#back in my GW phase
gabi-theladylover · 9 months
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Hnfnfj I got student of the month which is good but they make us eat pizza with the principle (ew???) I might just have half a piece for silly idk
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charonte-simi · 2 years
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lovemyromance · 2 months
Listen, if someone can just tell me why/how Azriel knows that Cassian would feel it if Nesta was dead, I'll shut up forever.
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I'm definitely willing to accept that this is another literary, figurative way to just say "Oh, you'll know in your heart if she's alive or not."
But this is magic fae world with mating bonds that can be felt. With love, attraction, lust, anger, sorrow, all emotion basically being able to be felt through the mating bond between a pair.
So I ask again - how does Azriel know? He taps Cassian's chest and says, "Right here–you'd know, Cass."
Like?? Hello?? How does he have the exact coordinates to this feeling?? What is giving him GPS powers??
Could it be-perhaps-that he knows because he has felt it before?
But when could he have felt such a feeling, if he does not have a mate? How?
It's haunting me, truly. I'm sitting here trying to think how this man would know what that feels like, and I've come to two conclusions:
Maybe Mor is his mate, and he felt that same feeling of emptiness in his chest when she was left beaten/with nails in her stomach from her failed betrothal to Eris. It was a traumatic moment for her, and Azriel has always been ready to defend her honor.
But this situation still doesn't make sense. If they were mates, how is he able to move on from Mor after 500 years? Cassian notes Azriel seemed to have moved on in ACOSF. Mor seems to be perfectly fine and well, so it's not like she has been in any danger since that would imply that's the reason why Azriel knows what a mating bond going silent feels like
OR, and in my opinion, the far more likely theory:
When Elain went into the Cauldron, Azriel was shot by a faebane arrow. Or whatever poison it was that snuffs out all magic, including the bond. He was basically dead to the world. Maybe there was some kind of bond that was supposed to snap between them, and so when Elain went into the Cauldron, it assigned her to a different male, after presuming Azriel as dead.
Maybe that dormant bond still lingered, even when Elain was taken by Hybern. When they put those chains on her, that also snuffed out all magic. Maybe that's when Azriel noticed he couldn't feel Elain anymore. Maybe that's why he was so, so desperate to get her back. To get those chains off her, even though his wings were shredded. Maybe that's how he knows what that emptiness in your chest feels like when you lose your mate.
What is very interesting about the Hybern/Elain's chains situation is that she was still mated to Lucien during that. And yet, Lucien did not magically arrive at their camp (he knows where they were, he arrived like the next day smh), and declare he was going to get her back. He can winnow. He can sense the bond, that thread between him and Elain. Where was he, when he got that emptiness in his chest? When he presumably sensed his mate was gone? He did not act like Cassian when Nesta got taken for the BR. He did not go insane, demanding he needs her back. He did not even attempt to send word or check in with Feyre/Rhys. No, that was all Azriel.
And please do not reply to this with "Oh, well how do you know he didn't do any of that?" um. because if SJM did not mention it on the page, why should I consider that a possibility at this given time? She has no reason to not mention that. In fact, if she were going for Elucien, it would have been a great way to show Elain the perks of the mating bond and have her become more accepting of it, but Lucien was. not. there.
Those are the only two times we've seen Azriel lose his cool. When it's situations around Mor's honor, and now situations with Elain. Not going to even bother commenting on Gw*n, as Azriel has not shown any reaction to her despite being around her every day in ACOSF and barely acting phased and going to save Eris instead when the girls were taken to the BR. Like, completely wrong redhead, my dude.
Personally, I would like it more if Elriel weren't actually mates, and still chose each other. But this whole mating bond thing with Lucien/Elain/Azriel is so suspicious to me. I need some answers Sarah!!
