#but if anyone reading this has had a baby and knows what sort of meal is best from a practical standpoint
someone-else-entirely · 4 months
Old college friend + rabbanit (female rabbi) of my synagogue just had Baby and I've signed up to bring them a meal in late March
what should I make them
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allguysshouldgrow · 16 days
The Scale
hey y'all, this is my first attempt at a piece of somewhat longer fiction. if you like it, please comment/shoot me a message and encourage me to do more! hope you enjoy!
     You get out of your car, slowly, pulling the fabric of your T-shirt down as a matter of habit, just to make sure you aren't giving anyone a peep show of the bottom 2 inches of your abdomen. It's unseasonably warm today - what should be the warmth of May feels more like the heat of July, and honestly, you hate it. You're out yardsaling today - looking for deals on the nerdy shit you collect, and whatever else you might find, and getting out and about fulfills your love for meeting new people.
     "Hey there, how are you?" yells a guy from across the yard as you walk up the driveway. You respond with normal niceties as you begin to browse the wares. Tableclothes, baby clothes, adult clothes, glassware, an old coffee machine, nothing to exciting. You glance over at the guy a few times. He's in his late 30's, decently attractive face, but wearing a sweatshirt 2 sizes too big - you assume he must be hiding some sort of body he's embarrassed of. You both chit chat as you comtinue to browse, about the weather, about some of the stuff he's selling, about the upcoming storms that are supposed to roll in that afternoon.
     As he's telling you about his experience with a lightning strike, you notice something that you don't see very often. A scale, but not a normal one, but one for the big boys, one that goes up to 600 lbs. You pick it up and examine it - it's obviously used and a bit dusty, but in good shape.
     He chimes in, "It works, tested it this morming myself! Just want to move past that time of my life." You give him a look, obviously curious about what he means. "Yeah, I used to weigh 529 at my heaviest - that thing was the only thing that could tell me just how bad my problem had gotten. Lost over 250 poinds since then, and ready to get rid of it."
     Suddenly the baggy sweatshirt makes sense, as does all of the men's clothing for sale. You start to get curious about what he looks like underneath the sweatshirt, but aren't stupid (or brave) enough to ask. For whatever reason, you tell him your honest reason for picking it up.
     "Good for you, that's awesome! I get what you mean about it being hard to find - my bathroom scale has been reading 'ERR' for months, and I can't find an affordable option to replace it." You laugh as you give your gut a small slap, one that sends ripples throughout your body, more than you expected. "I think I maxed it out, one week it read 299.2, the next is was ERR. How much do you want for it?"
     "I'll take 2 bucks man, I just want it gone." You fish out your wallet, and hand him the money. He hesitates for a minute, as if condiering saying something. Finally, he takes the money and opens his mouth to speak.
     "How old are you?" He asks. You laugh semi-nervously, taken aback by the odd question. "25, why?" He hesitates again. "I was about your age when my weight started to get out of control. It felt like one day I was enjoying big meals and a lotta beer without a care in the world, and the next day I was having a hard time getting out of bed. I guess what I'm saying is.... be careful. Coming from a big guy, I know what big looks like, and you look to be a fair ways past 300. I don't want you to have the same struggles I did, being too fat to enjoy your prime years, spending more time eating than socializing. It doesn't feel good to be the guy that needs his in shape buddies to help him get off the couch."
     You stand there a moment, staring at him. Something is stirring inside you, something you don't want to acknowledge. "I appreciate the advice man. Have a good day." You say, all in one breath, trying to leave the interaction as soon as possible. You run-walk back to your car, trying to ignore the jiggles, the sweat beading on your brow, the slight soreness in your legs. You get in the car and are finally forced to confront that feeling that swirled in you as he was speaking.
     You lift up your gut slightly, and see what you were worried about - a small wet spot right over your crotch. The story the man told you, the... warning, had made you so aroused, you pre-came through your pants. You attempt to quickly rub one out to get rid of the thoughts in your head, but find that your underwear is too tight, and your belly too big.
     After speeding home, you run into your apartmemt with the scale, feeling a mix of worry, excitment, fear, and worst of all, horniness. As you set down the scale to weigh yourself, you start jerking off, unable to wait any longer. Suddenly, a number blinks back at you.
You cum. Harder than ever before. Longer than ever before. And without you realizing, a switch flips, somehwere deep inside of you. After cleaning up, you pick up your phone, and order McDonald's for delivery, and order twice your normal order. As you sit down, finally thinking clearly for the first time in an hour, one thought sits on the edge of your mind as you try to ignore it.
"What if I max out this scale too?"
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Obligation [Joel x f!reader]
Read on Ao3
Fandom: The Last of Us
Ship: Joel Miller x you/f!reader who is 52.
Tags/warnings: Throwing up, unplanned pregnancy, angst, Joel doesn't take it well but is soft, implied abortion.
Summary: You've been fucking Joel Miller for a couple of months when you realize that you're pregnant - which you didn't think possible because you thought you were post-menopausal. How does one get an abortion in Jackson - and how are you going to tell Joel?
Words: 4,267
A/N: For all my old gals out there, as well as those who don't want kids.
My masterlist
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I think I may be pregnant.
The realization reverberates through you, bringing with it another wave of nausea. You barely have time to stick your head down the toilet before you throw up. The acrid taste of bile fills your mouth and nose, and tears stream down your cheeks. You grip the toilet seat as you continue retching, your stomach hellbent on emptying itself.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Shit. No. No, no, no, no, no, how can this be?
What an idiot question. You almost laugh at yourself in the midst of this misery. How does one become pregnant? Well, fucking someone like Joel Miller on a regular basis is a good start. He fucks you deep and good, the bed and his body creaking in unison as he has you pinned underneath him, his broad, heavy body a welcome weight on you, his cock balls deep inside your wet cunt when he finishes and leaves you full even after he's pulled out. His thick, creamy cum dripping out of you when you fall into blissful sleep, sometimes with him staying over.
You know how babies are made, for God's sake. You just didn't count on you still being able to make them. You're past 50,  and your period stopped years ago. This is new to you, you’ve never been pregnant before or even had an interest in trying, but you’re not stupid. You’ve been feeling tired lately, out of sorts, a dull nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach like just before your period, and last night when Joel grabbed your breasts, you almost punched him. Even now they’re so sore even the weight of them hurts.
And now this. Morning sickness. You haven’t eaten anything strange, you were okay last night, and paired up with everything else that has been going on… you must be pregnant.
Thank God Joel isn’t here, you think dimly. He didn't stay over last night, quoting an early morning today to go on patrol. You didn't mind. What you have together is casual, and you're not the one who needs to be cuddled – or coddled, for that matter. You like it when he stays over, but don’t care if he doesn’t. It has worked out well for a few months now.
And now this. You draw a quivering breath, and slump against the wall. It seems like your stomach has settled, so after a couple of minutes, you carefully stand up and bend over the sink, rinsing out your mouth with cold water before splashing some in your face. Straightening your back, you meet your tired gaze in the small mirror above the sink. There is nothing different there, except a lack of energy, but nothing that could reveal the fact that you are carrying a growing clump of cells in your belly.
The thought makes you nauseous again, and you step back to the toilet, expecting to be sick, but there is nothing else to expel, so you flush the toilet, and slowly make your way to the kitchen. Despite being sick, or because of it, you’re hungry, so you take out what provisions you have, and sit down at the table. You usually take your meals in the dining hall, but you don’t want to show yourself right now. God knows what will happen if anyone asks you how you are. And what if you eat, and then throw up again?
Slowly, you gnaw away at a slice of bread with cheese on it, while trying to get yourself together and think over your options. But no matter how you try to think about it, there are no options except one: you have to get rid of it. The reasons are many, but the two most pressing ones are the simple fact that you have never wanted children, and this is not a world into which children should be born, as far as you’re concerned. The more you think about it, the more certain you are. But how in the hell are you going to get an abortion? And while you may not be shy, how the actual fuck are you going to tell the doc that you, a 52-year-old woman, didn’t think to protect yourself? Or that you know your own body so badly that you didn’t even know that you’re, in fact, not post-menopausal?
You stopped crying years ago because tears have no function in this world, but now your humiliation makes your tears well up. You sniffle wetly, put down the piece of bread, and angrily wipe at your eyes.
“Fuck,” you mutter, but there is no stopping the tears. When the first one runs down your cheek, you bang your fist to the table and scream.
You let the tears fall, confident that there won’t be too many. When you’re done crying, you finish your meagre breakfast, wipe your face, and get dressed. A day of work awaits you, and maybe if you work hard enough…
You shudder at the thought. You may not have any experience in this department, but you know that your age is a liability. Things could go wrong, and you could die. You don’t want to die. You didn’t survive for all these years just to get taken out by a goddamn unwanted pregnancy.
Fortified by your sheer will to live, you open the front door, and get to work.
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During your lunch break, you slip into the Jackson library, which is only just one room in the schoolhouse. The collection consists of whatever has been found during raids, as well as works that the residents have brought with them. The stacks are neat, though, thanks to the teacher who also doubles as a librarian. The collection is divided into main classes, and you quickly find the small section for Biology. There is a middle school book with a chapter on human reproduction, but that’s just the basics. You check the Medicine section, finding nothing. You leave the library, mentally chiding yourself for thinking that you’d find anything there to help you deal with the fact that you’re geriatric, pregnant, and in need of an abortion, with no hope of having one because there are no hospitals, only one doctor who operates out of a simple cabin with barely any equipment or drugs.
Anxiety rises in you again, bringing bile with it. You slink in behind the nearest house and bend over. What little breakfast you had lands before your feet, and you spit away the taste.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What the fuck am I going to do?
You take a steadying breath before reappearing back on the street, aiming for your house. So purposeful are you to get away from people, that you don’t notice the tall man next to you before he puts his hand on your arm.
You start, jerking back before you recognize Joel’s frowning face.
“Sorry,” he apologizes immediately. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you nod, casting your eyes down as you continue your walk. “Just didn’t see you there.”
“Going to lunch?”
“I already ate.”
“All right.” His hand is on your arm again, now effectively stopping you in the middle of the street. He stands in front of you, broad, tall, and smelling of horses.
“You sure you’re okay?” His voice is lower now, so as to not have anyone overhear him. “You look a little pale.”
Joel Miller has been nothing but good to you. He doesn’t talk much, and what little he talks, happens in the darkness after you’ve fucked, when there are no barriers left between the two of you. He keeps to himself, to the girl who was with him when he arrived, to his brother. To you, now. You may not be able to make him laugh as Ellie does, but he saves soft smiles for you. He’s loyal, kind, and helpful. And despite all that, you’re going to lie to him.
“I didn’t sleep well.” You look into his eyes, even giving him the ghost of a smile. “You wore me out, but I still couldn’t sleep.”
His face softens visibly, a smile playing in the corner of his mouth as he leans in and whispers: “I’m sorry, darling. Just have to try harder next time.”
Something flutters in the pit of your stomach, but it doesn’t translate to the usual heaviness between your legs. Instead, you just feel sick for having lied to him.
Joel’s hand travels down your arm to your hand, thick fingers quickly squeezing years before letting go.
“See you later?”
You hear the question, know what it means.
“I think I better get a good night’s sleep?”
Joel flashes a sympathetic grin. “Good idea. See you around.”
You watch him stride towards the dining hall, broad back squared, head held high in constant vigilance, even here within the walls of Jackson.
He’ll figure it out eventually. He’s smart. He’ll know something’s up.
You shake your head to get rid of those unwanted thoughts, and then you return to work.
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The next morning starts the same way the previous one did: with your head down the toilet bowl. This time you feel even more sick because you didn’t get much sleep, and when you finally emerge out of your house, you run into Joel, who’s halfway up your porch.
“Morning,” he greets you, then stops as he sees your ashen face. “What’s wrong?”
“I think I’m coming down with something,” you shrug, stacking another lie upon the previous one.
“Maybe you should stay home, get some rest,” he suggests, and even if he’s wearing his customary frown, you can hear how his voice is laced with concern. Managing a smile, you brush your arm against his.
“I’ll just get antsy. I’ll take it easy today, I promise.”
He’s happy with that and doesn’t question you when you don’t go to communal breakfast.
For the next few days, you do what you can to avoid Joel. You don’t want him to know that you’re sick in the mornings, don’t want him to touch you and find out how tender your breasts are, don’t want to talk to him or even see him because it only reminds you of the solution you inevitably have to find soon. You’re going to have to come clean to the doc at the very least –  unless you try to deal with the situation by yourself somehow. But you have no idea how to do that without hurting yourself, and that’s the last thing you want to do.
Finally, it’s Joel who takes the first step. You have declined his visits for a week when he surprises you by knocking on your door one night. His face is backlit by the porch light that creates a halo around his ragged, curl-prone hair.
“Can I come in?”
“I’m tired,” you mumble, but he speaks your name, and you realize that there is no running away anymore. So, you step to the side to let him in.
He stands before you, arms crossed over his broad chest as he stares at the floor between the two of you. You can’t look at him, so you stare at the same spot. There’s dirt from his boots there, but you don’t care.
“Listen, I…” he starts, clearing his throat. “I know nothing’s been explicitly said here. About us, I mean. It is what it is. But I thought we had a good thing going, and now it seems like you don’t want anything to do with me anymore?”
Your stomach drops, and for a moment you fear that you’ll throw up your dinner as well as you did your breakfast.
“I just want to know if I did something wrong, so that I can apologize and then leave you be.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” you tell him quietly, wrapping your arms around yourself to prevent the slight trembling that’s starting to travel through your body. Your nerves are shot, and you press your lips together to keep your teeth from chattering.
“Then what is it?” Now he’s looking at you. You can feel his eyes burn into you.
Does he have to sound so fucking gentle? It would be easier if he yelled at you, or stormed out, or hadn’t come at all, but you should have known that Joel Miller would be so fucking gentle about it.
You take a deep breath, then finally look up into his eyes.
“I’m pregnant.”
Joel stares at you, his face blank. There is just nothing there for several breaths before his brows rise and his arms fall to his sides.
“You’re what?”
“You heard me.”
He still looks at you like he doesn’t understand.
“But… how is that possible?”
You lean your head to one side and give him a come on kind of look. Joel scoffs, scratches his head, then shakes it.
“Aren’t you too old?”
“That’s what I thought.”
“You didn’t know?”
You don’t like the hint of accusation in his voice.
“I’m sorry I haven’t seen my healthcare provider in a while!” you snap, now irritated. The change in tone causes in a change in Joel as well.
“If you weren’t sure, then why the hell weren’t you more careful?”
“So it’s my fault?” Your voice is now raised, and your hands come to your hips. “You took one look at me and thought, ‘Oh, this old hag surely has no eggs left’, and then you happily stuck your dick in me, to hell with any other consequences?”
