#baneful witch
folkandbooks · 6 months
One of the most watched videos on witchtok is a witch saying there are three types of magick: white, black and red. That reminded me of how easy it is to spread misinformation online.
There’s no such thing as “black magick”. Magick is neither good or evil, and this term is based on white supremacy. The sooner you learn this, the better.
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grimoiregradient · 7 months
You're Iced Out
A hex for complete social isolation
Do you have a problematic coworker, a friend who always causes drama in your group, or just someone you think deserves to be lonely?
You Will Need
A large bowl
Three pennies or coins with faces 
A poppet 
Red yarn or string
A Taglock of your target
This Sigil
 “You’re Iced Out.”
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Step 1
Take the pennies and freeze them into ice cubes so that when they are submerged in water later, they can be arranged more accurately. 
Step 2
Prepare your bowl. Add a copy of the ‘you’re iced out’ sigil to the bottom of the bowl. Take the poppet, add your taglock. The heavier the poppet the better for this spell, perhaps weight it down with some rocks or sand.
Step 3
Arrange the coin/ice cubes in a circle in the bowl, make sure the faces are looking outward, toward the rim of the bowl. 
Wrap the body of the poppet in the red yarn. Reflect on the behaviors you wish to punish in your target. Then, unravel the yarn and place the poppet in the bowl between the ice cubes. Imagine them friendless, alone, and completely isolated from all support. No family, no friends, no coworks, no peers. They’re naked in the cold. Dunk the poppet in water so that it is completely saturated. (To ensure it doesn’t float to the top) Then, rub the entire body in salt. (Be careful not to burn your hands when handling ice and salt)
Step 4
Fill the entire bowl with water and leave to freeze. Ideally this will be kept in your freezer until you feel that the target has suffered enough and learned a lesson.
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maceofpentacles · 9 months
baneful practitioners!! drop your favorite baneful herbs and any tips you’d like to share. i need to curse two of my ex roommates :)
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magickmama777 · 8 months
A spell for cleansing, protecting and bringing in stability for a client ☀️✨
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Baneful Magic Requires Trigger Discipline
Apply the Four Universal Laws of Gun Safety to your magical practice and you'll be golden.
Always assume all guns are loaded. For some reason I will never fully understand, a lot of people do baneful magic under the assumption it isn't actually going to work. When you're doing baneful magic, you need to assume that it will work, and that it will work devastatingly, to its fullest capacity.
Don't point your gun at someone you aren't prepared to kill. Don't do any magic if you aren't prepared for it to do exactly what you asked it to do. If you cast a spell with the potential to kill someone, you have to be prepared for it to do that. If you cast a spell that could destroy someone's family, you need to be prepared for it to destroy the family in any way the magic sees fit. If you aren't ready for that, don't fucking do it. When I made a poppet of some fucker who attacked my goddaughter, and started breaking its bones, I was fully prepared to actually break his bones. When he ended up in the ER for an injury on the same limb I had just broken, I accepted that as the consequences of my actions. If you don't know how to set and enforce parameters on a spell, don't use a spell that can do things you aren't ready for.
Keep your finger off the trigger until your target is lined up and you have made the decision to shoot. Don't just be flinging shit out into the universe. Don't send out a spell until you have fully laid out what it will do, what you won't allow it to do, the consequences, the sacrifice, and everything else. Don't cast that spell until you are fully confident in your informed decision.
Always be sure of your target, and know what is around and behind it. Make sure you're going after the right person. Make sure you're aware of all of the various ways that this spell can impact the people around that person. Make sure you can accept those consequences. Make sure you can deal with any magical repercussions for your spell.
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thedeathwitchescats · 10 months
♡♡ Baneful tips ♡♡
If you want to make your curse even pettier, curse something specific. Dont just curse them or their person, curse their happiness. Make it so that they dont even trust it anymore
Give your curse a natural end date. A common one I use is "when the apologize" or "when they right their wrongs." This works even better if that person has good warding or spooky guides. It slips in easier. Also, curses that end on their own are harder to break.
