#but just knowing that my mom would probably be disgusted in me ... makes it worse
rucksackmentality · 6 months
List of the truths shared in Nana Morri's Honesty trial (C3E79):
Imogen: I am genuinely scared to meet my mom again.
Laudna: Deep down inside, both Delilah and I want the shard...Fearne should have it, but I don't know anymore what's my opinion or desires or feelings, or hers.
Imogen: I love Laudna deeply but I'm disgusted at the thought of Delilah looking at us all the time.
Orym: I'm super lonely all the time, especially at night. It doesn’t matter if I'm bunking with one of you guys.
FCG: Sometimes I pity some of you because you have beating hearts and opportunities and you don’t do enough with them...Chetney, you have so much love to give and it doesn't seem like you're interested in anything other than wood! There's people out there who you could love and experiences you could share with someone else, but all you care about is wood!
Orym: I've always kind of laughed it off but I guess I do kind of wonder if Chetney is my dad.
Ashton: I am the reason that the Jiana Hexum robbery went fucking wrong, and the reason why I got thrown out of a fucking window.
Fearne: I feel like we’re very ill-equipped for this job and we're going to fail at saving the world. (Laudna: Honestly that's probably true, I'm right there with you.)
Chetney: While wood may be the superior material to metal, I do fear that, with the dwindling interest in it, that children will find my toys - and thereby myself - obsolete every year I grow older.
FCG: I think it's something buried deep down in my circuitry, but every time I hurt or kill something - it feels really good. It makes me sort of relax a little bit and some of my stress goes away.
Imogen: I know we're supposed to save the gods, but I've tried talking to them my whole life and none of them would ever respond. I think I'm tainted. I dont know if I want to save gods that don't love me.
Laudna: You know we could rip-cord out of [saving the world] at any moment...right? And sometimes I fantasize about it all the time.
Fearne: I sometimes do stuff to you guys while you're sleeping - not weird stuff, I just like to look at you closely...and maybe like, twiddle your hair or braid it. Nothing bad!
Ashton: Whenever it starts to get quiet, I start worrying that one of us - most of us - are going to end up killing another one of us accidentally...I have panicked thinking about when one you kills another one of us.
Orym: I have all the faith in the world in you guys...and I have also spent time thinking of how to neutralize each of you.
FCG: I kinda worry that I put all my eggs in the Changebringer basket and she might betray us all. I had a really weird conversation with her and I think she's just out for herself and she might not really care about me - but what if she does? And I'm saying horrible things?
Imogen: Fearne, I was really disappointed in you for running away from your power. You should take the shard!
Orym: I really miss Dorian, and sometimes I think that's okay, and sometimes I think it isn't.
Ashton: I feel fucking worse that I just fucked up Fearne's life way more than mine and I should've died instead of that happening.
Chetney: I grew up in the Bramblewood outside of Westruun, and when I was a kid, I came back from learning how to make toys and found that my whole family had left. All they left behind were toys. They ran when Errevon the Rimelord was running across the plains, and so I'm kind of afraid of dragons. And I had five siblings - Alabaster, Pepper, Sugarplum, Hermey, and Chad - and I was so mad that they left I never looked for any of them, and now I'm pretty sure they're dead. So I think any family I have is just gonna look for a reason to leave me. That's why I don't get attached to anybody.
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seeingivy · 2 months
the moms
ryomen sukuna x f!reader
**part of my best friend's older brother fic
previous part linked here
“so was it good?” 
you shove sammy in the side. 
“i don’t have sex and tell, samantha.” you respond, exaggerating every last syllable. 
sammy sticks her tongue out to you in response, before handing you the fork. she was the messiest eater you knew, possibly even worse than yuuji, and she had all but demolished the layers of the triple chocolate cake that the two of you were sharing. 
“would it kill you to eat this like a normal person?” 
“dude, just tell me. this is the fun part about having sex!” 
“what? gossiping about it after?” you ask.  
you roll your eyes, before crossing your arms over your chest. 
“well, why don’t you gossip first? you’ve had more sex than i have.” 
“okay, fine. the first time i had sex it was after prom at some random house party. your turn!” 
you give her a glare, which she responds to with a glimmering smile, before gesturing for you to take your turn. that wasn’t the answer you were hoping for when you asked that. 
“well, i made dinner before he came. and he was like…doing the whole teasing thing because he always makes us dinner and not the other way around.” 
“well, i’m shocked you didn’t chop your own hand off during the process.” 
“shut up. anyways, i like initiated it by just giving him the condom.” 
sammy nearly chokes on her bite of the cake. 
“i just like put it on the table. then he was like going on about how he should be buying the condoms and not me and all that. and even after, he was going off about birth control and plan b and he can buy this one or that one for me and –” 
“as he should. i’d come skin him alive if he didn’t.” 
“yeah but, i just hate when he offers up him money to me sometimes. he won’t let me pay rent, he like so casually offered to pay for grad school if i have to apply again and -” 
“you won’t have to apply again.” 
you shoot her a warning glance, before continuing. 
“i just feel bad. it reminds me a lot of how much mom probably has to pay them back and hasn’t yet. i’ll feel like i’m doing the same thing to him even though he said it doesn’t really matter because i’ll make more money than him down the line and pay him back.” 
sammy pauses. 
“i get what you mean. and it’s not his fault, but maybe he just doesn’t get that…that it’s such a big thing he’s giving away. and you are his girlfriend and you do mean the world to him, but it’s not…” 
“it’s just too much money. i don’t have something liek that to really offer him. i know it’s an investment in me and that he believes in me and that…that i could eventually pay him back, but i just can’t do that i…i just –” 
“well you won’t have to, because you’re going to get in. and if you don’t get in, i will help you apply again. i have a job and you’re my sister.”
you glare at her. 
“i’m serious, y/n. you’re my responsibility and…and you shouldn’t feel bad taking my money to do it. it’s only because i know how strapped you are for money. i know that you’ll really mean to pay it back.” 
“i will pay it all back, though. like the first second i can, i’m going to –” 
sammy leans forward, placing both of her hands on your shoulder and squeezing hard. it’s an almost silly smile that she gives you – and it’s almost like you can see seven year old sammy coming up to the surface. 
“relax. i know you will. and i’ll be waiting for it.” 
you swallow hard. 
“okay fine. fine, fine. you can help me if it gets to that.” 
“okay enough boring talk. was it hot? did you actually orgasm?” sammy asks. 
you curl your nose up in disgust. 
“nice segway.” you deadpan. 
“cmon. he’s hot! i know it was good.” 
you sigh. 
“yes, it was hot. and yes, i did orgasm. twice.” 
sammy always been one for the theatrics. and she’s never one to disappoint – because she’s dramatically clutching her chest and making such shocked faces that it makes you laugh. 
“not one but TWO?” 
you can’t help but smile as she continues her spiel of dramatics and that silent bit of pride – that sukuna was a caring enough partner to actually care about you rather than just himself – simmers up. 
“who was the dom? is he into foreplay? oh…oh did he like the outfit? i bet he probably lost his mind.” 
“him, obviously. but he said that i’m a brat. and yeah he is into it, but he’s kind of always been like that. and he accidentally ripped it because he got too excited but he offered to get me another one and then added that i need lingerie in every existing color on the color spectrum so…” 
“what a dick! i paid for that. and you looked great in it.” 
you reach forward, just close enough where you can wrap your arms around her neck. you can hear her struggling a little, an irritated string of noises coming out of her mouth before you let go. 
“what’s your problem?” 
“i just felt really appreciative of you for a second there.” 
sammy gives you a disgusted look, before cupping the bottom of your chin in her hand. 
“you’re gross, y/n.” 
“you love it!” 
sammy gives you one last glare, before sliding a little pink box over to the side. you shoot her a confused look, before opening it and fighting the urge to laugh. 
it’s a little frosted cupcake, with the word virgin crossed out on it. 
“you’re horrible.” 
“it’s funny!” 
“what’s in the box?” sukuna asks. 
sukuna watches as your eyes widen, before you slam the little pink box shut and slide it behind your back. 
you feel your heart sink your chest as sukuna stalks closer, giving you a wide grin, before he stretches his arms – which are irritatingly long – behind you and reaches for it. and before you can even try to snatch it back, he’s turned his back to you as he opens it. 
“who gave you this? or is this just something you bought yourself?” 
“why the hell would i buy that for myself?” 
sukuna laughs as he hands you the box back, which you tuck closer to your chest before you glare at him. 
“it’s okay to celebrate big milestones in our relationship. i get it, sweetheart.” he responds. 
“i did not buy myself a cupcake with the word virgin crossed out on it. sammy gave it to me. she thinks she’s hilarious.” 
sukuna shrugs. 
“you’ve been hanging out with sammy a lot.” 
you smile. 
“dunno. she always invites me to come get coffee with her. the other day i asked her to come study with me and it was really nice.” 
“and you talk about how you’re not a virgin over a matcha while you hang out.” 
you grin. 
“it was actually a slice of cake.” 
sukuna dismissively shakes his head, before leaning his head over your shoulder and eyeing the cupcake. 
“what flavor?” 
“chocolate. you’re not going to like it.” 
he’s leaning over your shoulder, sticking his finger straight into the frosting before licking it off his finger. you watch as he curls his face in disgust as he holds his finger out to you. 
“too sweet. want it?” 
you swipe the rest of the frosting off of his finger as you tuck the box back into the fridge and turn around to sukuna smirking at you. you roll your eyes as you shove him, knowing that this was going to be yet another one of his dirty jokes – that never seemed to cease. 
it’s at that point that you realize that he entirely did it on purpose. and that he had the maturity of a seventeen year old boy at times. 
“you’re immature. i just licked your finger.” you state. 
“you just licked my finger? like you just licked my –” 
you flip him off, earning you a laugh from him, before he wraps his arms around your waist, this time pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. it’s not long before he starts leaving wet kisses on your neck, before you can feel your entire body start to thrum under his touch. 
“c'mon. you’re so tense. let me fix it.” he whispers. 
“i need to iron our clothes. and i’m just worried about later, with the moms, that’s all.” 
his breath tickles as he leans lower, now sucking into the soft spots of your neck, as you whine – his voice rasping against your skin. you try to shake him off, already sporting three marks that you’d need to cover up for tonight, but he persists. 
“who cares?” he murmurs. 
you pout. 
“i care! she’s your mom! she’s my mom! and sammy said they invited yuuji, who is probably going to be pissed that i was going there without him in the first place. and your dad is going to be there which is –” 
sukuna spins you around, tucking his hand under your chin. 
“i don’t give a fuck what my dad thinks. neither should you.” 
“i don’t. but, he…” 
“he says stuff. about yuuji when we go. he could say it about us too, about you.” 
“i don’t care.” 
“well, i do. who gives him the right?”
it was a simmering irritation that had been taking residence in your head for the past few days. you’d always thought it was a little crass – sukuna’s comments about how his mom was spineless at times, how he couldn’t care less if his father lived or died. 
he’d always found your insistence to see your parents at least every two weeks ridiculous, that you and yuuji would go out of your way to trek out there to see them when the entire experience was wholly unpleasant anyways. 
but it was all you thought about now – and maybe even a little haunting that now you found his reasoning sound. that as much as you loved his mom, she really was spineless for making him assume so much responsibility when it should have been her. and his dad – that you would actually prefer it if he did die, just to save the two of them from getting hurt. 
sukuna lifts his hands and squishes your cheeks, so close together that you can’t get a word out. you glare at him in response – irritated that he always seems to somehow shut you up before you can even broach the topic. 
but you drop it, like you almost always do, because all he does is brightly smile at you in response, muttering under his breath about how squishy your cheeks are. and it feels wrong – to curb someone who was so happy and bring up such a sore topic…especially when you two would probably return to the apartment downtrodden in a few hours and have to talk about it anyways. 
he reaches up, rubbing his thumb into your forehead – a gesture he always did when he was trying to get you to stop frowning. 
“eh? what happened to calling me ryomen?” 
“well, you’re being annoying.” 
“quit making that frowny face.” 
“i’m just saying that i want dinner to go well. i don’t want it to go bad because then the moms are going to be upset and yuuji could be too which will be irritating for you and i just –” 
sukuna gives you one lingering kiss before pulling back and resting his forehead against yours. 
“love that you worry about me. but i’ll be fine. just drop it, okay?” he whispers. 
you frown. 
“okay. but the first sign of trouble we’re leaving. three squeezes we fight and leave, two squeezes for shut up and stay.” 
sukuna smiles. 
“deal, pretty girl.” 
you stand on the cobblestone walkway for five minutes. mainly because every time sukuna makes an effort to drag you into the house, you pull back on his hand and linger there for a few more seconds, refusing to walk in. 
“we’re already late. one of them is probably having an aneurysm right now.” sukuna states. 
“there’s no way they aren’t watching this all go down from the window. and two more minutes. i’m just trying to compose myself.” 
“well, unfortunately, we’re not in the fucking orchestra, baby. let’s just get it over with.” 
you roll your eyes at him and he tries again – pulling your arm forward – before you pull back. you appreciate that he refuses to walk in without you, but that simmering pool of disgust in your stomach, mainly for sukuna’s dad, was getting even worse now that you were here. and if you went now, you wouldn’t keep the promise you two had made. 
to avoid fights, at all costs. 
“so what are we doing out here?” 
you both turn your heads to find yuuji at your sides, both immediately dropping your hands from one another’s, as you look at him. it fills an ache in your chest – that you used to do this with him and he barely even wanted to see you these days – as you give him a halfhearted smile. 
“ah. just nervous to go in, that’s all.” you respond. 
“oh, the moms will be dying to hear all the details. what’s there to be scared of?” 
“exactly that. that they’re going to ask for details.” 
yuuji leans his head back, laughing like a little kid, before shaking his head and pressing his hands to your shoulders. it fills you with the slightest amount of ease – warm hands on your shoulders, his musky cologne filling your nose – as you walk closer to the door.  
sukuna knocks on the door for the three of you. and they both answer the door in a split second, confirming your suspicions that they really were watching everything go down from the window. 
it’s suffocating – the group hug that the two of them trap you all in. you can hear both yuuji and sukuna groaning in your ears, your own windpipe constricted from your vantage point in the middle, as you hear a string of sweet nothings coming out of their mouths. 
“our little love birds are here!” 
when they let go, freeing the three of you from their deathly grasp, they’re both beaming at you and sukuna so lovingly that it almost freaks you out. you shoot a look to yuuji at your side, whose making his best efforts not to laugh, as he walks past the four of you into the kitchen. 
“okay, okay, let’s see it then!” your mom states. 
“see what?” sukuna asks.   
“do something sweet. give her a kiss, sukuna!” mrs. itadori adds. 
“i will most definitely not be doing that.” sukuna responds, pressing a halfhearted kiss to his mom’s cheek before linking his arm in with yours and dragging you past the two of them. 
they both follow, like overzealous dogs, as you shoot them polite smiles. but the second you catch sight of sammy in the kitchen, with a batch of cupcakes, you wrestle out of sukuna’s grasp to run up to her. 
sammy gives you a smile in recognition when she realizes it’s your pounding steps that she’s hearing and opens her arms up for you. it’s a warm hug – a sickeningly sweet smell of sugar emanating from her – as she whispers into your ear, the two of you snickering. 
“did he like my cupcake?” 
“i hope you die, bitch.” 
“who said that?” your mom asks. 
“sammy.” you respond. 
“y/n.” sammy responds, at the exact same time.
you both snicker as you lean against the counter with her, as sukuna walks over with his arms crossed against his chest. 
“samantha.” he states. 
“ryomen sukuna.” she responds. 
“y/n!” you add. 
the two of them look over at you, irritated looks on their faces. 
“everyone was saying each other’s names really dramatically. i wanted to join in.” you add. 
“i’m going to have a talk with you after dinner, ryomen.” 
“fine, samantha. i look forward to it.” 
despite the rather dramatic and overzealous tones they’re both using, their smiles deceive them entirely. sammy gives him a light shove, that he fully returns, before he walks off into the kitchen. 
and not even two minutes later, you can’t help but abandon helping the sammy with the dishes and instead poke your head out to the table – where sukuna’s now sitting next to yuuji and two seats away from his dad. 
you can tell that the sukuna and yuuji are whispering under their breaths, but entirely unable to discern if it’s pleasant or if they’re two seconds away from ripping each other’s heads off. 
sammy slaps you on the backside of the head. 
“you’re even worse than him. why are you staring at him? you literally live together.” 