“You should’ve said something!” he growls, now visibly upset. If you weren’t so intimately familiar with just how soft he could be, you’d be afraid of his dark storm cloud demeanor. But you’re not afraid: you’re pissed off.
“I didn’t know,” you articulate. “I haven’t had my period in years, and I’m over fifty! How the fuck could I have known that I could get fucking pregnant!”
“Is it even mine?” Joel retorts, and for some reason, that’s what makes you snap. Before you know it, your palm has connected with his cheek, and you’re pointing at the door.
“Get out. Get the fuck out, now!”
You don’t need to tell him twice: the door slams only a moment after. You’re no longer feeling nauseous, or trembling. You’re just empty inside.
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He's back the next morning. You did not expect that, and eye him with apprehension where he stands in the doorway, shame etched into his features.
"Can I please come in?" he asks quietly. You're nauseous again, but you don't want to be a bitch. He's a good one, you know that, despite everything. He deserves a chance.
You let him in, gesture for him to go on through to the kitchen. Following him, you swallow down the nausea, and hope that you won't have to throw up. It would be so humiliating.
Sitting down, you nod to him to do the same. He perches uncomfortably on the edge of his seat, sincere gaze searching for eye contact.
"I'm really sorry," he finally says, his voice low but earnest. "I handled myself poorly."
You give him a Ya think? look but say nothing. He gets the message.
"I didn't expect... or think..." He falls silent, looks down at the scratched surface of the table. You stare him down relentlessly, waiting for him to speak on. He's slowly rubbing the knuckles of his right hand, like they're itchy or in pain.
"I had a daughter, a long time ago. She... I lost her on the first day."
Your heart could break from the choked agony of his voice. Swallowing hard, this time to fight the lump in your throat, not nausea, you reach across the table to put your hand over his.
He looks up at you, now with a new fire in his eyes.
"It was a long time ago, but I've lived in that pain every day, until Ellie took me out of it. And now... this feels like a second chance."
He raises your hand to his lips and presses a kiss to your palm. You stare at him, suddenly wary.
"What do you mean, second chance?"
"To have a child with you."
You stare at him in bewilderment, barely even sure you heard him right. He hurries to elaborate.
"I'll take my responsibility. I'll help you raise the child. You won't have to do it all alone."
You quickly pull your hand out of his, like you burned yourself.
"Joel... I'm not going to keep it?"
Before Joel can say anything, your stomach revolts, and you shoot out of your chair, only just making it to the sink before you throw up. Spitting and turning on the water to wash away the vomit, you cup your hand under the stream of cold water, and drink to eradicate the sour taste in your mouth. Barely having swallowed the water, you throw up again.
Joel's warm body pushes gently against you, and his hand is on the small of your back.
"That's it," he murmurs, "deep breath, you're okay."
"I'm fine," you gasp, trying to breathe through your mouth to avoid the smell that seems to penetrate everything.
"I know," he replies calmly, reaching for a glass and filling it with water before handing it to you. "Here."
You drink carefully, hoping it'll stay down. The cold water chills your entire stomach, but you do feel better.
"Thanks." You glance up at him, hand holding the glass shaking a little. Joel notices, and takes it from you.
"You're welcome. Wanna sit down?"
You nod mutely, and he leads you back to the kitchen table. You can walk by yourself, but it's comforting to have his hand on your back. You're no longer alone in this, and it's a bigger relief than you thought.
You bow your head and hide your face in your hands for a moment, steadying yourself. Hearing the other chair scrape against the floor, you finally look up at Joel.
He looks sad but resigned.
"How far along are you?" he asks quietly. You shrug.
"No idea."
"Probably over six weeks."
You shrug again and draw your hand through your hair.
"I meant what I said, Joel." You try to sound gentler. "I'm not keeping it. I can't. I don't want it."
He casts his eyes down, and for a second you think you see a tremble in his lower lip. Then he sniffles with a grimace and looks up again.
You raise your brows. "Is that all you're going to say?"
"It's not my decision, sweetheart." This term of endearment is new, and you're not sure what to make of it.
"You're not going to try to convince me to keep it?" you dare him, but without vehemence. You're just tired.
Joel shakes his head, but you can see that he has something on his mind.
"Joel?" you prompt, and he finally sighs deeply.
"Are you sure you won't regret it?" His voice is eerily toneless, like he's trying his best not to sound accusatory. You rub your forehead with both palms in an attempt to suppress the headache that you can feel building up behind your frontal lobe.
"I've never wanted kids," you tell him in the same, dispassionate voice. "Not when I was younger, and surely not now. Not in this world, not at my age. Not at all."
He flinches, like your words hurt him, but then he nods solemnly.
"Okay. What are you going to do?"
You take a deep breath to steady yourself, because the question faced you with the fact that you have absolutely no idea how to deal with this.
"I don't know."
Your voice breaks, and the first tears well up in your eyes.
"Fuck." The tears spill down your cheeks, and you hide your face from Joel, embarrassed by this sudden display of desperation.
He's around the table in a heartbeat, crouching by your chair and collecting you into his arms.
"It's okay, sweetheart, we'll figure it out. We'll talk to the doc."
The tears multiply, and you sob audibly from sheer relief of having someone else take charge. You haven't lived with the knowledge of your condition for barely a week, but it has weighed you down more than you knew. And now Joel knows, and he is telling you that it's going to be all right.
"I - just - feel - so - stupid!" you whimper between the sobbing, and Joel strokes his hand down your back.
"Not as stupid as I feel. It's okay, I promise you it'll be okay."
You draw a deep, quivering breath, and square your shoulders. They feel lighter, and you wipe your eyes and cheeks before smiling weakly at Joel.
"Thank you."
"I got you," he smiles back, a dimple appearing in his cheek. You haven't seen it before. It feels like a promise.
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Carl, Jackson's doctor, is a GP, but has had to deal with a variety of emergencies over the years. He doesn't bat an eye when you, seated next to Joel, tell him of your predicament, and that you want a termination. He asks for a urine sample, handing you a cup that you, frowning, take with you into the bathroom, do your business, and leave it on the counter, as per Carl's instructions. Coming out of the bathroom, Carl asks you to come back in the afternoon. You agree on a time before you and Joel step out. He squeezes your hand before you part to go to work.
Returning later to Carl's office, you find out that you are, with a seventy percent accuracy, indeed pregnant.
"It's the best test I have," Carl explains. "If a thin film forms over the urine, pregnancy is likely. If not, there is no pregnancy."
"And it couldn't be anything else?" Joel asks, surprising you. Carl looks pained for a moment, and you realize what a difficult question that is. Your hand moves on top of Joel's on the arm rest.
"Given the symptoms; breast tenderness, morning sickness, light cramping... I can't think of anything else to explore."
 "How do we stop it?" you want to know. "Can we even?"
"A surgical abortion is technically possible," Carl nods, and you feel your shoulders relax. "I've done it a couple of times before I came to Jackson, even."
"Well, good."
"Is it safe?" Joel's voice seems tight. "Is it doable here, in these conditions?"
Carl hesitates for a moment before leaning forward to rest his forearms on his desk.
"The procedure itself doesn't take longer than fifteen minutes, but our conditions are, as you probably understand, not ideal. I can sterilize the equipment, but our biggest concern, apart from post-surgical infections, is pain relief."
He lets the information sink in before he adds: "I simply do not have the means to sedate you or give you the pain relief that you are going to need. I wish I could tell you this in any other way, but I can't: It's going to hurt a lot."
You swallow tightly. Joel's thumb passes over the back of your hand.
"Okay," you tell him in a small voice. "I don't have a choice. I'm not going to have a kid in this world. There's no way. We have to do it."
Later, after an extensive talk with the doc, you step out onto the main street of Jackson, Joel right behind you. Without words, the two of you slowly walk towards your house. Not until reaching it, do you sit down on the porch steps. Joel sits down next to you, shoulder to shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
"That's a hard question to answer," you sigh, rubbing your forehead. Joel sighs as well.
You sit in silence and watch people go by. Ellie passes further away together with a friend, waving hello to you but not coming over to chat. You and Joel wave back.
"What does she know about us?" you ask quietly. Joel grunts.
"She knows we hang out, that I like your company, but I haven’t told her that we… you know.”
"I’m sure she knows. She's a smart girl."
"That she is."
You wet your lips. "Listen, Joel... I just want to say... thank you, I guess. For being there for me."
"Of course," he replies softly. "And I really am sorry for how I reacted."
"I'm sorry for slapping you."
"I deserved it."
"Kind of." You shoot a quick grin at him, and he grins back.
"Don't think about that," you shake your head. "And I want you to know that you don't have to be involved in what comes next."
"I'm not going to - "
"You wouldn't mind having a baby," you cut him off, "so I'm not going to have you watch me take one away."
"It's not a baby yet," he reminds you pragmatically. "And I said we'd figure this out together. I'll be there, every step of the way. I'll make sure you get through this."
He speaks with a quiet, gentle confidence that makes you want to cry again. You never knew how much you have longed for someone like him.
"You don't have an obligation," you try one last time. Joel turns towards you and cups the back of your head with one large hand.
"I want to be obliged to you, sweetheart."
He leans forward to let his lips brush over yours.
"Let me," he whispers, and you wrap your arms around him, accepting both his offer and his kiss.
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Hi! I was wondering if you could do a request (WHEN YOUR NOT BUSY) about prince nuada where he meets the reader at the station when the fighting is over and she’s like a beast tamer humming lullabies to tooth fairies and other dangerous things like that?? ☺️❤️
Hello! I'm not sure what sort of theme you wanted, so I stuck to a soft/fluff/kind of angsty at the begining enemies to possible lovers theme. I hope you like it.
The beast tamer and the prince
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Pairing: Nuada x Fem. Reader (Parts human and elf | Beast tamer)
Word count: 823 words
Themes : Some angst, maybe | Soft | Fluff | Enemies to lovers
Warnings : None
Want to be tagged? Want to know the reader request rules? Read all here
If you like this, please consider giving it a reblog. Thank you!
p.s. the bit with the wife and tea and biscuits was inspired by a scene between Sheldon and Penny, on The Big Bang Theory. 
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Nuada returns to his palace in an abandoned station after a brutal few weeks, helping Hellboy and the BPRD fight and defeat Nimue, the Blood Queen.
He’s completely exhausted, lost to the world, and not paying any attention to what is happening around him. Due to this, he misses the baby tooth fairies trailing him, looking for their first meal. Only when they take off and come after him does Nuada realize he’s been targeted as prey. He whips out his spear, ready to defend himself.   Except that nothing happens, save for someone singing in a language Nuada has not heard in over nine millennia. As this eerie, otherworldly tune floats through the tunnels, Nuada looks around, his ears twitching. The tooth fairies looked dazed, not moving, barely even breathing. It was as if they were hypnotized. When he demanded you show yourself, you do, armed with only a strange flute and your own voice.
He discovers you are half mortal and half elf, a descendant of a long-forgotten line of beast tamers who once worked for King Balor. Nuada is shocked, as everyone thought your clan was wiped out by the great wars of seven thousand BC, when the Golden Army marched against the armies of men. The tattoos on the inside of your right forearm showed otherwise, as only those who have proven their gifts to the clan elders could receive such tattoos.
Despite his reservations, Nuada assists you in capturing the tooth fairies and transporting them to an off-realm reserve where they will not harm anyone. He asks you to live with him as royal etiquette decreed such an invitation, as repayment for saving his life. 
The giant troll lives with him, Mr. Wink, takes to you in a heartbeat. Nuada, on the other hand, keeps you at arm's length. He is cold and aloof, as is his personality, and always high prince to everyone else. And he insists on being treated as such.
This infuriates you, and the two of you constantly butt heads and trade insults.  Usually, these insults revolve around epithets such as prig from your end, and wasp-tongued-viper from his end. Even after the two of you cooled off with the insults, bickering would follow whenever you were together. Quests to capture another beast or creature on behalf of the BPRD would always end up with the two of you bickering like an old married couple. At least, that's what Abe believes.
"If we were married," Nuada would say, "The wife would bring me tea and biscuits in the evening."
"You hate my tea," you'd retort. "And we have no biscuits."
"My wife would keep them on hand."
"Your wife demands a divorce."
"Wonderful," Nuada would say without missing a beat. "On the way back from the temple, could you stop by the troll market and pick up some Bethmoran rose biscuits for my afternoon tea?"
Epic huffs and eye-rolls will abound. Hellboy would ask if the two of you needed a room. Nuada would shiver in horror. You'd look at Hellboy like he had grown another head. The two of you would skulk off in different directions. 
In time, however, mutual respect blooms between the two of you. 
Nuada comes to appreciate your skills, for it means children of the old gods no longer have to be killed unless absolutely necessary. He starts fighting in your corner during BPRD meetings, backing you up against Manning and his orders. 
You come to respect Nuada's love for his family and his people, his willingness to go to great lengths to protect them and keep them safe.
The two of you have saved each other's lives more times than either of you can count.
Nuada comes to find your nicknames for mythical creatures all rather amusing. 
Tooth fairies you call: Teethcinerators. 
And dragons are called: Winged fire breathing danger noodles. 
Unicorns, on the other hand, end up being called: Rage ponies, given their violent and unpredictable nature. 
These nicknames end up being used by him and many others at the BPRD, much to Manning's eternal frustration.
You teach Nuada how to charm animals just by using his voice. He tries it on Mr. Wink. Mr. Wink ends up in a trance for two days, and you go through every book you have to get him out of it. 
Mr. Wink was naturally unhappy about it, and complained about it for weeks.
You realize Nuada has the most beautiful voice you have ever heard, and you come up with every conceivable excuse to get him to sing.
Nuada catches on to your tricks but finds them all rather endearing. 
"If you just want to hear me sing, y/n, you need only ask."
You go red in the face and flee his presence. 
Nuada decides to talk to his father about you.
King Balor approves, and insists on meeting the person who brought about such positive changes in his son. 
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
Your writing is wonderful and so much fun to read!!! If you’re willing, could we get some wholesome headcanons about living with each of the OL boys? Thank you, you’re amazing!
Thank you so much, that makes me so happy! So do wholesome thoughts about these boys! I could have gone on so much longer lol but here you go!
-- Baxter is a lawn guy. If you move out to the suburbs (he'll want to if you have a kid), then he's going to be SO EXCITED to pick out a good lawn mower, to get out there and trim the grass. He's got a little garden going and everything. He's trimming the bushes with glee.
-- He also cooks, both because he loves to cook and because he loves to cook for you. If he can cook with something from his garden, then he's the happiest guy on the block, at least.
