#bv; human
“Though all it really does is show how arbitrary everything is. A ghost kills my sister. My parents die in an accident. Why did they die and not me? Believe me, I’ve looked for an answer and there isn’t one. There’s no meaning to any of it”
“My parents taught me a different lesson. Dying in a gutter for no reason at all. They taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to”
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ccarrot · 1 year
just saw someone get mad that steven was the main character of hill house and had a double take like. Huh?? He's got the least relevance to anything, if anything he is LAST PLACE in the protagonist line.
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valthetvhead · 8 months
Yeah I am lucky, but not really cuz he’s famous. He’s a really kind person. For about 2 maybe 3 years? Me and Inde have been friends.
We met in Gacha online on roblox. I’m always late to trends and it was around the time Tvheads were popular in the game. So I made Valarie. I was hoping to make some friends and then 4 other tvhead showed up. One of them was Inde. I don’t really talk to the others anymore, kinda sad but one of ‘em was kinda rude.
Ever since then, we’ve been great friends ever since. Inde is a great friend, he’s nice and always puts up with all my crazy ADD brain shit. Maybe someday we’ll meet irl, but probably not for a while because I have severe anxiety- haha 🥲👍
Thx for being my friend @theindescribable1 :D
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So if i do that, ohhh my god would Fowler hate Galloway and Mearning. I think he would be Very exasperated with Simmons, that guy would definitely get on his nerves so fucking much and would be kinda scary, but like once Simmons left he'd be a lil concerned for him. Lennox, Fowler seens like he'd be pretty okay with the guy.
Of course adding more human characters does mean Optimus and the bots would do more adopting aaaand imo Mikaela and Sam come before the team prime three and Fowler's entire thought process would be "Damn it not again." Logically, you guys and I can both see why with the bayverse influences Fowler would be hired.
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mobblespsycho100 · 1 year
Random Caden fact that I never shared: his grandma is a fairy godmother
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erm achtually
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sforhope · 2 years
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goosewriting · 6 months
📮 You got mail!
Welcome back to requests!! Hope you’ve been doing well-!! may I request reader that does biscuits on Hobie? Like what would his reaction be? They’re human, but when they hug something or someone they’re close to their hands turn into fists and kinda knead/tap the persons back or wherever their hands are in the hug. I’m okay if you add anything else here, can be in any format you like :^D
💌 -BVA🐰🎟️
summary: reader “doing biscuits” on hobie.
relationship: Hobie Brown x GN reader
warnings: none, pure fluff!
word count: ~550 
A/N: BV anon my beloved<3 this request was so cute, thank you! by no means do i know how to write hobie’s accent so i hope i still made our boi justice :’D 
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
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As you wake up, you keep your eyes closed for just a moment longer, enjoying the warmth of your bed. Taking a deep breath and stretching your limbs, you blink a couple of times to get the sleep out of your eyes. Your gaze falls onto the figure next to you and you smile to yourself.
Hobie stayed over after movie night, and you just stay there for a couple of seconds, watching his back steadily rising and falling with each breath. Overflowing with affection, and with your brain still partially fogged by sleep and lazy cosiness, you scoot closer to your boyfriend and start massaging his back. 
First you draw indecipherable figures, your fingertips warm against his bare back. Then you use the ball of your hands to gently knead him, like a cat would. The thought makes you smile, knowing full well that if you could purr right now, you probably would. 
Suddenly, the skin under your hands vibrates slightly as Hobie’s deep chuckle resonates through him. You pull back quickly, heat prickling at your cheeks.
“Sorry,” you apologise with a sheepish smile, and Hobie shoots you a sleepy glance over his shoulder. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
He smiles, turning away again and shuffling a bit to get comfy, arching his back towards you ever so slightly.
“Good morning to you too,” he says through a yawn. “Don’t stop. ‘S nice.”
“O-oh, okay,” you respond, and get back to work. You’re not really sure what you’re doing, and there’s no pattern to follow, but through his grunts and hums, you try to figure out what he seems to like, and adjust your pressure and direction accordingly.