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ryuuka-balaen · 10 months
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between Tuesday and today, I've played my first game of 10th edition with @amanitabones !
army lists in use;
Imperial Knights (985 points)
Incursion (1000 points)
Noble Lance
Knight Paladin (415 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Rapid-fire battle cannon
1x Reaper chainsword
1x Stormspear rocket pod
• Enhancement: Mythic Hero
Armiger Helverin (145 points)
• 2x Armiger autocannon
1x Armoured feet
1x Questoris heavy stubber
Armiger Helverin (145 points)
• 2x Armiger autocannon
1x Armoured feet
1x Questoris heavy stubber
Armiger Warglaive (140 points)
• 1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear
Armiger Warglaive (140 points)
• 1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear
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Tyranids (995 points)
Incursion (1000 points)
Invasion Fleet
Hive Tyrant (230 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Monstrous Scything Talons
• 1x Monstrous bonesword and lash whip
• Enhancement: Synaptic Lynchpin
Termagants (60 points)
• 10x Fleshborer
• 10x Xenos claws and teeth
Barbed Hierodule (305 points)
• 2x Bio-cannon
• 1x Hierodule scything talons
• Enhancement: Perfectly Adapted
Carnifexes (125 points)
• 1x Deathspitters with slimer maggots
• 1x Heavy venom cannon
• 1x Xenos claws and teeth
• Enhancement: Adaptive Biology
Genestealers (90 points)
• 5x Genestealers claws and talons
Raveners (75 points)
• 3x Ravener claws and talons
Tyranid Warriors with Ranged Bio-weapons (70 points)
• 1x Tyranid Prime
• 1x Bio-weapons
• 1x Venom Cannon
• 2x Tyranid Warrior
• 2x Bio-weapons
• 2x Devourer
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Being that we're both generally new to the game, we decided to play the simplest style of game we could; pure slaughter. Berefit of mission decks due to GW not having released a PDF of them and my having not printed out what I'd found yet, we didn't use any special mission rules. Additionally, as we had both only played 5th edition previously, we agreed to omit use of Strategems. Finally, due to how narrow my table is, the only really valid deployment style was Sweeping Engagement.
All this decided, we rolled off for first move and I (Imperial Knights) won with a 2. Armies were deployed and I engaged by moving my Paladin and Warglaives forward and firing shots into the opposing warriors, termagants, and hive tyrant. with the loss of 2 Gants, 2 Warriors, and half the Tyrant's wounds, the Tyranids responded with a frenzy of focused attacks, immediately destroying my Paladin and reducing one Warglaive to the wounded state.
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The loss of my Paladin in turn1 was a shock of ice water that alerted me to just how dangerous the (only legs right now 😭😭) Barbed Hierodule was, and I immediately began backpedalling and playing defensively. There was no doubt that the surrounded Warglaive was a lost cause, and that the other would need to stand firm as a bastion between the Hierodule's wrath and the Helverins' gunline.
I backed my Helverins behind the deployment line, and placed the unwounded (and sadly not fully painted) warglaive between terrain pieces to block enemy passing. The barrage from the Helverins, with the help of the Warglaives' (terrifying) Thermal Spears, the Hive Tyrant's reign of tyranny was ended, and multiple Genestealers and Raveners with it. Finally, the doomed warglaive made a sweeping assault with it's heatblade which finished off the last of the Genestealers.
Tyranids took a lot of ground in movement of turn 2, and though they accomplished little in shooting, the fight phase was a savagery of claws and teeth that shredded the first Warglaive, and the second was lucky to survive that turn before the Hierodule's onslaught.
sadly I forgot to continue taking pictures after each turn for use in posting 😭😭😭
most of the rest of the game, after that last Warglaive's unfortunate slaughter by the last Ravener before the Hierodule got a chance at it, consisted of the two Helverins being backed into a corner firing a desperate spray from their autocannons to hold off the horde.
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the Hierodule was defeated with focused fire, and that last Ravener stomped under heel like the bug it is, and it came down to just one Helverin facing off the remaining Termagants and the untouched Carnifex
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The Termagants stood no chance, having dealt only one wound per turn, and the bushes they hid in were painted red.