Any herb is baneful if its moldy
Screws and nails can be used interchangeably [in magic]
Poppets are not closed, voodoo dolls are
I like using green candles to seal my curses. An abundance of pain and suffering
If your using vinegar be prepared for it to sizzle
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damonblack966 · 3 months
What does it mean when you dream about the Devil
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We all engage in the act of dreaming. It may not occur every single night; however, even if it happens as seldom as once a week, each one of us rests our head and delves into the realm of dreams. As many are aware, dreams possess a highly symbolic nature. They are filled with imagery that often serves as preludes or allegories for the circumstances, individuals, or dilemmas currently dominating our waking existence.
Dreams offer a gateway to tap into the depths of our subconscious, provided certain elements of the vision are comprehended. Yet, deciphering them can prove challenging if the symbolism eludes us, leaving us to ponder the significance of encountering the devil in our dreams.
Dreams featuring the devil can be unsettling, but they need not be so. Let us explore the multifaceted symbolism embodied by this infernal entity and its implications for the dreamer. Demon Dreams: Symbolism
For many, dreams about the devil is a horrifying experience usually involving a visit to hell. But not all dream encounters with Satan fit the nightmare mold. There is also a range of interesting and complex ideas about the devil in dreams.
To better understand such a powerful symbol from your subconscious mind, you must first understand its history and varied symbolism in different religions.
History In 1923, Sigmund Freud—a dream psychologist—studied a patient named Frank who claimed to be possessed by the devil. When Frank dreamed about the devil, he only became more convinced that he was possessed.
Freud concluded that Frank’s nightmares were caused by his own feelings of stress and fear.
Psychology The devil is often associated with evil and negativity, but it doesn’t indicate that something terrible will happen in your life.
Carl Jung believed that you manifest the devil in a dream because you’re scared of being caught for your misdeeds. However, it’s essential to understand that dreams about devils don’t necessarily foretell evil tidings. In fact, many psychologists believe that dreams about devils can be beneficial, as they warn against negative energies or past mistakes.
Religious Beliefs Devil mythology has been a part of religion for centuries, and each faith has its own interpretation.
Demons are a common feature of the Bible, appearing in both the Old and New Testaments. Demons are evil spirits that cause temptation in devout Christians to sin or tempt them to worship other gods. Jesus is considered a symbol of hope for Bible’s followers and says they should be careful of the devil’s deceit.
Islam has a similar take on the devil and commands its followers to walk away from the wrong path, or they’ll be ridden with a moral burden for the remainder of their lives.
The devil also made an appearance in Buddha’s life, asking him to abandon his journey towards enlightenment.
Demon Dream Meaning: Interpretations Nightmares about demons may be a bad experience, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that evil spirits possess you or that you’re going to go crazy. The meaning of your demon dream depends on what the demon represents in your life.
In many cultures, demons are thought to be fallen angels. They are not necessarily evil but rather the result of humanity’s free will to choose how we use our powers.
By paying close attention to the details of your dream, you’ll be able to develop a close relationship with your subconsciousness and better your waking life.
Let’s take a look at the various types of devil dreams and the potential meaning they may hold in your everyday life.
Red Devil Seeing a red devil in your dream indicates that you are passionate about something, but this passion has taken control of your life. It has come in the way of your relationships and is now affecting your mental health.
If you’ve been working overtime at your current job or pulling all-nighters to ace the upcoming university exam, it is time you take some days off to focus on what really matters: you and your loved ones.
Black Devil The black devil is a symbol of evil, and if you see one in your dream, it means that your heart is filled with hatred, jealousy, and envy. Aramaic religions say that seeing a black devil in your dream represents your dark side. It’s a reflection of your true desires, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re an evil person.
Old folklore and legends say that those who tend to use their power for evil are paid a visit by the black devil himself from the underworld.
You may have been misusing your power without even knowing that you’re doing so. It’s time you reflect on the decisions you have made so far and think critically if they have caused harm to anyone.
Human Form The Devil is known for its craftiness and may appear in front of you as a beloved person from your life. It doesn’t necessarily mean the devil is trying to trick you, but he may make it harder for you to understand the dream’s true meaning.
These types of dreams signify that you may have hurt someone and are now suffering from a sense of guilt. If you want the devil to stop chasing you, you must seek out the person you hurt and apologize to them.
Child’s Form If the devil pays you a visit in the form of a child in your dream, it signifies that you feel great remorse towards a kid. You may have caused them harm and are now experiencing feelings of guilt. The dream may indicate that you have suffered a great loss if you’re a parent. Maybe you had a miscarriage, stillbirth or your beloved child took their own life.
