#as i absolutely loved mags as a kid
quinn-pop · 11 months
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bonus: meta knight tries to eat
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ive been thinking magolor thoughts
24 notes · View notes
annymation · 4 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 16- This Wish
Chapter 15
We see the people of Rosas all gathered in front of the castle. They're looking up to the giant green bubble on top of the palace, trapping MANY wish bubbles.
Mumblings and questions such as "What's going on?" "Why was a gathering summoned this late?" "What's King Magnifico doing?" can be heard floating around.
We focus on a few adults talking among each other until suddenly... One of them points out that the other's chest is glowing green, and then their own chest starts glowing green too.
The same starts to happen with many younger and older adults, parents with their children, older brothers and grandparents all feel like something is being taken from them... And there is indeed.
Their wishes are being taken back. Every single citizens older than 18 watches in horror and confusion as their wish starts floating out of their chest.
The bubbles are a mixed in shades of blues and greens, but the majority of them are green. They begin to swiftly fly upwards, making twists and turns around the palace like a snake climbing a tree, going around and around until all of them reach the top.
And once reach their destination, we turn our focus to the king who's taking all of their wishes in the first place.
We hear his voice with the enthusiasm of a shows man, echoing through the whole kingdom as he uses his magic staff as a "microphone":
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As his voice echos, every glass window magically turns into a mirror, showcasing his face, surprising the already frightened citizens.
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(Yeah in the movie Mag could only do that with the star's magic but uuuuh I thought it was cool and it fits my Mag’s vibes, so here that's something he simply can do normally, trust me, him with Aster's powers is even worse.)
Magnifico and Amable both stand side by side looking down on the people bellow, their smiles are vicious. But Magnifico speaks like this is all just any normal gathering with his usual charismatic energy "Sooo good to see you! So good to be seen! And OOH BOY do we have some exciting announcements for you all tonight! Hahhaha"
Asha and her friends are all gathered together around Simon's now catatonic self, trying their hardest to wake him up, but nothing works, he's unreachable.
Asha turns to look at the monarchs a few feet away from them... She has her pencil and a piece of paper she got from one of the king's books inside her sleeve, they're both on the edge of the tower, if she can just draw something that mayb-
"But first! Please, give it up for your "fearless rebellion"! -oh you all are gonna love this heheehe" The king says that last sentence like he's sharing with the audience a very hilarious joke, while he turns his staff around to get Asha and all her friends, plus Valentino. Holding each one in individual tendrils of greens magic, he pulls them quickly and makes so they're hanging just out of the edge of the tower... If he lets go, they all fall down.
Asha and the teens look down horrified. Their faces now are being showcased on the glass windows bellow. Some of the adults looking at them we can recognize as the seven teens parents, all of them absolutely distraught and terrified.
"Surprise surprise! It's our faaavorite little agitator, Asha! Accompanied by- *gaaasp* A bunch of juveniles??? And a goat??? Oh dear, someone call the cavalry! HA- HAH AHAH!" The king places a hand over his head dramatically while laughing.
He just continues to laugh like a madman, so the queen proceeds to speak instead, her voice also echoing through the kingdom thanks to his magic "Children nowadays, really, just can't take your eyes off them for a second, next thing you know they're falling down a cliff." She jokes with her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Magnifico takes some deep breaths and goes back to his little show "Right you are, dear! And THAT, ladies and gentleman, is why we'll never be having any kids!" He jokes to the horrified and confused people bellow, he looks down on them with a smile, but then turns his attention to the star trapped above him "Heheh well, not like we'll ever need a heir anyway, thanks to our dear guest of honor-"
Aster has his hands touching the walls of the bubble while he looks down on what's happening, and immediately after the king finishes his sentence, Aster's wrists are enveloped in magic, he's trapped on the bubble. But that's just for a second, the king makes the bubble disappear, and as soon as it does Aster is pulled down to the floor and chained down (Exactly how everyone was trapped in the movie's climax btw) Aster looks up in anger trying to free himself to no avail.
"The wishing star that can't even grant a single wish! Come on Rosas! Show him your joy!" The mirrors bellow now show Aster's face. The king is getting no applause obviously, but it's not like he expects them to actually cheer or anything, he's just having fun at this point "With his magic in our hands, our reign will be ETERNAL! So rejoice people! You'll get to see these pretty faces for a looooong while! Hahahhaah!" The king speaks with a sadistic enthusiasm.
Asha looks over behind her shoulder,and sees Aster chained down to the floor, the star also looks at her. They're both worriedly gazing at each other, with the king and queen standing between them.
"But you see, everyone- tsk well umm how can I put this?- Before doing that I'll need some extra power, ya know? For safety reasons- My safety of course- And to get that power, I'll need a tiny itty bitty little favor from the lot of you." His voice is clearly mocking them, as he says like he's not asking for much "I'm sure you won't mind, right? I mean, it's only fair that after EVERYTHING we've done for you we get something in return-"
"YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING FOR US!" Asha shouts in anger "All you've ever done was TAKE! And now you want MORE power besides just Aster's?! You'll NEVER be satisfi- AAaAAAaaAGH!" She feels pain coursing through her body as the king uses his magic on her.
The teens look scared. The people of Rosas gasp in shock.
"STOP!" Aster yells angrily trying to pull himself away from the restraints.
The king and queen just look amusedly at the girl squirming in pain, but Magnifico does finally stop. He brings Asha closer to them and says "Still with this dreadful habit of raising your voice at us, huh Asha?"
Asha is breathing heavily, her head is low while she tries to recover from the pain.
"However, you have a point. We DO want more. SOOO much more than you can even imagine!" He turns to his wife hugging her close "After all, I did make a vow I would give you the world and more, did I not, my love?" He looks at her in the eyes lovingly, almost like the world around them doesn't matter anymore.
"Awwwn darling~" Amaya coos passionately while gazing upon his eyes, and goes in for a kiss on the lips.
(Guys, I hate them too, okay? But like, I can't have the villain couple be close to winning and NOT make them smooch, ya feel me? Would be a crime, and it's such a power move.)
Once they separate from the kiss, Magnifico lets out a dreamy sigh, before going back to his deranged self "As I was saying before being oh so rudely interrupted: The time has come for you all to show some gratitude to your king." He looks down on them like little ants ready to be crushed.
He raises his hand open.
While we see the people looking up scared, lost and angry. Among them we see Simon's dad, taking off his helmet and commanding his soldiers to head to the castle so they can put an end to whatever is going on... But it's too late.
The king smiles as he warns them cheerfully "Oh and just a heads up... This might sting a little."
Asha looks up in shock with tears in her eyes, for she recognizes that phrase. "No..."
He quickly closes his hand, tightly and-
Like fireworks, all the wishes above them start exploding and being reduced to green and blue dust.
And as they pop like balloons, the sound of screams comes from below. We see all the adults and elders of Rosas being hit by a sudden pain in their hearts, but as soon as they yell in agony they stop, and bow down on their knees, unwilling to do anything, for they have no more will.
All the citizens younger than 18 are not affected, children are mostly sleeping at this time of night, but a few teenagers are there, desperately trying to wake up their guardians, but there's nothing they can do but cower in fear.
Aster is staring up at all the wishes being destroyed with tears streaming down his face.
Asha hears her people screaming and she can feel her own heart breaking.
Meanwhile, the king only laughs maniacally, as he absorbs the green energy from the crushed wishes into his staff, and in turn he feels the magic coursing through his veins "OOOOOH NOW THAT'S WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT HAHAHA" he breathes in all that energy like he just had the most delicious meal. He turns to his queen with a big smile "Can't BELIEVE I limited myself to only breaking wishes from the riff-raff for SO LONG!" He notices his cape is glowing "Darling, am I glowing? I feel as if I am, yes?" He twirls to his wife gleefully.
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(Yeah I'm keeping that scene, that was adorable and I loved Chris Pine's delivery. Also this man just made a whole population go catatonic, so many children and babies are now unattended... Then he just casually mentions he has been doing this to homeless people the whole time. Only to then spin all happy and goofy to show his wife how his cape is shinny, like, I can't with this dude.)
The queen giggles at her husband's delight "You are indeed, mi rey. But how about we get to our little star of the show, hmmm?" She asks anxiously, turning her attention to Aster chained up to the floor behind them.
"Oh but of course, my sweet! Let me just see our un-welcomed guests out first." Magnifico turns to Asha and her friends, still using his magic to keep them hanging over the edge of the tower.
Asha has her head lowered, but as he approaches she raises it to glare at him, her eyes are filled with tears but she refuses to sob in front of him.
He just smiles at her smugly "Wondering why you still have your wish in one piece?" he asks, and she actually didn't realize before but... Yeah, she did give him her wish before, he could take it back, so why didn't he? She get's her answer "Consider it as thanks for providing the star for us. You get to keep the wish you wanted sooo badly to work hard and achieve on your own… By the way, how has that been working out for you?" He laughs while making her spin around in the air, turning her to look at the people kneeled down hopeless, with a few children and preteens lost and scared bellow, he holds her chin so she doesn't look away from them and whispers "Can't say I didn't try warning you, Asha. This world can be so cruel to those who choose to work hard for their wishes... And fail." He quotes what he said during her wish ceremony, with his fake caring tone.
Asha doesn't respond, and he doesn't really care as he makes her float closer to her friends.
Aster notices what the king is doing and pleads "NO- NO NO NONONO! PLEASE! DON'T!" His animation is almost fully sketch lines while he panics.
Asha looks at Aster full of sorrow in her eyes... But with a hopeful smile... She really wishes she could reassure him right now, and let him know that...
She does have a plan.
The king ignores the star's begging as he continues, a sinister grin on his face "And you know what they say about working hard! The higher you climb- THE HARDER IS THE FALL!" And with one swift move of his staff...
He lets go of them.
All the 8 teens and Valentino fall down from the tower.
Most are flailing their arms and screaming in panic, except for Simon who's still practically unconscious...
And Asha who looks focused on her task at hand.
For as soon as her arms are free from the king's magic, she reaches inside her sleeve and takes her pencil and the piece of paper she took from Magnifico's book.
Once she has both in hand, the wind is pushing the paper upwards but she manages to hold it tightly, and she quickly draws the most simple thing that can save all of them...
She draws 9 circles on the paper, and once she's done, the wind blowing on the paper makes the drawings magically fly out of it, and once they do, her drawn circles become bubbles.
Big bubbles, big enough for a person to fit inside.
And fit inside they do, as each bubble does as Asha commands in her mind, and saves each one of her friends, Valentino and herself.
Before they know it, they're all inside hand drawn bubbles, floating slowly to the ground.
Her friends firstly get surprised, but once they understand what's happening they all sigh in relief.
Asha looks just as surprised as the others "*breathes in* *breathes out* *breathes in* I can't believe that actually worked! *breathes out*" She sighs in relief.
They're relatively close to the ground now. A few teens and preteens who were previously trying to wake up their catatonic parents approach where the bubbles are about to land.
Asha is so relieved she managed to save them all, she just lays down on the bubble... But fails to notice she was holding her pencil when she does.
The point of her pencil bursts her bubble.
"Wh-AAAAAAAH!" She's once again falling.
"WE GOTCHU!" The teens who were bellow them caught her. She wasn't too far from the ground so no one get's hurt.
"*phew* That was close, thanks." She thanks the strangers. They put her downs they’re all nervous for the situation, but still relieved that she's alright.
Asha's friends all land safely in their bubbles, that pop once they hit the ground.
Asha looks up to the top of the tower, she can see a green glow... They're starting...
"Okay, now I gotta get up there befo-" she reaches for the piece of paper she had... It's gone.
It flew away when her bubble bursted.
All she has is her pencil.
"... Oh no- nonono!" She turns around to the teens behind her "D-do any of you have a piece of paper? Maybe a book?" She asks around desperately, but only get's them shaking their heads "no"
Asha feels her heart racing. She looks up with her eyes wide, her breath is uneven.
"I- I have to save him!" Asha exclaims with tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes
"The castle is locked down!" Gabo points out to the closed gates "There's no way you're getting to the top in time!”
"Asha, I'm sorry but... It's over." Dahlia's voice filled with sadness as she places a hand on Asha's shoulder "We gotta get out of here! Who knows what might happen when they have Aster's pow-"
"NO!" Asha yells, her eyes closed as she shakes her arm in frustration, tears now falling while she holds her pencil tightly "I'M NOT LEAVING HIM BEHIND! NEVER! I AM NOT LETTING THEM TAKE AWAY ANOTHER PERSON I LOVE!" We see something that Asha isn't seeing since her eyes are closed...
She is drawing on air.
When she moves her pencil around, it creates floating glowing scribbling lines... Think of it like her pencil is now the glowing wand from the "Hi, I'm (insert Disney channel celebrity name here) and you're watching Disney Channel" adds.
Her friends look at this happening in shock, Dahlia points out what's happening.
"A- Asha LOOK!"
Asha slowly opens her tearful eyes, and she gasps upon seeing what she just did, the lines she accidentally drew are still floating in front of her.
"I... I didn't know I could do that..." she looks at her pencil and notices it's now glowing, almost like a magic wand... But how?... She thinks for a moment, and she recalls the time Aster explained how his magic works when they first met... "... "The stronger is the want in the wish maker's heart... The more I can do"...That's it!" She quotes what he told her back in chapter 7. She looks up to the top of the castle, drying her tears with her sleeve. Her eyes now have a burning a determination "I'm coming Aster, just hang in there."
Her pencil, now turned into a magic wand, can only draw glowing lines for now, but she tests something by drawing a line close to the ground, and she steps on it...
Yes, just like she thought, she can stand on the floating line.
She then draws another line above the one she's standing on, she jumps on it, and now she higher than before, then she draws and jumps on another line, then again and again, repeating the process, as if she's drawing the steps of her own stair case to the top of the palace.
She's practically running on air now, full speed ahead, wind blowing on her hair, her eyes fixated on her objective. The music rises along with her rising.
So we cut to Aster at the top of the tower, and what I will narrate now was happening at the same time as Asha and her friends were landing on the ground below.
We see Aster crying thick dark blue tears that resemble a night sky. He's sobbing while kneeling down with his head down. For all he knows, the love of his life and his friends are all dead, and he couldn't do anything but watch.
