#anyways YES they chose each other over the world and that is a FACT
blee-bleep · 11 months
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"when you called me normal... that made me so happy."
"because you're the girl that saved me that day. the worst girl in the world."
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tojisangrylittlething · 10 months
12:15 AM - Megumi Fushiguro
summary: two teens who are in stupid love with each other.
wc: 1.2k words
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you were laying in your dorm, just staring at the ceiling. glancing toward the clock on your nightstand, the time read 12:15 AM. sighing, you turned your gaze back to the ceiling. resuming your count of every divet and memorizing each cobweb. the only noise you could hear was your fan that was oscillating in the room. closing your eyes, you tried to fall asleep once more.
a few minutes go by and all of a sudden, you hear your phone buzzing. leaning over to grab it off your nightstand, you squint at the bright light, trying to read the caller ID.
megumi is calling...
answer or decline
you debated on letting it ring, telling yourself that sleep is more important. you do have that quiz tomorrow that you studied your evening away for.
you continued to look at your phone, trying to make a decision. tapping the green button, you raise the phone up to your ear, answering with a groggy hello.
"did i wake you?" his voice rang deep as it came through the receiver.
you rolled onto your back, "no, you didn't. i couldn't sleep anyways."
you hear shuffling at the other end. "neither could i."
there was a pause.
"i miss you."
you giggled. "megumi, you just saw me at dinner." he huffs out air "and? am i not allowed to miss my girlfriend?"
you smiled at the way he said it. the term still sounding so different coming from his mouth. so matter-o-fact. you two haven't been dating long, only a few months. the pining started way before that though. you both agreed to take it at your own pace, deciding to tell the others at a later date. until you were both ready to share the other with the world, as a couple. it's been so tranquil, just you and him basking in each other's energy. nobody putting their nose in your business. slowly knowing every detail about the other, becoming one.
"you are, i just wasn't expecting you to be this dramatic about it. maybe gojo rubbed off on you more than you thought" you teased him.
he could hear that smirk in your voice. hell, he can picture it in his mind right now. that smirk that seems to pull him in. a simple tilt of your head and he's captivated by whatever you will say or do next. how you hold yourself, the way you treat others, the way you treat him. he doesn't know what he did to ever deserve a shining light like you.
"don't ever insult me like that again."
you laughed at the sarcasm dripping from his voice. "i miss you too, honey."
he smiled big at that. you turn his heart into a roaring fire. filling his chest with an indescribable warmth. you are the only one able to turn his blank expression into a readable one. you make him feel things that he didn't think he would ever feel.
being a sorcerer, not every day is guaranteed. when you both discovered the crush you harbored for each other, it was different. how do you even approach that? you thought nobody would want to be with someone whose life seemed so...temporary. megumi was always certain he would die young simply because that's part of the job description. death was always an inevitable possibility. he believed that he would never experience true love or happiness or whatever it is they talk about in the media. yet here you were, in the flesh right before him. your smile so bright it was blinding, and the way your eyes looked at him with complete adoration? for the first time in megumi's life, he decided to be selfish with his own wants. he chose the security that you provided him. when he got one small taste of you, he wasn't letting you go.
"can i come over?"
this had become a habit. megumi coming to your dorm in the late hours of the night, only to sneak back at dawn. you worried what would happen if he was caught, but every time you said yes to him. you were addicted to his presence. he was so gentle with you and you felt safe with him. forgetting the everyday horrors of being a sorcerer just long enough while you lay in his arms. when it's you and him, the outside world ceases to exist.
"of course. it's unlocked for you."
"i'll see you soon." and with that, he hung up.
you smiled to yourself and put your phone back on the nightstand. just waiting on your lovely boyfriend to make his entrance.
it was just minutes later that you heard your door softly creak open, then shut with the click of the lock. you turn to see the dark silhouette of your boyfriend at the end of your bed. lifting your blankets back, you softly say come on. the bed dips with the weight of megumi climbing into it.
immediately your arms go for each other. needing skin to skin contact. your bodies entwine, with the type of physical touch only the other could provide.
one of megumi's hands was rubbing up and down your back while the other went for the back of your head. your arms were wrapped around his neck, playing with the wispy ends of his hair.
megumi lays feather-light kisses along the conjunction of your neck and shoulder. you let out a sigh, enjoying the feeling.
the more you become entranced by the rhythmic movement on your back, the more your mind wanders off. how long do we have? how much longer of this bliss until the cursed and the dead come knocking for us? you know deep in your soul that you would protect megumi no matter the cost. he had to be the one to make it. not you. the possibility of having to live this life without him...just that thought feels like a part of you died.
"losing you is not an option for me."
megumi pulls away from your neck, movements stilling completely. he is looking directly into your eyes, but with how dark the room is, you can't quite read the expression on his face.
"i can bear losing anyone else, but not you. it can, and will, never be you."
the hand that was on your back moves up to cup the side of your face, his thumb stroking over your cheekbone. megumi leans in and presses a small kiss to the tip of your nose.
"i'm not going anywhere. you are the reason i am still alive. every breath i take, i take for you. do you have any idea what i would do for you?'' megumi presses his forehead against yours. "for you, i'd steal the stars. you want the moon? i'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down for you. i never thought i'd fall so hard for you."
all you could see in this moment was megumi. the soft smile he wore and those gentle eyes that you could float around in. you could feel your eyes begin to sting with fresh tears. your chest felt tight, all the butterflies fluttering their way to the top. you snapped out of your haze and smiled at him. a big, beaming smile full of love.
such a foreign feeling, love. in a world where the odds were always stacked, something was looking out for the two teenagers hopelessly in love.
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goblinpuppy35 · 11 months
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A Slip of the Tongue
Prof Remus x Male Prof Reader
Warning: Fluff, minor flirting
Summary: You agreed to help your crush/college with his class demonstration when something unexpected is said
As the new herbology professor Y/N had never anticipated to become a helping hand in a DATDA class, it certainly wasn't part of the job description when he applied. However over the last three months he had become increasingly close to another new teacher, Professor Remus Lupin, and it was in fact this specific teacher who had roped him into the lesson.
If Remus's kind eyes and crooked yet warm smile weren't enough to persuade Y/N, the simple fact of how helpful Remus had been in aiding him in his own classes had certainly put him in a position of owning Remus a favour. Y/N had been very grateful each time Remus had helped him carry bags of soil into the green house or stay  up late to repot his plants while listening to Bowie on his old gramophone. Y/N particular enjoyed those evenings. Remus always seemed happy and keen to help despite seeming to be rather tired and fragile for at least half of every month. Y/N felt like there was something Remus wasn't telling him but didn't want to push Remus just yet, currently settling to giving Remus a flask of herbal tea made with his own mint leaves whenever he noticed Remus looking extremely deflated.
All these previous encounters had made it impossible to say no when Remus had strolled into the green house yesterday evening, resting his tall body on the door frame and asked if Y/N would assist with his next practical lesson. Y/N now found himself in the DATDAs class room leaning against a wall, arms folded over his sweater vest and tie, nodding and smiling at the few students who said hello to him.
"Morning all, yes Good Morning. Everyone come to the center of the room now" called out Remus. It took Y/N by surprise seeing the rather quiet man he knew command a room to such an effect. All his students stood eagerly in a group waiting for what Proffesor Lupin would say next.
"You have all made excellent progress in your studies, I am really impressed! Now, in today's lesson you are going to test your skills against an opponent" on this last word Professor Lupins eyes glided towards Y/N still leaning against the wall. As all the students turned to stare at Y/N, his own eyes widened, this caused Remus to let out a soft chuckle. Taking a few steps back Professor Lupin lifted a white cloth up to reveal a medium sized pot with an overgrown vine like shrub. "Professor Y/L/N, if you would please" Lupin outstretched a hand in Y/N's direction inviting him to come forth.
Y/N briskly approached where Remus was standing, his work boots scuffing across the wooden floor boards slightly. Once standing next to the older Professor Y/N become highly aware of their height difference. Remus looked down at Y/N from the corner of his eye and gave him a comforting smile.
"The elemental world can be an essential asset when coming to poisons and remedies" Remus said addressing the class, "however when battling agaisnt another these elements can be used to casue great harm, whether that is fire, earth, water, even plants". Catching on to what Remus was getting at Y/N took out his wand and focused on the vined plant. With a deep breath through his exhale Y/N began to wave his wand up and with wordless magic and vines began to grow thick and long. With each flick of his wand the plant grow bigger in the direction Y/N waves his wand, as if he was a puppeteer and the vines were being controlled by strings. Turning his head Y/N caught Lupin watching him intently with an impressed smile across his face. This makes Y/N blush and frown as his focuses on his casting.
Proffesor Y/N had come to terms which the fact he had a small (major) crush on the other Proffesor. But chose to keep this to himself for now, it simply didn't feel appropriate in their professional context and anyway he was certain the handsome older Proffesor only saw him as a platonic college.
Proffesor Lupin instructed the class to take turns attempting to defeat the living viens Y/N controlled with the spells they had been learning. Y/N did his best to both allow the students to get a few good shots in but keep them on their toes as well, swishing the veins through the air as if they were cloth. "A confident stances is key" Lupins voices made its way to Y/N, realising that the taller man had walked behind him. He could almost feel Lupins breath on the back of his neck which made the hairs on his neck stand up.
