#but yeah n e ways I’m very proud of this :]
andro-dino · 16 days
Mayblade Day 15 - Shadow
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“Don’t think you’re the only one who received a bey from a legendary blader!”
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chrollohearttags · 2 months
escape to paradise • e. jaeger: part one
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spoiling your husband for his special day turns into a surprise, he’ll soon never forget
themes + things: musician x influencer au, slight angst at the beginning, mentions of illness and death, lots of humor and fluff, eren being a grouch about his birthday, soft but disgusting smut, equal parts porn and plot, alcohol and drug use, aphrodisiacs, consensual groping, handjob, oral sex (m. receiving), riding/reverse cowgirl, many other things
word count: 5.9K
I’m a few days late on this but honestly, it really does not matter. I’m not going to abandon another wip bc I ‘didn’t make it on time’. Besides, this site is lacking serious depth in its fics and I’m just so proud of this one. It’s going to be two parts just bc keep reading lines + anything that’s not a one liner post with ten men's names attached seems to scare the girls. Also, I feel as though I haven't written anything this lengthy or for my fav ship in a very long time so forgive me if the quality is not as great as others, I’m getting my bearings back and I hope that y’all enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Birthdays. A momentous occasion for many..often dubbed as ‘another trip around the sun’, they find themselves grateful to be growing old in a world where it’s not guaranteed you’ll see the next day. Some choose to celebrate with extravagant parties and lavish gifts, others prefer a casual kickback with loved ones and a grocery store cake. It doesn’t matter as long as you do something to mark the occasion…however, for others …
“Yeah, just come by later. I can take a look at it after I finish up this other job—yeah yeah, for sure, dude. I got you—“
it was another day on the calendar! That sentiment rang true for the man who had been spending his past seven years holed up inside of a studio on his special day. EJ The Don, just as infamous for his anti-social, despondent behavior as he was for his amazing music, harbored absolutely no desire to be in some crowded club or party, surrounded by people who couldn’t give a shit less about him or his well-being the other three hundred sixty four days of the year. He was adamant on doing one thing and that was being left the hell alone. But even for his wife, (y/n) (l/n), who often mirrored his beliefs in terms of dealing with the public, was determined to make his day one to remember, whether anyone else was involved or not. However, the only person standing in the way of Eren’s relaxation and free time…was Eren himself! You were currently on your way to bring him some dinner you had made, in an effort to not only allow him a sabbatical but to ease the impending conversation that had been plaguing your mind onto him. You had finished up filming and editing some content in your own office not too long ago and was ready to call it a night. Sadly, the concept of rest didn’t quite register with your husband. He was a workaholic, through and through..hence why you were about to offer him a proposal and hoped that he didn’t refuse. Shifting the warm plate of homemade mashed potatoes, steak and lots of steamed broccoli into your opposite hand, you’d leave two faint knocks against the door.
“Can I come in?…”
the question seemed to startle the musician a bit as you heard him shuffling around and trying to lower the volume on his phone. He’d stutter a bit and ask that you give him just a minute. The whole thing seemed rather suspicious and make no mistake, you trusted your husband wholeheartedly but he was by the far, the most horrible liar you’ve ever met! A majority of women would jump to the conclusion of infidelity if placed into this exact scenario. They’d see it as a blatant phone call to a mistress or something related…that he had something to hide. But you? That was the furthest thing from your mind. It honestly was never even a worry of yours. He constantly reminded you of the fact that he was blessed enough to even bag you, he damn sure wasn’t going to test his luck and lose you by stepping outside of marriage and for someone like him, cheating took entirely too much work! Instead, you knew exactly what was going on and although, the severity was nowhere near that of another woman on his line, you were still angry nonetheless…finally, he’d give you permission to enter and once he did, you were met with that very toothy, shit-eating grin that he loved to feed you, along with a nervous cackle when he was doing something wrong. You could read his ass like a book!..
“H-hey princess. Don’t you look beautiful tonight—“
standing before him in an oversized t-shirt with a pair of shorts and a silk bonnet atop your head, (y/n) placed a hand on your hip whilst brandishing his food in the other. He could immediately sense the trouble he was in and decided to face you fully; spinning his chair around. He had no other option that to face the scolding that awaited him.
“Don’t ‘hey, princess’ me, Eren Michael. You know good and damn well you shouldn’t be up here this late. It’s almost midnight, you haven’t eaten anything since this morning and I heard your lil’ phone call. You just accepted another job, didn’t you..didn't you?!”
the reaction may have seemed a bit drastic and maybe you were being dramatic about the whole situation but for valid reason! Truth be told, he had no reason to be working so late into the night…his major projects and songs were completed for the time being so he could afford a break. Secondly, he shouldn’t have even been accepting outside work…especially considering what had transpired less than three weeks ago. He didn’t have a leg to stand on, that much was apparent and the last thing he wanted to do was go tit for tat with you at the moment. That was unless he wanted a tongue lashing out of this world and to be sleeping in the guest room for the next month. He wasn’t going to risk it but in true Eren fashion, he had to make an argument somehow..
“So what if I did? Babe, it’s just a small favor..it’ll take me less than an hour to do this and then I’m seated for the rest of the weekend. I can’t just not work..shit, still got bills to pay.”
nonchalantly declaring as he turned back to his computer, clicking away at the keys. Meanwhile, you’d take a seat next to him and place his food down also. Your intention was to never halt Eren from making his money or working. The two of you agreed that neither of you would ever stand in the way of one another’s careers or financial opportunities. They were something each of you had agreed upon that would remain sacred. However, when said ‘financial opportunities’ had caused quite a commotion in the household and it wasn’t just some minor incident, it was one that quite literally nearly turned your world upside down. All in a matter of minutes…
“...and what’s more important? Work or your own health?..because you seem to value it a lot more.. ” as you spoke the words into the air, you’d begin to choke up also. It was then that you’d replay the events from earlier in the month that made you nearly lose all control and every shred of your sanity..
flashback: two weeks ago…
“..911, what’s your emergency?”
“Yes! My name is (y/n) (l/n)..address is 9432 South Pointe…”
it was a call that you never hoped to have to have to make in your life. All too well had you known the horrors of having to cart a loved one off to the hospital via an ambulance after a terrible health scare and you never wanted to experience that again. But alas, here you were… frantically pacing the kitchen floor of your three story home, clutching your phone as you spoke with operators to dish out the reason for your call. (Y/N) had just returned from your routine morning run with you and Eren’s two dogs. It was something you’d do every single day as part of your workout regime. Not to mention, it gave you quality time with your fur babies. It was also a ritual that Eren would join you in and you guys would circle the spacey area; being as if you had no neighbors, with leashes in one hand as you jogged alongside one another. For one reason or another, Eren decided to hang back, saying that he was going to pass on the run. But would instead, have breakfast ready for you two once you got back. You didn’t think much into it, considering the fact that he had been working late into the night and more than likely needed some extra rest. However, you couldn’t shake the nagging suspicion gnawing away at your conscience.
‘I’m fine, princess. You go ahead, just be careful, okay?’
you guys agreed it’d be best to shorten your route whilst you were alone. Although, any would be assailants, hoping for an easy target would not only be met with the bloodthirsty wrath of two very protective pit bulls, that would tear them from limb to limb…but a woman who loved to fight and could do so very well. Not to mention, you never left home without some form of protection on your persons. Needless to say, you didn’t have any reservations about going out with your lonesome. Little did you know though…the true threat was waiting back home. Because it wasn’t a full ten minutes into your run did both Chino and Chanel begin alerting back to the house..they refused to go any further and instead, tugged at their leashes to go back. You were confused but your babies never led you astray.
“What’s wrong y’all? Do y’all wanna eat—“
That’s when you made the discovery…an unconscious Eren, lying on the kitchen floor! He was out cold, no signs of a break in, struggle or even a crime at all. It was odd. He was clutching his phone and when you turned it over, it was set to call you. You had not the slightest idea what had happened but the only thing you were concerned with was getting him the proper help. After answering a series of questions to the best of your knowledge, the kind and very helpful dispatcher informed you that an ambulance was on its way along with a police car, just in case. They arrived in only minutes and although that was something you certainly wasn’t used to in your early life, you were thankful. When they got there, they checked him over and by the grace of the heavens alone, he still had a very strong pulse but he was out cold. Unresponsive by sound but would faintly squeeze fingers..it was one of the better scenarios but still frightening nonetheless. The cops asked if anything suspicious happened and you told them that you’d only gone for a walk when your dogs kept pulling you back and that’s when you saw your husband. They determined that there was nothing criminal taking place and soon, left without incident. Only sending well wishes to Eren.
but now, you were tasked with trying to figure out what had happened to Eren! Once they loaded him up; still dressed in his sweats and no shirt, house slippers on and his hair down, you’d be right by his side in the back of the rescue. Clutching his hand, you clung to him as they checked all the necessary things and started IV’s. His vitals were a little concerning to say the least. An elevated heart rate, a spike in body temperature and what seemed to be cold sweats. They asked about any drug use, drinking…anything of the sort. You had only known Eren to smoke weed and have the occasional drink but nothing crazy. But it wasn’t until you arrived at the hospital, got checked in and a plethora of tests were conducted, would you truly know the extent of his condition and what you heard shocked you…
“Vaso…what?” “Vasovagal syncope..in other words, he’s collapsed from severe exhaustion and stress and is currently comatose. The good news is, he’s still mentally responsive. Right now, he’s just in a deep slumber. This is one of the more severe cases so he may be out for a few days. But as long as there’s no significant drop in vitals or brain activity, he should be fine.”
the doctor overseeing Eren’s care was rather helpful but seemed so nonchalant about something that had rattled you to your core. Your sweet, beloved husband was lying here unconscious and there wasn’t a damn thing you could do about it! You’d alert his mom, friends and you guys’ bosses. Needless to say, it wasn’t long before gifts and well wishes, along with media attention began to pour in. It was overwhelming to say the least…you rarely left his side for those three days. Barely even long enough to eat, shower and grab a change of clothes. When he finally came to, that breath that had remained hitched in your throat had finally released. You were terrified of what the alternative could have been so you were thanking God that he was okay. “Eren! Oh my God..” immediately bursting into tears as you flung your arms around him and sobbed. You were so relieved but so damn scared…how could he scare you like that?!
“Aw, princess. I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to worry you, baby. I’m fine..”
“Well you sure have a hell of a way of showing it. I’m so mad at you..don’t you ever do that stupid shit ever again!…”
Which was a very understandable reaction but your tears overshadowed that. The reality was that he was not close to being anything of the sort. His condition was a lot more urgent than before. As this wasn’t the first time he’d collapsed from exhaustion. Long nights in a studio to wild performances and dangerous habits to boot. So many moving elements went into being the rap sensation that everyone knew and loved but they only got the finished product and not the hard, strenuous work it took to get there. This industry was a machine and each artist, creative or talent that entered was a mere cog on the wheel. It was brutal, disgusting and once it was done with you, it all but possessed the power to spit you out when it was done. So naturally, you weren’t so apt to let him follow the same path once he recovered. The pain you felt whilst seated next to him, hearing machines beep as they monitored his unconscious body and fed him necessary sustenance…it was overwhelming. So you made a vow right then and there, that you wouldn’t allow him to work himself into an early grave. A promise to both him and yourself that you’d take more time to enjoy the fruits of your labor..before it was too late.
end flashback
“Look, I’m not tryna’ tell you what to do but I’m just worried. You scared the hell out of me, Eren..I don’t want to come in here and find you like that again. What if next time it’s too late?…”
he could sense the imminent fear in your eyes and the sadness spread across your face. In truth, Eren had never had to think about the consequences of his actions and another person’s feelings towards them. It would explain his very careless actions and reckless behavior. He’d stay in this room for hours and no one would check in on him, other than housekeeping. He could drink until his liver corroded and no one batted an eyelash. He was free to do as he pleased but now, he had you..and there wasn’t a chance in hell you’d let him continue down this destructive path. You loved him far too much for that..by this time, he had thanked you and snatched up his dinner. He always loved your cooking far more than any private chef or restaurant. The fact that you took time out of your own busy schedule to make sure he was eating and taken care of was something that he’d always be appreciative of. Setting it down, Eren would swallow his bite and wipe his mouth before rolling his chair towards you.
“..there won’t be a next time, I promise. Listen, I’m sorry, princess. I know I’ve been moving a lil’ careless lately. But I won’t keep putting you or myself through that. After this, I’m taking a break. No more projects, no more studio sessions…just me and you.”
which was the perfect segway into why you’d come in here to begin with. See, he wasn’t the only one who had been grinding to get what he wanted. Not only was Eren a workaholic, he’d always made it his mission to spoil you rotten. In his eyes, he was the provider so he had to make sure you were kept in every aspect of your life. He didn’t want you spending your money on anything other than leisure. As long as the two of you remained together, he was going to protect you. However, you were adamant on sharing the responsibility. Not so much in the sense of splitting expenses fifty fifty or taking on a ton of bills. But rather..you wanted to take care of him for once. Spoil your husband and make sure he knows just how much you loved him. And not a moment too soon because a rather special occasion was nearing the corner.
“Your birthday is in a few days and I was thinking…what if you and I left the country for a bit?”
the statement catching him off guard but you’d be quick to explain. “No distractions, no parties, no work. Just complete relaxation. Just like you wanted. It’s perfect timing. Do you remember what you told me in the hospital?” Flashing him a warm grin as you giggled and held his hand. That’s when the conversation replayed in his mind. Once he had awoken, Eren’s outlook had shifted. When the doctor informed him that his condition was due to stress and exhaustion, he was truly frightened as well. Realizing that his careless actions could land him in a coma or much worse if he didn’t start taking care of himself. That’s when he began to think more so along the lines of recuperation. What could he do or where could he go to truly decompress for once? That’s when he made a great suggestion in his medically induced state of mind, rambling as morphine and narcotics coursed through his veins. With tears building at his waterline and his eyes barely opening..
“I just wanna go lay up on an island somewhere…kick my feet up with your ass in my hands and watch the water. I’m so tired of all of this…deadlines and shit. I’m so tired of working for this machine, man..I just wanna escape.”
you hadn’t forgotten those words and you’d make certain that his dream came to fruition. So without his knowledge, you’d footed the bill for a very special, illustrious getaway to the islands. A week-long stay in a secluded island suite in Fiji..surrounded by beautiful blue waters, palm trees and flowers, and the best part? No other guests. You’d have an entire portion of that area to yourselves. He’d bring in his birthday just the way he had hoped for! “Yeah, but you know I can’t do that. I was just talking—“ “Well be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.” Retrieving your phone from your pocket, you’d show him the confirmation for the private flight and trip you had already so kindly taken the liberty to do. There was truthfully no excuse for him not to take a leave. It wasn’t as if the two of you had children yet or some other overwhelming responsibility to care for. You were in the primes of your lives and careers. You deserved to live as such. So before he even had the chance to attest or change your mind, you’d show him that he too deserved to be pampered.
“..so, when are we leaving?”
Immediately sending him into a toothy smirk. There was no arguing with you when you became set in your ways. You were stubborn but your heart and intentions were always pure. And for that, he truly was thankful and blessed to be able to call you his wife!
“You’re a piece of work, you know that?”
“Yeah..I know. But that’s exactly why you married me.” You’d chuckle as you stood to your feet, retrieving his plate and leaning over to kiss his cheek. “Now go pack. I’m not playing with you, sir.” “You know I like it when you tell me what to do..gets me excited.” Alluding to something a little more salacious than your previous discussion, prompting you to smack your lips and playfully slap at him. “Bye! And bring your ass to bed, please.”
This trip was certainly going to be one to remember!
(biiiig long time skip bc I am not writing all of that and this fic is so long already!)
