#but as a reminder: being Jokingly Mean to someone who doesn't know you will just come off as Mean
between-two-fandoms · 1 month
Thinking about after Buck and Tommy have been dating a while, and they're like having Maddie and Chim around for dinner or something, and it's getting late and Tommy and Buck are cleaning up and have settled into easy domesticity and Maddie and Chimney are having their own little conversation still at the table, but Maddie is watching because that's her brother and she's curious. Buck is talking about whatever his latest research subject is and he realises he's been talking for like ten-minutes straight and that Tommy hasn't been able to get a word in (not that he wants to because he likes listening to Buck) and Buck kind of bashfully apologises for rambling and Tommy just jokingly goes "that's okay, I love you anyway." And Buck doesn't clock it, and him and Tommy continue on, but Maddie does. Because she remembers her brother when he was hurt and yelling at their parents. She remembers younger Evan with his broken bones and desperate eyes, and she's looking at Evan now and he's calm and happy and knows without a doubt that he is loved.
Sorry, my replies tend to be three times the length they probably should be. I just like to babble about how much I love these characters. Sorry for any typos or grammar errors I don't know how to shut up sometimes.
My heart. Nonnie you're making me feel things. Maddie would be so happy for Evan. She's a little hesitant about Tommy at first, he's Buck's first boyfriend. It's all new waters, she's his sister, it's in her blood to be nervous for him. But she trusts her brother's judgment and Tommy seemed like a good guy at the wedding. Plus Chimney vouched for him, he's probably not the worst guy her brother could fall for. (More under cut)
Her sweet, precious, little brother who just wanted to be loved found someone. He found someone who loves him anyway. Evan found someone who she can see loves him so, so much. She didn't have to look too closely to see it. It's not a fake, surface-level puppy dog love either. What surprises her the most is that this is Evan, not Buck, in her kitchen with this person who's opened the world to him. It's Evan who's smiling and rambling and gentle and kind. It's been so long since she's seen him be Evan, and not live with the weight of Buck on his shoulders.
She knows in her Big Sister Bones that Tommy's someone who will keep her little brother's heart safe. Maddie will never be able to explain to Tommy what that means to her in words. But she watches them. (maybe not as subtle as she hoped). She watches her brother interact with him, watches Evan be all happy and relaxed and content. Unafraid to love and unafraid to be loved back.
She listens to how Tommy speaks to her brother. In a low, deep timbre that settles into Evan's bones. Tommy speaks like Evan was made to be cherished, holding his cheek as if Evan was his entire world, standing in her kitchen as they put dinner away. Tommy looks content too, enamored from the sheer energy radiating off of Evan as the night continues. As if being able to have Evan is enough, as if Tommy knows her brother doesn't have to be anything but himself to be worthy of love.
She sees the look in Tommy's eyes and is suddenly reminded of Chimney, reminded of the love she shares with her husband. She thinks Tommy already knows how special it is for Evan to choose you, to be important in Evan's life. She wonders if Evan has realized how gone for the Pilot is for him, probably not. She loves her brother but he can be a bit stupid unless someone spells it out for him. Still though, can tell Tommy's planning on sticking around for a long time, and she hopes he does. Evan and Tommy are good together, good for each other. She relaxes into Chimney's chest, leaning back as they watch Buck and Tommy try to set up a game of Pictionary. "So what do you think?" Chimney whispers, setting Maddie's wine glass aside for her. She looks up and kisses him on the chin.
"I like him," she says, smiling when Tommy somehow gets stuck in the legs of the whiteboard stand trying to set it up. Buck helps him get out of it, then plants a kiss on his lips, all rosy-cheeked and sappy. Yeah, Maddie thinks, Tommy's worthy of her little brother's heart.
I love supportive big sister Maddie with my whole chest.
If anyone's interested I might make this a fic. Maddie's POV ofc.
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
@steddie-week day 1: hunger / pining / Somebody to Love by Queen
"I'm going to murder Steve if he tries to flirt hopelessly with another girl when he likes Eddie," Robin says with a groan.
"Keep your hands still," Nancy gently reminds Robin as she paints another black layer on her nails. "Does Steve know that he likes Eddie?" Nancy asks with a laugh.
Robin resists the urge to use her hands to speak. "No! But even you have seen the pining. I thought he was going to have a meltdown when he saw Gareth jokingly flirt with Eddie."
Nancy blows on Robin's nails before frowning and scraping off some polish that got on her fingers. "Maybe Gareth is in love with Eddie," Nancy jokes.
Robin laughs. "He's been asking me if you're single for months now."
"If only he knew..." Nancy says with a wide smile before laying a kiss on her girlfriend's hand. "But hey, I'm dealing with Eddie who is hopelessly trying to get over his crush on Steve. He would be willing to be set up with anyone, I swear."
Robin throws her hands up. "That's it!"
"Robin your nails-"
"We set them up on a blind date. Steve has been trying to get me to find someone for him forever now, and Eddie wants the same thing from you! It can be operation... Find Them Somebody to Love."
"You just got that from my Queen tape."
"But it's a great plan!" Robin says with a victorious smile. She holds out her hand to shake on it.
Nancy rolls her eyes and shakes Robin's hand. "If this works, I'll repaint your nails."
Robin's brow furrows. "What do you mean..." she trails off as she looks at them.
"There's some in your hair," Nancy says with a wince.
Robin starts to scrape the paint off. "You call Eddie while I get this off."
Nancy watches her struggle for a moment before handing her some nail polish remover. "I hope this works for our sake."
To say Steve is surprised when Robin excitedly calls him to set him up with someone is an understatement. He may be a bit clueless and naive, but he knows when she's up to something. But maybe she's excited and thinks it's just a really good match, but he thinks that's just the hopeless romantic in him talking.
He also thinks it's strange that the date is at a burger joint that Eddie really likes, but maybe Eddie helped Robin with the date? He really hopes not but doesn't know why. He also knows that maybe the burger joint is a coincidence and the Eddie thought is just because Steve can't stop thinking about him.
It's weird. He's never really had a friend like him before, but he thinks it's part of the trauma bonding that makes Steve feel so intensely about him. But it's different from Robin it's... he doesn't know.
But he doesn't have much time to think about it as he parks outside the food joint. Time to lay on the Harrington charm.
As he walks in he notices only one table that has one person at it. The girl is facing away from Steve in a booth, her long dark curly hair being the only thing visible. She's definitely Steve's type.
As Steve approaches the table he runs a hand through his hair and tries not to think about how she has hair like Eddie's. As he turns to the girl with his most charming smile, it quickly turns into a real smile. "Eddie?" Steve asks.
Eddie's head snaps up and multiple emotions cross over his face as he takes in Steve. "Steve? What are you doing here?"
"Blind date, and you?"
Eddie replies, "Same here, man. Nancy set me up."
Steve tries to ignore the way his heart seems to break. He gives Eddie a smile but it's too tight and entirely fake. "Robin set me up, but hey, that's great, Munson." Steve goes as far as patting Eddie on the back which makes him internally cringe. What's happening?
Eddie slowly glances at Steve's arm and gives it a confused look as his hand still stays on his back. "Right, sorry," Steve apologizes and feels entirely not like himself. Why is he so damn nervous? "But hey, what if I waited here with you until our dates come and we can keep each other company?"
It looks like Eddie wants to say no, but Steve is already sliding into the booth. Eddies just continues to stare at Steve as if he's the last person he wants to see at the moment. Steve ignores those signs and continues talking, "So a blind date? I didn't know you were looking for someone."
Eddie huffs and looks down at the table. "I'm not really looking for someone, I'm just trying to get over someone."
Steve feels that familiar pang in his chest. "Someone I know?"
"Like you wouldn't believe," Eddie mutters. Steve just nods because he has no idea what that means. Eddie continues, "I didn't want to like this guy, but it just kind of happened. And they're incredible and way out of my league, so here I am. But they're somehow just always around..." Eddie trails off staring at Steve.
He almost feels like Eddie is trying to hint at something, but he isn't sure what. "I've been there. It took me a while to get over Nance, but eventually with time it happened. But hey, I don't know how someone could be out of your league, man. I mean you're really uh... well," Steve takes a moment to really look at Eddie and he weirdly feels his cheeks heat up, "You've got really nice eyes, and hair of course, and nice... lips."
Eddie squirms a bit in his seat and glances away. "You don't have to take pity on me, Harrington."
"I'm not!" Steve insists a little louder than he intends to. He lowers his voice and repeats, "I'm not. I'm just stating the facts. You're a really attractive guy. Plus, you're really smart and creative, and you can play the guitar well which I'm sure other guys dig, and you're also uhh really funny and kind-"
"Please stop, there's only so many words of affirmation I can receive in a day before I combust," Eddie jokes but there's a light flush on his face.
Steve holds his hands up and says, "I'm just saying you're a catch. Anyone who doesn't see that isn't good enough for you anyways."
Eddie narrows his eyes at Steve for a moment then glances over his shoulder. "So, uh, doesn't look like our dates are here yet."
Steve glances around and notices no one is sitting alone and no one else has walked in. Weird.
A waiter walks their way and takes their drink orders and gives them a few more minutes to look over the menu. As soon as he's out of earshot, Steve asks Eddie, "Do you think it's rude to put in an order when they're not here?"
Eddie glances around and his eyes settle on the wall. Steve looks over and notices the clock. "If they're not here in the next ten minutes which is fifteen minutes after the date start time, then we can order," Eddie states.
Steve smiles but suddenly his stomach makes an obnoxious growling noise. Eddie's eyes widen. "We can make that five minutes if you'll last that long."
"I can last ten minutes it's alright," Steve replies.
Two minutes later, Steve is already giving in, "Okay, what if we just ordered when the waiter comes back?"
