offered so much more for him to start craving your touch. And you’re always so, so damn gentle with him, both physically and emotionally; he knows that he never has to worry about pain or rejection or anything of the kind when he comes to you. He starts off hesitant, with his temperament being akin to that of a beaten dog, but once he realizes that he can trust (not only in you, but also in himself to not screw things up) it’s a thing that he actively seeks out with varying degrees of desperation.
But no matter how he comes to you, things oftentimes end with his head pillowed against your chest.
Why? Because that’s where your heart is.
The beat of it reverberates with all of the care and warm feelings you for some odd as hell reason harbor for him. He just cannot get over the fact that you love?? him the way that you do. And while he knows that your heart isn’t actually the organ that’s responsible for all that he, like most people, has been conditioned to associate these emotions with it nonetheless. Those metronomic thuds that lulls him into a contented puddle are just further proof to how much you care, and he lives for that shit–
–that this also gives him ease of access to some of your more sensitive areas is just a bonus…
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*Given the state of this fandom I feel the need to say that while I don’t like Endeavor, I absolutely fuck with his fans ((and tbh I’d totally let him wreck my shit because GODDAMN, god-fucking-bless the Todoroki genes, tho I’d probably feel bad about it later lmaooo)). Like who you like, my good dudes, this is a safe space lol…
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Cum || Anything to do with cum…
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Lbr—Dabi’s definitely the type of asshole to cum all over you regardless of how you feel about it.
That said, if you really don’t like it and make that clear then he’ll refrain from cumming on you (dude’s not a complete asshole, at least not when it comes to you), but your sheets are fucked. What? He’s gotta finish somewhere, esp. if he’s fucking you raw and you have a womb. Doesn’t matter how much protection you use, his first instinct is always gonna be to pull out and empty his balls onto something less perilous. And since you don’t want it on you or in your mouth then the sheets really are his only alternative.
I mean yeah, he could cum into his hand or a tissue or something, but lmao—no.
If you are down, however, he absolutely loves to make a mess of you, but will bitch to no end if you dare to do the same to him. Don’t let that stop you tho; he just likes to complain for the sake of complaining (I would not be surprised to find that he has a kink for his own damn voice, tbh), but in all honesty he couldn’t care less. Reduce him to a sweaty, cum-stained mess and he’ll adore you just that little bit more. Just know that he will get you back next time, fair’s fair after all…
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Dirty Secret || Pretty self-explanatory—a dirty secret of theirs.
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I picture Dabs as being the type to put all of his shit out there p. much from jump and he expects you to do the same.
The way he sees it, if you’re fucking on the regular you might as well know what your partner does and does not like. It keeps things from getting awkward and potentially dangerous down the line, plus it makes things a thousand times more fun/exciting when he (or you) tosses in something new into your sessions at random. Keeps things fresh and suitably spicy.
That said the thing he thinks to be the dirtiest secret of all is his feelings for you.
Dabi knows who and what he is and makes no apologies for it—usually. Prior to you he never once bothered with any self-examination, and why should he have? What do labels like ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ matter when people on both sides of the line don’t seem to have any compunction about crossing it whenever it suits them? It’s actions, not words, that he places his trust in.
Life has shown him that it’s always a matter of ‘when’, not ‘if’ when it comes to literally everybody and their motivations. People’ll always hang themselves if you give them enough of the proverbial rope that is time—and honestly he isn’t any different, though he likes to think himself better. He doesn’t hide behind smiles and genial conversation and all those other bullshit social constructs that people like All Might like to put on to make the masses feel at ease; though he’ll never admit to it ever he’s like his father in that way. His smirk is lined with stilettos and his words are just as sharp and vicious. What you see with Dabi is what you get, and he doesn’t make for a very pretty picture.
Nobody in their right mind would ever want to get close to him, so it really freaks him out when you start showing signs of wanting him around for more than his pipework, like…
Are you a Commission plant, luring him into a false sense of security with copious amounts of orgasms and what is frankly the best damn sex he’s ever had in his life? Or perhaps you’re the family member of one of the many asshats he’s killed but never bothered with remembering their name if he ever knew it in the first place? Maybe you’re something far more twisted than even he, and you plan on trapping him in a dank basement somewhere so you can do all types of unsexy things to his charred body in the name of pseudo-science.
He’s not sure what your motivations are, but your walls are too fuckin’ good to give up without a damn good reason, so… He’s pretty sure he can take you if need be, so it’s fine.
But then it turns out you’re fueled by something that’s far too terrifying for him to have ever considered—you’re actually interested in him. As in him-him, as in Touya-him (tho naturally you don’t know to put that label on it, on him, no one does, he’s made damn sure of that).
What’s worse is that some ill-advised part of him wants to give you exactly what you looking for. He knows that he can’t, obviously—that’d put both of you in far more danger than you’re already in—but at the same time he’s in things too deep to just fuck off now. But he should, he really, really should. You’re too damn good for him, for this shitheap of a world, honestly. Who is he to come along and sully you? To drag you down in this pit of hatred and death that he’s dug himself into, to stain your skin with his blood soaked hands? Not once before you, not fucking once, did he ever give a shit about the lengths he had to go to in order to get his revenge, but now…
He’s not stupid enough to think he has a right to absolution, doesn’t allow himself to wish for a remission of sins committed—it’s too late in the game for that shit—but he does wish that he had met you sooner. He has no idea when would’ve been a good time—maybe once upon another life, when you were both still kids, smiling and carefree, but that’s a past that never was. Your lives wouldn’t have synced up back then, hell they barely fit together now; your shared harmony is more cacophonous than anything, but he finds that he loves the clamor. Still, maybe if you’d been the one to find him once Enji had abandoned him then maybe he wouldn’t have devolved into the man he is today. He knows that you would’ve extended him a hand without hesitation, giving him shelter and solace, sweet as you are, as you’ve always been…
But in the same way that he knows that you would have loved him, even then, he knows that there’s no point in focusing on what could have been since it was not. But a man can still dream, yeah? And he’s taken to doing that a lot more since meeting you. Sometimes, when he allows his mind to wander it conjures up images of a future with you by his side. They’re never plausible, and how can they be when his skin is as smooth as porcelain and his mother is smiling and you’re wearing a ring and taking his name, a name that he himself is somehow okay with? Silly, stupid, painful fantasies, but a man can dream…
He wishes it was just the bomb ass sex, that he could mourn and move on from, but you’re under his skin and steadily moving deeper, settling into his very bones. He knows that he should get out now, before it’s too late and he really fucks things up in one way or another, but… If he’s being honest (and really he’s gonna have to get on that shit sooner rather than later) he knows that he’s already ventured well beyond the point of no return. All he can do now is hope and pray that he doesn’t take you with him when he inevitably burns himself alive in his quest for vengeance.
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Experience || How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?
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I personally canon Dabi as a big ol’ ho, but like only sometimes lol. He’s v. focused on his goals, so his sex drive takes a backseat more often than not, but when he does allow his carnal desires to come to the forefront…
Is slanging his thang all over town the safest option given how many wanted lists he’s on? Hell no, but nobody’s ever accused him of making quality life choices.
He fucks, and he fucks a lot. And since practice makes perfect, well… I think it’s safe to say he damn well knows what he’s doing.
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Favorite Position || What it says on the tin.
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CW for v. brief mentions of neck grabbing, spanking, and general rough treatment, but like ~lightly so~ lol (Reader receiving).
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One hundo percent his all-time favorite is hitting it from the back.
Just the thought of you on your hands and knees, back arched and throwing it back like your gd life depends on it is *chef’s kiss* He will absolutely grab a fistful of your hair, or better yet get a hand around your cute lil neck, and just lay into you. Also expect lots of smacks to your ass because he loves to hear you squeal for him.
Other than that he does like having you ride him, preferably in that good reverse cow ish. Look he’s an ass man, okay? He loves having your cheeks pressed against him, gets off on sinking his fingertips into the flesh of your undulating hips hard enough to bruise. He’s taken in by the wave that your body makes as you fuck him, the light sheen of sweat that coats your back. Don’t be surprised to feel his fingers tracing patterns into the mist, patterns that may seem nonsensical to you, but if you were able to concentrate on anything other than the feeling of his cock hollowing you out you’d realize were declarations of devotion, possession (mine-Mine-MINE).
Rounding out the top three is spooning. He thinks it’s sappy of him, but like… Having your back pressed against his chest as he lazily pumps into you is everything tbh. He only does this in the wee hours of the morning, when you’re both caught in the haze that exists between slumber and waking. His hands are unexpectedly soft—cautious—as he settles your leg over his and slides into you, your shared rhythm languid as you enjoy being connected so intimately. This is one of the only times he’ll allow himself to say that he loves you, though he’s only mouthing it against you neck, his voice caught in his throat, the muscles there strangling the words before they can dare to breach the air. Saying it aloud would manifest it, or so his thinking goes, and he can’t afford for such sentiments to be real. Not when he is who he is, not when he knows how things are destined to end for him.
He’s a cruel bastard, and no doubt about it. He’s already taken so much from you, but to force you to bear the burden that is his feelings for you is a step beyond. Even the most fucked up of villains have their hard limits. There aren’t many lines left in his life at this point, but this is certainly one of them—perhaps it truly is the only one left, he honestly isn’t sure anymore, but whatever the case may be it’s the only one that he’ll never dare to cross…
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Goofy || Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, relaxed, etc.
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Dabi laughs a fair bit in bed, but it’s usually at you and not with you.
His chuckle is a dark and rolling thing that curls around and flows through you to leave you a flustered mess every time without fail. He’s such a cruel and teasing bastard, but in the best of ways. He’s always taunting you, making you beg—but we’ll get into all of that in ‘U’.
Aside from that, he lands on the more… not really serious side, it’s more so that he’s really focused on what he’s doing. He’s more worried about getting the reactions that you’re both craving, so if that means he’s gotta hit you with a witty one-liner that’ll leave you snickering then so be it. That’s rarely the vibe with him tho, so don’t expect to be laughing too often…
…well unless he decides to tickle you.