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it was a showdown now. a battle of Giants. One Helverin facing One Unharmed Carnifex. With 8 wounds each to take, the Helverin put up a fight but was crushed like the tin can it is before the Carnifex's powerful Crushing Claws, which laid it to rest with -10 wounds.
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Today's battle was very close, but a Tyranid victory. Well played and thank you for the game @amanitabones !
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consoledacup · 1 year
For those who see a regression in Jordan's character in the latest ep....
The pilot set Jordan's series Achilles heel in motion incredibly well. He overhears his dad, the great NFL star Billy Baker, say that Spencer is the guy who will deliver the Beverly Hills championship. His name wasn't mentioned at all. And he's back to the day that he broke a window and saw the pride in his dad's eyes once he realized Jordan could be an exceptional quarterback.
Jordan said it as much in 5x19. He was chasing his dad's attention ever since. And all of his actions from the pilot to s4 constantly informed that idea.
It's why he was messing around and getting high. He saw how the connection between his dad and Spencer was unlike anything he's experienced. And was just kinda like, well, what's the point? I suck, so I might as well have fun. And then when GW is working with him, he can't shake the, what do you think? Am I good? Is my dad wrong? Am I good? Am I good? Am I good?
And then of course after his dad's affair was revealed, and this man that he idolized revealed that he was very, very human, all hell broke loose. And when he's told he's going to be a father, he's like. Well, shit. Maybe this is something that will bring us closer in a weird way because he's not perfect either. He has no choice but to help me, right?
He is brokenly trying to make peace with his failed relationship with his dad and letting down his mom. And then Spencer, his brother, not only leaves Beverly but takes his dad with him. His dad follows the perfect son. Of course he's going to marry Simone. Because Simone is telling him, I know you would've been a great father. I know you can support me. I see you as a man. And then he completely loses himself after his concussions. Because the one thing he had going on with his dad, with his friends, with his school, with his future, with all of it... was football. And if he didn't have football, where else was he gonna find approval?
Once he gets Spencer to train him and becomes this really bad ass player, he's like... wait a minute. GW saw something and trained me really hard. Now Spencer is pushing me hard. Maybe it isn't me... maybe my dad just doesn't see me as anything special. And Simone has these dreams and fell in love with Bringston, and maybe that's my dream, too.
And s4 is when he finally starts to let go of his expectations that his dad see him as anything as a screwup. And that's when Billy is starting to think, hey wait a minute. What did I do? How did I fail my son this way? It's the classic "Look at me! Dad! Dad! Dad..." The minute Jordan shuts up, Billy looks.
And it isn't until Jordan starts getting closer to Layla that he begins to let go of his people-pleasing tendencies. His whole life, he's like, Are you proud? Are you proud now? How about now? What should I do? What should I do? What can I do to make you proud? And in a loving way, Layla has no time for any of it. Isn't it funny that she brought up him seeking his dad's approval in the studio when he didn't even mention his dad? Olivia has told him that Jordan sometimes doesn't see himself as great. But Layla's the first person to say, what even defines greatness? What do you want?
And it's that thought that has Jordan finally progressing on the path to leadership. And finally mends, really mends, his relationship with his dad. Jordan lets go of trying to please him so damn much and starts going after what he wants. And accepts his dad for the flawed man he is and loves him for it. And then Billy finally, finally, finally is like, I screwed up. But I will be the best damn coach to you if you give me another chance. Because I can't lead this team without your talent. And when Billy decides to stay at Crenshaw, Jordan isn't even phased. Because he had finally started to look inward.
When Billy dies, he immediately tries to be his father. And pretty quickly realizes that that's not gonna work because he's not. He's always, always, always been Jordan Baker. Not Billy Baker's son. And in that way, he knows how proud he's made his father.
Don't you see? It is a leap of faith to get engaged at nineteen, and I'm not saying it's not risky because it is. But he figured out what he wanted. Good or bad, he didn't talk to anyone else about it. He didn't say, what should I do? What would Dad do? Even when Layla was so adamant against Asher proposing to Jaymee, he had to see for himself what her answer was going to be. He's not relying on anyone else to tell him his dreams or show him his path. He didn't want to waste any more time waffling when, in his gut, he knew what felt really, really right. And he chose his way.