Eddie smiles at him for the first time that evening. "You're weak, Harrington," he jokes.
"Hey, I was strong enough to lug your body around."
"If only I was conscious for that."
Before Steve can think of a response their lovely waiter interrupts them and asks for their order. Steve ends up ordering the same thing as Eddie which has Eddie scoffing, "I thought you thought my taste in food was bad."
"If putting strawberry jelly on a turkey sandwich is your idea of food, then I stand by what I said."
"I'm going to make you try it one day," Eddie says with a wide smile.
Steve leans forwards. "Is that a threat?"
"If you want it to be," Eddie says with a wink.
Steve laughs and has the sudden thought that he really doesn't want his or Eddie's dates to show up. He just wants Eddie to himself.
"What, are you traumatized by the thought of it or something?" Eddie asks after Steve has gone silent.
Steve looks up and really takes in Eddie again. You're a catch. Anyone who doesn't see that isn't good enough for you anyways.
Oh shit.
Steve glances towards the door and outside and doesn't see any cars approaching. He looks back to Eddie and says, "If our dates don't show up in the next five minutes, what if we agreed to be each other's date."
Eddie looks at him for a moment with narrowed eyes. "As in... we're just like... hanging out or...?"
Steve takes a deep breath and says, "A real date."
Eddie's eyes widen and he looks around. "The kids didn't put you up to this, did they?"
"No, Eddie, I- I would really like to go on a real date with you."
Eddie stares at him again then asks, "You swear that this isn't a joke?"
"On Dustin's mother," Steve jokes then holds out his pinky.
"You know how much a pinky promise means to me."
"I know, it's a promise that can never be broken," Steve says.
Eddie hesitates then wraps his pinky around Steve's. "I hope our dates don't show up then," Eddie says with a big smile.
"Me neither," Steve agrees.
"I can't believe it's working!" Robin excitedly shouts from the passenger seat of Nancy's car.
"Me either," Nancy agrees as she watches Eddie rant while flailing his hands and Steve laughs. After a moment, Steve rests his hand over one of Eddie's and gives it a squeeze. Eddie flushes enough that Robin and Nancy can notice from the slight distance.
"Do you think they're going to kill us when they see us?" Robin asks.
Nancy scoffs, "No, they'll probably be over the moon thanking us. I'm just surprised that they agreed to go along with the date without thinking we were pranking them or something."
"Maybe the dinguses just finally sucked it up and admitted they liked each other when they figured out the plan," Robin says with a shrug as she watches the two get up. "And it looks like it's our time to leave."
Nancy shakes her head and looks at Robin. "Wouldn't that draw more attention to us though? We should just let them go first while they're so absorbed in each other's company."
"That's a good ide-" Robin stops as she looks back at the pair. "They've spotted us. Shit."
"Like I said, they're probably going to thank us," Nancy says, praying she's right. She rolls down the window as they approach.
Steve waves with a big smile. "Hey! We thought it was you, but we just wanted to let you know that your dates for us stood us up, but that's okay. Great really because Eddie and I decided you know..."
"I finally confessed that I've been pining after him," Eddie says nearly bouncing up and down.
Steve turns to look at him. "Wait, the person you said was out of your league, that was me you were talking about me earlier?"
"Steve, I thought you realized that after I told you I've had a crush on you for years now."
"Oh. Hey, I'm not out of your league at all, if anything you're out of my..." Steve trails off and seems to realize Robin and Nancy are still there, "Well, we're going to make up for lost time, but it was good seeing you. Thank you for attempting to set us up!"
Eddie and Steve wave as they leave, laughing about something moments later.
"Oh my god, did they just...."
"Holy shit, do they really think..."
Robin and Nancy look at each other and nod. "Dingues," they agree.
They look back as Steve and Eddie seem to argue about what car to take back and Robin sighs, "They'll eventually realize, right?"
"I doubt it," Nancy says.
Steve and Eddie walk towards their own cars seeming to realize that they don't have to drive together. "Gosh, they were made for each other."
It's years down the line when Steve and Eddie are telling the story of their first date when Nancy and Robin finally get fed up and tell the truth, but Steve and Eddie still don't believe them. Once a dingus, always a dingus.
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ja3yun · 1 month
i can't move on from please be real because it has me thinking about what kind of boyfriend jay would actually be irl
luckily for you anon, i think about it constantly and have a notesapp doc dedicated to it so let me share
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warnings: mentions of insecurity, kisses
wc: 600
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jay would call you baby/babe and honey, like they are his go to petnames for you and they slip from his lips so casually that he barely calls you by your name anymore
jay would have a playlist with all the songs you've recommended him and play them when he's just doing his tasks because they remind him of you
jay compliments you on almost everything you do, even if you do it badly, he is so encouraging for you to try new things.
he is the type to never tell you what to wear when you go out but if he knows you might end up somewhat insecure or uncomfortable with stares, he always gives you his jacket
and even if you're insecure about your body in general, jay would try his best to make sure you have a good relationship with food, he doesn't want you to be overwhelmed by standards or calories so he would constantly work with you to have the best mindset
when he goes shopping, jay will pick up your favourite snacks without having to be asked because "you'll eat them at some point"
jay takes your hand randomly when you're out, like of course he will hold your hand when you're walking but even when you're out with friends and yapping, he would intertwine his fingers with yours because it just feels right
because jay loves to cook, he would make you food you want to try and on special occasions he'll bake you sweet treats - even if he fails when trying to make them into heart shapes
jay would buy you things but i think it would be sentimental things that you can cherish because he bought them with you in mind; jewellery and handmade gifts are his favourite to get you because they'd be specific to you
he alternates between being the big spoon and little spoon, he doesn't mind either way, just whatever is comfortable for you
jay also loves laying his head on your lap or vice versa, talking about your mundane job or whatever is on your mind, he'll play with your hair as you speak, smiling at your anecdotes and silly accents you somehow bring out when impersonating your boss/co-worker/classmate (he is also heavily invested in the drama and gets angry with you)
if someone cracks a joke at your expense, he'll get defensive, calling the person out even if you're not there because he hates it when people speak about you in an ill manor, even jokingly
you would have couple piercings with him, ones that he would get matching earrings for
jay loves you unconditionally but he will vocalise when he is upset with you and talk it out, he would bottle up some feelings but not the ones that involve your relationship because he wouldn't want to put a strain on your relationship - communication is key to him
he would dry your hair if you were too tired, putting it on the lowest setting so he could spend more time taking care of you but he says it’s just so he can hear you
jay would smother you in kisses and take any opportunity to steal a smooch - in bed, when you’re cooking, when you’re distracted by the tv, each time he would kiss you and bring the attention back to him
jay is the type of boyfriend who would smile during kisses, especially when you're gripping his shirt and pulling him as close to you as possible, he loves to feel wanted and needed
he doesn’t tell you he loves you all the time because he doesn’t want the words to lose their meaning, so instead he shows it by being there for you and doing actions that prove to you that he will love you for the rest of time
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delululand · 7 months
what do ya think tubatu’s possible green and red flags in relationship?
i thought about this request for quite a long time because for the most part they themselves are kind of green flag hahaha. like in my perception they are all respectful of women in general (at least it looks like it from the outside) and they are emotionally available, which can be understood from their words that they hardly fights with each other and solve problems through dialogues. in my opinion, these are already one of the biggest green flags in men, so in the post i just wrote some good points (?) that came to my mind when thinking about each of the members
red flag: maybe this is super subjective, but that's the only thing that came to my mind. there may be some things that you will have to tell him about. sometimes he is really very simple and naive like a child and there are things that he may not think about that could be offensive or wrong. for example, when they discussed something related to jealousy, he several times answered something like “I would do it, but if my partner tells me not to do it, then I won’t” and the like was about going somewhere and so on, and It's absolutely normal to tell your partner what you like and what you don't like, but there are things that you would like someone to take care of without you reminding like some passive in relationship. (oh idk while i was writing this i started to think that red flag is me…)
green flag: wanna have daughter… okay even though we live in the 21st century, there are still men who want a son because it’s an “heir” and other shit, not that wanting have a son is a red flag in a man since it depends on WHY he wants it, but wanting have a daughter is already green flag in my opinion. and he’s good listen? like he said many times that he is not picky about anything and agrees to everything his partner wants, so this is also definitely a green flag (i hope people around him will not abuse this!)
red flag: i already wrote about this somewhere, but i really think that this is unconscious flirting with someone. he doesn't do it on purpose, he doesn't want to hurt his partner, but it happens naturally and can cause a lot of misunderstandings
green flag: lack of preconceptions about appearance and how men are supposed to look. this man literally wears a skirt whenever he wants and doesn't consider it something cringe or "only feminine" like being a woman is something bad, so yeah i’m proud
red flag: resentment. actually beomgyu loves to tease members, but sometimes when someone starts teasing him he gets offended (for example, the last time when yeonjun jokingly asked “oh like that? i didn’t know” and beomgyu really began to explain to him why this was so and only after a few seconds he realized that it was a joke and I sat there with that face🥺) and we also know how jealous he is so i think sometimes he might get offended by pretty minor things
green flag: firstly i'll leave this video. secondly he's very soft with his loved ones, very gentle, very vulnerable. he likes to be alone sometimes but actually is very clingy and is open in expressing his feelings. he is a person who has the most developed all love languages ​​and he could express his love very efficiently
red flag: work is a priority. this is a common occurrence in general and especially among idols but in my opinion he is a person who really loves and values ​​his work and at least at this age he can sometimes put it above his partner. however, this doesn’t mean that he will neglect his partner’s feelings about this and perhaps, having matured and found a serious relationship, his family may become more important to him. and probably not the ability to show love with words? but actually it depends on your love language and he is great at showing love through actions (here's a video to prove it)
green flag: hearing his statements or just random phrases, he takes relationships seriously and would not waste his and his partner’s time on an affair for a couple of weeks and this is clearly not the guy who after a couple of days of dating will ask you to send him nudes or something like that. and returning to the point above and the video of how he shows love through actions is absolutely a green flag
huening kai
red flag: closedness, he said that sometimes it is not easy for him to share feelings and most likely he is the kind of person who can distance himself from his partner in depressive moments
green flag: super romantic, sweet and gentle. a person who will treat you as if you could break even from the wrong look and will definitely always listen to you, support you and try to help if he can do it
+ adds about all members
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slasher-dasher · 5 months
I totally haven't been stalking your amazing works recently- hehe o-o | Anyway, I like to give out semi-specific asks so... a little sorry in advance if ya can't do this. BUT! What if the slashers had a S/O who was famous? Could be for a different reason for each slasher {singer/model/DJ/etc.}. Go buck wild with this! Do as many slashers as you want lol. But I'd LOVE to see either/both Myers and Brahms in this!
