#billy bannister
accidental-spice · 2 years
Best of Walter Foley part three: Circles of Seven
His friendship with Karen
Him offering to carry Ashley's bags in and out of the airport
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I just love this scene!!!!
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Yes I do quote this scene every chance I get why do you ask
I love how from the point where the random old dude kinda reminds Walter why he's there onwards, he noticeably goes out of his way to help Ashley, and the others, but particularly Ashley
The scene where they start arguing and he realizes it's the cloaks influence!!!!
When he gets emotional and starts tearing up over loosing Bonnie, and how he insists on going to help Billy
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*charges a dragon*
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Gosh I love him
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kanerallels · 1 year
Billy Bannister and Bonnie Silver + Christmas in Killarney (if that doesn't inspire you, you can also do something generic like 12 Days of Christmas, I'm not picky😂)
(in my head this is set in between The Candlestone and Circles of Seven. Also I kinda adore that song!!!)
Humming a Christmas song to herself, Bonnie headed into the Foley’s living room, cradling a basket full of greenery for the decorations. Billy and Walter looked up at her arrival— the two of them had been tasked with wrapping presents, while Ashley finished up some of the baking.
“Where are the others?” she asked.
Getting to his feet, Billy took the basket from Bonnie, and she shot him a grateful smile as he set it on the coffee table. “Walter’s dad took them out on a sleigh ride with Mom to keep them out of the way while Walter and I wrap presents,” he explained.
“And Prof is helping my mom and Ashley in the kitchen,” Walter added, adjusting the Santa hat he was wearing. “Between you and me, I wouldn’t go in there. There’s a lot of anti-cookie eating sentiments going on.”
“Because you keep stealing them!” came a shout from the kitchen, and Walter offered them a guilty smile.
Covering a laugh, Bonnie said, “I’m sure we won’t have too much longer to wait.”
“Which is good, cause I don’t know how much longer either of us can wait,” Billy joked as Bonnie started sorting through the contents of her basket. “Want some help?”
“Sure,” she said, smiling at him. “Start with the pine branches— I’ll help you figure out where to put them. We’ll work as a team.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
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katco-diom · 2 years
question for my fellow readers and lovers of DIOM
How would you describe Billy's personality? I keep trying, and keep running into "boring male main protagonist with unremarkable personality." At least as of Circles of Seven. I can't tell if he just hasn't been developed as much by this book, or if my perspective is skewed due to my passionate love of funny side characters and I'm not picking up on it
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 6 months
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Hold Me Steady
Pairing: Billy Taylor (The Halcyon) x f!reader Warnings: Dry humping. Word count: ~1.3k
Summary: Billy has a close encounter with one of the hotel's maids after agreeing to help her decorate the employee sitting space for Christmas.
Author's note: Day one of the Smuffmas prompts - "hand holding and dry humping". No tag list. Follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications.
She struggles down the stairs into the employee sitting room, the beaten up, old cardboard box she carries hindering her view, meaning she has to pick her way carefully downwards, one step at a time.
Halfway down, a large set of hands grip the box from underneath, relieving her of her burden, and she’s met with the wide eyed curious stare of bellboy, Billy Taylor.
“I’ll take that for you,” he says, giving her one of his trademark tight lipped smiles, before walking it the rest of the way down for her.
“Thanks, Billy,” she tells him gratefully, sighing with relief. “You on break?”
“Yeah, got fifteen minutes left,” he responds, setting the box down next to a pile of stacked band equipment. “What’s in here then?”
“The foyer’s being decorated for Christmas,” she tells him, coming to stand beside him. “This stuff’s not good enough to go out, apparently. Can you believe Mr. Garland wants me to throw it away?!”
Billy crouches, tugging open the box, raising his eyebrows as he pulls out a length of threadbare silver tinsel. “I can, actually.”
She playfully swats him on the shoulder, taking the tinsel from him and weaving it through the iron bannister of the stairs. “Thought we could decorate the sitting room with it. Looks more festive already, don’t you think?”
Billy chuckles. “If it makes you ‘appy, then why not? Want some help?”
She smiles, feeling her skin heat up as he looks up at her from where he’s kneeling. “You’re on break, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“It’s not work if I actually want to do it,” he says with a shrug.
They grin at each other, and he continues to rummage through the box, pulling out cracked baubles and torn paper stars, as she surveys the small under the stairs space that the staff have to relax in.
“It’s weird to think I won’t be here next Christmas,” Billy muses, as he hands her decorations out of the box.
She looks away, focusing on running the colourful streamers through her fingers, doing her best to ignore the twinge of sadness that plucks painfully at her heartstrings. “Oh, yeah, you’ll be drafted, won’t you? I expect you’ll miss your mum’s figgy pudding.”
“I’d sooner have trench foot than eat mum’s figgy pudding, ‘orrible stuff.”
