#and then thought of the fish fear me song that I listen to
lady-bee-holmes · 9 months
You know, there’s no other memes that makes me giggle quite like “Fish fear me” and “there are many perks of being a marine biologist.”
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
song chord ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
summary: jake sully x female!reader but no use of y/n, arranged marriage, sunshine!jake x grumpy!reader, kind of lmao. angst, jealousy, mentions of death, feelings of insecurities. fluff. <3 i think that is all, pls lmk if i missed anything 
word count: 5,112
tìyawn (n) - love
comments: first fic in a few months, first avatar fic ever <3 i really loved writing this, so i hope you all love it too, okay mwah mwah bye ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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You had not wanted your night to end like this, angrily picking at your song chord as your mother whispered to the elders of her desire to have you wed, and to the Olo’eyktan none the less. Every stone, every achievement, you had earned felt as though it was taken from you. Ripped from your fingers just as you were starting to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Toruk Makto sat across from your mother, listening closely as the elders proposed the idea of uniting your family. Joining forces to strengthen the clan, providing security and faith to the people he led.
You had wished so much more for yourself, to have your accomplishments be only your own. Not tied to a man you would never be equal to. All your life you had fought to be perfect, to be an accomplished warrior and fight for your people. Your eyes welled with tears as your fingers ran across the newest bead on your song chord. An iridescent pearl that your father had picked for you, that you held so dearly and were waiting for the perfect culminating moment in your life to add to your chord. Your Iknimaya was given the grace of bearing the pearl.
Your mind swirled with the prospect of being wed, being mated to a man you knew very little about, a man you had only met in passing. As much as you tried to find a way to fix this you couldn't, it felt like your thoughts were running a millions miles a minute and getting no answer. It was very clear that you had no way to object, your family would be so disappointed and the fear that nestled into your chest far outweighed the fear of sacrificing your future, it was almost debilitating. Either way you ended up losing.
You roughly wiped at your eyes and tried to calm your breathing, quietly counting to ten as you willed yourself to object, to tell them your future was yours and no one else's. You had lost so much due to the war with the sky-people, you did not want to lose this too. The words were on the tip of your tongue but your eyes locked onto Jake’s and his fear was clear as day within his eyes. It comforted you, a bit. Knowing you were not the only one silently suffering, but he was the last person you wanted to find comfort in.
He cleared his throat and the room was silenced instantly, causing a lump to form at your throat. “Before I agree I would like us to speak, privately.”
You nodded as he stood, following after him outside of the tent. He walked outside of the camp, towards the dark forest that was only illuminated by the fluorescent lights of the plants and small insects native to the land. Normally you would question why he was leading you away from everyone, but it felt as though all the energy was taken from you.
Not too far into the forest there was a clearing, a small pond with glowing fish. He grunted quietly as he lowered himself to sit, dipping his feet into the pond as he sighed quietly. None of you said anything for a while, you had stayed standing by the trees and looking up into the sky. Silently praying to Eywa to give you the strength to fulfill your duty with an open mind, and even an open heart.
He turned to look at you, watching as your brows furrowed even more as a shooting star passed by, “Do you mind sitting with me?”
A small huff left your lips but you did as he asked, slowly approaching him and keeping a sizeable distance between the two of you, dipping your feet into the water just as he had. “I did not expect to be mated, the thought had never really crossed my mind.”
You kept quiet, trying to focus on his words as you fought the tears trying to fall from your eyes, he took your silence as a sign to keep speaking. “I know a lot of the Na’vi still blame me for what happened, I do too.” His throat tightened, gruff with guilt and unshed tears balling up, and for the second time tonight you found comfort that you were both suffering. “I am trying to be better, and I will prove to you everyday that I am no longer loyal to the sky-people. Believe me, the Clan’s best interest is my main priority and I would never again willingly do something to harm them.”
“I know it is not ideal, having to marry a skxawng like me, but I would like to continue the engagement if you wish.”
You sighed quietly and tucked your knees in, resting your arms on them to lay your head gently, “I do not blame you.”
He nodded and averted his eyes to the pond, not believing your words, “I-I just did not picture my life to be this way. After my father died I tried so hard to accomplish everything he wanted for me, that is why it took me time to complete my Iknimaya, I wanted everything to be perfect.” His ears twitched as he listened to you.
“I just do not know if this is what he would have wanted for me.” Your last words were whispered quietly, almost as if you did not want him to hear.
“I fear everything I have ever accomplished will be stripped from me, and I will just be seen as Toruk Makto’s wife. Expected to be the next Tsahik and I can barely interpret the will of Eywa for myself, how am I expected to do so for the rest of the clan?”
He laughed loudly, as if what you said was the funniest thing in the world. As if your worries were comical and before you could stop yourself you hissed in his direction, making your way to stand up. “I’m sorry-wait I’m sorry-you made me laugh but I did not mean to offend you.”
You stopped yourself from leaving, “See what I mean? Skxawng.”
Your lips barely twitched at the end and you hoped he hadn’t caught it. He did.
“I am a warrior JakeSully, I will not sit back and watch the people fight. I will be front line.”
He smiled at your words, “I would also like to get to know you better, no wedding within the next two-three weeks, yes?”
He leaned back on his arms and looked up at the night sky, millions of tiny stars scattered all across you. “Ok, no wedding soon.”
He sent you a warm smile and it eased the gnawing feeling in your chest, “One final request, I wish to be seen as your equal, taken into consideration when it comes to decisions of the clan, not just your wife but your partner.”
His silence scared you, fearful of what would leave his mouth, “That is all I want.”
A small smile made its way onto your features, feeling far more content then how you expected this night to go.
You were both silent for a long time, just enjoying the beautiful forest of Pandora, “I must go, it is well past Eclipse and my mother will be worried.”
Jake nodded and stood up, leaning his arm forward to help you too. You both silently made your way through the short distance back to the camp, quickly making your way to your tent. You were about to go in, without sparing him another look but his hand reached for your forearm to stop you from walking, “We are in this together, from here on out it is you and me. I am not taking this lightly and-and I will be your friend through all of this.”
Your eyes welled with tears again, having to come to terms with your future in those few seconds as you looked up into his golden eyes. “Thank you, I will try my best too.”
You sent him a small smile before moving into your tent, hoping to sleep away the still overwhelming fear of having no control of your life.
You blinked the sleep away from the night before, trying to relax the nauseating feeling that nestled in your stomach as you recalled the events of last night. Why had you so willingly opened up to JakeSully, why?
You did not know him, and from the whispers that followed him around you were one of the few Na’vi women that did not want to. You had opened up some of your deepest concerns last night, and for the life of you, you didn’t know why. You soothingly rubbed the beads of your song chord, trying to ground yourself and push the tears down that seemed to flow like a never ending river.
Your ears twitched gently as you heard movement outside of your tent, “Who is there?”
Someone cleared their throat as you sat up, fixing your chest beads and loin cloth on your way to stand up. “It’s Jake, um-I wanted to spend some time with you. As friends do.”
You tsk’ed lowly, slowly making your way towards the opening of the tent, head peeking out only to be met with a gentle smile on the Toruk Makto’s face. You refrained from rolling your eyes at the tall man, going back into your tent but leaving it open so he could follow. “Give me a few minutes and I will be ready.”
He hummed quietly as he stepped in, eyes jumping from corner to corner of your tent. Curiously walking towards a make-shift shelf, filled from top to bottom with your trinkets. From your first arrow, to dried flowers and pretty stones you had collected since you were a child. You observed him, feeling your heart jump to your throat as he reached to pick something up. Feeling exposed to him in a way you couldn’t describe.
Your mind eased as he gently picked up the only picture you had on there, one that Grace had taken of your mother and father that she gifted you on a random day during her classes. “My condolences for your father, I never got to meet him.”
You said nothing as you continued to ready yourself, turning your back to him and making sure he was still occupied with the shelf before changing quickly, adjusting the straps on the cloth that fell on your hips as he turned towards you. “What will we be doing, JakeSully?”
His nose twitched softly at his full name.
“Is it your hunting or training day?”
You shook your head no, “Perfect, let’s go for a ride.”
Your eyes lit up softly, anytime you got to spend with your Ikran was so special to you, your sweet Pey’lal. Following behind him happily as he threaded through the forest where the claimed Ikran’s rested. Your tongue instinctively started clicking once you made it to the large tree, looking towards the sky for a large blur of purple and blue.
There was a large gust of wind and a powerful thud as Pey’lal landed gracefully in front of you, nuzzling her head against your cheek as you laughed happily. “My sweet girl, I have missed you.”
You cooed happily as she made happy clicking noises at the attention you were giving her, Jake clearing his throat made you snap out of your happy bubble. Pey’lal looked up as if just noticing him for the first time, moving her head to the side in question, flapping her wings as a warning sign. Your hand reached out to soothe her, letting her know to stand down. She relaxed instantly. “This is Pey’lal, my Ikran. Isn’t she beautiful?”
Your smile reached your eyes for the first time and Jake nodded, “This is Bob.” He patted his Ikran’s head who huffed in slight annoyance and it caused a laugh to ripple from your throat, “Bob?”
Jake’s face flared as his ears twitched, “I think it fits him, he is quite goofy.”
“If you say so, JakeSully.”
There was a beat of silence before you connected your queue to Pey’lal’s, jumping smoothly onto her back, “Well, let’s get to flying.”
In the next instant you were off, looking back momentarily only to see Jake jumping onto his Ikran to catch up.
It had been several weeks since Jake had taken you out to fly, or out on a date as he called it. But ever since then it was as if he was glued to your hip, accompanying you even when it was not necessary. Like when you went to pick fruit or went hunting, Pey’lal was even growing accustomed to him being around. Just yesterday she nuzzled her head against his chest as he called out for Bob, something she had only ever done with you.
You had tried to be annoyed with him, wanting to keep him as far away from you as possible but he had slowly, very slowly, started to crack the walls you had built up and began staking claim.
Like even now, as he sat across from you and smiled at your annoyance towards him, your tail swishing in frustration. “You are Olo'eyktan and cannot even pronounce basic words.”
You tsk’ed quietly as he leaned back on his arms, not focusing on what you were saying. He laughed deeply, one that you could tell started in his chest, “I cannot focus today.”
“You can never focus.”
“You are distracting me.”
Your brows furrowed together, confusion evident on your face. Another laugh left his throat, “I do not like being laughed at, JakeSully.”
“I am not laughing at you.” It continued, the sound warming your chest as you feigned being offended, purposely dropping your ears, “I just think you are so-so-interesting.”
You huffed and moved away from him, “You really know how to woo me.”
His face dropped and you bit back the smile that threatened to crack across your face, tucking your tail away as he scooted closer to you, “I meant that in a good way-I did not want to offend you.”
You turned your face to him, the laugh escaped you as soon as your eyes locked onto his, face full of concern, “I was only kidding you Skxawng. I think you are interesting too.”
He pushed your shoulder with his own, smiling so hard his cheeks felt sore.
A comfortable silence settled between the two of you, and in the next instant it hit you just how close he was, the side of his thigh pressed against yours and you flushed deeply. Ears twitching as you tried to stop your body from going rigid against his.
Jake's finger twitched softly as he contemplated reaching for your hand, he wouldn’t put it past you to flick him with your tail if he tried to, but even still he wanted to know how your hands would feel against his.
Your face was turned away from him, clearly trying not to face him and he swore you knew what he was up to, your fingers twitched softly as it rested on your leg. Before he could think about it too much he slipped his hand under your own, tangling his fingers with yours and closing, rubbing gently along your knuckles.
Your hand had tensed as he held it, still avoiding his gaze and he almost retracted but slowly your fingers relaxed into his, his tail swished softly in excitement as you folded your fingers to hold his hand.
“Your hands are sweaty, Toruk Makto.”
He refrained from laughing, “Yeah well-you make me nervous. One wrong move and I know it will earn me a tail flick to the head.”
You laughed at his words and turned to him, cheeks still blazing as he got a good look at you. Your cheeks were a soft purple and a smile that reached all the way to your eyes.
“Do not tempt me.”
Your tail gently flicked against his arm and he felt a warm sensation start in his belly and make its way up to his chest, causing goosebumps to rise all across his arms.
After a beat of silence he began speaking again, “So, how do you say it? Kalultal?”
“No-no! Kelutral!”
The weeks had started to bleed into each other the more time you spent with Jake. Your eyes instinctively looked through the sea of Na’vi as you searched for him, a proud smile on your face as you lugged around the Hexapede you had hunted not too long ago.
You had noticed him a couple of feet away, his back towards you and there was an instant smile that made its way to your face, trying to get to him faster. Your eyes were taking in his back, a small heat rising to your cheeks as you let your stare run across his shoulders and down to his arms.
You opened your mouth to call out for him but you clamped up almost instantly, ears twitching in question as his head was thrown back and a loud laugh left his lips. Your eyes finally shifted to who was in front of him and felt a sting begin to settle in your stomach. It was Neytiri.
They were talking animatedly between each other, laughing and you were not sure why it left such a bitter taste in your mouth. Cheeks now flushed but for an entirely different reason, anger bubbled in your chest. You tried to wrack your brain for what it could be, you had always gotten along with Neytiri so why had you started to feel a sense of insecurity in yourself as you noticed how easy it was for them to get along? How easy it had been for them since the beginning.
The realization scared you even more so when you came to the conclusion that it was jealousy, you had started to feel some sort of claim to the Toruk Makto and it hurt. You felt so stupid, how could you think he wanted you when Neytiri had been a part of his life from the moment he was introduced to the clan? She had shown him the in’s and out’s, he had fallen in love with your people, with your home, through her.
You felt a lump rise to your throat as you handed off the Hexapede to be skinned for the feast later in the evening, rushing past the crowd of people behind you. You wanted to be far away from him, from her, from everyone. Your ears had turned inward and all you could hear was the beating of your heart. It came in loud thuds, deep and sorrowful.
You had made it towards your tent, not noticing that Jake had clocked you dropping the animal off. He had called you several times which you had not heard. He had noticed how your shoulders were tensed, a look so unfamiliar to him on your face and he knew something was wrong. His fingers tangled around your forearm before you slipped into your tent, you jolted back against his chest showing him just how distracted you were.
Jake called your name softly and his brows furrowed together as you refused to look at him. “Is everything alright?”
You hissed in his direction and yanked your forearm from his grip, Jake stepped back in astonishment as he took in the anger swirling in your eyes. “Leave me alone, JakeSully.”
“Woah-what? Did I-what’s wrong?”
You ignored him and walked into your tent, pacing the perimeters as you tried to keep the emotions from erupting into something uglier. You felt like an open wound and hated that it was caused by the man who only a few months ago you wanted nothing to do with. Your tent was opened as Jake stepped in, confusion evident in his face.
Your angry haze landed on him, his hands up in surrender trying to not overwhelm you as he neared you, “I do not want you near me, Toruk Makto. Just go!”
“I am just trying to figure out what’s wrong, yeah? Let me help.”
“You are the last person I would want help from, get out!”
Your hands had reached up to push at his chest and even Jake knew you were going easy on him, but the pushes were persistent. The frustration more evident each time your palms landed on his chest.
His hands reached out to grab at your wrist, the beads of your song chord digging gently into your skin. Your wrist felt like they were on fire at his touch and felt the anger surge through your body all over again. Hands wriggling angrily against his as he stepped closer, concern clear as day on his features but you could not bring yourself to care. All your deepest insecurities rearing their ugly head at you, a sob threatening to escape from your throat as an uncomfortable feeling settled into your stomach. A feeling that you would not be enough, not for your family, not for Jake, not for the clan.
Your anger peaked, a scream was ready to erupt from your throat as Jake was not letting your wrist go, he was still trying to calm you down. You ripped your wrist from his grip in a whip of anger and felt all the air leave you at once. Your song chord had tangled along the leather braided clasps on Jake's wrist and ripped from yours, the beads falling like a waterfall all around the two of you. “No-no-no!”
Your eyes and hands frantically searched around for the pearl your father had given you, not locating it anywhere and a small whimper left your mouth as the tears flowed from your eyes and down to your neck.
Jake was on his hands and knees instantly as you wept, helping you gather the stones that had been placed on your chord, “Please just leave, Jake! Go with Neytiri and leave me alone.”
Your voice was raw with emotion and it made his heart clench, his ears twitched in confusion but he said nothing as he continued to gather all the beads he saw, an uncomfortable sting making its way to his wrist.
He could tell your holding back from sobbing, you had folded into yourself after all the stones were gathered, your back shaking from your tears. “I will help you build it back, I will weave the chord with you. I am so sorry.”
His hand had reached out to your shoulders pulling you up against him and into his chest, there was a strain on his wrist at the awkward way it bent causing a low hiss to fall from his lips. His hand settled on your head, rubbing soothingly as he felt you calm in his arms, a pinch each time his hand dragged forward but he didn’t care. “Will you let me help you?”
You whimpered quietly as you melted into his embrace, “There is no point.”
“What do you mean, tìyawn?”
You felt your heart flutter at the affectionate name, but your heart felt heavy as you realized you had lost the pearl your father had gifted you, “I lost the pearl for my Iknimaya. It was a pearl my father had gifted me, it meant so much to me and-and I waited for something that felt worthy of carrying the stone and now I have lost it. I no longer want a song chord.”
You broke out into another fit of tears, only this time wrapping your arms around Jake’s neck to find solace in him, and he comforted as best he could, wrapping his arms around you as his fingers traced your back to calm you down once again.
He felt the pinch against his wrist again, an irritation settling softly in his chest at the persistent sting. He pulled his arms closer to you so one rested on your hip while the other tried to unclamp the leather bracelets that sat on his wrist. When the bracelet was off he felt instant relief, his ears twitching at the sound of a pebble landing on the floor. He swore a silent prayer to Eywa fell from his lips as his eyes locked onto the pearl. It was iridescent and had small scratches since you wore your song chord almost everywhere. His fingers reached for the stone, picking it up gently as if he feared it would break under the weight of his fingers. “Is this it?”
Your head lifted from his chest, looking into his palm and a watery laugh left your throat, still thick with emotion as you reached out for it. You looked up into Jake’s eyes and it seemed like hundreds of tears kept flowing from your eyes, Jake's lips were turned downwards as he rubbed at your cheeks, trying to erase the evidence of your sadness. He hated it, he hated seeing you hurting and in that instant swore that he would spend the rest of his life trying to keep you happy.
“I do not like knowing you are sad.”
Your emotions consumed you once again as you stared up at him, eyes flickering to his lips for a brief second. Sniffling softly you leaned your face closer to him, pressing your forehead against his and you let your eyes flutter closed. You could not bear to look at him, he consumed you in every way and the clarity hit you like a ton of bricks. You were in love.
You let your lips fall against his in a quick motion, it was soft even though it only lasted a few seconds. When you pulled back his eyes were closed, cheeks a deep purple, ears twinging pink as he reeled from having your lips on his. “I am no longer sad, Jake. Just sorry, and embarrassed for how I behaved.”
He was all over you in the next instant, lips pressing into yours almost bruisingly as if he tried to forever engrain the feeling of your lips on his. Hands gripped at your hips tightly, pulling you flush against him and a small whine left your mouth. He used the gap between your lips to his advantage as he gently slipped his tongue, almost as if asking for permission. Your teeth softly bit down on the tip of his tongue, soothing it by sliding your own across his. He felt the groan come from the center of his chest, he felt all of you as he wrapped pulled you in closer.
You were the first to pull away, Jake’s lips chasing after your own as you sucked in a long breath, trying to fill your lungs with as much air as possible. You turned from him slightly and placed the pearl with your other stones, turning back to him as your eyes scanned all across his face. “I only want you, my tìyawn. No one else, do you understand me?”
You nodded and let your forehead fall against his again, whispering the words that told him just how you felt, “Oel ngati kameie.”
A laugh rippled from his throat and he placed a kiss to your cheek, “Oel”, a kiss to your nose, “Ngati”, a kiss to your lips, “Kameie”.
You finally pulled away from him, looking at the beads that Jake had gathered for you. “So you will help me?”
He nodded happily, watching your every move as you stood up, picking up a small box that was on your shelf. He couldn't stop the smile that fell on his lips as your tail switched softly, contemplating what material you wanted to hold your beads. You settled on a weaved tan thread, sitting back down next to Jake and you hummed quietly, “You do not have one right, Ma’Jake?”
Jake swore his heart was going to fall out of his chest, “No I do not-no one ever told me to make it so I did not think to do it.”
“You must make one now, we sing the song chord to remember. Each bead is a story in our life.”
Your fingers brushed Jake’s as you handed over the extra piece of string for him to use, placing the box in between the two of you, full of beads, some simpler than others but just as beautiful. The two of you settled into a comfort silence, Jake pausing on occasion to think on certain events that were important enough to add to his chord, digging his fingers into the box.
You had finished your chord quickly, knowing it by memory and Jake noticed you had not added any new beads, until the last one, that one was new.
It was a soft shade of blue, it stood out beautifully against the majority of white and brown of it. “That is new.”
His fingers ran across your song chord, it was so much more intricate than his, showing just how proud you should be of yourself, now a constant reminder how he will always be proud of you. “It is for you, Toruk Makto.”
You flushed and shied away from him as his ears twitched, pulling his own chord out to share it with you, explaining what each one meant. When he reached the last stone, it was a deep red, one that shined if light reflected on, “This one-It’s for you. My tìyawn.”