Slashers w/a Famous S/O
Brahms Heelshire:
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He is less than pleased that he has to share you with the world
And when he finds out it's because you're a famous model he's furious.
You're his. You shouldn't need to appear in public, especially not in front of "fans" or for "photoshoots"
This does make him realize he has some magazines with you on the front page though, and if you jokingly sign them make sure you put a heart on them to cheer him up
Let him help pick your outfit too! He does like to help you pick your outfits
Remind him that he's the only one who gets to see you with your clothes off (he's a visual learner) and suddenly he doesn't mind your job that much anymore
OG!Michael Myers:
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Michael doesn't really care about your fame, he knows how to stay out of the spotlight so getting caught is not a concern for him
What does intrigue him is that you're a famous author, covering mostly mysteries and thrillers
Need to know if something you wrote is realistic? He's your guy, just let him know what you need and he'll do it
This does mean sometimes your plot points get the attention of the news, but they're pretty easy to dismiss, just make sure he's a bit more careful next time he's helping you "research"
He does help you in ways other than murder too, like word choice or general plot ideas. He's a very good listener, and has a way of coming up with twists you hadn't thought of
Local critics learn very quickly that your work is off-limits, unless they want to see The Shape at every turn
RZ!Michael Myers:
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Again, doesn't really care that you're famous, but is surprised that you're famous because you're a singer
He'd heard you hum while doing chores or when you thought he wasn't around, but just thought that was something people did
He hears you practicing one day and decides to listen in to his own personal concert, clapping for you when you finish your set (dramatically bow or he'll just keep clapping)
Michael doesn't mind being seen in public, so he becomes your bodyguard when you have to do shows or go to events, and always makes sure his mask matches you. Just don't bring him on stage
Also doesn't mind the attention your fans give you, he knows you're coming back home with him, even if he has to throw some guys out of the venue to ensure it
Give him little mini-concerts at home and he'll join in, humming the tune with your singing if he knows it. He'll even spin you around a bit if the song calls for it
Bo + Vincent Sinclair:
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Bo is not happy to hear that you're famous, but warms up to the idea once he learns you're a famous artist
Vincent is ecstatic to find out you're a famous artist, especially because he pulls inspiration from your work when the artblock hits
You can help restore Ambrose! But people will notice if you're missing, so make sure you make a couple trips to town a month to avoid suspicion
Both argue over which one is your muse (Bo doesn't know what this means, he just likes to argue with Vincent). The answer is neither, but you won't tell them that
Vincent makes room for you in his workshop, giving you room to work and letting both of you spend time together. You two give each other critiques and tips often, and its improved your crafts significantly
Bo happily hangs your work in the house so he has something to admire while you're out at art/craft shows. He would love to come with you to them, but someone has to stay and keep his brothers in line
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nicoleanell · 11 months
Another smart post going around reminded me of this thing that's been in my drafts, so you gonna hear some SURPRISE RENFIELD 2023 DEEP THOUGHTS FROM ME. <3
Going back to this post which still does occasional numbers,
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I feel some ways about how Robert Montague Renfield is overflowing with empathy for other people despite his own circumstances being a million times more dire. He adopts calling the group's abusers "monsters" despite intimiately knowing an actual genuine monster and arguably being one himself.
Like he could've EASILY taken a look around that support group and been like "boo hoo call me when your literal intestines are coming out of your body", but instead of ever looking down on them or treating it as a competition over who has suffered most, he meets them at the place where they're hurting and absorbs it and connects to his hurt. He recognizes it as part of the same continuum, even when the details don't line up or measure evenly, it's Real and an experience he can imagine or relate to. Which is a good thing for support and/or therapy in a group setting.
Later on he lightly calls Rebecca out for her anger issues, but then after she rants about the source of that anger, his response is an utterly sincere "that sounds painful." INTESTINES. OUT OF HIS BODY. MAYBE 48 HOURS + 1 BAD HAIRCUT AGO. HE HAS JUST SHOWERED OFF THE BLOOD OF THE ONLY FRIENDS AND ALLIES HE HAD. But he winces in sympathy over her corruption and dead dad stuff.
And yes, I also feel a way about how that's a part of his nature that's been either exploited or fully trained into him by Dracula, because we ALSO see that in their interactions - "you deserve better", "I know being undead is a painful existence." Like… the fact he constantly leads off with empathy and validation of other people's feelings and that's the way he diffuses Rebecca's anger in that moment is not NOT linked to his codependency issues and the ways he's been abused. Of course everyone else's pain is not less valid than his, it's more valid actually!! He is more than happy to shut up about his needs and his trauma and declare someone else as the priority and Life's Main Character. The way he's still apologizing compulsively and transferring his submissiveness and fawn behavior to somebody else is very much a thing other people have pointed out, jokingly and sincerely.
But in spite of that, I still think it's ultimately a sign of his kindness and genuine compassion for others. And it doesn't have to be a one-way street.
Rebecca is (pretty understandably!) not as sympathetic to him in that scene as he's being with her, because she's still very freaked out and thought he was an ENTIRELY different type of weirdo than the weirdo he's turned out to be. But. Less than an hour later she is listening with an open mind while he tells her the most bluntly holding-myself-accountable, not-self-pitying version of his story and her takeaway is not only "you're not a bad person", it's specifically: I've done shit that I regret too, and being mean to my sister is on an almost LAUGHABLY smaller scale than anything you just said to me, but the point is I recognized your feelings on a basic humanity level somewhere in there and related to that. Again not a competition, and not about their experiences being perfectly in proportion with each other! It's good.
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terrence-silver · 2 months
I'm feeling pretty blue today - what would CK Terry (or any TIG characters you feel like writing about!) to do earnest, sincerely cheer up someone they love?
I wish you lots of elation and happiness. Hope these help. ❤️
― When Jan Valek met beloved he already knew it'll be a moment he'll memorize and cherish for the rest of eternity. He already knew beloved will be something or someone that'll bring only true goodness into his life. He equates them to the light of the sun he and his kind were bereft of for centuries. He equates them with everything that's still noble, genuine, warm and sweet about humanity at large even though he doesn't view other mortals in the most of favorable light exactly. He has this incredibly exalted and romantic opinion of them, so, oh, the idea they'd ever feel blue about anything when he puts them all the way up there with the stars --- well, it strikes him. It is like witnessing a beautiful flower being sad about something; it cannot be conceivable because it isn't the flower's intended purpose in the grand scheme of creation. He's all affection and worship, collecting every tear from beloved's face with his lips and fingers, hugging them to himself with both hands and hiding them in his cape. He coos them. Caresses them. Hides them. Reminds them that in his infinite glory, God didn't create them for moments of sorrow. He's created them for joy. In fact, such is the depth of Jan's comfort and consolation of beloved that it telepathically revibrates through the entire coven and all his children feel it too. Beloved's not only loved, they're embraced. He remains with beloved instead of retreating underground when daytime returns, finding some dark, concealed place where he can hold them for as long as needed, time truly being meaningless to him. He could do this for decades if decades was what it took. Centuries, even, if need be. Ultimately, he waits it out with beloved and his arms around them don't unclasp until he literally senses their blood, scent and pheromones sing out with a change of mood before beloved themselves even realizes that they're no longer quite as upset as they were before.
― Terry McCain would downright willingly and tactically make a fool out of himself it meant beloved will simply...oh...you know...crack a smile for him? Why is that? Well, when you're a hardened, hot-headed Chicago Detective who has a tendency of taking things too far, to the point of utilizing excessive force during investigations and arrests, the sensitivity training doesn't really come all that naturally and so he counter-acts this by goofing around, in ways, even if that means getting beloved an adopted fuzzy pet out of the blue, enduring a scolding even when he doesn't give them space to breathe because he wants them to tell him what's wrong or waiting in front of their locked apartment door for hours when they want to be left alone, notwithstanding the fact he's also likely to just, you know, break in. He will be nosy. He will be invasive. He will employ his own professional deformation and investigate to get to the bottom of beloved's bad mood in the off chance they refuse to tell him, but one thing is absolutely certain; He will never, ever, ever leave them alone during this bad time, even risking being ridiculous and possibly overbearing doing so. Which means beloved can expect a takeover of their own life during the period of their depression. They wake up, they find McCain prepping up breakfast, wrapping his oversized coat or scarf around on a cold evening walk, tucking them in next to the fireplace and being fully domestic, threatening to knock some joker's teeth if the cause of their upset came from another person, or hey, he might just jokingly bring up doing so to deliberately appear like some dangerous wiseguy and hopefully amuse beloved through his antics. He'll try so many things that statically, something's very likely to just entertain beloved enough, even if begrudgingly, to have them snort through their nose with laughter at him faced with a funny anecdote from his First Communion.