-- Meanwhile, Derek is a grill guy. He has cheesy little aprons and everything, and any opportunity he has, he's out there grilling dinner.
Derek: See, what you want to do is put the charcoal in a pyramid, you get the best heat that way.
Cove: I honestly could not care less.
-- Cove doesn't like to cook, but he's got all your takeout orders memorized. He's going to stop and get something after work, he's going to know exactly what to get for you. Do you love that one sauce from that one place? He's not leaving without it. He will absolutely never bring you home the wrong thing.
-- Baxter likes blankets. There's a closet full of them, all different kinds. If anyone is ever stumped on what kind of gift to get him, they're going to learn pretty quick that a blanket is a great bet. If he's sitting down at his apartment and it's not to eat a meal, he's gonna have a blanket. He is also very happy to share :)
-- I mentioned this in another one, but Derek is really good with his hands. He can fix anything. It makes him feel really good too, to be so helpful, so be sure to tell him that he's doing a good job.
-- If you've got a garage, that is the most dad garage you've ever seen in your life. He's got a work bench, a few tool boxes, anything and everything he could possibly need to do what needs to be done around the house.
You, going out to the garage one random Monday: Derek, what are you doing?
Derek, picking up a power tool: I'm building a porch for you, babe!
-- Derek is a "babe" guy, btw. Baxter is a "darling" guy, and Derek is a "babe" guy. Cove just says your name, but we already know that.
-- If you live with Cove then you are contractually obligated to go camping on the beach at least once every summer. He doesn't actually make you sign a contract, but he would if he needed to.
-- One time you surprise him because you find a beach where you can watch baby sea turtles hatch and he loses his mind. Cries every time he thinks about it. Named a few, will ask you how you think they're doing for the rest of your life.
-- Hot beverages with Baxter! It doesn't matter if you like coffee, tea, hot chocolate, whatever, he's got a good selection and he'll make you something whenever you ask, and a lot of times even if you don't.
Baxter right when you walk in the door after texting him in the car that you'd had a rough day at work: Tea, darling?
-- Baxter also has nightmares sometimes, but it helps if you snuggle him tight. He gets sort of embarrassed by them, he doesn't want to be that sad broken boy for the rest of his life, so just pull him close and tell him to go back to sleep.
-- Derek will want to play video games -- also something we already know, but still true. Every time a new Mario Kart comes out (and no the Mario Kart 8 expansions do NOT count, Nintendo) you go to the midnight release and take the next day off work to play. You have to, it's tradition.
-- One day the GameCube is going to break and he'll try to play it off a little but he's going to be really sad about it. Hope you can find a good deal on ebay!
-- So I had this college professor who was talking to me once about directing a play, and he told me that a lot of directors make the mistake of using just kisses or hugs or sexual touches to show intimacy. He said that one time he saw a show with a scene with a husband and wife, and it was this intense scene, and the husband just slid his hand under his wife's shirt and put his hand on her stomach. Not higher or lower, there wasn't any pregnancy subtext, it was just a nice tummy touch. So now every time I like a character with a love interest I imagine that.
-- That means that Cove, Baxter and Derek all like to just rest their hand on your stomach. It's just nice and cozy there.
-- Cove is going to come home with a bouquet of poppies a lot. It's always going to be precious.
-- Baxter is going to tease you mercilessly but in the most loving way. I mention this a lot but it's because it is my truth. Did you trip coming out of the bedroom that morning? Get ready to hear about it for the rest of the day.
-- Derek is an early bird, but if he feels like he can't get out of bed without waking you up, then he's going to stay in bed as long as humanly possible.
Mr. Suarez: Son, you're late!
Derek: Yeah ... uh, traffic.
Cliff: Lol ok
-- If you're in college when you live with Cove then he is going to make sure you take your studies VERY SERIOUSLY. You ask him if he wants to watch something? Nuh uh, you've got a paper to write. He doesn't care if it's not due until the day after tomorrow, you need to work on it.
-- But if you want to binge watch anything, Baxter's your guy. Let him grab a blanket.
-- Baxter likes to give you a bath. Not in like a sexy way, he just likes to take care of you like that. He's got fancy soaps and he'll put on lotion and do your skincare after and everything.
-- You better hope you don't live near a kid, because if some child knocks on the door trying to sell something, Derek is going to spend irresponsibly.
You walking in the door to see boxes and boxes of that fundraiser chocolate: What is this?
Derek: *sheepishly* Nothing?
Cove, shoving a third candy bar in this mouth: Yeah, it's nothing.
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javisjeanjacket · 11 months
Miguel O'Hara SFW Headcanons
A/N: just some soft/cute thoughts about our favorite red flag 🥺 !!
Warnings: mentions of miggy's lost family, one hc is about working out, mentions of nightmares but no description of them
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-Miguel absolutely hatessss leaving you alone. Whether that's because he has to go fight crime or you have errands to run, he wants to be with you all the time. He lost one family and he never thought he'd find another and now that he has you, he doesn't want to let go 🥺
-He has nightmares where he sees Gabi disappear from his arms again and again. He'll wake up panting and trembling and be unable to go back to sleep for a few hours. When you start sleeping over, the nightmares will wake you too and once you're there to hold him and gently brush a hand over his back and through his hair, he'll never be able to sleep without you.
-He really is a giant teddy bear with you. Like imagine you're brushing your teeth in the morning, and he stumbles in, bleary-eyed and hair mussed, and lays his face in your neck and wraps his arms around you and says in his grumbly morning voice, 'Hey baby.'
-If you're out somewhere and someone messes up your order, Miguel is insisting it be taken back and made correctly 😤 He's not mean about it, just firm. You only deserve the very best.
-He wears one of your hair ties (or extra bra straps 😏) around his wrist at all times.
-He doesn't like change or trying new things, but if you ask him to try it, he will to make you happy.
-He ADORES you!! Every single part of you!! Sometimes he'll brush over your hair and then pick it up to give it a little kiss before he leaves.
-He's very introverted and closed off with his emotions, so even though he likes you it takes a while for him to really open up. But he does, little by little. He'll brush over your hand or tell you about the best meal he's ever had. And then eventually he's telling you things he never thought he could tell anyone and his heart is pounding out of his chest when he sees you.
-When you're sick, the doctor is IN 😤😤 He's got your medication times as alarms in his phone, he's checking if you need tea, water, Gatorade, whatever. You need cuddles? He's there. You need to watch 6 hours of SVU? Done. Miggy don't PLAY when it comes to your health!!
-Hes one of those that if you're together, even at home doing you're own separate things, he wants you to be touching him somehow. He likes to have you physically near him, it makes him feel safe 🥺
-He struggles to plan dates because he puts too much pressure on trying to make it perfect. He gets so in his head about it that he feels like nothing he chooses will be right. You might need to suggest things you'd like to do with him or ask him what he feels like doing and build dates together instead.
-He has shelves and shelves of books and they're all in alphabetical order and sorted by size as well.
-He drinks black coffee and has a specific roast he drinks every day.
-He knows what his 'just out of the shower' body and hair do to you and he definitely uses it to his advantage 😏 imagine him walking out of the bathroom while you're chilling, with only a towel slung around his waist, and "stretching" his arms in front of you with a big smug grin.
-He's actually incredibly romantic once he finds someone he really likes (i.e. YOU). He loves thinking of things you'd like, of turning over your words in his mind, of planning what he's going to say to you next time he sees you, just anything he could do to show you how loved you are. He wants all he is and all he knows to be for you. Loving you calms him.
-You two work out together (read: you workout and Miguel pretends to sweat and exert himself in the same gym as you) and he's always so proud of you no matter what you do or how long you workout!! Getting up and getting there is the most important thing! He'll squeeze your muscles and call you 'killer' after you finish too.
-Sometimes when he gets really frustrated and doesn't know how to solve whatever he's working on (superhero or normal person stuff) you wrapping your arms around him or putting a hand on his cheek and getting him to focus on something else for a second will help him think clearly again. I'm just picturing him having been working and huffing around all day, only to then finally come and find you, pull you to him, and sigh heavily as all the stress melts away. You recenter him and make him feel safe!!
-He LOVES being your baby!! Your Miggy!! 😍😍 Especially when those pet names highlight the softness that he hides so very deep inside of him. Like if you were to call him 'sweetheart' or 'sweet man' ??? WHOOOO he's in a puddle on the floor!! 🥺🥺 Melted into the palm of your hand!! 🥴🥴 He never wants you to call him anything else but those sweet names 💘
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MIGGY TAGLIST: @pettyprocrastination @chiliiscereal @wenclairswife @hottoyvodka @vanilla-sweets @707xn @shibble @nebulaegem @realsimpbitchshit @marsthedefender @justsomereaderwholikesanime @me0w-miix @reanie-xoxo @certainhorsegoopcop @mushroomieee @whinsical-ash @ninjawarriorprincess4 @nimyoongi
EVERYTHING TAGLIST: @over300books @autumnleaves1991-blog @phoenixhalliwell @ntlmundy @myheart-pedro @intu-witch-tion @frietiemeloen @greeneyedblondie44 @amneris21 @disasterhann @aana4664 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @maievdenoir @heyitsjaybird @nerdypinupcrystal @buckybarneshairpullingkink
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sweetflanfiction · 1 year
smutty ABCs
Author's Notes: Sorry nonny I am not a very good smutty writer (go over to @proseinborderland side of tumblr, she now has the smutty ABC's requests open!)
But, I am sort of good with fluff, so...how about SFW ABC's for Chishiya? I don't know where the original template came from, but if anyone knows please tell me so I can credit them!
Acknowledgements: @proseinborderland because she reviewed this when it was just a tiny baby and let me adopt some of her great writing into some of the headcannons.
~~ Fluff/ SFW ABC's headcannon's for Chishya ~~
A = Affection. How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
Chishiya's love language is definitely "acts of service". You would never have to ask for anything to be made or taken care of. He would show you that he cares more than he tells you.
If he had a morning shift, you'd wake up with half of the breakfast done and a note "just heat it up." 
B = Best friend. What would they be like as a best friend? How would friendship start?
It would start as a competition to out-sass each other. Sarcasm would be your language and he would answer you in kind. If you were ever in an unpleasant mood he would bring you cookies and a cheeky remark about something that would make you roll your eyes. You would never know how he figured out you were sad/angry but he'd know.
Even though his ways of reading you were mysterious, you would slowly begin to understand him. After some time you could read his micro expressions like a book. Small twitches of his eyes, eyebrow raised, and mouth curling begin to translate into language.
C = Cuddles. Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
Chishiya isn't much of a cuddler. Whenever you're sitting down next to each other he'll relax and place a hand on your leg or an arm around your shoulder. But if you put your head on his legs or his shoulder, he would gently stroke your hair. He'd get as far as giving you a small kiss on the crown of your head. 
On the other hand, and even though he doesn't tell you this, he adores it when you wrap your hands around his waist. This is when you gently move his head to your shoulder. He is usually relaxed around you but when he is on the receiving end of cuddling, he silently melts.
D = Domestic, do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?
Chishiya would clean, do the dishes, make the beds even go as far as disappear into the bathroom for a while and clean it top to bottom. However, he wouldn't cook full meals. He can cook anything that is quick. A mid-afternoon snack and breakfast are his favorite meals. Dinner and lunch though? He avoids that like the plague. Even though he is always in the kitchen with you, and he helps with whatever there is to do, you will not catch him in the kitchen cooking dinner by himself.
I think he'd settle down, but definitely not marry. Chishya's childhood put a big stop sign on marriage. He doesn't need a paper to have you as his partner forever. If anything, in his opinion, that would be forcing both of you to settle down and to him forcing anyone to do that is a no.
E = Ending. If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
"We're done" walks away.
F = Fiance(e), how do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
He will commit to you, but he will not ask you to marry him. At some point in your relationship he will ask you to move in together and that's when you know you have him for life. He would give you some trinket to wear, something small, probably without much value other than sentimental. A small ring or a pendant for a necklace, nothing flashy, something that he would know you have.
G = Gentle. How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
Chishiya is a bit emotionally stunted. As much as he tries to be less abrasive with you he will occasionally just blurt anything that comes to his mind about a particular thing you did. It hurts you at first that he can sometimes feel distant, but over time you notice he tries to say what's on his mind more gently. 
Physically he is surprisingly gentle. He never grabs you roughly, even if you are fighting. Whenever he touches you, he is never forceful. It surprised you at first how sharp and rough his mind was, yet his fingertips were so soft and gentle with you.
H = Hugs. Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
He will let you hug him and he will hug you back every time you do it, but he won't initiate a hug. He will place his hands on your hips and touch your foreheads though.
I = I love you. How fast do they say the L-word?
Chishyia shows his love, but he doesn't say it. Whenever you tell him "I love you", he'll reply to you, especially if he knows you need to hear it. 
Occasionally, he will say it at the most random times and places. Getting up the stairs to your house? Say it. When you're grocery shopping? Said it. Mid-movie session? Said it. It will always leave you with a surprised expression.
J = Jealousy. How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?
Chishiya is the jealous type, but not to the point of being noticeable or distrusting you. If he notices another person looking at you he will stand slightly closer, or place a hand on your shoulder. Whoever was looking at you though will be on the receiving of a very telling eyebrow raise and tilt of the head.
K = Kisses. What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
Chishiya is very unfamiliar with physical acts of love, so he is always pleasantly surprised when you kiss him out of the blue. Whenever he leaves for the hospital and you kiss him goodbye he always does a small pause until his brain processes the kiss.
He will kiss you though, quick and soft pecks on the nearest patch of skin he can find. And if he finds a ticklish spot he will kiss you again and you can feel him grin into your skin.
L = Little ones, how are they around children?
"Just no." And walks away. (Comes back with a cat and/or a puppy "that's as far as I go.")
M = Morning. How are mornings spent with them?
He'll either be there or not, depending on if he has to work morning shifts. When he's there, he's just snoring softly next to you, his belly on the mattress, his hair tangled, and one arm securing you to him. Whenever you try to move he squeezes your midsection and turns his head.
Sometimes he'll wake up before you and just sit on the bed reading the news on a tablet waiting for you to wake up too.
N = Night. How are nights spent with them?
Whether Chishiya is tired from the hospital or not, he will find time to do something with you at night. Sometimes it will be watching a movie with a zero effort plot (otherwise you will hear him scoff at every plot hole or dumb decision made). Sometimes he'll ask you to play a board game, but what he really enjoys is just sitting down on the floor with you, hearing the sounds of the city outside without doing anything.
O = Open. When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
Chishiya will drop some bombs about his youth when you least expect it. You may be doing something mundane and he'll blurt out a memory he has from his childhood, which ultimately makes you understand some of his behavior about certain things.