While it’s hard to move ahead, these dreams are considered a positive sign of good luck.
Woman Form The female devil symbolizes that your personal life is ridden with guilt. It’s not because you caused harm to someone but because you simply believe you do not deserve the life you have built for yourself. These dreams aren’t a bad sign but a message from your subconscious to take your mental health seriously.
Talking To The Devil This dream can be interpreted to mean that you’re trying to control your own destiny. You may feel that you’re in a situation where you have no control over what happens to you, and it could be your subconscious mind’s way of letting you know that even though things seem bad, they will get better.
Dreams, where we are talking to the devil or Satan, can symbolize our inner struggle with our own negative thoughts and feelings. It may also represent our battle with temptation and desire for something we know is wrong. If you have this dream, it could indicate an issue inside yourself that needs to be addressed immediately.
Getting Attacked By The Devil The devil, a negative force in your life, is attacking you in your dreams. This dream might be a warning that something terrible is going to happen. It could also mean that there is some evil influence in your life.
This dream is usually linked to feelings of guilt or shame about something you have done or are doing. You may also feel attacked by someone else’s anger and negativity towards you.
Being Watched By The Devil The devil in dreams is often associated with evil and temptation. When you dream about the devil watching you, perhaps someone is trying to deceive you or mislead you into taking a certain path. It’s also possible that this dream warns against doing something that will lead to your downfall or destruction.
The devil in dreams can take many forms — he can appear as an old man or woman, an animal, or even a monster. He may also appear as an attractive person who tempts you with promises of riches and fame when in reality, they’re working toward your downfall.
Marrying The Devil A dream about marrying the devil could symbolize your fears or worries. This is because, in the dream, you are marrying Satan, who is viewed as the embodiment of evil.
The devil can also represent an aspect of yourself that you feel is evil or immoral. For example, if you have been cheating on your spouse and feel guilty about it, then marrying the devil in your dream represents this aspect of yourself.
In some cases, a dream about marrying the devil is a symbol of someone else’s negative personality traits. This can happen when you are close to someone with these personality problems but don’t want to admit them because they are similar to yours.
In conclusion Dreams of the devil can be interpreted in numerous ways. Some believe that dreams of evil spirits refer to the thoughts and feelings inside our own minds, while others believe that demons are actually attacking us in our sleep.
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thevirginwitch · 3 months
City Magic: Painted Rock Wards
This post was released a week early over on my Patreon! You can subscribe for free to be notified of important projects announcements, or subscribe for as little as $2 a month to gain early access to my content, exclusive access to research/reading notes, and free digital goodies! Your support means the world to me and helps me to continue doing what I love.
We’ve all seen those pretty painted rocks over on Pinterest, right? These bad boys? Or perhaps you’ve even seen them around your neighborhood/public parks.
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Traditionally, these are meant to be painted (sometimes with words of encouragement) and left in public spaces for people to take home, as an act of kindness. Some others paint them for their garden, either to deter pests with vibrant colors, or they’re used to label whatever’s in their garden.
Now, if you live in a big city, you probably have felt a disconnect from your craft or your practice. It’s difficult to connect with a nature-oriented spirituality, such as witchcraft, when you live in a concrete jungle! But there are many, many ways to feel connected to your craft, even if you don’t live in the middle of the woods or have a lot of nature around you. One of these ways is to connect with your neighborhood.
Your neighborhood has mass significance to your life, whether you realize it or not: this is where you live, where you work, where you breathe, where you practice your craft – you must make yourself known, and make the neighborhood known to yourself as well. One of the best ways to do this is to take walks!
Whenever you’re ready, take a walk through your neighborhood and bring a map, notebook, and a pen. As you walk, observe the behaviors of the residents around you. Do they seem to be struggling with anything? What kind of people are they like? Write these characteristics down. If you notice any parts of your neighborhood that evoke any specific emotions (such as unease, happiness, peace, or anxiety), mark them on your map. You might also notice some “problem areas” – perhaps some patches of the road or sidewalk are horribly paved and need to be repaired, or there’s a lot of loud dogs constantly barking at the end of your block. Mark these areas on your map as well, and report back to your home when you are ready.