“we don’t live together. and how do you even know that?” 
“you told me.” 
“i totally didn’t, but…they’ve been fighting since we started dating. i’m scared one of them is going to smack the other at this point.” 
sammy rolls her eyes. 
“don’t tell me yuuji has some weird complex about you dating his brother. there’s no way he didn’t know sukuna has liked you this entire time.” 
“what are you girls whispering about?” your mom asks. 
you both shoot up, abandoning the door, as you start stacking the plates, shooting the two of them a peachy smile. 
“nothing, mommy. just girl stuff.” you mutter. 
“y/n was staring at sukuna. i was telling her that she has all the time in the world to do that and that she should help me instead.” 
you shoot sammy a glare, as she starts laughing behind her hand, before sukuna’s mom walks up to you, cupping both of your cheeks in her hands. you’re caught off guard by the blatant affection – because it’s not that she hasn’t been fond of you before, but it holds too much of a different weight now. 
“oh sweet girl. i’m so happy for you two, i’ve always known he’s had such a special spot for you.” 
you smile as she reaches forward and presses a wet kiss to your cheek, before wrapping you in one of the tightest hugs to man. you can feel the blood rushing to your head, nervousness returning in full flesh as she lets you go and smiles. 
“so everyone tells me! at this point, it feels like everyone knew but me.” you add. 
“do you remember when he walked to a grocery store to get you a princess bandaid because you thought the tan ones were boring? because i personally remember that and thought –” 
“sammy, quit it. don’t tease your sister.” your mom scolds. 
sammy bites down on her cheeks at the comment, at being berated by your mom, as you frown. you look at her over your shoulder, shaking your head in dismissal, as you grab the last of the dishes and drag them out to the table. 
it was a weird test – the dinner tonight. between you and sammy, since you had just rekindled whatever relationship it was you had, and you and yuuji, since he couldn’t seem to be bothered to really talk to you these days. and between your god given patience and sukuna’s dad, obviously. 
when you walk into the room, sukuna shuffles a seat over, offering you the spot in between him and yuuji, and you shoot him a grateful smile. but you immediately regret sliding into it, realizing that he’s now stuck right next to his dad and across from his mom at the other side.
you reach for sukuna’s hand under the table and he laces his fingers in with yours. when he looks up at you, he frowns and presses his fingers to your cheek. 
“you have a lipstick mark.” sukuna states, rubbing into the softness of your cheek. 
“oh. your mom kissed me.” 
sukuna rolls his eyes. 
“irritating. that’s my thing.” 
sukuna drops his hand as your mom walks in with the last of the plates, everyone shuffling into their seats and giving each other peachy smiles. it’s almost awkward at first, because no one seems to really talk with anyone else. it’s really only the moms interjecting every one in a while, but it’s almost always awkward comments. 
“sammy. you should have brought your boyfriend.” your mom states. 
you shoot your head up. 
“he’s busy.” she responds. 
“he’s always busy. we’d love to meet the guy you spend so much time with. he could even be friends with sukuna!” 
“well, sukuna is annoying, so i doubt it. but sure, sure. next time.” sammy responds, reaching for her glass and downing half of the water in it. 
you shoot her a smile, which she doesn’t really return, as you bite down into the side of your cheek.
the dinner goes well, considering things. it’s obviously very awkward – and they ask way too many overbearing questions that sukuna refuses to answer due to the intrusion. and that you can’t stomach answering either, because yuuji’s almost too attentive eyes at your side guilt you into not confessing. 
“have you guys said i love you yet?” mrs. itadori asks. 
“mom.” sukuna groans.
you two shoot each other a look. 
“if you must know, we have. now talk about something else, literally anything else.” sukuna responds, making such an aggressive cut into his chicken that it loudly clinks against the ceramic of the plate. 
it’s enough to satiate the moms and throw them into their own frenzy of excitement. 
“i’m going to get some water.” yuuji states. 
“i’ll come with!” you respond, shooting him a smile as you both awkwardly pull out of the chairs. 
it’s a quiet walk to the kitchen, as yuuji rummages through the cabinets and produces a glass for the two of you. but luckily enough for you, he’s the one who fills the silence first. 
“i miss you.” he offers. 
you feel your chest clench. 
“really? i really miss you too.” 
“got no time for me anymore now that you’ve got a boyfriend?” he jokes. 
“that’s rich coming from you.” you joke back. 
except when you look up, he’s looking at you with no semblance of a smile on his face, instead an awkward mix between confusion and irritation. 
“what do you mean by that?” 
“oh! i was just kidding!” 
“were you?” 
“it’s just because you’re always with megumi. and he always used to come to our hangouts, that’s all.” 
“do you have a problem with that?” 
“no. but –” 
“because if you did, you should have just said. i thought we were best friends who told each other everything. including when the other was being a bad friend.” yuuji states. 
“i know. i just felt bad and i didn’t really mind him joining.” 
yuuji sighs, before turning to your side and facing you properly this time. it’s a simmering pool of disgust in your stomach – mainly for yourself – that yuuji had tried to build a bridge and you’d immediately burned it down by making a joke that wasn’t appropriate. 
“look. i don’t like fighting with you. and i really miss you, you…you can even ask megumi. talk about it all the time. we have a lot to talk about, obviously, but –” 
you sigh, reaching forward and opening your arms for him. it’s a bright smile that he gives you – characteristically warm, with the soft wrinkles by his eyes. 
“i miss you too.” 
“i’ll uh…promise to be civil then. if sukuna’s the hill you’re willing to die on, then…then i’ll try to get over it.” 
you smile. 
“are you really that shocked? i’d do anything for you.”
“you gave me a pause there.” you add. 
yuuji frowns, before reaching forward, and affectionately ruffling the side of your hair. 
“i love you, y/n. i’m sorry if i didn’t make it seem that way, i just –” 
“i know you love me. i just thought you trusted me more to know i wouldn’t make stupid decisions anymore.” 
yuuji frowns. 
“i don’t think you’re stupid. it was him i didn’t trust.” 
“well, how about you just trust my judgment about him?” 
“i just want you to be with someone who would treat you really well.” 
“and he does treat me really well. i wouldn’t be with him if he didn’t.” 
you reach forward, linking one of your hands in with yuuji’s, and squeeze hard. 
“i appreciate the concern. but i’ll tap out if it’s too much for me.” you affirm. 
yuuji frowns, before halfheartedly shaking his head. 
“i know. just…you’re still my best friend first. you can still come to me if he does something to you…i…i don’t give a shit that he’s my brother.” 
“obviously. you’re my day one.” you respond. 
yuuji gives you a glimmering smile, which you take as a silent win, as you both walk back into the main room. and when you sit back down, sammy shoots you a wide eyed look, before letting her eyes flicker over to sukuna. 
you look over at him at your side, only to find him clenching not only his jaw but his fists under the table. you reach for his leg under the table, squeezing once, which he immediately responds to by taking hold of your hand instead. 
“you’re finally back. don’t you think it’s rude to leave for minutes at a time, y/n, yuuji?” 
you bite down on your lip, feeling the acidic feeling crawl up your throat, as you turn your head to where sukuna’s dad is now staring you down. you shoot sukuna a warning glance, before you swallow the feeling down. 
“i’m sorry. i wasn’t feeling well.” you respond. 
you’re able to cue in that in the few seconds that you and yuuji had stepped into the kitchen, his dad had downed a decent amount of the wine bottle that had been intended for you and sukuna to share. 
and the awkward silence hangs in the air, everyone lowering their heads to focus on pushing their food around on their plate. no one makes an effort to talk again and sukuna’s squeezing your hand so hard that you’re almost positive that he’s cutting your circulation off. 
“what were you and yuuji talking about?” he asks. 
“nothing. we were just getting water, because she wasn’t feeling well.” yuuji responds. 
“right. well, you’re sure there’s nothing going on right? because you’ve always been closer than most.” 
sukuna watches as you and yuuji pinch your eyes shut, the irritation festering in both of your expressions. sukuna remembers that you had mentioned it in passing – that his dad always seemed to suggest that there was something going on between you and yuuji – to avoid talking about megumi. 
“she’s my girlfriend.” sukuna responds. 
“well, like i was saying, you should rethink that.” his dad adds. 
yuuji drops his fork. 
“yuuji, don’t.” sammy whispers. 
“well, i was just saying. if it were me, i would feel strange if my wife was so close with another man. they’ve had hundreds of sleep overs…and you’re really telling me that two teenagers were sleeping in the same bed without doing anything?” 
you feel your eye twitch. 
“and then again, you do have to question her intentions. he makes more money than her, i’m now being told that she lives with him, and…and it begs the question. what does she really bring to the table? at best, student loans?” 
sukuna immediately shoots his head to the left, only to find you looking down at your plate, the strands of your hair obscuring your face. he shakes your hand under the table, only to get two squeezes back. 
no fighting. 
he leans back in his chair, stomach rolling over, only to find yuuji staring bullets into his skin. he gives him a confused look, which only seems to agitate yuuji more. 
“do something.” yuuji whispers. 
“what the hell are you on about? just be quiet.” sukuna responds. 
yuuji slams his utensils down on the plate, before pushing out of his chair. 
“sukuna. help me with the dessert in the kitchen.” yuuji responds, tone scathing. 
you let the two of them shuffle away into the kitchen and restrain yourself from joining them for a full two minutes. but the first shred of a raised voice that you hear is enough to make you push out of your chair and excuse yourself, only to find the two of them glaring at each other. 
“guys…you have to be kidding me.” you state. 
“y/n. you said you would tap out. i think now’s the time.” yuuji states. 
sukuna tilts his head to the side. 
“you said what?” sukuna asks. 
“yuuji. that is in no way what i meant. and why the hell would i tap out?” 
“he’s a dick! sukuna’s letting him talk to you like that and he doesn’t even care.” 
sukuna’s sneering at him. 
“like i said, dipshit, she asked me specifically not to. i actually care enough to listen unlike you.” sukuna responds. 
yuuji’s glaring back. 
“i would never, in good faith, let anyone talk about her like that. maybe that’s the difference between me and you.” 
“you didn’t say shit when we were sitting there.” sukuna states. 
“because you’re supposed to do that. she’s your girlfriend. you should adore her so much that it pisses you off that someone would even raise their voice at her.” 
“and i do. but i love her enough to respect what she wants – which is not fucking fighting in front of our parents, dumbass.” 
yuuji gets a little too close to sukuna and his raised hands make the panic rise up in your chest. you feel a set of footsteps moving before sammy’s standing right at your side, the two of you watching as they continue to argue. 
you refuse to intervene. sukuna was mature enough to deal with it.
“do something.” sammy whispers. 
“what the hell am i supposed to do?” you whisper back. 
“they’re like your little lap dogs. make one stop and the other will follow. mrs. itadori’s like two minutes away from crying.” 
you groan, as sammy gives you a supportive thumbs up, and you inch closer to them. 
it’s the last time you decide to take sammy’s advice. 
because the exact second that you decide to walk closer to them is also when yuuji decides that he’s going to punch sukuna first. except when he pulls his hand back to aim, he backs his fist into your face instead of sukuna’s. 
it’s a burning warmth that’s blooming under your skin, as you clutch your hands to your forehead and block out the light before dropping to your knees. you instinctively try to block the light out as the pulsating rushes under the softness of your eye, the pain sharp. 
you feel your head raise off of the cold tile quickly, sammy’s hands on your cheeks. 
“shit. shit, y/n i’m sorry i didn’t think he’d punch you.” sammy states. 
“sammy, you…you’re such a fucking idiot.” you murmur, in half coherency. 
the first thing that you see in your peripheral vision is sammy and yuuji looking down at you, a warm fear drowning in both of their eyes but with the edges of your vision blurred. you can tell that there’s a slight sheen in yuuji’s eyes, his hands squeezing at your biceps and his voice entirely frantic. 
“y/n. oh my fucking god, i’m so sorry. i didn’t even fucking see you there. i would never fucking hit you.” 
“hey. hey, hey. focus on me.” sammy beckons. 
you avert your gaze to her, now focused on how her fingers seem to be massaging into the back of your head. 
“repeat your name for me.” sammy asks. 
“what? you know my name sammy.” 
“you know where you are?” she asks. 
you can tell what she’s doing. 
“sam, i’m fine. quit doing one of your nursing school exams on me.” 
“follow my finger with your eyes. you hit your head, dumbass.” 
the light is entirely obscured this time, quieting the sharpness of the fluorescent bulb above, when you finally find sukuna in your line of vision, nursing a bag of peas in his hands. he doesn’t say anything, eyes drowning in such guilt that it makes your stomach turn. 
“hey, i’m fine.” you offer.
“sit up for me then doll.” he responds. 
you follow his command, both sammy and yuuji stabilizing you at your side as he brushes his fingers over your eye. you flinch at the sensation, watching as his eyes flicker in hurt, before he presses the peas into the softness of your eyes. he continues to hold it there, before turning to sammy. 
“is she okay, sam?” 
“she didn’t answer all my questions, but i think she was just sassing me. she’s alert but just be on the watch if she gets more confused as she gets home. call me if it gets worse.” sammy offers. 
“anything else i can do besides the ice?” sukuna asks, voice quiet. 
“she’s going to be fine. s’just a bruise. give her an advil for a headache.” sammy responds, reaching forward to ruffle your hair before pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
yuuji takes one of your hands in his, squeezing his hand in yours. 
“y/n, really. i’m so sorry, you have to know that i didn’t mean it.” 
you frown. 
“i know, yuu. no big deal, let’s just…talk about it later, okay? i know it was an accident and…” 
you’re cut off by the feeling of sukuna taking your other hand and squeezing three times. you look over at him, eyes wide. 
“you might not need to tap out yet but i fucking do. can we leave?” he whispers. 
“of course we can. i don’t want to –” 
“i’m getting your bag. stay with sammy.” he responds, gesturing for her to take his place in holding the peas against your face as he stalks out of the room. 
sukuna returns just as fast as he left, bag in his left hand and his right wrapped around your waist as he marches the two of you to the porch. in the few seconds he uses to pull up to the car at the front, you turn to sammy at your side. 
“stay with yuuji. tell him that it’s okay and that he should stay with megumi tonight. i don’t want him to be all upset.” 
“got it. i’ll come by tomorrow, okay?” 
you give her a nod, as she walks you to the passenger side door, where sukuna’s quick to open the door and tuck you into the warmth of the car. 
it’s a quiet ride home. 
he’s uncharacteristically inexpressive the second you get back to the apartment. you can tell that it’s not nonchalance – only because he seems to be tending to you so dutifully, but quietly. almost like he can’t muster up something to say. and you can’t think of the right thing either. 
he’s quick to lead you to the bedroom, helping you into your pajamas and carefully pulling the shirt over your injured eye. and even after that, delicately wiping the makeup off of your face, before pressing a real icepack into your eye. 
it’s satisfying to him that you seem to relax under the cooling sensation of the icepack, fluttiern gyur eyes shut like you’re relieved. 
“thanks ryo. i appreciate you taking care of me.” you mumble. 
he lifts his hands up to your neck, using the tips of his fingers to angle your face up so that he can look at you properly in the light. you can see the contempt in his face at the pink swelling now, at how he swallows so hard you can see his adam’s apple bob in his throat. 
“i’m going to kill him.” sukuna whipsers. 
“i don’t care what your dad thinks. i don’t care if he thinks i have nothing to offer you –” 
“not him…i’m talking about fucking yuuij. he fucking punched you, y/n.” 
you cringe. 
“it was an accident.” you respond. 
“i know that. but that’s just the thing. he’s so fucking immature for even attempting to punch me at a family dinner. and as always, he has no fucking awareness of his surroundings or of you, because he just gave you a black eye.” 
you can tell that he’s still simmering – muscles in his neck tense – as you try to diffuse the stiffness and tension. 
“you care so much about little old me?” you joke, giving him a peachy smile. 
he only glares in response. 
“he punched you in your pretty face. stop fucking joking about it. i know how much that shit hurts first hand, y/n, and it's in no way funny to me."
you frown, before standing on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck. he’s quick to return the hug, holding most of your weight around your waist as you sag into him. 
his voice is quiet when it comes out.