― Gus Travis is paranoid and he is convinced beloved's current bad mood has something to do with him and taking it a step further than that, he gets this agitated impression that their depression is a prelude to an array of more serious underlining issues that remain yet unspoken; like them wanting to leave him or at least really seriously pondering it just about now. That they're deeply unhappy by his side and if he doesn't do something now to prevent it, history will only repeat itself and he'll lose someone he loves. Again. Would he really survive that crap twice? He doesn't think so. All the signs are there, after all, with his past bad experiences only further exacerbating the issue to the degree that depending of how blue beloved is feeling and for how long, Gus might just take it as far as really seriously telling them they should leave. Run away together. From this life. From his associates. From his gang. His syndicate. Sever all ties to them. Cut loose. Break out on their own. Turn a new page. Start a new life elsewhere. Far, far from here. Head out to sea on a boat if they have to. Not say anything to anyone. Pack up the basics. Hop in their car and go. Just go. Meaning that Gus Travis is genuinely probably willing to quite literally erase everyone and disappear if it could potentially bring contentment to beloved and ensure that they'll stay together. Just the two of them. Man could very well be halfway through the State of Washington on an escape spree before the conclusion might arrive that he did not, in fact, have to practically run away to make beloved happy. A kind word would've sufficed. Maybe a hug. But, Gus is a man of aggressive impulse, with an impassioned, streetwise nature to boot. His dryland mermaid is sad and he's expected to just...handle it in stride without shooting someone in the head? Yeah, no. Before anyone puts two and two together, Gus and beloved are too far gone to ever be found, headed somewhere that is bound to make them happy.
― Terry Silver does anything to cheer up someone he loves. And I do mean anything. Therein lies the danger of someone he cares for being even slightly upset or depressed, because he'd stop at nothing. There's no boundaries. Nothing is too ridiculous. No such thing as 'too far'. And no, I don't just mean throwing excess money and acts of service on a problem until it goes away --- I mean, he'd literally abuse someone to make beloved laugh. He'd hurt someone. He'd hurt whoever hurt them; whoever he feels fucked up their sunny disposition because trust and believe he's ready to have an enemy. Just point at one. If you don't, he's capable of inventing one himself. Throw an expensive car in the mix, sure, as a cherry on top of a cake. Does beloved want real estate? A company? A private island? Do they want him to buy out half of Los Angeles? Do they need a lavish vacation to fix their mood? An encouraging pep talk worthy of a Sensei? Should he knock someone's teeth out while they watch? Should he avenge them to remind them just how adored they are? Should he kill? Drag someone's bruised and beaten body and drop them off at beloved's feet as homage like a devoted blood hound would? Should he fuck beloved? Please, kiss, lick and work their body until their physique registers it as happiness? His mind will be working overtime --- the gears in his brain spinning and spinning and Terry will be likely to cheer himself up at the prospect of all the things he could do. He giggles and snickers as he plans. It is honestly just safer to tell this man what it is likely to make you content so he can go ahead and just do it for you because if his mind wonders too far in its deviousness, he'll do some pretty unhinged things in the hope it'll cheer beloved you up. But, point here is; he'd do just about anything, yes and beloved will probably never be as upset and in need of uplifting that will ever match the distance Terry Silver is willing to go to uplift them.
― Going to go out on a limb and saying Cash doesn't immediately know how to cheer up beloved or anyone as for that matter because this is simply not something he ever frequently does or has to do. His line of work or lifestyle doesn't exactly demand this of him --- in fact, even when he himself's in a gloomy mood, he merely fixes it with a quick beer and just shutting the heck up about it until it goes away. But, just because it is underexplored, new territory for him doesn't mean he doesn't care to the point he's thrown off of balance, pacing back and forth around the room, absolutely exasperated, an annoyed hand in his hair, feverishly thinking of what he should do, his mood sinking to dark depths right alongside beloved. He doesn't sleep. He doesn't talk. Doesn't do anything. He can't think straight. He's capable of spending days in front of beloved's room, just sitting there like a watchful warden in a state of limbo, waiting for a single word from them, a sign, a signal, a hint, anything that could indicate they're doing better now, and until he gets that, he might as well rot into the arm chair he's nestled into for all he's concerned. Cash takes whatever's going on very much to heart even though it isn't outright visible or easy to immediately tell at all times, but one order out of beloved's lips is enough to put him into action there and then without a single bit of protest out of him. If beloved said 'Rob a bank. It'll make me happy.' man outright would do just that entirely wordlessly. He'd be there getting his gun, gloves and mask ready, making the necessary phone calls, gone within the hour and already back home by the time they've woken up from their daily depression nap. He cares immensely. He doesn't always know how to express it or act on it, but even when beloved's in an infinitely better mood it'll be days and even weeks before Cash wholly recovers from whatever it was that bothered them, even if he doesn't really talk about it.
― Jack Blaylock, or rather, Timothy Calloway sits down and genuinely talks to beloved about it. Yes. Talks. Although never doubt this man too would be prepared to go to some truly harrowing lengths to merely see the slightest shadow of a smile on beloved's face, I get this impression he fixes them a warm beverage, makes them a lovely, intimate meal for two and tucks in by their side on a cozy, quiet evening instead, the lights of the city sparkling in the distance through the windows because civilian problems require civilian solutions and beloved's a civilian, first and foremost; so, he approaches their sadness in a way he knows they'll respond to best psychologically, not wishing to frighten them with promises of knives, blades, guns, murder, carnage, gore and all the things he'd do to anyone or anything that would ever make them sad or encroach on their happiness. He tells them anecdotes. Tales from his travels. All the places he's been. Seen. Spirituality. Past lives. How this is all unsolved karmic baggage and in few days time, it'll seem like a distant matter that'll only grow more foggy as time passes but that he's here, interconnected with beloved through countless past lives, feeling every bit of dejectedness they themselves might feel. He's here to face the fray with them because they're soulmates and that's what soulmates do. It is genuinely the most intense and eye-opening conversation beloved's ever had. One of those goddamn near live changing chats that seem a bit dream-like and slightly haunting and strange the next day but beloved truly does feel better afterwards because Jack will literally talk them out of their sour mood. Of course, has to be said that there's a disturbing factor to all of this because it is almost like Jack saw into beloved's soul and just about scraped off whatever was bothering them singlehandedly. Was there something in the coffee he's made them? Something in his general air and manner, how he knows to handle people? The sex they had afterwards? Beloved cannot tell, but they do feel infinitely better.
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hello :] I would like to ask for a matchup if that's okay !! I'm bi so any gender is fine, and I'm okay with a poly answer if you think more than one character would fit.
I'll start with my personality; I'm a pretty laid back person, most people would describe me as shy or introverted which I admit is true, I don't love staying in big groups and I get nervous around new people- with whoever I'm close with though, I'm pretty chill as I said and I love stuff like jokingly flirting or poking fun at friends :P I also think I'm pretty forgiving!!
I dislike stuff like public speaking and dealing with anyone who is too mean because I'm quick to anger with anyone like that and I will Not hold back lol, even if I'm an introvert..
Also, I find that I get along easier with people who are more extroverted than me, if this can help with the matchup !!
My main hobby is drawing, but I'm starting a photography course soon & I hope to get a job in that field..I consider myself a pretty creative person! This is also not much of an hobby but more of just something I like...I love pretty things and dressing up, jewelry, clothes, anything fancy, especially if it's vintage :]
This is all, tried to keep it simple and not too long- if you need anything else though, do tell me ! I wouldn't mind adding information :]
A/N: Okay @mourreon , based on what you told me, I’m thinking you’d be a good fit for a poly relationship with… Halsin and Astarion!
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Halsin is a great partner for you! He’s kind, laid back, and has a very reassuring presence. He’s a pretty big guy, something he recognizes is a bit odd for an elf, but he’s not at all intimidating once you get to know him. He’s a big softy, inside and out. 
I know people tend to think of Halsin as more extroverted, and I agree, but I also think he’s a quiet sort of extrovert. He was thrust into a leadership position he didn't want. And although he does well in crowds, he strikes me as the guy who’d prefer not to be in them, especially if those crowds are in the city. 
I think he’d quite enjoy being in smaller group settings with you. Either an evening around the campfire where he introduces you to his party members, or even a nice night in with you and your friends, drinking good wine and sharing stories. 
He loves (and I mean LOVES) how flirty you are. It just makes him all the more attracted to you. He’s a big romantic flirt himself, constantly comparing you to the beauty of nature, so he appreciates the reciprocation when you flirt back with him. 
And he’s very grateful for how forgiving you are. Even though he’s a forgiving person, he’s quite hard on himself. He sees himself as a failure, someone who is unable to stop the shadow curse from conquering his lands. But with you at his side, he can begin to see himself the way you see him, with a loving and forgiving lens. You remind him it wasn’t his fault that he couldn't stop the shadow curse alone. No one could have. It was just a terrible circumstance that he is just as much a victim of. 
Halsin understands your dislike of unnecessary cruelty. He hates people who are mean for no reason. He’s more composed in his response, however. So don’t be surprised if he has to physically lift you and pull you away from some jerk who has it coming. He agrees with you, he just doesn't want you to get hurt in the process as well. Let nature sort out the cruel-hearted. And let him protect you from your just rage. 
Art days! So many art days are spent with you drawing and him whittling. You two even start a tradition where you draw the most outrageous thing you can think of, and he accepts the challenge of carving it and vice versa. The two of you have gotten pretty good at anticipating the other’s suggestion. And it's a great way to spend date nights. 
He loves seeing you all dressed up, especially in florals. He thinks you look gorgeous in every flower crown the community children make for you. 