They laugh, and she allows herself a brief moment to admire the way Billy’s cheeks dimple and his eyes sparkle when he’s happy, before returning her focus to the decorations.
Within five minutes, the old piano in the corner is decked out in ragged paper streamers, the staircase’s iron bannister is woven with tinsel that’s seen better days, and a fruit bowl in the centre of the table contains the battered remains of tree ornaments of varying shapes and colours - a fitting centerpiece for the dowdy little space.
She steps back, admiring their work, eyeing the empty alcove above the brown leather sofa that’s tucked away against the back wall.
“Would be nice if we could hang this last piece of tinsel up there,” she muses, “not sure how we’d reach though.”
Billy steps behind her, looking with keen interest at the space she’s referring to. “I think there’s a step ladder in the storage room, wait here.”
He disappears out the back and a few moments later returns with a rickety wooden folding step ladder. It wobbles precariously as he unfolds it, setting it down near the sofa.
She draws in a nervous breath, brow furrowing as she looks at it. “Are you sure that’s safe?”
He presses his lips into a tight line, tugging at the hem of his uniform jacket. “Er…probably best if you go up, less chance of you breaking it. I can hold it steady.”
She hesitates for a few seconds, looking at it with uncertainty.
The final piece of tinsel above the alcove really would look nice.
“Okay, but promise you won’t let me fall?”
“Cross my heart,” he says, signing a cross over the left side of his chest.
She giggles, stepping forward and begins to climb up the ladder. It wobbles as she moves, making her breath hitch, until she feels Billy grab either side of it, holding it still. She climbs the rest of the way, pinning the last of the tinsel to the wall, allowing it to bow slightly in the middle.
It’s not until her hands are free that she realises the view that Billy must have, and brushes a palm over her skirt, making sure her backside is covered. She sees Billy turn scarlet in her peripheral vision, averting his gaze, and her heart flutters at the sight.
“Here, look, we missed something,” she hears Billy say, as she slowly starts to climb back down. She turns slightly, seeing him holding up mistletoe - a dried, long dead bunch of it, tied together with twine.
Butterflies flutter in her stomach at the sight. “That’s mistletoe, Billy…” She breathes quietly.
“Yeah…” he replies, chest heaving as he stares up at her.
A moment of silence passes between them as they gaze into each other’s eyes, until she leans down and presses a gentle kiss to his cheek.
Billy gasps, turning pink all the way to his ears, quickly stepping back, and she squeals, toppling forward as the ladder wobbles beneath her.
He is quick to drop the mistletoe, grasping her hands, allowing her weight to push him back into a seated position on the sofa, to prevent her from falling.
They both breathe heavily as she straddles his lap, their hands still clasped together, staring at each other with wide eyes.
“You saved me,” she whispers, “but you dropped the mistletoe.”
“You…you can still kiss me…if you’d like to?” He says hopefully.
She lets go of his hand, leaning in and pressing her lips to his. It’s soft at first, until his arm moves to wrap itself around her waist, pressing her close to him.
The kiss deepens, Billy groaning in approval as her tongue slips against his, their combined breaths hot and heavy against each other. She can feel his rapidly growing hardness through his trousers and grinds herself against it, as his hand slips beneath her skirt, the press of his fingertips feather light against the hem of her knickers through her tights.
There is nothing but the sound of the shared sticky click of their saliva as their mouths move together, and the creak of the leather sofa cushions as their hips push wantonly against each other. Desire sizzles in her blood, causing her core to throb with every press of his clothed length against her.
The sound of footsteps on the stairs leading down to the sitting room causes her to scramble from his lap, quickly smoothing down her maid’s uniform.
“Billy?” Calls out the voice of Feldman as he descends.
“Just on break, sir,” Billy calls back, standing and stealthily attempting to adjust himself.
“That ended ten minutes ago,” the older man says exasperatedly. “Come on, there are guests checking in upstairs with luggage that needs bringing to their rooms.”
Billy’s eyes dart around in panic, his cheeks flushing. “Sorry, sir, lost track of the time. Can I quickly go to the toilet first?”
Feldman sighs. “Make it quick.”
Billy nods, shooting her an apologetic look before walking quickly away.
She puts a hand over her mouth, stifling an embarrassed giggle, knowing exactly what he intends to do.
“What have you two been doing down here then?” Feldman asks her, eyeing her suspiciously.
She clears her throat, smoothing her hands over her uniform once more, hoping her flustered appearance doesn’t give too much away. “Putting up decorations, Mr. Feldman. Looks great, doesn’t it?” She asks with a smile.
His eyes narrow, distaste apparent on his face as his eyes sweep the room, before looking back at her. “Yes, if you say so.”
She stoops, picking the mistletoe up off the floor and tucking it away in her apron pocket. She has a spring in her step as goes back upstairs.
That will definitely come in handy later.
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puppetwoman17 · 10 months
An idea just popped into my head and I had to put it on here!
