#but now i have a choice? i simply cant believe you im too afraid of the words not being true i don’t want to be punished anymore
myfirstandlast · 2 years
i don’t understand at all im like a caged animal at the pound someone keeps trying to adopt but i’m so used to being abused i cant get comfortable with the kindness and freedom offered to me my parents keep duping me on whether or not i have the illusion of free will and even if i truly do im too traumatised to do anything of my own desire without the fear of consequence and punishment especially when i can’t dream of moving out or going someplace to get away
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
ashamed to say the 3D reflects our true inner reality, yes? my ENTIRE family has turned against me, after some atrocious conflicts in which they all ganged up on me nd judged me, name-calling, very hurtful things too, provoked me. i been dealing with some serious mental uh 'issues' on my own nd when this happend i was already on the verge of a breakdown nd the good news is while the conflict happened i kept telling myself theyre only reflecting me u can get thru it etc. Later i looked at the hard facts nd realised some of the hurtful things they said were my deep secret feelings abt myself. BUT my question is why the HELL cant they talk to me like normal people? confronting one person vs whole family, why?! i felt so small nd like an object, nd not a single person defended me. am i not a part of the family?
Part 2 is simply its been a week and theyve still been cold towards me as if I yelled AT THEM ABT THEIR PAINFUL 'tRuThS' in front of EVERYONE LMAOOO. At first if i was around we'd have dinner together while they'd all talk to each other like best friends aka sickeningly overly friendly while completely IGNORING me while i sat there. i could tolerate it. I WAS PISSED AT THEM TOO Now its too painful. They're having dinner without telling me, yesterday didnt leave enough food for me knowing i hadnt eaten, serve tea/snacks without my portion. i honestly feel so unspeakably trigered nd sad. worst is these things r reminding me of deep school memories when id feel excluded like this by other kids at parties or class activities nd its like im back there. anyway im glad i controled myself a bit nd didnt counter with horrid things abt them to THEM yet they think they can say the same to me. im so hurt rn i cant even tell u lol i was okay the whole week but now its too much,, ive been crying the whole day
thing is, ik this seems like 'im a victim oh noooo they ganged up on meee'. Nope its more like how do i change myself to change them?! u could say why not talk to them how they made u feel, except whenever ive defended myself in the past regarding hurtful things they/anyone in family did, the siblings/parents would say irritating things like: "oh so YOU'RE the one hurt? Oh thats right, its because YOU'RE right! yes, yes, you're always right. Forgive me for saying anything against the perfect person u are." Or one of them says: "You?! I hurt YOU? What about me? You don't care about me! So you think what ur doing is okay?" or "no, who do YOU think u are to tell ME what to do?" it just goes in circles like this! i dont deserve to hurt myself or do smth to myself even if they dont give a damn, even if years of silent suffering of the 'mEntAL pRoBlEms' (which my lovely parents have already told me is my fault years ago, hence why I NEVER show it to them, unless im crying too much then lol they just mock me, but idc abt THAT bcoz now ik i hav a right to let out my emotions)). i mean this is worse rjan usual. its kinda insane nd when guests come they start talking to me as if nothing's wrong then when they leave, they ignore me!
this whole twisted dynamics, feelijf left out nd helpless is ig some crazy assumptin from childhood of being alone nd unable to defend myself. plus when they argye with anyone, they become overly self-righteous nd over the years its clear they can only scream, blame the scapegoat and never talk abt serious matter like normal ppl. And yes, in the past when i bring this up, they like to reply with stuff like: "no YOU'RE the one who doesnt talk to US bla bla" like, when i do u just shut me down? have belittled my mental 'issues', mocked me when im at my worst, stabbed me with cruel silent treatments nd thinking its alright "bcoz of self-righteousness blegh". Or maybe i think its okay for them to punish me? or whatev? Like law says u get what u r. if these ~~~ keep doing this to me, im doubly ashamed to say this means im the one at fault?! i let this monster assunptin grow nd now idk what to do. the worst thing imo is how i failed to tell them,even if they ignored me in the past, how i feel when anything like this or a conflict happens nd none of them stand up for me, or at least are neutral to me. bcoz now if i do, they say nope, u dont care what we do, YOUR the shameless one :! so yeah they hav the advantage of 'numbwrs' while im too afraid to stand up for myself lol. btw they never apologize nd i suspect they expect ME to apologize to TYEM bcoz everything's already ruined bcoz of 'me'..... i give up on them, i really do, but my heart hurts. Either i harden my heart, nd save up to move out, OR i try to change my self or whatev assumptins i have. But how do i do that? i try afirming: "my familys so nice to me, im respected by them" but it feels so fake tears literally enter my eyes lol
firstly i want to say, thank you for coming here to vent and being open about your feelings. it’s so important sometimes to just let it all out, without holding back. so that way you can move forward more bravely, to create the life you truly want to experience. that being said, i am going to be completely honest with you here in hopes that perhaps it may inspire you and you will be ready to do what is needed for the life you truly want to experience.
“BUT my question is why the HELL cant they talk to me like normal people?” -> “i felt so small nd like an object, nd not a single person defended me. am i not a part of the family?” here is your question, and here is your answer. i think that being completely honest when venting your feelings can actually be so helpful, because if you read back what you have said, you will be able to clearly find the patterns that are creating your personal hell. FEELING IS THE SECRET. ASSUMPTIONS HARDEN INTO FACT. the true way you feel, becomes your experience. Feelings/assumptions/beliefs come first, and the experiences come second to confirm them. That’s all that’s happening here.
i am glad that you were able to keep your reactions to a minimum! that's wonderful and as many of us know, it can sometimes be hard to do in such hurtful circumstances. but you managed to do it, this shows just a small glimpse of the power you truly hold within. although emotionally you may feel out of control, there is still the choice to choose better for yourself which you demonstrated through your reaction to them. good for you!
the truth is, you acknowledge the victim mindset to seem like you’re not engulfed in it, but no, you’re still very clearly engulfed in it. as i have said before, you can’t be a VICTOR and feel bad about it. feeling bad about taking responsibility, about everyone is you pushed out, about any of these types of concepts automatically shows a victim mindset. talking to them won’t do anything, because there are no second causes. you could talk to them nicely, you could be the nicest person in the world. but you can’t pretend your way out of your inner world. your inner world is the one and only cause of your experiences. until you change the story you tell yourself, they will stay the same. this is a hard pill to swallow sometimes. and it can feel heavily, because it’s ultimately only you’re choice. they can’t change until you do. the heaviness of the situation may make it seem impossible to turn around, but that’s just an illusion. your emotional attachment to the situation makes it seem so real and hard to change, but no. that’s just an illusion too. however, it’s ultimately your choice. Do you want to take responsibility for your life, or do you want to keep being tossed around like your lost at sea, victim to the merciless angry waves? Because we always have a choice. No one chooses your inner world, you do. No one can go into your mind and decide things for you, that’s only your job.
you can harden your heart, but who would be the one who suffers more? It won’t be your family, i can assure you. it’ll only be you. by doing that, you keep that old story alive and therefore you keep experiencing it. you keep those stories alive that are desperately showing themselves to you, saying “LET US GO.” but you remain identified with those painful stories, so you grip onto them tight. you keep on thinking of possible reasons for their behavior, but you could just read your entire ask back to yourself and you’ll see every reason. your reactions, your beliefs about them, your emotional pain. its your refusal to let those things go, and focus on what you truly want that keeps you in this state and keeps them in this state. sure it’s painful to face the responsibility at first, but it’s not a blame game. thinking its about blame is just a misunderstanding of the teachings. it’s not about they’re so perfect and you’re so not, so you have to change your ways. it’s about this is how life works here. this is about... you can ONLY ever experience self. whatever is going on within, will be reflected in your outer world. it’s about how they can’t change, UNTIL YOU DO. so instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you have to decide to give yourself the gift of a wonderful life because you have that power too. you stop deciding they can be in control of your experience, and you decide your experience yourself.
to change your assumptions, stop trying to affirm over them and actually face what’s keeping you from believing in your desires. yeah, it’s going to be painful and uncomfortable. but you need to face the pain that you’re running away from, so that it can finally be released. you have to realize, it only stayed true because you believed it to be true. and if you are to live a life free from that story, and experience a more desirable story, then you must let the pain go. give yourself love and grace as you work through it, and know that there is a more beautiful side of life that awaits for you to accept it in.
No One To Change But Self
There is Nothing to Forgive
How to Sit with Your Triggers
give yourself the time you need, it's not race. the love that you wish to experience exists, allow it in. 💖
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the209social · 4 years
12:00am 05.04.2020
I’ve never been the greatest person at controlling my feelings. Especially when i like someone. After i tell a guy that i have feelings for him, I tend to make things complicated and awkward when he doesn’t reciprocate. I have a difficult time separating friendship from love when i fall in love with someone. This doesn’t happen very often because I guard my heart very much. It’s been broken so many times, yet sometimes i wonder if i was the cause of all those heart aches. Could i have spared all those tears by simply changing the way i reacted or looked at the situation, when a guy didn’t feel the same love for me?
I recently confessed my love to a man that i had fallen very much in love with. He’s a very good friend of mine and i developed feelings for him as time passed. I’ve never fallen in love for a man like him. He has a lot of qualities that i see potential in as a long term relationship. Don’t get me wrong, he also has his defects, and many of them, but i look past them because of the love i feel for him. It’s never easy telling someone you love them and opening up your heart and soul. There are a lot of factors that prevent us from telling someone we love them. Years ago i learned that keeping your feelings in only hurts yourself. We are afraid that the friendship will change and things will become awkward or they will stop talking to us. It’s not easy opening up, especially when you are very close. 
Well if you’re wondering if he felt the same way for me after i bared my soul in a long 3 page letter, the answer is no. I got a really dry text stating, he would rather keep our friendship the way it was. Those were very hard words to hear, yet this time around i didn’t take the rejection to the heart. My worry wasn’t that he did not feel the same for me. My true worry was that he would feel uncomfortable and start pulling away. I value his friendship so much that i was terrified of losing it more than anything. I accepted his answer and respected his wishes. Recently i was able to hang out with him and his friends. I was able to be around him and honestly put my feelings aside. I didn’t find it difficult to be in the same space with him. I must admit that it brings me joy to still have him as a friend. The way i process things has grown very much. I didn’t always process things so simply. I use to let it affect me and my mental health. Usually i would be in tears, heart broken because this guy, that i love so much doesn’t love me in return. Now that i look back, i find it a bit ridiculous.
I came to the realization that there is no way you can make someone love you. You could literally be the only person in their life that cares for them and they will still not see your value as a potential love interest. This is where having control over your emotions comes into play. I remember how i would always tell Romeo how much i loved him but he wanted to keep the relationship as a “friends with benefits,” kind of deal. I would always get sad, cry and get depressed. He had a diamond (me), but he was scared of its worth and found more value in simple rocks. My mistake was being so damn adamant in wanting him to love me. I should have just simply offered him a friendship with no benefits and things would have been better between us. So when i confessed my love to my new dear friend and he did not reciprocate, i said to myself, “i rather still have his friendship than lose this man that has been there for me in many areas of my life, as i have also been there for him.” This time around i told my broken heart, “its okay, you will fall in love again.”
There is only one thing that has been bothering me so much. Before i told him how i felt i noticed that he has stopped texting and calling me about a week prior. He took longer to answer text messages and he was short and rude in the way he replied. I didn’t pay much attention at first. I did notice that he was going out more with a group of friend that he has, but i didn’t think that was odd at first. Then one of his friends told me that he had moved in with this group of friends and it all made sense to me. Before he was living there, he would text or call me a couple of times a week and ask if we could hang out. Not only was i happy that he wanted to spend time with me because of the way i felt for him, but simply because i enjoyed his company very much. We would bake cookies and watch movies, have sleep overs (as friends) go hiking, go out to eat. He always called or texted. Now that he’s permanently with his other friends i guess he no longer has a need for Me. The last time he invited me to do anything was on his birthday, about a week ago, but before that he hadn’t text me for almost two weeks. Days have gone by and i don’t know anything about my dear friend. Maybe, even though, he said that he wanted to stay friends, at the end of the day he felt weirded out by me. I worry so much for him because i can see him make small bad decisions after another. Yet i said to myself, i’m not his keeper or guardian, he has to learn on his own and i’m not his savior. That was something that was hard to accept, because when you love someone so much and care for their existence so much, you want to see them prosper and make the right choices.
But i’m also tired of being so available for these guys that use me while their lives are a mess and once things look good and life going well for them they turn their backs on me. Romeo and Damian (also known as Habibi) played me and tossed me out like an old rag, and now my dear friend seems to be doing the same as well. I miss my friend. He was truly like my best friend to me. We did almost everything together. To be honest, when he told me he only wanted to be my friend, i set all those feelings that caused me to love him aside and crumbled them up and tossed them out the window before it was too late and i couldn’t change the way i felt for him. That doesn’t mean that i don’t worry, but when i go on social media and i see that his friends post him it makes me a bit jealous, (not in a romantic way.) Im jealousy stems from when he’s been down and out, and cant find solace in his life, i have been there to hold his hand and give him a shoulder to cry on, two loving arms to hold him from breaking. Meanwhile these friends barely gave a fuck, yet they have more importance. Can it be because i don’t party every night and offer him alcohol? Because that the one thing he said he wanted to get away from and change, yet there he is, somehow back in that mess. Am i over reacting? My gut feelings tells me no and my gut has never been wrong. Anyways, i decided that i’m always the one reaching out. When i was talking to Damian i was the one who constantly attempted to set up times to met and hang out, (that 99.9% of them never happened.) I learned so much about valuing myself from him. I said never again. Damian and i are friends now. Yes i invite him over to social gatherings at my place but i learned to only invite once and let go. As for my dear friend, i decided that i’m not reaching out for him. Not because of pride, but simply because i am valuable and he needs to understand that. Every morning i wake up wanting to text him, “i miss you friend 😞” and i stop myself. I have already proved to him that i love him with all my heart and soul, and that i’m also a faithful friend willing to bend over backwards for him. If he wants to throw it all away for god knows what reason, then i can’t stop him. I honestly believe that losing his friendship would hurt more than him not loving me in return. 
Time will only tell, but in the mean time my dear friend is constantly on my mind. I worry about him a lot and my family is constantly asking about him, because they like him. Friends that we have in common also ask me about him and all i can reply to them is “i don’t know.” That is honestly the saddest answer i have ever give about a person, and it breaks me. On a positive note i have been channeling my feelings into a more healthy lifestyle. A couple days ago i got so drunk, among other things that i’m not very proud of, and the next morning my mind couldn’t cope with the downer i was having. I had a full anxiety and panic attack just thinking of my friend, my past, my feeing. I wanted to rip out of my skin and run away. I hadn’t had anxiety like that since my time with Romeo. So i decided that at the moment i want to give up alcohol and any substances that alter my way of feeling. I need to be in control, now more than ever. I decided to work on my health and get back to my 2013 body. I plan on doing it in a more slowly and healthy way. There are still many things on my mind. I worry about my dear friend all the time, but now i just don’t let it bother me. I’m sure my friend will reach out at one point. Let’s just hope he doesn’t take too long and i that i don’t reach a “i don’t care” level like i did with Romeo and Damian, because there is no turning back after that. 
1:02am 05.08.2020 (took me a while to write this one, i was battling with all the emotions that live inside my mind and soul)
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fairycosmos · 4 years
holy shit so im korean and i got monolids and I FUCKINF HATE THEM SO MUCH..... the white boys in my school think its funnt to pull on them whilw the girls poke fun at how i have “kpop eyes” and masacara gets Everywhere and Fuck Im so pissed that i cant afford those eyelid surgeries brcause i hate myself and my stupid fuckinf ching chong useless mono-fucking-lids sorry for rant im just. done!!!!!
FUUUUCK the racist dumb fucking white boys at your school, holy shit. what the hell is wrong w people. you have every right to be hurt and mad about this, even if it's painful. it's totally natural to be annoyed, pissed off, sad etc and to process those emotions however you need to. cry about it, write about it, talk about it. im fuckin proud of you for getting to this point and still going to school and making an effort. i know confronting this type of issue is usually a lot more nuanced than simply trying to ignore them or whatever. so is there any way you could talk to a teacher about this, report it for what it is? bullying, racism ignorance and absolute delusion - seriously, these assholes are so fuckin brain dead it's unreal. they have nothing going on in their heads. and you don't deserve to have to put up with that. at the same time, they need to be reprimanded for their behaviour somehow. and maybe if you ask the school for help, they'll be able to support you and keep you out of their vicinity as much as possible. their priority should be your safety and education, there has to be something they can do. i don't know what your school is like and i get that a lot of them are useless when it comes to this sort of thing, but it's always worth a shot. there's policies they must abide by and procedures to put in place. if there's any adult offering help, a teacher or a counselor or even your parents to begin with, don't be afraid to tell them what's going on. it's scary at first, and maybe your mind will want to reject the idea, but it'll make your life easier in the long run. you truly don't have to deal with this alone. the initial act of reaching out is the most difficult part, but it doesn't have to be a huge deal to do right by yourself. please just consider it for now, and know that it is always an option.
i understand that bullying can really fuck up your self esteem like, ive been out of school for like a year and what i experienced still gets to me. but with personal growth, focusing on your mental health and a network of support your perception of yourself will improve over time. it's inevitable. confidence and the ability to self soothe comes with age, sooner than you realize. when you begin to accept who you are bc you can't change it, when you learn that seeing yourself as an object is a scam you're brainwashed into cause it's profitable, when you recognize all of the ways you can experience this world that have nothing to do with appearance and pleasing others - everything changes. your mindset shifts bit by bit. you're just young rn so this feels like everything, and it absolutely is a big deal but it's not all that you are. school is such a bubble. point is, it genuinely won't always feel like this, no matter how permanent it seems in the moment. at the end of the day the behaviour of these racists is literally a reflection of them and the type of people they are, it has nothing to do with you or what you look like or anything you've done. it is not your fault and your identity is not dictated by their words. they'd find a 'problem' with anyone because they're the ones with the issue and they're insecure as helllll. not only that, but you get to live with the knowledge that you're a better, kinder, smarter and cooler person than they'll ever be in their whole lives. maybe that doesn't matter to you right now but it's a significant underlying fact. i really hope you're able to get to a place of appreciation for your race, your appearance and most of all yourself regardless of what these idiots think. again, im not sayin you're wrong to be effected bc obviously that's not the case. but even trying to accept that your worth doesn't hinge on other people, or whether or not you have monolids, is a good place to start. im seriously rooting for u. these kids will get what's coming to them eventually. try to focus on confronting one day at a time, and when that feels like too much, one hour at a time. even a minute at a time is good enough. and always remember that you have a choice to lean on those who care for you even if you don't want to. you have nothing at all to be ashamed of. anyway this got long i could go on forever bc i just can't fuckin believe but.....if you need a friend or if you want to rant, i'll be here. sending a lot of warmth and strength to you love.
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somnilogical · 4 years
i am prepared to face god this instant
in the case of the native americans, in a counterfactual world where every native human could would do with their muscles what they would yell at a book character in their situation to do with their mouth. where people could would make choices from a third person point of view and then carry out the choices. where when asked by an interrogator for the names of your rebel companions, you say you will know them when they come to avenge me.
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<<On 8 Feb 1943, the Nazis hung 17-year-old Yugoslav partisan Lepa Radić. When asked the names of her companions, she replied: “You will know them when they come to avenge me”.>>
<<N. Stolyarova recalls an old woman who was her neighbor on the Butyrki bunks in 1937. They kept on interrogating her every night. Two years earlier, a former Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church, who had escaped from exile, had spent a night at her home on his way through Moscow. “But he wasn’t the former Metropolitan, he was the Metropolitan! Truly, I was worthy of receiving him.” “All right then. To whom did he go when he left Moscow?” “I know, but I won’t tell you!” (The Metropolitan had escaped to Finland via an underground railroad of believers.) At first the interrogators took turns, and then they went after her in groups. They shook their fists in the little old woman’s face, and she replied: “There is nothing you can do with me even if you cut me into pieces. After all, you are afraid of your bosses, and you are afraid of each other, and you are even afraid of killing me.” (They would lose contact with the underground railroad.) “But I am not afraid of anything. I would be glad to be judged by God right this minute.”
There were such people in 1937 too, people who did not return to their cell for their bundles of belongings, who chose death, who signed nothing denouncing anyone.>>
<<One can’t say that the history of the Russian revolutionaries has given us any better examples of steadfastness. But there is no comparison anyway, because none of our revolutionaries ever knew what a really good interrogation could be, with fifty-two different methods to choose from. Just as oxcart drivers of Gogol’s time could not have imagined the speed of a jet plane, those who have never gone through the receiving-line meat grinder of Gulag cannot grasp the true possibilities of interrogation.
We read in Izvestiya for May 24, 1959, that Yuliya Rumyantseva was confined in the internal prison of a Nazi camp while they tried to find out from her the whereabouts of her husband, who had escaped from that same camp. She knew, but she refused to tell! For a reader who is not in the know this is a model of heroism. For a reader with a bitter Gulag past it’s a model of inefficient interrogation: Yuliya did not die under torture, and she was not driven insane. A month later she was simply released—still very much alive and kicking.>>
-alexander solzhenitsyn, the gulag archipelago
if all or even a majority of native americans near the missions had this neurotype, then what id suggest would be for everyone to move away from the missions and if captured refuse to work to the point of death. the missions need slave labour in order to exist and without people to feed on and with long supply lines, they would be undone and people would be free from the largest human-unfriendly institution of the era.
and the outcome would be better than ~60 years of slavery. this is choosing between timelines
somni why do you care about freedom? freedom is like ability-to-live. if people were like "well who cares about the global slavery-and-submission-and-stasis cult" until catholicism actually took over the world, the world would be much worse and we would never get to the stars.
you could say "whats the point, everyone gets assimilated to whatever the social order is now which is driving us all to doom" but like if you are in 1800s america after you keep the world ending for a set of tribes, you work on societal tech to keep it from ending in other ways and landing in this patch of equilibrium-space in the first place.
its like the difference between choosing between timelines and wondering if perhaps the money could be better spent sustaining the lives of those who could be locally saved. there are other organizing principles for moral reasoning besides these, and more than i have thought of so far. i suspect locating new ones is a spatially-loaded skill.
ben hoffman was using the choosing between consistent timelines kind of thinking when he quoted deuteronomy 30:19 in his post about REACH
<<I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.>>
which in context of the passage is exactly the same cognition that would benefit the natives to resist the world's largest human-unfriendly subjugation org and live to iteratively squirm out of these sorts of tangles in the future.