“So,” Hobie says after a few moments. “What’re you baking?”
Your hands stop their motions for a second as your brows crease together in confusion. 
“What do you mean?” you ask, resuming your massaging.
“Well, you’re kneading me like dough, so you better be making something delicious.”
You laugh and warmth spreads through your chest, both at his comment as well at the fact that he’s playing along.
“Hmm, yes. There’s a busy day ahead,” you say in a serious tone, emphasising every word with a kneading motion. “Pizza, cinnamon rolls, biscuits.”
Then a thought occurs to you, and even though he can’t see you, Hobie can hear your smile in your voice, no matter how hard you try to bite it back.
“So many biscuits,” you go on. “Hobie biscuits. Hobiscuits, if you will. Spiderscones, some would say.”
Hobie snorts, then turns around to face you and hugs you to him. He’s impossibly warm, and you unabashedly snuggle into his chest.
“Now I’m hungry,” he states. “Maybe we can do some actual baking today? I’m craving some sort of pastry with all this dough talk.”
“Yeah, me too,” you reply. “Good thing I got my biscuit right here.” 
Before he can give you a warning “Oi!” you give his shoulder a loving nip, making an exaggerated biting sound, and climb off the bed, quickly slipping from his attempt to hold you. 
“C’mon, breakfast ain’t gonna bake itself!” you tell him standing at the end of the bed. 
“Oh, it is on,” Hobie smirks, and you laugh as you skidaddle into the kitchen, with your boyfriend hot on your trail, eager to unleash a tickle attack on you.
🐥 taglist: [link to join in my pinned post!] @galaxtic-writings, @dybynyght
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raamitsu · 20 days
quite a lot of readers speculated that Yuta has probably gained a pair of Six Eyes because of his distant lineage with Gojo, but even if that could be somewhat true, do you think it makes any sense? I do not doubt Yuta at all. his ability is second only to Gojo and we also have Yuji surpassing him, but I thought the Six Eyes were inherited from birth, though? not to mention it is an extremely RARE TRAIT, and Satoru was the first sorcerer in 400 years to possess both Limitless and Six Eyes, so my question is: how Yuta could actually obtain it without directly being a part of Gojo clan itself (because I simply do not buy the "it is possible because he is Gojo's distant relative" concept or idea, and in a very short time too? through what and how exactly? is it his copy technique? or Ui Ui's technique? did Yuta actually met Gojo personally or made a research about it before? most importantly, is this even possible?
in my personal opinion: if there is MORE to what Yuta can actually do that we are yet to witness, I think the very least he is capable to perform is the Limitless. with this, it will be aligned with Sukuna's thought as shown in the manga panel below (I shared this on twitter before I decided to talk about it on here)
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we already knew that it has been highlighted that Limitless cannot be done without the existence of the Six Eyes, however, I recalled this note from Gege to explain Gojo's Limitless Cursed Technique:
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to summarize, Limitless CAN be used by other sorcerers - especially the strongest aside of Satoru himself - only hindrance is the difficulty to perform it since it requires the Six Eyes to master the Limitless. others will only be struggling themselves harder when using it - shows how furiously amazing these abilities are and NOT EVERYONE is able to handle them without an immense amount of cursed energy.
what I want to explain here is that Yuta COULD POSSIBLY possesses the Limitless since he should not have any problem using it with the amount of CE he has + Rika's, but I bet their CE might run out faster due to the absence of the Six Eyes. if Yuta obtains the eye, just like Satoru, he will be unstoppable.
and lastly what I wanted to talk about is this "unknown figure" that shows up out of a sudden in the latest chapter :
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I can only make some points here (I posted about this btw) :
this is Satoru and he made a BV to sacrifice his supposed left eye (in a correct position, it is on the right)
Still THE Gojo Satoru we all know but he is only just a ghost or hallucination of Sukuna - most probably PTSD.