The Jordan Baker way.
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Introduction! This whole blog is a TW
Hello fellow ed Tumblr users. My name’s Ophelia (she/her cis), I am 18 and from germany.
I grew up with a metabolism disfunction (awfully slow metabolism) so I never knew a time in my life where I had a good relationship with food. Even in Kindergarden I was counting calories. I had my phases of gaining and losing weight and spent those often on Ed Tumblr during the past 5 years. But I never made my own blog. Now the time has come. I wanna get back on track and this time fr.
Cw: ca. 75 kg (I really don’t know, we don’t have a scale)
Height: 1,62m
Gw: 60 kg
Ugw: 53 kg
Ugw2: 50 kg
During the corona lockdown I actually made it down to 58kg already and I’m sure I can do it again.
On this blog you might find vents, life updates, thinspo or even meanspo, but I’m not really into that so it might happen very rarely.
Btw this is actually me on the profile pic
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ND for NT? Neurodivergence in National Treasure
(Ben Gates Edition)
Previously, we discussed what the casting of Nicolas Cage brought to the role of Ben Gates, namely
a different relationship with attractiveness, and
But for a lot of fans, Cage’s performance brings something else to the character as well: autism.
I have to admit, though I am no stranger to bestowing neurodivergent headcanons on my favorite media, National Treasure never caught my eye as a potential subject.
However, y’all have spoken.
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So let’s explore this!
Because it seems relevant before we dig in, I am an official member of the Squirrel Gang (ADHD) but I’m probably not autistic. I did have a “what’s the difference/do I have both?” phase, so I’m a bit familiar with the criteria, how masking affects diagnosis etc. I’ll do my best to be faithful to your experience.
While official diagnosis is definitely not everything when it comes to neurodivergence, we’ll start with the DSM-5 criteria for autism so we have a common framework to reference from.
I thought these two sites had particularly good breakdowns, one in table form and one in infographic and prose form.
Basically, there are two main diagnostic ‘buckets.’ Group A is about “Persistent differences in communication” and consists of three subcategories. All three must be present for diagnosis. Group B is about repetitive behaviors and interests, and two of the four subcategories are required for diagnosis.
Parts C-E are more of a check after A and B are met, so we’ll deal with those last.
I’ll also be adopting the convention of changing the DSM’s language of “deficits” to “differences” throughout, because fuck that.
A1. “Differences in social-emotional reciprocity.”
In adults this can look like “difficulty initiating or sustaining back and forth conversation; tendency to monologue without attending to listener cues; unusual response to greetings or other social conventions.”
Ben certainly does have a few unusual responses to conversation. When he meets Abigail for the first time, he’s on a very serious mission (his last chance to save the Declaration of Independence without committing a felony) but the first words out of his mouth are about her accent. Then at the end of that conversation, once he realizes she’s not going to engage with him on the topic anymore, he jumps up to end the conversation quickly and awkwardly, only reengaging with her when he brings up the GW buttons again. Ben offers no small talk that is not related to American History.
During the gala, he doesn’t seem to realize that Abigail and Stan are weirded out by his toast to high treason and enthusiasm for entrail-based punishments.
After he and Riley rescue Abigail from the catering truck, he asks her “Are you hungry?” This reads to me as an attempt to startle her out of her shock long enough to get an answer to his actual question (“Are you alright?”), but still.
And Ben Gates doesn’t not have a tendency to monologue. This is especially apparent in Book of Secrets, where he consistently talks over Abigail and Riley without listening to them. Though, as always, I do not think BoS was well-written or particularly in-character, so I treat it as canon only when it suits me.
A2. “Differences in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction”
This section is about difficulty understanding non-verbal social cues, tendency to minimally communicate through facial expression and gesture, dislike of eye contact, and difficulty moderating tone/volume of voice.
Once of the main points of evidence of this is that fact that Ben seemingly did not have any idea that Ian was a criminal, that Shaw brought a gun on the Charlotte expedition, or that they were going to turn on him at any moment.