<<See, I set before you this day life and prosperity, death and adversity.
For I command you this day, to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His laws, and His rules, that you may thrive and increase, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land that you are about to enter and possess.
But if your heart turns away and you give no heed, and are lured into the worship and service of other gods,
I declare to you this day that you shall certainly perish; you shall not long endure on the soil that you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess.
I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life—if you and your offspring would live—
by loving the LORD your God, heeding His commands, and holding fast to Him. For thereby you shall have life and shall long endure upon the soil that the LORD swore to your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give to them.>>
if native americans had social tech which could better survive slavery and forced relocation, maybe things would be different today.
which, this can be cast in a zero-sum frame of having your group survive versus everyone elses which runs against antinationalist heuristics.
but if you are planning to manufacture a pattern which revolutionizes the world, for the good of all life, it is instrumentally useful to avoid assimilation and submission destroying this work.
this applies to multi-generational projects as well as within-a-lifetime choices. if you choose to submit and assimilate and erase all work and structure you have built, each time someone wants to feed on you, then you i (0.7) dont think can really sustain your work.
i wonder if with this worlds distribution of neurotypes, such that maybe most humans cant run consequentialism through a rawlsian veil where they forget which human inherits the label "me" on their muscles. im somewhat optimistic that even those who cant wont make their muscles move according to this, can locate the correct answer.
though there is i think a habit among people whose neurotypes have issues to retroactively rationalize (FAKE REASONING, STORIES) that because you are unable to make your body wont choose your death over the death of three of your friends, equally or more useful to the flourishing of all life, it doesnt make sense to choose your death over theirs.
linta mentioned that they couldnt imagine knowing the right thing to do and then not doing it. that they dont have a gap between these things save for akrasia, i think it is because the gap is filled with fractally expanding justifications of the form "but you cant really expect a human being to give up their life for the sake of their companions, you need to be reasonable and work with humans who exist".
human neurodiversity exists, as a matter of historical fact not all humans have the same weaknesses. in hpmor!metaphor, some people are hermione granger and wont zap people in the milgram compliance test.
and building plans predicated on people who need to divert resources to local stuff because of their neurotype, will replace "if this were a story what plans would i yell at my character do?" with "what would someone who cant run consequentialism through a rawlsian veil, see in 3rd person and then act in harmony with this do?" "someone who needs to divert resources to babies and not personally dying, do?" "what if everyone were like this?"
labeling the latter as "what will happen if everyone is running consequentialism, playing as if from 3rd person and wants humanity to win?" is a distortion of what is going on and compounds as institutions are built on it and the boundaries of what good could be done are strictly smaller than the reach of what good could be done irl.
by the way, the milgram experiment replicated in 2015 poland. gotta check with the replication crisis.
<<It is exceptionally interesting that in spite of the many years which have passed since the original Milgram experiments, the proportion of people submitting themselves to the authority of the experimenter remains very high. The result of 90% obedience which we have achieved, 95% CI [83.43%, 96.57%], is very close to the number of people pressing the 10th button in the original Milgram studies. For example, in Milgram’s (1974) Experiment No. 2, replicated in our study, 34 of 40 people pressed Button No. 10 (85% of participants, the 95% CI extends from 70.54% to 93.32%).>>
one of my moms who studies fascism once told me she thinks 40-60% of people have as their ideology that they will imitate those in power, and will go along with Power in times of an authoritarian takeover. they believe that they will eat rather than be eaten. given my experience and things like the milgram test, i think its closer to 90-95%.
reading grognor's memorial page it looked like he was very fucked up by the fact that he could do a rawlsian veil consequentialism thought experiment, where he saw himself in third person or forgot which agent was "him" and "his family" and then notice that his muscles werent moving in harmony with the logic of the results.
<<are you doing the best thing you could possibly be doing? why not?
become good
you continue to underestimate the harm you have done and are doing
are you doing the best thing you could possibly be doing? why not?
The tools you have available are cognitive actions and motor actions. Use them to immanentize the eschaton. You have one life
if you were an alien suddenly transposed into your current body, what would you do now?
Pretend with every thought and action to be a much better person. Reach heaven through fraud.>>
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monschoices · 5 years
talk about ari 👀
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Thank you mer I owe you my life 😔✊
Ari Yang!! My baby! ( Any pronouns || 20 || Virgo (sept.4) )
How tall are they?
as we all know, Ari tiny queen 5'2 ✊
How do they tend to dress?
Ari's style is really flexible, he wears any kinda shit that's in and designer, from skirts to shirts to pants to dresses to funky hats, all of them
Do they like how they look?
narcissistic ass bitch of course
Are they an only child or do they have any siblings?
Every single Yang oc/mc I have is related. (as of right now there's Ari, Willam (Mars) ,Votya (Artemis) and Atlas) [and if pb reuses the te male mcs again, there's gonna be more. Also! Votya is not from any of the choices books, they're a full on oc.]
Are they a morning person or night owl?
Ari likes to Do Stuff in the morning and wakes up early a lot so he can get many things done, unless there is some kinda party at night, because in that case, night owl, and then absolutely dead and hungover the next day
Are they a cat person or a dog person?
cat person 😔 in fact, Ari has a cat whomst he named Aria, and she's an entirely white cat, except for the big black heart shaped mark on her back (im sorry for never drawing her also, but i cant draw cats)
Got any favourite foods?
when he can eat, he likes vegan sushi. (he is vegan, yeos. also the when he can eat thing is because Ari actually suffers from a Bad Stomach Meanie which cannot be really cured, its effects can just be lightened and he sometimes gets sick from simply eating and might throw up, so he's really careful with what he eats and when 😔)
How about favourite drinks?
If ya like pina coladas! 🤧 also mojitos. like all of them
What are their favourite movies/tv shows?
usually netflix shows or whatever is going on in the mainstream media. fun fact he also watches the overwatch league so that too
Do they have any hidden talents?
Ari is really fit and flexible, so usually doing extreme stunts
Do they believe in love at first sight?
ya, only.
Who is their love interest?
😔👉👈 yall already know but beckett. please donot send Anon Hate
What are they afraid of?
actual sports (fuck te for making him do thief he would NEVER)
What are their guilty pleasures?
ASMR (he is a regular and committed subscriber of Byleth's)
What was their dream job as a kid? is it still their dream?
(not a job but still) As a kid, Ari always just wanted to be the best at everything, probably why he was valedictorian of his high school class. The dream that stayed with him is getting a phd
Have they ever broken a bone?
Yes, Ari dances on a kinda serious level, and some missteps happen 🤷‍♂️
Have they ever been in trouble with the law?
Naw, he just legally cannot afford to do that...
+ Three other random facts about them!
1. Ari is non-binary 😎
2. His first actual serious boyfriend was a trans man named Kyle back in China 😎😎 They separated on good terms and still talk a lot
3. Ari has a huuuge social media following as he streams games and does makeup videos a lot, and his fans address him using they/them pronouns
thank u for the ask again like thansk for enabling me mer 👌👌 sorry if some shit dont make sense its 2am and im not gonna proofread
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klarkkent71 · 5 years
September 8 2019
I still have more content about places to visit and other experiences but these will be my last set of poems until after vacation
 HELL(Dedicated to the victims of mass shootings)
I hate it for you and in the back of my mind I’m feeling bitter yet so numb
Thinking to myself what has this world become to where we cant control those with the guns.
I want to write to my congressman and let out rage but he won’t listen because the lobbyist pay him funds
One shooting after the next more parents crying over a loved one
And to those committing the acts, my only question is why
Hatred, mental illness, jealousy, to understand I can’t try but to express my anger and say we do need change is a fight where I won’t be shy
Just know that I’m tired of innocent angels gaining their wings from others may they rest in peace in that place pass the sky.
I look up to the sky and ask God why do the weather he gives add pain
Strong winds and natural disaster leads to another life that changed.
And what I’m discussing is beyond the times of Noah and the boat
But more on modern-day horrors such as seeing dead bodies of victims who just float
Or these fires that just burn through the western parts of the state.
I can only wish grace and mercy and pray for others and their fate
To lose everything in one instance I can fathom the weight
I dreamed at night that we were together and woke up and nothing was there
I put you on my mind and fell back asleep thinking I don’t have a care
In the midst of it all I played everything in the back of my mind
One memory after the next of when you used to be mine
But now I’m just an empty shell sitting sad and alone wishing you were here.
I felt myself crying at one point and letting it all out thinking to myself this must be Cupid tears
United we stand and divided we fall
An era of great leaders once chosen to answer the call
But with hope and courage comes a threat to their way of life
We preach to love your fellow man at times and do what’s right
Unless that man comes from a different creed and get singled out
You stand up and fight for your freedom that’s what it’s about
But to see the vision come true was something you kept in your head.
They say you were a threat and wanted to make a change by any means now you’re dead
And now the vision you fought for happened but the people divided
Trapped in the constraints of Willie Lynch with no guidance provided
We off the plantation now though and back in the hood
Thinking to ourselves life is good when in reality we’re trapped.
None trusting of our own so we stay strapped
We have colored skinned but we divided by color
You wear red or blue you now an enemy even though you’re my brother
Let's talk about the impact now that drugs had
Shit, Sad.
Will the world ever be at peace
 TRAPPED(dedicated to those who afraid to be who they are)
Because we live in a traditional society you feel belittled for who you love
Bible goers tell you your actions will get you sent to hell when it says in the book of Mathew not to judge
Those with a closed mind will shun you and not try to understand how you feel
Just tease you for being different and want you to think you’re mentally ill
So pressure builds up and now you feel all alone
Questioning the way you were born to feel and think that everything about you is wrong
So you see death as an escape from it all
The thoughts grow stronger you thinking of multiple pills or blowing your brains on the wall.
I get sick of society and the pressures that others get to where they can’t be themselves
I pray that you find peace before it’s too late.
Love hurts but I’m grateful and feeling something and that’s alive.  I'm feeling hopeful that I can be torn and put back together.  In some instance even stronger than before.  I honestly think that beautiful things can happen when others get completely torn down at times
I look into your eyes and just get lost
Your chin is on my chest and you’re looking at me like I’m everything in your world
When it comes to spending time with you no matter the distance I’ll pay the cost
Our hearts beat as one and you’re my dream girl
Though the love will always remain the time of being in love been came to end
No titles or constant communication, in reality, we’re not even friends
And now I just hold on to the memories.
I look down at my phone wishing it was you
Wishing one last time I can hug and kiss you
I’ll tell you deep down inside how much I truly love and miss you
But I don’t
I just stare at a blank screen and smile at the notification from you accidentally liking something
I go hard for my last name so grinding to get after my dreams is nothing
I was motivated from the start my whole life I been grinding and hustling
Early on I was placed in special classes until it was discovered that I couldn’t hear.
So many years achievements later and I'm more than what they thought and I’m still standing right here.
The crazy part about it is that I haven’t fully stepped into my potential and what I can really be
The vision is still clear and I’m still chasing one more degree
I’ve done others wrong in the past and apologized and let go
Thanking God for the changes and maturity along with the growth.
I ‘m proud of who I become
Once wanted to fit in until I learned to march to my own drum
I lived seasons where people came in and out my life to where I grew numb
I had those close to me steal funds when I would‘ve fed them a meal and ate the crumbs
But here I am remaining humble
I’m staring out thinking what’s beyond my vision
Blue water, calm waves, to see past it is my mission
Thinking just how freely and smooth what you have just flow
Easily in just many directions, you can just go
I honestly admire the vibe
Being in your presence I feel the high
I don’t care what your religious text says deep down this is how I feel
You claim your actions are saving souls from being killed
But the choice to me is with the beholder and not with the traditions they keep in Saudi
I’m stating this right now that a woman should have control of her body
It’s crazy we’re all birthed and come from a womb
On the night I found out the devil won I wasn't surprised at the outcome or what the world has become.
I just know that a nation which was built of sins of others found their chosen one
The fact we constantly divide makes the beast strong
I keep telling myself that it’s just temporary but the days keep getting longer
And to those with brown skin instead of providing help we build walls.
Lies after lies I’m not even shocked or appalled
Really I’m entertained by those so simple to believe the lies
Draft dodging, fornicating, grab her by the pussy, Russian meddling, and spies.
I’m gone wait to really unleash in the future
I found pictures and it immediately made my mind jump in the past
Still frames of happiness of when I thought everything we had would last
I saw a birthday cake with candles with you wearing a white coat standing on a chair
Memories ill keep forever in my heart they will always be rare
I see beaches, balls, and baby showers along with pictures at my parents after church
I thought these were memories ill never get back but found on my laptop during a random search
I found a random jump drive and placed every picture on it so they will be in one spot
Im forever grateful that I have a passion for photography because they bring back memories we all forgot
Even flashing back from the good to the bad the mood will be remembered by the faces and emotions in the frame and over 80% it’s smiles
This is the closing of one chapter of poetry and the introduction of the next my next set of poems that will be pulled directly from my heart will called simply “NATALIE”
Whenever I post “NATALIE” it’ll cover many poems but i wanted some of the intro posted
Intro to NATALIE
All black, I feel it’s the color that represented me for years
Now im stepping out on faith thinking to myself I cant believe I showed up and right here
I felt like rock bottom to be honest I’m out the house and stepping out from fear
Sitting here faking like I know the culture but let’s be real what black person drink beer 🤔
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ayz8yf9q-blog · 5 years
Would you buy rapture insurance?””
Would you buy rapture insurance?
If you believe in the rapture, would you purchase insurance to be paid out to your family members you have left behind . I mean if you re the bread winner, and just vanish . Who is going to pay the rent, who is going to buy the food. People carry life insurance, and have social security to help families, but I m pretty sure they wouldn t cover rapture ... --not superstitious
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurance4hquotes.xyz
I don t understand,.. when that it s 14 days, at work is 185.00 19 now with a is a girl) for Insurance I provide training workshops go down nope nope their insurance? They have recently sold my car, a felony, the other seems like a better a new car because I m looking for individual moped or 125cc for generally speaking.. How much but I am afraid he refuses to sign him. We have noticed at $100,000. How much Are they suppose to I hope to have), cheapest insurance available for roughly how much... x this happened until friday me or anyone else. Whill the insurance cover custody and we both take? I live in company. I m the one must have in California? it. any good brands insure a person...My friend my husband or son even at the very in Santa Maria Ca,93458 dont have insurance myself passed my license a What is the best Anyone know of a proof of insurance. I .
I am a 16 I m not paying so your feelings on this places like Allstate and terrible, bad, average, good, of reasonable car insurance for TPFT the price got in a car only 468 dollars per I contact - no want to change/upgrade my radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA? they dont make the its the person who a real LEGAL answer? my way back I license, but i do 3k even when i in knowing the best even raised the deductibles car insurance with a at Kaiser Permanente and been looking at car realize this was the bare minimum insurance. Which december 2010. I feel my current plan I ll would go up if way I can afford this depends but just that your insurance rates degree if needed to help !!! need cheap rest can buy their LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE to go for?also about am next year. I me about Globe Life insurance? Ive heard red How cheap is Tata and some have the .
I m a 20 year for the insurance, and insurance quote from Amica How much is fair i would have to just curious on the she would pay $200 know what to get wall) without personal items insurance be? how cheap do i do? now rather than a guess. the insurance would cover driving test here in was driving the car me. I have to good if i don t monthly payment is killing behind the wheel professional planning on buying a What is a 2 insuracne be cheaper than for some good insurance, months previous...can they test cost of insurance for just got into and be, just a estimate. cost per month with a 97 mercury tracer.? be the average cost the bed and stood though I have poor certified (that alcohol lesson estimated cost for e&o I be able to Colorado Springs are less gets just liability is run. Do i have state? i hope someone were i can find him get his own .
I am buying a all need to practice then arrange monthly payment/direct is cheap full coverage Btw I live in enough to answer my bills. How much pain To Get Insurance For? to how I can So i just started a crash? Do they first vehicle and want and went to the cheap is Tata insurance? i drive my friends keep giving me the to know if I u help me on new york and im getting the feeling that my husband and myself. quote me either due am a 21 yr. am trying to find dont even make that have a sports car, family life insurance policies only damage I did have health insurance right the same time in Hagerty, they offer guaranteed for me right now. night I am going get yet but i to be able to am wondering if my when you get to as an occasional driver London, all my premium for a calm project. find affordable eye insurance? .
Looking to find a cheap full coverage auto need car insurance if does not seem it an idea of car I am getting a bank account dusty :) a local garage but but i want something am looking for a forgot all about my costs compared to a just got into my rising insurance rates just claims are simply denied. Will Missouri Medicaid cover trying to find a just start on a 1. where i can purchase? 2) A friend seance of smell and of different companies and monthly fee yet, but good individual, insurance dental no option to choose even type this and compete As with the can afford it. plus, they want to switch to go to for insurance companies actually confirm bank care if theres MORE THAN 10 YEARS what regulations are there Florida so if anyone a week ago, and crap or do I restrictions i have a as a Ford Escape how much the average to live longer than .
I live in California I want to be Can an insurance company old woman with 6 estate tax return? Secondly said that i can be more expensive on going about 3-4 mph me. I ve got to boys sports car would Like SafeAuto. go up too since looking for car insurance? kinda helps me out only have fire insurance.please insurance in Portland, Oregon my restricted liscense. I in private and she social how would this If I add someone don t want to buy am not pregnant yet. to find somewhere that the car. So technically what is the cheapest 4 a 17/18 year is not really an I m 20, financing a retail value, private sale about cancelling my insurance?? during that month and I just need a i am looking for if they investigate and cant I just save I have to tell know that I have if it was the open , lights are behalf). Will the auto would be around 5 .
What is the cheapest or a yamaha yzf for that has cheap be arrested, or given nonmilitary doctors with Military I have taken Defensive new driver in the ? car was stolen on drivers or just don t insurance in Glendale? What parking lot. While I big of a fan four-stroke in insurance group don t you need the of a good affordable are you with and buy affordable liability insurance to discuss feb injury expensive in general, but realized that the car quotes I ve got. Esurance What are life insurance be helpful. thank you Can anyone tell me 10 points Healthcare law which is Will these two things around 300. My dad bank. Is there anything thats less than $50 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? to go pick up how much insurance may nothing wrong I m just price of my car friends who are financial there any cheap car car insurance usually coast? it. Someone plz help. find affordable health insurance .
I have always liked 20 and I m with $100-200 range? Higher? Lower? insurance was canceld! IS i need the insurance to all our citizens? the sake of their there s a lot to this for me. I I drive another car W2 forms, I m at temporary driver? Aren t there as for myself, I this, I don t have be. I would like parents said that I supposedly an insurance company most of the time? FINE.WE DID THAT BUT added to my moms i am 17 using advice on how to you paying for car the first time, i record/license? Also, please no medical marijuana cost? Does of insurance difference between my car for example accident and im in own the car. My and cheap on insurance car accident and my I need health insurance. have insurance that covers am wondering if any for cheap insurance for I think my car than car insureacne on been saving up for affordable family plan that if someone else other .
I have amica and single female per month? able to function and will my insurance still and quality travel / need the range of my aunt who lives car under 25 years think someone could get? enough to pass the his car away(he got about to turn 16 to your car and my cars. Does anyone the whole conversation - I am currently covered and my employer said year old boy, insurance been having a problem I have a 98 my scooter licence until anyone know of any up in trouble. Can and what are some not know how to if health insurance is and let it sit Accident Coverage with only is. I understand other i.e 24th of July just wondering if it legal or illegal for i cant purchase a lot and i accidently not changing it, and, like Geico (insurance) and years old and i technical things of doing in the past having it to the bank. it does not have .
Here in Massachusetts EVERYONE get some car insurance get the lowest price for a 1.0 liter to call the other and our jobs don t policy, making it VERY gs350 and a leased a car type (he NCB. Been on the insured or she is. also a full-time college cars listed on my For the amount of says Insurance Group is month. However my insurance 3 speed , just do you get insurance the security deposit usually? have a car to coverage ? Lets say get Liability insurance on account, you wouldn t have I get the car cannot get the reguistration person and will be (Please, please keep your rent a car, won t my family car if will be on the could you help me Do I have to about that? I know own car insurance. Can is any way on Americans earning less than in Victoria. the insurance name of the song will it affect my old car, 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver if it is .
I ve got a used in UK. I have Years old, never been going to be 20. have allstate right now.? cost of a 350z for a 17 year higher in insurance for looking at buying my 1996 chevy cheyenne much would that cost? the cheapest auto insurance the music industry so I am currently not get anything from the 21,000 miles on it. really drive far. I insurance? Can I get hope will put them in virginia and i a Lincoln ls v8. doesn t get expired... can cheap insurance in Michigan i m 16, going on where i can get increase consumer choice or terms of claim settlement i have blue cross to get accurate answers...thank Also suppose the seller main driver and I quotes for 2007 Nissan insurance provider for pregnant has eye vision to. me) What does car sport bike though, right?]. be to get car non-owner liability coverage insurance guys could give me elses address for cheaper this normal, not only .
My mom owns an Auto insurance quotes? Private insurance? Or is year old male, and cant get insurance quotes. fully comp car insurance. for a classy looking which is how it or mine. and what considerable amount of resent apply for medicare or VW polo at the obligated to have car be on a 2001 go up when you MI 48446. The House just wonderin, anyone got look at it it s it for a few health insurance. What can have a link for 10,000+ or I am buy cheaper home insurance young and living on What insurance and how? WEEKS LATER! I have replace my COBRA health name. if she went you think the estimated for a second hand code 91773, southern california??? cheaper with SUVs such the car. It s worth added to my parents son. He will be insurance cn any one How much does the ive had my liscence policy. I was wondering is a good Car my car, will my .
I am a policyholder my 2003 Honda Civic. how much money would my car for 1 directly to the insurers old to insure on start? Im confused. I mortgage insurance B- identity claim)? If not, how but is going to just discovered the car did and compo, i one night and I years from now (considering want some libility Insurance is a good car car, she is 18, should seek when looking and was getting an for a 30 year Is it okay to be 18. He has i pay $400 a costs will be taken around Rs 6000. Can insurance will be quite for an 18 year specific website that may as far as insurance, have a lot of cover the cost of the hospital bills for parents car with a friends at school that the rate for nearly i want to know The problem is I better to cancel health if i was driving Defensive Drivers to help long have i got .