narrator is using a JP word that describes this figure above as a "revenant" which means an entity that is reincarnated in other human's body. this brought many readers to speculate that a soul from thousand years ago reincarnated into that unknown figure (in case it was confirmed that this figure is not Satoru) and it was said to be Sugawara Michizane from Heian era.
to back up the third point, Kenjaku was said to be defeated twice by two different users of the Six Eyes in Heian era, and since we learned that Gojo clan descends from Sugawara Michizane - one of the renowned three vengeful spirits and Yuta is also a direct descendance - one of them could be reincarnated inside that "unknown figure" above. if they had a huge connection from those era, this might be their vengeful spirit.
okay that is all. Wind Breaker spams in a few hours!
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gaymerborealis · 18 days
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Boreal Vibrance DAPPLES
Our equine sims (and mini goats and mini sheep) can now finally get their Boreal Vibrance upgrade!
These eyes I've been working on since before HR was released, that's how excited I was about getting horses haha. I'm a big silly horse nerd as well as a bit of a horse color genetics nerd, so getting to do a set of horse eyes that gives proper justice to equine eyes and all the colors they can come in (while keeping the stylized style) was a treat, and hopefully everyone will enjoy them! :D
Also, a quick note to fellow horse nerds before you burn me on the stakes; yes the sets include some pinkish albino eyes, yes I know albino does not exist in equines, they're included purely for fun/fantasy and for consistency with the rest of the BV sets which always include at least some albino and blind swatches.
Maxis-match sclera
Different and unique variants and a good variation of swatches
Custom subtle specular (eye gloss)
Fully handpainted with a slight "imperfect" illustration style
Heterochromia (as additional swatches, all non-blue swatches has two het swatches)
All Ages and Genders
Download & More Info
>> Download Link<< (no ads, 100% free)
Swatches & Other Sets
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Humans - EVERGREEN Vampires - CRIMSON Werewolves - LUNAR Mermaids - WIP Aliens - WIP Spellcasters - WIP Plantsims - WIP Cats & Dogs - WIP Cows, Llamas, Chickens & Foxes - WIP Horses, Sheep & Goats - DAPPLES
@maxismatchccworld @alwaysfreecc @public-ccfinds @mmoutfitters @mmfinds
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Astrology Observations 2
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🔷 From what I've heard, a planet is said to be combust when it is close to the Sun, around 3 orbs close. So, what happens when a planet is combust? The planet usually loses control on its destiny and it ends up depending upon how the Sun's energy will be executed.
🔷 The word 'Astrology' is means 'aster' - star and 'logos' - reason/logic. While in Sanskrit, it's called Jyotisha which means 'Knowledge of light'. *1
🔷 The Sun and the Moon are considered powerful planets and are usually given more importance in Vedic Astrology or Western Astrology because they influence earth and human beings in lot different ways that are already talked about in Science. *1 They're called the luminaries.
🔷 Even though these are very important planets, I believe, your top 3 planets/signs make you who you are. Your top 3 nakshatra or your top 3 dominant planets/signs from Placidus or Sidereal charts or any other chart may be the representatives of your energy.
🔷 Aries and Gemini people, in my experience, have such sudden outbursts of anger and then suddenly they're quiet.
🔷 My mother is a Taurus Moon and she wanted to be an Interior designer but she's a Cancer Sun and became a teacher for kids from ages 5-14.
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🔷 Ceres is an asteroid which talks about nourishment, nurturing and basically, sustaining of life/species. It also represents everything relating to gynaecology, childcare, post-natal care. It represents cultivation of land, farming and agriculture. It also talks about food and food related services. *2
🔷 Asteroid Apollo in 11th house may mean that a person is considered charming and beautiful inside out, among thier friends or on social media. The influence of apollo could also tell us about what we give, so apollo in 11th gives a lot more to community and in today's time, this is something easily achieved by social media.
🔷 Aries energy is quite adamant and impatient, as I've heard. So wherever you have Aries would show where your impatient. For example, for a Libra Rising, having Aries in 7th house may make them impatient relating to themes of 7th house, like finding a partner or marriage, that is why they're said to marry early.