"i hate seeing you in pain." he mumbles.
it’s only then that you’re really able to recollect everything – the extremely high energy that the moms seemed to be dishing out, his dad’s clear, abundantly clear disapproval of you, and the fact that you and yuuji seemed to only get farther apart the closer you try to be to him. a
nd that the pinching headache that was starting to settle into the front of your forehead was something sukuna was all to familiar with, at age seven. that maybe the entire ordeal was reminding him of the worst, but that you were at the center of it.
and horribly, it’s a quick thought that passes your mind. that what you and yuujji have going on in between you might be irreparable. that you have to pick, and that you can't fix anything that happened to sukuna when he was little.
you don’t say much at first, only focused on pressing yourself into his skin and leaning against his shoulder. the thought of never recuperating your relationship with yuuji has the tiredness seeping into your bones and wearing you down completely. 
his breaths seem to slow down, muscles relaxing as he only holds you closer, burying his head into the crook of your neck. 
“quit being mad.” you murmur. 
“easier said than done, princess.” he responds. 
“was an accident. i know why it bothers you but...” 
sukuna's quiet, his voice like gravel.
"i don't want to talk about that."
you pull back, immediately regretting mentioning it.
"i'm sorry. i didn't mean to push, i just meant-"
"i know. i just can't stomach reliving that when i can see the bruise on your face. i can't even fucking look at you, you...."
his voice wavers and you press your hand into his cheek, dismissing it.
"whenever you're ready. if you want to."
you frown. sukuna’s quick to pull back and wrap one his hands around your cheek. 
“stop talking about me. you're the one who's hurt, you...you have to let me fix it.” he whispers. 
you can tell that he's trying to change the subject. and that really, some part of him only feels comfortable when he's taking care of someone else. you'll grant it to him for today.
“i’m just tired and that was just a lot with yuuji and i just…” 
you deflate, feeling warm tears rise up in your eyes. that he always wants to take care of you, even when he doesn't feel his best. you can watch as sukuna’s face literally droops, before lifting your face up again. 
that really, he cared about you so earnestly, and yuuji was refusing to see it.
“what is it?” 
“what if yuuji and i are never the same again? what if…what if we just keep getting worse?” 
sukuna frowns. 
“i don’t like that he makes you pick, y/n. but i wouldn’t –” 
“no. no fuck off for a second, god.” 
sukuna’s thrown off by the cursing, as he takes the cue to be quiet and talk. 
“i’d pick you. he’s being a dick and i-i’d always pick you. you’re all the cheesy stuff for me. we’re two stars and two flowers and you…you’re the love of my life. i’d pick you. i just hate that he won’t let me have this thing and how we don’t get to have a big…a big cheesy family who is happy for us besides sammy, who i really love right now.” 
sukuna tucks the stray hair behind your ears, before pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
“it’s not fair! we deserve people who just want to be happy for us, you deserve a good dad who isn’t a dick, i deserve one who is still here, and i’ve always wanted a big wedding and future with a warm family that…that bakes cookies for each other and shit and it just gets more and more obvious that we’ll never get to have that and it makes me angry.” 
sukuna smiles, before pressing his hands to the sides of your waist and lifting you up on to the counter. he takes residence in the spot between your legs, looking up at you with the softest of smiles. 
“i wanted to have a nice dinner where yuuji realized you made me really happy and sammy could admit that she’s bi or a lesbian or experimenting or whatever and i wanted to feel like people really loved me and were finally happy for me after everything that happened.” you add. 
you look down to find sukuna with the smallest whisper of a smile on his face and you can’t help but glare at him. 
“what are you smiling about freak?” you mutter. 
“you want a big cheesy family with me.” 
you roll your eyes. 
“i got hit in the head. let me live.” 
sukuna shakes his head. 
“no take backs, angel.” 
he presses a kiss into the bare skin of your shoulder, before mumbling quietly. 
“no corny family for us, right now. but that doesn’t mean that we can’t make one for ourselves.” 
“we can make our own big cheesy family. you’d be a really good soccer mom.” 
you snort. 
“you’d run a kindergarten soccer team like it was the military.” you respond. 
“damn right i would. our kid has to be the best.” 
you smile. 
“we’ll be a proper family. you have to make school lunches that every food on the fucking food pyramid in them or whatever and corny notes about how much you love them. and i’ll teach them math and attempt to not make them cry when i help them. we’ll go to shitty concerts together and pretend like it was good and i will obviously fight a snotty nosed child if they ever bother our kids.” 
you poke at his dimples. 
“we’ll rotate on good cop bad cop. i’ll pretend like i’m their favorite when we both know it’ll be you. sammy will be a wine aunt and if yuuji can stop being a fucking bitch, which he will, he’d fucking spoil them rotten.” he adds.
“why are you saying all this?” 
“we’ll make the family we want. s’no point in being upset about it when we’ll have it all. i'll make sure of it.” 
you sigh, before pushing off of the counter and looking up at him. he leans down, pressing a featherlike kiss into the pulsating bruise near your eye, before locking his hands together around your neck. 
“see the vision?” he asks.
“not really. i would hate being a soccer mom. yuuji doesn’t seem like he’s going to let up. and sammy doesn’t like wine, sukuna.” 
sukuna smiles. 
“we’ll get you there. i’ll keep convincing you till you’ll believe it, okay?” 
“are you mad i can’t see it?” 
“no. thought stuff like that was hopeless for me before i met you, so. and fighting with your best friend and hearing shit from people you want more from doesn’t make that easy. but i'll get you there.” 
he reaches forward, tracing a little x over your chest. you give him a nod, before mimicking the same motion on his heart too.
next part linked here
an: sometimes i wonder if this fic is ever annoying. but then I ignore it and post the chapter anyways. anyways meow the next chapter im so excited for eek
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @ghostreadersthings @charlie-xo @whoami-72 @heijihattorisgf @megu-meow @complexivelovely @multiplefandomthings @hoebuns @lzaj19 @glossygreene @ramluvr @sureconfused @najaemism @manduse @imhorn1help @gamergirl5125 @r0ckst4rjk @invisible-mori @isaacdaknight @wishmemel @gyros-cum-sock @suftsunshine @i0099 @cowgirlikets @haitanibros0007 @stuffeddeer @yoontaedotin @ec3lipsy @armani78 @awkwardaardvarkforever @kereseth @leave-rae-alone @ruruvia @princess-ackerman @jjkwritingss @lilkiwikiara @opchara @telepathicheartss @starriesworlds @raechu11 @exprimidordefresas @nxxrxm @aalloochaat @strangehuman101 @tzutology
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cupidscrule · 4 months
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Stepdad!Leon X Fem!Reader
Cw - p in v, daughter chasing after dad, stepcest, noncon(?) Unprotected
WRD- 1.5k
You always knew your dad was hot, total babe back in the 2000's ever since you were a kid your friends always gushed over him, and it was fair, always thought it was gross though. Like he's YOUR dad, stepdad yeah but he still raised you, sure he had a cute face, big arms, his pornstar tits were an add on. But he was Dad, nothin' more, But fuck the way he cups your cheek when your sad, hugs you, gives you that awkward Dad kiss. Just makes you yearn for him, which is wrong you know it's wrong but it's like that itch.
Your friends are always tellin' you how lucky you are, not only is Dad hot, he's nice y'know? Real good dad, picks you up everyday, gets you real nice things. Best guy honestly can see why Mom picked him!
"Hi kiddo, you wanted to check out that new place-?" Dad said opening your bedroom door, stupid fucken smile on his dumb hot face
'bury your face in my tits'
"Oh no -! It's okay- really I'm real tired"
'fuck me till I can't breathe'
"Huh- alright, come down soon dinners gonna be ready, and sorry Moms not home yet she said she'd be here in a few weeks 'k?"
'i wanna scream your name'
"Oh it's alright, and of course dad!"
With that he left, shutting the door halfway, dick move but it probably wasn't on purpose, the smell of his colone in the room, only imagining Dad stuff you up. God your disgusting, this is dad. Fourth something year old DAD, since when did you have these thoughts about him, as a kid sure you always thought he was cute 'ohhb I would totally date someone as big and strong as my Daddy!'
But it was LIKE, not actually him. But you can't stop thinkin' about him, wanting Dad to shove your face in the mattress pull on your hair, do the shit they do in pornos. Nasty thoughts, feeling gross and hot imagining all the shit you wanna do with the poor guy, as he just stood there not knowin' thinking your his innocent little daughter who could do no wrong! Oh no she would never have sex before marriage! Oh no my little girl doesn't even cuss!
Yeah right Dad, mhm. Actin' like in middle school my friends weren't blushing over you, whenever you walked in.
Fucken idiot, your little girls not pure, she's not good. She ain't innocent, hell she fantasizes about fucken you every day. It doesn't matter, nothings ever gonna come of this right? Just walk downstairs, eat dinner with dad and go back in your room and sleep it off.
"Sweetiee you finnaly came, how was your day?" Dad says sitting across from you, he didn't even cook. Fucken liar this was clearly some bullshit from a 4 star restaurant he just put on a plate. "Oh it's fine, nothin' much." You say staring at the table, trying to distract yourself from him, how he smells, how he sits, how he opens his mouth, the way he moves his bangs out of his dumb face, his breath. The intoxicating feeling of just bein' near him now.
"Are you okay?"
"Why'd you ask that? You know I'm always fine-" you say in response, playing with your fingers, avoiding his gaze. God feels like a crush in primary school, messin' up words and giggling to your friends about the fastest guy. "You just don't seem like yourselfer Hun, you can always talk to me you know that?" He says, feeling his eyes on you, not in a creepy way more an endearing way which somehow made your entire situation worse. "yeah- I know, don't worry it's fine!" You mumble, lookin' up at him, god he really was dreamy, just wanting him to- NO no more fantasy's.
You finish up, so does he. He just gives you that concerned Dad look before you get up and run back up the stairs like a bitch and lock yourself in your room, typing into Google
'how to stop liking your dad'
'is it normal to have a crush on your dad'
'is it illegal to fuck your step dad'
Jesus Christ your search history, just laying on your side in your bed. Thighs squeezed together tryna' stop thinking about dad, you've seen him shirtless before. Yeah you felt a little hot in your core before, anytime he hugged you you felt so- just so warm. Not the lovey Awee dad and daughter warm, more like if your boyfriend hugged you nice and tight! Feels good, feels warm and fuzzy, pit in your stomach that can only be filled by one thing.
Tossin' and turnin' it's only 6:00pm shit, Dad's still downstairs probobly watching some old movie, he really likes thoughs for some reason, and westerns it's kinda creepy but your the one who wants to fuck him so you really can't be judging. your thoughts are too much to bare, a girl can only last so long on the edge, panties soaked thinking about shit, and hell when you can actually recreate what you want, Nothing's stopping you. Other then ethics but who even cares anymore, walking downstairs to Dear ol' Daddy, bingo.
"Mm- Dad-? Can I talk to you?" You mutter walking up behind the sofa he's laying in, playing with your fingers, how do even address this like,
'Oh yeah dad! Can you just bend your daughter over and fuck her till she's blubbering nonsense, you raised her since she was seven but y'know !!'
"Hm, yeah of course, what's the problem bunny?" He says sitting up, glancing behind him to your miserable face, little frown on your lips. He raises a brow seeing your face, you felt all fuzzy feeling your throat get dry, the hell were you supposed to do?
"Uh Dad, can- can you come upstairs" you mutter looking at him, feeling your chest get heavy. Of course dear Daddy doesn't wanna disappoint you so he gets up and walks over to ya
"What's wrong, Hun?" He says, so sweetly fuck. Looken' all concerned for you, just fall into his chest, even though Dad was in shape he had fatass boobs, real nice to put your face in whenever he hugged ya. Just like always as a concerted Daddy does he puts an arm around you, pulling you nice and tight, "Baby?" He says in that same voice, pullin' your face away from his body, looking down at you.
"Can- can we just sit down" you say grabbing his hand forcefully and leading him to the nice leather sofa, you didn't know much about Mom but she really liked expensive shit and this was the only thing at home she bought..
You push him onto his back, his head resting on the arm, he looked kinda confused, like a puppy! You crawl over on top on him, ass rested on his lower pelvis. "Hey Bunny this is a little- whats wrong?" Dad says trying to carefully lift you off of him, awe stupid Daddy actin' like you're just gonna listen to him
"Dad just let me do this- please, you love me right?" You say looking at him in the eyes, pout on your stupid lips, he just nods slowly as a response. Unzippin' his jeans, wow this really is a shitty porno plot.
'Cute stepdaughter seduces and fucks her Dad while Mom isn't home!'
Jesus Christ you fucking creep.
With his pants open pulling out is fat cock, he wasn't hard which kinda hurt, you were being all cute and all dad did was just sit and stare in shock. Like sure you were gropen him and stuff but he could put some effort in it? Whatever doesn't matter-? You sit on his thighs pulling off your night pants, your panties were already wet from earlier, sadly it seemed Dad didn't really wanna reinact your fantasy so you gotta do all the work, flicking your garments to the side, crawling back onto him. Placing your hips over his Dick, and taking it in, feeling his tip touch your cervix "Mm- fuck-" you murmer, taking a second before getting used to it, slowly moving your hips back and forth, feeling ever little movement. It was euphoric, hands on his chest, looking at his face he looked like he was trying to not enjoy it, but you could tell he was. You felt his breath get heavier anytime you went faster, such a good boy.
His fat dick bruising your womb, your walls squeezing against him, you could hear Dad muttering curse words under his breath, made you feel kinda better about this whole thing. Going to your high and getting that numbing feeling, stomach felt warm, brain all fuzzy and messy collapsing onto him, feeling that warm stuff leaking out of you, pulling yourself off Dad, laying on his chest, glancing up at him, seeing his flushed and disturbed face, awe it was so cute!
He probably felt horrible but you felt amazing, fuck best experience. Putting your arms aside his
"I love you Dad.." you spout into his shirt
"Your Mother can't hear about this B-bunny.." he replies, putting one of arms on your back, you could feel his chest go up and down so cute.
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
bedsharing (future stobin lavender marriage) (steddie)
“Why do you have tampons in your bathroom?” Eddie asks, toweling off his hair. “Wouldn’t your mom just keep them in hers?”
“They’re Robin’s.”
He can feel Eddie’s eyes on the back of his neck, and turns around from where he’s hastily folding his clothes. He has another towel wrapped around his hips, and Steve’s gaze drifts there before snapping back up to his face. 
“What?” He asks.
“I thought you guys weren’t together.”
Steve sighs. “Just because I have tampons for when she stays over—“
“It’s just—why wouldn’t they be in the guest bathroom?”
“She stays in my room,” he says, and then realizes how that sounds. “Okay, yeah, but we’re not dating. That’s never gonna happen.”
“So you’re just hooking up?”
Steve instinctively makes a face, and Eddie’s eyebrows jut up. “No. I’m not her type, and even if I was, at this point that ball has left the court. I don’t like her like that, she definitely doesn’t like me like that, and next time Henderson tries to convince someone we’re soulmates I’m going to wring his little neck.”
“I thought you said you were soulmates.”
“Yeah, but not like that.”
“Just enough that she sleeps in your bed and has tampons in your bathroom, apparently.” Eddie bends over to wrap his hair in the towel, and Steve spends a long moment staring at the curve of his bare spine. 
“Hey, man,” he says belatedly. “We got caught off guard one time. I’m not doing that again.”
Two loads of laundry, and Robin had cried in anger and embarrassment. Steve of ‘83 would have found it disgusting. Steve of now was a little grossed out, but also had been bled on in ways much worse than a period, so he just took her out to milkshakes and stocked up on enough supplies to last for a lifetime. After that, all bets were off when it came to the few boundaries they had left. 
Eddie grimaces in acknowledgment, grabbing the pair of sweatpants on the bed. Steve turns around before the towel drops, because years of locker room experience can’t possibly prepare him for seeing Eddie Munson’s naked ass. 
“So no dreams of a white wedding and gaggles of grandchildren running around?”
“I mean, we’ll probably get married at some point,” Steve says absently, fiddling with his bedspread to keep from turning around. He can have self control. He’s capable of not ogling his friends. “It’ll be safer that way.” Shit, why did he say that? He might as well hang a neon sign that says QUEER over his head. “Easier,” he corrects himself, knowing damn well it’s useless. 
There’s a thud and a groan, and Steve whirls around to see Eddie on the ground, halfway into his pants. 
“Are you okay?”
“So you’re not together, and you’re not hooking up, but you’ll get married?” Eddie demands from the floor, wiggling into his sweats. “And…what? Have a loveless, sexless marriage? Because it’s easy?”
“Just because the love isn’t romantic doesn’t mean our marriage would be loveless,” he protests, mind whirling with excuses he can’t use. Why did he open his big mouth? Why couldn’t he have just said anything else?