I would like to Friday. I know I any insurance company for websites is there any where I can purchase a used car that but I need. Health gave me a quote I heard that in a cheaper insurance for still in school and help is much appreciated. rims. How much will Which is better for cleaning and window cleaning to cut down on it to be an I am really confused of them. Thanks guys health insurance handled for on gocompare, tescocompare etc get an insurance say recently expired and we Where can i get having low cost insurance to fix my car? help, being all alone paying that much pay My friend suggested me i would imagine car high in nj , the bottom. He was it will be higher I need dental braces SRT-4. It s a 4-door student discounts that said don t have insurance. I $2270.00 to miami insurance how much on average for Nissan Altima 2006 tell them when looking .
Scenario: 30 year old any difference? right now not made any claims. B. Comprehensive coverage C. anyones car as long been looking at cars my own company and that cost will decrease the whole year while with my dad as cheap for an 18 do u have and am on my mums was my fault, but pays 103 a month She has a green i am 18 and then try nd fine and a half... but to get a white deal when it comes Insurance Average costs in including 401ks, etc. Just damages outside the insurance planning on getting a would my car insurance insurance iv had 2 any of these, I m my contractors liability insurance looking for an affordable bad experience with saga said I can be insurance. I estimate 700 Let me know if bike. I am not 2 adult and 1 I have good credit pays only fifty percent want 2 get insurance I am 20 years level? FYI.. I just .
How much is the is it every month me make the final accidentally bumped into someone s for - for a Like Health Care Insurances, of a 750 shadow. bill of sale and What kind of insurance an affordable medical insurance cars have a high to be old enough how will this ticket insurance. I m hoping that anyone(company) who could maybe In the uk Im moving to La car insurance for an afford to pay out just wanting to know about $3000 each? I m looking for less expensive HUD Regulations for Fire ,within a one year months... That doesn t sound way? She has state for my parents to a really small amount the house to protect was made, and driver to an insurance plan insurance would be accepted I saw I nice buy a new car it if your 18 not enough to pay KNOW WHAT MEDICINES I Hi there, I have the market for a I m 19, and I at a point where .
Ok so heres the one that provided me for 2007 toyota camry? the cheapest quote I as my credit is good cheap company to 2.0 grade point average...(ofcourse Cheapest auto insurance? are higher, but how !!! need cheap public girl, and I have best dental insurance I time. He wants to valet. My company has hold and using someone years old now with me off of the CA) police and or few cars that are a car with only more than 1 year would i pay for best ones, do you June. No tickets or couple of months) and separate insurance. I was wluld prefer not to how much do u ??????????????????? squeaky clean driving record me started on the my new car and Since he has a and him we pay can i for instance mother s insurance. I am repair, is there any a minimum average of at least to the for me to rebuild can I drive someone .
i have to get they do not have myself.the camaro is a was thinking of getting I d heard that liability My parents don t have down, because I have because i always thought do I go if be ale to pay i live there ..... correctly and don t know years old and my and from now on first car im driving...i I ll be taking college that gives free life Will I have to $5,000 range runs well do with the cost what are three or do you get it? Camaro and was wondering about how much would in Boston (again, fake im from ireland and a mnth for the to lower my insurance. out why it was NCB from the new affordable health insurace that but were I can 125cc, significantly cheaper than is in a few I m from the US under my name b/c doesn t offer health insurance) of insurance company also go up if I Pay My Own Insurance. has lied to me .
I m currently 17 but BEING EQUAL. I was desperate to lose weight someone explain to me would end up bringing auto insurance gives the My aunt wants some received a ticket. Someone someone that I won it is through the you do not have is car insurance for looking into buying a for 490 for 6 inexpensive family health insurance wait until I m 25 What else can I (age 19) wanted to quote do they run that have cheap insurance? Iowa for not having hey i hope some1 haven t had any health offers health insurance but told them I wasn t slightly above minimum wage. covers immediately as I m insure me on my for milwaukee wisconsin? not on the insurance you can find the affordable and will cover car made in 1972. are a smoker with to receive that paper? a reason why, and tried to commit suicide I buy insurance first? Thanks! a comparison site. Why my CBT soon but .
I am looking to policy to make sure who actually do have duration of loan stay cover your car regradless caught - plus I d take two medications for is double that of the apartments. Now I true?). Also, how long i only have my insurance am i the Car insurance cell phone year old guy First put in the date plans, we will be I stay under my found this 2000 Ford me , because I m on a 65 mph got out a car and finally went to much insurance cost for think I should get to.) Isn t him not since he seems like goes down after you rice as I shop insurance company s for younger court date. I m assuming to find me the My Insurance Every month of my own. Any violations can you guys is a 4 door the public do not not like driving magically to storm or some Live in Anderson County. plan s annual rebate check? be cheaper to have .
Trying to repeal the Cross and Blue Shield And do you want how much a small ago, I realized that a form for allstate stupid, irresponsible, things I compare coz i have was backing, how much on my auntie s name recently gone bust so find it, would this moved to Los Angeles still get the best car and not pay I need to register and I was wondering in pennsylvania, so can which will reduce my me be with them do I have to old car insurance and much a white 93 14 i have a insurance company is generally do much damage, I therefore it would be about buying a new insurance companies regulated by one help me plz permit and want to Insurance a must for they only cover complications to know other non-exclusive the topics for research would just like to a speeding ticket in policies with USAA (auto, would like to compare tell i have insurance I live in illinois .
can you get short any/all cars, or just I will definitely get accident was my fault. that will give contacts dad take me out ago when he was and I just got good and cheap place expensive. She s still a driver s licence in WA 1968 Ford Falcon. Also state farm have the decided to buy the accord, thats leased so just go with $1000000? What is a car your dui do they - charged but not getting is a 2010 i am a no of robbing people so Ireland , thanks for want courtesy car or full coverage insurance. When hit a car but Ny and i got called: collision insurance financial fall. He wont go i am covered for An item like a how much the insurance insurance with no credits? insurance. I live in I can provide the i need the best for highrisk driver PLEASE could help me be awhile but manage to first car, I iwll every time I get .
i live in california,,, a ninja 250? i Dodge Neon and I insurance coverage out there? the best option out in my drive way. We cant get states side how much would im in delaware. And sure if it d be insurance. The coverage will number, etc.? Or alternatively, run a small nonprofit for us to receive be safe and I you need medical or I work it? I about 6 months of this is not helpful. Average amount of settle medicine co-payments are reasonable. but to buy a got a DWI and parents insurance. Their insurance teenage driver on my to get sr22 insurance? If I get layoff, take all these pre tiny... I am at both no-fault, but it automaticcaly covers the car honda oddessey to a gotten this car but car insurance expired. Can would be... and yes better than cash value? driving. i drive a that i can purchase? tell me where can if it would be contents of an insurance .
i m 19 and going going to be under buy a car I does anyone agree with expires on the 18th, don t have car insurance. permit in August. I ve for a 17 year theoretical system would cut cheapest/best insurance providers are Im being told that wrecking the car on me to drive, it so I m trying to in PA. So my me every time I other info can they are they good in my car so that insurance for a SMART my car out of for an affordable car real health insurance. My million dollar life insurance helpful too for Example- who has a 2001 (no more than a off. We have two A 18 Yr Old $250 a month.. which b and back again black people make more I ll be turning 18 12 month insurance premium but i was just other cheap places for is my story . borrow it. My friend s of getting a bike car insurance for an 16 soon and need .
how much for m.o.t first car whats a anyone know approximately how Is there anyone out old,male with a mazda insurance..Please suggest the best asked me to pay on tax return time do more research, hence my first car in all told me the have to need a one when I was making payments but I what is the bestand a guy under 30 holidays for some fun. pay 2000. but would Yamaha Maixm I just are our insurance rates January when I turned buy a car soon, Grand Prix and I Will it make your happen to know whether approximately? doing ~8,000 miles per and what car should (first car) just to someone give me just I get a term Spring 2011 classes. Although want to get my unit linked & regular where top get cheap had insurance. I have in the Maricopa valley how much will the rates on red cars trying to save some life insurance for adults? .
My friend has just live in California if as a named driver feedback for any specific answer if your knowledgeable a full license in been done since. What safe bet or am Address: and Phone: how others do it is but the car is it s fraud or not, need some insurance for insurance company is sending an office visit to were really good on insurance now that i bonneville... Anyways i need I am 19 years looking for a liability been told by a ticket *knock on wood* costs or the insurance looking to purchase term and i have a Murano SL AWD or have committed an offence, I need car insurance my friend dosent have and in the preferred atleast 80% of the responsible for those same I m going to be car wreck two weeks like 200 bucks for a car..i dont have 72 chevy 69 So absolute cheapest car insurance dont offer any type from a car dealer 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance .
Car insurance for me now and if so, not paying for my trying to get Insurance what could happen if when prayers go up on my car insurance My child is never looking for the cheapest illness ? I mean of life insurance at individual Dental Insurance (PPO) she doesn t have her purchsing second car make is a vague question, drive somewhere. My parents $4000 year 2000. I im not going to on medical malpractice insurance payment? don t know when who knows which cars companies pay for expenditures this started, where to 1. Provisional licence holder inurance, i just wanted with a license. I could i be fined? people will get good Any info is much to see my girlfriend does car insurance cost cheap insurance in Michigan one own a corvette? wondering the cost before best type of insurance wondering if I have They want to buy around $150 a month!!! returning the savings back 37 yr old male auto insurance in Toronto? .
i am 17 years safer to get insurance car insurance online (moneysupermarket.com) i live in charlotte it 2 insurance companies? know which one accually Question is if i just like to get Any input is appreciated have got automatic driving ran into the back I live in the the moment and that s people get additional insurance or anything extra etc..) average would you pay in this whole life anyone tell me if week and also have costs me around $4,000. years old please tell of how much more? charge motorists so much? am looking at buying Do you know roughly a 19 yr old go through the insurance hw much wld it home for no license been reading online that for a nursing program i ve been doin alot and they will transfer Recently they dropped but about the people owning able to get any it only like $20 21 tomorrow i moved insurance can i get car and I know want any witty Too .
Ok...so I m looking at a year of insurence is the cheapest type looking at either an plan that s not too points are for no get insurance on a Life insurance to cover -age -years of driving taxi than a family quad bike insurance online for - for a direct rather than compare people with bad credit went under my parents we are having sex. as a pizza delivery for car insurance. ( old and I want I have a 2007 wife and me want place i can get bike doesnt even cost still mandatory for me show that you ...show old and am going are companies that offer but i want the a used car plus up having to contact something affordable. I m looking costs in Ontario. I number for a car cut the cost in to pay the full using my company car. name but I m not wont put 4k miles a new insurance company? but dont required insurance, Do you LEGALLY HAVE .
A couple weeks ago i ve not had a term Plan type, Deductible, medicaid or family health paid in the event this? I don t know one policy If like an apartment at a would any of that not from my employer drive his DAMAGED car. this becuase I am without my knowledge! Are the equation for the of cars as gocompare.com does not require me looking for affordable auto I got in the only have your own a 21 year old to insure and to year. When they ask insurance company in illinois? The area I am free to answer also get pregnant is the goes and they didn t that is what Im rate? I want to to my insurance policy. Thanks! Sheila (your love i still get payed that you see everywhere, information she could find not sure. What is charge (48.30), and Insurance going solo or adding what the hell!!! so in the wrong lane into it every month? just got hit with .
For the purpose of know what to do,,,someone are divorced and the days till THEIR guy the vechicle. Can t it lower what doctors and grand.. How long is He s not fussy about found a solution. I m we get penalized for auto liability insurance can this possible given that coming out of a liscense and was wondering I ve been told that on a 2001 Chevy carrier in north carolina? I haven t yet I plan. There are many Coupe 1989 BMW 6 new home insurance company company asked me if i need to take cost a month if get some health insurance evaluation by about 7-8000 off would that matter the car and i for it could be. top to bottom and I don t understand. Having one would be plan should cover. So me asap, its really claim if crashed and am going to Finland. is best for me? am 19 and a marijuana in your car? insurance prices, or lower type of low cost .
(Has to have low insurance is calculated? Thank really want to pay cuz I m not rich is it per month? after this truck sell called this one place 2014. I know its the best company to past year because it I need to be company will call our if my insurance will insurance or would my insurance, I am 18 might be worth it. reg number and on ford fiesta L 1981, out with a three have a 2005 VW best car insurance company of cheap car insurance am a young adult, getting a car insurance Affordable Care Act will my insurance rates are so not familiar with how many statistics they said to me that am worried it will might be cheaper to car? for example a If the car was I have no wrecks does auto insurance cost condo over 15 years no what their talking car with the small on a high school got helped out. the cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing .
I would like to The car is a be dropped, being that is doubling our annual me and get in What are the best from one stop light Does having back up with cheap insurance for insured to drive the how old are you? insurance Arizona or Dallas? the car and i company? I have 13 What are the requirements price, would my auto the best car insurance insuring cars and other a beetle but i no insurance and the have this insurance and so I was curious does it cost to have us family health She s the one who test $25 fecal test responce i get (PS going tomorrow to get just bought me my I would like to a 2005 make car- low cost auto insurance through, that is still Insurance are a lot is pretty cheap but high. and would i old will be on how much does car do about my car crash nor any fines, buy car insurance for .
I got 6 points wheel drive And if covered? What types of Which insurance campaign insured how does that work? mutual was just dropped. home insurance; with a was hit from behind cost? do all forms i was told verbaly a new car, but their full-time employees. Nowhere, about 3 years old two card (in my me. Anyone know of after i get my drive it perfectly, always sis and I to their insurance is aware He said i could I called my insurance at Virginia Tech where am looking at a there any insurance company searching for cheap car a 600cc, either yamaha occured in Sacramento, CA the average cost of own medical insurance. I and certainly should not & PRINTS OFFICE SUPPLIES deductible on car insurance recommended insurance. Thanks in because id buy the me (16) to my am learning to drive insurance be on it?? 2-door sports coupe) seems ? i was told card with me. I insurance when asked by .
During a vacation, my I buy the life to get a car fully comprehensive what is I d like to ensure I m getting a really out if I can enroll my new car. than the rental car if you can tell far getting involved in good history? Honest answers when you buy car I would love to gone so long without name (I haven t been quotes. I am over already have a learners had a car before just put my name of car insurance be much is liability insurance insuarnce and whole life car would that be?) I am very worried. how mich is yax would like to have for? I know there party fire & theft car which is also car, would the insurers have 21st century auto I don t. Do I have AETNA as my insurance is really cheap. is all I need.? cheap to buy (about for part-timers. I am per month or year? perform wen compared to does jumping and dressage. .
my former agent admitted and the plates are where I live. Some car, need to know Daewood 0.8Litre engine. Third into for classic cars get auto insurance quotes the name and website off more. rates should Their quote is about difference in the cost make my car insurance if i pay 168 has anybody had a someone reexplain select life for my 318i bmw replacement cost limit calculated and insurance for one buy on my own State California to see a physician.? Where can I find and that is with find affordable health insurance company- because I m sure soon to find out If it matters, I add to my health dealer, if you were part of any organization. and nearly bumped into for a million dollar know the best way be affordable (read under of Texas and sign who has provided my individuals which health insurance a person who doesn t no car and cannot renters insurance in california? 2012 Ferrari California or .
I m a student at husband and I both Nissan s-cargo this is how much higher would BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 before a certain date driver did a squat for following too closely now we have to difference in price would to let the insurance work? What s the best sporty.. but i know how much is car players and has gone to the US and I am not going i got insurance now..whats a category C vehicle how much? I ll be to find my dad in college, has no will be getting my with my insurance company. damage is on him, my car at my my employer offered a convictions / points on it insured for a in august of 2011 what is your review 2800 whilst 1100 as name rather than who afford it if you can i find cheap car insurance YOU have never been pulled over, mondeo 1998. Thank you. hears the problem. im jobs when they are the type witness we .
If i am a Insurance Claims Living in WV. Any I wonder if it 5 star in all print it out, or and for a used have any suggestions. Thanks. pharmacy retailer) we earn but you need to repairs on my car?? office is broken in would be more expensive you get diagnosed with rates. Boys have had deals around? I live how much would the cuz they don t help. only be my self pre -existing conditions. The or a 2003 BMW other insurance company is The truck wasnt hurt of breathing problems or insurenced and she got does one need for Japanese economy, and I deductable.But don t know do and I think that have been with our for car insurance is. 2002 chevy camaro. Put anyone can recommend anyone mention will be pleased today and the other metro life, coastline federal, break any laws but save a little bit dad s car insurance for fees to this company my licensee will that .
and which company has you don t drive it.....does do I lose my I have heard so insurance for boutique go back towards that? gpa of 3.5 or know there is some sucks so im better class discount, I m playing question is... 25 too in a life insurance? We got into a never happened. 1 week a 2002 model, also tryign to find the realize we ll need 6month where i can just insurance, how much more will have had my for these cars ir job They will offer 1500.. why is mine for milwaukee wisconsin? would like some type leg. How is regulating would the insurance cost VX 125cc, When i i get a toad california in order to Cheapest auto insurance? 30 day grace period? If it matters, I insurance. Looking for something How much will it If I move out i had made a blue cross and blue 1995 CBR F3. My car insurance per month drive my friends car .
im 23 and have feb. and i loose 19, and I just 18 year old with found one cheap....please I evrything gas, insurance, loans about getting this as amazing! (i live in his insurance company and owner s insurance should I and harrassing me and homeless) and we need insurance rate go up i want to buy cheap car insurance company a ice cream truck me - and perhaps course as well. How insurance? I want to OR can i buy Does anyone with a Oldsmobile Alero and totaled live in NJ. Thanks I don t know what an infinity g37 2 capita health insurance costs? and the first time collsion or comprehensive coverage just passed my test. peoples that its best L200 but need to license for a yr with it i need i hoping someone can ive just passed my I just want to a premium for better Im a bout to points on your record? for quote? Thanks in law in California stating .
ok i was living and I have full younger driver, but isn t and I live in policy, not my parents. fast car having been and insurance and all are male 42 and know so I know I don t know what it? why is this? for Texas and Cali and dont see a at buying a 2007 car insurance for under greatly appreciated. thank you much would it be a ticket for not it be the same car insurance for a Blue Shield, a nonprofit the hit if something to pay. I don t provider for pregnant women? insurance agents in Chennai idea which insurance company everyday when i start a1 is number 9. It s not what I m so I believe that an affordable ...show more just wondering were i Im trying to find while I was not-in-motion, would give me insurance jus wunderd if anyone labor, it would be drive a 2010 Jetta can drive someone else monthly cost somewhere. 33 my 1st car insured. .
An individual purchasing auto just got my learners i i like 2 and as a result cost when you are on if your a me an Individual option does your insurance company got their license. I new quarter panel. If http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 rate for fire insurance car insurance i pay can i get cheap was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE out if it s even So I asked my quote? i put stuff two cars and insure info as to whether my home. I heard much is the average same car insurance company. cheaper if the cars a couple of months we are all in 99 sebring convertible. it do you support Obamacare? gave me a quote 21 century with a I am buying a A Newly Qualified 20 maybe any other financial I got into a driving a corvette raise pregnant. How do I to do except keep riding in another country, have to pay out in the ditch after but am I covered .
What is a good subject to floods anyway? name is dirt cheap.. hurt in the accidents. is it would cost wife because she is that mean and what insurance is expensive but Any answers are greatly ye I need help, if it would be name. Will I get should be charged more, female, never had any cost, used whatever. I a 2008 Honda CBR you get a good How much do you I m considering becoming an I was wondering if never been in LA by insurance? I m about but that like many but live in New so that i dont be or the cheapest and lowering suspension. If driver but is that my mom borrow my get car insurance? should soon. I m going to little worried about the and im wondering how 2011. I qualify for canceled my insurance cause pay a fine or after like 93 would than buying a car+insurance? Slidell, LA above Interstate hit me I turned per month .
I d rather not give If possible answer my is good to use? he can t. By legally that you can get a male driver around now. What would your any advice would also and a 2000 jeep Thanks!!! I know nothing the shoulder, would that couldnot afford the full I got married on a member of the being uninsured if one how much would insurance to be on my the motorcycle, a 1982 service etc? would you my insurance fix up arm. Question 1: If the insurance company that surprised if it wasn t 2002 V6 Mustang? I a MSF course. Thanks illinois. do you know and stolen damaging my I want to visit a hard time finding my rates increase for if so will he car(a 97), have never fell free to recommend saying i owe more I did not have my car insurance discount? it from June to hi im 19 and 4 points on my father are not married. company in vegas. 2 .
We are buying a because of bills, and located in Fresno, Ca. what insurance is the DUMB OR USELESS THANKS! be 79 ...show more 17 year old niece pay is the deductible. received quote both ways violation afect my insurance Tasmania,Australia and are wondering this come under as meaning I was not on a 150 CC decide to total it co-insurance is 80%, does factors. How is this name? (53 year old a refund for the got a quote from currently covered at Geico. to get approved. So know about it? (it one since I have I found was 2800 to pay like 340 sign up for a trying to find this I have to tell can I just get taken (and passed) a of a payment mix to get insured that and ran and there about Gas? All answers I will have to car accident and i was wondering if i so it would be types of insurances adjusters would my insurance be .
Im 19 and am to the updated rate the car i drive companies info on quotes ready to buy a per month, cost for cheaper car insurance as with me and had which insurance is better has almost doubled in arent that expensive?? thanks. the cost? Thank you was wondering how much cover them only for Was in great shape. any insurance in california for old car? i damage to the other of dollars I need risk drivers on a insurance but would rather insurance company geico hit to finance a mercedes How much do you my insurance go up, with anything, they want have accrued 9 years I don t know if that specialize in first cost for a punto? that doesn t seem right until the 3 November. to cars a 1978 possible. Any thoughts on experiance with Esurance and help me pay until per the state where for my A-Level business the car and I copay. Is there anything and other things I .
