#anti multishipping
vyeoh · 25 days
ok how do I block tags on mobile because I'm lowkey sick of the 911 shipping war posts
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as8bakwthesage · 8 months
I will forever be super annoyed at the Loki show for pairing up Loki with a fem version of himself who treats him horribly while Mobius is LITERALLY RIGHT THERE
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minniiaa · 4 months
first of all, shout out to all the people sitting back and sipping their tea as they enjoy art and fanfics of their favorite character just being loved by their other favorite characters. legitimately no reason that enjoying one ship means you have to hate another.
it's become so common for people to say shit like 'you ship zosan, there's no way you can ship zolu!' (using one piece bc it's my main fandom but we can even use FF7 as an older example. ' you can't ship cloud and aerith because you ship cloud and tifa!!!!')
bitch why not? give a good reason that’s not just ‘its weird’ or ‘it’s wrong’ I’m waiting.
do you hate spaghetti when you eat it with alfredo sauce instead of marinara sauce? no, you still like the pasta. sure you might like alfredo better but it doesn't mean you don't still love marinara. both are good and enjoyable and you want to eat them.
just because your favorite fruit is apples doesn't mean you don't like oranges too. it's not that fucking deep people. these are fictional characters. people are allowed to like multiple pairings when they can see the beauty in both. just let people enjoy shit for fuck's sake.
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proshiiippp · 2 months
I love being multishipper and a proshipper at the same time like I ship everything with the same characters illegal or not and when people fight about ships I just ship them all
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kayessbeebeebeee · 1 year
Tumblr media
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imakatperson22 · 15 days
PSA to all you Tommy/Lou hating weirdos out there (and the anti buddies too):
If you don’t properly tag your garbage as anti so that my tag filters work as god intended, I will simply resort to blocking your entire account. So now instead of not seeing just your bad takes, I will also not be seeing any good takes you may possibly have as well.
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toburnup · 1 year
I don’t understand why people care enough to negatively comment on work because they don’t like a character…
I don’t like some characters that my friends reblog and I just scroll past like a normal person, I’m not going to dictate or judge what people like and I can’t stand the way people say “oh I block people who like *insert character they dislike*” like it’s so petty and strange… I like all your work I think you’re a great writer do I ship all the same people as you? Nope but does it bother me? Not at all. There is no letting people have fun in this fandom I swear to god!
i find it very odd. it's especially easy to avoid on tumblr, so i don't understand people's reactions (also, sorry, i accidentally wrote a whole essay here)
i'm not sure if it's because so many people in the ST fandom are newer to fandom in general, or it's just how things are now (i'm afraid it's this one), but i find that a surprising amount of people see any interest in a character as like... symbolic of someone's personal morals and values. and this is especially rampant among steddie shippers which is unfortunate. i block a ton of people on twitter because they say "hellcheer dni" and then i see passive aggressive messages on discord about how i blocked them. is this because people make the media they consume their whole ID? or people trying to play activist? (i've said it before on here but my activism isn't an online activity for me, it's my work and it's my personal life, and i'm intentional about separating these. i don't share much about my life on here on purpose).
billy anti's are actually scary at times. i personally don't see the logic of harassing real people in the name of fictional characters (and this is a generalization, but most of the time it's white shippers pulling that shit which just feels performative at best). this isn't billy-related, but joseph quinn fans bullied a jquinn fan account (run by a woc) off of twitter because she wasn't retweeting social justice-related posts. lmao. people really see sj rt's as the be-all and end-all of Being a Good Person. like people have lives outside of fandom and they can't see that.
LONG STORY SHORT, i know that posting my hellcheer and metalsandwich fic is going to make some people hate me or whatever, but i'm really tired of feeling like i can only openly like and enjoy steddie in order to have value here. if people are going to stop reading what i write, or blacklist me or whatever, i'll make my peace with that. and let's be real, who's really the one losing out in that scenario? because it's not me.
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wildpeachfarm · 3 months
Writer here chiming in
And I sit here and really hope you're not one of these sorts of people cause you seem really cool
But the amount of disrespect multishippers get in this fandon is absurd. I love writing dnf, it's genuinely super enjoyable to me, but I also love writing dnn cause it's so fun to play around with dynamics and I swear some dnf shippers think I'm the scum of the earth for that
It really bothers me the treatment creatives as a whole get here. People are so picky about what they read because at one point there was so much to read
Especially nsfw authors and artists. There was a whole witch hunt taking place days before the most recent collapse and as a creative it was terrifying to see what main was doing to people who specifically cordoned themselves off
And holy shit the one author who like a week before who wrote a fic featuring a certain topic that was close to them and they were just getting harrased so hard
Oh yeah I didn't mean to discount any shit multishippers get, I just don't follow many multishipper writers/artists/etc. because its not something I often seek out. But everyone that i do see/follow thats a multishipper I make sure to support where I can and I'm definitely not one to turn a blind eye to people's harassment on the internet just because they prefer one ship over the other- I've been on the internet for too damn long to be doing that shit lol
I agree that any creatives in this fandom get shit no matter what because people feel entitled to art of any form and its disrespectful to everyone
And yes I was aware of the witchhunt and I knew many moots that were affected by it and its horrible that shit is even happening
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ranbling · 2 months
It's funny how there are so many people saying that you can multiship, like have you considered I just don't like the ship?