He’s got a bit of a sadistic streak on him, so sometimes he’ll just start feathering his hands along your ticklish areas while he’s giving you head and it’s so weird? Like bruh wtf?? Asshole just likes to get a rise out of you, plus there’s the bonus of having you writhing harder than usual; fucker gets off on you struggling, ig. But what’s really annoying is how strong he is. Looking at him you wouldn’t think he could pin your hips down with one hand, but fuck around and find out lol. He’ll somehow manage to keep you in place, his mouth still putting in that good work, while his other hand keeps on tickling you and it’s annoying as hell. Luckily he’ll stop before things get too uncomfortable, but still. He doesn’t know why you put up with his irritating ass, but he’s glad that you do.
Lol, jk, he know his dick bomb and you couldn’t stay away even if you wanted to, which let’s be real—you don’t. Dabi’s a mistake that most people are all too eager to make at least twice. It’d be sad if he wasn’t likewise hooked on you, but good luck trying to get him to admit to that shit aloud unless you tie his smug, bratty ass up and fuck the confession outta him, but I digress…
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Hair || How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.
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Given that his cock is still intact and functional it’s probably a safe guess to say he still has pubes? Maybe?? Idk, his skin grafts are weird, man. If he does I can see him keeping that shit trimmed just because it’d get on his nerves otherwise. That you benefit from it is just a happy bonus.
He dyes his hair—or at least he did—so the curtains don’t usually match the drapes. Actually, even without the dye it doesn’t match. Idk what fucking color his hair actually is; when he was little it was red and now it’s white, like??? I’ve since been informed that his hair started going white when he was a kid due to some medical reasons which more than likely means that all of his hair has since followed suit, but, I refuse to let go of the crimson pubes theory because that shit’s funny af to me. A weird hill to die on, but I’m making my stand nonetheless.
But seriously tho, just imagine seeing him naked for the first time, like… He’s expecting you to be put off by all the staples and charred skin, but all you can focus on is that damned thatch of red hair lmao. When you inevitably question him about it (and how can you not, it’s just. So. Red.) he’ll just roll his eyes and tell you you’re a fucking weirdo–
“But if you’re that interested, doll, you might as well get a lil closer. Open that pretty little mouth of yours and I’ll make sure you get a real good look.”
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Intimacy || How are they during the act, the romantic aspect…
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If it’s just a hit it and quit it type deal he’s getting himself off and getting gone. If he’s feeling generous he might be inclined to stick around long enough for the other person to cum too, but tbh he’s one of those “Well I got mine” kind of assholes lol. Luckily for his past partners, Dabi’s good with his hips so they usually ended up getting off without him having to do anything extra.
But you, you’re his baby, so your pleasure is his pleasure and vice versa. Dabi’s version of romance isn’t that typical gooey sweet fluff that one might attribute to the word (tho it can be in those rare moments of softness that become far more common the deeper he falls into it with you), but more so in his attentiveness. His aftercare can use some work, but when he’s in the moment? You’ll never feel more cared for. It doesn’t matter how rough and nasty things get you’re always gonna feel safe in his hands, he’ll made damn sure of it.
One bit of softness that he indulges in more regularly is hand holding. Missionary is a position that you always end up in at some point during just about every session, and when you do he’ll thread his fingers between yours and it’s just so sweet? Well usually. Sometimes it’s this tender thing, others he’s using this connection to pin your hands down as he fucks you hard and deep. But regardless of which it is, there’s always gonna be something soft syruping around in his eyes, an amalgamation of emotions too complicated to parse out, but easily defined by a four lettered word that he’s still too scared to say.
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Jack Off || The Masturbation Headcanon™
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I know I said he was a ho before, but like he also has his shit in check.
Dabi’s a man on a mission and he’s not gonna let his libido get in the way of that. He’s got shit to do, yanno? He’s only out there wetting his dick when he has the time to, and when he doesn’t he’s usually too focused on whatever it is he’s doing to worry about being horny. Once he’s got the time to actually focus on such things he doesn’t actually jack it all too often. It’s not like it’s hard for him to find a partner to lend him a helping hand, or willing hole as is his preference.
Oddly enough once you two are a thing he actually finds that he has to masturbate more often as finding a random for a hook up somewhere nearby is no longer an option, and you’re not always a viable option (be that because of distance, his needing to lay low and not drag the law to your doorstep, etc.).
Masturbating isn’t overly enjoyable for him, in fact he actually gets p. annoyed when he has to resort to it. He’d much rather be buried inside you than thrusting into his own hand, but again that isn’t always possible. Sometimes his activities keep you apart for long stretches of time, and even when you’re together sometimes you’re just not in the mood, or too tired or whatever and that’s okay too; it’s not as if he expects you to fuck on command or anything like that.
When he has to take care of himself it’s a pretty efficient affair. He’ll lube himself up and get to work, moving at the pace he knows will get him off the quickest, his mind digging through the vast catalog that is his spank bank until he finds something that does it for him. Unless he’s trying to entice/tease you he’s actually quiet, usually biting down on his shirt to muffle any stray moans and hisses that manage to slip through. Though he’d like to blame practicality for all of this, really the habit was picked up back when he was still under his father’s tutelage. Enji believed such activities to be distractions, but knowing that the release would be necessary for the growing boy he basically told him to get it over with as swiftly as possible and yeah…
Sheeeesh, there’s just so much to unpack there, isn’t it? From what I’ve gathered it seems as if Endeavor has some type of familial redemption arc going on, and good on him for trying to make things right even if it’s well after the damage has been done (it’s never too late to do better, after all), but still… At least let Dabi kick him in the gooch one good time. (Yes, I am vaguely aware of what he actually did do, and it was fucked, which is why I’m offering this alternative lol.)
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Kink || One or more of their kinks.
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CW for detailed descriptions of choking, fear play and all that entails (including a v. brief mention of knifeplay as well as shades of CNC), as well as degradation and all that entails (including a v. brief mention of spit). Exhibitionism is also a thing that’s discussed. These are all found in their respective sections (tho the fear play naturally blurs into the choking bit as well).
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Unsurprisingly this fucker is kinky as hell. It should be said now that these particular kinks are… a bit more extreme/dark in nature. Aside from the cock warming that I threw in at the end because I am a self-indulgent little shit, exhibitionism is the mildest one on the list, so that should tell you something lol. So if you read the title and think ‘Yeah, no, that’s not for me’, then yeah, no, it’s not for you.
That said anything mentioned here would only be engaged in if all parties involved are abundantly enthusiastic and willing because while Dabi may be a giant fucking asshole—by both consensus as well as his own admission—he is not one for forcing shit like this. That would be v. wrong and unsexy of him, and he’s not with that fuckery.
I don’t have the time to lay out everything I think he’d be into, but a top five (made in no true order) list seem to be the best way for me answer this one in the most succinct manner possible, so without further ado, leggo.
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1 || Exhibitionism
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CW for—you guessed it!—public sex. …It should also be said that ya boy isn’t above making death threats (and promptly following through on them) if someone takes issue with him taking you…
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This asshole is the type to take you any time and any place. Clubs, back alleys, on the gd train—he really does not give a fuck (well, he’s certainly giving you the fuck, but you know what I mean). If someone’s foolish enough to try to confront you he won’t hesitate to reduce them to cinders, if he can do so without drawing the attention of any cops or heroes, naturally. He’s not too keen on the prospect of either of you doing time, especially for something as lame as this. Thankfully it hasn’t ever come to that as usually all he has to do is flash a palmful of blue flames and folk know to back the fuck off.
Potential for homicide aside, he loves the thrill that comes with doing something so inherently taboo. Plus he’s a giant fucking showoff. He knows that there isn’t any other person out there that can do what he can, no one else who can lay claim to your body as masterfully as he, and he wants the world to know it too.
Annnnd there’s also a not-so-small part of him that wants the world to know that you’re his just as much as he’s yours, but shhhhh, we don’t talk about that bit lol… If you thought you saw his softer side showing shut the fuck up no you didn’t. >.>
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2 || Choke me like you hate me, but you love me~
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CW/TW for choking, obviously lol…
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This one’s p. self-explanatory, I think. Dude likes having his hands around your neck, plain and simple. He relishes the deep, creeping fear that syrups around in your teary eyes, lives for the way you gasp and writhe under his grip…
If you let him he’ll squeeze until the delicate skin there blooms with bruises that match the curve of his palm; until you’re clawing desperately at his hand, your rapidly constricting lungs begging for just a sip of oxygen; until those pretty little eyes roll back and you cum so hard that you go limp under his still rutting hips…
Yeah, as you can imagine safe words/actions are very much a thing you have to incorporate into your sessions.
And with turnabout being fair play, as they say, he’s v. much down for you returning the favor. Go as hard as you like because homie can take it just as good as he gives it—in fact if you’re not squeezing tight enough he’ll grab your hand in a bid to get you to shore up your grip. He won’t be happy until his vision is dancing with little black spots and his lungs have all but emptied out.
Naturally this isn’t something he’ll engage in to this degree unless he has the full trust of his partner and vice versa.
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3 || Fear Play
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CW/TW for brief mentions of stalking (in a predator/prey kinda way), knifeplay, and what can pass as CNC if ya squint.
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Were he more introspective he might worry about what this particular kink says about him.
Like he adores you, right? Always wants you to be happy and safe and smiling–
But on the other hand your fear is so deliciously beautiful.
It should feel like breaking you, seeing the terror that etches itself into every part of your being when you play like this—it does feel like breaking you, and maybe that’s part of the appeal. Even if you’re a villain yourself, Dabi is convinced that you will never be as wicked a creature as he. It doesn’t matter if you just went on a whole ass killing spree and are still covered in the resulting blood—he sees you as something better, something more. So to rip into that perception, to turn you from a thing to be protected into prey… It just hits different and oh-so-good and god, he really is fucked up isn’t he? But he knew that already and so did you, so there’s no point in shying away from it now.
It doesn’t matter if he’s stalking you through the city’s seedy back alleys, sneaking through your window and breathing a threat into your ear as he presses a nearly scalding hand over your mouth when you least expect it, or fucking you with a blade just millimeters from sinking into your flesh—he’s gonna revel in your fear, licking away your tears as he promises not to hurt you too bad–
“–so long as you keep being my good little doll. Now whimper for me some more, sweetheart…”
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4 || Degradation
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CW for exactly what it says on the tin. Dabi’s a mean SOB, so name calling, rough treatment, and humiliation are all par the course.
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Dabi can be downright mean when he wants to be—which honestly is like 87% of the time. Definitely the type to step on you while calling you all sorts of names (whore, slut, cocksleeve, needy bitch, just his little hole to fuck), maybe rough you up a bit, spit in your mouth…
Yeah, shit gets nasty.