Although, if I’m being honest, he thinks you look the most beautiful when you have nothing but a flower crown on, if you catch my drift. ;)
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Astarion is also a great partner for you because he’s more of a luxury indulgent introvert. He’s rather calm, so long as everything is going according to his plan, and he’s a huge purveyor of the arts. 
He’s not fond of crowds, or of small spaces, which crowds often create. He’s spent much too long picking out victims from large groups to find any solace in them now. So he has no complaints about staying out of the fray. He’s happy you prefer it. 
He’s also very glad you’re a forgiving person. He’s dealing with a lot of trauma and tends to lash out when overwhelmed. He’ll throw fits or insults when he’s dealing with a lot of emotions, so you must have enough patience and forgiveness in your heart to understand that while he heals. 
Astarion likes to tease the people he’s close with, and you are no exception. He loves it when you tease him right back. Your wit makes you all the more attractive to him. The two of you can go all day, playfully quipping back and forth. 
And don’t feel bad about not wanting to speak in public- he’ll gladly do it for you. He has a natural charm and a penchant for drama that makes people listen to him. Of course, he’d prefer not having to do any work speaking at all, but if you ask him nicely, he’ll do it for you. It’s a weakness he knows, but he could never say no to you. 
He’s obsessed with your creative skill. Asks you to draw him 24/7. Hells, he’ll commission you if he has to. Just show him pictures of his pretty face, and he’ll love you forever. I mean, he already loves you forever, but this would make him love you all the more. 
And who says dressing up isn’t a hobby?! Certainly not Asation. Darling, he invented dressing up. He loves to give you lavish dresses and jewelry, asking you to pretty please, model every piece for him. He’ll get all fancy too, and the two of you can pretend you’re lords and ladies having your very own lavish dinner party. 
Poly! Halsin and Astarion:
Of course, if you’d accept it, he’d be very willing to invite Halsin to this special event. And he proudly shows you off, taking the time to explain the nature of every seam and bead on your outfit. Of course, he knows Halsin isn’t all that into clothing, as it’s not as beautiful as the ‘natural’ you. 
So if the three of you so happen to be in the mood, he’ll ask Halsin to come to see you in this latest, vintage, absolutely drop-dead gorgeous outfit Astarion’s put together for you. Halsin is very pleased once he walks in to see you with your hair and makeup done all fancy, wearing nothing but the most dazzling vintage jewelry money could buy. Let’s just say, none of you end up getting a lot of sleep that night. ;) 
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yanderegrizzsworld · 2 years
( I hope you don’t mind me dropping a request) may i request a romantic shadow,rouge and Amy with a( fem) s/o Who as adhd and just has random mood swings
-🎩 anon
Imagine: Romantic Yandere Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat & Amy Rose with a reader with ADHD
TW/CW: Mentions of bruises/violence/blood & implied blackmail/murder
Shadow the Hedgehog:
Before joining Sonic & the others to aid & protect Earth/Mobius from Eggman's assaults, Shadow displayed little to no tolerance to those whom he believes can't focus or act accordingly & presumes that they'll meet an early end because of it. While he's learned more tolerance since meeting up more with Sonic & the resistance, a part of him from the past still sticks with him & shows itself when his patience is tested.
While he's patience stills runs quick when strained, his tolerance towards you seems close to unbreakable, to the point where you could even joke of how you're teaching him to be more patient & he'd jokingly agree with you. Where he generally sees hyperactive, impulsive or inattentive behavior as a vexation, he regards yours as endearing though you would give him heart attacks when on missions with your same attitude.
Any comment of your demeanor is met with the ultimate life form throwing threat after threat & left with a dark eye &/or broken nose at best. Just because he promised his Maria to defend Earth doesn't mean he necessarily like those living on the planet & throwing incivility at you is a quick way to end up missing.
Rouge the Bat:
Rouge's history with treasure hunting & working for the government proves anything but dilettante & constantly utilizes them for her own benefit. Her attention to details & silver tongue are nothing but terrifying as she's fooled & played many enemies to do her work without them realizing it until it's too late.
While initially finding your struggle with focus or careless mistakes as an oddity, she presumes & takes it upon herself to aid you, without you having to pay her back in any way besides your devotion back. Saying your little habits are cute to observe is something you'll hear from her whenever you meet up, she overlooks any complaint you bring up & treats it more like a child throwing a temper tantrum.
Anyone who crosses the jewel thief's path never lives merry for long, either falling into impetuous & seemingly irreversible debt or having their social life &/or status completely demolished, alongside the stolen fortunes. Rouge regards many as a tool for her own benefit & is no stranger to keeping someone quiet without resulting to blood on her boots or gloves, just say a name & description & she's off on a personal "errand" with the promise of pampering you in snatched gifts & her undivided attention.
Amy Rose:
The pink hedgehog strives to be as considerate as she possibly can trusting that it's the core of any hero who vows to help those around her. Every & any impulsive act remind her of her younger days which then evokes her admiration for Sonic & her desire to lend other a hand while fighting for good alongside her friends.
While Amy certainly regards your habits as charming & comical, to some extent, she worries that you might struggle with boundaries & her frets escalates when such is true. Amy will persist on helping you with your problem without hearing a complaint from you, while she understands where your irritation comes from, she nonetheless claims that she yearns to assist you from those she knows don't have the greater tolerance nor patience.
The pink hedgehog is quick to jump at your defense if a remark is made that she deems as unnecessary at best & foul at worst which leads to a visit with her hammer. She expects others to treat each other with basic respect & dignity & when she witnesses that respect not being met with you, she's brisk with her scolding for such behavior & reckons them to apologize, else they wish to something worse from her.
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liliallowed · 7 months
Can we share headcanons cause I wanna know your opinions on mine!
I have a headcanon that just to annoy Dust the Player would probably just make fun of him. Joke about how kills people or attacks. Calls him short and flirts in derogatory ways. Pokes fun at his past loved ones and when he kills the player they claim jokingly he's a husband/wife/non-binary spouse beater. They are just the silliest little killer you've ever seen how could you ever be mad at them!
Just a smug bastard!
oh definitely.
I see them having a whole bunch of different sides.
a cruel apathetic side that LOVES the chase. they'll casually wait around on purpose to let him get more LV just to pin him down and give themselves more of a challenge. or sabotage his attempts by warning other monster or scarring them away. they mock him just to grin at his sweet sweet pretty HATEFUL GLARE.
a playful careless and reckless side that LOVES the attention and mind games he plays with them. they love getting stabbed in the back or feeling the surprise if having the rug pulled from beneath their feet when they thought they had a steady grip on their blade. they love his expressions, his reactions. SPECIALLY when he's angry. they try messing with him just to rile him up.
it was effective at first but then dust learns quickly and becomes unresponsive to their taunts or flirting.
they try to mask their weaknesses with these cruel jokes. to tell themselves and remind themselves it's just a silly little game they shouldn't take too seriously. casually joking about killing his family or... him being bad at exp farming... or...
it used to be fun... but now it just feels like they're pushing against a lie. a big lie that they don't care about this world.
they do. not the world that came before. they're attached to this hellscape purgatory of their own making. this desolate wasteland filled with monster dust feels like home.
and the third side they desperately pretend that doesn't exist...
tw: angst warning (self sabotage)
tw: potential triggers maybe
a saddened and broken sympathetic side they hide away because it'll only make things worse. sympathy is just an insult added to injury that they refuse to throw at sans. because they already know his response. of course they would. it's only natural. they would hate themselves too... they... do hate themselves! it's why it feels SO good when HE'S the one winning. they can feel a sense of relief. a sense of triumphant victory over the big bad evil human who they can project their own problems on. they wished they had his courage. his dedication. his sheer WILLPOWER to face their demons too. but no. they can't just GIVE him the win can they? no he has to struggle. he has to TAKE it from them. like the disgusting trash they are!
they don't have the RIGHT to be sorry. no they chose this and they'll STICK TO IT TILL THE END. they WANT this. right? they've always wanted this. but they feel empty. so empty. so pointless. and it always ends up in a way that the world just... forgets? if it means SCARRING the world to MAKE it remember them? so be it.
if it means they'll be a villain? SO BE IT! so much being a savior of monster kind did for them anyway.
it doesn't mean they don't care. it doesn't mean they sadistically enjoy seeing dust suffer. it gives them a sense of catharsis. they don't LIKE hurting him. but they also enjoy seeing it happen so that he can PAY IT BACK TENFOLD. they feel powerful when he takes them down. wishing that maybe their problems would just... vanish.
seeing his pained expression breaks their heart but also... makes them feel more understood somehow. makes them happy. it makes the sad. it's so bittersweet. so ironically HIM. it excites them. it makes them want to cry.
it makes their numb heart FEEL something. and they're addicted to it.
they're not a monster. just a person trapped in their obsession. someone who never had their closure and was stuck in the past. someone who would not let things go even if it meant they were also the one hurting.
but they're also quite silly and goofy. making jokes and doing the randomest unpredictable bullshit possible to throw dust off.
all in all I think they're ALL of the above to some extent. the do feel guilt and shame. they do get rage baited and extremely pissed at an unfair kill. they would scream at the screen with an angry face, and would laugh their ass off if dust gives them an unexpected reaction.
they're still them. despite everything.
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Midge and Lenny using the same pseudonym at a hotel (small twist on one bed/ I didn’t know you where here stick)
He checks in under "CK Dexter," to keep a low profile after a number of successful gigs and TV appearances. It's just easier this way.
What he doesn't expect is for the hotel clerk to respond with "good news, your wife is already here."
Which means that someone has checked in under the name Dexter. Someone who has seen The Philadelphia Story too many times.
Lenny lifts an eyebrow. "Tracy?"
"Yes," the clerk smiles.
Lenny narrows his eyes. "Short little thing. Brown hair. Big blue eyes, well-dressed?"
"Thank you," he says instead, and heads to his room.