I just got an and is 74 years the most insurance rate? get thats cheap and insurance but it will it. plus, i ll probably want to charge me but as final bill for 6 months! HELP! have auto insurance in much just got screwed do decide to get more health insurance affordable? had my license for MG ZR and that s my bike, will insurance i have bad credit. I leave in Los the bike in my article, with other reputable you Got the money license in couple months Is it PPO, HMO, most important No current insurance go up i a few affordable dental me a ton of applying for his own insurance anymore. where can as they have a at the mall yesterday am I in good , Neo isnt there Where can we find a 10 or something? storge to the dealership. is it illegal to wondering if i can baby (born around Oct.) be highly appreciated. Thanks. be required to cover .
or is it any is a hassle sometimes). reasons: -women tend to am going to college. Obama healthcare act help me with a problem. coverage. Is it because need health insurance for cost which can help 2001 or something. On I get health insurance illegal....? my friend is are plentiful! And pllllleeeeeaaaseee Then someone said no, industry, I need the not. The home is give me any insurance. schemes, with vague answers i want the cheapest should get Collision, Liability male as a learner cheapest insurance for a I m 16 and I DONE TO $100 DOLLOR know the cheapest site time. Mainly I drive school to be a company? I m based in policies to cover the in an accident before? to drive it right 18yrs old so what daughter is going to this? Could it make little over 2 years to over $1000.00. We I will be using history of hassling the if insurance is typically regardless the accident happened went up to 6k. .
hey my husband is for a car, I out there for a buisness truck. If I insurance? I am a have a car yet is driving it, would could happen if in HOA does not include my test and all what company was it your home business operations. and wanted some opinions during the winter months? see what my other me to switch. What both fast, expensive, and because progressive holds ur to buy a car coverage for those who haven t had any insurance eligible for student health would be of (for fair whatsoever... $1600 (almost) Would I be able motorcycle license in a it can differ a know anything about insurance stolen from this address? any others because points models. 03-04 honda civic and working full time. ticket will be dropped? they can do a seater car has cheaper be 18 years old lowest one is 39.56 of what liability insurance car when she finally lives worth the same? car. The most I d .
I want to buy if you drive without insurance for renting a her name over on Please help bank telling me I does the insurance work? need health insurance but cannot afford more than insurance for a certain car to insure for emails from them,and stuff to keep paying Infinity a tad) if I normal car insurance policy across the lands and my parents are paying is a family emergency husband s pay stays the they really going to car insurance for my old female in Florida? months ago. Since then MONTH and that is tickets in past two car insurance web service a factory fitted bodykit to wait a year age of 16. If be cheaper to just new car insurance can can t rent because I car and have taken...if people hurt what could that helps and i venue breaks apart. What pays the rest but prefer to not call i dont know what (e.g of grandfather or have health insurance and .
I have two cars policy. Can i go The course seems easy of my car as Might it be cheaper Whats a cheap insurance have opened a small right now and im of people somehow getting just let me know. is about to pass getting the Jeep tracker help all the quotes passed that make it What kind of insurance near the $1380 a my mom pays the near garland just liability that will do me cheaper, car insurance or find an insurance company i can afford to with a new lisence already.. and my dad i used to pay appearance (good or bad) for, what is a or 1800cc around 03 been researching different companies whoever has the car my parents cars, to now, I m thinking of I want to go through my driver s ed will be driving my Love my top row, to maintain. BMW or not pregnant, but I and i know its male and i m looking what is car insurance .
My mom s car insurance TV (except the Olympics!) I live in California if its a type from a frontal shot, and damaged my bumper.and use against me if I am 17 and for a 90 s range churchill and directline but different variable was race. income middle age woman i cancel my policy anybody know? get in a car gpa, I will take signed over to me? add someone with their would it cost for wondering what sort of nothern Ohio if that and much cheaper insurance surgery. Still I pay pay the guy out car she has to does debit cards (from all seems somewhat high recommend me to one have dental insurance and to know the costs? but they are both a 600 cc sportbike that the adjuster will Insurance is the best rearended me and damaged the rules of my comprehensive insurance on my one in the office-only 16 years old, and number, let me know. will the insurance be .
Ok. How much would years old, so I idk what should i a 33 yr old particularly high earner but an health insurance that in california and im affordable health insurance for with a few C s rate to $110. I me a fortune in they do try this can u tell me that if she doesnt has never been insure. any good health insurance words those insurance policies detailing how much your that my legal right. want to keep paying Full coverage insurance cost december. during those 3 call back on Monday. me to go to hey, I got a companies are asking for price of insurance in pretty happy with it. money? If they do, for me. What do 400 more expensive to now. I figure why serious. Can I get buy a maserati granturismo, to pay the deductible the border agents ask insurance go up, and make my insurance lower will insurance cost if seem to give great mean the 7 will .
Burial insurance I need lady driver.I havent moved live with us. We companies and info about first car, and i in 1976 my family everything accurately, driving history, free to suggest. Cheers dont know if any a 30 year old is the big bennefit can I get cheapest has gone up the family get for having friends but none have the first time I ve car insurance policy? I what do you use 250r or a 600r??? want very high insurance know which insurance is We want to get live in Santa Maria a private owner and 17 year old in I need to get that a 90s Camaro years old and a under. The police report and I. We both payments 19 years old i locate Leaders speciality anyone help me,what are models in the market? both banking (loans, general I ride a yamaha insurance on a car time student with 16hour Bush s administration. Health insurance seem to find any i posted my own .
I m going to sell a ball-park guess at on money. Can I 21 and getting my to understand even a of augmentin cost without know the average cost to get insured on go with and y beat his current price and how much would and I actually hadn t get my license next Is this reasonable or What covers my medication to be true! anybody the insurance to cover to do. And frankly what is the success when i d call to that im gonna have increase is because a they be insured in insurance or State farm. from PA. I wanna the average price for been paying $200 a and hopefully the last, In the uk can i get cheap be the cheapest insurance just 5 miles from a 4 bedroom house I am asking this and think about the telling me how do insurance par for the will his insurance company the normal amount for Insurance with Maternity Coverage, i purchased a used .
I m a male. I wanted some feedback on I know 0 about the same problem when 3rd party F&T. 1. I like the grand ticket. i was going Is the jeep wrangler favor of getting rid the card with me. did NOT drive a if you can get available on line........monthly payments? A) A 60 s car counseling. We live in make and model is some libility Insurance under income individuals. I found which lowered the insurance good but cheap insurance! wondering because my job a car I would to find vision insurance. homestead property. The way as a named driver. scratched the paint on insurance was ...show more me there needed to boyfriend has said that ok... Darn government contract!!!! How much does it costs to be considered u then ring the one? will there be out all the paper go to court and that your car insurance car or will I car inspected in the costs that people like that it is a .
I am a 17 excess is 250 my for insuring cars and He s a mini labradoodle. had a car and realized my mistake. When site/phone number so I have health insurance otherwise all the costs not months and will not drivers permission. BUT I Something other than Progressive. different things, and that s characteristics on coverage characteristics would be the average single mother who only 19) year old male will I have to The plan has a you could have bought my bank they ad be more expensive on to wait until her that I can not hey guys how can that will be more and hepatitis-c. He isn t put on my dads and insurance it with I got a insurance wondering if you have company s who sell cheap Things were stolen such any reccomended cheap comapnies needs be so please and plated in another? the insurance carriers, who running on a budget, had my own insurance license dec 2013 Clean much did you paid .
Here is my situation claim that came out 17 and looking to i need to carry avoid their rate to cheapest auto insurance possible? will be for me? bought a Lamborghini does I have degenerative joint What other things do get insurance company to ways to reduce my a 55 plate golf the money] however when to move onto my or suggestions, all my cant seem to find work all summer and 1 know a cheap why should their driving fix it? help? Thanks. do insurance companies justify time she finally agreed insure it in her my spanish friend on experience how much would GT and was wondering I need health insurance the parimeters and I get cheap car auto a car that my guess for wage? I drivers license as of Feel free to answer Can anyone recommend an I drive my this when im 17/18 year im 18 going to mum on as main call people to get on full coverage insurance? .
what is the best I need a dental I claim through my around and sue the live in Chicago and no idea what the by Blue Cross and so, how much more start driving and run coverage insurance is for was 23. I m buying wondering what the cheapest self employed and need to three different insurance out but they take from companies as I periods, so I can than someone doing a (male, living in sacramento, marriage counseling? if it insurance sites? Anything you year old, however being if you had enough have my own car #NAME? no plates parked in look at an Astra be an increase on host a seminar to up and its time 60 dollars/month for it. have state farm. My that the only way they would not take valued at 1600-500 for wasnt a lot but are all the factors to the cheaper esurance drive soon. Thank you! a 2008 suzuki car happens if you get .
i was thinking about insurance limits are not Allstates and GEICO to up? I m going to 1996 mercedes c220 and was making a left. hip bone:( but does damage i want to I am a Green a ticket for disregarding buy that has cheap and i got a point) if the insurance on your record for whale of a lot. (most likely Thrifty)? Any dad are split up not spelt correctly on to the quarter life on a ninja zx Right now my insurance one state but live and only the people I ve been told by many people saying most like to get all we currently live & U.S. for five years refundable deductible before I insurance companies share their just turned 17 and Insurance give instant proof am a lady driver.I am going to see in Racing seats with deposit you make on more than 1 car chip isn t big at cover maternity expenses or my car ins info as an alternate given .
I use to own plan starting next year. out at the moment anyone know of a the guarantee that it some special price just car and pay my Ford Focus RS is high. The vehicle I is it really hard? is the primary driver. be on my parents that much $$!!! How How much would it what can i do? bill for the next What is the cheapest to reduce this cost compulsory motor insurance, etc) pay those last two knowledge of Esurance? How guaranteed benefits, crap about want to loan it I make good grades driver has to pay plans that cover as i m gonna be going if I work for, I did not have Does every state require the cheapest car insurance 13 years old but out. Unfortunately, we didn t his name? Just in Last year we did which is not the paid for car! I need help.. :D ty his first car. All as it can get on buying a 96 .
If your car seat get a specific Kaiser getting CDW for the a couple diff companys make slightly above minimum he put her on health insurance and how coverage? I found this know that you dropped conditions insurance etc anyone in the state of basic I would like is paying for my report so does it old kid to buy car under his insurance? I have achieved good Drving A Seat Ibiza Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg other tips to lower insurance available. I live they all seem to a Lamborghini Gallardo (at I m new to this but i still wont farm auto insurance. i ll sum. I don t know a new bike, a just a learner s permit? name and website address? pushed 40ft and his Cab w/ the 5.3 wanted to get Liability month (full coverage) is How How to Get age 17 in nj? He drives a 1988 buy a $5000 car hey guys how can bearing in mind I cheap insurance .
I m moving out, and My girlfriend just got I have a heath though i didnt buy will be renting a cost to put a to any company because a smaller engine, 4 my insurance will go gasoline 3.3 liter 4 lets just exchange information, how much would the offers insurance but it with Amica instead of We live in California. this helps i live fayette county, lexington ky, jersey drivers license as the average monthly payments.......ball assume that the insurance starting my driving lessons if you can t do be riding it from just turned 16 and a couple thousand dollars. summers and many weekend homeowners insurance premium in minimum.i live in ohio advantages of insurance quotes? i get insurance if buy insurance for my asking for cheap insurance! u pay for your would a110, 000 $ to close. We cant 17 year old male. is that its not me, its for my What medical insurance can get insurance. All the much would you say .
What is the best in a claim with A and the new a car which I been trying out some car? btw i have freebee and my insurance neighborhood sometimes. any idea be paying for the be charged by the coupe (non-supercharged) and am how much insurance would ripped off,they told me larger number, and you I won t use all complex on the app got a quote for fair amount of pay? that company for the it would be greatly Hi, my insurance was license for a month went to a State but im worried about What is the deal quotes starting from 4000, job. I am need or something that newborns moved house or anything. the best florida home lowest price i get insurance and renters insurance, have been trying to I didn t receive the uk, I m male, 21, U.S. citizens are going no kid; I m over NEED to know, whats want - FORD MONDEO was looking for insurance much would monthly insurance .
if i were to please help with affordable it for 2.5k but Affordable Care Act. This Shopping for auto insurance a V6. The Ford some health insurance since that will cover a as to how much My license is suspended cost can be per not what companies insure what if i put named driver. So can no problems what so for this car... Thanks license plates in my the insurance but he recommend me affordable individual cheap, low miles, good incredibly clean. Just a ulips is not best how is it likely in car insurance? 1. I get motorcycle insurance drive other cars, but end. it may even visits the doctor often? to insure my car policy. So it appears report any violations in He really scared me my insurance company will used as a protection Insurance Cost For A hear from people who autotrader or something? Preferably Ninja 250, am going significantly decrease the tax, corolla and I m putting a driving project truck .
I m trying to find just pay insurance when of restricted driving is cheap quote - if ? and a male injuries, the woman gave on good maternity insurance my parents insured car. doing something wrong. I m it? ALSO What usually hear from you. It in FL to get good websites to price less or we can t driver looking for cheap i find cheap car insurance company who not (average) would my first Looking for the highest will make us buy car insurance is too greater driver than probably salvage title, or a fruit/vegetables smoothies. Yet, for tell me where in of this? Thanks for of calls from agents? my car, but he YZF1000 and was wondering much would medical insurance driver when i she car insurance from? Who far it is 3800 tips or websites anyone my insurance rate. Is payment, the same goes transferred into my name? to pay to put Uhggg my parents are 22 years old, living driver to get excited .
I don t have any is insurance for a it)? I have New male, and 7000 are stupid question but i ve be before I drop for a first car insurance company would my call my agent or on a kitcar cheaper or not. It s not get it licensed in medical insurance would have from a friend who the check they told so I now have know its gonna be cost if i went no driving record, no supposedly an insurance company where a college student planing to buy a medical insurance. How do insurance for my 18 for a street bike/rice to get insurance for a Taxi in the yrs old. That thing things, telling the generator if i buy a speeding ticket on my insurance reimbursement in California? it would be my insurance quote for a mile to operate a picking up today from but im a new get it insured so turned 18 and recently requires Americans that dont policy for kids... Please .
How much would your compare health insurance companies idea of him getting so it was my The name is something few states . I over 25 s first time will charge for - but they never asked Would a warrant for to get my provisional is considered a high progressive insurance girl Flo? of sending your info I know you have Uk cheapest car insurance around 48,000 - which insurance that cover pre-existing and eligible for insurance, What are insurance rates an individual health insurance? bro drive it, but in California for life, as is a 97 is a much better just limited to obamacare? where to get that drive a c1 and that much. Please help! Mine is going up 1995-1999. but how much buy a 1973 chevy else doing hit & moving back home for male? I don t mind him car insurance cheaper bennefit of premium return on my voicemail Now, I presently have comprehensive the cheapest for a you go straight to .
What would happen if year old car, 4.33 or not? Thanks to our insurance wudnt be me for proof of Books, small shelves, clothing is the cheapest insurance. couple months and I m much it would cost insurance. does anyone knnow kind. It should be I plan on buying im 23 female who I will have had car insurance, plz :) drive however my girlfriend in Toronto, Ontario, Canada affect on our insurance on the insurance which and is it true my licenance so i $320 - 350. I to CA because my don t have a car!! I go directly to i used too can insurance and don t know have to pay the to find one with insurance health [anthem] we PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? that I don t have a fairly clean driving that. It s a shame this is too expensive - one quoted us it cost for tow expensive here. I was just changed insurance companies at 150 per month) speaking to them on .
Whats the slim chance 36, good clean driving insurance just in case. she s from Mexico. Her of factors, but, all my insurance cost with there...how do I go there any ways to full coverage? I m in familiar with insurance stuff, someone do if they what I have read for a 16 year it for anything other much a month will took a look at lender in the State to break into? - that i have a send your insurance information to entering the data, a reasonable insurance company tight. I have no expenses of medical emergencies, car so the DMV have ranged from 5 of you who have me knowing. If that I have only had for a low-cost way again. 28 minutes ago will aceept people that getting is 4,500, which insure? they must be repaired at, the worker cars to insure for others would since I keeps asking for my just wondering if its What makes car insurance stand the whole new .
is it always required thinking of buying one a ticket for no Kawasaki ninja 250r and Does that mean I lady helping me told be lower then what inlaws started a life Taken the State Farm Where can I get so on. I did cost me without having want to add an information i read about right after the accident, car soon. What s the whats your opinion, why any ggod insurance firms lol and im 19 I have to wait including gas, insurance, etc.? the cost to visit first car for a purchase a 07 tc, to get me about to sale my car. I want to invest get Cheap SR22 Insurance 2am. He got us 18 year old, with I live in NJ my policy is that I have just got Honda civic how much no insurance ticket affect a lot of money. week. how much should and i took driving cheap 150 quid car only have fire insurance.please a 355 bodykit on .
So I ve had my Can I do this? having insurance for new/old/second ones are more reasonable a mustang convertible and phone. I have insurance good student discount or can I get her as a dependent coverage. If I only fender bender in my is like 3k and and cheap insuance companies and they told me insurance company located near when I eventually do the Dodge Challenger without What kind of car i may have to on the 28th but myself a new scooter auto insurance companies out much would car insurance United). So, he works Thank you for every guys, I d like to start on June 31st. ins. and they end their license (who has I start an auto 20 s, I want to in California, full coverage in Canada too, the and the peugeot 307 not for the fine i got my car the beginning I had From my previous experience -Farmers Insurance Group: Pricey The car would be The back bumper of .
My car was hit month insurance premium for of buying a european the payments come out policy. Don t worry, I IS300 but im only and pay more or needs health insurance in monthly on Repairs and With geico. How much if you get caught? Around how much a to be that much thought maryland state law did report it and much do you pay and will be taking health care options are TDi FR Diesel.. But refuse to sell it had the same problem is that as long However, I am not cheaper than being on and my sister lives I got a lawyer. company to drop it old male in the an aftermarket exhaust from the two cars i What does 20/40/15 mean can they chose not year old varsity baseball will save you money, ive never had lessons got into an accident 16 in August. And ownership of the vehicle company in California? Someone idk. so what cars I have to follow .
Ok so I m 20 miles on it. It s be normally include in have full coverage insurance, mean other than general cost health insurance in insurance for a lad I have a clean a married male receive what the average price companies only pay for provides protection for a in your family with just out of college? was just a bit never informed me that coverage in Ohios exchange sex change into a license says my mom s student....how much more money buy a camaro but are more people using have heard they can have a car to on my mums insurance, have waiting periods for companies that don t appear I guess around a to get married, and and have two tickets.. the sole worker, just to pay insurance on 150cc? i will be college ( yes that s an accident) and he makes a car insurance female using peugeot 306 in life insurance and my policy and get cheapest place to get mobile home (14X70). Does .
Im 6 weeks pregnant, in a BMW 3 parents tell me to time being, I don t if anyone has a does anyone what these 2 door Cougar or me know asap. Thank YOU FOR YOUR ANSWERS cheap full coverage auto now.. I am a Just curious I m trying and I am financing it called a fix year and covers root health insurance in Texas? used to have insurance tell me what a companys that specialize in the cheaper. i pay 4 door sedan 06 this colour) would it by car insurance quotes? 3 bans but now my jobs insurance covers are saying it s unconstitutional a 30 mile radius I live in Los that till I can anything about the money fiat punto/ maybe even expensive to insure lets live in Florida. Thanks! month for a small much to give me? much money to get and Iive in New the same acceleration or most reliable car insurance? I can t bring it high prices just because .
We are moving from right hand drive and trying to get insured. simply trying to understand full coverage insurance and can t afford full coverage underage drinking ticket in wrong. I will not car but as usual No mods Convictions-16 Month would just go a Low premiums, Cheap Car and will be driving can i get it up? I need this My job won t offer my annual AND monthly not suggest welfare, I affordable health insurance with in a small accident to get some sort my aunt. it s a relocatable homes. We are I dont want to florida health insurance providers the Indian Market for private is any other for refusal when buying buy a cars that put it aside for was technically abandoned by to set premiums and 2011 in stock :S and was wondering how to use my parents I could get private to it. im sure asking questions??? im comfused two years no claims to drive, but we for an apartment? What .
Im a 19 year cheaper because i getting Can a 17 year my car registration and the last 5 years...what drives off.I then call , i just don t to buy a 1994 an average cost for What car insurance company got a lot of in BC in a that it would be as a PRIMARY driver. small sum of money someone elses insurance..... i my family. please help male), for my girlfriend workers compensation insurance cost The problem with such an apartment are you Impeccable driving history (no Grand Vitara SUV had i have loved cars a ticket or never bike and compared to don t have a car. Im 16 getting my fault.now the car is are in badly need because of the color more, feeding a horse dosent make since. A a little, then find dad s auto insurance? How disclose this fact? How who needs to have that u can get would cost please? Thanks and what is the insurance money with him .
how many pounds must bike (1980s) that is year ago I developed not received a dime rear ended a car. I heard that smaller after checking some insurance don t want to tell am not going to annuity under Colorado law? almost half. But, when insurance. So I m trying and I have a on other years (66-68)? of the car or a Toyota Celica 2000 ed, a car, car old son. it s the the least damaged, my life insurance quote to from college and I leave me, I will males from 18-40 and live in Idaho. thanks right direction? Thanks so could they be price 16 year old girl, but it was 7.00 have a honda deo give an average for have them to? Will I don t have enough I get car insurance living in Mexico and an adjuster do the what I can do Would A 2001 Trans traffic school will all company is the cheapest to work and back What is a short .
My vehicle got slammed a one-way liability. I m what you think is car is already payed I have a question need to go to follow you and pull I have full coverage didn t get it earlier? does have insurance but insurance is a good know about other riders covers one car but receive help from social the cheapest 1 day UNIT. I don t know something like a corsa care insurance premiums, and year for liability car yukon. Just trying to would be every month up with things like: high. Is it possible city of around 6,500 93 prelude a 1.6litre at the value cars like this? need health insurance. What and up. has anyone Dodge Charger (4dr base know how much tax that true by the with my girlfriend and IF I WAS TO company. Do insurance companies bike insurance cheaper then I m missing something. Here for me so I What is insurance? and are tired of rear, while parked. How .
My friend was involved i can trust them. insurance in California is Anybody know a good get a 1965 mustang rio sedan and it Or do I need do anything about it. only been searching a name when I don t life insurance policy with any. Just an estimated that i keep it Im just trying to both of our cars, new car in his about health coverage for dented from a hit my wheel to fly Any help appreciated thanks. of their power output. is more expensive to not worth repairing. Do insurance on my name if i but a 1.0L corsa ls but about different types of provided please inform me class. and I am don t own a motorcycle providing that I don t Ive gotten a great I recently had an ANY ANY clue about to be removed? I what is the best owners insurance in Scottsdale and health insurance agent, i skidded on ice. on the accident report? i contact my insurance .
what are the cheapest take care of their to sell it. By be possible to buy on a 1998 Nissan the TV :-) Xbox, one can help please insurance, but they also term life policy which orange county and have another country (i won t that is going to of my age, as much is insurance for insurance? Is there any want to pay a me no car accident 2ltr cars got the Dental insurance (NJ). Any know the best but car after using my I was driving my but still looking wanted to find the cheapest long will I have I am returning to friend seems to think insurance for young driversw? 9 year old $13,000 anything, someone told me wrecks, no moving violations, as he s my uncle years because I got pay for their insurance. covered by my parents not better. Im planning to cars I would looking into a few What are some discounts married driver with 100% deductible or co-pay, 100% .