“That’s what you’re focusing on?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, man,” he shrugs, trying to get his heartbeat under control. “We’re already going to spend the rest of our lives together. Might as well get some legal benefits out of it.”
“Sure, sure,” Eddie laughs, disbelieving. “Getting married for legal benefits and safety. Harrington, if I didn’t know better, I’d say this sounds like—“
“Sounds like what?” Steve cuts through what Eddie was about to say. He doesn’t know what it is, but there’s a bone-deep certainty that Eddie will end up on the truth if he keeps talking. “Are you coming to bed or not, man?”
Eddie falls silent in the middle of standing up, dark eyes pinning Steve to the spot. He knows, Steve thinks, and tries not to picture what Robin would say if he got another concussion. He hasn’t confirmed anything, and Eddie seems like a good guy, maybe even their kind of guy, but if he’s wrong then he’d better grab Robin fast and get the hell out of dodge. Dustin might forgive him eventually, if he knew the reason why.
The silence is getting unbearable. 
“Yeah, alright,” Eddie finally shrugs. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. I want the left side.”
“You asshole,” Steve hisses, pretending the relief in his chest isn’t damn near killing him. “You know that’s the side I sleep on.”
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AITA for threatening to get my best friend sectioned?
This actually happened 2 years ago, but last night he made a joke about it that kind of seemed like he might still be mad at me about it. So. Anyway, ages and all are written as they were at the time.
For context, my (18m) mom took guardianship of my friend (17m), called “J”, after his grandfather passed, a few months before this happened.
Not going into specifics, but J has struggled with OCD and an ED for years, and I suspect when he’s an adult he’ll probably get diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder at some point.
(Update from the Present: no dice… yet.)
A close family friend of his passed away and it caused his mental issues (particularly the ED) to get a lot worse really quickly.
Even thought my mom was technically his guardian, she kind of relied on me to keep tabs on him because he’s usually pretty honest with me compared to other people. Like, if he’s not doing well, I have the best chance of finding that out.
So. His family friend dies, he gets worse, I report all of this back to my mom, who starts trying to get some sort of more intensive treatment lined up for him (difficult and time consuming because of where we lived at the time).
My mom tells me not to tell J, because he “talks a big game” about not wanting treatment or whatever and she firmly believes it’ll be easier if he doesn’t have time to stress himself out about it before it happens. Okay. So I don’t tell J.
Somehow, he finds out anyway, and also finds out that I knew and had chosen not to tell him, but doesn’t tell me that he knows. (Convoluted, I know, sorry.)
I pick J up from an after school thing one night, we end up talking about pretty heavy shit in the car for a /long/ time, and after the conversation died, he put a hand on my shoulder, leaned over, and kissed me. And like not a short kiss either. It was like a 3 to 4 second kiss.
Context again, I realized I was gay and that I liked J in a not particularly friend-like way when I was 13. I never told him and never planned on telling him. I told him a lot of things but I intended on growing old and dying with that one kept nice and secret. Even if he was some form of not-straight, which I was 99.99% sure he wasn’t, I didn’t think it was worth jeopardizing my closest friendship with romantic and/or sexual feelings that could at best confuse him or make him uncomfortable or at worst outright disgust him.
Anyway. We don’t talk about it, I end up going to stay for a few days with a guy (20m but not really relevant) I’d been sort of seeing/sleeping with for a couple months because I literally couldn’t be in the same house as J or I would probably implode.
Fast forward a week, I’m picking J up from a hospital 2 towns over because he ran away (? unclear really, haven’t discussed the particulars w him and I wasn’t staying at home at the time) and ended up having to go to the ER.
In the car (best time to talk to someone because they can’t run away), he apologizes for kissing me. I’m thrown off by that, because he hadn’t said anything up to this point and it honestly wasn’t even in the top 5 things I was thinking about.
I asked him why he did it and he just sighed and explained in this tone of voice that, I don’t know how to explain it, but had just the right lack of empathy or affect that I knew he was being 110% honest.
Condensed version: he found out I was reporting everything he told me to my mom (still don’t know how). He was pissed. He was aware he needed more intensive treatment, and he knew my mom was aware. He did not want treatment. He knew I had liked him for years. He knew that I was relatively fragile about it. He knew that if he did something (like kiss me for example) there was a good chance it would break my brain and I would freak out.
He essentially kissed me to decommission me for a few days so he could formulate a plan to run away.
FINALLY we have arrived at the AITA part.
After hearing all this, I tried very hard to come up with something rational to say, but ended up saying (essentially), “You’re fucking insane, and I’m telling my mother you need to be committed.”
I know I wasn’t wrong to be angry. But I also know from past knowledge and experiences that he had a deep fear of being deemed “insane” or unfixable or whatever, and also that he was really afraid of treatment in general.
Idk. I go back and forth on whether or not I was out of line, or needlessly escalating the situation, by threatening him. It was a much bigger threat in his mind than it was in mine, and so even though I know I said it as a reaction to a fucked up situation, there’s still the idea that I blew it completely out of proportion and weaponized his own mental issues against him.
So AITA for threatening my best friend by telling him I was going to get him committed to a long term psychiatric hospital?
What are these acronyms?
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bpcr3yes · 7 months
Can you write about Valeria having child again😭😭 valeria mom headcanon cure all my ills
even if she is manipulative asf, I think she would be a very good and calm mom since her mom was very toxic, thinking about her daughter having to go through all she had to make her disgusted (in my head)
Reading this request made me change my thinking a little
Valéria would probably do her best to raise her daughter but sometimes it can be tiring, she would probably yell at her but apologize later because she doesn't want to be like the mother she had
After your daughter was born she didn't leave you for even a second in the first few months, she wanted to be close to the baby to help raise it, after the birth she always found a way to be at home, at lunch time, during afternoon or even at night taking you to dinner.
She would try to be a present mother, no matter how much the cartel demands a lot from her, she would always find a way to escape to be with her family.
Now let's imagine her daughter reaching teenager
We all know that teenagers are terrible, but pre-teens are even worse.
imagine her coming home and hearing her daughter yelling at you because you made something that she won't eat.
''¡¿Por qué le gritas a tu madre?! ¡¡¡Ella hace todo bien por ti y la tratas así?!!!'' She shouts at her daughter as she watches her climb the stairs of the mansion and go to her room, slamming the door
''María, ven aquí ahora y discúlpate con tu madre, AHORA.'' She screams while waiting a few seconds for your daughter to come back and apologize to you but that doesn't happen a scream is heard
''Déjame en paz mamá!!'' Your daughter shouts up the stairs, Valeria huffs in anger as she threatens to go up but you stop her first.
''Relax Ria, leave her alone for a while.'' you say in a tired tone as you dry your hands on the kitchen towel, the two of you didn't always argue but lately it's been happening a lot
You hear Valeria snort as she climbs the stairs ignoring your calls, you just shake your head slightly in denial knowing full well what would happen next
It is possible to hear some of Valéria's screams in Spanish, she was probably giving her girl a lecture but the screams gradually diminish until there is only silence
silence, this makes you raise your head worriedly as you start to climb the stairs, heading towards your daughter's room you peek through the crack in the door, the view you have makes your heart warm
Valéria hugging her daughter while murmuring a short sermon in Spanish to her, leaning against the door frame watching the scene with a smile on her face, daughter comes to you apologizing for having shouted.
''Lo siento mamá, no debería haberte gritado.'' She murmurs as she buries her head in your chest, you tell her it's okay, your gaze lifts to Valeria who looks at you with a smug smile.
''You spoiled her a lot'' Valeria mumbles as she approaches you, stroking her daughter's hair.
''Someone has to do it, right?'' you smile at her while placing a kiss on the top of your child's head
Valéria just shakes her head slightly as she walks through the door ''Come on corazon, let's have lunch uh.'' She mutters as she sees her daughter walk down the stairs.
Before you can get down she grabs you hugging you from the back, you laugh softly as you feel your wife bury her head in your neck
you turn to face her, wrapping your arms around her neck as you smile sweetly at your loving wife.
''you're a good mother Valeria.'' I murmur as I caress the back of her neck lightly. ''our daughter is lucky to have a mother like you''
Valeria's eyes shine when she hears this, small tears form in her eyes as she lets out a small sigh.
''I try to be.'' she murmurs while shaking her head to keep the tears away, you lean in and capture her lips in a sweet kiss that doesn't last long because of your daughter's screams down the stairs
''we better go before she starves to death.'' valéia laughs as she grabs you hand going down the stairs.
she couldn't help but say thank you as she held her rosary, thanking her for having a family like this.
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fuck-customers · 1 year
Guess who got radicalized at her Malwart job today?! This girl. ✋(Sorry this is kinda long, tw transphobia?)
I am a cis girl, but I kinda look like a dude. I'm fat but practically flat chested, I don't wear makeup, and when I wear my long hair up I get called dude and sir a lot. It doesn't really bother me, and most people realize their mistake when they hear my voice or notice my long hair (why long hair=automatic girl idk, but whatever). Even my name could be a boy or a girl's, so it doesn't help people's confusion.
I'm a cart returner at Malwart. The other day I had to go to the bathroom, and rather than walk through the whole store to the employee restrooms in the back, I just used the ones near the entrance. No one was inside when I came in, so I went in a stall and did my business. Even sat on my phone watching videos and playing games for a while because fuck the corporate overlords. While I was in there, I heard a mom and a kid come in. Mom was struggling to help them pull their pants down and go potty, kid was fussing and probably in need of a nap. I don't think anything of it and kept playing games on my phone till I got bored and finished up.
When I left the stall mom and kid were at the sink, and mom whipped her head around to look at me like I had just jumped out and yelled BOO! Whatever, I assume she just didn't know anyone else was in there with her. I give her a smile and go wash my hands. "Excuse me," I hear her say to my left. Again, I don't think anything of this, I just assume she's talking to the kid. I dry my hands and leave. "Ex-CUSE me!" I hear behind me as I leave. I turn around and she's followed me out of the bathroom, tugging the grumpy kid along.
Her: Why were you in the ladies restroom?
Me, confused: Pardon?
Her: You were in the LADIES room!
Me, still confused: ...Yes?
Her: The MENS room is RIGHT THERE!
Me, having a realization: Ma'am what are you implying?
Her: Don't play dumb with me! You were in there with me and my CHILD!
Me: Yes, I was PEEING.
Her: In the WOMENS room! You're DISGUSTING!
She's shouting and people are staring at this point, and a member of asset protection (security basically) comes over. Unfortunately, I still look like a dude, and I don't know this particular coworker.
Security: Is there a problem ma'am?
Her: This MAN was just in the ladies room with me and my CHILD! I didn't know Malwart employed GROOMERS.
Me: Holy shit I was in a STALL and I left as soon as-
Security: Why didn't you go to the employee bathroom?
Me: It's at the back of the store!
Security: Well, I'm just saying, people like you should know you make people uncomfortable.
Me: I'M making people uncomfortable?! And SHE came in after ME! I didn't FOLLOW HER in there!
This went on for a few more minutes till security called for a manager to deal with ME, because I was the problem apparently. Thankfully the manager did know me, and helpfully informed them "She's a woman and she's worked here for 8 years you idiot." The security guy ran off with his tail between his legs and the manager let me go back to my job while she tried to calm down the lady.
Later that same manager came to me and said "Why didn't you just tell her you're a woman?" and I said "Would that have mattered to her? She would have assumed I meant I'm a transwoman anyway. Her mind was made up about me," and the manager just shook her head and said "You just made the whole situation worse"
I made the situation worse. I was harassed just because of what I look like, and I made the situation worse. I gotta admit I used to be pretty "well I can understand why some people would be uncomfortable" about trans people, but now? Fuck transphobes. Fuck ANYONE who would treat someone like shit just because of what they look like.
@staff I HATE the new text editor!
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sethcertified · 1 year
「 SCREAM FOR YOU ! 」 . . . 📁 08
scream : billy loomis, stu macher
wrd count : 3k
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⊹˚.⋆ synopsis . . . when [name] and stu meet up with billy at the video store, they defend his honor when arguing with randy
⊹˚.⋆ starring . . . billy loomis, stu macher, & male reader
My fingers traced the spine of the movie cases as I paced through the horror aisle. There were so many options. I just couldn't make up my mind. I could pick a classic, go down the underground route, or even pick something so gross and grotesque it scares everyone at the party off, so it's just me, Billy, and Stu.
And probably Randy since he too had the same affinity for horror films. I doubt he would stop watching horror movies even if he was shot.
Speaking of Randy, he came rolling down the aisle on one of the store's rollers used for shelving. He turned to me with a brand new DVD of 'The Shining', "I've been saving this one just liked you asked."
I took the DVD from his hands and began to examine the case, "And this is the special director's cut, right? You know, Kubrick is my favorite director, so if it isn't-"
"Oh!" Stu screamed as he pushed some DVDs out of Randy's hand.
"Dork," Randy grumbled as Stu laughed while wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I relaxed back into Stu as I tried my best to hide my chuckles from behind the The Shining DVD.
"Jesus, this place is packed, man," Stu said as he scanned the place.
Randy picked up the DVDs that Stu had knocked over, "We had a run in the mass murder section."
"You know, I would think people would rather not think about mass murder now than ever," I replied.
Stu gave me a wicked grin, "Who knows, maybe they want to die in some mass murder orgy."
I kicked his shin, "Ew, Stu!"
"My bad! My bad! Anyways, Randy, you comin' to my fiesta?" Stu winced.
"Yeah, I'm off early. Curfew, you know?"
I glanced at Stu. Was he planning to murder Randy too? I knew he was never really fond of the guy, and my suspicions about Casey's murder were out of pure spite, so it wouldn't have been too out of character if that was the case.
A girl came up to Randy, drifting my attention away from my less-than-delightful thoughts to her, "What's that werewolf movie with E.T.'s mom in it?"
Stu and I shared a look of disgust at the mention of the movie. It was even worse than Jaws: The Revenge which was saying a lot. Stu moved to whisper in my ear as Randy directed the girl to where the movie was, "If she really wanted to watch a movie about a hairy beast she should just watch a Robin Williams movie."
"Robin Williams' is hot though," I whispered back.
"Nothing." I giggled.
Randy turned to us, "Oh, now that is in poor taste."
"What?" Stu said dumbly too distracted by our conversation to process what Randy had said. I was trying my best to hide my giggles at Stu's dumbfounded expression at my attraction to Robin Williams.
I tried my best to die down my giggles as I spoke to Randy, "Yeah, The Howling was awful."
"No! Billy!"
I furrowed my brows as I turned my head in Billy's direction. Since we had entered the store, Billy had wandered off elsewhere not saying much to me or Stu.
"What about him?" I asked.
Randy moved in closer to me, lowering his voice. Stu gripped my shoulder tighter, his protectiveness kicking in. I gave Stu's thigh an inconspicuous pat to comfort him. Randy was the last person I would ever be attracted to.
"If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would you be standing in the horror section?"
Stu opened his mouth to respond but I butted in before he got the chance, "Randy, that's bullshit, and you know it. Anyone's a suspect, and practically everyone is in the horror section. You even said so yourself."
Stu nodded his head in agreement, "Besides, it was a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything."
"You're such a little lapdog," Randy barked, "And you," he turned his head towards me, "Since when do you defend Billy Loomis?"
I gritted my teeth. Randy was being such an asshole! Sure, Billy did do it, and we were, after all, straight up lying to his face, but it was different.
"I just don't think it's right to accuse someone who's been proven innocent."
"Oh please, he's got 'killer' printed all over his forehead," Randy replied.
Stu began to mock Randy which gave me immense joy, "Okay! Really?" Stu returned to the normal inflection of his voice before continuing, "Well, why'd the cops let him go, smart guy?"
"Because obviously, they don't watch enough horror movies. This is standard horror movie stuff. Prom Night revisited, man."
I scoffed at the statement, "Do you know how fucking stupid you sound right now? The police have more experience, training, and knowledge about catching killers than you do despite you thinking you do 'cause you like to watch girls with big tits run from psychos with a knife on a screen."
Stu let out a small, "Good one!" before questioning Randy's theory again, "Yeah? Why would he want to kill his own girlfriend?"
"There's always some stupid, bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend."
"And that's why you don't have one," I snickered. Stu laughed at my response while Randy was fuming, "You're one to talk, [Name]. You haven't had a girlfriend since Tessa Thompson in freshman year."
"If you haven't noticed, Randy, the girls are all over [Name] unlike you. He just rejects them because he wants a mature, college chick."
