#bad knights
in-som-niyah · 2 months
i want a gentle jason
Jason who kisses his way up your body when you're coming down from your high. He whispers a hushed 'you okay ma?' in your ear because he cares
Jason who cleans you up with a soft towel against your delicate skin with eyes burning with just how much he loves you
Jason who will shower with you if you're up for it, constantly kissing your neck, your shoulders, anywhere his bitten lips could reach as his hands lovingly spread suds around your body
Jason who brings you a warmed and fluffy towel and wraps you up in it, making you look like the most adorable burrito he's ever seen
Jason who rubs you down with expensive oils, creams and butters, making sure your skin stays soft for the next time he's itching to devour you
Jason who helps you back into your (his) comfy clothes, while whispering all of the million and one reasons he'll love you forever
Jason who massages your hips, back and thighs, while also smoothing his lips over his previous bites he left on your heated skin and maybe leaving some more
Jason who rubs firm and gentle circles into your lower tummy, the place where he felt his length protruding from mere minutes ago, to soothe the ache he must have left
Jason who kisses you to sleep with his limbs wound tightly around you, mentally praying for your touch to never leave him
Jason who leaves your sleeping body only to make you breakfast the next morning: french toast with fluffy pancakes with syrups and jams of your choice
Jason who battles with his own mind about his self worth and weather or not you should be with someone better. But he would rather (literally) die than have you thinking the same. You're perfect. End of story.
Jason who would burn the whole world down if misfortune ever dared to reveal itself to you. Nothing will ever hurt you. Nothing will ever stop him from looking down and seeing those bright, sparkling eyes and sheepish smile. He swears on his next grave.
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justaz · 4 months
*merlins magic gets exposed in front of the knights*
merlin, magic user: oh fuck
arthur, finally taking this opportunity to pretend as if he just found out merlin has magic after agonizing for the past month on how to bring it up: you have magic?
lancelot, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic: no! i have magic
gwaine, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic, lover of chaos, ride or die: no, i have magic!
mordred, desperate for his hero’s approval bc no matter what he’s done emrys just stares at him with distrust and the poor boy is tired and so close to tears: no…i have magic.
percival, raised by druids and bonded strongly with mordred over that and does Not agree with the persecution of magic in camelot, had an inkling that merlin had magic but no proof: no. i have magic.
*leon and elyan exchange a look, elyan, amused and leon, exhausted, elyan shrugs*
elyan, knows how much gwen adores merlin and completely understands her stance bc merlin…is merlin, down to clown and put on a show, really playing up the dramatics: no! i have magic.
leon, exhausted, has known of merlin’s magic since he stepped foot in camelot, knows of his feelings for arthur and arthur’s feelings for him, knows arthur knows of merlin’s magic and wouldn’t harm him, thinks everyone is being absolutely ridiculous:
*the knights stare hard at leon and even merlin looks slightly offended at leon not jumping to his defense with the rest of the knights, arthur hasn’t said anything and is staring at leon expectantly*
leon, sighing: …no. i have magic.
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doufupuff · 6 months
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knight of beauty 🌹
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petrenocka · 9 months
Btw about the new Unity pricing policy
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Pretty sure if Team Cherry announces that they are delaying the game a couple of years, or maybe even canceling it outright due to this bullshit, Unity office will get pipebombed within a week. And rightfully so.
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spudcat · 8 months
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nobody else in the world deserves to be lovingly tucked into bed with a bedtime story and a kiss more than it does
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postpendulum · 11 months
Damian's new classmate was what most people would deem as strange, Damian however could not see him as anything other than suspicious. Daniel Knight had joined in the midst of the school year, claiming to have moved here with his father Fredric Knight (first area of suspicion, a parent willingly moving both them and their child to Gotham) for a new start following his fathers divorce. The boy was reclusive when not spoken to directly, however he would not stop talking when a topic of his interest would come up. After searching further into his past (as he does with all his classmates) Damian found a relatively normal past, the only outstanding things being a noticeable drop in grades at the beginnings of freshman year relating to an undisclosed accident resulting in lichtenberg scarring starting from Daniels palm, and presumably up his arm being hidden by his sleeve. Apparently this accident left Daniel with irregular tremors and, every once in a blue moon, seizures. Damian had thought about taking this suspicious blockage of information to Tim or the Bat Computer to be bypassed, however the idea of sharing Daniel this cases existence with the rest of his family for some unexplained reason bothered him greatly, so Damian has come to the decision to figure out Knight’s true intentions on his own.