Matangi Private Islands, Fiji: two days later, March 29th…
It was just barely sunrise when the two of you made landfall on the coasts of the secluded islands. All courtesy of a first class, private flight from the comfort of his jet. It was just one of the many amenities that were afforded with this lifestyle. Something that he’d have to take part in more often. Crystalline blue waters waved across the shoreline, palm trees and colorful flowers flowing in the breeze and birds chirped in the far off distance. Currently, you were getting checked into your suite and what awaited you guys was an oasis like neither of you had ever seen… “Isn’t it beautiful?! Babe, look at this..it’s so big.” Sunshine beamed over the pathway, headed to the designated suite. A huge hut-style home from the exterior, equipped with three rooms, two baths and tons of amenities on the inside. Three wooden bridges connected to you to all sides of the island, allowing you access to the waters, the pool and the front gate. There was a very spacious living area and kitchen, accompanied by a private chef who’d prepare you all whatever you desired. The most picturesque bathrooms you’ve ever seen and sleek, modern decorations. But perhaps, by far the most impressive perk was the fact that there was no one on this island for at least three miles except the staff. You were in complete solitude, just as he wanted. It was a gift that had come not a moment too soon. Seeing as how the whole reason for this little adventure was less than twenty four hours away..
“Princess, this is really nice. I mean..really nice. But was this necessary? I mean, how much did this cost?”
Scraping slowly behind you in his Balenciaga slides, black sweats from the same brand and a tank top..Eren seemed rather fussy for someone who was supposed to be on vacation. You had all but expected this..it was no surprise that he was going to put up a fight about not being able to be tied to that damn desk, but you paying his way for this ordeal! However, you weren’t much in the mood to hear him complaining because his stubbornness was no match for your own and when you wanted your way, best believe that’s what damn well was going to happen. Turning to him, sporting your skin tight sundress..a fluorescent lime green that complimented your dark complexion perfectly..and had him rather happy, you’d immediately turn to face him and place his cheeks between your palms, squishing his face. Standing on your tiptoes to meet his gaze.
“That, my sweet love..is not important. What is important is that you have a good time...and as long as that happens. Nothing else matters to me.” Which was about the most ideal answer he was going to get. Releasing a heavy sigh, it took him no time at all to soften..he couldn’t argue when he saw that smile on your pretty face. What was the harm in allowing you to take the reins for once and he followed? Most importantly, what could it hurt to be the one who was getting spoiled this time around? Besides, he had full faith that you’d make this trip..one he’d soon never forget! “Alright. Fine, angel. I trust you and I love you…thank you for this. I really appreciate it.” “Of course…” bending down to cup your own cheeks and plant a gentle yet deep kiss on your lips. Giving a rather warm and suggestive glare into your eyes. One that neither of you wanted to pull away from. It had been a while since you guys had been able to have quality alone time like this. It felt good to not be interrupted by texts of practice or meetings. Or someone knocking on the door, saying that a guest had arrived. It was blissful and there wasn’t anyone around to stop whatever was about to transpire. For right now, you’d allow your bodies to do the talking. Soon, those strong hands of his that once rested on your cheeks readjusted and moved to the back of your head to fully entrap you into a more sensual peck. Releasing deep breaths, you’d both smack and whimper against one another’s lips as you began to make out. Eventually, those hands found home around your throat and yours trailed up his chest. You hadn’t noticed much until now but your man had been working out quite a bit. Since his hospital scare, he’d made somewhat of an effort at better living. His newly chiseled physique wasn’t lost on you..nor was the way he seemed to be craving intimacy. A lack of physical touch and alone time had made him quite needy for you..in more ways than one.
“I know it’s a lil’ early and all but…I think I wanna unwrap my gift right now.”
“Mmm..is that right?”
giggling against his lips as your faces met with only a hair breadth of distance between you. The tension was looming and rather thick. A single look at all of you and it wouldn’t be hard to tell just how badly you needed to release some stress. Tugging at his bottom lip between your teeth, you’d continue making out as you shuffled towards the kitchen counter, where he’d waste no time, setting you on top of it. Eren had you all to himself without a single soul around to intervene in your affairs. So best believe, he was going to enjoy himself! Moving his lips from your jawline to your throat, your husband marked the skin with very soft kisses and gentle suckles that would leave faint hickies. Meanwhile, his hands gilded delicately down your body. Even making a couple stops to smack and squeeze on that plump ass. Until they found home on your breasts..where he’d very carefully grope. Massaging those perky tits and stroking your nipples on his thumb pads. “…so fucking pretty..” He loved your reactions. The way you moaned for him. Whimpering each time he made a move and all but begged him for more.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna wait until after breakfast, babe?” Which earned the exact response you were expecting from him. Who had a ravenous appetite of his own but not for any good.
“I got something to eat right here..fuck all that..” muttering against one another’s lips as you both broke into soft giggles. He was adamant in enjoying every moment of this away time. And more so specifically, making up for all the time lost between you two, due to his busy schedule. You’d been married for the better part of a couple years and although you were madly in love with each other, it hadn’t been easy. Long nights, work events, tour dates and all the other external factors that prevented you guys from being alone…made it difficult to enjoy yourselves. It was times that you craved each other so desperately that distance or exhaustion kept you away. That your bodies practically yearned and cried out. However, they were mere afterthoughts at the moment. You could enjoy your man with no interruption and vice versa. And best believe, Eren was going to get more than his fill of you.
“Here, put your legs up and lean back for me..” his instructions followed by his hands cupping your cheek once more and marking you with more gentle pecks. Naturally, you’d do so and part your thighs wide open. Giving him quite the nice surprise in return..chewing at your lower lip and index finger, you’d watch the reaction on his face…along with the one in his shorts!
“Oh shit…ain’t even wearing any panties. You knew what you wanted, huh?” Pegging you immediately because he knew that each of you were on the same type of time. Inching closer, Eren’s fingers gradually dredged up that exposed slit. “Can you blame me? I missed you..” giving him that irresistible pout and doe eyes that always drive him insane. Whilst one hand worked you over; grinding yourself against his digits, his other kept gently caressing your face and eventually, you’d pop his thumb into your mouth and suckle on the tip. It was enough to make him put you through this damn marble top right now! “Yeah?..I missed you more, princess. Missed all of this..” subtly grunting in the deep tone of his as he slipped a finger inside of you and heard the pop that followed. “This shit’s so fucking tight, princess..and wet. This all me?” “Of course..been thinking about you all week. How bad I needed you..” confessing to him in a whiny tone whilst rubbing his chiseled chest. Among other things, including how you were going to spend the entire week fucking on him..how you spent your time away on tour, playing with yourself to his voice messages and own salacious videos he’d sent. Jerking himself off behind the camera as he professed his love and desire for you. Ending in a splatter of warm semen all over his screen as he cried out your name. And him causing you to flood your hotel sheets after plunging yourself on those dainty fingers. It was too much to bear..he had to make a move before he came in his boxers right there!
“Fuck…I need you. Need this pussy so bad, baby.” Practically desperate for you. By this time, you had begun working to free his hard cock from its confines and once you did so, he’d immediately spring into your closed palm. He’d ever so slightly fuck your fist and moan out as he continued working you over. Meanwhile, you were still vehemently making out with one another. You’d all but beg him to put it inside of you and it wasn’t a full minute later before his tip was prodding through your entrance and you both came undone. Releasing simultaneous expletives as he split you open and filled you halfway.
“Oh my gosh!… ‘s so fucking big..”
“That’s not even all of it. You can take it f’r me, can’t you?”
smirking as he wasted no time in bucking his hips forward and feeding you deep strokes. They were a little slow at first but you could feel each one. Every bump, every curve and inch of that lengthy shaft. The way it curved up into you and pressed that spot on impact..you were losing it. Placing a hand around the back of your neck to keep your head straight and your leg atop his shoulder, Eren would increase his pace and really give you what you needed! “You can take this dick for daddy, can’t you, baby?” Grunting against your lips. Smacking sounds erupting across the suite from your skin as your lower halves collided. It didn’t take long before a silky sheath of your juices were formed and coating your flesh. The two of you would last no time from all the pent up sexual frustration and emotions.
“Yes! Yes! Give it to me…right there..”
increasing his pace and you’d follow suit by stroking your clit. He was unhinged..unable to contain himself inside of you. Eren clutched your ankle and laced your calf with sweet, tender kisses as he pounded your pussy into oblivion. “Shit..you gonna come for me already, baby..you’re squeezing me so tight.” Taunting you with that high lilt in his voice, not breaking eye contact once. To say you were a trembling mess at this point was an absolute understatement..cream dripping all down his shaft and onto the countertop as your clit pulsates with each thrust. You couldn’t take another moment and the day had only begun. Less known the entire week!…but you loved it. You loved pleasing your man and giving him everything his heart and body desired. And despite how intense it felt at the moment, you craved this just as badly. You both needed this release.
“Mmmph! You fucking me so good, daddy…’s just too much..”
“Don’t tease me now…you were talking all that shit on the plane, saying you needed this dick every day…you sure you can handle it?…‘cause I’mma stretch this shit out. Tryna’ get you pregnant, baby.” The sheer thought of him breeding you gets you aroused all over again. Even if it was an empty promise in the throes of mid-lust excitement. Regardless, he’d keep pounding at a steady pace until he felt you twitching and clutching once more until you were about to come undone. That’s when he’d speed up, angling himself until that tip was poking directly at your overstimulated core. “So tell me I can have it. You know I’m selfish, princess…I always get my way.” Mocking you once more with his tongue wagging, chuckling and with a thumb on your clit. Rubbing slow circles until you were gripping the counter top. Tits swaying with the fierce bouncing of your frames. Even the tears streaming down your face couldn’t sate his desire to make you climax right now. He knew you were feeling equally as overstimulated and was ready to push you over the edge. Suddenly, your husband would lean forward and curl his face into the crook of your neck.
“Come in me, daddy!..nnngh..”
“Oh God, baby. Can I please? Can I put a baby in it?..”
panting as he bared his weight onto the countertop. His pace reached its peak and before long, you both reached the finish that you had sought after.
“ ‘rennnnn! Fuck…please..” your nails clawed deep into his back, holding him close to your chest as he pumped every last ounce of his seed into that inviting womb. Just one of many on this island excursion. He didn’t let up until he was certain that you were good and stuffed but whimpered and cried to your name the entire time. It was absolute bliss, a sensation and feeling like none other and he couldn’t wait to experience more like it.
“Kiss me…” cupping your face into his palms, Eren let your tongues clash in a heated haze…moaning and whispering ‘I love you’s’ the entire time. Never had he dreamed of starting his mornings like this. Warm weather with a chill breeze sweeping through the open windows, ocean waves crashing against the tan shorelines, palm trees swaying in a calmed motion and most importantly…giving into his desires with the love of his life . The type of view that made you never want to go back to reality!…but for right now, you’d enjoy this world, this haven…
“Oh my God, that was perfect.”
“Yes…I needed that so badly. Thank you, princess..”
“Mmm, no..thank you. So…you ready to start your vacation now?”
“I can do anything after that..got me feeling the best I have in a long time…”
and no matter where you were in the world, as long as you were together, it was paradise!
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blue-jisungs · 12 days
Hiii how are you? Did you eat?
I was wondering if you could write enhypen or p1h finding out their significance other still sleeps with plushies as you already did their with seventeen please
Have a good morning afternoon or evening
Lots of love A:)
you still sleep with plushies ♡
# author's note ... hehe hi anon! thank u, i’m good and i did eat (omw to eat some more actually :D)!! hbu!! i decided to choose p1h since i don’t have much written for them yet (this is a first reaction for them actually:0) i hope you like it and have a lovely day as well<3
# warnings ... mention of being drunk in theo's :P
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┆彡 KEEHO [ 기호 ]
girl why would he judge, he has a lot of plushies too
he thinks it’s actually really cute that u n him have a similar hobby:(
will deffo buy you matching ones 🥹
loves when you come around and bring your plushie…
… and then leave it (accidentally, you swear) so he can cuddle w it:(
is a proud father ™️ of them!!!
also loves falling asleep in ur bed because you have a huge collection and it’s just so warm and cozy 🥹
he lets his inner child heal completely when he’s with you
(and your plushies)
((deffo has a fav one of yours but swore not to tell you, 'so the others don’t get jealous' ❤️‍🩹 ))
┆彡 INTAK [ ��탁 ]
he’s very neutral about it 😭
won’t tease you but won’t get really excited either
however will gush over how cute you are when you fall asleep with a bunch of plushies in your arms:(
also will suport your little hobby no matter what
you’re broke but want a plushie? he’s already paying. there’s one that you’ve been eyeing and it’s back in stock? he’s hyping you up as you buy it. wanna dress the plushies? oh don’t you worry, he will help you
i believe he’d be also like an old dog like 😭 he’s sit unbothered while you place the plushies on him and then takes photos :(
┆彡 THEO [ 테오 ]
taeyang and you had some wine when he stayed over at your place and it’s not like you told him before that you have a bunch of plushies…
but that man was so drunk that he yelled out upon seeing them
"that’s a whole ass army, what the hell? can i hug all of them at once?!"
yeah he’s very much in love with them
even cuddles some to sleep
but then when he wakes up he pretends like nothing happened
stacks them on you while you still sleep…
and when you stir awake and ruin his tower, he smothers your face in kisses
"what? why? are you still drunk?" you ask sleepily and he just grins against your skin
"your plushies are cute… but not as cute as you" is all he says
(will definitely randomly pretend to get into a staring contest with one of the plushies)
(and then has the audacity to fuss that 'the soulless state of the plushie' made him lose)
(whatever you say, boss)
┆彡 JIUNG [ 지웅 ]
you’d invite him to sleep over one day and while you goofed around n had fun
you totally forgot about your plushies
so when you laid down in bed, you heard jiung shuffle a bit
"can i kick the little guy off? he’s getting in my way and i just wanna cuddle you" he asked quietly, a bit unsure and you let out the loudest gasp
"yeah, just put him away gently" you giggle at his cuteness and how he cared abt the plushie:(
jiung thought it’s really cute that you have a lil army of plushies hehe
and esp how your cheeks adorably dusted with pink when you spoke abt them
loves naming them ☹️☹️☹️
(even if they have names already but who would care?!)