You once tried getting him to tell you more, but it only made him shrug his shoulders and shut down the conversation. So now, whenever he does drop a bit of info you nonchalantly try to get more from him. Sometimes it works, and although he seems unaffected by some of the things he says, you know it hurts him to remember.
P = Patience. How easily angered are they?
On the outside he seems like the most patient man on the face of the earth, but you can tell when he is about to lose it. It's a twitch of his brow that gives him away.
To you he has the patience of a saint, he'll put up with most of what you ask or say, it's usually other people that are the problem. And depending on who it is, you'll gently squeeze his arm to give him some of your own patience. Or you'll let it be and see how far it takes him to blurt out something obnoxously disapproving.
Q = Quizzes, how much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
Chishiya will remember everything about you and your habits. For better or worse, he will know something you've only told him in passing once before. At first, it can be a bit creepy how well he remembers every tiny thing. Things you only mentioned briefly to him in passing. It's also sweet because sometimes he will do something because of his attentive memory.
R = Remember, what is their favorite moment in your relationship?
Probably when you called him out for wanting to be with you, but not telling him about it.
In a blink of an eye, after you finished your rant, he had pulled you against him and showed you exactly how much you meant to him. He's not a very frequent kisser, but when he does, he does it well.
He'll remember you both standing at the bus stop with you looking absolutely pissed off at him. This is because he had shown you what/who that date you had last week was doing this week. 
"Something bothering you?" He asked.
"You're bothering me." You told him.
"I can leave…" He teased me.
"Stop Shuntaro." You turned to him. "You showed me what you wanted to show me, but you haven't told me why."
"You need to know."
"You needed me to know, but not out of the goodness of your heart Shuntaro! You needed me to know, because you needed me to be available to you whenever you want! You like me! I know it and you know it! But you don't have the balls to tell me yourself! So stop being an asshole and grow some? Tell me you like me, so I can stop going on all of these dates with people who clearly aren't up to my standards."
S = Security. How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
Chishiya won't be clingy or controlling, but you do know that whenever you two are anywhere, he'll always have a watchful eye on you. If he even thinks you might be uncomfortable with anything, he'll be by your side. If you're not in sight, he will text you and ask if everything is OK. If you ever answer no, he will come for you no matter where you are.
And, even though he won't come out and say it, he thoroughly loves whenever you place a hand in his arm and squeeze. This is just to tell him you are there for him and you will kick someone's ass for him.
T = Try. How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
Chishiya puts a lot of effort into the relationship. He knows he is not the most bearable or easy person to live with or to have a relationship with. Therefore, he'll try to make you feel appreciated and loved. Even if it's very foreign for him to take you on a romantic date, he'll do it and it will be the most romantic thing you'll ever see.
His gifts, however, are always small, subtle, and have no monetary value. Even though he may have money to spend, he values sentimental trinkets more than anything. 
U = Ugly, what would be some bad habits of theirs?
Shutting himself out. Sometimes when a day doesn't work his way or if he's in an unfavorable mood he will shut everything out. It doesn't matter how much you try to make small talk or make him do something, he won't budge no matter what you do. He'll grab his tablet or a book and you won't hear from him until he has figured out whatever he needs to figure out.
To others though, you've seen him be downright cruel with his words, so much so that you gave him a piece of your mind when you two were alone.
V = Vanity. How concerned are they with their looks?
If it's white, gray or black, he'll wear it. Tennis shoes and hoodies are his go-to items, though he also has a very extensive and monochromatic wardrobe.
Now, his hair is another beast. When you met he had his hair bleached to the bone and it looked good on him. However, you noticed when he stopped bleaching it soon after he met you, letting his black hair come through. When you asked him why he did that he just told you he didn't need to be that person anymore, that he was comfortable now to be himself.
W = Whole. Would they feel incomplete without you?
Chishiya wouldn’t feel completely lost without you, but he would feel like something was missing. It's the little things he notices more than having a big hole in his existence.
In the long run, he will realize how cold the sheets are; how the night doesn't sound so relaxing without you. He will pause whenever he enters the house and you're not there sitting on the couch watching something. The fact that he leaves the house without giving you a kiss on the head starts to bother him as time passes by.
X = Xtra, a random headcanon for them.
Chishiya is an observer. He will watch you do stuff and commit it to memory, even if it won't be useful in the future.
He will be cleaning the dishes and looking at you putting them away, burning into his brain how careful you are with the glasses. If he's helping you cook, he will be stirring a pot and leaning against the counter. He will be looking at you cutting the veggies with a focused look on your face. He will remember how you will start to cut them perfectly and then lose your patience and do it faster. He'll watch you as you sip your tea and he will store in his memory how you smiled at the sweet flavor of the warm drink.
Y = Yuck, what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
Chishiya does not tolerate lies, especially from his partner. Little, insignificant lies don't hold much weight with him, although big lies are deal breakers. Cheating is the hard line he will never forgive. He will tell you that you are more than free to go and leave him for someone else as long as you leave him. He tells you, in a very casual manner, that he is too intelligent not to figure out if there is cheating involved.
Z = Zzz, what is a sleep habit of theirs?
Chishiya doesn't sleep much, but when he does, he enters into a coma. 
You know from years of experience that there are only two things that can wake him up, the sound of his alarm going off or direct sunlight to his eyes. Sometimes, you wish he could be the kind of guy that could wake up with your kisses; but no, he will sigh happily and pull you closer, but he will not wake up. Even if you promise him a good time, he still won't budge from his slumber.
Thank you for reading!
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: For the Y/N Professor x Donna story: What if Y/N and Donna have been dating for a while and even live together, Angie is ofc very happy with Y/N as a (step)parent and starts asking Y/N and Donna for a baby sibling! Y/N and Donna both blush because they haven’t spoken about it to each other, but they’ve both been secretly thinking/dreaming about it. Donna has always dreamed of having her own big (Italian) family but never thought she would ever have another baby after Angie, because it has just been them two for a while before they met you. Y/N is very excited and will happily do anything for their little family even it if means having a whole football team with Donna ^.^
So cute T^T I’ll consider this more of a drabble than an official part 4 for the series because of how far into the future the story and their relationship takes place in this one. Let’s get into it!
Your relationship with Donna had bloomed into something so beautiful. You think about her constantly, but thankfully, you work with her and live with her now. It’s the best. She graduated from her program with honors and was offered a job by the University to continue working with you.
You’ve never accomplished so much in the lab before. Donna is brilliant.
She’s also an amazing cook. You love to come home and have nice meals with her and Angie.
Angie is your pal. You two do lots of things together. You taught her how to ride a bike recently and she’s so proud of herself. It’s adorable.
Donna’s eyes shine when she sees the two of you together. You’re already an amazing parent. She can’t help but be… Wistful as she watches you both sometimes. She had always wanted a large family, but raising Angie on her own had made her temper that hope… For a while. She did not expect to fall for anyone as hard as she did for you. Donna loves how kind you are. You would be so great with a little baby.
One day, you decide to take Angie to the park while Donna does some research at home. The two of you are happy as you goof off and try to make the other person laugh. But suddenly, Angie says something that totally rocks your world.
“Y/N, I want a sibling! Can you ask Mama to get me one? Please?!” She begs and gives you her puppy dog eyes.
Your face erupts in a blush. Angie really can keep you on your toes, that’s for certain. You utter a few things that are supposed to be words, but you can’t really think straight.
Angie raises an eyebrow in confusion at your sudden embarrassment. What did she say?
You are eventually able to say that you’ll talk with Donna about it and immediately change the subject. You’d be lying if you said you had never thought about it before. You would love to have a little one with her, but she’s been so focused on her career. You’re almost positive that she wouldn’t want to have another baby. But… Maybe you’ll just float the idea to her and see what she says. You never know what might happen.
Later that night, as you and Donna recover from a rather vigorous love-making session, you broach the subject. “So, uhh… Angie said something pretty interesting today.” You start as Donna lies on your chest.
“Hmm? What was that, cara mia?” Donna asks, intrigued.
“Well… She asked me to beg you for a little sibling for her.” You say and chuckle nervously.
Donna’s eyes shoot wide open. Oh no. What are you going to think? Do you hate the idea? She’s so very anxious. Donna giggles uncomfortably. “Yes, she has been asking me that for a while now.” She reveals.
Now it’s your turn to be surprised. Oh… She must have already told Angie that a little sibling was out of the question. “So… What did you tell her?” You ask, fishing for any sort of read on her opinion of the idea.
Donna sits up and looks at you. “Well, I said that I would have to speak with you about it.” She tells you, fidgeting with her hands.
You sigh. Donna’s not giving you anything. You’ll just have to tell her about your wish. “I… Would really like a new baby.” You admit, unable to look at Donna. However, the gasp that she gives you makes your eyes immediately shoot to hers.
Donna’s face is pure hope and excitement. You want a baby too? This is amazing. “Cara mia, I haven’t been able to work up the courage to ask you.. But, I’ve always wanted a big family.” She tells you, feeling rather emotional.
You beam at her. “Wow! Really?! Wait, how big of a family?” You ask. Your thoughts are all over the place, but you’re suddenly feeling a bit terrified of all that responsibility.
Donna giggles at you and cups your face. “Well, I don’t know much about sports, but I’d be happy with a whole football team.” She gushes, completely lost in her own little world now.
Your cheeks burn at this. Donna… Begging for more children as you pleasure her… Your mind is going to some seriously filthy places. “Oh, good to know.” You murmur.
Donna, completely unaware of your silent freak out, leans in and kisses you. She’s so in love and you have made all of her dreams come true. “Should we… Start trying, sweetheart?” She asks. Her beautiful brown eyes are radiant as she looks at you.
You grin, nodding your head. “I’d have it no other way.” You all but growl.
You and Donna had been trying for a baby for a few weeks before she started noticing some odd symptoms. Her sense of smell had become so sensitive.
One morning, she quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up when you made eggs for Angie. That was kind of her moment of realization. She had been very sick when she was pregnant with Angie.
Despite the circumstances, you can’t help but be excited as you clean her up and place a cool washcloth on her forehead. “Do you think you could be… Pregnant?” You ask quietly, hoping not to come off as insensitive to her sickness.
Donna thinks you look so cute. She smiles at you. “Well, I felt just like this when I was pregnant with Angie.” She says, almost bouncing from joy.
You tear out of the house like a bat out of hell to go get Donna some pregnancy tests.
Once Donna has taken the test, the two of you sit hand in hand as you wait for the results. Soon enough, it’s time to check.
Donna counts down from three and then she flips the test over. It’s… Positive. She gasps and brings a hand to her mouth as tears stream down her cheeks.
You cheer and hold her close. You’re so ecstatic. Donna’s made your life so fulfilling and now you are embarking on a new adventure together. You can’t wait.
Donna is so precious. You love to walk into the kitchen and see her making food and talking to the little one.
“What do you think, tesoro? More salt?” Donna asks playfully as she tastes the sauce she’s making and rubs her belly.
You clear your throat which makes Donna squeak in surprise and turn to you. “Already making the baby be your taste tester, eh? Putting them to work mighty soon.” You joke. But… The healthy flush on Donna’s face, the comfy sweatshirt she’s wearing (That she also stole from you), the small swell of her stomach. It takes your breath away for a moment.
Donna smirks at your comment. “You’re just jealous that the little one has a more refined palette than yours. They take after Mama.” She says triumphantly and looks down at her tummy as she gently pats it.
You laugh and bring her in for a kiss.
You had been so focused on your career that you never thought you would settle down, but Donna has changed your world for the better. You’re so happy.
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mageofseven · 1 year
"I Wish You Were the Father..." Part 1
I see this post as a sort of continuation of this post, but it's not necessary to read that one in order to enjoy it.
Basically, MC got knocked up by another human in her realm before being brought to the Devildom for the exchange program.
She was overwhelmed so she didn't tell anyone. She died and was resurrected by Barb like before, but so was her child.
All of the Boys know and have been taking care of her.
In this post, she will bond with one of the three older brothers, say the quote above, and fall in love with them.
The other brothers and the rest of the Boys will come in other parts.
So I hope you enjoy~
Lucifer has been hovering over the woman as much as possible since That Night™️
After what happened, after what she did for his family...well, taking care of her and her child wasn't even the least he should do.
The human has been nothing but depressed and jumpy since her death, something the oldest couldn't blame her for in the slightest.
Lucifer had hoped bringing her some stability would help making her feel more safe and relaxed; the pride demon wasn't the best at comforting others so he simply used what skills he did have for the pregnant woman
And MC appreciated it; Lucifer really did have a way of making her safe and cared for.
At the same time, the more care she received from him and the other guys, the more guilt she felt.
Yes, that Night™️ she and her baby went through a lot, but still; MC was very much the type of person who helped others and wasn't used to the other way around.
One day, Lucifer came back from his meeting with Diavolo with MC's favorite food, a meal he picked up on the way home.
He pulled out her chair and had her sit down at the table before taking a seat next to her.
"How have you been feeling today?" He asked softly.
MC stared down at her food as she wrapped her arms around her belly.
"Fine..." She mumbled.
"You don't sound 'fine'." He gave a small huff. "Please...just talk about it with me."
"You've treated me so well...treated us so well," She gave her belly a light squeeze as she embraced it. "But...I don't feel like I deserve it."
"MC..." The man could only stare for a moment. How could she say that? "You risked the life of yourself and your child just to save my family from our pain and dysfunction."
"And I'd do it again." She spoke softly. "But...all of the care you're giving me...it makes me feel things I shouldn't."
"What do you mean?" Lucifer raised his gloved hand to wipe away the tear that fell down her cheeks.
MC shook her head before staring down at her belly.
"I wish you could love me...but you could never love me like this." MC hugged her belly tighter. "I wish you were the father...I wish my baby had a dad that actually loved and cared about us..."
The pride demon stared at the human, dark eyes wide as he processed her words and watched tears fall down to her hands and belly.
The man reached out his hand to her cheek and gently guided the woman to meet his gaze.
"Then how about I be just that?" He spoke softly. "Being a parent is not defined by genetics after all."
The human stared up at him in shock, frozen mid breath.
The man slowly leaned in, giving the woman time to reject if she preferred to, before pressing his lips to hers.
MC leaned into him during the sweet kiss and even laid a hand on the side of his neck before they pulled away
And when they did, the pride demon saw the woman's eyes beam with so much happiness and love through her tears.
"I love you." He told her. "I...did not want to reveal my feelings for you originally because I was afraid of overwhelming you when you were already going through a difficult time; if I knew you felt the same...I would have confessed sooner."
Suddenly, MC's smiled fell.
"Are...I mean...are you sure about this?" She asked. "I--we're human--"
"And you have shown all of us how strong and beautiful humanity can be." He insisted. "Being human is not a flaw of you or this child; it's a strength of you both as people."