Of course he’ll only go as far as you’re comfortable with, so expect a very involved conversation about boundaries and limits once you start getting that work on the regular. He’ll also want to field test things right afterwards, if you’re that way inclined; if not he’s gonna go rub one out—very loudly, hell maybe even right in front of you because this asshole has NO shame, in hopes that it’ll get you hot enough to reconsider lmao…
This particular kink usually makes itself known in short order, but what a lot of people don’t know is that it goes both ways.
Tell him that he’s just your little fuck toy with no worth outside of the pleasure he can give you and he’ll damn near nut on the spot. Is this a healthy dynamic/coping mechanism? Nah, probably not and he knows it, but you can’t help what gets you hot, ya know? Were you anyone but who you are to him he doesn’t think that he’d be okay with it, honestly, but he feels safe with you. He knows that you see him as something more than a thing to be used, that you’re just as deep into things as he is, and that allows for him to explore this space.
If you do decide to indulge him, don’t do so too frequently. He’s five feet and nine inches of emotional baggage, so that which is cathartic can just as easily turn poisonous if not handled with care. Honestly this is something that only someone who really knows what they’re doing should attempt, imo. At any rate, when you finish the session make sure that you love up on him extra good because he’s gonna drop hard and he’ll really need the reassurance and care.
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5 || Cockwarming
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Think of this as a little palate cleanser after all that deliciously dark sinning lmao.
This is a kink that he didn’t know he had until the first time you guys did it, and said time wasn’t even on purpose—he was just too tired and injured to fuck you properly, but being the stubborn asshole that he is he insisted on trying anyway. Cue him plopping you down on his lap, but not being able to lift his hips because separated ribs are a goddamn fucking bitch. You were ready to end things there, maybe get him off with a lil suck and tug before finishing yourself off and calling it a night, but…
He held you in place, a dreamy look on his face that you would’ve attributed to the painkillers he’d gotten from god knows where, but his breathing had deepened and his dick was kinda twitching inside of you?? Ofc this set your walls to fluttering around him, which in turn got him going even more and yeah. Y’all got caught up in that loop of gentle pleasure real quick lol.
That first time he was content to just lay there with you until he finally dozed off. It was v. cute and intimate and all that good noise, but as you’ve probably guessed that’s the exception not the rule. Pretty much every time since then has involved him being a teasing little shit. He’ll play with your clit/cock just enough to get you to shuddering around him, but not enough to cum; those wicked and clever fingers of his opposite hand will be just as busy, either with keeping your hips still or with groping at your body and playing with your nipples. It really is just a whole ass terrible thing, but you’re here for it.
He especially likes to do this when he wants to get it in but you have work to do. It’s an incentive to work faster and more efficiently, or so he says, just a promise of things to come once your responsibilities have been sorted. You know he’s playing you, with his smug little shit-eating smirk, but dammit if you’re not gonna let it happen lol.
But ofc it’s not all teasing. He really does adore you and sometimes he just wants you close. When he’s in his feelings like this he’ll lay back with you on his chest, cock buried deep as he runs his hands along your spine with slow, measured strokes. Return the favor by playing with his hair or running gentle fingers along the lines of his scars and you’ll damn near bring him to tears. And if you hum/sing to him—game fucking over. Doesn’t matter if you think you’re any good or not, he’s gonna be so fucking enamored with you that he’ll swear he’s being serenaded by a chorus of heavenly beings. A bit fanciful, that, but it makes sense to him—whether you know it or not, you’re his angel, the one saving grace he has in this fucked up world…
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Location || Favorite places to do the deed.
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Anywhere he can get it in is his favorite place, tbh. But if you just force him to pick it’s definitely gonna be your home. Doesn’t matter where in said home, but like…
Deep down Dabi just wants a bit of domestic bliss. Given what he is he knows that’s not exactly possible, but that doesn’t stop him from playing at it whenever he gets the chance. You’ve made it clear that your home is his home too, and dammit if that’s not all he’s ever wanted. He has a place here, space to stretch and grow and be himself, flaws and all. He has no idea how you do it, or why you do it for that matter, but he’s so very grateful nonetheless.
Ten times out of ten whenever he’s taking you at your spot his mind’ll conjure up imaginings of a different sort of life, one where the pair of you can be together without any fear or baggage weighing you down. It’s an alternate reality that will never come to pass, he knows, but it’s still nice to think about…
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Motivation || What turns them on/gets them going?
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Touch him.
That’s it, that’s all I got folks. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk. Get home safe.
But really, this boy is touched starved all to be damned, so simple touches really can do him in. He’s not a horny teenager, so you’re (usually) not gonna get him going from a simple brush of skin against skin, but tbh if you’re touching him with any sort of affection he’s gonna get at least a little turned on. It’s not his fault—you’re, well, you. You’re beautiful, both inside and out, and he’s so damn taken with you that he honestly doesn’t know what to do with himself half the time. Add to that the fact that he hasn’t had anyone touch him with any level of warmth since he was a v. small child and…
Look, just don’t be surprised if every once in a while he pops a boner while you’re playing with his hair or something equally innocuous is all I’m saying.
The longer you’re together the less effect casual affectionate touches have on his libido, but let’s not get it twisted—dude’s still very touch motivated. Feather your fingers over the seams in his skin, run your tongue over the shell of his ear, or brush your ass against any part of him and he’ll be all over you within moments.
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No || Something they’d never do/turn offs.
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Though he’s a kinky fucker, the one thing he’ll never ever do is share you.
Dabi does not share—anything, at any time.
You’re his not really-but totally very much, definitely so partner and he’ll be damned if he gives some other asshole leave to even so much as glance at you with a hint of interest.
This is a two way street, btw. Once you’re unofficially official, he’s not fucking with anyone else. Hell that’s honestly how he knew he was in shit too deep. He tried chatting up some attractive rando outside of a club, but before he could get too into things all he could think was how much of a disloyal bitch he was being. How could he ever even consider looking at anyone that wasn’t you?
You, who’s too sweet and kind and beautiful both inside and out for their own damn good… You, who despite having excellent taste in literally every other aspect of your life, had chosen to lower yourself by allowing him into your world, your bed… You, with your cute smiles and annoyingly endearing habits and perfect body and delicious moans…
He’s too selfish a thing to warn you away from him, too self-indulgent to ever give you cause to send him away. So if that means keeping his dick outta anyone that isn’t you then so fuckin’ be it.
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Oral || Preference in giving or receiving, skill level, etc.
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At the start of things Dabi would rarely go down on you. The way he saw it, head was just something that was done to get his partners going. Most times he could get by with just a lil finger work, as the people he was hooking up with were usually already raring to go, and those first few times you weren’t much different. That heady mixture of adrenaline and genuine attraction coupled with the newness of things meant that it took very little to get you ready to take him, and that suited you both just fine for a while. Once things became a bit more habitual, however, he found himself wanting to give you something more.
Ngl, his first attempts were kinda clumsy and sloppy and rushed, but thankfully for you both Dabi’s a fast learner. He studied and cataloged your reactions with an astuteness fit to rival Midoriya (albeit with less muttering and notepads involved lmao). It doesn’t take long for him to figure out just what he needs to do to reduce you to a shaky mess within minutes.
But naturally receiving’s a different beast entirely—he’s been down for that shit from jump. Definitely loves to face fuck you, thinks the way you gag and drool around his cock is just *chef’s kiss* Will totally shove the whole of his length clean down your throat and just hold it there, enjoying the way the muscles flutter around its girth and your reflexive lil swallows, until your need for oxygen demands he pull back. But really he’s only gonna let you take a few shuddery breaths before he pushes back in because the sight of you about to knock out from sucking his cock is just too damn pretty. And he prefers his head sloppy, like grossly so, so don’t be embarrassed about how wet/messy things get, not that he’s gonna leave you much choice in the matter lol.
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Pace || Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.
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When you first start out, things are always rough, but the speed varies.
That very first time—back when he was still living in the blissful ignorance of thinking of you as nothing more than a casual hook up—he was ready to get in, get off, and get gone. But the minute he felt your warmth around his cock he knew he had to take his time with you. He went in hard and rough, but did it at a pace that had you begging for more damn near from jump (which just lead to him fucking you deeper, not faster, btw lol). What was only meant to be a twenty minute affair, tops, became an all-night thing that left you both exhausted, soaked, and sore. This became the norm for y’all for a while, with him only going at things super fast when your schedules demanded it.
As the pair of you got closer he found that he didn’t mind going a bit softer from time to time. At first he claimed he was just tossing you a bone, sparing your dignity so that you didn’t have too bad a limp that following day, but you knew better (just like you knew not to comment on this or any of the other little ways your not-a-relationship relationship had been evolving). Eventually you guys reach a place where pretenses are dropped and he can make love to you as slowly and sensually as you want without him falling too deeply into his head, but unsurprisingly it’s gonna take a while for you to get there.
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Quickie || Their opinion on quickies versus proper sex, how often they indulge, etc.
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He doesn’t really have strong feelings on them one way or the other.
Naturally he does prefer proper sex but sometimes all you have time for is a quickie, and that’s just that. As for how often it’s really just whenever your schedules demand it. Quickies aren’t something he goes out of his way to initiate, if anything he’d rather wait until he can give it to you good and proper, if you’re that way inclined. But sometimes you just need to get that work before work, he knows this, and is p. much always willing to oblige.
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Risk || Are they game to experiment, take risks, etc.
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As you’ve probably gathered from ‘K’, Dabi’s no stranger to risk and experimentation. Chances are if you wanna try it, he’s already done it at least once. He prefers a partner that can keep up with him, which doesn’t necessarily mean that he needs you to have a lot of experience—in fact he’d be lying if he said the thought of corrupting you a bit didn’t get him off—but rather that he wants someone who’s at least open to trying things, ya know? If you’re willing to meet him halfway, he’ll certainly hold up his end of things. Even if you end up not liking something he’ll be hella proud of you for making the attempt which will lead to him spoiling you and that’ll lead to him burying his head between your legs yet again and yeah…
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Stamina || How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last?
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CW for talk of the aftermath of Dabi’s quirk trying to slow roast him. I don’t go into too much detail at all, but I thought I’d put this here just in case.