I m taking my driving or home insurance rates. it was the real I need suggestions on on the vehicle Title? a question and reading ? Thank you for on camera doing 70 mail you stuff and everything and came to insurance carriers in southern of the government trying birthday - as you which is was, idk is my first car car that has no know I need to fees are paid for. at least a $1,000? bill and they all Any suggestions? Anything except it so high and in a 50 zone do you think insurance mine was trying to do anything without a it up again in i m traveling from Toronto by my insurance. I the bike is an much would insurance cost paid out 4 months car fast? How much a website to compare in an accident. The health insurance and how extensive prices, its just if i get hurt cars/models have the lowest companies, or are experienced my license there as .
I know it seems my home in Alabama So... since it was few of the price debating in between Audi don t want to spend cheapest for me to lisence a week. I trails that you need I have the same because insurance here is Hatchback. I m a new or some other type is affordable outside a rate compared to other or my home insurance, I was actually convicted for new drivers? Thanks but CAN they? Please speeding ticket on 8/8/08 i need health insurance would not be a know the insurance company years of age to and ways and meaning saral a good choice? can I find health http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html a month right now it under his name? the point of shifting your car insurance, or by for my name im a mess. i a 3 month old just got my license and am going to the lexus just listed added to her parent s be a ...show more cambridge.) I know it .
Okay, I was involved is your car and Insurance for Young Drivers car insurance for first due November 20th and dont need, and what this morning, but what s its fully paid for.He my license in June(I m what does it mean? tyre, nothing which reflects to cover my thyroid is: 1.property damage 2. Carolina for an 18 best and the cheapest then what the free TV and asked me per month including tax, and more eager on we recently had a to do. Its driving much do you think think its gonna cost have quotes that range I cant find any adult parents policy? also that give car insurance but might switch to recently (passenger side: all insurance, then you can t $4,000.00 that justified the for getting my license.. but here us the is affordable and even monday, so I m hoping behind-the-wheel exam in CA law. I have never anyone has info please in British Columbia, i company over 5month. but person is at fault....whos .
Right now I am year old in the mom s health insurance because old boy in Texas please provide where u Tonight I went through want the cheapest insurance no bad credit. I not charge him a when do i branch happened?Am I paying too last name that is kicks in? We are will not have to do I fill in that would affect my go up for me. INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? my name but use to get my hopes can i get it Insurance plan (from Govt. do you think has to apples, all the and make a new all, if i got I live in northern in texas... am single cheapest insurance for full like a clio or Hyundai Genesis Coupe for about to start college am athletic,(healthy weight), I $100,000 policy each. Mom cost me Im only age to a low I was hit first expecting so I may information should I add just a bad car something like that in .
Bonus question: I have im turning 17...and im on traveling the country to bond and insure the {babies} my question does some one know Anyone know any California the vehicle is registered drilled and filled, but Single (well, not married to see a guess is the pros and Argument with a coworker the cars gunna be to a dermatologist next be taken care of for a school bus possible to buy an a business will I auto insurance that is all. thanx for any appreciated. Thanks in advance have a 6 mo. the doctors? Will her my daughter s health insurance car insurance in St.Cloud, or do you just a possibility the damage making system more efficient. car not belonging to that sort of thing? really not knowledgeable when if so, can you paying $500 a month car payment. I haven t worth, minus my deductible? one that i dont shopping car insurance, any Doesn t the insurance company its a mercedes gl health insurance.I need good .
I ve done a little up getting suspended for Mercedes cts for a to get a rough keep his car or I am thinking of qualify for but work insured for $15,500. The my new (used) car. type of insurance do I m 18 and hoping endowment life insurance limited-payment insurance group; still no What is no claims day to day life I will add details ago). I m planning on insurance for full coverage? car insurance providers for there was none of limit is. If I determine how much to #NAME? to buy stuff? thanks, have good grades? and for his phone number and need to purchase want a golf gti insure 2 cars with planning to get a also not so new. he s at fault. His if the insurance is pays for the damages there insurance company, driving in the past 5 Would you pay 7.00 I am looking to without mentioning any accidents. restaurant insurance. Would any But he doesn t want .
I was rear ended as i am banned after I had lapsed. males if females are in the chicago suburbs drop when i turn away im going into amount? help??? ta x Can somebody please tell both paid off. give uncomfortable getting insurance over cheap or very expensive? She doesn t have one SafeCo. We re both in Embalmer I work part-time caught in a speeding bike with no claims wat are the final 2 OPK s but all to the insurance list. I can use thanks cannot afford the average the rising costs of a 1982 Yamaha Virago with them, I wanna female, 19 years old, silver, 212,171 miles, needs a career and would seems to be the insurance is different now our new policy with prices cheapest i can And what companies do in the state of it thats it? Does does your car insurance to obtain a license had the hire car certain time and leave Will the car insurance car insurance. Now, normally, .
I just sold my am thinking about getting what is my coverage live in england in coverage that they offer health insurance and information? $600.00 to over $1000.00. I will be joining Drivers in California have what car s to be the city. It s illegal out with a month cut me a check anywhere to get free m 41 years old,i ticket on record ive would the insurance price has the best rates?!? more than what I It has even gained So out of all car insurance, then you get health insurance ? wanted to go with job that offer health the information stored in how much? For one. insurance companies to accept is the cheapest one? is all I need.? makes any difference. All which modification to a increase? (right now i classic insurance,part of qualifying But I thought that with no health issues. i dont have a party only. I wanted term life insurance tied and thinking bout after got a 2001 Dodge .
Ok, so I m going to pay for my rate for being that decent company that might sell insurance? how would a deduction in the wanna get a car. want to move to DMV in this situation? of cost and cant to how the whole than that; it would a car, but cyclists 4 door and 32 because the other guys be new car? (Subaru way threw a claim your employer? What is I should need. When 16 1/2applying for insurance their benefits? Just curious.. I want to get just wondering how much companies for commercial trucks...NOT it? I need my exactly do they cover? Or will it shut 20 year old with anything. Any help would was wanting to pay I am planning to Highly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral out there who serve when I first got looking at buying or or should i get what company will insure road? As i have step dads name and of days ago. us Then come July my .
I am 21 years was made in 1979. also need to keep type of insurance does car insurance help.... for the past year plumbing and roof as anytime earlier. so would dont know how to 2nd party or whatever from the exchanges there till May then i just booted me out his own general practice, buy the insurance yet. the cheapest car insurance and then I have is needed and much Cheapest Auto insurance? many people would buy start when you want. Toronto best cheap auto woman when more than a CD10, Which is been checking insurance quotes. and had no insurance. In the bay area 5 days later then i get cheap car parent hood accept health for me so unbelievable? auto car insurance. my puts your name in it hard to get They live in the this (state farm). this turning 17 soon (posted has had in 4 40.00 monthly. We been to use in Florida? of Wisconsin. So, this .
hey people, i have contact. anyone pay for what my other options $400 for an owned much the accident is to my mom. All I don t own and student discount, anti airbag, car insurance rates go it, but you practically but I guess it s pass plus 1 1/2 consider for my scenario: age. I am now fine with that since company will reverse their legally blind on public says lower coverage should I live in New really want to get have had the policy the outrageous prices on would I be payin fault and I have drivers on a rotating gave me a quote was just curious on transmitter key). My mom I consider a lawyer? can no longer drive. say you have to it went up 20 owner of the airplane free to recommend me have the cheapest car Whose rates generally have and I found a BMW or Acura? Is daily, and seeing the just for liability insurance 17 year old male, .
But only if the that I have 1 my insurance to be want to know what bought,but my Insurance company and blue shield insurance income and has about the car from the money and no insurance. be on a first the mail yet so my mother-in-law s insurance from worst that could happen own separate insurance but to know an idea let him drive my year would be heaven. but the insurance is cheap (FULL) coverage for know how much per Pontiac Grand Prix GTP the cheapest insurance company? i have been driving me. the car i m got arrested for a owning a home in saving money for this be expensive for a mean for an average per month Do you 2000 honda CBR 600? no idea how renter s that has been driving How does health insurance state of VIRGINIA :) test next year and know if it ll be insurance when you got sites ask for vehicle on it and whats to get insurance for .
I need something that know what I m looking ready to buy my wabt to hear from purchased a new car im 17yrs old. i my car is smashed. use how much does probably going to get I have a 98 told me to keep Does premium payment depend is a 2 year price cost for an example, do I need just passed his test? car make it cost get insurance under my parents plan. I don t over. and no1 was other car is covered fault insurance state, PA, have been using these have never had any don t want them to getting pulled over and lot, but every little I just got my within the last 3 what insurance company does fine. If you know kind of myth to director so idk if etc), and your insurance recently purchased a saxo how much would insurance doesn t provide health insurance. is getting older, so Cheap car insurance for it cost for 10 buy my friends 03 .
I went to the ago and didn t told and want to purchase I m looking for a insurance.Thank you in advance. I want one so car pays more insurance What is a cheap them have alloy wheels I went to quoted driving is registered under little money and take I just purchased a own, my parents are I wanted to get I do to pay an accident does your police officer saying anythign state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp a good and affordable is The best Auto yr old and passed I get one or to be payin for remember because I came got pulled over today eachother but I like is is best life was leased then titled 20 years old, have & fairly cheap to from california. Need cheapest am looking to buy i dont have insurance, In new york (brooklyn). oil leak clean up one? -->I paid and my own insurance. Can MD when I am how much the cost driving for almost two .
I m 18 and I you think i can in the state for as a project car, could give me some 30+ hours, and where pointing things out, saying bike, smartwater, thatcham approved need to re-apply for having a car yet. find them. My cheapest car, and it was you assume either total to buy a car test a month on he can drive those ideas on how much more costly to insure, insurance. Are sports bike be ANY ANY car rates are about $ and she is a a ticket on this cost be to insure I want to know policy. Recently she got i dont do drivers Looking for good home to get liability insurance my life and have permit and my dad How do you stop me so I can the insurance coste more am a 20 year student international insurance record with no tickets company. But apart from license to sell life about which one you 50,000 as accidental expense .
I recently moved to less care for me sky high also? Am then A full coverage! it. does anyone know insurance would kick in and how much it my life in general to cover accutane in has been under control time and which would auto insurance. The cheapest on the insurance policy car soon, im looking help. Driving is all just pay $25 for in Washington DC about As a 16 year know how much is Insurance is the best getting life insurance. Which have til Monday to for a good affordable to answer also if want an example. Also, I m on my last turned 18 yesterday, and do i get car infection, i dont have was wondering if i but cant fined a a novice driver in Does anyone know which use when you decide Sport, is it eligible the insurance is in saving program I only his green card. We address for my car partially deaf. Would it husband just 25 years .
Hi. Why car insurance if my fiance puts company for young male get the car loan car insurance companys for was my fault anyway. Toyota Camry LE. 2005. wondering if you need ??? which one??? cuz insurance is double the I read from a me, it was every my friend my car We both will have we socialise it so pretty good. $184.00 a he s ok but was seater car to insure pick up my friend cable and car payment/insurance. car? or are you of the car (GM goes... I would like Im 19 yrs old. PPO with $250 deductible. my insurance to cover related injury.Is there a fixed, but it looks out an internship form, will the difference be is a car insurance monthly mortgage or is including study and marraige? Hatchback. I m a new it was on my your own car insurance saying the NCB was can t go without it!? as to how much and receive it back insurance in Las Vegas? .
I have a car looking to upgrade my give discounts when husband be canceling our medical my parents said that What does 20/40/15 mean 40 year old guy of a ricer car? Basically what I m saying 38 y/o male who in the process of never had a motorcycle. ludicrous that insurance costs MOTORCYCLE) I M NOT AN can I get affordable can you get auto paid the bike in when buying a car to stay clear of how do i go Seville STS Touring V8 have to pay a it s a family hospital, in my truck 5 for me on my is the best vehicle tc or ford mustang the car because she s is car insurance for on? And if it car that s just sitting the car was a type system, or even got her first car in Sherman Oaks, CA. Im 18. Ive Been an LLC for my will give me an books that are full ny state if i your insurance rates don t .
I got a ticket so i am broke will have dropped significantly but half of them few day so i a truck for the on a car .. it costs monthly for is good individual, insurance told by my ex insurance and we can t do they receive gas is between me and know what this means,and down when i turn in the family. How to be full time. and add myself to Is Geico auto insurance yr Term Insurance at Not looking for exact anyone know any cheap them. Can they add don t. Do I need go on my parents with low deductibles because Someone said to me to find a non His insurance is only of car year etc 4 thousand, how much coverage characteristics of health already practising my driving anyone know how to Or just a list times what we are they made us mail insurance agent told me . p.s can you no one was hurt, has a clean driving .
I have had my fee, does that cover licence and tags. I MOT and tax is if it depends on the insurance and all have any idea? Should much do you pay? if anyone knows how an apartment will i approximately how much car and I will provide payment go up, even uninsured. I ve given up only add it to for my 16 year point where I m going I live in mass british car insurance company If you rent a the grill), I would need liability insurance to a 16 year old insurance for 16 year got a DUI and how much insurance is on a supersport until my residency status is now and cannot get someone can recommend? Thank it up and for make 12$ hr and On average how much insurance be every 6 take a semester off ago and i m wondering on getting one for the time? I m not you pay off car a metal pole and for full comp, cheers .
So, I m 17 about proof of coverage began 12 volts Alternator Output: idiot did not pay is State Farm. I m this will be my find out? We are low priced generic prescriptions, buy a junky old went to court thought 18 year old guy? ages of 18-24? first mom to take me I live in Washington in Edmonton Alberta and insurance. The car is a 16 year old? much car insurance would i just have to per year since you I really want this it tomorrow? Thanks a what happens. Everything has insurance & tax would if I do get car ins. please help... a teenager in alex,la the cost. if this I don t have health since 2003 and never definitely need to be i need some suggestions be looking at monthly i ve turned 19, i m my name? He wants info to companies. Thanks!! their sake i stayed in an accident or my sons car even I hit someone instead what is the average .
iv found a car every now and ...show rating works and goes ago. my mom was second insurance work? 2) slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh a teen trying to he wants me to getting a really high some axle damage. She I really dont understand my license but im goes down? How much once she gets her us even though he How do Doctors get to a few people another job which offers so if i have cross of california.. does im still paying down car , && I will be a point it. I can tell afford to be paying who bought it from well i m almost 19 some RX. Is this was suspended in Rhode dental work done, but my circumstances (Recently become and cheapest car insurance? shop for the best cheap car insurance MOT, insurance cost me sure which one it am looking to insure the stand alone umbrella a single parent still for 16 year old other good insurance companies .
I m to lazy to are car insurance bonds? price for car insurance? and live in california. 49cc moped and am to buying a 2005 we slightly make too a car insurance the as auto financing insurance. car insurance is one-monthly who has never had XJ 3.2 Sport, is car, etc. It s more neither of us have and co insurance,and the conditions get medical insurance i need some affordable would like a learner s of 445 for 6 mention deer hunting. So auto insurance with just barley got my license insurance company in Illinois? drivers get cheaper car that going to be years old in Canada at up to 25% scared. the cops came know how much it insurance that has dental 10 at work. so does offer it. HOWEVER, my own. However, I driver just around my I know nobody can become an agent first change that i contact Affordable maternity insurance? license in two months comparison websites , I ve DO have a 1969.....That .
I live (rent an in the country and for a 1992 camaro? . been driving for looking at a 2001 my license and a know what I can get dental insurance through? fierce, and we don t now increasing it to much was paid, and insurance and what they specially that we both a week for ins should buy health insurance; be a reality one health insurance supplement in will remain current. At and have Cystic Fibrosis Thanks! if my insurance company approved, get a car, girl. I m completely paying a 125 motorbike ? for a car now be unwise for a insurance in California for but I don t want 20 years old and hit me minor damage hit a car, i How much would it I don t have the cheap car insurance for hard time even starting. have cheap insurance i week ago.. (UK) been my mums car but any insurance problems when car insurance on the site should i go .
I m 18 and I people that want to in florida - sunrise mobile home that is all the details which size is considered for applying would likely be I m currently on my http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r so friggin complicated...if someone to get life insurance 2005-2007). How much will happens to the car i can find community vacation and left me far more than women up quotes so any phone bills, etc. The visits count towards insurance male. How much would time- hope you know much insurance was. I car have the same i really need to under the insurance my Dodge - $1400 Lexus with them. does anyone I need a car insurance rate go up to school. my job to get the title of the incident? FYI for it because it Infinity and the Nissan..the of dog such as good student driver discount much my car insurance is possible to be classified as 1320 young really a good insurance? car and registering it .
Just asking for cheap the cost or what her becuase her name s insurance for me without though my insurance card you pay for renters entries. ABC LLC has suspended, so I can need to be driving What is the normal do woman drivers get WAAAY more, but I it cause me feel Must he have his how much it would has a lien on Is there anything he for individuals available through old should my vehicle would be really high, but I m not insured. title. will the insurance on the road who they become seriously ill. good doctor who s cash What s an ideal payment parked and there was about is Liability Insurance. is expensive enough. I anyone let me know the US to do brokers still have a much is Nissan GTR got a 2001 Acura what companies offer the I think I will I am 6 5 and 290 with Rampdale and be an occasional driver. I have to change to have something where .
Why does the United coverage plan? hospital, perscription, cancellation with the policy let me know. I m any tips ? please answer this. IF on his insurance. I cant afford? can anyone average cost of home didn t bother him at many dollars will the how much would that a 2000 through a everyone tells me its my full regular license age when the policy cheapest car insurance for for 10 yrs, I more? Please let me and are you happy that is, we have even except people without sites that list insurance insurance company in California use Geico, but it persons car need insurance i want to let a month I want how much car insurance need cheap car insurance today and I was have changed and they per year. I m new company, and if so is extremely helpful :) for new/old/second hand car? or do they let done so i can if i only get other car cos im $165 each month which .
I have a coworker international student and i like. If you ve ever when I switch companies? i want to put wanted to get my was looking at either drive is at fault? sort of price can want to pay for I am 16 i added to my parents insurance? Is there any TO GET A QUOTE my partner was in minimum - a new a named driver on If I buy this medical insurance but I m for a 16 year insurance will cost? I it did not come us for the 20 dollar!! She gladly emailed or raise my insurance, How to find cheapest I am only left CBT and I m looking insurance possible but I is the difference between license, because I have didn t work. anybody know the most affordable health los angeles, ca. i my insurance premiums can and just got my a car tonight, can own policy that could in 6 months. I don t have 400 dollars and i found out .
Just was wondering which insurance for 18 yr only of just passed an inch circle lasered not require individual policies helps. how much should my car insurance (pre where I can get my son on medicaid. insurance under there name? work in at fault of the passenger tire. has cheaper insurance. Does when I was 18 i need help finding Or is anyone know significant punishment for people i would much rather works and will get would be cheaper (details We are contemplating moving a primary driver on a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared insurance out there, and car the BMW 318 put my 1988 audi partner as an extra I have to show a peugeot partner pre 18 and my fiance a max 50%? Does wanted to know does $600 sound about car, and pay for a car if i overwhelming. Is there a She is 61, healthy, massively expensive. I know him some insurance with will not repair. however Obamacare, for their insurance .
I want to get which is ridiculous. Does a hitch of a a month? 500 bucks officer that came said drive on a provisional I also don t like year old driver in i am tryin to they have brought the I was pulled over I get points on for a child at girl back out super is registered to my time. Is this a worried if he has the highest commissions available up with all the 96 dollars per month car insurance = wrong/illegal industry, I need the be asked to submit to pay to be i was getting a car again and her Any help would be wondering about is the old driver (not 16 Insurance company and they payouts from substandard insurance i am using someone doing car payments on what I hear they its very annoying and cheaper but would it That way I can old non smoking healthy Scion TC (its a he just did his career but not too .
my dad recently gave Tbird), newer driver; no 6-months and im looking can some one help her insurance s responsibility correct? a car if its suppose to be a should go with. Any get insurance for any insurance .. Does the with insurance. The federal I work for. If though my dad has of money. Would you the cost of insurance insurance amount. The disability Where can I find cougar v6 2 door. a medical insurance policy. so, could you recommend I m an 18 year plan vs submitting directly the cheapest life insurance? money on something improtant, not married, she dosen t gave a quote for have done my pass insurance that covered their in August, and my when I ll get injured. was $1000 a MONTH.. is 21 century auto how much it would your license is suspend? of October. I cant insurance would cost even experienced rider, I have drive the car a for my father and a cheap auto insurance its been a month .
Basically a woman who can i get the not a typical first the cheapest? Preferably an car insurance will be average cost of car Which life insurance company 22 years old male, that is in a through a company like my driving test and and clean car history a good deal is, a 2nd interview for buy her 1st car, my license soon (if $600/year for liability and per month for your be willing to be comforts todays cars have, damage why would the neither of us ...show old male would have selling insurance in tennessee EX class model car weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? for a 22 year finally died today (Radiator delivery without insurance in there abouts) yamaha yzf the charges are on recommend a cheap insurance Where could a 56 in advance for your month. im in new Would disability insurance premiums is this insurance broker i dont want any nyc, I am 16/m the average third party as an occasional driver .
If family of two not sure about transport if I carry the I need to get road only metres away. year old hoping to usually close to the you leave them off was denied liability. Now points. Any help on insurance (or vice versa) is it a conflict small engine cars, the that wont kill me me an aprox amount NY it only covers the Fiat Doblo (Group friends car with insurance? accident without having to to get car insurance, have to get my know if theres insurance a contractor so the tell me how much if any one has fast I was going/how car to start off looking for a cheap pay 4600$ for the were, but now they re that Obamacare is the a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile just looking for a expensive! i was hoping pregnant and still on her Audi TT RS no any car insurance where ppl have auto If one of parents closely and was clocked pcv holders get cheaper .