Picking Your Purpose
Now that we’ve identified a few “problems” and made observations within your neighborhood, we can decide what we want to do. Do you want to protect against thieves? Ward against illness for one of your elderly neighbors? This is the time to select the primary purpose for your ward.
Picking The Area
Take the map that you marked up during your walk. Connect any common points you see (for example, connect up the "peaceful" areas you marked on your map, or connect any points that have a common theme). What kind of shape does it have? Does it remind you of any popular symbols? Can you use the general shape of the area to generate a sigil or symbol that represents the area? What area(s) would most benefit from your rock wards?
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Here is an example of how I created a sigil from a fictional city map I found! Obviously, play around with this idea until it makes sense to you. You can connect up different routes, or perhaps create a border around the areas that feel safest to you.
Now is the time you also want to pick where you want to place your wards - you can use your neighborhood sigil to influence where you place them, or, place them based on intuition or based on need. For example, placing a rock ward at the end of the noisiest block, or in the middle of the block that has the most number of children in the area.
Creating and Using Your Sigils/Symbols
Now, you want to develop symbols or sigils for your purpose. You can use any method you’d like! You may wish to incorporate your neighborhood sigil into each one you create, but ultimately the design is up to you. This is also the point where you would “charge” your sigil, with whatever method you see fit - as long as the design, intention, and charging method makes sense to you, that’s all that matters!
Painting Your Rocks
Finally, onto the fun part!
Now, you could simply paint your sigils on your rock and call it a day. Or, you could paint your sigil, and layer a more “mundane” piece of artwork on top of the sigil, leaving the sigil hidden underneath. This technique works best if the “mundane” artwork connects with the ward’s purpose in some way (for example, if your ward is for protection against nosy neighbors, you could paint eyes; or if your ward is for health, you could paint green colors, or even a red cross). I definitely recommend this “layering” method of painting your rocks so no one in your neighborhood ends up reporting any “suspicious looking rocks” with “satanic symbols” on them to your local Facebook groups!
acrylic paint
paint brushes
toothpicks (optional)
paint markers
outdoor/water-proof sealant such as Mod Podge: Outdoor
Lay out your rocks and other materials
Seal your rocks with a coat or two of your sealant before you begin painting. This is an important step, since rocks are porous and will suck up any paint you try to apply!
Paint your rocks to your heart's content! If you are layering paint on your rocks, please make sure each layer is dry before painting the next.
Once your rocks are completely dry, seal them up with your outdoor/water-proof sealant so they don't get damaged in the elements.
Lastly, take another trip through your neighborhood to place your rocks. Converse with the neighbors if you feel inclined, and make double-sure of the locations you chose for your wards. I recommend taking regular walks throughout your neighborhood to check on these wards, and make sure they’re doing their job. You may wish to refresh the wards with a new coat of paint, or replace them with something new if the situations within the neighborhood change.
Ultimately, magic is what you make it, especially when you live in a big city. Warding your neighborhood and showing care for the people that live there is one of the many ways you can connect to your neighborhood on a deeper level and feel more connected to your practice locally.
Recommended further reading: Urban Magick by Diana Rajchel
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maris-medley · 10 months
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Anyways asks are open
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beehiveedits · 8 months
GVF as witches part 2: Jake and baneful witchcraft
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lokilysolbitch · 10 months
hex ingredient ideas
wet sock
expiration date sticker except the date is at least 10 years ago
friday by rebecca black
the default iphone alarm noise
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folkandbooks · 6 months
This might be a hot take, but as a former Buddhist I believe that “Karma” is a profusely misused word within the spiritual community. Karma and Dharma can’t exist on separate terms, and sometimes Karma can act as another person. That’s why I’m such an advocate for responsible cursing and hexing.
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occultem · 7 months
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king paimon (by me)
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life-in-the-garden · 21 days
Jar Spell: "Stay Off My Turf!"
This jar spell is a ward that will protect your residence, vehicle, or any other physical location/object. It’s a type of aggressive defense that might entail something nasty happening to any would-be intruder or curse-maker, so you should be okay with any ill-wishing intruder getting their comeuppance for attempting to break the ward, as opposed to just being scared off. This spell is for marking your territory and promising harm to anyone who dares step over the line; this is baneful magic.
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This spell can potentially involve bodily fluids (not blood) + animal products, but neither of these elements are required. It definitely involves destruction of the jar (glass is preferred for its tendency to shatter under blunt force trauma; safety measures will be discussed further on).