To make another attempt at parenthood when he did so poorly with Satan...it was daunting to the pride demon
However, he loved this woman and her child with every ounce of his soul.
He was going to give them his everything and make sure both mother and child want for naught.
He will take care of both of them for however long this life gives him theirs.
Another man who hovered over her, only he wasn't the least bit subtle about it
Nor did he ever truly doubt it, but did always shoot back how the human needs the Great Mammon to take care of her
And she did. All of the greed demon's care and company really did wonders for the mother and baby.
The two were laying in bed, MC curled up into Mammon's chest.
The two weren't a couple, but anyone who saw the two laying together and embracing the other so intimately would assume such.
Honestly...Mammon and MC didn't know what they were anymore; both held strong feelings for the other, but neither were brave enough to speak them aloud.
Mammon was worried about pushing his feelings on the woman who already went to hell and back for his family, metaphorically speaking, and didn't want to risk stressing MC out while she was pregnant and dealing with complicated stuff.
MC didn't want to tell Mammon her feelings for him because she didn't believe this wonderful man could truly love her, not when she is carrying another man's baby.
The demon realized she was crying before she did when he felt a tear land on his chest.
"'Ey what's that about, huh?" His gaze met the human's.
In truth, the man has grown used to her tears. They used to make him freak out and believe he did something wrong
But with the woman's hormones flaring and their general feelings about the situation, he grew to understand that it was usually not his fault and that helped him stay calm for her.
"Nothing..." She mumbled.
"It don't look like nothin'." Mammon tighten their embrace. "You might as well tell me and save us both the time."
"Does it...bother you that I'm pregnant?"
How was he supposed to answer that??
"I...look, it pisses me off that that d-bag knocked you up and left you to deal with the consequences, but I have nothin' against your kid."
"But..." The woman shook her head. "Nevermind..."
"Human...just spit it out, okay?" He said in a low voice. "The Great Mammon won't judge ya; you know I won't."
"I just..." The human sighed. "Mammon, do you still have feelings for me?"
The demon's face went red.
"W-Whatcha talkin' about all a sudden??"
Everyone knew Mammon had a crush on MC, even the human herself
However, the woman was worried those feelings died the minute he discovered her baby.
The woman sniffled before hiding her face in his chest.
Devil, the man was so tense. How was he supposed to handle this???
"I wish you were my baby's dad..." She cried into his chest.
Holy--did she really say that??
It took a minute for the man to process her words
But once he did, Mammon laid a hand on her belly and pressed a kiss to her head.
"I...Mammon?" The woman raised her head in surprise.
"I-If that's whatcha you want me to be then that's what Imma do."
"You don't have to..."
Mammon stared at her with a serious look, but the blush still on his cheeks.
"Ya ask me if I still have feelin's for ya...the answer is always yes." He told her. "And the truth is, I want that kid to be mine and I want us all to just be happy."
The woman stared in disbelief as Mammon leaned in for kiss and rubbed her belly.
"For now on, yer my girl and that's our kid and we don't have to think about that human asshole, got it?"
MC smiled before nodding and leaning in for another kiss.
Everything is gonna be okay now; the woman just knew it.
This man and his room was her safe place, just as always.
Despite how awkward Levi was about her pregnancy and ever expending belly, he still cared about his Henry and did what little he felt he could do for her.
Often, the pregnant woman would get overwhelmed and choose to hide in the room with the third brother.
Today is one of those days.
MC was taking a nap while Levi played games with the TV muted, trying to make as little noise as possible for her.
This was both so the woman could sleep undisturbed and so he could listen for if she woke up and needed something from him.
"Y-Yeah?" The man quickly paused his game before turning to his Henry
Only to see her still asleep.
Levi blushed.
Did she....say his name in her sleep???
The envy demon set down his control and crawled over to the bed.
He watched the woman sleep, an action he knew would probably be seen as creepy, but he just wanted to see if she'd say his name again
...plus her sleeping face is really cute 😳
He listened intently, growing more self conscious by the second
Surely the first time was a fluke and he was being a creepy otaku and this would only upset MC if--
"L...evi...Levi...I love you."
The man tried covering his mouth to muffle his yelp of surprise
But it was too late. The woman's eyes fluttered open and stared at him lovingly, brain still in a sleepy haze.
"Hey..." She gave a soft, sleepy smile.
What was he supposed to say???? After what he just heard especially!!!
It took a couple more seconds for the human's brain to reboot and when she did, her face was just as red as Levi.
The two stared at each other for a moment before MC hid her face in his pillow.
Great, now he made her uncomfortable!!! Gah Levi felt like the worst--
"Levi?" The woman poked an eye out from her hiding spot. "Could...could you lay with me for a bit?"
The two used to lay together a lot before...all of this.
Since he and the others found out about her pregnancy though, the demon couldn't even brush against her arm without jumping out of his skin, let alone lay with her in bed.
MC thought he resented her for being pregnant with another man's baby. No, they weren't together, but she knew she was someone important to him and he wasn't the Avatar of Envy for nothing.
In truth...she was right, at least partially. The more her belly grew, the more awkward and uncomfortable he became.
He also didn't like the thoughts that came into his head.
Levi...has had feelings for her for a while now so...when he discovered she was pregnant...
He was just so jealous.
That stupid human normie was able to date MC of all people?? That dude had that kind of luck yet he still threw her away the moment he found out she was pregnant.
It drove him insane and made him wish that...this baby was his.
Never has Levi really ever thought much about being a dad, but when the person he loved ended up getting pregnant by some shitty guy, it unlocked something in him, something he didn't fully understand
But in this moment, after hearing her declare her love for him in her sleep and now shyly asking for him to lay with her like he used to...the man couldn't say no.
Levi nodded and slowly joined his Henry in bed, laying his head on her chest like he used to
And man, did it feel just like the old days.
The warm, softness of her chest and arms around him, MC playing with his hair with such tenderness...
However, he could hear her heart beating fast, faster than a person who was just sleeping would usually beat and it worried the man
"H-Henry? Are you okay?"
The woman tightened her embrace.
"I don't know..." She said softly. "I just need to hug you for a while. Is that okay?"
Levi nodded in her arms
The two laid together for awhile, causing the demon to eventually relax in her arms
...till his hand slid and accidentally brushed against her belly, causing the man to flinch away like he touched a hot stove.
Bad move, Levi...
"Do you really hate my baby that much?"
"N-No!!!" The man clung to her even tighter in apology. "I-I just...I--"
"I'm sorry." MC started to tear up. "I'm sorry I'm carrying another guy's baby...but please stop pulling away from me."
Stupid!!! Levi should have knew his awkwardness would hurt her, but he didn't know how else to deal with all of this
And now boy was panicking.
"I didn't mean--I'm sorry!!! I just love you and couldn't handle that jerk--"
"Levi?" The tearful woman stared at him, eyes wide.
That's when he realized what he said and started to backpedal.
"I-no! I mean, yes but I--you said it first in your sleep so I just--"
"I did what???" The human's face was redder than Levi's, causing the man to feel the need to speak up a bit more.
"It's fine." He told her. "I...I love you too and I have for a long time."
"Levi..." The woman's chest start to heave up and down unsteadily as her body prepared for some big tears.
The woman squeezed him tightly and cried into his hair.
"I love you..." She sniffled. "I wish this baby was yours...why can't it be yours..."
The envy demon couldn't believe what he was hearing; she was saying all the things he has wanted to hear for so long.
"It...It can be." He blurted out.
MC lifted her head to look down at him.
"I can be their dad." He offered, nervous. "I...I don't know what I'm doing, but I'll figure it out and try to be a good dad."
"Do...do you mean that?"
Levi couldn't help it; without much thought, he readjusted himself so he could kiss her.
When he realized what he was doing, he tried to break the kiss, but MC laid both hands on the sides of his face, gently asking him not to pull away
And he'll never pull away; never again.
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industria-adastra · 11 months
[Twisted Wonderland x Puella Magi Madoka Magica] - What to do when you reload in the wrong universe? - [HEARTSLAYBUL] - PART 2
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Note: For some reason, formatting on tumblr is indeed a pain in the butt. Other than that here's an update
It’s LUNCHTIME. The time when everyone would fistfight each other for the special meal of the day. Tbh NRC has nice lunches; it’s a freaking buffet, for goodness sake. 
The group goes to get lunch, and things seem relatively peaceful. So of course, Grim starts a touch of chaos the moment Homura thinks it’s safe to let him go. Should’ve just kept Grim in a death grip until you got lunch, Homura.
By a touch of chaos, I mean Grim breaks someone’s (an upperclassman) carbonara spaghetti egg. And because NRC students don’t know when to pick their battles, they attempt to start a battle in the cafeteria (an awful decision, really).
Is Homura going to intervene? Am I going to make her intervene?
Yeah but not exactly in the way you’re guessing
She’s going to try, in her own way, to defuse the situation. This means as per tradition she’s going to actually make it escalate because Homura and persuasive speaking are like oil and water. Or maybe even like a grease fire and water.
Homura tries to bring up how stupid it is to, you know, fight with underclassmen over slightly damaged egg carbonara, of all things. An appeal to common sense (and a poke to their egos). Besides, weren’t they going to break the yolk anyways, since they were going to eat it? It’s a small, paltry thing to get so worked up about, in her all too blunt opinion.
This absolutely does not make the situation any better. In fact, it makes it worse, because now the seniors think they’re being condescended by a child. 
Ace and Yuu think they have never seen someone so bad at defusing the situation they turn the fire up to eleven. Ace, however, is a shining example of a pot encountering a kettle and not realising it has shared traits. Perhaps this is also foreshadowing for Ace’s later unfortunate choice of language. 
Due to plot convenience, these guys have about one brain cell rattling around in an abstract, collective shared mind space. They take one look at this kid and go “Freshman. Small. CAN TAKE ON IN A FIGHT.”
Actually, canon does kind of actively shove it in our faces how extraordinarily eager delinquent-type NRC students are to fight literally anyone. So maybe I am justified in making them try and fistfight a middle schooler. 
They try to engage Homura in a fight. Aka they’re doing that thing where someone puffs out their chest and squares up (literally). Homura is trying to back out because:
She’s shown to be rather non-confrontational in canon. 
In her experience, ignoring these people often works because they’re at least more bark than bite. (Or rather, Homura has sort of thought that by clamming herself up—metaphorically speaking—things won’t affect her as badly because before things…never really changed no matter how proactive she was (I am referring to both her past as a bullied child over something she had no control over, and her long-term experience with other volatile pubescent girls)
Homura would really like to not get punched in a cafeteria.
One of them attempts to get physical with Homura, who’s darting away as fast as possible. She’s not looking for a fight and would like to not show up to her next class looking like she just got in one.
Yuu is not having it. Deuce is not having it. Grim is not having it because while Homura scares him a little (read: a lot) he’s not gonna let these guys push around his #2 Henchman (henchwoman?). Ace is seemingly vibing in the background but actually, he high-key wants to see the guys get pummeled it’s a case of fire meets fire. Like, he’s a jerk himself but these guys were also jerks (also Homura is a little bit baby to him so it’s completely justified in his honest opinion.
Yuu is putting that swim training to good use by yoinking the offender’s arms and going “DO NOT.” Grim bites one of them. I don’t think he has magic rabies. Deuce wants to clock them but doesn’t because he’s in the public eye, so he just allows Yuu to go to town on them. Ace watches on the sidelines, noting Yuu’s great attachment to the girl with the magical equivalent of an automatic gun. He also thinks it’s hilarious that the mages are being bodied by the new non-magical student—conveniently ignoring the fact that Yuu most definitely never skipped arm, leg, and the rest of his body, day.
Homura is left wondering about the feeling one gets when people are willing to stand up for you. (She’s also left wondering if highschool would ever be as ridiculous as the one she was experiencing right now) Perhaps it’s a completely out-of-place feeling to be felt when watching someone body two people for you, but human emotions are irrational. To her, it’s a warm sort of feeling, even if she thinks she could’ve just dealt with it herself.
Mostly, I think Homura needs a few scenes to be protected, rather than constantly trying to be the strong one. 
The fight is resolved, and everyone’s hungry. Yuu has an allowance for food and other necessities here because Crowley would get Mcmurdered Mcssasined in his sleep if the staff knew he basically dumped off a bunch of otherworlders into a large shack and called it a day. That and I ooc-ed him a little into someone that sees these kids/Homura and goes, ok maybe they need a little something, at least.
Just enough so that there are no additional PR problems. Or so he says to himself. Oh, he boasts about it for sure, but it sounds as phoney as always.
Elaborating on this: Crowley often boasts about his kindness/generosity when he’s…definitely not being generous. So I think when he is doing something because he actually cares, then he justifies it weirdly to himself. Of course, this is simply pure imagination, and not strictly in line with his canonically displayed personality. 
I call it the “Homura sympathy effect”. When you see this emo little kid you just invite yourself in as her family/friend because it’s actually kind of depressing watching Homura if you observe carefully enough.
They finally buy lunch. Homura gets a plate of omurice. Yuu says it’s because Homura is a growing child. Homura is suddenly violently reminded that, yes, she can actually grow right now. 
She does her best to not choke on her food. This means she instead stares blankly at her food as if she’s been confronted with a crisis of unimaginable proportions.
Oh god, Homura thinks, Madoka doesn’t exist. Oh god, she continues to monologue in her head, I can’t access my powers anymore.
(She can’t go back if something goes irreversibly wrong, wrong, wrong—)
The omurice, to her, tastes really good. The egg is fresh and creamy; the rice combined with the demi-glace sauce and the soft vegetables should be normal on her tongue but maybe it’s been years and years, and sometimes she’d find that food tasted like nothing at all.
(Distantly, Homura thinks that Madoka will never be able to eat something like this ever again. Distantly, Homura wonders when the taste of fresh food ever become so foreign to her.)
But I suppose any kind of actually fresh food would taste good if you’ve been sustaining yourself off determination and cup noodles.
Just the bare minimum so you don’t waste magic making up for hunger.
Yuu carefully watches her eat as he does so himself. Ace and Deuce are bickering in the background and Grim is tearing into his own food with gusto. Homura mechanically eats her meal with the precision of a surgeon and the speed of a machine. He hopes that Homura liked the meal. He wonders what Homura would normally eat, all alone by herself.
Yuu gets the feeling that Homura hasn’t really been eating well for quite some time.
And then Cater shows up. 
Who is this guy? Homura has zero ideas. The rest of the group has many violent ideas. Oh, they tricked Yuu (and the others) into doing his work for him. Hm. (Down goes a couple of points for Homura’s opinion of Cater. While I’d say Homura does try her best to be not as judgemental as possible because goodness knows how much she herself has received, these are people she’s bonded with on some level, so a little bias (TM) comes into play. Even if Ace can be a jerk, and Grim's basically a bratty kid)
Ever the conversationalist, Homura’s as quiet as a church mouse. But that’s fine, since Cater’s deadlift the majority of the conversation anyways.