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Providing he hasn’t been using his quirk too much beforehand his stamina’s pretty good; this is due in large part to his propensity for teasing. Dude can and will edge you for ridiculous lengths of time, be that with his mouth/fingers or cock. Nine times out of ten he will outlast you even if it’s purely out of spite lmao.
That said, he can definitely get on some Energizer Bunny shit if you catch him on the right day. Once you’re together-together he’s definitely the type to recharge between sessions with a break and lil snack or even a nap, all done so that he can fuck you until night bleeds into a new day. It should also be said that he isn’t above using a cock ring if his body looks like its gonna give up the ghost before he’s ready. But not every encounter can be a sex marathon, more’s the goddamn pity, in which case he’s good with just racking up a few orgasms between you before calling it for the night.
But looping back to how this all relates to his quirk—using his fire really takes it out of him, though you never knew how badly it affected him until you were p. deep in your relationship.
Your seeing him like that, all worn down and overheated, is the absolute last thing he wants, and the first time it happened it was completely by accident. Like he came to crash at your place because it was comfortable/safe, and he was fairly certain that you weren’t due back for several hours; by then he’d be mostly okay, or at least okay enough that he could write his sorry state off to general fatigue and not his body trying to cook itself alive. He was posted up in your bathroom tending to a seam that had partly ruptured when he heard you keying in. He knew that he didn’t have time to make himself presentable, so all he could do was hope that you’d just popped in to get something you’d forgotten before fucking off again.
But of course his luck had never been that good.
With no recourse left to him, he explained the intricacies of his quirk with a resigned sullenness, answering your questions and addressing your concerns as best he could. It ended up being a somewhat tense exchange because you were obviously concerned, as any loving partner would be, and the casual disregard he showed over it all was kind of maddening. Still, you knew that his lack of care was more of a coping mechanism that he’d probably never shake in full (unsaid was the fact that you were well aware that not even his love for you could keep him from throwing himself headlong into his goals). And so, instead of turning the whole thing into what would’ve been one hell of a nasty argument, you opted to help patch him up and cool him off as best you could and that was that.
Typically he isn’t really trying to fuck so soon after he’s roasted himself, but on the off chance that he really wants it he’ll let you take the reins. Please be gentle with him, he’s so fragile when he’s like this—both physically and emotionally. He’s risking so much in allowing you to see him in such a weakened state so please handle his trust with care.
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Toy || Do they own toys? Do they use them on themselves or their partner?
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Honestly he’s not super into them.
Like he’s not against them and will use them from time to time, but he prefers to be the sole provider of your pleasure. So unless you’re doing something that absolutely requires outside aid he’s not gonna break out the toy box.
That said the pair of you do acquire a small collection—mostly vibes, a few plugs, some cock rings, rope, blindfolds. It’s all p. basic stuff, with the wildest thing being a spreader bar, which again is on the milder side of the kinky scale, I think. He’ll also get you a strap if you don’t have a dick of your own because while he prefers to be in charge a good portion of the time, he cannot deny that he lives for the days when you bend his bratty ass over and take him to task.
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Unfair || How much they like to tease.
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Dabi is a huge goddamn tease. I would invite you to try to change my mind if I wasn’t spitting straight up facts.
Your only real saving grace is that he doesn’t have the willpower to (completely) deny you for as long as he’d like. He loves to hear you whine way too much, lives for the way your tears of desperation streak that pretty little face… All it takes is for you to give in just a little and he’ll give you what you want—tho it may not come in the form you want. Were you begging to cum on his tongue? Well get ready to orgasm again and again and a-fucking’-gain. He’ll stop when he thinks you’ve had enough. Getting all weepy because you need his cock? He’ll grind it against you for what feels like forever, content to keep you on the edge and those tears flowing.
Conversely he loves a brat too. Breaking your kind is always so damn satisfying, but even if you’re able to hold out he’s gonna be all too ready to pipe you down because that type of defiance is just plain ol’ H O T . You think you can take his cock without breaking? Well get ready to eat those words as well as a copious amount of cum because he’s gonna fuck that smart lil mouth of yours until you go hoarse. Every other hole you’ve got is getting the exact same treatment, btw, so I hope you’re ready to be reduced to a walking wet spot. Or maybe he won’t give you the honor of his touch, maybe he’ll just tie you up and force you to watch as his long, slender fingers run along his thick shaft. He’ll keep going until you apologize and ask nicely for him to stuff you like the good little doll he knows you want to be. If you’re smart you’ll give in sooner rather than later, because once he empties his balls things are only gonna get worst for your bratty ass (which, lbr, is probably what you both want lol).
No matter what the deal is the teasing never really stops, but rather it switches gears. He’ll get at you for being such a needy little thing, so desperate for the least touch. All of your sounds of pleasure are like music to his ears, your writhing poetry in motion, but that won’t stop him from telling you how damn sad it is that you can’t even catch his dick without making a spectacle of yourself. God, he just so damn mean, but clearly we’re all here for it.
So TL;DR—he’s a teasing little shit from start to finish, but honestly would you want it any other way?
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Volume || How loud are they? What sounds do they make?
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Dabi’s not quiet nor is he overly loud—well, unless he’s trying to prove a point.
You want to get back at your shitty neighbor who loves to blast their music at crackhead hours? He’ll position your bed so that it’s right against the connecting wall before starting up that good headboard drumline lol. He’ll definitely make sure that that asshole knows both your names by sunup. Also isn’t above calling up any of your old flames or anyone else that may be looking to hook up with you so that they can hear how a real man takes his lover. ((Ugh, he so damn petty—I love it.))
When he’s not being performative his volume is p. standard, rising and falling with the session’s vibe. He’s definitely a talker, as we’ve established by now, but when he’s not busy running his mouth he makes some of the sexiest sounds ever. Moans that ripple along your spine, dark little chuckles that settle their weight into your gut, sighs and hisses that leave you clamping around him just to hear more… I’m honestly not sure which is hotter, but it’s all just as well as you never have to choose. If he’s feeling good—which he always is whenever he’s with you like this—then you’re damn well gonna know about it.
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Wild Card || Get a random headcanon of my choosing.
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One day long ago when the League was young, Toga and Jin wrote a really spicy friend fic (oh who am I kidding—that shit was straight up smut) about Dabi and Shiggy. That in itself is bad enough, yeah, but naturally that disaster duo had to take it a step further by reading it aloud to their little core group.
Or at least they tried to.
Naturally the MCs, being who they were, chose violence instantly. Meanwhile Twice kept making clones of Toga who had internalized the story and was reciting it by rote. By the time Dabi caught up to the main instigator (knife wife) and Shiggy got majority of his hand on clone husband they’d gotten pretty far into their tale. With the threat of just straight up death so close and quite literally at hand the pair relented, but it was a real Pandora’s Box situation for the two young men. It was weeks before they could look each other in the eye again lmao. But who could blame them? That shit was so damn graphic and detailed and annoyingly well written.
Neither of them could understand why the pair had thought so much about them fucking, and more disturbingly why they knew exactly what their dick measurements were? Like… how???
It didn’t help matters that there was always– not exactly attraction per se on Dabi’s part, but dude’s a thrill seeker. Fucking a guy that could end you with a single touch? Kinda hot. Meanwhile Shigs hadn’t ever considered the burned man to be anything more than a useful pawn/royal pain in his ass, but once the thought was planted he couldn’t not notice how infuriatingly attractive the fucker actually was. Needless to say he stamped that out real quick for several reasons, not least of all because to do anything less would mean that those two asshats won and he couldn’t have that lol.
Though their leader made them swear to stop writing that ‘weird ass, Google search page 76, freaky ass bullshit’ that didn’t stop the authors, tho they were smart enough to keep it away from their muses and really that’s the best anyone could hope for.
(Meanwhile Kurogiri out here really considering publishing some of their stuff—modified so as not to reveal anything of note—to help fund their schemes lmfao…)
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X-Ray || How do they look with their clothes off?
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Dick piercings.
That’s it, that’s all I got.
Honestly I would’ve thought that he’d never voluntarily want to get more bits of metal shoved into his flesh, but his numerous other piercings says otherwise. Personally I prefer him with a Jacob’s ladder, but whichever combo you find hottest he’ll totally rock. Freaky lil shit prolly has nipple piercings and a tongue ring too 😩
Aside from all of that he’s about what you’d expect. Thin, but fit, a mosaic of burns and flesh and scars, and a big ass dick lol. I just know his dick big y’all, I know it—I feel it in my guts heart. Dude’s totally got that big dick lean and the attitude to match and damn if he doesn’t have what it takes to back it all up…
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Yearning || How high is their sex drive?
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I’d say it’s about typical for a guy his age, tho it does fluctuate. Like I said back in ‘J’, he’s got his shit in check. When he’s focused on his… uhh, work? I guess we’ll call it?? he’s got himself on lock. Wrapped up in his goals as he is, he isn’t exactly worried about getting his dick wet during those times, tho once he goes from an ‘I’ to a ‘we’ that dogged focus wavers on occasion. It usually only happens when he’s missing you more than usual, which only happens when you’re apart for an extended period of time. This’ll lead to him rubbing one out if he can’t get to you directly before getting back to the (other) grind.
His sex drive’s probably at its peak when he’s frustrated. Before you came along this would usually end with him going on a sex jag—which to be fair he still does, but all of his energy and desires are focused on you and that is a terrifying/sexy position to find yourself in. When he gets like this your best bet is to take some sick leave or vacation days or w/e, stock up on lube, and order some groceries because your ass is gonna be bed-bound for the next couple of days at least.
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Zzz || How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?
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It really just depends. Some days he’s hella tired and will be halfway knocked out before he even fully pulls out, others he’ll be weirdly alert—like ‘I’m gonna go play Dark Souls, call out if you need me’-levels of alert—and others still he’ll be content to drift in the blissful languor that comes with the afterglow, holding you close and sharing breaths and kisses and sweet little whispers as he finally, finally allows himself to admit freely that he loves you.
Your arms are his home now and he can only hope that they’ll never drop, that you’ll never turn him away…
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2021 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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skinsharpenedteeth · 3 years
RNM After Dark, Day 2!
Today's story is... different. Medical kink, lab sex, milking machines, barebacking, comeplay... it's a real mixed bag. Definitely rated Explicit. 6883 Words.
Here's a link to the story on AO3!