You reached for his hand and wrapped the chord twice around his wrist, “I am ready, to be mated.”
He let his fingers trace your palm, going over each line and scar, even tracing over the small callouses the tips of your finger had accumulated from training with your arrow. He was smiling so hard, cheeks hurting as he leaned over to pick up your own chord and wrap it around your wrist, it looped three times. “I want a huge ceremony, with a huge feast and lots of music and dancing.”
Your hand flew to your mouth as you tried to stop the laughter that bubbled at your throat, “I do not need such a big fuss over me, Ma’Jake.”
He brought you even closer to him, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he announced, “But I do, I want all of the Omaticaya clan to know I am mated to you. Forever you and me.”
Another burst of warmth fell over you, pressing a kiss to his lips before you moved to sit against him, your back pressed firmly to his chest as his arms wrapped around your frame, “Now tell me, what do the other beads represent?”
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ghcstao3 · 28 days
another mermay post 🧜‍♂️🧜‍♂️🧜‍♂️🧜‍♂️🧜‍♂️ hehehehehe
short part two of siren!ghost x sailor!soap
In the darkness of the cave, with nothing but the bioluminescent something speckling the damp walls to illuminate the space, Soap isn’t sure how much time has passed since Ghost’s departure.
All Soap knows is that he’s cold, wet, and hungry, and has no idea how long he’s been left in this cave—and if there’s any way out.
He doesn’t venture far, not with what little visibility he has, but he feels along the slimy, algae-coated walls for any hidden crevice, any opening, any alcove. When he’s unsuccessful in that regard, a dares to inch toward the water, peering into its dark, murky depths, and wondering just how deep it goes. How deep underwater he is, in this little pocket of air that will most certainly run out.
And if it’s so deep that he couldn’t make it back up to the surface on his own.
Soap is curled up against one side of the cave when Ghost reappears, hauling fish, oysters, and tattered, sodden clothing of which Soap could very well guess the origins.
Ghost nudges everything as far up the stone floor as he can without having to push himself out of the water, but Soap never moves to accept. Fear still encases every one of his senses, even if his life had been spared. Even if Ghost said he wouldn’t kill him.
“You can’t keep me here, you know. Not forever,” Soap declares shakily, wincing at the echo of his words. Ghost just stares at him, bobbing gently in the abyss of water, those amber eyes now two pitch black holes boring into Soap.
“I can’t even… how would I even cook and eat the fish? I’ll starve if I don’t first run out of air,” Soap continues.
Ghost watches Soap for another long, silent moment. There isn’t enough light for Soap to place his expression, but his lack of reply is worrying enough.
“I won’t let that happen,” Ghost eventually says. There’s decisiveness to his answer, but in the echoey confines of the cavern, Soap swears there’s a slight waver in confidence. Like Ghost hadn’t thought this completely through, despite the cocksure way he had acted up until this moment.
“I’ll need sunlight,” Soap argues weakly. “And to be dry.”
Ghost outwardly falters. Soap can imagine a plethora of thoughts and emotions crossing the siren’s face, all obscured in the dim lighting. Soap waits and waits as silence only stretches again for what are only minutes, but feel like hours.
“Then I’ll find somewhere new,” states Ghost, before sinking back into the water with that same air of mystery as he had the first time.
Soap sighs, careful to fill his lungs minimally, lest he suffocate.
Well, he supposes—maybe wringing out the old clothes and laying them out could at least make for a somewhat more comfortable place to die, and the oysters might be enough to tie him over as to not make his death nearly as miserable.
Maybe he shouldn’t have argued with Ghost in the rowboat. Maybe he should have pretended to be lured in by the female sirens’ song and be put to death far quicker than whatever torture this is, that Ghost has planned.
Dejectedly, Soap squeezes out what excess water he can from the fabric, bunches it up in a pile and lays down on the makeshift pillow. The constant drip, drip, drip makes it impossible to sleep, so instead he just shuts his eyes and listens to the sounds of water lapping the stone floor, waiting for the swish and ripple of a disturbance to mark Ghost’s return—if there ever would be one in time.
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bambheez · 1 year
tonight is for the two of us (l.hs)
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SUMMARY: two lonely people who find comfort in each other’s presence for one night. PAIRING: heeseung x reader GENRE: angst, smut WARNINGS: mentions of character death, grief, depression, insomnia, child and domestic abuse, alcoholism, profanity, light smut WORD COUNT: 5.8k A/N: the way this entire thing screams verbosity but that’s just my style so pls forgive me lol… obviously this is different from what I’ve posted so far in that there’s actual plot and it’s somewhat dark (so please read the long ass list of warnings before you proceed). you can also listen to the PLAYLIST for this story (I am in love with all of these songs)! as always, reblogs/comments/feedback are especially appreciated! :)
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Your clammy hands were gripping the steering wheel to the point where your dashboard lights illuminated the whites of your knuckles. As you made your way up the windy roads to the lookout point, void of any streetlamps and relying on your high beams on blast, you were silently thankful for the lack of cars trailing behind you or driving toward you in the opposite direction.
Had you done your research beforehand instead of simply plugging the address into your phone, perhaps you wouldn’t have embarked on this hour-long journey to go stargazing with your colleagues. You suggested carpooling to no avail, having to face your absurd fear of driving not only at night but also on sketchy, unfamiliar roads. 
A slight crane of your neck to the right brought you a view of the city’s skyline in the distance, a hazy glow amidst a sea of black, and you wished you could teleport back to the comfort of the bright, bustling city. The mere thought of having to drive back down this same path later had you letting out a deep groan. 
A sudden interjection of your phone’s navigation app announcing that you were arriving at your destination in 100 feet caused you to whip your head back in focus, scanning the parking lot as you approached the top of the mountain. 
Your car was the only one in the vicinity, save for a camper van with none of its lights on, looking particularly worn-down and deserted. You parked in a random empty spot, unplugging your phone from its charging port before stepping out into the brisk air. Spotting a bench near the lookout point, you took long strides up across the parking lot and up the hill, plopping down to sit and fishing your phone out of your pocket to check your notifications.
You were surprised to find an empty home screen, expecting a “sorry, we’ll be a few minutes late” in your group chat seeing as it was over ten minutes past the time you were meant to arrive. You dialed the number of the coworker who invited you and you heard her voice come onto the line after three long rings.
“Hey! What’s up?” she was nearly screaming over sounds of at least a dozen other people talking.
“What’s your ETA?” you were muttering, already having a bad feeling of what she was about to say.
“H-huh? Oh, it’s supposed to rain tonight, so we canceled! Sorry, I thought we told y–” you were tearing the phone away from the side of your face and hanging up before she could finish her sentence. 
A miserable chuckle escaped your mouth as you took note of the thick clouds hanging over the sky and brought your feet up on the bench, hugging your knees and resting your back against the wood. You weren’t sure why you expected anything else. 
You thought perhaps moving across the country to a big city would put an end to the dread of a thousand tomorrows, none of them promising any semblance of change, but the truth was you never felt more alone than when you were standing in the midst of a busy crowd surrounded by towering skyscrapers and blinding lights—a single drop in the ocean.
There was no way to describe it other than a vice on your heart, squeezing with just enough pressure to be a constant, dull ache. A black hole that threatened to swallow every part of you until all that was left was a human shaped shell, too numb to feel the pain anymore.
There were nights you unwillingly let it control you, and all you could do in those long hours was find an enclosed place to shake until the tears subsided. The vast, open darkness in front of you made you wonder just how many people were out there feeling the same way you did. 
Some old acquaintances had promised to stay in touch, yet what you heard from them was comparable to radio silence, their smiles and efforts merely pixelated and small yellow faces that stopped coming whenever your world fell apart—which was often.
Trudging to get past each day made you realize just how much of your world had revolved around one person—one last connection with a life that used to be. You couldn’t tell her when your local tea shop came out with her favorite lychee drink, when you listened to a song that reminded you of her, how you saw someone on the subway reading a book she had recommended you, or how you overheard a couple arguing over the proper way to load a dishwasher, the very thing you had repeatedly bickered about as college roommates. 
And now that she was no longer in this life, you were constantly questioning your purpose, even occasionally wondering if you were meant to be alone. Was this what the universe had planned for you? You weren’t sure you believed in multiple soulmates, so what happened when yours left you?
If you miss me, just look at the stars. She would always sign the text with a ‘;)’ at the end and you would mock her with a scoff, replying with or I could just call you, dumbass. 
Without realizing, you were already bringing up your history of text messages with her, scrolling through the endless one-sided green texts, each decorated with a delivery error message. Your fingers were hovering over the keyboard while the pulsing blue line stared back at you.
“Where are you?” you were wailing out, wincing subsequently at the unexpected echo and crack in your voice. The thundering in the distance seemed to answer you, but you wished the stars were out so that you’d at least know she was watching over you. You couldn’t help but feel that the cloudy skies meant she couldn’t see you, or worse, look out for you. A droplet landed on your cheek and your eyelids fluttered shut at the feeling. You weren’t sure if they were your tears or hers.
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It was the end of the week and you somehow found yourself making your way up the mountainous roads again, remembering coming home last time with extraordinary peace of mind despite the frazzled state you arrived in. You weren’t sure what it was, but it was pushing you to get out of the city once again. 
The air was noticeably cooler than it had been last week, and you were scanning your backseat for any signs of a sweater, sighing inwardly when you found none. It was warm when you left your office earlier in the evening and you mentally cursed at yourself for not checking the weather yet again. 
You contemplated staying in the car with the heat on, but a glimpse of your glowing fuel light had you rolling your eyes in disappointment for being so forgetful and inattentive on top of the countless other flaws you felt you carried. 
You were making your way toward the empty bench again, spotting the camper van in the same parking spot. You assumed it hadn’t moved since the last time you were here, most likely having been abandoned. There were considerably fewer clouds in the sky today and you beamed at the view of the small specks of white splattered against the darkness.
“Give me a sign that it’ll all be okay, please,” you spoke while eyeing the stars above you, some brighter than others. Your hair flew in the wind, draping across your face as goosebumps formed on your arms as you prepared to let the rest of your thoughts out. You didn’t remember closing your eyes, but the sound of footsteps approaching had you instinctively opening them and straightening your back and you suddenly felt a weight on your shoulders, gasping to find someone draping their flannel jacket over you.
“Sorry if I scared you,” he spoke against the wind. “You seemed cold.” A boy, now in a plain black shirt, was making his way around the other side of the bench to sit down next to you. He left considerable space between the two of you, which you were silently thankful for. 
You spun around to see where he had parked, not having noticed another car arrive and when you saw nothing but your own car and the camper van, you felt a chill run down your spine. Alarm bells should’ve been going off in your head, but you were seemingly more concerned with the fact that he had most likely seen you in your most vulnerable state, crying out into the open void like a lunatic, not only once, but twice now.
When he felt you staring, he turned his head only to briefly make eye contact with you before glancing back down at his lap. His skin was a pretty shade of olive, the tip of his nose illuminated by the hazy moonlight. You took in the rest of his appearance—worn sneakers with one of the laces untied, ripped jeans, and shaggy hair that covered his eyes, and you found yourself resisting the urge to run your fingers through his locks.
“Why do you keep coming here?” he was asking, picking his head up once more to look at you.
You weren’t so sure yourself. Maybe it was the fact that this was the only place where you didn’t have to pretend. You didn’t know if you wanted to talk to her, to yourself, or to the universe in general; you didn’t know if you wanted to scream or cry or sit in complete silence. All you knew was that after a particularly bad day at work, you were taking the exit off the highway without thinking, almost as if you had taken this same exit a hundred times before.
“I could ask you the same,” you chuckled. There was an awkward pause, and you were realizing that he wasn’t going to answer you.
“I’m here to u-uh, stargaze.” You were telling the truth, at least partially. 
“Stargazing’s not the best here, with the light pollution and all,” he replied. You hummed, unsure how to respond. He noticed your hesitation and was rubbing his palms against the black denim of his jeans before clearing his throat. 
“‘m Heeseung, by the way.” At first, Heeseung found himself slightly annoyed at the fact that you had disrupted his peace and not-so-secret hideout spot, observing you from his van while you mumbled to yourself on the bench. 
“I travel in my van, but ‘m running low on money.” He was rubbing the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed to admit the fact. “The parking here’s free, so…” he trailed off, regretting it immediately after stating the obvious. 
As he got a better look at your face up close, he saw that a small frown seemed semi-permanently etched on your face, which he could tell you were hopelessly attempting to correct as he studied you. A wave of guilt washed over him upon registration of his untimely intrusion, realizing that you would probably prefer to be alone right now due to the blatant evidence that you were pretending to look less dejected in front of him. 
You were briefly introducing yourself as someone new to the city, not knowing what else was interesting about you and accidentally slipping in the fact that you ‘didn’t really have any friends’, teeth chattering slightly even with his jacket resting over your frame. 
“Did you want to sit in my van instead?” Your frown was faltering when your lips parted in surprise at his request. He contemplated adding a lighthearted comment about not being a serial killer to reassure you, but you were already trailing behind him as he stood up. You could tell he was tall when his legs were stretched out next to yours while sat next on the bench, but he was even taller than you’d imagined when he was standing up, even with a slight hunch in his posture. 
Heeseung peered over his shoulder to catch you struggling to keep up with his longer strides, still clutching onto the collar of his jacket over your right shoulder and he let a soft smile adorn his face as he slowed his pace to match yours. He was rounding the front of his van to open the passenger side door for you but you were already cutting in front of him, hopping up on the door sill clumsily.
You let yourself into the passenger side, holding the jacket out to Heeseung who was still staring at you through the driver side window. He opened the door and pulled himself into the seat, reluctantly taking the jacket from you and tossing it on some unknown surface of the van behind him. 
He turned on the ceiling light of his van and began blasting the heat after noticing that you were sitting on the backs of your hands. His fingers were fiddling with the knobs on the CD player to turn on soft, lullaby-like piano music and you made a poor attempt at stifling a laugh. For some reason, you expected him to be into rock music and found the unexpected contrast endearing. 
Heeseung shot you a confused look at the sound and you simply shook your head and waved it off, a small smile still playing on your lips. You couldn’t put your finger on what it was, but you felt a strange sense of comfort in his presence.
For the first time that night, you were taking a closer look at his features. Underneath his bangs were eyes that carried both fervor and innocence and lips that were held in a constant, soft pout. He was chewing on his bottom lip, eyes darting around the space in front of him at the feeling of you staring at him so intently. He shook his head so that his bangs were falling over his eyes again in one swift movement before thinking of something to say to take your attention off his face.
“I dropped out of college when I was 18,” he was muttering, trying to gauge your reaction from his peripheral view before continuing. “And then I ran away from home to travel.” He was leaving out key details like the fact that he didn’t necessarily run away from home with the goal of traveling but instead began traveling because he simply had nowhere else to go. 
When he came home after his first semester with an official diagnosis from his university’s health center, his family refused to let him seek therapy or any other form of help. With a father who was never home and a mother who went as far as threatening to disown him if he didn’t return to school the following semester, Heeseung wasn’t left with much of a choice. 
You were surprised that he was even sharing this much with you. Your heart tightened at the thought of him being alone in the world at such a young age and his lack of a support system, seemingly more alone than you were. He was considerably better than you at concealing his loneliness and you hated that fact, not because you wanted to be better at it but because you knew just how much effort it took. 
Heeseung could barely remember what it was like to have his father around, the only seemingly harmonious moments spent with him before he started grade school fleeting and long forgotten. The bulk of his adolescence was spent resenting his father for the way he treated his mother, where his father would appear through the front door every few months or so in one of his drunken episodes, an empty bottle of liquor already in hand.
He almost always knew when it was happening, the rummaging through the cabinets and refrigerator for alcohol reverberating through the house and to his room. He couldn’t understand why his mother wouldn’t stop restocking the house with it or why she wouldn’t change the locks or take his father’s keys or even file for a divorce, and he couldn’t help but despise her weakness and inability to stop pitying her husband.
“Look who decided to finally show up for his mother,” the older man seethed, breath reeking from the drunken stench.
A particularly loud argument had Heeseung flying down the stairs, the sound of a glass bottle breaking causing his mother to let a scream out of her mouth. He took in his father’s appearance, unshaven and eyes bloodshot with a lazy smirk playing on his lips. A look off to the side at his mother with tears streaming down her cheeks was suddenly leading to punches being thrown and knuckles growing bloodied. A harsh shove from his father caused him to lose his balance and tumble onto the wooden floor.
“Maybe ask yourself why you’re defending a fucking cheater instead,” his voice boomed through the living room. A puzzled expression took over Heeseung’s face as he turned toward his mother who winced both at the sound of her husband slamming the door as he left and the way her son ran his tongue over his busted lip, eyes beginning to gloss over.
After finally grasping the fact that his mother was not the person she made herself out to be and what pushed his father over the edge over ten years ago, Heeseung, who had always stuck close to her growing up, attempting to make up for the lack of his father’s presence, began growing increasingly distant from her as he finished his final years of high school. The very thing he swore he wouldn’t touch in his life was the only thing he took with him and stashed in his van the night he left.
He was wrapping his hand around the nearly empty beer can in his cup holder from the thought of his childhood memories and shooting a pained expression your way at the paled look on your face, eyes pooling with concern and he tried to perceive it as anything but pity.
“I honestly don’t mind it much,” he was saying, but an unfamiliar look was flashing across his eyes and even though you barely knew him, you felt like you could see right through him.
He was redirecting his gaze out the windshield. He had used the North Star almost as a source of direction in his travels for the past few years, as cliche as it sounded. Tonight was the first night it was visible in the two weeks he had been parked here, deciding to camp out in the deserted park until it reappeared and he had saved enough money from his part-time job in the city. 
The North Star appeared noticeably brighter tonight, a beacon in the middle of the night shrouded in shadows and Heeseung was suddenly wondering whether it was a coincidence that you were here with him at this very moment, whether you were the very person who hung the North Star for him in the night sky, guiding him toward a purposeful destination, or whether you were the destination itself. He was shaking his head at the intrusive thought as you followed his line of sight.
The heat blowing throughout the van was fogging up the windows and blocking up your view of what he seemed to be focusing his gaze on. Heeseung watched as you turned in your seat, moving your body to face the passenger window with one leg folded up on the cushion. You were bringing your fingers up to touch the glass, slowly drawing a heart with your index finger and peering through the clear traces at the sky.
Heeseung, nowhere near intoxicated from his built up tolerance over the years, took one last sip of his drink, still not taking his eyes away from your side profile and subtle movements as you immersed yourself in your own world for the second time that night. He was turning to his own window to mirror your actions, outlining a much sloppier heart on the glass. By the time he finished and spun around to face you, you were already watching him with a beam, the apples of your cheeks rosy. 
You were suddenly bursting into laughter, your brain on autopilot as you leaned over the center console to fix his drawing. You were practically pushed up against him with your hand resting on his thigh as you drew over his sketch on the window, adding a dozen more hearts around the first and filling up the rest of the fogged glass with your doodles. Heeseung was noticeably stiffening under you, attempting to distract himself from his quickening heart rate by picking at the fraying of his jeans on the leg you weren’t perched on.
You leaned back to admire your silly artwork for a few seconds before glancing over at him and noticing Heeseung’s eyelashes fluttering delicately, still reeling from the sudden physical contact. Upon noticing the close proximity, you were removing your hand from his lap and bringing it back into your own, leaning into the seat again and you could feel the heat evident on your face, knowing it must’ve been even more apparent to him. He was no better at concealing his own expressions as his sheepish smile faltered, feeling abnormally disappointed in the sudden loss of contact.
Still in a daze, Heeseung was reaching behind him to grab a can of beer, holding it out in front of you while his eyes were trained on the single heart drawn on the passenger side window. He held back a grimace as he realized that he’d done so without thinking, hoping you hadn’t caught on to his dependency. You accepted his offer without hesitation, wiping the rim of the opening with the bottom of your shirt and popping open the tab, taking gulps at a much faster speed than you were normally used to.
Your head was still spinning with the thought and feeling of the burn of your fingertips against his thigh. You both drifted into a comfortable silence, the music no longer playing since the CD player in his rundown van didn’t have the ability to auto loop tracks or albums and the hammering of his heart against his chest seemed almost too loud for you not to notice. Heeseung thought about taking out the disk and replacing it but decided against it, not wanting to disrupt the stillness of the air around you. 
Your lips formed a small frown as you saw clouds beginning to shape. You thought it was the alcohol deceiving you, but you blinked a few times and the clouds were still there. 
“I hate the rain because it means I can’t see her. It makes me think that she’s crying,” you suddenly whispered, breaking the silence. You could feel his gaze fall to you as he fell out of his trance, but he didn’t ask who, just simply nodded. 
His reaction made you freeze in your spot, realizing you had most definitely overshared beyond an imaginary boundary. You almost wanted to apologize for it before you were saying the next thing that came to your mind. 
“Have you ever fallen in love?” you were abruptly blurting out.
He was quirking his brow in amusement. “Come on, I can barely fall asleep,” he laughed softly but not without a somewhat pained expression behind his eyes. You had assumed it was a joke, but the sincerity in the way he observed you told you it wasn’t. Your eyes widened before you were nodding softly and returning a weak smile, taken aback by his confession.
“Don’t worry about it,” he was brushing it off. “You?”
You were staring out the windshield again for a few moments, lost in your thoughts before responding, “A lot of unrequited love, if that counts.”