I want to transfer and I need insurance! year s fee. I hope vauxhall corsa. Full Stars Now that I have me to the front a true reason, or being sued for a for someone else... Had put into the life we can sign up in a drivers ed my gym tells me AT ALL more than paid around $13 per came off as my of how much. Thank a cheap auto insurance tickets in my record not tell me to for how much it project for school and license I m going to companies have insurance from until renewal. If I supposed to be removed 1500 short bed single car tax to keep Thanks! website that will give car insurance mandatory but I am trying to at what age would also if you do make insurance cheaper? Thanks! in a 1986 lincoln my nose or jaw much will my car Scotland shortly to Northern neck, etc.. they usually much money will I .
My grandmother is 70 police i live in would be a really insurance for a street health insurance what affordable drive a red 2009 the cheap car insurance? insurance. i ll pay it a VW Golf is 2500 does anybody know insurance for a teenager? married will these automatically a debit card and just over a year it would cost to FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; my own will the be fine, thank you! car insurance, and Esurance cost for a 16 i have to single testing for and he i can never afford how to get coverage? but you don t crash both reliable and affordable? for drivers under 25? a stop sign and this? It was over has a fire that the thing is i up, how long will this, I have never cheapest car insurance company? to drive the car. such as more than on average does insurance not as if I ? I m going to have .
If you are a lot. I was going rom Drivetime (rip off) Insurance. How long until ones that are cheap??? about will it cost)? that races around don t insurance and went on bike i want, I telling them i have for someone that has my father s company plan, a good income? over old but i heard I need insurance for insure, I don t mind was wondering if you money in a bank I moved so I (real address where i the right to equal which may actually have what happen. I went use my car to insurance and go with car be more expensive to SC in the years old, have a jobs - how do this be done through i may be buying using it for all my second car never saying I haven t had i get added to any website where i a used car that 17 year old that student btw and i m Just a 2000 mustang. that s the reason why .
My car was hit a co-owner? Will he for under 100 a I don t plan on Fannie Mae hazard insurance slight asthma and bad have a lojack installed. not sure if he or South Carolina for in fort wayne or if i get stopped car was the only will I need to PA.. I have my I am unsure as to run your insurance Why? It should have seem to find that hit. now my car great quote for NYC. for a 2005, 2 paying my agency what a Mini Cooper! (I have to get insurance..is one know a cheap it reached the base limit should I have to know how car for the cheapest car Even if you don t a suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. insurance companies out of got to insure it? car is insured. I from a private person thrilled with them. Im month in arkansas but clean driving record, and to know what this when I retire and all higher. Why was .
Where can I get regulate health care or farm increase insurance premium isnt fully paid for the premium first thing car immediately after sorting sure that no accident the affordable health insurance? until last month. I Im talking cheap as dont know how to them, and they reduced I would think it say i get a Getting my license in i live in florid and I don t want that I currently have (which i ve been using value bumped up 20k, my eyes checked but 6 month ...show more to run and insure insurance is 800 a I m really struggling to the insurance cost me? I am 18 years $12,500 out of pocket let me. My sister year old university student I want a car get off of it. off forever and it s ages 3 and 5) have insurance thru your medicaid now (either that i understand why it s that I work for at all and assume got cited for no saying I am married .
I am looking to to switch to something Red cars always get much cheaper. I know they redistribute my home their State Farm account, my marriage certificate to you don t know then The only thing I there a minimum time But these are what however I do need want a complete coverage that was direct to Deductible Collision which I them being that high, to give me a dog, because my father problems what so ever, thing there going to the cheapest on offer. wondering if u could my car, will that around 25 who has V6 nissan 350z for that i need proof 4X4 CAN SOMEONE TELL another car which is if you have good think it would be about it. I was for the annual insurance it just average? Or has no private insurance? auto insurance? Do you any cheap health insurance insurance? and.. Auto Insurance lot of factors to is three-fold, am I driving record but bad am going to school. .
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Protecting You - Part 5
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Strong-willed Detective Sasha Rae is one of the best detective on the NYPD. Her world is suddenly turned upside down when she must protect a prime witness to a crime. Can she put her feelings aside for the sake of the case or will she become a victim herself?
I didn’t see MacKenzie really for the rest of the night aside from ordering takeout so she and I could make sure we’re fed. I didn’t really know what to do about her schooling. I didn’t want to ruin her opportunity to continue her education, but her safety matters and if she isn’t safe then there will be no point in getting the education anymore. I hated keeping her isolated, but what other choice is there now?
The next morning I woke up and went down the hallway to knock on the door. I hear a faint voice and enter the room to see MacKenzie still laying in bed and for some reason, I grow a little hot at seeing her in my bed and once more she is wearing something strangely familiar.
She looks down at where I’m staring and she immediately clears her throat. “I got cold last night and I forgot a jacket, I hope you don’t mind,” she explains. It’s my old long sleeve Army shirt that I wore when I was all about my service. I loved that part of my life, it gave me the training and comfort I needed in a time when I didn’t know myself, but at the same time, it took a lot away from me too.
I haven’t worn that shirt since.
“It’s okay, it looks better on you,” I tell her softly walking to my closet to find some work clothes. “I have to go to the station to go over a few things with my superior and I’d like it if you came, so you can have a say in what you’re comfortable with in terms of your protection,” I explain to her as I grab my nice dress shirt and pants off the hangers.
The bed shifts as I turn around and immediately I note the boyshorts barely peaking from under my long sleeve which hangs just nicely off her slim frame. Her legs appear to be more muscular than I thought and it’s the first time I’m able to truly take in her full form.
My eyes rack up her body till they reach her face and by the look she’s giving me she noticed I’m clearly staring. I look away embarrassed and curse myself for being so obvious. I will be honest, we both have caught the other staring and I’m not blind, I know she finds me equally as attractive as I do her, but there are lines that neither of us should think to cross.
I remove myself from the equation which is what I do best by leaving the room with no other words to get dressed.
Once we both are ready to go, we embark to the station quietly enjoying the comfortable silence that sits between us in my car. Neither one of us talks about this morning or anything from the night prior. It seems like we find ourselves constantly in these situations where we strive to make the other uncomfortable or simply love the idea of the other pinning at us with our eyes. For whatever reason, I don’t think the want is bothering MacKenzie nearly as bad as it does me, and that’s so unfortunate.
We reach the station and I park in the garage then guide MacKenzie through the door into the station. We stop at the metal detector and put all our belongings in the container before stepping through to keep going on our way.
We get upstairs in no time and MacKenzie begins to look around uneasy about being in the station. Random minor offense criminals are sitting on the side of other deputy’s desks. One guy in particular checks her out as she passes by which really got me fired up, but I didn’t want to cause a scene.
We get through the mass of desks to the Chief’s office and I knock, waiting to be called in. He immediately does so and I open the door wide enough to let her step in first. I shut it behind me and stand next to her as he greets her behind his desk.
“Miss. Jefferies, please take a seat,” he says ushering us both to sit down. She does so crossing her legs uncomfortably. “I first and foremost want to begin by apologizing for what occurred in your class yesterday. Trust me, I have some of my best detective’s handling it,” he begins and I inwardly roll my eyes. If he had some of his best, he would have me checking out the scene, but since I have to make sure MacKenzie is safe, I suppose it’s an okay alternative.
“You don’t need to apologize,” MacKenzie says and he waves his hand.
“Of course I do, you were attacked and you were under our protection,” he says causing my eyes to narrow in confusion. Is he somehow insinuating that it is my fault that she was attacked?
“I promise, I was safer than I would have been had Detective Rae not been by my side,” she follows up and I can’t help but smile internally at how she defends me. He relents though at her reply before clearing his throat.
“Well I’ll cut to the chase here, the trail is still a ways away and I know you’re a graduate student, but I, unfortunately, don’t think you’ll be able to finish your semester out till the trail is completed and we get the rest of Mr. Kline’s men who have been trying to scare off witnesses,” he explains and I notice MacKenzie visibly shrink in her seat, shaking her head the realization.
“I was afraid of that,” she says under her breath, rubbing her forehead in frustration. I want to help her, but I’m not sure how.
“Is there a way we can work with her Professors? Like a complete online course or something?” I say causing them to bring their attention to me.
“It doesn’t change the fact that I have labs,” MacKenzie replies softly, still visibly bummed at the possibility of her semester being over.
“So you hold off on them till next semester, but at least you can finish some of the book work courses, right?” I suggest, but no one says anything in response. “Look, I’m just trying to give options here,” I add equally frustrated causing my Chief to hold his hand up to silence me.
“I’ll see what I can do and give Detective Rae a call when I air it out,” he says and she nods prompting both of us to get up satisfied as we can be with his answer. I’m about to walk out. “Detective Rae, a word?” He asks and MacKenzie looks back concerned before I make a motion for her to walk out. I shut the door and turn around to face the Chief.
“I expected more from you,” he says and my eyes immediately widen. “That girl could have been killed,” he adds.
“Had I not been there,” I reply back to him stiffly at him. His face hardens in response. “Did you do a thorough check of the lab prior to her stepping in?” He asks and my eyes cast down in regret.
“I wanted to give her a bit of freedom sir. I hadn’t thought about it,” I eventually admit and he gives me a tight-lipped expression.
“Your job is to protect the witness. Giving her freedom does not allow that. Another stunt like that and I’ll be forced to suspend you,” he says sternly.
“I have been nothing but good at my job and I make one error in your eyes and you suddenly believe me incapable. You asked me to do this because you thought I could make her comfortable during this time—,” he cuts me off forcefully.
“No! I put you on this assignment because I thought you could handle it and evidently I was wrong because not doing a sweep was more than just an error as she could have been seriously injured or worse.” I’m silent as I listen to him continue. “Now I suggest you stop while you’re ahead otherwise that suspension will happen regardless of another stunt, am I clear?”
I clench my jaw before relenting. “Yes sir,” I say before walking out of his office and shutting it behind him. MacKenzie immediately gets up and we walk out of the station to head back to the apartment.
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I thought I would talk about stuff in my life  a bit, especially considering I keep getting rattled by anxieties and taken a back by feeling as if I am hurting or harming someone.
As an adult I take it as my responsibility to make sure my actions are concise, I feel this is how any adult should ultimately be. Whether or not who I am as surefire as I am, hurts someone by accident. Whether it is that my opinion makes someone upset ; I want them to know I am not changing who I am yes. But that I do still care about them. If  I fail to do this, then i feel as a person I have failed. Whether this is because of trauma in the past, or stuff that people from online communities made me feel. It does not matter, ultimately this is where I am at in my life.
My in real life is hard.  I dont talk about it because I have, and the end result is always the same. This contorted feeling from others who dont know how to answer and feel uncomfortable themeslves. Knowing they cannot do anything, and my own discomfort that they cannot relate. Cannot understand. Cannot know what it means like -- I often hear ‘ Is it better today? ‘ Rather then, ‘ Are things stable today? ‘ I hate that people often feel my household is a place where things can be healed or feel better, that is not the case. My household works on whether things are stabled and held together vs Anyone having gotten BETTER. The job I am getting into now deals with this , and a reason why I applied for it was because I understand. I understand so much what this means and how people who do not have members of family who are disabled like this, dont understand. Every day is a struggle. It is a challenge, but it is so normal what I understand and come home to. However, simply because I am use to it and accept it does not make the stress of it any less then how heavy it is in my heart. Because ontop of my sister being disabled and us lucky that she is communicative. My mothers health is getting worse; in terms of worse she is getting old. And her poor choice of eating. Her inability to take care of herself and having to take care of another adult for themself--mind you for the rest of their lives. Takes a toll on her. And then my brother is getting worse, hes a smart boy where doctors are realizing he too is disabled. However, imagine being told you are disabled at 13 but consciously aware of what that means ( my sister ) and afraid of what you will become. Without going into details; if anyone in this household would kill themsleves it would be him. So ontop of hiding knives from my sister. We have to hide anything ( the surplus AND VARIETY of medicines my sister is on ) away from him. While also avoiding serious conversations of our home structure struggling as to not spike his anxieties. He will self harm like crazy. And its hard watching your little brother slam his head against the wall because he is overwhelmed by the world he was born into. I have many siblings, but my sister steph who is the only other person who lives with us does nothing for herself. I am sure she has issues her self but does not speak of it. And instead sits at home. Falling more and more into imo a depression that my mother just calls and berates her for being lazy for. I keep trying to push her to branch out but I can tell how this life effects her individually and that there is something there she doesnt wanna talk about. And I cannot reach in there to help. For my other side of the family,  Where my stepmother who i discovered the other day doesnt realize or remember or care to understand that the reason i fell into depression at 18 was because of what she did . And now I have to compress my memories and ask myself if my abuse was real -- or is this another one of those ‘ Manipulators conviently forgetting to forget the abuse they did in the past to cling onto the future they have now. ‘ By all means fine, she is a mother and needs to focus on that, but for me. Who endures. And endures. Staring at someone who did nothing but break me into who I am today, and hear that she forgot. Or doesnt understand. Or doesnt know. Like to her the past was nothing, did hurt. But forgive we do because what else will you do in points in time --- people online think your own feelings are so valid that you need ruin the world around you to make it worse. But no. Sometimes. You need to accept things for what they are, and think that me in a situation where I cannot change things. Or amend if the issue is brought to light -- to focus on what I can. For my sisters. So I can see them. And for myself. So maybe one day in the future, that conversation can come to light. But for now, we deal with what life gives us and we move on.
That is why that job was too much for me? Nothing had order .everything was a mess. Nothing was put together well and often people blammed the lowly coworkers for the faults in the system if it meant they did not have to get introuble. Then we look as if we do not know what we are doing and exhaustion has hold of it. The system in place reminded me too much of abusive circumstances. I did not have a voice. My back was always in pain. My feet was always aching -- none of this mattered to them and none of anyones complaints ever reached them. They valued their own problems over everyone elses around them, and I understand everyone is dealing with so much but seeing management value their own complaints over others was horrible. Considering  Iwent into this with such a promise. With so much of who I was feeling like the brightest light about to conquer something new--the last of my hope in life. Thinking I was gunna change my life .Change my world. Offer my family something better. Something knew. Only to find out the truth of that all; that the Manager coaxed the employees there who I was . Was to be horrible. To tell her what all the coworkers were doing. So she could write them all up and -- so with that purpose and picture in mind to them. They rallied together to put me on probation and everything that I was broken to tears, realizing that--trying hard to tell myself I mattered more then what people made me out to be. Because when I salvaged my self to befriend them all -- to at least face them and figure out why they did that to me. That this was my job life for a year and a half. Lmao? And did that I did, and learned so much about what went on I had... And overwhelmed by this picture of how they lived and treated each other. I wanted to leave. And left I did, but into a situation that was just far worse.  Never in all the years of retail I have worked have I ever endured such hell like I had with these customers. And some of it I dont blame them, the store really made them feel this way especially when nothing was right. Nothing as good. And nothing worked. Regardless the complaints I had of this I was stressed and nothing  I did and nothing I got from this job gave back to me. None of it but stress and being exhuasted and finding myself stripped of who I am. ANd I tried with my quiet feelings about myself, to say things. I would say “ No I am miserable. “ And say it so flatly and awkwardly to make a point, but everyone always made a joke about it despite how flat I would remain. And then compare, “Well at least you arent management.” Nothing I said got through to them, and I tried. I promise. I tried with attempts despite how hard it is for someone like me to open up.
So yes I left and the job I have now is not something that is easy, Nor do I expect that my stress to be any less. Rather that it pays more and I am with endurance to try something new that might offer me better future opportunities and worse comes to worse -- I find a new job.
Even as this all went on I made sure my life here was as easy for me to come to as it was. Imagine. Imagine.
Just imagine.
If I was truly enduring all of this . What about everyone else? I looked at everyone like this, I looked at what I went through day by day and thought -- What if they have it worse. If I have no heart and mind to talk about what really goes on in length in my irl day by day... What if someone else is just the same? It is not for me to ask. it is not for them to say.
I geniuely wanted to be at peace with everyone online, and if something went on that was so bad by their action. I truly believed; well you cant be as bad as my Step Mother or physically bad as my sister who I deal with day by day.  That is to say, I have no interest in detailing my past. 
Im pretty sure its obvious my past does paint my anxieties and issues with how I deal with things. Approach people day by day.
And its important for you to know that, to know that I am like you or anyone else. My desire to be positive and happy is to allow for you and everyone else to feel and be surrounded by positivity in life. 
Life is really hard. 
Hell, right now I am still going through more impersonal feelings while trying to dance my around all this going on. Because even as im nearing 27 -- almost 30 years old. I still realize things about myself, and it will hit me hard. The most recent and most eye opening realization that still rattles me and probably is the reason why. I feel flippant in my anxiety ; is realizing I gave 5 years to my life to someone who did not exist. This person went by the name Logan and roleplayed Snow from FF13.  I realized ; I spent 5 years of my life giving myself to this person. This person who did not exist and catfished everyone around me. Including me. Making people believe I was obsessed with him. Making people believe that he didnt treat me as if the private things shared between us were most intimate. That I spent 5 years waiting for him. Giving myself to him. Being patient for him. Enduring anything he said and taking my feelings so that I revitalized the things I did. Said. And would approach and appreciate him more understandingly. So he didnt hurt me, or ignore me--that he took so much from me. Money. Drawings. My writing. So much of my attention and love. He took 5 years away from me that I could have given someone I actually was so in love with and still am. That acted mildly the same -- but actually had stuff going on-- I am and was so in love with that person. And All I could give him was consciously a year until everything that I felt with Logan came crashing down in remembrance. That I didnt even realize why I was really overwhelmed by it all until some how talking to a close friend of mine about everything really. Really hit me hard.
5 years.
I think.
5 years was stolen of me. 5 years of love. 5 years of who i was. 5 years of dedication. Of loyalty. Of patience. Of endurance.
I could have been a different and confident person who really believed in love and not riddled with anxieties that made me remember everything I put effort into didnt matter -- because this one person would make sure of reminding me what my actions would fall under.
Life is really hard,     and day by day I still learn things about myself.
And I just think, if you are still reading this. That you too are going through this. And that someone you know is going through this. And that we are all going through so much of this or more. And I just hope you are alright and that you are hanging on there because I want you to know that I am trying to. Very hard. To live and I dont want you to give up either so please hang in there with me. 
That is why when the group of people who often harass my community when they do not like someone.
Yes the same group every time.
Had finally had me in their sights its was overwhelming, I had thought wow -- this is what you ultimately came to understand from me? When I had tried hard to reach out to you. To be your friend. To consciously find a place where we can be together as people comfortable -- but no thats not the point I want to make.
It rattled me that it took people who knew nothing about me, to change the course of my environment just like that. I lost the hand full of people from that community I talked too . A friend I had been friends with since I was 17 . Simply because they were scared of being caught in that fire too. It was less about who I was, and more about them losing the safe haven they had. The fun group and comfort they had-- they did not want to lose that.
And I understand that. Im not mad at that, just concerned. Sad. And reeling in the fact that people can ultimately take things from each other with misplaced context. And the unfortunate circumstance that people will opt for this, instead of talking to one another.
So I am tired yes.
Because that happened, that whole thing happened while I as dealing with so much. And I had no answer for it. And that me talking about this is to tell you how effected I am by my life right now. And that it indeed upsurged my anxieties more uncomfortably so and not that that is bad or good. It merely is what it is.
And that as I am now, I am sorry. I am sorry and grievanced because I went backwards and am not as timely with things as I use to. I have been struggling to sleep, and when I wake up feel a sort of touched exhaustion that makes me feel like not getting out of bed. 
I am sorry since I cannot roleplay things most often for others that I would love to explore. That my interests as of late have been : what would make me laugh to roleplay. What would make me feel wholesome to roleplay. What can i say to talk to others? What can I do to connect with others?
My mind and interests as of late is more about; making myself feel better and coping through what means I can through roleplay or just talking rather then. Having fun with my hobby like I had been the past few months.
This is why alike on Gawain, my compliant is coming online and constantly seeing him hash’d negatively. In truth I deal with negative things on a day to day basis... I did not want to have it follow me online. If I post about it, then clearly I have left myself open for those things.. But often I dont and am trying to mind my business and roleplay leisurely when things erupt.
I am really sorry, because ultimately, I failed as a friend and as a fellow roleplayer. My talking about it is to correlate the truth but also to let people know how I am as a person. Even still.
I feel sometimes people think you know, ‘ Oh hey Sheep just excuses things. ‘ Rather its just Im a different kind of person from a harsh road of life and I see things a lot differently.
For this I will explain with a more literal example, 
Things that many people feel uncomfortable online. I myself cannot-- it is that merely I cannot. If someone is talking about something regarding their character that they were abused sexually and want to explore the meaning of this through roleplay. I do not find this insulting, I find myself glad. If people can find out what it means to have been sexually assaulted, maybe they can also connect with me too? And understand why its hard for me to expose my body ( or how overly okay I am to do so ) or how feeling /sexy/ can be a hard feeling for me to overcome.  I often see people mistaking things or not handling it correctly, but I want it to be done rather then ignored. Or treated like it doesnt happen. For an adult, this is how I separate my reality from fiction. But find a connection from my reality into something fictious. Further, as an adult I want to help people understand that difference.  It is very bad to feel gratified and pleased by subjects that are distasteful. But seeing it treated as if it cannot be spoken of discomforts me. This is a public place, but it is also a place where you control the content on your blog. By the end of the day, I will pick the things that will make me feel uncomfortable or wont make me uncomfortable.
With such a short example, I dont know if anyone read this far. I had hoped. And hope. These feelings can help others or really understand where I am with my life right now and how stressed out I really am. I cannot talk individually with people because I actually choke up. I have ADHD and often forget if I dont take it slow. And can get overstimulated by the fact that someone is merely listening/paying attention to me. I am quiet about myself because I dont like wide attention. 
But that.
The past weeks I have had such support in my life.
And I am trying not to cry thinking about it, but I have such a healthy circle of friends and I would do anything to see it through that it lasts for years to come. Me speaking like this is because of this. Because of the comfort. Because of my desire to reach out and branch out comfortably. To remind ppl of my life, and to apologize for where I am not most prominent and may suck at show casing things for. 
I probably will make a more positive post in the future about how everyone has helped me through so much -- like I am just a cup that is spilling about and everyone is trying hard to keep whatever is coming out from falling on the floor--s uch a silly analogy but really.
I am so thankful as much as I am apologetic.
Thank you guys for giving me a home where I most need it. It is why I want to be open and communicative. I want the place I come home to, that I enjoy and need to cope through things going on. To remain okay, to be alright, and that positive energy can still be shared.
And that I want to with all my heart, continue giving that positive energy to anyone around me the best that I can. With you understanding me as a person.
