#ass name imo
gummy-axolotl · 7 months
Who wants to hear some rant I have from like 6th grade
Everybody? Excellent
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anonymouscheeses · 2 hours
Oh wow another wlw couple that is CANON and WELL WRITTEN and is actually ADORABLE, is ignored by parts of the fandom in favor of shipping one of the conventionally attractive women with a man. Who woulda guessed? It's always the wlw couple.
Yes this is about Yasammy. No Yaz and Ben aren't gonna be a couple shove that stick up your ass 😭🙏
The funny thing is, there's actually no reason to ship that. Actually, they barely had ANY scenes at all in camp cretaceous. You just want to ship the most pretty female character with some guy you find the most relatable because your weird asf... Or etc reasons I really don't care. Yaz x Kenji? I get it, I guess, cuz that was mostly before Sammy came into the picture. But then I JUST come back to the fandom and already see the wlw erasure EVERYWHERE 💀
Anyway, short story short, hot take I guess: maybe DONT ship the only wlw characters with men? I don't see that with canon mlm couples so why tf should wlw be the exception?
I haven't seen any of it on here yet (mostly cuz I'm trying keep away from spoilers) but I'm sure there's some. *gag*
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ourdreamsareneon · 5 months
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Fucking Mizora because she's hot ❌
Fucking Mizora because the lighting is good for screenshots ✅
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allysr00m · 1 month
Cw: NSFW pictures
Taika has the best butt 🍑🍑🍑🍑, Kim K who?
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one-starry-knight · 2 months
generally my hero-verse ocs exist in my own original world (that I partially share with Jo) but I do enjoy just like. throwing some of my ocs at Gotham specifically. its fun to think about. I think Alice would get along with Batman.
Bella especially feels so Gotham villain I'm like idk I know he's meant as an Alice villain but likeeee........ he could just be a Batman rogue
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tsukasageorge · 2 months
Day 18: Character Design/Ref
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remember my magical girl oc named kyrie? yeah i have another one
oh my god this gave me so much trouble for literally no reason. i liked this design when i initially sketched it out but drawing it again made me kind of hate it?????? i literally have no idea whats going on in this design and also their face looks wrong but its okay bc its done now
~2hr 15min???
#raey draws#xchallenge#raey oc#'it doesnt have to be good it just has to be done' is probably the best mindset you can have as an artist imo#cause if you're an artist you'll probably never be Good. and i dont mean that in a bad way#your art will always be beautiful and have value no matter what. what i mean is like#you will almost always have higher expectations for yourself than you can realistically achieve no matter what your skill level is#and on one hand that's good bc it pushes you to keep going and keep improving#but it's also really really discouraging because your expectations grow With your art skills and sometimes it feels like you'll never be#An 'Actually Good' Artist#basically what im trying to say is. you have to make bad art. its literally impossible for you to only make good art.#making bad art is whats gonna make you able to make good art#anyways since this gave me so much trouble im going to talk a little about kye as a treat#their real name is kyrie but since they're already besties with a different person named kyrie everyone calls them kye#(everyone actually calls them jorts)#kye does own pants that are not jorts. HOWEVER they are committed to an incredibly stupid bit#and will refuse to wear anything but jorts when in front of other people#kye saturn and kyrie are all best friends (plus mac but its gonna be 5 years before i design him)#kye and kyrie are gym bros and have some deep soulful bond that transcends time or whatever (they have the same name)#kye and saturn are the 'cant stand her fake ass!! 10 mins later: me and the bestie' meme#kye and mac are not really Best Friends outside of their friend group but they kind of understand each other on some deep subconscious leve#cause they had similar childhoods + cause of death#ok thats it bye
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i-hear-a-sound · 10 months
drakengard 2 is good. eat my shorts
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shuckstruck · 2 months
post deleted on the off chance my job hunts me down and shoots me like a dog in the street for discussing my workplace outside company walls
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sendmyresignation · 4 months
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lmao this quote is killing me. hardcore sucks in regards to gender because women are embedded in these scenes and employing strategies to maintain their own sanity and/or are reaching for (and failing) to be taken seriously on their own terms. it is their fault punk is oblivious to gender and feminism. get ooovvveerr yourself. conscious raising should be taking the initiative to open up these musicians to a new possibility but of course they are going to be hostile if you are out the gate calling them delusion and unfeminist- these are your peers!! or they are the woman who were there before you!!!