So, during a battle, the JL is hit with a spell that makes them forget they’re superheroes. They can’t remember their powers(if they have any), they have no idea why they’re wearing weird costumes, they don’t know each other, etc.
They all wake up in their homes with no memory of their alter egos, basically, and they slowly start to piece their lives back together. Remember bits and pieces. Finally, finally, they meet back up and realize they’re a team. That they’ve been MIA for so long and that they need to get back in the game.
But there’s one person whose been unaccounted for. Captain Marvel.
Hal makes this known first. Judging from the scale of the spell, they’ll need the Champion now more than ever. But no one knows where he is. No one knows his identity. Where he lives. Whether he looks different in his civilian form. How the spell would treat him, because for all they know, all Marvel is is a superhero.
But one person knows. Cyborg. He knows that Billy is Marvel. He knows Billy recently got an apartment through illegal means and just got back in school. That he got a job at Whiz and is doing so much on top of his duties as Champion.
Billy made him promise not to tell. That he would tell them if(and Cy hated the phrasing of “if”) he turned eighteen. Maybe even twenty. Just at an age where they can’t legally get involved in his life.
But desperate times call for desperate measures. They’ve already wasted too much time. Vic can deal with the consequences later.
So he tells the rest of the League that he knows where Marvel is. There’s obviously a riot because why didn’t he tell them he knew ANYTHING about their captain? But Batman silences them, telling them that that conversation will be saved for later. He tells Vic to take them to him if he thinks he might be on Earth. Vic says he’s definitely on Earth.
So there they are, standing in front of an old, battered apartment building with squatters giving them dirty looks. A leaking pipe. Uneven stairs. The smell…isn’t the best. Flash gives Vic a pointed look because there is absolutely no way the flashy, boy-scout, good-natured Marvel is living in a place like this. Vic reassures everyone that they’re in the right place.
He goes up to one of the ladies peering down the stair bannister on the second floor and asks if Billy is here right now. She glares silently and gives him a look that says “what’s it to you?”. He pleads with her, tells her he’s in danger and they only want to help him. Not totally a lie, but hey, he’s desperate.
She huffs, her look protective. She tells them that if she heard a scream, someone being hit, a thud, anything, she’ll call everyone. Who’s everyone? Oh, just the other thugs, cretins, gang members who live or walk around here.
Hal asks why they’re searching for this “Billy” person. Vic is quiet(on the outside).
He promises that nothing will happen, and that he’ll leave the door open so others can see what’s happening. She approves, albeit hesitantly, and tells him Billy’s room number.
Batman being Batman, he asks Vic if Billy is the Captain’s civilian identity. Vic nods because if he opens his mouth he might start screaming.
They find this door at the end of the hall, scratchy and grey and the complete opposite of the captain. Now it’s Clark’s turn to make sure that they’re in the right place. Vic doesn’t answer. Instead, he knocks on the door.
It opens.
There’s a kid standing there, with dark hair and bright blue eyes. He’s wearing a battered red hoodie and there’s dirt smudging his face. His face is slightly sunken.
“Who are you, and what do you want?”
The League is more than confused at this point. They’re flabbergasted. They’re completely certain that Vic’s memories are still locked somewhere. Maybe his brain’s been messed with. Maybe those circuits have finally gotten to him.
Batman is the first to say something. “Cyborg, who is this?”
Vic is quiet for a moment. He gives the kid a pleading look. Then turns back to his coworkers. “This is Captain Marvel.”
The JL look from the man and machine to the malnourished boy. Then back again. Then back again.
They’re quiet.
Then all hell breaks loose. Diana steps up to Cyborg and asks if this is all some big joke to him. Hal is speechless, studying the kid and asking if he’s sure. If he’s sure this is Marvel and not Marvel’s kid. Barry is shocked that Marvel might even have a kid. Clark is practically fuming because he remembers all the times Marvel and him fought with and against each other and how every single time, his respect for him grew.
He’s the second one to yell at Vic, asking him why the hell he thought he could keep this from them. They let a child onto the league. They brought him to battlefields and let him watch others be slaughtered. They were essentially responsible for traumatizing him.
Billy is…confused. “Hi, um. You’re kinda fighting in front of my apartment, so if you could do this somewhere else…?”
They can’t hear him. They’re too busy yelling at each other. Typical adults, amiright?
So he dips. Just dips cause he’s confused on why a bunch of adults in weird multi-colored clothing are fighting in front of his apartment.
Oh, he’s also really weirded out because there are six voices in his head, and more when the first six get desperate, telling him he’s actually an invincible demigod with the duty of protecting the entire magic community. And that he was chosen by a wizard in a subway station. So yeah, he runs.
Batman clues them in a minute too late.
Feel free to add more or put your own spin on things! Hope my word vomit made sense to y’all.