As suspected, when he walks in, Midge yelps and jumps back from unpacking her suitcase.
"What are you doing here?" she snaps
Lenny laughs a little incredulously. "Well...Tracy...I made my reservation under CK Dexter. And the staff assumed we were married, and put us in the same room."
Midge tries hard not to laugh. "Don't those people know that Tracy and CK start the movie divorced?"
"Clearly not so much," Lenny responds. "I can go back down, get another room."
Midge shrugs. "You don't have to. We've successfully shared a bed before."
"Yes, but we were naked at the time and we don't do that anymore," Lenny reminds her.
"Well, maybe this is the universe giving us a little nudge," Midge responds, smiling sheepishly.
Lenny shakes his head and sets his suitcase down on a chair. "What brings you to LA anyways?"
"TV spot," she tells him, going back to unpacking.
He nods. "Same."
He glances at her as she starts putting her undergarments away and is suddenly hit with the memory of what it's like to tough them. To take them off of her slowly.
"So how are you otherwise?" Lenny asks.
Midge jokingly puts the back of her hand to her forehead and pretends to faint. "'Not wounded, Sire, but dead,'" she quotes.
He laughs and shakes his head. "That good, huh?"
"Oh, no I'm actually fine, I just love that line," Midge waves a hand. "No things are okay. Gigging. TV. Making Susie very happy. Making my ex very unhappy by being out of town a lot."
"Ah. He's got the kids all the time and he doesn't like it, huh?" Lenny surmises.
"That's right," Midge nods. "But he can't be too angry considering the money I'm bringing in, meaning he's not under as much pressure to provide child support."
Lenny nods and starts unpacking his own suitcase into the opposite dresser. "Well. Good."
"How are you, Lenny?"
"Oh, fine."
Midge lifts an eyebrow at him.
"I am," he shrugs "Mostly. You know."
"So?" Lenny asks. "Big plans tonight?"
"Cocktail party," Midge responds. "That I am not looking forward to."
"Sorry to hear," Lenny says.
She purses her lips. "Be my date?" she requests. "It could be fun if we went together."
He takes a breath, eyeing her suspiciously. "Are you trying to get me drunk to have your way with me, Mrs. Dexter?"
"Yes, that's exactly it, Mr. Dexter," Midge responds automatically.
"Well, in that case, who am I to refuse?"
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aurora-313 · 1 year
Not exactly BB question, but what do you think about Masaki's situation after Grand Fisher? She was an ehit quincy, to some kind of hollow-quincy hybrid-ish, lost most of her power by auswallen(is the spelling even right?) and then eaten by a hollow, and (maybe, probably) freed from the said hollow after Isshin slayed it. Than, since quincy doesnt have tolerance to hollow attack, she should have died, and we dont know what happen to a quincy when they survive the aushwallen, or if a soul can go to soul society if the hollow who ate it was slayed. Than again, for a manga dealing with soul reapers and afterlife, Bleach doesn't cover that much about those aspects after first arc.
On BB question, how does Karin and Yuzu react to their (second) first impression of cousin Kai? They met him before, but like Ichigo, they forgot about him because they meet him when they were so young. Theres just no way ther could remember him, right?
I have two opinions on that:
Option one: we're supposed to believe that as a Quincy, her soul was destroyed/dissolved when it was consumed by Grand Fisher. Since Hollow reiatsu is toxic to Quinces, it was completely destroyed. In essense, Masaki was deleted from existence.
Option two: Masaki's soul did still exist in the Grand Fisher the way all souls a Hollow consumes still exist in one fashion or another, and Isshin killing Grand Fisher released it back into the cycle of reincarnation. The individual 'Masaki Kurosaki' is gone forever, but her soul has been liberated and is free to be reborn.
Both function for the sake of the narrative. Someone once pointed out to me the tragedy of Ichigo's ability to travel to the afterlife, he can come and go as he pleases but he'll never be able to see his mother again.
BB time:
Yuzu and Karin know of Kaien, as Cousin Kai travelling over seas for work. (Ichigo hasn't banged the rock together yet. Other matters have taken up his attention, we're getting there.)
He left when they were about six months old because Aizen shenanigans. So while he couldn't be there in person, he did send along gifts for birthdays+other special occasions and postcards from travelling.
A scene I've written but haven't found a way to squeeze in yet is the sisters happening upon Kaien in the City while shopping for the house.
At first they presume, by which I mean Yuzu bawls her eyes out, Ichigo dyed his hair, grew a mullet, got into a gang fight (the scar) and went full delinquent with the tattoo, until -"You're not Ichigo." Karin points out, trying to pry Yuzu off this strange lookalike and apologising for the trouble.
Kaien finds this all hysterical and reassures the sisters (by name) that it happens all the time. Karin is sus because 'how can you know our names' and accuses Kaien of being a stalker, Kaien grumbles about hurting his feeling. They talk a little, Kaien jokingly lists off the various presents he's sent them over the years, even describing the last postcard he sent that should've arrived any day.
Yuzu glomps him again, this time with a delighted squeal of 'Cousin Kai!'. Karin's less sus, apologises for calling him a stalker which Kaien just laughs off, saying he'd be disappointed if Karin wasn't cautious then remarks she reminds Kaien of his sister.
Kaien would take them home once their shopping's done. Maybe have a chit-chat with Isshin and Ichigo before deciding to make tracks, but Yuzu exploits his ultimate weakness to make him stay for dinner: Baby sister puppy dog eyes.
They'd have a nice family chat over dinner, the twins bombarding him with questions about his travels, Ichigo gets in on it too when he discovers Kaien's been to England (specifically a region were a certain bard that Ichigo may or may not be a fan off used to live). At one point Karin would probably ask about the tattoo and scar, and Kaien would spin a technically-true story about how he and his wife were in an accident, and its his way of honouring her.
And its all nice and wholesome before shit hits the fan.
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prideofcelestia · 1 year
Hello! I saw the 1k follower event thingy, and I was hoping it wasn't too late to participate? (Item i.)
My name is Alchemi, I'm an esfp, and also a scorpio!
I'm a very cheerful person, I can pretty much lift the moods of anyone! I also talk a lot whenever I get the chance,, sometimes I talk too much to the point of overwhelming someone.. I always feel guilty whenever that happens. Oh! And even though I talk a lot, I'm always attentive whenever someone talks about something, and I'm pretty active in the conversation! I can get pretty annoying- I always back off whenever I see that I'm annoying someone or anything! I'm very honest, I barely keep anything from anyone, I'm an open book! Though I have a bad habit of hiding my feelings, talking to someone about it feels uncomfortable..
I jokingly insult ppl and play fight with someone at times, I love forming those frenemy type of bonds! I can be sort of a people pleaser, sometimes I get too into the people pleasing role.. I'm kind of too much of a people pleaser that I'd (literally) let people step on me for their entertainment.
I can be pretty charming, though it's usually just whenever I want something. I have a childlike personality, and still keep some plushies from my childhood (i own a plushie collection tbh- I always shop for more cute plushies!) I love, love, looove cute stuff! Cute clothes, accessories, etc.. I can't get enough!
I can act pretty immature and a little too childish, but I can act more mature when someone wants me to!
Here are some hobbies I have:
Gaming (though I don't exactly play games all that much anymore)
learning more about different stuff,
listening to music,
hanging out with friends,
More about me! :
I'm interested in astronomy, astrology, witchcraft, tarot, that stuff!
Even if I do like to play video games, I prefer to go outside!
I have multiple styles! such as; agejo gyaru, hime gyaru, rokku gyaru, sweet lolita, vintage lolita, gothic lolita, etc!
i send my lover/friends songs that remind me of them, our relationship, or just songs that I think they'd like!
I usually listen to; kpop, jpop, jrock, metal, that sort of stuff! Also I love wonder girls and yousei teikoku sm they're all my fave (and gidle)
I'm also a female pansexual who uses any pronouns, though I am much more comfortable with he/him or they/them pronouns!
I don't wanna bore you any longer sooo.. Thank you lots for reading this! *blows platonic kiss* mwah mwah (^_^♪)
you sound lovely. love your energy <3 hope this is fine~
*drumroll* i match you with
keep talking. mammon thinks he is in love and can't get enough of your voice. you are so gorgeous, so amazing. what did be ever do to be in your presence? you don't overwhelm him at all! in fact, you may be one of the few people who likes to stay in his company and just chatter without being mean to him all the time. he enjoys the part where you can open your heart up to him.
this demon seriously needs someone who can cheer him up. you paying attention to him means the world. he can speak a lot about himself, just as an outlet to seek validation and knowing that someone doesn't shut him up completely makes his heart flutter like gold never can.
your honesty feels like fresh wind albeit making him a little uncomfortable. he is so accustomed to unsolicited insults and his brothers hiding their real feelings that getting genuine remarks from you throws him off. once he gets used to it, he enjoys it, looking forward to your time together. if you can't always be honest about your feelings, he understands and does not probe you further.
tell him that you don't want to annoy others and he gets protective of you, asking who would ever think that. the anger in his eyes is so genuine that it takes your breath away. once you clarify that it's just your feelings, he assures you and wraps his arm around your shoulder, telling you that he won't let you leave. no excuses!
you two have gaming sessions together and he vows to defeat you every time. he likes to hear you ramble about all the stuff you read about and tries to remember them. lucifer believes that his memory has improved by being with you. if only he put so much effort in his exams...
no no no no no you are not getting stepped on in his presence. let anybody talk you down and he will show them that his title is not for show.
mammon loves to buy you cute clothes and items. seeing you get excited over them, seeing the smile and wonder in your eyes makes the fear of moneylenders worth it.
if you send him songs that remind you of him, he will be on cloud nine. you thought about him while listening to music? why, he has an entire playlist dedicated to you.