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Top 10 Scooby-Doo media to make shitty show-writers watch before making a show for the Scooby-Doo franchise
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pics-pizza-peace · 2 years
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a doodle page that got out of hand
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flammedoudoune · 1 year
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Oh my god they really decided to give his name a deep meaning uh
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un-pearable · 2 years
okay. s6 thoughts. you can pinpoint the part where my heart breaks right at the beginning of the season
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i have to say though i was pleasantly surprised at how decent jay/naya was at like the 2/3rds way point of the season and onwards when its just them. like as you can tell i am not particularly fond of the way the writers attempt romance. but either way all i ask for is that jay/naya doesnt get any more drama. since i can never win with shipping in this series im not counting on it, but a girl can dream.
anyways i think its really kind of weird how all naya wanted this arc was some agency and then she... didnt even get to significantly contribute to ending the djinn. like man the only reason jay's wish got made was because she was dying for man pain. the irony is almost too much. but i digress
i simultaneously like and dislike jay's final wish bc i dislike that nya had to die and also that it undoes the whole season (except for jay and naya for some reason (????? like why does nobody else remember this. actually scratch that ive given up trying to understand how the djinn wishes work)) but i also like it because the way its presented feels like. i dont know. complete? rounded? its really weird. also fun fact im pretty sure i saw the final episode of this season and like none of the rest of it other than maybe the episode where the ninja go to jail. the wonders of cable tv
it is really terribly unfortunate, btw, that the only darker skinned character in the whole show is a rapist. i really dont like that i really dont like that at all.
in other news, zane continues to get nerfed by the writers by things outside his control because otherwise he'd be too powerful. they nerfed him when he took control of the team last season and they nerfed him again with the djinn wishes. i STILL dont understand how he deleted pixal. it makes no sense he just. did that (??????) and they didnt even try to explain
speaking of djinn lore that doesnt make sense to me, i still dont understand why he didnt just marry anybody on his ship and then wish them to be his girlfriend. like idk man that seems so much more simple.
i am also terribly terribly TERRIBLY disappointed we didnt get a "STOP THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" like for real what is Even The Point. whyd you even bother doing this at all. the answer is so that we could get jay/naya but man its not even explained how getting married gives him all those powers. just because. the other person doesnt even have to CONSENT and it works ????? somehow ????????? actually speaking of if she doesnt have to consent. whyd we even bother going through all this at all when she gets captured way earlier. man the lore of this season is just a mess.
im not gonna lie i really dont like the fact that zane's dad made a replacement for him. not even like a different kid its literally just zane 2.0 despite the fact that both of them are sentient and, yknow. people. that would, however, be a very interesting subplot to explore re: zane's identity as a robot but unfortunately we wont be getting that bc i dont think this show likes what i like very much. also very sad that the other zane, who is still a person btw, is gonna be trapped in that lighthouse for the rest of time.
also really really funny that old lloyd looks like a garmadon clone. reminded me of something my friend who i am liveblogging my ninjago revival to said like 3 days ago
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anyways watch them give lloyd a girlfriend and watch me tear my hair out as the ninjago writers continue to curse me with their attempts at romance. im also like 40% sure a time travel arc is coming up soon but maybe im remembering wrong. guess we shall Wait And See.
also unrelated but i have to say the djinn response to a wish being "your wish is yours to keep" instead of "your wish is my command" is honestly pretty epic. i do love that.
also. a . question. are we.... are we ever going to get back to the fact that jay's bio dad is (presuming hes still alive. well i guess at the point the season leaves off he is but still you get the idea) a world famous actor and dumped his son off at a junkyard despite being fabulously wealthy and then named said son as his heir without ever contacting him (????????????????) please tell me we're going back to that. please. who the heck is his bio mom. many questions no answers.