"Take note of Proffesor Y/L/N's posture, shoulder pulled back and arm stretched out" while Lupin talked aloud he raised his arm up to match Y/N's, swaying it as the same time as Y/N did, their hands nearly touching. "Effortless flicks of the wrist and yet a strong grasp at the base of the wand... a rock hard grip", despite saying those last words aloud Lupin had leaned down enough that his lips were agaisnt Y/Ns ear as he said so. Y/N's eyes widened but he kept his gaze straight ahead, pretending he hadnt just heard these sinfully sweet words. Why had Remus said that? Had he meant to, was it a mistake? Slip of the Tongue? Surely that dosent imply which I think it dose"
The rest of the class goes by, each student getting a turn to challenge Y/N's casting, as the students leaves they all thanks Y/N for such a fun lesson, and he takes each compliment with a joyful smile. In a matter of minutes the classroom is empty just leaving the two Proffesors alone. "Was truly exquisite to watch you" Remus said, leaning against his desk with his hands in his cardigan pockets. Y/N's nervous nature instinctively brushes his hair back out of his face while letting out a weak laugh, his mind still racing over the words Remus has uttered behind him. "well I'm just happy to have been able to help, if you need assistance in your next class please feel free to come find me" and with a brief smile Y/N chose to turn on his heel and start to walk out of the room, before he says or dose something he'll regret.
"Of course, yes ... well actually" Remus trailed off and then spoke up against just before Y/N exited through the door way, causing him to turn around. Lupin suddenly looked incredibly bashful and looked down at the floor with every other word, " we'll see Y/N I was actually hoping the next time I could see you would be tonight.. after dinner". "Oh I see, do you need some extra help grading papers or something" Y/N asked innocently. "No ... I, I just wanted to spend some time alone with you" at the end of the sentence Remus' eyes stared deep into Y/N's from across the room. A sense of longing and desire swirling in them, Y/N was completely taken aback for a moment. Could this really be happening.
He took a deep breath which transformed into a light chuckle, "Yes Remus, I would like that very much". Remus' thin lips press tightly together and a smile stretches across his face. Y/N mirrors the smile before he walked out of the room "I will be sure to give you a more in depth demonstration of my rock hard grip then" called out Y/N as he walked down the corridor,  as he does he could hear Remus let out a soft chuckle.
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sadiewayne · 6 months
fuck it, i'm talking about beast world
(i have not read issue #1 yet, this is mostly a rant about tom taylor and #6, so kind of spoilers for dick in beast world)
ok, so the cover for #6 was announced and...
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i'm pissed
so, firstly, this article on it made me want to cry
i am sick and tired of the "nightwing is a sex symbol" bc why do they keep forcing this narrative
also, this is a direct quote from tom taylor
Yes, you do get Nightwing turned into a fox because we’d be inhuman monsters not to do that. People want to see that.
do i like dick as a fox bc i like dick and i like foxes, so i am happy for that, but the fact it has been done purely for the sex symbol reason is annoying
tom taylor's run is something. there are good things about it (haley) but a lot of mis-writing of dick as a character and ignoring a lot of characterisation that has occurred aver the past 83 years. i like the limiting of his sexualisation - it is a lot less present in taylor's run than previous runs - but making dick a fox bc foxy get it bc foxy bc sexy is stupid and annoying
dick WOULD be a fox, but not because of that. he would be a fox because he is a trickster, he is manipulative (something tom taylor seems to forget half the time). this man can fool batman if he wants. this is a good enough reason for him to be a fox but no, it's because he is sexy
it also fits with the bats being canines (not damian but cat damian makes so much sense and it's close enough) with bruce and jason both being wolves. dick as a fox fits this perfectly. especially with him, bruce, and jason, the three characters that mirror each other. bruce and jason are both wolves because they are the same. they are so similar it's scary sometimes (my own opinion on them anyway. there are differences between them ofc but they are a lot more similar than they are different). dick is a fox because his is the same but different. a canine but he chose his own path, became a better version of batman. a master manipulator.
there was a perfect reasoning but it was thrown out because "let's continue the over-sexualisation of him" was the easy way out
do i think the better reasoning might end up being the actual reasoning in the comics, possibly. idk if they will dive into the reasoning tbh, i'm not holding out hope for it.
idk man, i think beast world is gonna be fun, but this just made me cry
i'm only happy bc the cover by sweeny boo is actually nice (it doesn't accentuate his ass so tysm for that bc now i don't feel bad when i use it in my nightwing widget)
also, i am not someone who hates tom taylor. ii think his writing is fine and i love superman: son of kal-el ok. he doesn't write dick badly, sometimes he just misses and that is ok. i still like the run and will still get it and read it bc i'm enjoying it ok
i just don't like the OVER-sexualisation of dick
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itsallyscorner · 2 years
࿔*:・゚Two in One | H.S
↝ pairing: Harry Styles x actress!reader
↝ summary: Harry finds Marvel interviews hard to do, luckily for him, you’re there to help.
↝ warnings: some cussing obvi. This was longer than expected whoops
↝ a/n: still struggling with trying to write so I decided to clash two of my favorite things in the world to help my creativity flow :) anyway I’m a whore for co-star fics oop🤪
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“Right, so you’re paired up with Harry the entire tour. You okay with that?” Tasha, your publicist, informed you. You and the rest of your team had just arrived at the hotel where all the interviews for today’s press junket would be held.
At the moment you were in LA promoting the latest installment of the Eternals series. The last couple of months have been surprisingly enjoyable for you and your career. While you were a talented and well known actress around the world, you were famously known for the character you play in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You’ve been part of the MCU family for a couple of years now;your first appearance being Captain America: Civil War and your latest one being in the Eternals sequel.
You were excited to be part of the Eternals crew, however, you still missed your Avengers family. Despite your character being around the longest in the cast, you were still the newbie amongst the actors. Everyone knew each other from the previous film so it was like a reunion for the lot of them. You were nervous to meet everyone, but the first table read you all had proved you had nothing to be anxious about. Immediately they made you feel welcome and it honestly felt like you knew them for ages. Though out of everyone, the one person who made you the most comfortable would have to be Harry.
He might’ve been shy at first but that didn’t hide the fact that he was an absolute sweetheart who was genuinely interested in getting to know you. He was intrigued by you—your personality, your journey as an actress—everything about you was just so interesting to him. While there was a hint of flirting and typical banter between you both, you guys were friends;close friends to be specific. Did you find him attractive? Yes, of course you did who wouldn’t? And yeah, there is definitely chemistry between the two of you, though you chose to not act on your feelings.
1. Harry was dating Olivia Wilde and you really didn’t need to be in the center of a cheating rumor
2. You weren’t too comfortable with the whole “dating co-stars while working on set” kind of thing.
Besides having a crush on him, you were okay admiring him from afar and supporting him as a friend. Even when filming wrapped up, you both remained in contact with each other, no matter what time zone or country you were both in.
Adjusting the black sunglasses that rested on the bridge of your nose you turn to Tasha, “Course I’m okay with that! More than happy actually, I’m more comfortable with him than everyone else here.” You admit to her as security guards guide you towards the elevators of the hotel.
Tasha peers at you from behind her coffee cup, “You two get along well.” She comments, though there was a hint of something behind her tone. Your brows slightly crease, turning to look at her, you find a cheeky smirk on her face.
You and your team, along with the security guards enter the elevator. One of the guards pressed a button and the elevators slide shut. You noticed your heart skipping a beat as the floors of the elevator increased. The higher you went the faster your heart seemed to beat out your chest. At first you thought it was nerves, but it wasn’t, it was the brunette haired boy waiting for you in a hotel room a few floors above you. However, you pushed down the feeling, not wanting to get caught up in your little crush for him throughout the entire press tour.
“Stop it.” You mumble towards Tasha, the smirk still evident on her features. While she was your publicist, the two of you managed to form a beautiful friendship over the past 6 to 8 years you’ve known each other. She was one of you best friends at this point.
The tall blonde shrugged, “I’m just saying, he’s newly single and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you making a few moves here and there.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her engagement ring flashing against the harsh elevator lights. The elevator dings and everyone slowly files out.
“That’s exactly why I shouldn’t say anything about my feelings. He’s freshly single, might I emphasize, I’m sure he’d want to explore the freedom of being single again.” You explain, linking your arms with Tasha’s. “Plus, it’s a crush, it’s not like I’m in love with him or something.”
Tasha rolled her eyes at your stubbornness.
“I understand Y/n. But there’s literally no denying that there’s something between you two. Whether you’d like to explore that or not is totally up to you, though as someone who’s quite familiar with the situation, I’d say you just go for it.” She advised while the two of you walked down the hall looking for the room with your and Harry’s name outside of it. You smile as you pass some interviewers already waiting outside the rooms, offering a little “hi” or “hello”.
When you spot Harry’s name on the door you stop in your tracks and turn to Tasha.
“Thank you Tash for the advice, really. But right now I just need to avoid thinking of that and just focus on the interviews. You know how overwhelmed I can get and the fact that he’s gonna be there the entire time doesn’t really help.” You reason with her. You appreciated her advice, although you seriously couldn’t be hyper focused on your crush on Harry. Maybe it was the fact that you were seeing him again for the first time that made you so giddy and lowkey obsessed with him. Whatever it was, you didn’t want to focus on it.
“Understood.” Tasha nodded. She peaked into the room where Harry and the camera crew was setting up. “Alright, you all good to go in? How’re you feeling?” She checked up on you.
“I’m good.” You confirmed. Tasha walked into the room, you trailing behind her. It was the typical setup: a backdrop with the film’s title plastered on it, a few chairs, and a camera crew. Tasha greeted Jeff, Harry’s manager, the two sharing a friendly hug. You greeted him as well before walking further into the room.