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usergrantaire · 6 months
gilded age s2 finale im waiting on that s3 renewal announcement
- not the society matrons yanking the duke around like a rag doll
- marian’s gonna have to marry RICH rich now
- is it just the lighting or is christine baranski’s wig looking greyer
- no way bertha would let gladys marry billy carlton after the way she had george drive away tom blyth last season lol
- oh she’s gonna use gladys as bait to lure the duke back to her side isn’t she
- oh noooo we finally have a face to mrs fortune
- what does bannister have against chicago lmao
- aw mr borden lent mrs bruce his jacket
- gasp not larry inviting an engaged woman to the opera with him
- and marian lying that bertha was the one to invite her!
- yas everyone roasting armstrong
- yup bertha’s gonna sell gladys to the duke
- george’s sleeves are so tight 👁️👁️
- oh naur too bad they didn’t have telephones yet back then
- “you’ll stop when we get married” oh fuck off dashiell
- homemaking IS work
- not him calling marian harriet 😭 the classic wrong name outburst
- those big ass hatpins
- “i thought you loved me” bro you assumed
- the duke tug of war is exactly the kind of frivolous nonsense i expect from anything by jf
- “where else can i find all the divorces” she’s just like me fr
- another fabulous hat from bertha
- aww mrs bruce
- “we aren’t exactly alone here” yeah i think that’s kind of the point
- also that pink dress is lovely
- marian’s opera gown is incredibly frilly
- i think i recognise the pattern of bertha’s opera gown from a worth
- “why are you all being so nice to me” because they’re going to sell you to a duke babe
- after seven episodes carrie astor returns
- wow the academy is embarrassingly empty
- mamie fish took one look and dipped lmao
- the duke is named hector???
- the plot of faust foreshadowing gladys and the duke’s marriage
- on the STOOP? in front of god and everybody?? in the year of our lord 1883???
- but we won!
- jf sure loves his letters from beyond the grave, not him recycling the matthew letter plot
- yeah of course luke was a secret heir lmao
- oh they’re all on ada’s payroll now
s3 renewal announcement when i need to see gladys’ consuelo vanderbilt ass storyline fully come into fruition
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marvelmusing · 1 year
Imagine taking Billy home to your family during Christmas and him not expecting your family to get him anything, but low and behold, he gets those cheesy pyjamas that match you and your siblings, he wakes up and gets a stocking to open, and he has just as many presents to open as you do. Like maybe you have a way younger, adorable little sister, and she comes into your room at the crack of dawn, and wakes you and Billy up, hauling you out to the living room, where the presents lay under the tree. Your little sister eventually gets your parents up, and as everyone's sitting down and opening their stockings, Billy stands off to the side watching you entertain your sister, who's showing you everything she gets out of her stocking, and your parents ask him, "Aren't you going to open your stocking?" His eyes go wide as they bring over his very own. You watching the whole thing go down, smiling.
This is so adorable, I had such a giddy smile on my face reading it
I know for a fact that my parents would 100% adopt Billy as their own child (so this little drabble is heavily inspired by my typical Christmas Day)
The smell of beef roasting in the oven fills the air, and the turkey is already sitting on the kitchen countertop, glistening bronze encased in crumpled silver foil. The TV is on, playing a rerun of top 100 Christmas songs that is the same one you’ve watched over the last five christmases at the very least.
“Has anyone seen the scissors?” You ask, lifting up a bundle of wrapping paper to search for your required tool.
Some families might clear up the wrapping as they go, but one of your favourite parts of the day is throwing the paper into a colossal pile which you’ll watch your dad struggle to wrestle into a bin sack afterwards.
“What for?” Your dad asks with a raised brow, looking over to see whatever present you were struggling to open. He frowns when he sees you empty handed.
“I thought I’d free the stockings.” You remark with a small laugh, nodding towards the stairs where the stockings have been tied to the rungs of the bannister.
Your mom’s head lifts from where she’s been studying the back of a box of shortbread.
“Oh yes, let’s do the stockings now.”
You know that if you don’t find some scissors soon, your dad will likely suggest using a knife, and Billy would probably agree with him. The two of them would be outvoted, of course, you don’t want either of them cutting themselves on Christmas Day.
“I found some.” Billy says, holding up a pair of scissors that he’s retrieved from under a box.
“Come help me.” You request, and Billy frowns. “You go up the stairs and cut the ribbon, I’ll stand on the sofa underneath and catch them.”
“Catch them?”
“There won’t be anything valuable in them.” You reassure him. “And by catch I mean I’ll hold my hand underneath and hopefully not drop them.”
Billy breathes out a laugh, shaking his head at you as he uncrosses his legs and stands from where he’s been sitting beside the tree.
He hadn’t expected to have his own pile of gifts to open this morning, stacked carefully beside your own underneath the tree. When you had assured him that your parents already considered him one of their own, he hadn’t thought that would extend to your family’s every Christmas tradition.