┆彡 SHOTA [ 翔太 ]
i mean come on he’s an angel 🥹
he would get so excited if you told him you have plushies n still sleep with them:(
would love to know everything about them, names, where did u get them from, the material they’re made of, which character they represent…
and if you have pokémon plushies???
girl he’s ready to marry you on spot
h o w e v e r.
he steals them.
the first time it happens you’re like "well maybe it got lost in the laundry? or got kicked off the bed?" so you brush it off
but then more and more go missing…
and one day you see YOUR plushie on HIS bed as he is facetiming you
"i can’t sleep without them" >:(
and mf woukd either go "the ransom is a pokémon card pack" or "then come over and sleep with me"
┆彡 JONGSEOB [ 종섭 ]
you were a bit nervous when you invited him over for the first time, especially since you decided to tell him about your secret
seob could sense something was wrong but he assumed it’s just the fact that you’re gonna have him over
so he tried to ease the tension and pointed at the plushies on your bed
"you still sleep with those?" he asked, half amused, half… oh.
the second he saw your smile drop and eyes turning away in shame, it (kinda) clicked: you were stressed to tell him that
"sorry, i know it’s childish… i can throw them out if it makes you uncomfortable…" you murmured sadly and his whole world collapsed
pampers you and showers you in kisses, reassuring you that he doesn’t mind and he was just joking:(
it takes him a while but finally there’s a smile on your face
treats them extra gently and protects them from falling from the bed:(
but he’s just a boy man after all and he just gets this… impulsive thoughts to punch them when you’re not around 🧍‍♀️
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @litepowee
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elsweetheart · 1 year
texts with dealer!ellie part 3
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🎀 a couple of ppl requested this so here’s another one,, just a day in the life of reader n dealer!ellies text messages …. very random n domesticish. as usual, r is reader e is ellie bc duh.
r: els
r: ellieeee
e: Yes baby sorry I was doing a deal
r: can we go and see the babie movie:)
r: barbie*
e: Fuck yeah. When does it come out?
r: july ☀️
e: Oh .
e: Why are you asking me this in April babe .
r: booking u in advance <3
e: Okay weirdo, mark it in your calendar
r: yay
r: ellie guess what
e: What
r: i don’t like the way you said what. do you still love me
e: Sorry my perfect angel. Tell me what is on your beautiful amazing mind.
e: Yes I still love you.
e: That’s great babe
e: What breed of dog was it
r: umm it was brown
e: Right
e: Well I’m happy for you ❤️
r: ellie >:(
e: Uh oh what’s with the face
r: you have been gone all day!!!!!! i miss you!!!!! and i’m mad
e: Sorry baby
e: The people need their weed
e: I’ll try and be back soon…ish. I’m off campus right now sitting in my car waiting for this pick up and they’re taking their sweet time. Gonna throw this baggie at their head when they arrive.
r: hehe
r: you’re off the hook bc you called me baby
e: Noted 📝
r: don’t u miss meeee :’(
e: You KNOW I miss you pretty girl.
r: oh rllyyy
r: can u show me how much u miss me when u come home ?? :(
e: Oh?? It’s like that huh
e: Yes I can
e: Did you have anything particular in mind?
r: nooo
r: i just think that i have been a good girl today and i should be bent over the desk <3
e: I think you’re ALWAYS a good girl.
e: Your wish is my command
r: ellie u can’t say your wish is my command when i’m trying to be sexy
r: i’m mad at you again
e: Sorry fuck
e: Genie roleplay
r: ellie >:(
e: Alright alright hold on my guys coming I can see him. I’ll deal with you in a second
r: >:(
e: Pick up done
e: You want the good news or bad news first?
r: …………. good news >:(
e: Well the good news
e: Is that I love you
r: what’s the bad news ellie >:(
e: Bad news is that I got another call and I’m gonna do one last drop off before I come home and stop answering calls for the night
r: fine
e: Don’t be mad baby I’m making money to buy you pretty things ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
e: Pretty things for my pretty thing 🤑
r: okayy
e: No but seriously babe
e: U have been my patient good girl today
e: Proud of you okay?
r: 😠
e: Alright sweet girl gotta drive now
e: But I’ll be back in 30 minutes to fuck that pout off your pretty face
e: Okay?
r: okay els :)
e: That’s my girl. Be back soon ❤️
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astarionancuntnin · 2 months
Undisclosed Desires (Chapter 2)
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summary: its the day after you and astarion indulged in each other's embrace. it shouldve been a once done deal, nothing more, but that last night ended with you questioning your feelings for the pale elf. you struggle to come to terms with those and the day might prove more difficult as you get trapped alone with him in a secluded dungeon
or in short:
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rating: E
word count: 4k
pairing: astarion x you (fem!reader, sorceress tav)
cw: 18+. smut, porn with little-to-no plot, karlach gets hurt for the sake of the porn (shes doing her part o7), denial of feelings, sexual tension through the roof, dom!tav/reader, teasing, dry humping, begging, ear licking, vampire bites, kinda praise kink, sorta breeding kink, your honor- theyre both brat switches fighting to top the other.
a/n: at long last, chapter 2! i had so much fun with the dialogues, i hope you enjoy them as much as i did uwu. also, inspo song at the beginning is the same as chapter 1, but a different part of the song, and end of chapter song is a different one (that i linked at the end). let me know how you feel about the dynamic in this chapter 👀
previous chapter
read on ao3
or keep reading down below ~
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I shut my eyes
You call but I just cut the line
I know your style
I know that you want one more night
And I'm backsliding
Into this just one more time
You wake up this morning to the sound of your companions talking nearby. Instinctively, you reach for the spot next to you, only to find it empty. Figures. If it wasn’t for the aching pain in your muscles and the dizziness of your mind, you’d think what happened last night was just a dream.
The way Astarion had ravaged your body, how feral he was, the taste of him on your lips, how he felt between your legs…
Instinctively, you rub your thighs together, chasing the feeling from the previous night. You already feel that warmth between your legs as a result of those memories flooding back to you. You hear laughing outside your tent and it brings you back to the present moment ; your companions are probably waiting for you.
You quickly push aside any thoughts of him and reach for your clothes to get dressed up for the day. You take some time to prepare for what your companions have to say about the sounds that came from your tent last night. They had to have heard.
As you take your first step outside, Karlach is the first to greet you.
“Hey Soldier! Slept well? Doubt it was restful but it looks like you had the time of your life!” She nudges you.
“You can say that again! Those screams made me believe she was dying in there!” Shadowheart shouts, sitting near the campfire, before her and Karlach start laughing.
You feel yourself turn redder after each remark. Hells, I didn’t realize how loud I was.
“It did sound… intense. Are you sure you’re alright?” Wyll speaks up, more worried about you.
You lift your blushing face which was hiding in shame between your hands. “Oh, yeah no, I’m fine just- um,” you turn to Shadowheart, “Can I ask you to cast lesser restoration on me, please?”
She looks at you puzzled, “Can’t you cast it on yourself?”
“The only thing I wanna cast on myself at this very moment is eldritch blast, now, can you please cast the damn spell?”
“So much for the ‘great sorceress with limitless talents’,” she mocks you, reminding you of the very words you used back when you introduced yourself to her.
“Fine, fine,” she scoots over the log, making space for you. “Come here, I’ll take care of you.”
You walk over to her and you sigh as you sit down, completely slouched over.
“Gods, he really did a number on you, huh,” she casts lesser restoration and you straighten up, instantly feeling much better. 
“Yeah, you should see the other guy,” you say, smiling, proud to have gained back your wits.
“Speaking of,” Wyll interjects. “We haven’t seen him all morning. We fully expected him to come out of your tent.”
“Huh, I did wake up alone,” you confess. “I just assumed he went back to his tent.”
“Heh! Maybe he’s still in there recuperating from your night together!” Karlach shouts, before laughing some more.
“Alright, alright, I’ll go check up on him,” you roll your eyes as you get up to walk towards his tent.
You’re glad it’s placed far enough from the campfire to be out of your friend’s sights. You didn’t want to give them more ideas if they saw you with the vampire this morning. You call out his name before opening the flap of his tent, only to reveal it to be empty. 
“Looking for something?”
You slightly jump, as if you were caught doing something you shouldn’t have, and quickly turn around to face him.
“Gods, you startled me.”
He walks towards you, shirtless, with his hair still damp from his morning bathing and his trousers hanging loosely around his hips.
“Terribly sorry dear, I would never do this to you intentionally.”
His little smile is unnerving. Your heartbeat quickens, and you frown at yourself; You can’t allow yourself to falter this early in the day. You take a deep breath, your way to gain back control over yourself. 
“We’re almost ready to leave, so I came looking for you,” you try to look elsewhere but you’re mesmerized by his sight.
“Well, here I am now. Can I… help you with something?”
He raises his hand and strokes your cheek gently with the back of it, his face dangerously getting near yours. You feel your face burning hotter and it takes everything in you to push yourself away from him.
“We should really go, just– get dressed. I’ll uh, I’ll wait for you around the campfire with the others.”
You turn around completely flustered and walk back to your companions.
“Again?!” Karlach exclaims as she sees the state you’re in. “At this rate, you’ll turn redder than me!”
You wanna crawl into the depths of the hells and never come back up.
Today’s quest brings you to a secluded dungeon. Your findings from the previous days led you there in search for more information about an artifact you previously found throughout your adventure. If you’re correct, you should find here what’s missing for it to work. Now the only thing left to do is actually finding that missing piece.
With a swift flick of his wrist, Astarion opens the door to the lower grounds. As the door opens, you’re greeted by damp air and a musty smell. The place is dusty and covered in spiderwebs. Whatever you’re looking for must be here judging by the fact that no one has been down here in ages. You all walk in and notice that the place is a damned maze filled with countless rooms. You split up from the group, starting the search on your own, and the first room you walk in greets you with an absurdly obvious trap. You sigh, discouraged, as you fall back against the wall next to the entrance. Guess I won’t be able to avoid him much longer.
“Astarion? A hand?!” Your voice echoes through the hallways, followed by the sound of his footsteps.
He makes his way towards you nonchalantly, “You called, dear?”
“Can you take care of this?” You point towards the device.
He leans over you, his arms caging you between him and the wall, “I could, if you were to ask nicely.” His face hovers dangerously close to you, you can feel his cold breaths ghosting over your lips. It would be so easy to just tilt your head up and close the gap… No, you can’t let him win this. Last night was just a mutual agreement. An exchange of sorts. Nothing more, nothing less.
You cross your arms over your chest, creating some distance between the two of you, “Don’t push your luck.”
“Oh well, I assume you know how to deal with such an intricate mechanism then, if you’re so much better than I am?”, he wears his typical shit-eating grin.
You roll your eyes and step over your pride, “Fine. Can you please disarm this trap so we can carry on?” 
“See? Now, was that so hard?” He gives you a playful look before getting to work.
You stand next to him as he fickles with the machinery when you hear a loud commotion from afar.
You recognize the voice from your fiery friend and waste no time running towards the source of her scream, only to find her in a terrible state with Shadowheart kneeling next to her. Her leg is barely recognizable. Whatever got her rendered her unable to fight from now on.
“What happened?!”
“Godsdamned trap got me, shit!” She keeps groaning in pain.
“Alright, Shadowheart, do you think you can take care of her wounds?”
“I can stabilize her, but she won’t be able to carry on with her injuries, we need to head back to camp as soon as possible so I can tend to her,” she explains.
“Okay, okay,” your eyes wander between your friends as you’re thinking of a solution. “Yeah, okay, you’re right, I’m not risking Karlach’s life on this,” the cleric nods in agreement, “But we can’t back track now. Who knows what else this trap triggered, it might’ve alarmed someone. We are so close to finding the answer, I can't risk letting it slip past us.”
Shadowheart raises as she’s about to argue but you cut her off, “Don’t worry, I still believe you two should head to the camp. Astarion and I will carry on.” You feel Shadowheart’s glare of disapproval. “I swear we’ll be careful and we’ll run back to you guys should we encounter a situation that's too much for us.” You try to reassure your friend.
“Oooooooo, keeping Fangs all to yourself?” Karlach never missed an opportunity to tease you, even when in insufferable pain. You could respect that.
“Oh please, if it were up to me, he would be the one in that trap.”
“Rude,” Astarion remarks from behind you. You can’t help the smirk creeping up on your face.
“Fine,” the half-elf frowns in resignation. “We’ll head back– but don’t do anything stupid.”
“We wouldn’t dream of it,” Astarion adds sarcastically, as the two walk away.
With half of your party gone, you lose no time continuing your research. You didn’t want to spend any more time than necessary with half the manpower in unknown territory. You pass a few halls and rooms, each containing an absurd amount of traps for what little they were hiding, slowly getting discouraged from your lack of findings, when you hear rumble afar.
You both still, listening to the sounds, when you realize they are making their way towards you. 
“Hide!”, you barely whisper.
Before he can react, you roughly drag Astarion with you in the next open room and slam the door behind you. You acted faster than you could think ; the sound of the door was loud and the footsteps are now getting faster and louder. You try to remain calm to avoid drawing any more attention than necessary when you see the expression change on your companion’s face, followed by him yelling.
“What in the sweet hells is wrong with–!”
You don’t give him time to finish his sentence as you push him against the stone wall by his waist with the force of your whole body, while your other hand covers his mouth. You stare intensely into his eyes and mouth a “shh”, as silent as you can, to convey the urgency for him to shut up as the rumble of the footsteps get even closer to your location. He blinks rapidly and nods, understanding your motion, but brings his hand up to remove yours from his mouth. You hear the footsteps stop nearby and your heart pounding in your chest as your breathing stills. Your eyes dart towards the door, anxiety building up in your chest. Anything could be outside. You cannot risk getting into a fight you couldn’t handle. Against his own good, Astarion speaks up yet again.
“Let’s just kill–”
And you shut him up, again. 
This time, with a kiss.
It’s a surprise to both of you. It was sudden, instinctive. You’re not sure what took over you, but at this moment, it seemed to be the best course of action. You stay motionless for a moment before pulling away, slowly. You hear the sounds outside your room getting further away and you finally breathe out in relief. He looks at you with an annoying smile painted over his face.
You notice him observing you. “You really need to learn when to shut up,” you say, a poor excuse to try and justify your actions, as a blush takes place over your cheeks.
His lidded eyes observe your lips before making eye contact again, “And you think you know better?”
“I know I do,” you frown slightly. 
He keeps smiling, that damn annoyingly confident smile. “I’m afraid you’ll have to teach me, then. I’ve been known to be awfully loud.”
You scoff. The audacity of this man.
Initially, that first kiss was never supposed to lead to anything else. It was spontaneous, a means to an end, just like your last night spent together. Anything to stop him from talking, whatever would save you from being found. But you couldn’t deny the feelings that fluttered in your stomach, the butterflies in your chest. 
He continues, his words dripping with sarcasm, “I’m sure a sorceress of your expertise must have some way to silence a noisy rogue like myself.”
You realize then : all along, you didn’t hate him, you hated the fact that you were attracted to him, to that damn attitude of his. Truth is, you couldn’t have enough of that banter between the two of you. Every morning, that was the thing you were looking forward to. There was no denying yourself anymore ; you chased the feeling of arguing with this overblown, pretentious asshole. You wanted him, in more ways than one, and in any way he would offer himself to you.
“I can think of a few tricks,” you lean over him the same way he did you earlier, your faces barely an inch apart.
“Try me,” his voice is barely a whisper by now.
You let your feelings guide your next move as you pull him in by the collar of his armor, crashing your lips against his. If he saw this as a game, you intended to win. As the kiss depends, you’re taken back to that scenario you played in your head the night before, prior to Astarion’s visit.
At the next corner, you would’ve pushed him by the waist against the nearest wall and shut his pretty mouth up. 
Your kiss started out rough, but it quickly became passionate, it engulfed both of you into a world of your own. His hands roamed up your back and down your waist, pulling you in closer, reaching for more contact. Your sorcerer robe allowed for you to feel how tightly he grabbed you and yet, it didn’t feel like enough. You wished for nothing more than having your skin being ravished by his touch.
You would’ve taken the chance to let one of your hands roam through his silky smooth, curly hair, pulling it enough to get a moan out of him. 
Oh, and how soft it was. Freshly washed from this morning, his curls felt like silk through your fingers. You let your hands linger in his hair, combing through it, before lightly pulling it back. He groans in your mouth as a response, not parting from your lips just yet, and you smile through it.
How you would’ve parted his legs with your own, and grinded against his crotch, feeling his growing bulge.
You easily push yourself between his legs and grind against him. He pulls back from your kiss then, gasping in surprise. With the threat outside the room being long gone, you welcomed any noise you would get out of him. You feel his cock getting harder against your leg and you keep rubbing him up and down, creating more pressure over his member. He rests his head on your shoulder, breathing hard, his hold on you getting tighter. 
“Hells, darling, I didn’t think you had it in you,” he pants.
“Mmh, seems like I’ve got a lot more to teach you then.”
You reach for your trousers under your robe, letting them fall down after loosening  your belt, before reaching for his, pulling them down just low enough to expose his cock which is already leaking with pre-come. He hisses when you grab a hold of him, your mere touch sending shivers down his spine.
You smirk at the visible reaction he has to you, feeling powerful over him. Such a contrast compared to your last night tryst. This time, you were guiding this dance.
You guide him towards your entrance, only to grind yourself over him. He slides so easily between your wet folds and you can’t help the moan escaping your lips. The friction over your clit is nothing short of euphoric. You swing your hips back and forth, coating his length with your arousal, as he holds onto your waist for dear life. You grab his face and pull him closer so your foreheads touch, then take a moment to admire the mess you’re making of him, and by the Gods, what a pretty mess he was. His parted lips, gasping between each stroke you would allow him, his eyes fluttering open, lost in the feeling of your thighs squeezing him, his roughed up curls from the sweat building up on his forehead. 