Cater is already evaluating the new member of the group aka Homura. He remembers Riddle complaining about certain people breaking school rules during the assembly. He is kind of surprised she's still here though, since knowing the headmaster Homura should've gone home by now. So there must be something…
She’s definitely a little…quieter, and more solemn and serious than he expected a fourteen-year-old to be. Cater definitely remembers his sisters never being like Homura. But it’s probably a personality variation thing. After all, everyone’s different, and Homura's no exception to the individuality of people in general.
Yet her eyes still unsettle him, ever so slightly. He's not sure if the freshmen and the other unsorted student(?) realize it, but Homura's eyes… There’s a hardness in them, and an emptiness that lingers. (He wonders if she was ever forced to grow up too quickly, forced to understand certain hard truths of reality too quickly.)
Although, maybe at least one of them realises it, seeing as Yuu’s practically hovering over her like an oversized mother hen. Well, it’s not really his problem to deal with anyways. 
Cater laughs and smiles, acting casual and playing the perfect role of a relaxed upperclassman. He’s pretty sure it does nothing to ease their earlier grudges (which, well, fair enough—most NRC students aren’t really the forgive and forget type anyways)
And just in time for him (Cater’s one-hundred percent sure they’re all starting to get annoyed with him), Trey enters the scene, wielding his nonchalance like a well-sharpened sword. He’s polite, calm and collected—acting as a voice of reason even though he’s just slid to their table knowing full well their…colourful reputations in this school. (She had heart problems, not hearing problems)
Homura’s sorely reminded of Mami with this third-year, and his verbal slip regarding his less-than-stellar opinion of Ramshackle dorm (even if arguably justified) is one that has her also putting her opinion of him on the fence.
Cater brings up getting their numbers
The numbers are incompatible rip Cater (Homura simply didn’t bring up the fact that data roaming wouldn’t even apply in another world—he’d figure it out on his own later anyways. Or hear it from someone else. Whichever comes first.)
It’s not like isekai (aka inter-universal/inter-universal/inter-whatever) services are included in standard sims provided in Japan—no matter how prevalent the isekai genre is
But also I ask you all to imagine Cater looking at Homura’s utter desert of a contact list.
There’s like maybe three tumbleweeds and it’s:
The hospital she lived in for years on end
Her uncle(‘s secretary) — anyone who hasn’t read ANAI aka “As N Approaches Infinity” is missing out also screw Homura’s uncle in that fic he sucks
Mitakihara Middle School’s front desk 
Yuu, in comparison, has like a bajillion phone numbers. All with their own little nicknames such as “Core day every day”, “Down bad for pixels”, “(Putting) The L in LGBT”, or “Mission control centre” (That actually refers to his family phone’s number)
Very awkward for Cater, and Yuu, who are either starting to get or are getting more information on how socially disconnected Homura might’ve actually been
Briefly, Cater wonders if Homura was homeschooled
Trey is having ✨flashbacks✨ to Riddle’s own upbringing and wondering if there’s any connection to the few phone numbers and an implication of a lack of friends. He puts that thought out of his mind because he’s not really in any position to pry (and we all know how well the first and last time he tried turned out)
Then Trey starts giving an intro on the dorms like a tutorial menu narrator
Of course, when the obligatory ‘Epel is as pretty as a girl” statement pops up, Ace can no longer call Grim and Deuce morons as NRC is no longer an all-boys school with the inclusion of Homura
Anyways, Lilia shows up(side down)! 
Bat Gramps gives everyone a heart attack!! Homura wonders if this is how it feels to be on the other end of a time-stop
When Lilia says that Diasomnia is very hospitable and welcoming, instead of Silver and Sebek being 🗿 they are carefully inspecting (read: Silver is concerned but he looks dead serious. Sebek is less concerned and more “????they haven’t sent the tiny human back home??? Suspiscious.”)
Actually Sebek is both a little confused and a bit like “wow this new human child must be very good to still be here in a uniform”. Unfortunately for him he… looks more like he’s glaring. 
Homura is 🗿 tho. She just wants to have a peaceful lunch what on earth is happening
Ofc since Homuhomu is here, canon diverts as in Lilia stays a little longer and flits around Homura like a bat from hell. 
“My oh my, it’s you again. How have you been, young one?” (coming from someone who looks no older than 18)
“...I am…fine.” (be easy on her Homura’s doing her best)
Yuu just slides closer to her because who is this weirdo why is everyone in this school so weird maybe that’s what Magic highschool(™) actually does to people
To Homura, Lilia feels…odd. It’s not quite like Madoka (The Law of Cycles now), so young yet so wrapped within aeons of time; a newly born law, yet with a history beyond time. He feels more like Walpurgisnacht. There is an unspoken history behind this highschooler, and he’s just focused on her ring. Lunchtime was turning out to be terrible. Maybe it was a good thing she often skipped lunches at Mitakihara Middle School.
“Oh? Is that…?”
Homura has just given up and pretended she does not see™. If she tries to hide it she’ll draw unwanted attention. If she tries to explain she’ll give it unwanted attention and there was no guarantee her explanation would be credible enough. So she just… Did not see. If the others are interested they’ll watch anyways so it’s better to just pretend to be completely disinterested in the fact that Batman lite is staring at her literal soul—pretend it’s no biggie. 
Of course, her body language has completely closed off, and now Yuu’s gently pushing away Lilia. 
“Hey, maybe not so close, alright?”
“Of course, forgive me for that—and for disrupting your meal. I do hope we can converse again. ” He looks at Homura, Yuu, and Grim, before adding, “Especially the three of you.” Then he peaces out aka teleports back to his lunch
Of course, Ace still slanders Riddle at lunch like in canon. Even if Yuu frantically made abort motions. Homura just stares at the scene, already knowing how it’s probably going to pan out. 
No one likes being talked about behind their back like that. She’d know a lot about how that felt like. After all, that’s what happened to her.  
And wuh-oh wouldn’t you know? Riddle’s right behind Ace. Deuce puts Ace out of his misery. Yuu has his head in his hands. Homura quietly sighs and continues eating her lunch. Cater and Trey have stiffer smiles than overmixed egg-white mixtures. As Ace continues to dig his own grave—going past six feet and beyond, Homura takes the chance to observe Heartslaybul’s Housewarden. 
Her first impression is that: He’s…not that much taller than her at all (Riddle is 160 cm whilst Homura is about 158 cm). But he looks incredibly prim and proper—definitely the image of what someone expects of a Dorm Leader.
Her second impression is that Riddle is rather strict. And very used to having authority, if the way Cater immediately folds to his words is any indicator of that trait. Perhaps Ace wasn’t completely wrong about his dorm leader being rather unyielding, personality-wise.
However, Ace…isn’t doing himself any favours at all, so Homura also chalks it up to Ace having zero brain-to-mouth filter.
Grim identifies him as the guy who sealed his magic, and Riddle, in turn, identifies them as the students who nearly got expelled + singles out Homura like Why are you still here??? Presumably as a student too if the magestone is any indication. To him, it breaks the rules and sets a bad example. 
In fact, Riddle even starts a little speech about how rulebreakers only cause chaos, and shouldn’t be, under any circumstances, tolerated.
Aaand now Riddle’s reminding Homura of Sayaka, in a bad way.
So she goes: There is nowhere for her (and Yuu by extension) to go in Twisted Wonderland. They’re not inhabitants of this world (in case he uh, forgot that like how the story seems to often do that whenever you don’t know Disney/Japanese-inspired tradition #659 like an idiot because you come from planet Earth), therefore NRC kind of does need to bend the rules for them unless they want bad PR (She’s seen enough of what her Uncle used to get up to in the hospital through magazines, social media and the television. He flung around money and time as if there was nothing else to live for but his own hedonism.)
Riddle, of course, at this stage of the story, rejects that notion because he thinks there could be other alternatives. Bro is debating with a 14 year old.
Yuu, as nice and kind as he is, also gives his two cents. As in, “I sure hope you can get Crowley to reconsider then.” He says this with a singular (1) eyebrow raised whilst wiping Homura’s mouth.
Homura is blue-screening for a hot five minutes because wow ok that was ???? Yuu asked,  “Is anyone gonna take care of this kid?” and did not wait for a single reply.
Ace tries to get his collar removed even though he shit-talked Riddle in front of his face. Ace has balls bigger than Jupiter I guess. Not that it’s helping him or anything.
Homura also bears witness to Riddle’s ability to memorise rules. Not all 810 of them but he definitely knows his rules if he’s jumping from rule 271 to rule 339. He still reminds her of Sayaka in a bad way though. All too unyielding to others. 
Hopefully for him, it won’t be to the very bitter end.
Oh, and she also learns that Trey is vice-housewarden, which… She supposed there probably was an alternative reason as to why Cater and Trey approached them—seeing the way they interacted with Heartslaybul’s Housewarden.
And judging from the loud displays of dismay from surrounding Heartslaybul students, not only is Riddle a strict and unyielding dorm leader, but he also has his dorm students under an iron-clad grip.
Trey tries to do a little damage control after low-key informing everyone of Riddle’s extreme magical prowess (strong enough to become Housewarden before the end of his first week at school). He does so by attempting to soften the blow of Riddle’s actions by basically saying: he’s not a bad guy and everything he does is because he thinks it’s better for the dorm. 
Which, to be honest, Homura has heard many variations of that. Hell, she’s basically done outwardly terrible actions in the name of the greater good (for her friends). (Not like it ever worked)
She can get that. 
But Riddle still did mildly get on her nerves, even if Homura would never show that in a million years or resets.
Grim, thankfully, raises the question of the ethics of Riddle collaring anyone as he pleases—although it’s less that and more him airing out his own grievances with getting collared and having his magic sealed too.
Both Yuu and Homura are quick to remind Grim that it was kind of his fault for, you know, setting the hall on fire.
Diverging from canon again, this time it’s Ace and Deuce who ask about Unique Magics and thus Riddle’s particular Unique Magic. Now that they re-explain what Riddle could do with his Unique Magic… Homura is sure she’ll have to be careful around him.
She doesn’t want to know what would happen if she gets collared.
Would there be a way to learn how to prevent it from being applied to someone?
Of course, back to the story: Riddle’s loud and clear live demonstration of “Off With Your Head” does him no favours in portraying him as someone wanting the best for his students.
And as we skip past the further dialogue on Grim’s opinion of the Unique Magic’s name (i.e. completely bonkers and terrifying), Cater’s explanation of why exactly it feels so terrible to have a collar (mostly for Yuu’s benefit), and Trey attempting to downplay it by going “As long as you follow the rules, you’ll be fine. Riddle isn’t that scary.” 
We stop at Ace asking if he legitimately can’t be let into the dorm if he doesn’t get a replacement tart for the one he ate.
He can’t. In addition to that, it’s also an established rule. Homura thinks that’s kind of a stupid rule. Yuu outright says that it’s kind of a weirdly harsh rule. I mean, replacing what you unfairly took is important, but taking away your room whilst you haven’t…didn’t sound like the best rule.
Ace would like to add that it is, in fact, a really harsh rule—since he’s the one getting collared and being left without a place to sleep in (something that could’ve happened if Ramshackle wasn’t inhabited by Yuu, Homura and Grim, who tidied up some part because they are on another level of homeless)
Trey and Cater… definitely realise this, but currently at this part of Heartslaybul’s book, they don’t actually have the power to tell this to Riddle and not expect to be reprimanded or worse. So they just awkwardly laugh. Cater just tries to transition to telling Ace that Riddle usually looks forward to the tarts, and they’re hand-made by Trey—Ace just needs to replace the tart he ate with another one and things will be fine after that.
Homura…isn’t sure about that, but if it’s all about following the rules then the logic seems sound? But if not then… Ah well, she’ll see what happens then and take action from there. 
A little segment of Trey hand-made the tarts??? Those really good-looking really tasty-looking tarts??? (Ace’s words) 
Yeah he’s from a baker's family lmao (Just for you guys who can’t read my mind: this is Cater)
“Aren’t tarts like that extremely expensive?” That is true Deuce. “Ace, why don’t you try doing it by hand? It’ll be cheaper that way, although I’m not sure about the quality,” says Yuu. Wow Yuu, lots of confidence in Ace there. 
But Yuu is correct. Ace can’t bake.  
Well, perhaps Trey could help? He is the vice-housewarden. And the one who baked the tarts—so he’s well acquainted with Riddle’s tastes. That’s what Homura adds to the brewing discussion.
At that moment, Kalim and Jamil FINALLY ARRIVE ON THE SCENE… While the Heartslabyul dudes start talking about making a tart from scratch. 
Kalim’s like “Oh hey Homura!!! :D” He did say he’d find her and he did!!! Kalim’s so happy to spend the rest of his lunchtime with his new friend.
Jamil helped a lot. And by a lot, I meant he went through statistical analysis inside his head that culminated into nothing because Kalim rolled a nat20 on luck and perception.
Oh who are these people? Well, Homura introduces them as “My upperclassmen: Al-Asim— (Oops nearly used Last name–First name format) Kalim Al-Asim, and Jamil Viper.” With her soft, serious tone, it sounds less like she’s introducing potential new friends she made and more like management introduced new colleagues. Having around five (5), and quite possibly fewer, friends + her entire background makes this very much a work in progress.
She’s picked up on the fact that Twisted Wonderland uses the ‘First name–Last name” format instead of ‘Last name–First name’ like Japan. Although, Homura did noticeably stumble. But hey, she caught herself in time.
Yuu confidently says, with his whole chest out (figuratively), “Izumi Yuu, nice to meet you.”
I finally thought of a last name for Yuu, so he’ll be known as “Izumi Yuu/Yuu Izumi” from now on. I figured that if I’m also going to build Yuu as a character by adding information here and there about him, then he might as well get a last name.
Ace: “Wait your name was Izumi this whole time?”
Yuu: “Oh no that’s my surname. I’m Japanese.” (Which sadly explained nothing)
Ace & Co: “???”
Yuu: “Ah. Right. Forgot about that.”
Homura: “From where we came from, it was common to introduce ourselves using our last names first, instead of our first names.”
Kalim’s actually wondering what they were discussing earlier. They were discussing Trey helping Ace bake a replacement tart for the one he ate.
Trey can bake? Jamil’s also good at that!! Jamil corrects that he’s only mediocre at pastries/baked goods like the ones Trey makes (Which are more “Western” in design)
Trey would like to see how good Jamil is at baking. His glasses glint as his fingers lightly grip one of the sides again. In fact, speaking of baking, he could help Ace with the baking. But he’ll need something in return.