On the evening of Christmas Eve, he had been handed a box that you had dubbed his Christmas Eve box. Inside had been a pair of christmas-themed pyjamas that matched yours, a small hot chocolate making bundle, and a book.
Your parents knew that you and Billy were collecting the clothbound hardback classics, and your mom had ensured to get you both another addition to your collection. Billy had received Jane Eyre, whilst you had Alice in Wonderland.
Back in the present, Billy climbs up the first few steps of the stairs in your living room. You clamber onto the sofa that sits next to the length of the stairs, and take hold of the first stocking - your sister’s.
Billy takes care not to cut the elaborate tangle of chunky tinsel and fairy lights that has been woven around the bottom of the rungs. You know that both of your parents will have fussed over the decorations before you and Billy arrived.
You know your dad will have been afraid of overwhelming Billy, not wanting anyone to be stressed out by the holiday, and your mom will have wanted to go all out - considering that it was Billy’s first christmas celebrating with a family besides Frank’s.
Once the first stocking is free, you take it over to your sister, before returning to help Billy with the rest.
The two of you give out the other ones to your parents, slowly moving further up the stairs as the stockings are placed higher and higher. When it comes to yours you’re standing on your tip toes on the sofa in an attempt to reach it.
Billy cuts the ribbon a moment before you’re ready, and the stocking slips from your grasp, landing on the floor with a solid thump.
Billy freezes.
“Baby I’m so sorry.” He clasps a hand over his mouth, his eyes wide, and you laugh.
“It’s okay Billy.” You assure him, still laughing, but you frown as he begins to descend the stairs. “Where are you going?”
He frowns, and you point up to the very top of the stairs with a smile.
“There’s one more left.”
The remaining stocking looks newer than the other ones, less worn by years of being packed away into the attic alongside decorations and ornaments.
You retrieve your own stocking from the floor, and join Billy on the stairs. His eyes are filled with emotion, glossy as his throat bobs lightly. Squeezing his knee in reassurance, you sit beside him, holding onto his stocking and encouraging him into cutting it free.
The two of you manage to squeeze it through the gap between the wooden rungs. Then you watch Billy open it.
As always, the stocking is filled with a mixture of tacky little gifts, and the odd expensive one that was small enough to hide at the bottom. He pulls out your gift first.
“Is this…?” He begins, eyeing the unwrapped gift. Your smile widens as he admires the glossy metal of the handcrafted pen.
“A fancy pen, for a fancy CEO.”
He reads the small message engraved onto the side, and wraps an arm around you, pressing a kiss to your temple.
The next gift he pulls out is a pair of jazzy patterned boxers. Billy raises a brow at you, and your cheeks flush.
“Those are nothing to do with me.” His grin widens.
“Oh, really?” You nod with a small laugh.
“Yes. The pen was from me.” His brows crease lightly.
“You mean…”
You nod.
“Everyone chipped in with a present for your stocking.” You tell him, and he looks through the rungs in the bannister to survey your family.
“I love you.” Billy says suddenly. “Have I told you that yet today?”
You nod with a small smile.
“I think you have.”
He had. Almost as soon as he had woken up.
Filled with Christmas morning excitement, you end up making a warm drink in the kitchen and staring out of the window to admire the frost covered ground - not quite snow but certainly a white Christmas of sorts.
A pair of familiar arms curl around around body, one around your shoulders and another around your waist, and a solid chest presses along the length of your spine.
Billy drops a kiss on your shoulder, before nuzzling his face into the warmth at the crook of your neck.
“Merry Christmas, Billy.” You murmur softly, and you feel him smile.
“Merry Christmas, baby.” He tightens his hold on you, squeezing affectionately but also ensuring that you’re real. That’s he’s here, in your childhood home, about to spend Christmas with your family. “I love you.”
Your own smile widens, and you squeeze his forearm between your fingers, hardly daring to believe that such a quiet, love-filled moment could occur. Then you reply quietly,
“Love you too.”
Now, sitting side by side with Billy on the stairs, you lean forward to press a kiss against his cheek, and echo those same words.
“I love you too, Billy.” He smiles widely, and soon you’re beaming too. You nod back towards his stocking. “Keep going, there’s plenty more in there.”
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For the 10 characters ask: Sam Gamgee, Aragorn, Athelas, Linh Cinder, Carswell Thorne, Theoden, Eustace, Billy Bannister, Shiloh, and Ashley Stalworth!
Well, this is an interesting mix. Also, this is way harder than I expected, help. XD
Marry: Aragorn. Needs no explanation.
Drink tea with: Athelas; he tends to be at his most amenable with teacup in hand, assuming he forgives me for my dislike of Earl Grey.
Party with: Shiloh. I feel like she knows how to have a fun time.
Kiss: Carswell Thorne; I am not immune to the roguish captain vibe, and I cannot lie.