"Compromised by a Foreign Body"
Alex knew the way they were going about it was wrong. No matter how many times his father told him the aliens were nothing more than violent, seditious predators from another world, it never sat right. But, when it was time to do his duty, Alex had stepped into line. He’d even managed to pull his best friend, Liz Ortecho, into working in the biomedical lab for Project Shepherd. Being a Manes meant that even in what should be a strict, military hierarchy, Alex was a prince. So he made his own job, helped out where he wanted, and tried to not think about the things he’d done or seen when he went home at night.
“Alex, can you help me with the specimen extraction this week? I’m really behind on some notations from last week’s experiments. It would be a great help to me,” Liz said one afternoon. He’d been aimless all day, simply walking around the base to look busy but without an actual task. His stomach clenched, however, at the request. Specimen extraction brought him into very close contact with aliens, and there was one whose eyes never seemed to stay on the ground where they belonged. There was one whose eyes followed him, seeming to see through his fatigues and tracing every line of his body underneath.
“The females and males?” Alex asked, clearing his throat to get rid of his nerves. Liz gave him a curious look at the show of anxiety. She knew him well. She could tell this wasn’t something he wanted to do.
“Just the males. I just need a semen specimen. We’re seeing what happens if we crossbreed them with human female eggs and how that effects the DNA and RNA structures of any resulting hybrids. Just grab the three youngest and put them in the collection rooms. One sample from each should be plenty,” Liz went on, already returning to her microscope slides and file notations. Alex made sure to keep his face neutral as she glanced up to studied him while giving her instructions. He nodded shortly and left the lab, already mentally listing the tasks he’d need to perform in order to do a collection.
Alex had been given basic medical training when he’d been taken on at Project Shepherd. It was explained that at any point, one of their captives might have to be taken down with an injection if brute force was inadvisable. He’d also received extensive hand-to-hand combat training. Alex had found it interesting that de-escalation techniques hadn’t been taught as part of his training before coming onto the base. So far he’d only had to use the bare minimum of force to get his job done. He’d turned into something of a Jack-of-all-trades, however, when it came to medical or scientific technical procedures.
First, he stopped by the captive holding area and signaled his brother Flint over from the guard station. Flint gave him an annoyed scowl, but came over to where Alex was waiting.
“What’s up?” Flint asked, always informal to Alex by way of blood. If their father had seen, Flint would’ve been disciplined. Alex, though younger, outranked Flint and therefore should always be treated with the respect of a superior officer. Alex didn’t care as much. Flint was a stooge and would never be more than a glorified prison guard. His pantomimed respect wasn’t needed for Alex to know he was above him. But Alex knew if their father saw Flint being too familiar at work, he’d chastise him with a fist.
“I need male captives Max, Michael, and Noah to specimen collection,” Alex informed Flint formally. Flint gave him a speculative grin, but didn’t say anything. He nodded and went back to the guard desk to inform the other two soldiers on duty. Alex saw them share a glance and chuckle as Alex started towards the pharmacy. His next task was to pick up some Tri-Mix injection and then to make sure a few rooms were set up with the correct equipment for the procedure.
Alex tried to keep his mind on the business at hand. The laughing of the other soldiers needled at him in the back of his mind. He’d done this job a few times, but he didn’t take any pleasure from it. If the other guys could see what was involved in the process, maybe they’d realize that it wasn’t as sexy a scenario as they imagined. Maybe if Alex wasn’t gay, it wouldn’t have been an issue at all. Maybe if the aliens looked more… well… alien and not just like humans, it could’ve just been an abstract curiosity, a shitty work detail. They would’ve just commiserated with him for drawing the short straw. But he was gay, and they didn’t understand what happened behind the closed doors of the extraction rooms and these three aliens in particular were very attractive by human standards. He shuddered to imagine what deprived fantasies they’d built around him and the aliens. This only happened, of course, when he had to work with the males.
He made his way to the long hallway of rooms they used for technical procedures. Alex looked through the monitors over the tech’s shoulder at the monitoring station. Only one room was in use currently, and it looked like an autopsy was taking place. Alex grimaced inwardly to think they’d lost another alien to the ravages of time.
“Anything scheduled in rooms 5, 7, or 9 for the next hour?” Alex asked the monitor tech quietly. The soldier blinked up at him, as if just now aware someone else was in the small room with him. He cleared his throat and picked up the scheduling clipboard from the corner of his desk. Alex’s eyes strayed back to the occupied room, and he watched with sick fascination as things were taken out of the alien’s abdomen and loaded into bowls.
“Uh, looks like they’re free. Need to book ‘em, sir?” the young soldier asked, remembering protocol at the last moment.
“Yeah. Captain Alex Manes. Max, Michael, and Noah are being brought in for specimen extraction,” Alex told the soldier for his notes. He nodded and wrote down the details on his paper copy of the schedule. He’d type it into the online schedule later as well as any observational notes. With a last glance towards the wall of screens, Alex left the room and went to get the equipment cases out of storage.
Each case held a milking machine which included a cylinder with a latex liner, a connector hose, and a suction machine. Alex placed one in each room and plugged in the power supply to the suction machine so it could start warming up. He rifled through the cabinets that lined each room’s walls and found the lubricant, prostate stimulation equipment, and massage wands. He’d never needed to use the extras, but something about their presence made him feel like he was actually there to do a job. The machines would do most of the work. He was really just there to monitor and make sure the samples were collected and labeled correctly for Liz.
As he was just double-checking all his equipment, Dr. Valenti walked into the room he was in. Alex turned and eyed his ex-best friend warily. Kyle had been making strides towards repairing their friendship, but Alex was still skeptical.
“Hey man. Liz said you were doing a collection. I brought you the Tri-Mix injections. Mind if I help out?” Kyle asked, showing him the preloaded injection pens.
“Sure, I guess. There’s not much to do. Just inject them, sleeve them, turn on the milkers, and go get a cup of coffee until the sensors go off,” Alex said flippantly.
“You don’t do any manual or electrical stimulation before you sleeve them?” Kyle asked, sounding a bit shocked. Alex tried to shrug nonchalantly. He didn’t want to admit that manual and electrical stimulation felt like he was crossing a line somehow. He logically knew these were not humans with human feelings or cultural constructs about consent, but in his own mind it was a step too far. The injection made it medical, but if he actually started probing and touching… then it might just be what those soldiers at the containment area thought it was. Kyle must’ve read his thoughts, because he clapped Alex on the shoulder and gave him a patronizing grin.
“You get better samples if you stim them. I can show you on one if you like? Just so you can see it’s not what you think it is,” Kyle offered, squeezing Alex’s shoulder affectionately. Alex absolutely did not want to see… except that he did. He was going to hell for it, but he was curious. In fact, he was fucking fascinated, and he hated himself for it.
“I mean, if you’ve got the time?” Alex said, trying to give Kyle an out.
“Hey, what’s the joke about doctors and always being busy except they’re really golfing? Think of this as my golf break. I’m getting out of the clinic and getting to do something fun for a little while,” Kyle said with a laugh.
As if on cue, the sound of wheels in the hallway alerted them that the captives had arrived. Alex turned to see two men rolling in Max, the largest physically of their aliens, already naked and strapped to a gurney, gag in his mouth (to protect him from biting his tongue while coming off any medications used during the procedure). Alex felt a quick flash of rage that they hadn’t left him clothed or thrown a blanket over him. The guards placed his gurney in the middle of the room, locked the wheels, saluted to Alex and Kyle before they left. Alex watched Kyle’s eyes rove up and down Max’s body covetously. Max had been gagged and given a mild, but quickly dissipating sedative. Alex could tell that he was relatively aware of where he was, but couldn’t fight the bonds. He hardly did, even when the sedative wore off.
“Here, let’s reposition him a little. If we’re going to stim him, I need to have better access to his body. Did the guards flush their systems before they brought them up?” Kyle asked, already unstrapping one of Max’s legs. He reached under the gurney and pulled out a heel stirrup that he gently placed Max’s foot in before re-securing him for safety. He did the same with Max’s other leg, spreading him wide.
“Uh….,” Alex started, completely out of his depth. He looked up at Max who met his eyes and nodded, color infusing his cheeks like a blush. Kyle was finishing with the other foot when Alex finally answered. “Yeah. They did.”
“Good. That means I don’t have to,” Kyle replied with a laugh. He was transforming the gurney from a long bed into practically a chair in front of Alex’s eyes. Alex had no idea the gurneys had so many bells and whistles on them. With his legs spread wide, hips strapped down to the table, and naked, Max looked utterly exposed to them. Kyle was leaning over Max’s upper body, using a pen light to check his responses. “God, the meds they have now are remarkable. He’s already becoming cognizant again!”
“Yeah, they come to pretty quick,” Alex remarked dryly while he watched Kyle do a quick examination, checking reflexes.
"Let's get some gloves on and I'll show you what I mean about the manual stimulation. If he doesn't react, we can always give him the Tri-Mix, but this can sometimes remove the need to even use it," Kyle explained, moving over to the instrument cart and pulling out two pairs of non-latex gloves. He and Alex snapped them on and Kyle rolled the instrument cart over to beside the table. He grabbed a rolling stool that had been left in the corner of the room from another procedure and sat himself down between Max's spread legs. Alex could see Max's confusion as he lifted his head to try and see what Kyle was doing.
"Okay so," Kyle started, drawing Alex's attention back from Max's dark eyes to where he was covering two fingers in a copious amount of lubricant. Alex watched as he used the non-lubricated hand to spread Max's ass cheeks and expose his dusky, puckered hole. Max's leg muscles flexed against their restraints at the feeling. "Just like with human males, these guys have got something like a prostate. You'd stim it the same way you would for a human."
"I usually like my partners to be hard before I go sticking things into their asses," Alex mumbled, trying for a joking tone. Kyle beamed up at him.
"That would be preferable. But if that's the problem, you can stimulate the prostate first and the penis should start getting erect after. Have you worked with these captives before? Do you know if this one is able to get hard without the injection?" Kyle asked. He still held Max's cheeks open, exposing him as he carried on his conversation with Alex. Alex risked a glance up to see that Max was staring resolutely at the ceiling, flushed but stoic to his treatment. Alex wished they were allowed to speak with the captives and that they didn't have to stay gagged when out of confinement. He'd just ask Max if getting hard was an issue, or if it was just the degradation of being used as a lab rat that kept him flaccid.