He was beautiful.
You feel him moving on his own, trying to change positions so he has more control, but it's not something you will allow this time. You take his hands from your waist and push them against the wall he was leaning against, never stopping the rhythm you had going on. 
“What do you think you're doing?” Your voice is coated with desire.
“Please, let me in,” he begs.
“Do you think you deserve it?”, you say, playfully.
“Gods, I– yes, yes I do!”, he whines.
“Beg more.”
“What?! I will not–”, before he can finish his sentence, you reach for his ear with your tongue and give it a lick from the base to the tip. “Mmmgh ah, fuck–” 
“What was that?” You nibble on his ear.
“I– Ah–,” his entire resolve crumbles. “Please, love, I need you please,”  he begs again, his voice faltering.
You continue to lick and nibble on his ear. “See? Now, was that so hard?” you tease, using his own words against him.
“Oh, you little– ah–!”
You cut him off as you raise your leg to hook it to his hips allowing you for a better angle as you push him inside you slowly. You’re so wet from teasing him that he slides in without any resistance.
You throw your head back, taking in the feeling of him filling you, and at the vision of your exposed neck, Astarion leans in the crook of your neck, bared fangs scratching the spot he previously fed from you. You feel his cold breath along with the wetness of his tongue, lapping at your healed wound. You sense what he wants to do and although you crave it and you would let him do it, you don’t wanna give in so easily.
You stop all motion and with him buried deep inside of you, your hand lingering in his hair grabs a handful of curls to pull him back, away from your prized neck, holding him in place. 
He growls insistently, his true nature coming back to him.
“Give me one good reason,” you tug harder.
Through his ragged breath, he smiles playfully, “I just wanted a snack for the road.”
“You drank last night, you don’t need it,” your tone comes out raspy and aggressive despite your enjoyment of the situation.
“But you want this,” he pauses, watching your reaction. Your answer isn’t spoken, as much as it’s seen : your chest rises higher with each panting breath you take, your eyes flutter, drunk on lust, and your core is dripping wet, your combined fluids leaking against your leg. “Don't you?” He knows both of you know it's a fight for control. 
You thrust roughly, once, to reassert your position over him, making him whimper. “And just what makes you think that?”
He locks eyes with you, a grin painting over his face. “You seemed to enjoy it last time.”
“My dear, you can deny it all you want, but I can read you like an open book.”
You hated how he always managed to have the last word. One day, you tell yourself, It’ll be me. But for now…
“Shut up and bite me.”
The second you let go of your grasp in his hair, Astarion dives in the nook of your neck, plunging his fangs in your pulsating vein. You cry out at the sharp sting you feel and once the initial pain settles in, you pick back up the rhythm you had earlier, making the elf groan as he drinks you in. He was right, his bites had the effect of an aphrodisiac on you. You would never tell him though, his ego was inflated enough as is, admitting it would only make him more insufferable than he already is.
His hold on you became tighter and the more he drank, the less your strength allowed you to keep your position, but the build up down your stomach only grew. You didn't want to falter so close to the end.
“Astarion…” you warn him.
He growls against your neck and takes one last sip of your liquid gold before removing his fangs from you, licking off the new wound he created to clean you up. That's something else you could appreciate from the vampire ; no matter how selfish you found him, he did seem to respect the boundaries you established. He would absolutely push all of your buttons but when it came to sex he seemed more attentive, responsive. You never wanted to fall for him, but your heart had other plans.
You cross your arms around his neck, closing any remaining distance between your two bodies and with all the energy left in you, you thrust harder, and faster, letting yourself get lost in the overwhelming feeling he provided between your legs. Now that you had experienced him once, you craved getting filled up by him, only him, as much as possible, as much as he wanted to. You wanted to be his. 
“Darling, I’m close–”
“Come, let go for me,” you breathe in his ear before licking him again. “You’re so pretty when you come inside me.”
Your last words combined with the stimulation you’ve given him trigger his collapse in your arms. He grasps your hips vigorously, pulling you flush against him, allowing him to unload himself deep inside of your womb. You fall over the edge shortly after, drinking in the feeling of his semen filling you up. You fantasized constantly about being filled to the brim by him. Used over and over again, leaking from his seed, the act merely done to defile you in his image. You clench around his length, your legs shaking as you picture yourself overflowing with his come and ride out the wave of electrifying pleasure that courses through you.
As you come down from your high and let your leg down, you reach for something to grab a hold of so as to not completely fall over. Astarion had completely slouched over the wall you fucked him over, he was not an option. The nearest thing that seemed solid enough was an empty torch holder placed right next to the door which you grab without second thoughts. The last thing you expected was for it to pull down as you grabbed it. Even less that it opened a secret trap door in the middle of the room, from which a pillar came out of. You stay in place for a moment, piecing together what just happened, with Astarion making eye contact with you, just as puzzled as you were.
Before you now stands an altar with a very clearly placed piece of dark metal, shaped strangely like the pattern you remember being described in the previous document you found. You put your trousers back on, dismissing the mess between your legs, and grab the missing piece, connecting it to the artifact you held, to see it click in place.
“No fucking way.”
Astarion smirks, as if he was responsible for your discovery, proud of himself, “Wouldn’t have found that out with Karlach now, would you?”
He will never let you live this down.
When you're around me, I'm radioactive
My blood is burning, radioactive
I'm turning radioactive
My blood is radioactive
My heart is nuclear
Love is all that I fear
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mrjoeshiesty9 · 9 months
Summary; Y/N and Joe have been together for 4 years, way before this LSU days. Y/N has always been there for Joe and suddenly she goes MIA until…..
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joeyb_9 I’m tired of the underdog narrative. Liked by kingjames, lahjay10_, tombrady, and 3,234,234 others
View 2,123,212 comments
lahjay10_ here we go boys!!
User2342 yesyesyes!
User37493 where was y/n?!
             ↳ user 232 can you just stop looking for her and congratulate the boy?!
bengals this is the new normal 😎
kingjames let’s go!!!!
Mamaburrow so proud of you all! On to the next one!
tombrady see you at the Super Bowl!
User9382 but for real, where was y/n? Where has she been for the last 6 months because?!?!
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lahjay10_ back to back baby! We coming for the ring!
Liked by bengals, sam_hubbard_, teehiggins, and 1,232,432 others
View 837,392 comments
Bengals who dey!!!!
User92384 this is our year boys!
sam_hubbard_ LETS GOOOOOOOO
teehiggins ayeeeee who day nation where are you!
User8173 underdogs who?!
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Y/b/f happy birthday to my best friend, my rock, my soulmate. You make everything better 🤍
Liked by y/u/n, zendaya, mamaburrow, and 76,343 others
View 63,342 comments
Zendaya happy birthday baby! Can’t wait to see you later!
Selenagomez happy birthday gorgeous!
User9342 happy birthday mother!
User29734 it’s the queens birthday!!! 
User92382 where have you been girl!?!
User1212 is this a new pic or?! Girl! It’s been 6 months since anybody has seen you!
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Y/u/n ✨ birthday shenanigans ✨
Liked by mamaburrow, yourmom, bengals, and 9,238,232 others
View 8,323,232 comments
Y/b/f I’m so proud to call you my best friends🤍
Taylorswift happy birthday baby! 
Mamaburrow happy birthday ma cherie, know I’m always here for you 🤍
yourmom happy birthday darling, I’m so proud of the person you have become 🤍
User2983 mother?!?!?!?!
User9382 we miss you y/n!!! Happy birthday queen!!!
Bengals happy birthday queen y/n 
lahjay10_ happy birthday sis! 
Sam_hubbard_ happy birthday lil sis! 
User1872 nope, no way they have broke up because, do you all see the comments?
          ↳ user323232 right?! Mama burrow, ja’marr and sam? Even Bengals?! No way! They’re still together!
User9283 how did the rumors of them breaking up start anyway?! 
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Joey/nupdates so joe’s family, y/n;s family, bengals family, their friends and other celebs like zendaya, taylor swift, tom holland, kid cudi and more, shared THIS EXACT SAME PICTURE. What is going on!? 
Liked by y/nupdates, Joeupdates, y/njoeybloves, and 3,322 others.
View 342 comments 
user231 so they’re not separated after all?!?!?
User39 maybe it’s a dinner party for their arc championship guys. chill. 
User932 where is this? If anybody knows? 
       ↳ user2 it seems like y/n’s house in Malibu?        ↳ user932 didn’t the bengals just play today?!
       ↳ user2  yeah but I mean….they’re both rich so…..they can easily fly everybody back and forth in 1 day hahah
       ↳ user232 also, y/n owns a private plane…. So you know….
User9232 this is random but her place is so cute!!!
      ↳ user838 right?! They’re both pretty private for people who are very much in the spotlight, so little things like these is so nice to see. 
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joeyb_9 Baby Burrow coming soon.
Tagged: y/u/n
Liked by y/u/n, taylorswift, stephcurry, and 15,322,523 others.
View 11,343,653 comments 
Y/u/n this was the hardest secret we had to keep. Thank you joeyb_9 for being the greatest partner anybody could ever ask for.     ↳ joeyb_9 I should be thanking you for everything and especially for giving me the best gift ever. I love you my girl. 🤍
   ↳ y/u/n I love you more 🤍
taylorswift ahhhh! It was so hard keeping this secret! But I love you both so much, auntie Taylor will always be here 🤍
Bengals baby burrow we are ready for you 🤍
Mamaburrow can’t wait to meet the little one 🤍
User293842 mother is really a mother now!!! Queen mother!!!!
User02834 I knew it!!!!! i knew they were never broken up this whole time!!!!!!!!
lahjay10_ can’t wait to meet my little bud, gotta start them early
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Liked by y/nbaby, joey/n, lovey/n, and 5,234 others
View 3,123 comments 
Joey/nupdates after the announcement that Joe and y/n were expecting (CONGRATULATIONS BY THE WAY) many of their families and friends started posting the gender reveal on their stories. I’m guessing that’s what the dinner thing that they all posted about earlier.
User2342 TEAM BOY!!!
User2384 imagine having a boy and it’s the exact same copy of Joe
      ↳ user29834 imagine having a girl and it’s the exact same copy of y/n
User92374 this kid gonna be gorgeous that’s for sure.
User0283 the genes!!!! Having the perfect parents!!!
User392 baby burrow!!! Ahhh!!
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Liked by joeyb_9, mamaburrow, yourmom, bengals, and 43,232,344 others
View 34,343,764 comments
Y/u/n my happy boy, so thankful 🙏🏻
joeyb_9 so grateful for you and baby j 🤍 thank you for the best gift ever
Mamaburrow can’t wait to cuddle him!
Yourmom we’ll see you all later! Can’t wait to meet him!
Y/b/f baby j! Cutest baby ever! Auntie will spoil you like crazyyy
User93784 baby j?!?
user9283 I love the privacy but I’m so curious what his name is!
    ↳ I doubt we’ll know his name until 10 years later hahaha
User3934 this is the cutest thing ever I’m crying 
User0210 they really have a baby 😭 so jealous, happy and proud!
a/n: this is my very first fanfic/insta au so... I hope you guys like it. If you want to request anything feel free to do so. I have a few more ideas so hopefully I'll get the chance to start writing them soon. :)
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salty-croissants · 6 months
m a y b e a bullfrog (or ray I don’t mind) with a FtM partner ? :3
Thank you for the request !
I gotta say I was a bit nervous about this one , this is the first ever FtM reader I’ve ever written … I really hope I got it right :,I
Details : use of FtM reader ( he/him pronouns are used ) ;
established relationships ;
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
Okay , so three words : supportive frog boyfriend .
Bullfrog is the biggest sweetheart and he is going to support any decision you make regarding your identity . 
He is going to love you no matter what , nothing is ever going to change that ❤️
If your hair ever gets too long for your comfort , Bullfrog will be more than happy to help you with it since I think he’d be pretty good at those aesthetic related things …
Plus it’s just very relaxing to feel his gentle touch on your head as he takes care of you …
< Thanks sweetie, I really appreciate it ~
 I would’ve cut it myself , but you remember how it went last time , haha … > 
 < No need to thank me mon amour : you can always count on me . >
He definitely takes your preferences with pronouns and names very seriously , and if someone were to make you uncomfortable by not respecting them or saying something bad to you in general Bullfrog will definitely react accordingly : he may not be in favor of vengeance , but he won’t allow anyone to make his beloved upset , and he can be very … 
Persuasive . 
< Alright sir … I need you to listen to me , because I will not repeat myself .
Unless you start treating my y/n with the respect he deserves I’m afraid I can’t let you be near him . > 
< Hah , and why would I be scared of … of …
Is that a … knife … ? > 
< Oui , and I assure you it would be quite a shame to … go down this path . 
I hope I’ve made myself clear . > 
< Haha , yep ! Yeah , we’re clear , crystal clear !! > 
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Rayman 🧡
Rayman is just so proud of you for finding an identity that fits with who you want to be , and much like Bullfrog he is incredibly supportive of any choice you make .
I also believe that since he spent his whole life being cast out for who he was and what he looked like , he would definitely shower you with love and compliments to let you know that he accepts and loves the person that you’ve become . 
< y/n … ? Have I told you how beautiful you are today ? > 
< Hehe , you did , three times I think … but I won’t mind if you tell me again ~ > 
< I just can’t help it , darling … when I look at you , I just can’t believe I got so lucky , y’know ? You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me … I really mean that . > 
< Aw Ray … I love you so much ~ > 
If you need to use binders ? Rayman is going to make sure that you have the most comfortable ones he can find , discussing all the details with you to get something that works the best for you : 
he just can’t stand the idea of his y/n hurting in any way , shape or form , and he wants to do his best to actively help you somehow . 
< You okay honey ? Does it feel alright ? > 
< Mhm , yeah ! Thanks again for helping me pick it Ray , this one fits so well ! > 
Despite his very friendly and cheerful demeanor around other people , if somebody ever were to say something mean spirited about you … 
Boy , he’s going to be pissed .
< Uh , excuse me … ? What was that about my partner ? 
How about you leave him the hell alone ? > 
Rayman is definitely very protective of you , and he’ll do anything to keep you safe , even if it means risking to damage his reputation as Eden’s voice …
You’re far more important to him than any of those things after all .
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Ramon 🖤
Remember what I said about Rayman being protective of you ? 
Well , now this man will go absolutely feral if anyone dares to even remotely touch you or say something bad to you .
You’re precious to him beyond any measure or logic , and this means that Ramon will often be quite careless about himself if it means keeping you safe …
< Ram , what was that ?? Those guys could’ve killed you ! > 
< It’s fine … I’m … okay . > 
< No you aren’t , you’re bleeding . 
I can handle those kinds of comments , I’ve dealt with them before , you know that … 
I don’t want you to throw yourself at dangerous situations for me , isn’t that what you always tell me not to do ? > 
< That’s different … hiss - > 
< Careful , don’t move around too much … that’s a deep cut , we need to patch it up right away . > 
< … thanks y/n … sorry about that . I just - when I heard them call you those terrible names , I couldn’t just … >
< It’s okay sweetie , just take it easy … I’ll take care of you , now and always . > 
Sometimes you like to surprise Ramon by wearing his clothes ( even though they’re often a bit small ) , especially his coat , and the way he smiles while staring at you never fails to make your heart skip a beat …
You really are the only reason for happiness he has left . 
< Heh … what are you doing ? > 
< Well it was getting a bit cold , and your coat was right there , soo … I thought I’d try it on for a little while ~
I can take it off if you want though - > 
< No no , you can keep it … looks good on you , love ~ > 
Overall , Ramon will do all he can to make you see how much he cares about you and that he really can’t live without you in his life :
expect lots of physical affection , which also includes gentle caresses and kisses on your scars ( only if you’re okay with it of course ) … anything he can do to make you feel appreciated ? He’ll do it .