The star keeps sobbing until he hears someone softly shushing him, and feels a cold hand on his cheek. Aster opens his eyes to see Queen Amable right in front of him, with a smile that coming from anyone else would seem caring, but Aster knows it's just a mockery.
"Shhhh shhh hush now little starlight." She dries the tears from one of his eyes with her thumb, digging her sharp nail on the boy's cheek, making a cut that shows some star dust beneath his skin, but the cut instantly heals itself. Aster stares at her shaking in fear "There there, no more tears. You should be happy... Your power shall at last serve a purpose." She speaks serenely but with clear malice dripping from her words.
(Can I just mention this is the second time these two interacted in the whole story, and in the first time she tried to caress Aster’s face too but he dodged her hand like it was a bullet. So like, this is her way of saying that nope, he can’t run away, she’s in control, and that’s the creepiest thing for me, okay bye)
Those words hit deeper into Aster more that they'll ever admit, because it implies his magic served no purpose up to this point... And deep down they feel that's true, that he didn't make a difference... If anything maybe them coming down here just made things worse, he thinks.
We turn our focus on Magnifico looking down on his people.
And so...
We get a song.
This Wish (Reprise)
But not the "This Wish (Reprise)" You're expecting... At least not yet.
Oh no no no.
This is a "This Wish (Villain Reprise)"
For you see, initially I was gonna just narrate "And then they drained Aster's power and Asha got to the top of the tower" yada yada yada but that just felt WAY TOO LAME. Like, we've been building up to this for so long and all I give you guys is words? Nah man, we need a song.
Based on the AMAZING song by Lydia The Bard "Asha's Villain Song", I tweaked some of the lyrics to fit with the context of my rewrite. So of course, go give the original song a listen if you haven't yet!
And without further ado... Here's what happens next.
Isn't truth supposed to set you free? Why do you all seem so weighted down by it? So long having to play pretend Deceiving you had us entertained Yes, but now’s time for the main event
(Magnifico begins to sing, looking down on the people all knelling down, with no dreams, no hope, and no escape. He sarcastically asks them why are they so sad, if all he did was show them the truth. He smiles wickedly, admitting that the years of lying were fun, but now it's time for them to move on to a new chapter. As he sings the last line he turns around and starts walking towards Aster while swinging his staff around.)
See, when I speak they all bow down But what we want Is our ha-ppi-ly EVER after
(He now sings to Aster, who still has their face being held by the evil queen. To emphasize his point, when he sings "Bow down" he hits his staff on the floor, making Aster's restraints pull him even more to the ground, thus bowing down to him. The star looks up angrily. The king just smiles menacingly as he explains what he and his queen are after... To spend eternity together.)
You say they're made of stars But we know I’m so much more than that And we’re done shinning now, so our new vow, no matter how We're gonna burn
(He snaps his fingers and summons his magic book that has information about wishing stars, he sings as the pages flip, looking more and more deranged with every verse. Until he reaches the page he was looking for, his voice is more calm and his grin grows at the line "We're gonna burn". And we see in the book the illustration of a wizard stealing the power of a star, with symbols and words in a mysterious language written all over the pages.)
So the girl trusted a wish upon thee?  Hoping you could be her little guide? If this light you shine is what will free us finally Let us be the ones to cross that line
(Amaya now sings to Aster, walking around him, her voice is melodic, and she's drawing out the word "Guide" while pulling the star's flowing hair to make them look at her. Aster does so, with a face of both fear and anger mixed together, but mostly fear. She sings the third line looking at him with a vicious smile. And once she sings the last line, she let's go of Aster's hair, and walks to be next to her husband, who has been mumbling some words in latin while she was singing, preparing the spell to absorb the star's power. The words he mumbled while she sang were "Stella lux, stella clara. Ultima stella hac nocte video. Dolere te licet. Clama ut. Sed lux tua mea hac nocte est."... And the spell is ready, his staff glows brighter. The spell is ready.)
So I make this wish To have so much more for us than So I make this wish To have so much more for us Than this!
(Magnifico points his staff towards Aster, grinning ear to ear. But before he casts the spell he waits for his queen to also hold the staff with him, so they can share the star's power together. And so she does, also holding the king's hand, she sings the same lyrics he just sang, as if to follow his lead. Now they're both side by side pointing the magic staff to Aster. They sing the last line in unison.
It begins.)
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(ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS MASTERPIECE made by @gracebethartacc of what’s happening in this scene! With the designs created by @uva124 ! Thank you so much for you both for helping bring these characters to life!)
So much more than this So much more than this So much more than this
(A hand made of green light, similar from the ones Ursula created in "Poor Unfortunate Souls" comes out of the green gem, and makes its way to Aster quickly as the music ascends. The hand hits its target, Aster's heart, or at least where it would be if he had one. The king and queen sing together, while Aster screams in pain, as he feels not only his magic but his very being being drained away. With each line Magnifico and Amable sing, we see that their transformation starting to take hold, as swirly glowing lines begin to form on their skin, like Aster's magic is coursing through their veins. The couple couldn't be smiling wider.)
My bloodline brought expectations Tried to follow all their rules, did what I had to do And now I feel that it's quite overdue For me to have this power to use and abuse
(Magnifico looks at his own hand that isn't holding the staff, seeing it change, his fingertips start to glow, and this glow slowly spreads to the rest of his hand. He recollects in the first 2 verses how in his younger days he tried so hard to conform to what was expected of him, to be part of this long lineage of Rosas kings, but nothing he did was good enough, he wasn't worthy... So he took matters into his own hands, "Doing what he had to do" to become the king he deserved to be. As he sings the third line, he uses his glowing hand to slick his hair back narcissistically, his eyes are closed while he does so, and once his hand lets go of his hair, we see that now his hair is also glowing yellow, and it begins to move, flowing like a flame, just like Aster's. Once the king sings the line "And Abuse" he opens his eyes smiling maniacally, and his eyes have no pupils, just two empty orbs shining brightly like two suns.)
Shouldn't have dared to fight royalty No point begging, no point wishing Now we’re the stars in the sky that you are pleading The very night sky sanctified, blazing inferno sat on high Two super novas here to burn and smite
(Amaya is singing with more intensity and sounding even more deranged than her husband, as this is the first time the witch has magic flowing into her system all at once, while Magnifico is fairly used to it. We see that her eyes are already glowing completely like Magnifico's, and her hair starts to glow, and as it does, her braid undoes itself, and the withered roses in her hair burn down into nothing (Amaya's hair has roses on it in this rewrite btw, check @uva124 design for Amaya here!). Once her loooooooong hair is loose, it starts flowing up and down, just like Eris from Sinbad (Dreamworks movie reference for once lmao) And the glow keeps spreading to her whole body, and to Magnifico's too. As she sings the third line, the couple look at each other and begin to dance their own waltz together, floating in the air just like how Asha and Aster did when they sang "At All Cost". Aster's powers are still being drained, and he looks weaker and weaker by the second, we focus on the star looking like he's about to pass out as his glow is fading more and more... Then we fade to black, and cut to someone else.)
So I made this wish… To have something more for us than this… So I made this wish
(We see Asha making her way to the top of the castle, her face is worried, she sees a light coming from the top of the tower. She sings, her heart filled with so many conflicting emotions: Fear but also determination, anger but also hope, Hate but also love. All she can do is run on the stairs she's drawing for herself, and sing her heart out, hoping that maybe Aster can hear her just as he did when she sang this song for the first time... And he does hear her."
This wish This wish THIS WISH
(We focus back on Aster, we hear both him and Asha singing together, but as the star opens his eyes, he knows Asha is alive, so there's still hope, as long as she lives she can make her wish come true, Aster has no doubt about that. The star raises his head to look at the royals laughing in front of him, and he uses his last remaining strength to sing, because he's not going out without a fight... Though Aster can't fight... But he can make them listen.)—--------------------------------------------------- So I make this wish! We make this wish! For you to face your destiny! So I make this wish! To have so much more than this!
Is this really what you believe? That my power will set you free? You wish to be powerful But what you want is not what you need You see, I've been weak before I won't be that anymore I'd give anything to stop History repeating —---------------------------------------------------
(Aster and the royal couple sing all at the same time. The couple still dances and sings on the air, with their bodies becoming more and more bright, ignoring what Aster is telling them. While Aster looks weak with strands of hair falling on his face, tears running down from his eyes, and most importantly... His body is vanishing, leaving behind just the outline of his 2D body, as if he's becoming transparent. But Aster doesn't care about what's happening with his body, all he wants is to reach out to their senses, asking them if they really think they'll be satisfied, the star tries desperately to make them see they're making a mistake. He tells them how he was once been as a weak star, the smallest one in the sky, but he "won't be that anymore". When he sings the line "everything to stop history repeating" we get a glimpse of Magnifico's book on the floor, we see a page showing a human with bright yellow skin, causing havoc in a village.)
Magnus, understand You are just a man! Amaya, mortality Cannot be defied! Yes! My magic’s bright... But it'll be your demise... You'll suffer for your crimes... *GASP*
(Magnus and Amaya aren't singing anymore, just screaming at the star angrily. They're now completely made of light, except for their chests, that have dark circles that swirl like a whirlpools... Black holes.
They yell about how Asha should've just followed their rules, and how Aster should've just accepted his fate, but they didn't, and we focus on Magnifico's still visible scar and Amaya's also still visible white hair streak as they sing "YOU TWO CROSSED THE LINE"
Aster calls them by their names, trying to reach out for some glimpse humanity still left inside, make them see that trying to defy fate will only destroy them. Yes, Aster hates them, and he's trying to make them see this much more because he worries for everyone else's safety, but even then, the star is also compassionate enough to want to save them from themselves. But trying to reach out to them proves to be like talking to a wall.
They're singing the last lines, Aster looks weaker than ever, now he's just a sketch with no color, transparent, with a faint light flickering on his chest, he feels they're about to absorb him completely, there'll be nothing of him left... He'll die. But he still keeps on singing, even though he lacks the strength hold his head high to look at them floating above, the star lowers their head and sees-)
She reached the top.
She's pointing her wand at the couple floating above her, and when they're on the last note of the song-
She attacks.
With her wand, she quickly scribbled what looks like a fireball, and with her face burning with rage she launched it at them.
That caught them off guard, making Magnifico stop the spell.
However... it gave them no damage.
Aster gasps, both in surprise for seeing Asha and also in relief that the spell finally stopped draining him, one second before he was fully taken away...
"ASTER!" Asha screams while running to him, ignoring the two floating and glowing figures above her, she can deal with them later, all she needs is to know if Aster is alright. She kneels down and holds them, or at least what's left of them. The star is laying on the floor, he's no longer chained down, Magnifico knows there's no need for that anymore "I'M HERE! I made it! Come on, please! Can you hear me?!" She asks desperately with tears running down her face, worried beyond words.
She sees the fading light on his chest, like a flame about to burn out.
It's like they took 99% of Aster's magic, and now what Asha sees in front of her is just an 1% of himself, just fighting to keep his human shape.
And his shape is just a sketch that keeps appearing and disappearing, like an unfinished storyboard.
Like this, note how Mickey ears disappear and his face too, yeah, it’s like Aster’s details are fading in and out, disappearing and reappearing like he’s fighting to keep existing:
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But even then, even with him feeling weaker than he could ever imagine... Aster smiles at her "I- I heard y-yo-o-u..." Aster stutters quietly as he keeps flickering away, the star can barely move, but he still manages to raise a hand to hold her face, she hold his hand back "Th-thank y-ou fo-or savi-ng m-e" He says weakly, his voice barely a whisper.
"OH-HohOHhoH I WoUlDN't CaLl tHaT "SaVInG", LiTtlE oNe! HahHAhahHaAAHA"
Magnifico's voice comes from behind Asha, it echoes through the air, sounding distorted and unhinged.
"HihIhAAHAhaAhAha! iN FaCt! iT SeEMs thAt THeRe'S NoTHiNg lEfT oF hiM FoR yOu tO SaVE aT aLL, mY DeAr! YoU'rE tOo LaTE!"
Now it's the queen's voice, sounding just as maniacal as her husband.
(Ya know, I was gonna use ThiS eFFeCT on their voices the whole time, buuuut I think I'll leave it just for these two first lines since they're getting used to the power of a star inside them. If I used it too much I might give myself and ya'll a migraine.
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Also, best way I can describe their look right now is like that girl from Paranorman, but instead of lighting coming from them it’s star dust, plus Eris flowing hair in Amaya’s case, plus they have dark black holes on their chests, the black holes idea actually came to me recently thanks to a comment from @gracebeth3604 soo thanks moot ;))
Asha hasn't turned to look around, but she can see their light coming from behind her, she’s casting a huge shadow, They're so bright and so close to her it's almost like the night just turned into day.
She holds what remains of Aster close to her, she doesn't know what to do but no matter what she's not letting go of him. Aster is too weak to do anything.
The two royals just laugh at her. Magnifico floats to be in front and face to face with the girl, his cape floating in the air with star dust flowing out of it, exactly like Aster's cape did before.
"Sooooo glad you could join us though! After all, what better way to start using your precious wishing star's power than-"
He raises his hand to use his power on her. Knowing that unlike Aster, he can do a lot more damage than some tickles.
Asha just holds Aster closer and braces herself for it.
"Putting you out of your misery haHAAHahah"
He says sinisterly as he goes for the kill-
The queen holds his arm.
"Now now my sun, why on earth would you do that?"
Both Asha and Magnifico are surprised by Amaya's intervention. The king looks at his wife and just goes
Amaya floats gracefully pulling her husband away, her cape and dress also have star dust flowing from under it, and her hair floats as if it's under water.
"You said it yourself silly! You wanted to give them a fate worse than death. Is there a fate worse than watching as your loved one slowly perish?"
She says referring to a line Magnifico said in chapter 12. Magnifico understands what his wife means now, and he couldn't agree more.
" Wise as always, my moonlight” He praises her passionately before turning back to the two teens “We'll leave you two love birds to it, got a whole kingdom to remodel and a few new powers to play with, ya know how it is. So ENJOY the show, Asha! None of it would be possible without you!"
They give Asha an almost cheshire cat like smile before leaving them to grieve.
Asha looks to them, with horror and sorrow in her eyes, she has no idea on what to do. The two royals fly away laughing, leaving the girl and the half dead star alone on the top of the tower, and begin to play around with their powers.
(I'mma describe how they're playing around in a sec but now I NEED to focus on Asha and Aster or I'll explode.)