No one does anything for free in NRC, after all— No it’s not cash Ace. 
Trey wants chestnuts. Two hundred to three hundred of them. Boiled, shelled, and pureed. Riddle wants a chestnut tart so… Kalim thinks that sounds fun! Jamil is quick to tell Kalim that, no
Kalim, you have a meeting later Kalim you can’t go.
Maybe next time Kalim
Ace, Deuce and Grim are out though no labour for them no siree
Homura calmly sips on her tea and states that Ace doesn’t have much of a choice.
You’re right, Homura, but you could’ve said that a bit nicer lmao
Now Ace has to confront his unwanted reality aka he needs to go get two to three hundred chestnuts and prepare them for baking.
And then Cater and Trey team up to make them want to bake. The killing blow is being able to eat a tart after baking them. Hook, line, and sinker; just like that, they’re in.
Yuu’s in for it—He’ll make sure Grim doesn’t act out. Also, tart.
Homura…would like to study more ways to leave Twisted Wonderland. But then Yuu looked at her like he fully wanted her to join and ok she caved.
Mostly everyone is discussing chestnuts now. Where to get them? botanical garden? Alright. And Trey’s baking skills. And tarts. Mostly tarts.
Oh and Kalim’s plans to have Homura over for a mini-party aka eat Jamil’s food. Everyone in this group right now is also very much invited because the more the merrier!!!
But why does he want to throw a mini-party for Homura? Because one she helped him and two she’s baby. He does not say this outright but he basically implies she has a kicked wet puppy aura mixed with her serious aura and that’s no good for someone who helped him out :(   
It’s a mini-party because Kalim mostly just wants to get to know potential new friends this time. He can throw a spontaneous dorm-wide party next time!
Kalim decides to walk Homura to class again, because why not? She’s a new student and Kalim likes her—which means a potential new friend in his books! (And Jamil remembered her schedule + their classes aren’t too far away so Jamil’s fine with it) This time though, Yuu, Grim, and the rest of the Heartslaybul boys (minus Riddle) decide to tag along. It’s probably more entertaining than a normal day if they follow, especially for Trey and Cater.
Jamil just wants a (Twisted Wonderland) Ibuprofen. 
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carsonian · 11 months
Cap-IM Rec Week: It's About the Yearning Tuesday
@cap-ironman, happy Tuesday:
"take my heart clean apart" by mistymountainking (@stovetuna)
He’s tired, so tired of waiting, tired of touches with no meaning, tired of holding his breath when Steve’s in the room, tired of keeping this love to himself. “I can’t—I can’t, if you don’t mean it.” Tony comes home exhausted after an SI event. Steve acts as welcoming committee. It's an old, careworn routine they've perfected over the years, but tonight ends up going in a very different direction.
Perhaps the strongest debut in the fandom. Like the rookie player that trots on and has all the commentators going, "wait, how old's this fucking kid?" Genuinely had me rocking back and forth the first time I read it, it's that motherfucking good.
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"and so we rebuild" by raeldaza
Sometimes, a voice whispers: you will never atone for your mistakes. Tony believes that, believes it so strongly some days he drowns in it, but he still tries. Tries through Starfleet, tries through inventions, tries through missions. Then, one day, he meets his new Captain, and things change.
Steve's yearning in this is so palpable that it makes for its own story, not-so-subtly putting its footprints down in the background. This fic is THE happy meal; world-building = BLISS, characterisations = JOY, pining = ECSTACY, resolution = DELICIOUS. It even has a cherry (nudge nudge spoiler spoiler) on top.
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"Like How Your Heart Works" by ishipallthings and zappedbysnow (@ishipallthings, @snowzapped)
“I don’t mind waiting for my first kiss. I just hope that when it happens, it’ll be important. And I want it to be with someone who really wants my first kiss too.” (Or: the one where Tony is pining, Steve takes the long way around to realizing he’s in love, and there’s clothes sharing.)
What's better than mutual pining? AVAC mutual pining! Duh. This one's toothwrenchingly diabetic and utterly sincere; it'll give you cavities. The gorgeous fanart is the loveliest bonus. Honestly melts my heart to look at. Listen. I know what I'm about, and this fic is EXACTLY what I'm about.
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"Hating Steve Rogers" by nanasekei (@elcorhamletlive)
The thing about hating Steve Rogers is that it shouldn’t be easy - but it really, really is.
Tonyyyyy girllll your crush is showing babie!!! Stop twirling your hair and kicking up your feet!!! We getttt it. You "hate" him sooooo much, omg you just wanna eat him right up!!! ...unironically brilliant Steve Rogers meta.
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"The Ghosts of War" by scifigrl47 (@scifigrl47)
(For the Cap/Iron Man Big Bang 2014) Steven Rogers never wanted to be king, but he knows his duty, and he does it well. Lord Tony Stark, the king's appointed consort, does his duty as well, even though he'd enjoy his duty more if it actually involved sleeping with the king. As it doesn't, he's just resigned. The war that made Steve king and cost him nearly everything may be over, but a meeting of old enemies might stir up some ghosts none of them are prepared for.
OG yearning and misunderstandings fic. The big behemoth daddy long legs of getting your wires crossed. I will forever laugh n slap my leg at Steve's histrionics over T’Challa "wooing" Tony.
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"Talking Bodies" by itsallAvengers
Coincidentally, the physical effects of romantic and sexual desire match up very closely with the physical effects of fear. But it's not a problem-- it's not like anyone is going to be able to hear the way your heart speeds up, or see the minute dilation of your pupils, are they? They'd have to be some sort of Superhuman to do that. And what's worse than a Superhuman hearing that quick pulse and seeing those dilated eyes and concluding that you're in love with them? A Superhuman hearing that quick pulse and seeing those dilated eyes and thinking you're terrified of them.
The stakes could not be funnier and the yearning could not be heartier. The misunderstandings make the pining so much more fun to behold and the resolution is uber Hot! Love Steve's droopiness as the delicious backdrop to Tony's he's-so-sexy freakout.
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And now we've arrived at the moment for that much-needed "I've been in love with you for YEARS!" / "Wait--what?!" / "Not that it matters...because we will only ever be friends..." / "NO! I love YOU." / "What??" / *cue passionate makeout* conversation. AKA: the end!
Go forth: SteveTony lovers, fuckers, ambassadors, champions, perverts, freaks, losers, dreamers, legends! Read, re-read, kudo, comment, spread legs and spread love.
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couldyouspeakmyname · 2 years
How would shishigumi react if their partner was pregnant?
Bonus: Chief Lion
Similar, but more angsty ask here
They're sort of short, so if you want more headcanons feel free to request again once my asks are open!
He would freeze, and ask if you're sure
When you assure him that yes, you're sure, Ibuki's eyes get watery
Ibuki is so happy, he can't even speak. Sure, he's also very worried given his line of work, but he can think about that later
He's going to be a father and have a real family, a family that loves and accepts him
What more could he ask for?
So happy he's in tears
Terrified. Full stop, he freezes and feels a wave of cold wash over him
He's not going to take it well. He's not built to be a father (according to him) and hearing you say that is way more terrifying than anything he's had to face in the gang
He says you're wrong, and that you're lying. He's not trying to hurt you, but he's panicking and doesn't know how to take it.
It's best to leave him alone for a while, while he comes to terms with it.
He WILL come around, and get excited, but it'll take a bit of time
He pauses whatever he's doing, and looks at you
For once, he's stunned and unsure.
"You wanna keep it?"
He's not celebrating until he knows for sure what you want and what you're comfortable with
Either way, he'll be very supportive
He's concerned, but he'll figure it out somehow
Very shocked.
After the shock, comes nerves
Agata grew up in a home that was...less than ideal. He's terrified not of you having a kid, but of history repeating itself
After his nerves calm down, he will be excited, he just takes a bit longer to get there
"Ah...I see"
Excuse him while he abuses zoogle and starts his research
Subsequently, terrifying himself at all the things that can go wrong
He will be supportive, if not a bit overbearing
He's read it online, so he knows things
You will have to tell him to turn it down
Jinma actually knew. He heard from a few of his contacts that you'd been acting strangely
"Oh, I know," He proceeds to pull out pamphlets and information
He's already been reading up and come to terms with it.
You're in good hands with Jinma ❤️
"Oh...I already knew"
Of course he did
Sabu has a killer intuition, and was just waiting for you to tell him yourself.
He already has baby books for you to read and a doctor's card picked out he heard was good.
"Anything you need, let me know"
Freezes, then he grins
Miguel is the one who will pick you up, spin you around while laughing
He's a bit nervous because of being a gangster, but he's ready to protect you and your future child with his life.
Expect him to cook lots of healthy meals for the three of you
Hino is actually very nervous about it.
Hino...doesn't share well, and having anything that threatens the attention you give him makes him upset
Him potentially being a father is sort of the second thing he thinks about
Hino is a bit slow to come around, but he will
Chief Lion
"...Why did it take you so long to tell me? I found out last week"
Is he happy? Is he upset? He's so stoic, it's hard to tell
How did he find out anyway?
Turns out, Chief already has a doctor set up and hands you a credit card for "any essentials you may need"
While he's not outwardly excited, he's not against it.
Side note: Once you get an ultrasound, all the emotions will come to a head and he will be OVER PROTECTIVE and overbearing.
If he was scary before, he's terrifying now to anyone who dares to give you a look.
It's safer if they don't look at you tbh
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hils79 · 1 year
Title: Pending Retirement
Fandoms:  盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei, 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV)
Relationships: Gen (with some vaguely implied Pangsang and Pingxie)
Who is it then? There shouldn’t be anyone else in here, or at least that's what Pangzi said when they were preparing for this trip. It’s supposed to be long since stripped bare and abandoned. That’s why they’ve come. Now that Wu Xie and Pangzi are retired, and Liu Sang has scaled back his work to jobs where there’s less risk of explosions or bugs in his ears, coming here was supposed to be as close to a vacation as they could get.
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“Are you sure he came this way, Xiaoge?”
His sword drawn and ever vigilant, Xiaoge simply offers him a curt nod and they carry on walking. Beside him Wu Xie has his kukri drawn, his mouth thin in grim determination. This tomb was supposed to be safe. They’d promised Liu Sang it was safe. That was the only reason Pangzi suggested they bring him along. The kid deserves a break from dangerous tombs, not to be dragged into another one while he’s visiting them.
He’d better be okay. Pangzi will never forgive himself if he’s not. Despite all the barbs and snark that they throw at each other he’s actually pretty fond of Liu Sang, and although neither of them would ever admit it out loud he hopes the feeling is mutual. Not just towards him, but all three of them.
Liu Sang has made his feelings about Xiaoge clear since the beginning. Since before the beginning really, given how he’d brazenly walked up to Pangzi after one of their Mahjong games and asked Pangzi to get Xiaoge’s autograph for him. The kid has balls, there’s no denying that.
Then Wu Xie had saved Liu Sang’s life and after that Liu Sang was like a baby duck who had imprinted on him. He’s given up so much for Wu Xie, risking his hearing and his life during their trip to Thunder City. Pangzi doesn’t want Liu Sang to ever have to make a choice like that again.
It’s taken a lot of work to get Liu Sang to the point where he feels comfortable enough to voluntarily spend time with them rather than Pangzi dispatching Wu Xie or Xiaoge to guilt him into visiting for a meal. Now he’ll sometimes stay with them for a week, and doesn’t feel self conscious at all about having breakfast with them in his pyjamas before he’s straightened his hair.
He’s part of their extended family now, and they protect their family with everything they have.
“Is it much further?” He doesn’t mean to snap, but the words come out harsher than he’d intended. He knows Xiaoge will understand that it’s because he’s worried.
“Just up ahead,” Xiaoge replies and it takes everything Pangzi has not to charge ahead. If Liu Sang is in any sort of danger Xiaoge needs to be the one at the front.
The path they’re following opens out into a chamber, and there’s a light in the far corner of the room which Pangzi quickly realises is the beam of a flashlight. He shines his own flashlight in the same direction and he soon spots Liu Sang’s red hair standing out in the darkness.
He’s lying on the ground and there’s someone on top of him, kissing him deeply. For one brief moment he thinks maybe they’ve interrupted an intimate moment. Then he realises Liu Sang isn’t moving.
Read the rest on AO3
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nanabrainrot · 1 year
After reading the story with Lalo’s death, I’m curious about MC in Breaking Bad taking care of Hector. I’d love to see that ! Maybe she’d meet Walt and Jesse, who knows ?
I was j thinking of this; she ran into jesse a few times and has yet to meet walt because she stays at home with hector unless she goes out to get a necessity or her weird little home improvement efforts but I wrote a drabble on it </3 hmmc is so sweet despite her circumstances like she rly is j trying her best
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Home Improvement
Summary: you like to refresh the house and practice your English. WC: 1528
It is hot out, admittedly thanks to the heat in New Mexico. The weather conditions were less than ideal for someone not accustomed to dry and hot climates but it was a reminder of Chihuahua. A slice of nostalgia packed in a carry away box and left to rot in the back of the fridge. It only consoled you that the same sun beamed down on you at a different time in different coordinates.
It feels like starting over, a rebirth, but with complications like a baby born with the cord around its neck wriggling and blue in the face.
But it’s not, it’s just a passing moment. Hector stays inside, given by his circumstances, but he will occasionally indulge in a walk if coaxed enough. Tuco stopped by often, Marco and Leonel less often, with their faces stiff and hands tense as they tentatively hand you a hard candy, then a soft one for Hector of course.
The place is a piece of shit compared to the house in Chihuahua, the hacienda where you could bathe in the sun but differently it feels more relaxed in the shitty house in the desert of Albuquerque, but some knick knacks serve little reminders; men really have no eye for decor, you think. Tuco is no handyman after getting out, that hot-head, relaying just the bare bones of meals and the scummy television. 
Internally, you wish Lalo would have let you have your own savings account. Nacho did deliver some money to you before he vanished and you saved it, sparsely trying to budget after twenty some years of knowing nothing about finances. Tuco was sweet enough to give an allowance and Marco and Leonel always secretively left a thick wad of cash every few months when they popped in. But thankfully, it’s enough for some paint this week.
The paint you can’t reach.
An accent wall with wallpaper would surely lighten the ambience of the shitshow house, still sorting out how to live without Lalo was a mess. It was a mix of good days and bad days, the days missing someone loving you and then the days where you recall he was not the best husband, that what you had was not healthy and not right. It’s liberating, freeing, so you choose a wallpaper too. If you could reach that one too.
“Lady, you need some help?”  