< God , you’re so pretty , y/n … I wish we could stay like this forever … > 
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 8 months
Day 9: Lie
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𝖑𝖊𝖊: Changbin
𝖑𝖊𝖗s: Felix and Minho
𝖙𝖜: I N T E N S E 
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @dandyboyseungmo @leeknowstan33 @vale-143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday
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“Nohoho!” Felix exclaimed again. Changbin had been whining to the younger for the past 15 minutes to make brownies, accentuating his point with pokes to the side, but Lixie was way too tired. 
“I’m too tired! If you want them, go make them your-HEHEY!” Felix screeched when Bin managed to wriggle his fingers beneath his shirt. 
Felix snatched the invading hand before shooing it away, face tinted red as the older laughed. 
“Youhure soho SENSITIVE!” Changbin made out through his laughter, knowing that his words would rile the younger up. 
Lixie flushed angrily before leaping into the older’s lap, earning shouts as he pinned Binnie’s arms to his waist with his knees. 
“What.” Changbin stated, looking up at Felix’s pouting face and biting his lip to hold on his laughter. 
“Do you think i’m sensitive?” Felix asked jokingly, staring straight into the older’s eyes. 
“Yes.” Changbin replied nonchalantly. 
“YOU. think I’M sensitive.” Felix giggled as the Changbin’s jaw dropped. 
“Yah! What’s that supposed to mean?!” A very offended Binnie asked. 
“Oh. Nothing.” Felix shrugged, poking around Bin’s sides casually as the older shuffled, trying not to giggle. 
“It d-doesn’t tickle.” Changbin lied. 
“OH. It doesn’t tickle? REALLY?” Felix exclaimed. 
“N-No.” Changbin responded, proud of himself for not breaking, even when the younger’s fingers decided to worm their way into his back. 
“Okay then. MINHO HYUNG!” Felix called. He smirked down at Changbin, who visibly panicked, trying his hardest to tug his arms away from his sides. 
“H-Hey. What are you d-doing?” Chang in stuttered, fear rising in his chest, visible in his eyes. 
“Yeah?” Minho pokes his head in the room, scanning the room for the younger who called for him. 
He grinned widely at Felix, and his eyes twinkled at the vulnerability of Binnie’s position. 
It was like Felix could telepathically communicate, and Minho walked over and tugged Bin’s arms away from his sides just for Felix to sit on them above his head. 
“wait. WAIT! What are you do-AHH!” Changbin squealed when a singular nail wormed its way into his belly button, as Lee Know managed to work Binnie’s shirt above his head. 
“Why are you trying to remove my shir-AGH! STOP THAT!” Binnie screeched as the finger returned to his belly button. 
Once Lee Know had taken a seat on Changbin’s thighs, he finally spoke. 
“Okay. So what are we doing?” He asked. 
“So first you pin me, then you ask.” Bin retorted, cutting off with a squeak when a hard sharply squeezed at his side. 
“So I was trying to tickle hyung, then he tried to tell me it DIDN’T TICKLE.” Felix slammed his hand into his forehead dramatically.
 Lee Know gasped dramatically and laughed when Changbin rolled his eyes. 
“So. He thinks he isn’t tihicklish. Should we remind him?” Minho giggled in between his sentence at the sheer irony. He smiled down at the rapper’s fearful expression as his lips trembled. 
The oldest decided it was the right time to start, digging right into Binnie’s belly as the rapper threw his head back, neck straining at his tried to hold it in. 
But when Felix decided to start as well, fingers wiggling into the middle’s collarbone, bingo! Sweet giggles filled the room as Changbin twisted in the lers’ grasp. 
The worst part is that they wouldn’t say a word, just letting the rapper hear himself laughing to remind himself of his sensitivity. 
Changbin didn’t know what was worse. 
“nohoHO!” The rapper gasped when a pair of hands slipped to his hips. 
Lee Know laughed when the rapper was thrown into hysterics, eyes squeezed shut as loud laughter rang through the air. 
Felix couldn’t hold back his smile. His hyung was way too adorable to handle. 
However, no sound left the other’s lips. They were having way too much fun driving the poor rapper insane. 
The rough tickles into his bare, sensitive skin left Changbin’s skin tingling. He couldn’t handle much more. 
“Okay. Let’s finish up.” Minho clapped his hands as he looked down gleefully at the panting younger. 
“nohoho enohough! ihits too muhuch…” Changbin whimpered as he looked at his hyung with wide eyes. 
“Awww. Is it too much?~” Lee Know cooed as he ducked his hands down to massage into Changbin’s upper ribs, right beside the rapper’s pecs. 
To say Changbin went crazy was an understatement. The poor boy went absolutely mad, entire body twisting to one side as he screamed loudly. 
Felix was in shock, to say the least. 
“Wait! That’s his weak spot?!” A very wide eyed Lixie asked Minho, who was fondly smiling down at the red faced rapper, who was letting out loud screams every few seconds as his laughter turned his throat raw.  
“Yah! I’m not even doing anything!” Lee Know scolded as he continued lightly massaging circles into the area, almost falling down when Bin bucked his hips aggressively. 
“He looks like he’s going insane!” Felix’s mouth dropped. How had he not found this spot before?
“Wait wait! Let me take over for a few. Plus, I think he needs a break.” Lixie pointed at the lee, who was currently on the verge of fainting. 
Minho obeyed and Felix replaced his spot on Binnie’s thighs. 
The youngest waited a few minutes, letting Changbin catch his breath, before he attacked, roughly digging his thumbs into the area riiighht underneath his armpits. 
“OKAY! OKAHAHAHAY! IHIHIM TIHIHICKLISH! AHAHAHAND SE-GAHAHA! SEHEHENSITIHIHIVE! NOAHHAHA STOHOAPPPP!!!” Changbin screeched through his laughter, tears slipping down his face as he absolutely screamed with laughter. 
Felix decided to finish off, hesitating a few times before leaning down and blowing a huuuge raspberry on the side of Changbin’s chest. 
Felix frowned at that, and Changbin howled in ticklish agony as the raspberries only continued. 
Minho laughed along with the rapper, amazed at how easily Lixie reduced the rapper to an incoherent, screaming mess.  
The room door burst open suddenly, with a very concerned Jisung running in. 
“Why do I hear screaming?! Wait. Is that Binnie hyung? HAHA what have you done to him?!” Jisung cackled at the sigh of poor Changbin pushing his head back into the plush couch as he screamed. 
“NOAHAHAHA! HAHANJIHIHI HAHAHALP! PLEHEHEASE I CAHAHAHANT! AHAHAHAAAAA!” Changbin pleaded, only yelling more when Felix’s fingers found their way into his armpits. 
“Yeah. Felix I think that’s enough. He looks like he’s gonna die.” Jisung grinned down as Minho slid the boy’s shirt back on before suddenly picking Felix up and running as fast as he could. He did NOT want to be there when Changbin caught his breath. 
Jisung handed the boy a bottle of water as he patted his back. 
“I’m so getting those brats back.” Binnie grunted.
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i hope you enjoyed this fic! have a spooky october! ✨🎃
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kenposting · 9 months
You're Protesting the Air?
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Summary: The tension between Holland and his client had been building for weeks. You were proud of yourself for keeping your cool - until Healy left you under the care of his partner.
WC: 1.4k
AN: i am sorry but holland is so [redacted] i just want to [redacted] ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!! n e ways thank u for enjoying all my silly little stories!!!!! life has been insane lately but i plan to write more now that im settled again :3
“And keep the girl safe!” 
“The girl?! I’m a fucking P.I.!” 
The air grew thick with the slam of the door. Holland stood beside you, disheveled as always, but almost different this time. He wasn’t cool or collected and he wasn’t drunk either. He was nervous, which was odd, given that this is maybe the first time this week he wasn’t caught in an active shooting or laid next to a dead pornstar. 
Half of you regretted ever even contacting these guys. You called the number listed on their ad when the last guy that hired you expected something… more than what you agreed to. You were dismissive, figuring he was just some creep. And he was! Until he started following you around. 
Even though you were widely renowned as one of the best (and toughest) private investigators this side of town, your reputation as a young, attractive, easily-kidnappable female was often undeniable – and now, inescapable. Being on your own was no longer enough. 
He watched you carefully, entirely missing his usual cue to quip back following your sigh of frustration. You needed protection from that guy, not from doing your job. You fully intended on letting him have it. 
“This is all your fault, you know!” 
An accusatory finger pointed up in his direction. 
“My fault?!” 
“Yes, hello! Why didn’t you stop him?!” 
“Stop him – you hired him! Hy didn’t you stop him?!” 
“I tried! You watched me try, what, did you miss that too? Just like the numerous times we’ve asked you to stay put, follow this car, pick us up from this spot, don’t fall off the fucking roof, listen to this story about when I shot a guy in a diner – should I continue?” 
“Hey, that’s not fair, he approached me at a time when he should’ve known I wouldn’t be listening, that’s just bad discernment.” 
You watched as his stature towered over you, his hand placed dramatically against his hip (the other in a cast, of course). Even at this volume, stuck in this situation, he wasn’t hostile or threatening at all. He was charming, actually. 
“Oh, good grief, when are you listening?” 
“Right now!” 
If looks could kill he'd be dead right now. You were fucking furious.. He looked good! And it was incredibly annoying. 
“You know what, I can’t take you, March. You stand around all day pretending like you’re doing your job when in reality, if you’d care to join us, you’re just staring at me.” “I am doing my job! Staring at you is my job!” 
“No it’s not, you halfwit! That’s why Healy gave you this stupid fucking task of watching over me – that’s the one thing you can’t possibly fuck up.” 
“Oh yeah? I bet I could!” 
He hesitated after speaking, realizing he wasn’t defending himself any longer and instead proved your point greatly. A gently raised (and very broken) arm buffered the silence as he searched for something else to say. 
“You know what, that’s not fair. You make me nervous and I can’t be quick-witted when I’m nervous. Everyone knows that.” 
“I make you nervous? Is that why you both still treat me like I’m your kid that needs looking after?! You’re only five years older than me, Holland! All I do is worry about you not getting shot to death while you’re busy getting drunk all the time.” 
Pinching the bridge of your nose and taking a deep breath, you realized it was a little absurd to be upset that they were watching you. That is in fact what you paid them to do. 
“Well, maybe I wouldn’t be drunk all the time if you weren’t around to distract me!” 
“Distract you?!” 
“Yeah, distract me! You’re all I can think about and it’s driving me fucking insane!” 
He paused. He did not mean to say that. 
“Is that right?! Well, I’d say it's much more fitting to state the facts here – you’re the one distracting me!” 
“Oh, now I’m distracting you?” 
“Of course you are!” 
He paused, sighing. He was not prepped for this response. 
“Look, I’m just trying to do my job. And I can’t do it with all of–” 
He gestured between the two of you,
“This bullshit! The air is palpable and I won't stand for it!” 
“Well me neither!” 
The two of you were face to face now. He was doubled over to match your height. 
He truly had been distracting you since the second you met him. It wasn’t fair. You hired him to watch your back and all you both did was watch each other, leaving Healy to do all the jobs himself. It wasn’t fair, but he started it! 
He was handsome, though. You didn’t mind paying him to stand there and look pretty. And he really was good at his job when he tried, but that’s not the point. All logic was thrown out the window here, he was on your last fucking nerve and you just had to tell him all about it. 
“So, Holland, since you’re so good at your job, what do you suggest we do about it then?!” 
“Maybe we should just get it over with! There’s clearly pining here of… of the sexual kind and it’s distracting both of us from doing our jobs.” 
A brief pause, brows furrowed and jaws clenched, sweat beading on his forehead, before the two of you moved towards each other in one swift motion. His hands were large and moved confidently, resting at the small of your back like he’d been mapping it out all day long. Truth be told, he had been. 
His (one good) hand moved, coming up to rest on the right of your face, the precursor to a kiss that had been building for weeks now. It was rushed and intense, but neither of you were complaining. After all, you preferred for this not to take ages, as who knows when his (and your) partner would be returning. 
He was back to his old self almost immediately, like all that had been missing was the confirmation that you wanted this too. He could’ve sworn he caught you looking at him a handful of times. Now he knew for sure, and it filled him up with the same cockiness that had been ever-present long before you hired him. 
Perhaps this was a violation of proper workplace relationship boundaries, but then again, so was the rest of your job. The things the both of you had done were enough to send you straight six feet under, but he fought so hard for the girls that were being killed and exploited on his last case. You read about him in the paper – the same paper that had been clipped and stuck to the fridge he now had you pinned against. 
You grabbed at him, clinging towards anything that could keep you grounded. His shirt was unbuttoned already, his chest heaving against your hand, lips following as you moved to reposition yourself. With one swoop of his (one good) arm, he lifted you up and sat you on the counter. Even placed way high up, he still stood taller than you. 
“You know,” 
He mustered everything within himself to pause for a moment, stepping back from you, blinking. His ears and cheeks were flushed pink and he was eager to continue, but thought it polite to stop and listen. 
“I was never even mad at you I don’t think.” 
He blinked at you again, thinking it so absurd you were trying to actually have a constructive conversation right now. 
His lips found your neck. 
“I just wanted to say that. So you don’t think I’m mad at you or anything. Also, I’ve been thinking about this for so long and I just wanted it to be right and–” 
Your heart fluttered as you hummed in response. 
“Be quiet. I know.” 
You opened your mouth to protest but were rudely interrupted by the clicking of a lock. Heavy footsteps followed the sound and you were met with Healy stood right there in Holland’s living room. 
You looked at Holland. Holland looked at you. “You guys aren’t done yet? I thought it’d take him, like, five minutes, tops.” 
It occurred to you that the three of you had actually completed your tasks for the day, but that all seemed much less important earlier. You landed on a playful slap of the shoulder towards Holland who had clearly set this all up. 
“You asked him to leave just so you could argue with me?!” 
“What?! No! You really think I would do that!?” 
The two of you were at it again, missing Healy’s eye roll as he stepped back outside, locking the door behind him. 
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thee-achilles · 2 years
🥊.|my opinion on the moon signs as a leo moon.
just a little something while i get over the fact my work may have been stolen! el oh el! it’s been hard getting over and it hasn’t exactly been a fear until it happened, so please forgive me for not posting as often. DON’T STEAL OR REPOST MY SHIT.
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just found out my bio dad is an aries moon.... 🧍n e ways we don’t really have a good connection, but he’d do anything for me, which is something i’ve noticed about aries moons. despite being a fire sign, aries is DEAD ASS loyal. they also give amazing advice (sometimes unsolicited) and WILL match your energy. the moon sign to do them all the way and make sure you do you. y’all are hot hot. pun intended. a lot of aries moons i’ve met, i would never guess that they were an aries moon. you usually don’t know until you’re up close and personal with them. in traditional astrology, scorpio and aries share a home planet: mars. i don’t think it’s too far-fetched to think that aries can be just as secretive as scorpio under all that intense energy. not really judgmental, but stays loyal and true to their beliefs.
🤨🤨 now.. i have never been attracted to taurus placements. like yeah they’re venusians also, but taurus placements and i just kind of mind my own. if i am attracted to someone with taurus placements, they usually have air placements to go with it. most of the time, when i don’t trust somebody, they usually have taurus placements. now, i don’t believe they aren’t trustworthy and me not trusting someone that happen to have taurus placements from the get-go is not me saying they’re bad. i just think it’s my 8H at play and my venus opp. them. but taurus MOONS are the most with-standing in their beliefs out of all the fixed moon signs. like even if they’re wrong, no they’re not 😋 you’re wrong 🙄 y’all care heavily for your family and LOVE spoiling them with your money. i know i can go to you if i need help with something because y’all are always so methodical in situations and give very straightforward advice. fun to gossip with, but they aren’t gossipers, they just share what they know with people they trust and in turn, i tell them everything i know.
this is like the only air moon i’ve seen sit back and observe. y’all like to stay hidden. especially your talents. y’all just do something super cool one day and act like it’s no big deal 😒 IT IS A BIG DEAL 🤬 y’all don’t contribute much to a conversation. typical mutable moon fitting the mutable element stereotype 😒🙄 y’all like to collect info on people like little gremlins to use later to get what you want. undercover spy.🕴a bit egotistical, but super caring. will do what they need to do to get there. looks productive because they’re super smart, but they’re actually quite lazy and spoils themselves often. sometimes, i just want to punch y’all, but in a well-meaning way. kind of like a “get your mind out of the gutter” punch. when they find ambition for something, that’s when they work for it, and BOY is the end result amazing.