🔷 This is something which I believe needs to be talked about, that Astrology isn't something that's going to solve all of your problems, don't treat it with so much definite belief that you forget that there's something much better you can experience apart from just what's written in your stars because in the end your actions make the difference.
🔷 Your Rising and Venus (sign and house) could indicate your style, the style you want to have and/or the style you actually have. While your MC and AC, together, may talk about how you style yourself in a professional setting.
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*1 learnt through the Hindu Predictive Astrology by BV Raman.
*2 learnt through Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George and Douglas Bloch.
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intern-seraph · 5 months
ok the briar senate is evil and rude and mean and all, and they likely played a large role in malleus' isolation and confinement to the castle
but they're not solely responsible for that; he was hatched before BV signed peace treaties with the neighboring human states*. he was likely hatched during wartime. keeping him safe from meeting his mother's fate would have been a top priority, since he's the only heir to the throne.
* lilia mentions in book 7, right before he finds baby silver, that the people of briar valley can finally visit the verdant moors (where wild rose castle once stood) now that peace accords have been signed. he also says that it's been 3 or 4 centuries since he last stepped foot there, so it's likely that these accords were only signed within the last few years or even months. at the time that lilia found silver, malleus was just over a century and a half old, and a lot can happen over a century and a half
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frownyalfred · 2 years
I love Clark in BVS so much but “you shouldn’t brand pedophiles and human traffickers, it’s wrong” was kind of a hot take for Gotham
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Be omw to blend TFP and Bayverse in the most heartwrenching and chaotic way: 🎶It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me🎶
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rayroseu-reblogs · 14 hours
I wonder what makes a fae "noble" in Briar Valley, bcs it doesn't feel like financial wealth is a factor there??? So maybe what makes a fae noble is through their magical strength? I'm wondering this bcs I'm curious at who the Senates in BV are lol
I know they're "dead bodies" talking through a stone, and they're most likely noble faes as well so I'm imagining that they could be magically powerful too??? Also I wonder what Disney elements the Senates are inspired from???
I really want to know why they're so discriminatory with Lilia lol I thought his line about "Even fellow faes have trouble getting along with each other" was referring to the fact that diurnal faes dont get along with the dark faes (from Fairy Gala) but it turns out its on BV too KDJAJD
I really want more situation where its morally complicated in TWST (just like Malleus' character) where you can't purely label their actions as evil or good, but idk I feel like what shown to us about BV history (thru Lilia dream) is quite black and white,
(like Henric was comically evil, Dawn was written to be a good person, Meleanor was def written to be good person but misunderstood, Senate was definitely bad, and Lilia was good)
For the other non main characters, it feels like the reason about their actions is not stated, and I dont really like anything simple like the Senates just hates Lilia bcs he likes humans (not true bcs Gen. Lilia def didnt like humans yet the Senates still hates him) or that he's a bat fae (BUT WHY... isnt bat fae in Sleeping Beauty the top goon?? you should respect him more KFJAJJR) Tell us the reason why the Senates are being such a hater Jjdjaja
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chernabogs · 1 year
Meet the (grand)parent
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Requested by @pyroxeene [first request wah!!]
Pair: Malleus & GN!Reader (no pronouns used, second person; reader is a Fae who resided in a human settlement in BV)
Summary: You're set to meet the Queen of Briar Valley, much to your pending anxiety. Isn't it fortunate that you have such a considerate partner [and 1 stressed out valet] by your side?
WC: 2.5k
There’s a sense of trepidation in the air. Anyone can see it in the way that your foot bounces ever so slightly on the ground, and how your gaze darts around the room, as though anticipating something dire to happen. With each shift in your chair and each sigh that slips past your lips, the looming sense of anxiety grows—and it’s beginning to get to the Malleus, too. 
“You’ll put a hole through the floor at this rate,” he finally says, his voice unusually calm for the storm that’s currently brewing. You look over at him as he speaks, a flash of confusion on your face, and he points wordlessly at your bouncing leg. You sigh and force it to stop. 