Frozen. Oh, Lalo’s not here. He can’t beat the shit out of some worker trying to help you, but at the turn of your neck it isn’t a worker but just… some kid. He didn’t look young enough to be in high school, but he likely graduated a year or two back. The scruff on his face is brown and the hue of his eyes look cold and harsh, but probably just the lighting of the harsh fluorescent lights looming above head.
“I just can’t reach the mint green up there or the dark blue floral paper of the wall. Can you just grab them for me?” you stutter, still acclimating to speaking English more than Spanish. You spoke in Spanish to Hector, but Tuco almost always spoke to you in English. It caused a headache; Lalo never spoke in anything but Spanish to you. Ah, it feels like a bad day and the thought of your accent feels heavy in your throat.
Did you say that right? It was mint, right? How do you phrase it?
“You mean wallpaper?”
“Yes! Wallpaper! I’m still learning English,” you murmur embarrassed as the kid in baggy clothes moves to get the items for you before clunking them into your wobbly little cart. It’s so odd, speaking with strangers without anyone looming over you. It's still hard to go outside without a dress code, no dress constricting the ankles, but you can’t help but try to look good still. 
Maybe he was looking at you from Heaven? He seemed to prefer the kitten wedges with a sundress, but this outside is outside of your realm. The cheap cotton of the clothes in New Mexico compared to the spoils of Chihuahua felt reminiscent of when you had no money in your teens. Ah, it still feels like a bad day.
“Your English is really good, ma’am,” he reassures.
“Really? You understand me?”
There’s the cross look of worry in his face at your mannerisms, the unnerving anxiety of the way your hands twitched and how you looked not at him but past him. “Yeah, perfectly,” the kid chuckles, “you’re a natural, lady.”
A grin, at him, not past him. “You are very nice, young man.”
“Young man? What are you, barely thirty?” he scoffed as you both went to roll your carts to checkout; his was full of thick tubs and strange chemicals. A science project for college, you thought innocently, glancing at his weird collection of items.
“So nice! I’m turning 46 this year - I think?” you murmur the last part, scooting ahead of the boy in the line since you only had the wallpaper and paint; you had been painstakingly washing the brushes over and over to use again. Money suddenly was so important in the past four years you had spent trying to fix up Hector’s house. It was coming along; some knick knacks recycled from Abuelita’s house to try to lift Hector’s spirits and antiques that had been restored to try and make it less scummy. The trials of getting paperwork and steady income was difficult after so many years without any work experience. It was foolish to forget Lalo was mortal.
“You think?” he laughs a little at your skittish self, placing the paint and wallpaper on the conveyor belt for the employee, who smiles half-heartedly. 
“Yeah, my husband never celebrated my real birthday. It got lost over the years but if my birth certificate is right I should be 46 in about two months?”
“Sounds like a shitty husband.”
It sounds like a backhanded compliment, one that you have brewed on, as you count the twenties that Tuco gave you. You miss the feel of pesos a bit, but going back over the border seemed to be a fruitless effort. It would feel like taking two steps back.
“Only sometimes,” you reply softly, taking the receipt from her and scooting forward so he could pay for his numerous tubs and chemicals.
“This is my car!” you cheer, showing him the otherwise unimpressive buggy with little scratches and bumps on it from your errors trying to learn how to drive; poles are always so much closer than they seem…
“You seem really excited for a little buggy, lady,” the kid chuckles, loading his tubs in his trunk of a bright red car. It’s all flashy, like Nacho’s was. “I am! It is hard to learn how to drive after you hit 40,” you grin,”I didn’t touch a wheel until 5 years ago!”
“Damn, you had a chauffeur?” he jokes, strolling next to you to the cart return with his own cart.
“Chaffeur?” you scrunch your brows, pushing the cart in.
“Oh uh, it’s a guy who drives you everywhere.”
“Oh? My husband was my chauffeur?”
“Your shitty husband was your chauffeur, yeah,” he laughs like a silly belly laugh and it makes you giggle. He was a shitty husband, you think sometimes, but not too often. If you reflect too hard you might miss the two decades you spent with him.
“Mister, I’m going home now - I’m my own chauffeur!” you cry out, trying to pronounce the new word like he did - like a real Albuquerque native. “What’s your name, mister?” 
He rolls down his window, a smile playing at his pink lips, “Jesse! You?”
You give him your name, not even a thought that the first thing that left your mouth for once wasn’t “Mrs. Salamanca” at the question. It starts to feel like a good day.
“Tuco, buenos tar - I mean good afternoon! I bought - not buyed! - the wallpaper and paint for our sanctuary,” you holler, happy at the conversation. Usually, you were too iffy to allow for help but the only other option was to scale a ladder yourself or talk to the ginormous lumberjack of a man that worked in the store rather than the nice boy.
“Tio, mira, este es un hermoso mint! Mint green para nos muras!” you smile, pecking Hector’s head like Lalo did every time he saw him. His lip twitches.
The past four years without Lalo were not easy, but it’s living. The walls are mint and it smells like paint in the kitchen, something Hector rang his bell about jokingly as you poked your tongue at him. The one wall has wallpaper, but you think you could use more. The sweet floral against the navy looks like Lalo’s shirts. You hope you run into Jesse twice at the store. Internally, you wish him luck with whatever science project he has going.
But for now, the print of Lalo’s shirt is reflected in the wall, seen by Hector’s little glance and your tight throat. And you wonder, a small voice in your head, how do you get back twenty-four years?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: the mc from Homemaker will be divided into three routes for people looking for the true ending that works with canon, the Homemaker verse where Lalo wins, and my work "Companion Dog" will be focused on the weird moments in their marriage where ur like "that's not healthy!" ty for the askkkkkkkk i love interactions and interest in my work <3
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soygarlicsauce · 2 years
An oldie from my notes app. Kdj has a one night stand with a drahn (a man with draconic features) and lays three adorable eggs.
🏷: mentions of mpreg 👍
Kim Dokja woke with an aching head and equally aching body. All he could recall was going to town to meet up with Han Sooyoung, friend and fellow mage, but she didn’t show due to an emergency at the her research facility. Since he was already at the pub, he thought it would be a waste not to have a sip of their special spiced ale and a warm meal. He might of had one too many cups but why did he feel like his limbs were gonna fall off.
He looked over and realized why. What laid next to him was an Adonis who looked as if he was sculpted by the twelve deities themselves. Along his built body were black scales, he had curved horns and a long thick tail. It then dawned on him that he had slept with a stranger… Not wanting to confront the handsome drahn, Kim Dokja tried to get up before falling off the inn room bed. Were they wrestling in the bed? He didn’t think intimate activities would render someone immobile. Unable to move, he mustered as much mana his tired body had to teleport home.
A day since “the incident”, as Dokja called it, had passed and he felt like shiet. He was craving all sorts of delicacies his limited cooking abilities could not make. His stomach was also growing. Kdj panicked but settled for rolling himself in a giant blanket, smelling the shirt he stole from the handsome stranger to comfort himself. Kim Dokja wasn’t a creep, he swore on the twelve, it’s just the smell was too good. But it got to the point he needed to call for help. Kdj was going to call for Han Sooyoung but felt like Yoo Sangah and Jung Heewon might be better at handling the situation.
Kdj: hey guys ^^
Ysa: Dokja, what happened now? ^^
Kdj: I think I’m pregnant…
Kdj: surprise :D
The two were immediately on site. Male pregnancy wasn’t common in this world, but there was a case right in front of them. Sangah looked through tomes to figure out why Kim Dokja was having children. As for Heewon, she put a firm hand on making sure he wouldn’t do anything stupid or life threatening. Strangely Han Sooyoung wasn’t answering her communicator.
Jhw: I’m surprised the first one out of the group to have kids is you.
Kdj: Me too.
Jhw: Did you even sleep with anyone? This seems more like a magic incident than anything else.
Kdj: I did…
Ysa and Jhw: YOU WHAT?!
They scrambled to find the mystery man even though he said it wasn’t necessary. But there wasn’t a single clue on who or where the mystery man was. And so a week passed and Kim Dokja gave birth to 3 healthy…eggs?
Then it dawned on everyone… The reason why they couldn’t find the baby daddy. Kdj had slept with a dragon…. Well that didn’t matter, cause kdj vowed to raise these eggs well.
Jhw: Do you think he’s gonna be ok… We all just found out that he slept with an ancient dragon that are supposedly extinct.
Ysa: It’s alright, we’ll figure it out. Let’s just enjoy the moment for now ^^
Things were going great. Dokja was raising his eggs well. He sang them lullabies, read to them every day and held them close. Sangah, Heewon and Hyunsung came to visit often, but Sooyoung was still out of reach. Kim Dokja felt content until one evening after tucking his eggs in bed, he heard a rumble.
Outside his cottage was a giant black dragon with a golden eye. Kim Dokja clutched his eggs close and peeked outside. The dragon stared straight at him.
Yjh: I’ve finally found you… Let us go to my nest.
Kdj: I don’t know who you are but my home is right here.
They were locked in a staring contest before the dragon broke the silence.
Yjh: Dokja… You blatantly propose to me and now you ask who am I?
At this point the memories were flooding in and Kim Dokja really did propose. Drunk. But it was never to a dragon. It was to the drahn man. With black scales. And a glowing golden eye.
Kdj: You’re the stranger?!
- end
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myimaginarywonderland · 6 months
Coming on here because TikTok keeps bombarding me with videos about people being confused about the nine month cruise thing (literally a dream of mine) and clearing some things up as someone who has been on 3 cruises before (all between 7-15 days, mostly based around families.)
Right, first of all, there is a doctor on board. Most of the time depending on how many people are there for how long, you will have between like 5-10 people off medical staff. They describe certain meds if someone is feeling sick, advise people if it should be something serious etc. I have personally not been sick so much that I had to go to a doctor but my parents did once and I think it was mostly just telling symptoms and getting meds/a recipe like a normal visit. I am assuming if they are staying for longer, the med things might be stocked up once a month at various ports alongside with the food. Should there be a genuine emergency you will find that quiet a few cruises also have an emergency landing place for a small plane to take someone to the closest hospital as fast as you can. And lastly if someone should get pregnant early on (which literally can happen on any holiday trip, some people are just like that) they would obviously have to get off after a few weeks/months because there is a risk. No one is staying on board a good cruise line and delivering a baby, any good staff would make sure to get them to a safe hospital or off a port so they can get home okay when they are still in the non-risk term of a pregnancy.
Secondly, as mentioned before, they stop at ports like at least every 4th/5th day. They get off, explore cities or have planned trip while the crews restock on food etc. As far as I would assume with what I read they also take new passengers on board meaning not every passenger is staying for 9 months but some get on and off at certain stops.
To go along with the food point, I genuinely don't understand how anyone would assume you get sick of the food because it was literally one of the best things on board. You will have a variety of themed dishes, options for all sort of nutritional diets, restaurant that focuses on different meals etc. Not to mention you can always try local food and something there are even tours to explore local food productions (I remember we once went to a farm that produced goat milk products like goat cheese and it was delicious.) I don't know why people think it's just a giant mall with unhealthy food when there is so much with fruits, veggies, pasta etc. It isn't just ice cream, you get sick of eating that within the first 3 days. As for myself, I also had such a craving for fruit because the cooks produce amazing meals and desserts.
Another point that I have seen is alcoholism and trust me, anyone that wants to drink to the abnormal extent will already do that in their free time anyway. Most people who are normal drinks like other people of my family that have been on a different cruise line, had a drink maybe in the evening not all around the clock or every day and then again, some maybe only had a glass of wine with a nice dinner and not 30 cocktails that they drowned.
Secondly I hope most off you realise that 9-month-cruise doesn't mean 9 months on the cruise ship. You get off at at least 30+ ports, explore cities etc. While yes there are some days that will be on the cruise, most of the time (obviously depending on where the ship goes) will be spent exploring. And for the time on board they offer courses that you can spend time at or have sports events etc. You won't get bored easily and after a few days you would also start using the options by the ship because they are fun! Some of the things are genuinely nice surprisingly even for introverted people like myself.
When it comes to affairs etc. it's baffling to me because I can not imagine that being my first thought when thinking about such a cool event. Add to that, everyone who wants to hook up, will do that on any trip and everyone who wants to cheat, will cheat at any chance, just the way people are.
Some other info about cruises that applied on the ones I took:
If you do a planned trip from the cruise, the ship will always with for you no matter how late you are. If you go out on your own however and come back late, they might leave you at the port.
Sometimes the captain will take time out of their day to sit down and answer questions which is really cool. (Don't worry, there are co-coptains.)
There used to be an exercise mandatory that would prep you for an emergency event. Before deporting on the first port, there would be the alert for an emergency and you would be asked to put on your life jacket, go to your right rescue station and have to be accounted for while the crew would tell you if you did something wrong. There also used to be a video to show you how to put on life jackets and to tell you what to do in an emergency + there are big instructions on the inside of the cabin door.
Our ship also had a lecture who would offer presentations on the ports you went to or even on specific places that trips were planned to.
We also got offered a presentation for all the planned tours that are available for every port in case anyone hadn't booked something yet and wanted to do it last minute.
There are different types of cabines but most people will choose to one with a mirror or without one because you always have to ability to go to the outside/pool deck for sun and stuff. However if the sea is rough, all outside decks will be closed but you can still see from most upper decks that have shops or restaurants.
Every cruise line is different when it comes to what is included in the price but everyone has basic food and alcohol like wine/beer. Some restaurants used to be extra pay and on the ships I was on, so did most cocktails.
I think this is maybe only on German cruises but for us you got a board card which you not only needed to come back on the cruise but that would also be used as payment on the cruise itself. It was connected to the payment you selected for the cruise itself and you could always check how much there was on it at certain machines on the ship.
All the cruises I have been on have had at leady 800 passenger cabins so a minimum of 1600 people. In a big cruise like that you rarely hang out with people other than the ones you came on the trip with in the first place but sometimes at stuffed hours if you were only 2 people or so or still had seats available at your table some people would ask if they could sit with you if the restaurants are filled. And they would also be polite and nice, sometimes starting conversations. On my cruise there were specific hours every restaurant would be open, serving 3 meals a day and sometimes cake. But you can always get drinks like water, tea or coffee.
When it comes to anything law related there is always the important question of where because if it was on land, the rules of that country will apply and if it was on the sea, it depends on which territory you are in. There is also a ship jail most of the time until people can get detained at the next port.
If you have travel insurance (always do if you travel anywhere expensive or on a longer term), they will refund it when you are injured or cannot attend sometimes because of sickness etc. However boredom does not equal a refund and I assume neither might something like pregnancy which was a decision made by you. Also, travelling start being unsafe at around the 20th week mark and this ships policy requires you to leave either if you are in the 23rd or 24th week.
That's basically it but yeah, if you have any questions that I could answer, hit me with it
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