Ben Gates is a smart man, but he’s blind to this either because he’s so desperate to find the Charlotte that he’s ignoring any troubling signs, either consciously or subconsciously, and/or he genuinely cannot read them. He might be completely unaware of the power dynamics between Ian, Shaw, and the rest of the crew, with are portrayed via tone and body language throughout the film.
Ian and Ben also agree that Ben cannot bluff. While he does manage to fool Ian at the end of the film, both other times when Ian brings up bluffing—on the Charlotte and in front of Trinity Church—Ben looks like a deer caught in the headlights.
When he gets the instructions to jump off the Intrepid, Ben doesn’t have to fool anyone, because the agents are too far away to see what he’s doing and he straight-up tells Sadusky what he’s going to do.
Headcanon alert: We know Ben has played poker with Ian. While you could certainly believe that Ian and the gang were play low-stakes cards sometimes to entertain themselves, I absolutely prefer to believe that Ben was running out of resources for the search and found his way into a back room poker game in a desperate bid to buy himself a little more time. At first, Ian saw a mark he could swindle out of his last few hundred dollars, but as Ben kept going on about this treasure and a girl named Charlotte, he got a much more lucrative idea.
In the tone of voice category, we have the exquisitely delivered “Rheallhy?” Ben also has a tendency to mumble to himself, as when Sadusky is playing with the glasses and he says,
BEN There’s more to it.
It’s hard for me to tell how Ben does as far as eye contact goes, but what’s very clear is that the time he does purposefully make extended eye contact it’s awkward as shit.
A3. "Differences in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships"
This is the part where I just copy + paste the Nic Cage and the Art of Weirdness article to answer this prompt.
As a recap, we looked at the version of Ben presented in the 2003 script (just before Cage signed onto the movie) and the final character, and noted how Ben became less social and more isolated in the final film. References to previous girlfriends and an ongoing friendship with Riley are gone, as is the landlady whom he’s friendly with, etc. The film version of Ben Gates is someone who doesn’t seem to be particularly close to anyone, other than the people he needs for the treasure hunt (Ian and Riley).
So there’s some plausible evidence in all three subcategories of Group A. Let’s move on to Group B! (Remember, we only need 2/4 here.)
B1. “Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech”
Ben does not strike me as a particularly stimmy person. Unless he’s doing actions directly related to the treasure hunt, he’s often framed as the still, stable center while Riley bounces around him.
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(In these scenes, this blocking represents Ben’s resolve and the peace he’s made with his decision to steal the Declaration, versus Riley’s reticence and need to find another way out.)
He does do this thing, where he circles a finger over his temple,
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which I adore because he’s being so intense and patiently righteous about it, but without other similar examples, I wouldn’t call this more than neurotypical levels of stimming.
B2. “Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior”
We meet Ben Gates during the two wildest weeks of his life, and he doesn’t seem to be clinging to a set routine. We get so few glimpses of his regular daily life that it’s hard to support.
B3. “Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus”
Do I even have to answer this one?
Boy hears story.
Boy spends next 30 years obsessively pursuing story.
Boy steals Declaration of Independence to prove story is true.
My guess is that it’s Ben’s lifelong fixation on the treasure and American history what gets people looking at whether he’s ND in the first place. Lmk if it was something else for you though!
B4. “Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment”
I don’t know that I would have considered this outside of the scope of this topic, but yeah, I could see a case for Ben being hyposensitive. He stabs his thumb on the Charlotte like it’s a pretty easy and normal thing to do. It’s Riley who really flinches, not Ben.
When he jumps off of the Intrepid, he doesn’t seem sore or cold afterward. Yes, the henchmen bring him dry clothes, but he doesn’t seem physically phased by such a dramatic stunt.
So we can meet the two out of four requirement here as well.
Groups C-E
These groups can be asked as three questions:
C. Were the symptoms present in early development?
We only see young Ben for a few minutes, but when we do he is already interested enough in the treasure to sneak into the attic to learn about it, and we know he gets obsessed with the legend that night and never lets it go.