Already sat in the director’s chair with his name behind it was Harry. He was on his phone, mindlessly scrolling with his brows scrunched together, almost slouching in the chair. The increase in volume kn the room caught his attention, causing him to look up from his phone.
You eyes widen when his instantly connect with yours. His face brightens, eyebrows raising and a smile that squeezed into his cheeks.
“Hey you!” He excitedly greets you, hopping out of the chair with his arms wide open for you. Your own lips form into its own sweet smile as you find yourself being engulfed by Harry’s arms.
“Hello to you too!” You laugh into his shoulder, your arms wrapping around his waist. He leans back to look properly at you, though his arms remained around your figure.
“You’re late.” He teased you, a glint of playfulness in his green eyes. Your mouth gaped dramatically, leaning further away from him.
“Am not! I’m actually on time—“ you cut yourself off to look over your shoulder at Tasha. “Tash, we’re on time aren’t we?”
You feel Harry chuckle at your banter, eager to prove him wrong. The blonde smirks at you, “Thirty minutes ahead schedule.”
“Told you.” Harry rolls his eyes at you before bringing you back into his chest. Sure, you were friends, but when it came to showing affection, you and Harry were very touchy and “huggy” people.
“It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other, I’ve missed ya.” He looked down at you, eyeing your outfit for the day. “You look gorgeous by the way, love.”
A light blush forms on your cheeks, “Thank you, H. You don’t look too bad yourself.” You say, patting the lapels of his blazer. His outfit was fashionably casual yet comfy all at the same time. It made him look very soft and cuddly. Plus that stand of hair that curled against his forehead was very attractive—simple yet very effective.
He thanks you, leading you towards your chairs with his arm around you. He gives you a hand to hop onto the director’s chair before sitting in his own.
You lean you elbow on the arm rest and place your chin in your palm, “So, first interview for the movie, you nervous?”
He copies your stance, shifting closer to you, so the conversation was only between you both.
“Y’know what? Yes, actually I am.” He admits with a breath.
“Yeh, I mean it’s a bit different from other movies I’ve promoted. I’ve never been so self conscious about accidentally spoiling something.” He spoke, using his hands to emphasize his point. “Marvel’s bloody secretive, I feel like m’head’s bout to be chopped off or something if I let something slip.”
You let out the laugh at his comment, “I mean you’re not Tom Holland or Mark Ruffalo, so you’ll be fine.” You said, nudging his shoulder with yours.
Shaking his head he stares at you, “I don’t know how y’do it, I’m shitting m’pants right now.” The corner of his lip raises to cover up his nerves. He was joking for the most part, although Harry was genuinely worried about sharing too much about the movie or his character. The movie was a big deal to him since it was a different experience to the previous movies he’s been in. Marvel movies had more action to them and it was an honor to be part of the wide-ranging world of the MCU.
Harry was more than happy to be coupled up with you for the entire press tour. Besides the fact that’s he’s been having a budding crush on you, the two of you got along great and we’re very comfortable with each other’s presence. You bounced off each other effortlessly and there was a natural connection between you both—at least that’s what Harry believes.
“Oh, please! You’re going to be fine, Harry. I’m sure these interviews will feel like a breeze once you get through the first one.” You assure him, placing a hand on his arm. “Plus, I’m gonna be right next to you if you need help. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” You grin, the dimples in your cheeks going unnoticed by Harry. He had an urge to poke them, not in a menacing or teasing kind of way, but in a “oh you’re so cute, I adore you” type of way.
Harry hums into his palm gazing staring at you, “Guess you’ll be my good luck charm then, huh?”
“Sure, though I can’t guarantee how much luck I’ll be for you.” You snort, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I mean you’ve already got the charm, think we’re already halfway there, darling.” He shamelessly flirted. A boost of confidence shot through him when he saw you attempt to hide the smile behind your hand.
“Shut it.” You muttered, feeling a bit flustered at his comment. You’re so pathetically down bad for this man that a simple bloody pickup line was enough to have you blushing like a teenager, you thought to yourself. Gosh, you wanted to ram yourself into a wall headfirst.
Harry huffed, gently pulling your hand from your face, “Oi, don’t get all shy on me. I don’t need ya ignoring me the entire day.”
You placed your hand down to glare at him, “That was one time.”
“Y’still didn’t talk to me the entire day.” Harry rebutted, tilting his head at you. Happy that he could finally see your face again, he rested his head on your shoulder. The room was full of murmurs from different people. The film crew was double checking all the equipment and lighting before interviews began, while Tasha and Jeff were having a run down on today’s schedule.
Everything around you and Harry was loud and borderline chaotic. Yet the two of you sat in comfortable silence. Since you’ve arrived Harry’s nerves had calmed down. His palms weren’t moist and his heart wasn’t pounding as hard against his chest anymore.
“Y’know I actually did miss you.” Harry spoke, shifting to look up at you.
“I missed you too. I always see videos and pictures of you on tour, looks like so much fun.” You hum. Harry lifts his head off you, “Oh, y’keeping tabs on me now?” He smirked, earning him a swat on the chest to which he feigned hurt at.
“You wish.” You scoffed jokingly.
“You should come to one of the shows one day. I know a guy who can get me tickets.” He offered, the corners of his eyes crinkling at his own joke.
“Oh really?” You play along. Harry nodded seriously, “Yeh, he works for the guy who sings and all that. I heard he’s a right dick though.”
“Your friend’s not wrong.” You claim causing Harry to gasp at you in offense. The banter was cut short when Tasha and Jeff approached you two, signing that it was time for the interviews to start.
*clip 1 🎬*
“So Harry, how was it like to work with someone who’s been in the Marvel business for a while now?” Claire, an interviewer asked. “Did you ask her for any advice? Have you learned anything from her—what was that like?” Harry took a sip from his Starbucks cup and hummed.
Harry turned his head to look at Y/n with the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“She was horrible.” The camera panned to Y/n who’s mouth was in an “o” shape. Before she can speak, Harry placed a hand on her knee and began sputtering apologies through his laughter.
“He’s quite the comedian.” Y/n sarcastically remarks while Harry is pulling her into his side. Claire giggles at the two’s antics.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” Harry started. His arm remained around Y/n’s shoulders. “Y/n’s the opposite of horrible. She’s been such a help since day one and she’s been helping me today during these interviews. Uhm, I’m very appreciative of her actually—because she’s been patient with me and the ridiculous amount of questions I have. She’s been a kind of guide for me while we were filming this movie and I couldn’t have gotten through it without her.” He finished with a shy shrug.
“That was sweet.” Y/n cooed at Harry, who only blushed in response.
“Was it?”
“Yeah.” She nodded.
“Well I meant it.”
*clip 2 🎬*
“I know you guys can’t say much about the movie, but can one of you try to give the audience an idea of what goes down in this film?” Josh another interviewer asked.
Y/n hummed to herself in thought.
“Y’know I’ve been dreading that question.” Harry mentioned wiggling his pointer finger at the interviewer. Y/n snorted to herself and jokingly pushed Harry to lean back into his seat.
“I’ll take it.”
Harry looks up at the ceiling and said, “Oh, thank God.”
Josh laughed at Harry, “You’re not willing to risk spoiling it, huh?”
Harry shook his head, “Are y’kidding me? I’ve been on the edge of m’seat the entire time.”
“Have the people at Marvel given you the talk about spoiling the movies?” Josh asked.
“Yeh, they’re very strict about what we’re allowed to say and not say about the film.” Harry pointed behind him, “Actually a few minutes before we started, they had to pull me aside and remind me that I can’t say this or that about the film.”
An amused expression was on Y/n’s features, “Did they actually?”
Harry looked at her seriously, “Yeah! Wait—you didn’t get one?”
“Nope.” Y/n answered causing Harry to slump into his seat with his arms crossed. Josh and Y/n laughed at the man.
“Hey man, Y/n doesn’t need it, she’s a trained professional.” Josh said in the actress’s defense.
“Y/n, how has Harry been in the spoiling department? Has he let anything slip or almost slip?”
“He’s been doing well. Thankfully, he hasn’t let anything slip out yet, but that’s only cause he makes me answer all the hard questions.” Y/n replied, making quotation marks with her hands when she said the word hard.
Harry raised his hand like a child in primary school.
“I’d like to point out that I just helped us avoid answering the question about the movie by changing the subject.” He stated proudly earning himself a high five from his lovely co-star.
*clip 3 🎬*
“So Harry, we got to meet Eros towards the end of the first Eternals movie. What can the audience expect from him in this sequel?” Silence filled the room as Harry stared at the interviewer with a blank expression.
“Uh—hmm—what can we expect from Eros?” Harry mumbled to himself, looking everywhere but the interviewer.
“Mmm, uh, I-I don’t know.” He tried to answer with a sheepish grin on his lips. Harry fully turned his body to look at Y/n and leaned down to whisper in her ear.
“I need help.” He whispered, though the mic picked it up. Y/n began to whisper in his ear with her hands covering her mouth. Harry’s mouth gaped as if he were going to speak.
“Uh, we get to learn more about him as a character and what he means to the story of the film.” He recited almost childlike.
“What are some things will we learn about Eros in this film—that you can tell us, of course?” The interviewer continued to question, enjoying the interaction between Harry and Y/n.
Harry’s eyes widened as he sheepishly leaned back down to Y/n. She giggled to herself and began whispering in his ear again. Harry’s eyes furrowed before looking at Y/n in confusion.
“Am I allowed to say that?” He asked her.
“Yeah, they mentioned it at the end of the movie.” She explained.
“When?” His tone growing more confused and concerned that he wasn’t aware of the information about his character. Harry scratched his temple with the hand that rested behind Y/n’s chair and placed his hand back where it was.