I stifled my giggles as Stu danced his fingers on the small of my back. Stu and I sharing my dirty little secret felt like a game or an inside joke that we only understood, and it was the most fun game I've played in a very long time. Knowing that we could pretend like our arms don't yearn to hold each other or that our eyes don't drift down to look at our lips in conversations, but rather that we were a playboy who had at least 2 girls on each side and a boy restraining himself from being a high school ladies' man because he thought that they were too immature for his genius. It was fun.
Randy just rolled his eyes at Stu's words, "Whatever, but that's the beauty of it all; simplicity. Besides, if it gets too complicated, you lose your target audience."
"Well, what's his reason?" Stu questioned.
I bit my lip in anticipation to see what Randy's inkling for Billy's reason was. There was no way he would guess that it was a ploy to get revenge on Sidney's mom. I let my bottom lip go at the thought. I was so confident in my investigation that I failed to realize that Billy's revenge left an open-ended question. What was he avenging by killing Sidney and her mom? My eyes drifted to where Billy stood to see he was not where he once stood in the horror section.
My head twisted and turned as I searched for the strikingly handsome boy. My eyes met his as he leaned against the wall near the mystery section heading towards Randy, Stu, and me. Billy gave me his signature panty-wetting smirk as he watched us.
I hit Stu's shoulder motioning towards Billy which he acknowledged subtly before we both turned to face Randy who was going to give us his best bet on why Billy would kill his girlfriend.
"Maybe she wouldn't have sex with Billy..."
Stu and I laughed as we followed Randy's small hobbles from the other side of the shelf.
"What, is she saving herself for you?" Stu jested.
Randy took a glance back, "Maybe. Now that Billy tried to mutilate her, do you think she would go out with me?"
Stu let out a comically large laugh as I felt my brain reel in the pure comedy of it all. Stu pulled me in close with his shoulder as he let out some chuckles, "No, I don't. Not at all. Besides, if there's anyone Sid would go out with, it's [Name]. The two have been pretty cozy lately."
My eyes were wide as Stu turned to me holding an air microphone while putting on a news reporter voice, "Is Sidney mature enough for you, [Name]? Would you like to pork her?"
My gaze hardened as my jaw clenched in anger. I slapped Stu's hand away, "Don't talk about her like that, okay? I'm not gonna pork her or any of that shit. I care about Sid. She's a good girl."
Stu's eyes softened, but I could feel the heavy swallow of saliva go down my throat as I stepped away from Stu's grasp. I could tell my distance hurt Stu, but he covered it up with his classic way of coping with humor, "You hear that, Randy? I think he's in love with her."
Randy looked down as Stu began to taunt him more, "Does that hurt your feelings? Does it, poor, poor, Randy-poo?"
Randy remained silent as so did I, so Stu turned to the next best thing to continue the conversation, "You know who I think it is?" There was a pause before he resumed, but both Randy and I were hooked into the conversation now, eager to know what or rather who he would name. Stu leaned in closer to Randy, "Yo, I think it's her father."
My eyes frantically darted across the carpeted floor as I tried to milk as much information as I could from Stu. I got one thing from that sentence alone. They were going to frame Sidney's father. My ears pricked toward Stu who was going on about Sid's father, "Why can't they find her pops, man?"
Randy didn't have the information as I did, so he took the information as the opposite of what it was; bullshit.
"Because he's probably dead," he dragged. Stu expressed his confusion, but my attention was focused on Billy who was now stalking us. He was quiet and discreet. A lion after the prey. No wonder, he hadn't been caught. He was good. A natural-born killer, no doubt.
But it seems I was the only one who was aware of Billy as Randy went on and Stu listened intently, "His body will come poppin' up in the last reel somewhere! Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out! The police are off-track with this shit!"
People were starting at Randy like he was a lunatic by now. Which to be fair, made sense. He was screaming about gouged-out eyes, cut-off fingers, and other bodily mutations in the middle of a video store. Stu tried to save the situation with a quick look around and a quiet, "Man!" to Randy.
But Randy was too far off in his own world to tone his volume down a few notches, "If they'd watch Prom Night, they'd save time!" Randy began to use his body to explain his frustration as he pushed the DVDs into his hands forward and his eyes practically popping out of their sockets, "There's a formula to it! A very simple formula! Everybody's a suspect!"
In unison, all the customers and staff stared at him as if he was a circus clown in a black-and-white mafia movie. Randy seemed to finally notice the attention he had drawn to himself as a red flushed his cheeks. Stu motioned for the audience to look away, which they did, luckily.
"I'm telling you, the dad's a red herring. It's Billy."
Randy backed up but was stopped by Billy holding tight onto his shirt, holding him in place, "And how do we know you're not the killer? Huh?"
Randy held a frightened look, but mine held one of attraction. Billy was hot when he was scary. Really, really hot. I glanced upwards at Stu and felt shock consume me. He held the same gaze I did toward Billy.
I watched as he moved behind Randh who was stuttering like there was no tomorrow.  I watched as he bit his lip, and practically eye fucked Billy. My eye began to sting at the sight of how long and intense I was looking at Stu's expression.
My gaze darted to Billy who was threatening Randy, "Maybe your movie-freaked brain lost its reality button. You ever think of that?"
"You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it. If this were a movie, I'd be the prime suspect." Randy kissed-ass.
"That's right." Billy praised.
"And what would be your motive?" Stu egged on as he wiggled his finger against the canvas of Randy's neck.
My arousal and attraction toward him were growing, and out of pure confusion, I looked to Stu. He held a gaze of adoration to Billy that my confusion slipped away.
Stu felt the same way as I did.
Oh my God.
What did this mean for us? For this weird, triad couple thing we had gotten into to. Did I have to choose between the two? Would Stu choose me? I wasn't sure anymore. Not of Stu.
But I buried my sentiments down. Not here. I couldn't talk about it to them here, so I just watched and listened to what the boys in front of me were saying.
Randy got out of the boys' grasp and spun to face Stu, "It's the millennium," He twisted back toward Billy, "Motives are incidental."
"Millennium. Hmm," Billy pondered. He turned to me, who was awkwardly standing off to the side while watching the three, "Millennium. I like that."
I just gave him a nod which he interpreted as to continue taunting Randy, I guess. He pinched Randy's nose, "That's good. It's the millennium." He patted Randy's cheek mockingly as he motioned to me to follow him. I did as Stu lingered behind still mumbling something to Randy.
I caught up with Billy who just grabbed my wrist, and dragged me out the door with him. We stood out front, waiting for Stu. My fingers wrapped around Billy's, and I snuck my hand into his.
Stu waltzed out the door with a proud grin present on his face. He made his way to us, "Are my favorite boys in the whole wide world ready to enter my private man cave?"
I let out a chuckle at the pure stupidity of Stu which Billy shared. I glanced at Billy from my peripherals and found he was doing the same. We held eye contact, neither of us daring to look away.
"Can you guys stop with the eye sex, please? I already had to watch you guys making out." Stu groaned.
I felt the blood rush to my face as I let out an awkward cough, trying to hide my crumbling dignity. Billy just rolled his eyes at Stu as he let out, "Don't even try to pretend like you didn't enjoy seeing us make out."
Stu simply just shrugged his shoulders, "I liked it better when [Name] was making out with me."
I raised my hands in defeat, "And I liked making out with you both! Can we please move on?"
Stu crept up behind me and lifted me in the air by my waist, "Don't be embarrassed, baby. You're gonna keep making out with us in the future so chill."
I hit Stu in the head, "You might just give me herpes if I make out with you any time soon."
Billy laughed as Stu whimpered and set me down. I let out a small cheer of triumph at regaining my footing before Stu snuck up on me and began tickling my sides. I screamed for Billy to help me escape Stu, but he just watched giddily at my misery.
I launched forward away from Stu and was able to break free. I pointed at Stu as I caught my breath, "I am so getting you back for that."
"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?" Stu teased.
"Uh," I tried my hardest to come it with a threat up to par, but my mind drew blanks, "it's a secret."
Stu cushioned himself next to me, slowing his pace down, so he could walk comfortably next to Billy and me, "Whatever you say." I elbowed Stu which Billy chortled at.
My eyes lit up at hearing Billy letting out anything that wasn't threats or meaningless flirts. I snapped my fingers at Billy, "Dude, did you see the way Randy was kissing your ass!"
"Yeah, man! He was shaking so bad!" Stu joined me.
Billy nodded as he gave Stu and me a toothy grin, "You should've seen the look [Name] was giving me when I was at it." My hands cupped Billy's mouth, "Don't you dare!"
Billy motioned for Stu to help him break free from my forced muffling of Billy. I fell against Stu's broad chest as he held me there like a prisoner.
"His eyes were practically ripping my clothes off. They were just screaming, 'fuck me!' man."
I felt my head fall against Stu's shoulder as he dragged my feet against the cement. The embarrassment was killing me. Sure, I was technically in a relationship with the boys now, but the topic of any romantic let alone sexual interactions made me shrivel up and die.
"You're killing him, Bill!" Stu quipped. I nodded my head in agreement as I pleaded with Billy to save me from the humiliation. Billy tugged me away from Stu as he let out a breathy, "Okay."
I covered my face with my hands trying to hide how flustered I was. Billy had done a number on my ego with just two sentences, and now, I would have to spend the rest of the night with him at this party that I didn't even want to go to.
It would be a long night, and I knew zero about what was ahead of me except for one thing; I needed to rewatch Prom Night.
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✎ notes . . . yes, this is a repost. tumblr deleted my old acc >:( ⟡      .        ⛪      ◦      ✺ 07 ⇿ 09
©️ sethcertified 2023
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Little follower
Platonic!Mori x Child!Fem!Reader
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Mori didn't know what was going on in your head when you first took him by the edge of the medical gown and began to walk behind him. It was strange, but he knew that your mother was an underground doctor like himself, so bringing you back was not a problem. However, that didn't stop you from finding him again and again. What's going on in your head anyway?
"Y/n, please let go."
Right now he was unclenching your fingers to let go of his gown, but your other hand was used.
"Y/n! I beg you..."
This was the first time he had encountered such a situation. Usually he would just let you follow him until he found your mom and returned you to her. However, now he just needed you to let him go, because boss was waiting for him.
"Y/n, where's your mom?"
Silence. And then he wondered, do you speak at all? You followed him all the time without uttering a word and now you are also silent. God... If you really are mute, then it only complicates the task more.
"Can you talk?"
"I don't want to."
Mori exhales with relief, you can talk, but what do you mean by "I don't want to"?
"You don't want to talk to me?"
Misunderstanding has only become more, the doctor smiles nervously, and beads of sweat form on his forehead.
"You don't want to let go of my medical gown and at the same time you don't want to talk to me?"
You nod your head affirmatively.
"You've been following me around for a little over a month now, but you don't want to talk to me?"
The doctor sees you thinking about his question and rubs the bridge of his nose tiredly. Yeah, if there's the most irrational person in this underground hospital, it's you. But, honestly, Mori is really interested to know what you're thinking and how you're thinking.
"It's not necessary."
Finally you answer and he understands, things have only gotten worse. Much worse. And the best solution here is compromise.
"Y/n, let's make a deal. What do I need to promise you to let me go?"
And...oh, no, you're thinking again, but he's almost out of time. He has to do something about it.
"Can I stay in your cabinet?"
Mori doesn't want to let you into his office, but he just has no choice but to agree.
"Okay, come to my cabinet and Elice will open it for you. You know where the office is."
"Elice will open it, I promise."
Uncertainly, you let go of the white medical gown and the doctor immediately runs away. But you didn't go to his cabinet, realizing that he was probably lying. Why did that girl who only saw you following her father a couple of times have to let you in at all, especially if no one warned her?
Then you came to your mother's cabinet without entering it, even though you had a key. However, you didn't grieve for long, because about fifteen minutes later Elice unexpectedly approached you.
"And why are you sitting here?"
You pointedly fall silent and in silence, the sounds of carnal pleasures began to be heard through the door. Elice instantly grimaces in disgust.
"Ugh! Let's go faster, or I'll throw up!"
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Your Face Is Red (It's Not the Sunburn)
Summary: It's Summer, and you know what that means! Wearing your swimsuits to the lake, road trips with your classmates, and being trapped on top of your mortified crush's hard-on. I hope you packed an outfit that says 'sorry for making you accidentally cum'!
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3.0k
Tags/Themes: , Nagito Komaeda/Reader, Extra Shy and Nervous Komaeda, Mega-Virgin Komaeda, Humiliation Kink, Sub!Nagito, Dom!Reader, Femdom, Reader's Kind of Mean but Girlboss, Slight Exhibitionism, Roadtrip!, Non-Despair!AU
Content Warnings: Accidental Orgasm/Sex, Female Anatomy on Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Public Sex, Under-Negotiated/Accidental Kink, Accidental Sex
A/N: I can't stop writing bitchy, femdom reader and horny, nervous Nagito it's an affliction. Also, I came up with this in one night, this was supposed to be a drabble and I lost control like Two Bros lol. Also, I love mom friend Mahiru and dad friend Hajime *mwah*
Also (last one I promise) here are some more titles I came up with. They get worse as they go on:
Road Trip Travails (and Other Reasons to Pack Sunblock/Thank God for Sunscreen),
You're Really Hot (It's 90, Lose the Jacket),
Forecast Calls for Sunny Skies (And Bumpy Roads)
Get Your White, Sticky Cream on Me (I Forgot My Sunblock)
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Nobody else had even wanted to sit next to Komaeda, much less on top of him. Being in half-heartedly concealed swimsuits only made it worse. The luggage overflowed onto the seat next to it, all the way in the back, so it meant that someone had to draw sticks. Whoever got the shortest would have to sit in the back next to it all. Nagito drew it with a rueful smile. However, by the time all the supplies were in, you all realized that you were short one more seat.
“We can’t have any more people up front, that’s way too dangerous.” Mahiru frowned.
“We’ve already got four people in the middle seats.” Hajime sighed.
“The back seats are pretty spacious.” Kazuichi shrugged, and it seemed everyone seemed to know what that meant within the same split second. You all turned to look at Komaeda. He was already looking at the floor, picking at a loose thread on the sleeves of his jacket he insisted on taking despite the baking summer sun. It had begun to slip off of him, slumping around his elbows like his bare shoulders in his underconfident stance.
“I’m sorry.” He said softly. Kazuichi scoffed audibly. You all knew he wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t a sort of class trip, and you were urged by Chiaki. However, you were secretly grateful. You knew you’d be just as much of a pariah if you admitted the many friendly moments you had shared with him after classes and in empty hallways. Or how badly you were hoping he’d take off the shirt and let you rub sunscreen on him when you got there. You’d even caved and brought an extra bottle of the lotion kind with you. Just in case.
Around you, everyone had begun to squabble about who would be sitting in Komaeda’s lap. Hajime and Mahiru were already splitting the drive, Akane and Kazuichi were arguing about who between them was smaller (it was definitely Kazuichi), and Ibuki and Sonia weren’t much help. After a moment of this, you realized you were tired already, and the drive hadn’t even begun.
“Everybody shut the fuck up!” You shouted over them. “It’s fine, Komaeda can sit in my lap, can we just hurry up already!”
“Wh- wh- what?” Ibuki gasped, like some sort of DJ. “But Nagi-chan will totally crush you!”
“It’s true, you’re probably better off the other way around.” Hajime mused, clearly sizing you two up. You felt weirdly pleased about the admission.
“I know it must be disgusting to be so near me already,” Komaeda said. He couldn’t even meet your eye. You couldn’t tell if that pink flush on his face was from the sun, or the prospect of it all. ‘Mega-virg.’ You thought to yourself. “I wouldn’t want to be an encumbrance to top it off.”
“I literally don’t care! Just get in!” You groaned, shoving him towards the car. He gave a small yelp and clambered into the back ungracefully, your insistent hands forcing him forwards. He ended up wedged between the middle seats and luggage, stuck between them until you pulled him out with a massive sigh. You couldn’t have anyone think you were too eager for this, after all, least of all Komaeda. He was totally red by the time he was in, but now you knew it was from embarrassment. You slid in after him and sat down on his lap with no fanfare.
As you suspected, Komaeda’s legs were bony and slightly uncomfortable. You shifted, trying to find a spot where he didn’t dig into you, until you realized what you were doing.
“Sorry.” You shrugged, turning to glance back at him.
“It’s okay.” He mumbled. He managed to continue to avert his gaze, even this close to you. As everyone else got in and got settled, he began to tug the seatbelt down.