Asha looks at the star in her arms, with every second it looks like he's about to disappear completely. Now that the two villains aren't there anymore... She stops holding it in, she begins to weep.
"*sob* I... I'm sorry Aster, I did everything I could but... We lost." Her tears fall and go right through Aster, now that he's transparent, but the star can feel himself go ever weaker as Asha starts losing hope "... No matter what I did, or how much I tried... I couldn't give Rosas more than... This." She looks behind her shoulder, seeing the two now power crazed monarchs using their magic to change their kingdom to their liking.
Aster holds her face and makes her look back to him "... don-don't sa-y tha-t... y-you're still here... as long a-as y-you're here then there's still a chance" Aster smiles at her with exhausted eyes, caressing her face "And I-I'll be with y-you... I promise."
"But what am I supposed to do? My magic is useless against them- Everyone in Rosas had their wishes broken I- THIS is impossible!" She shouts, now with more tears rolling down her face
Aster lets out a weak chuckle "heh ehhehe yeah... but you showed me it's kind of fun to do the impossible..."
(Aster, you're dying, this is no time to quote Walt Disney)
Asha is still crying but she can't help but smile a little at how the star still manages to be hopeful in this situation "You really think there's still something we can do?"
"not we... you" The star responds weakly, his light becoming even dimmer
"M-me?" Asha tries holding Aster's hand and notices it has completely disappeared... He's fading away. She looks desperate at him "No nononono please! There's gotta be a way I can save you!"
"I'm not going anywhere, not until your wish's granted" he explains "Like I said... I promise I'll be with you... Even if you can't see me..." Aster still smiles serenely at her while their hand drawn body is slowly fading away, leaving behind just a flickering light on his chest.
"I- I don't understand... How can I grant that wish now?" She asks her wishing star.
And the star answered:
"Inspire them."
Asha's eyes widen "What?... Aster, this isn't like before, and even if it was... They can't listen to me, they lost their wishes."
"Then give them a new one." The fading star puts it simply
Asha doesn't understand what Aster means, she just gets more and more distressed as he keeps fading away.
Aster realizes he doesn't have much time left, so he better be quick.
"I know this doesn't make much sense now... But you'll know what to do... *sigh* See ya after you win, okay?... I love you." Aster's face starts to fade away and-
Asha's heart sank like a stone falling on water.
Aster's body was gone... All that was left was a flickering light on her hands.
She looked at that light, more tears fell on her hands...
"... I love you too." She holds the light close to her heart, as more of her tears fall on the floor.
... And suddenly...
The light began to move on its own.
Flying away from Asha's hands, it begins to spin around her.
Asha is surprised by that, she get's up to see what the tiny star is doing.
Once she's standing up, the light flies from the bottom or her dress, to the top in circles, leaving a trail of star dust that transforms her dress.
(Cinderella transformation reference of course)
The music swel ls as Asha's dress magically morphs into a gorgeous princess gown:
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(THANK YOU SO MUCH @salmonpiffy FOR LETTING ME USE YOUR GODLIKE ART PIECE IN THIS REWRITE! I had this plot point of Asha getting a princess dress planned for a WHILE, and this drawing it was simply exactly what I envisioned! If you haven't yet, go like and share the original post here!)
Asha is stunned by the transformation, she looks at the flickering star, about to ask it what this is all about, but before she can ask anything-
The small star flies into her heart, making a big glowing star show on her chest.
Asha closed her eyes... And once she opens them, we see her pupils are now swirling like a galaxy.
... Asha understands what Aster meant now.
"... I get it now, you're with me, even if I can't see you." She places a hand on her heart... She can feel that little bit of Aster is inside her... A few tears still roll from her eyes, she knows what to do, but there's no way of knowing if it'll actually work.
"... I'll try..." She tells that both to herself and for her star, as that's all she can do.
She get's her magic wand, and walks to the edge of the tower.
She looks to the kingdom bellow.
The king and queen are making giant thorny vines, grow all over the kingdom, terraforming it to their delight.
Buildings collapse, being crushed by the rose like vines. It's like they're destroying everything only for the fun of it, or so they turn it all into a blank slate only to start it over again.
But thankfully, they're flying far away from where everyone's gathered... So at least they won't see her like this just yet.
She jumps from the tower, even though her magic isn't a lot, she can still float down slowly.
And once she lands down, the first people she sees in the middle of the crowd are her 7 friends and Valentino. Simon kneeling down, not responding to the other six teens trying to wake him up, most of them crying, hopeless and defeated.
“Maaaa!” Valentino bleats out once he sees her.
They all stop what they were doing once they see Asha approach them, wearing a princess dress and shinning like a star. They stare at her in disbelief.
"Asha?" Dahlia says quietly
Asha looks to them, and all the other people down on their knees... She sees something else...
Now that she has a little bit of Aster's magic, she has his eyes, she has the power to see people's stars... Her friends and the other people younger than 18 still have their stars shinning, while all the people who had their wishes broken have their stars so dim that it's almost like they're not even there... But they are still there, weak, but she can still re-candle them
So... Asha follows what Aster suggested, and tries to inspire them.
She begins to sing.
And NOW we get the song This Wish (Reprise) you were expecting. Tho, in this rewrite we'll call it "This Wish (Kingdom Reprise)" for reasons you'll know in the final chapter... Which is the next one, not this one :)
So without further ado:
This Wish (Kingdom Reprise)
So I look out at the stars just like me And I’m begging you to see this as a sign ’Cause I know that if you choose to stand beside me
(Asha begins to sing to everyone around her, her voice shaking with sorrow and tears still falling from her eyes. She hears the sound of buildings nearby crumbling, it's the king and queen using their powers to destroy just for the fun of it. The sound makes her stop singing for a moment... But also makes her more determined to keep going. She dries her tears while singing the last line... She looks around, and the stars of the people around her still look weak... But Dahlia's star is as bright as ever when she sings)
We’ll be greater than all their magic combined So I make this wish So I make this wish So I make this wish So I make this wish To have something more for us than THIS
(Dahlia is looking up to the royals above them when she begins to sing, trusting her best friend wholeheartedly, she looks at her with a smile and makes a wish. Asha sees Dahlia's star shining brighter... And she also feels something changing, she feels herself growing stronger. A smile begins to form on the corner of Asha's lips. Then, Hal and Bazeema join in, they both stand up and sing along with Dahlia. Gabo and Safi join in, with Dario signing the lyrics with his hands. All six of them are singing together, Asha smiles brightly seeing them still hold on to hope with her, their stars all shinning brighter and brighter... But then, she realizes someone else's star is beginning to shine shining brighter... Simon was on his knees with his head down, and he began to sing the last line along with them, the others look back when they hear him, and once they get to sing "THIS" Simon raises his head, smiling at Asha with his hope fully restored, and Asha can see that in his star shinning brighter than ever. The music swells, and so does Asha's heart, she knows now that YES, they can save everyone else. Her friends hug Simon, happy to see he's back to normal, but just like Asha, they know what to do now, and they all waste no time.)
We’ve had generations of expectations Wondering why, wondering when We’re past dipping our toes in We know it’s do or die, it’s sink or swim
(We see the 7 teens walk around the people, encouraging the younger people who are still awake to sing along, combining their hopes in this wish. And as more people with broken wishes hear them, the more of them start to rise up, as if they had nothing to fight for before, but now they do, and with their heads raised up high, they look to the king and queen flying above them... And said king and queen finally notice the "noise" coming from bellow them. They weren't looking at the people until now, to them the people are nothing but little ants. They look down confused but also amused at how those insects still think they have a chance.)
We were all confusing your promises for protection But we know what we’ve gotta do Hope unchanging, with our wish held high The way you’ve always taught us to
(The people keep singing, more and more stars are lighting up on their hearts, just like Asha, the king and queen can also see the people's stars, for they too have Aster's eyes now. But the king has had enough of this little "final stand" of theirs, and he points his staff to them.
The people stop singing, their eyes widen in shock, for they see the king charging a huge blast of magic at them, ready to wipe them all out like they're nothing.
The blast shots out of his staff.
We hear it hit, and all of Rosas is engulfed in green smoke upon the impact. The king and queen just smirk at that, after all, who needs a kingdom when they can have the whole world?
But then the smoke begins to clear.
The villain's smiles fade into faces of shock.
“What…?” Magnifico mouths, not believing what he hears)
So I look out at the stars just like me And I know that just like them I shine
(The couple is baffled not only by what they hear, but mostly by what they see...
A shield.
A gigantic, circular, glowing, purple, hand drawn shield. It protects all the people bellow. The shield has the Rosas emblem drawn on it, that’s Asha’s way of showing that the symbol doesn’t represent the royals, it represents Rosas, and they’re taking their symbol and their kingdom back.)
What we do in this moment is defining And we can take it on if we ally
(We see Asha raising her wand to the sky, the shield she manifested begins to disappear, but she remains with a daring smile, for they don't need to defend anymore, she's ready to attack and finish this once and for all. She begins to soar, wind blowing on her hair as she flies towards Magnifico and Amaya. She feels even more of Aster's magic flow through her, and even though it's only a little bit of his magic, she feels she might be as powerful as an actual star, because, unlike the royals, she has ALL of Rosas believing in her, and that gives her more strength than they could even fathom.)
So I make this wish
(When she sings "Soooo" Asha begins to fly as fast as a shooting star, darting and spinning through the air, leaving trails of star dust around the two very angry and lost glowing figures. Once she sings the word "Wish" she stops, now flying upside down right in front of the royals, she looks in the king's angry eyes with a huge confident smile, much like Aster did with her on the night they met.)
To give us freedom, hope and bliss
(We get a shot of the people bellow, everyone is awake with their stars shinning brightly, they cheer for Asha, all of them placing their hopes on her, and in turn making her magic even stronger.)
So I make this wish To have something more for us than THIS
(Asha flies to be just above the two royals, Magnifico points his staff at her to attack, but it's no use, for Asha is already drawing something with her wand.
A sword.
She grabs it in the air, looking down at them fiercely as she raises her sword to give the final blow.
Amaya is hugging her husband tightly, she's horrified. Magnus can't get his magic to work... Because star's magic rely on people's hopes and belief, and right now, no one believes in them.
As Asha sings the last line with all her heart, hopes and magic flowing through her-
Hitting Magnifico's staff, the moment she sings "THIS".
"NO- NOOOOO!!!" Magnifico yells in despair.
The gem CRACKS.
And once it finally BREAKS, all the magic that Magnifico absorbed is freed, both from the wishes of Rosas... And from Aster.)
A HUGE explosion like a firework fills the night sky.
And slowly... All the wishes begin to rain down on the people of Rosas, each one floating to their individual owners.
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None of the bubbles are green, they're all blue. With the source of Magnifico's magic destroyed, all the curses he created have been lifted.
We see the citizens of Rosas holding their wishes and admiring them before placing them inside their chests, joy and relief washing over them.
We see a few citizens say "My wish!" "I'm going to make it happen." "I just can't wait to get started!" As they hold their wishes, they're all excited to make their dreams come true.
But among the citizens we also see Asha's friends, all of them looking up, worried for Asha, that was a pretty big explosion after all.
"Look!" Hal points upward.
They see Asha floating around. Still wearing her princess gown and holding her wand.
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As she flies down along with the wishes, she smiles and admires a few of them close to her, seeing how beautiful and alive they are. She giggles unable to contain how happy she feels.
And when she starts giggling, she hears a familiar laugh from behind her.
She turns around, and she sees specks of star dust that were floating in the air start to join together, forming a clump of star dust trying to take shape.
Asha smiles brightly, already knowing who that is.
The star dust begins to take the teenaged prince shape she knows so well. But there's still one piece missing for them to fully reform.
Asha knows that, and she gladly gives the final piece.
She places a hand on her chest and takes out the little spark of light that was left of Aster, the little spark that gave her all the magic she needed to win.
Once she takes out the spark, her magic dress and sparkles on her hair all go into it, her magic is now gone.
And so, Asha begins to fall.
She’s free falling for a moment, but she knows there's nothing to fear, after all-
Aster, now fully back to his original form and laughing gleefully, catches her.
"HAHA YOU DID IT!!! I KNEW YOU WOULD! HHAHAHA YEEAH" The star spins and flies around with her in his arms.
Asha laughs as well, holding the star tightly with tears in her eyes "WE did it! Hahaaha aah" Aster stops spinning and they look at each other while still floating down together "You really were with me the whole time." She says with her eyes gleaming.
Aster smiles warmly "Well yeah, wouldn't wanna break rule number 1 again heheh" He jokes referring to the rules Asha established when they went to the kingdom together for the first time "Stay close to her at all times". The two of them are floating down, looking into eachothers eyes as Aster says with certainty "But really... I barely did anything, that was all YOU." He says with admiration.
Asha smiles but corrects him with a cheekily tone "Heh heh I guess, but I only knew what to do because I had the guidance of an amazing wishing star" she boops his nose, and Aster's starry freckles sparkle and his smile widens "So I'd say WE did it hihihi" she giggles, knowing she won the "argument"
Aster sighs as they reach the ground "Yeah, I really did get a lot better at this whole guiding thing... Thanks to YOU." Aster winks playfully.
Asha just laughs at that and hugs him"... I thought I'd never see you again." She sighs in relief while feeling his warmth.
Aster's smile falters a little and his eyes show a hint of sadness, knowing that she indeed won't see him again.
"... About that... Asha, I need to tell y-"
"GROUP HUG!!!" Dahlia screams
Asha and Aster feel themselves being embraced by Asha's friends. All of them laughing in relief.
"That was AMAZING!" Hal exclaims jumping up and down while they hug.
"You really did it! They're gone for good!" Dahlia exclaims hugging her best friend.
They all celebrate and cheer while they hug, but they hear a strangers voice:
"Umm excuse me..." A random citizen of Rosas, a bit younger than Asha chimes in, they stop the hug to look at him and he proceeds "I wouldn't say that yet. You might wanna take a look at this, miss" He speaks directly to Asha while pointing to the other side of the plaza.
Asha's eyebrows raise in confusion.
We cut to the king and queen laying on the floor...
Magnus groans in pain.