Go out on a date with: Sam Gamgee. The date is a combination gardening and cooking lesson, because I need help. XD
Push down the stairs: None of them help oh I suppose it has to be pre-dragoning Eustace. But it's a short flight of stairs, and it was an accident.
Slap: Theoden, I suppose, to try to snap him out of his funk. It would end very badly for me, but this is also a process of elimination thing.
Invade the dreams of: Billy. He canonically has some pretty exciting dreams.
Take a nap with: Cinder; I'm pretty sure she needs a LONG nap.
Rob: Ashley Stalworth. Would it go well for me? Absolutely not, but this is where I ended up via process of elimination.
Send me 10 characters and I'll tell you what I'd do with them!
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kinderdays · 2 years
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lovely to be rained on with you ...
ophelia the lumineers・two sleeping at last・sunrise norah jones・blue skies birdy・run daddy run miranda lambert & the pistol annies・orpheus sara bareilles・in case you don’t live forever ben platt・ceilings lizzy mcalpine・sad beautiful tragic taylor swift・almost heaven jeremiah lloyd harmon・any chance carly bannister・baby mine madison malone・chinese satellite phoebe bridgers・running up that hill (a deal with god) kate bush・lovely billie eilish & khalid・epiphany taylor swift・tomorrow will be kinder the secret sisters
ophelia by the lumineers. oh, ophelia, heaven help the fool who falls in love. this song was added to her playlist largely because of it’s name alone, but also for these lyrics.  they represent ophelia’s feelings towards her own reality, feeling foolish for falling in love and getting pregnant so quickly.  she doesn’t have regrets necessarily, especially regarding her child, but she does feel like she could have done things differently if she hadn’t been so blindly desperate for love in a time when she felt so dark and alone.
two by sleeping at last. tell me, is something wrong? if something's wrong, you can count on me. you know I'll take my heart clean apart, if it helps yours beat. this song would be first on the list if ophelia by the lumineers had a different name.  two so truthfully represents ophelia’s personality, someone who always puts other’s wellbeing before her own.  she struggles to look inward and heal herself but finds it almost easy to do it for others.
sunrise by norah jones. now the night will throw its cover down on me again. oh, and if i'm right it's the only way to bring me back. this song represents ophelia’s happy and idealistic childhood.  though she grew up during war and famine, her parents worked tirelessly to make her blind to the horrors outside her door.  they showered her with love and affection.  she had friends, she had warmth, she had innocence.
run daddy run by miranda lambert & the pistol annies. daddy can you hear the devil drawing near like a bullet from a gun, run daddy run. saw that dark cloud coming from a million miles away. oh how I’ve dreaded this god forsaken day. the loss of kenneth cage was a huge turning point for ophelia, so a song that touched on that moment specifically felt important to the her playlist.  run daddy run has such an eerie yet tender feel which exemplifies this moment in her life, desperate for her dad to come home to her.
blue skies by birdy. i never saw the sun shining so bright, never saw things going so right. noticing the days hurrying bad, when you're in love, oh my, how they fly. the year 2043 is a dark one for ophelia.  though it’s been many years since she lost her father she now grieves a new death- that of her brother.  she has lost two members of her small family, she feels so broken and betrayed by the world around her that once treated her so kindly.  and then she meets max and for the first time in months she feels blue poking through the stormy skies.
orpheus by sara bareilles. you miss the world, the one you knew. the one where everything made sense because you didn't know the truth, that's how it works ’til the bottom drops out and we learn we're all just hunters seeking solid ground // i’ll show you good, restore your faith. i’ll try and somehow make a meaning of the poison in this place. ophelia loves maxym dearly, and for a few fleeting months everything feels a little bit better, she feels hopeful.  this song feels like her coming of age anthem- she has grown to realize her world is a cruel one, but she is desperate to find the good and to make the world good for others.
in case you don’t live forever by ben platt. you put all your faith in my dreams, you gave me the world that i wanted. what did I do to deserve you? i follow your steps with my feet, i walk on the road that you started. i need you to know that i heard you, every word. this song is dedicated to the people ophelia loves, especially those she loved and lost.  to her father and to gil who taught her so many things, she wants them to know that she listened.  she wants them to know that she is eternally grateful for their lessons and their love.  it’s also in part for max, who gave her such beauty if even for a short time, and gave her something so precious she could never repay him.
ceilings by lizzy mcalpine. but it's not real and you don't exist and I can't recall the last time i was kissed. it hits me in the car and it feels like the end of a movie i've seen before. perhaps the most heartbreaking song on the list, ceilings combines perspectives from both ophelia and her mother katya.  like mother like daughter, they are now bonded by the loss of the fathers of their children.  they have both suffered the unimaginable and are now left with a child to raise alone on top of their heartbreak.  this song tells of someone who is happy in a relationship, only to realize it’s gone.  while ophelia struggles with her grief, her mother recognizes every emotion.  this is a film she’s seen before.