Without additional information, we can say yes.
D. Do the symptoms cause clinically significant impairment?
While none of what we’re discussing here seems to impair Ben’s treasure hunting ability, I do think it’s be easy to make a case that this globetrotting treasure hunter gig is one of the only ones he’s well suited for. If Ben were forced to work an office job, for instance, I do not see him succeeding in that environment. I don’t know that he’d get the hierarchy, why he can’t just do what he wants, when he wants, that not everyone is driven by a greater purpose larger than themselves, etc.
So sure, check that off.
E. Are these disturbances not better explained by intellectual disability?
No. This seems self explanatory.
Congratulations! Benjamin Franklin Gates is fully diagnosable with autism if you so wish!
But what if you don’t wish?
Caveats and such
Well, first of all, you’re allowed to see fictional characters however you want to. The Ben Gates you have in your head is ever so slightly different from the one I have in mine, and the one another reader has in theirs. If it’s important to you that he’s autistic, or allistic, or whatever, then he is.
And there’s a big asterisk I have to put on this assessment. Well, actually 2.
One, I am not a trained professional, and fictional character Ben Gates was not here to answer these questions himself.
Two, there’s a caveat to all of this analysis, a loophole, and I already brought it up:
We only see Ben Gates during the two weirdest weeks of his life.
So yes, could he struggle with eye contact and reading social cues and that’s why he’s so unhinged during the toast? Absolutely.
But he’s also like, a would-be history professor about to commit a major crime with one week of preparation. He’s not the slick professional we’re used to seeing in heist movies like Ocean’s Eleven, nor is he a highly trained Bond-style hero who’s ready for anything. He’s a regular (ish) person about to do something he can never take back. How is he supposed to be “normal” in that situation? What does that even look like?
The only food we see him eat is a microwaved Stouffer’s lasagna. Is that because he relies on the predictable taste and texture of processed foods, or because he’s been planning a heist all week and doesn’t have time for anything else? You decide!
Is he hyposensitive to pain, or is he just an action-adventure protagonist who’s expected to action-adventure without getting a scratch until the plot demands otherwise? He could be both!
Personally, while I like this reading of the character, I’m not sure I consider it ‘basically canon’ the way I do some other ND headcanons, in large part because we spend so little down time with Ben. I have no idea what his regular life is like.
I was looking through my favorite/personal ND headcanons, and most of them are from TV shows rather than movies. I think that’s precisely because long-term behavior patterns are so much more apparent in people you spend weeks or years with.
However, as a matter of fic and headcanon, I love this! Because there you can spend as much time with Ben as you want to. It opens up so many opportunities to add my very favorite thing in fictional narratives: texture.
Did Ben truly have no idea what Ian was capable of?
Does all this adventuring make his samefoods hard to come by?
Does he hate the feeling of wet clothing, because hoo boy, he is having a Bad Time™ in Book of Secrets.
Is a tiny part of what keeps him pursuing the treasure the knowledge that he can’t function very well in any world except the one he’s created for himself?
So many possibilities!
What did I miss?
What are some of your favorite autistic Ben moments and headcanons?
Next time, Abigail!
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boilmynoodles · 1 year
Ritchie Blackmore and cello story
Interview Guitar World~February 1991
GW: Did you ever record with a cello?
BLACKMORE: Yes, just on a small backing track - I can't remember on what. But you have to give your whole life to a cello. When I realized that, I went back to the guitar and just turned the volume up a bit louder.
GW: Was there anything you learned from the cello that you applied to the guitar?
BLACKMORE: Not really. The cello is such a melancholy instrument, such an isolated, miserable instrument. ...But it was an appropriate choice for me at the time, because my girlfriend had left me and I was going through this miserable phase.
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honks-n-stonks · 1 year
Uhh... hi! The name's Goose, and I do art! Sometimes. I also reblog a lot of stuff, mainly my interests, so watch out for that if that ain't really your style.