Meanwhile Danny’s just trying to live his new, semi-normal life in peace. After a reveal gone wrong results in some good old vivisection, Jazz Sam and Tucker recruit the help of Clockwork to find Danny a new home, where he can heal from both the physical and mental wounds. Clockwork ends up dumping Danny into the DC universe alongside Fright Knight, who was insistent on going with him, feeling responsible in helping to protect his young prince now since he feels he failed the first time. So with a bit of spacetime razzle dazzle, Tucker messing with stuff he probably shouldn't have messed with and a very tearful goodbye with promises to check in every day, Danny goes off to start his new life as Daniel Knight. It was going ok so far, he took half the year to himself, focusing on healing. Also so Frighty could adjust to the whole pretending to be human thing. Danny doesn't have any friends yet, and to be honest hasn't made the effort to make any (Jazz would be disappointed if she knew that), but there's this one boy in Danny's class who might be even weirder than him. Danny can feel Damian's eyes on him, knows how he follows him around without a sound (Danny really shouldn't be able to tell, he only knows because he isn't fully human(and in a weird way, Danny thinks that's kinda cool)), and whenever they do make eye contact Danny can see and feel the boy fluster and shy away.
Maybe he just needs a friend too.
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I love that one scene in the cup of life episode where Arthur and Gwaine are peacocking about who’s the better fighter and Merlin is just like: “shut up, you’re both pretty. But hey, maybe don’t try and impress slavers, dumbasses! Let’s go.”
And it fucking works?!
Merlin was absolutely in charge of all the knights lives 100% of the time, even if he let them think otherwise for their pride occasionally.
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applestruda · 2 years
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Okok hear me out, boatem knights au but mumbo has a rocket launcher
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p4nishers · 11 months
i think it's time i admit i have the biggest fatest crush on 1941 crowley. like dude.
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Indie 5-0 with Bad Knights: Holiday Edition
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Bad Knights is the alternative and soft rock band who writes music from life’s raw, messy, and beautiful tales. In 2020, circa when-the-world-shut-down, serial nomad Stig found himself at the mercy of boredom. But from this time of introspection and experimentation came an overwhelming drive to do something he’d otherwise never have done – to write some unique, personal rock ’n roll songs that tell the real-life stories of people he had encountered along his many journeys. As the months passed, this never before musician had soon built up a collection of songs, and finally decided to record them at the continued insistence of some mates.
We spoke with Stig of Bad Knights about the holidays, holiday music, and the band’s projects in this special holiday Indie 5-0.
Let’s dive in:
What is your favorite holiday song and why?
‘Let it Snow’ by Frank Sinatra. A hard choice to make with the range of choices, but simple for sentimental reasons and ones of nostalgia. 
What were the traditions around the holidays in your house growing up?
My earliest memories of the holidays involved putting up the Christmas tree, decorations, and having great food for days. Holidays for us would rarely be massive extended family affairs, as most relatives, cousins uncles and aunts were strewn across the world. My personal favourite tradition, would be my attempts to hide behind the couch and catch Santa Claus in the act. Needless to say, there were many unsuccessful attempts before i found out the truth.
If you could record your dream holiday duet with anyone dead or alive what would it be?
Dolores O’Riordan of the Cranberries. As a rock artist with deep baritone vocals, i suppose the ideal duet would be with a singer that compliments the style of music, and of course, and artist who’s music I’ve always loved since i was young. Besides, her iconic voice and aura could make most kinds of music- brighter, better and more colourful. 
What is the first holiday track you ever learned?
Although not in my native language, Feliz Navidad by José Feliciano was my first memory of a holiday song and also the first song I learned to sing along to, despite not knowing what any of the words meant. Over the years, and when travelling, I soon discovered how it was a song that had equal appreciation all over the world.  You just released your debut album, Letters to Everybody. What can you share about the album? What has it meant to you?
Our album, Letters to Everybody, is an enigma of a rock album, unique in the sense that it combines styles, sounds, and music that transcends genres and sub-genres. The songs across the album wash you with waves of nostalgia, cigarettes and whiskey vocals, droning synths, angelic backing vocals and pristine rock instrumentation. But perhaps most importantly, these are stories for everybody with pertinent and deep messages that inspire hope. 