(NOW I know ya'll just read that and thought:
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“WHAT?! “Groans in pain”?!? He’s supposed to be dead!!!” And yes, I hear you, I agree, BUT HEAR ME OUT! LET ME COOK! YOU'VE WAITED 16 CHAPTERS YOU CAN WAIT A FEW MORE LINES!!! IM GETTING THERE!! IN A MINUTE!!... Anyway back to the story.)
The man places a hand on his forehead as he sits up and looks around in confusion... The confusion turns into shock once he realizes his skin no longer glows...
And there are MANY angry eyes staring down at him, from the crowd of Rosas citizens.
The night sky is turning orange as the sun rises.
Magnus breathes heavily while looking at the crowd, his eyes darting at every direction like he's processing what should be his next move.
But his thoughts all but vanish when he hears his wife yelp in pain a few steps away from him
"AMAYA!" He get's up and rushes to her aid.
She looks at him in despair, not understanding how could this happen, and as the king help her get up he has the same distress in his eyes.
They had won, they had everything they wanted, so how did they lose it all so quickly?... How did she do it?
They find there's no time to ponder on this, as some guards begin approaching from the crowd.
Magnifico almost instinctively spouts out the first lie that comes in his head to get them out of this "W- wait WAIT ha-hah my people, please thi-this is nothing but a terrible misunderstanding! Tha-that wasn't US! Y-you see, we we're- uuh- POSSESSED! Yes- by dark magic from my book of spells!" He clumsily comes up with the very obvious lie.
(hihihihehheehehahaheahhaeahHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH AAAH- we do have fun here, don't we?)
The people are all still staring angrily at them, the king knows he's not fooling anyone, but without magic, deception is his only way to protect the wife he's holding in his arms, so he continues "Bu-but it's all good now!- heh he- So no need to get-"
"No one believes your lies anymore." Asha's voice comes from behind them. The couple turns around and sees Asha and Aster are holding hands.
Aster glares at them angrily, as one would after being killed and then used to cause so much destruction to a whole kingdom.
Asha meanwhile doesn't looks angry, nor sad, nor happy, she's just calmly stating a fact as she proceeds "It's over, you hold no power over anyone here."
The villains scared faces slowly morph into rage when they see the two teens, Amaya let's go of her beloved's arms and asks with her voice almost a screech "HOW DID YOU DO IT?! HUH?! What kind of sorcery was that?! We had all of the star's power and you had nothing but a smidge!"
Asha almost ignores the woman, as she turns her attention to look around at all the people surrounding them, they all also seem kinda curious to know how she did it.
Asha begins smiling while looking at them, and she explains "True, I only had a little bit of magic, but it was more than enough, cause' I had the whoooole kingdom believing in me." Asha looks at Aster now with a warm smile, and the star looks back to her smiling too "And a wishing star's magic can only go as far as how much they're believed in."
Magnus rolls his eyes at that and groans in annoyance. He hates to admit it, but the girl is right, he shouldn't have left a single fraction of the boy left, that's what he get's for showing mercy... He lost.
But the man always believed the winner is the one who laughs last. He holds his forehead as he begins to chuckle "Hehehahahaah aaah I gotta hand it to you, Asha, you really never cease to surprise. So! What happens now, hm?" He asks with a sarcastic smile, trying to look like the one in control of the situation even though everyone is against him "Will it be the classic beheading ooooor burn us at the stake like witches? Please, do get creative, I wouldn't want my death to be something generic."
"OH I assure you it won't, your "highness"" Aster chimes in with a smile that looks like his usual innocent self but his tone shows he's actually planning something very much not innocent at all "Cause' you see, I just had the BEST idea of what to do with the two of you" The star tilts his head to the side... Magnus looks like he instantly regrets saying anything "Though, let me just sort it out with my wish maker first, excuse us for a sec." Asha is looking at Aster very confused as he starts whispering something in her ear.
Asha hears what he has to say curiously and she quickly gasps in surprise "Wait- You can do that??" She asks him shocked
... The evil couple doesn’t see that as a good sign...
"Hehehe usually? Nope!" He admits to Asha gleefully, then he turns to the villains in front of them "But right now, I can feel AAAAAALL the people of Rosas wishing for one thing... For you both to face consequences. With so many people wanting the same thing with all their hearts, hehehe well, let's just say my magic becomes strong enough for me to get pretty creative with what I can do." Aster crosses his arms and walks closer to the taller man, he could float to be taller than him but he sees no need "We wishing starts do believe anyone deserves to have their wish come true though, no matter who they are. So guess what Mag, I'm granting your wish too!" The star says with a smug.
That got a few questioning glances from the crowd
"... W-what?" That caught the man off guard.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Amaya asks worriedly, now walking closer to her husband again.
"Oh you'll see... That is, if you agree." Aster turns to Asha, after all, this is all her wish, so she should get to decide how it comes true.
Asha ponders for a moment with a hand on her chin, she looks around her people all waiting for her to make a choice... She smiles at Aster as she makes her decision "Yeah, I think that sounds fitting for them, do it."
"What sound fitting?! What are you two brats blabbering about???" Magnus just holds his wife closely to him like he wants to protect her from whatever these two are planning.
Aster turns to them with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, preparing to “grant their wish”. The star moves his arms in circles, creating a mass of magic glowing dust.
The two royals brace themselves for the worst, hugging each other tightly.
Aster throws the dust at them and...
Nothing happens.
The couple looks at one another to see if anything changed, then pass their hands over their own faces and bodies to see if anything's different... Nothing
Aster is still smiling at them confidently though, with his arms crossed.
Magnus just assumes whatever the star tried to do didn't work, he throws his head back as he laughs "HA! I don't know why I was worried! You can't even hurt anyone!" The king says with a grin, Aster just raises one eyebrow while smiling, he's looking down at the man's feet as he starts to walk towards the star "Just a pathetic little star who can't grant a single wi-"
He only took two steps, but he stops walking suddenly once he realizes... His feet are REALLY heavy right now.
Magnifico looks down and...
His shoes are now made of stone... And it's spreading to his legs.
"Sorry, sometimes magic just takes a bit of time to take effect, I can try to speed up the process if you'd like" Aster comments casually while holding hands with Asha again
"Wh-what is th-"
"My- My love" Amaya says from behind him, her voice shaking in fear.
He turns to her and sees that the skirt of Amaya's dress is now half made of stone, she cannot move.
The people of Rosas look surprised, but not sympathizing with the ex royals one bit, some smile, agreeing with what Asha said, this really is fitting.
"You two did always like statues made in your image, right? It's only fair you two get turned into one of them" Asha comments. Smiling like she's watching something very satisfying.
The magic keeps spreading up and the man looks not just terrified but mostly furious at the star "Th-THIS IS A TRICK! You CAN'T use your magic to take away humans lives!" He yells at Aster, knowing this from his book about wishing stars.
"And who said you two will die? You just won't be able to move anymore." Aster corrects him.
That made a chill run down their spines.
And the star continues:
"You two wished you could live together FOREVER, didn't you? Welp, there you have it!"
The queen looks in the verge of tears as she exclaims "T-this isn't what we wished for at all!"
"A taste of your own medicine, that’s how it feels like to have your wish twisted into a curse." Asha says, her eyes following the curse spread, as now their lower halves are completely frozen, Magnus is two feet away from Amaya, he's in front of her because he tried walking to talk to Aster, but the woman is holding his hand. Asha thinks to herself that's definitely a good pose for them, showing Magnifico turned away from his love just to show some sense of superiority. She keeps that to herself though, and just adds "This way, you'll be frozen but still able to see Rosas thrive, and the people prosper... Without you." Her voice is determined.
The villains eyes are wide. Amaya is holding onto her beloved's arm, but he's not facing her... If this really is how it ends she wants to at least be looking at him as they go, she urges him to turn to her, holding his arm tightly.
But Magnifico can't bring himself to notice... Taken by his own delusion, all he says is this:
"... HeheheHAHAHAHA! PROSPER??? Who? These people?!" He shouts pointing at the people around them "These WORTHLESS little peasants don't know how to LIVE without me!!" He's looking at the people around, the pupils in his eyes are small like he's consumed by rage "NONE OF YOU EVER ACHIEVED ANYTHING ON YOUR OWN! I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING! I MADE YOU WHO YOU ARE! YOU NEED ME!"
Those words echo for a moment... But someone from the crowd breaks the silence:
"But we can achieve a lot on our own, especially without you pushing us down." Says an elderly citizen with a serious face.
The man turns to him, ready to spout out something else but he's interrupted by another voice
"And you never gave us anything, you only took away from us years of memories we could've builded together." Said a woman holding a baby in her arms and a child is next to her, most likely a mother whose cursed wish made her spend more time away from her kids.
Magnifico looks less angry and more in despair as his lower torso is fully turned into stone.
"And you didn't make us who we are... You made us into what YOU wanted us to be." Who says that is a familiar face, Dahlia's mom, standing next to her daughter, Dahlia smiles at her proudly.
Amaya is still quietly urging him to look her way with tears running down her face. Her chest begins to be turned into stone. She's almost fully frozen Magnifico doesn't look back to her... She's sobbing and he doesn't listen.
(Man, if you think this hits hard now, just you wait till I share Amaya's backstory later, you're in for a ride.)
"And no one needs you. We never did." Asha states looking at the fallen king in the eyes. And the whole kingdom agrees with her.
Magnifico feels his chest turn into stone, and a sharp pain course through him, not from the star's magic... But a pain from his own past.
He still hides it well as he says "Th-that's where you're wrong, right, mi vida-" He finally does look back to his wife and-
She's fully turned into stone now.
Magnus feels his neck now turning into stone, and for the first time... He has nothing to say. He simply looks to his now petrified wife and accepts as his head is fully turned into stone.
... They're now nothing but statues...
The sun rises in Rosas as the people celebrate and cheer that their evil rulers are gone.
"ALRIGHT! Who's up for destroying them for good with a big hammer?!" Gabo screams at the cheering crowd with his hand raised.
Simon smiles as he raises his hand too, for the first time showing some support for his friend's rebellious ideas.
Asha feels her heart beating faster, she can't contain her happiness as she looks at Aster ready to give him a hug " Aster! I- I can't believe it! We did it! We're finally free-" She goes in to hug him but-
Her arms go right through him.
The people around them are still celebrating but Asha feels the world around them slow down and become blurry once she realizes...
Aster is disappearing again. His star dust begins floating to the sky.
But the star just keeps smiling, happy for her and for everyone else "Yeah, you did it. They're free, and they have hope, and bliss... Just like you wished for."
"A- Aster-Wha- What's happening to you?" She tries to hold his hand but it's like they're just a ghost.
"... I gotta go now."
Chapter 17
Final Thoughts
Oh my gosh I'm still tearing up and I don't know if it's because of Asha and Aster, or Magnifico and Amaya, or because this journey that honestly changed me is coming to an end??? Or all of the above??? Maybe ya'll read all this and don't cry, but I'm literally losing it, I was building up to this moment for so long! And now it's here like... WOW!
THE ANSWER WAS "INSPIRE THEM"!!! The theme ties everything together is Sabino's wish! It's what Asha was doing the whole time! And Aster knew it, and guided her to do it! Proving he's a good wishing star! I'm so proud of them!!! My babies!!!
And it's so fitting to because this whole project is about how I was inspired by the concept arts, by Disney itself, to create this story, and it warms my heart everyday when people tell me they got inspired by this too. This is so special for me guys, I'm crying, damn.
Also I went back and forth on how I wanted Magnifico and Amaya's "Final pose" to be, first when I started developing the story I thought about having them argue and blame each other while their bodies are turned into stone, but like... That doesn't feel like them, then for the longest time I thought about having them both screaming at Asha, but I was like "... I can put them through more pain than that" so I thought about having Magnifico screaming at the crowd while he hugs Amaya crying... But that still wasn't quite right. So finally I settled for them not even hugging, and she's urging him to look at her, as a way to symbolize how their love was all that they needed, but they were so blinded by ambition that drove them apart, and in the end, they couldn't even say goodbye or comfort one another, because Magnifico was too busy trying to come out on top. To me, that's the most painful demise I could give them.
And I know what you're thinking "Damn Anny, but keeping them frozen and alive for eternity isn't a bit harsh? Like, too heavy for a kids movie?" I say NOPE! They deserve it, and besides, My Little Pony did this, they did this TO A CHILD CHARACTER even! If MLP can do it so can Disney, and from my memory we never had a villain turn into stone (There might be and I just don't remember, you tell me) so this would be a first, and I think that's more interesting than making their deaths a reference to the classic "Fall off a cliff" cliche.
Though heheehe Asha was totally considering pushing them off the tower, which would be hilarious cause Magnifico can fly with his staff, so he'd just come back like "Ummm rude! I was monologuing!"
So yeah... I think that's all I got to say... Oh and is two songs one after the other two much? Maybe it is, but eh, I had fun adapting "Asha's Villain Song". Do me a favor and look up "Jordan Fisher Hadestown If It's True" on youtube, that's how Aster sounds like in this song.
See you guys at THE END!
Thank You For Reading!
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odderevents · 1 year
I have had a thought. Steve secretly knowing how to play the piano bc he learned as a kid and had to stop bc his dad's an asshole is lovely. I've seen this floating around a few times and I love it. Eddie catching him playing the piano and being so fucking in love with him will never not be perfect.
Steve playing the Harp.
It's definitely a rich kid instrument. Big ass fucking impractical instrument. Absolutely beautiful to look at and listen to. Hands playing piano is great. But have you ever seen an accomplished harpist? It makes you think impure thoughts about what those fingers can do.
So. Steve secretly knowing how to play the harp
Maybe his mom used to play it, so there's a big harp (the ones with the columns and super intricate base board, not celtic) that's just gathering dust in the basement. Steve started piano lessons, loved learning how to pull music out of an inert object. But his dad decides it's to effeminate, makes him stop. And sure, a harp is a different beast to a piano. But you've still got cords, and Steve's got a pretty decent ear, and he can barely remember seeing his mom play. So one day when he has the house to himself, which isn't an unusual occurrence at this point, he tries it out. And he's admittedly pretty shit at it, but so was he at piano when he started. Only difference is he has no teacher.
So maybe Steve discreetly finds a way to acquire a beginner's practice instructional book for harp. And works on it when he needs to get his brain away from things.
He's even more careful with it than he is with any dirty mags he might later acquire. He knows that worse, much worse than piano, harp is not a masculine instrument and under no circumstances should his father find out about his affinity for it.