“I don’t think I’d be able to afford those repairs.”
Despite the nerves, you retain a wry sense of humor about the situation as you go back to looking around the room. It’s a lobby of sorts; a buffer between the hallway and the Queen’s Study, which sits beyond an impressive mahogany door on the far wall. With its dark red walls, wooden flooring, and impressive display of artifacts that look like they date well past your years, it almost feels like you’re in more of a museum than a palace. 
Malleus sighs himself as he leans back against his seat, his chin tilting back to stare at the ceiling in thought. You glance back his way and note that his brow is furrowed, as though something is troubling him deeply. Something probably is; after all, you doubt he’s brought many partners into the Palace to meet his family. 
Truthfully, you’re thankful that it’s just the Queen you’re meeting—if you had to meet all the Senate as well, you would have dug your heels into the ground outside of those palace gates and refused to budge, no matter how hard Malleus pulled on your arm. As someone who grew up in a human village rather than a Fae one, you still find it jarring just how different the two cultures are. Whereas one comment may be seen as a joke in the human village, it may be taken as a grave offense to a Fae. Because of this, your involvement with the Crown Prince feels more like walking on a tightrope in a storm than an amicable relationship. 
“I could just fake sick,” you finally say, leaning towards him a little with a grimace. “If I make myself look queasy enough, the servants will probably usher me out anyway. They seem itching to do so.” 
Malleus scoffs softly before looking towards you, one dark brow raising in skepticism. “She’ll know you’re faking it, and then I’ll need to justify why my partner falsified an illness to bail on our first meeting. Would you really make me go through that?” 
His expression shifts to a playfully hurt one as you roll your eyes and sink back into your seat again. “No, but that doesn’t mean I’m liking this. I feel like if I move too fast someone's going to try and curse me. It’s quite jarring.” 
“Well if someone curses you, I’ll simply curse them back.” Malleus reaches out to lightly pat your hand—perhaps out of comfort, perhaps out of sympathy—before withdrawing again. You miss his touch; ever since you came into the Palace, it feels like he’s been self-aware of how often he’s grabbing your hand, or touching your arm, or standing too close to you. You understand that he has an appearance to uphold, but still… It feels quite grim. 
You’re both soon broken from your thoughts at the sound of the door to the Queen’s Study opening. A tall, lanky man dressed in impeccable attire steps out. He fixes you both with a look before closing the door behind him an steadily approaching. Malleus rises from his seat and you follow suit, using his actions as a guidance of your own as the man pauses before bending in a low bow. 
“Your Highness, and esteemed guest. Her Majesty is presently occupied with another matter, and has sent me to share her apologies for the delay. May I get you any refreshments as you wait?” 
Malleus blinks once before sitting back down which causes you to, once again, follow his actions. “Vuldar… do you know how much longer it will take?” 
The man—Vuldar—straightens back up again. He looks slightly ruffled—his collar slightly askew, his brow furrowed deeply—and you're getting a sense that the man may be a bit stressed. “Her Majesty informed me it will be within the hour, although she cannot provide a specific time.”
“Then yes, bring refreshments.” Malleus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, an action you’ve come to learn he does whenever he’s feeling frustrated. Vuldar nods quickly before turning and departing from the room, leaving both of you alone once more. 
“An hour…” Malleus grumbles, casting a glance to the window on your left. You can see that the clouds are parting over the Valley, giving you a clear view of the many forests and hills that surround the palace, as well as the impressive peaks of the mountains beyond. He taps his fingers restlessly on the armchair. “I apologize, dearest. I didn’t expect it to drag out like this.” 
“Well, it’s hard to remain on schedule when you’re ruling a nation.” You offer him a sympathetic smile, which seems to ease him as he realizes you’re not too bothered by the wait. As he turns back to focusing on the world outside, you take a moment to carefully reflect on the situation you’re in right now. 