Connect with Stig and Bad Knights via: Instagram / Spotify / Soundcloud / Bandcamp
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glazedcroissant · 11 days
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Kirby likes to be carried
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lyrics724 · 2 years
Still got Shoes
Sail along, sail along boat It’s not rough It’s not calm It’s just the sea In me Walk along, walk along girl From fixing what’s unbroken With broken glue It’s not you You’re running wild Lost problems you don’t mind You’re running free, finallyShe found her glow In things she didn’t know Little boxes and herselfWhen you’re left with nothing, well I hope you still got shoes If you’re left with…
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mintcrows · 8 months
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the real parents was the undeads we met along the way
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mizgnomer · 8 months
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Behind the Scenes with Job and his family (and Crowley/Bildad and Aziraphale) in Good Omens Season 2
with extra thanks to Georgia Tennant and Neil Gaiman for sharing some of these photos with us
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bluerosefox · 8 months
Over Tea
A sudden chill sweeps through Gotham, almost like Mr. Freeze had just attacked only thing was the man was currently locked away in Arkham, and was felt by all. And talked by all via word of mouth and on social media as well.
The clouds and smog that covered their dark city shifted and swirled, a rumble beginning deep inside them as the weather turned from smoggy to rain and thunder with no real warning. The strangest thing was the green glow that could be seen when thunder rumbled inside the gray clouds.
Then like a candle being blown out, the rumbling stopped, the rain ended, and the clouds parted all over Gotham.
For the first time in a while Gotham had a clear sky and it felt... it felt like something heavy had been lifted off the city.
It was this sudden shift and the all felt chill that had set off alerts for Batman and his family. Since early morning since the first change and shift happened he was in front of the Batcomputer trying to narrow down where it started.
After hours of searching with the help of Red Robin, Oracle and strangely enough Red Hood, they managed to narrow down where the odd power had been coming from.
Was still coming from, only very low.
The old and abandoned observatory tower.
"More ecto-tea Lady Gotham?" Danny asked, his hand waving towards the steaming pot nearby.
The woman smiled lightly, her dark painted lips curling up to show her sharp fangs for a moment before saying "No but thank you Young Kingling though I would like more cookies if you don't mind. Now where were we?"
Danny nodded towards her and signaled towards a maid skeleton ghost who walked forward with a tray of cookies. The maid swiftly placed a few more cookies on the spirit embodiment of Gotham plate before bowing and stepping away.
"We were just about to discuss the sentience of the Court of Owls." Danny said as he lightly tapped the large almost mountain of paperwork on the table they were sitting at, floating high above the floor as shooting stars and planets drifted around them. Many ghosts floated around as well, servants that had sworn their loyalty to the Young King, and were preparing things like snacks and drinks for two powerful beings in the room as they discussed business. Nearby doors and windows though were ghostly knights that stood tall and alert, making sure no interlopers interrupted the meeting taking place and ready to defend not only Lady Gotham but their King.
"Ah yes them." Lady Gotham grimaced as she took a drink of her ecto-tea. "That will take some time for us to discuss, they've been running around unchecked for to long and even with my limited abilities to hinder them has been less than ideal."
"You, Lady G, were deeply cursed for many, many years and I just broke most of it." Danny cut in quickly, he was not about to let this wonderful and powerful city spirit blame herself for something out of her hands "Due to said curse you couldn't do much so please don't go blaming yourself. Its mostly broken now, so you can freely start healing yourself and your city self now that jerk demon that cursed you is in Walker's prison for his crimes."
Lady Gotham grew silent for a moment, her dark eyes staring deeply at the young King but then warmly smiled, well as warm as she could seeing how she was Gotham itself. "You reminded me of my Knight, Young King, treating me like this. Not afraid to point out the truth and facts."
Danny gave a light laugh as he took a hold of one of the cookies on his plate and gave a bite "I'll take that as a compliment Lady Gotham. Now about those Court of Owls...."
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 207
Danny does not come out of the portal. 
In fact, he’s lost. Very lost. He just wants to go home and is getting scared of everything around him because he doesn’t know what’s going on. But! But he’s found an (admittedly also terrifying) castle or keep or whatever they’re called that all the ghosts avoid!
It never exactly enters his mind that they might have been avoiding such a place for a reason. 
In unrelated news, the first thing Fright Knight sees after his sword was (accidentally) knocked free from its prison is not a blob ghost- they’ve done it a few times over the eternities- but a ghostling. A newborn ghostling, who promptly bursts into tears to his genuine horror. What did he do?!
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