It's still his go to when he can't sleep even years later, pulling out the now old and battered booklet of sheet music and exercises. Especially once the upside down bullshit starts. It's soothing and mindless at this point.
The harp that was much too big when he first started with it is now just the right size, it's weight against his shoulder comforting. He can close his eyes and his fingers naturally find where to land and pluck.
Even when he becomes friends with Robbin and then Eddie, both musicians who he knows wouldn't give a damn about him playing a woman's instrument, he can't bring himself to mention it. If he did, they would want to hear him play and he's self-conscious about being self-taught. Both of them play well, they play with other people and people come to listen. He doesn't consider himself a "real" musician. It's just something he does to keep his hands and brain busy on nights where the sheets feel like they're strangling him and the dark reminds him too much of when he can't see not because it's night but because something's hit him in the head again and he can't tell apart the sound of his heartbeat from something pounding through his walls.
So he goes to the basement. Finds his stool. Removes the dust cover. Goes through the meditative motions of tuning it by ear, because that's how he's always done it. And then he plays until the tips of his fingers feel numb. Somehow, he always comes out of it peaceful enough to pass out on the couch in the basement for a couple more hours.
Steve is so used to keeping it a secret he doesn't even think about it when he starts dating Eddie. It's just a thing that's always only been his, and most importantly, it's been vital to keep it that way for so long it's the natural state of things for Steve at this point. It doesn't ever come up. When Steve gets nightmares when he's sleeping with Eddie all he has to do is curl into his boyfriend's chest and feel the warm heartbeat that's not his own to settle back into himself.
The problem arises on a night when Eddie was supposed to stay with Steve but he got held up in Indianapolis when getting a new amp for his guitar. He would come back to Steve but it would be late in the night. Steve has been keeping himself busy all day so he passes out in the early evening on the couch in front of a shitty sitcom he put on to try to distract himself from the empty house.
Nightmares find him, which isn't terribly unusual, but he doesn't have his usual method of coping so he resorts back to his previous habit.
Eddie walks in bone tired after many hours of driving to and from Indianapolis, waiting while the clerk figured out they didn't have the amp he'd been assured over the phone would be available for pickup today, waiting some more while they had the amp driven from a sister shop an hour away because no way was he driving back and forth again to Indianapolis on another day. So yeah. Eddie is beat. All he wants is to dive head first into his boyfriend's impeccable pecs.
He doesn't find Steve waiting with a welcome kiss like he usually would when he walks in. Instead he's greeted with a hauntingly beautiful rendition of the melody of Master of Puppets in a way he's never heard before.
He drops his stuff in the entry hall and goes down to the basement where the music is coming from, curious to see where Steve might have found the recording. Eddie doesn't quite know what to do with himself when he finally lays eyes on Steve, with dried tear stains on his cheeks and his eyes closed as his fingers pluck and strum without hesitation. He's rooted to the spot as he watches Steve work his favorite song in a new and completely heartrending way. He hasn't been able to listen to it since he played it in the upside down. It always brings up the bitter blood tang of the air and the hair raising shrieks of the bats. But this is somehow different, it's soft and melodious but it's still got the same bones.
Eddie feels tears on his own cheeks. He's missed this song goddammit. And he couldn't be happier that it's Steve that's given it back to him
Queue tears and fear and confessions and comfort. Somehow much later in the future there's inexplicably a harp in some of the corroded coffin tracks. And it shouldn't work but it does
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
i’ve got this picture of Yutu being kind of artsy from your description. besides, being an outcast probably means a lot of solo hobbies from no friends. maybe a bonding method for Yutus with a father that is more artistic 👉👈
You have such a good point about being an outcast driving people towards solo hobbies σ( ̄、 ̄=) certain Yutus are more outgoing than others but that does only get you so far.  Of the ones I have written about, Floyd! and Cater! Yutu both had friend circles before coming to Twisted Wonderland, while Ace!, Azul!, and Riddle! Yutu were certifiably friendless.  Bonding between Yutu and a more artistic dad hmmmmm let's see...
notes: they/them used for Yuu, this is part of my fyuuture kid au, you can find an explanation of it here and here, or look at my masterlist for all of the posts.
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Vil! Yutu
... really likes to paint and draw, when I first wrote about him his unique magic involved temporarily bringing his paintings to life.  My brother used to dig through old fashion mags when he was teaching himself to draw and I can see Yutu doing the same.  So when he finally gets to see a not tortured version of his father and finds out he is a model on top of being an actor?  He's so eager to learn about all of it, and Vil has got to be thrilled to share.  You know between him and his own dad Vil has got to have a nice collection of vintage designer items he's willing to let Yutu have a look at.  Yutu has drawn his dad a lot, receiving a drawing someone has made for you is already beyond flattering, but when it's from a family member?  Forget the fridge, Vil is getting this framed.  I can also see him maybe commissioning Yutu because he wants to make sure he never under sells his work.  He is a member of the Schoenheit family, he is allowed, nay required to have a great deal of pride in himself.
Cater! Yutu
... likes playing guitar and he loves playing with his dad.  He's not really interested in playing with the other pop music club members, Yutu is a bit shy around his dad's friends.  When he's stressed he likes to play a few songs and sing, something I could see working for Cater too.  While I'm talking about Cater, I don't think he'd make a bunch of magicam posts about his family, just in general.  He uses magicam as a way of maintaining his false happy facade, his want to date Vil comes at least partially from his presence on magicam, some of his real self is on display there sure but a lot of it is exaggerated and fake.  When he has something real he wants to keep it away from the rest of the world, so while his followers absolutely are told he's #taken #blessed they don't know about the details of his relationship.  At least not if it's a healthy one.
Jade! Yutu
... is someone I haven't written about before but he is also very into music, just not jazz music.  Not that he hates jazz, he's just stuck in that teenage phase of refusing to admit the things his dad likes are cool, something Jade reasonably “sniffles” about but that's not to say music isn't a bonding point for them.  He also plays bass, just an electric not an upright one, and Jade enjoys listening to Yutu play.  He's very supportive and surprisingly soft in his praise for someone who just got done listening to his kid scream out a punk rock song.  As long as Yutu is willing to do some hiking with him (which he is) then he has no real problem with what his kid likes, if anything I can see Jade enjoying their differences.  Life is boring if everyone is the same.
Rook! Yutu
I've been thinking about Rook, just as a character recently and one of those things that's been stuck in my mind is that he was very shy as a child.  To keep this from becoming just general information about Rook! Yutu, unlike his father Yutu never got over his shyness, so a lot of their bonding revolves around Rook encouraging Yutu to see the beauty in himself.  He books tickets to shows, symphonies, and ballets in advance so he can make sure Yutu knows when they are going out and can prepare himself to be seen in public.  They plan their outfits together in advance, look up information about the company and what they are going to see so they can appreciate the art just that much more.  On the day of Rook makes sure to kiss Yuu goodbye,  and promises to come home safe.  But not to worry, he always has Yutu help him pick out a bouquet of flowers to bring back for you.  (Unless you're allergic to pollen in which case he'll bring home something else.)
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runawaymun · 2 months
I'm sure you'll get/have gotten other asks about this same thing, but I would love, love, love to know more about your ideas for a messy kidnap fam fic. :)
(also, accidently unfollowed when trying to hit the ask button. it's finally happened)
Ask me about my not-yet-written-fics from this list
The Messy Kidnap Fam Longfic
Under a cut for length
It all starts with Mae and Mags finding Elrond and Elros in Elwing's wardrobe post-oath-induced-rage fugue.
Elros and Elrond put up a hell of a fight to Not Get Taken and are absolutely convinced that a) Elwing has been murdered and b) they're also about to get murdered.
Maedhros gets bitten by Elros >:3
Mae and Mags have a debate about What To Do With them. I feel like maybe Mae initially is like "Put Those Back Where They Came From or So Help Me" at Mags, but the only idea they come up with is maybe leaving the twins at the edge of what's left of Sirion in the hopes that they'll be found (because if they tried to drop off the twins in person they'd get attacked on sight by Gil Galad and Cirdan). But Mae can't stop worrying that they'll die of exposure that way (he still feels awful about what happened to Elured and Elurin at Doriath).
They both realize at the exact same time that Elwing and Earendil Might Want Their Kids Back and Might Be Willing to Do A Lot to get them back, and so Elrond and Elros would be excellent hostages who could potentially be ransomed for a Silmaril.
So Elrond and Elros are very much hostages at this point. Mae and Mags do not really interact with them at all (save for Mags poking around in their minds to try and get some information out of them. Which Mae disapproves of but doesn't care enough about to stop him. He's in a bad way rn. Like his last other baby brother save Mags just died and he himself just participated in a massacre and he doesn't feel particularly good about it. They didn't even get a Silmaril and their own forces are fragmented post Sirion. My boy is barely keeping things together. They're together with duct tape and string at this point).
The twins are carted along the road back to Amon Ereb but kept under too heavy guard for them to be able to escape.
Also absolutely nobody in camp understands how to look after Peredhil. The twins do not get enough food to start with and they probably get sick from the elements, and this does go unnoticed for a WHILE.
They get back to Amon Ereb and are promptly put in a horrible little white room with a lock on the door. Again, Mae and Mags are not much interested with interacting with them at this point. Mags is a bit more interested but that's mostly because the twins remind him of Ambarussa and he's also emotionally unstable.
Mae sends ransom demands to Elwing, Earendil, and Gil-Galad, and they wait.
The twins are still hungry and sick, and convinced that they're gonna die. Also Mags keeps interacting with them and it's scary.
(They do get a window because keeping elves or elf adjacent beings away from view of the stars is unthinkably cruel, even for Mae and Mags. But they also still continue to be pretty neglected, and there is really nothing to do in that room. Elrond goes pretty catatonic at this point and Elros starts trying to tear holes through the drywall).
At some point it occurs to Mags and Mae that the twins are in poor condition and that's not really good when it comes to trying to ransom them.
They don't really know what to do though and so they consult some humans in their service, who are understandably like "uhhhhhhhhh they need more food and some medicine probably boss. Also it's kind of cold for them actually like sure it's fine for an elf but these are actual half-human babies).
Cue the twins finally getting some basic help. I have a vague idea that they bond with a human nurse that's sent in to look after them because Mae and Mags just cannot be bothered to Think About It.
Mae especially is pointedly staying away because it's too painful to be around the twins because a) they remind him of his brothers and b) they remind him of everything awful he's ever done and he can't handle that guilt.
Things continue to be Bad For A While.
Also I forgot to mention that Elrond and Elros have a poor grasp of Quenya at best, and so they really don't understand anything being said around them. They're picking it up fast though. Especially Elrond.
Finally a rejection of the ransom demands comes back.
What the fuck.
Mae absolutely goes into a rage over this because he literally does not know what else he can do. Because apparently Earendil and Elwing are on a boat somewhere with his father's Silmaril.
"What are we doing with the twins?"
Elrond and Elros are more convinced than ever that they're gonna get killed.
It's agreed that the twins should be dropped off somewhere to be found by Gil-Galad, and that trip begins. They likely send a letter to Gil-Galad announcing that they're returning the twins.
Gil-Galad has absolutely no reason to believe that the twins are alive and smells a trap. He does not come to pick up the twins.
Mae and Mags do watch (or have someone else watch) from a distance to make sure the twins are collected. The twins are not collected. The day wanes on into night. It gets really cold. The twins start bawling because they really think they're going to die now.
Mae really can't bear that and also at this point he's mad at everyone and everything.
They recollect the twins and decide that they're just going to have to look after them now until they're old enough to go back to Gil on their own.
Cue a very long tiptoe process of Mags getting attached to the twins and Mae refusing to (he's actually a big softie though so eventually he does).
I have way more ideas about later stages but this is already getting ridiculously long, sorry.
TLDR: (but I can elaborate more if people want me to): Mae and Mags finally start to get a grasp on Peredhil needs but wow is the damage done.
Elrond and Elros are veeeery slow to trust.
Super codependant relationship forms, with Elrond especially terrified of being left again because Mae and Mags are the only people who seem to want them now. Elrond starts emotionally regulating Mae and Mags just as much (if not more) than he used to for Elwing.
Mae and Mags get very attached to the twins and use them to cling to the last remnants of their personhood. This is not a good thing.
There's obviously more here I've thought this out very thoroughly.
Love grew between them but it was fucked from the start, essentially.
Also um something something the twins losing their Sindarin and not being raised in their Sindarin culture and essentially getting unintentionally completely colonized by Mae and Mags :/ icky and unavoidable.
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superherotiger · 4 months
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Absolutely thrilled to be showing you all the last banner I made for the @house-of-dadneto event with my favourite New Mutants and Headmaster Mags! I absolutely adored the dynamic all the kids had with Erik while he was their teacher back in the 80's comics, and my love for it was only renewed with the latest Magneto comic that came out in 2023! If you haven't seen these comics before, I highly recommend them, as it really shows the best of what Erik can be as a mentor/father figure! 💕
If you haven't heard of the House of Dadneto event yet, it's a month long fan creation challenge set in June with a total of 30 prompts to meet all your Magnet Family and extended members needs! Check it out here if you're interested!
Hope you all have an awesome day!
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mrsnancywheeler · 4 months
Currently sobbing because I’m thinking about how Finnick and his sweet girl were so YOUNG when they met. (I assume she was 14 because she won the games at 17 and you said they were broken up for 2 years and they dated for a year) which makes everything more sad and tragic.
Young love is so innocent. It adds a layer to hurt when you re-read the part of Finnick bringing her flowers that he nervously picked out, he’s a 15 year old kid!