sad beautiful tragic by taylor swift. we had a beautiful magic love there. what a sad, beautiful, tragic love affair // in dreams, i meet you in warm conversation // and time is taking its sweet time erasing you
almost heaven by jeremiah lloyd harmon. almost heaven, lovers laying side by side but when we reach forever will there be a place where you and I may find home? so I keep a candle burning and I pray to see that saint i knew for certain. but it's just my own reflection now. these two songs further examine ophelia’s grief in losing her first real love.  while she had smaller flirtations and teen flings, she considers maxym to be the love of her life.  almost heaven is also the first of three songs in this playlist that touch on ophelia’s relationship with god and religion, something largely absent from her childhood but something she now secretly hope exists- a place where she can see her loved ones again.
any chance by carly bannister. i’ve tried my hand at hiding, but like a shadow it’ll find me. all there’s left to do is wait // fear has a key and he stays and never leaves but I beg and I plead if you have what i need. ophelia doesn’t consider herself to be brave.  her father often told her to have courage, but she feels like she’s failing him.  she’s so scared of what’s out there- what can harm the people she loves.  in a sense, she doesn’t fear her own death.  she’s much more scared of what death can touch.  it takes and it takes.
baby mine by madison malone. baby mine dry your eyes. rest your head close to my heart never to part baby of mine. the role of mother is perhaps the one ophelia was always meant to play.  she has a newfound sense of duty and an already growing feeling of love for her child.  she finds it challenging to share her body with this new life and also an overwhelming grief, but she is doing what she always does- survive.  
chinese satellite by phoebe bridgers. but you know i'd stand on the corner embarrassed with a picket sign if it meant I would see you when i die. sometimes when I can't sleep it's just a matter of time before i'm hearing things. swore i could feel you through the walls but that's impossible.
running up that hill (a deal with god) - kate bush. and if i only could i'd make a deal with god and i'd get him to swap our places. i'd be runnin' up that road, be runnin' up that hill with no problems. these are two additional songs that touch on the growing complexities with ophelia’s relationship with god and the idea of an afterlife.  growing up she was always encouraged to approach with world from a scientific viewpoint.  she’s always understood the cycle of life and death to be inevitable, and at a certain point was somewhat removed from it as she began to study and practice medicine at such a young age.  however the death of her father triggered a shift in her beliefs, she began to see death differently.  she began to yearn for an ideology that told her she would see him again.  the losses of gil and maxym only exaggerated this desire.  she struggles to have a faith, how could a god allow this?  but she’s desperate for a heaven.  
lovely by billie eilish & khalid. oh, i hope some day i'll make it out of here even if it takes all night or a hundred years. need a place to hide, but i can't find one near. wanna feel alive, outside i can't fight my fear. this is a deeply depressing song with a sweet title, which is perhaps the perfect metaphor for ophelia.  she’s an incredibly sad person with immense grief and trauma, but on the exterior she’s nothing but lovely.  beyond that, this song describes a desire to get out, and though it may be referring to a state of mind, for ophelia that sense is also very literal.  in her dreams she imagines an escape from the falls, somewhere she can be less afraid.  but she’d never go somewhere without the people she loves, nor does she have the courage to brave the unknown outside the zone’s walls.
epiphany - taylor swift. only 20 minutes to sleep but you dream of some epiphany, just one single glimpse of relief to make some sense of what you've seen. ophelia loves to help people, but being a medic in the apocalypse isn’t for the faint of heart.  she’s constantly surrounded by pain, she watches people go through their worst moments.  it takes a toll.  she tries not to let it affect her, and when it does she tries not to let it show.  but sometimes it’s too much.
tomorrow will be kinder - the secret sisters. often I wonder why i try hoping for an end. sorrow weighs my shoulders down and trouble haunts my mind but i know the the present will not last and tomorrow will be kinder. this is the song from which ophelia’s blog gets its name.  It describes a hopeful mindset, one that knows that things are awful, but has faith that a new day is coming.  ophelia is by no means an optimist, but she has to have hope to carry on, hope that kinder days are coming her way.