so, my wishes for the next season: no love drama please i am on my hands and knees i am begging i am pleading no more romance. give me a break dear writers please. um other than that i was talking to previously mentioned friend earlier and i was like "well im pretty sure garmadon is coming back because if theres one thing this show hates its letting go of its cast" and she said that he comes back in an extremely mediocre way and thinks i will be mad so. that. is a thing i am . well i want to see him again but im also not so sure i want to see him again with this new information. so theres that. um i want more team interactions as always. i want people hanging out and being friends. i also want bad alt outfits. im a simple lady honestly
(preface: my infinite apologies for not getting this till now my life is a disaster rn. i am GREATLY enjoying these)
the immediate turnaround.... yeahhh. i'm a filthy early seasons stan and boy does it become very clear the more seasons they get that the struggle between the writer's cool ideas and their ability to execute them is constant and ongoing (and largely losses). im pretty sure s6 had some notoriously bad crunch too and it definitely shows
kudos to them for finally getting their one-on-one dynamic down bc it can be REALLY fun when used to its full potential but the majority of the time nya gets nerfed and its the biggest loss ever. theres so much to do with your deconstruction of the damsel how dare they fuck it up so many times 😔 dangers of an ever growing cast but cmon
i can do nothing but agree with your complex feelings on the ending bc its both incredibly frustrating and incredibly fitting. the racial implications of this show only get more,, concerning. as time goes on so tragically yeah. yeah. fuckin hell lego
zane king of my heart. the cornerstone of the team my tag is loadbearing nindroid for good reason. you are constantly correct
!!! yes!!! the one thing that could have made that entire plot line (slightly) more comedic than uncomfortable. literally nothing about this season has logic that makes sense even within JUST this season its terrible its great.
i can't even comment on the echo zane stuff its just baffling to me they don't ever use it. fucking WILD thing to make canon and then never bring it up again dear god. both intriguing implications for dr. julien's.... everything and completely squandered opportunity to actually get into robot storylines again which are 80% of the reason i watched the show. eternally crossing my fingers that those rumors about the villains are true bc dear god does julien get more fucked up the more you think about him. (preboot) chuck and dr julien are the same archetype stop making connections brain. that is a negative statement they're both well meaning but fucked up. and self flagellating for the wrong reasons
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oHHH yeah. the familial symbolism in this series is like a drug to me i can't get enough of it. approaching lloyd and garmadon as the same core traits just with vastly different circumstances... ninjago has fascinating implications for the nature vs nurture debate ill leave it at that
it is!!! its cool as hell.
everything about jay is fascinating to me he has as many bonkers decisions behind his existence as lloyd does only he's supposed to be The Normal Guy so it loops back around. untapped comedic potential in him being wealthy enough to subsidize their entire crimefighting lifestyle but being too traumatized to explain why. the larry butz of ninjago.
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coffeebooh · 2 years
i’m abt to blow y’all’s mind but consider this: raquel x artemis, babs x zatanna
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felixfathom · 2 years
Torn between "oh, they want it to have a psychological thriller vibe and the Felix reveal is the sharp turning point from a sweet teen romance movie into a full-on horror film" and "OH THEY WANT TO DEMONSTRATE TO US HOW GOOD FELIX TRULY IS AT BEING ADRIEN. HE'S GOING TO FOOL THE AUDIENCE THATS BRILLIANT ACTUALLY"
i would normally be so happy about this but it's just making me feel sick how they are mauling the sentitwins fans here . and i really hope it happens early on or whatever bc i don't want most of felix's screentime this episode be occupied by him acting like SOMEONE ELSE ENTIRELY .
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moonlightsapphic · 2 years
I’m soooo fucking tired of people who have no idea about my life questioning the validity about my opinions on the plot of Stranger Things 4. The number of straight people in my life announcing this was the ✨ epitome ✨ of accurate queer rep in period piece television and defending the Duffers (despite this season being pretty flawed all-around) with their lives, and then telling me that the writers don't owe me anything to my face is beyond me. Acquantances that are publicly out under the poly/mspec/bi+ umbrella have held up their identity to me like some sort of VIP card to shut me down. They haven't bothered to take into consideration any of the vast, rich discourse going on amongst the queer community online. They don't know that I'm the only one amongst them who has ever been in a long-term same-sex relationship, and if this were that kind of pissing competition, then I would inadvertantly win. I'm not out to them (and I don't have the privilege to ever be publicly out) and I'm glad that I made that choice.
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