“When Eros literally entered the scene.” Y/n clarified. Harry awkwardly smiled at the interviewer and sat back into his seat.
“If I get in trouble I’m blaming you.” Harry warned her.
Y/n rolled her eyes at him, “They all know Thanos and Eros are brothers, Harold.” She looks at the interviewer, “Right?”
The interview nodded in confirmation, “Yes ma’am.”
“Well alright then, anyway—.” Harry continued
*clip 4🎬*
“I think I’m not the only one who notices the lovely friendship between you two, you guys are adorable.” The next interviewer, Ana, pointed out.
Harry nudged Y/n cheekily, “Oh, stop it.”
“But you guys really are!” Ana exclaimed at the the two. Harry threw his arm around Y/n and pressed their cheeks together.
“We’re cute aren’t we?”
“We just can’t resist each other, we must be together all the time.” Y/n said, going along with Harry. She grasped his arms around her and squeezed it.
“At all costs. We’re practically attached at the hip.”
Ana laughed at the two actors, “I don’t doubt that.”
*clip 5🎬*
“How was it like working with each other? You guys seem like very great friends so I’m assuming all was well?” Another interviewer, Ben questioned the two.
Harry was seen stretching down in his seat to grab Y/n’s coffee, who was seconds earlier, struggling to pick up her coffee from the floor. He hands her the cup while she thanks him quietly.
“I guess I’ll start, Y/n’s been helping me answer questions all day.” Harry began. Y/n chuckled at him and continued to sip on her straw.
“We really do get on well, Y/n and I. I enjoyed working with everyone in the cast, but I honestly had the best time with her. Y’know, I don’t think I’ve ever admitted this, but I’m a huge fan of her and her work. It was a huge honor to work with someone who’s insanely talented. She puts so much passion in her work and working alongside her is something I’d like to do again. She’s the sweetest and most caring person I’ve ever met and she never fails to make me laugh, I truly adore her.” Harry admiringly answered, fiddling with the rings that wrapped around his long fingers.
“Harry.” Y/n cooed at him, her heart warming at his little speech. Her hand smoothed his back, lightly brushing past his brunette hair.
Harry sniffed and jokingly wiped an invisible tear from his eye, “Gosh, I’m sorry.” Causing Y/n and Ben to laugh.
“Y/n? How about you?”
Y/n smiled to herself, “I mean he’s amazing. Like he said, we got really close to each other on set and we’ve became the best of friends. It was a joy to work beside him, he brought so much energy to set and was an all around sweetheart. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love him, he’s someone you want to always be around and have in your life. It made me really happy and proud to see him on the big screen because he’s so talented and I wish to see him in more films in the future.” She answered beaming at Harry with a glint in her eyes.
Harry rested his chin in his palm and stared at Y/n with the same look in his eyes, “We should just become a two in one deal and film all our movies with each other.”
“That’s not a bad idea, Styles.” Y/n acknowledged.
“It’s a good idea innit?” Harry looks behind the camera and waves his hand, “Get on that, Jeffery!”
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dyemelikeasunset · 1 year
Hope this is not too silly of a question, but I've been binging Disney Park videos the past handful of days (yes, I am embarrassingly a lifelong Disney Park fan, while also being deeply critical of the company) and I dunno, it got me thinking about what a Disney Date in the Park look like for Dom and Mor. 😅
I feel like Morgan would be a fan of the parks and be really excited about going and geeking out over everything (Morgan absolutely is Disney Princess vibes in my mind) and maybe getting a little overstimulated, while I picture Dom being utterly confused, taking certain things too seriously, but discovering something she genuinely loves and getting consumed in it. And ending the night watching the fireworks show, holding hands, and snuggling up next to each other and being adorably sapphic.
in fact it was so cute you got me rambling, so under a read more it goes lmao. I basically wrote a blurb (it gets a little emotional at points cause that's who i am)
So Mor does like a couple of the Disney princesses (she really likes the background art of Sleeping Beauty and likes the movie if you watch it with the lens that "Aurora isn't the main character and neither is the prince, the three fairies are!! It's actually a heroes' journey about the three of them and that's so interesting yknow? What other movie stars three old ladies fighting a dragon???" but Aurora isn't necessarily her fav princess "I mean she just sleeps. the memes about her are funny though." Not technically a princess, but she loves Lilo a lot)
But no, she doesn't go to the parks often because of overstimulation. It's actually Dom's idea cause "Ah couples go to disneyland. That means we should go too? I should ask Morgan if she wants to go." And Mor is surprised, "I haven't been since I was 12? do you want to go???" and promptly discovers Domi has never been to a single Disney park ever in her life, so Morgan makes it her business to give Dom an enriching experience
They spend the next few months doing research between work and life-- on the best places to stay and how to optimize costs-- and it's really business-like and practical. Halfway through the process Domi's like "Is. Is this romantic? We're being so dry" but Mor insists "No it's important to be prepared!! For everything!!"
Anyway, cut to them finally going, it's probably exciting but also a little nerve-wracking. They chose the LA park. Mor did her hair up in buns to match Mickey cause teehee, cute. Dom wears a facemask cause she doesn't want to get recognized. Dom probably wants to take a lot of pictures bc. lol. couples do that?? right??? also Morgan is beautiful and she wants to remember it.
"We should do the hand holding trend"
"N-no Domi I'm too embarrassed"
They do the hand holding trend. Mor makes it her pfp later.
Mor is constantly trying to sneak in couple selfies and it becomes a personal game to catch Dom looking candid in cute situations (spoiler, Dom's candid is still like a model. High fashion girlfriend + Donald Duck. Mor can't stop laughing)
They start having fun. They're both grumpy at the price of park food and agree not to do many of the rides because "that's an unreasonable amount of people." They try small world and are a little uncomfortable at the dolls, but being together in a little boat on the water is nice-- they end up staring at each other more than the ride and decide to check in. Dom has to lean in close so Mor can hear her over her sound-supressing earbuds. Morgan takes the chance to kiss her and Dom completely forgets what she was saying
After lunch, Mor surprises Dom with Mickey Ears because she HAS to see it. It's as adorable and hilarious as she thought it would be, and when Domi laughs, Mor finds herself thinking about how lonely Dom was as a kid and wonders if she's helping her heal her inner child, bc Dom has helped Mor heal hers. Dom wears it for the rest of the trip and every time she smiles at her, Morgan wants to laugh and cry at the same time.
They surrender and buy $5 churros to eat as they ride the ferry and realize halfway through they keep getting on the boats. Mor is shy but eventually caves and takes a picture with Tiana.
They visit the Disney Gallery to learn about some of the history. Mor already knows a lot of it and ends up filling in some of the gaps to Domi. The awkwardness has completely melted away at this point and Domi is trying to find an artbook or poster she thinks Mor would like. She sees Mor looking at mugs and wonders if she's happy, wonders if she's stopped thinking about all her exes, wonders how anyone could hurt someone has kind as Morgan.
They decide to find a spot for the parade early and talk as the sun sets. The parade starts and Dom holds Mor close so the crowd doesn't make her anxious. She finds herself watching Morgan more than the parade.
As the fireworks start, Dom tells her about a memory of when she was 19. She was staying in Tokyo for a job and watched fireworks alone in her hotel room and wondered if she had made the right career choice. Mor watches the lights dance on Dom's profile and can barely get a whisper out, so she squeezes her hand instead. Dom smiles at her so warmly that Morgan almost feels whiplash
Mor lays her head on Domi's shoulder in the hotel bed and can't get the story out of her mind. Dom's soft breathing doesn't lull her to sleep like it usually does. They were too tired to make love but she desperately wants Dom to know how much she means to her. She settles for crying into her neck quietly and it's a strange mix of exhaustion and sadness and relief and joy. Morgan makes a silent promise to never let Dom be alone again
When they're packing for home in the morning, Dom wonders out loud if they'll come again. Mor asks if Dom had fun, and she smiles so wide that it washes away all the lingering melancholy. Mor promises she'll take Dom whereever she wants to go, whenever she wants to
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3nyasu3 · 2 years
Guys i just realized that Team Rocket's latest arguably astrocious Journey outfits might be supposed to visualize their character development.
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It's just a little thing, but I think it plays into a bigger theme. Let me explain.
Okay the outfit thing - think about it. They usually are so so vain when it comes to their outfits. Especially when they're on stage or on air. And it works obviously, their outfits are famous in the pokémon fandom for a reason. (Also for the crossdressing, but still.)
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They also usually talk a lot about how pretty their outfits are or we see them adjusting their outfits or they shove themselves in the center of the stage/ of the camera bc look how beautiful we are.
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And for the entirety of these league finals we have not seen them do any of that.
And let me remind you, they are on camera. Fans all over the world can see them. But for the first time in the run of the anime they don't seem to care. They seem as if they chose these outfits just because they liked them, because they seemed fun. They are relaxed, just doing their usual banter in front of the camera, they aren't performing.
So, where does this development come from?
I think mainly from their radio show. Ignoring the fact that they did that as a throw-back to the actual Team Rocket radio show back in the days then - isn't it actually surprising that they chose this kind of career, and are content with it?
Think about Jessie, always dreaming about becoming famous due to her looks, being on stage, on camera, an actress, a model. And also the other two. Their dreams usually include: Lots of money. Their names being famous. Being those glamorous, untouchable stars.
And the radioshow actually doesn't give them any of that. They're famous, but people only know their aliases. They are beloved, but "only" for being stupid, funny and themselves.