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Halloween movie masterlist 🧡🍂
Sidney Prescott
Stu Macher
Tatum Riley
Randy Meeks
Gale Weathers
Dewey Riley
Kirby Reed
Mark Kincaid
Sam Carpenter
Wes Hicks
Tara Carpenter
Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison
Dani Dennison
Thackery Binx
Eddie Kasprak
Richie Tozier
Bill Denbrough
Stanly Uris
Ben Hanscom
Mike Hanlon
Beverley Marsh
28 Days/Weeks Later
Sergeant Doyle
Bodies Bodies Bodies
Dana Barrett
Egon Spengler
Peter Venkman
Lucky Domingo
Ray Stantz
Winston Zeddemore
Janine Melnitz
Nightmare on elm street
Glen Lantz
Nancy Thompson
Kristen Parker
Lori Campbell
Will Rollins
Kia Waterson
Gibb Smith
Wrong Turn
Jessie Burlingame
Jake Washington
Nina Papas
Dan Torrance
Carrie White
Billy Peltzer
Grace Le Domas
Eric Draven
Clarice Starling
Lucy Lynskey
Ray Bronson
Eliza Esposito
Frank Bannister
Lydia Deetz
Rick O'connell
Emily corpse bride
Duncan Idaho
Regan Abbott
Duke Leto Atreides
Julie James
Seth Gecko
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pastelbatfandoms · 2 months
Stranger Things dr dreams/Memories
3/14/24 It's been awhile, I know I've been focused on other drs. But I think Billy & Eddie miss me because I keep having dreams with them in it that could be memories. Firstly I obviously need to finish reading Eddie's ST book 'Flight of Icarus' because I had a dream that I was in Eddie's motorhome but it was huge! Then Eddie, his BFF Ronnie (who is not in the show) and I were taking these pills that looked like amber, they were performance enhancers but for musicians. Then Eddie layed down on the couch and I watched him, rubbing his head so he didn't fall asleep cause I was worried he would be unconscious. He got irritated at me for "babying" him, and then that manager Paige showed up and he became really happy and bounded up to her. While I just looked at her annoyed "Oh yeah you'll be nice to her." She wanted to talk but I refused saying I needed to be alone. I dislike her for good reason…The rest of the dream was all over the place and not Hawkins related. Though I think we were in California.
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Speaking of…I'm pretty sure Mandy and Billy move there or already have because I had another dream where Billy and I lived in this big 2 story house (Think The Gilberts house from TVD) I also met Billy's older brother, pretty sure his name was Dacre lol, he looks like Billy but with wavy (not curly) light blond hair, wearing a leather jacket with a bunch of pins and buttons all over. I can defintly see where Billy gets his style and charm from. He was flirting with me and Billy was getting upset and Jelous. "Get your own girl." Then Billy pulled me into a room still upset, I managed to appease him by making out with him, until Eddie showed up who Dacre apparently knew because he gave him a big hug and said "Hey Eddie My man! how've you been?" They got to talking idr about what but then Eddie glanced upstairs where we were and told Billy's brother he had something to do. He headed upstairs and I'm pretty sure we had a threesome…I'm not sure if that was just me day dreaming though as I was starting to wake up.
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3/23/24 Had a short memory of Steve and I sitting on a roof. Drinking, cuddling and watching the stars. Must have been when we were together. Then another one of Billy and I pulling Eddie and Chrissy from the upside down.
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I had a memory while asleep of my dr self (Mandy) with Billy, Chrissy, Steve and Eddie. I'm sure it was during S4 and we were either at the Creel mansion or Nancy's house I'm not sure because all I saw was the bannister we were by. It was dark. We were getting ready to leave (I think Nancy and Robin had left already) Billy and Steve were arguing over who was going to drive. Steve snapped "It's my car I'm driving!" Billy shook his head but didn't say anything.
We got into the car, Chrissy first then me then Billy. Billy grinned, "Hey at least I get to be by the girls." Steve didn't look to happy idk why, we're not together anymore, I'm still with Billy. Steve probably still likes me oh well. Anyway I remember putting my hand on Chrissy's leg and Billy putting his hand on mine and giving each other flirty looks. idk where we were headed.
Update: After doing a reading I figured out where we were headed and why Chrissy was there. Since she died, or we thought she did. Turns out she's stuck in the upside down after we thought we lost her, we find out that Chrissy is alive. (after Billy jumps into watergate, he goes first instead of Steve) We help Eddie get her (via his trailer) where he finds her alone. Then we escape. We then drove to either reunite with Hopper or just go to his place. But we still have to face Vecna later on.
Also the conversation that took place between Steve and Eddie actually takes place between Billy and Eddie in my dr. Eddie thanks Bily for helping him and thinks he's metal for what he did to the bat (Billy gets the Ozzy reference) he then talks to Billy about me and that we need to make up. Which makes sense because in our relationship he is very much the peacemaker.
I also take Max's place in the beginning. I watched more episodes hoping to get memories but I got flashes and resonance from my Marvel dr instead lol (Since El's time at Hawkins Lab is similar to mine in Hydra.)
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kanerallels · 1 year
OH and Billy/Bonnie?
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I love them. They're beautiful. What more is there to say?
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jamesartville · 5 years
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I would love to illustrate "Circles of Seven" someday. Here's what Billy Bannister could look like.
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safetqnet · 2 years
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like or reblog <3
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coleroz · 7 years
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Just started rereading Dragons in Our Midst, and . . . somehow? I just missed? that it takes place in West Virginia, specifically? Which means Billy and Walter probably have some degree of WV accent. My brain does not know what to do with this revelation.
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