Speaking about my interests, here are some of my main ones! You'll hear me talking about the ones in bold a lot...
Monster Hunter (I play both Rise and GenU on the Nintendo Switch! AND I FINALLY HAVE WORLD ON PS4 YEAAAHHHHH)
Advance Wars
Puyo Puyo
... Battle Cats. yeah I'm going back into my BC phase
UNDERTALE (YELLOW)⁉️⁉️⁉️ help me there is cowboy in my brain. He won't LEAVE
Brawl Stars
And here are some games I like to play... I might talk about these occasionally as well! (I play most of these on PS4, but games marked in red I play on Switch)
Don't Starve Together
Plants Vs. Zombies (GW 1 & 2, BFN)
A Hat in Time
Sackboy: A Big Adventure
Overcooked! (2 and AYCE)
Risk of Rain 2
Deep Rock Galactic (Haven't played this in awhile..)
Hollow Knight (I also need to start playing this again...)
Fortnite (very infrequent, but I hop on it for STW and stuffs from time to time)
Monster Hunter World (I FINALLY GOT IT!!!!)
Dragon Ball FigherZ (I am really bad at fighting games... still pretty fun though!)
Monster Hunter Rise (+ Sunbreak)
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Risk of Rain Returns
Mad Rat Dead
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Uhh... not sure what else to put here! I'll edit this as time goes on.
Ah, right, DNI! Homophobes, Transphobes, NSFW, all that jazz. Basically... don't be weird. I really should make this part more in-depth sometime.
Oh, and here are some of the tags I use! uh, I've only used the art one until a few months back, so there's a good chunk of posts that are just. Untagged. Probably doesn't make a big difference though....
#house explosion.mp4 -> My art tag! (yeah.)
#not my art! -> Not my art!!!
#fowl rambling -> Me talking about stuff, may extend to tag-only rambling sometimes...
#who out here huntin they monster -> Monster hunter tag!
#straight from the box- the ask box! -> someone slipped me a letter in the askbox, and I responded!
#honk of fame -> fave tag!!! good stuff I found!!! peak is here....
[🎃] #trick or tweet -> for all the trick or treating asks! Look, I know geese don't tweet, but let me have this...
#puyohunter au -> oh god. I monster huntered Puyo Puyo. You cannot stop me. ... There ARE other medias mixed in, but that's a secret...
that's it! For now.
Oh wait, I just remembered...
I have one sideblog! 1!
@nonogram-hell -> Animal Jam sideblog... Been on a mini-hiatus here, whoops.....
Okay okay! Now that's it. Maybe.
(updated 4/1/24)
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about me :)
Coming back after attempting to “recover” for the third time in November. After losing 36lbs in four months during last years relapse.
I made this account to help trigger the honeymoon phase again and hold myself accountable. Plus I love the ed community as concerning as that may be you guys are the only ones who have ever been there for me <3
I will post my measurements and weight weekly, and I’m going to try and keep a food diary on here daily.
Please feel free to message me! I always could use more ana friends.
*All photos are not mine unless specified*
My stats:
Age: 17
Height: 5’4
CW: 125lbs
HW: 152lbs
LW: 116lbs
GW: 110lbs
UGW: 99lbs
~ my progress ~
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lowcalchailatte · 6 months
New LW!!