Also at that age- omg is everything so insane. emotions are just- no- they’re so much
they're literally so tiny and adorable
being a young teenage girl is so interesting and adds such an interesting layer. I like to think that she's the type of girl to remind people shes technically 14 and half of 14 and 7 months or whatever because she feels like it's all happening so fast. I also think it adds an extra layer to her relationship with her family because she's 14, she's young and working at the markets all the time, she's spending her free time with a whole other family or at partying, drinking with no one looking out for her. and I think it adds a whole other layer of the idea that suddenly, the finnick odair likes her. she views herself as a lot more grown up when she is because of all of that, but like finnick is really like a fairytale. the savior from the life of mediocrity. true love is real. and he's making her feel important in ways she never has and it's sad to think about how her 15 birthday is probably the best she's ever had because it's with him, and he dedicates it to loving her. of course conway and his family loved her, but not he way finnick does because he's enticing and like a prince. maybe she thinks she's grown up, but she's not nearly as grown up as she imagines.
and finnick is just a kid with a crush on a pretty girl who went to the same school as him and partakes in the same scenes, he just wants to be perfect. going to mags to find out what a girl wants, trying to make everything 110% right. getting everything he can because he doesn't want to mess this up. and of course he approached her right away, he's an impulsive teenager. I answered an ask earlier about finnick taking his sweet girl on a date to the capitol and I think it fits perfectly with this idea of him wanting to show off to her. months into their relationship, she's going to turn 15, and he's so young with unrestricted money and influence so he's pulling all his strings to take her to dinner there.
it's so sad to think of this 15 and nearly 16 year old being the talk of the media all because he was forced to participate and happened to win the hunger games at 14 and that no one is there to step in and say that might be the most appropriate place for two teenagers to be doing. but as far as they're concerned they're basically adults, even if they're really not, so they do as they please and get caught up in it all.
oh my god and teenage emotions so insane, but like adds on to finnick post breakup saying random things about his breakup with reader to try and cover. of course he says dumb, hurtful things, he's a teenage boy. but then reader, a 15 year old girl, hearing that stuff. absolutely heart wrenching. when you're a teenage girl that's literally like a rock bottom feeling to have the person you love say stuff like that.
I can't I can't I can't
I think about them all the time (yes I'm plotting the next chapter of the river, sorry it's taking so long, but these help sm y'all have no idea lmao)
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zoejanee09 · 7 months
Struggling. F.O
this was a suggestion!
Summary:You and Finnick have dating since you two were kids and you both had what you thought would be perfect lives until Finnick pulled in the reaping for the 65th hunger games. it was tremendously hard for the both of you but you finally were able to feel some relief after he came back. You thought you woud never have to deal with it ever again until the quarter quell and when mags named was pulled you volunteered so you can be together. you both struggle mentally when your in the arena but you two have eachother to make it better.
this is my first so its gonna suck
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You both were walking together with Katniss and Peeta trying to find a place to sleep. After a bit of walking we were able to find a place. "We can take the first watch. Peeta looks like he needs it." you say looking at peeta then katniss. "Katniss if we wanted to kill you we wouldve done it already." Finnick says in a low tone. You could feel her eyes burning through me as i just stare at finnick. She sighs a bit and lays her down on peeta's chest as they get close. "you should get some sleep baby.." he says looking down on you. "are you sure?" she says. "yeah ill be okay." he says nodding. "okay i love you." you say as you kiss him gently on his lips. "i love u too baby." he smiles into the little kiss and kisses your head as you lay your head down.
You woke up to her Katniss Screaming Loudly and you open your eyes a bit and see a thick fog coming down on y'all. You all get up and start running as fast as you can and you try and catch up with finn but you get lost in the trees and you try looking around for him but you couldnt. After running for what could be 30 minutes. You finally end up on the beach and you realize your all alone. You look around and try to even see anybody but nobody was there. you try to call for Finnick but nothing. You run back into the woods trying to find him still screaming "Finnick!" hoping to atleast hear his voice again. You hear the cannon go off and you stop dead in your tracks absolutely praying to god that its not what you think it is.
You start running again to you finally find a little pond and you relax in it as the fog had gotten you a bit on your ankles so you rest your ankle in the water as you scream in pain but after a bit the pain finally lightens up and you hear a footstep behind you and you look to see its a monkey? you try to back up slowly from it but another was behind you and then all of the sudden there was atleast 5 surrounding you and you grab your knife and you pull it out and after a few seconds one came running towards you and you stab it in the eye. then two more came running towards you and you kick one of them then stab the other the head. You go running towards the beach trying to get away from them but one scratches your leg and you fall down onto the ground and one gets ontop of you and you try to push it away but struggle then you finally were able to stab it and you take off running.
After running for what feels like forever you finally get on the beach and you see finnick,peeta,katniss, and some other tribute but you dont care. "Finnick!" you scream relieved to see him. He turns his quickly and starts running towards you. you both hug eachother tightly and you both started sobbing. "i thought i lost you." you say muffled in his chest as a tear rolls down your face. "me too baby." he says kissing your forehead and wiping away a tear from your face. "Always forever baby." you says softly smiling faintly. "Always forever." He says before hugging you tightly again
A/N: UHHH HELLO? i kinda loved this but also this kinda went off on what the suggestion was? i tried soo i hope yall like it!
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quinloki · 4 months
Art of Quill
Not Quin's art! Comms I've collected of my OC Quill.
In my ever increasing journey to get more comfy with my OC and my eventual OC/insert Story project, I've been getting art of Quill.
This is going to be a LONG LONG post cause I'm including art and tagging who I can tag.
Most of said art is by @yamiyamiart and as delightful as it is, it's not something I can post to tumblr XD
But I can share the Rayleigh x Quill one since it's merely suggestive xD 😇❤️ (And a Kid x Quill that I am pretty sure was the first thing I comm'd from Yami when I was still hesitant to throw my smutty ideas at someone)
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Today I go an adorable piece by @aholepeach (who is that on bluesky and a_hole_peach on Twit). He pulled me in with his comics, and I love the kind of grimy soft vibe of his art.
(It's beautiful and skrunky - it has a weight to it that's present both in the body and the emotions, and I just really love it.)
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Just look at it \o/ ❤️
@magnuspool also helped me out back before I even knew Quill was going to be named Quill. I had naught to give this art goddess by a handful of words and a very very smol idea.
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I love everything about Mags, and the amount of nervousness I had approaching her for art would probably surprise a lot of you. She's super cool though, and a delight to work with. If you catch her comms open, don't be shy!
Polizon from twitter did a really great job with the composition on the request I had - aside from some direction on Quill I didn't provide any other references ^_^
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I just love that they're both very much capable fighters AND researchers. (What can I say, Fullmetal Alchemist was one of my first absolute favorite animes and you have to train the body AND mind.)
Last, but by no means least, is @stevienix - who took a waist up Pic crew for reference and gave me a nice full body for Quill ^_^ (I cannot overstate how much I need those boots in my life.)
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She's an IRL friend, we've broke bread together so show her some love, and be nice while you're there too.
@mew-ya was the first person to draw me Boy Mode Quill, and gods I love how it came out
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Okay, so, I usually only do this for my adored CCG universe but the inspo came to me because miss mccall absolutely outdid herself with ‘sticks & stones’ this one (like all of the rest of them) is for you @blainesebastian & if you haven’t checked out her stories make sure you get on it asap <333
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liked by austinfan and 801 others
austinbnews Austin Butler and his girlfriend Y/N out for dinner last night in Los Angeles 31.03.23
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abutler all she does is embarrass him he dresses so classy and all she cares about is showing her body for attention
austinfan right !!! make it make sense how is he dressed in a nice long coat with baggy pants and she’s slutty with a little dress as always ofc
butlerbot I think it says a lot that he didn’t even offer her his coat …
abutler why should he be cold just bc she wants to be slutty?
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liked by austinbutler and 77684 others
yourinstagram Vanity Fair, here I come ✨
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abutler you literally don’t care that you shame austin by dressing like a hoe in front of his peers and co workers
presleyfam A girl can wear what she wants but … she’s just not Austin’s type. Way too conceited.
zendaya slay baby slay!!!! 💃👏🏼🥰
yourinstagram thanks pretty lady <3
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liked by ashleytisdale and 81276 others
yourinstagram i told austin i needed to use the restroom but i just wanted to take some pics 🖤 #datenight
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butlerbot this is what she wears to the movies?
austinblove Everyone shaming her for what she wears is weird. Obvs Austin loves her and she’s gorgeous! Don’t let them get you down Y/N!
austinbutler You weren’t fooling me baby
yourinstagram 🫣
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liked by bazluhrmann and 87521 others
yourinstagram groovy baby 😏 happiest of birthdays to @yourfriend there’s no one i would rather disco with. and a big thanks to @catherinemartindesigns for this wonderful creation 💗
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butlerbot When you think it can’t get worse
austinfan Austin is a serious actor, nominated for an Oscar and his girlfriend just shames him every time she posts
ashleybee Excuse me miss?! Where’s my picture credit ?! 🍑❤️
yourinstagram sorry sissy! omw to edit rn
mccall HA at all the haters shaming her for these pics when Austin’s own sister took them!
florencepugh you lucky man @austinbutler 🥺
austinbutler Don’t I know it.
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liked by austinbutler and 89374 others
yourinstagram thank you for having me W Mag i had a blast 💥 🖤
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butlerbot Y/N girl look at me … you don’t have to show your body for attention I promise 😭
austinfan at least she wore a coat to cover her breasts 😭
ashleytisdale 🥵 Is it hot in here or what?
yourinstagram omg ashley tisdale commented on my post !!! ❤️
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liked by austinbutler and 93816 others
yourinstagram this hallway was made for photo shoots 🙏🏻
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austinbutler Hi pretty girl
butlerfan even her regular day clothes are slutty
austinfan3 have some self respect
presleyfam at this point she does it to keep the head lines going = attention seeker
butlerbot SLUT
yourinstagram has disabled comments
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liked by ashleybee and 1739067 others
austinbutler My beautiful girl ❤️
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florencepugh Count your lucky stars Butler 😭
zendaya Can I have her? 😚🥰
ashleytisdale I remember when you came over after your first date with her. All you could talk about was that pretty smile 🥺
austinbutler I knew I wanted to see that smile every day for the rest of my life
yourinstagram stop baby i’m blushing.
yourinstagram I love you so much.
ashleybee 💍❤️👀
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annymation · 3 months
Kingdom of Wishes- A "Wish" Rewrite AUs
AUs are Alternate Universes, new ways to look at how a story could've gone if a few things were slightly different, it's a fun writing exercise to take your story and change it up a bit to see how the characters would react to these changes.
So I did that with my wish rewrite, and I came up with some pretty fun scenarios.
(Warning: that’s a lie, some scenarios here are not fun at all)
So let's begin:
Asha the Star & Aster the Human
That's exactly what it sounds like, Asha and Aster switch places!
In this scenario, Aster is an orphan whose mother was a musician, that's right, musician, not an artist
His grandfather used to say his mother could sing so beautifully and write songs so engaging that people could see whole stories form in their heads, she inspired people to imagine whole new worlds
That was Aster's dream, to write beautiful melodies, sing a song that could inspire people, see beyond reality
So same things that happened with Asha happen to him, he defies the royals (Who also change in this AU, we have Amaya as a queen regnant, so she's above in power than Magnifico, she being the one who has blue blood while he got married in, and their personalities switch. To me that's the funniest thing, like can you imagine Amaya as the drama queen that get's the whole spotlight and has anger outbursts sometimes like the Red Queen and Maleficent? While Mag is in the background just being calm, mysterious and I guess having a fatherly persona? What a twisted vision)
Anyway so they take Aster's wish, change it up yada yada yada Aster goes to make a wish upon a star and we get Star Asha babeeeyyy
Now design wise, Aster as a human would have brown hair, while Asha, as all wishing stars, would have blonde hair, with this hair style
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Loooooong blonde braids that flow in the air constantly like Princess Celestia hair from MLP, and speaking of princess, yeah, she dresses like one too.
Imagine being human Aster here, you wish upon a star and suddenly a beautiful magical princess with gorgeous flowing hair shows up to help you, I would've died
So anyway, Asha has a very energetic and optimistic personality, and much like Aster was in Kow, she's fascinated by earth
When they come up with a plan to inspire the people of Rosas, Asha's idea is to make people draw, express how they feel, make them reflect if they're really happy with this system
Aster of course thinks that's not a good idea at first but she convinces him, so the whole arc of them being found out at the plaza happens yada yada yada let's cut to the good stuff
Instead of giving Aster a magic pencil, Asha enchants his's grandfather's mandolin, so Aster can play beautiful songs that can magically bring anything he imagines to life
So then we get their "At All Cost"... But I actually think Star Asha would sing a different song, she'd sing something like this:
This song just gives me major Kow! Asha vibes, and I'd love if Asha was played by Denee Benton cause I'm a huge fan.
And then the story proceeds as usual and we get to the climax, where instead of singing This Wish Reprise he'd sing something more like this:
Once again, I'm here to say I love Jordan Fisher and I can't imagine anyone better than him to voice Aster.
So yeah he'd have a very dramatic song where instead of using his guitar (That the queen broke) he uses only his voice and the last bit of Asha's magic to defeat the royals, along with everyone's hopes on his side.
Sooo yeah Asha later turns into a human thanks to true love's kiss, her hair turns dark brown, the end!
I like exploring this one because it shows how Asha and Aster are different with her being an artist and him being a musician, human Aster would be very different than the Aster we know though, being absolutely focused on the task at hand of saving his people, so Asha would help him loosen up a bit and have hope things would be better.
Kids AU
Okay so this one is more of a joke, but like... Kingdom of Wishes... But it's Ponyo, only genderbent
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Basically I asked myself "What if Asha wished upon Aster when she was a kid?" well, when she was a kid, so was Aster.
So we'd have a story of a little 6 year old becoming friends with her wishing star. While her grandpa Sabino, still alive and very old, tries to hide this star and protect his spunky granddaughter from the king and queen that are after Aster
Of course the royals would have a harder time finding out who could've wished upon a star since they don't know who Asha is as a kid
But on the other hand, Asha and Aster would be a lot more naive and reckless, Aster would tell Asha "Hey! The king and queen are really mean! They change the wishes, wanna defeat them together" and Asha would be like "YEAH!" and off they go put themselves in danger
Don't think Magnifico would go easy on Aster just because he's a toddler, oh no, he'd drain all this child's power as soon as he caught his hands on them, which is why Sabino would be having a panic attack trying to keep them safe.
But what's really cute about this scenario is just imagining kid Aster interacting with the world, using his magic to play with Asha, and of course Sabino being a protective grandpa.
Bad Ending AUs
You guys know me, of course I have a whole section for not one but TWO bad endings lmao I'm so evil.
What If Asha's Cursed Wish Was Granted?
Yup, remember Asha's cursed wish? That would turn her into a obedient princess that would follow Magnifico and Amaya without question? Remember that wish? Yeah what if THAT happened hahah
Anyway, I thinks it's best if I just show you how that'd play out (Warning, the angst is STRONG in this one):
"That's right, now hold still my dear, this will feel just like waking up from a pleasant dream." The king said as he lifted up her "wish" to grant it.