With all of that in mind, let’s get on with the spell!
You will absolutely need:
1 small-ish vessel with a lid, preferably glass
sealing wax (preferably red) or liquid glue
a tool with which to break the vessel, such as a hammer, large wrench, or other heavy object.
A durable bag in which to encase the vessel prior to breaking
For your medley of potential ingredients to go inside the vessel, you will want things that are aggressive, fiery, and martial. You want ingredients that do the symbolic equivalent of spitting in an intruder’s eye and kicking them while they’re down to ensure they stay down. Things that align with the planet Mars, and/or are affiliated with warrior deities whom you work with, and/or are connected to territorial animal spirits whom you feel connected to… they will also do well in this capacity.
Some ingredient suggestions are:
the spiciest pepper you can find, chopped but not seeded
a large helping of cinnamon
red pepper flakes
very hot chili oil
rusty nails and/or fishhooks
iron filings
a small quantity of urine (human or otherwise)
a braided black and white cord/ribbon to represent a skunk
a drawing of a moose’s rack of antlers
a tooth from a carnivorous animal
a sigil involving the symbol or name of a warrior deity/spirit
Once your ingredients are assembled and in the jar, put the lid on seal it with the red wax and/or glue. Carve an X onto the wax/glue on the lid and put the entire vessel into a durable bag. Seal the bag, then say something to the effect of, “Fuck off, you bad vibes bastards!”
Once that is done, smash the jar using your smashing tool. (The bag ensures that glass shards don’t go everywhere and from there present a safety hazard). Your ward is now set. Dispose of the bag and its contents without opening the bag (to avoid contact with glass shards).
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Doing Magic is Like Owning a Dog
Lightworkers are people who have only ever owned small dogs. They never really disciplined or trained those dogs, because they didn’t have to. What harm can a small dog really do? That’s an irresponsible attitude and it’s unfair to the dog, but it’s extremely common. Most “love and light” magical practitioners act the same way. They have very little discipline or control, and think their intentions outweigh their impacts.
Baneful practitioners are like guard dog owners. A Doberman, Malinois, Mastiff, Pit Bull, or German Sheppard doesn’t just come perfectly well behaved. If one of these breeds attacks somebody, they can do some extreme damage. Because of how they were bred, they have predispositions towards ‘dangerous’ personality traits that have to be mitigated. They require training, discipline, and stimulation. In order to properly provide that, the dog owner also has to be trained and disciplined. Baneful magic is the same.
Most magical practitioners are lightworkers, even if they don’t call themselves that. It’s usually out of fear, misguided morals, or a desire to feel superior. Most magical practitioners try baneful magic for the first time when they're popping off out of anger, fear, or pain with no regards to the consequences of their actions. They operate within the principles they’re familiar with, and they fuck it up, then blame the magic.
Think of it like this: Someone who has had badly behaved Chihuahuas their entire life decides to get a working-line Malinois on a whim. They consider themselves an experienced dog owner, so why not. The bring home the Malinois and treat it the same way they treated their Chihuahua. Now their neighbor’s kid has half its fucking face bitten off and the owner is blaming the dog for something that could have been entirely prevented had they been a responsible dog owner. Instead of taking accountability, they conclude that there is something wrong with the entire breed, and support “mean” dog breeds being banned and put down.
Just like you can’t say “a dog is a dog” or “an engineer is an engineer,” neither can you say “magic is magic.” A Great Pyrenees can’t be treated like a Greyhound; a software engineer can’t do nuclear engineering; baneful magic cannot be performed as impulsively as “light” magic. If you act on impulse and it blows back up in your face or hurts someone, you are the one at fault – not the magic.
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rexsuperbia · 9 months
Im tired of the wiccan rede tbh
No offense to those who use it and i see it in a lot of my witch stores. The bad thing is all the books I see are wiccan related or have the “do no harm and it shall not be done to you” shit and I’m tired of it.
Baneful magic isnt a bad thing, its a necessary part of life. Choosing only one side of the magical spectrum is unbalancing yourself and very narrow minded. Cursing or hexing someone who deserves it isnt going to cause you to die horribly. If you have the right protections and give the person youre cursing a way out you’ll be fine.
Its giving ostracizing
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