Perhaps you can call it in over your head. Certainly, some would. Certainly, the members of the Senate would. Old money begets old money, and you’re the farthest Malleus could find from such a category. A common Fae, born to common-folk, with no affiliation to the current court or the old High Courts the Draconia’s descended from. The woven tale of your affair with one of the most powerful men in the nation was a complex one that, if it succeeded, would most likely be on-par with the likes of other forbidden loves of the ages. A Prince and a Pauper; a nation's makeshift Saint and a forgotten footnote. You can’t help but hiss between your teeth a little at the thought, which draws Malleus’ attention back your way. 
“What troubles you now?” He asks, both eyebrows now raised in interest. It’s your turn to tap your fingers on your armchair in unrest. 
“Are we sure this is the right idea? I mean, taking me to meet your family… are we sure we’re there just yet?” You glance his way, hoping to portray your thoughts right, only to see a calm, blank look in return. 
“Are you experiencing doubt?” He asks. In a way, you are; how can one live up to a person that an entire nation practically worships? Their golden son? The hope for their future? You knew that being by his side was committing yourself to a lifetime of scrutinizing looks and whispered conversations wherever you passed. Winning both man and Fae was a battle that no one—not even the Night King’s of old—had won.
“I’m experiencing concern, not doubt,” you counter, biting your lip as you do so. Malleus hums and nods in understanding at the change of phrasing. 
“Concern… yes. I suppose there is much to be concerned about.” He taps a finger to his lips before shifting to face you more directly. “Do you feel like you’re not good enough to be here? That you’re not up to par to meet the Queen?”
“Yes,” you counter, frowning. Malleus nods slowly as his eyes narrow. You can see the thoughts spinning in that mind of his and you remain quiet, allowing him to form the a coherent train before he continues. 
“My father was a commoner, you know.” 
It’s not a sentence you expected him to say, and it takes you aback as you look at him. Your expression must’ve spoken your thoughts quite clearly, because it makes a smile spread across his face and a chuckle escape from his lips. 
“Yes, my mother raised hell in the courts when she decided he’d be the one she’d marry. According to Lilia, who goaded her on about it, there were many instances where nobles tried to buy her off, to persuade her that a future queen would not benefit from marrying a man who spent his days strumming a lyre and singing in pubs—us Fae have a weakness for musicians, you know. Even my grandmother was convinced that she was simply going through a phase that she’d get out of soon enough.”
“But she didn’t?” You ask, your own lips pulling into a grin. 
“Well, I’m here, am I not? It was a hard fought battle, but my mother was more stubborn than my grandmother—a trait she inherited from my grandfather, I dare say—and she eventually outlasted everyone in the court. Their marriage was a happy one, right up until the end.” Malleus sat back again and sighed. “This is not my grandmother’s first encounter with one of her own looking to have a commoner as a partner, nor is it the court’s. If anything, I think you may be far more qualified than my father ever was for this.” 
You chuckle at the image Malleus paints. His mother, squaring against her mother and an entire court, with Malleus’ father standing slightly behind her as though she was his own personal shield. You can see that Malleus inherited both her tenacity and her stubbornness—as well as his father’s musical traits. You feel his hand lightly rest on yours again, and sigh in relief. 
Perhaps this will be okay, after all. 
Sometimes, overconfidence can only take you so far. Vuldar brings you refreshments and vanishes again. You and Malleus carry on conversation after conversation; about the ongoing of the Valley, about NRC, about what you’ve both been up to in your free time. Soon enough, the study door opens once more, and Vuldar appears again with his usual stoic look. 
“Your highness, esteemed guest. If you’re ready, you may enter.”
And just like that, you feel your stomach drop once more. You look to Malleus, who offers you a light touch of reassurance on your arm, before you’re both rising and entering the Queen’s Study. It’s only when you’re in does the reality of this really start to hit you, and you don’t even register Vuldar closing the door in your wake. When Malleus drops to a low bow, you follow suit without even looking at the Queen first. 