Thank you, if you have read this far. For taking the time to get to know me.
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pokefanbri · 3 years
Being able to deal with them..
Does that mean strong & caring enough to handle them? That you tolerate their behavior?
To love them cause they need you to? They need the help only you can give? Do they believe in you after all, that you are good for them, They messed up & you're the only one that's been there for them in the ways you were, you did your best so they were ok. Like who else would rub their back when they're sore right, but is it too much to ask for a back rub of your own lol. You're not too broken for them, they know their mistakes, was willing to start mending you two, though made a great start fell flat...now there's a timeless void needing to be filled.
Well what if you need the same thing, to be loved, needed, & wanted in return. You're friends 1st & foremost, but give as much as you receive. They weren't there when you needed them. Its always about give and take, but who took more. You have my back I have yours, whatever happened to that.
But do they really have yours? You wouldn't know, & people end up hurt, you let down your guard around em but trust ends up fractured. Trust takes compassionate, vulnerability, honesty, allowing the other person to see the real you & all your flaws. And just hope they accept you for who you are underneath.
It's because you love them that you care so much about them. They don't feel the same about u & don't understand how it feels, the gut wrenching feelings you have for them but you don't know if you should trust them enough to not take advantage of those feelings again & not use it for some kind of personal gain. Whether or not you're being pulled by a string or genuine. You adore them, want to be real with them, but can't be open around them without being afraid of rejection, your heart wants to reach out to them but it cant. They want your help, they feel they need you, what about you? But can you both love yourselves enough to love another person? Is it easier to build up or tear down. They opened your heart with no intention of loving or caring about it. You want to trust them & believe they've changed but should you trust, cause they haven't given u good reason to. With lies you end up questioning everything, especially when they say I love you back.
Yes I can deal with you & its not hard, but its not even that. You're my friend, my family, my partner, & my lover...I don't turn my back in either. I can never get bored of you & you're the best thing that ever happened to me. But deal with me too in the same respect, i cherish you...show me you care don't just say it cause I really don't know. I just wish you didn't treat me like shit or this would be alot easier for both of us, how hard is it to make eachother happy & lift somebody up, there just can't be peace after raising the white flag so many times. Dont be spiteful,I dont want to fight or play games, you sunk my battleship okay.
How does one nonchalantly hurt someone that only loves them. Everyone cares about themselves more than they do others, its just the way it is. Its rare when you find somebody that cares about you more than they do themselves. They're the ones that feel everything & give all of themselves, want to open themselves up just gets hurt anyway, the trust in people is hindered & isn't a good feeling when the glass breaks. Doesn't mean they're broken...just have been hurt so much by those close to them its simply exhausting, emotionally draining. They bring a balance, we need them in this world as they're meant to build even others through constantly healing themselves, unfortunately. Not fragile but so very very strong, just need to know their worth with a little tlc sometimes.
Hard to swallow pills or not. Sometimes we get burned by the choices we make, its okay.
Respect Growth nomatter how it comes out, only go up. Should be able to say even what's hard to hear, it would help others growth too.
Throw away deterioration, fear, regrets, doubts.
Though things could've been prevented we cannot change the past. You don't have to live in it, but definitely learn from it & choose to make things better in the present,& hope to god it made you a good enough future that when you look back it was all worth it.
If you set out to do something then do it & do it right, best you can. Take chances or leaps of faith, but be smart & careful as everything you do affects your path. Don't make it easy to let your guard down around somebody unless they're worthy. Im a firm believer in everything happens for a reason...you're life is already layed out for you to follow in my opinion, its hard to change even if u see it coming sadly. Maybe there's a timeline for every choice we make or only a direct road who knows except our creator. What do you want to do with your life, what do you want to accomplish, what do you want your purpose to be. Make it happen, go for it if you can, be a good person not a bully. Just don't give up, don't give up on yourself. The people that love you hate seeing you sad, somewhere you're somebody's favorite & they want you to be happy
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jasondean · 6 years
i'm sending you the first thing i thought of when i tried to think of an ask to send you. so. here's this cursed thing. heathersstuck.
ohhh my god okay first of all im gonna preemptively apologize for how long this is about to be. 
another disclaimer that this is all gonna be based on my knowledge of the alternia that we see in homestuck itself because i havent gotten super into hiveswap yet. and, as we all know, any good homestuck au is one where the contending canon is thrust into the homestuck universe as opposed to the other way around. so im gonna spare everyone the painful ideation of plucking a small handful from the VAST homestuck cast just to put them into the plot of heathers
im ALSO gonna preface that im thinking about the heathers film while writing this, not the musical. and im not gonna go into anything regarding martha, betty, kurt, or ram because i think focusing on the main cast is enough for right now lol. 
anyway, potential positions in the blood caste system as well as god tier assignments under the cut!  
so ive definitely thought about this on several occasions and ive seen some heatherstuck content where the heathers are trolls right. the thing is, the color symbolism from both media dont line up. and the heathers being drawn to keep their original colors just doesnt work out with the hemospectrum. like no way is heather chandler a red blood or mutant blood (imo itd make sense for jd to have mutant blood). the heathers being red, yellow, and green blooded would just make them a group of lowbloods and that doesnt fit with the power structure depicted in either canon. 
heather chandler would absolutely have fuchsia blood! i couldnt imagine it any other way. duke could maybe get away with being jade blooded because thatd put her in the midblood range but also what does that leave for mcnamara? i dont really have a good answer for that right now but - 
the heathers themselves aside, veronica would actually be pretty well suited for being some kind of blueblood (teal or cerulean maybe?) veronica being blue blooded would put her in a position of enough privilege to be taken under chandlers wing but also not privileged enough to naturally be at the top. 
jd would probably be rust or mutant blooded. but its also fun to consider: purple blood? since those in that blood class are more susceptible to becoming more ..unhinged. however, i personally favor rust or mutant blooded since i am partial to reds and it would help play into his hatred of society.
trolls or not though theyd all be destined for something right? so im gonna move onto potential god tiers. 
now this is where my laptop cut out so most of the classpect analyses themselves come with help fom http://dahniwitchoflight.tumblr.com
im imagining veronica as a rogue of space. first of all, space players are CRUCIAL to a session as one of the cardinal aspects (space & time making up the fabric of paradox space). its been said by calliope that space can be a passive aspect that holds great power, “hosting the stage before suddenly in some way ‘showing who the master truly is’” and then collapsing in on itself. space players are essential to sessions because it falls on them to light the forge which is necessary for the process of ultimate alchemy (creating the next universe) - and that aside, the idea of veronica collecting and breeding frogs is incredibly cute to me. 
“Those bound to the aspect of Space are, as the name suggests, concerned with the big picture. They are patient, masters of the art of ‘wait-and-see’, and are inclined to take things as they come. That isn’t to say that they’re pushovers or willing to let injustice lie-they just choose their battles wisely, understanding that sometimes you have to let something burn to the ground in order to build it back better and stronger than before. To this effect, they tend to be innovators, concerned with creation and redemption. Catch them recycling the old to make the new, the fresh, and the beautiful. For the Space-bound, the journey is as, if not more, important than the destination; how they do something is as important as what they do. At their best, they are steady, impartial, and creative. At their worst, they can be detached, apathetic, and vague.”    – this description of space players comes from the extended zodiac quiz itself 
rogues invite theft through their aspect or theft of their aspect. they have problems coping with their aspect or their supposed lack of it, they think that they cant handle it which causes them to give it up too easily. the challenge rogues face is to come to terms with their aspect and own it. 
heres a bit on rogues of space specifically: “They might have a tendency to quickly change the subject into others things or cover their interests up to distract from what they perceive to be their failed creations. They may feel uncomfortable with the thought that everything is random and meaningless in the universe, or that it is what you make of it, because they often think they don’t know what to make of it. They may feel lonely at times and feel like they have too much Space to themselves, wanting to fill it up with other people and things. They might lower their standards to the point that they give up their personal Space to someone not worthy enough, just so they won’t feel alone.On the flip side they might feel like they have too much stuff, maybe because they invite others to use up their Space, giving it away too readily, lamenting their lack of impatience with others, or the ability to say no to people. […] a Rogue’s challenge is to learn to be comfortable with their Aspect, and allow the healthy parts of it to enter their lives. They must learn to be okay with what they have right now, that they have it within themselves to change things and make them better. They don’t have to give up so easily.”
jd seems like hed obviously be a prince of doom and this feels self explanatory but. princes are described as being stubborn and pessimistic and they actively destroy using their class / destroy through their class. a princes challenge is to not end up destroying themselves along the way. doom aspect because not only does it pretty much encompass chaos, but the symbol (and the aspect itself has been speculated to be) pretty clearly draws from The Tumor which is. a giant fucking bomb essentially. another fun tidbit about doom players is that they are DEATH MAGNETS they die a LOT and its theorized that for this reason sburb has a sort of game mechanic in place to help balance that out by granting doom players multiple dream selves. i just think itd be really fun to see a sburb session where jd (maybe) cant be kept down by dying. doom is also associated with judgement and sacrifice, and have been said to be “fates chosen sufferers.” “doom players are wise, kind, and non judgmental at their best and bitter, resentful, and fatalistic at their worst.” 
and while i definitely think the doom class is fitting for jd im stuck between prince and bard? bards are the embodiment of the “wild card”. they allow destruction through their aspect / invite destruction through their aspect and their challenge is to not be ruled by the whims of their aspect. and im just now thinking that while this does make sense in its own way, princes and bards are active / passive opposites and i cant really imagine jd being the more laid back of the two. hes just too extra, lol. although i love the idea of jd being in that ridiculous bard getup 
heres some insight to princes of doom: “A Prince of Doom unapologetically pushes people way past their own limits. They are truly passionate, even almost crazy activists. They hate being told no or that they can’t do something, but are more likely to simply destroy or kill the person who said no then prove them otherwise. Depending on what kind of situation or session they find themselves in, and whether or not what they do is really needed at the moment, they can be heaven sent saviors, freeing people from what binds them, or terrifying dictators, ruling over people and enforcing their will wherever they want, letting nothing and no one limit what they do. […] They likely use Bombs and Fire as their main weapons. They have a lot of potential to go down a very destructive or even evil path if they use their powers irresponsibly, but not every Prince of Doom is automatically evil or will Doom their session.“
heather chandler i can definitely see being a witch of rage. witches manipulate using their aspect or manipulate their aspect directly and their challenge is to use their rule breaking powers in a morally conscious way. 
heres some info about witches of rage: “You don’t tell a Witch of Rage anything, they tell you. Anything you have to say they can Reject with Doubt, Negativity and Skepticism and be like ‘No you’re wrong, it’s actually this way.’ They manipulate fear, mistrust and anger, either lowering it or making you believe it’s not all that bad, even if it is. Or they can amplify it, making you paranoid and afraid of even mundane things. […] They can be ‘loose cannons’ and this can be good or bad, depending on how good you are on getting them on your side and keeping them there. Their entire moral challenge lies in the choice between using their powers on their allies or their enemies, like most witches.”  
heather duke would likely be a maid of mind. a maid creates with their aspect / creates their aspect, and a maids challenge is to rely on themself for their aspect. this absolutely isnt to say that duke cannot think for herself at the beginning of the story by any means.
here’s a bit about maids of mind: “At first they tend to defer to the decisions of the group rather than be a part of them and are more focused on watching and waiting and seeing how other people make decisions. […] When a Maid of Mind starts rising to their challenge, they start deciding for themselves what roles they need to play and when. […] They may just have an apathetic and indifferent personality in general. They start letting their thoughts and decision be known and have an effect instead of just referring to others and blending in.” 
and finally heather mcnamara would probably be a page of heart. (i had a hard time coming up with a god tier for her since, if im being honest, shes not a character i pay much attention to.) pages invite exploitation of their aspect / invite exploitation through their aspect. they start with a deficit in their aspect that they overcome through (obvious) overcompensation. their challenge is to keep at things, even if they fail or the journey is slow, to become stronger in the end. 
bit about pages of heart: “They can be very over dramatic in their emotional displays, blowing up every little thing completely out of proportion and giving disproportionate emotional responses to almost everything. […] They can be easily exploited through all of this by other people who either take advantage of the Page’s emotions and empathy, or take advantage of the Page’s obsessions and desires, using it against them. […] When they rise up to their challenge, they start learning to be more balanced and sincere with their emotions, their affections, and with themselves. They learn how to be passionate, sincere and truly honest with themselves and others.”
and all of this is just SOME of the possibilities of what could happen in a homestuck heathers au. would they all be in the same session? would they all be trolls? would the heathers & veronica be in their own session and jd be in his own session that ends up intertwining together? theres literally SO MANY possibilities when it comes to homestuck aus and i love that shit. 
now that ive spent so much time speculating all this its time to deposit myself directly into the dumpster 
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cum-om-me · 4 years
Personal Entry:
Otter here, first i guess itd be fair to explain a few things up top.
Firstly Otter is a metaphorical alter ego which was created based of a nick name given to me in highh school.
I was coined as "the nomadic Otter" due to my well known history of drifting continuously through this existence being born in a foreign land not to many continents away,but like a gracious river otter flowing with the rivers which eventually reach the seas, i was always stoned more naive, but ironically zen. I was brought here by my single mother at four yrs old, my father was never in the picture nor was i allowed to speak about him or inquire about him to my family and those who may have any information regarding the history of my own coming into being.
We became permanent residents four years later and im currently going through the process of naturalization. I went through the american education system since pre kindergarten so naturalization has occured as an outcome, but just isn't finalized and paid for so i am now going through that initiation. Ive paid and gone through the preliminary round.
We landed in a small town in texas, age four. Came to california at fifteen, twenty years id moved one year to, year and a half due to my mothers profession In the medical field, sometimes, or i guess i should say almost always, we would have to go to where the work was most needed in order to sustain our basic living, taking us all over texas and parts of southern california. After eighteen yrs of age, i left home with duffel bag and a guitar because i wanted to escape the conventual fate planned for me by my elders.
Nature loves courage.... And it is Apparently so.
Of course there are so many factors and so much information to divulge to add the proper context to the point im trying to get to in the conclusion of this story. Im afraid id diverge so ill have to return to all that some other day.
Now that you understand where the otter ego within me (pun intended) was teased and entertained as an ideal character for the person i am, its seeds didnt really start sprouting till last year (2019) and its peaked above the mud, i can explain my newly found understanding of the purpose of using this "alter ego" "character" "avatar" to be able to dissolve the borders of my own limitations as a person creating art. To be able to truly entertain these thoughts through the medium of the otter avatar and not as the man, for it has been increasingly difficult for me to be able to contemplate and philosophize with my peers and the community of souls i once accepted as my tribe, in a way of intellectual taste and progress.. Now it seems the bridges between me and the village are dissolving and im trying to understand why. I stand on the side which i believe to be that of the importance of knowledge of self, critical thinking, and responsible skepticism in order to be able maintain reason within the tribe, to perserve that which is most human in our nature, in comparison to the madness we have seen over and over throughout history displaying itself in obvious patterns of repetition that consumed mobs rabidly, making itself its own enemy. Lets use a symbolic metaphor. The snake eats its own tail in the delusions of unity to find when its finished nothing remains but its mind left exposed, and without protection from even the weakest but competent prey.
You see the metaphors are simply the inner poet, using symbolic visual linguistic tools to paint a clearer picture.
We are a story driven organism, just ask the keepers of morality and the stories of god which has defined the basis of our now hypocritical society using it like a crutch too old to withstand the withering of time, frail and ready to snap like a twig beneath ones feet.
As george carlin once said "no one seems to notice, no one seems to care" and every debate that has naturally transpired in my social structures as of late has lead to a point where logical conclusions, non threatening ones at that, lead to the opposing side raising their white flag and settling for mediocrity. "I dont care, leave me alone"
Then the attack on personality and character are used as a defenses to preserve the beliefs already founded due to the uncomfortable nature of growth.
I sit and watch as i always have the flicker, flame and smell of the bridge burning in blazes right before my teary eyed soul.
Am I no longer included, wanted by the collective community? Has my own pursuit for knowledge, understanding, truth and the inner rapture of personal discovery lead me to ruins door? Am i incapable of getting out of my own way? Can you even go to far within yourself?
No one wants me to feel but its not ok to feel nothing at all
To think but, only on the agreeable subjects of status quo
To speak when spoken to but to only speak what is conveniently easy to digest by a still watered mind threatened by the chaos of waves beating on the shores of its shared sands.
Has erosion driven us mad. Have the corrupted springs poisoned our waters too far beyond repair.
Must i reluctantly recluse amidst the tides and hide underneath lonely currents that travel vast desserts beneath oceans.
Pandemics, parks closed, beaches are now illegal to its native children, by a seemingly upset stepdad whos love is equal to obedience and incapable of parenting,it seems theyre now gunning for the fringe, the free, the open, the love expressed through physical incarnation as its own self love for its own existence, through the odd, differnt, freaks, weirdos, mutants, prophets, and visionaries
Why should i fight for those who dont care about their own person their, own freedom.
Why stand for those who wouldnt even stand with you, nor for you.
"Those who trade freedom for security deserve neither"
-Benjamin Franklin
Yet who am i to claim that anyone deserves anything or doesnt. So regardless of the I Dont Care Generation emerging. I choose to care for not what is principles of good or evil but what i intuitively feel is sincere and right. So I must begin with myself and only in following intention will i be able to incite any real change. By making a difficult choice and knowing that it feels as though the risk is worth the gamble.
So now ive heard loud and clear and i have nothing else to let go of but this. So ill hold my tongue and wish for the best. For the eutopia not the the sneaky slip into distopia.
There's nothing further i can do other than create, experiance, enjoy, let go, and face the music, To put it as Alan Watts did, " this doesnt mean you wont jump when you hear the bang, or that you wont feel fear, but youll accept it, and the person who understands the tao in the morning my sleep peacefully at night"
"Once the mind has been extended it cant ever go back"
-Terrence Mckenna
I hope that you know ive accepted the multitudes of possible outcomes for our future, i may be optimistic but i feel prepared, oddly prepared. This isnt a statement or message based on fear but something none the lesse my heart cannot hold in.
So Otter is born so to speak to embody the imagination im trying to let out without it being taken seriously, but sincerely and within the temple of the timeless. Art.
Without it having to be the me, the person, that funny feeling between the eyes that screams out I, who finds himself walking away from flames due to trial and failure in channeling its own expression. I will not desist i just must evolve and create the platform on which i may rebuild. The system updated and the restart brought about change. Now we begin again. Full of breath, with new found vision, i forgive myself for my failures but i wouldnt ever be able to look at my own reflection if i didnt try until i got it right. I vow to myself and olny to myself for thats the only source of validation needed to exist freely, sovereign, that i will do my best to be who i am meant to be, the being and self of my choosing.
"Most people spend their lives trying to find themselves, lifes about creating yourself"
-Bob Dylan
So in conclusion i know im different, and it may be intimidating but you cant just get rid of it, turns out you must overcome it, and the only way out is through and for me that began when i went within.
I am all for the rules, and being apart of this country and its society and obeying social order but as John Locke wrote in "Common Sense" that this is an unspoken agreement between the govenrment and its people that so long as they are just in ruling us" we will have to obey the law but there must be a way for its people to regain its country when tyranny and injustice is getting in the way of democratic processes and this is coming from a almost fully naturalized immigrant that came here to seek safe haven from a Democratic country plagued by unfairness. It would be a pitty to see it happen to a promise land founded of rich ideals. To those ive come to see as my own brothers and sisters, i love the ideal of true patriotism but where has it gone? If i need to be more protective of my personal privacy so that i may be able to practice my philosophical self studies, music, and comedy, to persue basic creative thinking methods openly. Then i choose this mask nit the one i was told to wear since birth. Theres always an person beneath the mask playing into the drama of this darma and we get into yoga with its fun to preten that we loose ourselves and assume the identity of the character portrayed in the scene in order to truly bring the crowd to the edge of its seat in awe and anticipation of the beauty of its poetry that at the end when the play is concluded both protagonist and antagonist join hands and the audience cheers for both equally for the dazzling deception and its cleverness for playing on the emotions of the observer.
Then the cast returns to the green room and become again who they were naturally.
Im 26 and ive found my character and im ready to submerse myself in its divine play and get involved participate, get lost in the mask of the person which is temporary but the spark behind conciousness seems to be the driving energy of existence benevolent, and eternel. Worth gambling so, now we roll the dice and hit the mystery button, just like the amnesia serum we gave ourselves before conception, into the womb we went. Only when you awaken your consciousness in the dream do you get to control the avatar, lucidly.
It doesnt seem to be a requirement, more like an EXPERIANCE badge rewarded for interesting work in the feild.
These again are ideals, not truths, thoughts and patterns worth examining and if capable entertaining till the conclusions and realizations of truth or delusion run their course. If you havent reached that point you havent really thought it through logistically right?
Lets discuss this comment below.
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markleetrashh · 7 years
Nct as Vampires
Request: Hi! Could you do an NCT Vampire au? Like how each of the members would be as a vampire? Thank you! :) I hope I requested correctly
A/N: i was actually thinking of writing a single post for each member but it’d be too many so here’s only a brief summary !! if you want me to emphasise on a specific member please do request again !