Asha felt herself frozen in fear, she wanted to speak up, but the fear of what could happen to her if she did outweighed her her strength to fight back.
She could only watch as the bubble popped and became a swirl of green magic enveloping all around her. Asha felt herself change, and not only because her clothes began to magically morph into a beautiful dress... She felt herself change from the inside out, starting with her mind.
Her desire to run away was muffled by a new desire to stay still as the king asked her to. But Asha knew she had to fight back because- Why did she have to fight back? This is what she wanted, to fit in and make people happy, now she finally could, thanks to Magnifico- Asha heard a voice that sounded like her's fill up her mind, popping any idea of resistance like bubbles- Why resist at all? It's easier to give up- She couldn't give up, she couldn't lose herself- But she doesn't even know who she is, and everyone tells her she's like a princess anyway, don't they? Her saba used to say so, her friends, even Aster said she's beautiful like a princess-... Why isn't he here?
She felt her eyes welling up with tears, realizing how helpless and alone she was. Asha knew she couldn't hold on to her consciousness for much longer, as the king's magic promised to make all her pain go away, leaving only bliss, her own freewill was fading away. But even then, a little bit of her is still fighting, tightly clinging onto the last semblance of thought she has left... Before it suddenly slips, and everything is gone… She is gone.
... She did feel like she woke up from a dream, the king was right, as he always is.
The magic that was surrounding her disappears, fully absorbed into Asha's very being. She's now fully transformed, wearing a princess gown, her hair braided and pulled up into a bun that resembled a rose.
... A single tear ran down her left eye, but the cheering crowd couldn't see it. All they saw was her smile, a blissful, carefree smile plastered on her face.
Aster ran back to the plaza as fast as he could. But once the star arrived there... Asha was gone, and so were the royals. The people were walking around commenting about what just happened... He heard people mumbling about how kind the king and queen were for adopting an orphan girl to be their princess...
All it took was one moment, one moment of distraction, one moment that Aster turned away from her... And he lost her... But they wouldn't give up, never, as long as he's on this earth, he will grant her wish, her true wish, no matter the cost.
The star didn't even think twice, revealing his true form in front of everyone, and flying off to the castle to look for Asha.
He looked through all the windows, all the many rooms of the castle, until he stumbles upon a room on the west wing tower, and in there, sleeping peacefully on a comfortable bed, he saw-
"ASHA!" The star screamed, using his magic to unlock the window, he got in and quickly shook her to wake her up "Come on! We gotta get you outta here!"
The princess rose up from the bed, gracefully stretching her arms as she did so, blinking her now unfocused eyes, that if you look closely you could see a small and faint green light sparkling in the center of her pupils.
She smiled at the star as if they were paying her a visit "Greetings Aster, so wonderful to see you-"
Aster grabbed her by the shoulders and just shook her back and forth "SNAP OUT OF IT! This isn't you! You're stronger than his magic, I know you are! You can fight it! Come on, Asha, look at me!" Aster gently places a hand under her chin to make her look at him in the eyes, he can't see her spark anymore... But he still reaches out to her "You wished upon me because you wanted to SAVE Rosas from them, remember? That's the whole reason I'm here, to help you." they give her a bittersweet smile, even though he's filled with sadness.
The girl giggled, in any other context it would be an adorable sound... But it just filled Aster with dread, seeing how his words weren't getting through to her at all. But nothing could've prepared Aster to what she said next "... Then where were you when I needed?"
... Those words pierced through him like a dagger, the star was speechless, now just staring at her, filled with sorow
"Indeed, where were you?"
Aster froze upon hearing the king's voice coming from the other side of the room. He turned around to see both Magnifico and Amaya sitting on comfortable chair next to a table with tea, if Aster could smell he would've probably felt the sent earlier.
"You took so long we were starting to wonder if you just flew back to the sky" Amaya said before sipping on her tea cup
Aster tried to escape through the window, but before he could reach it, he was trapped by the king's magic.
Magnifico and Amaya laughed as the star struggled with all his might to free himself from the king's magic, to which the king just jeered "I suppose a princess was of use to us after all, serving as bait to catch you, little prince"
And just like that, Aster is all alone at the villains mercy.
I tricked yall with a false sense of security starting with two wholesome AUs only to then drop the most heart crushing stuff I've written in a WHILE.
Also thank you @gracebeth3604 for inspiring me to write that scene of Asha losing her conscience as the spell took hold of her, when you helped me write that nightmare sequence in chapter 8... So yall can blame Grace for this /j
Aster Turns Himself Into A Blackhole
What a title huh? Anyway, I've said plenty of times how Aster is very inspired by Rapunzel, so I wondered, what if that "Wither and decay" song from the Tangled series affected Aster the same way that it affected Rapunzel?
I didn't quite explore much Aster's frustration with the fact he couldn't hurt the king and queen the same way they hurt Asha, that's kind of a more internal frustration he doesn't show much, but it proves how human Aster is, to the point that he feels human emotions such as vengeance
But as we say here in Brazil: "Revenge is never complete, it kills the soul and poisons it."
So... Let's see if Aster choose a darker path, after he thought that he lost Asha for good in the climax.
Aster was chained to the floor, all he could do was watch in horror the king drop Asha and all their friends off the tower.
... She was gone...
Just like that, Aster couldn't keep her safe, like he promised he would.
Without her, Aster felt his world growing dark, his own light was fading away. There was no hope for him, no hope for Rosas, no hope of granting her wish... So... Aster had nothing... So he had nothing left to lose.
... The star remembered once listening to a song, a song that stars sing when they're at the very end of their long, LOOOOONG lives. After all, everything must come to an end. The lyrics of this song were actually an incantation, a spell of death that allowed a star to snuff their own light away, turning themselves into... Something else... Something a lot more destructive.
The stars always warned him to NEVER sing that melody. And fly away as fast as he could if he ever heard some other star singing it... Aster never knew fully why, all they said was that the song would make him dangerous...
Well then... That was just what Aster wanted to be right now.
Suddenly, Aster felt the touch of the queen's hand, snapping them out of their thoughts. She lifted his scowling face, to give him a snark comment before they began to drain away his power "What's with the grimace, my dear? Is there something you wish to say?"
And so... The star began to sing.
"🎶... Wither and decay...🎶" Aster's voice was haunting, not at all as warm and lively as it always was when he sang... This was different.
Magnifico was previously looking down on his people, but the sound of those lyrics made the king turn around in cold sweat... He knew that spell.
"🎶...End this destiny...🎶" Aster continued to sing, his eyes were closed, and his face began to contort with discomfort. The star felt himself... Change.
The queen just raised an eyebrow and mocked "What's this? Trying to put us to sleep with a lullaby? hahaha *cough cough* haha" She didn't seem to pay much mind to her own coughing
The king minded it a lot though. He could see the roses on Amaya's hair begin to wither rapidly.
Magnifico's voice was trembling as he ran to his wife "A- Amaya-"
"🎶...Break these earthly chains...🎶" Aster opened his eyes... They were completely dark.
The queen's blood ran cold "wh-what ON EARTH-" she feels herself being pulled away from the star by her husband.
"ENOUGH! I ORDER YOU TO STOP!" The king commands, using his magic to cover Aster's mouth with glowing vines similar to the ones holding him down... But the star... Or rather, whatever Aster is becoming, is not weak to forbidden magic.
Aster breaks free from Magnifico's magic, leaving the two royals mortified.
"🎶…And set the spirit free…🎶" Aster didn't even react to the fact he was free, in fact, they didn't seem to notice the world around him at all, lost in their despair, all they could do was sing, floating above the ground. Tears kept running down his now inky black eyes.
Their hair changes from a yellow and lively flame to a dark and slowly shifting shadow. The star dust flowing out of their cape disappears, now his cape hides only dark nothingness under it. The light coming from the brooch bellow his neck now resembles a vortex... A blackhole.
"Magnus... I thought you said this thing was harmless" The queen is clinging to her king, she begins to feel... Strangely lightheaded, like she’s about to pass out.
"I- I didn't think the star would do this- *cough!*" The king feels a pain in his chest, his legs growing weaker. He stumbles forward "We- we must leave NOW"
But Aster had other plans for them, the former star finally moved. In the blink of an eye the king and him were face to face. With one swift motion Aster took the king's staff and threw it away from the edge of the tower.
The royals were shaking in fear, the entity was towering over them, dark inky tears still flooding his expressionless face.
As a last resort, Magnus desperately tries to reason with them "He-hehe now now Aster, let's talk about this, alright? You wouldn't actually want to-"
"🎶Take what has been hurt🎶" The haunting melody continues.
The king and queen kneeled down. They felt weaker by the second, the queen was whimpering and the king was gasping for air. It was becoming hard to breathe, hard to move, hard to think. They were both holding on to each other, even though they could barely hold on to their own lives.
"🎶Grant them no mercy🎶" Aster was looming over the two mortals, staring at them as they withered away. Aster felt himself grow stronger, for he was slowly but surely absorbing their very life essence... The corners of his mouth started to lift up slightly.
The two villains collapsed on the ground, shaking and wincing in pain.
"🎶Bend and break the reigns🎶" He was previously emotionless, but now, seeing them like this, Aster is consumed by a feeling he never thought he could feel before... It was ruthlessness. He was enjoying seeing the life drain away from them, the same way they wanted to drain his life away before... In a way, Aster understands them now.
The power to take was really different from the power to give... But if felt just as good, if not better.
"🎶And set the spirit free... The spirit free~...🎶" Aster finishes the lyrics, looking at the two lifeless bodies below him with twisted glee.
... Asha arrived at the top of the tower, as she never actually died, she managed to save herself and her friends with her magic pencil, and with it, she made her way back to Aster, hopeful that she could save him in an nick of time
"Aster! I'm here! Are you o-" She felt her heart stop, her whole body frozen in place when she saw the corpses of the two royals laying down... Beneath a floating figure that looks like Aster... But she knows that's not him "What... What have you done?" Asha takes a few steps back
He doesn't seem at all surprised to see her alive and well, simply tilting his head to the side as he floats towards her "What I had to. I mean, that's what you wished for, right? To defeat them." The creature spoke calmly, but with a twisted smile spread across their features.
"No-not like THIS!" She was trembling, seeing her own reflection on the dark pools that he now has for eyes "A-Aster please, this isn't funny, turn back to normal, NOW"
"Hmmmmm I don't think I can" They shrug, while drying the tears that were previously falling from his eyes "And even if I could, why should I? When like this, I can actually keep you safe"
"... Keep me safe from what?" She felt tears welling up on the corner of her eyes, Aster couldn't really be gone, right?
He embraced her, but it wasn't the same warm and secure embrace Asha fell in love with... He was holding her tightly, not letting her run away.
"From anyone who tries to keep us apart, of course." The blackhole whispered lovingly, but that gave Asha no comfort, it only cemented her fear, sending chills down her spine "And as long as your wish doesn't come true... As long as aaaaall those people down there aren't free... I'll be able to stay here... Loving you... Forever." They sound more and more deranged with every word.
Asha felt trapped, in the arms of the one she once loved.
I bet ya'll weren't expecting evil Aster... Welp! Evil Aster is a thing now.
This is probably the darkest thing I’ve ever wrote for real, don’t let me do this again yall
@uva124 actually sneaked a little drawing of this Aster in one of her sketches here
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So yeah! These were the alternate AUs! Two wholesome ones, and two very heavy with no comfort ones, perfectly balanced as all things should be.
Hope you guys forgive me after this hahaha see you guys next time! Bye!
Thank you for reading!
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infinitebrians · 5 months
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Favorite Games of 2023 Part 6: Phantasy Star Online (Ephinea Server)
This game barely fits even the criteria of ‘game was new to me in 2023’ but I had so much I wanted to say about my experience playing Phantasy Star Online this time around that I’m making this. First off, if you’re interested in trying the game out I cannot recommend the Ephinea private server ( https://ephinea.pioneer2.net/ ) enough. It comes with many community features and other small quality of life changes that make the act of playing the game pleasant without heavily changing the core experience.
PSO is one of my all time favorite games, there's nothing that can match it’s aesthetic, nothing that outdoes it's sort of science fiction look. The coolest looking characters with the coolest looking weapons fighting cool monsters while listening to an all timer soundtrack. Playing this again was just refreshing to me, it felt good to just play a game that's unafraid of being purely about the experience of grinding levels on a character. That's the point of the game, you just wanna level up and get stronger and find cool new thing to make yourself even stronger and cooler over and over until satisfied. After playing so much of this game as a kid entirely offline on my Gamecube, i cannot be thankful enough that there's been a strong and dedicated fan community keeping this game i love alive through fan made and maintained private servers. They are the true heroes.
Revisiting the game this time around has in particular made me discover just how cool and robust the auto chat messaging function is. It was something I either entirely ignored or just used as a means to avoid traps due to opening a menu will cause your character to keep running through traps instead of taking to a defensive walk state. This time however, I just started toying with it and discovered there's just so much to it. The auto messenger is surprisingly dynamic, it’ll react to other auto messages people sent before, floating appropriate responses to the top of the menu and react to where you are in the game. It just has such a wide variety of topics to pick from on and off topic from the game including stuff like hobbies and other real world chit chat subjects. Looking at this feature again in addition to thinking about this just simply incredible promotional video for the game ( https://youtu.be/dyEnJCgTZds?feature=shared ) really solidifies a sort of feeling the game had in feeling like they were really working on something that was going to be the future of games. In some ways they absolutely were, this game was a major influence for other online action RPGs like Monster Hunter and I always felt like Destiny took a lot of inspiration from it as well. The auto message feature (along with the simple symbol chat) just feel like they were coming from an era of ambition and wonder about just how big a game for ‘the whole world’ could be and trying to develop for that whole world.