"I don't know. Like I said, I've never tried to stim them before suctioning. Max has never come in already hard, but his body responds well to the Tri-Fix," Alex replied, trying to ignore the fine tremors he could see in Max's stomach muscles. Kyle was rubbing a thumb in contemplative circles over Max’s hole, spreading the lube from his fingers and almost seeming unaware of what he was doing as he and Alex talked.
"I bet he can! He's a hell of a specimen. Before we try the prostate, let's see if he responds to some other stimulation," Kyle said with an excited clap. He stood up abruptly and walked to the side of the table. Alex stood on the other side, promising himself he would be polite and watch but wouldn't participate. Kyle took his time looking over Max's physique. In a familiar gesture, he set his hands high on Max's chest.
"Hey handsome," Kyle crooned. He slowly rubbed his hands up and down Max's chest, trailing his fingers lightly over the skin. Max darted his eyes to Alex in obvious confusion and alarm. Kyle followed his gaze. "Ignore him. I'm going to take care of you today."
Alex let his eyes slip away and back down to Kyle's hands. They smoothed over Max's skin, down over his ribs and stomach, then back up so his thumbs could tease lightly over Max's dark pink nipples. Max shifted under Kyle's attention.
"You've got to convince the blood to come up to the surface of the skin," Kyle murmured to Alex while he kept eye contact with Max. Kyle started to rub over Max's nipples more firmly, stroking over the tightening nubs. Pleased with their erectness, he hummed thoughtfully before trailing his hands down to rest on Max’s hipbones. Alex noticed the uptick in Kyle’s breathing and dilation in his eyes as he moved one hand to cup Max’s cock. He rocked the heel of his hand gently before circling his thumb and first finger around the shaft and stroking. Max’s body started to respond to the attention, his cock plumping up in Kyle’s grip as he kept stroking over him smoothly.
“That’s it,” Kyle cooed encouragingly. Max shifted under him as much as he could, head pressed back against the gurney and staring resolutely towards the ceiling. His face was flushed and the red stain seemed to be moving down towards his chest the harder he got. Alex jumped when a hand came into his view suddenly. “Put some more lube on my fingers.”
Alex obeyed Kyle’s order and watched him push one slick finger into Max’s hole, making the alien jump in surprise. Expertly, Kyle crooked his finger and within a few searching thrusts was able to locate Max’s prostate. Alex glanced up to check Max’s cock and was surprised to find him almost painfully engorged. Kyle followed his line of sight and smiled, turning to look at Alex triumphantly.
“Told you man, nothing to it. Hand me the suction canister and we’ll get him hooked up and pumping.” Alex shuddered at the excitement in Kyle’s voice, the eagerness, but he did was he was asked. As soon as the canister was lowered over Max’s cock, cool plastic resting against his belly, Kyle flipped a switch to began low suction. Max’s cock jerked in response to the tight pressure build and release of the machine, and Alex heard a low groan escape from behind his gag. Kyle had managed to work two fingers into his hole while Alex had watched the machine begin its work and was thrusting them in time with the machine. A glance further down and Alex could see the solid outline of Kyle’s own cock straining against his scrub pants.
“Uh, I’m going to go get started on one of the other captives,” Alex spoke up, feeling awkward at continuing to stand by the scene in front of him. Kyle gave him a friendly smile, fingers and wrist still working away.
“Sure, go do Michael. Noah, from what I understand, is a tougher case and I’d like to commit my full attention to him. After this, we can go do lunch if you want?” Kyle offered easily. Alex nodded and made a non-committal sound before turning and quickly exiting the room. He wasn’t fast enough to not hear Kyle murmuring softly to Max before he left. “You’re doing so good, Max. Look at these balls, man. You’re going to give up a big load for us today, huh?”
Alex wished he could bleach his brain.
He quickly closed the door behind him and moved towards the room he knew Michael to be in. He’d seen Michael around the compound. He was hard to miss with his curls, sharp smile, and sad eyes. Alex had tried to ignore him, but he found himself more and more aware of him each time they crossed paths. When he entered the exam room to find him naked and conscious, strapped and gagged the same as Max on the gurney, he flushed hot with a mix of embarrassment and want. He shut the door quietly behind him.
“Hey Michael,” Alex greeted him quietly. Michael’s eyes roved up and down his body, undressing him, challenging him despite his position. Feeling exposed, Alex moved towards the gurney slowly. The closer he got, the more of Michael’s body he could see. His cock was nestled serenely against his balls, a short, dark thatch of hair surrounding his groin and leading up his stomach and over his chest. Alex wanted to run his fingers through the hair, tangle himself in it, bury his face against it… but he knew that was inappropriate. No matter how attractive he found him, the alien was not in any position to consent to anything, and Alex knew it. He was still tempted, however.
To try to hide the awkwardness he was feeling, Alex busied himself with positioning the cart next to the gurney. He gloved up and reached for the lube, immediately dropping it when Michael cleared his throat next to him. The bottle clattered loudly on the metal cart, knocking the milking canister onto the ground. Alex fumbled to try to catch it before it rolled too far away. A knock sounded at the door and one of the guard’s voices came through.
“You okay, sir?”
“I’m fine!” Alex called back, face flaming in embarrassment. He looked at Michael who gave him a smug and superior grin around the obstruction in his mouth. Alex set the canister back on the table and bent over Michael to hiss at him. “Don’t be a dick!”
Michael gave him a raised eyebrow in response as if to say ‘who, me?’
“Yes, you,” Alex snapped. He moved back over to the table and picked up the lube again. Again, Michael pointedly cleared his throat. Alex abruptly turned to look at him, eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What?!”
Michael just looked at him for a moment, waiting for him to catch up. With a huff, Alex moved to block the view of the camera and loosened the gag enough to slide it out of Michael’s mouth. He watched Michael moved his jaw around and swallow convulsively a few times, resisting the urge to get him some water, while he waited for Michael to speak.
“What do you want, Michael?” Alex asked, trying to put steel into his voice to cow Michael’s nonchalant, almost playful attitude.
“I was going to say, you could at least buy me dinner before you start sticking probes into me,” Michael replied, his voice rough but steady. Alex stared at him incredulously.
“Are you trying to flirt with me?” he asked, unable to stop himself. Shock was an adequate description for how he was feeling about this turn of events.
“No. I am flirting with you, private,” Michael replied, giving Alex another once over before continuing. “How am I doing?”
“This is the least sexy situation I could possibly imagine being flirted with in,” Alex answered flatly.
“Well, you refuse to come visit me in my cell, so this is what I’ve got to work with. Besides, you’re about to have to get me hard enough to spurt for science. Maybe you should work on your bedside manner.” Alex stared down at Michael on the table. His eyes moved down to his exposed cock, still flaccid, and then over to the milking machine on the table. His ears felt warm and he was sure he was blushing.
“I don’t think that’ll be a problem. After all, I could always just inject you with Tri-Fix if you don’t want to get hard naturally,” Alex countered, trying not to let how flustered he was feeling show through in his voice. Michael gave him a frankly filthy grin in response.
“With the right stimulation, I’ve never had a problem getting hard naturally. Besides, have you ever had one of those tubes on your dick before?” Michael whistled low in apparent appreciation. “Science is wonderful. I’m all for science.”
“No, I’ve never--” Alex started, affronted at the mere idea that he would use government property for his own pleasure that way.
“Maybe you should climb up here and give it a try….” Michael suggested in a conspiratorial tone.
“There’s no way. There are cameras in here,” Alex protested, wondering why he wasn’t shoving the gag back in Michael’s mouth and getting on with the sample collection.
“I can fix that, ya know. These drugs they have us on dull my powers quite a bit, but I’m still pretty good at shorting out electronics when I need to,” Michael countered. He rushed on as Alex opened his mouth to respond. “You can keep me tied down. You can, uh… manually… collect your sample for the lab from me and take a spin on the suck tube at the same time.”
“I could never…” Alex protested weakly. He hated that he was even considering it. He didn’t know what Michael’s plan was, but he was pretty sure getting his dick sucked by a robot was not acceptable protocol under any circumstances.
“You can gag me again if you want to keep me quiet,” Michael said, voice almost a purr. Alex contemplated the idea, eyes straying from Michael to the milking canister and then surreptitiously up towards where the cameras were. Curiosity was getting the best of him. Curiosity and hormones. This close he could smell the petrichor and salt scent of Michael’s skin and make out the green flecks hidden amongst the amber of his eyes.
“If you can take out the cameras…” Alex started, but before he could finish he heard a faint cry of dismay from the observation room. Panicking, Alex shoved the gag back into Michael’s mouth and hoped to God it hadn’t been visibly out on the video. A second later, one of the monitor techs came into the room looking thunderous.
“Everything okay?” Alex asked the tech who had grabbed a chair and angrily shoved it into a corner. He started to climb up onto the seat, his eyes trained on the small dome on the ceiling that held the camera.
“This fucking piece of shit. Always shorts out on me. Goddamnit,” he cursed, removing the protective dome to look at the wiring beneath. He cursed again and hopped down, coming over to stand in front of Alex. “I’m going to have to replace the whole thing. Something major burned up. Do you want to postpone this procedure or--”
“No!” Alex cut in, his voice sharply cutting off the tech. The tech gave him a wide-eyed look. “I just… I’m not going to have time later. Look, he’s secured down. There are guards outside the door. I’ll be fine. He’s not going to cause me any trouble, will you?”
Alex directed the last question at Guerin who looked between him and the tech and lolled his head as if he were still slightly dopey. The tech squinted at him, but seemed to take the act at face value.
“Fine. Just give me a heads-up when you’re done so I can get in here. And don’t fucking undo any of those straps, got it? They’re there for your protection!” Alex gave him a grave nod and the tech turned and strode out of the room. As soon as the door snicked shut behind him, Alex turned and stared wide-eyed at an obviously unrepentant Michael. Alex removed his gag again, bending close to his ear before speaking.
"If you tell anyone about this, I will have you thrown into solitary for a week," Alex threatened in a low voice. It felt empty because he knew if Michael told anyone, his father would find him and put him in a hole in the ground. There was something about Michael's offer though… a feeling between them that made Alex sure the risk would pay out.