You began to explain how you had never been in a relationship, not because you didn’t want to, but because it was seemingly out of your control. You presumed that the time you spent on this earth loving romantically without any reciprocation had somehow altered your brain chemistry to truly believe that you were meant to be alone from the very beginning, and you were often wondering which would hurt more, to have had true love and lost it or to never have had it at all. Dwelling over the fact that you had already experienced some form of both made your situation seem all the more ridiculous.
It didn’t go unnoticed by him the way you were flighty in your thoughts, jumping to one without finishing the other. As a result of the accumulation of thoughts you created when you were alone, all the things you would talk to yourself about came spilling out. 
Your mind went on talking even when you were alone. And when you ran out of storage, the thoughts needed to come out somehow. Partly due to your insecurities you hoped that by talking more, you’d be accepted and loved by someone—it hadn’t proved itself to be a successful method in the past and you weren’t sure it ever would be.
“I give, and give, and give. That’s all I do,” you continued, your voice now uneven and trembling slightly. “I give until I have nothing left. I’m terrified of the love I have because I know it will ruin me—it already has, and I know I will continue to let it.”
You were heaving out a sigh of relief at the massive weight being lifted off your chest, still feeling a sort of emptiness but a strangely pleasant lightness associated with it. Even then, you were perplexed by your own eagerness to share your entire life story to someone you met just hours ago, partially blaming the alcohol for how unfiltered you became and you couldn’t tell what Heeseung was thinking from the stoic look on his face and his big doe eyes blinking back at you.
It most definitely wasn’t a feeling of pity, that he knew. It felt almost like a weakness in the heart—like his heart wasn’t working properly—a fleeting lightness that passed through him, being simultaneously lulled to sleep by a single gesture and set on fire by your every touch. 
Your eyes were glossed over, from your lengthy outpour or intoxicated state Heeseung wasn’t certain, but he held not a single ounce of doubt of the amount of love you held. Unsure of what came over him, he was resisting the urge to lean over and cup the sides of your face and tell you that even in his broken, wretched state, he was willing to accept anything you had to give and return everything and more.
“It’s really late. I can drive you home,” he was offering. He convinced you he was sobering up with a lazy smile plastered on his face, yet you couldn’t help raising your brows at the slight flush of his cheeks and numerous empty beer cans in the cup holder.
“I think I’d rather stay here,” you were speaking nonchalantly before turning to look at him with what Heeseung thought he saw were literal stars in your otherwise cloudy eyes. At the implication of your words, he could feel and hear his heart beating at a pace so fast it rang through his ears. As much of an open book as you were, he didn’t expect that from you and you even stunned yourself as the words left you, mouth now agape as you stared back at him. 
You wanted to blame your lack of sobriety yet again but you knew that the flood of emotions had put your mind in a remarkable state of clarity. His calmness—how he listened and watched attentively without any questions, just simply looking at you with a fondness in his eyes—fastened you with a sense of immense trust in him.
Thankfully, he was quickly nodding and turning around to turn on the lights that lit up the rest of his van. In contrast to his somewhat rugged appearance, his space was neat and cozy and it amazed you how few belongings he had; everything fit in his van and there was almost no clutter. The only hint of personality and life you could find was the guitar hanging over the bed, and you were smiling to yourself knowing he at least had music to accompany him. 
Heeseung had suggested cooking some ramen for you, but you simply shook your head with a sleepy smile and told him you weren’t hungry. He didn’t say anything as he clambered on top of his sheets and patted the spot next to him. There wasn’t much space in the van for anything other than a bed and a small stovetop and you were skeptical there would be enough room for you to both lay comfortably. 
You fit yourself on the mattress between him and the back door while he crawled under the covers, pushing his pillow toward you behind your back and grabbing an extra one from beneath the bed for himself. You were still sat leaning against the side of the van as you contemplated your next move, wondering whether you should prioritize comfort or decency and you squirmed at the thought of your dirty jeans on someone else’s sheets.
A brief glance at Heeseung, who was lying on his back with his eyes closed and hands resting over his stomach, had you quickly tucking yourself under the blankets and unzipping your jeans, pulling them down and kicking them over your ankles. You were shuffling downward and placing the now folded jeans beside your pillow, facing away from Heeseung as you pulled the covers up to your chest.
You couldn’t tell but Heeseung had visibly stiffened, eyebrows now slightly furrowed in concentration as he attempted to fall asleep, willing himself to think about anything other than you and your presence inches away from him. He was staring at the ceiling, breath uneven at how you were so similar in the way you craved connection yet different in the sources of your troubles and the way you coped—one capable of giving anything and one who didn’t know how to give at all. 
You felt the bed dip and you could hear Heeseung shuffling around behind you, his heavy breathing against your neck telling you he was now facing you, and still lying on your side when you felt his fingers graze across your hip bone. 
The heat radiating off his body behind you was seeping into your own skin, slowly building into a burn before you were flipping yourself over to face him and immediately thrown off by just how close he was. A slight lean forward from either of you would close the gap, and your eyes were unconsciously flickering down to his lips at the thought.
You were pulling yourself flush against him, savoring the feeling of your bodies pressed so closely together, resting your head in the crook of his neck and he let out a sharp gasp from above you. You could feel his heart beating underneath your palms as you moved your hands across the expanse of his chest. A slight crane of your neck and you were tentatively placing your lips against his jaw, a shaky breath of Heeseung’s fanning your face from the action.
As your kisses moved from his jaw down to his neck, his mouth was parting softly, lifting his head into the pillow to provide you with more access. One particularly harsh suck against his collarbone had him surging forward for more, latching onto the hem of your shirt and fingers hesitantly grazing the waistband of your underwear. 
Heeseung was then leaning forward onto his elbows, the hand that was previously slotted between your bodies wrapping around your shoulder to pull you up and level to him, bringing you into a gentle kiss that caused the hairs on your arms to raise.
It overwhelmed you how thrilling yet calming it felt to be kissing him. You were completely drinking him in, the touch of his skin against yours heating up the pits of your stomach and causing shivers to wrack through you and simultaneously taking your mind off of everything else.
He was gentle with his touch, but his lips were rough and chapped and he was kissing you with so much longing and desperation that for a second, you contemplated whether this was his first time kissing someone, craving any and every bit of physical contact. You quickly dismissed the thought as he took advantage of your inattentiveness with a swipe of his tongue against your bottom lip, your lips parting slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth skillfully.
Your stomach churned and you were writhing under his touch from the way your tongues intertwined, a pit of heat rising in your lower stomach. Heeseung was letting out a choked whimper at the feeling of your hands reaching underneath his shirt, smoothing over the skin of his stomach. 
“You okay?” you were whispering as you pulled back, hands coming up to cup his cheeks. He held your gaze for a few seconds, both delicacy and sharpness etched in his features, before his lashes fluttered and he was shaking his head, burying it in your neck. Your hands were sliding along his scalp to soothingly stroke his hair, heart aching at the vulnerability and rawness with which he looked at you. 
It wasn’t clear whether the cause of his feverish state was from the simple presence of you in his arms, but something told you that you should’ve seen it coming when the way he looked at you gradually began changing as the hours progressed.
You were pulling back and placing one last, soft kiss against his lips, lingering for a few moments too long before wrapping your arms around his torso in a tight embrace and rubbing his back gingerly. 
Heeseung was redirecting his attention out at the sky through the back window, foolishly looking for you and him in the stars. Some stars gradually dim and lose their luster, and on a rainy night, you might never see them again. 
You weren’t thinking about what would happen when the stars faded and the sun rose, or when you would see him again—you didn’t need to see him or be physically near him to feel him. Your subconscious was finding comfort simply from the feeling of his chest pressed against yours, your thumb rubbing circles over his shirt while you listened to Heeseung's soft breathing and the sound of the rain beginning to fall against the windows.
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A/N: the bolded quote is based on something I saw on twitter: “I’m scared of the love I have for you. Because I know it will ruin me. And I also know that I will let it. I love hard.” but I couldn’t find the source, so credits to the original owner.
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tbgkaru-woh · 8 months
So I've been listening to Santiano lately and it occurred to me: would you ever draw them as pirates? Liekedeeler, johnny boy, es gibt nur Wasser Wasser Wasser überall, are some good songs of santiano if you need inspiration. Imagine Wangxian singing vergiss mein nicht as a duet. Wei Wuxian would sing the Oonagh part ofc.
I've been listening to shanties since I was a child and love pirate themese a whole lot, often make an AU in any fandom i enter :D I did a mini pirate AU with the Nies being pirates and the Lans being merfolk, Nhs dropping overboard during a storm and Nmj jumping after him but not being able to find him in the waves so he went back to his ship, trying to keep it together, when a beautiful creature he thought to be a myth (mermaid Lxc) brought Nhs back to him. Since then he's been going back to the same port from every route he took just to meet him again. I've had two-picture series of this but always wanted to do a whole comic ♥
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Other AU was about Xue Yang who lived in an abandoned ship wreck left on a remote island away from the mainland, and while fishing on his boat he found a curious playful creature that showed himself to him. He lured it in with smiles and silver tongue and ended up imprisoning it in his water tank on his shipwreck. Turns out this creature is XXC, a mermaid, and he's not fearing men because he's been getting better at trusting them through a kind man (Song Lan). There's also a fat reward for whoever catches the creature because the Jins learned that its blood is the key to "eternal youth". Xue Yang is currently deciding if he'd like all that money or if the imprisoned creature is too fun to have a round.
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both of these are NOT PROPER pirate AUs but it's of similiar note something I've done in the past, perhaps I could just expand on it and make more of the clans oppositing pirate factions (Wens, Nies, Jiangs), some transfered to others (WN,WQ), some creatures of the sea (Lans+XXC), some regular folk (XY,SL,SMS), some being a land-based power owning the shores as far as eye can see (Jins)
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quaememinisse · 1 year
Careful What You Sing Ch. 1
Plot: A mermaid's song captivates the attention of an old Mayan god.
Warnings: smut, kinks, nsfw
Themes: Romance, Smut, Non-con
Author's Note: He's too damn sexy. What the fuck?
Chapter 1 of 2
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Sleepwalking her dreams right to the shore near Samara's castle was something she has done since adolescence. Waking here in the sun causes her aggravation, as it is hot now in the end of August. The fish in her would rather be wet. The heat somewhat pains her. With each dream of this immortal man of the sea, Samara finds herself waking on the sands. She knows that it will only be a matter of time before all of her kin die out. Mermaids were hard to come by, which is why they were in hiding, living on land under the guise of humans. Samara blinks, shielding her eyes from the sun…In this most recent dream, this man of the sea carried her off beneath the ocean. He took her to a place she had never swam to before, placed her on a smoothed out rock, and made love to her endlessly... She thought the dream would never end until the sun woke her.
Samara’s hips and inner thighs ache, as though it had all been real, but Samara finds her hair and flesh to be completely dry. She finds herself aroused upon standing, however…wet. She figures she is cursed. And being the last queen of mermaids, she believes that telling anyone about a human man coming to her in her dreams would frighten them all. Taking her land legs was the best decision she thought she had made for her people. But many of them grew tired living among the land-dwelling creatures. This Samara knew for years. Having been hunted into near non-existence, hiding in plain sight was how they had been getting by.
When she rises to return to the throne, the shadow of something in the sand ahead of her causes her great fear. It seems to have risen out of nowhere, somewhere behind her. She gasps, tripping as she turns to gaze back. There he floats. No, not human at all. Samara wipes her eyes, fearing she’s still trapped in sleepwalk. Somehow for his weight, his winged ankles carry him with such grace into a fully standing position. The smaragdine gem in his ear is hard to ignore. The jewelry about his neck armor calls out to Samara. In her ichthyic trance, she reaches for the pearl, and suddenly, K’uk’ulkan is close to her. When he touches her cheek, she gasps and screams, falling backwards, and he catches her. She closes her eyes, swearing to herself that he’s not real—she’s still asleep. Wake up! "I'm dreaming." "I am no dream, queen maiden of the sea…I am K’uk’ulkan.”
Still in his clutches, she gazes up at him, feeling faint. The whole of his body supports her.
“Do not be afraid. If you come to me, your kin can accept the water again, without fear of hunting again with my army at your backs," K'uk'ulkan explains, his accent thick and unusual. Samara had never heard his voice in all her dreams, yet she had seen him numerous times.
She pulls away from him.
“You are not the god I was praying to.”
“And yet, I am the one who heard you.” K'uk'ulkan assures. So, her time spent escaping to the water and singing beneath the waves was never as private as Samara had thought. Had K'uk'ulkan been watching her all this time, waiting for her to mature enough to meet him? Was he listening to her pleas that her people should never die out?
"Many of the gods you think you worship either died of non-belief, abandoned humanity, or I killed them." She swallows a lump, fearing him now.
"I am answering and honoring your prayers...accept these answers, and save your people." "Save us? How do I know I can even trust you?"
The god gazes to the stars a moment, as if trying to find patience there, sighing. It is as if his eyes take in the sun god’s energy and lights them up even more.
"Have I ever hurt you, my queen?" My queen? K'uk'ulkan assures Samara that he knows where to find the last of her people's women, that there are no children, and the males remaining only are down to a handful now, "If I wanted to, it would have happened already."
"If I refuse to join forces with you?" He steps another foot closer, his winged ankle pushing the sand back with an odd glowing light that seems to emanate off of his very skin, and Samara flinches. His eyes are light, like two moons shining down on her.
"My army, for which you simply have no match, will demolish your territory's walls, kill all of your people, clear the land to start anew. I will find you, take you to my new throne room, impregnate you, taking you every day and every night, as many times as I desire, and you will be my queen and bear my two sons and three daughters." Samara's heart sinks. She eyes the shoreline behind him.
"You know that if you try to run, I will catch you," he says. It's as if he has control over her body just by speaking. Time moves in slow motion. Just as she turns to run, Kukulkan's hands are on her, pinning her to the ground, pulling at the waist of her clothes.
"Your tail will sprout if you touch that water, and I will carry you to Talokan." Her heart races. As K'uk'ulkan takes another step towards her, she takes three more back. She can't fight the fear in her heart and attempts to run for it. She doesn't take more than ten steps before K'uk'ulkan catches her in both of his arms. He's stronger than he looks, and being on dry land, Samara has no power to try to fight him off with the strength of her tail.
"Your shaman foretold this prophecy," he says into her ear, holding her tightly from behind while she struggles in the sand. Being that it is all true scares Samara more. She thinks of Santo and wishes she had bade him to watch her door as she slept. Perhaps he could have stopped her from sleepwalking. K'uk'ulkan plants his lips against her temple. He calls her something in a language she doesn't understand. His hand travels to a breast and caresses it atop her gown, trailing down to her flattened stomach. K'uk'ulkan rubs the flesh here and continues to tell her things she cannot understand. She struggles harder, knowing that what will happen next will not be consensual. The earth leaves her knees and feet and she passes out, watching the beach fly away from her.
The shaman of Samara's village had given K'uk'ulkan a potion with instructions on the seventh night that Namor's new queen did not offer herself to him. He was to use it on his new wife, and it would make her receptive to his advances. So, pouring the whole of the solution into the same golden chalice he had given her full of the juice of a fruit she had never had before, the serpent god smiles, reminding his new bride how much she enjoys the juice. She drinks it without hesitation. And soon, finds herself feeling much calmer. She drops the chalice, the king catching her. Her legs had begun to give way. "You did not tell me it was wine." Her vision clouds a bit, and everything looks shiny and fuzzy, slower moving. "I would not harm our potential child by giving you the wine of our grapes," he explains. His penis a behemoth unlike Samara had ever seen before, she gasps, clasping at the golden sheets. His powerful grip on both of her hips, dragging her towards his body, parting her knees, causes her to scramble for freedom. He continues talking to her sweetly, completely unbothered by her attempts to escape him. He calls her "my love," "my queen," and simply, "mine." This prophecy is to come to pass.
“I will give you immense pleasure, my queen.”
She pushes him as hard as she can, and he simply moves her hands out of the way and lowers his weight upon her. K'uk'ulkan had told her that he would take her, so he continues to. The shaman's confirmation of the prophecy had scared Samara more. For once, the "man of her dreams" is truly in her life, and it fills her with fear.
"Please," she breathes, unable to find the strength to resist K'uk'ulkan anymore. She realizes he had carried her to the bed. The last time she felt fully conscious, they were on the floor...kissing? Namor's lips on her forehead, his voice calmly telling her to relax, she loses reality for a moment. His face is as handsome as it was the first time she had seen him, even though she was scared. He finishes pulling her clothes off. With his armor off, she could see his chest fully pouted as he inhales. Suddenly, she feels the heat of his swollen cock on her inner thigh. She scrambles again, the god gripping her so that her legs are forced back against the bed, spread to him. She catches a glimpse of his large member again and screams.
"K'uk'ulkan," she says desperately. He looks into her eyes and slips himself as far inside of her as he can get, which isn't even halfway. Tears escape Samara's eyes as he pushes himself deeper, moaning and gradually making his way on top of her. Her eyes widen and she pushes at his chest. Namor restrains her hands. The head of his cock grazes the spot at her front wall where her G-spot begins to swell. His abrupt penetration had only hurt momentarily.
"My love—hold still." She wants to scream and run, but he begins to fuck her gently. Which in turn, causes her to moan loudly, and her legs can only shake instead of run from him. As it had always felt in the dreams, K'uk'ulkan penetrating Samara feels pleasurable. Some pain surfaces for a moment more when he forages deeper, where she had not yet felt him. He angles his penis skillfully, pressing roughly against her front wall. Samara cums, her grip forcing Namor to moan. She can’t tell up from down, having come so hard she nearly lost consciousness. K'uk'ulkan moaning sends Samara over the edge, as her very orgasms pleasure him. The god propels her into another vaginal orgasm, and moans with a grin, reveling in the repetitive clenching of her cunt. He slides his shaft in and out in long strokes, getting himself closer. He orders Samara to lie down when she begins to sit up.
"My love, I am not done—keep your legs spread like I want you. I have yet to plant my seed in your womb." Is he doing this to pleasure himself, her, or both of them? It doesn't matter, K'uk'ulkan forces Samara to orgasm again, and this time, she screams. The sensation of him stretching her walls widely overwhelms her, as he pulses rhythmically, losing balance a bit. He continues to ejaculate inside of her, nuzzled deep in her tightness. She gasps, shaking her head.
"Don't," she breathes, realizing it is too late. The searing heat of K'uk'ulkan's sperm spreads deeper within her than the tip of his cock alone. In no more than five minutes, he had caused her to cum, and attempted to impregnate her. The pleasure radiates throughout her entire being, and her fingers quake in K'uk'ulkan’s as he laces his hand atop hers, pinning it. A trance takes hold and she’s delving deeper into the dream she’d had not long before waking to Namor on the shore. She had dreamed this very moment. She wonders whether the god knew this.
“My love…Samara…”
Her head in both his hands and gazing up at him, Samara gasps. He pulls out and she gasps again at feeling so empty.
            “Where did you go?” he asks her.
She lies there, trying to catch her breath. It’s wet between her thighs, more of the mess spilling when she sits up straight. His lips are on her shoulders from one side to the other, and shivers run up and down Samara’s spine. Everywhere he touches her, pulling her close to his body when she attempts to leave the bed, sends electricity through her skin.
She stops resisting it and sighs, resting on her stomach as K'uk'ulkan kisses her between her shoulder blades. His large hands massage her hips and buttocks, and he turns her onto her back. He wastes no time in mounting her, holding her leg over his shoulder. She had not time to brace herself before he’s inside her again. This position seems to allow him deeper access, which causes Samara discomfort. She winces, crying out, squirting. K'uk'ulkan expands inside of her and she orgasms. She can’t stop coming now. His curve forces her to. Samara juices on his cock and he enjoys the sensation, smiling in this sheer wickedness. Her tightness overwhelms K'uk'ulkan and he can’t hold back anymore. He floods Samara’s cunt again, pausing and holding her down on his erection, making sure she catches every drop.
            “I will not leave your side until you are with child, my queen,” K'uk'ulkan breathes. She’s left a panting, wet mess, as K'uk'ulkan plants kisses up and down her back again. He had told her he was going to give her immense pleasure, and he did.
            “No harm will come to you, now that you are mine. Your people will join us, and live strong the rest of their days.” The sensation of K'uk'ulkan grabbing her hips from behind, causes Samara to gasp. But he wraps his arms around her, speaking to her of his plans for the surface world where her kin had been residing. A piece of her soul, she feels, had been taken, as though he somehow absorbed it. Or touched it? It was hard to tell. She had deeply always felt him touching her. Somewhere on the periphery of her soul, having entangled him in her song.
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
my moon, my stars!!! 🌙🌟 i have a little request for your 1k follower celebration :)
New Moon: Mostly comfort, but could have a little bit of hurt at the beginning if needed ;)
Waxing Moon: song for inspo!! https://open.spotify.com/track/7jwZYPS8reDirsT4Mvqpui?si=526676aaa33541ae
Full Moon: would love a friends-to-lovers where they have a fight or miscommunicate in some way and realize they really have feelings 🥺
Waning Moon: our one and only boy Eddie Munson
love you endlessly!!!
hi lovey, here’s 1.4k words of some hurt, mixed with a lot of sweetness & modern!Eddie — because cellphones. 🥰
It’s funny – and it’s also not. How you got here, that is.