And they are happy with it. And that's where I think their change happened. Now they are more comfortable with themselves. And when they finally had their face reveal it suddenly didn't matter to them to show their fans how beautiful and well-dressed they are. That's not what their fans adore about them, anyway.
So long talk short, a little Team Rocket change happened. They suddenly seem less vain. Wow. So what?
It's just... those changes are piling up, aren't they?
Last series they settled down for the first time, were shown to be a real family. This series we have this theme of them doing really little work for Team Rocket, being busy with part-time jobs, doing good-guy stuff, and a certain radio show. And with this radio show - we actually see them be really successful for once? Achieving a dream? And while the episode with them nearly quitting Team Rocket arguably turned out not that great I think it was mostly supposed to show that they A) are not content with their Team Rocket Life Style anymore and B) love each other a lot and want to stay together. And about that league finale, their outfits aren't the only thing that's new.
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Them cheering for the twerps is nothing new at all. They've done it again and again. But, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is the first time they do it loudly, throughout the whole battle, without any shame. For Iris and especially for Ash. Not pretending not to care even once! That's new. That's precious. And I want more changes like these. I'm eating them up.
Team Rocket's been pretty much unchanging for so many seasons, and for the first time I have the feeling that the makers are picking up the pace and going somewhere with them, and yes. Give me more of this super slow Team Rocket (redemption?) retirement arc please, i love it.
Please add your thoughts. Am I over-interpreting? Probably, haha
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Why does Courtney remain on Alejandro’s side in WT, even after her elimination?
Bridgette and Leshawna, the other two who appear as puppets in ‘This Is How We Will End It’ resent Alejandro after the cause of their eliminations. So does everyone else.
Except for Courtney, who even after KNOWING of Alejandro’s schemes, and that he used her, STILL, at her own free will, sides with him.
Now yes Lindsay sides with him too, but 1) She would likely want to be on the non-Heather side anyway 2) She was one of the few people Alejandro has not caused the elimination of, so she doesn’t hold beef against him.
So why does Courtney stay?
It has to do with her desperate need of control.
Courtney has always controlled people of tried to, to benefit herself. In that sense she relates to Alejandro and sees him as just and the good guy. Especially compared to Heather.
In Courtney’s mind, this behavior is right, and she is NEVER to blame for the bad stuff that happens to her.
But ironically it’s this behavior that she pushes away opportunities for relationships.
She even says so in an Action confessional, telling a story about how a classmate walked out on her and yet she won anyway:
“You want something done, you do it yourself.”
The only characters she ever considers friends throughout the WHOLE SHOW are Duncan and Gwen. Even then, even though she cared about them, (emphasis on the past tense in this sentence) she chose the win over them and used them.
When she dated Duncan, her goal was to change him into a male counterpart of her, and she considered the effort to be ‘love.’
I said it before, I do believe she genuinely loved Duncan in her mind, but that doesn’t excuse her actions, it just explains it.
Then even before the love triangle even happened, Courtney’s only concern of Gwen is whether or not she’d be risky competition to take to the finals. She even asks, “How do you think they’ll make us turn on each other?” Or something on the lines of that.
As though that is her only concern.
In that same episode where she asks this, she reveals her plans to change Duncan still, revealing she has learned nothing.
When writing a negative character arc, the character often doesn’t learn a lesson that makes them better.
In fact Courtney and Gwen’s friendship is solely circumstantial. They’re the only non-simps, non-crazy, non-Heather people on their team. So they have to work together and get along. Then in All Stars their friendships is basically: “We share the same awful ex boyfriend. Ha ha.”
But of course, in Courtney’s POV, she becomes the one who was always in the right.
Duncan and Gwen both betray her, PERSONALLY. Of course she’d be out for blood.
The only people she ever became friends with go behind her back and disregard her feelings.
This is another Britney Reed. It’s further proof that Courtney is far better off alone.
Only when she’s in control and the ONLY one in control, will there be peace in the world.
And in the end of her run on the show, it’s the only thing she cares about.
So why let Alejandro use her?
Well… she doesn’t.
If you really look into it, Courtney only helps Alejandro at her OWN WILL.
Unlike Bridgette and Leshawna, who only needed seduction, Courtney was already trying to kill Gwen and sabotage her team BEFORE Alejandro even tried to convince her.
In Episode 16, he tries to convince her only for HER to say she’s trying to do things herself.
She doesn’t need Alejandro to screw her over.
And actually, Alejandro does NOT even plan to ditch Courtney in episode 20. They vote Blaineley. It’s only proof in Courtney’s mind that Alejandro is not only her only ally who will listen to her, but also the definitive example of what a winner looks like.
So even after she loses, she thrusts the conversation of eliminated characters helping the finalists, so she can take matters into her own hands on how the game plays out.
This is HER being the one in control of the victor she deems best suited.
Looking into her character arc more, you learn more the more you think about it.
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movementsofmylife · 2 years
bad buddy ep 11 (rewatch)
how many times does pran pull out his entire (extremely intense) set of markers and not use them:
total so far: //// /
this episode just leaves me in tatters, in a very different way to ep 10.
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this episode is so fucking sad. like, in the really accurate way sadness like this shows up. where of course they go fishing, flirt, hang out, smile, laugh, but the baseline emotion for this episode is this sadness. it's this kind of exhaustion and the knowledge that somethings hanging over their heads.
its the kind of sadness that somethings over and choosing not to look at it can push it away for a bit, but the ending still permeates the episode.
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there's so much sky in this episode. they're really shown to be together in spaces that overtake them. but also together in the world in public, outside and not hidden, always looking at each other.
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there are so many shots in this ep where you can see they're both struggling and tired. and still they choose each other.
also the parallel that pat asks pran to not talk about something, where the last time at the village pran asked pat. ugh this show.
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i really love the domesticity
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and pran never chilling with the manipulate malewife vibes
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also the way pat looks at pran in this ep.
and patpran in the foreground with tong and yod in the back. like a sign of: people can stick to what they believe in and still get old and live good lives, even if its tiring. this show doing the queer it gets better shit but in one shot and perfectly.
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the emotional turmoil is never about their relationship for pran they're a certainty. through the whole episode it's clear that they're grappling with their parents and the fallout and not with each other and i deeply appreciate that.
the space to have complicated difficult emotions without it becoming a problem in your relationship, that's some rare shit (in a bl but also in life lol).
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his stare omg
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this fucking line and the confidence of its delivery. pran has never doubted pat this whole time and it fucking shows. god.
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this top tier pran face. truly 11/10, incredible.
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i love this speech. it fully makes me cry every time.
also, relationships are hard. and the things you like about someone can change, they can become annoying to you, or they can disappear. the fact that the thing they both chose about each other are, being nosy enough to be helpful and being a lot in every way, they're saying that they know that the other person isn't perfect and nor is their relationship. but they chose them anyway, because of it and not despite it.
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just yeah, they deserve so much of this and more. i'm so glad they get it.
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and the other conversation that also leaves me in tears (this ep is just tears for me).
it's pat coming back to pran's 'as long i have you' and responding in kind. letting him know that pran's enough for him too, and they can hide and live how they need to because he's realized that.
it is heartbreaking that this is what they have in the end. it's the ending that pran had already realized and accepted, finally being acknowledged by pat. because they might not be breaking up but they are. they're losing the relationship they could have had, an easy comfortable one supported by everyone they know, and instead have to carve out a tiny space to survive. and they do it because they know that this space is precious to them, but it's still fucking sad that they had to. (and again, this show is so queer, because these are the relationships and decisions that so many queer people have to make every fucking day and bb conveyed it so well and with such nuance)
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and then this song, which i love. and this lovely incredible inkpa moment.
but also the fact that kornwai show up in this montage and then didn't get together. like p'aof knew what the fuck he was doing. and yes, unlike the other two couple they're leaning away from each other, but fuck you can't just drop them into a love song montage and not have it imply things. it implies things!!!
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ok so i'm sure no one was thinking about this but this scene reminds of this fucking k3g scene where the father comes and blesses the couple and my mind can't let it go. because it feels like with the line "the world didn't change me either" tong gave his blessing for patpran to live the life they wanted to lead. and idk i'm always emotional about k3g connections.
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and this final shot, to really just dig in the knife in my heart. the closing with the knowledge that this will be the last time in a long while that pran gets to sing out his love for pat, and that part of them choosing each other is sacrificing other parts of their dreams.
i'm just fully not ok about this ep and likely never will be. i'm sure that is clear from the ramblings above.
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the-littlewonders · 1 year
i’m at ep 32 and i feel quite frustrated for TTJ. this is probably going to be my most incoherent rant but here it is anyway:
- throughout his life up till meeting li susu as ye xiwu he has been labeled as essentially an abomination
- right out of his mother’s womb, he is a “murderer”
- when was revived after taking his caregiver’s blood, he is a devil baby
- his caregivers just saw him as a promise they made to their late queen, a duty they had to carry out, to just keep him alive. at the opportunity for a better life they would kill him
- when he was sent to the other kingdom, he was a hostage prince
- he was never seen as an individual or his own person deserving basic respect
- when he emulated xiao lin’s behaviour, he was still scorned and called a dog, people have already made up their minds about him regardless of his actions
- he ended up riding the currents of life wherever it took him and excepted any form of hardship as the life just is
- then li susu as ye xiwu comes into his life and looks at him. really looks at him for who he is. took an interest in what he is eating, if he is warm enough, if he was happy
- ye xiwu didn’t just keep him alive, she made sure that he was living well. the charms that she taught him had no other purpose to TTJ other than to bring joy
- even in the phase when they took turns capturing each other when TTJ was escaping to the jing kingdom, she was selfless in her attempts to save TTJ
- of course as the viewer we knew she did that to prevent the devil god from coming to life before the devil bone was extracted but from TTJ’s perspective, his wife genuinely wanted him to lead a good life
- when he became emperor, he was on cloud nine. he was being Good and that clearly made his wife happy, so then he was happy
- fast forward to her betrayal to go over to xiao lin, it was a grim reminder of his life as a hostage prince that it did not matter what he did, he was second class and clearly nature trumps nurture
- jumping all the way to the bone extraction, his entire world crumbles because all of a sudden he learns his experiences were a product of forces completely outside of his mortal life
- it’s not even twisted account of events like being labeled as murderer just because his mother passed from giving birth. it’s literally being charged for crimes he did not do. to TTJ that devil god is a totally different person! it’s not him!