YESSSSSS YESSSSSS YESSSSSS like i’m finding out that it’s the more the merrier to me when it comes to cancer placements. come on into my space. let’s talk. i understand y’all need alone time and it’s nice to know y’all understand when i need alone time too. y’all work SO HARD. and i’m so proud of you, baby. i recognize your hard work and talent and i WILL tell you i do. you guys care UNDERCOVER. it’s giving very much kc undercover 🙄 my brother is a cancer moon and the only time i know he’s thinking about me or worried about me is WHEN MY MOM TELLS ME. she’s like “yeah your brother wants to know what you’re doing. he won’t say that to you though” it’s just so funny 😭😭 in relationships, physical touch and quality time are so important. cancer moons love hard and unconditionally, and they hope you do the same. i’ll 💓 y’all until i’m put in the ground.
🦗🦗🦗.... anyways. i am a leo moon 🤞🤞🤞 so hey, brethren. ummmmmmmmmm i think leo moons are pretty awesome. i love being a leo moon and i feel like i resonate with being a leo moon so much (moon dominance lol). HOWEVER.. most leo moons i’ve come into contact with ARE SO ANNOYING OH MY GOD. like the undeveloped ones i met can’t read the room, are too dramatic (like we all are, but there’s a time & place), attention seeking, and air-headed. i need need those leo moons to also know that just because someone gives you attention, doesn’t mean they’re nice or your friend. it’s okay to be nice to people, but don’t see everything with rose-colored glasses. i know there are awesome leo moons out there and i NEED to know y’all please i am so desperate here💔💔💔💔 i’ve been stuck with annoying ass leo moons all my life i am TIRED. all the leo moons i’ve met care so hard about everything. these aren’t the people you can pick fun at without saying jk. they’re incredibly well-meaning, but sometimes it doesn’t come across that way. despite my mixed feelings on all the leo moons i’ve met, i am still one of y’all. love y’all 😍 anyways! done with my rant. it’s very evident in someone’s facial features when they’re a leo moon. the eyes, nose, lips, hair, brows.. i just know it when i see it. real eyes realize real lies, you dig?? when developed properly, leo moons are SUCH influencers. it can be very subtly too. you just garner attention when you know your power and own it. that’s my advice for my fellow leo moons. the affirmation “i don’t chase, i attract” can be VERY helpful to all leo moons because no matter how developed you are, there will be some drive to chase after the attention of something. just sit there and own it. remember you’re literally royalty. all in all, leo moons are the most leo of the leo placements and DEFINITELY wear their heart of their sleeve.🤞 (also lmk if y’all get compliments on your hair and are super specific about who can deal with it. like, my hair isn’t my whole world, but i wouldn’t let anyone touch it unless it’s someone trying to fix a stray hair or someone who wants to play with it 😍)
🤨 why are y’all always so damn attracted to me 😒 the amount of virgo moons i have come in contact with in my life is so uncanny. i just guess it from the get-go whenever i meet someone new at this point 😭 to start off.. YOU NEED TO FUCKING STAND UP FOR YOURSELF‼️‼️ stop letting people talk over you and stop agreeing with someone’s way if you don’t want it. voice your opinion. you’re a mercury moon for god’s sake. don’t go with someone else’s flow if you’re gonna suffer through it or don’t want to. y’all are so sweet and care so much but don’t show it. you give insightful advice while at the same time realizing how the person will be happiest. you guys are the definition of subtle. you see things, but don’t acknowledge them, know something, but won���t say anything, and hear something, but won’t show it. always has insight on everything. however, your face shows visible disgust when there’s something happening that you ABSOLUTELY do not like. it’s so funny too 😭 to everyone with a virgo moon in their lives, you will NOT know everything about them. they’re full of surprises. my best friend brings up something random and crazy about her childhood and i’m like 😀😀 why didn’t you tell me..? she’s been my best friend for like 7 years too. SEVEN. y’all know my leo moon wants to know everything about my close ones 😒 not like the private stuff but damn we’ve been friends for 7 years and you’re JUST now bringing up that you have a phobia of clowns when we’re headed to a fair 😀 girl bye 😒 that was just an example, btw. my bff actually isn’t afraid of anything 🙄 (hi, olivia👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩) y’all have killer music taste and tend to have rough, karmic-filled friendships and relationships. i wish i could give all of you virgo moon people a hug, but you wouldn’t know how to receive it 😭😭 earlier in my friendship with my best friend, she did NOT take physical touch well. i’m the type to randomly touch someone to let them know that i love them and eventually she got used to that. anyways, you guys are so understanding. in my top 5 moon signs 🙏 you’re one of the best🤞💓
...💓 actual charmers. my leo moon loves y’all. you guys are the hypepeople of the group and will go out of your way to compliment someone. super super helpful and loves spending quality time with people they love. if they like you, you’ll know. very persuasive to the point it makes them kinda manipulative; they know how to get what the want. the most emotional out of the air sign moons. i haven’t met a lot of y’all, but when i do, y’all are SO NICE. especially meeting you guys through my blog. i’ll post something and you guys will be like “HEYYYY THEREEEEE HEY THERE YOU HEY THEREEEEEE HOW ARE YOU DOINGGGG???? TELL ME WHAT’S UPPPPP” 💓💓💓💓 you guys seem so genuine to me. that may be because i have a libra stellium, but i guess we’ll never know 🤷‍♀️
the definition of “i gotta put me first”. y’all be fighting for your LIVESSSSS and for what? 🤨 did it ever occur to you that you are making your problems worse by THINKING they are worse than they actually are? 🤨 so dramatic omg 🙄😒 who’s the real leo moon here 🙄🙄🙄🙄 i jest, i jest 😍 scorpio moons remind me of a trail that’s always on fire and y’all are just running ahead of it. crazy artistic, crazy ambitious, knows when something is worth working for. you guys are COLLECTORSSSSSS. you guys have mini little collections of the most random things and i absolutely love to look at them and hear you tell me about them. oh you collect coins? cool! where did you find them? why do you collect them? which one is your favorite? it’s the few times you actually get to see a scorpio moon express themselves openly and my leo moon just soaks it all in.
i truly vibe with y’all. even if some of y’all don’t take most things seriously, you understand when you need to. you can gage my emotions easily, especially when i’m angry. y’all are SERIOUSLY SO FUNNY. you say the most out of pocket things and i live, die, and breathe for it. my fav out of the fire moons, sorry 🙄 you guys are poetry in a different language; i don’t understand it, but i know it’s beautiful and that it comes from the heart. most sag moons i’ve met share a physical touch love language with me. i relate with y’all on a physical and spiritual level. like gemini moons, they won’t act with passion until they find something they’re passionate about. and i mean PASSIONATE. places their intelligence outside of school matters and tends to be easily distracted. i think homeschooling people with this moon sign would be best for them. tends to gravitate towards their mother while at the same time having mixed feelings about them, but would defend them STRONGLY. definitely the “i can make fun of them, but you CAN’T 🤬” moon sign. better in a large friend group. let’s stay up and gossip together 😍
one of my FAVS. you guys are so awesome and super caring. you understand that everyone expresses themselves in a different way and you’re much more open than people realize. i’ve met so many of y’all and i always get a maternal energy from you. you compliment my fiery energy perfectly and you’re perfect to discuss and decide plans with. decisive ass hoes who like control. you guys are the type to text me out of the blue to tell me you love me. you guys HAVE to know how special you are. if you’re a cap moon, hit my line and let’s be bffs‼️‼️😍😍😍😍😍 definitely in my top 5 of my favorite moon signs. i know y’all aren’t very expressive with your feelings, but if you EVER need to talk to someone, you can talk to me. y’all are crazy strong. physically, most cap moons i’ve met have super pale skin and dark hair and freckles. their eyes can be light too. they usually have wavy hair, but tend to use heat on it. also like softball, i’ve noticed, or played it for a while. i love y’all💓💓💓💓💓💓
y’all are so chatty. not in a mean way, but it’s amazing how long i could talk to y’all for. also we could talk shit about ANYONE together and you and i won’t tell a soul. like it won’t leave the environment we’re in. y’all also know how to detach WONDERFULLY. that’s one thing i’ve learned from aquarius placements: detachment. but despite y’all’s skill for detachment, y’all always gotta stay attached to that one thing that’s no good for you 😒 channel aquarius’s sister sign leo and just leave that hoe 🙄 do what’s best for YOU. y’all aren’t overly dramatic, but when you do express feeling, it’s REAL. you keep it real, even if you attempt to hide it. y’all tend to experiment with your style a lot, and i love love love it. my venus in scorpio loves to see the constant change y’all have going on. you always look good too 😳 also y’all’s hair so unique in some type of why, but you still manage to make it look amazing. gotta give credit where credit is due, yk? 😋💓
i do be suspicious of y’all lowkey. like i KNOW y’all got something goin on. will i ever know? no. do i know you def have something happening? yes. i’ve got an inkling y’all can be some manipulative ass mf if y’all want to be. i’ve met very few of you, but i KNOW under all that ☺️ is 👹. i gotta stan though. i think it’s the neptunian undertones that make me so suspicious. y’all are crazy devoted to what you love though. you’re definitely more people-pleasing than self-serving and i think you need to find a good balance between the two to find ideal comfort. if y’all want to bake, know you will SLAY at it. everything you bake tastes so GOOD like damn... please bake me a pie🙏 were y’all horse girls when you were younger? not even the stereotypical horse girl, but like.. LOVED horses? a few i’ve met were like that 😭 you go, girl, gallop around that gym pretending to be a horse 😍 you like to keep your hair up and out of your face and tend to wear one hairstyle for a LONG time. like to stay in comfort and isn’t the type to take risks, unless other placements say different. you guys can keep y’all’s messy past hidden so well. trust me, i know 😟 sneaky mfs. it’s none of my business though 😒 love y’all 😚😚😚😚
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thank you so much for reading! i’ll post more soon :) i’m currently in vienna and then will be heading to germany on vacation! if y’all want, i can post photos 😍 love you guys :) <3333
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babiebom · 6 months
Hey!! I love ur writing for stardew so much. I was looking at ur rules & things u write for. And saw u do criminal minds ??? Like fuck yeaaaa!! I was wondering what ur headcannons would be with dating Spencer Reid? (Especially with him dating a genderfluid / nonbinary person with adhd) Thank you sm!!! Ur work is so amazing!! 😭😭😭
A/N: yeah!!! I do write for criminal minds, mainly the fic im working on is on ao3 and I’m debating on posting it here~ also thank you thank you for enjoying my writing!!!
Tw: some cursing, adhd being portrayed by a person that doesn’t have it
Criminal Minds Masterlist
So before I get into these headcanons I do like to point out that I do not have adhd and I also identify as cis so I’m not writing this from a personal pov. Obviously I am going to try my best but I just want to warn people and say that if anything is inaccurate let me know!!
So what I know about ADHD is there is three main types
The inattentive type the hyperactive type and the combined type
And personally I feel like Spencer would know the differences in how it affects you and would behave accordingly.
But we’ll get to that in a second because either way gender-fluid or nonbinary has absolutely nothing to do with how he treats you!!
Like dude is in love with you he doesn’t care about how you identify as long as you’re happy he’s happy and he will always introduce you as his partner or significant other.
Like unless you’re feeling a certain type of way and want to be introduced in that way he is more than comfortable with everything just being neutral.
Like sometimes I think that he does go about these things in a logical way, so I feel like it could be very helpful as well as sometimes unhelpful y’know?
Like there are pros and cons to everything EVEN someone being the most understanding anyone could ever be.
The adhd can however come with self esteem issues and I know sometimes even if you’re proud of who you are and what you identify as, there will be some hard days where everything just seems hopeless.
And while I think he would do his absolute best to comfort you, he just doesn’t understand what you’re going through from a personal point of view.
He does stay with you through it and does whatever you need him to because he high key would feel awful that someone he loves feels awful.
OKAY now onto the adhd aspects
I think the differences between the three types means that there will be different ways that he handles everything.
So for the inattentive type I think he would become more conscious of everything around him that way he can help you whenever you need it.
While yes he wants to help you work on finding ways to manage the symptoms and stress he also knows that it takes TIME and that helping in this way makes everything slightly better for you.
So when you’re together and he can see you’re losing focus he either remembers everything that was said and retell them to you or try to get you to pay attention again without making it too obvious.
Like he doesn’t want you to be embarrassed and he doesn’t want the other person to feel bad or angry so he tries his best.
Or he reminds you of simple things like did you remember to place your keys in this certain place? No? Okay let’s look for them or y’know just put them there to make sure we can keep track of everything
Reminds you to eat
It honestly just seems like he’s a doting boyfriend but I feel like it would feel like much more than that
Like you’re cared for and loved
But also it depends on the type of person you are because someone doing this could also piss someone off and make them feel dumb.
I would hope that you’d be okay with it because it’s not a bad intention but I also understand that sometimes intent and impact are very different things so….
Sometimes gets his feelings hurt because he does like to go off on tangents ably things that he finds interesting and sometimes it’s hard for you to pay attention for an extended amount of time.
Knows you don’t mean it and that he’s used to it due to usually being cut off but it still sometimes hurts.
I think that this type would be more difficult for him to help with in my opinion
Like he himself has lots of things to do and has to no time to relax. So him being on the go and you being on the go is just too much.
He still wants to help but helping in this situation is difficult especially because trying to get someone to sit and relax when their mind is racing is almost impossible
Like sitting there thinking about how many things you need to do gets you more agitated and upset.
BUT I think that this type is more comical in a way with him because your conversations are just both of you going off on tangents and interrupting each other.
But it’s not offensive because both of you understand that’s just how your conversations work.
Also I think while it’s tiring for both of you there’s no one upset about both of you being gone all the time because I honestly think in this timeline you would have a job that allows you to maximize and take advantage of your adhd powers.
You understand that he’s just unavailable sometimes and he understands for you as well
I think it makes those days where you can spend all day together that much more special.
Does want to help you control it though, and if you want his help he will find ways that you can relax more because everyone needs a break once in the while.
Now with the combined type of adhd I feel like it’s more….unmanageable than the other two due to it being a combination of things working against each other and together.
Again if I’m wrong tell me (be nice though I’m trying)
And this type causes the both of you distress because he really does want to help but with everything clashing it makes it hard to be okay.
Like according to what I looked up it seems like EVERYTHING is impacted by it.
Like sleep problems, memory problems, self esteem issues, sensory issues, like damn stepping away from these headcanons are y’all ALRIGHT?
This is something that he would be like lmao I don’t know how to help you so all I can do is be here for you if you need something
Which is enough y’know
He is there when you’re breaking down, there when you’re happy. He helps you with your confidence and with loving yourself
Tries to help manage everything but in a less hands on way than the other two types.
Like with one or the other the things that are impacted are very specific things so it’s easier to help(not saying that it’s easy don’t get me wrong) but this impacts a lot more and is more general so it’s difficult
Does his best to be someone you can depend on.
I think he is very helpful with these things because of his experience with his mother
Like they’re not the same thing; adhd and schizophrenia, but like he’s used to dealing with people he loves not being in the best of mental states.
When he is not helping with everything I think in general he is a very touchy person ngl
Like he wants to be on you at all times
Not sexually and sexually like he just likes being with you.
Best guy best bf love him 💖💖💖
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maggie-004 · 11 months
(Un-) Lucky coincidence - 3
Jenna Ortega x Fem reader
Summary: After helping Jenna Ortega, Y/N invites her to stay at her apartment when Jenna's hotel reservation is canceled. Jenna accepts the offer, and they bond over music and their shared vegetarian lifestyle while enjoying Chinese food and planning Jenna's stay in Austria for another 1 and a half weeks.