One moment, it’s drinks with your best friends, laughing over another year passing, and the next it’s crushed hearts over whispered words. It’s staring into Eddie’s eyes as his mouth forms the sentiments you’ve been so desperate and terrified to hear. Because he loves you – and that should be a great thing, shouldn’t it? It’s been a thought in the back of your mind for years. A wish upon a star, the breath you exhale every year over your birthday cake as candles flicker dark, it’s the petals of the proverbial flower that fall to the floor, each muttering “he loves me not, he loves me not, he loves me not.”
Surprisingly, he does.
And you should be happy.
But you remain silent.
Frozen on the spot, like a fish out of water, mouth opening and closing – all without the voice to speak what you want to say.
You don’t even know what you want to say.
You come up empty.
Helpless, swirling around a dark drain.
Because he’s gone and thrown a wrench into everything.
Fear spins you like a top, because the thought of losing Eddie instantly unfurls within you like a cruel flower, staring you in the face. Deceptively pretty, alluring and sweet.
Yet you watch Eddie’s face falter all the same. Catch the downturn of his lips. The way his shoulders droop. The tension that falls atop his form. And he’s hugging you; arms loop around your shoulders to pull you close, chest to chest, heart to heart, his lips at your ear and your stomach in your throat.
“I’ll give you time,” he murmurs against your skin. “However long you need.”
Days turn into weeks.
Weeks turn into months.
You talk to Eddie, sure.
You see him at get-togethers with your friends.
But it’s different.
Changed from that fateful New Years day.
“I love you.”
Chad doesn’t open the door for you when you get to the restaurant for your date. Sure, you don’t need him to, but you still notice.
“I love you so fucking much.”
Jeffrey says you’re pretty, but he’s not looking for anything serious, and he’s offended when you turn down his invite to his apartment after happy hour where he talks about finance and little else.
“I have for a long time.”
Keith is vegan, and that’s great. But he tells you as much fifteen times before you even get your food delivered to the table by a patient waiter who stood and listened for ten minutes while he modified his whole order.
Keith is also not Eddie. Then again, no one is. And it becomes clearer that the fear, the running — it only leads to dead ends where happiness is a butterfly, fluttering away from you in the wind.
It’s at a party the next Friday your roommate hosts, surrounded by faces of people whose names you’ll never remember, that a familiar pop-up with Eddie’s name jumps to the top of your phone screen. His contact photo is one you took with him last summer back on Steve’s boat, grinning from ear to ear without a care in the world.
How are you doing?
Would never ask you to lie.
Need me to pick you up? Send me your location and I’ll come get you.
Are you sure?
Always, beautiful.
Eddie’s van whips around the corner, the familiar screech of tires like music to your ears as he rolls down a window and beckons you forward.
You clamber in with a huff, feet on the dashboard — which he says he hates, but secretly loves — fingers tapping against your knee. It’s familiar and it’s not. Seeing him there, sitting in a pair of sweats and a band tee with his leather jacket thrown over it, hair still fluffy from his shower and the air. He’s beautiful and you want to say he’s yours, but you don’t.
That’s how you got into this situation, isn’t it? The inability to speak when the moment calls for it. The inability to say the words welling from the depths of your heart. But Eddie’s quiet as you settle down. His fingers curl around the steering wheel, eyes darting to yours momentarily as you buckle in, dark waves falling about his shoulders. There’s a smolder of umber that flickers across your face fleetingly before it settles back on the roads ahead, the destination before you unknown.
You drive around town in silence. Your eyes rove across the streets, blurs of cars passing on your right, whirs of color that are there one moment and gone the next. Just like the moments spilling through your fingers — slipping through them like sand.
He doesn’t speak. Then again, he never really has to. Eddie is enigmatic and magnetic. He’s loud and boisterous on his best day, and downright infectious on his worst. He is joy and frenetic energy personified, endless dimple-clad smiles, and exuberant laughter.
And he’s your best friend. Your best friend who has very much expressed his love toward you. The same best friend you’re in love with. There are two options, clearer now to you than ever before, laid out before you: Disrupt the balance of things and lose him forever, or try and risk it all, throwing all caution to the wind for the potential of an infinite.
“Can we go somewhere?” Your voice is no more than a whisper. A puff of air into the wind, lost as soon as it comes.
“Sure. Where to?” He’s staring straight ahead, glancing over his shoulder to switch lanes as cars pass.
“Anywhere,” you tell him, and watch as the busy roads become back routes. As the endless hum of cars becomes the quiet lull of water lapping at a dock, his fingers curl around yours. He leads you out and onto Lover’s Lake, heads tipping up to the sky to take in the stars above.
Neither of you talks. Then again, neither of you really has to. You have always had this sort of friendship. The mutual understanding that the simple peace found as a constant between the two of you drowns out the chaos of the world outside. That when you glance over at Eddie to see the stars reflected in his eyes, and his gaze slowly drifts to yours, everything just stops when he whispers your name.
His lip quirks into a smile. He loves me. Your fingertips drift along the dock between you, a soft press of digits against the edge of his palm. He loves me not. Warm skin crawls up and over yours, resting over the back of your hand; his thumb brushes line after line into your skin. A swirl of comfort against the webbing between thumb and pointer. He loves me. You glance down to where you're connected, every minute between now and New Years leading to this single, perfect moment. He loves me not. He told you however long you need. Did he mean it?
It’s a gentle coaxing of breath from your lungs as his head lowers closer to yours, shrouding those stars in his eyes with darkness. Inky black and full of you.
“Yeah?” It’s a soft brush of his lower lip against yours when he speaks. A spark bright enough to ignite a wildfire if you allow it — if you fan the flames bursting low in your gut. Should you tend to it now, you’ll burn ablaze. And you’ll do so willingly if only for a thousand tiny moments like this with the one you love.
“Did you mean it?” You whisper. His palm slides up the inside of your forearm, thumb pressing into the skin there, where you’re sure he can feel your pulse thrumming violently against skin. “About giving me all the time I need.”
He loves me.
“I’ve never been able to lie to you, sweetheart.”
He loves me.
“Just tell me you’re ready,” he continues.
He loves me.
You do in a breathless rush, fingers sliding into the front of his jacket, clutching at leather as his ring-clad hand curls around your cheek and pulls you into a kiss that feels like a comforting hug, like sliding through molasses, flames licking at your skin, coaxing you further into abandon.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, though you’re not sure why. For not saying anything, for making him wait, for the time missed that you could have spent in his arms like this. Your lips brush over his once more, those dark eyes of his roaming over your features in the night. “For running.”
“You know I’ll always find you when you stop, right?”
And you do. In a sea of thousands, Eddie’s always been able to pick you out of the crowd. Simple as breathing, comforting, like knowing the sun will always rise with every new day.
He loves me.
He loves me.
He loves me.
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xenophilderdragon · 1 month
Rule #34 Hawks x f!reader NSFW
Rule #34 by Fish in a Birdcage has been infecting me since it came out. It’s so good. It lives in my head rent free so this was inevitable. I went a little harder than I thought I would whoops. Not proofread. Baby’s first smut lmao.
But seriously its such a good song give it a listen
18+ Minors Dni!
Tags: hawksxf!reader, established connection, light bondage, oral m! Receiving, unprotected sex, praise, degradation, Keigo moans like a slut, porn with unimportant plot, choking, inappropriate quirk use, thigh riding, dacryphilia, please I’m just so down bad for this man
I have you strung, strung in my web…
I should have seen my capture coming. It was bound to happen anyways. No matter how careful I was, no matter how many things I got away with, no matter how long I evaded capture, he would always find me.
There was a smug grin on my face as I vaulted over the edge of the wall, leaving a crowd of frustrated cops in my wake. I stuck to rooftops after that, watching with unabashed delight as their little flashing lights zoomed in the complete wrong direction. I roll my eyes and take a seat on the edge of the building, legs swinging like a kid on an amusement park ride. My bag makes a satisfying clink when it hits the hard concrete of the rooftop, and I catch a sideways glimpse of the glittering jewels I was being so poorly pursued for. Another cop car zooms past, still in the wrong direction and I let out a disapproving tsk.
“All that funding and they can’t catch a simple cat burglar…” 
“Is that what you are now?” 
I don’t fully have time to react until I’m pinned down by his feathers, knocked into the center of the roof so hard the wind leaves my lungs. Fear floods my system and paralyzes me. I know him too well to think I could get out of this unscathed. He stands over me, his eyes enraged slits outlined in that annoyingly breathtaking gold. His wings flap once, twice, as he stares down at me before they settle down and fold neatly behind his back. I shoot him an angry glare, gathering as much spit in my mouth as I can for when he inevitably gets closer to me. He’s never missed an opportunity to gloat. 
But Keigo knew me just as well. 
In a dizzying flash of red and gold, he’s crouched on top of me, pupils flickering back and forth in size as he studies my face, reading my intentions clear as day. His gloved hand clutches my jaw, tilting my head back until I’m sputtering, choking on my own spit. I flush with irritated embarrassment as I sputter and fight for air. He seems to take delight in this, because even when he steps off of me, his feathers keep my head tilted back, neck exposed to the cold.
A candle burning slowly by the bed…
His bed is soft in the way only stupid amounts of money could buy. Definitely a pillow top mattress, definitely hiding an ungodly amount of blankets under that thick, puffy comforter, and definitely has an egregious amount of pillows touched against the headboard. I bounced as I hit it, my entire body tense, expecting my skin to scrape against the concrete of a holding cell. I try to get a feel for my surroundings, but I quickly realize I’m blindfolded. However, when I feel the soft touch of his feathers against my cheeks, the blindfold comes undone. I should have expected to be taken to a police station, a jail cell, an interrogation room. Anything but this. 
There were scented candles–something with sandalwood, his favorite–burning in the corners of the room. I could tell he didn’t use them often. They were tunneling, indicating he didn’t have the time or patience to have respect for proper candle rules. The windows were sealed tight, and I heard the bedroom door click closed softly. The smell quickly became too much. It was nearly suffocating. The candles were the only source of light in the room, and I strained to properly see Keigo in the dancing flames. He stood near the foot of the bed, arms folded. I could hear the soft tap tap tap of his foot in time with the rustling of his wings as I settled my eyes on him. I couldn’t see his face in the dim lights from the flames dancing across the room, but I knew he was more than likely pissed. 
Not pissed enough to follow proper protocol this time, it seems.
Shadows tangle like a vine, crawling up the posts within our shrine…
He’s holding something in his hand, something braided and shiny. Rope. I realize too late that I’ve been unrestrained this entire time and could have made an effort to escape, no matter how futile. I crabwalk myself backwards on the bed until my back is flush with the headboard. 
“Hands behind your back, Dove,” He orders, using that stupid nickname he gave me years ago. When I don’t immediately do as he says, he leans forward, resting his hands next to my ankles. He has a stern look in his darkened eyes. 
“Hands behind your back.” He repeats, his tone making it clear it wasn’t a request. When I once again ignore his wishes, he grabs a fistful of my hair, gripping hard enough to make me whimper. He leans in close enough for me to feel his breath against my neck as he nearly growls out, “If you want so badly to be a criminal, you might as well get used to hearing this. Now, hands behind your back.”
Right now you’re mine, all mine, give in, you’re mine, all mine…
“I should really turn you in, you know. Put your thieving hands in cuffs and drop you at the nearest police station.” Keigo says, stepping back to admire his handiwork. My hands were pinned almost painfully behind my back, ropes weaving between them, up my arms, and looping around my shoulders to ensure no movement. His fist was wrapped around another length rope as he tugged the makeshift collar around my throat, yanking me off balance and headfirst into the annoyingly plush bed. The position of my arms forces me to unintentionally arch my back and Keigo chuckles darkly. The sight seems to put him in a pleasant mood. “But something about seeing you here, wrapped in silk for me, makes me want to bend the rules a little bit. Maybe you’re a bad influence on me, Dove. Making me want to be selfish like this. Making me want to forget I’m a hero for the night and make you beg for mercy. But a slut like you would like that, right? That’s why you always let me catch you, right?”
I don’t know how it happened, really. This game of ours. We both started out on the path to becoming heroes, but something broke in me years ago that pushed me off. While Keigo became a hero, praised and revered, I slid into obscurity, until one day, on a whim, I decided to turn to petty theft. I didn’t plan on doing this for long, nor did I plan on being targeted by the number two hero. However, after that first capture, where Keigo granted me mercy from the arm of the law in a moment of weakness, my small instances of theft quickly became grand heists. 
He caught me every time.
“Now are you going to behave?” Keigo asks me, gently placing his hand–now ungloved–under my chin and forcing me to look at him. I give him a look that puts a pleased smile on his face. 
I love that you shake when I ravage your skin
No matter how much he pissed me off, I couldn’t deny that Keigo was a specimen. The man is gorgeous, like a statue of a Greek god carved out of marble and the finest gold, brought to life by the touch of Aphrodite herself, and dipped in the finest golden honey. There was even a magazine article where they did that to him, once. Painted him in body glitter that shone like his eyes and dripped honey on his chest. I don’t think anyone knew or even cared what he was modeling for, or if he was even selling something to begin with. They just enjoyed the view.
I teased him incessantly about that modeling gig, much to his dismay. What made it funnier is that the company wasn’t even selling honey. It was a fragrance ad for some sickly sweet cologne that Keigo absolutely hated. I’m sure if I looked around, I’d find a case of the freebies he got from them for doing the ad. He complained for hours about how long it took him to preen his wings after that ad, he never liked to preen himself in public, and flying home with sticky wings invited all sorts of dirt and grime to make itself at home in those crimson appendages. 
And if his body wasn’t drool inducing enough, his wings were definitely the cherry on top. Right now, they were smaller than full length, indicating a particularly difficult patrol earlier today. But even so, they were a sight to behold. The deep red of his soft wings contrasted so nicely with every inch of him: his hair that was the color of rolling wheat, his eyes that were pools of liquid gold, his scarred, calloused hands, the khaki of his hero uniform, the black of his bodysuit. He was infuriatingly attractive.
He released his hand on my chin and watched me, far from gracefully, settle back into a sitting position. He’s still in his hero uniform, minus the coat, gloves, and goggles, so every one of his movements had his muscles rippling underneath that skin-tight bodysuit of his. His baggy pants were undone, hanging low on his hips, showing his clearly defined v-line. The pattern of his bodysuit even drew more attention to it, however unintentionally. 
It was so slutty. He knew that. I told him that years ago.
“Enjoying the view, Dove?” He coos, drawing my attention away from the barely concealed bulge peeking out of his pants and up to his face, where a cocky smirk rests on his lips. I was torn between the urge to smack him and to kiss him.
“You look like a slut, Keigo.” I mutter, casting my eyes away from him. In response to my words, a small flurry of feathers float around me, barely ghosting around the most sensitive parts of my skin. I shiver at the barely-there touches, to which Keigo lets out a low chuckle. His feathers slide under my clothes, tweaking my nipples and rolling against my clit. I let out a breathy gasp, tilting my head back in bliss. The soft touches of his feathers only serve to distract me from sharper ones cutting away my clothing, leaving behind my unfortunate choice of panties. I only notice when I hear the clatter of his belt on the floor. I don’t shiver from the cold, Keigo keeps his room at a pleasant temperature at all times. I shiver as a feather trails up my neck, watching him stalk closer to me like I’m his prey. He cages me in with his body and places a gentle kiss to the curve of my throat before nipping his way up to the soft skin behind my ear. 
“Not anymore than you do, whimpering like that, when I haven’t even laid a finger on you.”
It’s so easy to bite with your hands pinned
My hands clench and unclench in their restraints as Keigo continues to draw needy moans and whimpers out of my throat. His hands are greedy, unable to decide which one wants to fondle my breast and which wants to grab at the rest of me. All but one of his feathers return to his back, leaving one to continue its work against my clit. I fight the urge to squirm, feeling like his feather was not enough. I won’t give him the satisfaction of giving in this early.
“Maybe I should mark you up this time, hmm?” He whispers against my skin, nipping lightly at my collarbone. “Make you go to whatever day job you have covered in hickeys, knowing you could never explain them to your coworkers.” I mewl out at his words, earning an amused chuckle from him. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, needy whore? You want people to know you got absolutely ravaged, knowing you can’t tell anyone about it? Who would believe you, anyways? You’re just a petty thief. Who would believe you got fucked by the number two hero instead of spending the night in a jail cell?”
To illustrate his point, he sucks roughly on the skin directly under my jaw, being as messy and over the top as possible. His drool drips down my neck and I’m sure he’s leaving a massive bruise that won’t go away for at least a week. 
“Do you think that’ll keep you out of crime for a while? Having to struggle to hide the evidence for as long as my hickeys last? You know better than I do how long the evidence sticks around, considering I only ever see you when you’re acting like a brat.” 
Shadows dancing on the sheets
One of the candles burned out during his mission to cover my neck in bruises. I had to strain to see him, if at all. Even as my eyes became hazy and unfocused, I tried to watch his movements, trying to predict what awaited me. The candles weren’t enough of a light source to catch anything but a shadowy glimpse of his skin right before he touched me, leaving no time to brace myself for the onslaught of sensation he brought upon me. My throat was sore from both his mouth and my moaning and my core was aching with a desperate need for relief. Keigo removes his feather from its temporary home inside my panties and whistles softly at the state he’s left me in. I’m panting softly, still kneeled in front of him on the bed–I can’t lay back comfortably with the way my arms are bound. My breaths are heavy and I can smell my own arousal as wetness pools in my panties. He usually taunts me about just how quickly he can get me this hot and bothered, but instead, as he swipes two fingers over my covered slit, he lets out a low growl. When he brings his fingers back up to eye level, I can just barely make out the shininess of my own juices. 
“Open up, Dove.” He gently urges, despite shoving the two fingers in my mouth anyways. Instinctively, my tongue wraps around them, much to the delight of the man in front of me. I’m painfully aware of just how much of my own fluids he managed to gather just from his relentless teasing. His eyes drift back down to my spread legs as his other hand squeezes the flesh of my thigh. I notice his eyes dilate for a moment before they flick back up to my face, still stuffed with his fingers, messily drooling down my chin. A devilish smirk crosses his face.
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you picked these pretty panties out just for me…”
He spent an embarrassingly long time teasing me with that feather of his before he noticed my panties were practically an exact color match to his wings. They were tastefully bordered with lace, and if he wasn’t the one approving all of his official merch, he would be sure that they were. When he pointed it out, I was quick to try and justify my choice. It was laundry day after all, they were all I had left this morning. However, he wasn’t hearing any of it, flipping me face down into the mattress, gently kneading the curve of my ass. 
I hear him groan out when he watches them disappear into the crack of my ass. 
“Shit, Dove, you sure these things even fit you properly? They ain’t covering a damn thing.” 
Another candle flickered out.
If you obey, I might give you a treat.
“Oh, c’mon, Dove. You said you wanted more. I can’t just give in to you, you know? That’s only for good girls. You’ve been running around the city, committing crimes, making my job harder. I’m taking quite a risk you know, letting you go every time like this. I could lose my license if I get caught giving you special treatment.” He trails his hands down my sides to settle them on my waist, “the least you could do is what I ask. Pretty please, Dove?” 
He says it with an adorable whine, like he’s the one begging, even though we both know it isn’t a request. He spent an overly indulgent amount of time tugging on the waistband of my panties, watching with delight as I squirmed and whined out in protest. It wasn’t enough. 
Those golden eyes stayed locked onto me as all manner of obscenities left those perfect lips of his. 
When he had finally had enough of listening to me whine and beg for more, he lifted me up and slid to the edge of the bed, placing me on his thigh with a dark chuckle. His hands remained on my thighs, looping a few fingers on either side of the waistband of my panties, tugging just enough to make me moan. My balance was nearly impossible to keep like this, the awkward angle of my bound arms had me all but sliding off of him. Keigo, with a shit eating grin, digs his fingers into my hips hard enough to bruise and places another chaste kiss to a sensitive spot on my neck. 
“Ride my thigh and keep begging me for more. Maybe then I’ll give you what you want.”
Right now you’re mine, all mine. Give in, you’re mine, all mine…
“Keigo, please! Ngh!” I moan out, my hips rocking back and forth against his thigh. My eyes were hazy, glossed over with lust, as I clenched around nothing. All of my pride has been thrown out of the window, lost completely in my desire for more. Keigo clicked his tongue and swiped a thumb over the trail of drool on my chin. 
“Use your words, Dove. You’re a big girl, you can handle getting out a full sentence, can’t you? Or are you too drunk on pleasure from just riding my thigh already?”
This is what he loved the most about our dynamic. Watching me break down for him and only him, knowing he was the only thing standing between me and complete satisfaction. Whether either of us admit it or not, he knows he’s good at what he does. He knows that, no matter what, I’ll always keep coming back for more. No matter how he taunts me, how he wrecks me, how he leaves me limping the next morning. 
I was as addicted to him as he was to me. 
“Keigo please! I wanna cum! Please make me cum! It’s not enough!” I moan out, tears forming in my eyes. 
“Oh how can I say no when you cry so pretty for me, Dove?”
Hope blossoms in my chest when he readjusts his grip to lift me off of his thigh. I try to ignore the sheer amount of my own arousal coating it and even more so the thin trail connecting me to him. He drops me onto the floor like I weigh nothing, and my knees hit the hardwood floor almost painfully.
“If you want to cum so badly, you need to work for it.”