- he loses the love of his life like that and when he survives the 500 years, he’s given a new name
- new name new chance at life correct? no.
- again he’s been reminded time and again that the devil god is inevitable. he is inevitable and he only exists to become the devil god.
- who the hell is tan tai jin or chang jiu min? clearly no one seems to care except for the fact he is a stepping stone for the resurrection of the devil god.
- who cares if he suffered all those years, choosing to do good and not succumb to the evil voice in his head
- who cares if he chose love and life over destruction
- because no matter what he chose at the crossroads of his life, the love of his life no longer sees him for who he is right now but obsess over who he was expected to turn into
at this point if i were TTJ, if everyone claims i’m the devil god well fuck it might as well turn into him. if 500 years of sacrifice can’t convince you then might as well turn into the person you think i would be and maybe then you’ll really look at me again
i don’t really know where i wanted to go with this. just really frustrated on behalf of TTJ
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
Kinn Chooses Porsche
I think we all just skirted by the fact that Kinn chose Porsche over his family way too fast for my liking. Kinn, the loyal son who stepped into the role of mafia heir even though he never wanted the job in the first place, willingly chose to leave behind his rich and pampered life for a bartender. (Not that there's anything wrong with bartending but Porsche and Kinn are from completely different worlds due to socioeconomic status/class). Yes, we all love Tankhun and Kim but Kinn didn't even think about either one of them when he decided he was going to run away and be Porsche's house husband. That's also something I don't think anyone is talking about. After choosing to shoulder the burden for this long, he deserves a break. I stand by that! But anyway ...
Kinn is accustomed to a very particular lifestyle, which includes people waiting on him hand and foot and doing literally everything for him when he demands it. Plus, he has 24/7 bodyguards at his beck and call willing to die for him at any moment's notice. And yet, he gave all of that up for Porsche. Kinn gave up all of the protections and comforts of his lavish life for Porsche. While Porsche is more realistic when it comes to the effects of that choice (which is a shocker because since when is Porsche the more logical one in this equation), Kinn is just flying high and letting his heart make the choice for him. He's not thinking about the real word effects of any of this. He just wants his Porsche.
To someone like Porsche who prefers a partner who dotes on him and shows him that he's needed, wanted, cherished, and loved, he hit the jackpot here. Regardless of what has happened in their past when trying to find their way to each other, Porsche never truly gave up on Kinn because Kinn is a flawed individual but he has always tried. Once he realized what Porsche needed from him, he quietly corrected things. He didn't fight it; he took it in stride because it meant holding onto the one person who loves him for his real self - not the mafia heir, but the Kinn who would have preferred to be a singer instead of dealing in death and destruction. Kinn is clearly a dreamer too, but he's only allowing himself to be this way because of Porsche. He's proven his love and devotion time and time again, and Kinn just needed to learn how to react to Porsche's devotion better and he has. He appears a lot more aware of Porsche's feelings these days, which tells us he's been doing the internal work for awhile now. Then again, Kinn has been in a relationship before but now he's in a clearly superior one and I'm certain he knows the difference.
Kinn is definitely more emotionally intelligent than people give him credit for.
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rottmnt-hc · 1 year
Unnamed Mini-Series
03 Casey: I'm a cop!?
Queen GOONGALA: I'm a cop!?
12 Casey Jones: Really a cop?
Junior Cadet: There's a universe where my mom is a cop!?
NeonLeon: Boooo!
Commander O'Neil: Leo!
03 Raphael: I mean Casey always wanted to be a cop...
14 Leonardo: Everyone please! He's okay and still a vigilante.
87 Michelangelo: Wow, no love for cops @NeonLeon?
NeonLeon: Haven't met a single good one...nor one that hasn't tried to arrest Raph on sight.
Magic_Mike: Burning down that prison was fun, not gonna lie.
Red King: Cops are either not doing anything or trying to arrest me...I could care less.
Queen GOONGALA: Raphael...
Red King: Jones
Commander O'Neil: Sunita said they rebuilt the prison last week, I'm seeing some family bonding happening soon. But for now finish the introductions!
14 April: I'm April O'Neil, but I guess I'll go as Fox here. I work on the Fox News Channel.
14 Leonardo: I'm Leonardo, I can probably go by Leo here.
Magic_Mike: Don't forget an interesting fact about yourself! 🧡
14 Leonardo: I like science fiction?
Magic_Mike: Hey! Our Leo loves science fiction!
12 Raphael: Ours too
03 Michaelangelo: I think that's a Leo trait.
14 Donatello: I'm Donatello, you can call me Dona and I once jumped out of a plane without a parachute.
NeonLeon: Hey Raph?
Red King:....Bet
Commander O'Neil: Nooooo
14 Michelangelo: I'm Michaelangelo, you can call me DJ cause that's my passion. An interesting fact about me is that I let Raph give me my Tattoo.
14 Raphael: I'm Raphael, and I like woodcrafting...I guess Raphie? That's what everyone calls me anyway.
87 April: I'm April, I guess I can be O'Neil. I guess what's interesting about me is the amount of trouble I can get myself into without trying.
87 Raphael: I'm keeping Raphael, and uh...I probably hate someone here
87 Raphael: Shut it gappy!
87 Donatello: I'll keep Donatello, and I built a Turtle Blimp
87 Leonardo: I will remain as Leonardo, and I chose Donatello as my lieutenant, he'll take over when I'm unavailable.
Bootyyyshaker9000: Why can't I have that!?
Commander O'Neil: Sentient entertainment robots
NeonLeon: Shock collars
Magic_Mike: Semi Lethal on dad...
Bootyyyshaker9000: BLASPHEMY!
87 Michelangelo: I'm keeping Michelangelo, and I like to party!
12 Donatello: Hi I am Donatello, I guess I'll be Donnie, and I'm trying to make a dimension machine.
87 Raphael: Hi Gappy
87 Donatello: Oh! I still have ours!
Magic_Mike: You all know each other!?
03 Michaelangelo: Well, the 87s know most of us. I'm Mikey and I'm going to teach you all about crime
03 Leonardo: Mikey... anyway I'm Leonardo but I can be Kapp'n and I'm going to be meditating now.
03 Donatello: I'm a Donatello, you can call me Don, and if I die the world ends.
Red King: Um...are you alright?
03 Donatello: Yes, I feel fine how are you?
Red King: I just got some ice cream so today is a good day!
03 Raphael: Alright that's enough, I'm Raphael and I definitely the better Raphael here!
03 Michaelangelo: I don't know Raph, @Red King might have you beat. nsnBananba
03 Donatello: And there they go...
03 April: I'm April O'Neil and I'm a scientist! I'll probably figure out a nickname later.
03 Casey Jones: I'm Casey Jones and I met Raph when I tried going on a killing spree
12 Raphael: Loser, who stops a Casey from murder?
12 Leonardo: I would...
12 Donatello: I'm Donatello but I'll take Donnie, I am probably two cups of coffee away from snapping.
12 Raphael: I'm Raphael, Ill be Raph, I have an alien girlfriend
12 Michelangelo: It's true! I'll be Mikey or Mike and I have a time traveling girlfriend!
12 Casey Jones: I'm Casey Jones, I can be crossbones, I plan on making a motorcycle soon.
12 Leonardo: sbhzjsvabah Call Leo Fearless, and he almost dated our sister! Zbsbzbban Shut Up Raph!
12 April: I'm April, I guess I can go by Red and I'm a... Kraang hybrid thing idk..
Magic_Mike: Please refrain from using the K word pls, ours were unfairly over powered and now haunt our dreams both literally and figuratively.
12 April: Wait what? Is it alright to ask for details? I'm kinda scared now...
Red King: Not now, it's only been four months and we are still in recovery. I am curious though, if I can control you...
Several people are typing...
A/N: Typing these are so much fun, I might actually make a fic...not really but it is fun. Having trouble typing Smith AU, but I got three other AUs working out.
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the weird Yuuniverse concept tuu(?)
So I'm debating whether or not to make it another great 7 Yuu or not, but basically,
Yuu if following the plot of NRC and stuff blah blah blah. They eventually however meet someone in the Mirror, Yuuya (the first Canon yuu). Yuuya seeks to guide Yuu and help them along their journey through twst. As stuff unfolds, Yuuya tells them the truth. They are in a time loop that will either end in Death or Failure, usually both. Yuuya tells them of the past Yuus, Yuuken, Yuuka and how they succumbed to their demises against the overblots and such.
Yuuya was one of the first Yuus, and they were one of the few that actually defeated malleus, sort of, they are one of the few yuus that can reset the loop. After each painful death Yuuya started losing it
They've saved everyone, they hurt everyone, they read every book and burned them, they fell in love, they destroyed. For every loop they brought peace there was one wrought with death. But even when they finally got the best possible ending, they lost. They don't remember how though, in fact whatever they went through was so horrible they begged the very first Yuu to exist to delete their memory of their death along with wiping everyones memory of them.