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meetmeatthecoda · 2 years
I believe that my friend is pregnant (I mean, she hasn't told me or anyone yet – except, maybe her partner, and even of that I am not sure – but the signs are all there, what with the change in her diet, behavior, that Look™ in her eyes that makes me think about that quote from 101 Dalmatians and it looks like she's starting to show) and I must admit I'm a little at loss for what to do right now (except making sure the food I cook when she's over is healthy for a pregnant woman, you know, just in case...) which makes me rather nervous (especially considering that we meet up today, for the first time since I realized she might very well be pregnant, and I'm trying to force myself to keep cool) and yet strangely reminds me about TBL (even my mum told me jokingly that I must have known something was up with how often I talked about Agnesgate these past few months 😅), so I guess what I'm trying to say is do you, by any chance, have any pregnant!Lizzy headcanons to share (because your headcanons are always a delight to read... not to mention your fics but that's a theme for a whole other ask)? No pressure, of course, but I would appreciate it if you do.
Hello there, anon!! 🤗 Firstly, let me say, what a lovely & considerate friend you are!! I've never had a close pregnant friend or family member, so I don't know how I would feel & behave in that circumstance, but I certainly hope I would be just like you!! I mean, wanting to cook appropriate foods for her??? How sweet 😭😭😭 Secondly... do we have a verdict yet?? 👀😂😁 Forgive me for being nosy, but I'm low-key invested now LOL And THIRDLY - to commemorate the (potential) occasion - OF COURSE I can whip up some pregnant!Lizzie headcanons for you!! It would be my pleasure & I must add that I'm very touched you think so highly of my silly headcanons & even my self-indulgent fics, that really means the world to me 🥺🥺 So, without further ado, here are your made-to-order headcanons (placed under the cut cause I have a feeling I'm gonna get carried away lolol) - I really hope you enjoy them, please feel free to pop back in & update me tee hee, & much, much love to you, of course, my caring friend!! 😍🥰❤️
Red is an attentive partner under everyday circumstances, but when he & Lizzie find out they're expecting a baby, he goes into overdrive. But not in an over-bearing, panicked, or annoying way; quite the opposite, in fact, as he becomes even more understanding, sympathetic, & loving. And one of the ways he feels he can be the most helpful is with food. When Liz's cravings hit her hard, Red prefers to retrieve her sought-after foods himself or - only if it's too far away that he doesn't want to leave her or she asks him not to - then he sends a trusted someone like Dembe or Baz, both of whom he knows will meticulously check the order for everything Liz wants before they make the return journey. Red also tries his best to obtain pregnancy-safe versions of the foods & drinks Liz can't have. He flies in specially-made sushi from Japan with no raw fish, orders her favorite caffeine-free imitation sodas from the internet (with Dembe's help), & buys mocha-flavored candies to quench her coffee-cravings. However, his favorite food-related act of love is cooking for her himself, much preferring to oversee the safe preparation of all the ingredients - carefully steering clear of anything that makes her nauseous - & lovingly putting together a plate for her with hearts drawn on the plate in sauces & gravy bc he's a total sap, who are we kidding
Red's favorite part of Lizzie's pregnancies (bc they FOR SURE have more than one baby together, I will NOT be taking questions at this time) is how her body changes. She is beautiful to him in any & every form & pregnancy is no exception at all. He makes a point to worship her body - growing & stretching & so gracefully accommodating his child - especially when she complains of "not feeling pretty anymore". He provides endless foot rubs, back massages, & jumps at the chance to apply lotion to her itchy, stretched skin. And, of course, he takes the most joy in pleasuring her in bed, trying his best to give her tired, aching body all the relief & joy he can. i'm predictable & i don't care 😏
Lastly, the only thing Red loves more than cooking for Lizzie or worshiping her body... is talking & reading to their unborn baby. From the moment Lizzie feels the first flutter, not a day goes by when Red doesn't press his hands to her tummy & murmur to their child, hoping to earn a wiggle or kick for his troubles. The day Lizzie grabs his hand & presses it to her side, trying not to get her hopes up that he'll finally be able to feel the tiny kick from inside her, only to see his eyes widen in amazement & quickly fill up with tears is a day she'll never forget. From that moment on, Red is touching & kissing her belly at every opportunity, talking to the baby quietly - assuring it how much he loves it & its mother - & ordering nearly every children's book ever published to read to it at night time, often managing to soothe both the baby & Lizzie to sleep. The baby responds to his voice from that very first day, always the most active when Red is close & reading in a low tone & Red keeps a hand on her belly to try & accurately judge which books are the baby's favorites, making Liz roll her eyes fondly & mutter that Red is spoiling their baby before it's even born, while she's not-so-secretly happier than she's ever been, tears always sliding down her cheeks as she watches Red interact so lovingly with their baby.
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Michael Knowles comes out in defense of killing dogs and warns of AI corrupting our humanity
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South Dakota’s governor and potential Trump running mate Kristi Noem admitted to shooting her own dog as well as a goat in her autobiography - one of our favorite imbeciles Michael Knowles is scarily OK with this. Considering that animal abuse is a bridge too far for really any rational human being, this really speaks to the character of these guys. Lets get into it.
04:51, Michael Knowles: "Three observations here. First one is, this probably was bad politics."
As usual, Michael Knowles is kind of getting thrown under the bus by the Daily Wire with this story. Michael Knowles tends to do the stories that Ben Shapiro doesn't seem to want to cover, which makes sense because he's basically a warmed over Ben Shapiro clone with less intelligent takes.
As for this being "bad politics", no kidding! When you admit to shooting a dog and a goat in your autobiography that's a really bad look. Anyway, Michael's position on this is that Kristi Noem did nothing wrong and that it's actually A-OK to shoot your dog.
06:34, Michael Knowles: "Now, I only somewhat jokingly tweeted. I said unpopular take here, I know everyone's raking Kristi Noem over the coals but this actually makes me like and respect her more."
Yeah, liking someone MORE for bragging about killing an animal in cold blood is....certainly a take from Michael here.
06:43, Michael Knowles: "And I'm a little bit joking here obviously because this totally politically backfired for her but what I'm getting at there is I want my politicians to be just tough as nails cold blooded killers."
You're a huge fan of the guy who throws shit-fits about people making fun of him, calm down. Seriously, Trump basically wants to ban people from making fun of him.
But man, Michael really thought this one through. “I like this politician better because she killed her dog. Really I just like sociopaths in general - they remind me of my coworker Matt you see.”
06:59, Michael Knowles: "We are going up against a political establishment right now that is throwing us in jail for disagreeing with them."
Wow Michael, I didn't know that you were broadcasting out of prison now. That sucks man.
Statements like that really show the absolute contempt that guys like Michael Knowles have for their audiences. How on earth can you as a listener of this show square the statement that the left is throwing conservatives in jail for disagreeing with them with the fact that the Daily Wire exists?!
07:02, Michael Knowles: "We're going up against a political establishment that is prosecuting, for the first time ever, former presidents, leaders of the opposition. That's throwing midwestern grannies into isolation and solitary confinement because they had the audacity to show up and take selfies in the Capitol rotunda on January 6th."
I already talked about the J6 "praying grandma" in a previous post and my opinion remains the same - her age is completely unimportant here. What is important is that she was illegally inside of a government building and was part of a mob that wanted to overturn a presidential election.
07:20, Michael Knowles: "The worst insurrection ever in America even though it was only months after an eight month insurrection that the Democrats led called BLM."
What?! It's official, Michael has absolutely zero idea what the word insurrection means. The BLM protestors weren't trying to overthrow the government which is the literal definition of an insurrection.
Anyway, time for more stuff about how killings animals is morally A-OK.
08:33, Michael Knowles: "My third point here is, yes it was politically dumb for Noem to admit this. Yes, her political calculation misfired. mixing metaphors. You get the point. But the third point is, Noem didn't do anything wrong. You might say it wasn't advisable. You might say there were better things she could have done. She could have given the dog up for adoption. She could have tried to train the dog. She could -- there is nothing wrong with a human being humanely killing an animal."
She absolutely did something wrong here because shooting a dog in the head because you feel that it's "untrainable" is completely sociopathic behavior. Also, did Michael miss the part about how she had to go back to her truck and get another shell to finish the goat that she shot off because the first shot didn't kill it?
Anyway, nobody is arguing that the method in which she put her dog down isn't "humane". It's the fact that Noem essentially killed a dog because it wasn't properly trained which was her responsibility as the owner. He's arguing a strawman - most likely because he realizes that shooting a perfectly healthy dog in the head for not being well trained is a pretty indefensible thing to do. Michael is really on an island of his own here too because I watched a Tim Pool video on this and his whole take was basically "This is kinda fucked up". When Tim Pool is ahead of you, you've got an issue.
Michael is anti animal abuse though - but not because of any of that pesky "animals are living beings" stuff.
09:55, Michael Knowles: "It would be one thing if Kristi Noem were torturing this dog like a serial killer or something. That would be wrong. And it would be wrong — it's wrong to mistreat animals, not because the animals have any rights -- animals don't have a rational soul."
Yeah, that's the kind of thing that you say when YOU don't have a rational soul. I guess we're ignoring the fact that animals can feel pain and the other fact that failed actor turned professional Ben Shapiro impressionist Michael Knowles is not the grand arbiter of what has a soul and what doesn't.
10:07, Michael Knowles: "The reason it's wrong, nevertheless, to mistreat animals is because it deadens our own humanity. CS Lewis writes about this extensively. If you are needlessly inflicting pain and suffering on some — suffering to the degree that an animal can suffer — on some poor creature, that's deadening your humanity."