You look so good, there on your knees
Keigo gently cradles my face and coos softly, squeezing my cheeks with one hand. His other hand strokes his hardened cock, already slick with precum. 
“So pretty for me, aren’t you? Always been so pretty  f’me, no matter how much you glare at me, no matter how much you pretend you don’t like the attention I give you.” He gently nudges his cock against my lips, and I, in a final bout of rebellion, press my lips together, unintentionally letting myself taste his own arousal on my tongue. Keigo growls softly, his golden eyes narrowing in disappointment. 
“I’d suggest you wet this cock any way you can while you still can. Naughty whores like you don’t get prep.” He wraps a hand around my throat, not squeezing, but the warmth of his hand is warning enough, “But considering how much you’ve been squirming like a bitch in heat, I doubt you even need it.”
I stare at his hardened cock in front of my face, ignoring the drool pooling in my mouth. I lick my lips and note with delight how it twitches. 
Keigo’s cock was always so pretty. 
The first time I saw it, I could feel myself drooling. Never have I gotten the urge to put something in my mouth so quickly before. He kept himself well groomed, the smell of his soap hitting my nose as I noticed his dark blonde hairs trimmed neatly. The pink tip was now flushed an angry red and precum dripped down the thick shaft, running parallel to one of the thick veins that I knew felt amazing inside my cunt. He pressed the tip against my lips once more and I parted them, knowing better than to make him repeat himself.
Keigo’s throat fuckings were brutal enough as they were. 
He takes a hold of the back of my head and wastes no time in pressing deeper into my mouth. I let my jaw go slack as I gag on his cock, tears already forming in my eyes at the strain. 
“Oh, don’t start that now, Dove. You’re only halfway there and I know you can take me better than that.” he laughs darkly and fists my hair, pressing even further down my throat. Despite his teasing words, he works himself into my throat slowly, cursing under his breath at every little groan and whimper I let out in response. He’s gentle and deliberate until my nose presses into the soft tuft of hair on his pelvis. He tosses his head back and bucks his hips slightly, causing me to choke and sputter on his length, trying to swallow the rapidly accumulating drool in my mouth. 
“Fuuuck, Dove. Just like that.”
 He roughly pulls me back off and I gasp for air before he’s shoving me back down again, my tongue lolling out. He runs a quick hand though his own hair before moving it back down to join his other on my head. Keigo proceeds to thrust himself into my mouth, using his hands to keep me in place. Drool drips down my chin onto my clenched together thighs, and I do everything I can possibly think of for any kind of stimulation. Keigo’s filthy mouth runs nonstop–the man never shuts up–unable to decide between praise and degradation as he fucks my throat like its a toy. 
 It’s disrespectful, it’s filthy, it’s overwhelming, and it’s flooding my brain with so much arousal I desperately want to reach a hand down and rub my aching clit. 
“Such a dirty slut, getting off on sucking dick. Fuck, don’t think I can’t hear those little moans you’re letting out. Don’t think I don’t see the way you’re squirming. You enjoy this, don’t you? Can’t punish such a–oh my god just like that– hungry cockwhore like you with anything can I?” He groans out, his head tossed back in pleasure. His relentless thrusts stutter for a moment before he slows down, sliding me off of him with a wet pop. He turns my head up to face him, and I feel myself clench at the sight of him. His lips were flushed from what I can only assume is from biting them, and his muscular chest heaved with every breath. His eyes were as wild as his hair and practically glowing with need. He looked absolutely feral.
“You wanna cum, right? Well you know by now there’s only one place you’re allowed to.”
Such a good girl knows how to please
“You were always such a good girl weren’t you? Used to be, at least. Now the only way you can behave is speared on my dick.” He croons, his voice wavering as he sinks himself into me fully. He didn’t give me the opportunity to adjust, and I whined at the stretch. My hands clenched around nothing, a mind-numbing combination of pain and pleasure flooding my mind. This was what I needed. This was what I craved. 
“That pussy takes me in so well. So warm, so tight, so perfect–fuck!” 
Keigo was always vocal. That was just a delightful truth about him. No matter how much he tried to be the hardass hero, he whined like a bitch in heat, even on top. The man never shuts his pretty little mouth, either. 
“Shit, Dove. Every time I’m in this pussy I wish I could just fuck you for days on end. Too bad you choose to be a criminal. I could’ve given you a job at my agency. Bent you over and had you for lunch.”
Keigo presses his hand into my shoulder blades, forcing me down even further, arching me against him so he kisses the tip of my cervix with every thrust. I let out a muffled scream, tilting my head up for a moment so I can breathe. He really had an ungodly amount of pillows. Each thrust had me seeing stars and grasping at the air behind me, desperate to hold onto anything for stability. The way my arms were tied behind me had me whimpering and biting into the pillows, desperate to feel grounded. Keigo laughed darkly and sent a feather to dance along the skin of my hands as they clawed for purchase onto anything. I feel the coil in my core tighten almost painfully, and start to squirm around, my orgasm building faster than I can handle.
“Oh, don’t run from me now. You didn’t run when you had the chance. C’mon, Dove, you were doing so good for me earlier, what happened?” He wraps a hand around my throat and squeezes just enough to restrict my airflow, his thrusts only increasing in speed, “gonna cum for me pretty girl?”
Look at me, Look me in the eyes
My eyes are bleary, and I know I have an absolutely fucked-out expression on my face. Whether or not he can see it, he knows it too. 
Keigo digs his fingers into the fat of my hips, groaning something out about ‘handlebars’ that I can’t quite hear over the sounds of my own moans. His pace is brutal, and despite the lack of prep, the wet sounds of my arousal echo through the room with his whorish moans.
“Fuck Dove, I hate to have to pull you out of trouble like this but I can’t say I don’t enjoy making you pay for it.” He says,
It always ends like this. I commit a crime, Keigo captures me, I end up in his bed, taking every inch of his perfect cock while he babbles incessantly about how good it is. 
But the familiar smack of the headboard is noticeably missing. 
“Notice something different, Dove?” Keigo licks around the shell of my ear as he speaks, not even bothering to quiet his loud grunts and groans. “Got a little something special, just for you. I know how much you love when I ravage you, don’t you, little slut? But I can’t be fucking holes in the wall from my headboard hitting it every time you want to act out, right?” He punctuates his words by slowing down his thrusts, instead roughly rolling his hips against mine, remaining bottomed out. I whine out, feeling like I’m being dangled over the precipice of an orgasm. Keigo takes a distinct pleasure in this, leaning over to press his chest to my back, pressing gentle kisses against my spine. I mewl out again, arching my back to press even harder against him.
“A needy little whore like you needs to be fucked nice and good, yeah?” He coos, roughly grabbing my chin, forcing my face out of the mountain of pillows on his bed. I’m drooling and crying from the pleasure, a fact that doesn’t go unappreciated by Keigo.
“Can’t fuck you hard enough with this headboard slamming into the wall, can I? Is that why you keep acting out like this? Not getting fucked hard enough?” Keigo emphasizes his point with a sharp thrust, pulling nearly all the way out before slamming back in, “good thing I stumbled across these handy little devices. They’re meant for earthquakes, you know? Should be enough to keep me from fucking another hole in the wall, right? You can’t possibly need it harder than this right?” 
Before I can fully comprehend his point, his thrusts resume again, brutal as ever. I shoot him a delirious, cloudy eyed stare, only interrupted by a particularly deep roll of his hips, causing my eyes to roll back into my head. Keigo switches his grip, grabbing at my still-bound arms and yanking me back towards him, arching my back almost painfully. 
“Fuck, you look so pretty like that.” He groans out, resuming his harsh thrusts, but keeping a firm grip on my chin, “If you keep looking me in the eyes like that I’ll have to test how durable these things actually are.”
Forget yourself, surrender your mind
Keigo loved to fuck me dumb. He loved the idea of making me moan louder than he did. He goes feral when he can’t even hear himself over the sounds of the pleasure he gives me. So whenever he has me pinned under him, vulnerable to his mercy, he shows none. By now, he’s made me cum twice on his cock, each climax rocking through me almost violently, and each time never giving me the chance to properly recover. I was babbling from the overstimulation, drooling and sobbing about everything and nothing all at once. I was gone. Keigo had to hold me up himself, my legs having given out a long time ago, hands gripping my hips hard enough to bruise, never once slowing down his relentless pounding.
‘S’too much!” I manage to sob out, my legs starting to twitch. Keigo grunts and wraps an arm around my waist before he leans down, one hand wrapping around my throat.
“Oh, no pretty girl. You don’t get to decide that.” He nips at the shell of my ear and I choke out another moan, feeling myself clench around him once more, “you’re going to take what I give you, and you’re going to take it without complaint, understand?
I stumble over my words, broken moans being the only sounds from my lips, before I nod frantically in agreement.
“Good girl. Now sing for me, Dove.” he growls, “I know you want to. You begged so well for me earlier. Cum on my cock. Show me how much you love the way I fuck you.”
Right now you’re mine, all mine. Give in, you’re mine, all mine…
Keigo also loved stuffing me with his cum. 
His moans turned from animalistic grunts to needy whines, and his thrusts became sloppy as he approached his own release. 
“Gonna fill you up, Dove. You’re lucky I’m even telling you. Dirty fucking criminals like you don’t deserve the courtesy of–fuck–of a warning. You’re lucky I love you.”
“Keigo!” I whine out, already losing myself to the overstimulation. “Love you too!”
When Keigo cums, it's heavy. The man is always busy doing hero work, he probably doesn’t even have time to take care of his own needs. After months of feeling the way he fills me up, I hold the genuine belief that this is the only time he cums. How else can you explain the way his entire body shakes, the way his wings seem to fall apart, feathers floating onto the bed softly. He cums heavy, and he cums a lot. The feeling of him stuffing me full, and feeling his cum leak down my legs nearly immediately has my cunt clenching around him, milking him for everything he’s worth. He whimpers and shudders from the sensation, entire body nearly slumping over from exhaustion.
That didn’t stop him, however. He continued his rapid thrusts, working me through my orgasm, obscene squelches echoing through the room. His moans became desperate and whiny in the way they only get when he’s forcing himself through debilitating pleasure. 
Eventually, he slows down enough to undo the ropes around my arms, and I let them fall to my sides with a relieved groan. Keigo pulls out and immediately positions my legs so they’ll hold my hips up for him to admire his work. He shoves two fingers into my abused clit, and I can already imagine the pleased, almost awed look on his face as he works his cum back into me. 
“I think you look prettiest stuffed with my cum, don’t you, Dove?”
I can only muster an exhausted moan in response. 
“So…you love me?”
“Shut up, bird brain.”
The grin on his face tells me I’m in for a long night. 
He was never going to turn me in anyways.
The last candle burned out. 
All mine
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 6 months
Do you have a Shiro playlist or songs you associate with him?
DO I, oh brother, DO I EVER
the impact my shiro playlist had on my Spotify wrapped…. Unprecedented…. I have only made 3 character playlists in my life and this is by far my favorite
Link to my YouTube version bc I cannot share Spotify links but
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Little blurb about each song below the cut
It is short but pointed and since I’ve been holding back on infodumping about this since February. This draws heavily from songs on shiro playlists back in like 2017 and then also my own taste
1.Halsey- control THEE Shiro song to me. The amv in my mind when I listen to this ugh just like ALL of these lyrics give a very angsty s1/2 trying very hard to be stable but undeniable struggling vibe like. Listen I just rewatched Crystal Venom and the way you could fit the hallucination scene into this 🫨
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2. Little Lion man. I mean what blorbo playlist isn’t complete without this. Lions and all that but also “Tremble for yourself, my man/You know that you have seen this all before /Tremble, little lion man / You'll never settle any of your scores”
for thee amnesia gladiator flashback man????
3. The Draw - Bastille - another angsty classic mental unwellness vibe. What gets me is both “ in your left hand there is the familiar / in your right hand there’s the great unknown” both in like space explorer man and also literally alien hand but also “When you go home everything looks different/ And you're scared of being left behind / Just listen to your friends / Trust that they're fair, look in their eyes / Just listen to your friends / They only care and hope you're alright”.
4. The Kongos - Come With Me Now - big warrior and gladiator energy to this one big Shiro’s capacity for violence and anxiety “ Afraid to lose control / And caught up in this world / I've wasted time, I've wasted breath / I think I've thought myself to death / I was born without this fear / Now only this seems clear / I need to move, I need to fight / I need to lose myself tonight”
5. April 1945 - this one is a movie soundtrack one and admittedly the weak link of this playlist but I got it from someone’s 8tracks ages ago and got attached to it as a Shiro song. Very ptsd horrors of war vibes
6. Broken Crown - Mumford and sons. Thee Shiro as champion, shiro and Haggar song to me
7. Violet Clementine - Lady Lamb - I keep trying to get people to appreciate this song as a blorbo song. To me the allegory with strings of fate and like the found family amvs I imagine to this in my mind… your family as the nest of yarn.. also obsessed with songs that refer to humans as animals… very shiro as gladiator vibes.
“ You build a nest of yellow yarn / You hope to god the yellowed yarn / Is soft enough to break your fall / Should you fall, should you fall”
“ Keep your silence golden and words important / You're only a handsome animal”
8. Berserker - Leslie Fish - another shiro and violence song bc I love when he fights like he has everything to lose and does not care about pain. Just have all the lyrics
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9. I gave you all - Mumford and sons . Sorry for being a Mumford and sons girlie. This one to me is more at the universe at the galra at the black lion at the garrison even at adam. I don’t have a specific lyric just the vibe for like internal angst and bitter sweetness
10. Iron - Woodkid. Another one where literally all the lyrics vibe with Shiro as like missing from home gladiator soldier leader
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 11 months
Ok ok. Hear me out.
Little brainrot here.
We will soon get to explore Fontaine and discover its underwater treasures, right ?
So, what about Foul Legacy with merperson!reader ?
I often dream about being a mermaid myself, freely swimming in clear waters, diving through algae and kelp forests while dancing with the other fish ; and, last night, I actually had a dream about this that happened to take place in Teyvat.
I’d like to think that Fontaine is the perfect place to meet mermaids, even though you can also see them in deep rivers, lakes or even the other seas that hold their place in the world. Foul Legacy probably found himself lost in these watery lands once, maybe while trying to get to Liyue. The only person he thought would be safe to stay with would probably be Zhongli, and yet the voice in his head constantly whispering how this idea is the only one he has left to follow suddenly quiets down once he hears the melodious voices of seafolks bloom all around him, most of them being slightly muffled but the waters they like to hide under. Like with everyone else, they tend to be wary of him, staying away from his monstrous form even though he can see glimmers of curiosity in their dark eyes. And, terrified at the idea of frightening them even more -he wouldn’t want to hurt such beautiful creatures by accident !- he keeps his distance too, silently watching them from the shadows, trilling curiously from time to time.
Now, I think merpeople communicate with a wide range of sounds, going from the entrancing songs of whales or the sharp clicks of dolphins to sounds so deep even he has trouble them, marvelling at how ethereal all of this is. This language is a little bit similar to the one he uses, and yet he can’t really bring himself to understand the nuances. This is why it takes him a few seconds to realise that the inquisitive chirps that echo not far from him are those of a merperson trying to communicate with him until his eyes fall upon their elegant silhouette.
Despite the fear of hurting them and the quite peculiar language barrier, our cinnamon roll of an Abyss creature lowers himself to bring his masked visage to their level. He almost falls into the water when their small, webbed hands come graze the ridges of his crimson mask and horns, detangling his fluffy hair and mane, droplets of water going still upon meeting the thick, yet incredibly soft surface of his purple fur. What he can only interpret as being happy coos and trills cross the edge of their salt-covered lips, and Foul Legacy quickly finds himself talking back with an enthusiasm that only matches their own, starry wing fluttering in delight every time their voice start humming a song. And he is quite surprised to see other merpeople approach him after a few days of peacefully interacting with us, their voices and tunes forming an echo that could mesmerise the coldest of hearts.
Maybe Liyue can wait, after all.
- 🫧 anon
🫧 anon i love you so much thank you for this delicious MEAL!!! also i am soso excited for Fontaine especially underwater exploration!! it reminds me of the underwater areas in another game i play it's soooo pretty
Foul Legacy could spend hours listening to you talk- of course, all the merpeople have lovely voices, but you're his favorite, being the first to approach him without fear. you, like him, are quite curious, countless questions always glittering in your eyes, questions that he can't quite understand. but even with the language barrier, Legacy finds himself basking in your voice, the familiarity of something close to his own language making him purr in delight, craning his head back so you can scratch under his chin
luckily Foul Legacy still LOOOOVES water, even if he's not an aquatic creature himself. it comes with having a Hydro vision, but he loves to swim and can hold his breath for a very long time!! at first you'll simply bring him items you found that you thought were pretty, since you're very much aware that some tales paint merpeople as vicious and bloodthirsty; you only ask if he wants to come swimming with you after you both trust each other, pointing to him, then the water, and tilting your head with an inquisitive trill. and if he accepts you clap your hands in joy, a beam spreading across your cheeks and webbed ears twitching happily. you adore the look of amazement on Legacy's face, as well as how bubbles float from his fanged maw when he attempts to chirp underwater- plus, now he can see your scales and markings in the sunlight too!!
i think Fontaine and Liyue are going to be connected, by land and by water, so if you must, you'll also show him how to get back to Liyue via the waterways of Fontaine. you really don't want to- it's been a long time since you've had such an amazing friend- but you know he misses the safety of Liyue like a fish misses the sea, so you'll take him to the border between the two nations and point out the way he needs to go in order to return. before he leaves, though, you give him one final gift- a luminescent seashell you found years ago, waiting for the right moment and right person to give it to, since there's nothing better than watching someone's face light up as you give them a gift. he's sure to treat it carefully, cupping the delicate object in his claws and crooning his heartfelt thanks, giving you one final lick on the cheek, which you greet with a kiss of your own before watching him depart with a mournful smile
Legacy turns back once, for a final glance, but when he looks to the sea, you're already gone
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clown-friend-gt · 4 days
Octomer Chapter Two
CW: Mentions of dead animals
Here's chapter two! There was another part to this that I decided to make it's own chapter while I was editing this, and that will probably be out tomorrow.
Not so fun fact, the first part of this is partly based on something that happened to me once, so if you think the part about her singing to a small animal seems unrealistic, just remember that I actually did that once lmao.
Hope you enjoy!
It was the morning after a heavy rain when we first met, many, many years ago. I’d gone down to the beach to comb for treasure washed up by the storm. I’d only been expecting to find some new seashells for my collection. I never thought I’d end up saving a life that day.
It was the sun reflecting off of his skin that caught my eye. Adorning his dark brown skin were little spots of light, like sequins. I approached and as I got closer, it took a moment for my brain to catch up to what it was seeing.
The lower half of his body was like an inky black octopus. His top half was like a human child, only much, much smaller. I wondered if what I was looking at was actually some strange toy. But when I reached out and touched it I realized it was much too detailed to be manmade.
My grandpa told plenty of fantastical stories about his time as a sailor. About finding undiscovered islands, navigating the Bermuda Triangle, and spotting ghostly pirate ships in the night. But one thing he’d never discuss, something he insisted was fake, were mermaids.
“The hopeless dreams of lonely sailors, stuck at sea for far too long,” he’d always tell me.
I never even dreamed he was lying.
The little mercreature didn’t respond to my touch. I poked him a few more times, but he didn’t move. His skin felt oddly dry. I lifted one of his arms, and it flopped right back down to the ground when I let it go.
Carefully, I scooped him off of the ground. Even with my small child-hands, his whole body was only a handful. His head lolled backwards as I lifted him from the ground.
I brought him to my ear and tried to listen to his chest. There was no heartbeat I could hear, and it didn’t seem like he was breathing, either.
The first mermaid I’d ever met, and it was dead.
Maybe a normal child would’ve been disgusted holding what was basically a dead fish. But I was heartbroken. I looked at his little face and tears started to form in my eyes. How could he be dead?
I had no idea what to do. I just started singing. Maybe to comfort his departed spirit, or just to comfort myself. I held onto him and mourned him with a song.
Tears fell down my face and splashed onto his little body. I kept singing to him like it would help, somehow. Eventually, I ran out of song, and it was quiet again, save for the waves lapping softly at the bay.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, closing my eyes, and planting a kiss on his head.
Suddenly, tiny hands pushed against my lips. Startled, I pulled back. Like a miracle, the little mer was alive again, struggling weakly in an attempt to escape my hand.
“You’re alive!” I exclaimed as he looked up at me with fearful eyes. I’d never seen anyone with golden eyes before, and I was mystified for a second.
“How…?” I wondered aloud. Then I went to wipe the tears from my face, and the answer came to me.
“The water!”
I took off in the direction of the ocean. His tentacles wrapped around my fingers as I went along, like a reflex. I trotted along until the water reached my knees. Then I lowered the hand holding him in the water.
Exposing him to the water seemed to give him his vitality back. His movements were a little quicker, livelier. He looked up at me and tilted his head, evidently confused.
“Go on,” I encouraged him.
Slowly, he unraveled himself from my hand, watching me all the while. He slithered off of it and floated in place nearby. He turned and propelled himself towards deeper waters.
Then he stopped and looked back at me one last time, as if to make sure I was really letting him go. I offered him a small wave. Hesitantly, he raised his hand and copied the motion. Then he swam away.