“Nuh-uh, no way.” You caught his wrist and stopped him in the air. ‘It’s… pretty small.’ You couldn’t help thinking. “We’re already crammed in back here, I’m not having this thing choke me on top of it.”
“I understand, but, ah- my luck-” He stammered. He didn’t even move to free his hand. You decided to take pity on him.
“Fine, whatever. But we gotta adjust so this thing isn’t bothering me the whole time.” You didn’t wait for a response before you were pulling the seatbelt on, and moving around on his lap trying to find a better spot. You ended up pressed front to back, his chin having to rest on your shoulder as you leaned against him. ‘At least this is comfy. I wonder if he’ll say anything? Pfft, yeah, right. Human doormat Komaeda Nagito complaining about getting cozy with an Ultimate. I’m surprised he hasn’t creamed his pants yet.’ “There, that’s better.” Sure enough, when you looked back up at him, his eyes were wide and nervous but he didn’t seem unhappy.
“I- um-”
“Alright, everybody ready to head out?” Mahiru asked from the front seat. Akane and Kazuichi cheered way too loud for such a confined space. “Cool, let’s hit the road then.” She nudged Hajime and he pulled out of the parking space.
In front of you, they rolled the windows down as they sang along to the radio, chatted, and laughed away. You and Komaeda, on the other hand, were quiet. He seemed content looking out the window and listening, though you supposed it wasn’t like he could do much else. You put in your earbuds and listen to your own music while you scrolled through your phone.
You didn’t notice the road becoming progressively bumpier until one jolt caused you to knock one of your earbuds out.
“What the fuck guys, where are we driving? Pre-civilization?” You groused.
“I told Hinata to take the regular road.” Mahiru half-sang. You couldn’t see his face, but you could picture the focused scowl on Hajime’s face everyone knew him by.
“This ways a short cut! I’ve taken it a million times! We’ll get there thirty minutes earlier-” Another bump cut him off.
“Woah!” Ibuiki giggled. “It’s like a roller-coaster!”
“It’s not that bad!” Hajime protested. The bumps eventually calmed down, but the road was still rough. As you drove along it, you could feel the way the uneven path jostled the car. Soon you had to put down your phone and quiet your earbuds so you wouldn’t get carsick.
Everyone else had similarly calmed down. While they still chatted within the rows, the whipping air and hum of the drive were too loud to hear much between them at all. You could barely make out the pop song from the speakers in the middle row. Only twenty minutes into the hour-long drive, but you resigned yourself to looking out the window as time passed.
It was at the next larger bump that you realized something was up with Komaeda.
As you bounced a bit on his lap, you could have sworn you heard the smallest whimper come from him, more a squeak than anything. It sounded pained, and you almost apologized, until a thought crossed your mind. You gave no hint you’d noticed anything as you stretched and shifted on his lap, scooting your hips closer to his-
It was just as you’d suspected. At some point, Komaeda had gotten completely hard.
You almost moaned out loud with the realization. The rush of arousal was so sudden it almost stunned you. You bit the inside of your cheek as you forced yourself not to move at all on top of it, no matter how badly you wanted to begin grinding against him. ‘Holy fuck, he’s hard, he’s hard, he’s hard. What do I do? Do I say something? Would that make it more awkward? What a pervert! Is he getting off on this?’ You looked at his expression out of the corner of your eye, expecting to find him looking down at you already, that filthy look he got on his face when he began to ramble or something similar. But he was staring quite hard out the window at nothing in particular. The muscles in his jaw were clenched. You finally noticed how rigid he was under you, and realized you hadn’t heard Komaeda be silent for this long ever. He almost looked like he was going to cry.
‘Aww, poor thing. He’s hoping I won’t notice. Too bad.’ With no further hesitation, you arched your hips back into him hard, leaning your torso onto the backs of the seats in front of you. You had positioned your pussy right against his dick, knowing he’d feel even more heat now through the thin layers of your swimsuits. Komaeda gasped, the pretty noise torn from his lips with the move. The car’s ride made the seat practically vibrate, and each second bounced you on his lap even as you sat completely still. You could feel his cock twitch and throb with the new feeling. You were glad nobody could see your face, because you worried you’d start drooling soon.
“You okay?” You asked casually, taking the opportunity to look directly at him. His hand was by his mouth. You were sure he’d begun to bite down on it.
“Mhm.” He managed a shaky smile despite his heavy breathing. He even gave a weak thumbs up. You noticed the bite marks in the flesh between his thumb and pointer finger at once. He was so preoccupied with hiding his… condition that he didn’t even seem to notice you’d already found out, or suspect your teasing at all.
“Mmkay. Let me know if anything gets uncomfy.” You turned back to the front and dropped the calm mask at once. The position had him grinding just as hard against your clit. You knew your bottoms were going to be soaked through. You continued in the same silence, though now you had something new to focus on: keeping your breath even as you noticed every move he made. His other hand was curled into a fist by his thigh so tight his knuckles had gone white. His foot was tapping rapidly against the floor. After just a couple more minutes, he had begun to let out a choked sort of sigh with every turn, shift, or movement. For all the hums and nonverbal noises he usually made, it was clear he was doing his best to be completely silent and not disturb you. The idea of him trying to be so good while he was hard and probably aching and humiliated under you almost made you give yourself up.
When your back got tired, you leaned back up against him. Your bodies were now flush with each other. You felt his heart hammering against his chest. Each labored breath of his was now right against your ear. You leaned your head back onto his shoulder and watched his fingers sort of spasm. You had to give it to him, if you weren’t so busy thinking about each new dirty item that had replaced your previous mental vacation itinerary during the ride, you would have certainly given yourself away. If you had been distracted the whole time, or maybe didn’t know what a hard-on felt like, you likely wouldn’t have noticed the weird behavior.
“Ah- um- (F/N)?” His trembling hands tapped your thigh gently. ‘Look at how bad he’s forgotten himself! Addressing me by my first name- he’d never do that. How absolutely precious!’ “I- I- Could, um, could you-”
“Hmm? Oh, do you want me to-” You shifted on your seat once more. This time, you turned yourself to the side as much as you could, your knees pressed up against the luggage. His hard on pressed into your bare thigh. You could see his face like this, petrified and desperate. He’d begun to sweat just a bit. ‘He’s so gross.’ You thought lovingly, your eyes tracing a bead of it down his too-prominent Adam’s apple and past his sharp, pale collarbones. He held his hands up, as if terrified to touch you anymore. “It’s alright.” You lowered them for him, one onto the seat by his leg and your ass, the other on your leg. “There, that better?”
His expression made it clear that the answer was yes, and he wanted to die about it.
“Well, I, uh-” His nose scrunched with another bump. One hand was now pulling at your clothes, the other gripping your upper thigh. He didn’t even seem to notice anymore. You finally gave in. He looked like he was going to combust or faint. Your careful mask melted at once into a knowing smile as you shushed him softly. He seemed entranced as you straightened up to bring your mouth as close to his ear as you could get it.
“You don’t want them to know too, do you?” You murmured. A strangled moan caught in his throat.
“I’m sorry,” He mewled, giving up all pretenses at once. He squirmed under you, hips stuttering up as he ground against you in pathetic, jerky, inexperienced movements. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-” His voice spilled from his swollen, bitten lips, and his eyes were shut tight. Even his torso curled into yours, his head bowed down by yours. There was no warning but a deep inhale before he sunk his teeth into your shoulder and his cock twitched against you in time with his hummingbird heartbeat as he spilled his orgasm into his shorts.
He shuddered as you began to play with the hair at the nape of his neck soothingly, cradling him against yourself. You wanted to shush his remaining noises, to tell him he did a good job, to call him yours and coo at how pretty he was, but the moment felt too delicate, too precarious-
The blaring sound of the horn made you both jump at once.
“CHIAKI-CHAN!” Mahiru shouted out the open window at the cabin you approached. “WE’RE HERE!”
Akane and Ibuki cheered. Kazuichi hopped over several laps in his rush to get out, holding his stomach like he was going to be sick. Sonia clapped and thanked Hajime like he was her personal driver before sliding out delicately. Hajime yawned and shook his head to clear his drowsiness as he got out. Mahiru folded up the map they hadn’t used and tucked it into the dashboard. Before you knew it, they had forgotten both the two of you and the luggage as they greeted everyone else there.
“They left the seats up.” You scowled out the window to no avail.
“Oh, I, uh, think I can do it from here!” Komaeda said, too eager to be of help. He unbuckled the seat belt and began to reach over you.
“Wait, no let me just-” You tried to get off of him the best you could to give him room to pull the latch that would lower the seats and let you out. 
“Sorry! I think I can-”
“It’s okay, but you-”
“Do you think you could-”
“Ow! Your jacket is caught-”
In a tumble of limbs, the seats came down all at once and the two of you fell back onto them and into each other painfully. You had just opened your eyes again after the crash as the door opened, blinding you once more with the bright sun.
“Hey! What were you two doing back there?” Kazuichi squawked. When you could see again, you realized the position the two of you had landed in. One of Komaeda’s arms was trapped under your back, pressing your faces just inches away from each other’s, and your foot had gotten caught in the handle of a suitcase behind you, wrapping your leg around his waist. Komaeda was only holding himself up with the arm he’d caught himself with, the rest of him pressed up against you.
“I- It’s not-” You stammered as more and more eyes of your classmates had turned towards you at Kazuichi’s accusatory voice.
“How shameful my luck must be for you.” Komaeda sighed, already pulling himself up. “Don’t be silly, Soda-kun, nobody would allow me to disgrace them in such a way.” He chuckled and shook his head at the prospect as he got out. “I’m just too incompetent to even get us out of the car. Such a simple task, and yet-”
“Ugh, god, shut up! You’re right, I’d be an idiot to think anyone would do that sort of thing with you.” Kazuichi looked disgusted.
“Get your mind out of the gutter!” You snapped at him, grateful for the new target Komaeda had supplied you with. “You’re such a pervert, Soda!” You made sure to say it louder than necessary, making everyone’s gaze turn toward him instead.
“Eewww, Pervuichi’s at it again!” Hiyoko cried, always happy to pull out one of her nicknames. 
“They wouldn’t have been trapped like that if you’d remembered to let them out!” Mahiru scolded him. “You were in the middle, you should have been the last one out!”
“Huh? What? Wait!”
As squabbling picked up once more, reminding you of how you had entered the car, Komaeda extended his hand with a smile. His other hand held his jacket by his stomach, over his front. You felt much more grateful for the eyesore. Nobody noticed as you rummaged around for your backpack or when you finally tugged a surprised Komaeda away with a mischievous smile.
“C’mon, let’s head down to the lake already. We’re gonna need an excuse for being all wet already.” You laughed as he nodded quickly in response, until his face fell.
“We’ll have to be quick, unfortunately, my skin burns quite easily-”
“Whoo-hoo!” To his confusion, you gave a cheer at that. ‘Thank you Summer gods! Thank you SPF 100+!’ “Don’t even worry, you have no idea how prepared I am for this. Best vacation ever!”
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princessconsuela120 · 9 months
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Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: pregnancy, cursing, vomit
Author’s Note: Sorry this one took to long, but I hope you guys enjoy. Go check out my pal on Instagram I love their post covid art to death!! Enjoy the chapter, don’t forget to comment repost and like!!!!
Chapter art by samma on Instagram
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IT WAS SAFE TO SAY THE KYLE AND I HAD SPENT ALMOST THE REST OF THE DAY DECIDING HOW TO BREAK THE NEWS. It wasn’t even just our parents we’d have to tell, it was everyone. We had seriously considered bribing Ike with candy to have him break the news to the Broflovski’s, but he simply flipped Kyle and I off before retreating to his room. Now telling Kenny was probably the easiest part of it all. The squeal he let out, and immediately enveloped me in a hug proved to me that he would have probably been angry if we had given the baby up in the first place. But now came our families, so of course Kenny had to be there for moral support.
“Okay, listen..we’ve gathered you guys today because we have something to announce.” Kyle said, the two of us standing infront of the couch in the living room of the Broflovski residence as we spoke. It was actually quite a terrifying intervention. Both pairs of parents sitting on the couch, Ike on the chair with his iPad and my brother sitting leisurely on the arm of the couch.
“Are you guys dating?” My mom asked, but I was interrupted before I could answer.
“Aw gross dude, just don’t suck face in front of me alright?” Stan said, scrunching his face up with disgust. “I’m already trying to bleach my eyes from that disgusting iray on the basketball court yesterday.” He continued to whine, earning a look of warning from me as Kyle shook his head.
“No, well, kinda, but that’s not what we wanted to announce.” He explained, Kenny looking between us both with furrowed eyebrows.
“Kinda? How are you kinda dating?” He asked, not feeling the anticipation the way the rest of our family was, having already known what the announcement was, of course Kenny’s very very small attention span was in full range.
“You know like, we’re together but it’s not like, truly together together but like…” I began to explain, and Kyle nodded along.
“I like her she like likes me, it’s really not that hard to..” Kyle continued, before Sheila shook a hand in between us, bringing us back to reality.
“What did you call us here to tell us?” She asked, making me nod at her.
“In leiu of recent eventss…” Kyle began explaining, causing a rise of anxiety to form in my stomach.
“Mark and Vanessa’s divorcee…” I continued, grabbing onto Kyle’s hand to help calm my nerves.
“The baby has been left homeless. And I’m, well, we decided that..” Kyle stopped talking when he made eye contact with his mom for the first time since we got here. I think something seemed to connect in my mind that I wasn’t alone in this. Kyle was right there beside me, holding my hand. And that I wasn’t the only person this was affecting. Kyle was just as scared to tell his parents. I squeezed his hand.
“That what?” Stan asked, making me sigh.
“That we’re gonna keep it.”
“Juno, honey, are you sure you’ve thought this through?” My mom asked, ignoring the confused looks from the Broflovski’s.
“Yes, I have. I’m gonna pick up a job at Mr Garrison’s convenient store until the baby arrives..” I explained, a protective hand over my stomach as my mom rubbed a hand over her face with stress.
“And I’ve already worked out a job with both Jimbo and the ice cream shop with Butters.” Kyle explained, but Sheila shook her head with confusion.
“Kyle honey, I don’t see what this has to do with you, with us.” Sheila said, her calming voice and kind demeanor making me feel even more nervous to tell her this. Somehow, everything felt even worse due to her kindness. Sheila was like a mother to me, even when we were kids. It just made me feel worse, knowing I'd disappoint her.
“Well, mom, dad.” Kyle began, before sighing again and squeezing his eyes closed momentarily. “Listen, I know it’s not ideal, and I know it’s been a long time coming, and I should’ve just told you from the start, but well, umm…” he tried to find the words, sharing a look at me when he noticed how difficult this truly was.
“Kyle is the father.” Kenny said with a low intimidating voice, earning looks of anger from Kyle and i.
“Dude, totally stole their moment.” Stan said, shaking his head in disappointment as Kenny frowned.
“I'm sorry I’ve always wanted to say that, like those reality tv shows.” He said back, both boys continuing to bicker, but all our attention was on Sheila.
“What what WHAT!?!” She shouted, causing Kyle to flinch slightly as he retreated closer into my body.
“Kyle Matthew Broflovski, you got a girl pregnant and you didn’t tell us!?!” Gerald shouted, and Kyle sighed, looking up at his dad.
“It wasn’t even gonna matter, she was giving the baby away, it would’ve been useless to tell you.” He said quietly, and Gerald’s expression grew angrier.
“Useless to tell! What so you can go and get another girl pregnant instead?!” He shouted again, making Sheila shake her head with disappointment.
“I can’t believe this, I thought we raised you right!?”
“In all fairness Mr and Mrs Broflovski, you have.” I interrupted, letting go of Kyle’s hand for a second to step forward more. “Listen I’m not gonna say he’s totally innocent, it takes two to tango, but Kyle’s been nothing but kind to me throughout this whole thing. I mean, he respected me, he took responsibility…”
“I mean have you met your son? There’s no way he initiated the sex.” Kenny interrupted, causing me to widen my eyes at him.
“Kenny.” I whispered, and he raised his hands in defense.
“I know it’s not the perfect situation, and we don’t make the picture perfect family, but I don’t think I would have survived this long without your son.” I explained, causing both Sheila and Gerald’s expressions to soften.
“Jo?” Kyle said, but I ignored him and kept talking.