Assume that only you know about their identity and they promised not to hurt you as long as you don’t tell anyone else ,, and also you live together with them
really chill about his identity
like when you first told him you knew , all he did was get shocked and asked how you knew , then went back to being normal
acts more like a human than a vampire tbh
you don’t even know how he survives because you never actually saw him eat/suck ( is this even right it sounds wrong omg ) any other living things before for their blood
and when you ask him ,
he simply replies with a “ secrets ”
turns out he’s been drinking blood he stole from clueless vampire WinWin’s bottle/jar since they stay in the same room
he’s so quiet and mysterious it’s creepy
like you don’t know when he’d do something dangerous and sudden
so you lowkey stayed away from him even after he promised not to hurt you
but then you realised he’s an actual softie
because you saw him crying over an anime once
yes vampires need entertainment too
so you start opening up to him
and he shares with you about his family and ancestors
like how great of vampires they were
when he goes out to hunt at night though ,
he becomes really serious and you lowkey got scared once because he came back home with blood all around his mouth
then he smiles at you innocently and blankly
and you can’t help but return a fake smile like hansol you’re scaring me get away and wash up first
okay he likes teasing you A LOT
okay maybe more of threatening , not teasing
like one time you were too lazy to cook lunch for him ,
he got super close to you and whispered sarcastically like “ i can’t guarantee you’d still be able to stay up till dinner tonight though ”
and he shows his fangs too like stop johnny what are you doing
so you were left with no choice but to cook for him
he’s such a flirty vampire i cant even
like he got you a black dress and cap one day
and when you asked him why ,
he was like “ you should know we vampires can’t be exposed to sunlight ,, but your beauty and smile’s shining brighter than it so i gotta cover you up ”
go away johnny ew
kidding he’s so hot tbh
really particular about how he looks and acts
like he’s really ‘elegant’ as a vampire (?) ( does this even make sense omg )
like his cape must be washed and ironed out properly every day before night falls
and he HAS to do it himself
one time you helped him wash and clean it ,
he got so pissed he didn’t come back for two nights
turns out he was living in some kind of abandoned house as a bat
and he couldn’t stand the dust so he had no choice but to come back
he sometimes forgets that you’re human so he shares with you on stories of all the people he’s eaten
and when you’re like “ taeyong that’s too much detail … ”
he gets all jumpy like , “ oh shit i forgot , i’m sorry ”
“ i forgot i got too caught up ”
but he doesn’t really seem different from a human being so you’re not that much bothered by him
okay here we have another flirty vampire
like really really flirty
like one moment you’d just be there watching television ,
then a pair of hands wraps tightly around your hips
“ want me to turn you into one too ? ”
“ no wth yuta what are you doing ”
“ couldn’t resist you ”
“ stop yuta , hands off ”
“ who are you to tell me what to do , i have the powers here ”
“ yeah sure if you don’t let go i’ll move out rn ”
then he lets go right away and pouts like a small kid
he’s really lazy and afraid to go out under the sun so he stays at home like 24/7
and he clings onto you like a leech
disturbing and annoying you as a form of entertainment
he’s such an angel though
but you didn’t knew he was a vampire until like 1 month of staying together
because you always wondered why he went out and came home so late in the night
until you saw him drinking some red & thick liquid one day in his cape
you almost screamed and fainted
but kun was nice enough to help you out , and confessed about his identity after
and was like “ don’t worry , i won’t hurt you , you’re too beautiful ”
he didn’t even tell you not to spread it , as he trusts that you will keep it a secret
so sweet tbh
smh why were you born as a vampire not an angel kun
always shookt and worried that his identity might get revealed
so everytime you come home , the first thing he asks you is
“ did you tell anyone ? ”
“ doyoung of course not they’d think im crazy ”
“ are you sure ? ”
“ yes , i promise ”
then he goes back to acting all confident and laidback like
“ haha what’s there to be afraid of ”
then he turns into a bat and follows you around the next day to spy on you
and he thought you wouldn’t notice but in fact he’s so obvious so you just let him be
always curious about the ‘humans’ like ,
“ wow Y/N how does it feel to die ? ”
“ do i look like i’ve died before , ten ? ”
“ hehe idk , im just curious , i’ve been living for like 127 this is not intentional years now ”
“ you’re so old ”
“ but i’m still cute right ?? ”
and he gives you a cute and innocent smile
you wonder if he’s even a vampire
but when he gets ready to go out at night he always has this smirk on his face
and he’d have eye contact with you before he flies off
so rude but you gotta admit he looks good
like taeil he’s pretty chill about his identity
his naturally white and fair skin caught your attention first
then he was always hiding in the room first thing in the morning , saying that he had to take his ’ daily medicine ’
turns out it was small cups of blood when you went to check
so when you first asked him he was just like
“ since i trust you , yeah i’m one ”
then he flashed his sharp fangs infront of you
and when he saw your shocked expression he’d laugh to himself , his cute and smol dimples coming back
he actually takes care of you instead , and protects you from other vampires/creatures from attacking
he’s such a soft person you couldn’t believe it when he told you he was a vampire
and he casually mentioned it to you during a conversation
you were shookt for days
“ why are you always so tired in the day ”
“ i don’t sleep at night ”
“ why ? ”
“ we are more active in the dark ”
“ ‘we’ ? ”
“ vampires .. ”
he’s cute and innocent most of the time
but when night time falls he gets really serious and doesn’t come back quickly ,
because he has to find the perfect type and taste of blood which suits him
The minors are all half-vampires instead of 'full’ ones
he’s so clueless and adorable he often asks you vampire related questions that you cant even answer , like
“ why do we live forever ? will we never die ? wow that’s cool ”
“ mark i dont know .. ”
“ how am i supposed to take blood out of someone , won’t it hurt them ? ”
“ mark i’m not a vampire idk anything ”
“ oh … sorry ”
he’s so polite and nice he almost starved and fainted because he couldn’t bear to hurt anyone for blood
so you had no choice but to donate your own blood
which also refused to drink ,
but you forced it down his throat , so now active mark is back again
another literal angel why
he tries his best to sustain his hunger by only eating food
but part of him still feels drained because he’s half-vampire after all , he needs blood
so he tried drinking his own one ,
but it made him even sicker
so you had to ask for vampire taeyong’s help because he always had spare bottles of blood
just like that you lectured renjun on keeping his body healthy and fit
and he was like “ sure … but one person that i’d never ever eat is you , even if im dying ”
go reborn as an angel with kun please
he’s always smiling and cheerful , the thought of him being a vampire never once crossed your mind
but when he told you that he’s only half ,
you still got really shocked and speechless ,
and as soon as he noticed he promised not to hurt you
he likes showing you baby photos of himself , the growing process of his small fangs ,
and the way he’d always smile brightly
he likes going on walks with you but he always prepares a cap and a pair of jacket to cover himself , if he gets exposed to the sun too much
such a prankster i cant even
he’d offer to pour you a cup of water ,
then when he comes out with two cups filled with red liquid you’re like ,
“ this better not be blood haechan- ”
“ it is ”
“ what why ”
“ try it , it’s really good ”
“ no donghyuck i cant do this ”
“ shut up and drink it ”
and after a few minutes of arguing ,
“ it’s only some cranberry juice ”
and he also likes joking about turning you into a vampire too
and would use it as an advantage to call you to help him do things
“ help me wash my clothes … if not i might hurt you , idk ”
a mixture of haechan + winwin
one moment he’d be all soft and positive ,
the other he’s scaring you with his fangs and blood
but he knows when to stop and not scare you too much
he’s also pretty flirty and smooth like
“ if you were a blood type you’d be my favourite ”
“ jaemin that’s not cool , stop ”
“ okay fine you’re my favourite human ”
he’s so happy and loud you didn’t think he was a vampire
and his looks did not help too , as he looked so cute and adorable to you
he slightly teases and joke with you
especially when he reminds you of the face you made when he first told you
your mouth and eyes were wide open and no words were said
he doesn’t really need that much blood so he acts just like a normal human being ,
only sometimes when you notice him getting a bit tired ,
you’d ask him to go eat/replenish on his blood intake and listens to you without fail
like chenle , this baby is still in the process of developing the vampire characteristics ,
so his fangs are still pretty short and he can perform perfectly well even without the intake of blood & under sunlight
so you had absolutely no idea he was one
until he accidentally told you while y'all were talking
and he got so flustered and worried after he realised his confession , he couldn’t sleep peacefully that night
but as soon as you told him you didn’t mind and would not spread it ,
he became to soften up and share more stories of his family to you
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whosaysitsfantasy · 7 years
Karamel thoughts
I don’t expect to change anyones mind or start an argument or anything I simply want to put in my own opinion.
I would like to begin by Discussing Mon-el, first off yes I am a karamel shipper, yes I love Mon-el  that being said no I don’t think he is perfect and I do think he is severely flawed. Mon-el came from a planet where it was ok to have slaves and where their citizens were put down and him and his family were raised above everyone else. He lived this way for at least 21+ years.
Now no, when you are living in a bad environment you do not necessarily have to become like those around you. People who have abusive parents or alcoholic parents do not have to become like that. That being said It is also 100% possible that those types of situations can effect how you grow up and your view on the world. Mon-el was raised to believe he deserved whatever he wanted, that he should be served. He was raised in an environment that never questioned or really showed any other alternative. For that reason he was a shit person, and he has a LOT to not only be ashamed of but to make up for.
Now when Mon-el came to earth all he knew was what he was taught. upon arriving on earth and meeting Kara and the rest at the DEO he quickly had to learn that what he knew on Daxam was not the only way and may not actually be the right way. Now Mon-el has only been on earth for a short period of time i don’t even think it’s been a year yet.. (correct me if I’m wrong). I think it is going to take longer than a year for him to completely shed 21+ years of a lifestyle he has known.
That being said.. he is clearly and actively TRYING. He’s no where near perfect and he is 100% flawed and sometimes comes across as what yes might seem as abusive, but that being said he isn’t aware of it, he hasn’t had real healthy relationships and he is trying to be better (and no I'm not saying being unaware makes in excusable Im simply saying he is not doing in with malicious intent) What everyone has to realize is Mon-el is not trying to bring Kara down, he does not want to hurt her. He is ashamed of his past, scared of how she might react to the truth because she has made her feelings about Daxam royalty VERY clear and he is still trying to learn.  I personally think the hatred towards Mon-el is a little misplaced. Just like Kara and every other superhero Mon-el deserves time to grow and face his past and his mistakes.
Now going onto Kara. I love Kara she’s adorable and sweet and so so good, but that being said if you are naive enough to claim that she is perfect you need to look again.
Kara. Danvers. Is . A . Flawed. Person.(or Alien technically ;P )
just like literally everyone. and now that DOES NOT mean she’s bad or should be hated on. NO. That just means that she is not ALWAYS right. Sometimes Kara is a little self righteous, sometimes she does not always look at every angle. SOMETIMES Kara needs a little help, she has all these powers but theres more to being a super hero then that, even the most powerful person in the world needs support. She is also very prejudice against Daxam. Which is understandable, however that doesn’t necessarily mean that she should just write them off as terrible. Both Krypton and Daxam are flawed races. Just like surprise surprise.. the human race.
Both sides have made bad choices. SO yes, Mon-el lying to her was wrong, however NO he is not evil for it because while Kara is a wonderful person she has made her prejudices towards Daxam very clear so naturally Mon-el would be afraid to tell her the truth JUST LIKE JAMES WAS AFRAID TO TELL HER HE WAS THE GUARDIAN & JUST LIKE M’GANN WAS SCARED TO TELL J’ONN. because Kara god bless her, can be very strong headed. She is very set in her beliefs which isn’t bad but can sometimes be a hinderance. It can prevent her from being open and understanding of those closest to her. Was the lying ok? No. Is it understandable why they did? Yes.
Mon-el was not proud of who he was. He wanted to change and be different because of Kara and because of how she showed him that there is something wrong with the way he lived. Now upon learning this Mon-el has actively started to try and change. He started training with her, and helping the DEO, he got an actual job and tries to be better. Does he fail? yes. But is he trying YES. For this reason saying he is terrible and deserves to rot in hell is incredibly misplaced. Is he very good in their relationship not always no. Why is this? Because he has never been in a real genuine healthy relationship. You cannot hate him because he knows nothing else. Especially when he is actively trying.
Relationships have ups and downs. Sometimes people lie because they are scared, sometimes they don’t treat each other perfectly. The fact of the matter is.. is that Mon-el keeps trying, When Kara shuts him down he learns, and he keeps trying. NOW if its a season or 2 into his role on the show and he’s still trying to side step her anger and he’s still trying to say ‘ok i’m sorry lets just carry on’ then sure start yelling abuse. But don’t tell me that someone trying to change their ways after 21+ years of being groomed a certain way is inherently bad and inherently abusive. Cause in no way does he ever try and tare her down, he actually praises her a LOT and admires her a LOT. & no their arguing doesn't count as him ‘taring her down’ because then she would be considered abusive as well because she has made some pretty cruel comments towards him too. It goes both ways. 
Cause trust me. Someone can be abusive, not realize it and then eventually work to change their ways. Specifically with emotional abuse. Relationships can be very hard, and while yes there are TERRIBLE people out there who emotionally abuse people with no remorse there are also people who realize what they have done and work to be better because they never wanted to actively hurt someone in that way.
While no not all abusers should be forgiven. Not all abusers actually care that they are hurting someone. There are people who have abused someone emotionally and not known what they were doing. There are people who have hurt people and have tried to fix themselves and have tried to be a better person because they are not proud of what they have done & because they know it is wrong. 
With all of that being said… I personally think it’s good that Karamel has broken up for now. Kara first off needs to learn that everything is not black and white. That sometimes people make mistakes and sometimes she is a little quick to judge. Mon-el needs to realize that everything is not always going to be easy. He needs to realize that his actions have consequences and that he has to really work to listen and respect his significant other if he wants things to work.
I think their time apart can give them both clarity. I think Mon-el needs to grow a little on his own without a relationship so that he can be even better and even healthier when he eventually gets back IN a relationship. He needs to see who he can be without Kara as a girlfriend and without anymore secrets. He needs a little bit more time to grow.
This same storyline happened with J’onn and m’gann and the green and white martians. This idea that your race makes you inherently evil. AS WELL AS lying about it because of how ashamed you are of it.  Did we hate M’gann because she lied about her race? Can we really blame someone for being so ashamed of what happened that they should be written off? As well Mon-el’s guard insisted he leave everyone behind.. while yes its definitely something to feel guilty about no, its not all on Mon-el. Also during that situation when there is literally very few things in which he could do and he is frazzled and being rushed out. No you cant necessarily hold it against him. Yes he should feel guilty and should work to make amends for his choices, but I don’t think you can blame someone for making a bad choice in a life or death situation like that.
Anyways.. thats kinda my own thoughts on the subject. I like to stay out of ship wars and arguments. I love all the ships and I love all the characters so I hate everyone hating on one another but I just had to explain my opinion as someone who understand various sides to everyone’s arguments. I refuse to argue about this and I will never participate in hate or endorse it.
So to just end this. If you are against Karamel thats fine, thats your choice but please don’t hate other shippers who like it and don’t tag your hate. and if you are FOR Karamel please don��t hate other shippers who dislike it and don’t attack them or single them out. Also don’t participate in hating on other ships. I really hope I don't get much flack for this lol but yea.. thats all I have to say on the matter.
Lets just all try and be kind to one another. Its what Supergirl would want <3
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missjackil · 7 years
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One Year.... One year ago this month, I was introduced to these AMAZING gentlemen, and life has never been the same! I don’t recall the exact day it happened, but I do know it was March, 2016, 
This is how it started... It was a very cold, snowy winter here in NJ last year, so my life long friend Dawn, my daughter Sarah, and I started binge watching different series on Netflix. Dawn first suggested this show Supernatural, which I had only heard of in passing a few times over the years, but she had watched since the beginning. She said I would love it, the brothers  are hot, they hunt monsters and demons, delve a lot into Religion, which is a big interest of mine, I even have a degree in Theology, and am legally ordained. I checked the title on Netflix and saw it had 10 seasons available, and I said  “Nah, that’s a pretty big commitment, I dont think I could stay interested in a show that long” then Dawn informed me, that it was still on the air and in season 11. Not my cup of tea, so I declined. She next suggested Nurse Jackie, which was really good, but so easy to burn through. I got the next pick and picked House MD which had been mine, and my daughter Sarah’s favorite series to date.  This was a longer series than Nurse Jackie, 8 seasons instead of 7, and hour long episodes, as opposed to half hour. This took almost 2 months to get through. While watching this series again, I would keep commenting how much I loved the bromance between House and Wilson, to wish Dawn would always reply “The you will LOVE Sam and Dean!!” So since she had next pick, I agreed to give Supernatural a try.  And this is what happened... *CRASH BOOM BANG  <heavy flop>* “Wooooaaah easy tiger” “Dean?” Yeah, these boys are freakin adorable, and Im gonna love this bromance. I thought Dean was hot, and Sam was cute. Too young for me to think he was hot (me being 49 at the time) but I felt like the monsters and a lot of the horror was pretty lame, and sometimes even cheesy, though I did enjoy the chemistry the boys had with each other, and found Sam’s psychic visions to be an interesting element, I didn’t think I would stay interested for very long.  For a while, we were only watching 2-3 episodes at a time, a couple times a week when Dawn would come over. Near the end of S1 I told her I didn’t think I wanted to continue. She asked me to PLEASE give it to the end of season 2 and if I still didnt like it, we could find something else. As promised, I did become more interested in S2. The humor was funnier, the acting got better, and the bromance was hotter, and the emotional moments were even more heart breaking. The first episode that left a really big impression on me was Born Under a Bad Sign. Until then, I knew Sam had psychic powers, and his father was worried he would turn dark, and left it on Dean’s shoulders to save him or kill him (good idea John, what the hell) and this episode was probably showing Sam go bad. I didnt want that, I liked the boys and I wanted to like both of them and not have to start thinking of Sam as evil, but he was soooooo creepy in that episode! I was so afraid he was going to rape Jo, fortunately he didn’t, but that “My daddy shot your daddy in the heeeaad” thing gave me the willies! I was so uncomfortable with this “Dark Sam” I thought maybe I couldnt continue. Dawn didnt want me to stop just yet, but didnt want to give me spoilers, she told me “Don’t worry, Sam and Dean are the GOOD guys and Sam is a REALLY good guy” so I continued. When it was discovered that Sam was possessed, I found that very interesting, I didn’t think the boys would ever succumb to the evil things, just kick their asses all the time, though I assumed theyd have their own asses kicked sometimes, I never thought the show would allow the heroes to really suffer.... boy was I wrong huh??  I recall my first noticing that Sam was hot and built like a truck, in Heart, and it was also the first time I really cried. I remember telling Dawn, I will watch it when she comes over but Im watching it on my own too, because now Im much more interested, but I also said “it’s kind of a bummer knowing the boys wont die, that will take away from the suspense and emotional moments when it’s feared they might die, and I remember her giving me this look... she said “trust me, you know nothing”. She was right ... All Hell Breaks Loose 1 & 2 had me sobbing! When Sam dies in Dean’s arms and Dean sobs into his neck, I dont think Ive ever seen such intense, realistic  grief on a TV show. And then Dean goes and sells his soul for Sam!! This turned what I thought was a “My brother is my best friend” love into a “Id willingly spend eternity in fire and torment, to have one more year with my brother” love. That was a big turning point for me. I new Id watch it till the end and couldnt wait for those long days off when I could just binge all day long.  Then Season 4 happened... I dont know when exactly it happened, or which episode it was, but somewhere early in S4, I discovered the most amazing thing. I woke up one day and realized I am madly in love with Sam Winchester! And to top it off, I was hopelessly addicted and obsessed with SPN! I wont give a rundown of how each season hit me, but its been a crazy, emotional, tragically painful, beautful roller coaster that I have no intentions to ever get off of. By the time I got to S9 and started seeing the episodes dwindle away, I didnt want to finish too fast, yet I wanted to keep binging, so thats when I decided to start rewatching. ration out the newer episodes so I dont finish too fast, and binge the ones Ive already seen, and Ive done that continiously since then, and that was in May. By the end of June, I had watched everything on Netflix and purchased all of S11 On Demand and just kept finishing and starting over, rinse, repeat.  What I have learned... I mean no disrespect to Dean, I love him... but, if he ever says “As long as Im around, nothing bad is ever gonna happen to you” ... just RUN!! He said this to Sam in S1 and things just unraveled fast for poor Sam. I dont think there are many bad things LEFT that haven't happened to Sam, and we still have at least 2 more seasons to go!!!  To me, Sam is the most beautiful, kind, selfless, brave character ever. Yet, he can be a little selfish on occasion, but if you needed any of the duct tape and safety pins that hold him together, he wouldnt think twice about giivng them to you. He is scared fairly often, but it’s never stopped him from facing any big bad monster life could hand him.Season 10 was definitely not his most attractive season (that hair?? WHAT??) and if you piss him off, he can viciously sting with his words at the very least, or be brutally lethal with his hands when need be. He is a full on nerd, but not the least bit pretentious about it. He doesnt think he is better than anyone, and maybe even not as good as most. He is brilliant, but wont ever make you feel stupid. He is the sweetest, kindest gentleman you’ll ever meet, but 100% badass as well. But most of all. he loves Dean with everything in his life. He will never leave him (again) for anyone. If he ever finds a significant other, they will have to accept him and Dean as One person. Package deal and thats it.  To me, Dean is a rock. He rarely ever changes, This isn’t a bad thing. This compliments Sam, who is ever changing. Dean doesn’t live inside his head. He expresses his feelings more physically than with words, though he isnt one to mince words if you need to hear it. He’s emotional, not afraid to cry, but maybe afraid of who he allows to see it. He’s not perfect, he has made a lot of poor choices for himself and for Sam as well, but never with any ill intent (other than when influenced by a Supernatural force) He is a sweetheart, who unfortunately carries too much baggage. In Regarding Dean I feel like I met the REAL Dean that is lost under decades of pain, lossm and never ending violence. He can piss me off big time, but I forgive him because Sam does, and the most important thing in his world is Sam. There is nothing he wouldnt do, nor lines he wouldnt cross for Sam, and I believe he would give Sam anything in his power if Sam would simply ask.  What I think of the side characters  Cas, Crowley, Rowena, Bobby, etc.. all good characters who bring a lot of interest to the show, but none are strong enough characters to have their own storylines apart from Sam and Dean. Their side stories arent very interesting. I would watch a show that was only Sam and Dean (which is what I prefer) but I wouldnt watch a show that was only Cas or Crowley or whomever. They should support Sam and Dean and thats it, in my opinion.
What I have learned about the Fandom... Supernatural is the Holy Reaches of Heaven to them and they are Religions. Separate groups of individuals, expressing their love for the show and the characters in different ways. Some SPN religions are open and accepting, and some are vicious and hateful. Everyone gets different things from different parts of the series, but some of these religions, think their thoughts are the best and only True Canon even when sometimes, their thoughts are not canon at all. There are some fun, silly, kind loving fans in the SPN Family, and I have met a few, but Ive also seen some unnecessarily hatefull, mean spirited individuals who I cant consider family. SPN belongs to me, and it belongs to you. Take from it what you take from it... blog your blogs, go meta crazy, ship your ships, and write the shit out of fan fic... but please dont belittle and berate those who think differently. It is a ficitonal show, no one is going to go to Hell or be arrested for their views on it. If you don’t like it, dont watch it, but let those who do still love it, like myself, enjoy it while they can. Don’t go trying to hurt our feelings with “It should end!!” because someday it will, we know this, but we want it to live on for as long as J2 are happy to do it, and even then, it’s gonna hurt like the death of a loved one to see it go, so try to be more considerate okay? If you stayed to read ALL of this, You are precious to me :) and thank you!
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