I saw him again a few days later. It was low tide, and I was spending my afternoon by one of a few tide pools. I laid on my stomach and observed the different sea creatures swimming along. Occasionally, I’d tap the surface of the water and watch the ripples travel across the surface.
Small fish darted through the water. Little hermit crabs scuttled across the bottom of the pool. A starfish crawled over a rock covered in barnacles, hunting for its next meal.
Unconsciously, my eye was drawn to something moving by another rock. It was camouflaged to look like the ground. I thought it could be a small sea slug, but then it moved again. The tentacle wrapped around the rock, and following soon after, a head poked out.
Like his octopus half, his body was camouflaged to match his surroundings. But unlike the lower half, which matched the sandy surface he rested on, the upper half of his body had turned see-through to match the water around him. It was like looking at a weird x-ray; I could even see his bones.
He didn’t seem to notice me staring at him. He was much too busy focusing on his surroundings. He looked from side to side, then made his way around the rock to the side facing me. His tentacles clung to the rock like he thought he’d be pulled away from it at any time.
Then our eyes met. His eyes remained that same golden color, standing in contrast to the rest of his body, which was slowly changing to look like the rock behind him. He pressed his body against it as tightly as possible. His chest rose and fell rapidly as our eyes remained locked.
We stayed like that for a bit, both of us unwilling to make a move. Then he finally tore his gaze away as a new threat approached. A crab nearly three times his size clamped its claw onto one of his tentacles, attempting to pry him away from the rock.
His mouth opened in a silent scream, a stream of bubbles escaping and rising rapidly to the surface. Without thinking I plunged my hands into the water with a splash. I grabbed onto the crab’s pincer and tried to pry it open. It attacked me with its other claw as I did so, but I gritted my teeth and did my best to ignore it.
Eventually, I managed to open the claw wide enough for the mer to slip free. He darted away from the crab and wrapped himself around my arm for protection. I pulled back and the crab scurried off in indignation.
I leaned back on the sand and inspected my arm. The little mer was hugging it with both his tentacles and his arms.
“Not scared of me anymore, huh?” I giggled. He chirped in response.
I stuck out my pointer finger and ruffled his wet, curly hair. He closed his eyes and leaned into it, seemingly enjoying the sensation.
“What do I call you?” I asked. He tilted his head at me like he had the other day.
“Do you even understand me?” Still no recognition. He made some clicking sounds at me, but I couldn’t understand him any better.
He frowned, then spots on his skin began to light up. I stared, transfixed, at the blinking patterns. He looked at me pointedly, then huffed in frustration.
Some creatures use bioluminescence for communication. I learned that much later in life, so I didn’t realize he was attempting to talk to me that way. But the spots of light gave me an idea.
“I think I’ll call you Spots,” I told him. It was a childish name, I know, but I was a child. If I’d known I’d be seeing him again later in life, I would’ve chosen something better. But the name fit him so well when he was small and cute like he was back then.
He climbed up my arm to my hand. I giggled at the sensation of the suckers on his tentacles sticking and unsticking from my skin as he moved. It was like a bunch of tiny, wet kisses.
“That tickles,” I told him with a laugh.
He looked up at me but had no response. Instead, he placed a hand on the heel of my palm, where the crab had pinched me several times. It had turned red and was starting to swell slightly.
“Yeah, he got me pretty good didn’t he,” I said, lifting my hand to inspect it myself. Spots placed his other hand against mine to steady himself, the quick motion sending him forward with a jolt.
“Whoops, sorry,” I said sheepishly. He shot me a look and clicked at me in what sounded like annoyance.
He got over it quickly, turning back to inspect my hand. He looked back at me with concern and made an inquisitive chirruping sound.
“I’ll be fine,” I assured him. “’Sides, I couldn’t just let that crab eat you up, now, could I?”
I lifted my pointer finger to him again. He looked at it for a bit and then, slowly, he put his hand up to it. It amazed me that his whole hand was only about the size of the tip of my finger.
“I still can’t believe you’re real,” I whispered.
A minute or so passed with neither of us making a sound. Finally, I spoke up.
“I guess I should put you back, huh?” I looked at him sadly. Of course, he couldn’t understand me.
I braced my hand against the ground and stood up as slowly as possible. I don’t think it made the ride any easier for Spots, as I nearly lost my balance several times. Each time, he clung tighter and tighter to my arm, leaving small sucker marks behind.
“Sorry, sorry,” I apologized to him each time.
I took careful steps towards the tide pool. Once I was by its edge, I lowered myself to my knees. He took a look towards the pool, then back to me.
“Goodbye, Spots,” I said sadly.
Then I brought him closer to the pool, and he started squealing. His eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth hung open as he did. He only stopped when I took him away again.
“Okay, okay, I won’t put you there. Jeez,” I sighed. I looked around to the other tide pools. Soon, I found one that seemed emptier and brought him there.
He still didn’t seem to want to let go. At least he didn’t squeal his head off as I lowered him into the water. But he clung fast to my arm.
“I’m sorry, Spots, I can’t take you with me. Grandpa would kill me if I brought you back to the house. And you need the water to live,” I argued.
Spots remained unconvinced and unmoved. With a sigh, I brought him up out of the water again.
“If I promise to come back, will you let go?” He just made a disappointed face that tugged at my heartstrings. But I remained determined.
“I promise I’ll be back tomorrow,” I told him. Then I grabbed him from behind with my free hand. It took a bit of effort, but I managed to pull him from my arm. He clicked and whined as I did so.
“See you soon, Spots,” I said as I lowered him into the water.
I ended up visiting him every day that summer. We played together from morning until sunrise. I’m sure Grandpa wondered what I was up to, but I never told him about Spots. He was like my little secret.
I was so sad the day I had to leave to go home. I tried to tell him that I was leaving, but I’d be back again next summer. Of course, he didn’t understand me. And when I came back to visit the next year, he was gone.
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Long, Long Time- F!Reader x Kabal
I've been really sad and this song destroys me every time I hear it (the last of us episode didn't help at all). Listen to "Long Long Time" by Linda Ronstandt for full immersion.
Y/n and Kabal were seeing each other before his burns. After the incident, Kabal joins the Black Dragon and pulls away from Y/n. All references to "he" is about Kabal.
When Y/n needed to get anything off her chest, she would go to a local karaoke bar to sing away her feelings. That's where they met a few years ago, when he was just a rookie cop. He used the cheesy, "come here often?" line that made her giggle. They'd spend hours laughing the night away. He would be entranced by her voice. A sudden chill shook her out of her daydreaming.
Sometimes she wished she would run into him. What would she say? Would it matter? Would he show up with someone else? Its been almost a year since she had last spoken to him.
Y/n sauntered up to the stage, grabbing the microphone as if it was routine. Her voice carried across the old, brick bar.
Love will abide,
Take things in stride
Y/n's friends always showed up to support her performances. They were always the ones telling Y/n to get back out there, to start anew. They always spouted the typical euphemisms for getting over him- "there's plenty of fish in the sea," and all that nonsense. All hopes that she'd ever find love again have long since been buried.
Sounds like good advice
But there's no one at my side
Y/n just ignored their words, but stated she appreciated the advice. None of it helped, however. She couldn't imagine herself with anyone else, in reality, didn't have the will or energy to try. No one had ever made her feel the same way he had- and no one would ever again.
And time washes clean
Love's wounds unseen
They always say the passage of time heals all wounds- Y/n found that to be nothing but empty words. They held no meaning- the day he disappeared hurts now as much as it had then. She had tried texting, calling, even showing up outside the Black Dragon. Not a sight, not a sound.
That's what someone told me
But I don't know what it means
No advice, no time, nothing was healing this pain in her heart. A piece of her was missing. Her friends eventually gave up trying to reconcile with her pain and supported her the best they could. Coming to this bar made her feel like a masochist in a way, but it was the only piece of him she had left.
'Cause I've done everything I know
To try and make you mine
She had tried everything. He was hers for a long time. She was his forever, and she hated that now. When Kabal received his injuries, he began pulling away. He thought he was a burden and that Y/n deserved better.
She always reassured him that the wounds didn't mean anything to her. She asserted that he was the only one for her, no matter what happened to him. These words fell on deaf ears, as Kabal was too absorbed in his own grief.
And I think I'm gonna love you
For a long, long time
Before the burns, she first told him she loved him on a date. Walking through town on a clear summer night after a lovely dinner, Y/n turned to Kabal.
The moon shone on her face, her eyes alight with the flurry of the night, she told him she loved him. He froze before smiling ear-to-ear and telling her that he loved her too.
Caught in my fears
Blinking back the tears
She saw him change after the burns. He was colder, more callous. The night he rejoined the Black Dragons is where she pinpoints the beginning of the end. She expressed her concerns to him one night, leading to a major argument. He wanted to re-join the Black Dragons to regain control in his life. She wanted him safe. The argument ended in screams and tears, no resolution.
I can't say you hurt me
When you never let me near
Then one day, he was gone without a trace. She normally would see him after work at her apartment. He was a bit cold the night before, but nothing out of the ordinary.
And I never drew
One response from you
Despite all the texts, calls, attempting to hunt him down, she couldn't find him.
She sent him a text saying, "Really, after everything we've been through, you are just going to pick up and disappear?"
The message was delivered, she never knew if he read it. Not a single response.
All the while you fell
All. over girls you never knew
Y/n knew there was girls at the Black Dragon, all the time. She would overhear Kabal's buddies talking about them, how attractive they were, Kabal agreeing with smiles. She began to wonder if he left her for one of them. Maybe that's why he had withdrawn from her the past few months?
'Cause I've done everything I know
To try and make you mine
At first, she blamed herself. Maybe she wasn't good enough. Maybe she drove him off. Was she not supportive? Did she make him feel like he wasn't good enough?
There was nothing she wouldn't have done to make him stay.
And I think I'm gonna love you
For a long, long time
Not a day goes by when she doesn't think about him. She had to put away many trinkets and collectibles in her apartment- even a certain dvd or cd made her think of him. Gifts he's given her, clothes she's snagged- had to be put out of sight. Out of moments of weakness, she'd dig out some clothes he'd left and hold them tightly. His scent always brought tears to her eyes.
Wait for the day
You'll go away
The song, reaching its climax, made the memories more salient for Y/n, something she valued, but also something she hated. She was reliving the day she came home to an empty apartment.
Knowing that you warned me
Of the price I'd have to pay
She knew the dangers of the Black Dragon, he warned her she'd be endangered due to her relation to him. He would emphasize that his occupation risked her life. She didn't care. She'd risk it all for him. She would have paid any price to keep him near.
And life's full of flaws
Who knows the cause?
None of the adversities they faced seemed worthy of his disappearance in her eyes. Sure, life was unfair, but him leaving seemed the most unfair in her eyes. Why not face it together? Why insist on facing it alone?
Living in the memory
Of a love that never was
That really was it, wasn't it? She was stuck in a sick cycle of her memories. She just kept reliving the past to feel anything at all. Just maybe if she relived it enough it would keep the memory of him alive. Just maybe he would show up again. This caused her the grip the microphone hard, her knuckles becoming more visible.
'Cause I've done everything I know
To try and make you mine
At this point, Y/n felt weak. She really had done all she could. She fought as hard as she could. Her stomach felt uneasy, her knees felt like they would give out at any moment. She felt exactly the same way she had that damned day.
And I think I'm gonna love you
For a long, long time
She had melted into the song at this point. So much emotion, so much pain had driven her to numbness. In the end, that is all she knew- she still loved him. Always will.
'Cause I've done everything I know
To try and make you mine
Someone was in attendance, though Y/n never noticed. He was well-hidden in the back after all. His hoodie, dim facemask, and baggy attire hid his identity well. He had been following her for the past few months, though she was not privy to it.
Her performances usually riled something up in him, but nothing quite like this. He felt tears brimming in his eyes.
He thought he was protecting her by leaving. Surely his connection to the Black Dragon would get Y/n killed. If they caught her on a moment he wasn't there...he didn't want to imagine the carnage. He thought he was a burden to her. She could do better. Why didn't she move on? This would have made it so much easier for him.
Why couldn't he move on?
And I think I'm gonna love you
For a long, long time
Finished and between the cheers, Y/n sat down. She almost fell into her seat, dizzy from emotion. Maybe a few minutes went by before a server came to the table full of her friends and dropped off a beer with a note directly in front of her. The note read, come here often? She turned to look behind her.
--ill write a part 2 if asked.
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wandabear · 2 years
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Everything will be okay - Wanda Maximoff x f!reader PART II
Summary:   Y/N proposes to Wanda and she says... no. That's when things get complicated, too much.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x f!reader
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As you know me: Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane.  You should listen this song while reading. Believe me, you’ll understand. champagne problems - Taylor Swift.  and  Keep On Loving You - Cigarettes After Sex
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ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER 2
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Wanda's life was chaos ever since her twin brother died months ago. She felt torn inside, half of her being completely disappeared from this world. It felt like something had ripped through her body, leaving her in phantom pain. You know that... the pain that it feels like it's coming from a body part that's no longer there.  Not anymore. Pietro was gone and wouldn’t return. 
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But life was like a long, eternal ouroboros. The snake that eats its own tail, meaning the cyclical nature of things and the idea of the eternal return. As some things left, others arrived, and Y/N came into her life to make her a little happier, to make her smile little by little. NOT to occupy an empty place, but to teach Wanda that little by little it could be healed.
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Wanda would never have imagined that she herself would be the one who would end up breaking their hearts.
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You had a speech, you're speechless. Love slipped beyond your reaches and I couldn't give a reason… I never was ready, so I watch you go. Sometimes you just don't know the answer 'til someone's on their knees and asks you...
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Although she wanted to mumble some good excuse why she would refuse to marry Y/N, nothing came out of her mouth. Nothing good at least.
She was like a fish out of water, gasping for something coherent to come out of her lips. Just a shocked look, and her deep disappointment that would break the woman in front of her.
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Wanda shut the door with such strength that she thought she would end up destroying it. She threw herself in bed and snuggled against the soft pillow, trying to calm the anger she felt coursing through her veins, closing those slightly reddish eyes until they returned to her own color. The anguish took over her, closing her throat, sinking her deeper into the ocean.
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Tears soon fell down her cheeks; Wanda squeezed her eyes shut trying to stop them, but it was impossible. She couldn't even understand all that storm of mixed feelings inside. 
She loved Y/N, but the fear she felt was paralyzing, it was heartbreaking. The fear of losing someone so important in your life again.
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How could she pretend to have a happy marriage with someone and then lose it? Like her parents. Like brother. Like her country.
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Perhaps it was better to end it once and for all, the best thing was to cut it right now before it was even more painful later. It was two beautiful years together but it was time to end it. It was just a nice relationship, nothing more. 
It was just another relationship.
Wanda’s first serious relationship, but there was more, right? She couldn't get stuck on her first love forever.
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There was more to life than just your first girlfriend, and she knew that if she married Y/N, she would just… She would have only experienced that.
That was what Wanda tried to repeat over and over again, until she fell asleep in that huge and lonely bed.
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The next day was much worse. Still somewhat asleep, with a smile on her lips, Wanda stretched out her hand to caress her beloved Y/N after that horrible nightmare she had.
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But the cold of the sheets made her open those green eyes and came back into reality. Y/N left, last night after that horrible argument in which both ended the relationship. Forever. It wasn’t a nightmare. Reality hit her harder than Natasha's kicks.
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The phone started ringing, Natasha was calling to ask why the hell she wasn't down for breakfast before training. Wanda dragged her feet to go to the bathroom when she saw that shiny object in the trash can.
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She hesitated a moment before leaning down and taking the velvet box between her fingers.
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Your mom's ring in your pocket, my picture in your wallet. Your heart was glass, I dropped it.
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Tears threatened to fall again but she didn't let them this time. Wanda clenched her jaw, went to one of her drawers and left the box in it, get into the bathroom and wash away all the misery in her body.
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The weeks passed and Wanda told herself over and over that the best thing was to get away from Y/N, and try to heal her own heart. Natasha’s training were helping to clear her mind, even Vision approached to her so she wouldn't feel so alone. Everyone in the compound heard about their split and she was sick of it. Sick of hearing everyone say ‘oh, what a shame, they made a beautiful couple!’, ‘Oh well, Y/N seemed very much in love with her, but the witch didn't seem… you know?’ , ‘Have you seen her? She looks so wrecked.’
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Listening to the loud thoughts of people saying how awful it must feel to feel the love of your life abandon you, or to be rejected by her. Even if they spread the rumor she cheated on Y/N, and that's why the agent left.
Or that surely they ended because the sokovian witch was crazy, spending months without talking to anyone, locked in her room and surely Y/N did the right thing in getting away from her. Y/N deserved much better than her.
It was killing her inside, but she had to be strong.
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She would've made such a lovely bride What a shame she's fucked in her head, they said. But you'll find the real thing instead. She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred. And hold your hand while dancing… Never leave you standing.
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They didn't know how painful it was to get your hopes up with… with being good, and being able to be a hero, having a person who adores you, and she’s by your side and… suddenly losing everything.
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Wanda watched as Y/N walked down the halls with her head down, avoiding her at all costs, although from time to time she allowed herself to see her one last time, to see if Y/N was alright. 
To know if the agents with whom she was talking tried to flirt with her. Maybe Y/N would fall in love again with one of those beautiful, strong, smart women who worked at S.H.I.E.L.D. Surely she would find a girl who was good enough to deserve her, that she would be a good wife and maybe a good mother one day.
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Of course she would, Y/N was… she was everything any girl could wish for. An lovely, kind, funny, romantic, passionate girl. She could blow your mind in a thousand ways, make you fall in love every day. 
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Your mom's ring in your pocket. Her picture in your wallet. You won't remember all my champagne problems.
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Have you ever felt that everything you’ve done has been in vain? That the pain that squeezed your heart, that little by little made you weaker and slower, no longer had any kind of value.
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Wanda felt it right now, trying to hold on when Natasha reached over to help her up. Her heart weighed as much as the guilt she felt. It was burning, it was drowning her.Y/N gave her life, and she hadn't even been there to stop her.
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The pain suffocated her, she felt like destiny mocked her once again and this time she deserved it. It was a big 'fuck you, you're going to lose it anyway, but it’s because of you. Thanks to yourself, Wanda Maximoff.' Nat tried to hug her, but Wanda just made her way to that containment module, not caring about the agents in their stupid hazmat suits.
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“Y/N... Detka… oh, god.” The witch stopped in front of that rocky figure and brought her hands to the face of her beloved. The petrified image of Y/N, the cold of the rock in her palms made her shiver. So different from the warmth of her body when Wanda used to touch her.
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She used to tease her, cause Y/N was always warm.
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The cold fingers caressed the face of the agent  until they reached the sides of the head, the red magic surrounding her, trying to read her mind but there was no response.
There was nothing.
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“Okay, tell me, what am I thinking about right now?” Y/N closed her eyes, unable to see how Wanda bit her lower lip. Completely mesmerized by her.
 “About me.”
 “I always think of you.”
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“I can't feel her!” Wanda cried, trying again but it was impossible. Y/N didn't give her an answer and that had never, ever happened. “Why can't I feel her?! Y/N… Malyshka, please! TAKE THAT THING OFF HER, SHE CAN'T BREATHE. SHE'S-   SHE USUALLY SUFFOCATE IN CLOSED ROOMS, SHE CAN’T STAND IT. SHE- SHE'S SUFFOCATING!”
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Steve looked down at her, feeling his heart break. Natasha decided to leave her mixed feelings, to focus on taking Wanda and getting her out of that place, leaving the scientific agents to work on that scene.
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“Come here, love…” Y/N insisted, taking the sokovian brunette by her waist and pulling her. Her body against hers felt…right.  Wanda giggled, trying to get away from her, but the agent's arms wouldn't let her.
They were both in the kitchen, enjoying a glass of wine while Wanda cooked chicken paprikash.
Y/N wrapped her arms around Wanda's waist and began to move slowly, smiling when she saw her girlfriend hug her neck.
Slowly, began to dance to the song playing in the background. ‘Keep on loving you’ by Cigarretes After Sex.
 “And I meant Every word I said… When I said that I loved you I meant… that I loved you forever.” Y/N whispered those words to her with a cheeky smile. The devotion she felt for Wanda could be seen in her lovely eyes.
Wanda bit her lower lip, smiling tenderly. She never felt so loved.
“You're so damn cheesy.” She teased.
“And you’re doomed.” Y/N smiled before leaning down to kiss her girlfriend lips. She was taller, that made Wanda melt. It was a slow kiss, so soft and at the same time so passionate. The witch's heart pounded so hard that she thought the agent would hear it.
When they parted, the witch just smirked and fixed her gaze on Y/N’s while they slow danced, to the rhythm of that song.
“Do you mean it?” the sokovian asked in a whisper. Was okay to ask that? They had many dates, they started quite a nice and soft relationship together. But maybe that question meant too much, and at a certain point, she was afraid to know the answer.
However, Y/N smiled tenderly. Wanda loved when she did that, because Y/N’s eyes became so small, hiding in two adorable lines.
“I love you, Wanda Maximoff.” She answered with honesty, that melted Wanda's heart. It was the first time that someone told her that she loved her in that way, a unique and sincere love. “I'll love you forever.”
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“The process is called Terrigenesis.” Doctor Cho explained, being listened to by that Avengers. They were all in that huge lab that Tony set up so they could study those who had been affected by the mist. Y/N and Jules, but also three other agents.