Words: 2155
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“Oh, cool cool, I’m here with my car soo uhm do you need a ride?” I asked Jenna, trying to not freak out. “Uh yeah that would be great. Where do you even live, like do you have a house or-“, “What a house, you’re funny, no I have an apartment nearby. Houses here in Innsbruck are very expensive, if you wanna buy a house, that’s not the size of an shoe box you’ll have to pay at least 5 Million euro. Even to buy an apartment is really expensive. Mine costed around 500.000 euro.” I nearly cried out of laughing “Come on let’s go to my Car, and maybe close your mouth on the way there, Innsbruck is a very expensive city” I laughed at how shocked she was, it really is normal around here. “Yeah let’s go, sorry. I am really shocked right now your apartment is just a little less worth than our house in Coachella and my apartment in LA is way, WAY cheaper than yours” Jenna explained while we went to my car. “Oh really I thought America is more expensive than Austria.” I said while unlocking my car.
“apparently not, I really thought Austria would be very cheap, well I thought wrong. Oh is that your own car or is it your parents?” “No it’s my own, I love this car” I proudly said while getting in to my Ford mustang Mach-e. “Wow I thought you were a nursing student, by the way how old are you?” Jenna glanced at me while I connected my phone to the car.  “I’m 19 (feel free to put in your age) how old are you?” I asked Jenna. “Woah how do you have an own apartment, a car like that and your job at the age of 19? Oh yeah I’m 20 but I’m turning 21 this year” she said and smiled at me. “Oh you’re not old yourself, you know for what you’ve reached so far. Well I started to study at 16, I skipped a few classes and I wanted to move out from my old home so I started to save money and I do make money besides school so yeah that’s pretty much it.” I just explained when we drove off, I played some music and I could see from a side eye that Jenna was enjoying it. “wow so you are the youngest in your class, at least I suppose? And how do you manage to make money, well enough money for all that while still going to school. I know that my sister, Mia she is 2 years older than me, is now nearly done with nursing school and she barley has time to work a part time job and make enough money for anything like this. Oh yeah before I forget to ask, where do you find those remixes we’re listening right now” She asked me and started to get into the music even more. “Oh she’s a nurse as well? That’s so cool, but it’s true. When you’re in nursing school you don’t have enough time to make some Money, except you are lucky enough, like me, to make your money doing something you love, for me it’s DJing. I have my YouTube channel and I have now nearly 5.5 Million subscribers, that’s where you can find those remixes by the way. That’s how I make my money. I’ve never shown my face though so I live a normal life. I collaborated with one of my best friends I met online her name is Antonia aka. RevedTV, I really got a lot of subs from her community. All in all I’m just lucky” I explained smiling because that really is just luck and it’s so cool to receive so much good karma. “Okay, wow yeah I don’t really know what to say here, I’m flabbergasted. Congrats on that and you got to tell me your artist name, I really want to listen to more of your remixes.” Jenna said, and to be honest that made me so proud of myself because everyone knows that Jenna is addicted to music and that she has a certain taste of music, I think she has a really good taste in music, but I got ripped out of because we were already pulling up to my garage.
“Thank you” I just realized that Jenna was talking to me earlier, I kind of zoned out, I still got to tell her about my ADHD otherwise she might thinks I’m rude. “Sorry for not talking to you sooner, I kind of zoned out, you know I have ADHD just wanted to clarify so I don’t come off rude. Sorry”. “Don’t be sorry, that’s ok you don’t seem rude, I know how it feels to zone out, happens way to often to me too” She just giggled at me. “Oh thank god you can relate to the zoning out, hey believe it or not some people don’t zone out at all. It really shocked me to learn about that” I explained living through the exact same feeling as I did when I first learned about that. “Yeah no way, you’re kidding right?” she asked me “Nope. I’m not kidding I swear”. “Wow second time you made me speechless today, just for your information, normally that doesn’t happen to me and certainly not twice”, “ Okay and what exactly does that mean?” I asked her while we got in the elevator I live on the 3rd and 4th. I jokingly started to tease her “Do I make you nervous … nahh just kidding” I laughed and I’m not sure but I think Jenna blushed a little but maybe it’s just my imagination. We arrived at third floor and I unlocked the door, holding it open for Jenna “Milady, after you” “Thank you”. “You can keep your shoes on or how ever you like, feel comfortable, do you want a little tour so you see how we Austrians live” I asked her. “Yeah sure I’d love to” she said while she took off her shoes. “ Okay first room to your right is my guests bath, next to it the guests  room and a little storage room” “Mhm oh the furniture is soo cool” Jenna said. “Then you should wait until you see my room, anyways around that corner is my kitchen and the eating era, come on.” “Woah I definitely wasn’t  expecting an all-black kitchen it’s so cool and so big. Y/N you have a really nice furnishing style, I love it here.” Jenna said. “Thank you so much yeah I really took my time because I want to feel at home here so no compromises with anyone, you won’t believe me how many people said ´oh no black kitchen… don’t do this… don’t do that- bla bla bla` but as already said no compromises. Okay come on we have another floor to look at” I just said. “Another one? Wow cool you really hyped me for your room.” “Okay then come on, soo here is my bathroom, I really needed that freestanding bathtub and again a lot of black elements I love it looks so  fancy. Next to my bathroom I have my laundry room nothing special in here. But now my second favorite room, my studio. Here happens all my ´Musical magic´” Jenna looked stunned at me and I just had to laugh at her face and about myself, calling myself magical. “Well I guess we make it a third time that I don’t know what to say wow, this is all so cool, amazing is that your DJing controller?” Jenna asked me. “Yeah it is if you want I can show you a few things on it later” I suggested. “I’d love to, maybe you can teach me a little bit” she smiled like a little child when I nodded at her request. “Okay now come ooonnn I am so hyped to show you my room, I really love it so let’s gooooo.” “Oh my god you’re hyping me up so much don’t hype me anymore I don’t think I could that you know… emotionally” Jenna laughed.
“Well then we’ll make it short and painless. Here take a look.” I said with the biggest grin on my face, because I know we can add another speechless Jenna moment to our list. My room is the biggest of all my rooms, it has 2 black Walls on which my Californian King sized Bed is, also it’s slightly higher than everything else because it’s build on this platform thing, where I have two huge drawers, I know I don’t need bed this big alone but I really fell in love with it, I think its needless to say that I wouldn’t spent so much money on a bed I don’t need, but I got it as a gift from one of my advertising partners. I also have a lot of plants and little decoration things, Pictures and a few fan gifts, a big ass aquarium, way too big tv, but again it was a gift, my beloved Book shelf, next to it a tiny two person couch and a desk for schoolwork and editing. But now my favorite part, my walk-in closet. “So Jenna what do you think” I grinned. “Wow this room is amazing, how long did you spent to make it look like that, and that bed oh my god can I sit on it, it looks sooo comfortable” Jenna said. “Yea you can also lay in it if you want, it was a gift from my advertising partners. I think I’ve spent one and a half months on this room, but only because I didn’t accept any help in this room, I really wanted it like I imagined. So I build that platform for my bed myself and lowered the ceiling for the LED’s.” I explained “How’s the bed?” I laughed at how tiny Jenna looked in it. “It’s amazing but I am a little scared that I’ll get lost in it.” We both started to laugh like crazy. My stomach started to hurt out of laughter I threw myself on my bed next to Jenna and tried to calm down. Needless to say we pushed each other even more and only after 10 minutes we started to calm down. “Uhg now my stomach hurts, Jenna do you still want to drink a coffee” I asked her still giggling. “Yeah sure, can you help me up” “sure her you go, we gotta go downstairs for coffee, or are you hungry?” I asked Jenna now. “Well yeah are you?” she asked. “I am so hungry right now, do you wanna order something or should I cook?”, “Uh we can order something and I pay for it you know as a thank you” Jenna suggested. “Oh Jenna you really don’t have to that’s fine you’re my guest so please let me- “ Jenna interrupted me “Yeah and you helped me when no one did so please I insist.” “Okay thank you” I gave up I didn’t stood a chance. “What should we order?” I asked Jenna. “Well I’m currently chancing my diet for Romania so something vegetarian, do you like Chinese?”, “Oh I love Chinese food and btw I’m vegetarian too, had to change from vegan to vegetarian because of the nutritious, kind of sucks” I explained to Jenna whom nodded at what I was saying. “oh my god same, I was so devastated when I found out I had to change that.” We both ordered some spring rolls and those lobster chips the white ones. “So should we look for places you could stay, or do you maybe wanna stay here, I mean only if you want to and feel safe and everything” I offered her, not really knowing what she’d say and hoping to not scare her away. We sat in my 2nd floor and before she could answer the doorbell rang. So I had to run down and get the food. “Hey Jenna do you wanna eat in the living room or down here?” I yelled up. “ Uhm however you want” she yelled back. So I got everything we need form the kitchen and got back up. “ I think it’s more comfortable if we stay here. Well about my offer-“ Jenn a cut right in “Uhm I’d love to but only if you’re really fine with that.” Oh my god, I think my heart is about to stop. Jenna really is going to stay at my place. “Yeah totally I can set up the guest room, you can stay as long as you want. I really mean it. How long are you staying in Austria anyways?” I asked her. “for another 1 and a half weeks, we are going to start promoting Wednesday, so the rest of the Wednesday cast comes here tomorrow, and thank you for everything”
A/N: Wow these are getting longer, fyi English is not my first language. Still hope you like it :)
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pinkbrries · 1 year
— A–Z with Izabella —
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[find hannah’s version here] | [find june’s version here]  izabella’s masterlist
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➤ A is for… atiny! i hope you all remember that you deserve flowers, love letters and pure love
➤ C is for… currently emailing my selfies to the nasa because i’m the prettiest star;)
➤ D is for… do it because they said you couldn’t
➤ E is for… [reading a comment during a vlive] “everything’s balanced: we have seonghwa for woosan and izabella for yungi,” true, except for the fact that: woosan don’t like hwa and yungi do love me<3
➤ F is for… friendly reminder: i’m always right
➤ G is for… *woo beats her in a game* great! now he’s never going to shut up about it!
➤ H is for… *during a vlive* [reading comments] haha yeah.. by the way, whoever that said that dumb stuff about yeosang? not funny. didn’t laugh. i’m currently tracking your ip and plotting revenge
➤ I is for… i’m a goth girl on the inside. on the outside? a father figure for choi jongho
➤ J is for… ‘j’ is such a great letter! we can have words like ‘juice’, ‘jewels’, ‘justice’…. [mutters really quick] ‘jacobbae’
➤ K is for… kissing a boy? ew 🤢 i don’t think so. my kisses are only for atiny! [blows a kiss to the camera] *hongjoong gagging in the background*
➤ L is for… life’s a party and i’m the piñata
➤ M is for… my biggest flex is being me;)
➤ N is for… no because imagine being loved by me / hongjoong: why does it sounds like a threat? / … because it is [proud smile]
➤ O is for… [spots seonghwa] oh hey bro, let’s do our secret handshake [pushes him and runs away]
➤ P is for… [trips and falls to the ground] parkour
➤ Q is for… quality over quantity, always… except if we’re talking about money
➤ R is for… remember why you started
➤ S is for… song mingi is the love of everyone’s life and the only valid leo, i said what i said and i mean what i said
➤ T is for… the relationship between me and black clothes is a love story that can’t be explained
➤ U is for… *during a vlive* [reading a comment] ‘unnie, what do you look for in a guy’ pfft bro, i look away
➤ V is for… *woo starts doing aegyo* very cute!… i hope my next breath is my last
➤ W is for… what do you mean ‘no pets allowed’? this is literally my friend wooyoung
➤ X is for… xoxo by somi is a BOP
➤ Y is for… yeah, you shouldn’t have said that. now i’m going to have to write a rap about this experience
➤ Z is for… [pretending to make a bee sound] zzzzz– [suddenly slaps her hand on hongjoong’s forehead and starts running away]
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burnthoneydrops · 1 year
Blonde (r.b. x reader)
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pairing: robin buckley x female!reader, band au
word count: 2.4k
warnings: language, use of she/her pronouns, reference to time appropriate homophobia
a/n: had this idea while I was at a concert last night and really wanted to write it so here it is! hope you enjoy!! <3 (also not proof read haha)
You’re nervous. You’re shaking your hands out in front of you and you’re nervous. You can hear the crowd chatting to each other out by the bar, the sound of low mutterings and glasses clinking echoing off the wall and into your ears. Running your hands through your hair, you smooth some pieces down before fluffing up others, trying to give your shaking hands something else to focus on. It’s not even the biggest show you’ve played and yet you’re nervous as all hell. 
Morgan, the drummer, walks into the dressing room. “Woah dude, are you ok?” 
“Huh? Yeah fine, totally fine,” you mutter. 
She scoffs, “your hands are shaking and you keep moving your foot like you need to crack it or something. What’s up?” 
“Just pre-show nerves. It happens all the time,” you try and brush her off. 
“Have you talked to Robin yet?” She asks, sitting down on the couch. 
“No. Something about her shift getting moved and Keith would be weird about her being on the phone during work hours or something,” you respond. That’s what it was. You haven’t talked to Robin yet and your nerves are out of control because of it. Pre-show nerves are something that happen before every gig you’ve played thus far, even when you were just an extra vocalist for Corroded Coffin when Eddie lost his voice for a week. But something else that usually happens is you calling Robin on the public phone outside so she can talk you through it and reassure that you’re going to be amazing like she always says you are. Just hearing her voice through the phone makes you feel better; even if you know she can’t be at every show physically, talking to her before you go on means she’s going to be bouncing around in your brain in the best way possible, which makes things feel all that much better. 
This show isn’t too far from Hawkins, seeing as you and your band were looking for bigger venues and Hawkins definitely doesn’t have those. It’s still a shitty bar in the middle of a city, but it at least fits more people and has more stage room so Hannah, your bassist, doesn’t fall into the audience again. She claims it was her attempt at crowd surfing, but you all know she just wasn’t watching where she was going, too busy thrashing her head around as Morgan kicked up the energy on the drums. 
“Damn, that nerd has them on that tight of a leash huh?” Morgan asks, pulling you back to the conversation at hand. 
“Yeah, I also get the feeling he doesn’t like me very much so it wouldn't really help if she tried to explain”. 
“Does he like anybody?” Morgan snorts back and you shrug, not really sure. 
“He gives me the creeps if I’m honest,” you answer after a few seconds, going back to adjusting your hair in the mirror. 
“Hey, I doubt it’s changed much in the 15 seconds since you touched it last, leave your hair alone. Don’t go messing up all my hard work,” Morgan stands up and grabs your wrists before you can touch your hair again. She did in fact spend 20 minutes with you making sure it looked ‘cool’ enough for this crowd of what you were expecting to be mostly drunks. 
“There you guys are!” Victoria, your lead guitarist, announces herself as she walks into the dressing room, “we’re on in 5!” She sounds exasperated and you and Morgan share a look before Morgan drops your hands, assuring you you’re going to kick ass no matter what happens. 
You try to take in her words, but all you can think about is how much you miss Robin and how much you want to hop in the van and drive to Hawkins just to see her again. You know she’s proud of you, as she tells you that every time you call her, but it feels weird living your dream without her. Before history class sophomore year, your dream had been exactly this, performing on stage to an audience who knew your songs and could sing it back to you (well this one would be at least a partial audience but it was close enough). But then you met Robin, the girl who made you smile and laugh like no other and who’s hug felt like home wherever you were, and she quickly snuck her way into your dream as well. Steve was the one who convinced her that you actually did like her like that, even after you dropped some not so subtle hints that the blonde girl had you absolutely wrapped around her finger. 