I also had so much fun raising mags this time, even more than usual! I started raising multiple at a time and keeping notes on the proper way to raising my mag to be the special evolved form. I was so happy to find out just by chance that the player ID I had was the exact right one I needed to make a sato mag, my favorite, non gimmick mag design in the game. Just a funny little cat/fox guy with a huge tail, everybody loves sato! This time around I found myself continually wanting to just keep raising mags and trying out different good mag builds. Not even to really use them even, I’ll probably give them to friends or trade them off for goodies or whatever but it’s just a lot of fun to raise them. Mags being a way to start at level one feeling powerful from either being easily shared from another character has been one of my favorite things in this game. Its such a cool way to start a new character or player out feeling strong that now feels like you're cheating due to how common it is for games to entirely lock down player trading. PSO instead having trading be almost entirely unrestricted feels so cool and communally positive, you can just share cool items you found and don't need instead of being restricted to some intended player progression concept. I always wonder why stuff like mag raising or Sonic Adventure’s chao garden don’t show up in games more often, they’re always a feature that feel like they’re universally beloved and yet just feel like they don’t show up in games often.
The biggest thing I took away from revisiting one of my favorite games was Clown. I started playing this again because I just really needed to walk around Pioneer 2 for a drawing reference which then turned into me making a whole new character and quickly becoming enamored with the game all over again. I’ve never played as a FOnewearl (force class, Newman girl) before so I wanted to try something different and I named them Clown because simply that's what my brother and I thought they looked like when we were kids. I gave them big round glasses and after a short while I found myself falling in love with leveling Clown, the biggest doofus in Pioneer 2.
After that I decided to doodle Clown out of enjoying their design and needing a daily drawing for that day. It’s a really fun design! I love character with big goofy glasses, they’re super expressive and lend themselves well to someone who wear their emotions on their sleeves. So I just started drawing Clown a bunch and sort of nailing down a consistent design for them, what colors to use and some small general preferential modifications to the design from their original PSO design. So, for the first time I was successful in making an ‘original character’ I actually liked and wanted to draw in other things. I love Clown, everyone loves Clown, the people can’t get enough of that Clown! I should really draw more Clown…
This was especially significant to me because something that’s always been bothering me with my art is that I’m doing way too much fan art, I’m super worried my art has very little ‘me’ to them and everything I do is just recreations of someone else’s ideas. Then, on the other hand putting myself out in such a vulnerable way as to share completely original concepts has and still does scare me into paralysis. Clown has been important to me in sort of just sort of taking a baby step into this whole thing, something I really hope to push myself into more and more over time. I have some ideas on some stuff I want to try this year but ideas are cheap and action is scary so we’ll see if you’ll actually see some of it eventually.
I’m hoping that I will some day be able to more comfortably put myself out there with my art and I’m realizing that with the use of create a character functions in games has been the most consistent way for me to start to express myself in a way. Clown has been my most obvious example of this, but I’ve also been really fond of the character I made in Final Fantasy 14, a hrothgar that I made to look like an old man with a big bushy beard and also small golden round glasses. I feel like I’m at my best when I’m not entirely alone in creative stuff, I need bounce off of someone or something else, I’m funnier when I get to riff and joke with someone else. People who can entirely work off of their own intuitions are just so impressive to me, it’s like a super power I don’t know if I’ll ever have.
Hey, if you’re actually reading all this writing at this point, behind the ‘read more’ button, thank you. I figure most people are just gonna look at the picture and be on their way and for the most part that's the intention but its been really nice writing out my thoughts more and even hearing some people talk to me about it in turn. I’ve had a bit of a hard time starting to write this stuff but more and more after each of these posts I’ve become a bit more confident in organizing my thoughts and getting words out correctly. This is admittedly too much for someone to reasonably read about some silly 'favorite games list' so if you’ve cared enough to keep going to this point, thank you so much. You see that stuff up there? Wow! I’m actually saying self conscious thoughts and concerns about things I’ll maybe never fully address out loud! Feed that to your mag to give them some Defense and Magic points!
Revisiting PSO again has been a really positive experience for myself as both a means of reaffirming my lifelong love for this game as well as creating new reasons as to why I should feel passionate for it. I don’t know if I’ll ever stop loving this game and I hope I never a reason to stop. This game to me has some of the best aesthetic and visual identity in the entire medium, nothing will ever top its sense of place to me. I wish I could live somewhere as cool as Pioneer 2 and hang out with cool robots and space wizards all day talkin’ about what cool red boxes they found or how cute rag rappies are. I turned the game on again recently for drawing reference purposes and I totally want to play some more again.
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cowgurrrl · 8 months
A come to Jesus talk with June
Alright, y’all some of you guys might’ve noticed I haven’t been as active on here especially when it comes to writing. Honestly, I’m in such a slump right now. Grad school is way harder than I thought it was gonna be and I’m still trying to get my feet under me in a new country with new friends and new work to do and writing hasn’t been something that’s come super easy recently. Therefore, I’m having a brief but very necessary break from fic writing. With everything going on with school, my org, my mag writing, and just life, I’ve been really stressed. I’m hoping to come back to it in a few weeks once I get a break because I do still have so many ideas and half-finished wips on the back burner that just haven’t been given the love they deserve. That being said, I would never leave y’all high and dry so here are some amazing writers/fics to binge during my break 😌
@pedrito-friskito’s Strawberry Wine: literally just go open the master list for this fic and tell me you don’t want to eat up every second of it. SW is/was a fic I read when I was still just kinda lurking on tumblr and not posting anything and it is beautiful. The way Kay writes is so intense and nuanced and incredibly, incredibly executed. I cannot recommend this series enough.
@swiftispunk’s Your Summer Dream: I think about this au at least three times a week because it is just that damn good!! It’s so fun and refreshing after reading so much angst and hurt/comfort to just have something a little sexy and heartfelt to read. Han is an absolute wordsmith and even though I’m recommending YSD, I truly recommend anything and everything she writes ever. Full stop.
@cupofjoel’s Keep It On The Low: DAMN I MEAN WOW this idea, this series, this writing is so impressive and hot and keeps you on your toes?? Not only that but it’s so emotional and soft and makes me say OW IVE BEEN SHOT I’m genuinely in awe of it every time there’s an update and I’m SO excited to see what happens next
@saintmurd0ck’s anything: Before I was a slut for Joel Miller, you better believe I was a slut for Matt Murdock and Frank Castle and THIS BITCH (affectionate) MADE IT SO MUCH WORSE Rhi’s account was also one I followed when I was still just lurking on tumblr and I love her work even though I haven’t fully regressed back to my Daredevil/Punisher phase (it’s coming (that’s what she said)) and I get so excited when I see her come out with something new 🥺
@softlyspector’s Adjustments: OW OW OW OW Adjustments reminds me of getting wrapped up in a warm blanket after you’ve been out in the cold in that it doesn’t completely take away the outside factors that have driven you to the comfort but goddammit if it soothe the ache a little. There’s so much angst but also so much love and comfort and found family and oshdkajdja i just love it GO READ IT NOW
@egcdeath’s Someone in The Crowd: take oftm but make it la la land coded and you get Someone in The Crowd!! It’s only one part but it’s so gorgeous and reflective and sweet?? I think it plays with tropes we don’t see very often in fic and that’s why it’s up here (Neptune, please come home from war the kids miss you)
Any and all of these writers are amazing and have great works outside of the ones I’ve recommended for you to read (and like and comment and share with them how much you loved them (support your local writer)) until I can get back to cranking shit out. Thank you for your patience and thank you to these writers and mutuals for constantly inspiring me to continue to create 🥺🩷 ilysm
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hello again! sorry to invade your ask box again but i’ve just finished reading your latest work and it made me wonder about how the academy works in district 4. how to you imagine it works? do kids sign up or how to do they get involved? how do they pick who goes that year? sorry, that might be too many questions!
Hi! No worries I love getting asks so thank you <3
I was actually just thinking about this so I’m glad you asked! So first of all I just have to clarify something, I've seen that some people don't think of district 4 as a "real" career district, but I think they absolutely are. Whereas 1 and 2 believe in bringing honor to their districts, 4 trains kids because they want to save as many people as possible.
My headcanon is that Mags developed Four's career academy, and we know that Mags doesn't support the Capitol or the Games. So I think her rationale was that sending trained 18 year olds into the arena is better than just relying on chance; not only are the untrained kids safe, but even the volunteers are able to live until 17 or 18 years old as opposed to dying at 12. It still sucks, but it's the best they can do, and I think that's 4's reasoning for training their kids.
Anyway back to your actual question! This is all a loose understanding of the Academy and things could totally change, but right now I have it set up like this:
Kids join from ages 7-11. They could be recommended by parents or teachers, or just have an interest in joining. Also there is a small stipend that families get if their kids train, so that's an incentive for them to enter their kids. At this point, training is just a casual after school activity, like sports.
At age 12, training takes up more time, although kids are still living with their parents and going to school. This is when a lot of people leave because training is getting harder, or parents may pull their kids out if they don't want them to actually go into the arena.
From ages 12-15, students go through routine (maybe once or twice a year) examinations on everything they will need to know for the arena. Meanwhile, the staff (not sure what to call them - trainers?) are observing the students and cutting people from the program.
By the time the students are 16, there are about five girls and five boys left. This is the last chance to back out because at 16 they start training full time. They no longer go to school and they live at the Academy instead of with their parents. From 16-17, the ten students are still training and doing exams, although nobody else is getting cut from the program until they officially pick the volunteers.
At age 18, the students are called seniors. They do a final exam that will help the teachers decide who will go into the arena, and this exam takes place around two weeks before the reaping. The night before the reaping is when they decide who will actually volunteer.
The only people who know who the volunteers will be are the teachers and the ten senior students. Although rumors can travel fast, it usually stays pretty ambiguous until they actually volunteer. This way, if somebody chokes and doesn't volunteer, they don't get shamed by the district.
This is really interesting to think about and I'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts! Thank you for the ask Lily :)
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reasons why my favorite line cook is my favorite line cook:
-he’s really positive and smiley but also real and like aware that things are shit
-his wife?girlfriend? and him just had a kid and he’s super excited and wholesome about it
-also i mean this partner and she’s the absolute sweetest
-he loves studio Ghibli and has a my neighbor totoro sweatshirt
-i left at the same time as him tonight and he was like” i’m just gonna make sure you get to your car okay, nobodies gonna want to try anything tonight”
-i asked my manager to do something, and he responded “got you shawty” to which this line cook made a face and was like “yeah i don’t really like that” in reference to him calling me shawty, which didn’t make me uncomfortable, but it is undeniably weird
-he calls people hon, in a way that isn’t weird and is actually really sweet cause he has a bit of a country accent
-i was trying to squeegee this area because one of the drains was broken and i was struggling because this things about as tall as me, he just took over and did it for me
-i came back into the kitchen the other day to complain about this old man calling me baby, and he said “that’s fucking gross” because it is
-a different line cook asked me to get him a drink two days in a row (which would be fine) except he only had like one tickets is he was not at all busy. the second day, my fav told him, it’s alright you can grab it yourself
-he told me i was a gem of a human being today
-he spent a bunch of time trying to make one of my coworkers smile, he was being a bit annoying but really genuine
-he calls me mags most of the time instead of my name name, i don’t ask people to call me mags, but i do prefer it
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rosemaryandarsenic · 2 years
Gareth HC's (NSFW, Minors DNI 18+)
he’s a Dr. Pepper or root beer guy, sometimes he irritates you bc he doesn’t drink enough water 
Anxious person to the max doesn’t fidget unless he’s thinking really hard and then he taps on EVERYTHING. Likes getting high with Eddie because it calms him dow, has the worst separation anxiety on the planet but only once he’s close with you. 
Not a smiler unless he has to, people think he’s mad all the time but it’s just his face. When he does smile it’s contagious, lots of dimples. 
Obsessed with physical contact in a quiet way, he’s not big on PDA but he’ll always be touching you somewhere. If you’re dating it’s footsie under the table or holding your hair, messing with your hair, walking with his hand in your pocket. If it’s platonic, he’d always find a way to sit next to you, punches you a lot, slaps your shoulder. He likes to hug everyone when he gets drunk and if he really likes you he’ll fight you lol. 
Gets in fights constantly, like he’s a hothead. As he’s gotten older he’s gotten much better at controlling it but he still loses it sometimes. One time some guy grabs your butt at a bar and you get mad and Gareth is just there holding a chair like, step aside sweetheart I’m gonna bash his head in 😂 
Only gets mad when other people get hurt, will just get sad if it’s himself. He’s tough but he’s a sweetheart who’s way too protective of his friends and loved ones. 
Speaking of loved ones, if you’re together then he loves to tease you. Like he’s sarcastic as shit and loves to make you squirm. 
I just know y’all would have inside jokes that only you two know, just so you could make each other blush in public without anyone else knowing why. 
He’s got siblings, gives me older or middle sibling vibes, even though he was the baby of hellfire. Absolutely has sisters. 
He’s a little insecure bc he grew up as the chubby kid but you always tell him how handsome he is. You’re constantly mumbling something like, “c’mere pretty boy” or “hey handsome”. 
He’s not overprotective or demanding but he gets jealous as fuck. If you and Eddie are close too, he and Gareth would just fight about it all the time because,  “they’re allowed to be friends with me!!” And Gareth, “just doesn’t want them to end up liking eddie instead because Eddie’s the cool one.” This is because he looks up to eddie so much but he’s got some daddy issues. 
Chaotic bi or pan, 10000%. Likes anyone, everything, he’s just not very trusting of people so it takes awhile to open up. Once he does, oh boy he’s ALOT. 
I don’t think he’s neurotypical, I feel like he def has some mood disorders besides anxiety. Def some anger issues that he spends a lot of time working on. He picked up the drums as an outlet so he’s protective over them and his practice time. 
Refuses to date other drummers even though when you play what he teaches you he drools a little. Thinks you look even hotter playing your own instrument and asks for you to sub sometimes just so he can watch you. 
He’s genuinely wholesome but also a perv! Like won’t do anything creepy just weird, for example he steals your underwear all the time and keeps a picture of you sucking on a lollipop on his ceiling. He def has a porno mag or two that he bought because they look like you. 
Hides boners frequently. Lol. 
steals your hair ties to wear on his wrist and uses one of your earrings as a pin on his vest. It’s a little black spider, you wear the other one in one of your ears so you match :) 
Okay but I saw a prompt that was like imagine his curls between your thighs as he eats you out and I….hmnnngggg 
Y’all have sex in some strange places, always quiet and tucked away but just everywhere. The school bathroom, back of his car, the treehouse in the backyard bc his parents were home, like everywhere. 
He lets you do his makeup and his nails all the time, not insecure about it at all 
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