“Apparently, Coulson and his team were looking into it for weeks, they came across a group of terrorists trying to make a mess with these crystals.” Maria Hill showed some videos that Coulson's send. “What we saw was the ‘Terrigen Mist’, a gaseous substance produced by Terrigen Crystals. It’s Kree. As far as we know the Kree used Terrigen Crystals and the mist they produced, to awaken the latent gene activating a genetic mutation, long time ago of course.”
“You give us all this information now. Didn't you think it was important for us to know before something like this happened?" Steve said annoyed, fixing his gaze on Maria. Things had been tense since they got back from San Juan, especially between Steve and Tony.
“Trust me, I thought the same thing. But then I realized that as much as we dealt with serious threats, they did what they could to prevent this from going global. And they avoided it.” Hill said, flipping through some images. “Just imagine this situation on a global scale, Rogers. Two out of ten people in the world would be like Y/N and Jules, right now after drinking soda or eating tuna. Their plan was to put these dissolved crystals in food cans.”
A quiet room, Steve knew she was right, but Wanda just clenched her jaw in frustration.
“The composition of a Terrigenesis cocoon includes Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Selenium.” Helen Cho added looking at the bodies. Both were being monitored by many monitors, constantly examined.
“Apparently the stage of the cocoon is varied, quite a mistery. Many have gotten out of this in minutes, other days.” Banner explained as he pointed out some parts of that rocky structure. Yelena bit her lip to keep from insulting him. That ‘rock structure’ used to be her best friends.  
“We're not trying to break it, it could be dangerous for them… or us. We have theories that they will do it by themselves.”
“Like a chick.” Tony tilted his head.
“How do you know that?” Natasha frowned.
“Because we know something is gestating inside, but we don't know if it will be them... Or if they will be alive.”
“They are alive.” Wanda murmured. “I can feel them. I can't read her thoughts, but I know there's something there.”
“As Wanda says, they’re alive.” Doctor Cho said again, showing them a series of medical examinations. “We have discovered some physical answers, thanks to the infrared camera. We had positive responses when we open the windows, the sunlight seems to help. They don't seem to like the dark, Julia is active on sunny days, but Y/N… seems to enjoy stormy days the most.”
“It sounds like them.” Yelena finally added, though her face looked grim. She wasn't the annoying girl who was always saying something funny, she didn't even seem in the mood to fight Sam.
“How do we know if they will be okay when they come out?” Natasha looked at her sister, then directed her question at Helen and Bruce.
“We don't know that.” Bruce sighed and pressed his lips together. “But we know that whatever comes out of it... will be Inhuman.”
“That stupid name.” Yelena muttered under her breath. She had heard that nickname from many agents, and none of them said it in a 'good way'.
“So why were the crystals there? If they are so important, why did they leave them?” Natasha asked curious and somewhat worried.
“That's what we’re trying to know, Coulson's team will handle it.” Hill nodded. “We don't know what the mist could do to Steve, having the super-soldier serum, or maybe they were waiting for Wanda. She’s our most valuable asset so far. But it has clearly been a trap, but not for mere agents. Or maybe yes, maybe they were looking for them. Maybe they were hoping to get guinea pigs, we don't know yet. Hydra is unpredictable.”
“Have you tried to get them out of the compound? They are like an egg or a plant, water them, take them outside and give them some sun.” Tony said as he leaned back in his seat, playing with a tennis ball between his fingers. They all looked at him.  “What? Do I have to do everything myself?”
“You shouldn't even be here.” Wanda dared to reply in a low, husky voice. Her gaze showed the grudge she held for the man. “This is your fault.”
“Excuse me, my fault?” Tony leaned into his seat. “Those are agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, they risked their lives because they decided to go on a mission. That's what they do, that's what we all do.”
“That they might not have gone if you hadn't broken Y/N’s heart.” Yelena hissed, at Wanda annoyed.
“That's not true, Yelena.” Natasha defended Wanda this time, who seemed hurt by the blonde’s words. “And you, Tony, admit once and for all that you played with that tech and it's gone wrong, again.”
“I did it to save us!” Tony got up from his seat. “I gave Ross the plans, so he could have a place ready, a place to lock up those we can't contain.”
“And they stole it.” Steve clenched his jaw, getting up from his seat. “You gave it to General Ross, items to control enhanced people.”
“I gave it to him in case we needed to defend ourselves and contain alien threats!”
“Hydra stole it and it's chaos again!” Natasha shook her head.
Everyone started arguing at that meeting. The screams again and again filled the room, everyone against everyone. The only one who seemed to remain silent and bring her hands to her head was Yelena, who ended up exploding when she noticed that a loud beep was beginning to be heard in the room.
“Hey!” Yelena yelled, drawing everyone's attention. “Shut up, damn it!”
Everyone stopped when they heard her voice, the silence, everyone's embarrassment at realizing how they were acting were put aside when they all noticed that the beeps came from the monitors.
The heartbeat became faster, and the infrared camera showed that the heat increased progressively.
Banner got closer to see how after they had been silent, everything was back to normal. “Seems whatever's in there… doesn't like it when you all argue.”
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Even though he had acted like a total jerk according to Natasha's words, Tony was right about something and if whatever was in there, reacted to the open air, so they decided to move that containment module outdoors.
The answer seemed to be positive, but nothing happened. ㅤㅤㅤ 
“I don't know if this is… I don’t know if this will work.” Natasha broke the silence with her typical husky voice. She had sat in front of that module, hoping that one of the two would listen to her.
According to Bruce, maybe they could hear them. Yelena joked -for the first time in a long time- that it looked like they were dealing with a big baby in the rocky womb.
“I think it's kind of awkward, I want to talk to one of you and the other one might be listening.” Nat smiled a little sadly. “I'm not very good at expressing my feelings anyway. That's why I'm the one who kicks your asses every time at training sessions.”
The silence.
Only the chirps of some birds could be heard on that beautiful afternoon. The green tops of the trees behind them, the green meadow and the lake. It was indeed a quite beautiful and relaxing place.
“Although you probably tell everything between yourselves. That's what friends do. I don't know much about friends, I started making them here.” Natasha looked down at her feet. “But I know Yelena misses you both. She doesn't talk too much, that’s really weird, but we all can see it. I can see it. She misses you both, so much. She no longer eats breakfast in the lounge, because she doesn't want to do it alone. She always did it with you, but of course I make sure she eats something.”
A small sparrow come to peck at the ground, trying to find some small snack before quickly flying off.
“And I don't deny that I kind of miss making your lifes harder.” Natasha smiled as she pulled up some little strands of grass, something she did as a child but had never told anyone.
“Steve said that before what happened, you… Well, Julia said some words for me. I really don't know how to answer to that.”
The silence. So cozy yet painful.
 “I'm sorry I was harsh on you.” Natasha swallowed hard and looked up, losing herself in the calm lake in front of her. She was talking to Jules, of course. “It wasn't your fault, you didn't deserve that. But what you are… it’s… something I don’t know how to-”
Before she could say anything else, footsteps made the redhead turn to see who was coming.
“Speaking to them?” Wanda approached slowly, keeping her hands in Y/N’s black leather jacket, sitting next to the widow.  Wanda showed her a lunch box with some sandwiches, Natasha's favorites.
“Something like that.” Nat smiled, seeing the sandwiches. “With both of them... It's hard not to feel like talking to one without feeling like the other is gossiping about everything I say.”
They both giggled, looking at that figure out of the corner of their eyes.
“I understand what you're saying.” Wanda looked down. “I have this horrible feeling that they both hate me right now.”
“She doesn't hate you, Wanda.” Natasha sighed. “I don’t think ‘hate’ is in her. You know?”
“She should do it.” Wanda whispered wistfully. “I don't even know how or what to do to fix it. Yelena was right, this is all my fault.”
“Of course not.”
“It is.” Wanda looked at Natasha, certain of her words. “Because she wouldn't have gone on that mission if we'd been together.”
“Then other agents would be in her place, maybe Steve, maybe Yelena, maybe me. Wanda, you’re very good at reading minds and moving stuff with your magic.” Natasha reached out her hand to take her Wanda's. “But there's one thing you're not good at, and that's seeing the future or change the past. You know perfectly well that Y/N would never have turned down a mission like this. She would have been there whether you wanted it or not.”
“I still feel like it's my fault.” The sokovian looked down. “I hurt her, I knew what I was doing to her and I didn't stop. I pushed her away, I broke her heart because I saw it… I saw it in her eyes, the exact moment I shattered it. But I never thought that it would bring me so much pain and misery. I was so terrified... to be loved like this. You know?” Her voice fading, she shook her head.
“I am terrified of being loved in such a sincere and pure way. She was never selfish, she never hurt me on purpose.” Wanda sighed. “And it terrified me… to spend a life next to her, thinking that I would never deserve her. That she would realize that ten years later, we would have a sad, boring marriage…so different from the stupid sitcoms I love so much.”
Wanda swallowed hard, trying to continue but it was difficult without feeling the urge to cry.  
“I hurt someone who didn't deserve it, and she could have died. How do you think that feels?”
Natasha bit her lower lip for a moment, wondering whether to tell what she knew or not. There was silence for a few minutes, both enjoying the warmth of the sun against their faces until the black widow spoke again.
“I’ve to tell you something, and you may be the only person who knows it.” Natasha felt Wanda's confused look on her. What would come out of her mouth would probably sound unbelievable and stupid, but she had to let it out once and for all. “I've been sleeping with Jules for three months.”
“With…” Wanda glanced at the figure and then at Natasha, completely surprised at the revelation.
“Don't tell Yelena.”
“I know, you don't have to say it.” Nat rolled her eyes. “I was very vulnerable, she was there… and somewhat flirtatious. And she’s a beautiful woman, I am a beautiful woman. We had sex. That’s it.”
“Interesting.” Wanda tried not to smile, she tried too hard not to smile.
“Stop smiling like that, adults have sex, Wanda. Just get over it.”
“I'm sorry I can't help but think about it and... wow.”
“Oh, fuck you.” Natasha grunted and gently pushed her friend away, making her laugh a bit. “Anyway, apparently she started to feel like there was something more going on so…I told her to fuck off.”
Natasha shook her head and sighed. Wanda just kept silent.
“Not in a nice way either.” Natasha narrowed her eyes. “I was colder than usual, if that's possible.”
“Colder than usual? Wow. That does surprise me.”
The redhead just smiled sadly.
“So you've done the same stupid thing that I did."
“Something like that, the difference is that I made it clear that I didn't want that from the beginning, Wanda, unlike you.” Nat defended herself.
“Fuck you, Natasha.”
“Yeah, you too.”
“She seems like a nice girl.” The brunette made a face and fixed her gaze on the lake. “Although  sometimes I was jealous cause I thought she had feelings for Y/N, now I understand everything, it was you. Not Y/N.”
“Steve told me that Jules said a few words to me. He said that ‘I shouldn't live in the past, couldn't tie me down forever.’ And I haven't stopped thinking about it... I don't want pain to dominate my future. I have a family now, a beautiful dysfunctional family like we all are.” Natasha's green eyes were lost in the lake too, seeing how some ducks took the opportunity to go down and bathe. Natasha took one of the sandwiches that Wanda gave her and took a bite, her eyes fill with tears.
“You should listen to her, Nat. She's right.” Wanda's soft voice. There was a short silence before she spoke again: “Steve said that Y/N loved me before she…was gone. And the last thing I said to her was 'then go away at once'."
Tears formed in her big green eyes again but this time she allowed herself to let them go.
“What if she's never the same again?” The redhead allowed herself to finally cry, letting go of all those feelings, all that pain.
Her friend didn't say anything, she just stroked the witch's back slowly, hoping that taking it out on her like that would make her feel better.
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Two weeks passed since Y/N and Jules arrived at the compound and there was no sign that they would be back to normal. Despite Wanda's insistence that they should investigate further, they also had to continue training and searching for Rumlow.
Wanda now slept every night in Y/N's room. After taking a nice hot bath, she changed into her pajamas which was one of Y/N's oversized t-shirts. Specifically her favorite.
The green-eyed girl snuggled into the covers and she hugged the brunette's pillow, inhaling Y/N's scent on it, that slowly began to fade.
With her eyes closed, the sound of crickets outside and the last notes of her scent. Everything felt 'like her' but it wasn't there. The emptiness inside her grew more and more.
“I wasn't ready but I am now.” She whispered, opening her eyes as if she was going to wake up from that nightmare and find Y/N there. As if she asked the universe for a wish, and it would grant it. Like all those movies and sitcoms they watched together, where love was stronger than a big mistake.
But Y/N didn't show up that night, or the next, or the others. Wanda's heart sank in sorrow and despair, and although the avengers attempts to cheer her up were constant, there was nothing that mattered more to her than knowing that Y/N was okay.
Although Yelena was mad at her, she stopped being so harsh when she saw that Wanda was also suffering, and they both shared that pain. Vision tried to cheer her up, but the witch avoided all contact with him. He was a good friend, the Mind Stone united them in some way, but Wanda could only see him as a friend, perhaps a very naive friend.
With a small tea flask and a book, Wanda approached that containment module. The sun's rays shone directly on the rocky structure, providing it with heat and the necessary vitamins.
Weeks of study shown that being outside was good, vital signs showing improvement and although it seemed like good news, there was no answer yet. There were no breaks in that cocoon and everyone was starting to get scared. Perhaps they were still alive, but the activity was zero. Zero brain activity meant... something much worse.
“Hi, detka. Hi, Jules.” Those words came out like a very soft whisper from her lips, while she took a seat in front of them.
Wanda smiled when she noticed that all kinds of beautiful flowers began to grow around the module and inside it. Beautiful and colorful orchids, daisies and small flowers could be seen but the sokovian couldn’t identify. “I don't know which one of you is doing this, but it's gorgeous... Very beautiful.”
The green-eyed girl took advantage of her free time in the warm sun to drink some tea, before opening one of her new books that she never been able to read.
Wanda smiled at the memory of her and Y/N walking in one of the city's lonely old bookstores, finding quite interesting books among dusty shelves.
But when she opened the book, a small sheet of paper fell out of it onto her lap. Surprised, Wanda took that mysterious paper in her hands. That calligraphy made her hands tremble.
'Love of my life, love of all my lives...
If you're reading this it's because you're about to dive into a wonderful new story and it's a fascinating time.
Sometimes I think that one of the few ways to endure this painful existence is to lose ourselves in wonderful stories, literature frees us from constant agonies, inviting us to explore different worlds. As if they are opportunities, let us get into the shoes of thousands of characters and live thousands of adventures it’s quite extraordinary. Don’t you think?
What a pleasure it is to see you sink and swim in a completely different world, what a beautiful pleasure it is to see you enjoy it, what a beautiful pleasure it’s to witness those wonderful green eyes sail in an ocean of words.
I know it's been a harsh life, I know a lot has been taken from you, Wanda. But I hope that little by little - very little by little, tiny turtle steps, take your time - everything begins to settle down. To be better. To heal.
Because you deserve to be happy.
Because your heart deserves to beat hard, until you think it's going to jump out of your chest. And love, and smile, and cry.
Because you deserve to feel.
Because you deserve to be loved, in a crazy and passionate, devoted, and sincere way. That’s how I love you.
I hope you let me be that person by your side who -in some way or another- always makes you smile. Always make you feel.
Enjoy your book, my love… And the small specks of serotonin, adrenaline and even those that give you distressing moments, because reading is a fascinating path.
I am here with you, forever. I love you,
  Wanda didn't know when the tears began to fall again. Her lips trembled so much that she couldn't hold it back, letting out a sob that she was thankful no one could hear.
She remained silent, trying to heal the pain in solitude, hugging that letter against her chest as if it were the only thing left in her life.
“I miss you, moya lyubov.” She whimpered, sobbing. “It's been two weeks, barely two weeks and it feels like an eternity."
Wanda dried her tears and put that book aside.
“Maybe I'm a bit dramatic.” She swallowed hard, wiping away her tears.
“You said you loved that about me.” She let out a tear-choked giggle.
Biting her lower lip as she reached for that square, small, and oh-so-important object in her pocket.
That scarlet velvet box contrasted with the paleness of her hands, and the rather worn dark polish on her fingernails.
“It’s a yes. I say yes, malyshka.”  The brunette looked down at the small box, opening it herself and admiring the beautiful ring in it. That disastrous night she had not even taken the time to see it.
It was so delicate, really beautiful and detailed. But that stone caught her eye, her birthstone and her favorite color.
“I do.” Wanda smiled sadly and took one of her hands to the stone so she could caress it, feeling the icy rock against her hands.
Wanda closed her eyes for a moment, hoping to feel her, but there was just nothing. Just the cold rock, again.
 Completely disappointed, she brushed her hand away and stepped back, ready to walk away when a small sound caught her attention.
That sound again, now followed by the constant beeping of the monitors that controlled those two girls. Wanda stepped back in surprise, watching the screens go crazy.
Steve, Natasha and the others left the Compound as fast as they could, approaching that place to witness what was happening.
“What happened?” Banner walked over to the machines, trying to understand the biological response to everything he was seeing.
That sunny day seemed to be clouding, as if it was taking away all the warmth that the sun offered.
“Heart rate is increasing, it’s too high... 289 per minute.” Doctor Cho exclaimed in complete despair, I couldn't understand anything that was happening. “The temperature is exceeding 47°C/116°F, this would be killing a normal person or leaving severe brain damage. We need assistance!”
But before anyone said anything else, to everyone's surprise, that rocky figure began to crack again, revealing one of its eyes… brown eyes. Fiery dark brown eyes.
One of the machines made a horrible pitching noise, short circuit, the electrical tension of the place dropped considerably. The lights flickering, the noise. Another of the monitors ended up exploding, and a bolt of lightning made the entire ground shake.
Wanda brought one of her hands to her lips, surprised. Steve swallowed hard, not knowing what to expect. Natasha felt her body tense.
The dark rock began to fall like fragile porcelain until both women were fully exposed, freed from that rough, inhuman prison.
Feeling like were being reborn, as if the warmth within that rock had been lifted like a veil, exposing them to a painful, icy world.
Y/N looked up from her, a look completely unreadable and cold. Pupils wildly larger than normal. Y/N’s hands were shaking, and her senses told her to stay alert.
The sky suddenly darkened, a storm was coming.
“Detka…” Wanda smiled widely, the tears fell again but now of happiness. She was about to move forward, run to Y/N to hug her when Natasha took her arm.  For Wanda and the girls' safety, it was best that she wait.
“Y/N… Jules… it’s us.” Natasha told both of them, who seemed quite unsure of the environment around them. “Everything is okay, we are at the Compound. We already left San Juan...”
“You’re safe. There’s no longer any danger, I know how difficult it is to feel that kind of fear, the danger of losing your life and waking up some time later.” Steve took a step forward, noting that neither of them was backing down now. “But I assure you, everything is okay here. We want to help.”
“Please let us help you.” Natasha added.
“It's all right, detka.” Wanda smiled, nodding her head.
Y/N's breathing was ragged, her heart pumping so hard it was sure to explode. A thunder was heard on that cloudy afternoon, a black cloud hovered over the compound.
She nodded somewhat doubtfully and really dizzy, she once again trusted the word of those three people in whom she always trusted with her life.
But when Y/N was about to take a step forward, a group of agents arrived in the area and formed up behind Steve, aiming directly at both of them.
Y/N's eyes widened, Jules just hid behind the taller woman, not understanding what was going on. Terrified, again.
“Y/N what's going on, what are we doing here?” Jules whispered terrified, looking around her. The horrible noise, the ringing in her ears, the girl put her hands to her ears trying to stop it. “Make it stop, please. Please, please, please! It’s hurting me!”
Hearing those screams, the agents pointed directly at Jules now. The tension in them was visible, almost as much as Steve's fury as more agents arrived in the area.
“STOP!” Natasha yelled. “Don't shoot!
“STAND DOWN.” Steve ordered, worried about the agents' reaction.  “EVERYBODY STAND DOWN.”
“Who sent you here?” Captain America asked one of the higher-ranking agents in that group.
“There’s a threat in the compound.” The agent answered, swallowing hard. He respected Rogers, but orders were orders.
“Who… sent you?” Natasha hissed.
Wanda's eyes turned red when she saw the agents take aim at Y/N, who seemed increasingly nervous. “Put your guns down now.” She said she with that sokovian accent and hoarse voice.
“Wanda… Don't give them what they want.”  Steve stepped in, then turned back to the agents. “All of you, lower your weapons right now.”
Y/N stood in front of Jules, ready to defend her from any kind of threat. The agents kept aiming, but after a few moments, they lowered their weapons. The stormy wind that was beginning to swirl seemed to calm down.
“We won't hurt you.” Steve assured them as he tried to approach Y/N again, raising one of his hands in surrender. Showing them that there was nothing to fear. They were their friends.
“Maybe you don't, but... What makes you think that… I won’t?” Y/N swallowed.
Her eyes fell on each person in the place, so fast, she was quite freaked out.
“They were our friends.” Jules whispered, beginning to remember.
“I feel like… my heart is in my head.” Y/N brought one of her hands to her chest. Another lightning bolt illuminated that dark afternoon.   “Everything is throbbing so hard. Beating. In my heart, in my mind.”
She sounded desperate.
“We will help you. Both of you, moya lyubov.” Wanda assured her, taking a step forward. Leaving that defensive position to focus on Y/N, make her feel safe. The sokovian knew how she felt, she had been in Y/N's shoes before.