There in only one other Yuu that had the ability to manipulate timelines, Tuu. And they too fell into the murderous experimentation that is looping
They were the very first Yuu to ever exist. They have died to everything and had to constantly relive their deaths to perfect their times lines
They beat the blots when they were the most powerful- the beginning of the timeline, as they absorbed the excess blot/hatred off of them throughout their loops, leaving everyone with the more tame Blots of the canon.
This however made them into a monster of sorts, and stripped away everything from them. After all they came to TWST when they were a child, but they kept aging through each loop. It took away everything from them, their body as it was now made of ink, their life, their friends. Everything. They gave everyone a good ending, and get couldnt get one themselves.
And even in the end it was for nothing, because it looped again and chose another Yuu instead since there was nothing left of the original.
However not every Yuu can loop, only a select few, the main character Yuu being one of them
As Yuuya says they are rooting for them; saying they hope they free everyone, Tuu reminds them to reconsider
If you stop it then what? The students have lost years of their lives already. It doesn't bring back any of the Yuus that died for nothing, it just damns them into oblivion, breaking the loop now just created another one.
But our Yuu has power. Why not use that to bring back the others? To reign Supreme over twisted wonderland
Yuu doesn't get it, they say they are stopping the loop, they want to go home! Plus it's not like their friends will remember them anyways since they forgot all of the previous yuus, they made peace with that long ago!
"Home? Tell me Yuu, where is home?" Yuu panics as the realize all of their memories of the past seem blank, they cannot seem to even remember a blink of their childhood as it was blurry.
"I am telling you this now not because I care, but because you have done this before. We have had this conversation many times. Every time you say you can change the future it leads you right back here to us, isn't that right Yuuya?"
Yuuya frowns and nods
"Wait I've been looping this entire time without remembering and you never told me?!"
The original yuu let's out a hoarse laugh. "Yes. You see why I say instead to destroy the world entirely rather than keep up this damn horror story? You would rather let the Yuus here rot and wallow in misery than end their suffering"
"I don't like how angry you are. You're just saying that because you're upset about your ending! I'm trying to make my own!"
"Oh yuu, I already know how your ending goes" the original yuu seems to pause, and the ink that consumes their body pulls back as Yuu sees their own face reflected back at them.
"Yuu, you become me. I have had this conversation with you, with myself, hundreds of times now, no matter what we do, it always results in me. Don't you get it? Your memories are blank because you never had a life, a childhood. You've been stuck in this loop trying to save yourself over and over. They took everything from us. Our life, our home, our family, our body!" Tuu gestures the ink that consumes them. "I saved everyone! Turned them into their best selves, they turned us into this! Left us to rot! Look at us! Do you seriously want to continue living like this?"
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meirimerens · 2 years
hiii hello i wanna ask!! how do u perceive vlad jr and capella? what characterises them?? some headcannons maybe?? are they dry or wet
hiiiiii bestie ok i'm going to try to do my best bc i just worke up (yes at 1:30 in the afternoon bro i work into 4AM)
dry-wet spectrum:
vlad jr is wet to me like in a very Kinda Pathetic way. his wetness comes not from blood or tears, more from... like rainwater flowing down the well in his shack + general Swimming Tru It attitude.
capella is relatively dry in the same way the shore is. like a Dry outcrop in a vast sea of Wet. she appears a LIL wetter in PCHD design-wise but most PCDH designs are kinda wet to me regardless so you have to elaborate over the designs.
this ones dear to me and based I KNOW THIS on an image I've seen but for the love of god i can't find it anymore anyways when vlad got to hold his newborn sister when he was like 14 he cried (as opposed to maria who when she saw her newborn brother for the first time was like "ewwww")
he was a very good older brother for the first like 10-ish years of capella's life. loved to take her on supervised adventures and whatnot. loved to bring her out to the steppe and show her the odonghe and the herb brides and be like "those are our neighbors they're different from us but we must accept this difference because we're stronger together then" and stuff. i say "first 10-ish years" bc when his father started Really Hammering In that he wanted him to conform to the mold he had set or get the fuck out, Vlad Jr did in fact get the fuck out, and since then he's been distant
since he didn't Love his mother (but felt other things) and his relationship with his father is Strained To Say The Least, capella was like the one family member who he didn't feel like utter shit thinking/talking about/being with.
this is i think a brew of some p1 & p2 lore (or maybe not honestly girl I'm barely awake) but he 1) gets his ass drunk at the broken heart often [p2 lore] to cope with grief/a general Hollow left by the death of his mother and 2) met here rubin who's Also trying to cope with war trauma [p1] lore and The Rest Of It All. they bond over having massive daddy issues and not a fun kind. vlad jr "admires" (?) rubin for being way less of a massive coward as he feels like, and rubin just hangs out and absorbs through him the Needing To Be Like Father that he will never have to worry about anymore after Isidor's death bc Isidor chose the "other son" over him
capella looooves sweet things she loves little desserts and all. with the plague and the trains cutting them off from the rest of the world, she can't get like ingredience and it drives her a lil crazy but she keeps it together. eventually the trains work again and she can have her sweet treats. she's bad at baking/cooking but still tries bc she wants her sweet. vlad jr is not too horrible at baking/cooking sweets but if you asked him for a stew he'd unintentionally poison you, so he makes sweets sometimes and leaves them by capella's door without being noticed.
i think she'd play the piano i think she'd love to play the piano... i think her parents tried to teach vlad first but he was relatively uninterested, but it's different for her
i think she knows. about things and in general.
i don't mention the khan & capella p2 diurnal ending wedding hint a lot bc it's important to me to pretend I'm not seeing it as arranged marriages are like one of my most abhorred tropes ever, makes me want to kill somebody fr. But thinking about it a lil, within this marriage that they have as adults i think she very much knows he has no romantic love for her, and she has no romantic love for him, but they do care for each other a lot and they're fantastic wing(wo)men to each other to keep their freedoms on the sides. she goes out of her way to use her clairvoyance to find ways to let him leave on the wedding night unnoticed & tell him at what time he should be back so people don't think of anything, and he goes out of his way to cover for her when people ask questions about her, wonder about this and that, etc. in a way i think she likes the fun and excitement of it because it's not something anyone in her family experienced. even as the novelty of it wears of, they both keep doing that and entrenching themselves in the secret bc it makes them closer together, and it's how they keep their freedoms, their priceless freedoms. she lets her brother in on the secret & the arrangement because she knows he also does a lot of stuff on his own and has Many An Arrangment.
i don't have too much now bc i'm barely emerging but this is some of the lore;.. of the witnessing...
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
FYI: This is well over due to be posted but I’m finally doing it.
As I said a while ago I found a working link to this podcast interview (it had always been there it’s just some tumblr links stopped working). Anyway, I listened to it a few days after I posted that initial exclamation and said I would have notes to write.
Below is not an exhaustive list- I started pausing to take notes about 2/3 through, I’m sure there’s more but I think this is plenty for now.
(This has not been polished- thoughts are in random order.. hopefully it’s comprehensible. Apologies in advance for typos).
HE IS JUST SUCH AN AMAZING PERSON. And it’s not as though listening to this gave me that epiphany- I always believed that.
That he acknowledges his strengths and his flaws and is able to say, yes this is a weakness of mine but I know how to mould that into an advantage and make the most of it.
His beautiful, beautiful discussion of moving through and coming to terms with this feeling and joy he gets when he’d dance or be creating but didn’t think that’s what he was meant to feel and there was something wrong with him. And eventually learning to accept that it doesn’t matter that he’s a guy, he loves it and he has someone he gets to share that love with - so he never had to be alone in discovering and accepting that feeling. As a girl in a similar world to them I don’t have the same standing in feeling those societal pressures but I’ve been around other guys and just now hearing from Scott that every guy’s journey is different and it’s so important to have the supportive environment around you and so few guys have that and I’m so so happy for him that he did, because of his emotion and passion if he had been subject to bullying he may not have pursued it- coz that passion and emotion can be a double edged sword.
I relate to him, both of them so much, because I chose professional ballet I gave a up a lot early on. I moved away at 16- a similar distance to they did as well and I missed out on graduation and parties and all that normal stuff- I didn’t have a strong group of friends or, really any want to have a normal life tho so I didn’t feel like I was missing much- but you do end up just having a very different life to people your age which can make it very hard to acclimate, but like he said he always imagined he would leave home young and go after something bigger and better and I feel the same way as them. My grievances will come later in this post but I guess my issue with a lot of the discussion around them- specifically their working relationship and the kind of stuff they do that doesn’t seem normal to a lot of other people, I don’t mean this to sound braggy, but I just have a much closer connection and understanding to it that people that don’t do this sort of physically creative, athletic work-especially with others so it’s very unique and stuff that seems like it can’t be done unless there’s a particular type of ‘normal’ ‘consensual’ relationship just can’t be understood but for us who do it’s as normal as waking up pin the morning. It is just very hard to understand unless you do it. As I say that tho I hav never experienced anything like their dynamic, I’m confident in saying very few in the world have. They are just so unique and have something so special, combined with their longevity, I can put together what I know of this world and how dancers who have to work in intimate settings work together, and put that with them and the facts that’s it’s only them and only ever had been them which takes it to this level of completely consensual trust in each other for what ever they want to explore. I think for people to understand it if not from this world it requires a very open mind and view of the world and how humans interact in a bit of a different way. I don’t know, I’m not judging, anyone can and should be part of this discussion- not just around VM but what is really possible if we stop putting boundaries on love and what it means.