“Y/N, come on! Time to show them what we’ve got!” Victoria calls as she realises you’re not following them. You crack your knuckles, looking in the mirror one last time before running out after them. The crowd is already applauding and hollering when you take your place on the stage, and you can’t help the smile that etches onto your face at the reaction. People are walking to and from the bar, drinks in hand as they clap for the four of you. Hannah smiles at you as you two make eye contact, the familiar adrenaline carrying you past any stage fright from before. The same thoughts linger in the back of your head, but you try and turn the nerves into excitement, fuelling the adrenaline like Robin told you to. 
“Um, hey everyone!” The microphone squeaks and the feedback sends hands over ears. You clear your throat awkwardly before gripping the microphone softly. “Sorry about that,” you laugh, trying to brush it off, “we’re the Suburban Rejects and we just wanted to thank you guys for coming out tonight. How’s everyone feeling?” The crowd cheers once again, though you notice a few people already drunk off their asses. 
“You guys ready?” You turn toward your band and they all nod, Victoria smirking as her fingers trace over the strings in anticipation. “Alright!” You shoot your attention back to the audience, “this is our first song, Violet Summer and I hope you enjoy!” 
“One two three four!” Morgan whisper-shouts so the rest of the band can hear before shooting off into her usual drum induced trance. Hannah is soon to follow, building the bass line as Victoria strikes out the familiar power chords. You tap your foot along to the main beat as you look out over the crowd, noticing some people nodding their heads and tapping along with you. Another rush of adrenaline hits you and as the first verse starts, you’re practically smiling into the microphone as you begin singing. You turn to look at Victoria as you sing, taking the microphone from the stand and walking closer to her, leaning from behind her so your head fits between her shoulder and her neck, the smile on her face growing as you sing into her ear. She turns to the side slightly so you can be back to back, and she rests her head against yours, your side profiles exposed to the audience. Next you cross the stage to Hannah and she jokingly flips you off, causing you to turn to the audience with a sad face before smiling again and making your way back to center. 
A few songs into the set and you’re starting to feel much more comfortable. You’ve gotten the audience on your side, except for the already mentioned drunks, and you can finally feed off of the energy enough that you don’t have to worry about a little voice crack here and there. Morgan crashes her drumsticks on the cymbals repeatedly as the current song comes to a close, and you finally stop jumping around long enough to introduce the next song. 
“Alright, now we’re going to get a little more sentimental. But don’t worry, we’re keeping the energy up as always. This song is called Blonde and I hope you guys like it,” you smile at the audience before Morgan counts you guys off again, the familiar chords from Victoria’s electric guitar bouncing throughout the room. The crowd had gathered closer to the stage as the set went on, and you lean forward to run your hand through those that were sticking their hands up, trying to give each a little high five. This song is so very obviously about Robin, but you had framed it as if you were someone else looking in on the relationship, hoping that it would keep the homophobic responses you were trying to avoid at bay. As the chorus kicks in and you start jumping around again, you do a little circle around yourself and glance out into the audience again. In a moment that you couldn’t have planned any better, Hannah nudges you in what you think is a joking manner before she tilts her head, wordlessly instructing you to look in a certain direction. 
There she is. 
The muse herself is standing at the back of the audience, her arms crossed against her chest and a proud smile gracing her face. She looks so beautiful you almost stumble over your feet. Victoria laughs and you flip her off, closing your eyes as you continue to sing, trying to keep the blush trying to show itself as undetectable as possible. 
“Lips so sweet/they’re dancing on the rooftop/Angel face almost makes her heart stop,” you sing as you make eye contact with Robin. You hadn’t gotten a chance to play this song for her yet, and you hope that she gets the reference to your first “date”. Steve had invited a bunch of people over for a party when his parents were away and when the stuffy house had gotten too much for you and Robin, she grabbed your hand and took you to sit on Steve’s roof with her. The sun was setting and it was creating the most beautiful halo around her face. “I’m going to kiss you and if you hate it then we can pretend it never happened and I’ll never talk to you again ok?” You had asked, not usually one for rambling with nerves but that was just something she did to you. Without responding, she grabbed your face between her hands and made the first move for you, connecting your lips and kissing all the nerves out of you. 
A knowing smile crosses her face as she lets out a quiet laugh, blowing you a small kiss from her spot in the audience, which causes you to quickly wink back in recognition. You look just to her left and see Steve standing next to her, waving at you with his car keys in hand. Your heart almost melts at the effort these two must have put in to make their way here. 
“Get yourself together lover girl, we’ve got three more songs to play!” Morgan laughs at you as you turn to her to have a moment to collect yourself. 
“Shut up!” You laugh playfully and turn back to the audience as the song comes to a finish, Victoria strumming out the last few chords as Morgan smashes the cymbals again. 
Now it was as if the last few songs couldn’t finish fast enough. You rush off stage as soon as you can, thanking the audience quickly before heading back into the dressing room anxiously. The rest of the band follow soon after you, already making fun of your current state, teasing you about how in love you are. You’re grateful that you have the bandmates that you do, seeing as they don’t care that your relationship is with Robin and not Steve. You hear the backstage door open and two pairs of feet scurrying in before it can close and it takes all of you not to run everyone over to greet them. 
“Hello?” Steve calls as they round the corner to the dressing room. 
“Go be a lovesick idiot,” Hannah smiles at you, giving you a light shove. 
You run toward the pair, Steve scooting to the side before he gets run into. Robin smiles widely at you, wrapping you in her famous hugs before putting a little space between the two of you, her hands still around your waist. “That was absolutely amazing!” She compliments you, but you barely process it, only thinking how lucky you are that she’s here. 
You can hardly keep yourself together, so instead of trying to let out whatever mumbled garbage would spill out of your mouth, you pull yourself closer to her, kissing her with all the pent up emotions you’d been holding since the tour started. “What am I? Chopped liver?” Steve complains sarcastically, causing Robin to shove him with the arm that she unwrapped from your waist before quickly putting it back in its original spot. 
“Alright guys, break it up,” Morgan calls as the rest of the band make their way over. 
“I can’t believe you made it,” you whisper to Robin as you turn so she has her arm around your waist as you stand shoulder to shoulder. 
“I wouldn’t miss my best girl for the world. You killed it like I told you you would,” she smiles down at you before turning to face the rest of the band. “That was an awesome show you guys. Seriously awesome”. 
“Thanks Robin, glad you two could make it. This one was an absolute wreck before we went on. One night without her usual phone call and she was going to flip her shit,” Victoria motions to you, a playful smirk on her face. 
“Hey! I was not going to flip my shit!” You try to defend yourself. 
“It’s ok, you don’t have to hide it around us,” Hannah chimes in. 
“Don’t be ashamed Y/n!” Morgan starts, “be who you are!” She sings in an awful voice, purposefully doing a horrible job of staying in whatever key she picked. 
“You all suck!” You call to the group of them before turning your head into Robin’s shoulder. 
Robin’s laugh causes her shoulders to shake against you, “I love you” she mutters against your hair as the group bursts out in laughter. You flip them all off with your head still buried in Robin’s shoulder, thankful for the height difference she usually teases you about. You might be incredibly embarrassed right now, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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nerdysleepybunny · 11 months
Hey, lovely! I need some Riz fluff! I'm in major writers block at the moment and can't write at all. I've had to respond to all my asks in my inbox and tell them I can't write their request. They were all super nice about, thankfully.
Anyway, I just started my garden, and I thought it would be a cute idea to have Riz and reader work on the garden together! Planting stuff, just doing the daily water, even just going and looking at the progrss they've done, and be super proud of it! (I sometimes just go outside and stare at it bc I'm so proud of it, lmao)
It's also not May 15th yet, so it can still frost, which means the garden as a chance of freezing and dying. And Riz comforting reader after their garden died would be very sad but also very good. My garden died last year because of the frost, and I was so sad. And Riz is wonderful at comforting people, so this is just perfect!
(Also, I saw your post about specifying pronouns, I would like he/they/it pronouns! And 3rd or 2nd person works as well! And if you need to know gender, trans!male! Would be appreciated!)
You pick either one, dear! Love you sweetie/p
THIS IS SO OLD JUST LIKE ALL MY OTHER ASKS SKDHAKDJHAD but I’m trying to get back to the fanfic grind. 🥲 Time for some Riz comfort! Thanks for the pronouns hun. <3
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Fandom(s): Beastars
Character(s): Riz
Reader: He/They (male, 2nd person)
Style: Short hcs
Summary: Riz comforts you after your garden freezes over!
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You had went outside to your garden to water your plants, but dropped your watering can when you saw the condition your plants were in.
You rushed over and crouched down onto the soil, taking a closer look. They were covered in ice. You touched one of the petals/leaves with your finger, and it broke right off the stem. You felt tears fill your eyes from the sight.
You did your best to care for these plants, but sadly, the winter had taken them. You got up and rushed inside where you knew your boyfriend Riz was.
“Riz!” You called out for him, your voice a bit shaky as tears flowed down your cheeks. The bear heard your cries and quickly came running for you.
His face became one of concern when he saw you crying, and he slowly walked closer as to not startle you. “What happened, Y/N?” He asked gently, softly pulling you into a hug when he finally reached you. He allowed you to cry in his shirt, not minding that it took you a bit to respond.
“My plants died…” You finally sniffled out after a while, and Riz gave you a sympathetic look. He knew how much you cared about those plants, so he tried to think of a way to comfort you.
Riz crouched down to your level and took your face in his hands, wiping your tears with his thumbs. “Don’t cry, handsome… How about we cuddle for a bit?” He suggested softly, with that adorable smile on his face. You couldn’t help but smile back, and gave a nod of agreement. Riz nodded back and grabbed your hand, leading you to the bedroom you shared with him.
Riz moved the blankets out of the way before climbing into bed, opening his arms for you. You climbed right in, wrapping your arms around his fuzzy figure. He was warm, so you didn’t exactly need a blanket. It was winter though, so maybe a thin one would work.
Once you were both comfy, he held you close and ran his hand up and down your back. There was a comfortable silence for a while, until Riz spoke. “I’m sorry about your plants. We can get new ones when it’s warmer, yeah? We’ll even buy some protection for when winter rolls by again.”
His words caught your attention, and you looked up at him with a smile. “Really?”
“Of course, wouldn’t want them dying again.” You laughed at his kindness and cuddled further into him, stealing his warmth. You didn’t know where you’d be without Riz.
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
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inaramisview · 2 years
can i get an eddie munson x reader who is just really girly? like pink. all pink, a bunch of stuffed animals all this stuff, but one day when eddie goes in her closet he sees all the band posters and the jackets and ripped jeans and boots she has in her closet. and eddie is just like "why didn't you tell me" and she said she didn't want to be embarrassed
okay so something along with that
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just for show :: e. munson
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summary: hawkins’ sweetheart isn’t what everyone thinks she is
warnings: hyper feminine reader, reader is very popular, fem!reader, she/her pronouns, eddie goes to readers house, y/n use, eddie being a snoop
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8:34 AM
she was everyone’s favourite girl. it didn’t matter who you were, but you had to have heard of her atleast once.
she’s very easy to talk to and like, and she’s very easy to trust.
as she walked down those halls, the confidence just seemed to come to her naturally. she did it so effortlessly, even if it was just walking.
yeah, maybe her parents were one of the richest people in town, and half her house is made out of marble, but she’s nice.
stupid as it sounds, it’s hard to find a nice, rich person in hawkins.
she opens her locker, seemingly oblivious to the people staring at her in awe. her eyes meet her own in the mirror as she smiles at the beautiful reflection. her perfectly manicured fingers grab her white science book, along with her tin pencil case.
“hey, babes. you got history next?” she doesn’t have to close her locker to know it’s none other than theo clarke. ew.
no, it wasn’t the voice. it was the godawful smell of his cologne.
“no, theo, i have science.” she slams her locker shut gracefully before leaning on it. theo is so full of himself, so he’ll probably talk till the bell rings.
“well, speaking of science, i think we have a lot of it,” theo smirks. “i think we should go out. you and me.”
the hallway goes silent as they lean into the conversation.
“the only chemistry,” she corrects him, “we have is in this book. besides, i wouldn’t want to sit in the same booth as you for longer than two minutes, because honestly? you overuse that cologne, tee.” she bounces off of her locker. (bye 💀 )
“thanks, though!”
she walks through the see of people as she makes her way towards her chemistry class in the far end. she continues walking as her friends, kylie and chrissy walk with her.
“-and she was so rude about it too! i wanna drag her like the bitch she is. she thinks she’s sooooo cool talking to me like that!” the trio have known eachother since they were younger.
“who’s she talking about?” y/n asks, turning to chrissy. “mrs. grenwood.” the blonde sighs.
“ky, you gotta let the poor woman breathe! she’s failed you once- and that wasn’t even two years ago.” “no- i’m telling you, she has it out for me. also, she is so cheating on mr. grenwood. i saw her walk into the music suite with mr li.”
the image pops up in their heads. “OH- NO, NOT- KYLIE, WHY WOULD YPU SAY-“
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its a funny sight to see, really. the school’s freaky metalhead leaning over his table to whisper in the ear of hawkin high’s princess.
“y/n.” eddie whispers into her ear. “y/n, i need to be taught how to use the phthalate’s theory again.”
her face scrunches up. what the absolute fuck is phthalates? she turns her head around. “y’mean pythagoras?” he nods with a straight, stern face.
she turns to her friends on her right. they look at her with wide eyes. they want her to say yes.
“yeah, sure. come over at 4, kay?” he nods again, sitting back down.
“miss l/n, would you like to share that with the rest of the class?” mrs thorne patronises.
holy fuck. this bitch doesnt shut up.
“mrs thorne, eddie couldn’t see your writing and asked me to tell him what you wrote.”
that was quick. even she was proud of her lie.
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3:57 PM
“youre early.” she states. eddie’s black, heavy combat boots make a weary thud on the hardwood floors. “no, im not.” he says matter-of-factly with the biggest shit eating grin ever.
he pulls up his fast watch. 4:01PM
“its..fast.” she winces. “so am i.” he answers back.
“no, you’re still not on time. you’re a minute late. you got here 10 seconds ago.”
they stand in silence for ten seconds more.
“let’s go upstairs.”
his heavy boots hit the familiar wooden floors as he smirks, holding the rails.
he wasn’t here because he needed tutoring again. he was here because his friend gareth said he saw her wearing a metallica shirt. he wanted to know if it was true.
he follows as she enters the, again, all-so familiar pink bedroom. the bedroom was just so y/n. the walls were flowery and pastel. the four poster bed in the middle of the room, the pink, wooden mirror on her wardrobe door. the framed photo of her, her mom, her little brother and her beloved daddy and the leonardo dicaprio poster.
“aw, what a shame. its messy.” he teases with a sly smirk. (ew)
it wasn’t messy. she just had a ribbon on the floor, that’s it.
“hush, munson. come, sit down.” she says plainly, already annoyed with the black-haired boy man.
“is this doorknob new? i swear it was never crystal before.” the way eddie tapped the doorknob made him seem like he was a child.
“eddie. sit down.”
“no, because it waa never like this before, was it? it was wooden- no. was it metal? copper?”
he wraps his hand around the knob.
“edward, please sit down.” was she pleading? this was fun.
“makes me wonder if it turns differently, too. or did you just change the knob?” he turns it the wrong way. “ooo, feels different, it does, it really does.” he chuckles. hes forgotten why he was here.
“yes, i changed it! let’s do our work now, okay?”
“why? is it messy in here?” he opens the door. wait, no! eddie- go back! what if her lady things are in here! what if she has a dead body?
eddie! what- “holy balls, you’re an emo!” eddie stood there, astonished. she has black converses! AND combat boots! “black jeans, huh? that’s a good choice. oh, and black sabbath? love it.”
she stands up from her bed, pushing eddie away and closing the door. “l-let’s study. you want some juice? a beer? i could get you one of daddy’s beers- or i could get you a snack? y-“
“woah, okay, calm. it’s okay, emo. i wont tell anyone your secret.”
she looks up timidly at him, her back leaning against the wall.
“sure. if you let me borrow the sabbath shi-“
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masterlist :: inaramisview
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