There’s a moment of drawn out silence as you stare at the carpeted floor, only your breathing and that of Malleus’ audible in the room. Finally, a calm, commanding voice speaks from somewhere in front of you. 
“Rise, and be seated, both of you.” 
You straighten up and follow her directions, and it’s only when you’re seated do you finally raise your gaze to look her way. 
Queen Maleficia is someone that you can immediately tell is related to Malleus. They share similar electric green eyes and dark hair—although you do see streaks of silver in hers. They have the same horns, and the same porcelain skin as well. The only telltale difference between them is that Queen Maleficia’s markings on her forehead are displayed, whereas Malleus stubbornly keeps his hidden by his bangs. When her gaze meets yours, you feel a jolt of anxiety race through you. 
It feels as though she’s observing you, as well. 
“Well.” She finally says, looking from you and back towards Malleus. You feel your shoulders relax as you’re unburdened from that stare. “I must apologize for the delay; as you know, the Senate can be quite… needy in their reports.” 
“Lord Voss?” Malleus hums, and his grandmother cracks a small smile—an expression that seems to instantly make her more comfortable to be around. 
“Lord Voss.” 
“As expected. Fortunately, we didn’t mind the wait too much, did we?” Malleus looks your way, and you realize this is his method of integrating you into the conversation. You clear your throat and offer Queen Maleficia a nod. 
“Not at all. The refreshments and the room were quite nice.” 
Your answer seems to please her as she gives a small hum in response. “Good, good. Now, it’s to my understanding you grew up in one of the human villages in Briar Valley, yes?” 
You nod slightly. “Yes; I was born in one, and I’ve lived there since. It fits me well enough that I see no reason to leave.” 
“And how do you find the human villages? Are they quite adequate? Do you find that you have enough amenities to get you by?” Queen Maleficia fixes you with an interested look, and you’re beginning to feel that this isn’t just trying to learn more about you; if anything, it feels like she’s collecting information about the status of her nation. You suppose a Queen never stops her work. However, Malleus certainly does, and he politely clears his throat to interject. 
“Grandmother,” he says, his voice low with a hint. He raises an eyebrow at her. “Will you be joining us for dinner tonight?” 
Queen Maleficia flashes him an innocent look as she leans back in her seat. “What, dearest? I was just curious. Your partner may have a diverse perspective that I don’t get to hear too often.” 
You tune in on the word choice of partner, and send Malleus a slightly wide-eyed look. For some reason, something seems significant that his Grandmother chose that versus something like ‘commoner’, or ‘friend’. Malleus seems to tune in as well as a slow, slightly satisfied grin tugs on the edge of his lips. 
“Well, perhaps you can speak with my partner further about that over a meal. We just wanted to come and greet you, after all. To show you that we have arrived safe and well.” 
Queen Maleficia hums again as she glances towards you. “Tell me—are you a musician, by chance? Or a bard?” 
Confusion flashes through you at this. “A bard…?”
“We did not meet in a pub, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Malleus counters, pinching the bridge of his nose again. Queen Maleficia chuckles and raises a hand. 
“Calm down, dear. It already happened once—I just wanted to ensure it wasn’t happening again. I will gladly join you both for dinner, if you’ll have me. It will be interesting to hear your perspective on Briar Valley from the viewpoint of someone closely affiliated with our human residents.” 
She gives you a smile that’s both amicable and polite, and you find yourself relaxing further. Between that and the banter she had with Malleus, you’re coming to see that she’s not just the Queen—she’s also a grandmother, and a very sly one at that. Malleus nods politely before standing and gesturing for you to do so. 
“Then we look forward to it. But please, don’t just speak about politics the entire night—you are meeting my partner, not a future advisor.”
“Oh, but the opportunity for both is always there,” Queen Maleficia counters, her grin now becoming more coy as she offers you both a wave. “I will see you tonight. For now, I must return to my… babysitting duties, it seems.” 
You chuckle a little at the realization she means the Senate and, with the feeling of Malleus’ hand resting on your lower back, you depart—looking quite forward to your dinner tonight, despite everything.
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