"I won't tell," Michael replied quietly. There was a sadness in his voice that pierced Alex's heart and he moved to be able to see Michael's eyes. They stared at each other for a long moment, each searching for something needed but fragile and better left silent between them. Alex ended their silent back and forth by bending down and pressing their lips together. It was sweet and chaste, a seal for their understanding, and when he pulled back he felt like their bargain was solidly struck. Quietly, Alex moved the extra chair from the corner under the broken camera and wedged it under the doorknob. When he turned back to face Michael, he immediately began to unbutton his shirt enough to pull it and his undershirt off over his head. He leaned against the table to tackle his boots, pants, and prosthesis. With an embarrassing lack of grace, Alex proceeded to climb onto the gurney and straddle Michael's thighs.
Michael's eyes were wide and darkened with lust as they scanned over Alex’s naked body. He looked hungry in a way Alex was all too familiar with. Alex noted to his smug relief that Michael’s cock had gotten half hard at his striptease and was growing firmer beneath him. Without a word, Alex reached over and grabbed the lube bottle, squeezing some into his palm before slicking Michael's cock with it. The friction made Michael groan quietly, his eyes fluttering shut as Alex stroked him with a firm hand and brought him to full hardness. Alex’s own cock was beginning to throb and ache with neglect, but he didn't want to touch himself too soon. The risk of the situation was turning him on almost as much as Michael beneath him, his hips flexing into Alex’s grip in aborted thrusts.
Alex let go of Michael and lifted onto his knees. Keeping eye contact with Michael, he took his still slick hand and reached behind himself to push two fingers into his hole. It was almost too much too soon, but Alex liked the burn and needed this part to go quick. He didn’t realize his eyes had slipped shut, unable to concentrate on anything but the stretch and pressure of his digits as he rocked his hips back and twisted his fingers to make the stretch go faster.
"Oh shit," Michael breathes out beneath him. Alex opened his eyes and pinned Michael with a hard stare before swooping down to kiss him again. This kiss wasn't sweet. It wasn't chaste or simple. Alex licked at the seam of Michael's mouth once and barely gaves the other man time to accept him before he was pushing his way in. If Michael was hungry, Alex was fucking starving. Not that he’d gotten a taste, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop.
Michael moaned into their kisses, his body shifting restlessly, claiming as much movement as he could against the restraints.
"Shhhh," Alex warned, breaking their kiss. He shuffled forward enough to be able to reach behind himself and grasp Michael's cock. Goosebumps broke out over his skin as he pressed the blunt tip to his wet hole. Biting his lip, Alex forced his body to relax and accept Michael's generous girth. It was almost too much and after a few slow drags where he only managed to shove a few inches at a time into himself, Alex pulled off and added more lube. The next time he pushed down, it was like his body just accepted Michael and made room accordingly. Both he and Michael let out harsh, gutted breathes when Alex managed to fully sheath Michael inside him.
"Fucking christ," Alex groaned, trying to stay quiet but already feeling his body scream for him to start fucking himself stupid on the perfect cock stuffed in him. Beneath him, eyes squeezed shut, Michael nodded and Alex watched as his hands and fingers flexed in an echo of Alex's own need to move. Slowly, Alex began to rock his hips and get his first exquisite taste of the pull and push of Michael's cock lighting up his insides. Wrapping a hand around his cock, Alex noted how wet and messy his shaft was from the leaking precum drooling out of the tip. He used that wetness to ease the way as he stroked himself lightly in time with the undulations of his hips.
"Please," Michael gasped out beneath him. "Oh fuck, please."
Alex knew what he wanted, wanted it himself, but also knew they made a plan. Carefully, he reached over to the instrument table and picked up the plastic cylinder end of the milking machine. Inside it was a PVC sleeve that molded itself around the recipient's penis once the suction was started. Then, according to the dials on the machine, the sleeve would go taut and relax with a rhythmic click and hiss, effectually sucking off the wearer until he blew his load and the sample collection sensor went off. The load would then be scraped from the inside of the sleeve and collected into a tube to be given to the lab. Alex knew all of that, had the technical knowledge down pat in his brain, but was unprepared for the foreign feeling of sliding his own cock into the smooth, cool fabric of the milker cylinder. With a barely trembling hand, he pressed the ‘on’ switch and waited for the first pull.
He didn't know what he’d been led to expect, but it wasn't the vice-like, fluid pressure that made his hips hitch forward instinctively to get more of that tight clutching feeling. Alex felt a moan get dragged past his lips, echoed by Michael as he began to fuck forward against the milker and then back onto Michael's cock.
"Oh god," Alex moaned brokenly, curling forward over the cylinder in helpless abandon. The angle pressed Michael's cock hard against his prostate, and Alex indulged himself in a few shallow thrusts that brushed the head of Michael's cock against that spot over and over. His body felt like it was getting expertly rung out, and he now understood why there wasn't more of a revolt against the collection process by the alien captives. They were getting an expert blow job by a robot on the government's dime.
When Alex could drag his eyes open, he looked down and saw his own helpless pleasure echoed on Michael's face. His lips were parted in an "oh" of surprise, eyebrows drawn together like he wasn't sure if he was in pain or in ecstasy, and sweat beaded his hairline and neck. He looked like a ravaged Greek demigod laid bare at Alex's whim. The sight made Alex’s body shudder with a wave of lust for the alien beneath him. He didn’t know if it was because he was alien or because Alex was in the midst of intense pleasure, but he wanted to never leave in that instant.
"Fuck, look at you," Alex couldn't help saying. He pushed back, arching and reaching until he could brace his hands on Michael's legs to grind back down in his prick. The cylinder jut from his groin obscenely between them, position change not effecting its mechanical precision. Michael opened his eyes and stared up at Alex, a look if wonder on his face.
"I wanna touch you," he said, voice quiet enough to almost get lost under the hum of the machine. Alex smirked down at him, feeling fuck drunk and bold at his naked worship.
"Where do you wanna touch me? Tell me," Alex demanded, voice breathy.
"I want to touch your neck. I want to twist my hands in your hair and put you where I want you," Michael said, voice serious like he was in a confessional booth telling his sins. Alex hummed in response, sitting up straight and moving his hands up his chest to his neck and then into his hair.
"Like this?" Alex asked, smiling at the covetous, feral look on Michael's face as Alex acted out his words. He let his eyes slip shut so he could imagine that instead of restrained, Michael was simply dictating his desires to him.
"Yeah. Like that," he agreed. His eyes trailed lower and he began talking again. "I want to rake my nails down your chest. I want to pinch and suck your nipples, abuse your tits until you're begging for me to stop."
Alex let his hands fall from his hair down to his chest. He raked his fingers down the front of his pecs and stomach, not stopping until he was almost at his pubes. He slid his fingers back up to his nipples and plucked at them with savage, twisting, pinching fingers. The zings of pain shot down to his groin, where his balls were drawing up tight to his body, the finish line in sight for him. The rhythm of the machine picked up and Alex opened his eyes in time to see Michael looking intently at the knots that controlled speed and intensity.
"Where else?" Alex gasped, the increased setting of the machine making him tip forward to brace himself with his hands on Michael’s chest, so he could fuck himself harder onto Michael's cock in time. He could see in Michael's face he was getting close too, trying to hold out until Alex busted.
"After I come in your ass, I want you to sit on my face and let me eat you out. I want to taste you and me on my tongue. I wanna watch you squirm, oversensitive and mewling as I tongue fuck you into a second orgasm," Michael managed to say through a gasping, pained groan. His hips were flexing minutely under Alex, trying impotently to reciprocate the harsh pounding he was getting as Alex rode him.
"Fuck!" Alex almost yelled, his body starting to seize at the thought, thrusts going erratic as he rode through his orgasm on with his body on automatic pilot. A beeping sensor on the machine went off and the machine automatically shut itself off. Gingerly, he broke the suction around the base of his cock and slid the cylinder from his body. Feeling wrecked and still impossible full of cock, Alex looked down at Michael who was breathing hard and looking pained at the full stop of their activities. Alex gave him an evil smile when their eyes met.
"Your turn, cowboy," he said. Michael looked at him in momentarily confusion until Alex pulled off his cock with groan. He felt so empty without Michael inside him. He felt like his ass was gaping where his legs were still spread on either side of Michael’s hips. He twisted around and slid the used cylinder over Michael's hard-as-nails prick. Machine in place, Alex reached over and flipped on the machine again, overriding the collection sensor and making sure to turn up the speed to bring Michael off swiftly. He turned back to Michael's face, watching him go from shock to stricken within seconds. Alex bent low, resting some of his body weight on top of Michael’s chest, and mouthing at his jaw and neck. He felt the vibrations of whimpers and quiet moans against his cheek as he nibbled at Michael's ear.
"Once you cum in the cylinder, I'm going to make sure you get a taste of us before I dump the sample due to compromise by a foreign body. That means we'll have to do this again tomorrow. And tomorrow? I'm going to fuck your throat while the machine gets a clean sample from you," Alex whispered into his ear. Michael made an unmistakable noise of release, a tight, gasping sob as his cock was milked dry. The selection alarm chimed again and Alex turned off the machine with an easy flick of his wrist.
Good to his word, Alex twisted and broke the suction of the cylinder. Because of the double load, when he moved it off Michael's cock, he could see their combined spunk coating Michael's length in a pearlescent sheen. Inspired, Alex bent down and dragged his tongue down the length of Michael's softening cock. He turned back to Michael, dumping the cylinder haphazardly onto the instrument cart before sealing his lips over Michael's. Michael opened his mouth hungrily, tongue tangling against Alex's and greedily stealing all traces of their combined flavor for himself. When they broke apart, Alex smiled down at Michael for a moment, giving him one last kiss, before moving off of him and the gurney.
He once again leaned against the side of the gurney and put himself back together. By the time he was completely re-outfitted in his fatigues, his mind was once again on business. He turned and pushed the gag back into Michael's mouth before he could say anything. Michael stared at him in confusion until Alex grabbed a hand towel and laid it over Michael's lap to cover his nudity. He gave Michael a sad smile before he went and removed the chair from in front of the door and stuck his head out into the corridor.
"Captive is ready for transport back to the pen," he called to the guards on duty. He backed away when they came back in the room and unlocked the wheels of Michael's gurney. Michael stared at him in something like betrayal as he was wheeled away. After he was gone, Alex washed out the cylinders sleeve and wrote a note on Michael's chart to schedule him for a second collection the following day.