Beginning to trust, Y/N nodded slowly and swallowed hard. The first step she took out of that containment module made Steve nod and sigh in gratitude.
“Stay in the cointainment module, agent Y/L/N! Is an order!” The deep voice of Secretary Ross was heard, who arrived with more agents behind him.
“Ross, I advise you to stop.”  Steve moved quickly to get in his way.  
“No one is going to get out of there without my authorization.” The agents raised their weapons again, aiming at the two women. “If someone interfere, will be punished. You both, stay there.”
The avengers who were there were about to contradict his words but Y/N's voice caught the attention of everyone.
“Or what?”  Y/N growled, a cold gaze kept on the man.  “You think you can contain me here?”
Ross pressed his lips, rising his chest to show bravery. “I'll do whatever it takes.”
“Try then.”
“WHOA WHOA WHOA!”  Banner stood between both sides, looking for an agreement between both parties and that nothing would end in something they would regret.  “Why don't we calm down?"
“We are not the one pointing the guns.” Jules hissed, coming out. She felt much confident now, and she didn't know why..
“Hale, you're not helping.” Nat looked at her.
“Ms. Romanoff is right. I advise you to keep your mouth shut, Ms. Hale. You are not in the best condition to speak.”  
“Please, everybody calm down. This party is getting wild. Ross, Let's talk inside.” The voice of Tony Stark was heard who had suddenly appeared. Everything seemed really a scandal.
“What's your name, Sir?” Y/N tilted her head, looking at the Secretary Ross. She didn't even care what Tony said.
“Secretary of State Thaddeus E. Ross.” He scoffed.
“Speak to my friend like that again and you'll feel a category 5 hurricane wipe your ass off the face of the earth. And I'll make sure they put your name on it.” Y/N smiled slightly sideways, a bit wicked. A rumble was heard in the sky again, causing the agents to clutch their weapons. A huge bolt of lightning struck near the agents' cars.
Tony stepped forward. “Stop. Y/N, Jules, go inside. Ross, let's talk please. Stop this violent act, you promised me we could make a deal in a civilized way.”
“Tony, what are you doing?” Natasha didn't seem surprised at all. She suspected that those two have been involved for a long time.
“That's exactly why I'm here.” Secretary Ross sighed heavily, ordering the officers to lower their weapons, which they did. “The Sokovia Accords-“
“The Accords just want to lock us up.” Wanda muttered under her breath.
“Oh, dear. If I lose two thirty-megaton bombs like those girls, believe me, there will be consequences. Commitment. Security. This is how the world works.” Secretary Ross remarked, looking at Steve now.
“They just woke up from whatever they were in.”  Tony insisted, trying to win the battle with his incredible charisma. "Let them think... at least give us tonight."
They all fell silent waiting for Ross' answer.  Y/N took her best friend's hand, feeling how Jules trembled. Neither of them understood what was happening, but both felt inside that something had changed and neither knew how to understand it.
“You have until tomorrow afternoon. Accept the Sokovia Accords, sign them. All of you. S.H.I.E.L.D can no longer protect you all.” The old man gave them one last look before leaving.
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here goes some amazing and lovely people tags   ✨  :  lonewalker17,  tsmeanobody,  justyourwritter69,  dark-hunter16, 
Wasn’t so bad, huh?  I love angst but I don't know what you guys think. Do you want one more? 
Thank you for reading me! If you want to be tagged, just ask me! Same with your requests...  here i use my own gifs!
392 notes · View notes
awlumii · 2 years
"i'm sorry."
he almost doesn't catch that: your whisper is almost inaudible among paimon's shriek as aether pokes her with raw fish. mona is sitting with fischl on the shore, trying to cheer her up, while xinyan is after the traveler's antics, giggling.
kazuha turns to face you, leaving the half chopped vegetables be. his eyes don't miss the way you're fiddling with your fingers, bandaged after the fight with the ronins you ran into during whatever happened this afternoon. the cuts were the first thing he noticed when you reunited on the last room, way too similar to the alcor he could call a home.
"i do not get what you might be referring to, love" he simply answers, walking closer to you (he hopes you dont mind the smell of tomatoes lingering on his hands), "mind clearing it up for me?"
you gulp, not daring to meet his gaze even when his fingers tentatively graze yours, something he does whenever he wants to comfort you - and it's ironic, since he should be the one feeling upset.
"i'm sorry for having to... listen, i guess? to your past. to... what you didn't want to tell me"
it's kazuha's time to sigh now, eyes closing as his fingers finally intertwine with yours - he internally grimaces as the feeling of bandages on your skin.
"the warmth of your heart never fails to amaze me, hummingbird," he muses quietly bringing your knuckles to his lips, but not pecking them, "why would you apologise as if you are the one who created such mirage? unless you're the mage, the 'alice' that the traveler and miss mona kept mentioning."
a small whine leaves your throat out of frustration while he brushes the back of your hands with small kisses: "it's not that. i just... feel like i accidentally crossed boundaries," you whisper back, squeezing his hands trying to grab his full attention, "i wanted to cover my ears but the voices kept coming from everywhere and i just-" you break eye contact, feeling shame crawl on your back, "i wish i could have avoided it. i thought holding onto you as we got transported inside the bonsai would separate me from the others but it didn't work. it feels like i was forced to acknowledge something i was not supposed to know."
you can't see the way he's looking at you and for the first time in your relationship, kazuha is glad about it. he blinks a few times, glad you can't see the glimmer of tears trying to spill out and waits a few moments before speaking, fearing that a wavering voice would betray him.
and he's speechless.
"come here, little one. come here, please" his hands leave yours just for his arms to wrap around your form, tugging you close, the closest he can manage, to him. nuzzling his face in your hair as you hide your face in his chest, he speaks again:
"you have nothing to apologise for, angel. it was.. how things were supposed to be, perhaps." a hand sneaks under your shirt, grazing your bare skin gently as kazuha tries to get even closer to you.
you protest, the sound muffled by the fabric of his clothes "but it's unfair, 'zuha. it's like you were forced to share your past even if you didn't want to. and- gods, even people you don't know well like mona and fischl got to see it."
"i believe a part of me is glad," he breathes out, "i'm glad i no longer have to tell you what is burdening me, and that someone did it in my place. although that someone was my past self."
he pulls away to look at you, a hand resting on your cheek. the way he's looking at you makes your knees weak.
"if anything, i should apologise for being such a hard person to love"
you break down. kazuha had always appreciated your sensitive side, even before you two started dating. he would rub your back after you cried sharing a sad story he heard during one of his travels, or try to cheer you up at the sight of your tears after a particular dramatic song yunjin would sing in your presence. but right now you're despising your weak self, wanting to be the one to protect him for once.
"that's- that's bullshit!" you sob out, covering the hand on your cheek with your own, "you are not hard to love! you are the most gentle soul i ever encountered, the most - the most beautiful person there could be out there. both inside and outside."
"you could even be the son of the cruelest tyrant and that wouldn't change anything! i just- see, i can't even put myself in words!"
that makes him laugh a little, although you can't sense any real humour coming from him.
kazuha doesn't answer, simply hugging you again.
"i love you," he manages to get out before you feel a sob shake his shoulders. and another as you kiss the crown of his head.
"i love you more than you will ever know, kazuha"
giggles nervously damn writers block is slapping me violently sorry if this is awful
i'm gonna fucking cry dawg, this is so 🥺🥺🥺
326 notes · View notes
thedarkheretic156 · 2 years
IV_ Eternal Flame_IV
TW: slight gore.
The old folklore of the east whispers of a terrible power. Wielded by a lone demigod, fated to walk through the eras the dark fires of hell dancing on her fingers. With no regard for human life, she was fated to be feared and worshipped. But fate is a bitch. Now cursed to be stripped of her powers and doomed to mortality she finds herself in the care of a sworn rival. The great Daiyoki of the west.
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I groaned into the grass. It was hot, unbelievably humid and I was bored out of my mind. The cicadas buzzed loudly around us as Rin and I sat making flower crowns from wildflowers. The act felt strange to me, I hadn't ever really stopped and bothered to look at flowers. Much less play with them. But the child seemed to have found curiosity in everything.
Rin sat among a patch of violet-blue flowers, thin fingers wrapping flower tendrils into delicate braids. She looked so content just doing that. I wondered what it would be to feel that at peace. I sighed, throwing a clump of grass in the air. "Rin?" I asked, "Do you want to go hunt?"
Rin's humming stopped, "Hunt?"
I shrugged, "or anything else really, I could teach you how to spar." "I don't like to fight," Rin replied meekly, setting the flower crown down. "I don't think I could hurt anyone." She said, shuddering as if repressing a bad memory.
I frowned. "Just because you can wield a sword doesn't mean you have to hurt people," I replied. "The choice remains with the master, not the weapon."
I arched my back, the laziness of the humid evening weighing down on me. "You're human. You're a woman. The world will be harder on you." even as I spoke, I wondered why I cared all of a sudden.
A small voice rang in my head, what does it matter? A human child, bound to death, what good could a blade bring to her life?
Rin shook her head, "I have lord Sesshomaru to keep me safe." She said smiling, I rolled my eyes.
"And master Jaken, and Ah-un." The child continued in a sing-song manner, "And now~" she added, "I have you too." My half-lidded eyes flew open, shocked more by the brazen coincidence of the words. Wei, the real Wei, had said the same thing. Grinning her beautiful smile, so bright it rivaled sacred fire burning behind her.
And what had happened to her?
I felt myself grimace at the old memory. And then, even after all that, I had just let her die.
10 more days. I counted down. 10 more suns before the feast of Manna, could I even stay near her after that? Can I see through the belief the human child had put in me? Something dark settled in me. Rin placed the finished flower crown on my head. "All done!" she announced, "You look so pretty!" she said clapping her hands.
Not this one. I thought, promising it to whatever wretched deity that was listening. I won't fail this one too. The dusk settled in, painting the sky a beautiful auburn, against the vast sky, Rin's frame gleamed with life. The soft scent of wildflowers clung to her palms. For the first time Y/n, felt peaceful. But she hadn't just realized it yet. Not quite yet.
You are going soft, daughter of the hills.
I jerked up, sitting around wallowing in thoughts was doing nothing.
"Rin," I said. I needed to do something about my boredom, "what do you think about having Pork for dinner?"
"This feels like a bad idea." Rin said sheepishly, "We could always just eat the fish lord Jaken got for us." She said shuffling hesitantly. I grunted, "take this as a small token of advice Rin, never settle for alms from someone, when you can get better things by yourself." I strapped Mrutunjai to Ah-un's saddle, patting the fire-demons snout. He huffed in response lowering one of his heads for a pat.
"But your wounds-" Rin continued, "I don't think you should hunt until they are completely healed, and its already dark, what I lord Sesshomaru finds out-"
I looked at the young girl and grinned. Rin felt a rush of warmth as the cockiest smile laced the older female's face. There was truly something different about her she couldn't fathom. At times like these when she smiled, Rin would feel as though the woman should have been born with razor-sharp fangs.
I pushed my long braid over my shoulder, "Let Onee-san handle this." Th further we walked into the forest the more nervous Rin grew. I knew all she could think about was how Sesshomaru wouldn't approve of their little exercise. But right now I couldn't care less, the Daiyokai and Jaken couldn't be seen since morning. These two would just wander away without any explanation, expecting us to stay put like good little humans and I was far over it.
Having to wait around for them to return to do anything was getting on my nerves. The frustration seeped into my steps as I angrily strode forward. Ah-un at my heels. The overhead canopy grew thicker and Ah-un grunted. He seemed to have spotted something. I narrowed my eyes, scanning the pitch darkness of the forest before us, there was a faint twitch and I grinned, "Good boy" I whispered to the fire demon.
I pulled on his reins and the fire demon stopped, Rin peeked out from his saddle, "What's wrong?" I motioned her to stay quiet and slipped Mrutyunjai off the saddle. I gave her a departing wink and patted one of Ah-uns heads. In an unspoken command, one fire demon to another, Ah-un understood perfectly, leaping gracefully into the midnight sky. Taking Rin away at a comfortable distance from the hunt site. I leaned against my sword, warming my human body for what was to come. An undeniable thrill went down my spine as I wrapped my fingers around the familiar hilt. Usually her blade would have roared to life, quivering with bloodlust. But right now it felt dead in my hands. I adjusted my stance. No time to mope over that now. I locked my eyes on the beast, hiding perfectly with the stripped brown trees around the undergrowth. Mud flies buzzed around, and the beast's ear flick was the only sign I needed to charge. The boar noticed, obviously. At the first crunch of the dry leaves under my foot, the monstrous beast burst out of its hiding place. Plowing chunks of earth with its upturned tusks on its snout. The bellow sent birds flying from all directions.
My speed was drastically low, the human body alien to any kind of fighting, I had lost so much strength, I needed both my hands to hold up my own sword. But my mind hadn't forgotten the eons of harsh training. The demon instinct honned over the years and just the pure thrill of drawing blood took over completely. The boar charged at me, I steadied the blade in my hand and waited, just a little closer now. I dropped to my kneed, wringing the wicked blade with me, slicing through the beast's front legs. The animal's scream rang through the forest, the crimson blood splattering everywhere. The wound tipped it off its balance, slamming head first into the trunk of a wide mahogany.
Good. I thought It was a clean cut through its legs not powerful to dismantle the limb but enough to send its balance for a toss. The splatter of blood had already covered one side of my face. Out of habit, I stuck my tongue out and tasted it. The metallic taste of blood sent shivers down my spine. More.
I needed more.
It charged again, and dashed towards me, its wounded legs buckling, the upturned tusks narrowly missed my torso as I slashed the sword across its eyes. If I still had my ayakashi body I would have just let the beast crash into me, it would have been a blow I could take easily. But now I had to dodge even the lightest attack, one mistake and it would smash me up against the bark of a tree. Well, it just made it that much more thrilling.
The beast now half blind squirmed before me in a panic frenzy. I pulled mrutyunjai up, my arms shaking with excitement and exhaustion. And charged again. It continued to scream in agony as I sliced through it, evading the tusks and curved hoofs. My blows were clean yet ruthless, chopping off the beast's hind legs, ears, and chunks of its snout before allowing it to die. I growled giving the final blow, sinking the blade hilt-deep into its heart. The beast spluttered out more blood before finally falling silent.
I drew the sword from the corpse and Ah-un and Rin descended down. I kneeled down beside the beast pressing my palm against its snout. "king of beasts, slain in sport, slain in hunger, I bow down for your sacrifice."  I whispered out in the old tongue, a prayer my clan spoke after every kill.
Rin's pale face popped out of the saddle again, "is-is it d-dead?" she whispered, there was a queasy look to her face like she was going to be sick. I tried to stand up, but my knees gave away. The little hunt seemed to have taken a massive toll on my human body. I doubled over, the world before me spinning. Rin squealed, running towards me at once, I felt her thin arms around me as she spoke, "are you okay? You're hurt aren't you?!" She wailed out, "I knew this would happen I knew -"
I opened my mouth to reassure her but a familiar croak beat me to it. "THERE THEY ARE!" Jaken's strained voice called out, "M-master Jaken-" Rin started, but the toad demon was fuming. Fuming.
I had no strength left to retaliate. Fuck I was worn. There was no breath left in me and my whole body shook from exhaustion. I dropped to the ground, pushing back blood-slick hair from my face.
"UNGRATEFUL HUMANS BOTH OF YOU" he screamed at us, "Going off alone at night, into the forest, without any courtesy of even ASKING your Master Lord Sesshomaru! you have no right!" he continued, "No right to wander off on your own, NO RIGHT- not when Lord Sesshomaru has so generously taken your useless self under his wing-" his gaze pinned on Rin, still smoldering with anger. And I wasn't going to take that.
"We went on a hunt." I explained simply, reigning in the tide of anger rolling in.
He pointed a green finger at me, "I knew it was a bad idea to take you in." He snarled. "There wasn't any use for another dead weight troublemaker here-
"Load the beast on the saddle," I told him softly. There was a long period of silence that followed before Jaken went red with rage, "Only Lord Sesshomaru can command me. He boomed shaking with anger, "you filthy, low-life, undignified-
"Rin." My voice was pure venom. I had just about enough of these insults, "How about we have frog legs for dinner as well?" I  asked murderously, The intent to kill seeped into my tone. For a moment I completely forgot who I was and who the goblin in front of me was. I just wanted to kill again. Draw blood. I felt the trance take over me. I flicked out my tongue tasting the thick, boar blood caking my face. More. Cut its throat. A death-like whisper spoke in my head.
Skin it alive. Another whispered.
More. They sang in unison. More.
I felt myself raising Mrutyunjay again-
The cold voice snapped me back to reality. I blinked realizing what just had happened, the trance wore off as soon as it had appeared. The bloodthirsty voices faded out as if someone had flipped a switch. The thought that I would have struck Jaken down, right in front of Rin made me shudder.
Anger, daughter of the hills, if you don't leash your temper it'll run you over.
I looked up to see Sesshomaru toss the beast onto Ah-uns back. His amber eyes flashed towards me. Molten gold. My human blood quivered, making my teeth clatter. My mortality itself recoiled from pure daunt, as my survival instincts kicked in. I was standing in front of something so much more powerful than my human self. He called it back, tearing the cold unreadable eyes off my figure. I knew more than well what he was doing, a silent warning, using one's ayakashi aura to suppress the weaker species.
A reminder of who really the daiyokai here was. He turned away wordlessly, taking Jaken with him. His long silver hair faded into the canopy as Rin helped her on her feet.
"Lord Sesshomaru is just upset." She promised her weakly, "He won't let you go though, so you don't worry, I'll talk to him-" the child continued, giving me well-meaning yet rather empty words of reassurance.
It was clear he wanted me and Rin to return on our own with Ah-un. I pulled myself onto Ah-un's saddle weakly, before pulling Rin up as well.
Her heart and mind were still racing as they leaped into the night sky. The standoff with the daiyokai had sent her human body reeling with fear. But her ayakashi mind had felt it differently. The burn of his gaze, the way his aura had encased her threateningly, her ayakashi mind had felt it at its core. It had been just as powerful, yet not daunting. It was something else that has stunned her into silence, something else entirely. For her ayakashi mind, it was arousing.
I can't wait to make it a smut already, but we need more plot. T8T
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m0nost4tic · 6 months
i have this silly thing i like to do where i have playlists for characters i frequently write about. they contain a mixture of in-character songs they'd listen to, songs about their character/personality, and songs relating to their story as a whole
my personal favorite so far HAS to be hikari. there are so many songs that fit him???
full list below //
allies or enemies (the crane wives)
battle cry (the family crest)
battlefield (svrcina)
child of the stars (fish in a birdcage)
curses (the crane wives)
dog days are over (florence + the machines)
don't fall in love with me (tiger hawkins) - for everyone that interprets hikari as having a hard time letting himself be loved
don't save me (chxrlotte) - i'm a bit iffy on this one, but i'll go ahead and list it
fish in a birdcage (...fish in a birdcage)
for the dancing and the dreaming (erutan's cover specifically)
it's ok i wouldn't remember me either (crywank)
just a man (jorge rivera-herrans)
karma (ajr)
lost (fin)
love like you (steven universe)
my love is sick (madds buckley) - i normally see this as more gauged toward hikari/ritsu and the one-sided pain that comes with it
never love an anchor (the crane wives) - another about hikari giving himself a hard time when it comes to love
night watch (naethan apollo)
prophet of pain (ethan jewell) - technically, this is more poetry than a song, but i think it fits regardless
roots (fish in a birdcage)
second child, restless child (the oh hellos)
suffering (amélie farren)
sometimes (nick lutsko)
the family jewels (marina)
the moon will sing (the crane wives)
thus always to tyrants (the oh hellos)
tomorrow we fight (tommee profitt, svrcina)
tongues & teeth (the crane wives) - yet again for those who see hikari struggling with love due to perceiving himself as a danger
toxic thoughts (faith marie)
two birds (regina spektor) - more hikari & ritsu shenanigans
two face (jake daniels) - iffy on this too, but listing it for the time being
wander. wonder. (the arcadian wild)
your light (will morton, julie wemyss)
three of the few songs i feel fit him the best (in no particular order)
i believe the lyrics speak for themself;
"watch the stars at night; how they shake against the dark, like firelight."
"oh, i will fight for you. i will die for you. i will die for you."
"feel the years pass by as the weight of time, it shakes; as the earth, it turns and quakes."
"shed your fears, your tears, your pride, and then ramp into the night; ...and i will fight for you."
in my interpretation, the lyrics primarily focus on hikari's cursed bloodline and his relationship with mugen
"i can't break the cycle, am i just a fool?"
"pass it down from kid to kid, the chain will never end."
"ooh, don't you find it strange? only thing we share is one, last, name."
"did i beat you at your own game? typical of me to put us all to shame."
hikari pushes himself to be better, to be *good* enough, and struggles with his image of self-worth. but this song ends on a more positive note, and i like to imagine that it's him slowly improving
"if this isn't right, then does that mean i failed?"
"the ceiling gets higher and higher, it's harder and harder to shatter; and when i fall, i fall worse than i ever did before."
"evaluating the damage, no, i just don't understand it; conflicted by the very air i breathe, a love with hatred laced between."
"i've lived my whole life afraid, it's time for me to be brave; to embrace a forest that's so dark and unknown."
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