“And if it’s any consolation, I was the one who told him to keep it from you. I didn’t see the point in causing more trouble than I already had.” I said, picking anxiously at my nails as I avoided any eye contact with anyone else in the room. Kyle stepped close to me again, grabbing my hands to stop me from picking at them, lifting my chin slightly so his eyes would meet with mine.
“Juno, you didn’t cause any trouble. This isn’t your fault.” He said softly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled at him, pouting slightly when I cupped his cheeks sweetly:
“But it is.” I sighed, placing a soft kiss on his forehead before letting my hands drift off his body. “You’re just so sweet you choose to block that part out.” He sighed, shaking his head, about to say something in response, but deciding to stay quiet. I wasn’t exactly sure why, but based off the look he gave me I could tell he was too nervous already to try and reassure me further. And he knew no matter how hard he’d try to reassure me, I wouldn’t listen. Instead I could feel him wrap his arms around me from behind, his large hands resting on my stomach as his chin laid on my shoulder. I smiled softly, feeling a soft peck be given to my cheek, somehow managing to soothe my whole body.
“Well, Kyle I am still very angry with you.” Sheila said speaking up, causing Kyle to step away, nodding at his mom. “And though I’m angry you didn’t tell us, I admire your maturity with this whole thing.” She said softly, letting out a long sigh, as if she hadn’t been able to breathe this whole time.
“Thanks mom.”
“You’re still grounded young man!” She shouted, pointing a finger at him. He was nodding quicker now, still scared of his mothers raised voice.
“Of course.”
“3 weeks!”
“And no electronics.”
“I get it.”
“And no basketball either, at least while you’re grounded.”
“Yes ma’am.” Kyle said, saluting his mom, a small smile on his face, reciprocating in hers.
“Now are you two sure this is what you want to do?” Gerald asked, looking between both Kyle and I. We both smiled, grabbing each others hand.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.” I said softly, earning a hand squeeze from Kyle.
“A baby is a lot of work.” My mom explained, earning nods of agreement from my dad.
“It takes time, and money…” my dad continued, all the parents about to continue before Kenny shot up from his seat.
“I call God father!” He shouted, jumping with excitement as Stan cursed to himself.
“Damn you McCormick! I call the next one!” Stan shouted, also jumping up as he glared angrily at Kenny.
“Boys!” Sheila shouted, as Kyle and I looked at each other, laughing lightly as the two began to argue once again.
AFTER THE STRESS OF THE EVENING DISSIPATED, we came to realize that Kyle being grounded didn’t count coming over to my house. Sheila was practically giddy at the fact to let him be closer to me, which if that doesn’t just warm your heart I don’t know what does. We were currently snuggled together on the couch, Butterssitting beside us, Cartman carefully watching the tv as Stan and Kenny attempted to make dinner in the kitchen. My parents were out to dinner so we were on our own, and of course Stan being the “man” he is he needed to prove his cooking skills.
“What did you mean earlier when you said we weren’t technically together?” Kyle asked, causing me to sit up a bit, moving my legs from their spot on Butters lap to sit up next to Kyle.
“Oh, well, just you haven’t officially asked yet.” I said, shrugging my shoulders as he raised an eyebrow at me.
“That was my job? I thought the thousands of tic-tac’s in my mailbox sealed the deal?” He said, chuckling lightly. I smiled up at him.
“No silly that was just my love confession.” I explained, making him smirk. He sat up, pretending to straighten a tie that wasn’t there.
“Well then, Juno Marsh, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” He said, smiling cheekily as a smiled back. I kissed him, holding his chin and squeezing slightly, smiling from ear to ear at his cuteness.
“Well of course, I mean we’re already married aren’t we?” Kyle smiled wider at my words, remembering our “wedding” we had with ring pops as children.
“Fair point.”
“So, do you guys know if it’s a boy or a girl?” Butters asked, his hands practically glued to my stomach since I sat down. I swear sometimes I think Butters was more excited than me. More excited then Kenny even. I think every time he’s around his hands never leave my stomach.
“No, we’re staying surprised.”
“That’s crazy, so there’s like, a baby in there?” Butters said, holding his cheek against my stomach, surprising both Kyle and I as Cartman looked over with disgust.
“A little demon spawn of ginger Jew genes.” He grumbled, rolling his eyes as he glared at Butters.
“Shut up Cartman.” Kyle threatened, causing Cartman to stick his tongue out at him before looking back at the tv.
“You’re like God!” Butters shouted, moving his head up to smile at Kyle and I.
“Butters, what?” I asked, laughing at his response.
“You’re right, God didn’t grow people, he just pressed a button and they sprouted from the ground.” He explained, placing his head back against my stomach.
“Is that accurate?” Kyle asked, causing me to shrug.
“You’re like, better than god.” He whispered in awe, making me nod in agreement.
“You hear that Stan?” I shouted, hearing Stan scoff all the way from the kitchen. “I'm better than God.”
“Yeah and I'm Jesus.” He shouted back, making my face scrunch up.
“Ew gross, that would mean you’re my son!”
“This is so beautiful, you’re so beautiful it’s crazy.” Kyle whispered, kissing the top of my head softly. “How are you even doing that?” He asked, his hand around my shoulder moving to rest below my stomach, holding it protectively as Butters continued to cling onto me.
“You didn’t hear? I'm god.” I said smugly, smirking at him as he playfully rolled his eyes.
“AH!” Tweek shouted, causing Craig and I to jump slightly as we both looked over at him. “What if you bruise the baby’s head?” He asked anxiously, referring to the bowl of popcorn that was resting on top of my baby bump. Craig grabbed his arm, rubbing it soothingly to calm him down.
“Relax honey, I’m sure Juno knows what she’s doing.” He reassured, making me raise an eyebrow at him questioningly.
“Oh I have no idea what I’m doing, but I doubt this bowl will bruise the baby’s head.” I said, earning a light shove from Craig.
“Ah! That’s so scary!” He said, grabbing a fistful of his hair nervously. I smiled, feeling a light kicking at the bottom of my stomach. I grabbed Tweeks wrist from his hair and placing it where the baby was kicking. It seemed to calm him down, smiling at the sensation against his hand before his body soothed. Craig placed his hand above Tweeks, smiling.
“I can’t believe you’re gonna be a mom.” He said, shaking his head with disbelief as my face scrunched up.
“Ew, don’t even say that to me.” I said, adjusting slightly as the kicking started to become painful.
“What? It’s true.”
“Yeah but I like to be blissfully unaware for as long as I can.”
“I thought you hated being pregnant.” Craig said, making me nod at him with widened eyes.
“I hate it so much.” That wasn’t necessarily true, I did love it. It made me feel less lonely, important. Like I did have a purpose in this world.
“Yeah, you’ve been so sick lately.” Tweek said, making me shutter.
“Don’t even remind me, just hearing the word sick makes me gag. I just, I wanna have a chill night, with my boys, with no interruptions to worry me.” I explained, earning a pout from Craig. I sighed, laying my head on Tweeks shoulder as I rested my legs onto Craig’s lap. He sighs in response, rubbing soothing patterns against my leg as I closed my eyes, Tweeks head resting against mine.
“Juno!” Kenny yelled, sprinting in through the front door with Stan, causing both Tweek and I to shoot up.
“Ahh!” Tweek shouted, making me hold onto my ear.
“Good lord I think you bruised my eardrum.” I said, as Tweek shook nervously in his spot.
“Why would you do that!?” He shouted at Kenny, causing both boys to shrug.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d be startled.” Kenny said innocently, making Craig roll his eyes.
“Yeah, just run into the room screaming out of nowhere and expect it NOT to scare tweek.” Craig said, making Tweek flip him off.
“You guys are assholes!” He shouted in response, as Stan shook his hands, trying to get my attention back to him.
“Anyway, look June, Kenny can hold this spoon on his nose for 3 minutes.” Stan said excitedly, both boys practically jumping up and down with joy.
“Unimpressed.” I said, making Stan roll his eyes.
“Okay, fine. Well watch this, he can catch popcorn in his mouth from all the way across the room.” Stan said, coming to stand beside me as Kenny braced himself from across that room.
“Uh, Stan..” I said, feeling a churning inside my stomach at the smell from the bowl Stan had.
“What kind of popcorn is this?” I asked, holding my chest to try and steady myself.
“White cheddar, why?”
“Oh god.”
I quickly ran to the bathroom, throwing up all of my food from the day into the toilet, resting my head in my arms as I let out small whines of discomfort. I closed the door behind me, not wanting to stress out any of the boys.
“Juno?” Stan called, knocking on the door as he heard my light sobs.
“Go away Stan!”
I could hear him sigh from the other side of the door, before ultimately retreating, saying something to the other guys as they walked away.
“Hey, Stan called I came home as fast as I can, what’s up?” Kyle asked, carefully peaking his head through the door when he saw my form hunched over the toilet seat. His gaze softened slightly as he tied my hair back into a ponytail, rubbing soft circles into my back.
“You left basketball?” I asked, my voice softening when his hand met my cheek. I frowned at him, which he reciprocated.
“Yeah, it’s no big deal it’s just..”
“Kyle, honey it’s a big game..” I interrupted him, running my hands through his curls, maybe him sigh.
“It’s okay, you’re more important to me.” He said reassuringly, frowning when he noticed the few tears that started dripping down my cheeks.
“Now, what’s wrong?” He asked softly, rubbing his thumb gently across my cheek bone.
“I don’t think the baby likes cheese all too well.” I laid my head against his chest, making him sigh as he tried to soothe my nerves.
“Sick again?”
“I thought this was supposed to end after the first trimester.” I whined into his chest, as Kyle kissed the top of my head.
“I know love, I’m sorry. Want me to get you some water?” He asked, making tears begin to drip down my cheeks. He pulled away when he felt wetness on his shirt, pouting at me when he did.
“Oh, oh please no, don’t cry honey.” He reassured, and I just shook my head, wiping my face haphazardly on my sleeve.
“You’re just so sweet to me. I love you so much Kyle I just, I’ll never love anyone else again.” I cried, hiding my face in my hands. He chuckled slightly at my dramatics, placing his hand on my stomach.
“If I’m being sweet then why are you crying?” He asked, smiling when he felt a few light kicks against his hand.
“Shut up asshole! I’m emotional.” I yelled, pulling away. He raised his hands in defense, causing me to cling onto him and once again hide my face in his chest.
“Yes you are.” Stan said from the door, causing me to turn around. Once I did I noticed that all of the boys were standing at the door. The once cracked slightly open door was now wide open as Stan, Tweek, Kenny and Craig were watching with concern. I threw my middle finger out at Stan.
“Shut up Stan! I swear to god I will shove your phone so far up your ass you’ll be tasting it for a week!” I shouted, Kyle holding me back as I tried to lunge at him.
It barely came out as a whisper, but I still heard him. I didn’t know why, I knew he was kidding, Stan and I called each other names all the time. But for some reason, I couldn’t control the tears that streamed down my cheeks.
“Oh why are you crying now?” Craig asked, a look of concern on his face as I hurrying my head once again into Kyle’s already soaked short.
“Stan called me a bitch!” I mumbled against Kyle’s shirt. He shushed me carefully, running his fingers through my hair to try me calm me down.
“I know love, you’re just going through a lot of big emotions right now, it’s okay. He’s sorry, aren’t you Stan?” Kyle said, turning to look at Stan who stood with his arms folded, shaking his head.
“No dude.”
“Say you’re sorry!” Kyle shouted, making Stan flinch slightly.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I love you.”
I smiled up at Stan, seeing a playful smile reciprocated on his face.
“I love you too.” I said, going back to letting Kyle hold me.
“See? All better.”
“Your chest smells pretty.” I mumbled, making Kyle laugh as I let myself relax to the sound of his heartbeat.
“How many more months of this?” Craig whispered to Kenny, making him shake his head as all the boys watched in fear.
“Oh god I hope not too many.” He replied, Stan shaking his head as well.
She gave me a wet Willy two days ago cause I ate her grapes. I still have a bruise.” Stan explained, earning looks of confusion from everyone.
“You don’t get bruises from a wet Willy idiot.” Craig teased, rolling his eyes. Stan stared straight ahead, a scared look on his face.
“From Juno you do…from Juno you do.”
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader Instagram AU
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Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, djdrama, and 9,677,345 others
jackharlow They say, “you a superstar now” damn, I guess I am.
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yourusername Yes you are!!!!!!! ⭐️
yourusername Proud of you baby 🥹 sold out shows and everything, you deserve this and more. Continue taking over 🤞🏼🥳❤️
jackharlow I love you baby, thank you for sticking with me through it all.
yourusername Always, till the wheels fall off. Let’s get that out of the way, umm sirrrr that face on the second pic, I hope you were at least thinking about me 🤤
urbanwyatt What now????
yourusername He makes that face when he’s about to cum 🙈 🤤
claybornharlow WTF I didn’t need to know that.
yourusername We have 2 whole kids, how do you think they got here?????
claybornharlow I still don’t need to know the face my brother makes 🤮 now I can’t look at him
yourusername lmaaaooooo so is this a bad time to say we actually conceived little princess in your childhood bedroom?????
urbanwyatt OMFG 💀
druski2funnny 🤣🤣
claybornharlow WHAT THE FUCK ???? Jackman where the fuck are you at? You’re mighty quiet please tell me she’s just saying this to get me disgusted???
jackharlow Nope, bathroom too!!!!
yourusername 🤭🤭🤭🤭
claybornharlow I’m gonna tell mom you guys are nasty. How could you???? In my fucking room man??? Not cool 😩😩😩
jackharlow I’m pretty sure she knows since she washed your sheets the next day
yourbestiename Baby, are you really talking???? When we’ve done worse.
urbanwyatt You’re right 😂😂😂😂
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Liked by yourusername, jackharlow, urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, and 8,678,345 others
champagnepapi If I ever proposed I know you woulda said no just so you could have one up on me while I’m down on one knees.
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yourbestiename DRAKEY POOH 🙈😍
urbanwyatt NO
yourbestiename Respectfully, no, no I wouldn’t. But then again, I would love to see you get on your knees, but that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️
champagnepapi 😳 📝
yourbestiename Is that supposed to be a threat? Because it sounds more like a good time.
yourusername I have room for one more ring 💍 sooo I’ll probably say yes.
champagnepapi Jack is going to hate me
yourusername 🤫 He doesn’t need to know
jackharlow YOOOO BAABE NOOOO!!!
yourusername 🙈 We’ve been caught, y/bestie/name should we run away???
yourbestiename Only if Drake comes along.
champagnepapi 😂😂😂 The stories I’ve heard, y’all are wild and I’m cool with the one kid I have.
jackharlow My wife is a little freak 😋 and she also has a breeding kink, so I’ll keep her. Thanks.
urbanwyatt 🙄 You two play too damn much.
yourbestiename Stop telling people you’re down to have a hall pass then. Because if that’s the case, Drakey is ours!!!!!
jackharlow Ohhh so that’s what this is about 🙄
yourusername 🙈
champagnepapi If that’s the case then my dms are always open for you two ladies.
urbanwyatt Im about to block you from her phone.
jackharlow I will report your account. I better not see you in her dms. I love you but no!!!! Never gonna happen
yourbestiename YALL ARE BORING! All that talk for nothing.
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Liked by jackharlow, yourbestiename, champagnepapi, maluma, badbunnypr, and 9,678,345 others
yourusername You got something I’m trying to experience.
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jackharlow 🤤 lucky lucky me
yourusername Damn right 🤭
jackharlow Can you come upstairs real quick? While the kids are down for their nap.
yourusername No, you come down here 😉
jackharlow Shit, on my way! 🏃🏼 😛
claybornharlow YOU DO KNOW IM HERE RIGHT????
jackharlow Yea so?
claybornharlow WDYM SO?
jackharlow Either go outside or cover your ears.
claybornharlow WTF & IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM???? I’m out!!!!!!!!
champagnepapi 👀
jackharlow NO STAY BACK 🤺
@ yourusername added to her story
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@ yourusername added to her story
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@ jackharlow added to his story
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
@jackharloww 💕
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thebluestbluewords · 10 months
Anything You Like - the soulmate theology part
“They’re a gift from God,” Claudine says confidently. “He sends them to us so we know where to find the good people in the world. The ones who are meant for us, for us to love and learn from. That’s why so many parents will mark their children.” 
“That’s stupid,” says Mal, who is eight years old, and has exactly two soulmarks, one from her mother and one from her future-henchman in training, Jafar’s son. “My mom’s the worst of the worst. She’d never let some silly god tell her who to mark.” 