Alex wasn't sure how he felt about what had just happened. Now, in the quiet of the empty collection room, he wondered if it had been an elaborate dream. He wondered if he'd wake up soon in his own bed, tired and disoriented and dreading another day of work at Caulfield. He also couldn't deny that what had just happened definitely wasn't a dream if the ache in his muscles and the slick feeling between his ass cheeks were to be trusted. He felt guilty for judging Kyle’s lasciviousness when he couldn’t stop himself from riding his captive like a rodeo bull. Was he as bad as the other guards thought, or was it just Michael? Alex couldn’t imagine doing anything that had just happened to another captive or man that he knew.
One thing was for certain, he was already in too deep to want to stop. He hadn’t come that hard since he’d learned where his prostate was. He just didn’t know how he was going to schedule in more time for him and Michael to see each other after tomorrow. With a sigh, he left the room and went back to his office to think through his actions. A flask of bourbon waited in his desk drawer to help him find the answers.
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kaeiouj · 2 years
pov: you have an exam coming up but you’re kinda sick
i have my compsci exam tomorrow but i have a bad headache. i havent been sleeping well recently (i literally almost passed out midway through my english exam) and i thought oh. i fucked up haha. and i kinda moved ahead to my ‘being-sick-during-exams’ routine and i realised hey why not i write a post about it so (a) i will look at it from time to time and remember to take a fucking break and (b) maybe i’ll help someone out?
these are all techniques for physical illnesses like a fever, headache, cough, cold or like general tiredness etc etc. i have no clue how to deal with anxiety or being depressed either bestie but if you have any tips feel free to share i need it :’)
take rest. now i know its really basic of me to say this but i cant start this list without saying it. also, this acts as a reminder for everyone who feels bad about taking breaks- you deserve one, breaks are very important and you will not regret it if you actually end up feeling better afterwards, yknow?
drink plenty of water, sleep well, take meds. im the sort of person who kinda forgets to do all this but during exams i write physical reminders to do so. because its extremely important yknow? let me say it this way- drinking water and taking medicine helps you get better. getting better means you can study even the slightest bit better. so do it. 
prioritize feeling ‘okay’ at the morning of the exam rather than finishing your syllabus. this is the single most important thing ever so let me expand
from personal experience, i’ve found that even if i am 100% prepared for an exam, i do terrible when im not well at all 
and why am i not well? because i stayed up all night studying and not really being healthy 
so in the end, even though i was prepared (at the expense of my health) i did bad simply because i got the sickest during the day of my exam
and that really did teach me a lesson lmao. because the next time i was sick the day before an exam, i kinda relaxed on the studying (despite being only like 30% done with the studying), did the bare minimum, made sure to get enough sleep and took medicine.
in addition to that i also made sure i was feeling as upbeat as i could be during the morning of the exam, and eliminated every stressful thing i could. 
and i actually did very well for the exam! i was elated because it is pretty difficult to get anything above an 80% and i got 92%. (not me seeking academic validation LMAOOO)
the lesson learnt here is that it doesnt matter how much you study if youre barely functional the day of the exam. it seems simple but really, keep that in mind. 
a few extra tips-
go through your exam pattern and syllabus and figure out
most important topics
frequently asked topics
the bare minimum you need to know to do well
and find out what overlaps all three of these and focus on covering those first (make this list of things to cover as short as possible). if you have more time on your hands afterwards try to either do practice questions or cover a bit more of the syllabus (i recommend practice questions).
and finally, a reminder-
you know more than you think you do. i read this sentence in a post somewhere and it honestly struck with me so much? i apply it most to problem solving but you could really use it any context.
so whenever you feel like you know absolutely nothing (which is a quite common feeling actually, dont worry about it)- 
take a deep breath.
see if anything feels familiar
work it out slowly
you got this bestie <33 also remember your mental health comes first, toxic productivity is incredibly unsexy and also that everyone has different study techniques so... yeah. all the best!!!
- breaks and rest are IMPORTANT health IMPORTANT
- feeling better the day of the exam >>>>> finishing your syllabus and being a 100% prepared academically but dysfunctional mentally
- it really is okay no matter how you do
- you know more than you think you do
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letshaikyuu · 4 years
How does the pretty setter’s will confess to their s/o
💟 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬 - 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 // 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
💟 𝐚/𝐧: limiting to 5 pretty setters because that’s what the rules say :3, and yes, I have Ukai for my hoe @ukaiwachin and Kozume for my other hoe @briswriting cause I don’t write for them enough
💟 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: just fluff, we all love fluff <3 Semi’s a bit sad ngl
💟 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
«───── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ─────»
💟 𝐨𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐮
He tries to be obvious, yet subtle at the same time? The way he’s constantly interacting with you and reaching out to you - whether you need some help or not - makes you wonder: “Oh, maybe he does like me?” That’s actually one of the little ways he’s confessing to you, by always being there for you!
He wants to go all-out when confessing to you, but if you’re not that type, then he keeps it to a bare minimum. Asks you out for a simple hangout/study date and tries not to give anything away. With him, he brings flowers, a cute love letter, and balls because he wants to chicken out last minute-
Once he sees you standing there, he forgets everything he wanted to say. He’s so starstruck by your beauty that he doesn’t know what to do. He gives himself a small pep talk and tries to focus on the task at hand - confessing to you. Over a nice cup of tea or coffee and a cute dessert to share, Oikawa starts spilling his heart - and coffee - out to you while trying not to stutter much
He’d definitely have a huge blush on his face and he’d cover his face because ‘that was so uncool and embarrassing,’ but when you return his feelings, Oikawa will be the happiest guy alive. Wearing a huge grin on his face, the whole coffee shop will be blinded by him because he’s shining
Definitely calls Iwa when he’s on his bed - squealing like a toddler and giggling like a mad-man - and tells him how the date went. Iwa is tired but happy...but still, very tired...
«───── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ─────»
💟 𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢
Seeing Keiji slowly break out of his shell is the most amazing sight ever. He knows you’re special to him because he notices himself doing things he usually never would, and thinking about all the little things you do that he loves and would spend an eternity looking at 
He has this habit of saying: “I don’t usually do this,” when you comment during an activity Keiji and you are doing together. And, truly, he doesn’t do this with just anyone - he does it with you. You’re the one who is making him love a new side of life, and Keiji will be forever thankful for that
He’d confess in a really simple setting and I wouldn’t be surprised if he does it out of the blue because it just feels right. He thinks that you can’t really pinpoint the right time and place to confess to someone, so he just goes with the flow and waits
You two would be enjoying one of your favorite activities together and taking a break, just enjoying each other’s presence. Mindlessly talking and changing subjects, he’d stop at one point and gaze at you. The way you’re excitedly talking about something, your eyes bright and wide, and the way your skin is basking in the sun is enough to make Keiji fall in love with you even more
“I love you.” It was hardly heard, but you wouldn’t miss it in the world. It wasn’t a picturesque setting or scenario, but it was enough for the two of you. Cue Bokuto crying on the phone because he missed it and didn’t take any pictures 
«───── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ─────»
💟 𝐤𝐨𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐦𝐚
It’s hard for Kenma to love, but you somehow managed to break his walls and have him fall in love with you. He’s confused and doesn’t know what to do - especially if we’re talking about his high school days - and will contact Kuroo for help. He knows you’re different, but how and why?
Once things are crystallized, he knows that he needs to do something before all his plans fall through. His ways of showing love and care are the sweet, yet silent ways. He is always keeping an eye on you, even though his phone is in his hand. He is willing to change his route back home to accompany you to your house. If you blink, you’ll miss it, but Kenma truly loves you and cares about you
If you’re a fellow gamer, he will be sappy and shy, and during one of your games, he’d slip in the chat with a short: “I really like you.” That’s it. That’s the tweet. And then, he suddenly disappears because he did not just do that. But, he can’t help but feel this overwhelming feeling of love grow in his heart watching you sent text after text saying how you return his feeling. Kozume truly did it.
On the other hand, with someone who is not into games, he’d keep the confessing simple, but also cute. Why do I keep thinking about Kenma confessing over text idk, but I am going with the flow and listening to my brain.
“I like you.” Mind you, he will do this during practice breaks because that’s when the adrenaline is high and he basically goes ‘fuck it’. At least it worked-
«───── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ─────»
💟 𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐚
His tsundere heart doesn’t know how to comprehend this newly found information. He feels like he’s never truly ready to love someone to his hearts fullest extent, yet, he wants to confess and show you how he truly feels. He is just scared of being heartbroken and losing a piece of his heart yet again
But, he is not very subtle. He’ll ask you questions like: “Why are you single?” ”I’d never believed someone like you.” ”I’m sure many people want to date you.” Little by little, as his feelings for you, continue to grow, he is more open when it comes to his own feelings. They’re too overwhelming and he needs to let them out
His confession would come from a rant or a really emotional conversation he’s having with you. You do know you’re special because he is telling you about his innermost feelings. He tells you how he’s scared about something:
“What are you scared of Semi?” You’d ask and wait for an answer, looking at his slumped shoulders. He looks up, evident sadness in his eyes as he takes your hand in his, gently rubbing the top. His eyes never left yours as he quietly said the next words: “I’m afraid that you don’t love me back.”
His confession is not your typical confession. But, at least he muttered out those words. The relief Eita feels when you return his feelings is enormous. Maybe, just maybe, something good is finally happening in his life. Trust me, he’d treat you like royalty because Eita is not letting go that easily
«───── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ─────»
💟 𝐮𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧
“I’m too old for this.” First thought coming out of his mouth as soon as he realizes he is truly falling in love. For someone we would say has the experience and knowledge when it comes to confessing, Ukai is confused. How do people do this again?
How Ukai shows you he cares? He’s always circling around you and watching out for creepy people who may want to try something. He always has an arm around your shoulders - and that arm starts slipping down until it’s situated at your waist - and is protective. When you’re out, having a drink and enjoying yourself, he’s the one buying the drinks and making sure no funny business is happening behind the scenes
Also, not one to do anything spectacular. Confessing to you is something that proceeds after a date. Ukai would ask you out on a date at this nice izakaya you two frequently visit - because he at least wants his last memory of you to be a good one if you turn him down. 
After a successful dinner, he offered to accompany you on your journey home. You two are in such a good mood that he’s scared he’s going to ruin it all by confessing to you. You’d be lost in your own little world and Ukai seizes his opportunity. Turning you around, he gives you a passionate kiss before quickly pulling away
You two are standing there, confused and blushing, not wanting to meet each other’s eyes. “So...” “So...” “Does this mean you like me or-” “No idiot, you had something on your lips and I thought kissing would make it go away-”
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