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wastelandroses · 9 months
Even though I’m a multishipper most of the time, I wouldn’t be fine if MiIeven was canon after the events of ST4, vol. 2 more specifically, and how the love triangle was handled overall. The sentence “I don’t care which one will be canon as long as all of them are happy” has been very common around circles that love both couples, MiIeven and Byler, but I can’t bring myself to agree.
I wouldn’t be fine if MiIeven was endgame after Will’s feelings were used as a prop to mend it. El should have herself told Mike how greatly she feels about him, or Will shouldn’t have to urge Mike to say “I love you” if the relationship was to be fixed. (However, I think they are doing this for a reason, but this is beside the point.)
Will is a gay boy in the 80’s, lives in a small conservative town that already hates his family. On top of that, he is terrified of coming out. Amongst everything else he has gone through, he does not need a storyline where his romantic love for his childhood best friend is neglected, turned into a plot device in favor of restoring a hetero relationship.
If they wanted to make Byler as an example of a tragic unrequited love, there are other ways to do it that doesn’t reek homophobia (and queerbait). The love triangle is not just a mindless fandom battle between who is better for Mike (or who he “actually loves”) like any other heterosexual love triangle in media. There is a difference between the two outcomes. One of them being filled with homophobic and disgusting writing choices that led to cause more unnecessary pain and trauma for a queer character and the other is a hopeful, refreshing ending along with another step forward in queer representation that the mainstream media lacks.
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totheecore · 19 days
i've had [redacted] for a day and a half but i'm already so over the whole thing if anything happened to him i'd probably feel slightly vindicated ngl
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fizzigigsimmer · 9 months
🌟Writer Appreciation🌟
When you get this show of our five of your favorite fics and five fics you like from other writers then send this to at least one other person.
To whoever sent these to me, thank you and I hope some goodness is finding its way to you today ❤️ So here we go all in one post.
My five favorites of my own fic:
1. The Wish Your Heart Makes: Alpha/Omega verse fic featuring teen omega Billy , pre-Hawkins traveling to the year 2002 and getting a glimpse of married life with Steve. I just love the domesticity of this verse and giving Billy the love and family he deserves.
2. To B, With Love: Alpha/Omega period romance where Steve is a society belle and Billy is a cowboy. I wanted to write a steamy western romance novel about cowboy!Billy and his fancy mail order bride, so I did. No regrets.
3. She lays me down, soft and sweet. Crack fic treated seriously. Steve gets turned into a girl and has the most dramatic bi-sexual awakening. I can't explain this fic, other than it started out as a joke and just grew into something wonderful. I love it.
4. Blinding baby, like city lights. BDSM-Au where everyone is either a dom or a sub. I have such a weakness for bratty sub Billy and the fandom definitely needs more of him.
5. All The Kings Men. BDSM-Au with some Alpha/Omega thrown in cause why not. An epic fantasy where Billy is a siren of royal blood, abandoned in the land of his enemies. Steve is a prince of that land. Billy's not about to let two armies and a centuries old war stand between him and his sub though. This fic is honestly just everything I love about fantasy cooked up in a pot but I love it.
And now for the best part!!!!! Five fics that I absolutely loved reading or am reading and thirsting for updates. Although honestly this list could be soooo much longer. But here we go in no particular order.
1. The Long Night by Nox_Wicked - I am FERAL for this story.
In September of 1986, a plane transporting several inmates from Hawkins Penitentiary crashes into the west Canadian Wilderness. It only lets one of them go.
2. The Mean Dom Steve Multiverse by @shieldofiron - I couldn't just pick one so sue me!
Mean Dom Steve short Drabbles and one shots. Enjoy your mean Dom!Steve!
3. what a wicked game you played (to make me feel this way) by @brawlites - Alpha/Alpha Harringrove and it's so goooood.
Billy knew Steve Harrington would ruin him. Steve knew Billy Hargrove was nothing but trouble. They never expected it to end up like this.
4. Only One Bed by @robthegoodfellow - this fic is so chef kiss. Gender fluid Billy. Polly relationship negotiations. One of the best oc's in existence. Chrissy!!!
After high school, Eddie works at the Hideout. And then moves into the ratty apartment above the bar. And then Billy moves in with him. And then they start hooking up. And then they scheme to set each other up with the person they think the other really wants.
5. definitely better than being dead by @dragonflylady77 - what I said about loving giving Billy family and all the good things he deserves? This fic just hit the spot for me this summer. Such a tender piece.
When Billy comes to, everything hurts. He keeps his eyes closed, even though the space around him feels dark, and slowly takes a tally of where it hurts: hands, sides, chest, back, feet too… He listens to the noises in the room and the regular beeping of a machine close by tells him he’s in a hospital.
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lenorahills · 1 year
do you even like any st ship that isn’t mileven????
No! 🤗❤️
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Extreeeemely niche mdzs fix it au where once again ning yingying finds wwx in the burial mounds but this time instead of taking matters into her own hands she decides to take him back to bingge .. to get a core back into him via se-
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watermelonsloth · 10 months
After some deliberation, I’ve come to the conclusion that the only people actually happy with the canon ships are multishippers. The canon shippers(SS, NH) are fighting each other and everyone else about how their ship is best. The shippers shipping one of the popular ships(SNS, NS) are angry that their ship isn’t canon and the hostility from the canon shippers are fueling their never ending rants and think pieces about it. Crackshippers either weren’t participating in the ship war to begin with, are upset that if Kishimoto was gonna settle for crackships(ChouKaru) then he should’ve given us better ones, or they only became crackshippers in response to the endgame ships or the fandom.
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queerofthedagger · 1 year
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