82.0 LB (36.1 kg)
The beginning of the week was terrible I binged over the weekend then again on Tuesday😭
Hopefully I reach my GW by next week (80 lb). I’m definitely getting back into my honeymoon phase. I realized yesterday when I sat down to eat yogurt and strawberries for breakfast, and I literally felt sick and stuffed after a few bites to the point I decided to fast the rest of the day👀
I’m not complaining, but I’m lowkey scared🥲
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nikethestatue · 2 years
random thought. whenever i read g stans anti elriel arguments it seems that they have never read ANY book before (let alone a romance book) because their arguments are so stupid? they debunk elriel by saying 'its only lust!!!' as if smut/NA books dont exist, 'oh he has feelings for her? he didnt admit that to rhys' as if Romantic Heroes™ admit their feelings before their own book and to someone who isnt their LI, 'hes toxic and abusive and controlling' as if Romantic Heroes™ arent shown to be over-protective in books, 'he hasn't planned anything for their future!!' as if Emotionally Stunted Romantic Heroes™ in books dont fall in love involuntarily and against their judgement, 'his thoughts about her are VULGAR' as if sex and love don't coexist, 'he's just jealous of rhys, cas and lucien he doesn't really want her' as if Jealousy™ and Envy™ isn't the most common thing in romance, 'they (mostly she) don't have enough development to have a book' as if development and progress doesnt happen in their own book itself, 'they are so different from each other' as if Opposites Attract™/Grumpy+Sunshine™/Bad Boy+Good Girl™ aren't the most popular tropes in romance genre (clearly these ppl did not have the 2014 wattpad phase), 'az needs therapy before he can be in a relationship' as if Damaged Romantic Heroes™ arent themost in-demand type of characters since centuries, 'his shadows disappear around her they hate her so no elriel' as if shadows (not just in sjm universe) don't have negative connotations, 'well rhys said no and az have the necklace to gw¥n so elriel isn't happening' as if Forbidden Love™ and Misunderstanding™ arent the OVERLY USED conflicts in books, 'g amuses a and makes him laugh and a looks at her with admiration' almost as if mentor/mentee can't have a cordial relationship w/o romantic connotations just because they are m/f, 'e hasn't rejected the bond so eluci£n is a possibility' again, conflict and why tf will she reject it in her sisters' book, 'they don't have any conversations together, all they do is sit quietly and glance at e/o' as if Slowburn™ and Yearning™ doesn't make the all types of audience go feral, '3 brothers 3 sisters is too cliche and obvious' well let me surprise you by revealing what is the genre of acotar books wait for it hold on wait.....GASP its Romance™! and what is romance genre if not Cliche™ and Obvious™?
(im so sorry for such a long rant but i accidentally went to twitter and came across some anti tweets and you can guess how that went my brain is fried from lack of self awareness and sheer stupidity)
I completely agree. These are pretty 'by-the-book' characters and act exactly how you'd expect them to act.
When I was 10, I remember i was completely obsessed with Jane Eyre. It was my favorite book and I read it like 70 times! :) You look at Mr. Rochester and let's see:
Brooding, possessive, domineering, harboring a deep dark secret, suffering, falling madly in love with a young innocent girl, willing to make questionable choices, lie and do everything to get the object of his affection.
And I mean, if you don't want to go back to the classics, then just read freakin' Twilight! LOL
Same thing!
I never understood why this was so 'confusing' to them.
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heartz4raccoonzz · 9 months
My name is L, I go by He/Him, and I am 15.
I've had an ed since 12 and I mostly struggled with binge and guilty eating rn, it is an off and on cycle of losing and gaining for me and its honestly tiring.
I'm joining ed tumblr to motivate myself to lose weight and to hopefully trigger myself back into my "honey moon" phase.
Height: 170.18 cm
Cw: 80kg
Sw: 86kg
Lw: 55kg
Gw: 70kg
Ugw: 45kg (for now)
As well as having an ed I am also a kleptomaniac and may be doing lift hauls on here or whatever! have also struggled with sh and substance abuse in the past though I am mainly clean now.
It is nice to meet you guys!! If you would like to be friends please let me know!!!!!
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rexiexoxo · 2 years
honeymoon phase
i miss the honeymoon phase of my ed. i used to have so much control!! i would decline meals, only eat a little bit at a time, go so long without eating, etc. now, once i start i cant stop. i miss how proud i was at myself as the numbers declined, my clothes fit better, and for hitting my gw. i hate that all of my clothes are so tight on me and my face has rounded out again. i hate it. how do i get back!?!?!?!?
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stopitplease · 1 year
this morning i hit my lowest weight in like 2 months and i love it, i think I'm finally back in my honeymoon phase and I'm finally losing weight again!!!
gw here i come
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