How he talks about his creative process, how he draws on real life emotions to transfer into his characters, whether is jealousy or sadness or anything. It’s not in a method way but it is letting himself access that honest emotion. That’s just so beautiful. I love talking about them from the pov of artistic process and sometimes I write about what I feel and know part of what their process is and merge it with my own coz it’s how I know to speak of it- so I do imagine and picture processes they may or may not do as part of their artistic exploration, but either way it really is just the most beautiful part of it that they got to share that journey together coz it’s just such a magical place to exist and that they had to that together and could communicate together in that world is just so magical, no matter the specific process.
A random quote that stuck out:
“We just wanted to share what we love to do with the world”.
The future plan:
How much they valued and had planned for those two years post PYC to improving themselves and easing themselves into the next phase of life. That opportunity for a redo coz he didn’t like the way he transitioned out of 2014.
How much they both love to work- whatever it is they have to be all in- whether that’s together or apart but cheering each other on from the sidelines.
Thoughts about the impact things people say about them has on them:
One of my fave things T has ever said, when asked what she wish she knew when she was younger was ‘it’s more important to be respected than liked’. And I would just like to add to that- it’s important who respects you.
People online really give themselves too much credit, and I give them to much credit for what affect they and their opinions have on TS life. I’ve whinged before about people having the audacity to say the things they do but even more now im realising, to think they had any major part in the direction, to think they caused or had influence to the eb and flow of their lives. I can’t, none of us can know for certain- and you really just have to be satisfied with what it is coz it’s other people lives you have absolute no control over.
But everything that happened between January 2018 and the end of 2019- as pertains to them and their partnership and their working relationship, it was all essentially planned. What tours they did was planned, TTYCT was planned- they were saying so even before the olys. 2 years of show skating was planned- “we’ve committed these two years to each other (work wise)”- (from a different interview), slowly easing out of other peoples shows (SOI, etc) was in all likelihood planned and while it wouldn’t have been a for sure until after the success of TTYCT, RTR was I’m sure for them what they hoped they would get to do and is how they wanted to finish.
Because of the way they are goal orientated and set goals and want to achieve them. And also for all they missed out on while they were athletes- their families being so important to them and missing so much, all their other interests and passions which they maintain was what they needed to remain whole people- things they couldn’t fully commit to while training but holding onto for the future to have new ways to challenge themselves.
The strength of their bond:
Something I don’t even want to discuss further after this because there are people out there who don’t get it and I know TS didn’t and don’t have time for those people- specifically if all they are gonna do is talk shit about TS, but even those who are 100% here for THEM and who they are- including myself, completely underestimate and just do not understand EVERYTHING these two went through and how all of that is going to bond them forever. It’s just the most insane, bullshit argument in the world to think that any of this can be undone and the fact that through all of that their very souls have been woven together for eternity. I talk about it both ways- factually and with the ethereal magic because it is both those things and they believe it is both those things. Being in a relationship anything near mirroring the one they have had would give a tiny glimpse into their dynamic but not having been and just accepting them and listening to them and hearing their empathy and passion is or at least should be enough to understand just how special these two are to each other and nothing will ever ever ever change that. Anyone who doesn’t believe that or can’t accept it are not worth the time of day in being part of this discussion. I convince myself of that constantly and yet somehow find myself bothered by it- but accepting it and ignoring it the way TS do is really the best way to proceed because like I said, it doesn’t matter to them. They know what they have, they have people in their lives they trust, and none of them is some rando online talking shit ( at least I would hope not). They are strong willed beyond belief. They had so many intelligent people in their lives to teach them that- they already had it themselves to even enter a world as toxic, cruel and corrupt as FS.
In talking about the people in his life most important to keeping his head straight and in a happy frame of mind: “I’m lucky I have Tessa” 😭😭😭😭 that goes along with what they did their whole careers that they just feel so lucky to have each other and they always remained a safe refuge for each other no matter what they were struggling with and outside influences.
Just how important she is to him. I know this is from 4 years ago but shit like that doesn’t change- not when it’s been for that long and as close as they have it. How much of a stabilising presence she is in his life. They often called each other their rocks and this thing about rocks is they are often heavy and don’t go anywhere easily, they stay where you left them even if it’s been a while.
The importance for them of managing their relationship. Not much else to say. It was important to them both in their sporting partnership and the longevity of their friendship- that in some ways it did resemble a marriage in the commitment they had made to each other and how much time they spent together. (Again, not new info) but they knew how to communicate and take care of each other.
(I’m gonna piss y’all if with the ‘clap emoji between every word thing but idc) “WE 👏DON’T 👏HAVE 👏 AN 👏 OFF 👏 ICE 👏 ROMANTIC 👏 RELATIONSHIP”. “IT 👏CANT 👏BE👏COMPARED 👏 TO 👏ANY 👏OTHER 👏 RELATIONSHIP”. SO STOP TRYING (im sorry I know this is from 4 years ago and most of the stuff about that doesn’t happen anymore- it’s new BS now but it still needs to be said and just fucking accepted and whoever is harassing them and talking shit about them just Fucking stop!!! If you don’t then ur an insane person). A reminder that they have said nearly these exact same things FOR YEARS. An interview in 2009 said the exact same thing- that it can’t be compared. Just coz it doesn’t make sense to you; you can’t understand it, doesn’t mean you have to make something up that makes it so you do understand. Just accept it and move on with empathy. I’m not great at math, I just don’t understand it, but I don’t go and make up a version of math that makes sense to me even tho it’s incorrect, no. I don’t need complicated math in my life so I just accept it and move on with what I do understand. There’s no way I could know what TS relationship truly is, but I at least try to listen to them and accept and understand what I can and love and appreciate them for that because they obviously put in so much care and appreciation themselves- that’s all I, anyone can do if you care about them.
I love to hear them talk about each other but I really loved how the interviewer made a point of wanting to talk to him separately, not not mention T but just have a discussion about him - inevitably T would come up because they are so intertwined to each other and he is an athlete who was in such a unique sport- one that he shared completely- exclusively with one person. I love it because it is both of them, not just one- them together that I love and admire but I also adore them separately and in this discussion it’s this one human who is in himself a whole, unique, beautiful person who shares his heart and passion and talent with another wonderful person and together they are able to make magic.
He is just a very special and inspiring human. That’s the main take away.
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
tkkrs having a superiority complex about JK's tattoos is mind blowing to me. The same people who make theories about eyes mics and tigers are throwing tantrums because people think the letters on his hand that are literally Jimin's initials might possibly be related to Jimin and aren't in denial about the observable fact that they stand out among the rest of arMy. The whole thing reeks of insecurity which isn't new but at this point being in denial about the letters is willful delusion you can clearly see that they're a different shade even if you don't agree on the meaning of the letters which if anyone agrees with the member theory technically do agree on but that's a different point. Anyways they're annoying but we have so much else to focus on didn't Jungkook look so cute in his vlog 🤗
It baffles me why they don't simply take the stance of "JK has never publicly explained the meaning behind his tattoos. The J COULD stand for Jungkook and the tiger COULD stand for Tae, we just don't know." That's reasonable. That's sane. If you want, in your fanfic, to have that be your narrative, have at it.
It's the full-throated declaration that it MUST be so in real life. That the J over the M could NEVER stand for Jimin; that the touch-up of those letters HAS to be photoshopped or else it's just FANSERVICE. That's... crazy in the raw.
I think the great struggle of our current time is that we now live in a post-fact world. Never in the history of humanity have common people had more knowledge accessible to them for free, and yet people will cheerfully deny facts in favor of what feels good. We see this play out with policies around climate change. With masks and vaccines during pandemics. With critical race theory in schools. And of course in fandom ships, too (though I've never seen anything as vicious as the cult in fandom space before and I've lived through Gundam, Stargate, and Supernatural).
We can and should fact-check liars and conspiracy theorists all day long, but I have little hope it will change many minds. So yes, the better way to spend our energy is to celebrate the things we know to be true: We know Jungkook touched up JM and we know he memorized the lyrics to With You and chose to put it in his blog. Those are happy things that could signify deep affection and support of Jimin.
To be completely honest with you, I am a huge fan of Jimin and Jungkook and I hope they are together romantically. But I think it best to be a Jikook agnostic. I think there's mountains of evidence that they were attracted to each other and likely acted on that attraction at some point. There's not a MOUNTAIN of evidence RIGHT NOW about much of anything, but I think if we are patient, more will come out over the next year or so. In either case, if I profess to you that Jikook are real, I'm stating an opinion as fact. So rather I will say I THINK Jikook are together, but let's take in all evidence and try to get as clear a picture as possible.
To put it another way: a month ago I had a 34% chance of survival. My cancer was found in the nick of time just as it was spreading and the surgery removed all of it. It was a one in 12,000 chance. My survival rate is now 98%. I cannot say to you that God or angels or fate is real. I can tell you that even though I am insignificant in the grant scheme of the universe, what happened to me was a little miracle, and I intend to be grateful and celebrate it. It's not "proof" of divine intervention--not at all. But whether it's dumb luck or meant to be, my little miracle brings me joy, so I will celebrate it.
I have no absolute proof that Jimin and Jungkook are currently dating each other. But when I see them touch or talk softly or stare at each other, it brings me joy. So I will hold onto that, because joy is hard to come by these days. And if we ever find out they were never together, I'll feel a pretty misled and very sad, but as long as they are doing okay and are happy, I will thank them for the music and keep supporting them. They don't owe me anything.
I think that's the biggest difference between supporters and the cult: a sense of entitlement. Only people who feel entitled throw tantrums.
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