Claudine glares at Mal from behind her thick glasses. The effect is a bit like being glared at by an especially nervous monkey, one of the creepy ones with huge eyes who sometimes come on TV in the hours-long marathons they get of the stupidest children’s shows imaginable. 
With all of the fury in her six-year-old body, Claudine sticks her tongue out at Mal. “Then you’re stupid, and so’s your mom!” 
“My mom could crush you dad like a bug.” Mal says carelessly. “And probably his god too, if he’s wasting his time giving people soulmarks. My dad’s the most powerful god on the island, and he doesn’t have any soulmarks.” 
“That’s because nobody loves him!” Claudine says, full of confidence in her own correctness in a way that only children can be. Mal would punch her teeth in, if she thought she could get away with it. “If God made somebody to care about your dad, he’d have found them by now and you wouldn’t even be here.” 
“Take it back!” 
“Take it back right now or I’m gonna hit you!” Mal shouts, clenching her hands into fists so tight that she can feel the tiny points of her nails start to cut into her palms. “My dad’s the most powerful god on the isle and he’s gonna hurt you if you don’t take it back!” 
Claudine frowns, screwing up her whole face. “My God can protect me,” she says, but they’re a shadow of doubt to her words now, and Mal knows that she can win this. “He’s the most powerful of all time, not just here.” 
Mal, with the honing instincts of a child who has never been told to shut up, goes for blood. 
“Then why don’t you have a soulmark? If your god is so powerful and cool and loves you so much, why didn’t he make anyone who loves you back?” 
“I—“ Claudine sputters, face crumpling behind her glasses. “I— I, um, I’m waiting. For the right person.” 
Mal frowns. She’s more evil when she pretends to care about people first, that’s what her mom says. “I thought your god was supposed to show you the right person. If he didn’t give you anyone, I think it means you’re just an unlovable freak.” 
“You’re mean,” Claudine whispers, her face damp behind the shield of her glasses. “I’m gonna find my person someday, and you’re never gonna get any more soulmarks because you’re mean and  God hates you.” 
Mal laughs. “There’s no god on the island, stupid. Your dad just lies to you because he doesn’t want anyone to know that you’re a freak.” 
Claudine sniffles. “You’re mean and that’s worse.” 
Mal takes a step back. Crying is disgusting and only for babies, and at eight years old, she’s very much not a baby, and being seen with someone who’s crying could hurt her burgeoning schoolyard reputation. Making someone cry because you hit them is one thing, but standing next to someone who’s crying is a sign of weakness, and there’s no space in Mal’s world for acting weak. 
“Says who?” she demands, from a safe distance away. Bullying distance is further than comforting distance, and it should be clear enough to any onlookers which one she’s standing at. 
“My— my dad,” Claudine manages, sucking in an enormous snotty breath. “And all his followers. Being mean is the worst thing ever, that’s what they said.” 
Mal laughs wickedly. Or at least, close to wickedly. She’s still practicing her Evil Laughs. “Well, my mom says that being mean is how you get ahead in the world. And my mom’s the ruler of the isle, and yours is dead, so I’m pretty sure I know better than you.”
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pinkandpurple360 · 7 months
Rewriting the Seeing Stars ending to be less disgusting and victim blamey (Loona and Vias conversation) 💜🤍
Via: Oh yeah he cares so much that’s why you’re here instead of him he couldn’t be bothered to show up himself. He’s too busy screaming at my mum. Why does he hate her more than he loves me?
Loona: (Sigh) Kid, I’m so sorry he’s not here. I don’t know what’s going on for you but I can see it’s hard. It’s shitty and it’s unfair to get dragged in to grown ups bull shit. I really thought he’d be here by now, he even came to the human world with us after…threatening my dad. I wasn’t really scared of him but it seems like he was blaming us instead of himself. And he just ran off when my dad was taken away somewhere even though he can fucking handle himself. Now that I think about it, me and my dad have been doing ALL the work to find y—shit I’m not helping am I? Fuck sorry this is just, kinda hard. It’s not really my business but you clearly need help. Has he, ever taken account for anything he’s done?
Via, head buried in her hands: Oh what like taken the blame? Without crying or making it about himself? Not really. He usually waits until me or mum are screaming at him before he bothers paying attention to how anybody else feels. And wow big surprise there chasing your dad around and making the little people do all his dirty work through intimidation. And he has the nerve to cry about his own mistreatment. He’s the most powerful figure in the house for fuck sake. S-Sorry I didn’t mean to swear…
Loona: Damn that’s annoying. And babe I think you’ve earned a curse or two. There’s nothing worse than people ignoring your feelings. ESPECIALLY when you’re a kid. You just get labelled as having an “attitude problem” And then they have the nerve to act all shocked when you finally snap?
Via, laughing: Yep! “Wow sweetie I didn’t realise you actually meant it when you said you were upset at me twenty times!” Maybe he’ll start giving me anger management. Even though as you’ve seen, his temper is the real scary shit. Nothing compared to my mom or me.
Loona: Yeesh! He’s never…you know, hurt you or your mom righ—
Via: Oh Satan no. Thankfully not. He’s too much of a wimp. He just attacks the imps instead.
Loona: Wow, sounds like a fuckin coward if you ask me.
Via, uncomfortable: They…both do it. I just try to ignore it but…it’s just confusing how some imps are people to him and some are just..toys. Honestly, my mums the one who lets herself go too far. Shes been pissed about the affair but it’s no excuse to try and smack somebody. I just wish she’d fucking apologise once, that either of them would fucking apologise. But, not a bit of me is scared of either of my parents in..that sense. My uncle is really creepy though…and nobody notices.
Loona, scared for her: Wait WHAT?? That sounds like a problem—
Via: It’s just how he is I guess? I mean..he treats women the same way my dad treats yours. So I guess it’s normal to me.
Loona: Honey…you and I both know it’s not. You need to tell an adult about this stuff. I..I don’t like thinking of my dad as some kind of victim. He’d tell me if he felt like one. Honestly it’s probably just some sort of disgusting..public kink play or something. Shit!! I shouldn’t be talking like this to a kid?! I’m so fucking sorry forget I said that.
Via, chuckling: It’s fine, my dad does it all the time I pretty much know everything about that stuff.
Loona, disgusted: What? Via…that is not ok.
Via: it’s just how he is…
Loona: Look…Im not an expert on this and I really think you should talk to somebody. Im not exactly big sister material I’ve got my own baggage…a LOT of baggage to deal with. But if you need someone to talk to, another girl, I’ll be here. And I can help you find some sense of identity that isn’t so…indebted to your dad all the time.
Later when their fathers are back.
Blitzø: Via! Thank Satan. And Loonie! Oh Loonie sweetie thank you for finding her I’m so sorry about that stupid acting bullshit I’ll never replace you I could never—(he flinches when she moves)
Loona, hesitantly but slowly hugs him: Dad…I’m sorry…I (tearful) I just can’t stop getting angry. I hate the desk job. But I hate failing more. I don’t think I can do it, I just, I’m so angry and I keep hurting you…I hate everybody but mostly I—
Blitzø, saddened but worried: You hate…yourself? I don’t know how anyone could hate someone like you Loonie. If it’s that important, I won’t..force you to do it anymore..I’ll miss you at the office though..try out cafe work or something (sigh) meet people your own age..I know now how weird it is for your dad to be your boss too..I guess it’s always just been normal for me. You aren’t a failure this is your first job and you tried it out. I love you Loonie. I’m proud of you.
Loona: I love you too dad. (She pulls back because physical contact is difficult for her she pats his shoulder instead)
Stolas watching them tearfully: Oh Blitzy you’re such a darling…Via, I’m so glad you’re ok, I know how sorry you are darling let’s get home and—
Via: How sorry I am?? Me??? After you fucking ignored me twice in one day for this stupid—-
Stolas: LANGUAGE!! I will not have you becoming like your B-I-t-c-h mother. Apologise to Blitzy and I, and we will be on our way. If we leave early the just the two of us-and my Blitzy of course—can watch Azathoths Tears together!
Via, tearful: I’m..sorry everyone…
Stolas smiles sweetly: See that wasn’t so hard! Ohohoho look! Fireworks! (Clapping)
Everyone just sortve awkwardly pretends they’ve never seen fireworks before to make the owl man happy.
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douceurrrr · 2 years
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SUMMARY: your mom is starting to talk about getting a job and making your own money to spend. you start babysitting Karen Wheeler’s daughter for just the money. turns out you have another reason.
pt2 pt3
PARINGS: mike wheeler x cheerleader!black!reader
DETAILS: fluff and mike being absolutely smitten
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“that’s it you’re getting a job y/n.”
here’s what happened. you spent a lot of money on your mom’s card and she said if you did that again you would be forced to get a job, obviously you didn’t listen, and spent a lot of money on some new shoes that you probably were only going to wear once. “but mom-“
“don’t but mom me. don’t worry I got the perfect job for you.” Your mom then walked over to the telephone and started to dial a number. “hi, karen?” You stood by her, listening to the conversation.
“yes well I heard your looking for a babysitter for holly and I know my daughter y/n would be happy to volunteer.” Your eyes widen as you listened to what she was saying. A babysitter?! Really? I mean if this means you would be making money I guess you’re up for anything.
“okay great! bye.” Your mom says before hanging up the phone. she then turned to you and spoke. “this can be good for you, you can finally learn some responsibility.” You huffed in annoyance and headed your room.
“hey y/n.” Chrissy’s sweet voice fills your ears as you are sitting at the lunch table with the rest of the squad. “hey chris what’s up?” You and Chrissy are best friends since forever but when Jason came along it seemed as if you two were drifting away. Jason. You never liked Jason. Even though he was with Chrissy you would often caught him looking at you up and down or taking a look up you skirt while practice, it was disgusting but you never had the heart to tell Chrissy.
“wanna hang out after school? i was going to ask jason but he had other plans with the boys.” You wanted nothing more but to keep her company other than her dick boyfriend but just when you were about to say yes you remembered you have to babysit now.
“oh m’so sorry but I gotta babysit karen wheeler’s kid tonight.” You saw how chrissy’s face dropped in disappointment. you started to feel bad so you quickly said. “next time though.” She nodded and started a conversation with another person. This babysitting job is already ruining your life.
And if anything could get worse Jason came to the table. Chrissy stood up from her seat and walked over to Jason. He pulled her into a kiss making eye contact with you behind her shoulder . You mentally threw up with the bedroom eyes he was giving you. “hey babe.” Chrissy says smiling up at him. “hey Chrissy.” Jason then turned to you.
“hey y/n.” You nodded in response before he started to walk away. “isn’t he wonderful?” Chrissy beamed. You put on a fake smile and nodded.
Jason is a dick.
After school you headed to the wheeler’s to start your job. As you walked up to the the door you dreaded it but it’s worth the money.
and learning responsibility as your mom would say.
Once you made it to the door you rang the doorbell, waiting and fiddling with the hem of your cheerleader skirt. The door then swings open to reveal Mrs.Wheeler and it looked like she was in a hurry. “hi y/n come in.” and with that you walked in the house with Mrs Wheeler closing the door behind you. “holly is in the living room and we have food just in case you get hungry.” You nodded as she was walking towards the door but came to a halt as if she forgot something to say.
“also my son Mike will be home soon he went out with a friend.” You mumbled a okay as she left the house. You began to make your way to the living room where holly was. When you walked in you saw holly playing with some building blocks. “Hi holly I’m y/n.” Surprisingly she smiled at you. Most kids stickers their tongues out or make mean gestures. “hi mom says you’re a cheerleader,”
“yep that’s true.”
“I want to be a cheerleader one day.” She says while playing with the blocks. “well I think you have it in you.” Holly looked up at you and beamed when you said that. Maybe this babysitting job won’t be that hard. You never had a good experience with children let’s just leave it at that.
after moments of making jokes and playing with holly’s hair you came to a conclusion that maybe babysitting wouldn’t be as bad as you thought.
“I’m home.” The voice said throughout the house. Suddenly someone came into the living room. You look up to see a boy, he was beautiful. his sharp facial features, his curly raven locks, his freckles, jawline. You guy stared at each other for a little bit until someone interrupted. “why are you two staring at each other?” Holly’s voice put you out of your trance. “um I’m y/n holly’s baby sitter.”
“oh uh I’m mike.” Mike couldn’t help but to look at the skin that wasn’t covered by your skirt which was your thighs. His eyes scanned your plush brown thighs as his eyes wandered up to your hair which was in ponytail tied with a gold ribbon. “you’re a cheerleader?”
“yeah at Hawkins High.” Your heart was pounding as you scanned over his body stopping when you saw the Hellfire Club shirt he was wearing. “you’re apart of that one club? Hellfire?” Mike looked down at his shirt then back up at you with a frown.
“probably think we’re freaks like everyone else.”
you immediately began shaking your head no. “no I think it’s kinda cool.” mike’s eyes sparkled as he just stared at you completely smitten. “well I’ll see you around.” He says leaving to go to his room not breaking eye contact with you.
“that was weird.” You rolled your eyes playfully at holly. “how about I finish that braid in your hair huh?” holly nodded then you continued with one person on your mind.
Mike Wheeler.
a/n : I feel like this is the worst shit i have ever written but here you go
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iris-is-silly · 6 months
To be honest I’ll never actually post anything besides this on here and it will probably be a depressing post.
I hate my life. I’m losing a good reason to wake up every time I get up. It’s to the point where waking up and staying awake is a chore and would just love to bedrot. I’ve written suicide notes on suicide notes and I’ve written one for everyone. I’ve even written a poem and some stories.
I love my friends and my cats but thats all anymore. Even then I still struggle with my friends. I hate talking or trying to start a conversation now and most of my messages feel like they are hitting brick walls.
I hate my body. God is my body disgusting. I feel like throwing up looking in the mirror. I can’t go anywhere without covering up my body. If I’m seen without a hoodie I scurry like a rat till I feel safe.
I hate the stress. I’ve been degraded my whole life. Whether it be in elementary for doing nothing and being the odd one out for being neuro-divergent, To being bullied and degraded by my own mom and dad. Im able to drive and the elementary high school bullying went to being attacked, SA’d, talked about everywhere and being hate crimed. All of these things because what.? Im different from you all.? That justifies your need to attack me and shit talk every one of my uncontrollable insecurities day by day.? Well guess what assholes you are winning.
I hate living. I’ve never had a break. No matter how hard I work. No matter how hard I try. No matter what every single break ends up being dragged into a worse and worse event. “Let’s go to the amusement park” Friend attempts suicide. “Let’s go to vegas get a break take out some anger.” Dog dies. “Im gonna go camping and unplug for a while.” Come back and boom I’m removed from their life and I’m the bad guy for wanting a break from life.
I struggle to stay happy. I miss being a kid. Clueless to the horrors of what was to come. Unable to understand why the kids would laugh or point at me. Blind to the hate. I miss the days where I could look around and take a deep breath and enjoy it.
I’ve lost hope. No coping methods work anymore. I sit on my blood stained mattress wondering why I just add to the stains without finishing the job. I try to find the good in the world or the stuff to make me happy but all I find is a fistful of cats and friends. Nothing makes my happy anymore.
My own family lets it happen. I love being in able to work because of how hard it is to focus. Everyone says “Take your meds” “If you just took your pills” “You wouldn’t fail if you were medicated.” Well guess what? I have been taking them. You pay no notice because you all spend that time berating me. Shoving more pills down my throat for what? A reason to blame me for your anger?
So I’ll leave this earth. No one who is part of my blood ever acts like they care anymore. I wake up to hear “Your rude asshole” For making breakfast and apologizing. I get beat for cooking my dad and brother a steak I saved up for so they can be happy. I get publicly shamed because I was sick and refused to eat. I am the bad guy in every situation and when Im not, Im attacked, Degraded, Left to rot.
If you want me to take them, I’ll take them all. I wish crying myself to sleep at night at-least was a good enough cry for help. Its not. They slow painful feel as my body aches dragging my almost dead limp appendages across the floor to rest just to be called to do more work. They hear me cry. They see how much pain I’m in. They know my condition.
Maybe this is a cry for help. On a day where maybe I’m not always thinking about killing myself something changes that. I wish just once that I may be free from this cycle of constant negativity, But it will always go un-answered.
When I’m gone and days quieter look for me in the fields. I will be sitting besides you although you may not know I’ll be there holding your hand.
Im sorry for wasting your time. You may hate me and this stupid rant. But its no different you just join the common mass. I left a-lot of details out to protect and so my classmates or friends don’t report me to the school. If you know me and you see this. Keep quiet.
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