"Suffering to the degree that an animal can suffer". God, I am honestly wondering if Michael Knowles should be placed on a watchlist now. At the very least he should be banned from your local pet store. On the bright side, he seems to directionally understand that hurting animals = bad so that's kind of a plus....I guess.
Not content with making freakish arguments about animals, Michael also complains about people calling him out on his freakish arguments about animals.
13:10, Michael Knowles: "The most histrionic, hysterical, reaction that I got to my joke about Kristi Noem's poor little pooch comes from Glenn Greenwald - the liberal left-wing journalist."
Brief aside but man I have such conflicting feelings about Glenn Greenwald these days. He kind of lost his leftist card when he started appearing on debate panels with Alex Jones to condescendingly argue that January 6th wasn't all that big a deal as well as him becoming besties with Tucker Carlson. Which by the way, as a journalism student, is absolutely tragic as Glenn's work on Snowden was one of the journalistic pieces that inspired me to take an interest in the subject in the first place. The reason that Glenn left the Intercept was literally because he threw a shit-fit about being asked to present evidence about unsubstantiated claims he was making about Joe Biden. I respect Glenn for the journalism that he's done, as a matter of fact I think a lot of that journalism was heroic - but what he has become now is really sad.
Reflections on Glenn Greenwald aside, I don't think Michael gets to claim that the tweet he made was a joke after spending ten minutes trying to lay out a logical case for why what he said was entirely correct. He's doing that thing that Matt Walsh does where he wraps his argument up in faux "sarcasm" so that when people call him on his shit he can retreat and go "It was just a joke, chill".
The Urban Dictionary has a great term for this called Schrodinger's Dipshit. They define this term as: "Someone who says something questionable, yet incredibly stupid, but defensively declares that they are joking if anyone calls them out for it." Sound familiar?
This move is kind of the Daily Wire house special and it's a cowardly move that you use when you're a grifter who refuses to stand by your words. Anyway, Michael takes Glenn's tweet to a hilariously dumb and somewhat homophobic place.
13:54, Michael Knowles: "This actually shows you a problem with our politics. Our culture, we don't have children anymore. Our culture, we don't make families anymore. Our culture, we don't pass down our cultural inheritance anymore."
This is why the Daily Wire is both hilarious and so so horrifyingly stupid.
What exactly is the point that Michael is trying to make here - leaving aside the buzzwords and the kind of subtle homophobia towards Glenn for being gay. Glenn Greenwald didn't fall out of the sky one day, his parents birthed him and presumably taught him their cultural values. Now, I know that Michael Knowles is a bit of a simp for the middle ages but I don't think he realizes that societies change and evolve.
14:22, Michael Knowles: "I mean, we're choosing not to propagate our civilization."
"Which is why Glenn Greenwald was mean to me in a tweet" - this is so fucking stupid, even by Michael Knowles standards.
I'm sure that Michael is fine with Glenn having kids via surrogacy with his unfortunately late partner.....right? Otherwise this wouldn't really make sense unless you just don't like gay people right Mikey?!
14:38, Michael Knowles: "We are a sterile culture increasingly and sterile people and sterile cultures confuse dogs for children."
Putting aside the fact that I'm pretty sure that this comment was a homophobic potshot at Glenn Greenwald, Michael's point here is that since apparently our culture isn't entirely devoted to pumping out babies we are laboring under the delusion that dogs are children. I guess that's a conclusion you'd make if you can't comprehend having empathy for animals. Michael plays a clip of a CNN reporter saying that there's a special circle of Hell reserved for people who mistreat animals and apparently the Daily Wire has sunken low enough that saying that is a controversial statement there.
Anyway, lets see the other dumb crap that Michael is on about. The last story was kind of infuriating and the in-between is kind of boring. There's stuff about the protests at Columbia but that deserves its own post. Then, at the end, the show takes a turn for the weird, dumb, and unintentionally hilarious.
43:25, Michael Knowles: "How will you die?"
I'll be driven to insanity by Michael Knowles clips and die via slamming my head into a desk repeatedly while yelling expletives in Latin.
43:45, Michael Knowles: "There is a new app that can apparently predict that. This new app, I'm not even going to name it because it's bad for you and there are some warnings about it."
This app is called Life2vec and it is apparently freakishly accurate. Allegedly it has an almost 79% accuracy rate. It uses data from Statistics Denmark and samples information from around 6 million people who were between 35 and 65. I find this creepy as all hell but at the end of the day it's just a computer program going off numbers and data. The actual Life2Vec AI model is not available to the public and there are a surge of fraudulent websites claiming to be that AI, a fact which Michael doesn't seem to grasp throughout this segment. Instead, Michael takes this story in the most bizarre direction possible.
45:11, Michael Knowles: "People are warning now 'Don't try this app out' because there are a lot of copycat apps and they might hack your information and it's just not a good road to go down but even if there weren't copycat apps that were trying to steal your financial information you still shouldn't use this app."
That's easy enough since the app isn't actually available to the public.
45:22, Michael Knowles: "And the reason you shouldn't use this app is the same reason that the Bible tells you not to consult astrologers, OK? It's not -- a lot of people misunderstand why the Bible says don't consult astrologers. They think, in our modern scientific age, that it's because astrology's silly and not real. That's not why -- that's not why there's a commandment, 'Hey don't do this thing that's really silly and pointless'. The reason behind not consulting astrologers is because we don't want to compromise our free will."
Uh...I'm pretty sure it's because in Biblical times astrologers were viewed as false prophets but go off I guess. This you by the way? Michael posted this literally a couple days ago.
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But maybe I'm wrong, maybe he went off against this AI that can predict political orientation too. Lets see what Michael had to say in that video.
02:05, Michael Knowles: "AI has it's algorithms, human beings have our guts. They are both wrong sometimes, they can both be used in unjust ways, but they are also both necessary tools for fulfilling our purposes and they're often pretty accurate whether we want to admit it or not."
So between a period of five days Michael went from "Well, AI has it's algorithms and it can be useful for fulfilling our purposes" to "PREDICTIVE AI IS EVIL AND CAN COMPROMISE OUR SOULS."
I guess that's kind of what happens when you lie on the internet for a living.
Just....wow. Just when I thought that these guys couldn't get any lower here's Michael Knowles to prove me wrong. Here's Michael Knowles proving that morals and empathy aren't in the modern conservative lexicon. Here's Michael Knowles grabbing the shovel and digging the hole for himself down into the depths of the Earth.
Also, predictive AI is super useful...and evil...but also useful. Cheers and I'll see you in the next one.
Original video:
“Ep. 1478 - Wars Rage, and One Dead Dog Dominates the News.” The Daily Wire.
Kristi Noem the dog killer:
Pengelly, Martin. “Trump VP Contender Kristi Noem Writes of Killing Dog – and Goat – in New Book.” The Guardian, 26 Apr. 2024.
AI death calculator:
“Life2vec “Death Calculator” Is Nearly 79 per Cent Accurate | Indy100.” Www.indy100.com
Perry, Alex. “AI Death Calculator? People Are Searching for Their “Death Date” with This Creepy (Fake) Bot.” Mashable, 30 Apr. 2024.
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4pp3nd1xsblog · 5 months
in protest of romance
is it beautiful or can you simply not afford a doctor? either is fine but one answer will make me less mad at you
I learned about limerence today. You can't get mad at me for not knowing what limerence is because I am a freshman in college. I have so many thoughts on it but mostly I'm mad. I'm mad that everything I'm seeing from other people who do this (which I'm not totally convinced isn't everyone) is making it out to be so romantic. "I love too much and I love to love" We'd all like to think that of ourselves.
A few weeks ago, I was expressing to my good friend my (fairly mild) distaste of Laufey's music. I don't have a problem with her as an artist, but I don't really like her voice and her lyrics don't speak to me. Whatever. (Sidenote: One time I played the song Downtown Train by Tom Waits for this same friend and she turned to me and went "[name]. What is this." So we're even. Not that it matters.) Anyway, my friend jokingly made a jab at me, saying that I should just "learn to romanticize life like the rest of us." My immediate response, and what I maintain is true, was that I romanticize plenty, I just romanticize differently. I don't listen to Laufey to romanticize, I usually prefer something a little more upbeat and easy to dance to. That's besides the point, the point is not how I romanticize, the point is that I don't understand why I felt the need to defend myself in regards to how much I romanticize my life.
I get why romanticizing life is so fun and appealing. I mean, clearly, I do it, by my own furious admission. The world is awful and on top of it, you're experiencing intrapersonal and interpersonal turmoil. You feel angst about it. So romanticizing life and your own feelings can make things a bit more bearable. I completely understand. However. To what end. To what end!
Why does everything have to be beautiful?
Which kind of brings me back to limerence. I wish I found comfort in knowing that there is not only a word, but a whole community, for the horrible, debilitating feeling of being obsessed with someone. I don't like that there are people who I would be willing go to probably creepy length for, to simply hang out with. I don't like that this person is consuming my every waking moment for months on end. I feel gross and perverse. It feels pretty fucking ugly. The last thing I want to do is make this feeling beautiful. I don't want to make it beautiful, I want to make it go away!
So I'll ask again: Why does everything Have to be beautiful? Why Should I keep romanticizing everything? Is this what we're doing forever? Are we going to sigh and make doe eyes and quote Mitski lyrics to each other forever? I'm not going to be able to do anything with all this love in my heart if I can feel my brain deteriorating from the inside out and the only thing my little bubble is doing to help me is reminding me how my love is mine all mine.
I'm not talking about art btw. I'm talking about while going about your fucking day. And don't come at me with how there's beauty in everything and you just have to be willing to see it or some shit. Sure! Fine! If that makes you happy! And I so genuinely hope it does, because if it doesn't then this isn't serving anybody.
This went off the rails. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore.
TLDR; we need to stop romanticizing everything . it's going to give us all cancer or smth
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